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center_finite_diff_n filwgts_lanczos

NCL functions & procedures science Performs a centered finite difference operation on Calculates one-dimensional filter weights.
the given dimension. filwgts_normal
reference card cfftb Calculates one-dimensional filter weights based
N C L v e r s io n 6 . 2 . 1 K a r in M e ie r - F l e i s c h e r , D K R Z Performs a backward complex discrete fourier upon the normal (gaussian) distribution.
December 04 , 2014 Mary Haley, NCAR transform [Fourier Synthesis]. fourier_info
cfftf Performs fourier analysis on one or more periodic
Read the corresponding web page to get more information Performs a forward complex discrete fourier series.
about a function or procedure: transform of a real periodic sequence. ftest cfftf_frq_reorder Applies F-test for variances and returns an estimate
Reorders the data returned by cfftf. of the statistical significance.
Statistics chiinv gamma
dtrend Evaluates the inverse chi-squared distribution Evaluates the complete gamma function.
Estimates and removes the least squares linear function. gammainc
trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points. covcorm Evaluates the incomplete gamma function.
dtrend_leftdim Calculates a covariance or correlation matrix. genNormalDist
Estimates and removes the least squares linear covcorm_xy Generates a normal distribution.
trend of the leftmost dimension from all grid points Calculates a covariance or correlation matrix given inverse_matrix
and retains meta data. two separate arrays. Computes the inverse of a general matrix using LU
dtrend_msg cumsum factorization.
Estimates and removes the least squares linear Calculates the cumulative sum. kf_filter
trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points decimalPlaces Extract equatorial waves by filtering in the Wheeler-
(missing values allowed). Truncates or rounds to the number of decimal places Kiladis wavenumber-frequency domain.
dtrend_msg_n specified kolsm2_n
Estimates and removes the least squares linear equiv_sample_size Use the Kolmogorov-Smirnov two-sample test to
trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points Estimates the number of independent values of a determine if two samples are from the same
(missing values allowed). series of correlated observations. distribution.
dtrend_n erf kron_product
Estimates and removes the least squares linear Evaluates the real error function. Computes the Kronecker product for two-
trend of the given dimension from all grid points. erfc dimensional matrices.
dtrend_quadratic Evaluates the real complementary error function. linrood_latwgt
Estimates and removes the least squares quadratic esacr Computes the latitudes and weights used by the Lin-
trend of the rightmost dimension from all grid points. Computes sample auto-correlations Rood Model.
dtrend_quadratic_msg_n esacv linrood_wgt
Estimates and removes the least squares quadratic Computes sample auto-covariances Computes the weights used by the Lin-Rood Model.
trend of the dim-th dimension from all grid points esccr local_max
(missing values allowed). Computes sample cross-correlations. Determines the relative maxima for a 2-dimensional
esccv array.
General applied math Computes sample cross-covariances. local_min
arrayshift escorc Determines the relative minima for a 2-dimensional
Rearrange an array in a manner similar to Matlab's Computes sample linear cross-correlations at lag 0 array.
fftshift. only. lspoly
betainc escorc_n Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least
Evaluates the incomplete beta function. Computes sample cross-correlations at lag 0 only, squares polynomial fit to the given data.
calculate_monthly_values across the given dimensions. lspoly_n
Calculate monthly values [avg, sum, min, max] from escovc Calculates a set of coefficients for a weighted least
high frequency temporal values. Computes sample cross-covariances at lag 0 only. squares polynomial fit to the given data on the given
cancor ezfftb dimension.
Performs canonical correlation analysis between two Perform a Fourier synthesis from real and imaginary NewCosWeight
sets of variables. coefficients. Performs cosine of the latitude weighting on the
cdft_p ezfftf given array.
