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Grace Church Constitution

As members of Grace Church, we establish this constitution and its bylaws in order to:
• Affirm and preserve the core beliefs of our faith,
• Carry out our commission given by Jesus Christ,
• Establish orderly governance consistent with Scripture, and
• Preserve the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace...all to the glory of God and
His amazing grace.


The name of our community shall be called Grace Church. The location of our church
shall be determined by our mission, needs, and available resources as our Lord
provides and as established by our leadership team after careful research and
consultation with our Grace Church community.

Period of Existence

The period during which Grace Church shall continue is perpetual.

Officers of our Leadership Team

The Grace Church leadership team shall consist of 5 to 9 members from which the
following officers will be selected:
A. Chairperson
B. Vice-chairperson
C. Secretary
D. Treasurer
Their responsibilities and terms of service shall be outlined in our Grace Church

Our Mission Statement

The mission statement of Grace Church is: To glorify God by becoming more like Jesus
Christ, by extending His grace in all our relationships, and by guiding others to a hope-
filled future in Him.

Purposes Aligned with our Mission

Grace Church is organized and shall be operated for religious, educational, and
charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue
Code. The purposes for which Grace Church is established, and which are aligned
with our mission, include but are not limited to:
A. To promote public and private worship;
B. To preach and teach the Word of God through Christian educational ministries;
C. To make disciples and help bring them to maturity in Christ;
D. To administer the practices of baptism and the Lord’s Supper;
E. To engage in personal and public evangelism;
F. To carry out pastoral functions, such as weddings, funerals, parent-child
dedications, etc.;
G. To provide resources for spiritual growth, service, and outreach in community-
friendly ways, such as printed and/or audio-visual resources, relationship-
building events or other potential ministries such as concerts, coffee house
ministries, sports and camping outreaches, etc.;
H. To support both local and global missionary endeavors that advance the causes
of Jesus Christ in evangelism, relief efforts, acts of compassion, and the reversal
of evil in our world.

Our Relationship to Other Churches and Christian Organizations

Though Grace Church is not a part of any established religious organization or network,
we gratefully recognize other churches and Christian organizations that God uses to
advance Christ’s kingdom. At Grace Church, we value all Christ-followers, Christian
communities and Christ-honoring ministries who exalt Jesus Christ. We desire when
possible, to partner with His church at large to carry out our Lord’s Great Commission to
reach His world, motivated by our Lord’s Great Commandment to love one another. We
wholeheartedly promote Christian unity within the body of Christ, both in our local
community and in His church throughout the world. In all things, we are committed to
our Lord Jesus Christ and to His global mission.

Core Values That Guide Us

Core values guide both individuals and organizations. At Grace Church, they are those
heartfelt, biblically mandated convictions that guide our spiritual journey as we seek to
become more like Jesus Christ. They represent our attitudes towards Him and serve to
define the activities that spur us on in our spiritual growth. While difficult to measure,
these core values help us evaluate balance in our spiritual growth and ongoing maturity.
We recognize the following five core values as foundational to our personal journey as
well as our community mission to become more like Jesus Christ. Our five core values

A. Wholehearted worship [John 4:23-24]

B. Changed lives [2 Corinthians 5:17]
C. Authentic relationships [Ephesians 4:15, 25]
D. Meaningful service [1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-11]
E. Contagious faith [1 Peter 3:15-16]

Although we cannot grow in our faith apart from the undeserved blessing of God’s
grace, we are committed to personal and community partnership and cooperation with
Him in our growth. Therefore, the leadership and ministries of Grace Church are
committed to building these core values into all areas of our church community for the
purpose of spiritual transformation.

Core Beliefs That Define Us and Unite Us

Grace Church’s Core Beliefs are a summary of what we believe to be major to our faith
as a church and as His Christ-followers. Our beliefs are not merely our own theological
convictions, but have also been held by fellow Christ-followers from the time of the early
New Testament church. It is our desire that Christ and His message, as supported by
the clearest teachings of Scripture, be central to our core beliefs. On other doctrines or
teachings, we welcome dialogue without divisiveness and encourage all Christ-followers
to join with us in advancing His kingdom in a spirit of unity.

A. The Bible
The Bible is the sole basis of our core beliefs and practices.
We regard the Bible as the sole basis of our core beliefs and practices, composed of the
66 books of the Old and New Testament. We believe that through the Bible, God
speaks uniquely, exclusively and authoritatively through human authors. With its very
words inspired by God, we believe the Bible is without error in its original writings, the
complete revelation of His will for salvation, and the ultimate authority by which every
realm of human knowledge and endeavor should be judged. Therefore, it is to be
believed in all that it teaches, obeyed in all that it requires, and trusted in all that it

[Psalm 119:105, 160; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:20-21; Matthew 5:18]

B. God
We believe in one true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons.

We believe in one true, holy God, eternally existing in three persons—Father, Son and
Holy Spirit—each possessing equally all the divine attributes of God in complete unity.
This eternal team is often known as the Trinity.

[2 Corinthians 13:14; 1 Peter 1:2; Matthew 28:19; Matthew 3:16-17.]

1. God the Father

In the beginning, by His wisdom and power, God created the heavens, the earth and
all creatures including humankind, out of nothing. By His divine care and direction
He continues to rule and sustain His creation, operating throughout history to fulfill
His redemptive purposes.

