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Heart Failure Complicating Acute

Myocardial Infarction

Congestive heart failure (CHF) occurs in about one half of all patients with acute
myocardial infarction and is a manifestation of acute alterations in left ventricular
function. In the present study CHF is defined on clinical grounds, according to the
presence and extent of bilateral pulmonary rales. An accompanying S3 ventricular gallop
was heard in 58% of our patients with heart failure initially, but it disappeared eventu-
ally in the majority. Dilatation of pulmonary veins and blurring of pulnonary vascular
markings are useful roentgenographic signs which reflect elevations in left heart filling
pressure. At times the earliest indicators of heart failure, these findings appear in general
to be less sensitive than the physical examination in diagnosing CHF. Although stroke
volume is decreased with CHF, cardiac index is generally maintained by increased
heart rate. Left ventricular minute work and stroke work are significantly decreased,
while left ventricular end-diastolic pressure is significantly increased, in patients with
CHF complicating acute myocardial infarction. Arterial hypoxemia is common and
the degree of arteriovenous shunting is roughly proportional to the elevation of left
ventricular filling pressure. The mortality of patients with CHF is approximately three
times that of patients with acute myocardial infarction and no complications. Diuretic
therapy is safe and effective. Attention is called to the probability that the use of
digitalis preparations in the early hours following myocardial infarction is hazardous.
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Furthermore, hemodynamic benefit from digitalization in the early postinfarction period

remains unproven.

Additional Indexing Words:

Coronary artery disease Hemodynamics Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure
Left ventricular function

C ARDIAC INFARCTION represents an Definition

acute insult to myocardial integrity. Congestive heart failure (CHF) following
Since left ventricular damage, old and recent, acute myocardial infarction is defined as a
is often substantial, it is not surprising that clinical syndrome manifested by moist rales at
clinical evidence of congestive heart failure is the lung bases persisting after vigorous cough,
frequent in the patient hospitalized with acute often accompanied by a third heart sound,
myocardial infarction. Recent physiologic tachycardia, and tachypnea or dyspnea. Evi-
studies have demonstrated that abnormalities dence of vascular blurring, dilatation, or
in left ventricular and pulmonary function parenchymal clouding on a chest roentgeno-
after myocardial infarction are common and gram is a frequent but not invariable associat-
often more severe than suspected clinically. ed finding.
To facilitate the clinical evaluation of
From the Department of Medicine, Cornell patients with acute myocardial infarction we
University Medical College, The New York Hospital, have arbitrarily defined four clinical classes:
New York, New York. class I, no signs of heart failure; class II, mild
Supported in part by U. S. Public Health Service
Contract PH43-67-1439 and Cardiovascular Training or moderate heart failure, rales over an area of
Grant T12-HE 05789-04. 50% or less of both lung fields; class III,
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 19772 1125
1126 WOLK ET AL.

pulmonary edema, rales over more than half CHF.4 6, 19 These symptoms are often accom-
of both lung fields; class IV, cardiogenic panied by a marked decrease in the 1-sec
shock, blood pressure by cuff of less than 90 forced expiratory volume and forced vital
mm Hg with signs of inadequate peripheral capacity20 and correlate well with elevated
perfusion including reduced urine flow, cold pulmonary artery diastolic pressure.16
and clammy skin, cyanosis, and mental A ventricular gallop or third heart sound
obtundation. has been heard in approximately one third of
patients with acute myocardial infarction. The
Incidence of Heart Failure reported incidence ranges from 26 to
Mild or moderate left heart failure was 65%.9'16, 21, 22 In our series, an S3 gallop was
found on physical examination in 48% (range heard on admission in 20 patients (36%) and
23-71%) of 1800 hospitalized patients evalu- developed after admission in 12 additional
ated clinically prior to the development of the subjects. Thus a ventricular gallop was identi-
Coronary Care Unit (CCU).1-5 Approximate- fied in 58% of our patients with CHF following
ly the same incidence, 46% (range 20-68%) of acute myocardial infarction.
2300 patients, has been noted in studies It should be emphasized, however, that the
reported since 1967.6 16 Severe heart failure or clinical recognition of a gallop may be an
pulmonary edema is less common, occurring inaccurate guide to the presence or absence of
in approximately 12% of patients with myocar- ventricular decompensation. Detection of the
dial infarction.7 8, 10-12, 16-18 S3 depends on the skill and motivation of the
Of 112 patients with acute myocardial observer. Unless auscultation is unusually
infarction admitted consecutively to the New thorough, the true incidence of the gallop is
York Hospital Coronary Care Unit during almost certainly underestimated. Frequent
1970-71, 47 (42%) had mild or moderate left examination in a quiet room with the patient
heart failure, class II; eight (7%) developed on his left side may improve detection.
pulmonary edema, class III; 10 (9%) were in The rapid-filling sound associated with
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cardiogenic shock, class IV; and 47 (42%) had mitral regurgitation may be erroneously inter-
no clinical evidence of heart failure whatever, preted as evidence for left ventricular fail-
class I. ure.23 Mitral regurgitation has been observed
The incidence of CHF has been reported to in as many as 56% of patients with acute
increase with age18 almost doubling after 60
years of age in one study.14 However, our own myocardial infarction,9 and a third heart
data and those of Scheinman6 do not support sound is not a reliable sign of myocardial
this observation. The mean age of 52 patients failure in this circumstance.
(55 admissions) with mild or moderate CHF Peripheral venous congestion is uncommon
in our recent series of consecutive CCU after acute myocardial infarction, occurring at
admissions was 64 years, compared to 63 years some time during hospitalization in only 21%
for patients with acute infarction but no CHF. of the patients in our series. Rarely, clear
Twenty-six patients with CHF, 50% of the evidence of right heart failure occurs with
group with heart failure, had prior myocardial isolated inferior-wall infarction.24 25 Patholog-
infarction. Seventeen (33%) had past hyper- ically, right ventricular infarction is thought to
tension, and 19 (37%) had a history of CHF be rare,26 but this view may be a consequence
before the current episode. Others have of incomplete examination. With modern
reported6' 16 that ventricular decompensation techniques of postmortem coronary angiogra-
is more frequently observed in those with
prior history of CHF. phy and topographic mapping of serial
sections of ventricular muscle, right ventricu-
Symptoms and Physical Findings lar infarction of some degree is encountered
Dyspnea and orthopnea are common and frequently in fatal cases of acute myocardial
have been noted in 32-60% of patients with infarction, although the mass of muscle
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972