Calculates the one-sided probability given a t-value Perform a Fourier analysis on a real periodic pattern_cor
and the degrees of freedom. sequence. Compute centered or uncentered pattern correlation.
cdft_t fft2db pdfx
Calculates the t-value given the one-sided Performs a two-dimensional discrete backward Generates a univariate probability density
probability and the degrees of freedom. Fourier transform (Fourier synthesis). distribution (PDF).
center_finite_diff fft2df pdfxy
Performs a centered finite difference operation on Performs a two-dimensional forward real discrete Generates a joint probability density distribution.
the rightmost dimension. Fourier transform (i.e., Fourier analysis) of a real (Please use pdfxy_conform.)
periodic array.
pdfxy_bin series of year-month values. trend_manken_n
Performs looping necessary to calculate the smth9 Mann-Kendall non-parametric test for monotonic
bivariate (joint) probability distribution (see pdfxy). Performs nine point local smoothing on one or more trend plus the Theil-Sen robust estimate of linear
pdfxy_conform 2D grids. trend.
An interface to pdfxy that allows the input arrays to smth9_Wrap ttest
be different sizes. Performs nine point local smoothing on one or more Returns an estimate of the statistical significance
quadroots 2D grids and retains metadata. and, optionally, the t-values.
Determine roots of a quadratic equation [ a*x^2 + snindex_yrmo variance
b*x + c]. Calculates the Southern Oscillation Index and the Computes an unbiased estimate the variance of all
reg_multlin noise index given two series of year-month values. input points.
Performs basic multiple linear regression analysis. solve_linsys wave_number_spc
reg_multlin_stats Computes the solution to a real system of linear Computes the total power spectrum as a function of
Performs multiple linear regression analysis equations. latitudinal wave number.
including confidence estimates and creates an sparse_matrix_mult wavelet
ANOVA table. Multiples a sparse matrix with a dense matrix. Calculates the wavelet transform of a time series
regcoef Function under construction. Calling arguments may and significance levels.
Calculates the linear regression coefficient between change. wavelet_default
two variables. spcorr Calculates the wavelet transform of a time series
regCoef Computes Spearman rank order correlation and significance levels.
Calculates the linear regression coefficient between coefficient. wgt_area_smooth
two variables. spcorr_n Smooths an array of data using a 5-point 2D area-
regCoef_n Computes Spearman rank order correlation weighted smoothing algorithm.
Calculates the linear regression coefficient between coefficient across the given dimension. wgt_areaave
two variables on the given dimensions. specx_anal Calculates the area average of a quantity using
regline Calculates spectra of a series. weights.
Calculates the linear regression coefficient between specx_ci wgt_areaave2
two series. Calculates the theoretical Markov spectrum and the Calculates the area average of a quantity using two-
regline_stats lower and upper confidence curves. dimensional weights.
Performs simple linear regression including specxy_anal wgt_areaave_Wrap
confidence estimates and creates an ANOVA table. Calculates cross spectra quantities of a series. Calculates the area average of a quantity using
rmInsufData SqrtCosWeight weights and retains metadata.
Sets all instances (i.e. time) of a grid point to missing Performs square-root of the cosine of the latitude
if a user-prescribed percentage of points is missing. weighting on the given array. wgt_arearmse
run_cor sqsort Calculates a weighted area root-mean-square-
Calculates a running correlation. Sorts a singly dimensioned arrays of strings. difference between two variables.
runave stat2 wgt_arearmse2
Calculates an unweighted running average on the Calculates the first two moments of the given input. Calculates a weighted area root-mean-square-
rightmost dimension. stat4 difference (rmse) between two variables using two-
runave_n Calculates estimates of the first four moments dimensional weights.
Calculates an unweighted running average on the (mean, variance, skewness, and kurtosis) of the wgt_areasum2
given dimension. given input. Calculates the area sum (total) of a quantity using
runave_n_Wrap stat_dispersion two-dimensional weights.
Calculates an unweighted running average on the Computes a number of robust statistics. wgt_runave
given dimension and retains metadata. stat_medrng Calculates a weighted running average across the
runave_Wrap Calculates median, range, and mid-range of the rightmost dimension.
