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Credit hour 3
Duration 14 weeks Lecture + Lab/Tutorial

Dr. Mohammed Mahbubur Rahman


1. To Analyze Drawdown and Buildup Test

using Analytical Solutions


Average Reservoir Pressure by Semi log Plots

1. Average Reservoir Pressure

2. MBH, Method

3. MDH, Method

4. Dietz Method

5. Ramey-Cobb Method

6. Conclusions

 From P.B.T. it is frequently possible to estimate following Reservoir

1. Formation Permeability
2. To characterize skin factor
3. Current drainage area pressure using:
a. MBH Method
b. MDH Method
c. Dietz Method
d. Ramey-Cobb
4. Reservoir boundaries


Average Reservoir Pressure BUP

 If the pressure drop ( P  P ) is small per unit of wf

production, a clue is given to the existence of a

water drive or to drainage from a large reservoir

 If the pressure drop is large for a given amount of

production, this may indicate drainage from a
small lens or fault block

 To compute oil in place.

 To predict future reservoir behavior

Matthews Brons--Hazebroek method (MBH)
 Average reservoir pressure from buildup tests in a
bounded drainage area (for any well location)
 It uses Horner plot

1. Calculate production time, tP

2. Obtain (tDA) pss from Table 2.1 (column “Exact for
tDA > )”
1. Compute the starting time of pseudosteady state tpss

 c A
t PSS  t
t DA  pss
0 . 0002637 k
4. Obtain the ratio 
t p
 
t pss

5. Make a Horner Plot, i.e. Pws vs. log (tp+t)/t

If   2 use t=tpss
If   2 use t=tp


Obtain the false pressure P* (by extrapolating the

Horner straight line portion to (tp+t)/t =1) and the
slope m.

6. Calculate dimensionless producing time tpDa

0 .0 0 0 2 6 3 7 k t
t pD A 
 ct A
Recall that t is either tp or tpss depending on the value
of .

7. Find the MBH dimensionless pressure, PD MBH using

Fig. 4.12.a through 4.12.d.

8. Calculate the average reservoir pressure, P

* m
P  P  PD MBH
2 . 3025

Fig.4.12.a.Matthews-Brons-Hazebroek dimensionless
pressure for a Well in the center of equilateral
drainage area


Dimensionless pressure for a well in the center of
square drainage area

Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson method
The MDH method may be used to estimate the average
reservoir pressure of a closed circular or square
drainage area, if the well is operating at pseudosteady
state conditions before shut-in.

1. Plot the shut-in pressure, Pws vs. shut-in time, t, on
a semilog graph.
2. Pick any convenient point P on the semi-log
straight-line portion and read the corresponding
values of (t) and (Pws).



1. Calculate the dimensionless shut-in time based on

the drainage area, corresponding to point P.
0 . 0002637 k
 t DA  t
 c t A

2. Use this dimensionless time, tDA, with the upper

curve of Fig. 4.12.e to determine PDBMH.
P  P ws  P DMBH
1 . 1513
In presence of a water-drive system (circular or
square), PD MBH is obtained from Fig. 4.12.e, lower
The boundary system may be estimated from:
Pe  P ws  P DMBH
1 . 1513

Dietz method

Dietz method uses Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson plot to

obtain directly P .

1. Knowing the reservoir shape and the well location,
find the shape factor, CA, from Table 2.1.
2. Calculate the Dietz shut-in time,  t p
ct A
t P 
0.0002637CA k


1. Make a MDH plot, i.e. Pws vs. log t.

2. The average pressure is then obtained directly by
extrapolating the MDH straight line portion to t =
t P .
3. In presence of a well centered inside a constant-
pressure square, the shape factor CA= 19.5, then Eq.
4.47 becomes:
 c t A
t P  195
Dietz method is simple and quick. It is used only
when tDA > 0.25 and s >-3.

Ramey--Cobb method
The Ramey-Cobb method uses Horner plot to obtain
directly P . As for the case of MBH and Dietz methods,
this technique requires some information about the
drainage area.

1. Calculate tp and tpss
2. If tp  tpss, calculate the time ratio ( t p  t) / t 

 t p  t  0 . 0002637 kC A
 t  
 c t A
  P

3. Make a Horner plot, i.e. Pws vs. log (tp+t)/t

1. The average reservoir pressure, P , is obtained
directly by extrapolating the straight line portion to
( t   t ) /  t  .
p P


Example: Pressure BUT

The following pressure buildup data and reservoir
properties were obtained from an oil well located at
the center of a closed square. Relevant information for
this reservoir is:

rw = 4 in h = 44 ft  = 12 %
 = 0.76 cp B = 1.24 rb/STB Np = 4550 STB
A = 40 acres q = 340 BPD
-6 -1
Ct = 36x10 psi
Pwf = 2980 psi (measured immediately before shut-in)