involved is usually small. (Alonso D: Unpub- Hemodynamic Changes in Heart Failure

lished data). Ramo et al.8 studied patients shortly after
acute myocardial infarction and found that
Roentgenographic Findings
arterial oxyhemoglobin saturation and stroke
Pulmonary venous distension, loss of defini- index were significantly reduced in those with
tion of pulmonary vessels, pulmonary paren- heart failure. Cardiac output was maintained
chymal clouding, prominent septal lines, by an increase in heart rate. Although 20 of 31
pleural effusions, and increased diameter of class II patients had arterial oxygen tension
the right descending pulmonary artery have (Pao2) less than 70 mm Hg, and 25 of 37
all been proposed as roentgenographic signs patients had arteriovenous oxygen differences
of left ventricular failure.27 Tattersfield and greater than 5 vol %, the incidence of these
co-workers10 observed dilatation of upper-lobe abnormalities was similar in patients not in
pulmonary veins in 76% of patients with acute failure.
myocardial infarction. The demonstration by Hamosh and Cohn29 studied 12 patients
Lassers et al.24 that pulmonary capillary with CHF and 14 patients with uncomplicated
wedge pressures are significantly higher in infarction. Stroke volume was significantly
patients with pulmonary venous dilatation reduced and heart rate significantly increased
than in those with normal pulmonary vascula- in the patients with CHF. Cardiac index was
ture suggests that this roentgenographic sign slightly, but not significantly, lower in the
is a manifestation of left ventricular dysfunc- patients with heart failure, averaging 2.6
tion. Sjogren reported that although roentgen- liters/min/m2. No differences were observed
ographic pulmonary artery congestion was in central blood volume, mean arterial pres-
generally associated with elevation of pulmo- sure, or peripheral vascular resistance.
nary artery diastolic pressure, several patients We have obtained hemodynamic data from
with such pressure elevation were found to 60 patients with and without CHF within
have normal chest roentgenograms.'6 More 4-304 hours (median 34 hours) after the
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recently Harrison et al.28 found pulmonary clinical onset of definite acute myocardial
venous distension to be an unreliable sign of infarction. Right and left heart catheterization
left ventricular failure when chest roentgeno- were performed with small flexible nylon
grams are obtained with the patient in the catheters. Cardiac output was calculated by
semirecumbent position. These authors diag- standard methods from indicator-dilution
nosed pulmonary congestion by a loss of curves obtained following injection of indo-
definition of the borders of the pulmonary cyanine green into the pulmonary artery or
vessels. This sign is presumably a manifesta-
right atrium and sampling from the aortic root
or left ventricle. Left ventricular work in kg-
tion of interstitial or alveolar fluid accumula- m/min was calculated from the formula:
Pulmonary congestion may sometimes be LV work = (LVm sys -LVEDP) x CO x 1.055
recognized roentgenographically before rales x 13.6/1 000
are clinically apparent. In 38% of Harrison's where LVm sys and LVEDP represent mean
patients,28 radiographic evidence of pulmo- systolic and end-diastolic pressures in the left
nary edema preceded the onset of clinical ventricle in millimeters of mercury; CO,
findings. Although several roentgenographic cardiac output in liters/minute; 1.055, the
signs correlate well with clinical or physiologic specific gravity of blood; and 13.6, the
manifestations of left heart failure, it is not mercury conversion factor to allow expression
clear at the present time whether subtle of the result in metric units. Stroke work in
roentgenographic findings are sufficiently reli- gram-meters/minute was calculated as left
able to permit consistent early or "subclinical" ventricular work times 1000 divided by heart
detection of CHF. rate.
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
1128 WOLK ET AL.

