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Applicability of SCS curve number method for a California Oak woodlands watershed

Article  in  Journal of Soil and Water Conservation · January 2000


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3 authors:

David J. Lewis Michael J Singer

University of California, Davis University of California, Davis


Kenneth W Tate
University of California, Davis


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(AGNPS) (Young et al., 1985).
Applicability of SCS Curve CN defines runoff volume (Q as a
function of total precipitation (I?) and the
Number Method for a potential maximum soil water retention
California Oak Woodlands after runoff begins (S) through Equation
(1) (Haan et al. 1994; SCS 1985; Ralli-
son and Miller 198 1).

(P - 0.2s)2
D. Lewis, M.J. Singer, K.W. Tate Q= P + 0.8s

A B S T M C E The curve number (CN) method devebped by the Soil Conservation Service (now The value for S is calculated using the
NRCS) for predicting peak runofffiom Watershed has not been extensively tested in western curve number (CN) from equation (2).
regtons of t h United
~ States. We used a 17 year rainfill and runof record ?om a California
Oak woodlurid watershed to compare the accuracy of CN as prescribed in the SCS National
Enginewing Handbook (NEH-4) with two alternative method. Each method predicted mean
annual peak runoff that was not signijkanth dtffweent f;om observed runofl and correlation
between estimated and observed runof’om each of the three method was statistically signif;- The standard procedure (called the
cant. However, the highest correlation coeftcient showed that only 50% of the variability in the NEH-4 procedure after the publication
dntd were ni~ountedforby any of the methods. The NEH-4 method underpredicted maximum that describes it) is to select a CN for a
flowsfor tbe &best flow years. The more conservative Hjelmfilt method more frequently over- given soil series, land use, and land treat-

Copyright © 2000 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved.
predicted peak flow. Overpredictionprovides a measure of safety when using the CN technique. ment from tables developed through

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 55(2):226-230

analysis of watershed data (SCS 1985).
Keyword: Fore-rt hydrology, oak woodland, watershed management, wildland hydrology
Each soil series was assigned to one of

Figure 1
R elating storm runoff volume to rain-
all volume is of direct importance to
drainage and flood structure design.
However, there are few watersheds in
which rainfall and runoff are routinely
measured. This is particularly true for the
millions of hectares of upland Oak grass-
land watersheds in California. These wa-
tersheds are important for cattle grazing,
second home development, wildlife habi-
50 t
cat, and water. Even in watersheds with v

