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September 29, 2010

What is Conjunctivitis ?
™ Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye, is an infection of the outer
layer of the eye, the conjunctiva.

™ The conjunctiva produces mucus that lubricates and protects the

surface of the eye. This membrane is made up of tiny blood vessels
and when they become irritated the eye becomes red.

What are the types of Conjunctivitis ?

™ Infectious – 70% of all cases of conjunctivitis

ƒ Bacterial
ƒ Viral (Pink Eye)

™ Non Infectious – 30% of all cases of conjunctivitis

ƒ Irritant
ƒ Allergic

What are the causative factors ?
™ Infectious
ƒ Bacterial – Staphylococci, Pneumococci, Streptococci, Chlamydia
Trachomatis, Moraxella, Nisseria Gonorrheae

ƒ Viral – Often associated with an infection of the upper respiratory

tract, a common cold or a sore throat. Caused by Adenoviruses,
Herpes Simplex virus, Enterovirus, Cosackievirus

™ Non Infectious
ƒ Irritant – Chemicals, smoke, dust, household cleaners, etc.

ƒ Allergic – Pollens, dust, grass, etc.

What are the signs & symptoms ?
Symptoms appear in one or usually both eyes

™ Redness of the conjunctiva

™ Excessive watering of eyes

™ Sometimes severe pain

™ Itching in the eyes

™ Pain on exposure to sunlight

™ Soreness of eyes

™ Blurred vision

™ Bacterial conjunctivitis may cause the eye to

discharge a white or yellow or green sticky pus,
which can crust on the eyelashes causing them
to stick together
™ In allergic conjunctivitis, eyes may be
swollen, itchy & produce a thin watery

How can i prevent Conjunctivitis ?
Dos –
™ Stay away from those suffering

™ Wash hands often with soap and water

™ Change towels / pillowcases frequently

™ Wash clothes separately in hot water

™ Use disposable handkerchiefs and dispose

them properly
(wipe from bridge of nose to outer of Eye
and NOT the otherway round)
™ Clean and disinfect your contact lenses
™ Dispose any leftover antibiotic Eye drops

™ Wear sunglasses

™ Disinfection of commonly touched areas such as doorknobs,

handrails, computer keyboard, television remotes, etc.

™ Keep your immunity up eating fresh fruits,

vegetables and plenty of sleep

™ If you suspect of being infected,

visit your doctor

™ Keep doors and windows closed, dust and vacuum regularly (in
people prone to allergic conjunctivitis)

™ Handle items that an infected person has handled

™ Don’t share eye drops, eye makeup, tissues, wash clothes, towels ,
pillowcases etc

™ Rub / touch Eyes

What should I do if I get Conjunctivitis ?

9 Refrain from going to your workplace ---- this will help in preventing
spread of the infection

9 Avoid going to crowded areas (malls, theatres etc)

9 Use Sunglasses

9 Follow a proper, healthy diet

9 Wash your hands with soap and water frequently

9 Consult your Doctor

What is the treatment ?
Treatment of conjunctivitis varies depending on the cause

™ Infectious
ƒ Bacterial – Antibiotic eye drops or ointments
ƒ Viral – Medicines cannot treat viral conjunctivitis.
Symptomatic relief can be sought by use of cold compresses
& artificial tears

™ Non Infectious
ƒ Irritant – Irrigation with Ringer’s lactate or saline solution
ƒ Allergic – Cool compresses and artificial tears for mild
cases; non steroidal anti inflammatory eye drops and
antihistamines in severe cases; and steroidal eye drops in
persistent cases

What are the complications ?
Although very rare, Infective conjunctivitis
can cause complications like

™ Meningitis
™ Cellulitis
™ Septicemia
™ Otitis media
™ Punctate Epithelial Keratitis

Thank You


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