Table 1
Measurements of Cardiovascular Performance in Patients with and without Heart
Failure following Acute Myocardial Infarction*
Parameter No complications, class I CHF, class II Pt
No. of patienits 23 33
Heart rate (beats/min) 89 - 19 96 - 20 NS
Stroke-volume index (ml/beat/m2) 31 - 10 25-)12 NS
Cardiac index (liters/min/M2) 2.5 - 0.6 2.2 - 0.6 NS
Peripheral vascular resistance 1620 400 1750 600 NS
Cardiac-work indext (kg-m/min/M2) 3.0 1.1
- 1.9 = 0.8 <0.001
Stroke-work indext (g-m/beat/M2) 38 17
- 22 - 12 <0.001
Arterial pressure, 119/70, 88 111/68, 82 NS
s/d, mean (mm Hg) -19 12 13 =16- 9 10
Pulmonary arterial pressure, 23/11, 13 39/21, 27 All
s/d, mean (mm Hg) 6 4i 5 16 10 12 <0.001
Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure 16 - 9 23 - 7 <0.02
(mm Hg)
Right atrial pressure (mm Hg) a 2 8 4 <0.003
Abbreviations: CHF = congestive heart failure; NS = not significant; s/d = systolic/diastolic.
*Results expressed as mean standard deviation of the mean.
tP values calculated by Student's unpaired t test.
tCardiac and stroke work are expressed per square meter of body surface area in this table,
but. not in figure 1.

Table 1 and figure 1 summarize our class III as compared to class II patients.8
observations. Hemodynamic findings in pa- Cardiac index in pulmonary edema was 1.9
tients with acute myocardial infarction gener- liters/ min/M2, significantly decreased from
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ally correlate well with the clinical severity of the mean of 2.7 liters/min/m2 observed in
heart failure. Cardiac and stroke-volume index class II subjects. Peripheral vascular resis-
decrease, and heart rate and total peripheral tance, arterial pressure, and arteriovenous
resistance increase in patients who develop oxygen difference were similar in both groups.
CHF (class II). Differences in these variables Recently Scheinman et al. evaluated seven
are small and not statistically significant. patients with pulmonary edema and acute
However, significantly higher pulmonary arte- myocardial infarction.30 All still had orthop-
ry and left ventricular end-diastolic pressures nea, dyspnea, and rales when studied 11 hours
were observed in the patients with left after admission. Cardiac output was reduced
ventricular failure. Left ventricular minute and pulmonary artery pressure markedly
work and stroke work, derived measurements elevated, averaging 50/25 mm Hg. Mean
which combine pressure and flow data, are arterial Po2 was low (64 mm Hg) while
markedly reduced in patients with heart arterial pH was normal. Cardiac index was
failure. within the normal range in only one report,
Pulmonary Edema i.e., in a group of patients studied 7 hours
Physiologic observations when acute infarc- after admission for acute pulmonary edema.3
tion is complicated by overt pulmonary edema Left Ventricular Diastolic Pressure
are scant since the clinical state is usually Cohn and co-workers first called attention
unstable and subject to rapid change. Further- to the high incidence of abnormal left
more, available data have been obtained at ventricular filling pressure after acute myocar-
varying intervals after the initiation of thera- dial infarction.32 More recently his group
py. Ramo noted lower stroke indices, higher recorded LVEDP averaging 30 mm Hg in
right atrial pressures, and reduced Pao0 for patients with failure as compared to 15 mm
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
CLASS I n 23
beats/ m' /min/M2 mI/ beat/M2

ns ns ns ns p<.02 p<.001
Figure 1
Hemodynamic measurements according to clinical status in patients studied shortly after acute
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myocardial infarction. Mean values for heart rate, cardiac and stroke volume indices, and
peripheral vascular resistance do not differ between class II (CHF) and class I (no CHF)
patients. LVEDP is significantly higher and external left ventricular work ("cardiac work")
significantly lower in patients with heart failure.

