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Keith W. Kintigh, Jeffrey H. Altschul, Mary C. Beaudry, Robert D. Drennan, Ann P. Kinzig,
Timothy A. Kohler, W. Fredrick Limp, Herbert D. G. Maschner, William K. Michener,
Timothy R. Pauketat, Peter Peregrine, Jeremy A. Sabloff, Tony J. Wilkinson, Henry T. Wright,
and Melinda A. Zeder

This article represents a systematic effort to answer the question, What are archaeology’s most important scientific chal-
lenges? Starting with a crowd-sourced query directed broadly to the professional community of archaeologists, the authors
augmented, prioritized, and refined the responses during a two-day workshop focused specifically on this question. The
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

resulting 25 “grand challenges” focus on dynamic cultural processes and the operation of coupled human and natural sys-
tems. We organize these challenges into five topics: (1) emergence, communities, and complexity; (2) resilience, persis-
tence, transformation, and collapse; (3) movement, mobility, and migration; (4) cognition, behavior, and identity; and (5)
human-environment interactions. A discussion and a brief list of references accompany each question. An important goal
in identifying these challenges is to inform decisions on infrastructure investments for archaeology. Our premise is that the
highest priority investments should enable us to address the most important questions. Addressing many of these challenges
will require both sophisticated modeling and large-scale synthetic research that are only now becoming possible. Although
new archaeological fieldwork will be essential, the greatest payoff will derive from investments that provide sophisticated
research access to the explosion in systematically collected archaeological data that has occurred over the last several
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Keith W. Kintigh 䡲 School of Human Evolution and Social Change, P.O. Box 872402, Arizona State University, Tempe,
AZ 85287-2402 (
Jeffrey H. Altschul 䡲 Statistical Research, Inc., P.O. Box 31865, Tucson, AZ 85751 (
IP Address:

Mary C. Beaudry 䡲 Department of Archaeology, 675 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215-
1406 (
Robert D. Drennan 䡲 Center for Comparative Archaeology, Department of Anthropology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA 15260 (
Ann P. Kinzig 䡲 School of Life Sciences, P.O. Box 874501, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ 85287-4501
Timothy A. Kohler 䡲 Department of Anthropology, P.O. Box 644910, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-
4910 and Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (
W. Fredrick Limp 䡲 Department of Geosciences, 304 JB Hunt, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701
Herbert D.G. Maschner 䡲 Idaho Museum of Natural History, 921 S. 8th Avenue, Stop 8096, Idaho State University,
Pocatello, ID 83209 (
William K. Michener 䡲 University Libraries, 1312 Basehart Drive SE, MSC04 2815, The University of New Mexico,
Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001 (
Timothy R. Pauketat 䡲 Department of Anthropology, 109 Davenport Hall, MC-148, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL
61801 (
Peter Peregrine 䡲 Department of Anthropology, 711 East Boldt Way, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54911 and Santa
Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (
Jeremy A. Sabloff 䡲 Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (
Tony J. Wilkinson 䡲 Department of Archaeology, South Road, Durham University, Durham, DH1 3LE, United Kingdom
Henry T. Wright 䡲 Museum of Anthropology, Ruthven Museums Building, 1109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109
and Santa Fe Institute, 1399 Hyde Park Road, Santa Fe, NM 87501 (
Melinda A. Zeder 䡲 National Museum of Natural History, P.O. Box 37012, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
20013-7012 (
American Antiquity 79(1), 2014, pp. 5–24
Copyright © 2014 by the Society for American Archaeology

6 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

Este artículo representa un esfuerzo sistemático para responder a la pregunta: ¿Cuáles son los retos científicos más impor-
tantes de la arqueología? A partir de una consulta masiva dirigida ampliamente a la comunidad profesional de arqueólogos,
los autores aumentaron, priorizaron y refinaron las respuestas que surgieron de esta encuesta, durante un taller de dos días
el cual se centró específicamente en esta cuestión. Los 25 grandes retos que emergen, se centran en los procesos culturales
dinámicos y en el funcionamiento de los sistemas humanos y naturales en su conjunto. Para presentarlos aquí, organizamos
estos desafíos en cinco temas: (1) surgimiento, comunidades y complejidad; (2) resiliencia, persistencia, transformación y
colapso; (3) movimiento, movilidad y migración; (4) conocimiento, comportamiento e identidad; e (5) interacciones humano-
medioambiente. Cada pregunta va acompañada de una discusión y una breve lista de referencias. Un objetivo importante en
la identificación de estos retos es el de informar las decisiones sobre las inversiones en infraestructura para la arqueología.

Nuestra premisa es que las mayores inversiones prioritarias deben ser aquellas que nos permitan abordar las cuestiones más
importantes. Responder a muchos de estos desafíos requerirá adoptar tanto la elaboración de modelos sofisticados, como
investigaciones a gran escala sintetizadoras que apenas ahora están siendo posibles. Aunque será fundamental llevar a cabo
nuevos trabajos de campo arqueológicos, la mayor recompensa se derivará de las inversiones que proporcionen a las inves-
tigaciones sofisticadas acceso a la multitud de los datos arqueológicos recolectados sistemáticamente que se ha producido en
las últimas décadas.

rchaeologists are increasingly fond of ar- What are the grand challenges facing archae-
guing that knowledge of the long-term ology in the next 25 years? Of course, it depends
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

trajectories of past societies can provide on whom you ask. Our approach was to ask as
unique insights into contemporary problems and many archaeologists as possible through a crowd-
their potential solutions (Redman 2005; van der sourcing effort. The responses were then refined to
Leeuw and Redman 2002). Indeed, archaeological 25 major challenges through a workshop attended
data and interpretations have entered political and by the authors of this article. We first discuss the
public, as well as scholarly, debates on such top- process through which the challenges were de-
ics as human responses to climate change, the veloped and then offer 25 challenges, organized
eradication of poverty, and the effects of urban- into five topics, followed by a brief conclusion.
ization and globalization on humanity.
Adding this concern for the present to archae- Identifying the Grand Challenges
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ology’s traditional focus on the past has fostered

