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Exclusive Interview With A

Yoga Instructor

What Kind Of Yoga

Does My Body Need?

Why Do Liberals
Need Yoga?

ORIGINS OF YOGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


WHAT IS YOGA? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

MY PERFECT POSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

THE BRANCHES OF YOGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

WHY DO LIBERALS NEED YOGA? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

What is Yoga?
eration and enlightenment. These limbs of yoga
“Yoga is just a combina- come into practice of yoga include Bikram yoga,
tion of stretches that you which is a form of yoga that you do in 100 degree
fahrenheit to help the body to get more relaxed
do to help the body.” and muscles get more toned and fit, or Hatha
yoga, which combines two or more forms of

his is a common thought that most new- yoga. It has poses which are called asana which
comers to yoga tend to have. Yoga is very are poses like the ones most widely known by
different from other forms of stretching: people are tree pose, downward dog and child’s
it is unique because it connects the body and poses and so many more complicated and com-
mind to the rhythm of our breathing. This syn- plex poses. Which all work on different parts
chronization our mind, body and breath helps like one is for strengthening balance, stretching
us to direct our attention inward. The process lower back muscles and stretching hip muscles.
of inward attention is recognized by having ha- The adoption of specific bodily postures has
bitual thoughts and patterns without the inten- changed form over the years and become dif-
tion of changing them. It helps us become more ferent and having widely practice of these poses
aware of events that occur within our days. and styles are used to become health and relaxed
Yoga itself consists of ascetic discipline, which in life. Along with improving happiness in peo-
is a form of exercise. This form of exercise does ple and making them feel more loved and self
not only tone your body, but also teaches your appearance making sure people love how they
body to control and regulate your breathing. look and how they feel as a person. These are
This exercise is combined with simple medita- things that yoga wants us to teach others. But I
tion, which helps clear the mind and body of would like to say a lot of people believe yoga is
toxins or other ailments. for people who are the perfect body shape and
Yoga focuses on eight different limbs that the most flexible people in the world. But no I
make up the body, which are called yamas. These want to say yoga is for anyone it doesn’t mat-
limbs are: yamas, which are restraints; niyamas, ter if you are the most fit and athletic person.
which are observations; asana, which has to do It is a form a stretching that works for anyone
with posture; pranayama, which is breathing; and helps everyone with being able to relax and
pratyahara, which is the withdrawal of senses; release the stressing and pain in your muscles
dharana, which is concentration; dhyani, which from what you deal in your everyday of your
is meditation; samadhi which has to do with ab- life and what occurs to make you who you are.
sorption; and samadhi, which is essentially lib-
Origins of Yoga

s yoga is becoming a growing form This original sanskrit word translates
of exercise in the world, people are to “yoke” or “bind”, which—though transla-
beginning to wonder how exactly it tion—is parallel to the definition of “union”
came to be. More than ever before, yoga is in english. In Hindu mythology, there are
viewed as a practice closely tied to religion, many guides that uphold the mentality and
often known to be coupled with Hinduism. principles of yoga, one in particular being
Even though it is true that yoga came from the deity Krishna. This Hindu avatar is rep-
a country of strong Hindu culture and faith, resentative of compassion, tenderness, and
there is much more to the beginnings of yoga love. He is mentioned in many philosophi-
than meets the eye. cal texts, an outstanding one being a poem
called the Bhagavad Gita. This poem is a

‘India, over 2,000 conversation with Arjuna, who was an an-

cient hero and archer with a great love for

years ago, was the Lord Krishna. This text speaks of the values
of fate, compassion, and the importance of
birthplace for the choice, and how these values affects their
worlds. These conversations were paired
original name of with the idea of using the body to free the
mind and better impact the world. These

yoga: yuj.” truths and ideas became the original foun-
dation for yoga.
What Kind of
Yoga Does My
Body Need?

