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MT : 27

A. Yang dimaksuddenganKonstruksiBetonadalahsebuahbahanbangunankomposit yang
terbuatdaricampuranAgregatkasar (BatupecahUkuran 2 – 3 cm ataubatupecahukuran 1 – 2
cm) danAgregathalus (Pasir) dandikatolehbahan Semen (Portland Semen)
kemudianditambahdengan Air denganukurankadar air Optimum yang
diukurdenganAlatUjiKerucutterpancung (Slump) untukmengetahuiapakahairnyasudah pas

B. KelebihandankekuranganKonstruksiBeton
 MudahdibentuksesuaikebutuhanKonstruksi yang diinginkan
 Kuatmenerimabeban / gayatekan
 Biayaperawatankonstruksiringandanmurah
 Tahanterhadaptemperatur yang tinggimisalbahayakebakaran

 Tidakkuat (tidakbisa) menerimabeban / gayatarik
 Bentuk yang telahdibuatsulituntukdirubahtanpaadanyakerusakan
 Padastrukturbetonjikaingindilakukanpenghancuranmakaakanmahalkarenatidakdapatdi

C. SifatBeton
Sebagaimanadisebutkansebelumnya, bahwabetonmemilikikuattekan yang
tingginamunkuattarik yang lemah.Di Indonesia seringdigunakansatuan
Kg/cm2dengansimbol K untukbendaujiKubussedang Fc untukbendaujiselinder.

D. Faktor-Faktor yang mempengaruhikekuatan / mutubeton

Faktor yang mengurangimutuBetonantaralain :
1. AkibatpenggunaanAgregatKasar :
 Batupecah yang digunakanberbentukpipih
 Batupecah yang berpori yang mengakibatkanronggaudaradalambetontinggi
 Jenisbatuankapur / cadastidakdisarankanuntukcampuranbeton

2. AkibatpenggunaanAgregatHalus
 ButiranPasirterlaluhalus
 Pasirbercampurdenganlumpur / tanah
 Bercampurnyabahanorganikseperti ranting-ranting, kotorandedaunan
3. AkibatPenggunaan Air
 Air limbahpembuanganindustri
 Air yang tercemarolehbahan-bahankimia, misal air sabun
 Kadar air untukcampuranbeton yang berlebihanatauadukanterlalucair/encer

4. Akibatpenggunaanbahanpengikatatau Semen Portland (Pc)

 Jenisdankualitas semen yang dipakaitidaksesuaidengankonstruksi yang dibangun
 Kurangnyaperawatanpaskapengecoran

E. Faktor-faktor yang dapatmeningkatkanmutubeton

1. AgregatKasar
 Batupecahharus yang
nkekerasandanketahananarusdenganmenggunakanmesin Los Angeles
 Ukuranbutiranlolosayakan 38,10 mm dantertahandisaringan 6,35 mm
 Batupecahtidakberpori yang akanmengakibatkadar air yang
diserapterlalutinggidengan kata lain lolosujiabsorbsi.

2. AgregatHalus
 Bentukbutiranpasirkasardantidakbercampurdenganlumpur, kandunganlumpur yang
diperbolehkankurangdari 5 %
pengujuansederhanadenganmenggunakangelasukurkemudianditambahdengan air
aduksehinggaakanmemisahkanlapisanpasirdenganlumpurdandiendapkanselama 24
Jam atausecaraumumdilapangandengancara manual
butiranpasirdikepal/digengamkemudiangengamandilepaskanapabilapasirpecah /
3. Penambahanabuterbangsisapembakaranpabrik (Flas)
dalamcampuranbetonataupenambahanbahan-bahanzatadetip (zatkimia). Beton Precast
/ Betonprategangdancontoh lain.

F. Pengujiankuattekanbetonkalau di
alat Hammer test.

G. StrukturBalokBeton
Dalamkonstruksibalokataukolom yang mengguanakancampuranbetonadabeberapahal
yang harusdiperhitungkan yang berkaitandenganbebanataugaya-gaya yang
bekerjadalamkonstruksitersebutantaralain :
1. Gaya Dalam
 Momen, Gaya Lintangdangaya Normal
2. Tegangan
 Tarik, TekandanGeseratauagyaLintang
3. Lendutan
Diatastelahdibahasbahwabetonbaikmenerimabebantekantetapikurang /
tidakbisamenerimagaya-gaya lain untukituperludiberibajatulangan,
halinidimaksudkanuntukmenahangaya-gaya yang bekerjamisalpadaBalok, Kolom,
LantaibangunanatauKonstruksiKantilever, amakadiperlukantulanganPokok,