Hg in those without failure.29 Mean ventricu- clinical evidence of heart failure had a normal
lar diastolic pressures were lower, averaging LVEDP, and in about half the level was in the
20 mm Hg for class II and 11 mm Hg for class range where pulmonary interstitial fluid ac-
I patients, respectively. cumulation should occur (> 25 mm Hg).
We have measured ventricular filling pres- LVEDP was markedly elevated in three
sures within a short time after myocardial patients with pulmonary edema, ranging from
infarction in 22 patients with clinical evidence 32 to 42 mm Hg.
of CHF, in three patients with pulmonary Correlation of clinical findings with left
edema, and in 14 patients with uncomplicated ventricular diastolic pressure in patients with
infarction. A wide range of values was acute infarction is poor. Sixteen patients in our
observed (fig. 2). Left ventricular end-diastolic group had LVEDP greater than 25 mm Hg.
pressure averaged 16 mm Hg and ranged from Three were in pulmonary edema, but 10 had
4 to 31 mm Hg in patients without CHF. rales covering less than 50% of the lungs (class
Seven of 13 patients without clinical evidence II), and three actually demonstrated no
of failure had abnormal LVEDP (> 12 mm clinical evidence of pulmonary congestion
Hg). In class II patients with mild or whatever! In another study29 only one of
moderate CHF, LVEDP averaged 25 mm Hg, seven patients with LVEDP between 25 and
but values as low as 16 mm Hg and as high as 40 mm Hg had clinical pulmonary edema.
43 mm Hg were observed. No patient with Lassers et al.24 reported poor correlation
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
1130 WOLK ET AL.
LEFT VENTRICULAR END DIASTOLIC PRESSURE dial infarction. Furthermore, elevation of pul-
monary arterial diastolic pressure correlated
well with low cardiac output and infarct
mm Hg size as estimated by the maximum elevation
50r of serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase
Reasons for caution in evaluating ventricu-
lar end-diastolic pressure have been dis-
cussed.33 Due to the shape of the ventricular
pressure-volume curve, small changes in ven-
tricular volume may result in large changes in
30H 0
0 diastolic pressure in patients with high filling
*0- pressures, as in myocardial infarction. Experi-
25k 0
mental studies have demonstrated increased
0 00
0 0
stiffness or decreased compliance in an in-
0 0
farcted area.34 Since end-diastolic pressure is
15s 0

influenced by factors other than the functional

state of the myocardium, this measurement
alone cannot be decisive in evaluating the


presence or absence of ventricular failure.
End-diastolic pressure may be affected to a
I II m
greater degree by changes in ventricular
UNCOMPLICATED MILD-MODERATE PULMONARY compliance than mean ventricular filling
pressure. In our study of patients with acute
Figure 2 myocardial infarction the left ventricular pre-a
pressure closely approximated mean ventricu-
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Left ventricular end-diastolic pressure measured short-

