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The Bunny Collection
Developed by Rob Sayer for The Music Class, Inc.770-645-5578
World Wide Web:

O1999 Robert Sayer. Made in USA. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized duplication is a violation of
applicable laws.

Illustrator: Seth Benator

Logo and cover layout: Judy McCabe Smith
Welcome to The Mugic Clogg, lnc.

The linst tew yeons of lite ore the best tihe fo nunfure youn child'9 rnugicol developrnent. At Rob 9oyer's
The Mugic CIoSS we give you the fools to help. We hove developed collectiong of tun, developrnentolly
opprop iote 9ong9 ond rnugicol octivifieg. Thnough ploy ond ponent rnodeling, out'9ohg collectiong will help
promote youn child's rnugic developr,rent duning hig on hen ton'rotive yeon9. fon ponents intenegted in
r,veekly rnugic clogges ton young childnen ih o "mommy ond/or doddy ohd rne" sefiing, The Music Closs
n,oteriolg ond rnethods one ovoilolbe in o gnowing nurnben of citieg throughout the United gtotes. To lind
out more obout The Mugic Clqss on fo purchqge moteriolg we con be reoched of 770-645-5578 ond on
r1'",e web of www.TheMugicclogg.corn

gong collections ovoiloble tnorn The Mugic Closs include:

The Beor Collection
The Br.rnny Collection
The Dinosoun Collection
The Dolphin Collection
The Elephont Collection
The Fnog Collection
The Lion Collection
The Monkey Collecfion
The Tiger" Collection

fon yout enjoyrnent of otten the tollowing compilotion CDs:

horne, \Ne ho\N
The Lulloby Collection
The Roino Collection

Join u5 oh-line fon o rrewgleffen designed to help you

undengtond youn child'g rnugicol developmentJ

thot will irclude explorrotiong of oun teoching Philogophy, helptul

You will neceive occogiohol, concige ernoils
exornpleg lnorn clogg, ongwerg to youn guegtiong, ond links fo worthwhile rr.reb giteg on child developrnent ond
rnugic. You will hove on opponfunif to dinecf guesfions to Rob goyer (dinector of The Mu6ic Clogg), or
to out" neoderg.

To gign up, gend ug on ernoil ot:

In tlre gubject line wnite 'Join ligf". tornilieg rrot enrolled in cloEg moy joih too, 9o tell youn tniendsJ
Welcome to the Music Class!
I'd like to share with you some basic concepts
about your child's musical development.

The time to start thinking about your child's musical education is at birth. In
fact, the most critical time in a child's musical developrnent is from birth to age
frve. Scientific research has shown that parts of the brain that are not
stimulated in the earliest years of life will atrophy' Nobel ptize winning
research by doctors David Hubel and Tortsen Wiesel of the Harvard Medical
School proved this point. They found that if an animal was raised from birth to
three months of age with one eyelid sutured closed, the animal would be
permanently blind in that eye. The portion of the brain that controls vision in
that eye did not develop. From what we know about the brain, this "use it or
lose it" concept applies to music as weli. Those children who have a defrcient
musical environment where their potential musical abilities are not stimulated
will end up with a significantly lower music aptitude than might have been

Researchers from the University of Munster in Germany recently found that

the part of the brain associated with pitch recognition was larger and
organized differently among musicians compared to non-musicians. Most
significantly, the musicians who started training earliest had the largest
development in that area.

Another scientific study recently found a strong correlation between early

musical study and the development of absolute pitch (also called perfect pitch -
the ability to identify exact pitches without reference to an instrument). Six
hundred musicians were surveyed. Forty percent of the musicians in this
study who had begun training at four years of age reported absolute pitch,
whereas only three percent of those who had started training at nine years of
age did so.

The Music Class songs are designed to expose your child not only to a large
quantity of music, but also to a broad variety of music. You've heard that chil-
dren who grow up in households where a large spoken vocabulary is used learn
to speak with a large vocabulary. The same is true of music. Our songs include
a wide variety of scales, rhythms, instruments and styles, to further stimulate
your child's music development. On the upper left hand corner of each song
you'|l see a column titled "{ Mugicol Vocobulory". Here we list the musical
sounds, common and uncommon;that we hope your child will absorb from the
song. With enough time and repetition you'll see your child's musical vocabu-
Iary blossom.

