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How to Use Acupressure for Back

In this Article:Article SummaryConsulting With ProfessionalsUtilizing Acupressure Points in the BackUtilizing

Acupressure Points of the ArmsUtilizing Acupressure Points in the LegsCommunity Q&A12 References

There are many causes of back pain, but most are mechanical in nature and caused by
sudden trauma (at work or from sports) or repetitive strain, as opposed to less common
but more serious causes such as inflammatory arthritis, infection or cancer.[1] For
mechanical back pain, treatment options include acupressure as well as chiropractic
care, physiotherapy, massage therapy and acupuncture. Unlike acupuncture, which
involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin, acupressure relies on stimulating
specific points in muscles by pressing on them with your thumbs, fingers or elbows.

Consulting With Professionals
Schedule an appointment with your doctor. If you develop back pain that won't go
away after a few days, then schedule an appointment with your family physician. Your
doctor will examine your back (spine) and ask questions about your family history, diet
and lifestyle, and maybe even take X-rays or send you for a blood test (to rule out
rheumatoid arthritis or a spinal infection). However, your family doctor is not a
musculoskeletal or spinal specialist, so you may need a referral to another doctor with
more specialized training.
 Other types of healthcare professionals who could help diagnose and treat mechanical
back pain include osteopaths, chiropractors, physiotherapists and massage therapists. [2]
 Prior to any acupressure treatments, your family doctor may recommend anti-
inflammatories such as ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin to help you cope with your back

See a specialist about your back. Mechanical low back pain is not considered a
serious medical condition, although it can be quite painful and debilitating. Typical
causes include spinal joint sprains, spinal nerve irritation, muscle strains and spinal disc
degeneration.[3] However, medical specialists such as an orthopedist, neurologist or
rheumatologist may be needed to rule out the most serious causes of back pain such as
infection (osteomyelitis), cancer, osteoporosis, fracture, herniated disc, kidney disease
or rheumatoid arthritis.
 X-rays, bone scans, MRI, CT scan and ultrasound are modalities that specialists may
use to help diagnose your back pain.

Understand the various types of treatments available. Make sure you get the doctor
to clearly explain the diagnosis, especially the cause (if possible), and provide you with
various treatment options for your condition. Acupressure is only appropriate for
mechanical back pain and not for more serious causes such as cancer, which would
likely require chemotherapy, radiation and/or surgery.
 Pain from mechanical back pain can be severe, but it doesn't involve high fevers, rapid
weight loss, bladder / bowel problems or loss of leg function, which are all signs of
something more serious.[4]

See a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). If you feel overwhelmed
learning about acupressure points and techniques, and uncomfortable treating yourself
(or asking a friend for help) then use the internet to find nearby practitioners of TCM
(they aren't all Asian) or allied professionals who have the appropriate training. This
approach will cost you more money, of course, but you'll be in more capable and
confident hands.
 Many acupuncturists practice acupressure and vice versa.
 The number of acupressure treatments needed to be effective for back pain (or other
conditions) is not well established, but starting out at 3x per week (every other day) for 2
weeks is reasonable to gauge progress.


Utilizing Acupressure Points in the Back

Activate the pressure points of the low back. Regardless of where you perceive your
back pain, certain pressure points along the spine (and throughout the body) have been
discovered over the centuries as areas that can alleviate pain, especially if it's
mechanical in nature. The low back pressure points are situated just a few inches
laterally to the 3rd lumbar spinal vertebrae (just above the level of your hip bones) within
the paraspinal muscles and are referred to as points B-23 and B-47.[5] Stimulating the B-
23 and B-47 points on both sides of the spine can help relieve achy low back pain,
pinched nerves, and sciatica (which includes shooting leg pain).
 For best results, reach around your low back, press down on these points with your
thumb and hold firmly for a couple of minutes, then release gradually.
 If you lack the flexibility or strength, then ask a friend after showing them a diagram of
the points on your cell phone or another portable internet device.
 Alternatively, you could lay on your back and roll a tennis ball around the area for a few
 In TCM, these low back pressure points are also known as the Sea of Vitality.
Activate the pressure points of the hips. A little further down the backside are the
pressure points of the hip region, often referred to as the B-48 points.[6] These points
are located a few inches lateral to the sacrum (tail bone) and superficially right over the
sacroiliac joint (demarcated by the dimples above your butt muscles). For best results,
press down and inward gradually with your thumb, towards the center of your pelvis,
and hold firmly for a couple of minutes, then release gradually.
 Stimulating B-48 points on both sides of the sacrum can help relieve sciatica, as well as
low back, pelvic and hip pain.
 Again, if you lack the flexibility or strength, recruit a friend or grab a tennis ball.

