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Robert B. Sklaroff, M.D., F.A.C.P.

Medical Oncology/Hematology  Telephone: (215) 333-4900

 Facsimile: (215) 333-2023
Smylie Times Building - Suite #500-C
8001 Roosevelt Boulevard 
Philadelphia, PA 19152
January 178, 2019

To: Patrick J. O’Connor, Esq., Chair, Temple University Board of Trustees – Plus Trustees
Re: Marc Lamont Hill, Ph.D. [D.O.B. 12/17/1978]
Cc: {internet}

Illustrating how Temple is linked publicly to Jew-hatred is this excerpt from yesterday’s “anti-Semitism”
composition by Victor Davis Hanson [
1uUPCKazMMsNRcVRc0s]; his eminence and eloquence are simply unmatched within the Academy:

Temple professor, former CNN analyst, and self-described path-breaking intellectual

Marc Lamont Hill recently parroted the Hamas slogan of “a free Palestine from the river
to the sea” — boilerplate generally taken to mean that the goal is the destruction of the
current nation of Israel. And here, too, it’s understandable that Hill was shocked at the
ensuing outrage — talk of eliminating Israel is hardly controversial in hip left-wing culture.

This is how the Zionist Organization of America has compiled (and released today) some of the public
rhetoric espoused by this Jew-hater and avowed-anarchist (notwithstanding his unctuous denials),
recognizing that he not only targets Jews, but also anyone who disagrees with his Afro-Palestinian views.
Interspersed are moments with he fomented violence, highlighted accordingly [https://zoa.us7.list-].

ZOA Condemns Temple U Non-Action Against Pro-Violence, Radical Muslim Prof. Mark Lamont Hill

Hill Incited Violence Against Israeli Jews, Called Murdering Jews Self-Defense, Spread Blood Libels, Called
for Israel’s Destruction, Praised Terrorists, Opposed Israel Providing Security for Christian Pilgrims, Called
for Campus “Resistance”/Shut Downs/Unlawful Office Invasions

Temple’s Inaction and Weak Criticism Gives Green Light to Violence Against Jews & Christians & On

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) President Morton A. Klein and ZOA Director of Special Projects Liz
Berney, Esq. released the following updated statement:

Hill Has a Long Record of Inciting Violence - Update Note: This updated release adds statements made
by violence-inciter and radical Islamist Marc Lamont Hill during his scurrilous, defamatory March 6, 2017
speech at Rutgers University (video). Hill’s statements at Rutgers, and at other venues documented here
and previously, vividly demonstrate that Hill’s UN speech was only the tip of the iceberg. Hill has a long,
frightening record of inciting violence and promoting blood libels against the Jewish nation.

Hill Praises radical anti-Israel politics and Jew-haters: During his Rutgers speech, Hill admitted “I am a
radical. I’m very proud of that title,” and called for radical politics to be “normalized.” He also admitted
that he “was part of the organizing around Ferguson and Palestine,” which (absurdly) tried to interconnect
Black American and anti-Israel Palestinian-Arab “struggles.” Hill also lauded Jew-haters, including
terrorist Yasser Arafat; BDS-leader Angela Davis; convicted murderer and Black Liberation Army member
Asata Shakur; and terrorist-promoter Ahmad Abuznaid.

Hill endorses “land-stealing” blood libel and violence against Israelis: At Rutgers, Hill also spoke about
traveling to “Palestine” “every month, every other month”; and his first “Dream Defenders” (“DD”) trip to
“Palestine,” organized by Ahmad Abuznaid, including meetings with the anti-Israel BDS group Adalah, and
“rapping and talking about resistance to state violence” at “Dheisheh” (a refugee camp near Bethlehem
and known stronghold of designated terrorist organization PFLP). This is the same trip during which
keffiyeh-clad Hill declared while standing in Israel that we’re here in “Palestine” which “has been stolen
by greed and destroyed by hate,” and falsely accused Israel of writing laws “in the blood of the innocent,”
and endorsed “revolutionary struggle,” “resistance” and “fighting” against the Israeli “occupation” of

PFLP and PLO Connections; Hill Praises Arafat and Other Terrorists: The DD delegations to Israel
organized by Abuznaid (probably including Hill’s delegation) also met with BDS founder Omar Barghouti,
Diana Buttu (a PLO official during the Second Intifada), PFLP member Mahmoud Jiddeh – a convicted
terrorist who planted bombs in Israel, and vicious “defame Israel” group Addameer– a PFLP front group
that smears Israel while pretending to be a “human rights” group. Interestingly, Marc Lamont Hill’s
smears about Israel during Hill’s UN speech were virtually identical to the falsehoods purveyed by
Addameer and Abuznaid. The DD delegation also harassed Israeli soldiers in the ancient Jewish city of

Hill’s expression of excitement about Ahmad Abuzniad is rather telling. (Hill stated that “in that first trip,
there was so much energy around Palestine, partly because of Ahmad Abuznaid and him being a Dream
Defender.”) Ahmad Abuznaid co-founded the Soros-supported “Dream Defenders” movement and
promptly hijacked and transformed “Dream Defenders” into a virulent anti-Israel BDS and Israel-
demonization movement. Abuznaid now directs the Soros/OSF-funded NNAAC (a consortium of 26 Arab
groups). Ahmad Abuznaid’s father Nabil Abuznaid was a top PLO operative and close adviser to Yasser
Arafat. Abuznaid has a long, alarming record of praising and glorifying “father of modern terrorism”
Yasser Arafat; terrorist/murderer Rasmea Odeh; and airline-hijacker and unrepentant terrorist Leila Khalid
(see the detailed Canary Mission exposé on Ahmad Abuznaid) – the very same terrorists that Marc Lamont
Hill praises.