ly after acute myocardial infarction. Note the varia- lar filling pressure (r 0.98). The contribu-
tion in patients with and without failure. No patient tion of atrial systole to ventricular diastolic
with CHF (class II or III) had a normal LVEDP pressure, measured as the height of the a wave
(< 12 mm Hg). LVEDP exceeding pulmonary capillary above the pre-a level, averaged 8 mm in class
oncotic pressure (about 25 mm Hg) was commonly I, 9 mm in class II, and 14 mm Hg in class IV
recorded, yet most patients with such striking eleva-
tions had only moderate clinical failure. (cardiogenic shock). The post-a(or end-dia-
stolic) pressure was always higher than the
between mean pulmonary capillary wedge mean filling pressure, often to a considerable
pressure and diastolic heart sounds, dyspnea, degree.35 Though ventricular pressure at the
or persistent basilar rales. Only when pulmo- end of diastole may transiently exceed pulmo-
nary capillary pressure exceeded 20 mm Hg nary transcapillary oncotic pressure, the mean
was a ventricular gallop invariably present. hydrostatic pressure transmitted vis a fronte
Many patients with normal wedge pressures from the left ventricle through the left atrium
also had ventricular gallops. Rales were and pulmonary veins to the pulmonary
present when pulmonary capillary pressure capillary bed is often substantially lower and
exceeded 25 mm Hg but were also heard with may not reach that level at which transudation
normal or only slightly increased wedge of fluid into pulmonary alveoli occurs.
pressures.24 Right Ventricular Failure
Sjogren,16 however, found a moderate The influence of left ventricular failure on
correlation between pulmonary arterial dia- right ventricular filling pressure has been
stolic pressure and increasing rales, dyspnea, investigated extensively in patients with acute
tachycardia, and X-ray evidence of pulmonary myocardial infarction. Right atrial pressures
congestion in 50 patients with acute myocar- within the normal range were found in 29% of
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
patients with CHF and 20% of patients with The hypoxemia of acute infarction is not
overt pulmonary edema in one study.8 For- due to alveolar hypoventilation since arterial
rester and co-workers found no consistent pCO2 is usually below normal. Diffusion
relationship between central venous pressure capacity is probably also normal.40 Data from
and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure.36 several sources support the view that perfu-
Furthermore, even the direction of changes in sion of poorly ventilated alveoli with conse-
pulmonary capillary wedge pressure during quent increased pulmonary arteriovenous
expansion or contraction of intravascular shunting accounts for a major portion of the
volume was not accurately assessed by central arterial desaturation.20 3742 We have evaluat-
venous pressure. Hamosh observed similar ed the effects on arterial oxygen tensions of
discrepancies between left ventricular and 100% oxygen administered by mask and have
right atrial pressures in patients with acute demonstrated that significant right-to-left in-
myocardial infarction.29 trapulmonary shunting or venous admixture is
It is apparent that the right ventricle may common after acute myocardial infarction.42
remain competent despite gross left ventricu- The magnitude of the arteriovenous shunt
lar dysfunction after acute myocardial infarc- increases as clinical heart failure worsens. The
tion. Although readily measured at the bed- degree of arteriovenous shunting correlates
side with suitable techniques, right atrial or reasonably well with the elevation of pulmo-
central venous pressures are, unfortunately, nary arterial diastolic pressure.
unreliable guides to the state of left ventricu-
lar compensation.
Clinical evidence of CHF is usually tran-
Hypoxemia sient after acute myocardial infarction. In our
Arterial hypoxemia is common after acute group of consecutive CCU admissions all
myocardial infarction,20 3 and the degree of clinical evidence of CHF had disappeared
hypoxemia correlates roughly with the sever- within 7 days of infarction in 13 patients
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ity of left ventricular dysfunction. Fillmore et (24%), within 14 days in 27 (49%), and within
al.38 studied patients with acute infarction and 21 days in 34 patients (62%). In 20 (36%)
found that Pao0 averaged 86 mm Hg in evidence of CHF persisted for more than 3
patients without heart failure, 71 mm Hg with weeks, to discharge or death.
moderate failure, 60 mm Hg with pulmonary The S3 ventricular gallop disappeared in 22
edema, and 57 mm Hg with cardiogenic of the 32 patients within 7 days of infarction.
shock. As the degree of pulmonary congestion It persisted to discharge or death in only five
increased, administration of 100% oxygen was patients. Other investigators report disappear-
less effective in raising PaO,. ance of the S3 during hospitalization in 60% of
Hypoxemia can be partially or wholly patients.2'
corrected with increased concentrations of The natural history of the hemodynamic
inspired oxygen in patients with mild CHF, abnormalities after myocardial infarction has
but even 100% oxygen may not be sufficient to not been extensively evaluated. Broder, Rod-
overcome arterial desaturation in patients riguera, and Cohn studied the evolution of
with pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock. hemodynamic abnormalities over a 3-week
