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Circuit on Bread Board:

Circuit diagram:


 Resistors
1. 33K ohm
2. 100k ohm
3. 33 ohm
 Bread Board
 Connecting wires
 Battery 12v
 12V battery clipper
 Capacitors
1. 0.01uF
2. 470uF
 LEDs
 IC 4017
 Voltage regulator
 Transistors (BC547)
 IC timer 555

Introduction to Circuit:
As the name suggests, the purpose of this meteor rain shower or rain tube LED
light circuit imitates a falling meteorite, collapsing in the sky. The effect begins with a sequentially
incrementing bar graph type of illumination which suddenly begins collapsing from the rear until
its completely OFF, the effect keeps on repeating, quite resembling a chasing and collapsing
meteorite in the sky.
When connected in groups, the visual experience can be quite a mesmerizing.

Circuit working
It's basically a LED chaser circuit with a delay effect that's introduced at the base of each LED
driver transistor. The charge stored in the capacitors hold the LED illumination for some moment
until shutting them off gradually at the same sequencing rate as these were earlier
illuminated....creating the fading collapsing effect of a meteor shower.

 Used in parties
 Hanged on branches of trees for mesmerizing effects.
 Used for creating beauty in events like Christmas
Usage of components:
Bread Board:
Here we have used a bread board as this is the main component over here.
Usually we are using a battery of 12 volts. This is the active element in the project and is
the only source of providing voltage and current.
Here we have a picture of the battery using in project.

Battery Clipper:
Battery clipper is used to connect the battery terminals with the terminals of circuit.
This is soldered in some condition and may be in unsoldered form. In real world,it look like
Transistors BC547:
The collectors of the transistors must be connected with the supply (+) line, while the base diodes
across pin#3 and pin#9. Supply voltage for the above circuit is 6V since two LEDs are used on
each channel and for 12V supply 4 LEDs can be accommodated on each channel.
The supply voltage (+) is connected to the rail associated with pin16, and (-) associated with pin8
of IC 4017.
Pin#15 of IC 4017 needs to be connected to the ground line, and not to pin#6 as incorrectly shown
in the diagram
The time delay responsible for this must be precisely set by adjusting the base resistor of BC547
transistor at pin#11 of IC 4017.
Ic 4017 and ic 555 timer:

IC 4017 has 14 pins. In this circuit, we are working with;

 Pin 3
 Pin 9
 Pin 11
IC 555 has 8 pins, we are working with:
 Pin 4
 Pin 7
The IC 4017 outputs produce a jumping high or shifting logic high across its pin#3 to pin#9 in
response to the clock signals fed at its pin#14 by the IC 555. The speed of this sequencing can be
adjusted and tailored as per preference with the help of the 100k pot associated with pin#7 of the
IC 555.
The sequencing begins from pin#3 of the IC 4017 and proceeds until the sequence reaches pin#9
of the IC, during this course of travel, the LEDs illuminate in a bar graph form, due to the
holding charge within the base capacitors of the transistors.
By the time the sequence reaches pin#9, the capacitor across that bases of the transistors begin
losing their holding power as these are discharged sequentially, such that the LEDs too begin
shutting from pin#3 towards pin#9, until all the LED are shut off.
However until this process is completed successfully, the IC 555 must somehow be disabled
otherwise the sequence will reset back to pin#3 of the IC 4017 before the LED are able to shut
off for evolving the desired meteor shower effect and the whole purpose of the design might be
In order to ensure this, as soon as the sequence reaches pin#9, and subsequently to pin#11, the
pin#11 holds pin#4 of the 555 to ground disabling the IC for some moment until the fading or the
collapsing effect of the sequence is implemented across the LEDs.
In this circuit capacitor is used to produce the time delay effect. Capacitor will charge and
discharge and the circuit will run successfully.
By the time the sequence reaches pin#9, the capacitor across that bases of the transistors begin
losing their holding power as these are discharged sequentially, such that the LEDs too begin
shutting from pin#3 towards pin#9, until all the LED are shut off.
Hence, as the capacitors plays important role in delaying effect so their values should be selected

In this circuit resistors are used to create a time delay in on off sequence of LEDs and charging
discharging of capacitor by providing the suitable resitance.
LEDs are connected to the emitter of transistor. In this circuit the LEDs illuminate in a bar graph
form, due to the holding charge within the base capacitors of the transistors during the sequence
from pin 3 to pin 9 of IC 4017.The LEDs too begin shutting from pin#3 towards pin#9 due to
discharging of capacitors, until all the LED are shut off.

It is a three terminal device. Potentiometer provides the variable resistance to the circuit. It is used
to fasten or slow down the speed of switching in LEDs. It also increases or decreases the time

Connecting wires;

Here, these wires called connecting wires or jumper wires are used to make
connections with the elements of circuit.
Here , we have displayed some of the pictures of connecting wires we have used in our project
for making connections.

It plays an important role for producing connections among the components of circuit.

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