rainfall and runoff records, the relation- EC

ship between annual peak runoff and 3
rainfall is not simple. For example, for a
the Schubert experimental watershed,
only 39% of the variability in annual
peak runoff was explained by rainfall with
a regression slope of 0.63 (Figure 1 ) . This
result suggests that there is considerable
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
risk in over or under designing flood con-
trol structures using this simple relation- Rainfall (mm)
ship. A more accurate method is required
that can better account for conditions Figure 1. Schubert watershed annual peak runoff as a function of correspond-
ing annual rainfall from 1981 to 1997. Correlation coefficient 1.2 = 0.39.
found in Mediterranean Oak woodland
watersheds, such as Schubert.
The curve number approach (CN) was use is to determine a design discharge four hydrologic soil groups, according to
developed by the Soil Conservation (SCS 1985). The CN approach is simple, the soil’s minimum infiltration rate.
Service to predict peak annual runoff on predictable, and stable (Ponce and Group A soils have low runoff and high
ungaged watersheds. Its most common Hawkins 1996). Because of these charac- infiltration rates; group B soils have mod-
teristics, it has been used in hydrologic erate infiltration rates; group C soils have
- -.
models such as Chemicals, Runoff, and low infiltration rates; and group D soils
David Lewij is a Research Assistant and Michael Erosion From Agricultural Management have high runoff potential (SCS 1986).
Singer i 3 n P~ofisssorof Soil Science in the Depart-
Systems (CREAMS) (Kiesel 1980), Curve number values reported in
ment of Land, Air, and Water Resources Depart-
ment of the Uniuersirp.of California. Kenneth Tate Groundwater Loading Effects of Agricul- NEH-4 (SCS 1985) are for antecedent
1 ) 17 Rungeland Watershed Hydrologist i n the tural Management Systems (GLEAMS) soil moisture condition I1 (AMC-11).
Department of Agronomy and Range Science at the (Leonard et al., 1986) and Agricultural This is one of three antecedent soil mois-
I!niversrry orCaL@rnia. Non-Point Source Pollution Model ture conditions established to account for
the runoff conditions that exist at climate has also been questioned (Ponce hams and Auburn-Las Posas-Argonaut
the time of each storm event. AMC-I1 is and Hawkins 1996). The objective of this gravely loams (Epifanio 1989). Soil pit
defined by either average conditions, study was to test the accuracy and appro- observations within the Schubert water-
median CN, or antecedent rainfall tables priateness of the NEH-4 CN technique shed consistently identified very stony
(SCS 1985). Median C N is the C N that for the study site and the environment it clay subsoils with 40% average clay con-
divides runoff and rainfall data into equal represents and to compare this method tent (Huang 1997). This clay content,
numbers. Quantitative and qualitative with two other published C N techniques. along with the bedrock, at the site limit
description of average conditions is not deep percolation of water (Dahlgren and
clear, but it appears to correspond to con- Materials and methods
Singer 1994).
ditions when annual flooding occurs. Site description. The Schubert water- The site is primarily managed as range-
The definition of AMC-I1 is critical to shed is located approximately 96 km (60 land with light to moderate beef cattle
the successful use of CN because CN for mi) northeast of Sacramento, California grazing during January to March and
AMC-I and AMC-I11 are calculated from in Yuba County, on the University of August to October. Average AUM/ha was
CN for AMC-I1 by these equations: California Sierra Foothill Research and 0.22 (0.54 AUM ac). Additional manage-
Extension Center (SFREC). The 103 ha ment included conversion of 14% of
4.2CN(II) (254 ac) watershed ranges in elevation the watershed area from Oak cover to
CN (I) = (3) from 152 m (500 ft) to 427 m (1,400 fi) open grasslands between 1984 to 1986
10 - 0.058CN(II)
with slopes that average 18% and range (Epifanio 1989).
from 2% to 50%. The annual rainfall Instrumentation. In 1978 the stream
CN (1111) = (4) distribution reflects California’s Mediter- was instrumented with a three foot Par-
10 + O.l3CN(II) ranean climate with average monthly shall flume for stage height measurements
rainfall greatest in the wet, cool winters during high flow events and a tandem

Copyright © 2000 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved.
In general, condition I (ARIC-I) is for and absent in the dry, hot summers. one foot 90 degree V notch weir for stage