During his Rutgers University speech, Hill also glorified and upheld radical Islamist preacher-of-violence
Malcolm X as the example to look to, instead of just Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hill stated: “because so
many of us were committed to radical politics, we weren’t just looking to a [Martin Luther] King, we were
also looking to a Malcolm [X]. And because Malcolm [X] had talked about the black political
imaginary, because Malcolm [X] had talked about the need to support [Yasser] Arafat, because we had
seen such a strong commitment from the Black Panthers, we had seen James Baldwin writing really
passionately about the 6-Day War, and about ’48. . . . because we were out of that intellectual tradition,
I think it was easier for us to see the connection [for American Blacks to support Palestinian-Arabs].”

Hill Defames Israel for Providing Security for Christians: Hill also defamed Israel for her reasonable and
necessary security precautions to assure the safety of Christian pilgrims, designed to prevent more
Palestinian-Arab stabbing attacks on Via Dolorosa, the Jerusalem road traveled by Jesus. Hill falsely
portrayed Israeli security checks on Via Dolorosa as targeting Palestinian children “for no other reasons
than they’re Palestinian children. They’re literally being criminalized because they’re outside.”

In fact, so-called Palestinian-Arab “children” – who are really terrorists in their late teens paid to murder
Jews – have perpetrated many of the numerous stabbing and other terror attacks against innocent Israelis
and Americans. Since the most recent wave of terror began in September 2015, Palestinian-Arab
terrorists have murdered 76 Israelis and wounded 1,167 innocent Israelis. Several deadly Palestinian-
Arab terror attacks on innocent Israelis and tourists occurred on and near Via Dolorosa. (See,
e.g., here and here and here.)

Hill Spreads the Outrageous Fatah Knife-Planting Blood Libel and Other Libels: Hill also spread the
outrageous defamatory PA/PLO/Fatah blood libel that Jews plant knives on Palestinian-Arab children
in order to frame, kill and incarcerate Palestinian-Arab children.

While discussing his “Dream Defenders” trip to “Palestine,” arranged by terrorist-promoter Ahmad
Abuznaid, Hill stated: “When we went to places like Ada-adel, which is like a human rights organization,
they were talking about Palestinian children, both citizens of the Israeli state, and those from the
territories, who were like being framed by police, they were being killed by police, and then police were
planting weapons in their hands. Or incarcerated.”

This vicious “knife-planting” blood libel is designed to turn upside down the truth that Palestinian-Arab
terrorists, including teenagers, have been stabbing hundreds of innocent Israelis. (See Palestinian Media
Watch reprints (here and here) of official PA/Fatah newspaper cartoons and official PA television shows
spreading this obscene blood libel.)

(Incidentally, Hill’s reference to “Ada-adel” apparently meant Adalah, which is not a real human rights
group. It is an extremist anti-Israel BDS group that persistently libels Israel, and helped create the
defamatory anti-Israel platform of the “Movement for Black Lives” (MBL).)

Hill also falsely accused Israel of “mass incarceration”; falsely accused Jewish “settlers that came in” of
“awful atrocities”; and called for worldwide “resistance” to “white supremacy and colonialism.”

Hill Ignores Black Jews Rescued by Israel: Hill also misleadingly asserted that Black Americans are
interconnected with the Palestinian-Arab agenda because there is a tiny (about 400 people) “Afro-
Palestinian” community in Jerusalem. Hill ignored that “Afro-Palestinians” were Black slaves to the Arabs
that invaded Israel. Hill also ignored Israel’s 120,000 Ethiopian Jews – whom Israel saved from Islamist
persecution, and flew to freedom in the Jewish homeland. If one honestly looks at Black populations,
Israelis should thus be the natural ally for Black Americans.

Hill Demands Abolishing all Prisons: Hill also again called for the abolition of all prisons.

Hill Defames American “White Liberal Academics” and Demands Boycotts Against Israeli
Academics: Directly pertinent to anyone attempting to run a safe, non-violent college campus conducive
to learning and excellence, during his Rutgers speech Hill also: falsely claimed that “great white liberal
academics” refuse to hire Blacks; attempted to justify boycotting Israeli academics by falsely comparing
Israel to apartheid South Africa; and demanded a university “commitment” to having or forcing white
students to take Black studies classes. (What happened to the academic freedom to pursue one’s chosen
area of study?)

Hill Demands that Universities and High Schools Must Require Everyone to Conform to Muslim Religious
Practices: Also during his Rutgers address, Hill also opined that universities should not hold classes during
Muslim jum’ah prayer times (about 45 to 90 minutes in the middle of the school day on Fridays) and that
high schools should not schedule conferences during any Muslim prayer times (devout Muslims pray 5
times per day). He thus insisted that entire universities and high schools must revolve around and
conform to exacting Muslim prayer schedules, instead of simply making reasonable accommodation for
Muslim students in accordance with the law.