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research on coupled social and ecological sys-

tems and has led to an increasing focus on the Crowd Sourcing
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processes underlying cultural transformation and Crowd sourcing uses the power of many to pro-
change, building on the field’s reconstructionist vide a better answer than one gained by asking just
history. At the same time, archaeology as practiced a few. Inspired by the National Science Founda-
in North American universities is arguably trans- tion’s (2011) SBE2020 initiative, our crowd sourc-
forming itself from a subdiscipline of anthropol- ing was accomplished through email requests and
ogy to a largely independent social science with listserv postings by the major North American
strong intellectual ties to several natural and social and European professional associations.1 We asked
sciences, including anthropology. our colleagues to identify problems of broad sci-
These changing research directions are clearly entific and social interest that could drive cutting-
illustrated by the intellectual problems that we edge research in archaeology for the next decade
have identified as “grand challenges” for contem- and beyond. We received input through a Web
porary archaeological research and scholarship. survey that asked for a concise statement of a
The need to identify such challenges emerged from grand challenge problem or question and, option-
a National Science Foundation-funded effort to ally, for justification of the importance of the prob-
identify the investments in information technology lem, as well as optional demographic informa-
infrastructure (i.e., cyberinfrastructure) that would tion from the respondent.
best enhance the abilities of archaeologists—and Between April 1, 2012 and June 30, 2012, we
other researchers who use archeological data—to received 181 responses identifying 190 challenges,
answer the most compelling and important scien- many of which were duplicative. The Web survey
tific questions. Our premise is that the highest pri- defined grand challenges to be fundamental prob-
ority investments should enable us to address the lems in science and explicitly excluded “discipli-
most important questions. nary challenges with respect to the practice of ar-

chaeology, such as changes in financial and legal satisfy. The group then compiled and prioritized
frameworks.” Nonetheless, about 40 percent (77) the participants’ lists to arrive at a consensus set of
of the responses related to this excluded class that criteria. There was a strong sentiment in the work-
was not responsive to the question posed. Re- shop (also evident in crowd-sourced responses)
sponses that did identify fundamental problems in that the grand challenge problems should not only
science fell into two groups. One group, on which apply to domains outside archaeology but also be
we focus here, targeted scientific questions. The relevant to contemporary society. The problems
second group identified methodological issues should have global significance, though they may
and needs, with a notable number (25) targeting in- address processes operating at spatial scales from
adequate access to data and the need for more households to empires and at a broad range of tem-
comparative and synthetic research. Of the re- poral scales. We excluded questions highly spe-
sponses relating to the practice of archaeology, the cific to place and time, but privileged questions
most common had to do with deficiencies in train- that required us to represent dynamic cultural
ing or the need for more public education. processes. The grand challenge questions had to
Most respondents (79 percent of the 177 sup- be, in principle, susceptible to a solution sup-
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

plying demographic information) were from the ported by data. It was agreed that addressing these
US; Europe, at 12 percent, was the only other ge- problems should stretch our current methods and
ographical area with substantial representation. data and will often require multi-, inter-, or trans-
Respondents were split mainly across academic disciplinary collaboration.
(45 percent), consulting (32 percent), and gov- Once we developed the criteria the grand chal-
ernment (14 percent) employment sectors.2 Older lenges should satisfy, workshop participants indi-
professionals were much more likely to respond vidually proposed grand challenges, which the
than younger ones, with over twice as many re- group then winnowed and prioritized. After that,
sponses from those 50 or older (66 percent) as the participants considered, refined, and culled
from those ages 30–49 (32 percent). The main the challenges proposed in the crowd-sourcing ef-
demographic disappointment was the sparse re- fort and integrated them with a refashioned par-
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sponse from younger archaeologists and students ticipants’ list. This ensured that key topics were not
(2 percent).3 We have no explanation for the low missed and allowed us to take advantage of the
response; this age group was simply not as likely questions and arguments proposed by the “crowd.”
IP Address:

to respond to the request. Males constituted 62 per- The result is detailed below. After the workshop,
cent of the respondents.4 A report including the the authors prepared concise summaries and iden-
survey instrument and all the verbatim responses tified illustrative references for each challenge.
(including those we did not consider further) is
available through the Digital Archaeological The Grand Challenges
Record (Kintigh 2013).
The 25 grand challenges presented here focus on
Grand Challenge Workshop cultural processes and the operation of coupled hu-
The project steering committee5 designed a work- man and natural systems—not on particular events
shop to augment, prioritize, and refine the survey’s of the past. While this will not surprise archaeol-
suggested grand challenges. The workshop was ogists, to a nonspecialist there is a notable lack of
held on July 31 and August 1, 2012, at the Santa concern with the earliest, the largest, and the oth-
Fe Institute in New Mexico. The steering com- erwise unique. This focus on the dynamics of cul-
mittee selected the participants, the authors of this ture indicates no lack of regard for prehistory; the
paper, for their concern with “big picture” issues facts of the past provide the evidence that is es-
and to broadly represent areas of the world, diverse sential for us to confront all of the problems pre-
theoretical perspectives, and the range of social sented here. While we stipulated that the grand
complexity. William Michener, who has led a sim- challenges had, in principle, to be solvable, or at
ilar effort in ecology, facilitated the workshop. least addressable with empirical evidence, partic-
Participants were first asked, individually, to sug- ipants were encouraged to consider problems that
gest abstract criteria that grand challenges should have not previously been tackled due to a lack of
8 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

evidence or the analytical or synthetic machinery Regardless of perspective, answers to ques-

needed to make the effort practical. tions concerning the origins and degree of in-
The emphasis here is on understanding the dy- equality, power, and social complexity, and the
namics of cultural processes, recognizing that hu- emergence of macroscale cultural identities and
mans, mediated by culture, both affect and are af- the state, are contingent on how and why leader-
fected by their natural environments. The authors ship was consolidated or institutionalized and the
have no illusions about the difficulties of ad- extent to which it assumed causal effects on soci-
dressing the classes of problems proposed. We ety. Out of what sorts of relationships or circum-
share a conviction, however, that this is the domain stances do leaders of different sorts emerge? Do
in which the most important problems reside. Fi- some diplomatic, administrative, religious, or po-
nally, these questions are notable for their greater litical leaders effect more or less change in certain
relevance to the contemporary world than would societal spheres? How is leadership incorporated
have been evident in a set of challenges com- into governments and what are the bases of a
posed several years ago. leader’s power? Why does leadership fail? Stud-
Acknowledging that some challenges fit com- ies analyzing the relationships of economic dif-
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

fortably into more than one category, we organize ferentiation in the context of consensus, agency,
the 25 grand challenges into five topics for pre- memory, and legacy to institutions, community,
sentation: (1) Emergence, Communities, and and governance using temporally and spatially
Complexity; (2) Resilience, Persistence, and Col- rich archaeological datasets can evaluate cause
lapse; (3) Movement, Mobility, and Migration; and effect in ways that will produce ultimate ex-
(4) Cognition, Behavior, and Identity; and (5) Hu- planations of long-term and large-scale change.
man-Environment Interactions. Each question is These will, in turn, support contextual modern
accompanied by a short discussion and a brief list understanding of how leadership qualities are re-
of references for readers who wish to pursue the is- lated to societal attributes and historical trends.
sue. There is a noticeable overlap in the questions References: Clark and Blake (1994); Clark and
both within and to a lesser extent between these Colman (2008); Earle (1997); Ingold (2000);
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topics. This overlap is, of course, due to the highly Vaughn et al. (2009).
interrelated nature of the key factors for under-
standing and modeling past social dynamics. A2: Why and how do social inequalities
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emerge, grow, persist, and diminish, and with what