s a highschool student gory that would work for me discipline of yoga. These poses
that has recently suf- and help improve my condi- or positions are held for a long
fered from a car ac- tion. These different kinds that period of time normally lasting
cident-induced concussion, I would work for me are Hatha three to five minutes but some-
have become keen on seeking Yoga, Power Yoga, Laya Yoga, times longer then that. This is
out a new form of medicine. Jivamukti yoga, Vinyasa Yoga, to target the connective tissues
Because of the headaches of my and Yin Yoga so I end up saying in body which most exercis-
post-concussive syndrome, my I will try different poses in each es do not really target or touch
neurons have become overac- of these forms to know which this area due to people normal-
tive. This led to my neurologist will be best for the condition ly rush through stretching and
prescribing a simple pill; how- my body is in. I will be also be like a lot of fast paced exercise.
ever, pills are never the most giving each pose that a try from Connective tissues being lig-
natural remedy. Between the each of the six forms of yoga a aments not muscle’s these are
suggestion from my neurolo- rating. This rating scale is 0-5 smaller and sometimes seeing
gist and my own natural cu- star rating on difficulty for me as more important parts of the
riosity, my sights zeroed in on and how I think the difficult body since they connect two
the practices of yoga. I needed matches the area that is intent bones together or bone to bone
to figure out which form is go- to be stretched and how well it connection which helps with
ing to benefit and work best for does this. Along with is their holding structures together and
the condition I am in. So, I end ways you can work on it by tak- stability in the body like the
up looking at the most known ing steps and slowly getting to knees. These are very import-
kinds of yoga and I was trying to the whole complete move. ant so you are able to do things
see which would work best with you couldn’t do before. These
the body and condition that I poses are more passives holds
am in. So first one of the most
“Yin Yoga is a style and have little muscular en-
widely known yoga is Bikram of yoga that origi- gagement.
yoga which is also known as hot
yoga this means doing yoga is a
nated from Chinese
room which is heated to 95 to culture.”
100 degrees fahrenheit well this
is not an advised form of yoga This form of yoga is from
for me to try. This was due to the taoist theory of yin and
it being a very hot which can yang. Yin is stable and passive
cause me to sweat and I am while yang is changing active.
not supposed to do anything Due to this yin poses are nor-
that gets me to sweat a lot. So mally performed while being
I would end up looking into so seated or in a reclining position.
many different forms of yoga This is a slow paced and much
so I found that there is differ- more meditative yoga which is
ent kinds that fit in this cate- a popular physical and spiritual
you definitely want to roll your
ankles out before and stretch
your knees a little bit. For this
pose you are going to want to
get down on your knees and
then lay down that your knees
are still bent and touching floor
along with the back of the head
The “Sphinx Pose” and back. I found this pose to
be very difficult for beginners
is an easy pose for but some advice that was said is

using a block if you are unable
eginning with Yin Yoga
styles of poses, the “But-
beginners. to go all the way down so that
you are still doing the stretch.
terfly Pose” is an easy or This pose has you laying This is a really good stretch
beginners pose. This pose has belly down on the floor with for people who which have hip
you seated on the ground with your legs spread shoulder width and lower back pains because
you sitting your knees bent in apart and then you bring your it helps loosen the muscles. So
towards the body or torso of the head and chest up and keep for me I thought this was a very
body and your feet are together. your shoulders in a straight line good to try and stretch my tight
Make sure your spine is straight with the elbow which as at a 90 hips I have from soccer and not
to not cause strain on the spine. degree angle with palms facing stretching enough before play-
You will hold this pose for at down. You will hold this pose for ing. I would recommend do-
least three minutes. I found at least three minutes. I found ing with pillows or a block and
this pose was actually really this one pretty easy to do but it slowing moving down if just be-
comfortable along with being a was slightly difficult keeping my ing yoga and I would rate this
really good stretch of the mus- head and chest held up during pose with three stars.
cles. You do feel it stretch your all three minutes but it is good
hip muscles along with legs and at stretching the lower back and
your lower back. I would say energizing and restoring the
this pose for me rates as a five body. I would rate this pose as a
star pose since it was fairly easy five star rating for the fact it re-
to do but stretched the body ally helps your back and it didn’t
very well. This is called a butter- cause a headache or head pain it
fly pose for having your two legs actually helped realize the tight-
angled out like wings it makes it ness in my neck. I would rec-
look or represent the form of a ommend this position for peo-
butterfly. The butterfly is a very ple that are just starting yoga so
powerful representation which you can get a feel for what poses
is associated with souls which are like and how they can help
yoga is about the calming and
relaxation of the soul. While it
also shows deep and powerful
representations of life and it is
viewed by many people in the
world as endurance, change, stretch the body.
hope and life. The “Saddle Pose” is an in-
termediate pose for beginners.
This a pose you definitely have
to be really flexible to do and

The “Stirrup Pose” is

an advance pose for begin- During this pose, you
ners. You started by lay- start on the ground laying
ing on your back then you flat on your back. Then,
move your legs into a bent you take your feet over
position which you bring your head put them on the
up above your uphalf and ground but if you un able
hold your feet while your to do this. You can put
knees are bent. I didn’t re- your hands on your back
ally like this pose because to support your back even
for me I feel it did not real- if your feet can touch the
ly stretch my hips. I would ground but you are strug-
give this pose a 2 star be- gling holding this pose you
cause I feel it is difficult for can move your hands to
others but I didn’t think it support your back or have
was very difficult for me to someone else help you and
do. support your back. But po-
sition for me was not that
bad, as I just had to move my
hands to support my back.
The “Dragonfly Pose” I would give this pose a 5
is a pose that will challenge stars because, even though
the flexibility of any begin- it was difficult to get into
ner. You will sit down on the pose, it best helped to
the ground and put your stretch my muscles in my
legs in a straddle position lower back and neck area.
and then you lay your up- This pose is called snail for
per body on the ground the way it looks like a snail
while laying your shoul- but also because the snail
ders flat and arms flat in represents a lot of things in
line with your legs. I found ancient cultures but it has
this position to be very dif- one of the deepest mean-
ficult but it was a very good ings of all animals which
stretch for the inner thighs are things like: the cycle of
and the underneath of the life, death, rebirth, the ro-
legs. I really think this po- tation of the Earth around
sition rates as a 3 star be- the run, bridging the gap
cause I feel it is a very hard between Earth and Water,
position to do this position carrying one’s home with
but it is a good stretch but them, taking one’s time and
it could be easier for people enjoying life at a slow pace.
that are more flexible. It also has being connected
to Amun an ancient Egyp-
“The ‘Snail tian god and the words of
Pose’ is an in- fertility, abundance, and
termediate pose fruition.

for beginners.”