One potential adverse effect of oxygen therapy period in 12 patients with acute myocardial
is an increase in ventricular afterload as a infarction and left ventricular failure.43 Car-
result of oxygen-induced peripheral vasocon- diac index rose and right atrial pressure fell
striction.37 3 Sukumalchantra et al.39 demon- significantly, while heart rate, mean arterial
strated a significant increase of oxygen trans- pressure, LVEDP, and LVEDP-stroke index
port to the tissues (calculated as oxygen ventricular function curves (constructed after
content multiplied by cardiac output) only in acute volume reduction or expansion) did not
severely hypoxemic patients (SaO2 < 90%). change in the 3 weeks following infarction.
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
1132 WOLK ET AL.
Persistent elevation of LVEDP occurred in the area of infarction within the left ventricle
face of normal left ventricular end-diastolic would be of functional significance, aside from
volume derived from ultrasoundcardiography. direct injury to the papillary muscles with
These data suggest that left ventricular resultant mitral valve dysfunction, there is
compliance remains abnormal at least over a little support for this concept. We have
period of several weeks after acute myocardial previously noted no difference in electrocar-
infarction. diographic locations of infarction in patients
In another study, pulmonary artery systolic with and without shock.44 While some observ-
and right ventricular end-diastolic pressures ers feel this is also true for patients with
fell to within the normal range in most CHF,3 others have reported a higher rate of
patients within a week following myocardial left heart failure in anterior as opposed to
infarction.12 The normalization of pressures diaphragmatic infarction.'6
usually preceded clearing of radiologic evi- Prognosis
dence of pulmonary venous hypertension by
approximately 24 hours. Patients with pulmo- The prognosis of acute myocardial infarc-
nary edema, reevaluated 1 week after the tion is clearly related to the presence or
acute episode, had decreased heart rate and absence of complications. Hospitalized pa-
arterial pressure, increased stroke volume, and tients witnout complications (class I) have an
unchanged cardiac output as compared to excellent prognosis. In earlier studies at The
earlier studies.30 New York Hospital,45 hospital mortality was
6% for class I, 17% for class II, and 38% for class
Pathogenesis III patients. These figures are in accord with
Although the data are far from complete it reports from others2' 3, 6, 7, 16, 18, 46 in which
is tempting to speculate that in the patient mortality averages 8% (range 4-10%) for class
with coronary artery disease there is a direct I, 30.5% (range 15-43%) for class II, and 44%
relationship between the mass of injured or (range 17-68%) for class III.
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destroyed myocardium and the impairment of In our recent survey of 112 consecutive
left ventricular performance. The greater the patients with acute myocardial infarction,
damage the poorer is cardiac function. Recent eight of the 55 with CHF died, a mortality
pathologic studies by our group demonstrated rate of 15%. The cause of death was pulmo-
an average of 23% of left ventricular mass nary edema or cardiogenic shock in six of
destroyed by old, intermediate, or recent eight who died. Mortality in patients who
infarction in a group of patients dying remained in class II or improved during
suddenly of arrhythmias after hospitalization hospitalization was 5%, a rate essentially
for infarction. By comparison, in patients similar to that in patients who never had
dying from cardiogenic shock, 51% of the left clinical evidence of CHF (table 2).
ventricle had been destroyed. Patients with We have demonstrated hemodynamic dif-
mild or moderate cardiac failure but not the ferences between those patients with CHF
gross dysfunction of cardiogenic shock may who remain class II or subsequently improve,
have an intermediate degree of injured or and those whose clinical status deteriorates
destroyed myocardium. (fig. 3). Left ventricular end-diastolic pres-
Other factors of variable importance which sure averaged 26 mm Hg in patients with
may contribute to the syndrome of heart CHF who subsequently developed pulmonary
failure include alterations of heart rate and edema or shock compared to 22 mm Hg in
rhythm, the myocardial consequences of arte- those who did not develop further complica-
rial hypoxemia, acidosis or electrolyte imbal- tions. Similarly, left ventricular work averaged
ance, abnormalities of ventricular geometry or 2.5 kg-m/min in patients whose clinical status
sequence of contraction, valvular dysfunction, later worsened as opposed to 4.3 kg-m/min for
and associated disease states. Although one those who remained class II or improved
might suspect that the anatomic location of an (P < 0.01). Significantly, there is little overlap
Cirulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
Table 2
Prognosis of Heart Failure Complicating Acute Myocardial Infarction (Data from 112
Consecutive Admissions to the Coronary Care Unit)
Condition Total Lived Died (%)
Mild or moderate CHF only (class II throughout or
improved) 42 40 2 5
Pulmonary edema (class III) at some time during
hospitalization 8 7 1 13
CHF initially, later developed cardiogenic shock 5 0 3 100
All patients with CHF at some time after acute
myocardial infarction 55 47 8 15