A. Emergence, Communities, and Complexity consequences? Huge individual differences in per-
A1: How do leaders emerge, maintain them- sonal wealth, power, and access to and consump-
selves, and transform society? The origins of lead- tion of resources commonly exist within and be-
ers and their long-term transformative effects are tween societies. In contemporary societies, these
among the central questions of the social sciences. social inequalities also fluctuate significantly over
Archaeologists from multiple theoretical vantage surprisingly short intervals. However, contempo-
points (materialist, sociobiological, historical) rary and ancient foraging societies apparently did
have considered this question. They have also ex- not tolerate more than minor differences in wealth
amined the emergent organizational, political, and or power, despite individual differences in
managerial properties of societies and their lead- strength, intelligence, ability, and, of course, age
ers. Recent archaeological and sociological stud- and sex.
ies of memory and agency further suggest that By combining archaeological case studies with
some networks have greater emergent leadership astute use of the ethnographic record, archaeolo-
potential than others and that leadership should be gists have pieced together coherent accounts of the
analyzed as distributed throughout a network of re- transformation from egalitarian to enduring hier-
lationships between people and their environs. archical relations in several areas of the world.
However, archaeologically apparent leadership These changes seem remarkable in light of evi-
roles of some individuals may have emerged only dence from experimental economics for a wide-
after the fact, owing to the ways in which they spread degree of aversion to inequality. However,
were memorialized. recent research in the evolution of social cognition

helps reconcile these findings by focusing on how man and Garraty (2010); Leone and Potter (1999);
human cognition may facilitate or constrain a va- Polanyi et al. (1957); Renfrew (1969); Sahlins
riety of institutional outcomes. (1972); Smith (2004).
Abundant evidence links degree of inequality
to distributions of health and happiness at the in- A4: How does the organization of human com-
dividual level and social and political stability at munities at varying scales emerge from and con-
the level of sociopolitical groups. Archaeologists strain the actions of their members? Human com-
need to pursue comparative work aggressively. munities range in size from mobile bands with a
Inequality can be systematically inferred through handful of members to cities with populations in
studies of landscapes, monuments, residences, and the tens of millions. They can transcend single lo-
mortuary remains. Those studies, in turn, will per- calities to become regional, supraregional, and,
mit mapping the relationship of inequality to other with modern communication, even global in scale.
dimensions of individual and social experience in Many different kinds of interactions—social, po-
prehistory. Quantitative dynamic modeling to em- litical, economic, and cultural—connect members
place general models of sociopolitical change in to one another. The organization of social rela-
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

specific prehistoric and historical settings is now tionships exists in the nature of these interactions
in its infancy but will be critical to our success. and in the ways in which they are structured. In
References: Boehm (1999); Dubreuil (2010); this sense, patterns of organization are the cumu-
Flannery and Marcus (2012); Hayden (2011); lative result of innumerable individual actions. At
Henrich et al. (2005); Kohler et al. (2012); Smith the same time, these individual actions take place
(2012). in the already-structured matrices of human inter-
action that define communities at varying scales.
A3: Why do market systems emerge, persist, Over the course of human history, ever-larger
evolve and, on occasion, fail? Different kinds of human communities have emerged as both prod-
economies developed in different cultural tradi- ucts and drivers of new ways to organize more
tions. Market economies—in which buyers com- complicated patterns of interaction among more
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pete for sellers and sellers compete for buyers, me- diverse sets of members. Archaeologically in-
diated by the mechanism of “price”— are not formed investigations of the interplay between
universal, but comprise only one of a number of structures of interaction and the actions that can
IP Address:

differently constituted economic systems. Non- change those structures will offer deeper under-
market economies have been formally modeled, standings of the dynamics of human organiza-
but the construction and testing of such economic tional change. Such understandings are not just of
models have required the long-term perspective academic interest. They can be vital in a world of
and long-term data of archaeologists. Archaeo- communities with greatly varying spatial and de-
logical evaluation of exchange models through mographic scales and tremendously diverse orga-
studies of the spatial distribution of sourced ma- nizational forms, in which both patterns of orga-
terials has a long history. nization and the actions of individuals are matters
Examining the emergence, persistence, and dy- of conscious policy making.
namics of market systems will require direct ar- References: Barrett (2012); Bicchieri (2005).
chaeological study of short-term fluctuations in
production, procurement, value (and indirectly A5: How and why do small-scale human com-
“price”), and consumption in micro-chronological munities grow into spatially and demographically
contexts. If market systems are emergent phe- larger and politically more complex entities? Today,
nomena, rather than a universal, then we are ask- almost everyone in the world lives in large states
ing a question fundamental to the diversification alongside millions of mostly unrelated people. Yet,
of states and the emergence of the modern world only ten thousand years ago, communities of hun-
system. If we fail to understand (and control) mar- dreds would have seemed large. Humans are the
ket competition, we will be unable to address a only species capable of forming extremely large and
central force shaping today’s world. relatively persistent groups of unrelated individuals.
References: Earle and Ericson (1976); Fein- How and why have we accomplished this?
10 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

The answer lies, in part, in large increases in lo- nested scales (neighborhoods, precincts, and the
cal carrying capacity due to the domestication of city as a whole). Historical cities provide espe-
plants and animals and subsequent improvements cially rich data, both archaeological and archival,
in technology and in our ability to harness new on the social and demographic processes that re-
forms of energy. But while these developments sulted in the layout, organization, and affordances
help explain growth in population, increases in so- of urban life. Archaeological data on cities range
cial group size must have additional causes and from small architectural details and short-lived
possible consequences for the distribution of ac- cities to broad patterns of heterogeneous urban
cess to productive resources and well-being. textures covering many square kilometers and pre-
Why did larger groups appear and what inno- senting a historical depth of millennia. Conse-
vations in cognition, culture, and social and polit- quently, characterizing long-term urban fabrics and
ical organization allowed them to prevail histori- animating associated behaviors via computational
cally? Understanding variability in the long-term modeling requires enormous data archives and
success of various strategies for political organi- substantial computational infrastructure.
zation around the world, and the consequences of References: Algaze (2008); Betancourt et al.
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

these strategies for inequality, health, and well-be- (2008); Cowgill (2004); Lilley (2009); McIntosh
ing, not only addresses classic problems in social (2005); Marcus and Sabloff (2008); A. Smith
philosophy and political economy, but also pro- (2003); M. Smith (2010); M. Smith (2003); Storey
vides an empirical foundation from which debates (2006).
can proceed regarding the longer-term conse-
quences of reorganizations resulting from present- A7: What is the role of conflict—both internal
day political upheavals. factional violence and external warfare—in the
References: Bocquet-Appel (2002); Bowles evolution of complex cultural formations? Con-
and Gintis (2011); Boyd and Richerson (2005); flict, whether internal or external, has long been
Redmond and Spencer (2012); Smil (1994). considered a fostering influence in the develop-
ment of formal political leaders and centralized
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A6: How can systematic investigations of pre- governments. The need to coordinate a military
historic and historic urban landscapes shed new force (whether a small raiding party or a large
light on the social and demographic processes standing army), provision that force, and manage
IP Address:

that drive urbanism and its consequences? The it requires a governing individual or body. Conflict
emergence and nature of cities are central themes might also foster a formal economic supply system
for archaeologists who study complex societies and might influence, and be influenced by, social
and for geographers and historians who investigate and ideological systems. Post-conflict responses
long-term urban developments. Archaeological are also important to consider. Thus, conflict has
research is uniquely positioned to address ques- the potential to impact all areas of culture and can
tions with contemporary relevance. What condi- be seen as playing a key role in the evolution of
tions stimulate or discourage large-scale aggrega- complex cultural formations.
tion? What are urban successes, and why do some Exploring the dialectical relationship between
cities succeed over long periods while others fail? conflict and complex cultural formations will un-
What roles do network effects and innovation doubtedly foster new approaches to the archaeo-
(both economic and artistic) play in a city’s de- logical record. Conflict is notoriously difficult to
velopment and success? How do we measure and identify and quantify through archaeological re-
evaluate persistence without overlooking change mains. Though some methods have been devel-
as a constant factor of urban life? oped, more systematic and large-scale analyses are
Archaeologists face the challenge of using ma- certainly necessary before this question can be
terial evidence to identify and define urban thoroughly explored. These methods will involve
processes associated with descriptors such as eth- innovations in osteology and molecular anthro-
nic diversity and inequality. Urban landscape stud- pology, as well as advances in comparative stud-
ies require techniques for incorporating data that re- ies of material culture and technology.
veal the details of everyday life, as well as data at Conflict plays a major role in contemporary hu-

man life. Understanding its impact on our ances- resilience upon ecological systems. When consid-
tors will surely help us to identify both its impacts ering coupled social and ecological systems more
today and its implications for the future. In this broadly, there is no simple, positive relationship be-
way, the exploration of ancient conflict will di- tween social diversity and resilience or how dif-
rectly inform our response to modern conflict. ferent dimensions of social and environmental di-
References: Armit (2011); Carniero (1970); versity interact to affect resilience. Scholars
Ferguson and Whitehead (1992); Korotayev examining sustainability often view complexity in
(2008); Lekson (2002); Milner (1999); Nielsen social systems (persistent, hierarchical sociopolit-
and Walker (2009); Turchin (2005). ical formations) as a liability. As with diversity, the
relationship between complexity and resilience in
B. Resilience, Persistence, Transformation, socioecological systems is certainly more subtle.
and Collapse Indeed, substantial social complexity seems nec-
B1: What factors have allowed for differential essary for the persistence of the larger and denser
persistence of societies? Few issues beg for urgent social formations that dominate the planet.
attention more than the possibility that the Earth Integrating insights from ecology and archae-
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

cannot support continued population growth and ology can contribute to contemporary under-
increased use of limited natural and energy re- standings of the role of diversity and complexity
sources. But how common has been the problem in the resilience of socioecological systems. As so-
of societies outgrowing the resources available to cieties cope with recognized vulnerabilities at par-
them given their technical capacities? Why do so- ticular scales and in specific domains, they must
cieties collapse? The long view and materialist attend to vulnerabilities at other scales and in other
perspective of archaeology, and its ability to in- domains that result from their responses. Enhanced
corporate and apply analyses from social and nat- awareness of the potential interactions of diversity
ural sciences to a broad range of societies, make and complexity at different scales can inform con-
these questions exceptionally relevant to archae- temporary policies dealing with sustainability, par-
ological inquiry. ticularly in the small-scale, subsistence economies
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More theoretical development is needed, how- in which many of the world’s most ecologically
ever. Will the most productive approaches be vulnerable societies live and have lived over the
drawn from theories of robustness or resilience? past 5,000 years.
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Do societies exhibit different capacities for evolv- References: Elmqvist et al. (2003); Hegmon et
ability and, if so, why? Do we need to build new al. (2008); Ives and Carpenter (2007); Nelson et al.
theory to incorporate understandings developed (2011).
from the long sweep of prehistory? Whatever the
case, we must continue to improve our methods B3: Can we characterize social collapse or
for inferring and modeling population size, pro- decline in a way that is applicable across cul-
ductivity of resources, climate, and returns to scale tures, and are there any warning signals that col-
under various social arrangements, and we must lapse or severe decline is near? The archaeologi-
take advantage of our strongest empirical cases cal record is replete with examples of the rise and
(e.g., the U.S. Pueblo Southwest, Polynesia, and fall of communities of all scales—from hunter-
Western Europe) to help guide method and theory gatherer groups, to towns and villages, to civi-
elsewhere. lizations. With recent advances in the quantity
References: Burger et al. (2012); Costanza et al. and quality of archaeological and historical stud-
(2007); Holling (1973); Jen (2005); Kirch and ies, we can uncover robust patterns in societal
Rallu (2007); Kohler and Varien (2012); Wagner collapses over time and space. We can also pay
(2011). better attention to cultural and environmental dif-
ferences among cases in which societies rebound
B2: What are the roles of social and environ- from collapse and those in which they do not, to
mental diversity and complexity in creating re- the time between collapse and resurgence, and to
silience and how do their impacts vary by social cycles of rises and falls. Nevertheless, we must
scale? Diversity is often credited with conferring distinguish full societal collapse from declines
12 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

with cultural continuities. Further, archaeologists plaining major cultural transformations or whether
can compare and contrast examples of collapse historical contingency prevents us from con-
with those of resilience in similar and differing structing predictive theory, developing adequate
ecological situations. models of the cultural schemes actually used in the
Given the growing concern about the sustain- negotiation of transformative change—and their
ability of our planet amid well-documented de- success or failure—will have immediate value in
mographic and environmental trends and pres- predicting what will not succeed and what must be
sures, the causes and warning signs of collapse added to have any hope of success.
examined over long time periods may provide References: Kirch and Green (2001); Kus and
useful contexts for modern planning efforts. Fur- Rahijaona (2000); Ortman (2012); Reilly and Gar-
ther, there is the potential for comparative studies ber (2007).
of cultural and biological systems. These efforts
can build on widespread biological and ecological C. Movement, Mobility, and Migration
studies that describe major declines in plant and C1: What processes led to, and resulted from,
animal communities and that highlight warning the global dispersal of modern humans? Modern
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