Power Yoga
“Power Yoga is an active and athletic but western style of
yoga but this class moves quickly through each pose and
only holds for about three to five breathes.”

oat Pose (Nav- Side Plank Pose
asana) is an ad- (Vasisthasana) is an ad-
vance beginner Tiger in Plank
Pose (Vyaghrasana) is vance pose. You start
pose. You sit on your by laying flat on your
butt while you left your rabhadrasana I) is an an intermediate pose
for beginners. This stomach and going into
upper half up and the easy pose for begin- a plank position. Then
legs at the same time ners. You started stand pose you start by get- you rotated on to the
with reaching your with your legs together ting on your knees, side of your right arm
arms out straight to- and then move right then putting your
palms down flat on the and right leg and lift
wards your feet. I feel leg forward is bent your left leg and arm
this pose was very chal- forward and stretch ground with the fingers
facing away from the off the ground and put
lenging for me since I the left one straight them up in the air. You
struggle with being able out in the back. While body. You then lift your will hold the position
to hold this pose up your back is straight foot and bring the right
knee above the head to for 30 seconds. This
and together. So I think up but then you lift pose was very chal-
I would rate this pose your arms straight up stretch the muscle. This
lenging and hard for
as a 3 star pose because and a slightly till in the pose was very challeng- me to do for the fact
I can do the pose but back. This pose I found ing for me since I can’t that I already stug-
I struggle to keep the pretty easy and not as touch my foot to my
hand in that position. gle with plank poses.
pose in the position for challenge, but is still I would rate it as a 3
a longer than 10 sec- stretches the muscles My rating for this pose
is 3 stars for the fact star because it is very
ond period. This pose in the butt and lower challenging for most
represents journey, back. I would give this it is very challenging average body types. It
crossing, adventure, pose a 5 star because it but also stretches the requires flexibility and
and exploration which is easy for most people body very well. This stamina, but it is very
is viewed as across life to do but it still stretch- tiger pose represents a good for stretching
and enables us to make es while doing a little warrior goddess named
Durga who is from and muscle building. It
any journey whether bit of exercise. works on the side of the
faith, education, desire, Hindu faith, and is de-
picted riding a tiger abdomen along with
curiosity, and motiva- strengthening the arms
tion. while carrying weap-
ons. and legs.