Hill Incites College Students to Shut Down Universities: Most concerningly, Hill urged college students
to revolt, resist and disobey reasonable campus protest areas and regulations. (U.S. courts have long
upheld reasonable time, place and manner restrictions on speech, to preserve public order and to protect
and prevent others’ rights from being infringed.) Instead of urging students to protest in an appropriate
law-abiding manner, Hill incited students to invade college officials’ offices, stay there, and shut down
the university, until their demands are met, saying:

“You’all gotta make them [college officials] uncomfortable. Make them uncomfortable. When the
university gives you a protest area – Universities love to give people protest areas ‘we love free speech, we
have a whole area designated for it.’ – The last place you should go, is where they [the university] tell
you’all to go. If they tell you to protest over here, you oughta be over there [another spot]. If they tell you
to be outside, you need to be inside. If they say protest in the square, you go to their office, and don’t
leave. If we don’t get it [what we want], shut it down. If we don’t get it, shut it down. If we don’t get
it, shut it down. That’s how you protest. You’ve gotta be willing to resist. But you gotta be willing to
pay a price. Everyone wanta go to heaven, but nobody want to die. …There’s a price to be paid for
struggle. . . .”

Hill Violated Temple University’s Rules of Conduct: Inciting college students to disobey reasonable
regulations, invade and refuse to leave college officials’ offices, and shut down universities, in a public
speech at a nearby university that can readily be seen by Temple University students on youTube, should
constitute good cause for firing a tenured Temple professor. The Temple University Rules of
Conduct (Spring 2018) states:

“Any conduct that violates common decency or threatens the maintenance of safety, order, efficiency,
effectiveness or productivity in the workplace is cause for disciplinary action.” (page 4.)

“Engaging in, encouraging or otherwise inciting others to engage in disorderly conduct” is a Category C
violation. (page 12.) The penalty for a first Category C violation is suspension, and for a second Category
C violation is termination.

In addition, “Encouraging, facilitating, coercing, inciting or otherwise inducing any employee or student to
engage in any practice of Category C violation” is in itself a Category C violation. (page 13)

“Threatening or intimidating, or attempting to threaten or intimidate, management personnel, employees,
patients, clients, students or visitors” or “Inciting or attempting to incite a disturbance” is a Category D
violation. (page 17.) The penalty for a Category D violation is termination.

In addition, “Encouraging, facilitating, coercing, inciting or otherwise inducing any employee or student to
engage in any practice of Category D violation” is also in itself a Category D violation.

Hill’s Rutgers Speech is Only One Example of Hills’s Repeated Incitement of Violence: Hill’s Rutgers
speech is merely one example of Hill’s repeated incitement of violence. As ZOA pointed out in the initial
version of this press release, restated below for the convenience of our readers, and previously
(see here and here), and in ZOA’s action alert urging our friends to write to Temple University President
Richard Englert: ( urging him to fire Hill (please send copies to ZOA
at, Marc Lamont Hill has an extensive record of defaming the Jewish people and inciting

These are frightening times for the Jewish people. The United Nations General Assembly recently failed
to pass a U.S.-sponsored resolution condemning Hamas – the terror organization that has murdered over
1,000 Jews and whose charter calls for destroying Israel and murdering every Jew – thereby sending a
green light to Hamas and the world that it’s okay to murder Jews.

Temple University’s Weak Response Sends a Message Enabling Calls for Violence Against Jews: Last
month Temple University’s Board, led by Patrick O’Connor and Mitchell Morgan, as well as president
Richard Englert, failed to fire or suspend or remove the honorary chair, or take any concrete action against
radical Muslim, Farrakhan-loving, Jew-killer praising, Israel-hating, violence-inciting-and-promoting,
Stephen Charles Professor Mark Lamont Hill, after Hill repeatedly glorified and defended Palestinian-Arab
terrorism and violence against innocent civilian Jews as “self-defense,” and defamed and called for the
Jewish State’s destruction. Militant Muslim Hill also falsely claimed that American police shoot and kill
African Americans because of the training they receive from Israel.

Temple University’s inaction, the lack of real consequences to Hill, and the Temple Board of Trustees’
inadequate, weak “Statement of Condemnation” on December 11, 2018 – which only mentioned one of
Hill’s numerous egregious and frightening statements, ignoring all the others, and merely expressed
“disappointment, displeasure, and disagreement with Professor Hill’s comments” – sent another message
green-lighting anti-Jewish and anti-Israel violence and incitement. Apparently, a university professor can
call for violence against Jews and Israel’s destruction – over and over again – with impunity.

ZOA calls on Temple University to take necessary strong action against Hill: Temple University needs to
fire Hill, just as CNN did, or at least remove his Stephen Charles Chair, to begin to restore the university’s
reputation as a peaceful, non-hostile university environment for Jewish and pro-Israel students and all

Otherwise there could also be a negative response from potential and present Temple donors as well as
students considering applying to Temple.

ZOA further calls for the Temple University Board to obtain some answers – such as: Who paid for Hill’s
at least ten trips to the Middle East? What is Hill’s connection with the anti-Israel group Students for
Justice in Palestine (SJP) and other anti-Israel hate groups? Was Hill paid for his UN speech and by whom?