If you see musical terms that you are not familiar with, you can find help on
the links page of our web site at "" Here you'llfind
links to web sites to help you with basic music theory and musical terminology.
By enrolling your child in The Music Class, you are providing a rich musical
for your child forty five minutes a week. Of course, that limited
time is not enough. Young children learn throughout the rveek, mostly by
imitating you. Our goal is that you will take the songs and actir,'ities you have
learned in class home with you and model them for your child throughout the

Keep in mind. that the most important things you can model for 1'our child are
the enjoyment of and enthusiasm for music. Children rvho see their parents
having fun with music will naturally copy their behavior: that's hou'the
learning takes place. Children learn through play'

I'd like to answer two frequently asked questions'

Q. What's the point of coming to class if my child is too sh1- to sing in class?

A. I'd. like to encourage you to consider these wonderful first )'ears of life as a
time for musical development and musical fun. Please do not get confused
between learning music and musical performance. A child's tenperament may
dictate whether he or she will want to sing out loud in class. A parent's
pressure on a child to perform in class might only make the child
uncomfortable, and may take away from the relaxed environment in rvhich
young children learn best. Children learn through exposure in a fun
environment and need the freedom to experiment on their otr-n. Instead of
assessing your child's learning by how he or she "performs'' in class. rest
assured that if your child enjoys coming to class and enjol-s doing the songs
and activities with you at home that he or she is learning in as natural a way
as possible. Remember, if your child sings at home and not in ciass - that's OK!

Q. When should my chitd start taking instrument lessons?

A. Before instrumental instruction can begin, a child must achier-e "basic music
competence." Basic music competence, which can be attained bi'a1l normal
children, is defrned as the ability to sing in tune and in rhythm, and to make
rhythmically accurate movements. With proper musical stimulation, this
usually occurs between the ages of four and six. Regardless of s'hether your
child chooses to play an instrument at some point, the tonal and rhythm skills
they are learning now will give them a lifelong understanding and enjoyment
of music.

What To Expect of Your Child in C1ass

AIl young children need time to get used to a new room) teacher, songs and
situation. It typically takes about four weeks to become familiar with the class
environment. There is a wide range of responses children will display during
the first few weeks. You will see that as the weeks continue the children will


become more and more focused in class. It's important to listen to the tapelCD
at home frequently, particularly during the frrst weeks. Children like what is
familiar to them and need a lot of repetition. If they know the songs, they will
have more fun in class and learn more.

According to age

Infant: A baby's brain is stilt forming - more so than at any other time in its
life. As babies are learning the sounds of language, they are adding the
rhythms and tones of music. Just as children learn to speak by hearing their
parents speak - learning many of the sounds necessary for communication
before they ever utter their first word - children go through the same process
of listening, decoding and then experimenting on their own with musical skills.
Even if your child is too young to actively participate in class, rest assured that
he or she is learning. Early exposure to music will payoff significantly later in
life. It's never too early to start playing music and singing to your baby!
Toddler: Toddlers learn through play; so class needs to be fun. They are
watching and experimenting on their own, discovering what they like. They
will enjoy playing instruments, singing and dancing. Though their efforts are
not very accurate, they will begin to show improved musical skills as they grow

Two and Three-year olds: These children have become more accurate in
reproducing music, both tonally and rhythmically. They begin to interact less
with their parents and more with their teacher and the other children. They
are still busy observing and imitating. At this age they become more creative
and develop their own ways of singing songs and doing activities. This should
be supported and encouraged!

Four-year-olds: Some at four will have already achieved basic music

competence, but still benefrt from being in a creative and musically stimulating
environment. While some children at this age may feel too old to be in class
with babies, most do not care as long as they are having fun. Parents should
refrain from pointing out age differences to their child, but should talk with
their child to see if they are enjoying class. If so, parents should relax and
enjoy it, too.

All ages: Some children want to march and run;others want to spend the
class no more than a foot away from the teacher; some will sit in their parent's
Iaps; while others want to observe from a cozy corner in the room. At The
Music Class we recognize that there are many different learning styles, and we
encourage parents to let the children be where they are comfortable. A typical
class may have all of these different types of children, but all children have one
thing in common: they are all watching,listening, and learning from us. So
have fun and make music!