signals (e.g., slowing return time after perturba- humans left Africa and dispersed across the Old
tion, higher variance, conflict) among communi- World about 60,000 B.P. and by 12,000 B.P. had
ties at risk. Thus, there are possibilities for build- colonized the New World. These colonizers faced
ing both specific and general explanations for enormous challenges—new environments, new
societal collapses and for constructing ever- sources of raw materials and food and, in some
broader theories about where and when processes cases, the presence of other hominin species or
implicated in collapse occur and where and when new predators. Exploring these challenges raises
they do not. a variety of questions. For example, what were the
References: Feinman and Marcus (1998); dialectics between culture (social organization,
McAnany and Yoffee (2010); Scheffer et al. technology, ideology) and dispersal? How did dif-
(2012); Schwartz and Nichols (2006); Tainter ferent environments facilitate and/or obstruct dis-
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(1988); Yoffee and Cowgill (1988). persal? What were the environmental impacts of
dispersal, and how did these impacts shape cultural
B4: How does ideology structure economic, systems? The global dispersal of modern humans
IP Address:

political, and ritual systems? Cosmology and ide- raises methodological issues as well. For instance,
ology, a symbolized belief system about sociality what is the archaeology of the submerged conti-
and politics, have become foci of archaeological nental shelf, and how can we examine those de-
research. Recent efforts have documented past posits? What are the continuing genetic contribu-
ideologies and cosmologies using such material tions from admixture between migrating and
evidence as iconography in design, architectural indigenous hominins? What is the relationship be-
layouts, and the symbolization of social relations. tween modern language families and the proto-lan-
Archaeologists now face the problem of repre- guages of migrating groups of modern humans?
senting, as more than verbal approximations, the These questions require innovations in method-
ideological frames of actors that are used, revised, ological and theoretical approaches. Perhaps more
and selected in the course of cultural action. Spe- importantly, understanding why humans moved
cific progress has been made on a number of cases into new regions and how they adapted to them
for which we have both archaeological and eth- touches on fundamental issues about human use of
nohistoric/ethnographic/linguistic evidence, but a the environment and the potential of culture to
general formal representation of such thought sys- shape, and be shaped by, the natural world. We are
tems remains a challenge. currently faced with enormous challenges from
Ideologies and related schemas must change if globalization and climate change. A better under-
the systems of political and economic action they standing of how our ancestors overcame equally
guide are to be transformed to address pressing great challenges as they colonized the world may
problems now facing human societies. Whether help us to address and surmount the seemingly in-
we can make progress toward “grand theories” ex- tractable problems of our present day.

References: Abi-Rached et al. (2011); Pagel et (2012); Kohler and Varien (2012); McCorriston et
al. 2013; Peregrine et al. (2009); F. Smith (2010); al. (2012).
Stone et al. (2007); Wells and Stock (2007).
C3: How do humans occupy extreme environ-
C2: What are the relationships among envi- ments, and what cultural and biological adapta-
ronment, population dynamics, settlement struc- tions emerge as a result? The ultimate test of our
ture, and human mobility? Today’s news is full of theories is their capacity to account for extreme
stories of drought, floods, warfare, political unrest, cases. The immediate value of further research in
and religious persecution, often with attendant regions with extreme environments (high altitude,
dislocated populations. While each event is com- high latitude, etc.) lies in the testing of theories of
monly explained by one or a few proximate cultural adaptation at the limits of viability, limits
causes, population movements are rarely so easily at which the weaknesses of theories often become
explained. Some forces that lead to population evident and new understandings must be generated.
dislocation occur at global or regional scales, such Humans moved into hyper-arid environments
as changes in sea levels or persistent alterations to at least by the last glacial maximum and into high
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

weather patterns. Others occur at much finer mountain and high arctic environments a few mil-
scales, such as soil depletion due to agricultural in- lennia later. These are difficult and expensive
tensification or a shortened temporal interval be- places to work, and it is unsurprising that archae-
tween children. Human mobility is not simply an ologists are still developing basic culture-histori-
outcome of external factors; it can drive environ- cal sequences in many of these areas. We have
mental and social change. only a spotty, qualitative knowledge of peoples’
Archaeologists have long been interested in early lifeways in these places. It is a tribute to the
the causes and consequences of human mobility, ability and sheer grit of arctic specialists that they
and archaeological investigations continue to have a more comprehensive knowledge of their
amass relevant data from all portions of the globe. cases than those in other extreme environments.
Data alone, however, are not sufficient. Transfor- However, even there, many exciting challenges re-
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mative progress is possible only if we frame ques- main, not least understanding how complex soci-
tions in ways that can be answered. This framing eties develop in such extremes. Researchers in
entails defining and measuring essential aspects of desert Australia have advanced theory develop-
IP Address:

four theoretical domains: environment, popula- ment because of the rich and well-studied ethno-
tion dynamics, settlement structure, and human graphic record and abundant and well-documented
mobility. Each domain can range in spatial scale rock art. A similar depth of understanding is pos-
from small (e.g., an agricultural field) to large sible in the Sahara and Arabian deserts. The Ti-
(e.g., a region), and differing temporal scales will betan plateau, a critical high-altitude case, though
need to be reconciled. Effectively characterizing ethnographically and biologically well studied, is
these domains requires biological, environmental, only beginning to see investigations into the ar-
sociological, historical, anthropological, and ar- chaeology of its peoples.
chaeological data. The hard-won lessons of survival—perhaps
Typically, archaeologists have explored human cultural more than technological—in these for-
mobility through a case-study approach based on ar- bidding regions may well be of value in sustaining
chaeological and ancillary data from small-scale re- a human presence as arctic environments change
search projects. However, we also see the need for and as substantial parts of our planet are growing
regional- and continental-scale studies that match more arid.
the scale of the problem to the scale of particular in- References: Barton et al. (2007); Beall (2007);
teractions. This synthetic research can benefit enor- Fitzhugh (2007); McGovern et al. (2007); Mul-
mously from case studies, but only if their results vaney and Kamminga (1999); Wendorf and Schild
are accessible and if modeling and simulation tools (1980).
can test new theoretical relationships among vari-
ables derived from the four domains. C4: Why does migration occur and why do
References: Benson et al. (2009); Fort et al. migrant groups maintain identities in some cir-
14 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

cumstances and adopt new ones in others? Mi- 40,000 B.P. Archaeologists debate the sequence of
gration has been a widespread phenomenon since events between 150,000 and 40,000 B.P. Were
the earliest times and involves movement of indi- anatomically modern humans behaviorally mod-
viduals as well as groups to new settings. Archae- ern as well? Was there a single point of origin or
ologists have long invoked migration as a cause of multiple sources? Investigations in southern Africa
environmental or cultural change or as the result present compelling evidence for early develop-
of such changes. Simple mechanical explanations ments characteristic of behaviorally modern hu-
have given way to studies of migration that are mans, such as abstract art, complex technology,
fundamentally concerned with relationships substantial trade or transport of materials, and per-
among time, objects, persons, and spaces. In ad- haps even plant management, but there are great
dition to explaining the reasons for migrations, lacunae in the record until around 40,000 B.P.
contemporary scholarship has highlighted the en- Thus, we need to know, how did humanity
meshed nature of people and things. Archaeolo- arise? What complex interactions formed the ba-
gists are confronted with the challenge of delin- sis for the emergence of modern human behavior?
eating how identities are forged in new settings. To some researchers, these changes resulted from
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