And the Board should insist upon real apologies and retractions from Hill, instead of Hill simply trying to
claim that his words didn’t mean what they did mean. Hill should specifically apologize for and retract:
his calling Israel’s establishment as a “tragedy and catastrophe”; his praise for anti-Semite Louis
Farrakhan; his call for ending the Jewish State; his blood libel lie that Israelis are poisoning Palestinian
Arabs’ water; his praising Jew-killers by name; his calls for violent tactics; his promoting Arab violent
terrorism as “self-defense” and “resistance” – and all of Hill’s other statements described in this article.

Hill knows he should be fired: Even Marc Lamont Hill must be surprised that Temple University is doing
nothing to remove him from his university post. During Hill’s September 28, 2018 “Resilience Across
Movements” US national BDS movement (USCPR) annual conference speech, Hill promoted violence,
disparaged “romanticizing non-violence,” and declared “I’m going [PFLP terrorist] Leila Khaled-style” –
and then promptly added: “I’m probably fired right now.” (Leila Khaled is the grenade-toting,
Kalishnikov-carrying female PFLP/Black September terrorist who hijacked two airplanes – TWA and El
Al. Khaled continues to promote and be glorified as a “poster girl” for anti-Israel violence.)

If radical Muslim Marc Lamont Hill said the same things about any group other than Jews, Hill would
likely be promptly fired. If a white professor had called for violence against African Americans, called
for the destruction of an African or Muslim country, praised David Duke or those who promote violence
against Blacks, he would likely be fired.

Hill’s speeches calling for violence tout his Temple Univ. connection: Notably, the US Campaign for
Palestinian Rights, USCPR conference program stated that Hill “serves as the Steve Charles Professor of
Media, Cities, and Solutions at Temple University.” This contradicts the Temple University board’s
statement that Hill is speaking only for himself; Hill’s speeches repeatedly drag Temple University’s name
through the mud.

Hill is involved with the antisemitic, anti-Israel hate group SJP at Temple Univ.: Hill is apparently also
involved with the local campus anti-Israel hate group, “Temple SJP” (Students for Justice in Palestine). For

• On October 22, 2018, Hill retweeted the notice of a Temple SJP event.

• On October 6, 2017, a Temple SJP event entitled “Temple SJP Presents Mark Lamont Hill,” featured
“Temple University Professor” Hill “speaking on his work in Palestine.”

• Temple SJP’s Facebook page posting of “Photos of Temple University Students for Justice in Palestine”
shows Hill, along with the words “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

Several reports and Congressional testimony have documented that Students for Justice in Palestine is
funded by Hamas’s funders, advocates for violence and engages in outright violent attacks on Jewish
students on U.S. college campuses. The recent Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs report explains that SJP
seeks “to isolate, demonize, and ultimately destroy” Israel with the help of terror-linked financial and
ideological supporters, and lists multiple instances of SJP members targeting American Jewish students
for “anti-Semitic vandalism, verbal attacks, and outright violence.” Brandeis University and the
monitoring group AMCHA Initiative studies “found a correlation between the presence of SJP and a rise in
campus anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism.”

Temple SJP’s Facebook pages reveal that Temple SJP “combats anti-normalization” (that means they
oppose any normal contact and interaction with Jews and Jewish groups); promotes the Hamas “March
of Return” (the violent Hamas riots and attempts to invade Israel to murder Jews); promotes terrorist
Ahed Tamimi; promotes “resistance” (violence); and on and on.

Temple University’s statement failed to mention Hill’s long record of promoting anti-Jewish violence
and the Jewish State’s destruction, parroting the words of terror groups: The Temple University board
statement only mentioned one of Hill’s egregious statements: Hill’s call, during his November 28 speech
at the United Nations International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, for “Free Palestine from
the river to the sea.” This is the well-known chant for the violent destruction of all of Israel.

Significantly, the Temple Univ. Board’s statement ignored the rest of Hill’s long, horrifying record of
promoting anti-Jewish blood libels, anti-Israel violence, and Israel’s destruction - including additional
statements in the same UN speech and elsewhere. Hill’s statements parrot those of terrorist groups
Hamas, PFLP, and Fatah. If the Board had described more of Hill’s record, it would have been blatantly
obvious that Temple University needs to fire Hill. Hill’s hateful, frightening, violence-promoting record
includes the following:

• Hill Incited More Anti-Jewish Violence During Hill’s UN Speech: During his November 28, 2018 UN
speech, Hill insisted that “we must offer more than just words,” and that instead we must allow
Palestinian-Arabs to engage in “revolts,” “resistance,” and “tactics otherwise divergent from Dr. King and
Mahatma Gandhi.” Hill’s “divergent tactics” statement is a call to adopt violent tactics. And, “resistance”
is the well-known euphemism for Palestinian-Arab violence and terrorism.

• During his UN speech, Hill further elevated violent “resistance” over non-violence, saying: “we cannot
endorse narrow politics that shames Palestinians for resisting” and “we allowed this non-violent thing to
become so normative that we’re undermining our ability to resist in real robust ways.”