) There are many different types of children. Here's what parents say about
their experiences with The Music class:

The shy child: "When we first started bringing Avery she would sit in my lap
the whole class and get up only to grab the instruments. But when we got
home, she'd sing the songs, so I knew she was absorbing the music. Now, a few
sessions later, she is totally comfortable in class. She participates in every-
thing in class and really likes to sit in her teacher's lap! What a difference.
I'm glad we stuck with it because I can see how much she has been getting out
of class." - E.P.
The active child: "Pierce would never sit in my lap. In fact, he spent most of
class running around the room. He was so wild; I was worried he was being
disruptive. But our teacher told me not to worry and he rvas right. We've
been taking music class here for several sessions and he's gotten a ton out of
it. He now makes up his own words to the songs and dances when he hears
the music. Even when I didn't think he was payrng attention, when we got out
to the car after class, he started singing the songs." - L.O.

The younger child: "When Brian first came to class, he rvas only three
months old. He was quiet, but his eyes were wide open and he was interested
in what was going on. Now, more than a year later, he does everything in
class, including using the sticks to the rhythm. I defrnitely think that my
child is getting a lot more from music class now because \\re started him when
he was young. Even his daycare teachers teil us that rvhen they play music in
class he is much more involved and responsive than the other children his
age." - M.M.

The older child: "Nathaniel is 5-years-old now and we still love music class.
I do remind him to watch out for the little children, but he has become a
leader in his class. He helps his teacher and is sort of a role model for the
other children. This music has become such a part of our lives. On rainy days
we get out all our music books and sit on the floor and sing the songs.
Nathaniel even listens to the music at bedtime. I wish we couid take the class
forever!" - J.R.
The child with special needs: "Mary Beth has loved The Music Class from
the beginning. Even though she has Down's Syndrome, she's always been
treated like the other children. Music class helped her feel more normal as
she saw she could do what the others were doing" The interaction with chil-
dren is so good for her and the environment is so relaxed." - D.H.

Classroom Guidelines

Do sing, dance, and have a good time in class. Enthusiasm is infectious!

Do call if you are going to miss a class. This will allow others to use your spot
as a make-up time.

Do call if you would like to make up a class. In order to avoid overcrowding

reserwations for make-ups are required.

Do invite grandparents and other grown-ups to come to class. No reservations


Do call about bringing young siblings, relatives, out of town guests, etc. to class.
We can accommodate extra children in class only if room permits. Friends
considering enrolling next term may observe one class free of charge -
reservation required.

Do not come to class if your child appears ill, or has had a fever within the last
24 hours.

Do not get into a turf battle with your child. If your child wants to be in
another part of the room and you insist that he/she stays with you, both you
and your child will soon have your attention focused on territory as well as how
to outsmart each other. This is not a particularly musical activity. Children
Iearn in many different ways and not all children are comfortable staying in
their parent's lap. Remember that even if your child is on the side of the room,
he or she is still absorbing what's going on in class. Of course do make sure
your child stays safe and inside the room.

Do not talk in class. Try not to tell your child what to do in class, but instead
show your child what to do. Keep in mind that when parents do talk it
becomes distracting to the teacher and to other families in the class.

Do not eat in class. No one wants to put their baby on a floor with old crumbs.
Eating in class is a health hazard and is also distracting to the other children.
If your child must snack during class time please do so outside the room.

If your child puts an instrument in his or her mouth please wipe the
instrument off with an alcohol wipe when you are done. (Some studios have
sinks or buckets for instruments that went in the mouth.) If your child uses a
pacifrer you might try letting them have their pacifrer during instrument play
as a way to avoid putting instruments in the mouth,

If your child really

doesn't want to put away an instrument consider letting
him or her hold onto the instrument for a while.
l'n go tloppy
S Musicol Vocobulony :A- guggesfed Activities S Qornposer
Tonolity: C rrro..1or Top fhe beot on thighs while teocher Bob 9oyer, Michele Morcug,
Meter: duple nomes eoch child. Repeof the lirsf porf Roino 9oyer
The rnelody outlirreg fhe tonic chord ond ol fhe song os needed.
ports of the dominont chond; tr,vo ol the CD Tnock: 1

t:ogf comrrron typeS ol chordE.

1. Im so hap pv to see (name).

2. Im so hap pv to make mu sic

til I


I'm SO h.p pv to see

I'm SO hup PY to srng and


Im so hap pv to (name)
Im so hup PY to play geth

ffi ffi

Ev-ry one has fun ln mu - sic class.