Recognizing that individuals produce and articu- a sudden change in the cognitive capabilities of the
late identity continuously—through their bodies, populations—perhaps due to a neurological mu-
language, and material culture—enables archae- tation; other researchers point to pressures from
ologists to investigate identity production and re- external processes, such as sharp changes in cli-
production. mate; yet others suggest that it is the inevitable
Questions to consider include: How did the outcome of a critical demographic mass of the
new setting differ from the old? Was migration anatomically modern humans. Archaeological ev-
temporary or permanent, was it voluntary or not, idence and analysis of a massive body of emerg-
and what were the ease and frequency of contact ing data are critical to resolving this question—one
with, or return to, the old setting? Were migrants essential to understanding the fundamental nature
expected to assimilate into a new society or coex- of humanity.
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ist within it—whether purposely or through ex- References: Henshilwood et al. (2011); Mace
clusion? The answers to these questions all affect (2009); Mellars (2006); Powell et al. (2009);
the degree to which migrants can maintain tradi- Schwartz and Tattersal (2010).
IP Address:

tional patterns of behavior made manifest through

material culture. Recently, archaeologists have ac- D2: How do people form identities, and what
knowledged that nostalgia for the home place, or are the aggregate long-term and large-scale ef-
homesickness, influences migrant attempts to fects of these processes? The identities that hu-
replicate “home” through religious practices, food- mans ascribe to themselves and to others undergird
ways, furnishings, clothing, architecture, and land- the cultural practices, decision-making strategies,
scape. and worldviews of all societies in ways that impact
References: Brettell and Hollifield (2000); long-term and large-scale organizational, religious,
Burmeister (2000); Cabana and Clark (2011); political, ethnic, national, and international de-
Chapman and Hamerow (1997); Colburn and velopments. Identity formation is a continuous
Hughes (2010); Hakenbeck (2008); van Tilburg cultural process that happens simultaneously at
and Vingerhoets (2005). personal, community, regional, and transregional
scales, as well as at the interface of society and bi-
D. Cognition, Behavior, and Identity ology. But how are the various processes and the
D1: What are the biophysical, sociocultural, and scales at which they operate connected to long-
environmental interactions out of which modern term and large-scale historical and evolutionary
human behavior emerged? Anatomically modern developments? What explains why certain rela-
humans emerged in the period 150,000 to 200,000 tionships or associations, but not others, are linked
B.P. in Africa. There is also firm evidence that be- to identity? Critical to future efforts is distin-
haviorally modern humans (with art and complex guishing how human identities (vs. the modes of
tools) were present throughout the Old World by affiliation among other species) form with respect

to biological and emotional bonds. Are there spe- tribes? How does plant and animal tending trans-
cific intersocietal or intrasocietal contexts (e.g., form social relations? What are the causal rela-
feasts, pilgrimages, migrations) or modes of ex- tionships among monumentality, inequality, and
perience (e.g., theatrical, ritual, religious) that pro- identity?
duce different identities? This overarching question folds seemingly dis-
Identity construction happens in spaces and en- parate disciplines and schools of thought into a sci-
gages material things and what people do with entific archaeology of cultural process with pro-
them. Thus, the process is measureable through the found implications for today’s world. Tracking and
remains of domestic and nondomestic practices evaluating localized arrangements and reconfigu-
and performances. Extensive datasets of archaeo- rations, of course, necessitates extensive invest-
logical materials provide evidence on innumer- ments in digital spatial datasets that incorporate Li-
able contexts of human identity formation at mul- DAR, geophysical, and other three-dimensional
tiple scales and with great time depth. Human data that allow virtual exploration and analysis.
violence or peacemaking and political stability or References: Bradley (2000); Dobres (1999);
change often hinge on issues of identity. Indeed, Ingold (2000); Parker-Pearson et al. (2006); Robb
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

understanding these processes may allow us to ad- (2007); Robb and Pauketat (2013).
dress contemporary geopolitical problems more
effectively. E. Human-Environment Interactions
References: Canuto and Yaeger (2000); Dietler E1: How have human activities shaped Earth’s bi-
and Herbich (1988); Fowler (2004); Inomata and ological and physical systems, and when did hu-
Coben (2006); Jones (1996); Nielsen and Walker mans become dominant drivers of these systems?
(2009). The role of humans in altering Earth’s climate
and transforming its ecosystems is a central con-
D3: How do spatial and material reconfigura- cern of twenty-first-century scientific inquiry and
tions of landscapes and experiential fields affect public policy. Recently, earth scientists have pro-
societal development? To the extent that inhabit- posed that the Earth has moved into a new epoch,
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:55:47 PM
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ing a landscape or engaging some field of things the “Anthropocene,” in which humans have be-
configures cultural beliefs and society, reconfigu- come the major force shaping Earth’s ecosystems,
rations of the people, places, and things of those atmosphere, and landforms. Much of the debate
IP Address:

landscapes or fields are tantamount to practical, about the Anthropocene has focused on identify-
political, or religious change. Space and matter are ing its atmospheric or geological signatures. Re-
fundamental dimensions of human experience; searchers in other fields have variously traced its
they shape and constrain the direction of cognitive onset to the Industrial Revolution at A.D. 1800, to
development, social change, and biological evo- the spread of wet rice farming and cattle pastoral-
lution. From technologies and houses to land- ism at 8000 B.P., or to as long ago as 14,000 B.P.,
scapes and cyberspace, the processes of making, with the extinction of Pleistocene megafauna.
doing, sensing, inhabiting, and relating to things Despite producing key data, archaeologists
and beings are intimately connected to human have largely been left out of this discussion. This
neurological development, cultural values, identity is a major limitation, since archaeology, drawing
formation, social structure, and political change. on cross-disciplinary tools capable of tracking the
Studies addressing how spatial and material increasingly dominant role of humans in Earth
(and practical and political) reconfigurations of systems, brings a deep-time perspective that stands
landscapes and experiential fields affect societal to make significant contributions to understanding
development will transform scientific under- how humans have shaped the Earth. The chal-
standings of the long-term relationships between lenge is to join disparate efforts into a broad-based
nature and culture, evolution and history. They will initiative that can integrate existing and new sets
allow us to answer a suite of key questions about of archaeobiological, geomorphological, paleoen-
human evolution and hunter-gatherer adaptations: vironmental, demographic, and other relevant data
What explains the expansion of Homo sapiens? to model human/environmental interactions
Why do communal values pervade bands and through time. By bringing archaeology’s strengths
16 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