Activate the pressure points of the buttocks. Slightly below and lateral to the B-48
points, lay the G-30 acupressure points.[7] The G-30 points are situated in the more
fleshy part of the buttocks, specifically in the piriformis muscles, which lay beneath the
larger gluteus maximus muscles. For best results, press down and inward gradually with
your thumb, towards the center of your buttocks, and hold firmly for a couple of minutes,
then release gradually.
 The sciatic nerve is the thickest nerve in the body and runs down each leg through the
buttocks region. Be careful not to irritate the sciatic nerves when putting pressure on
those muscles.

Apply some ice. Immediately after any acupressure treatment, you should apply ice
(wrapped in a thin towel) to the thicker muscles of the back / hips for about 15 minutes,
which will help prevent any bruising or unnecessary tenderness.
 Putting ice directly on the skin runs the risk of frostbite and skin discoloration.

Utilizing Acupressure Points of the Arms

Press on the point between your thumb and forefinger. One of the ways that
acupuncture and acupressure work is that they cause certain compounds such as
endorphins (the body's natural pain killers) and serotonin (the body's feel good
chemical) to be released into the bloodstream.[8] Therefore, pressing safely on certain
spots hard enough to elicit achy pain, such as the fleshy point between the thumb and
forefinger (called LI-4), can be effective for treating pain all over the body, not just the
 Creating pain temporarily to treat pain due to an injury may seem strange, but that's one
of the ways that acupressure and acupuncture work.
 While laying down on a sofa or bed, apply pressure on this point for at least 10 seconds
and release it for another 5 seconds. Repeat at least 3x and wait to see how it impacts
your back pain.

Press on points around the elbow. This acupressure point is on the anterior part of
your lower arm, about 2–3 inches (5–8 cm) below (distal to) where your elbow joint
flexes.[9] This point is within the brachioradialis muscle and often referred to as the LU-6
point. Sit up in a comfortable position and raise your arm to find the spot (typically 4
finger widths from your elbow). Start with the side of the body that hurts more and press
the point for about 30 seconds, 3-4x over the course of 5-10 minutes for best results.
 Acupressure points may be tender when you first press on them, but the feeling will
likely diminish the more times you use them.

Make sure you press both hands and elbows. Always try to press and activate
acupressure points on both sides of your body, especially if they're easy to get at like
the ones in the hands and elbows. It may not be obvious which side of your back is
injured, so always stimulate acupressure points bilaterally if possible.
 As you first apply firm pressure to the hands and elbows, you will likely feel a slight
achiness or even burning sensation. This often indicates you're pressing on the right
spot and it will disappear as you continue to put pressure on it.

Apply some ice. Immediately after any acupressure treatment, you should apply ice
(wrapped in a thin towel) to the thinner muscles of the arm for about 10 minutes, which
will help prevent any bruising or unnecessary tenderness.
 In addition to ice, frozen gel packs are effective for inflammation and pain control too.


Utilizing Acupressure Points in the Legs


Press on the top part of the foot while laying down. Stimulating the acupressure
point between your big toe and second toe is best done while laying down supine, which
is sometimes called the "sleeping" position by practitioners of TCM.[10] For best results,
press down on the top of the foot in the webbing between the first two toes and hold
firmly for at least 30 seconds, then release gradually. Do both feet after a short rest
between the two.
 Soaking your feet in an ice bath post-treatment will help prevent any bruising or foot

Press on the sole of your foot while sitting. There is another beneficial acupressure
point on the bottom of your foot, a little closer to your toes than your heel.[11] To start,
clean your feet thoroughly and sit on a stable chair. Then massage the bottom of your
foot for a few minutes before locating the pressure point. For best results, press down
with your thumb and hold firmly for at least 30 seconds, then release gradually. Do both
feet after a short rest between the two.
 If you have especially ticklish feet, then use some peppermint lotion on them, which will
cause a tingling sensation and make them less sensitive to touch.
 Massaging and putting pressure on the feet and parts of the lower legs is not
appropriate for women who are pregnant as it may induce uterine contractions.

Press on the acupressure points behind the knees. The relevant pressure points
behind the knees are situated directly below the center of the knee joint (point B-54) and
also a few inches lateral to the knee joint within the lateral gastrocnemius or calf muscle
(point B-53).[12] For best results, press down with your thumb and hold firmly for at least
30 seconds, then release gradually. Do the points behind both knees consecutively.
 Stimulating the B-54 and B-53 points behind both knees can help relieve stiffness in the
back as well as pain in the hips, legs (from sciatica) and knees.
 The points behind the knee are sometimes referred to as the Commanding Middle by
practitioners of TCM.

Specific acupuncture points selected in the ear for the treatment of L4/5 disc herniation. (1) Zero
point. (2) Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) point. (3) Aggression point. (4) Antidepression
point. (5) Adrenal Gland (cortisone) point. (6) L5/S1 point. (7) Valium point. (8) Worry point.

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