Warrior I (Vi-
hands are positioned under the facing upwards. I would say
back of your head to protect it. I this poses is pretty easy for
would say this position was very most people and not even a
easy for me to do and for most little challenging. The rating
people since you can change I give the mountain pose is 4
the modify it if needed. The star for it is not challenging
rating I would give this poses but it really doesn’t stretch or
Three Legged Downward is 5 stars since it stretches your strengthening any muscles.
Dog (Tri Pada Adho Mukha back very well but also makes But the mountain pose rep-
Svanasana) is an intermediate sure to help with realginning of resents constancy, eternity,
pose for beginners. You start by your hips and and lower back firmness, and stillness or seen
being in a standing position and and working on your shoulders as a state of full consciousness.
you bend your upper half down and strengthening the core area. It is seen as very stable thing
put your palms on the ground Most people can do this stretch and this poses is seen as a sta-
but while doing this make sure without much trouble, so that’s ble pose for most people.
to back your legs but slowly so why I would say a 5 stars. It is
that you don’t fall. Make sure not very challenging but is very
that it is morning of a v or u good at stretching the whole
shape then your stomach and body.
your knees touching but once
your at this point you are go-
ing to lift on of the legs up so
“Hatha Yoga is a
that you have your two arms
style of yoga which
and one leg on the ground still. combines multiple
But you need to make sure to styles of yoga and is
keep both shoulders flat and an old system which
the knees are together. I would practices yoga pos- Forward Bend an inter-
say this position was very easy tures and breath- mediate beginner pose. You
for me to do and for most peo- ing exercises which start by standing tall with your
ple since you can change the bring the mind and feet together and you bend
modify it if needed by just do- body to peace.” your upper body over so that
ing straight downward dog and your hands can wrap around
then working up to having on the back of your knees. But if
leg in the air. I would rate this you are unable to bend that far
a 4 star because it is very chal- then you can bend over till your
lenging for some people but able to because that will still
it stretches your legs, butt and help stretch and strengthening
arms along with building and muscles and hopefully you can
strengthening the muscles in move further down by practice.
those areas. I would say this pose was hard I
had to go to a certain point and
stop because I wasn’t able to go
the whole way it was too painful
for me. So I would rate this pose
as a 3 star because it stretches,
strengthening and helps you
The Markat Asana is an become more flexible than you
easy pose for beginners. This where before no matter how
pose you starts with you laying Mountain Pose is an easy far you go in the stretch. But I
on your back with your legs beginner pose. This pose you would put it as a 3 since it is a
straightened out. Then you will stand up tall and make sure hard pose and challenging pose
twist your hips to the side and your back is straight while for some people but for others it
then bring your feet up to your having your feet together is easy but you have work for it
butt. While doing this you will and your arms by your sides to become easy to do.
have your arms bent that your with the palms of your hands
This pose is hard for and the you bend your ation, meditation and
me to do by it is very knees and then having stress relieving. This
hard for me to get my your arms laying flat pose I would rate as a 4
fit all the way up to my beside you. While lift- star because it is really
upper thigh. So I would ing your midsection up. easy and not challeng-
rate this pose as a 4 star I would say this pose is ing for most people but
pose for the fact that easy for me to do be- it is not a pose that is
Warrior II is an I am able to do it and cause I find bridge push good a stretching and
intermediate beginner it is very easy for most ups easy. I would rate strengthening but it
pose. You start stand- people to do without this pose as a 4 star be- does go after the med-
ing up and going into any trouble but some cause it is very difficult itation and emotional
what is like a lunge po- struggle with getting for some people but and mental state of
sition but turn the back there leg the whole way it is also a very good what yoga is about.
foot to point sideways. up. stretch for your shoul- Most of the other pose
While the front knee ders and arms and legs focus more on the
is bent and the hips, of the body while also physical body not so
stomach and chest area building muscles and much emotional and
are opened up to the strengthening the body mental but this can also
side and the arms palm Salabhasana Lo- and abdomen area. being different for ev-
down stretched and cust Pose is an ad- eryone.
the arms went straight vance beginner pose. Vinyasa Yoga
across and have your You start the pose on
your stomach and is a type of
yoga that
head face forward. I
would say this pose is you stretch your arms
very simple but a chal- straight up and out links move- Plank Pose or

ment and
lenging pose for peo- and then the legs go Kumbhakasana is an
ple. For me the hardest and do the same way advance beginner pose.
part ways turning my while opening the chest breath to at- You started by laying
back foot. This pose up. This pose benefits
strengthens and helps tain balance flat on your stomach.
Then pushing up into
is definitely is a 4 star
because of the difficult the flexibility of the of the mind push up position with
and the stretching of spine, legs, hips, and
the muscles of the back muscles that surround
and the body. your arms straightened
but with a slight bend
and hip area along with the torso. This pose was in them and the legs are
lower legs which are really hard to do I was about shoulder width
holding you up. really unable to do it to apart. I would say this
what you are suppose position was very easy
to be able to do it. So I Child’s Pose is an for me and I like this
would rate the pose as because it was slightly
easy beginner pose.
a 3 stars because it is challenging but I could
You sit down on your
very good at stretching knees and then you put feel stretching and my
while strengthening the arms and shoulders
your head and low-
body but it also is very strengthening. The rat-
er half down over top
hard for most people ing of the pose would
of the of the legs into
to complete this pose be 4 star because it is
what looks like a ball
without a lot of work or
The Tree pose is and then you but your difficult for some peo-
an easy beginner pose. practice. straight arms down by ple to achieve this right
The pose starts by you your sides in a relaxed away but they can work
standing on your own position. So I would say on it. I would also say
two feet and slowly it is helping build mus-
this pose is very easy
working on move one cle but also stretching
for me it was easy but
fit to the upper thigh it doesn’t really stretch and working the bodies
area and you being able Bridge Pose is an anything I think I think muscles.
to balance your body advance beginner pose. it is more for relax-
weight onto one foot. You start on your back
laying down on your stomach and then bring
your chest and upper body up but then having
your fingers facing away from the body. Also
tilting your head back slightly. I would say this
pose is very hard for me since it requires arm
strengthen but it is also different muscles in the
arms rather then the cobra pose and plank pos-
es. I would rate the pose as a 4 poses because it is
Cobra Pose or Bhujangasana is an easy be- like the cobra pose but the arms are positioned
ginner pose. You start out laying on your stom- differently then the cobra pose but it works on
ach then bring your chest up and put your hands building a different set of muscles.
about a foot away from the top of the hip bone
but the elbow should be bent and be at the top of
the hip bone. The hands should be palms down
and head facing forward. I would considered this
pose easy but challenging if you have a lack of
arm strengthening like I do. So I find it challeng-
ing to hold this position for long periods of time.
The rating I would give this pose would be a 4
star pose that’s for the fact is very challenging for
some people but is also strengthening of muscles
and building more muscles. The name of this
pose represent hidden wisdom and royalty espe-
cially in Egypt since it was seen most of the time
with the Paraoh’s. Half-moon, which is an intermediate pose,
starts in a standing position. Then, lift one leg in
the air and slow bend over and place two hands
on the ground while taking the arm that is on the
same side of the leg up and putting it straight up
in the air. You should end with one leg and arm
on the same side on the ground and the opposite
Four-limbed Staff Pose or Chaturanga arm and leg in the area. I would say this pose was
Dandasana is an advance beginner pose. You very difficult to do. When I was trying the pose,
start out in a plank position and slow moving I almost fell over sideways. I would rate this pose
down but you bend your arms and keep them as a 2 star for that fact it is very challenging for
positioned bent right in line with your side as it any person to do unless they are very athletic.
should be at a straight right angle. This pose was Anyone who struggles with balance it would
very challenging for me and I actually could hold definitely struggle with this pose.
it for about 5 seconds before my arms collapse
and I think this pose ranks as a 2 star pose. For
Kundalini Yoga combines both
the fact it is a very challenging and complex pose spiritual and physical. This is
and it takes a lot of arm strengthening which about releasing the Kundalini en-
most people struggling with having unless they ergy in your body that is trapped
are very athletic or strong in the arms. in the lower spine. This style can
really work on your core and
breathing by using fast move-
ments and invigorating postures.
These classes can be intense, how-
ever, and can involve chanting,
mantra and meditation.
Upward Facing Dog, or Urdhva Much Sva- Bhekasana ,or frog pose, is an advanced be-
nasana, is an intermediate pose. You start out ginner pose. You will want to start by getting on
your knees and your arms togeth-
er above your head in a pointed
position. This is a very easy pose

