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Lesson Plan 1

”Pump from Junk”

Objectives: After the completion of lesson, children will be able to:

 Get an idea how hand pumps work
 Utilize the waste material to construct a working pump

Materials: The needed materials:

Used tooth paste tube, balloon, straw

1. Children are shown the process of construction of the pump with the household waste Toothpaste
empty tube, a balloon, and a straw by the instructor.
2. The instructor shows a tube that has been 4 centimetres from its mouth.
3. The bottle is cleaned and washed well.
4. The lid is removed and a balloon is adjusted on the mouth of the tube.
5. The balloon is cut to make a valve, and checked if we can blow from the side of the tube but cannot
suck it in; making a one way traffic.
6. The notch is now cut near the bottom and a stiff straw is inserted.
7. The balloon valve is inserted in the tube.
8. The pump is ready to work and thus, shown to the students by placing it in water and moving it up
and down.
9. The children will watch the large gushes of water after a few strokes and try to make the very easy to
make pump by themselves.


Skills: Development of Finer skills, Development of motor skills, enhancement of aesthetic senses,
Understand the significance of recycling and reusing things.
Lesson Plan 2
”Phase my moon”

Subject: EVS

Topic: Phases of Moon

Objectives: After the lesson:

 Children should be able to understand different phases of moon.
 Children will have the ability to differentiate between each phase using a
paper toy.
Materials: The needed materials:
Two different prepared discs (arranged by STEAM instructor), ice-cream stick, a pair of scissors, press-
button, glue.

1. Children will be given two different discs which are instructed to be joined with a half ice-cream
2. Then, the discs are instructed to be joined using a press-button.
3. The push-button is pushed half from behind by instructor then, as next step to the children.
4. The lower disc would portray the phases of moon while top disc with slit and window would help
them identify each of them separately.
5. The top press-button is snapped to join the two discs and shown from the back too.

Evaluation: The students already have knowledge of moon cycles. They also are in the process of
sharpening their association skills. They should also be told about the different phases of moon at
length. During the learning process the instructor will check the child's progress and assess how if they need
special attention.


Skills: Identification and analysis, Development of motor skills, association and implementation,
understanding different phases of moon, spatial skills.

The children should be taken care as they may get hurt as they are using the press-button while they are
performing the task particularly.
Lesson Plan 3
”E-motional Cup”

Subject: EVS

Objectives: After the lesson, the children will be able to

 Identify various emotions
 Develop finer motor skills and muscles
 Learn to concentrate on things

Materials: The needed materials:

 Paper Cups, A pair of Scissors, Coloured markers


1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8.

9. 10.

Skills: Development of eye hand coordination, Identification and analysis, Decision Making, Understanding
through experience, Development of finer skills, differentiation and classification.
Lesson Plan 4
”Ice-cream Stick Bomb”

Subject: Mathematics

Topic: Multiplication

Objectives: After the lesson, Children will have the ability to multiply small number of items.

Materials: The needed materials:

Ice-cream sticks

1. Children will be taught how to assemble and lock the sticks without glue or tape.
2. The instructor will instruct the students to chuck the assembly against the wall. After striking the
wall, all five stick will magically separate.
3. The instructor will ask the children to count the number of sticks.
4. The instructor will then ask the children to assemble the other set of sticks and drop it like first
5. The instructor will ask the children to count the number of sticks on the floor again.
6. The instructor will explain how first attempts’ 5 sticks, and second attempts’ can be combined to
formed 10. Likewise, if we would wish to increase the attempts, we would just have to add 5
each time.

Evaluation: The students already have knowledge of how to count. They also are in the process of
sharpening their mathematical ASM (Add-Subtract-Multiplication) skills as they are relating the ice-cream
sticks drop with addition and multiplication methodology. During the learning process the instructor will
check the child's progress and assess how if they need special attention.


Skills: Identification and analysis, Decision Making, Development of finer skills, association and

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