Calculates an unweighted running average on the given input. wgt_runave_leftdim
rightmost dimension and retains metadata. stat_trim Calculate a weighted running average over the
sign_f90 Calculates trimmed estimates of the first two leftmost dimenaion (usually, "time") and return in the
Mimic the behavior of fortran-90's sign transfer moments of the given input. original order with meta data.
function. stddev wgt_runave_n
sign_matlab Calculates the sample standard deviation. Calculates a weighted running average across the
Mimic the behavior of Matlab's sign function. student_t given dimension.
simpeq Calculates the two-tailed probability of the Student-t wgt_runave_n_Wrap
Integrates a sequence of equally spaced points distribution. Calculates a weighted running average on the given
using Simpson's Rule. taper dimension and retains metadata.
simpne Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more
Integrates a sequence of unequally spaced points series across the rightmost dimension. wgt_runave_Wrap
using Simpson's three-point formula. taper_n Calculates a weighted running average on the
sindex_yrmo Applies split-cosine-bell tapering to one or more rightmost dimension and retains metadata.
Calculates the Southern Oscillation Index given two series across the given dimension. wgt_volave
Calculates the volume average of a quantity using dimension and retains meta data. two variables' given dimensions at all other
weights. dim_gamfit_n dimensions.
wgt_volave_ccm Fit data to the two parameter gamma distribution. dim_rmsd_Wrap
Calculates the volume average of a quantity from the dim_max Computes the root-mean-square-difference between
CCM using weights. Finds the maximum of a variable's rightmost two variables' rightmost dimension at all other
wgt_volrmse dimension at all other dimensions. dimensions.
Calculates a weighted volume root-mean-square- dim_max_n dim_rmvmean
difference between two variables. Finds the maximum of a variable's given dimensions Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost)
wgt_volrmse_ccm at all other dimensions. dimension at all other dimensions.
Calculates a weighted volume root-mean-square- dim_max_n_Wrap dim_rmvmean_n
difference between two variables from the CCM. Computes the maximum of a variable's given Calculates and removes the mean of the given
wk_smooth121 dimensions at all other dimensions and retains dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
Performs a specialized 1-2-1 filter for Wheeler- metadata. dim_rmvmean_n_Wrap
Kiladis plots. dim_median Calculates and removes the mean of the given
zonalAve Computes the median of a variable's rightmost dimensions at all other dimensions and retains
Computes a zonal average of the input array dimension at all other dimensions. metadata.
dim_median_n dim_rmvmean_Wrap
Dimension routines Computes the median of a variable's given Calculates and removes the mean of the (rightmost)
dim_acumrun_n dimensions at all other dimensions. dimension at all other dimensions and retains
Calculates individual accumulated sums of dim_min metadata.
sequences ('runs') of a specified length. Finds the minimum of a variable's rightmost dim_rmvmed
dim_avg dimension at all other dimensions. Calculates and removes the median of the
Computes the average of a variable's rightmost dim_min_n (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions.
dimension at all other dimensions. Finds the minimum of a variable's given dimensions dim_rmvmed_n
dim_avg_n at all other dimensions. Calculates and removes the median of the given
Computes the average of a variable's given dim_min_n_Wrap dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
dimension(s) at all other dimensions. Computes the minimum of a variable's given dim_rmvmed_n_Wrap
dim_avg_n_Wrap dimensions at all other dimensions and retains Calculates and removes the median of the given
Computes the average of a variable's given metadata. dimensions at all other dimensions and retains
dimensions at all other dimensions and retains dim_num metadata.
metadata. Calculates the number of True values of a variable's dim_rmvmed_Wrap
dim_avg_wgt rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. Calculates and removes the median of the
Computes the weighted average of a variable's dim_num_n (rightmost) dimension at all other dimensions and
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. Calculates the number of True values of a variable's retains metadata.
dim_avg_wgt_n given dimensions at all other dimensions. dim_standardize
Computes the weighted average of a variable's dim_numrun_n Calculates standardized anomalies of the rightmost
given dimension at all other dimensions. Counts the number of "runs" (sequences) within a dimension at all other dimensions.
dim_avg_wgt_n_Wrap series containing zeros and ones. dim_standardize_n
Computes the weighted average of a variable's dim_pqsort Calculates standardized anomalies of the given
given dimension at all other dimensions and retains Computes the permutation vector generated by dimension(s) at all other dimensions.