Table: 01

t, hrs Pws, psi (tp+t)/t (tpss+t)/ t t, hrs Pws, psi (tp+t)/t (tpss+t)/t

0.10 3100 3212.76 807.45 7 3342 46.88 12.52

0.20 3150 1606.88 404.23 10 3350 33.12 9.06
0.30 3200 1071.59 269.82 15 3360 22.41 6.38
0.50 3250 643.35 162.29 20 3364 17.06 5.03
0.75 3275 429.24 108.53 30 3370 11.71 3.69
1.00 3290 322.18 81.65 40 3372 9.03 3.02
2.00 3315 161.59 41.32 50 3374 7.42 2.61
3.00 3325 108.06 27.88 60 3375 6.35 2.34
4.00 3330 81.29 21.16 70 3376 5.59 2.15
5.00 3335 65.24 17.13 80 3377 5.01 2.01


 A. Formation permeability

 B. Skin factor

 C. Average reservoir pressure:

 C.1. MBH method

 C.2. Dietz method

 C.3. Ramey-Cobb method

 C.4. MDH method


A. Formation permeability

The basic equation is:

162 .6 q  B  t p   t 
P ws  Pi  log  
kh   t 

24 N p ( 24 )( 4550 )
t p    321 .2 hr
q 340

162 .6 q  B (162 .6 )( 340 )( 0 .76 )(1 .24 )

k    26 .91 md
mh ( 44 )( 44 )


B. Skin Factor

 P1 hr  Pwf ( t 0 )  k  
s  1 . 1513   log  2
  3 . 2275 
 m   c t rw  

From Fig. P1hr = 3306 psi

 3306  2980  26.91  

s  1.1513  log 6
  3.2275  3.18
2 
 (44)  (0.12)(0.76)(36  10 )(0.333)  

C. Average Reservoir Pressure: C-

1. Determine (tDA)pss from Table 2.1 for closed square
drainage area, (tDA)pss = 0.1
2. Calculate tpss;

 c t A ( 0 . 12 )( 1 . 76 )( 36  10  6 )( 40 )( 43560 )
t pss  (t DA ) pss  ( 0 . 1 )  80 . 645 hr
0 . 0002637 k ( 0 . 0002637 )( 26 . 91 )

3. Calculate:

t p 312 . 176
    3 . 982
t pss 80 . 645 .

Because  > 2, then t = tpss

 Less than 2, then t = tp

4. Plot Pws vs. log(tpss+t)/t

5. In Fig. 2. Draw a straight line and determine P*

corresponding to the intercept between the straight
line and Pws axis.


Fig. 1. Horner plot with tp

Fig. 2 Horner plot with tpss


P* = 3398 psi

3. Calculate dimensionless producing time from:

 0 . 0002637 k  ( 0 . 0002637 )( 26 . 91 )
t pDA    t  ( 80 . 645 )  0 . 0999 
  c t A  ( 0 . 12 )( 0 . 76 )( 36  10  6 )( 40  43560 )

4. From Fig. 4.12.b, for closed square drainage area

and well placed in the center of the reservoir, the
dimensionless pressure of MDH is PDMBH=1.15.

P  P
P DMBH  2 . 303
Therefore, the average reservoir pressure will be:

* m P DMBH ( 44 )( 1 . 15 )
P  P   3398   3376 psi
2 . 303 2 . 303

C.2. Dietz - Method

1. Plot Pws vs. log(t) Fig. 3.
2. Determine the shape factor CA from table 2.1 for a
well located in the center of square drainage area.
CA = 30.8828.
3. Calculate Dietz-shut-in time:

 ct A 1 ( 0 .12 )( 0 .76 )( 36  10 6 )( 40 )( 43560 ) 1

t     26 .1136
P 0 .0002637 k C A ( 0 .0002637 )( 26 .91) (30 .8828 )

4. From Fig. 3, P = 3368 psi.



C.3. Ramey - Cobb Method

1. Calculate tp and tpss:

24 N p ( 24 )( 4550 )
t p    321 . 176 hr
q 340

 c t A ( 0 . 12 )(1 . 76 )( 36  10  6 )( 40 )( 43560 )
t pss  t DApss  ( 0 . 1)  80 . 645
0 . 0002637 k ( 0 . 0002637 )( 26 . 91 )

2. For the given drainage area, A=1742400 ft2,

determine the shape factor CA from Table 2.1, for a
well located in the center of square drainage area,


2. Because tp > tpss, calculate t   t  /  t P (Ramey-

Cobb shut-in time ), from:

 t   t   0 . 0002637 k 
     C A t p
  t  P   c t A 

 t  t  ( 0 . 0002637 )( 26 . 91 )
   ( 30 . 8828 )( 312 . 176 )  12 . 299
 t P ( 0 . 12 )( 0 . 76 )(DR.
 10  6 )(HAQUE TUNIO
40 )( 43560 )

for t   t /  t P 
3. From Fig. 1. Determine P .