[Genesis 1:1, 26, 27; Deuteronomy 6:4; Psalm 90:2; Isaiah 14:12-15; Jeremiah
10:12; Ephesians 1:2; Hebrews 1:14.]

2. God the Son

Jesus Christ, who appeared from heaven as the promised Messiah, is both fully God
and fully man, having both a divine and human nature. Conceived through the Holy
Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, God’s Son lived a life of perfect obedience to the
Father and voluntarily atoned for the sins of all by dying on the cross as their
substitute. His death satisfied divine justice and accomplished salvation for all who
trust in Him alone. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate, arose bodily from the
dead in the same body in which He lived and died, was glorified, ascended into
heaven, and now sits at the right hand of God as the only Mediator between God
and man. There, He continually makes intercession for His own as our High Priest
and Advocate, and He shall one day return to earth again, both personally and
visibly, to consummate history and the eternal plan of God the Father.

[Hebrews 1:3; Matthew 1:22, 23; John 1:1-5; Isaiah 9:6; 1 Timothy 2:5; John 14:1-3;
14:6; Revelation 22:7, 12, 20-21.]

3. God the Holy Spirit

The main role of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus in all He does. He reveals to
mankind our sin and guilt and convinces us of our need for Christ. He spiritually “re-
creates” those far from God and gives them an eternal relationship with His Son,
Jesus Christ. He adopts those who are spiritually “re-created” into the family of God
and the church of Jesus Christ. He applies Christ's work on the cross to each
believer so they might experience the Father’s forgiveness and have Christ’s
resurrection power to live a life of obedience and holiness, becoming more and more
like their Leader and Forgiver. He indwells all who put their trust in Christ; shedding
light on their interactions with the Scriptures, guiding them as they submit to His
leadership, and uniquely equipping them for Christ-like living and service. In all the
above, the Holy Spirit builds up of the body of Christ and advances His kingdom.

[John 16:7-13; 14:16,17; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 Corinthians 12:1-11; 2:12; 12:13;

Romans 8:1-17.]

C. The Human Condition

We believe that our sinful human condition separates us from having an
eternal relationship with God. Our hope is in the work of Jesus Christ on the
cross, which provides the total remedy for restoring that relationship.

From the beginning, God has desired an eternal relationship with those whom He
created in His own image. God gave the human race choices about its relationship
with Him. Satan, the antagonist to God’s plan, tempted Adam and Eve to use their
choices to go against God. Their sinful choices, known as the fall, separated them
from a relationship with God and resulted in their new sinful nature. This impacted
the entire human race and creation, creating a need for a remedy that God Himself
chose to supply, having His Son pay the full penalty of our sinful choices and sinful
nature by dying in our place on the cross. This spiritual rescue fully meets God the
Fathers standard for restoring our relationship with Him, when acknowledged and
accepted by anyone in the human race. This merciful and gracious rescue also sets
in motion a hope-filled future in Christ, designed to ultimately restore the human race
to its original purposes, bringing glory to God for all eternity.

[Genesis 1:26, 27; Psalm 8:3-6; Isaiah 53:6; Romans 3; 3:23; 5:1; 5:12-21;
Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5; Galatians 3:26.]

D. Salvation: Our Hope-filled Future in Christ
We believe the central reason God reveals Himself in Scripture is to invite all
people into an eternal relationship with God the Father, the Son and the Holy

The human race is helpless by our own efforts to meet God the Father’s standard for
restoring our broken relationship with Him. We are totally dependent upon God’s
rescue and recovery efforts. It was His eternal plan to free us from bondage to our
sinful human condition by having His Son pay the full penalty of our sinful choices
and sinful nature by dying in our place on the cross. This payment by His Son makes
it possible for an eternal relationship with God. Our rescue and recovery is not the
result of any human effort or goodness, either in whole or in part, but is through our
receiving the free gift of His Son and His work on our behalf. This Good News is
available to anyone who chooses to turn from sin and put their faith in the work of
God’s Son on the cross. This great salvation and rescue, once begun in our
personal lives, will continue until we experience the fullness of our salvation upon
seeing Him face to face. This process of rescue and recovery is best described in
Scripture through three doctrinal pictures:

1. Justification: From the very first moment we place faith in Christ, the penalty of
our sinful choices and nature is removed from us. We are freed from the eternal
consequences of sin, based on the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. From that
moment on, God no longer sees our sinful human condition, but now sees us
covered by the righteousness of His Son. We are no longer condemned by our
sin, but set free from the penalty and made righteous by Jesus Christ. That is
the practical meaning and application of justification.

[Romans 3, 4, and 5; Ephesians 2:8-10; Titus 3:5]

2. Sanctification: At the moment the penalty of our sin is removed from us, the Holy
Spirit indwells us and begins the process of making us more like Jesus. The
Holy Spirit works in our lives to free us from the power of sin that continues to
challenge us in our journey with Christ. This process is known as sanctification
and continues until we see Christ face to face.

[Romans 6 and 7]

3. Glorification: When we depart this life for our heavenly home in the presence of
God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, we will be free from the presence of sin
forever. This is known as glorification: The promised reality secured by the death
and resurrection of Jesus Christ and guaranteed the moment we first put our
trust in what Jesus did for us. As glorified Christ-followers, we will share His
resurrection likeness in our new resurrection bodies, for all eternity.

[Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 14; Philippians 1:6; Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-6.]

