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“Snow Day”/Digital Learning Day - Tuesday, 1/29/19

AP Language
1. Complete Practice #1 Diagnostic (Embedding Quotations) on If you score 100% on the diagnostic,
you do not complete the activities or quiz; you’re done! Otherwise, complete activities (Practice
#1) AND quiz due by 11:59 p.m.
2. Finish reading The Crucible (PDF linked) Act I and fill in the character tracker for your specified characters:
Reverend Parris, Abigail Williams, John Proctor, Elizabeth Proctor, Rebecca Nurse, Reverend Hale, Giles Corey,
Thomas Putnam, Ann Putnam, Tituba, Judge Hathorne, Mary Warren
3. Consider the argument Arthur Miller builds. Identify fallacies the characters commit. Just write these on
notebook paper and prepare to discuss tomorrow.
4. Continue reading Thank You for Arguing. Your next quiz is over chapters 6-13. It will be on Monday.
5. For tomorrow’s class: Bring 5 printed articles about one possible research topic (3 editorials, 2 peer reviewed).
These must be printed BEFORE class.

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