4. The value of average pressure is 3368 psi.


C.4. Miller-
Dyes--Hutchinson Method

1. Plot Pws vs. log(t), as shown in Fig. 3.

2. Pick any convenient point N on the Semilog straight
line portion and read the tN and (Pws)N.
Thus, the two values will be: tN = 10 hrs and (Pws)N
= 3350 psi.

1. Calculate the dimensionless shut-in time using the

following equation, for point N :

 0 . 0002637 k  ( 0 . 0002637 )( 26 . 91 )
 t DA     t N  (10 )  0 . 0124
  c t A  ( 0 . 12 )( 0 . 76 )( 36  10  6 )( 40 )( 43560 )

Use this dimensionless time with the upper curve from

Fig. 4.12.e, and solve for dimensionless PDMDH. From
the Figure PDMDH =0.6
5. Determine P , for point N, from the equation:

m 44
P  PwsN  PDMDH  3350  ( 0 . 6 )  3372 . 9
1 . 1513 1 . 1513


Fig. 3 MDH plot


Fig. 4.12.e. MDH dimensionless pressure for circular and square drainage areas


A well has produced 300 BPD during a week when the
well was shut-in for a pressure buildup test. Prior to
shut-in the flowing tubing-head declined 30 psi/day.
The well is inside a 5-acre spacing. Consider that the
well was producing under pseudosteady state
conditions at shut-in time. Determine the porosity,
permeability, the approximated time for the beginning
of the pseudosteady state and the skin factor.
Additional information is:

rw = 4 in h = 44 ft  = 1.5 cp
-6 -1
B = 1.25 rb/STB ct = 21x10 psi

Table 1. Pressure buildup data

t, hrs Pws, psi Pq, psi

0 1200
2 1400 260
4 2100 1020
9 2600 1670
13 2620 1810
18 2630 1970
20 2640 2040
22 2640 2100


Estimate Pq by:

  p 
 P q  P ws  P wf   t  
  t  pseudo

 P q  1400  1200  2 ( 30 )  260 psi

Other values are provided in table 1. Then, plot Pq

vs. logarithm of time (Fig. 1). During pseudosteady
state the pressure drop as a function of time is
expressed by:

 P 1 . 8 qB
 2
 t r e  hc t

Assuming a circular-reservoir shape, then from Eq.

4.40 we have;

r e  43560 ( 5 ) /   263 . 3 ft

1 . 8 qB 1 . 8 ( 300 )( 1 . 25 ) 1
    35 %
re2 hc t
P ( 263 . 3 2 )( 44 )( 21  10 6
) 30

162 . 6 ( 300 )( 1 . 5 )( 1 . 25 )
k   1 . 05 md
(1983 )( 44 )


  c t r e2
ts 
0 . 0002637 k

( 0 . 35 )( 1 . 5 )( 21  10  6 )( 263 . 3 ) 2
ts   2760 . 5 hr
0 . 0002637 (1 . 05 )

Find Ps , Pq of 2100 psi and t of 22 hrs:

 Pq  0 . 867 m ( 0 . 5 ) ln(  t D  0 . 809    Ps


0 . 0002637 ( 1 . 05 )( 22 )
 tD   4982 .6
( 0 . 35 )( 1 . 5 )( 21  10  6 )( 0 . 333 2

 Ps  2100  0 . 867 (1983 )( 0 . 5 ) ln( 4982 . 6  0 . 809    5914 . 1 psi

 p s  5914 .1
s     3 . 43
0 . 87 m 0 . 87 ( 1983 )

. An oil well is located in the center of a closed square

drainage pattern. The well produced at a constant rate
of 210 STB/day for 50 hours. The well was shut-in,
and the pressure buildup test was recorded. Reservoir
rock and fluid properties are listed along with the
buildup data. The effects of wellbore storage are
Analyze the data by the Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson
method and estimate permeability, average pressure
and skin. Relevant data:
A = 80 acres rw = 0.17 ft  = 22 %
 = 0.7 cp ct = 14x10-6 psi-1 B = 1.37
Pwf = 2360 psi
Table.1. Pressure Buildup data for problem
t, hrs Pws, psi t, hrs Pws, psi
0.100 2709 2.48 2753
0.165 2716 3.31 2756
0.331 2726 4.97 2761
0.497 2731 6.62 2764
0.628 2735 8.27 2766
1.000 2741 9.93 2768
1.650 2747