your knees and spreading your

legs as far as you can. Make sure
you can stretch your hips while
your upper body is down on the
same level. I found this position
hard to hold, but I definitely felt Crow Pose is an intermedi-
it stretching my tight hips and ate beginner pose. You will start
helping with the clearing of my in a position of where you are
mind. I would rate this pose as a squatted down but both feet are
3 star because it is very hard for still together and then you but to complete but is big into help-
most people to achieve without both hands on the ground with ing with the spiritual, emotional
a great amount of stretching be- the elbow in front of the knees. and mental part of yoga. But is
fore trying. But frogs represent You put your hands flat on the also does help the body physi-
birth, rebirth, and motherhood. ground and lift up off the ground cally with lower back pain and
In Celtic it is shown as lord over and will have all your bodies shoulder pain. I would rate this
all the earth and believed to have weight on both of your arms. position as 5 star also because it
healing powers for the connec- I was not able to complete this helps with pains and stress relief
tion between water and cleans- with being up for a second and and other mental and emotional
ing rain. then collapsing to the ground. I problems.
would rate this pose as a star 1
because it is very complicate and
most people can’t do it without a
lot of training and arm strength-
ening but it is a very good stretch
and building muscles in your
arms and shoulders.

Ustrasana, or Camel pose, Rock pose to kneeling is

is an advance beginner pose. You Guru Pranam is an easy an intermediate pose. You start
start by sitting on your knees and beginner pose. You start on by sitting on your knees and
lifting your butt off your legs and your knees and put your upper your hands sit up on your knees.
then leaning your arms and up- body down towards the ground The pose is not for physical or
per body back so that your hands that your face is facing down strengthening of muscles. This
and feet are touching. This pose and touching the ground. Then poses is a type of meditation. I
is very challenging and hard for you have your arms together in want to say this is the most diffi-
me to do. I was actually not able a point above your head on the cult pose for me for the fact that
to get anywhere close to finish- ground. I would say this pose is I couldn’t fully grasp the mental
ing this pose. So I would rank it easy and most people can com- side of it. I would rate it as a 5
as 1 star because I believe if you plete this pose with little to no star because some people are re-
get to the pose it will help stretch difficulty. I would rate this pose ally good at clearing their minds
lower back and glutes but I it is as a 5 star for the fact most peo- and being able to connect to
very hard and challenging for ple can complete easily but it is their mind, body and spirit all in
most people to be able to com- a stress relieving and relaxation one by using yoga.
plete this pose. Camel represen- pose. This help with the mental,
tation in the world is endurance, emotional and spiritual which
strength, persistence, sacrifice are very important with yoga.
along with incredible patience Sat Kriya is an easy begin-
and steadiness. ner pose. You start by sitting on
Yoga Talk with
Nicole Eisenbiel
N icole Eisenbiel is a physical education teacher based at Central York
High School. As a teacher there for many years, she is experienced in
her field and a helpful guide to students of all fitness interests.