• Hill Rationalizes Destroying Israel: Also at the UN on Nov. 28, 2018, Hill called Israel’s rebirth in 1948
the “Nakba – the tragic and great catastrophe” – language that rationalizes Hill’s calls for Israel’s
extinction. Hill also demanded a so-called Palestinian “right of return” – an Arab ploy to eliminate the
Jewish State by allowing millions of Arabs to move in to overrun the Jewish State.

White supremacist David Duke praised Hill’s horrendous UN speech. That should surely give the Temple
University Board pause.

• Hill Spreads Vicious Outrageous “Jews Poison the Water” and “Kill Children” Blood Libels: At the
September 28, 2018 anti-Israel conference of the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights – the major anti-
Israel BDS group in the United States (where Hill was introduced as the Steven Charles professor at Temple
University), Hill falsely declared that Israel is “poisoning your [Palestinian-Arabs’] water,” and “locking up”
and “killing” Arab children – classic medieval antisemitic blood libels. Hill again advocated for violence,
saying that “part of the problem is . . . we too often adopt a civil rights tradition, that romanticizes non-
violence . . . We can’t romanticize resistance.”

• Hill Emulates PFLP Hijacker of Israeli Airplanes: As noted above, during his Sept. 28, 2018, USCPR
speech, Hill declared “I’m going [PFLP terrorist] Leila Khaled-style” – and then promptly added: “I’m
probably fired right now.”

• Hill Praises Antisemitic Boycotts, Boycott-Promoters, Extremists and Terrorists: On September 28,
2018, Hill also repeatedly tweeted and wrote on Instagram, that he was “Honored to have spoken at the
[anti-Israel, pro-BDS] US Campaign for Palestinian Rights Conference.” Hill’s Instagram posting also
lauded Rachel Corrie, deceased member of the violent anti-Israel “International Solidarity Movement”
(ISM) and Prof. Noura Erakat, a leading promoter of anti-Israel BDS and “resistance” (violence), who in
her speech at the same conference, praised PFLP terrorist/murderer of Jewish students Rasmea Odeh as
a “freedom fighter.”

• Hill Demands, on National TV, to Leave Israelis Unprotected from Hamas Rockets: On national
television in 2014, Hill complained that the anti-missile defense system, the Iron Dome, “takes away
Hamas’s military leverage” over Israel, and doesn’t permit Hamas to exact “retribution” against
Israel. Hamas is on U.S. list of terrorist groups. Hill’s position would leave innocent Israeli civilians
unprotected from Hamas’s rocket barrages.

• Hill Rationalizes Hamas Terrorism, Lies About Gazan (Hamas) Casualties: In a 2014 debate with Alan
Dershowitz, Hill justified terrorism and murdering Jews saying: “Everything that Hamas is doing,
everything that the Palestinian people are fighting for, is from a posture of resistance to occupation.” Hill
also falsely called Israel an “apartheid” state, and falsely and absurdly claimed that “80%” of casualties in
Gaza were civilians. (The Gazan casualties were predominantly Hamas members; Israel took extraordinary
care to avoid civilian casualties, while Hamas used civilians as human shields.)

• Hill Promotes PFLP Murderer of Jewish Students: In 2015, Hill defended and promoted Popular Front
for the Liberation of Palestine leader Rasmea Odeh, who was convicted for murdering two Jewish students
in a Jerusalem bombing, in Hill’s Huffington Post op-ed titled “Why Every Black Activist Should Stand With
Rasmea Odeh.” Hill called Odeh a “Palestinian freedom fighter being railroaded for her commitment to

• That same year, in a Palestine Solidarity Dream Defenders “revolutionary struggle” video filmed inside
pre-1967 Israel, Hill declared while standing in Israel that we’re here in “Palestine” which “has been stolen
by greed and destroyed by hate,” and falsely accused Israel of writing laws “in the blood of the
innocent.” Hill also endorsed “revolutionary struggle,” “resistance” and “fighting” against the Israeli
“occupation” of “Palestine.” At minutes 1:12-1:30 of a longer video of the same event, Hill wore a
Palestinian-Arab keffiyeh similar to that worn by terrorist Yasser Arafat.

• Hill Opposes Israel’s Existence: In a 2018 op-ed for the Huffington Post, Hill asserted that the
statement “Israel has the right to exist” is merely “Israeli propaganda.” Hill also falsely portrayed the
Jewish people’s entire eternal homeland as “stolen land,” and opposed any deal that would leave any of
Israel in existence.

• Hill Opposes Calling on Palestinians to Reject Terrorism: In May 2017, Hill tweeted: “Trump’s position
on Israel/Palestine is repugnant. His call for Palestine to 'reject hatred and terrorism’ is offensive &
counterproductive.” It is utterly mind-boggling that Hill states that it is “repugnant” and “offensive” to
demand that Palestinian-Arab terrorists should stop murdering Jews.

• Further, in equally horrible follow-ups in May 2017 to the above horrendous comment,
Hill tweeted that it is “offensive to only call on Palestinians to ‘behave’, while normalizing/ignoring the
violence of the occupation”; tweeted that it was “offensive” to compare “Palestinian resistance to settler-
colonialism to the actions of ISIS”; and tweeted: “We all agree that hatred and terrorism are bad things.
The issue is who gets to define each term, and under what conditions.”

