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Nama : Hanifati Akalili

NIM : 04021281419031
Prodi : Ilmu Keperawatan
Kelas : Reguler 2014


Exercise 13:
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, Subject = children. Verb = found. Reduced adjective clause = sat in the
fancy restaurant. Adjective clause seharusnya: sitting in the fancy restaurant.
3. Correct
4. Incorrect, Subject = Cadillac. Verb = was destroyed. Reduced adjective clause =
purchasing less than two weeks ago. ‘Puchasing’ seharusnya ‘purchased’ karena
Cadillac yang dibeli bukan membeli.
5. Incorrect, Subject = fans. Verb = come. Reduced adjective clause = who supporting
their team. Seharusnya hilangkan ‘who’ agar reduced clause menjadi sempurna.
6. Incorrect, Subject = suspect. Verb = can be seen. Reduced adjective clause = were just
released by the police. Seharusnya hilangkan ‘were’ agar reduced clause menjadi
7. Incorrect, Subjetc = food. Verb = attracted. Reduced adjective clause = placing on the
picnic table. Kata ‘Placing’ seharusnya ‘placed’ karena makanan yang diletakkan
bukan meletakkan.
8. Correct
9. Incorrect, Subject = passengers. Verb = groaned. Reduced adjective clause = heard
the announcement of the canceled flight. ‘Heard’ seharusnya ‘hearing’ karena
passenger mendengarkan penguman bukan didengarkan.
10. Incorrect, Subject = meal. Verb = was. Reduced adjective clause = dissatisfied with
the service at the restaurant. Karena bentuk reduced form di awal menggunakan kata
dissatisfied (tidak dipuaskan), maka subjectnya harus berupa orang bukan meal.

Exercise 14:
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, Adverb connector = since. Reduced adverb clause = since left home.
Seharusnya reduced adverb clause berbentuk aktif = since leaving home karena
meninggalkan rumah, bukan ditinggalkan rumah.
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, Adverb connector = although. Reduced adverb clause = although not
selecting for the team. Seharusnya reduced adverb clause berbentuk pasif = ‘selected’
bukan selecting, karena maknanya dipilih atau terpilih, bukan memilih.
6. Incorrect, Adverb connector = when. Reduced adverb clause = when purchased at this
store. Karena subject dalam kalimat ini the buyer, seharusnya digunakan bentuk aktif
purchasing (membeli).
7. Correct
8. Incorrect, Adverb connector = before. Reduced adverb clause = before buy a new car.
Kata ‘Buy’ seharusnya ‘buying’ agar bentuk reducednya sempurna.
9. Correct
10. Correct

Exercise (Skills 13-14):

1. Incorrect, Was seharusnya dihilangkan sehingga bentuk kalimatnya setelah direduced
adalah ‘though surprised’. Reduced clause = though was surprised.
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Incorrect, Needed seharusnya dibuat needing. Reduced clause = needed a vacation.
5. Correct
6. Incorrect, Kalimat sudah memiliki subject = she dan verb = looked. Bentuk klausa
selanjutnya harus direduced karena tidak ada connector, maka ‘was’ seharusnya
dihilangkan sehingga hanya digunakan filled.
7. Correct
8. Incorrect, Reduced clause = before decided to have surgery. Decided seharusnya
dibuat deciding.
9. Correct
10. Correct

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 13-14):

1. A
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. B
8. D
9. B
10. B


1. D
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. D

Exercise 15:
1. Incorrect, Seharusnya pola diinversi menjadi when the new directories will be ready.
2. Correct
3. Incorrect, Kata tanya = how. Subject = students dan verb = can get. Seharusnya pola
diinversi menjadi how can new students get information about parking.
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, Pada klausa pertama, subject = pilot dan verb = can tell. Pada klausa kedua,
verb = can go dan subject = plane. Seharusnya pola tidak diinversi ‘How far the plane
can go on one tank of fuel’.
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Incorrect, Kata tanya = how. Pada klausa pertama, subject = it dna verb = has been.
Pada klausa kedua, subject you dan verb = arrived. Seharusnya pola diinversi menjadi
‘how long has it been since you arrived in the united states’.
9. Correct
10. Correct

Exercise 16:
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘is a big house’. Subject = house. Verb = is.
3. Correct
4. Incorrect, Ekspresi tempat = to the north. Seharusnya ‘To the north is the stream
that…’. Subject = stream. Verb = is. Connector = that.
5. Correct
6. Correct
7. Incorrect, Ekspresi tempat = nowhere in the world. Seharusnya ‘can farmers grow’,
pola diinversi. Subject = farmers dan verb = can grow.
8. Incorrect, Ekspresi tempat = in the backyard. Seharusnya ‘In the backyard are the two
trees’, pola diinversi. Subject = two trees. Verb = are.
9. Correct
10. Incorrect, Ekspresi tempat = in the apartment next to mine. Seharusnya ‘were a man
and a woman’, pola diinversi. Subject = a man and a woman. Verb = were having.

Exercise 17:
1. Incorrect, Subject = boy. Verb = wrote. Negative expression = Never. Seharusnya
‘never did the boy write’.
2. Correct
3. Correct
4. Incorrect, Subject = I. Verb = gone. Negative expression = only once. Seharusnya
‘have I gone’.
5. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘He went’. Subject = he. Verb = go. Tidak ada negative
expression jadi seharusnya kalimat tidak terjadi pembalikkan atau inverted subject
dan verb.
6. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘has their secretary’. Subject = their secretary. Verb = made.
Negative expression = seldom.
7. Correct
8. Incorrect, seharusnya ‘did she leave’. Subject = Sheila dan she. Verb = arrive dan left.
Negative expression = nor. Seharusnya klausa setelah nor yang dibalikkan.
9. Correct
10. Correct

Exercise 18:
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, Pola kalimat seharusnya tidak diinversi: ….. if you should get cold during
the night.
3. Incorrect, Pola kalimat seharusnya tidak diinversi: Bisa dibuat ‘if he has’.
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, Kalimat seharusnya tidak diinversi. Kata could pada kalimat ini tidak bisa
diinversi. Bisa dibuat ‘if you could’.
6. Incorrect, Pola inversinya salah. Seharusnya dibuat ‘had he not’.
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Correct
10. Correct

Exercise 19:
1. Correct
2. Incorrect, Bentuk perbandingan = more impressed with the performance than. Subject
setelah than = members (plural). Auxialiary verb = did. Kalimat salah karena
auxiliary verb yang digunakan seharusnya to be were karena pada klausa sebelum
than menggunakan to be. Seharusnya ‘were the other members’.
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, Bentuk perbandingan = as bad as. Seharusnya ‘that the condition of these
tires is’.
6. Correct
7. Correct
8. Correct
9. Incorrect, Bentuk perbandingan = more details than. Seharusnya had diganti dengan
did menjadi ‘....than did any of the previous speakers’.
10. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘does he need’ menjadi ‘he needs’, kalimat tidak diinversi.
Exercise (Skills 15-19):
1. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘land developers have’.
2. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘did I believe’.
3. Correct
4. Correct
5. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘are the offices’.
6. Correct
7. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘does it snow’.
8. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘had’ diganti dengan ‘did’.
9. Correct
10. Incorrect, Seharusnya ‘should he’.

TOEFL EXERCISE (Skills 15-19):

1. D
2. A
3. A
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. B


1. B
2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B

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