metadata. sorting the n - 1th (rightmost) dimension. dim_standardize_n_Wrap
dim_avg_wgt_Wrap dim_pqsort_n Calculates standardized anomalies of the given
Computes the weighted average of a variable's Computes the permutation vector generated by dimensions at all other dimensions and retains
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and sorting the given dimension. metadata.
retains metadata. dim_product dim_standardize_Wrap
dim_avg_Wrap Computes the product of a variable's rightmost Calculates standardized anomalies of the rightmost
Computes the average of a variable's rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. dimension at all other dimensions and retains
dimension at all other dimensions and retains dim_product_n metadata.
metadata. Computes the product of a variable's given dim_stat4
dim_cumsum dimension(s) at all other dimensions. Computes the first four moments (average, variance,
Calculates the cumulative sum along the rightmost dim_rmsd skewness, and kurtosis) of the rightmost dimension
dimension. Computes the root-mean-square-difference between for all other dimensions.
dim_cumsum_n two variables' rightmost dimension at all other dim_stat4_n
Calculates the cumulative sum along the given dimensions. Computes the first four moments (average, variance,
dimension(s). dim_rmsd_n skewness, and kurtosis) of the given dimension(s)
dim_cumsum_n_Wrap Computes the root-mean-square-difference between for all other dimensions.
Calculates the cumulative sum along the given two variables' given dimensions at all other dim_stddev
dimension(s) and retains meta data. dimensions. Computes the population standard deviation of a
dim_cumsum_Wrap dim_rmsd_n_Wrap variable's rightmost dimension at all other
Calculates the cumulative sum along the rightmost Computes the root-mean-square-difference between dimensions.
distribution function. eofunc_ts_Wrap
dim_stddev_n cdfbin_pr Calculates the time series of the amplitudes
Computes the population standard deviation of a Calculates the probability of success of each trial of associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF and
variable's given dimension(s) at all other a cumulative distribution function. retains metadata.
dimensions. cdfbin_s eofunc_varimax
dim_stddev_n_Wrap Calculates the number of successes of a cumulative Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row
Computes the population standard deviation of a distribution function. normalization and the varimax criterion.
variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions cdfbin_xn eofunc_varimax_reorder
and retains metadata. Calculates the number of binomial trials of a Reorder the results returned by eof_varimax into
dim_stddev_Wrap cumulative distribution function. descending order by percent variance explained.
Computes the population standard deviation of a cdfchi_p eofunc_varimax_Wrap
variable's rightmost dimension at all other Calculates the integral of a cumulative chi-square Rotates EOFs using the using Kaiser row
dimensions and retains metadata. distribution function. normalization and the varimax criterion and retains
dim_sum cdfchi_x metadata.
Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's Calculates the upper limit of integration of a eofunc_Wrap
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. cumulative chi-square distribution function. Computes empirical orthogonal functions (aka:
dim_sum_n cdfgam_p Principal Component Analysis, Eigen Analysis) and
Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's given Calculates the integral of a cumulative gamma retains metadata.
dimension(s) at all other dimensions. distribution function.
dim_sum_n_Wrap cdfgam_x Group creators and query
Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's given Calculates the upper limit of integration of a filegrpdef
dimensions at all other dimensions and retains cumulative gamma distribution function. Defines a list of group (names), for a supported file,
metadata. cdfnor_p or group.
dim_sum_wgt Calculates the integral of a cumulative normal getfilegrpnames
Computes the weighted sum of a variable's distribution function. Returns an array of file group names in the specified
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions. cdfnor_x supported file.
dim_sum_wgt_n Calculates the upper limit of integration of a
Computes the weighted sum of a variable's given cumulative normal distribution function. Interpolation
dimension at all other dimensions. area_conserve_remap
dim_sum_wgt_n_Wrap Empirical orthogonal functions Performs areal conservative remapping from one
Computes the weighted sum of a variable's given eof2data rectilinear grid to another.
dimension at all other dimensions and retains Reconstructs a data set from EOFs and EOF time area_conserve_remap_Wrap
metadata. series. Performs areal conservative remapping from one
dim_sum_wgt_Wrap eofcor rectilinear grid to another and preserves meta data.