E. Human Destiny
We believe death seals the destiny of each person: Eternal separation from God
to those who reject God's Son; and eternal life with God to those who accept
God's Son as their Lord and Savior, their Leader and Forgiver.

The Good News about our human destiny is God the Father's desire that no one be
spiritually separated from Him by sin, but that all people would turn from sin and receive
His free gift of eternal life, made possible through His Son. He designed us to live
forever with Him, yet He graciously accepts our choice to receive or reject Him. For
every person there will be an eternal bodily resurrection, when Christ as Judge will
determine the destiny of each individual. God will respect the wishes of those who
choose to reject His gracious offer of eternal life with Him, by providing them with
eternal separation from Him. But for those who choose to receive God’s gracious offer
of eternal life through His Son, there will be a forever relationship of joy in their new
resurrection body.

[John 3:16-17; 5:24; 1 John 5:11-12; Matthew 25:31-46; 2 Peter 3:9; Revelation 20:15;
1 Corinthians 15:35-54.]

F. Purpose of the Church

We believe Christ is building His church to be His body on earth, so that we might
demonstrate His love to one another and proclaim His Good News to His world
until He returns.

At the moment we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit places each new
Christ-follower in union with Christ, and in community with the family of God, also known
as the body of Christ, His church. There is one true universal church, comprised of all
true Christ-followers. As a local expression of Christ’s universal church, Grace Church
desires to welcome with open arms and open hearts, all people who come our way.
Like the early church pictured in the book of Acts, we desire to reflect God’s heart by
our devotion to one another, to God's Word, to prayer, to serving, to caring for those in
need, to growing in maturity and to sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ in
Waukesha County and to the ends of the earth. Together, we work in love and unity for
the one ultimate purpose of glorifying God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ through
the power of the Holy Spirit.

1. Practices of His Church: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper

Our Lord commanded two practices for His church, both of which symbolize His
mission and impact His followers when obediently practiced. Baptism and the Lord’s
Supper both visibly portray the message of God’s Good News. They remind us of
Christ’s death and resurrection and help us tell His story and ours. Observing
baptism and the Lord’s Supper do not result in our salvation. However, both
practices point to the reality of our salvation, and when celebrated in genuine faith,
these symbols confirm and grow us as Christ-followers.

2. Purposes of His Church: Christ’s Great Commandment and His Great

Christ’s purposes for His church are first expressed in His Great Commandment,
loving God and loving people, the hallmark characteristics of His followers. Out of
our love for God and love for people comes His Great Commission; for the whole
church to take His whole message of Good News to the whole world. Our church
mission statement is designed to reflect both Christ’s Great Commandment and His
Great Commission.

[Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:41-47; Romans 12:5; Ephesians 1:22, 23; 4:11-16; 1
Corinthians 12:12-14; Acts 14:27; I Corinthians 11:23-26; Matthew 28:18-20;
Matthew 22:36-40.]

G. Postscript to our Core Beliefs

We believe these Core Beliefs to be an accurate summary of what Scripture teaches,
and as outlined in our Grace Church Bylaws, we ask all members of Grace Church to
subscribe to these Core Beliefs. While we are open to dialogue on teachings in addition
to our Core Beliefs, we ask all members and attendees to refrain from divisiveness,
striving to keep the unity of the Spirit in a way that honors Christ and builds up His body.

[2 Timothy 2:23-26; 1 Timothy 1:3-7]

Grace Church Assets and their Regulation

A. No part of the net earnings of Grace Church shall be for the benefit of or
distributable to her members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except
when the empowered church leadership team shall authorize payment of
reasonable compensation for services rendered by staff or other approved
personnel, and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the
purposes set forth in this constitution and its bylaws.

B. In the event of a church division, any properties of this church shall belong to the
body of members who adhere to this constitution and its bylaws.

C. In the event of the dissolution of Grace Church, the leadership team under the
direction of the senior pastor (or the team’s chairperson, if no pastor is in place)
shall see that the property of this church be sold and its earnings be distributed to
non-profit Christian organizations of like mind and heart, or its properties
distributed to non-profit Christian organizations of like mind and heart, all within
the meaning of 501 (c) 3 of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding
section of any future federal tax code. The leadership team under the direction

of the senior pastor (or the team’s chairperson, if no pastor is in place) shall call
for a timely business meeting of the church members to get input in order to
inform its decisions. Assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of
Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of Grace
Church is then located, exclusively for purposes aligned with the vision of Grace
Church, or to such organization or organizations, as the said court shall
determine, which are organized and operated for such purposes.

D. Other provisions for the regulation of the affairs of Grace Church shall be further
prescribed in the Grace Church Bylaws and/or policy manual of Grace Church.

Amendments to this Constitution

Changes to this constitution may be made through the following procedures:

A. Amendments may be proposed by Active members (who are defined in the

Grace Church Bylaws). They must be submitted in writing for consideration by
the Grace Church leadership team at least six weeks prior to the annual church
meeting outlined in the Grace Church Bylaws.
B. Proposed amendments will be communicated both verbally and in writing for
three consecutive Sundays prior to the annual church meeting.
C. To be adopted, the amendment(s) must be passed by a 2/3’s majority vote of
Grace Church active members (as defined in the Grace Church Bylaws). The
vote will taken by private ballots immediately following a question and answer
time at the annual church meeting
D. Should an active member desiring to vote be unable to attend the annual church
meeting, absentee ballots will be provided in advance of that meeting. Absentee
ballots must be returned to the Grace Church leadership team no later than one
week following the annual church meeting.
E. The voting results will be announced both verbally and in writing the Sunday after
all votes have been collected and counted. If reasonable cause for delay is
determined, the results should be announced no later than three Sundays
following the election.