Can you introduce it is a very involved every day for 15 hours What was the main
yourself and what do process to teach yoga. a day, or something like force that drove you to
you do? It’s not an easy process that. It was intense. begin learning yoga?
I am Nicole Eisen- to go through the train- Well, I had a yoga
beil and I teach health ing, so I just wanted to What forms of yoga teacher that I looked
and Phys. Ed, and I challenge myself and can you teach? up to and aspired to be
also teach yoga and a try something new. The style that I teach is like her. She influenced
kickboxing class after called “baptiste”. Power me in the beginning.
school. How long have you yoga is another name
been teaching yoga? for it. What is the main take-
What inspired you to Probably 5 and a half away you get when you
start teaching yoga? years. What about yoga res- perform or help others
I started teaching oth- onated with you when perform this practice?
er classes first, other How did you learn to you first learned about I think when I teach it,
kinds of fitness classes, teach yoga? it? it’s like a gift that you
soI had already had I took a 200-hour I think just the connec- can gift to people and
a background in that training course to be a tion with your mind you get an hour to fo-
kind of teaching. I took registered Yoga teacher. and your body, and cus and relax. It gives
yoga for a very long I did it at a place called how it’s a good way to them a chance for an
time and then thought Evolution Power Yoga. destress and focus just hour to take for them-
maybe I wanted to give I did an intensive train- on your breathing. selves. Most of the peo-
myself a challenge since ing that was 3 weeks ple I teach are adults,
so they have busy lives. It gives ty. So I think that it keeps your
them the chance, for an hour, body limber so you can partici-
just to have some time to them- pate in other activities as well. It
sevles. I think the biggest take- helps calm me, it helps relax my
away is that they appreciate that breathing. If I’m feeling anxious
and that I get to experience that or nervous about something,
with them. usually when I’m done practic-
ing I feel much better.
What has yoga taught you about
yourself or others? Why do you think other people
Hmm, a lot. I guess to be pa- should do yoga?
tient with yourself. It’s a prac- As I said earlier, I think there’s
tice, so you’re not going to be something in it for everyone.
perfect at it. It’s an ever growing Some people do it more for the
and changing practice. Every exercise part of it, some people
day is different, depending on do it more for a stress reliever,
how your day is going or how some people do it for religious
you’re feeling. Also, that every- reasons. I think there’s some-
one is different. Not everyone thing there for every person to
can do the same things in yoga. take away from it.
Some people can do a hand-
stand easily and other people Anything else you’d like to say
can barely touch their toes. It’s about what you do and why you
for everyone, which I think do it?
makes it unique. The process of going through
the training forces you to step
Why do you think yoga is a re- outside your comfort zone. It
spected practice? forces you to do things or teach
I think because it’s done all over things that maybe you’re not
the world. People of all differ- completely comfortable doing
ent ages participate in yoga. or teaching. A lot of the train-
People of all different back- ing is assisting. That means
grounds. There’s yoga with goats that you are helping someone if
now, even yoga with dogs. It’s they are doing yoga. You know
just become very mainstream. how to make a pose better for
Originally, I think it started out that person. It might be putting
related more to Buddhism and your hands on their back so
religion, but now it’s grown so they know to relax their shoul-
much that so many people are ders. There’s a lot of education
exposed to it now. There’s so involved in it. I think it’s chal-
many different forms of it that lenging, that’s for sure. But, in a
I feel like there’s always a form good way! y
that’s right for every person.
Some are more challenging than
others. You can go to a studio
with hot yoga. It just depends
on what you’re looking for.

How has yoga improved your

I think as you get older, it’s im-
portant to keep stretching be-
cause that’s something that as
you age, you lose your flexibili-
Yoga Health

oga has been a benefit from everyday physically body all lead to better overall health.
to known to benefit the pains. That is specifically where Through all of this you learn to
human body in many it helps each part of the body slow down and see the world at
different ways. The areas that but overall it increases ener- a slow pace then everyone else
it mainly targets are the core, gy, better balance, along with which helps so much. Spiri-
arms, legs, glutes, and back. helping normalize digestion tual it makes you feel a con-
The reasoning how yoga can and weight while increasing nection from your body, mind
hit in all of these target spots bone density, improving car- and spirit as well as being able
is due to the fact that it uses all diovascular health, improving to reconnect with true essence
parts of the body from doing breathing, and strengthening and getting ultimate spiritually
the most simplest or complex your immune system.But not fulfillment. All forms of yoga
poses to do. It helps with taking only physically it also helps will help with flexibility aero-
away love handles or helping get people emotional, mentally, bic, strength, and it is a sport
those abs you have always want- and spiritually. Emotional yoga which is low impact. This is
ed. While doing certain poses helps with making you have great things for people of any
helps equally spread the weight positive thoughts, self-accep- age can be involved in doing
of your body across you evenly. tance, boosting self-esteem as along with an skill level because
Any types of planks represent you start to improve and helps skill doesn’t matter. It is that you
this, from side plank to crow your mind and body become are getting out and doing some-
pose. While it also works on more in tune with your rela- thing physical which will help
the shaping of the legs through tionships with others. Mentally your body. Along with yoga
working all sides which include yoga teaches you to relax while not being a very costly thing to
the quadriceps, hips and thighs. managing your stress levels do, (there are places you can go
Physically yoga works on glu- and increasing ability to focus and get a monthly or year pass
tes by warrior pose, which are and concentrate. You see this in or even just do it at your own
deep knee bends and the back, meditation helps you observe house) you can utilize Youtube
by relieving a sore back. Yoga is and learn to control your mind. videos to get healthier or see
a form of exercise which helps This ability helps you to learn what a class is like. Everything
anywhere from stretching mus- and retain new information. is at your fingertips for you to
cles, strengthening and building Reliefs of anxiety, over-think- try out and see what fits you
muscles while also relieving you ing, while reducing stress which best for your health.
The Branches of


