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1.1 Trigger
A marathon athlete named “Fast” came to visit his best friend, “Strong”, a
bodybuilder, at the training center. When he arrived there, “Strong” was
exercising his arm using a 20-kg dumbell, then continued his exercise with
push-ups. Once completed, “Strong” approached “Fast” while mentioning
types of exercise he did such as bicep curls and bench press.

While having conversation, “Fast” observed “Strong”'s contained and

muscular arms and legs, which he noticed to get bigger as “Strong” lift the
dumbbell. He realized that in comparison to “Strong”'s muscle, his is not as
contained and muscular despite being a marathon athlete who trains

“Fast” then tried to lift the dumbbell that was used by “Strong” and failed to lift
it with only one hand. While attempting to lift the dumbbell, he felt that his arm
muscles harden eventhough his arm didn’t move.

1.2 Clarification and Definition

a. Bench press is an upper body strange training exercise that consist of
pressing weight upward from a supine position
b. Muscle is a tissue composed of cells or fibers, the contraction of which
produces movement in the body
c. Biceps curls is a weight training exercise to develop biceps brachi size
and this endurance or strength
d. Push up is a kind of gymnastic force severs to strengthen the muscle
bicep and tricep the position of the beginning is prone position with his
hand on the both side.

1.3 Key word

a. Marathon athlete
b. Biceps curls
c. Bench press
d. The mass of muscle
e. Body builder

1.4 Problem case

What cause the differences size and power of muscle on marathon athlete
and body builder?
1.5 Problem analysis
Strong Fast

Train regulary as Train regulary as

marathon athlete body builder

Muscle Bone Joint

Anatomy Hystology Biochemistry Physiology

1.6 Hypothesis

The difference physical activity that cause the difference size and power of
muscle on marathon athlete and body builder

1.7 Discussion questions

1. Anatomi ekstrimitas atas dan ekstrimitas bawah
2. Otot
2.1 klasifikasi
2.2 histologi
2.3 otot yang bekerja pd bisep curls dan bench press
3. Otot rangka
3.1 histologi
3.2 biokimia
3.3 fisiologi
a) neuromuskular junction
b) mekanisme kekuatan dan ukuran otot
c) mekanisme kontraksi otot rangka
d) mekanisme relaksasi otot
4. Tulang
4.1 klasifikasi
4.2 histologi
5. Sendi
5.1 klasifikasi
5.2 struktur sendi
5.3 histologi
6. Bagaimana metabolisme dan pembentukan energi pada otot
7. Bagaimana perubahan sistem neuriomuskular dalam peningkatan
kekuatan otot
8. Bagaimana hubungan hipertrofi dengan kekuatan otot
9. Mengapa terjadi kekakuan otot pada pelari disaat mau mulai mengangkat
10. Faktor yang mempengaruhi ukuran dan kekuatan otot
11. Bagaimana jenis-jenis asupan nutrisi untuk pembentukan otot dan tulang

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