beats / min
A0 A
0 ^ A
100l o A loon- 0 5.0 _
A a 0
00 a 0 A
A A mm Hg 0 Kg-M/min
801 a
o A 801- 4.0 40 r A 8.or
A A ~
A0 0 A A
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A, A
A 7.0O AA
0 A a
60 F- 3.0 - o°
30k A
A 6.0k
A a
A 0
0 5.0k - 0
A A - oA a
00 FAA
0 A
A AO A 0
40 P 2.0 0
20k A 4.0k A 00 A
0 A
A 0 AA
AA 3.0 0 AAA
20, 1.0 h A 10 2.0

ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns ns p<.0l
Figure 3
Hemodynamic measurements in patients with heart failure according to subsequent clinical
course. Mean heart rate, arterial pressure, cardiac index, and LVEDP of patients who improve
and those who remain class II throughout hospitalization do not differ significantly from
values observed in patients whose clinical status worsens. The group mean as well as most
individual patient measurements of cardiac work was lower in those patients whose status
worsened. The data suggest that marked depression of cardiac work may be a clinically
useful indicator of poor prognosis.

of individual values for left ventricular work this parameter may allow identification of
between the two groups, so that calculation of those patients with poor prognosis. Cardiac
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
1134 WOLK ET AL.
work less than 3.8 kg-m/min is usually following acute myocardial infarction5 is
associated with clinical deterioration. We have usually effectively and safely treated with
previously reported47 that most patients with diuretics. In one study, 20 of 25 patients with
cardiac work less than 3.0 kg-m/min will not CHF and myocardial infarction were success-
survive hospitalization. fully treated with intravenous furosemide
Rutherford and co-workers also related alone, while the remaining five patients
prognosis to degree of left ventricular dys- responded to subsequent digitalization.15 Sjo-
function. They observed that patients with gren demonstrated a decrease in pulmonary
mean pressure in the pulmonary artery greater diastolic pressure in each of eight patients
than 20 mm Hg demonstrated clinical evi- receiving furosemide. This was associated
dence of heart failure, had major arrhythmias, with a small but insignificant reduction of
and a mortality of 25%.48 cardiac output, mean aortic pressure, and left
ventricular stroke work.16
In patients with pulmonary edema follow-
The general principles for therapy of acute ing myocardial infarction, cardiac output,
myocardial infarction apply equally to pa- stroke volume, and Pao2 rose while heart
tients with and without heart failure. Myocar- rate, oxygen consumption, pulmonary artery
dial oxygen demand and cardiac work are systolic and diastolic pressures, and serum
minimized by restriction of activity, usually potassium fell after administration of diuret-
bed rest for several days, relief of pain and ics.30 Changes were small, however, and not
anxiety, and dependency of the lower extremi- statistically significant.
ties to minimize venous return. Small, easily Although vigorous therapy with potent
digested meals, a low-bulk diet, and the use of diuretics may lead to excessive plasma water
stool softeners and bedside commode to loss, decreased blood volume, low central
reduce effort of defecation are usually indicat- venous pressure, and hypotension or shock,
ed. Sedation when required and control of these effects of diuretic therapy are uncom-
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body and ambient temperature to reduce mon.'15 16 Such complications, however, are
metabolic needs are helpful. Correction of particularly hazardous in the patient with
hypoxemia, acidosis, and electrolyte abnormal- recent myocardial infarction, and use of the
ities inhibit adverse cardiac effects. Serious potent diuretics should be closely monitored.
arrhythmias are prevented whenever possible
by aggressive treatment of premonitory signs Digitalis
(such as ventricular premature contractions) The role of the digitalis glycosides following
or otherwise controlled immediately after acute myocardial infarction has been exten-
recognition by appropriate therapy. The po- sively discussed elsewhere in this symposium
tential hazard of venous thromboembolism is (see p 891). The administration of digitalis to
reduced by the use of elastic stockings, the patient with recent myocardial infarction
exercise of lower extremities, and perhaps has been the subject of both concem about
short-term anticoagulation. In view of the enhanced toxicity and debate regarding effec-
higher incidence of pulmonary emboli in tiveness for many years. One study reported a
patients with heart failure, anticoagulation satisfactory response to digitalis alone in 78%
should be seriously considered when CHF of patients with acute myocardial infarction in
complicates acute myocardial infarction. Un- whom diuretics were not subsequently need-
fortunately, however, hepatic dysfunction as- ed.7 However, Malmerona et al.,49 Balcon and
sociated with CHF may make regulation of co-workers,50 and Sjogren'6 were unable to
dosage of the coumarin derivatives more show any significant improvement in cardiac
difficult. output following digitalization in patients
with acute myocardial infarction. In unanes-
Diuretics thetized dogs digitalis has little effect on
Retention of salt and water in patients ventricular performance in the first few hours
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972

after acute myocardial infarction but increases 4-6 liters/min for the first 2-3 days after acute
cardiac output and lowers LVEDP when ad- myocardial infarction. This modest increase in
ministered 1 week after injury.51 inspired oxygen aids in keeping arterial
The toxic threshold to digitalis decreases in oxygen tension in the normal range or slightly
experimental animals after myocardial infarc- above in the patient with mild or moderate
tion.52' 53 In man, Morrison and Killip54 noted CHF. Patients with pulmonary edema or
normal serum glycoside levels in the presence cardiogenic shock may require higher concen-
of arrhythmia consistent with digitalis toxicity trations of inspired oxygen (e.g. venturi mask
within the first 24 hours after infarction. After or even 100% oxygen by respirator) and even
24 hours, arrhythmias presumed due to then it is often impossible to achieve normal
digitalis intoxication were associated with arterial oxygen tension in the most critically ill
serum levels in the generally accepted toxic patients. Even though arterial desaturation
range. These observations suggest that the may be improved by oxygen administration,
patient with acute myocardial infarction may dyspnea or tachypnea, perhaps more related
have increased sensitivity to the toxic effects to changes in lung compliance, is seldom
of digitalis in the immediate postinfarction relieved in patients with CHF.39
period. Alterations in Ventricular Preload
We currently recommend the following
schedule for digitalization soon after acute It has been suggested that myocardial
myocardial infarction: digoxin 0.5 mg intrave- performance could be optimized in critical
nously administered over 3-5 min as an initial clinical situations by adjusting blood volume
dose, followed by 0.25 mg in 6 hours, followed and thereby regulating ventricular filling
by 0.125 or 0.25 mg in another 6 hours. pressure.55 There is some evidence that
Thereafter the patient is maintained on a daily following acute myocardial infarction the
dose of 0.25-0.375 mg/day depending upon peak of the ventricular length-tension curve
occurs with left ventricular filling pressures in
Downloaded from by on January 16, 2019