In other words, Hill was declaring that Palestinian-Arab terrorism isn’t terrorism. This, like Hill’s other
statements, is a major “line” of anti-Israel terror groups Hamas, PFLP and Fatah.

As the Algemeiner sarcastically noted: “Obviously, it’s appallingly presumptuous of Israelis to define it as
“terrorism” when Palestinians murder and maim civilians who are having pizza for lunch,
who celebrate Passover or attend services in a synagogue, who ride a bus, go out for dinner and
entertainment, or just go to sleep in their bed at home. And, of course, it’s also terribly presumptuous of
those Israelis to call it “hatred” when the murderous perpetrators of such attacks are celebrated by
Palestinians as heroes — heroes who get handsomely paid and have buildings or events named in
their honor. After all, who on earth would think of “hatred and terrorism” when the Gaza-based Wa’ed
Band for Islamic Art produces a cute cartoon clip “depicting Israelis trembling in fear and fleeing the
country,” while the band’s great musicians sing: “My rockets long for you, and they will rain down on you;
… I’m coming for you with a gun, or with an axe and a knife — or I could run over you with my car.” Hatred
and terrorism? Nope. Just “Islamic Art” illustrating what “Palestinian resistance to settler-colonialism” is
all about, right, Professor Hill?” (See “Yes, Marc Lamont Hill Is an Antisemite,” by Petra Marquardt-
Bigman, Algemeiner, May 17, 2017)

• Hill Praises and Promotes Antisemite Farrakhan: Hill has also continued to promote Nation of Islam
leader Louis Farrakhan even after Farrakhan equated Jews to “termites” on Facebook in October 2018,
and despite Farrakhan’s unrepentant, lengthy, continuing history of making virulent anti-Semitic
speeches, sermons and statements. Hill also previously posted a glowing Instagram lauding
Farrakhan: “Been blessed to spend the last day with Minister Louis Farrakhan. An amazing time of
learning, listening, laughing, and even head nodding to music. God is Great.” (See details and additional
Hill hateful statements in “ZOA to CNN & Temple University: Fire Bigot Jew-Hater Marc Lamont Hill:
Lamont Hill Promotes & Praises Anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, Jew-killers, Hate-Groups and Anti-Israel
Boycotts and Blood Libels,” Oct. 24, 2018.)

• And on the “Breakfast Club” show on December 12, 2018 (after Hill was fired), Hill again praised
Farrakhan, saying: “Again, Minister Farrakhan is my brother.” In addition, after being questioned about
Women’s March leaders Linda Sarsour and Tamika Mallory who support Farrakhan, Hill opposed “the idea
that we have to renounce [Farrakhan], denounce him, and throw him away.” [min. 17:47; 18:18]. Hill
added: “In the black tradition, I ain’t [sic] got the luxury of throwing people who love us [Farrakhan] away.
. . We can’t do that. We shouldn’t do that.” [19:05] (Link to video is included in “After CNN Firing, Marc
Lamont Hill Blames Israel for Police Killings of Black People, Opposes Renouncing Farrakhan,” by Shiri
Moshe, Algemeiner, Dec. 17, 2018.)

• Hill Makes More Outrageous False Accusations Against Israelis: During the same December 12, 2018
“Breakfast Club” show, Hill repeatedly defamed Israelis. Hill falsely accused Israelis of “beating [Arab]
children with nightsticks” (minute 13:45); humiliating 80-year-old Arab men by making them pull down
their pants (13:25); “ritually” humiliating Palestinian Arab children by making them go through
checkpoints (13:27) (of course, people throughout the world routinely go through checkpoints every day
at airports and elsewhere to prevent terrorism); and “kill[ing] and maim[ing] and “harming” [Arab]
people.” Hill also praised the “amazing work” of the Dream Defenders – an anti-Israel group that, among
other things, promotes anti-Israel boycotts, falsely accuses Israel of genocide and ethnic cleansing against
Palestinian Arabs, and organized a letter demanding the release of convicted Arab terrorist Ahed
Tamimi. (21:12)

• Hill Plays “Race Card” and Praises BDS-Promoter Angela Davis: During the same Breakfast Club show,
Hill also falsely tried to twist his firings from Fox News and CNN as motivated by racism, saying: “Massa’
comin’ for you.” (minute 21:50) He also indicated that he promoted abolishing prisons. (22:00) And after
a host said “Angela [Davis] be hanging out with the car and the gun, ready to go,” (apparently a reference
to anti-Israel BDS-promoter Angela Davis’s alleged involvement in purchasing firearms for the murder of
a judge in California in 1970), Hill responded: “Exactly. I love her [Angela Davis] for that.” (23:35)

• Hill Falsely Blames Israel for American Police Killings of American Blacks: Also during the same
Breakfast Club show, Hill falsely and outrageously blamed Israel for alleged police murders of black people
in the United States, saying: “The New York City police, they’re killing us, but they’re being trained by Israeli
security forces,” he said. “They’re being trained — New York City police and in other cities as well. So here’s
a connection between the two. I can’t stop one without the other, there’s a relationship.” (26:50) This is
a vicious antisemitic libel fomented by anti-Israel BDS groups seeking to turn Black-Americans against the
Jewish nation – despite the fact that Israel is the only nation in the world that rescued blacks (such as
Ethiopian Jews) from oppression and brought them to live freely in Israel. The referenced training is
merely anti-terror training.