2. An oil well is located in the center of a square

drainage pattern. The well produced at a constant rate
of 250 STB/day during 83 hours before shutting-in for
a buildup test. Reservoir rock and fluid properties are
listed along with the buildup data. Analyze the data by
the Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson, MBH and Horner
methods and estimate permeability, average pressure
and skin. According to the test is the drainage area
open or closed to flow?. Relevant data:
A = 65 acres rw = 0.33 ft  = 16.3 %
h = 19 ft  = 2.2 cp
ct = 34x10-6 psi-1 B = 1.23 bbl/STB
Table. 2. Pressure Buildup data
t, hrs Pws, psi t, hrs Pws, psi t, hrs Pws, psi
0.0000 2020.00 0.6364 2246.75 9.3748 2340.26
0.1000 2055.41 0.7724 2257.14 12.0071 2346.32
0.1295 2074.46 0.8602 2265.80 13.6620 2349.78
0.1658 2094.37 1.0782 2276.19 17.3108 2353.25
0.1970 2113.42 1.3086 2285.71 24.4259 2359.31
0.2416 2139.39 1.6229 2291.78 29.6458 2359.31
0.2749 2154.98 2.0563 2301.30 36.3704 2360.17
0.3095 2171.43 2.6910 2309.96 48.1109 2360.17
0.3522 2187.88 3.5596 2315.15 60.3079 2358.44
0.4094 2204.33 4.8631 2325.54 75.5971 2356.71
0.4559 2216.45 6.4330 2331.60 86.0161 2355.84
0.5300 2232.04 7.5597 2336.80

3. Analyze the data by the Miller-Dyes-Hutchinson,

MBH and Horner methods and estimate permeability,
average pressure and skin. Is the test is the drainage
area open or closed to flow?. Additional information
for this reservoir is:

A = 93 acres rw = 0.25 ft  = 19.4 %

 = 1.34 cp ct = 19.4x10-6 psi-1 B = 1.44

Table.3. Pressure Buildup data

t, hrs Pws, psi t, hrs Pws, psi t, hrs Pws, psi
0.00000 2840.000 0.08447 3128.294 1.12182 3229.806
0.00989 2872.354 0.11545 3147.732 1.50068 3239.525
0.01458 2909.071 0.16125 3166.091 2.00748 3243.844
0.02103 2954.428 0.24814 3182.290 2.62819 3252.484
0.02814 3001.944 0.36183 3195.249 3.40394 3266.523
0.04192 3050.540 0.45863 3202.808 4.17739 3276.242
0.05035 3078.618 0.63368 3213.607 4.91030 3285.961
0.05983 3102.376 0.82962 3223.326 5.77179 3295.680


. A well has produced 250 BPD during a six days.

Then, the well was shut-in for a pressure buildup test.
Prior to shut-in the flowing tubing-head declined 28
psi/day. The well is inside a 12-acre spacing. Consider
that the well was producing under pseudosteady state
conditions at shut-in time. Determine the porosity,
permeability, the approximated time for the beginning
of the pseudosteady state and the skin factor.
Additional information is:

rw = 0.33 ftn h = 25 ft  = 0.87 cp

B = 1.45 rb/STB ct = 32x10 psi-1 Pwf = 2984 psi

The discovery well of an oil reservoir was flowed during

initial test at a constant rate of 150 STB/D while
producing a cumulative volume of 278 STB of oil. The
well was shut in for a buildup test and bottomhole
pressure was recorded for 18 hr as shown in table 5. Is
it the well damaged? If so, how many barrels will the
well produce if the damage is remove?

h = 16 ft  = 13 %  = 0.7 cp
rw = 0.25 ft B = 1.67 rb/STB ct = 15x10-6
Pwf = 290 psia (measure immediately before shut-in)

Table 5. Pressure buildup data

t, hrs Pws, psia t, hrs Pws, psia

0.5 925 6.0 1830
1.0 1380 8.0 1837
2.0 1800 10.0 1843
3.0 1815 12.0 1847
4.0 1820 14.0 1852
5.0 1824 16.0 1853
18.0 1856


06. A pressure buildup test is to run in a well which,

based upon geological data, is located between two
faults and is approximately centered in a 2 x 1
rectangular drainage area. The drainage area is
estimated to be 65 acres.

Depth for mid-point of perforated interval = 8,493 ft

Average density of oil in the wellbore=40.3 lbm/ft3
Tubing OD = 2.375 in
Casing ID = 6.366 in
Cumulative oil production = 18300 STB
Packer depth = 8460 ft
h = 33 ft  = 18.5% rw = 0.333 ft
 = 2.4 cp B = 1.34 RB/STB
ct = 11.2x10-6psia-1 q = 235 STB/D
k = 56 md (from test on an adjacent well)

a) Compute the wellbore storage factor, C, for this

b) Compute the dimensionless wellbore storage
factor, CD
a) Estimate the length of time the well must be shut-in
before wellbore storage effects become negligible
b) Estimate the shut in time when boundary effects
will cause transient flow to end, i.e., when the
Horner straight line will end


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