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English 12 -- End of Unit Portfolio -- Artifact 2 -- End of Unit Reflection

I chose the Unit 1 Reflection and Essay and the Unit 2 essay simply because they relate to
Christianity, the cornerstone of my life. Through the Unit 1 Reflection, I was able to connect this cornerstone
to literature and ethical decision making, something I had never done previously. One of the very first things I
learned in Unit 1 was the ethical language that I continue to use to this very day, such as short-term versus
long-term and care-based thinking. However, the one term that really stood out to me was rule-based thinking
because it greatly correlates with decision making based off of religious principle. I was able to identify the
“morals and beliefs [that] resonate in my life” as fundamentally justified because they were wrought in God. It
is important to note that I get these morals and beliefs from the Bible and then apply them to multiple
scenarios, demonstrating a rule-based way of thinking.
Such was the case with the message conveyed about advanced technology in ​The Machine Stops​ and
Black Mirror​, which is that the power held in said technology mimics that of God. I further wrote that the
long-term benefits of following moral principle overtly surpasses the short-term benefits of “easy of life and
clarity” that come from technology. This formed the entire crux of my first essay and I eventually began to
realize that “humanity proves incapable of handling any power that mimics [God’s].” Furthermore, I
connected my knowledge of the Bible, specifically the verse that demonstrates God’s ability to figuratively
“move mountains,” to these ethical tensions in order to compare humanity’s power with God’s and resolutely
analyze the topic presented in the novel. Therefore, I was able to examine this ethical tension, that being
short-term versus long-term, because I had learned that the Bible constitutes my rule-based way of thinking.
I then connected my moral code with the second essay, however, this time, the topic was about
bioengineering. In light of “The Case Against Perfection,” “Are We Not Men,” and “Ten With a Flag,” I
argued that “the long-term effect of misplacing our role with God’s outweighs the short-term effect of
enhancing different traits and abilities of individuals.” This time, I synthesized the story of the Tower of Babel
from the Bible to demonstrate humanity’s natural disposition to pursue perfectness. Although I still
incorporated the same ethical tension as my previous essay, i.e. short-term versus long-term, I ultimately
applied it to a completely different scenario, which demonstrates my advancement in relating the terms we first
learned regarding ethical literacy to multiple tensions and later resolving said tensions by rule-based thinking.
Therefore, through reflecting on ethical literacy in Unit 1, I was able to see the correlation between
rule-based thinking and Christianity, the cornerstone of my life. Afterwords, I had connected my knowledge
of the Bible, which wholeheartedly influences my morals, in order to fully analyze two ethical tensions.
Unit 1 Reflection:

Essay 1: ​

Essay 2:

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