Because of an ever-changing culture, the church leadership team, at a minimum of

every five years, shall review this document in order to update language if needed,
without altering any of the original concepts or meaning of the document’s articles.

Grace Church Bylaws

1 Corinthians 14:40 "But let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner.


The intent of these Bylaws is to foster a spirit of collaboration through a series of checks
and balances that free the appropriate leaders and ministry workers to efficiently and
effectively make operational decisions for the common good of Grace Church.

Grace Church Structures of Governance

1. It is our heart's desire to advance His kingdom as the Spirit leads us. His Great
Commission (make disciples of all nations) and His two Great Commandments
(loving God and people) will guide our mission so that we seek to serve Him with
excellence, effectiveness and efficiency.

2. Most churches use one of three types of governing systems: Congregation led, Elder
led, or Pastor led. All three have strengths and weaknesses. At Grace Church we
have decided to form a hybrid governing system, our intent being to combine the
strengths of all three systems with the hope of minimizing weakness.

3. Therefore, our structure will consist of a Grace Church Leadership Team that
includes the Senior pastor, serving as a policy making, decision making and disciple
producing team. It's primary task will be to advance His mission and the
corresponding mission of Grace Church, making sure that our overall vision is
preserved and aligned throughout the ministries and life of the church. This team is
also responsible for overseeing the spiritual well being of the Grace Church

4. Although the Leadership Team will have the responsibility and authority for many big-
picture decisions, these decisions will be informed and augmented by input from the
congregation, ministry leaders and church staff as outlined in the Constitution and
Bylaws. The Leadership Team may delegate their decision-making on specific issues
to church staff, ministry leaders or the congregation as deemed wise and necessary.
Throughout the Bylaws the responsibility and authority for decision-making is
outlined. Ultimately all decision makers are accountable to our Lord as well as His
people in the Grace Church community.

5. Our mindset for leading will be marked by our mindset for serving, remembering the
injunction of 1 Peter 5:2-4 "Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care,
serving as overseers-not because you must, but because you are willing, as God
wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those
entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. And when the Chief Shepherd
appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away."

6. Our goal is to have Christ-honoring decision-making at Grace Church and to honor
Christ as head of His church, both locally and globally. We desire His wisdom that
comes from collaborating with various parts of His body, and will seek to form a
Leadership Team that is a composite of the diversity within the Grace Church
community and who meet the requirements of Biblical maturity needed for
governance and decision-making.


Acts 4:32 "And the congregation of those who believed were of one heart and soul"

Membership is a means whereby we as the Grace Church community seek to align our
hearts and souls in unity. Members are those who formally agree to be of the same
mind concerning key values, beliefs, goals, strategies and responsibilities in the
Christian life, for the sake of effectively carrying out the Grace Church mission: To
glorify God by becoming more like Jesus Christ, by extending His grace in all our
relationships, and by guiding others to a hope-filled future in Him.

1. Requirements

A. Active voting membership

A person who meets the following requirements is eligible for voting membership
at Grace Church:
1) Professes faith in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Forgiver and Leader.
2) Displays evidence of the reality of a relationship with the Lord Jesus
3) Agrees with the Membership Covenant and our Core Beliefs.
4) Participates in the membership orientation process.
5) Eighteen (18) years of age or older.

B. Associate membership
A person who meets the following requirements is eligible for non-voting,
associate membership at Grace Church:
1) Meets all requirements of active membership with either/both of the
following exceptions:
a) Is twelve (12) through seventeen (17) years old.
b) Is unable to reside close enough for regular participation due to life
situations such as; a missions assignment, military duties, school
location, etc.

2. Responsibilities (the Membership Covenant)

Having received Christ as my Forgiver and Leader and being in agreement with the
Core Beliefs, ministry philosophy and decision-making structure of Grace Church, I
now feel led by the Holy Spirit to formally unite with the Grace Church community. I
understand that membership is designed to be meaningful and allows me to
participate more fully in church life and governance. I commit myself to the Grace
Church community and to seeking growth in the following ways:

A. I will protect the unity of my church by

1) Cultivating a lifestyle of love and service to all people who are made in the
image of God.
2) Supporting our leadership.
3) Addressing differences openly and honestly.
4) Resolving conflicts face to face according to biblical guidelines found in
Matthew 18:15-20.
5) Guiding others to resolve conflicts face-to-face and refusing to gossip.

B. I will share the responsibilities of my church by

1) Praying for its growth in every way.
2) Inviting those without a church home to attend.
3) Warmly welcoming our guests.
4) Reaching out to those outside my normal network of relationships.
5) Praying for and seeking opportunities to offer a hope-filled future in Christ
to those who need Him as their Forgiver and Leader.

C. I will serve the ministry of my church by

1) Discovering, developing and investing my spiritual gifts and natural talents
for the benefit of others.
2) Becoming equipped to serve.
3) Developing a servant's heart.
4) Praying for Christ's ongoing transformation in my life.