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 55(2):226-230

storm events occurring with little to no Average annual rainfall and stream flow height measurements during low flow
preceding rainfall. Condition I11 (AMC- during the 17 year study were 708 mm periods. Stage height was continually
111) is for storm events that follow consid- (27.9 in) and 344 mm (13.5 in). The measured by floats inside stilling wells
erable rainfall when infiltration rates are averages include extreme variability beside the flume and weir; these data
at their lowest. among years, with minimum and maxi- were recorded on charts. From these data,
Antecedent rainfall tables provide a mum annud rainfall of 367 mm (14.5 in) the annual, seasonal, monthly, and daily
predetermined convention for AMC-I, 11, and 1,212 mm (47.8 in) and minimum discharge was calculated. Streamflow
and I11 designation based on five day and maximum annual stream flow of 88 volume, converted to depth by dividing
antecedent rainfall. The comparison of mm (3.5 in) and 848 mm (33.4 in). discharge by the watershed area, is
these definitions by Hjelmfelt (1991) Dominated by blues Oaks (QUPYCUS referred to as runoff. It was assumed that
identified a consistency in runoff predic- douglarii) and intermixed with interior runoff was the sum of overland and sub-
tion between the average conditions and live Oaks (Q. wislizenii) and foothills surface flow (Haan et al. 1994). Rainfall
median curve number if annual peak pine (Pinus sabiniana), the vegetation quantity and intensity were measured
runoff events are used. The antecedent of the site typifies foothill Oak wood- with tipping bucket rain gauges a t three
rainfall table definition was not dis- lands (Griffin 1988). Distributed uneven- different elevations within the study site.
missed, but was not advised by Hjelmfelt ly, these trees create a mosaic of open Although measurements were first
(1991) because of problems identified by grasslands, savanna, and woodlands recorded in 1978, consistent data collec-
SCS in its application. (Epifanio 1989). Annual grasses and tion began in 1981, resulting in the 17
Results from field calibration of CN, legumes dominate the understory, pro- year record used in this study.
using measured rainfall and runoff, have viding > 90% ground coverage. Species D a t a analysis. W e compared the
identified considerable variability in C N diversity and production differs under the NEH-4 CN method to two alternate
selection and runoff volume calculations Oak canopy and in the open grasslands methods for determining CN. The first
(Hawkins 1993; Hjelmfelt 199 1 ; (Jackson et al. 1990; and Jansen 1987). was that presented by Hjelmfelt (199 1).
Boughton 1989). This variability is Oak stocking varies from 90 to 200 trees In his review of 14 watershed data sets,
expected (SCS 1985) and points to the ha with a minimum canopy coverage of annual peak runoff and corresponding
importance of conducting site-specific 70% (Dahlgren et al., 1997). rainfall were used to calculate the proba-
and regional calibration studies with long Soils a t Schubert are classified as bility distribution of S using Equation
term watershed research data, Consider- Auburn-Sobrante-Las Posas Association (1). With a lognormal distribution of S,
able long term research of this nature has (Herbert and Begg 1969). These are the mean or 50% probability of S used
been conducted throughout the eastern shallow to moderately deep, medium with Equation (2) determined the CN for
and midwestern regions of the United textured, gravely and rocky soils (classi- AMC-11. Frequency values at the 10%
States (Van Cleve and Martin 1991; fied as fine, mixed, thermic Typic Hap- and 90% probabilities for S were then
Haan et al. 1994; Hawkins 1993; Hjelm- loxeralfs). Formed in basic metavolcanic used to determine CN for AMC-I and
felt 1991), but little long term research (greenstone) bedrock of the Smartville AMC-111 in the same manner.
has been reported for the west. More complex (Beiersdorfer 1979), they are The second method was an asymptotic
importantly, the available data raises the rich in Fe-oxides. Field mapping found determination of CN, recommended by
question of the accuracy and applicability that 58% of the site is comprised of the Hawkins (1 993). Frequency matching
of C N for western climatic conditions Sobrante-Las Posas rocky loams, 39% was employed by equating rainfall (P)
(Hawkins 1993). The ability to adapt the Sobrante-Auburn very rocky loams, and and runoff (Q) event return periods.
C N approach to regional geology and 1% each Sobrante-Las Posas very rocky Rainfall and runoff depths were sorted