Ev-ry one has fun ln mu - slc class.
One Cold ohd Fnosty Monning
{ Musicol Vocobulory gugg"st"d Activities
:,_q,- \ Corrposen
Meten: duple Crouch like o nobbif reodyfo hoP fnqdifionol
ftccent on the uvord "hoPPed" Genfly bounce fo fhe beqt, fhen hop on Adopted by Rob 9oyen
the word "hopped", roll on youn bock,
ond wiggle youn toeg CD Track. z

One cold and frost - y morn-ing, Just AS the sun did

saw big oid rab -bit, When much to my sur - pr1se, He

drew him -self up ln ball with knees up to his noes and then he

to the arr, and wig - gled a1l toes !

Do o Liftle Twisf
{ Musicol Vocobulot'y :,g,- gugg.Et d ActivitieE \ Qornposen
Tonolity' C mo..)o^ Twist, lly ond ..1ump fo the mugic Moke Roino 9oyer
Meter duple up with your own ideog
gp Trock. V
Clossic rock ond roll sfyle

ffi Ll
+i 11

Iit tle twrst a round

Iit tle fly up high
lit tIe Jump a round

Doa lit - tle up and down

Doa lit - tle fly in the sky
Doa lit - tle touch the ground

- tle twist a- round -, twist a

- tle fly up high -, fly up
- tle jump a- round Jump a

ffi H+H

round -, twist a-round-, twist a - round - twrst a round.

high - , fly up high - , fly up high fly up high.
round - , jump a -round -. jump a - round - Jump a round.
The lilheels on fhe Bus
{ Musicol Vocobulony #- guggested Activities \ Qornposen
Tonolify: F rrqJor Uge hond gesfunes to oct out eoch Tmdifionol
Meter: duple verge.
The rnelody hos gneof honmonic clonity, CD Trqck: 4
with the rrrelody forming orpeggios up oryl
down fhe nofeg o$ the chords. l-

The wheels bus

round round, round,


round and round. The wheels the bus gc

97 F

round and round,

round and round, all o - ver torvn.
2.The doors on the bus go open and shut... 6. The people on the bus go bumpety bump...
3. The driver on the bus says "Move on back!"... 7. The babies on the bus go waah! waah! waahl...
4. The windows on the bus go up and down... 8. The mothers on the bus go Shh! Shhl Shhl...
5. The wipers on the bus go swish, swish, swish... 9. The wheels on the bus go round and round...

Choo Choo
{ Musicol Vocobulony :K guggestea Activities \ Qornposen
Tonolify: D minor gtond up, ghoke on egg sl'roker, ond Rob 9oyer
Mefer: duple pnetend to be o trqin Vory your
volume ond tempo. CD Trock: 5


Chug chug chug a chug Choo, Choo,

Gm Dm

Choo, Choo, Choo,

Chug chug - a Choo,

X7 Dm

chug chug chug

@izdy Eeon
{ Musicol Vocobulony :K guggeeted Activities \ Qomposen
Tonoliiy: D mo.iop Top the linst 4 notes of eoch rneqgune Tnoditionql
Meter: rrixed meter: dupleZduPleZtriPle oh your thighs ond clop the next 7 Adopfed by Rob 9ryer
Unuguol nhythrns like this one chollenging noteg with your honds. Toke
mostly becouse we iust hqven'f guggegfiohg tor dittenent onirrolg. CD Trock: 6
experienced fhem enough.
D S7 D
H+111 ffi H+tl

1. Do you see the gnz - zly bear sleep - ing ln his bed?
2.Do you see the el - e-phant sleep - ing in her bed?
3. Do you see my mom - my there sleep - ing in her bed?

D X7 D

ffi ffi

Pleasemove ver - y qui-et-Iy, please move ver -v qui Iy

Please move ver - y qui-et-ly, please move ver -v qur 1y
Please move ver - y qui-et-ly, please move Yer -v qur ly

ffi ffi

If you don't move qui-et - ly he'll wake up andGROWI-!

If you don't move qui-et-ly she'll wake up and URRRR!
If you don't move qui-et-ly she'lI wake up andGROWL!
{ Musicol VocobulonY
:A- guggeeted Activities \ Qornposen
Donce with 9conveg. Rob 9oyer
Tonolity: D minor
Mefer: friPle
CD Trock: 7


47t9 Dm
l.I{] 4[r
[ffi ffi

tlickony Dickor.y Dock
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,g,- d Acfivities \ Qor'rpoSer
Tonolify: C mo.lor Bounce q child on your lop while singing Tnqditionol
Meier: friple gong. Af the number gecfion lift child Adopted by Rob goyer
gcole potlerng one more di++iculf fo ging up info the oin lor eoch number
in fune thon lorger intervolg, which mokeg CD Trqck: B
this rnelody chollenging to ging cornectly.
_a laL
ffi ffiirl
nfil ! iJN+