Computes the weighted sum of a variable's Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a area_hi2lores
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and correlation matrix (NCL's original function). Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to
retains metadata. eofcor_ts low resolution recitlinear grids using local area
dim_sum_Wrap Calculates the time series of the amplitudes averaging.
Computes the arithmetic sum of a variable's associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF which area_hi2lores_Wrap
rightmost dimension at all other dimensions and was calculated using a correlation matrix. Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to
retains metadata. eofcor_Wrap low resolution rectilinear grids using local area
dim_variance Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and averaging. (retains meta data)
Computes the unbiased estimates of the variance of retains meta data. (NCL's original function). bin_avg
a variable's rightmost dimension. eofcov Calculates gridded binned averages and counts onto
dim_variance_n Calculates empirical orthogonal functions via a a rectilinear grid using randomly spaced data.
Computes the unbiased estimates of the variance of covariance matrix (original version). csa1
a variable's given dimension(s) at all other eofcov_ts Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the
dimensions. Calculates the time series of the amplitudes input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
dim_variance_n_Wrap associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF which csa1d
Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a was calculated using a covariance matrix. Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the
variable's given dimension(s) at all other dimensions eofcov_Wrap input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
and retains metadata. Calculates empirical orthogonal functions and csa1s
dim_variance_Wrap retains meta data. (NCL's original EOF function). Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the
Computes unbiased estimates of the variance of a eofunc input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
variable's rightmost dimension at all other Compute empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs, aka: csa1x
dimensions and retains metadata. Principal Component Analysis). Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the
eofunc_ts input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
Cumulative distribution functions Calculates the time series of the amplitudes csa1xd
cdfbin_p associated with each eigenvalue in an EOF. Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the
Calculates the binomial density of a cumulative input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time.
csa1xs csa3lxs Regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another, using
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for the Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- ESMF software.
input data, one 1-dimensional section at a time. dimensional input data. ESMF_regrid_gen_weights
csa2 csa3s Writes a weight file using the offline ESMF weight
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- generator.
dimensional input data. dimensional input data. ESMF_regrid_with_weights
csa2d csa3x Using the provided weight file, regrids data from one
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- lat/lon grid to another.
dimensional input data. dimensional input data. ftcurv
csa2l csa3xd Calculates an interpolatory spline through a
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- sequence of functional values.
dimensional input data. dimensional input data. ftcurvd
csa2ld csa3xs Calculates the derivatives of an interpolatory spline
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- under tension.
dimensional input data. dimensional input data. ftcurvi
csa2ls csc2s Calculates integrals of an interpolatory spline under
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Converts Cartesian coordinates on a unit sphere to tension between two user-specified limits.
dimensional input data. spherical coordinates (lat/lon). ftcurvp
csa2lx csgetp Calculates an interpolatory spline under tension
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Retrieves control parameters for Cssgrid routines. through a sequence of functional values for a
dimensional input data. css2c periodic function.
csa2lxd Converts spherical coordinates (lat/lon) to Cartesian ftcurvpi
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- coordinates on a unit sphere. Calculates an integral of an interpolatory spline
dimensional input data. cssetp between two specified points.
csa2lxs Sets control parameters for Cssgrid routines. ftcurvps
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- cssgrid Calculates a smoothing spline.
dimensional input data. Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructured ftcurvs
csa2s (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data Calculates a smoothing spline.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- values on a rectilinear grid. ftgetp
dimensional input data. cssgrid_Wrap Retrieves control parameters for Fitgrid routines.
csa2x Uses tension splines to interpolate unstructrued ftkurv
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- (randomly-spaced) data on a unit sphere to data Calculates an interpolatory spline for parametric
dimensional input data. values on a rectilinear grid (retains metadata). curves.