separately and reassigned as rank-ordered Results and discussion 1997; Dahlgren and Singer 1994), as well
pairs of equal return periods. As first Hydrologic group designations for soils as preferential flow paths observed in
interpreted by Hjelmfelt (1980), this in the watershed were Argonaut D; other forested watersheds (Mosley 1979;
method of rank-ordering does not require Auburn D; Sobrante; C. Group designa- Freeze 1974; Dunne and Black 1970).
that storm runoff events be matched with tion for Las Posas was not available. D u r i n g the 1 7 years, peak annual
respective rainfall events, only that equal Although Sobrante associations with events occurred under CN-I conditions
rainfail and runoff return frequencies be Argonaut, Auburn, and Las Posas soils once, under CN-I1 conditions three
matched. For each rank-ordered pair, S make up the largest portion of the water- times, and under CN-I11 conditions 13
was calculated using the following qua- shed, hydrologic group D was selected for times, according to NEH-4 (SCS 1985)
dratic equation developed by Hawkins the watershed to ensure the most conserv- (Table 2). Analysis of variance indicated a
(1993): ative estimate of runoff, following the rec- significant difference between means cal-
ommendations in NEH-4 (SCS 1985) for culated by the S probability and NEH-4
S = 5(P t 24- 4Q2 + 5PQ)’ (Q,P,S mm,in) ( 5 ) hydrologic group selection. In addition to methods (p = 0.009) by the Kruskal-
the hydrologic group designation, the site Wallis test (Hesel and Hirsch 1995).
These S values were then substituted was characterized as pasture and range in However, all three C N applications pre-
into Equation (2) to calculate C N for good hydrologic condition, according to dicted runoff values with no significant
each Q P pair. The relationship between the definition by soil group, cover type, differences to the observed values (Figure
the calculated CN and rainfall volume and cover density (SCS 1985). Curve 4). Predicted mean peak-annual runoff
was then plotted and used to determine numbers were lowest using NEH-4, inter- was highest for the S-probability method
an AMC-I1 C N value. mediate for the asymptotic method and and lowest for NEH-4 (Table 2). Com-
Using the CNs determined by each highest for the S probability method parison of estimated peak runoff to
method, runoff was calculated for the 17 observed runoff indicates that the S prob-

Copyright © 2000 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved.
(Table 1). The 10, 50, and 90% S proba-
peak annual runoff events. Analysis of

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 55(2):226-230

bility values were taken from Figure 2. As- ability procedure overestimated runoff 12
variance and multiple comparison tests years and underestimated it five years
ymptotic analysis was based on Figure 3.
were used to determine differences in (Table 2). In comparison, runoff estima-
T h e relationship in Figure 3 of the
means among the estimated and observed tions from the NEH-4 and asymptotic
derived C N values approaching a con-
runoff (Hesel and Hirsch 1995). In addi- methods were below observed values 12
stant value as rainfall increases is “stan-
tion, sum-of-least-squares and regression and 10 years and above observed values
dard,” corresponding to high lateral flow
analysis of observed runoff and estimated five and seven years, respectively. This
conditions (Hawkins 1993). This is in
runoff were used to assess the effective- high variability between actual and ob-
agreement with conditions of lateral flow
ness of the methods. served runoff for all three CN methods is
proposed for this watershed ( H u a n g
expected (SCS 1985). The errors are ran-
Table 1. Curve numbers for the Schubert watershed determined from NEH-4, dom and the differences in estimated and
S-frequency return period, and asymptotic methods. observed values are neither all minus or
Method AMC-I AMC-II AMC-Ill all plus. Accuracy determinations de-
NEH-4 scribed in NEH-4 (SCS 1985) emphasize
63 80 91 that estimated runoff results reflect the
S-probability 86 91 99 same return period frequency as observed
Asymptotic 70 85 94 runoff rather than exact agreement of
Note: AMC-antecedent moisture condition as defined by SCS (1985).
runoff values.

Figure 2 Figure 3




5 70

5 60



5 30


‘1 50 I00 150

I t A Rainfall (mm)
10 30 50 70 90 Figure 3. Schubert watershed asymptotic determination
Exceedence Probability (%) of curve number. Data-derived curve numbers are plotted
as a function of corresponding rainfall volume.
Figure 2. Schubert watershed maximum soil water reten-
tion (S) return period frequency for 17 year peak annual Note: The solid line represents the threshold of runoff
runoff events. initiation (P > 0.2s).