1. Hicko - ry dick-o -ry dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The
2. Hicko - ry dick-o -ry dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The
3. Hicko - ry dick-o -ry dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The
4. Hicko - ry dick-o -ry dock, the mouse ran up the clock. The
67 F 67 C

clock struck one, the mouse said "fun", hick-o -rydick-o -ry dock.
clock struck two, the mouse said "boo!", hick-o - ry dick-o - ry dock.
clock struckthree, the mouse said "wee!", hick-o - ry dick-o - ry dock.
clock struck four, the mouse said "no morel" hick-o - ry dick-o - ry dock.

lr lz l:
. J. t

Onel One! TWo! Onel TWo!

Three! One! Three! Four!

Five in lte Bed
:A- d Activities \ Qornposen
{ Musicol Vocobulot'y
Roll oround on the tloor while singing Tnoditionol
Tonolify: E mo..1or
Meten: duple
CD Tnock: 10

repeat 4 times

1. There were five in the bed and the

2. There were four in the bed and the
3. There were three in the bed and the
4. There were two in the bed and the

lit - tle one said, "Roll o ver! Roll

ht - tle one said, "Roll o ver! Roll
It - tle one said, "RolI o ver! RoII
ut - tle one said, "Roll o ver! Ro11

o - ver!" So they all rolled o- ver and one feII out.

o - Yer!" So thev all rolled o- ver and one fell out
o - verl" So they all rolled o- ver and one fell out.
o - ver!" So they all rolled o- ver and one fell out.

5th time only

There was one in the bed and the lit - tle one said, "Good night!"
Co ftf\omtny
{ Musicol Vocobulot'y Cornpogst
Tonolity: C rnino"
Mefer: oltennofing tniple ond duple
The neconding teqfureg o hqnd drum ond Cl -rcck 11

the clorinet

:,g,_ gugg"st d Activities

iiere one fwo poggible octivitieg ond lytics fo' 'ilrls ;cl^,3.

1 L)ge 09 o gtond up Song, wolking to the beot while shoking,lingle bells. Ct'ront "@6 mommy, go rDommy, go, 9o, goJ" on fhe
clopping gection. Ot counge you coh gubgtitute mommy wifh doddy o' orher rrom,eg

?.Use a5 o ploy oiong. gif down ond ploy ony ingi^umenf you con shoke Duning the clopping gectiorr you coh chonf: "One,
two, shoke it high. One, two, in the sky." on "Orre, two, shqke it low. One, tuvo, by youn toe." Qorne up with other nhyneg.



Cm 67
m.' N+t+

gpinning Top

E Musicol Vocobulony :K guggest d Activities \ Qomposer"

Tonolity: D rninon 9it or gfond ond spin onound Foll down Fronk ord Mony Homilton
Mefen: duple with o +lop qt fhe end
CD Track. \7
Ends with o big nitordondo (glow down
of tempo)

A round and round and


round go just like spln nlng

X7 Dm

top. A round and a - round, and

Gmin6 GminT X7 Dm

round we go and then


Clicky Clock
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,g,- d Activities \ Qornpogen
Tonolity: D rnolor Use rhythrn sticks gubsiitute dillenent Rob 9oyen
Mefen: duple colorg
CD Tnock: 14


like to dress you all in red. Red on top, be - Iow

D Em D A7
uTul ffi ffi ffi

Click-y, click-y, click-yclack, I likehav - ingclothes on my back.

D Em X7 D
ffi ffi ffi ffi

Click - y, click - y, click - y clack, Iike dress-ing in red

2.... green...
3. ... blue...
Dniving Dorrn the Rood
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,q.. guggested Activifieg S Qornposer"
Tonolity: D tno.lor Qo-op bond gong. (Also cqlled o shetchy Trqditionol rnelody. New
Meten: tniple bond) 9it in o circle, shoke the bond to the lynica by Rob $oyen ond
beot ond foll bqck qt the ereech Let the Roino $oyer
bond pull you bock up lf'g o uvondentul iNqy
D lor everyone to feel the beot CD Trock: 15


1. Driv rng down the

Beep beep beep beep


driv rng down the road to day,

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep

X7 D
ffi ffi

go-ingto the zoo. beep beepbeep SCREECH!

verse 2 ... we're going to the store.

verse 3 ... we're going to the park.