D. I will support the testimony of my church by

1) Seeking to live a godly life.
2) Giving financially and regularly with a cheerful heart.
3) Extending grace and kindness as a good Samaritan, through meeting
practical needs of those in our local community and beyond.

E. I will actively demonstrate my involvement by

1) Frequent church attendance.
2) Frequent participation in the Lord's Supper.
3) Consideration of being baptized since I believed as a public profession of
faith and of following the example of Christ.
4) Attending congregational meetings and voting prayerfully and thoughtfully.

3. Renewal

There will be an annual renewal of commitment to the Membership Covenant by all

Active and Associate members. Failure to renew will result in resignation from

4. Removal

The Leadership Team may remove from membership Active or Associate members
who become inactive or whose conduct and/or doctrine is so opposed to the church's
doctrine or witness as to destroy the possibility of fellowship. Removal will follow the
biblical guidelines found in Matthew 18:15-20. Removal will be communicated in
writing. Because reconciliation is the goal of church discipline, the Leadership Team
will also outline the appropriate terms of reinstatement for those removed.

The Grace Church Leadership Team and Its Officers

Romans 12:6 "And since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given us, let
each exercise them accordingly'.he who leads, with diligence"

1. The purpose of the Leadership Team is to make policy and decisions that protect,
provide for and align our ministries to advance our church mission, vision, and
ministry strategy in conjunction with the Constitution and Bylaws. To best represent
the diversity within the Body of Christ, we will intentionally seek a team comprised of
qualified active members from different generations, male and female, married and

2. The Leadership Team will use a consensus decision-making process. This process is
one of group decision making that not only seeks the agreement of most
participants, but also the resolution or mitigation of minority objections.

3. The Leadership Team defined

To best represent the diversity within the Body of Christ, we will intentionally seek a
team comprised of qualified active members from different generations, male and
female, married and single. The Leadership Team will number a minimum of five (5)
and a maximum of nine (9) members consisting of the Senior pastor and one
additional pastoral representative (if available), and up to eight (8) [if no additional
pastor is available] other qualified active members.

A. Qualifications
1) A Christ-follower of exemplary character and service within the Grace
Church community and the greater local community.
2) Known by all in their network to be growing and maturing in Christ-
3) A minimum of two (2) years as a Grace Church Active member in good
4) Known for his/her strong commitment to the
Grace Church Constitution and Bylaws.
5) Desiring to lead by serving and shepherding with biblical values and a
heart for God and people.
6) Philosophically, strategically and missionally compatible with the Senior
pastor and Leadership Team.
7) Ability to make the time to attend meetings of the Leadership Team, and
to carry out any designated action assigned by the Leadership Team.

B. Selection process
1) The Senior pastor will consider the choice of prospective team members
in consultation with the Leadership Team, ministry leaders and interested
members of the congregation.
2) Upon completion of an interview process, the Senior pastor will
recommend prospective team members to the Leadership Team for their
consensus approval.
3) If the prospective team member meets the qualifications and is affirmed
by consensus of the Leadership Team, he/she will be presented to the
congregation for the opportunity to address their questions or concerns.
4) If the congregation or the Leadership Team raises no disqualifying
concerns, the prospective team member will be invited to join the
Leadership Team.

C. Responsibilities and authority

The Leadership Team will:
1) Be responsible to make policies and decisions that honor Christ while
protecting, providing for and aligning our ministries, to advance our church
mission, vision, and ministry strategy for the glory of God.
2) Oversee corporate and civil decisions as a board of directors and as
trustees of a non-profit organization under the laws of the State of
3) Make decisions by consensus and all team members will agree to support
decisions made.
4) Approve Ministry Coordinators.
5) Approve Financial Team members.
6) Appoint adjunct teams as needed and delegate authority to carry out
functions as deemed necessary.

7) Formally present a church budget to the congregation at the annual
8) Present to the congregation for approval by vote, any major unbudgeted
expenditures or the entry into capital indebtedness. This will occur at the
annual meeting or at a special meeting when unusual circumstances
demand immediate action.
9) Oversee and promote the spiritual well-being and growth of the
congregation in Christ-honoring ways.
10) Oversee the fiscal well-being of Grace Church, appropriate supervision of
the care and use of all church property and assurance of legal compliance
at every level, as a testimony to the watching world.

D. Terms of service
1) Leadership Team members will serve a 3 year term with an option for 2
consecutive terms before taking a minimum one year break, after which
he/she is eligible for invitation to serve again.
2) If a team member is unable to complete his/her term of service, the Senior
pastor may use the selection process in Article 3B to find a replacement.
3) Should a team member fail to meet the qualifications while in service, the
Senior pastor in collaboration with the Leadership Team may choose to
remove him/her after due process and upon consensus of the Leadership
4) Charter team members will have varying terms of service so as to
establish the rotation of team members.
5) It is understood that the Senior pastor may participate as a member of all
ministry teams and committees of Grace Church.