228 1OLf:N4L O F S O I L AEU’D W A T E R C O N S E R V A T I O N

Table 2: Observed and estimated runoff for 17 peak annual runoff events in the Schubert watershed.
Cumulative Observed NEH-4 S-f requency Asymptotic
AMC Rainfall Runoff Runoff Runoff Runoff
Year Condition (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
1981 Ill 20 9 6 20 9
1982 Ill 64 38 41 64 48
1983 Ill 49 28 28 49 34
1984 II 53 30 16 40 22
1985 Ill 54 36 32 51 39
1986 111 70 62 47 70 54
1987 Ill 8 4 0 8 1
1988 II 26 8 2 15 5
1989 Ill 66 35 43 63 50
1990 Ill 33 12 14 33 19
1991 Ill 37 19 18 37 23
1992 Ill 62 35 40 62 46
1993 Ill 26 21 9 26 13
1994 II 36 5 6 24 10
1995 Ill 64 44 41 61 48
1996 I 59 27 5 19 9
1997 Ill 41 57 21 41 26

Copyright © 2000 Soil and Water Conservation Society. All rights reserved.

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 55(2):226-230

45 28 22 38 27
St. Dev. 18 17 16 20 18
r2 0.49 0.50 0.50
P= (0.002) (0.001) (0.001)

Regression analysis of estimated runoff

on observed runoff was highly significant
for all three methods (Table 2). These re- 70 -
sults indicated that all three CN methods
improved the prediction of annual peak
60 -

runoff compared to rainfall alone (Figure
50 -
1). In addition, they indicated that a
lower S value and higher CN-11, generat- n

E 40 -
ing a near one-to-one relationship for E
rainfall and runoff in AMC-111 condi- 5 30 -
tions are needed. 2=I
If predicted peak runoff is statistically U 20 -
the same as measured peak runoff for all
three methods, there is a reason to select 10 -
one method over another. If flood predic-
tion is a major reason for using the CN 0-
procedure, the S probability method is
the most conservative and has the largest Observed NEH-4 S-probability Asymptotic
built-in safety factor for the experimental
watershed because it most frequently
overpredicted peak runoff compared to Curve Number Method
the other two methods. For example,
water year 1986 had the highest observed Figure 4. Analysis of variance among observed and estimated peak annual
runoff (Table 2). T h e S probability runoff. A line within the box shows means.
method estimated 70 mm (2.8 in) of
Note: 25th and 75th percentiles are shown as horizontal ends of the boxes
runoff compared to 47 mm (1.8 in) and and the whisker lines furthest from the boxes show 10th and 90th percentiles.
54 mm (2.1 in) for the NEH-4 and as-
ymptotic methods, respectively. Flood
control structures built based o n the S the highest dollar cost, which is not con- that curve number explained more than
probability predicted runoff will better sidered in this analysis. 75% of the variability (Hawkins 1993;
contain the peak runoff than structures These results do not explain, however, Hjelmfelt 1991). One possible answer to
based on either the NEH-4 or asymptotic why all three methods for determining this question is identification of stream-
methods. Engineering based on overpre- C N were at best only able to explain 51% flow sources in forested watersheds.
diction of peak flows may have the largest of the runoff variability for the 17 annual Water infiltration in such settings usually
built-in safety factor, but may also have peak runoff events. Other studies showed exceeds rainfall intensity (Dunne and

S E C O N D Q U A R T E R 2000 229
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Acknowledgments Jansen, H. 1987. The effect of blue oak removal on
herbaceous production on a foothill site in the
Partial support-fir this work came?om the northern Sierra Nevada. T.R Plumb and N.H.
cllnivet-sity o f California International Pillsbury (Technical Coordinators). Multiple-
Agricaltur d Development Graduate Group use management of California’s hardwood
resources. In the proceedings of the Symposium
and the Justro-Shields f u n d . Thanks t o of the Pacific Southwest Forest Range Experi-
Mike Conner, Dave Labadie, and the ment Station, Berkeley, CA.
Sierra Foothills Research and Extension
Center s t a f j w continued szlpport in sam-


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