• Hill Again Rationalizes Palestinian-Arab Terrorism Against Innocent Jews: During the same Breakfast
Club show, Hill again promoted and tried to justify violent Palestinian-Arab “resistance.” Hill complained
that “every act of resistance that Palestinian people engage in is called terrorism” (29:35 and 30:20);
falsely accused Israel of “illegal” “collective punishment” (29:53); ignored the thousands of innocent
Israelis murdered and maimed by Palestinian-Arab terrorists and instead claimed that acts such as the
shooting two days before of a pregnant Jewish mother “is not the story of what’s been happening” (30:15);
and, invoking the falsehood that Israel is an “occupier” of her own land, stating “If I come into your house
and take all your sh-t, and at some point, I push back, then how do we make sense of that as a moral
project. . . . [A]n occupied people have the legal right to resist.” (30:38) Hill also asserted, in reference to
charges that he is antisemitic: “I’m not willing to stop criticizing colonialism.” (37:38)

• Hill Glorifies Convicted Terrorist Tamimi: On October 3, 2018, Hill tweeted “It’s worth every minute”
to watch a 20-minute video (also promoted by Noura Erakat), entitled “The Palestinian Kids Fighting
Israel’s Occupation,” that glorifies convicted Palestinian-Arab terrorist Ahed Tamimi, and (falsely) accuses
Israel of various blood libels, including “systematic abuse of #Palestinian children.” Tamimi attacked,
kicked and slapped an Israeli soldier and openly urged Palestinian Arabs to engage in anti-Jewish
“stabbings, martyrdom-seeking operations [i.e. suicide bombings], throwing stones – everyone must do
something.” The Tamami family persistently advocates and engages in terror: Ahed Tamami’s mother
posted graphic instructions on Facebook for lethally stabbing Jews, and her aunt was responsible for the
Sbarro pizza bombing, in which 15 innocent Jews, including a pregnant woman and 7 children were
murdered, and 130 were injured.

• Hill Promotes Hamas-Like “Duty” to Destroy All of Israel – and Recites Same Lies He Repeated at the
UN: In an April 2018 speech (video), Hill recited the exact same lies that he repeated in his November 28
UN speech. Hill called Israel’s rebirth 70 years ago the “Nakba” and “the great catastrophe,” and falsely
claimed that 70 years ago “Palestinian land was stolen” and “vulnerable Palestinians had their lives
taken.” (In fact, in 1948-1949, six Arab countries invaded Israel, illegally seized Judea/Samaria and eastern
Jerusalem, and killed 6,000 Jews – one percent of Israel’s population.) Hill declared “We remain
committed to resistance . . . We remain committed to fighting until every Palestinian is home again. . .
. When I say Palestine, I mean all of historic Palestine, from river to sea.” Hill also called for the “liberation
of Palestine” and asserted that it was his “duty to support Palestinian resistance.” That sounds like
something straight out of the Hamas Charter, which calls for destroying Israel the “liberation of Palestine”
and makes it a “duty” of all Muslims to oppose Israel (and slaughter every Jew).

• In his April 2018 speech, Hill also falsely accused Israel of an “apartheid system,” and again falsely
accused the Jewish people of being “invaders” in the land that the Jewish people have lived in for 3600
years. Hill railed against the purported “occupation of Palestine” and “ugly occupation of Palestine.” Hill
declared: “Palestinians are rendered second-class citizens in their very own lands, while immigrants,
foreigners and invaders are allowed to come into a land and uproot the people and stay there.” Hill also
praised Malcolm X for saying the “occupation is wrong in 1964, even before the Naksa” (the pejorative
name for Israel’s victory in a defensive war in 1967). Hill is thus eminently clear that he wants to
eliminate all of Israel to establish an Arab Palestine.

• Hill Claims Zionism (the right of the Jewish people to live in the Jewish homeland) is “Evil”: Also inhis
April 2018 speech, Hill also praised SNCC for “standing up and saying Zionism is evil!” Hill’s assertion that
the Jewish right to self-determination is “evil” is the epitome of antisemitism. As U.S. Ambassador to the
UN Daniel Patrick Moynihan stated in his famous speech blasting the UN’s horrendous 1975 “Zionism is
racism” resolution: this is a “terrible lie that . . . will have terrible consequences.”

• Hill Supports Hamas Violent Attempted Invasion to Murder Jews: Also in the same speech, Hill also
openly supported Hamas’ “March of Return” – Hamas’s violent riots and attempts to invade Israel, in
response leader Yayha Sinwar’s calls to murder Jews and eat Jews’ livers and butcher and rip out Jews’

• Hill Absurdly Calls Israeli Airport Screenings “Ritual State Violence”: Hill then attempted to twist
routine airport security screenings at Ben Gurion airport – necessary to stop innocent people from being
killed - into “ritual state violence.”

• Hill Promotes New Antisemitic “Bleach and Urine” Blood Libel: Despicably, during his April 2018
speech, Hill also falsely accused Israeli “settlers” (Jews) of pouring bleach and urine onto the heads of
Palestinian children. We’ve never heard this one before. However, this disgusting, vicious libel is
reminiscent of medieval blood libels against Jews, used to promote anti-Jewish pogroms.