.Ju"irn 'fz uci

Bach Bdll
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,9- gugg.sfed Activities \ Qornposen
Tonolity: D tninor 9it down qnd noll o bqll bock ond forth fused on J.9 Bqch's Fugue in G
Meter: duple with youn portner Minor Ohe Litlle) Melody
odopfed ond lynicg by Rob 9oyer
Feotuneg orgon ond bro99 in o
borogue sfyle
CD Trqck: '17

Dm Gm X7
H# m'

RoII the ball, roll the ball right ack to

Dm X7 Dm X7 Dm g7 Dm X7
H1# ffi ffi ffi ffi

Ro1l, roll, ro11 lit-tle ball. Roll, ro1l, roll lit - tle ball, that's
Dm X7 Dm
ffi dm
ffiH ffi

how we play

That's how we play. That'show we

That's how we play. That's how we play.

play game. That's how

Gm Dm

pIay. That's how we play That's how we

That's how we PlaY. That s how we play
X7 Dm

lnish Lulloby
{ Musicol VocobulorY :K guggested ftcfivities \ Cornpogen
Tonolify: Eb mqlor Lulloby to be gung of nop time of home Tnqditiohol
Meter: triple ln clogs, eifher lie down or cuddle in o
lop lor o pretend nop firne. CD Tnqck: 18

B' Eb B_[
fi-rTTl ffi

Too-ra -loo-ra loo too - ra

B F 77
L]U ffi ffi

Too ra - loo loo -ral, hush now don't you cry.

Bb Eb Bh
ll-t-lT] ffi

Too ra - loo loo -ral, too - ra - loo li.

Eb Bb Eb p7 Bb

ffi ffi ffi ffi

Too - ra loo loo-ral, that's an rish lul la by.

tlop tligh Funny Eunny
{ Musicol Vocobulory :K guggested Acfivities \ QornpogeF
Tonolity: A rno.lor Donce qnd oct out fhe gong Troditionol
Meter: duple Adopted by Fnonk ond Mory
Tnoditionol Appolochion sfyle Hotnilton
CD Tnock:
m 19


1. Hop high fun - ny bun - ny, don't run way.


Hop high fun - ny bun - ny, don't run way.

Hop high fun - ny bun - ny, don't run way He's
D g7 A
ffi ffix

fun ny Iit - tle rab - bit and he likes to play. Did you

ev - er see a rabiit on a hill, on a hiII? Didyou ev - er see a rab-bit on a

g7 A
ffi M

hill, on a hill? Didyou ev - er see a rab-bit on a hiII, on a hill? Wellhe

D g7 A
ffi ffi ffi

keeps on run - nin' and he stands still.

2. Hop high funny bunny, wiggle your nose. (3 times)
He chews on a carrot and he wiggles his toes.

Did you ever see a jack rabbit sittin' on a stump? (3 times)

With a fluffy little cotton ball stickin' on his rump.

3. Hop high funny bunny, wiggle your face. (3 times)

He stands so still and then he likes to race.

4. Hop high funny bunny, wiggle your tail. (3 times)

He's a funny little rabbit just a-sittin' on a rail.

Polly Put fhe keffle On
{ Musicol Vocobulony :H. gugg"sfed Activities \ Qornposen
Tonolity: D rno.1o^ thqke on egg shoken ond sing olong Troditionol lyrica
Meter: duple New melody by kim Chomberloin
Wazilian bo99o novo gtyle
CD Track. zz

a. a
- Iy, Pol ly put the kct - tle

X7 Bm Em X7
lE [Ti
B# tl+ti ffi

Pol - ly put the ket - tle on. We'Il all have tea.

D AdimT
dim Em D
H]+lr lffi ffi ffi

tea Start the frre and ake the toast.

Em D Em g7

the muf - fins down to roast. Set the ta ble

D X7

you re host. tea

D G Em X7
ffi ffi ffi

Pol Pol-ly take it off the fire, Pol -15, take it

Bm D
rim F;
thlll ir-tl

off thc lire They've all gone home.


tli tlo
{ Musicol Vocobutony :,q- guggesfed Activities S Cor',pogen
Tonolify: C rnqlor Wqlk fo the tirst holf of the eong ond Trodifionol
Meter: tniple skip fo the second hol$ gubstitute Adopfed by Rob goyen
/ncludeg o number of very cornmon friple dilfenent qnimols
nhythm potlerns CD Trqck. Zo
C 97 C

1. As I was walk-ing down the street, down the street, down the street. A
6t c

friend - ly dog chanced to meet, Hi - ho! Hi

67 C

Ruff'! RufI'!,Ruff'l and a way we go, way we way we go!