ntroducing a complete set of 8 uniquely cho-

sen yoga positions, designed to parallell var-
ious branches and sub-branches within our
U.S. government.
a personal, structured routine, there is a connec-
tion to be made with these forms for everyone.
Learn information on each pose in relation to
it’s government branch parallel, the instructions
Whether you look at these poses for the on how to perform these poses, and apply them
purpose of learning, or whether you use them as based upon the level of difficulty for each pose.
Congress Level 1
his perfectly symmetrical pose is a lot like
Congress, which is the lawmaking branch
of Legislative government. Congress is
comprised of the Senate and the House of Rep-
“This perfectly symmet- resentatives. Because the power of Congress is
rical pose is a lot like shared equally between these two sections, and

Congress, which is the laws cannot be passed without the approval of

both, balancing in the body between two halves
lawmaking branch of is a physical way of translating this branch into a

Legislative government.” form of yoga.

To perform this pose, sit with your legs flat
in front of you in a sitting position, and then ll
them to your torso with your hands as far as you
can. Keep your back posture very straight and
your breathing steady as you perform this pose.
Senate Level 1
ithin the senate, each state in the
United States is required to have two
“The six twists in senators. Since it is uncommon for
senators to be elected every two years, these six
this yoga pose repre- point serve as six different focuses that a senator

sent of the six-year must look at as well. These focuses vary, but big
ones include environment, economy, welfare,
terms that Senators agriculture, employment, and education for their
respective state.
are elected by.” To perform this pose, begin with one leg on
the ground and one leg held in a position close
to your glutes. Slowly, life your leg wih the aid of
your arm and lean forward for balance.
Conference Committee Level 1
hen the Senate and the House of
Representatives cannot agree to you
“This leg, that serves as sta- pass a law, a conference committee
is required to form and settle the disagreement.
bility for the whole body, This pose, which puts balances uneven weight
above the core of the body, is grounded by a sin-
represents the concept of a gle leg. This leg, that serves as stability for the
conference committee: cre- whole body, represents the concept of a confer-
ence committee: creating a reliable beam for the
ating a reliable beam for the weight to be supported by.
To perform this pose, begin with one leg on
weight to be supported by.” the ground and one leg held in a position close
to your glutes. Slowly, life your leg wih the aid of
your arm and lean forward for balance.
Supreme Court Level 2
“Just as the US Consti- J
ust as the Supreme Court is the most tradi-
tional court in the Judicial Branch, this pose
serves as a similarly traditional yoga poses

tution is the foundation that is suitable for most body types. The Supreme
Court is the only court of its kind, only receiving
of our country, the trunk hearing is related to the US Constitution. This

is always the founda- pose, loosely resembling a tree, is meant to re-

semble a foundation. Just as the US Constitution
tion of a tree or a body.” is the foundation of our country, the trunk is
always the foundation of a tree or a body.
To perform this pose, start standing on two
feet and folding your hands together in front of
you. Slowly take a footoff the ground and bring
it as close to the core of your boay as you can. Be
sure to maintain steady posture and breathing as
you perform this pose.
Federal Court Level 2
“In this position, two F
ederal courts in each state only receive two
kinds of hearings: cases involving federal
laws in issues beyond the authority of the

limbs of the body reach state, or cases that were previously appealed from
the state’s supreme court system. In this posi-
out very far in two di- tion, two limbs of the body reach out very far

rections while the other in two directions while the other two limbs stay
closer to the body. This represents the two differ-
two limbs stay closer to ent kinds of hearings the federal courts provide.

the body. ” Since federal courts do not possess the full deci-
sive power as Supreme Courts process for these
types of cases, this position remains fairly relaxed
and closer to the ground.
To perform this pose, start in a kneeling
position. Let one leg unfold, bringing it out to
the side of ethe body as far as it can go. As your
leg unfolds, bring your arm in a crescent-shape
above the head. The arm below the head can rest
on the extended leg.
District Court Level 2
“In this yoga position, D
istrict courts are the most abundant type
of court system within each state in the
United States. These courts handle near-

roughly 80% of the ly 300,000 cases a year, which is about 80% of

all court cases in America. In this yoga position,
body’s muscles or are roughly 80% of the body’s muscles or are being

being worked, physi- worked, physically representing the heavy work-

load that district courts perform within the Judi-
cally representing the cial branch of government.