csa2xd csstri ftkurvd
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Calculates a Delaunay triangulation of data Calculates an interpolatory spline for parametric
dimensional input data. randomly positioned on the surface of a sphere. curves; it also calculates first and second derivatives
csa2xs csvoro of the interpolatory spline.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for two- Determines Voronoi polygons for data randomly ftkurvp
dimensional input data. positioned on a sphere and returns vertices for the Calculates an interpolatory spline under tension
csa3 one surrounding a specified input point. through a sequence of points in the plane forming a
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- curvilinear_to_SCRIP closed curve.
dimensional input data. Writes the description of a curvilinear grid to a ftkurvpd
csa3d SCRIP file. Calculates an interpolatory spline for closed
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- dsgetp parametric curves; it also calculates first and second
dimensional input data. Gets parameters for Dsgrid routines. derivatives of the interpolatory spline.
csa3l dsgrid2 ftsetp
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly- Sets control parameters for Fitgrid routines.
dimensional input data. spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using inverse idsfft
csa3ld distance weighted interpolation. Interpolates 2D random data.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- dsgrid3 int2p
dimensional input data. Interpolates float data from an unstructured Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of
csa3ls (randomly-spaced) grid to a 3D grid using inverse pressure levels.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- distance weighted interpolation. int2p_n
dimensional input data. dspnt2 Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of
csa3lx Interpolates 2-D data at specified points. pressure levels on the given dimension.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- dspnt3 int2p_n_Wrap
dimensional input data. Interpolates 3-D data at specified points. Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of
csa3lxd dssetp pressure levels and returns meta data.
Calculates an approximating cubic spline for three- Sets parameters for Dsgrid routines. int2p_Wrap
dimensional input data. ESMF_regrid Interpolates pressure levels to a different set of
pressure levels and returns meta data. nnpntend unstructured_to_ESMF
latlon_to_SCRIP Terminates interpolation from 2D random data to get Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an
Writes the description of a lat/lon grid to a SCRIP values at a specified set of points. ESMF file.
file. nnpntendd wrf_interp_1d
linint1 Terminates interpolation from 2D random data to get Linearly interpolates a one-dimensional variable in
Interpolates from one series to another using values at a specified set of points. the vertical.
piecewise linear interpolation across the rightmost nnpntinit wrf_interp_2d_xy
dimension. Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to Extracts a cross section from a given input field.
linint1_n allow subsequent nnpnt calls to interpolate at wrf_interp_3d_z
Interpolates from one series to another using specified points. Interpolates to a specified pressure/height level.
piecewise linear interpolation across the given nnpntinitd wrf_user_intrp2d
dimension. Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to Interpolates ARW WRF 2D model data along a give
linint1_n_Wrap allow subsequent nnpntd calls to interpolate at line.
Interpolates from one series to another using specified points. wrf_user_intrp3d
piecewise linear interpolation across the given nnpntinits Interpolates ARW WRF model data vertically or
dimension, and retains metadata. Initializes internal quantities, for given input data, to horizontally.
linint1_Wrap allow subsequent nnpnts calls to interpolate at wrf_user_unstagger
Interpolates from one series to another using specified points. Unstaggers an input variable along a specified
piecewise linear interpolation, and retains metadata. nnsetp dimension
linint2 Sets control parameters for Natgrid routines.
Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another obj_anal_ic Random number generators
rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation. Iterative improvement objective analysis. generate_2d_array
linint2_points obj_anal_ic_deprecated Generates a "nice" 2D array of pseudo random data,
Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured Iterative correction objective analysis (Cressman, especially for use in 2D graphics.
grid using bilinear interpolation. Barnes). generate_resample_indices
linmsg obj_anal_ic_Wrap Generate indices (subscripts) for resampling: with
Linearly interpolates to fill in missing values. Iterative improvement objective analysis and returns and without replacement.
linmsg_n meta data. generate_sample_indices
Linearly interpolates to fill in missing values, given poisson_grid_fill Generate indices (subscripts) for resampling: with
the dimension to do the interpolation across. Replaces all missing (_FillValue) values in a grid and without replacement.