to bear on this debate, the discipline situates itself be investigated over millennia, not just over the
at the center of fundamental questions that cut last few centuries.
across the social, biological, and physical sciences Bioarchaeological, historical, and regional sur-
and that are the focus of important international vey datasets have been used to estimate ancient
policy debate. Archaeology is well positioned both populations, but more robust estimates are possi-
to identify the onset of the Anthropocene and to ble only if we integrate these data sources at local,
provide a unique perspective on how humans regional, and global scales. Although modern pop-
came to assume this dominant transformative role ulation levels are well above those of the ancient
in shaping our planet. past, an understanding of how human communi-
References: Crutzen (2002); Doughtry et al. ties responded when they approached demo-
(2010); Fuller et al. (2011); Rick and Erlandson graphic ceilings can be generated from archaeo-
(2008); Zalasiewics et al. (2008); Zeder et al. logical data and can contribute fundamentally to
(2006). policy debates. But ancient demographic research
requires multidisciplinary collaborations and com-
E2: What factors drive or constrain population parative research over wide geographical areas.
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

growth in prehistory and history? Demography References: Bocquet-Appel and Bar-Yosef

and population growth have been at the center of (2008); Chamberlain (2006); Costanza et al.
global policy debates since at least the first pub- (2011); Livi-Bacci (1992); McAnany and Yoffee
lication of Malthus in 1798. Subsequent discus- (2010); Meadows et al. (2004); Roberts and Buik-
sions have often continued his pessimistic tone. stra (2003).
Although archaeological data on ancient popula-
tions remain patchy, it is essential to develop E3: What factors drive health and well-being in
more precise estimates of population size and prehistory and history? The world today likely in-
growth rates and the intensity of human impacts cludes some of the healthiest and longest-lived
on the environment. people ever to inhabit the Earth, even though the
It is essential to go beyond simple description, advantages of contemporary medicine and nutri-
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such as the familiar logistic curves of population tious diet are far from universally available. Ar-
growth. Demography is properly situated between chaeologists now combine studies of ancient and
“choice and constraint” within a web of disciplines modern DNA and bioarchaeological analyses of
IP Address:

that consider human behavior and agency, as well human remains with contextual information from
as biological, environmental, socioeconomic, and the archaeological record and from documents,
political factors. Archaeology is well suited to par- where available. In this way, it has been possible
ticipate in the debates that surround population to document major shifts in health and nutrition for
growth because it can, over the very long term, es- the Neolithic demographic transition, for urban-
timate population levels, evaluate human impacts ization, and for the recent epidemiological (de-
on the environment, and contribute to understand- mographic) transition.
ing the drivers of, and constraints on, growth. Current information suggests that complicated
Resource availability, human fertility and phys- interactions on various timescales, rather than sim-
iology, agricultural production, health, technolog- ple one-way causal chains, gave rise to or accom-
ical developments, political economy, and so- panied these shifts. For example, infectious-dis-
cioeconomic and historical processes all serve to ease loads, including those due to zoonoses,
both drive and constrain population growth. Be- resulted in increasing human mortality with the
cause technology and socioeconomic and political formation of villages and cities, but eventually
processes can all raise the ceiling for population promoted increased disease resistance through
growth, the concept of ever-relaxed constraints natural selection. Moreover, individuals in egali-
on population growth helps explain modern dilem- tarian societies exhibited similar patterns of mor-
mas such as overpopulation and rapid urban ex- bidity, whereas these patterns strongly diverged in
pansion. The observation that urban centers often state-level societies, sorted by class and wealth.
experience higher death rates even as they in- Archaeologists must continue to deepen re-
crease in population through immigration needs to search collaborations with specialists in other

fields to determine the impacts of climate change, sent, and identify signatures of human management
emergence of inequality, population/resource bal- in the DNA of managed plants and animals. It re-
ances, diet, and microbiomes on health and well- quires analyses at different geographic scales to
being—as indicated by stature, osteologically isolate both commonalities and differences in the
manifest pathologies, and demographic rates— contexts, courses, and outcomes of human resource
and the distributions of impacts across popula- management and domestication. It also requires
tions. These topics galvanize public interest to grappling with alternative theoretical stances that
such an extent (e.g., the vast literature on the “Pa- see forager adaptations as driven by principles of
leolithic Diet”) that accuracy in our reconstruc- optimization, risk reduction, community, or belief
tions and arguments concerning causal relation- systems. Marshaling archaeological tools and data
ships should be an important part of our public sets, researchers can illuminate how and why peo-
responsibility. ple have transformed much of the Earth into an an-
References: Barnes et al. (2011); Barrett et al. thropogenically managed landscape that is domi-
(1998); Danforth (1999); Gage (2005); Steckel nated by domesticated and other species dependent
and Rose (2002). on humans for their survival.
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

References: Kelly (1995); Kennett and Win-

E4: Why do foragers engage in plant and ani- terhalder (2006); Laland and O’Brien (2010);
mal management, and under what circumstances Smith (2011); Zeder (2012).
does management of a plant or animal lead to its
domestication? Foragers, past and present, manage E5: Why do agricultural economies emerge,
plant and animal communities to increase resource spread, and intensify, and what are the relation-
predictability and human carrying capacity of the ships among productive capacity, population, and
territories they exploit. This deliberate manage- innovation? How and why people around the world
ment of resources is fundamental to domestication. developed and adopted subsistence economies
The human capacity for spontaneous invention of based on domesticates remains a central problem
new behaviors, and our ability to pass on these be- in archaeological inquiry. Identifying the dynamic
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:55:47 PM
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haviors to others through social learning, elevates processes that led to agricultural economies emerg-
the scope and impact of human niche-construction ing, spreading, and intensifying is a challenge of
activities far beyond that found in other animals. enormous scope. Agricultural economies encom-
IP Address:

This, of course, has resulted in major expansion of pass a diverse array of domestic plant and animal
managed plant and animal species in human mod- species that have different ecological requirements
ified ecosystems. and are grown under a wide variety of production
Twenty-first-century archaeology is uniquely strategies. They span a broad range of social and
poised to address unresolved questions about the political systems—from small-scale societies with
factors that shape human-resource management minimal socioeconomic differentiation and little or
and are implicated in plant and animal domesti- no centralized leadership to empires that encom-
cation: What are the circumstances that lead to the pass vast regions fueled by highly specialized
diversification and intensification of human niche- economies and structured around rigid socioeco-
construction behaviors? Why do certain forager nomic and political hierarchies.
groups focus on specific territories and resources Three closely related factors are critical to
within those territories? Why and how do these ac- understanding how agricultural economies arose,
tivities result in domestication of certain plant and proliferated, and, in some cases, collapsed: (1)
animal species and not others? What are the long- productive capacity—the caloric output of vari-
term environmental and cultural consequences of ous crops and livestock under different produc-
these activities? tion regimes and environmental circumstances;
Addressing these questions requires that we in- (2) population—the size and distribution of pro-
tegrate information on the resource strategies of ducers and consumers across the landscape; and
both modern and ancient foragers, assimilate in- (3) innovation—developments in technology and
formation on forager responses to climate and en- practice and in the institutions that mediate rela-
vironmental change from the deep past to the pre- tionships between productive capacity and pop-
18 AMERICAN ANTIQUITY [Vol. 79, No. 1, 2014]

