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German firm of music publishers. In 1835 Adolph Nagel (1800–73) took over
the music shop, music-publishing firm and lending library of Georg Christian
Bachmann in Hanover and ran them under his own name. In 1913 the
business was acquired from his heirs by Alfred Grensser (1884–1950), who
appreciated the stimulus given to music publishing after World War I by the
youth music movement. He specialized in editions of early music, and
produced performing editions of Baroque and early Classical works in the
series Nagels Musik-Archiv, which numbered over 200 issues in the mid-
1970s. When the Hanover premises were completely destroyed in World War
II the firm moved to Celle and in 1952 was taken over by the Vötterle
publishing group; it still trades from Kassel under its own name.
C. Vinz and G. Olzog, eds.: Dokumentation deutschsprachiger Verlage
(Munich and Vienna, 1962, 12/1995)
Musikverlage in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und in West-Berlin (Bonn,
1965), 77–8

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