H. Kerusakankonstruksibetonbertulang yang diakibatkanolehbebanataufaktor-faktor lain

mempunyaiciri-cirifisiksebuahretakan yang berbentuk diagonal ataumembentuksudut
900darikeduaciritersebutkitadapatmenganalisadanmengambilkesimpulan :
 Retak diagonal atausudut
masihamankarena orang masihbisauntukmenyelamatkandiri.
 Retaktegakjurusatausudut
banataupengaruhgaya-gaya lain dankonstruksiinisangatberbahayabagi orang

MT : 27


 What is meant by Construction Concrete is a composite construction material made from

a mixture of aggregate coarse (Stone broke size 2-3 cm or crushed stone size 1-2 cm) and
fine aggregate (sand) and dikat by materials Cement (Portland Cement) and then added
Air with sizes Optimum moisture content measured by the truncated cones Test
Equipment (Slump) to determine whether the water is fit or more.

 Advantages and disadvantages of Concrete Construction


 Easily shaped according to the needs desired Construction

 Strong received a load / compressive force
 Cost of maintenance and light construction cost
 Resistant to high temperatures eg fire hazard


 Not strong (can not) accept load / pull force

 The form that has made it difficult to be changed without any damage
 On the concrete structure if it is to do the destruction of it will be costly because it can
not be used again

 nature of Concrete

As mentioned earlier, that the concrete has a high compressive strength but weak tensile
strength. Indonesia is often used in units of Kg / cm 2 with the symbol K to the test object
being Fc's Cube cylindrical specimen.
 Factors that affect the strength / quality of concrete

Factors that reduce the quality of concrete, among others:

1. As a result of the use of Coarse Aggregate:

 Crushed stone used shaped flat

 Crushed porous concrete resulting in high air cavity
 Type limestone / rock is not recommended to mix concrete

2. As a result of the use of Fine Aggregate

 The sand is too fine granules

 Sand mixed with mud / dirt
 Mixing of organic material such as twigs, leaves droppings

3. Due to Use of Water

 Disposal of industrial waste water

 Water contaminated by chemicals, eg soapy water
 The water content of the concrete mix or mortar too excessive liquid / aqueous

4. As a result of the use of binders or Portland Cement (Pc)

 The type and quality of the cement used is not in accordance with the
construction being built
 The lack of post-casting treatment

 Factors that can increase the quality of concrete

1. Coarse aggregates

 Crushed stone should that be rude so kealusan level low and flat stones with
qualifying hardness testing and flow resistance by using the engine Los
 The grain size of 38.10 mm sieve passes and stuck disaringan 6.35 mm
 Crushed stone not to be resulted porous absorbed water content is too high, in
other words pass the test of absorption.
2. Fine aggregate

 Granules form coarse sand and not mixed with mud, the content of the mud
that allowed less than 5% pengujuan simple by using a measuring cup and then
added with water and stirred so that it will separate the layers of sand with mud
and precipitated for 24 hours or more generally in the field by the way manual
sand dikepal / digengam then grip is released when the sand rupture / sow
indicates that the sand is good, but if the sand is still clumping indicates that
high levels of silt (sand is not good).

3. The addition of fly ash from the combustion plant (Flas) in a mixture of concrete or
additional ingredients adetip substances (chemicals). Concrete Precast / prestressed
concrete and other examples.

 Testing of concrete compressive strength when in the lab using concrete pressure testing
machine but if the field using a Hammer test.

 Structural Concrete Beams

In the construction of beams or columns mengguanakan concrete mix there are some
things that should be taken into account with regard to loads or forces that work in the
construction, among others:

1. In style

 Moment, Style latitude and the Normal style

2. tension

 Drag, Tap and Slide or Agya Latitude

3. deflection

Above has been discussed that the concrete either receives compressive loads but lacking / not
able to accept the other styles to it need to be rebars, it is intended to withstand the forces
working for example on beams, columns, floors of the building or construction Cantilever,
Amaka required Basic reinforcement, and reinforcement reinforcement for Sengkang Scroll or
to withstand the force in question.

 Damage to reinforced concrete construction caused by the load or other factors such as
earthquakes, pengeseran soil or procedural errors in the manufacture of such construction,
has the physical characteristics of a crack-shaped diagonal or forming an angle of 45 0
and cracks perpendicular makes an angle of 90 0 of both these traits we can analyze and
draw conclusions:

 Diagonal cracks or damage at 45 0This indicates that the steel bones are still able to
receive a load of concrete but no longer able to accept the load or also called excess
reinforcement but construction is still safe because people are able to save themselves.

 Cracks upright stance or angle 90 0. This indicates that the damage to the steel and
concrete can no longer accept the burden or the influence of other styles and the
construction is very dangerous for people because the building vulnerable to collapse /

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