E. Officers
Grace Church is incorporated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin as a non-
profit organization, and shall include officers as part of it's Leadership Team.
1) Officers
a) Chairperson
b) Vice-chairperson
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
2) Selection process
a) The Senior pastor in collaboration and consultation with the
Leadership Team, is responsible for selecting officers for the
Leadership Team.
3) Responsibilities
a) The Chairperson is responsible for presiding over all Leadership
Team and congregational meetings, as well as signing checks in
absence of the treasurer. He/she may participate as a member of
all ministry teams and committees of Grace Church.

b) The Vice-chairperson is responsible to perform the duties of the
Chairperson in his/her absence.
c) The Secretary is responsible to keep a record of all Leadership
Team and congregational meetings, and to maintain the official
church membership roll.
d) The Treasurer is responsible to oversee the receiving, holding and
disbursement of all checks, monies, bonds, collateral or funds of
any kind belonging to the church, as directed by the Leadership
4) Terms of service
a) Officers will serve a 3-year term and upon recommendation of the
Senior pastor may serve 2 consecutive terms within the limits of
their Leadership Team parameters.
b) Officers unable to fulfill their term of service will be replaced by the
Senior pastor in collaboration and consultation with the Leadership

Pastoral Leadership

Ephesians 4:11-12 "He is the one who gave these gifts to the church: the apostles, the
prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip
God's people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ"

1. Senior Pastor

A. Qualifications
1) Displays exemplary spiritual maturity.
2) Displays at minimum, the gifts of shepherding and teaching, along with at
least one other gift outlined in Ephesians 4: leadership, evangelism,
3) Has a proven track record of shepherding the flock.

B. Selection process
1) The Leadership Team will appoint a nominating team to conduct a search
for senior pastor candidates.
2) Upon the completion of necessary interviews, the nominating team will
recommend a candidate for consideration by the Leadership Team.
3) Upon Leadership Team approval, the congregation will be given
opportunity to meet the candidate.
4) After considering subsequent congregational feedback concerning the
candidate, the Leadership Team, upon consensus approval, will present
the recommended candidate to the Active membership for vote.
5) Approval requires a minimum 2/3 majority of active membership.

C. Responsibilities and authority
Primary responsibilities of the Senior pastor are to
• Oversee the church.
• Lead the church.
• Feed the church.
• Guard the doctrine of the church.
• To act as God's steward.

The Senior pastor will have responsibility for and authority to:
1) Shepherd and oversee associate pastors. This will be his/her direct
2) Discern the need for hiring associate pastors and for recommending
associate pastor candidates to the Leadership Team for selection and
3) See that associate pastors have the training and resources available to
carry out their ministry tasks.
4) Conduct semi-annual job reviews with associate pastors and staff.
5) See that all ministry leaders are shepherded and directed effectively.
6) Initiate, develop and cast vision.
7) See that the ministries of the church are carrying out the vision as
developed in collaboration with the Leadership Team.
8) Oversee the management, policies and operation of the church within the
guidelines of the Constitution and Bylaws.
9) Select the Leadership Team from the associate pastors, staff and
ministry leaders within the Grace Church community.

D. Evaluation/release
1) The Senior pastor will undergo a semi-annual job review conducted by
the Leadership Team without staff members.
2) If the Leadership Team determines that the Senior pastor no longer
meets the ministry qualifications or is incapable of carrying out his/her
ministry responsibilities, upon consensus approval, the Senior pastor
may be asked to resign.
3) If the Senior pastor disagrees with the assessment and is unwilling to
resign, the Leadership Team may present a recommendation for removal
to be voted upon by the Active membership at a special meeting.
4) The Senior pastor will have opportunity to rebut the recommendation at
this meeting.
5) Upon a 2/3-majority vote of the Active membership, the Senior pastor
can be removed.

2. Associate pastors

A. Qualifications
1) Displays exemplary spiritual maturity.
2) Displays at minimum, the gifts of shepherding and teaching, along with at
least one other gift outlined in Ephesians 4: leadership, evangelism,
3) Has a proven track record of shepherding the flock.

B. Selection
1) The Senior pastor will recommend associate pastor candidates to the
Leadership Team for their consideration.
2) Associate pastors will be selected upon a 2/3 approval of the Leadership

C. Responsibilities and authority

Associate pastors will have responsibility for and authority to:
1) Carry out their ministry as outlined in their job description.
2) Shepherd and oversee ministry leaders under their care.
3) See that ministries under their care have the necessary training and
resources to fulfill the ministry as determined by the Associate pastor
under the general vision and guidelines of the Senior pastor.
4) Conduct semi-annual job reviews with all staff and ministry leaders under
their care and oversight.

D. Evaluation/release
1) Associate pastors come under the authority and shepherding of the
Senior pastor.
2) If the Senior pastor determines that the Associate pastor no longer
meets the ministry qualifications or is incapable of carrying out his/her
ministry responsibilities, the Senior pastor may present this concern to
the Leadership Team for consideration.
3) If 2/3 of the Leadership Team determines the Associate pastor is not
capable, the Leadership Team may ask him/her to resign.

3. Ministry Staff

A. Selection
1) The Senior pastor will be responsible to hire staff as needed, with input
from the ministry and Leadership Teams.

B. Responsibilities and authority

Ministry staff have responsibility for and authority to:
1) Carry out their job description.
2) Determine ministry goals and procedures for carrying out the ministry
under their care. This will be accomplished in conjunction with their

shepherding pastor and be in alignment with the overall vision of the
Senior pastor.
3) See that ministry workers under their care have the training and
resources to carry out the ministry effectively.
4) Conduct semi-annual job reviews with ministry leaders under their care
and oversight.

C. Evaluation/release
1) Ministry staff come under the authority and shepherding of a pastor.
2) If the overseeing pastor determines that the Ministry staff no longer
meets the ministry qualifications or is incapable of carrying out his/her
ministry responsibilities, he/she may present this concern to the Senior
3) If the Senior pastor is in agreement with the determination of the
Associate pastor, the Ministry staff may be asked to resign.