response, blood level, renal function, and

body size. The intravenous route of adminis- the range of 20 to 24 mm Hg and that when
tration is preferred in the acutely ill patient, in filling pressures exceed this level there is little
our opinion, because of uncertainty about improvement in ventricular performance.55
retention or absorption of drugs given orally. The potential for improving myocardial func-
Although the use of ouabain has been tion by increasing volume and utilizing the
advocated by some,7 digoxin and ouabain Frank-Starling mechanism appears limited in
have a similar physiologic and biologic half- patients with acute myocardial infarction,
life. Since the earlier onset of action of since none of our patients with CHF had
ouabain is seldom of value clinically and LVEDP below 16 mm Hg and only six of 22
maintenance with ouabain is difficult it seems patients had LVEDP 20 mm Hg or less when
reasonable to use a single drug, digoxin, both first studied.
for initial and maintenance therapy. Treatment of Pulmonary Edema
It is useful to monitor the blood level of the When pulmonary edema complicates acute
digitalis preparation, especially when renal myocardial infarction, left ventricular diastolic
function is abnormal or serious ventricular pressure is usually 30 mm Hg or more.
arrhythmias develop. Serum level is best Hypoxemia, tachycardia, and occasionally
maintained for digoxin between 0.7 and 1.4 acute respiratory acidosis further compromise
ng/ml and for digitoxin between 15 and 30 cardiac function.56 Progressive clinical deteri-
ng/ml for reasonable effectiveness and mini- oration is frequent unless left ventricular
mal toxic risk. filling pressure is reduced as quickly and
Oxygen effectively as possible.
Our current practice is to administer oxygen Intravenous morphine sulfate (5-10 mg)
by nasal prongs or face mask at flow rates of decreases venous return, lowers pulmonary
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
1136 WOLK ET AL.
capillary pressures, and relieves anxiety. The The role of alterations in ventricular geome-
drug usually produces considerable clinical try in the genesis of CHF is unclear. Localized
improvement within 15-30 min. Rotating tour- or generalized abnormalities of ventricular
niquets also decrease venous return and contraction are common after acute infarction,
pulmonary capillary pressure. In dire circum- but the functional consequences and natural
stances, or when all else fails, rapid phleboto- history of such abnormalities remain to be
my of 250-500 cc of blood may be the most elucidated.
effective way to reduce intravascular volume Recent observations from many laboratories
and venous return. Intravenous administration indicate that ventricular dysfunction is com-
of a potent diuretic such as furosemide 40-80 mon after myocardial infarction, whether or
mg or ethacrynic acid 50-100 mg generally not clinical evidence of CHF is noted. Of
results in significant diuresis within 30-60 min, particular interest is the extraordinary fre-
although the usefulness of these agents in the quency of elevated left ventricular filling
treatment of acute pulmonary edema is pressure, regardless of clinical status. There
controversial.57 Increased concentration of are indications, both experimental and clini-
inspired oxygen may improve arterial oxygen cal, that alteration of ventricular compliance
saturation, and where possible intermittent or plays a significant role in the genesis of
continuous positive pressure respiration may abnormal filling pressure associated with
aid in reducing venous return. While digitalis recent infarction of the ventricle. The cause,
preparations are helpful in controlling the however, remains a subject of considerable
rapid ventricular response of atrial tachycar- interest and debate. Further resolution of this
dia, flutter, or fibrillation, the positive inotrop- problem awaits safe, accurate, and reproduc-
ic effects of even the most rapid acting ible measurement of ventricular volume in
digitalis preparations are much less dramatic the acutely ill patient.
in relieving signs and symptoms of pulmonary Many important questions remain unan-
edema than are morphine, oxygen, and
Downloaded from by on January 16, 2019

swered regarding effectiveness of various

tourniquets. More cautious use of digitalis modes of therapy for CHF. The potent
after the acute emergency is past is frequently diuretics appear to be safe and effective when
indicated; careful and deliberate usage will used with care. Digitalis is useful but serial
greatly lower the incidence of toxic reactions studies of ventricular hemodynamics and
to digitalis. metabolism are needed to clarify indications
Conclusion for administration. Preliminary data from
animals and man suggest increased sensitivity
Although descriptions of clinical and hemo- to toxic effects of digitalis soon after myocar-
dynamic abnormalities in the patient with dial infarction. Confirmation and extension of
CHF and acute myocardial infarction are now these observations will be awaited with
available, important questions remain unan- interest.
swered. Prognosis of patients with CHF is less
The pathogenesis of heart failure is not yet favorable than for those with uncomplicated
fully explained. It is probable that the extent myocardial infarction. Recent studies suggest
of damage to left ventricular myocardium, that patients with a high risk of developing
both acute and chronic, is paramount. Post-
mortem studies confirm a relationship be- more severe CHF, pulmonary edema, or car-
tween size of infarction and death from diogenic shock can be identified from an anal-
cardiogenic shock, but direct confirmation of ysis of ventricular performance, especially
the postulate that patients with CHF have cardiac work. Early identification of the pa-
more myocardial injury than those without tient whose condition is likely to deteriorate
failure is lacking. Quantification of myocar- and the application of more aggressive ther-
dial damage and correlation with clinical and apy such as intraaortic balloon counterpulsa-
hemodynamic events during life are needed. tion might prevent serious complications and
Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972
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(To be concluded in June CIRCULATION)

Circulation, Volume XLV, May 1972

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