67 C

Ruffl Ruff'!,Ruff'! and a - way we Ea, Hi - ho! Hi -hol Hi - ho!

2. As was walking down the street ... a friendly Cat...Meow!...
3. As was walking down the street ... a friendly Lion...Roar!...
4. As was walking down the street ... a friendly Bear...Grrr!...

Up ond Dorrn
{ Musicol Vocobulory =A-
gugg.sted Acfivities \ Cornpogen
Tonolity: C rtqjor 9if with child in lop ond use tingers fo Tnoditioml
Meter: duple "wolk" up ond then down o child with the
feotunes the mq.1on gcole. noteg of the rnelody. Moke sure to hit CDTrock.TV
oll the tickle gpots.

Apoche Melody
{ Musicol Vocobulory :K guggesfed Activifies \ Cornpoger
Tonolity: D ninor Circle dorce with ned .lingle bells Vory Troditionol Apoche /ndion
Meter: duple the tempo lon rrusicol vot"iety. rnelody
Thig gong feqtures the lesg cornmon
Notunql Minor gcole CD Trock'. 75

Misfer. Tdlker qhd fhe Wolken
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,9- gugg"st d Acfivifies \ Qornposen
Meter: duple Pnegent lte piece like stor.y
time wifh o Rob 9oyer
While thig piece doeg rrot hove o gtrong tinger ploy Hove orre hond pr'etend to be
genge of mefer, if doeg hove rhythmic the'tolker'qnd the othen pretend to be CDTrock'. zL
phnosing ond o duple teel the'wqlker".

Once upon a time, a long time ago, a little man was walking,
walking in the snow.
"How come you are walking?" said the talker in the sky.
How come you are walking when it's much more fun to fly?
"That is very silly", said the man down on the ground.
People can not fly, and I need to get to town.

Why don't you try hopping, hopping in the air?

The man he tried to hop but it did not get him there.
Just one minute, I have an idea. I will be right back.
The little talker in the sky came riding in a truck.

"Hop on board", the talker said. Why thank you very much!

:)q. guggesfed Activities \ Qornposen
{ Musicol VocobulonY
Twirl honds, or twinl onound, qhd nige uP Rob 9oyer
Tonolity: C mino^
Meter: triPle ond down with the sl"ope ol the rnelody
Cover ond uhcoven eyeg tor eoch boo,l CD Trock. 77
Style bosed on a Jo77 waltz

Cm 67 Cm 67 Cm
nffii lfr
ffi m'" Eiiil m'u

Whir -ly, Whir - Iy, Whir - lY, Jhir - lY, Whir - ly, Whirl, Whir Whirl

Cm Cm 97 Cm
tff# m'" ffi m'n

Whir -ly, Whirl, Whir

Cm 67
3fi I


Boo! Bool
Cm 67 Cm 97 Cm
triib ffi:rr mlr'
m' ffi Htfll ffi Hfit

Whir - ly Whirl.

Going fo fhe guPennor*ef
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,_q- guggesf.d Activifies S Qomposen
Tonolify: C blues thoke egg shokerg. gubstifute lood Rob goyer CD Tnqck ?B
Mefer: duple ideog
9wing sfyle

il |l

Im go the su - per-mar - ket shop - ping for food I've got a

go the su - per-mar - ket shop - ping for food I've got a

great - Iy and I'm in the mood

great - Iy and I'm 1n the mood
pz 67
ffi fl+m

peas Iwouldlike some peas please. Im

corn Iwouldlikesome cheese please.
F Em


Go - ingdown the ais - Ies food for mom-my, food for me.
g7 6z Ffr,
3 -------- ----r
ffi Em,

we brought our dog-gie she would see, here's where we by her her treats. I'm

go - ingto the su -per-mar-ket shop-ping for food. I've got a grea t big be1 - ly and I'm
p7 gt
ffi I

in the mood forsome Juice. I would like some juice please.