Grace Church Meetings and Voting

1 Corinthians 14:40 "But all things must be done properly and in an orderly manner."

1. Annual Meeting
A. Scheduled on a Sunday between April 15 and May 15.
B. Will be announced as outlined in the Constitution Article X.
C. The Senior pastor will determine the meeting content after consultation with the
Leadership Team and Ministry leaders.
D. The meeting focus will be vision casting and celebration.
E. The Leadership Team Chairperson will preside over the meeting.
F. The Leadership Team Secretary will record the contents of the meeting.

2. Annual Budget
A. Prepared by the Senior pastor and his/her staff and approved by the Leadership
Team prior to the annual meeting.
B. Major budget categories for the upcoming fiscal year will be provided to the
congregation one week prior to the annual meeting.
C. The Leadership Team Treasurer at the annual meeting will formally present the
Annual Budget.
D. Within two weeks of the annual meeting, during a Sunday worship service, the
Active membership will vote on the Annual Budget.
E. Absentee ballots will be accepted.
F. A 2/3 majority of the Active membership is required for Annual Budget approval.
G. If the Annual Budget is not approved, the previous year's budget will be followed
until such time as the new Annual Budget is approved.

3. Special Meetings
A. The Leadership Team shall call a special meeting:
1) For issues of indebtedness or other unusual circumstances that
demand immediate action.
2) For all non-budgeted expenditures or budget reallocations amounting to
more than 10% of the Annual Budget.
3) For hiring/release of the Senior pastor.
B. This meeting will be announced as outlined in the Constitution Article X.B.
C. A 2/3 majority of the Active membership is required to approve any

4. Leadership Team Meetings

A. Leadership Team meetings will be held monthly unless otherwise determined.
B. All members of the Leadership Team must be invited to any meeting whereby a
decision is to be made.
C. A quorum for all Leadership Team meetings will consist of a majority of the
D. The Leadership Team will seek to reach consensus for all decisions.
E. The Leadership Team Chairperson will determine whether or not consensus has
been reached.
F. The Leadership Team Secretary will record and distribute meeting minutes to the
Leadership Team for their approval at the next meeting.
G. The Leadership Team Treasurer will provide at each Leadership Team meeting,
an account of all ministry funds. The treasurer may utilize an assistant approved
by the Leadership Team.

Property and Finance

2 Corinthians 8: 20-21 "We want to avoid any criticism of the way we administer this
liberal gift. For we are taking pains to do what is right, not only in the eyes of the Lord,
but also in the eyes of men."

The Grace Church management of property and finance is designed to honor God and
all those we serve by providing stewardship with excellence, integrity, and accountability
in the handling of all Grace Church’s property, income and expenses.

1. Four parties share responsibility for the financial concerns of Grace Church:

A. Senior Pastor in conjunction with Ministry leaders

1) Prepare the Annual Budget
2) Oversee day-to-day financial stewardship within the parameters of the
Annual Budget.
3) Recommend necessary non-budgeted expenditures, reallocations and
special offerings for consideration by the Leadership Team.

B. Leadership Team
1) Review and approve the proposed Annual Budget for presentation to the
Active membership for voting approval.
2) Recommend for the Annual Budget, in conjunction with the Senior
pastor, compensation packages for all pastors and ministry staff.
3) Consider for consensus approval, all non-budgeted expenditures and
budget reallocations exceeding 1-10% of the Annual Budget.
4) Call special meetings for Active membership voting approval of non-
budgeted expenditures and budget reallocations exceeding 10% of the
Annual Budget, as well as recommendations concerning land
acquisition, building construction, indebtedness and sale of real
5) Ensure proper auditing of Grace Church finances.

C. Financial Team
1) Generate financial strategy, policies and procedures for review and
approval by the Leadership Team.
2) Regularly evaluate the financial condition of Grace Church and make
recommendations for appropriate actions for review and approval by the
Leadership Team.

D. Active and Associate members

1) Prayerfully consider their financial responsibility to Grace Church and
the Kingdom of God.
2) Be an active participant in the Annual Budget approval process and the
stewardship of God's financial provision to Grace Church.

2. The fiscal year shall be June 1 through May 31.

Model for Redemptive Church Discipline

Matthew 18:15-17 15 "If another believer sins against you, go privately and point out the
fault. If the other person listens and confesses it, you have won that person back. 16 But
if you are unsuccessful, take one or two others with you and go back again, so that
everything you say may be confirmed by two or three witnesses. 17 If that person still
refuses to listen, take your case to the church. If the church decides you are right, but
the other person won't accept it, treat that person as a pagan or a corrupt tax collector."

1. Jesus has always viewed discipline for His erring people as redemptive and
restorative rather than punitive. It is His heart's desire, as expressed in Matthew 18,
to lovingly, fairly and consistently appeal to those whose conduct is in violation of
clear biblical commands. He has outlined the steps of appeal that will hopefully lead
to repentance and restoration.

2. At Grace Church, the ultimate consequence for failure to repent upon due biblical
process is loss of membership privileges and/or removal from the community and
premises. However, these consequences are designed to lead the unrepentant
participant to reconsider his/her conduct, repent and be restored to the church

3. Jesus' Steps of Discipline according to Matthew 18 are to be pursued, with ample

time for repentance allowed at each step.