ulation. Structuring studies around these factors economy, and demography. Detecting and assess-
leads to questions about population size and den- ing the intensity and frequency of abrupt and short-
sity and their impact on agricultural emergence term environmental perturbations in the archaeo-
and spread, the ways in which hierarchical con- logical record will require the integration of data
trol structures mediate risk and enhance (or con- from settlement archaeology, zooarchaeology, pa-
strain) productivity, and the levels of cultural leoecology, sedimentology, seismology, geomor-
complexity possible without agriculture. phology, and allied disciplines.
Exploring how these relationships have shaped References: Cooper and Sheets (2012); Grattan
agricultural economies over time requires diverse and Torrence (2007); Maschner and Jordan (2008);
datasets and advanced computational and model- Sandweiss and Kelly (2012); Sintubin (2011);
ing capacities. Analyses of integrated data—on Torrence (2002).
crop and livestock species, agricultural practices,
environmental parameters, settlement size and dis- E7: How do humans perceive and react to
tributions, social structures that impact agricultural changes in climate and the natural environment
capacities, and symbolic systems that shape the over short- and long-terms? Studying the effects
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

identity of agriculturalists—will reveal the rela- of environmental change on human societies has
tionships that have structured agricultural long been a dominant theme of archaeological re-
economies. These relationships will inform un- search. While some regard the relationship as one
derstandings of current-day interactions of inno- sided, with the environment determining or greatly
vation and capacity as agricultural economies constraining cultural responses, most recent ex-
struggle to feed a growing world population now plorations see a more dynamic relationship, with
exceeding seven billion. the environment shaping and being shaped by hu-
References: Johnston (2003); Killion (1992); man societies.
Morrison (1996); Smith (2007), Wills (2012). People constantly monitor aspects of the envi-
ronment and respond to perceived change by in-
tegrating their observations with their goals, their
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:55:47 PM

E6: How do humans respond to abrupt envi-

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ronmental change? On December 26, 2004, a knowledge, and their life experiences. While con-
massive earthquake-caused tsunami swept across sidered responses will often improve outcomes in
the Indian Ocean, killing more than 250,000 peo- a given year, such decisions can result in alter-
IP Address:

ple. Indigenous peoples participating in small- ations of the environment that are highly detri-
scale foraging economies, horticulturalists, and mental in the long term. Furthermore, it appears
commercial fishermen were severely impacted by quite difficult to respond appropriately to envi-
this event, but some foragers, such as those in the ronmental changes that are sufficiently slow that
Andaman Islands, appear to have been spared ma- they cannot be perceived in a single lifetime—
jor disruptions. An immediate worldwide response such as shifts in the Earth’s temperature, sea lev-
to this event was to increase scientific funding to els, stream flows, and soil chemistry—even in
better predict and monitor tsunami, but almost no complex societies that maintain permanent records
funding was directed to investigating the impacts of environmental observations.
on peoples’ lives, the effects on regional social dy- Archaeologists are reasonably successful in
namics, or traditional settlement and subsistence documenting societal reactions to short- and long-
responses to these events. term environmental change. Most interpretations
Abrupt environmental changes, including are, however, post hoc, functional explanations of
tsunami, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, short- why a particular culture made the choices that it
term weather events, and wildfires are often, but did. Case by case, these interpretations may seem
not necessarily, catastrophic, and they may have compelling, but they have proven extremely dif-
both negative and positive consequences for par- ficult to generalize. Even theoretical models have
ticular societies. Investigating the social and po- been limited in geographic scope due to techno-
litical responses and adaptations to these external logical and computing limitations. The challenge
agents of change is key to understanding the crit- is to move from case or regional studies to larger-
ical roles they play in social change, migration, scale comparative research, and to learn how to

make generalizable statements about how people pediments to our scientific work. However, our ex-
make choices that draw on universal biases in perience over the last two decades suggests that the
cognition (and in fact to study the evolution of respectful engagement of these communities can
those biases). These efforts will require making greatly enhance our search for systematic knowl-
data from relatively small field projects widely ac- edge about past events and processes. Finally, ad-
cessible and increasing current technological ca- dressing many of these problems will require in-
pabilities to allow for studies of human-environ- tensive, cross-disciplinary collaborations.
ment interaction to increase in scope and Although those collaborations will be demanding
complexity. and time consuming, they have the potential to
References: Garrison and Dunning (2009); yield transformative results with cascading im-
Gigerenzer et al. (2011); Ingold (2011); Kelly et al. pacts far beyond archaeology.
(2013); Sandweiss and Kelly (2012); Shepard et Acknowledgments. The authors are grateful to the anonymous
al. 2012; Turner and Sabloff (2012). archaeologists who proposed grand challenges through the
Web-based survey. Those responses greatly enhanced our de-
liberations. We are also grateful to the Santa Fe Institute for
Concluding Observations
Society for American Archaeology - American Antiquity access (392-89-746)

graciously hosting the workshop that identified the challenges

presented here. This material is based upon work supported by
Many of the cultural processes implicated in these the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 12-02413.
challenges undoubtedly involve complex, nonlin- Translation of the abstract by Oralia Cabrera Cortez and ex-
ear relationships in which cause and effect are not pert editing by Mason Thompson, Kirsten Clary, and Lauren
readily distinguished. Further complicating our Kuby are gratefully acknowledged. Finally, this article bene-
task, short-term human responses to problems of- fited from many thoughtful comments by American Antiquity’s
five reviewers.
ten have unintended consequences, in both the
short and long terms. As a result, addressing many
of these challenges will require both sophisticated References Cited
modeling and large-scale synthetic research that Abi-Rached, Laurent, Matthew J. Jobin, Subhash Kulkarni, Alas-
are only now becoming possible (Kintigh 2006).
Tuesday, January 21, 2014 3:55:47 PM
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dair McWhinnie, Klara Dalva, Loren Gragert, Farbod

Although new archaeological fieldwork will Babrzadeh, Baback Gharizadeh, Ma Luo, Francis A.
Plummer, Joshua Kimani, Mary Carrington, Derek Mid-
be needed, the greatest payoff will derive from in- dleton, Raja Rajalingam, Meral Beksac, Steven G.E.
vestments that allow us to exploit the explosion in
IP Address:

Marsh, Martin Maiers, Lisbeth A. Guethlein, Sofia

systematically collected archaeological data that Tavoularis, Ann-Margaret Little, Richard E. Green, Paul
J. Norman, and Peter Parham
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1. These organizations agreed to disseminate the request:
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