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The corridors of my mind

Thoughts of a sceptic bastard...


I am anonymous.

Further reading

1. The Godfather written by Mario Puzzo.

2. La storia del guidice Giovanni Falcone [online].

Table of contents
Chapter 1: Ontology...what fuels my thoughts?
I was brought up in a four-member family, and, my extended family were influences on my
alcoholism that was fuelled by extremely strenuous working hours within a society that
demanded slavery work at the most economic wages it could pay, a matter that the
government of Malta conveniently governed in a manner that favoured employers’
associations with very weak governance against defaulting employers, thus leading to many
circles of allegations of corruption. I had a friend he seemed to have a lot of negative
thoughts, particularly about his neighbour, and he was the kind of bully who vented his
anger by fighting against persons he thought were weaker than him, he was very much
introvert, and, he seemed to think that pornography and techno music were the motivators
to a successful life in his youth. He was also heterosexual and his father seemed to have
similar heterosexual tastes, whilst his mother seemed like a person who was conservatively
religious of the Roman Catholic faith and his sister was rumoured to have specialised in
psychiatry later in life after attending church schools, where my mother claims to have
donated monies to them. Growing up I had my phase when I challenged trivial school
regulations, and, was suspended or reprimanded a few times and I got in trouble twice for
litigating with a police officer as I had difficulty understanding why they were so obstructive
in accepting to innovate my right to vote a right that is within the political interest to
facilitate, as democracy defies corruption, my theory goes.

I had some schooling as well to tertiary level of education, however I am distracted, forgetful
and tend to have a very weak learning curve, suffering from solitude and depression.

Chapter 2: The politics of I...

I am not political.

Chapter 3: My business ideas...

I have ideas, but others make money, whilst I do not get a piece of this large cake, therefore
the inequality gap feels even more lacking of balance or gratitude, as it takes away more
value from the poorer labourer than the wealthier labourer, such is expected out of theory
thus no politician appears to attempt to reform this culture because changing mentality is
cruel and you cannot force anyone to change opinion.

Chapter 4: My political ideas...

We tend to believe that economics gives us the foundation of making rational decisions by
which we create budgets, plan the future, forecast, and, try to make sense out of an
otherwise chaotic world. Yet, even though sociologists as early as Karl Marx accurately
outlined the fallacies of Capitalism, we have not yet evolved to become a globalized society.

What will then happen when we think about moving to other planets?
Will humanity aim to destroy itself, as it has done for the history of mankind?

We are just human beings, we just want to live, in freedom, without paying taxes that lead
us nowhere, and, without having our lives pervaded and invaded by arrogant and ambitious
managers, whose commission is only based on productivity measures.

We do appreciate the contribution that the industry has made to our civilisation; however, if
the benefits are not outweighing the consequential damages, we will naturally prefer to do
away with them.

It was theorized that when we have exhausted all natural resources on the planet we will
have to industrialize another planet, and, to warm it up, because the modern human
appears to have a progressive approach to making progress in life and in business success
this defies principles we learnt in moral faith, unfortunately, thus who is the worst wrong-
doer, is it the one who had no other choice or the one who chose to cause others to

It is feared that some fine day planet earth may go through unusual natural disasters that
may occur out of causal changes to the atmosphere, and, therefore the human being might
be forced to change home, form or dna code.
It is theorised that bureaucracy forces income inequality and is therefore socially responsible
for causing poverty indirectly.

References (chapter 4)
1. Enric Duran is a blogger who discusses the speculative workings of banks, and, his blog is
available online at

2. The race to crack dna code, published on

You may ask for a copy of my wishlist, donating money if you wish to help me financially.

Send this to J. Camilleri, 33, L. Casolani street, Birkirkara BKR 4535 Malta, EUROPE along with a copy of this
book, and including postage.
Chapter 5: Social life

Many persons define problem-child as an isolated case for discriminating and this might lead
peer pressure to make a person feel alone, this experimentation noticed and observed amongst
tertiary students with a fascination for statistics is considered in-ethical and needs to be
abolished. Given my level of persistence in trying to survive in a society that statistically proves
to be antagonistic and non-trusting, this has lead me to prefer listening to music than the
majority of office workers and their malevolent and amoral gossip.
Therefore the only aspects of the system that needs changing is the management policy, this is
the leading causal reason for issues that could be resolved by making adequate adjustments to
existing financial systems.

I deduce that society creates pre-destined anger, and, that this leads society to expect minority
groups to form due to its own negligent behaviour at times some office workers seem to create
prejudice on purpose I don’t think this is a very ethical joke.

My favourite fiction books included books about obsession written by J.R.R. Tolkien it is a pity
that some people are honoured whilst the persons they try to protect are left in the lower
income levels for the very greed of persons with high income, this is the real atrocity in
employment and its working conditions.

Chapter 6: Non-human animals, the environment, natural habitat

We are no different from one another.

Chapter 6: Activism
Activism arises out of the emotional need that suffers from lack of justice; this is demonstrated in
many aspects of day-to-day politics.

Chapter 7: Psychology...
Psychology arises out of self-consciousness and can be measured; however I have no real strong
evidence linking personalities to realistic and constitutionally acceptable basis of tort.

I suggest a multi-lingual dictionary; this booklet is written in the English language.

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