A. Personal appeals
1) The erring member/attender should be approached in private by the
concerned fellow Christian with first hand knowledge of conduct in direct
violation of clear biblical commands.
2) If the erring brother/sister repents, the relationship is restored.
3) If repentance does not result, the next step should be taken.

B. Private conference
1) The concerned fellow Christian should select two or three believers to be
present as the unrepentant brother/sister is again confronted concerning
his/her sin.
2) If the erring brother/sister repents, the relationship is restored.
3) If repentance does not result, the next step should be taken.

C. Private meeting with the Leadership Team

1) The Leadership Team should be brought into the process to ensure that
biblical ideals of discipline, love and concern have been communicated
to the erring member/attender.
2) The Leadership Team will see to ensure that fairness, evidence and a
right to be heard have been included in the proceedings.
3) If the Leadership Team determines that the erring party is not guilty,
steps will be outlined to accomplish reconciliation with the initiating
4) If the Leadership Team determines that the erring brother/sister is in
error and remains unrepentant after being given ample evidence,
warnings and time, the Leadership Team will decide on consequences of
such failure.
5) The consequences will be shared with the erring one and if the
brother/sister remains unrepentant, the next step should be taken.
D. Public exclusion
1) The erring member/attender may be removed from church fellowship
until there is ample evidence of repentance.
2) The erring member will lose his/her membership.
3) The erring member/attender will lose the privilege of participation in
church life.

4) After a period of time deemed appropriate by the Leadership Team, the
team will again seek to bring the erring one to repentance and
subsequent restoration into fellowship and participation in church life.
5) If the erring brother/sister remains unrepentant, public exclusion from
church life will continue until such a time as restoration is sought by the
erring brother/sister.

Grace Church's Position on Marriage

Genesis 2:18-25 18 And the LORD God said, "It is not good for the man to be alone. I
will make a companion who will help him." 19 So the LORD God formed from the soil
every kind of animal and bird. He brought them to Adam to see what he would call
them, and Adam chose a name for each one. 20 He gave names to all the livestock,
birds, and wild animals. But still there was no companion suitable for him. 21 So the
LORD God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep. He took one of Adam's ribs and
closed up the place from which he had taken it. 22 Then the LORD God made a woman
from the rib and brought her to Adam.23 "At last!" Adam exclaimed. "She is part of my
own flesh and bone! She will be called 'woman,' because she was taken out of a man."
This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and
the two are united into one. 25 Now, although Adam and his wife were both naked,
neither of them felt any shame.

1. Marriage is defined and ordained by God as the sacred union of one man and one

A. Brought together by God to form a Christ-honoring relationship.

B. Designed to be the foundation of family life.
C. Created to be the foundation for every society.
D. Meant to be the most exclusive, permanent and intimate of all human
E. Subordinate only to one's relationship with Jesus Christ.
F. Ordained as an institution to be celebrated and esteemed by the church and
G. To be protected and nurtured by the entire community.
H. With vows intended to be honored by all who choose to enter into the grace of
1) Genesis 1:26-31
2) Genesis 2:20-25
3) Matthew 19:4-6
4) Ephesians 5:21-33
5) Hebrews 13:4

Grace Church Position on the Sacredness of Human Life

Genesis 1:27-28" 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to
them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth"

1. All human beings are made in the image of God and exist to bear His image and
thus to bring Him glory.

A. We affirm all human life as precious, from conception until death, whether fully
able or disabled, healthy or sick, independent or dependent.
B. We believe that Jesus Christ as God, sanctified all human life through His birth,
death and resurrection for all humankind.
C. We are committed to upholding and celebrating the sanctity of all human life, and
protecting and caring for those who are the most vulnerable and helpless among

1) James 3:9
2) Malachi 2:10
3) Exodus 4:11
4) Psalm 139:13-16
5) Matthew 1:18

Grace Church Position on the Role of Women and Men in Ministry and Leadership

Genesis 1:27-28." 27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He
created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them; and God said to
them, "Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of
the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the

1. We believe that church leadership and ministries are best served when leadership
and ministry is inclusive of all those who equally bear His image in Christ’s church.
Representation of God’s creation in the church includes diversity in spiritual gifts,
generations, ethnicity, and gender, being glued together by the oneness of
community that God desires for His people and that He models within the Trinity.

With respect to gender in ministry and leadership we believe:
A. That Christ's work of redemption breaks down all walls so that His people would
no longer see each other as slave or free, male or female, Jew or Greek, young
or old, but as sons and daughters of the Father, equal heirs in Christ.
B. There should be no preferential treatment in the Kingdom of God.
C. According to the Scripture in its comprehensive context, men and women are
equal with respect to giftedness, status, and opportunity for ministry and
D. That participation in ministry and leadership is open to all whose spiritual
giftedness is matched by biblical character, regardless of gender.
E. Although other Christians may have different views on this topic, we should have
constructive and charitable dialogue that respects differing conclusions.

1) Genesis 1:26-28
2) Joel 2:28-29
3) John 17:20-26
4) 1 Corinthians 12
5) Galations 3:26-4:7
6) Ephesians 4:1-16
7) Ephesians 2:11-22

Amendments to the Bylaws

Amending the Bylaws will follow the same guidelines as outlined in the Constitution
Article X.


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