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Polar vortex blasts US with life-threatening cold | US news | The Guardian 30/1/19 10'34

Polar vortex blasts US with life3

threatening cold
Warming shelters open in midwest as Chicago area sees
temperatures drop to -50F (-46C), with snow possible in southern

Polar vortex: how cold will it be?

A blast of arctic-chilled air from the polar vortex brought dangerous, record-setting cold to a
wide swath
Tue 29 Jan 2019 of the eastern US on Tuesday, stretching from the Dakotas through Maine, with
19.08 expected as far south as Alabama and Georgia.

Cities in the midwest opened warming shelters as temperatures plummeted well below zero
degrees Fahrenheit (-17.8C) . Regional governments closed hundreds of schools and airlines
canceled more than 1,000 flights, including many to Atlanta days before the Super Bowl.

The midwest will be the hardest-hit area, with a life-threatening wind chill bringing
temperatures down as low as minus 50F (minus 46C) in the Chicago area and northern
Illinois by Tuesday evening, the National Weather Service (NWS) reported.

“This storm poses a serious threat to the wellbeing of people around the state, and we will
use every tool at our disposal to keep our residents safe,” said the Illinois governor, JB
Pritzker, in a statement on Tuesday.

As much as 2ft of snow was forecast in Wisconsin, and 6in in Illinois.

“Listen to the people in your area ... We’re taking about what could be a very dangerous
situation, especially for those traveling,” the NWS forecaster Jim Hayes warned on Tuesday.
He said frostbite was possible within 10 minutes in the intense cold, which was forecast to
linger for days.

The brutal chill was caused by the polar vortex, a mass of freezing air that normally spins
around the North Pole but has made its way south into the United States.

Officials in Chicago, which has the country’s third-largest school system, said classes would
be canceled for all 360,000 students on Wednesday due to the severe weather.

The freezing temperatures may have killed a Rochester, Minnesota, man who was found
dead outside his home on Sunday, according to a reports by WCCO, a local CBS affiliate. Página 1 de 2
Polar vortex blasts US with life-threatening cold | US news | The Guardian 30/1/19 10'34

Rochester police officials did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Parts of north and central Georgia may see 2in or more of snow in the coming days, along
with freezing rain and ice-slicked highways. Georgia’s governor, Brian Kemp, shut
government offices in 35 counties on Tuesday, and schools across swaths of the state were
also closed.

Half of the flights out of Chicago’s Midway international airport were canceled on Tuesday,
according to the tracking service

Snow was expected through Wednesday from the Great Lakes region into New England.

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