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This homework assignment is due at the beginning of second class.

The written portion of this homework assignment should be ½ to ¾ of a page. You will use two
documents: The Team-Player Styles and the Behavior Inventory. Please type and use 12 font.

1. Complete the Team-Player Styles survey.

2. Complete your Behavior Inventory survey.
3. Have 2 co-workers fill out separate Behavioral Inventory surveys.
4. Answer these questions with a brief statement.
a. What is your behavioral work style? Do you agree with the results of the exercise? Why?
b. Did your co-workers agree/disagree with your own assessment? Why or why not?
c. What Team Player Style do you have?
5. Write a brief statement explaining why your friends/family agree or disagree with your style
from the Behavioral Inventory. Remember there is no good or bad style here. It just is your style.
6. Then take all the behavioral inventories filled out from everyone and yourself and the Team-
Player Style exercise and write a short synthesis identifying how you may have to adapt your
work style to be a better Contributor, Collaborator, Communicator, or Challenger as indicated in
The Team-Player Styles portion of the exercise you completed (Just 1 or maybe 2 styles of the
7. I will collect only your written paper.

Please, do not repeat the definitions of the styles to save space.

Example answers:

1. My work style is_____

2. Others at work see me as an amiable because-----.
3. My friends and family see me as an expressive because-----.
4. My team-player style is a challenger (hint: The 4 Team Player Styles correlate to the 4 work
styles) . Since an amiable and an expressive are located in the responsive half (emotional) of the
Behavior Inventory, to be a Challenger (one who questions the facts presented and is willing to
disagree with the leader) I should adapt my work style to one of not getting emotional over the
presentation and remember that the other team members are looking towards me for taking
well-conceived risks. Since I tend to be flamboyant I must concentrate on what I hate analyzing,
the details. I must appear to the team as analytical and a driver to give credibility to my analysis
and control my expressive style which may give the impression of not caring how we get there,
only that we get there. The team sees me as honest and principled.

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