• Hill Again Opposes Protecting Innocent Israelis From Hamas Rocket Attacks: Also in his April 2018
speech, Hill opposed U.S. financial assistance for the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system that stops
some of Hamas’s thousands of rockets from murdering Jews. Hill also absurdly said that “Iron Dome is
used to justify the disproportionate force of Israel into Gaza.”

Hill’s Longstanding Pattern: In other words, Hill has engaged in a longstanding pattern of making
repeated antisemitic defamatory statements calling for Israel’s destruction and promoting violence
against Jews – both before and after CNN fired Hill.

Calling for violence and Israel’s destruction endangers lives: On Sunday, December 10, there was a stark
reminder of the real-life consequences of failing to strongly confront antisemitic incitement to
violence: Palestinian-Arabs terrorists shot seven innocent Israeli Jews waiting at a bus stop, including
critically shooting a pregnant Jewish woman in the stomach, her husband, and two young
girls. Heartbreakingly, the critically-injured pregnant woman’s baby – who was delivered prematurely
after the shooting – died soon afterwards. This is Palestinian-Arab “resistance”: murdering innocent
Jewish babies. Hamas and Fatah have murdered and maimed thousands of innocent Jews. Christians also
continue to be targeted by the same sort of radical Islamist violence: On December 11, at the Christmas
market in Strasbourg, France, Islamist Cherif Chekatt shot and killed 5 innocent civilians, and wounded 12,
while screaming “Allahu Akbar.”

Allowing Hill to remain on staff at Temple University and to hold the prestigious Steve Charles Endowed
Chair sends an appalling message to Jewish and pro-Israel students and faculty. It sends a dangerous
message to haters of Jews and Israel, promoting violence. To rehabilitate Temple’s good name and stand
up against antisemitism on campus, Hill should be removed from his position.

Freedom of speech does not include freedom to call for murder or violence against Jews, to call for the
destruction of a sovereign Jewish State, or to promote and teach vile, outright falsehoods against Israel
and the Jewish people.
{Quoted three days ago was an indictment of the Temple Trustees composed by Steve Feldman, claiming
“Temple Is Actually Protecting Professor Hill,” [
actually-protecting-professor-hill/] which, in yesterday’s Jewish Exponent, wasn’t refuted in a critical
letter that, instead, trashed the Zionist Organization of America (recalling its exhaustive compilation,
supra) {}. Indeed, propitious in its
publication is yesterday’s piece in the JPost explaining why the ZOA has spoken-out against the Anti-
Defamation League’s promotion and praise for anti-Israel groups such as Black Lives Matter and J Street;
despite the demand that the ZOA tone-down such observations, the ZOA remains the most potent and
lone voice when zealously advocating for Jews and Israel — congruent with its 120+ year legacy
JewsIsrael-577667]. Omitted from that piece but published elsewhere are two key-explanations for the
antipathy between the ZOA and the ADL, one personal (the ADL-President assaulting a ZOA-lawyer) and
one professional (the contrast between overwhelming documentation of ADL-error by the ZOA-lawyer
and the absence of any documentation of any credible charge against the ZOA in any ADL-submission).}


The prior nine communications exhaustively demonstrated that Hill should be fired and Dean
Boardman’s status should be reassessed because — under presumed oversight by his administrator —
Hill violated the four criteria defining expected conduct in the Faculty Handbook and Hill satisfied the four
legal exceptions that preclude him from any “speech/academic-freedom” defense; he fomented violence
due to moral-turpitude. These letters have been reorganized by deleting redundancies (e.g., congealing
the two op-eds and re-dating to match when distributed); they serve as a basis for your in-depth analysis:

The initial (12/6/2018) letter showed his anti-Jew, racist-anarchist rhetoric contravened the basic norms
[, with Exhibit 3 [];

The second (12/9/2018) letter expounded on the local/national implications of these profound concerns

The third (12/12/2018) letter annotated deficiencies in your Statement [];

The fourth (12/13/2018) letter [] illustrated why anti-Zionism and anti-Jew
are synonymous operationally;

The fifth (12/14/2018) letter noted that his defenders remain mute rather than attempt to rationalize his
claims that “New York City police who are killing Blacks are being trained by Israelis” (undocumented)
and “Israel Poisoned Palestinian Water” (undocumented) and “police and prisons should be abolished”
(anarchic and violation of American rule-of-law) [

The sixth (12/15/2018) letter documented his advocacy for anarchism [];

The seventh (12/16/2018) letter revealed he is an incorrigible ideologue, unapologetically defining a

career attacking “Afro-Palestinian” oppression as a result of global colonialism born perhaps of his
adherence to Jew-hater Farrakhan [];

The eighth (1/3/2019) summarized data accrued during the past month, including two op-eds composed
by myself []; and

The ninth (1/15/2019) elucidated why “Temple Is Actually Protecting Professor Hill,” cited an essay by
Caroline Glick regarding the latest incarnations of gross anti-Israel rhetoric that prominently quoted Hill
(linked with intersectionality), noted how he (and others of his ilk) shouldn’t escape critique for being
supportive of Farrakhan, and cited extensive condemnatory observations by his students regarding his
blithe attention to his teaching responsibilities [].


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