heavy workload that To perform this pose, start by laying flat

on the ground with your arms above your head.
district courts perform Together, slowly life your torso and legs, bring-

within the Judicial ing your arms over your head and in front of
you. Your back should be straight, and your arms
branch of government.” should end up being parallel with your legs.
Commander in Chief Level 3
s of last couple years in the United States,
our president of the United States—
“In this position, two known as the “commander-in-chief “ in

limbs of the body reach technical terms—is a very well-known in chaotic

figure. To represent this in its entirety, the pose
out very far in two di- is meant to overlap at as many points as possible

rections while the other and appear chaotic. The overlapping hands and
feet represent the contradiction and hypocrisy
two limbs stay closer to in the leadership that our commander-in-chief

the body. ” has demonstrated within the past couple years of

being elected.
To perform this pose, start in a
standing pose, arms out in front of
you. Bend both elbows at a 90=de-
gree angle in front of you, and then
rest one elbow within the other. Then,
overlap your wrists in a similar way.
At the lower half of your body, lift one
leg and rest it in the dip behind your
opposite knee. Use the leg you are
carrying your weight on to bend down
slightly, activating the muscles in your
thighs and glutes. Be sure to keep
your back straight and your breathing
steady while you perform this pose.
Cabinet Level 3
he cabinet is a collection of departments
the control different aspects of the ex-

“The cabinet is a ecutive branch. For all but one of these

departments, the commander-in-chief himself

collection of de- is able to elect or remove the leaders. However,

represented by the very top reaching arm of this

partments the yoga pose, this ability does not apply to the De-
partment of Defense. All the other far-reaching

control different limbs of the body represent various other depart-

ments, such as the Department of Energy or the

aspects of the ex- Department of Healthcare. This position general-

ly symbolizes the numerous departments that the

ecutive branch.” Executive Branch controls.

To perform this pose, tsart in a standing
position, arms out in a T-position. Then, lift one
leg up so that your weight is shifted to one foot.
Slowly, bring your body over the leg that is carry-
ing your weight, so that it is at a 90-degree angle
to it. Be sure to keep your arms, back, and ex-
tended foot straight as you perform this pose.

oga, in essence, is the THE MIND these, the slow and steady body
practice of being in com- movements of yoga could be
plete oneness with the The mind is the core of our the key to restoring the overall
mind, body, and breathing. In very being. We can feel handi- health of people that are part of
the era of Trump’s presidency, capped when we are subjected the liberal party. Because yoga
we all know that oneness be- to migraines induced by infor- is designed to harmonize your
tween those three elements are mation we cannot control; most body with your mind, physicall
the last thing the majority of especially information we fun- exhaustian induced by political
us have left. However, between damentally do not align with. debate would be eliminated as
news, current events, and polit- Yoga is a practice designed to a harmful agent in this time in
ical debate, no one has a bigger bring your mind to peace by history. And in the long run, it
ache in the head than the liberal meditating on things that are might even save the lives of the
party. Every statement released both good and bad, and being people of the liberal party.
by news or press straight from at peace with things that are out
President Trump tends to end of our hands. This especially THE BREATH
with liberal debate, whether it applies to the situation at hand,
be among political figures or considering that political con- It can feel hard to breathe
ordinary citizens. Regardless, troversy is the main antagonis- when your a political founda-
as events come and go along tic force in media conflict. This tions are being insulted right on
Trump’s timeline as president, practice of channeling inner the very platform that respectful
so does leftist discussion. If peace could be something that debate has always existed on. In
you or anyone you have ever the liberal party needs in this television discussions and de-
known fall into the thousands presidential era more than any- bates. liberal speakers appear as
who feel the mental strain of thing. if they have no time to breathe
living through the propaganda in order to say all that is on
that comes from Trump’s legacy, THE BODY their minds. Yoga, in essence,
then here are some new ways to is designed to sync thoughts
release yourself from the strain Liberal controversy against and body movements all to the
that this time in history brings statements from Trump is phys- simple rhythm of your natural
to the table. ically exhausting no matter how breathing. In the allotted time it
you look at it. In situations like takes to perform 5 to 10
minutes of yoga, a liberal party
member could put into practice
the values of this political party
and restore themselves from the
grips of a migrane.


Political debate is a fact of

life. It exists whether we advo-
cate for it or not. Not only does
it exist on television, but also in
our most personal encounters.
Sharing our political views and
critisisms is what brings us, as
people of a nation, a sort of uni-
ty. Without political debate, our
country would be being run by
leaders selected by people who
did not truly represent us. As
quoted by the liberal party:

“The Liberal Party ex-

ists to build a Liberal
Society in which every
citizen shall possess
liberty, property and
security, and none
shall be enslaved by
poverty, ignorance or
conformity. Its chief
care is for the rights
and opportunities of
the individual and in
all spheres it sets free-
dom first.”
The core value of the lib-
eral party is for every citizen to
possess liberty and belongings
in security that cannot be tak-
en away from us without good
cause. After all, yoga is not just
for the average hard-working
mother and her girlfriends, it
is an ancient practice that has
existed much before this time
in American history. Yoga is a
movement that is truly applica-
ble to every kind of person.

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