My tlonse
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,_q- d Activities \ Qornposen
Tonolity: F mo;or Tnot duning the L/B gection Wolk Trodifionol
Meten: tripleTduple duning fhe Z/4, ond finolly go to fhe
Contnost between meterg Endg with q tloor ond foll osleep of fhe end CD Trock. z9
fit rrl

So fast, so fast my horse can go. Oh, rig - get - ty, jig - get - ty,
67 F g7

know So fast, SO fast ca go oh,

gt F F
ffi ffi

rig-get-ty, jig-get-ty, when he needs

gt F F

Iit - tle rest, we frnd that trot -ting is the best. We headright
g7 F g7 F

gTass - y spot. A -clip-a-clip-a -clop! A -clip-a-clip-a

F gt F
ffi H#
lko lko
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,_q,- guggest d Activifies \ Qornposer
I oholary: r mdJor use nhythm gticks Toke guggestiong on Tnqdifionol New Orleong
Meten: duple different unys fo click gtickg. street song
The necording feotunes bno99 ond
CD Trock. V\
Percug9roh F 97

Five Litfle Puppies
{ Musicol Vocobulony :,g,. gugg"st d Activities Q, Qornpoeer"
Meter: duple Pnetend to be q puppy, crowl oround, Rob 9oyen
ChontE like this help to focus fhe child's ond then "eof up" o neorby child with
qtlenfion on the nhyfhtn tickles. CDTrock.lz

Five lit tle pup pres play lng ln the sun

Run - ning ln cir cle, hav mg lots of fun.

tle pup - ples treat

One, two, three, four, five, eat!

l've Eeen Wor*ing oh fhe Roilnood
Q Musicol Vocobulory :d- guggested Activities S Qor'rpoSen
Tonolify: G mqlor Ploy olong wifh youn tovorife ingtrument Tnoditionol
Meter: duple
CD Track. VV

ffi ffi

I've been work-ing on the rail - road, all the liveJong day.
X7 g7

I'vebeenwork-ingon the rail road, just to passthetime a - way

tltt ffi

Can''t youhear the whis -tle blow-i ng? Rise up soear lyin the morn.
C G q' Lf
ffiH ffi ffi

Can't you hear the cap tain shout - ing, "Di -nah, blow your horn!"
tl C g7 G

ffi ffi ffi

Di-nah,won'tyoublow, Di-nah, won'tyoublow, rn/

Di-nah ,won'tyoublowyour horn?
c g7 G
Hrm ffi ffi

Di-nah,won'tyoublow, Di-nah, won'tyou blow, Di-nah,won'tyoublowyour horn?

G A7

Someone'sin the kitchenwith Di-nah Someone's in the kitchen I know.

G C D7
ffi ffi ffi

Som e-one'sin thekitch-enwith Di-nah, strum-mingon


Fee ft, fid Fee, ft frd dly-i

G C 97 G

ffi ffi ffi

Fee, frd dly-i o, Strum-ming on the old ban - jo.

Winfen Lulloby
{ Musicol Vocobulony :K gugg"st"d Activities \ Cornpogen
Tonolity: C rno,jol^ Lulloby to be gung of nop tine of hone Tnqditiohql rnelody from Woles
Meter: duple ln clqgg, either lie down or cuddle in o New lyrics by Jennifer
Recording feqfunes the qlfo tlute ond lop for o pretend nop tirne. Morrock Cohen
lrench horn.
CDTrock'. V4
C AminT Dm Gmal6 C AminT

ffi ffi ffi ffi

Sleep you soft -Iy in your cra - dle. Hush you, hush you
I am with you and I Iove you. Hush you, hush you

Gmal6 C Em AminT F C
ffi ffi

ba by mine. In the night sky cold and qui

ba by mine.
Em AminT F 97 AminT
ffi ffi

snow flakes fall like fea - thers down. will keep yo

Dm Gruj6 C Amin 66 C

ffi ffi ffiH

warm and co Hush you hush you by mlne

9ee You Next Tine

{ Musicol Vocobulory :A- guggested Activifies \ QorrrpoSen

Tonolify: C mqlor Top the beqt on fhighs while fhe Rob 9oyen, Michele Mqncug,
teocher nqmeg eqch child Repeof the Roino 9oyer
Meter: duple
The melody outlineg fhe tonic chord ond finst pqnt of the song qg needed
ponts ol fhe dominont chord; two of ihe CDTrack. Vb
mogt comrrron types of chords.

C 6t
ffi ffi

I'm so hap - py saw(name). I'm so hup - py saw (name).

C 67
il lt

ffi ffi

I'm SO hap pv saw (name). See you next time in


mu - sic class. And when get home you knowwhat I'11 do,


sing with my par - ents and dance with them too.


Iove to make mu SIC and share it with you, III

Dm 67 C
triiit tit

see you next 1n src class.


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