natgrid with values derived from solving Poisson's equation generate_unique_indices
Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly via relaxation. Generate unique random indices (subscripts).
spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using natural rcm2points rand
neighbor interpolation. Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, Generates a pseudo random number.
natgrid_Wrap WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid. random_chi
Interpolates data from an unstructured (randomly- rcm2rgrid Generates random numbers using a chi-squared
spaced) grid to a rectilinear grid using natural Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM, distribution.
neighbor interpolation and retains metadata. WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid. random_gamma
nngetaspectd rectilinear_to_SCRIP Generates random numbers using a gamma
Retrieves an aspect at a specified coordinate Writes the description of a rectilinear grid to a SCRIP distribution.
position. file. random_normal
nngetaspects rgrid2rcm Generates random numbers using a normal
Retrieves an aspect at a specified coordinate Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a distribution.
position. curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF random_setallseed
nngetp and NARR models/datasets. Sets initial seeds for random number generators.
Retrieves control parameters for Natgrid routines. shgetnp random_uniform
nngetsloped Finds the nearest point, or points (in a specified set Generates random numbers using a uniform range
Retrieves a slope at a specified coordinate position. of points), to a given point in 3-space. distribution.
nngetslopes shgetp srand
Retrieves a slope at a specified coordinate position. Retrieves control parameters for Shgrid routines. Establishes a seed for the rand function.
nngetwts shgrid
Retrieves natural neighbors and weights for the Interpolates data from an unstructured grid to a grid Regridding
function values at those neighbors. in 3-space. area_conserve_remap
nngetwtsd shsetp Performs areal conservative remapping from one
Retrieves natural neighbors and weights for the Sets control parameters for Shgrid routines. rectilinear grid to another.
function values at those neighbors. sigma2hybrid area_conserve_remap_Wrap
nnpnt Interpolates from sigma to hybrid coordinates. Performs areal conservative remapping from one
Interpolates from 2D random data to get values at a trop_wmo rectilinear grid to another and preserves meta data.
specified set of points. Determines the level of the thermal tropopause. area_hi2lores
Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to
low resolution recitlinear grids using local area metadata). obj_anal_ic_deprecated
averaging. fo2fsh Iterative correction objective analysis (Cressman,
area_hi2lores_Wrap Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid Barnes).
Interpolates from high resolution rectilinear grids to to a fixed grid. obj_anal_ic_Wrap
low resolution rectilinear grids using local area fo2fsh_Wrap Iterative improvement objective analysis and returns
averaging. (retains meta data) Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed-offset grid meta data.
bin_avg to a fixed grid (retains metadata). poisson_grid_fill
Calculates gridded binned averages and counts onto fo2fshv Replaces all missing (_FillValue) values in a grid
a rectilinear grid using randomly spaced data. Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid with values derived from solving Poisson's equation
curvilinear_to_SCRIP to a fixed grid. via relaxation.
Writes the description of a curvilinear grid to a fo2fshv_Wrap pop_remap
SCRIP file. Interpolates a vector quantity from a fixed-offset grid Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid.
ESMF_regrid to a fixed grid (retains metadata). PopLatLon
Regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another, using ftsurf Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon
ESMF software. Calculates an interpolatory surface passing through grid or vice-versa.
ESMF_regrid_gen_weights a rectangular grid of function values. PopLatLonV
Writes a weight file using the offline ESMF weight g2fsh Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and
generator. Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid vice-versa.
ESMF_regrid_with_weights to a fixed grid. rcm2points
Using the provided weight file, regrids data from one g2fsh_Wrap Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM,
lat/lon grid to another. Interpolates a scalar quantity from a Gaussian grid WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid.
f2fosh to a fixed grid (retains metadata). rcm2points_Wrap
Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid g2fshv Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM,
(including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid. Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid WRF, NARR) to an unstructured grid and retains
f2fosh_Wrap to a fixed grid. metadata.
Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid g2fshv_Wrap rcm2rgrid
(including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains Interpolates a vector quantity from a Gaussian grid Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM,
metadata). to a fixed grid (retains metadata). WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid.
f2foshv g2gsh rcm2rgrid_Wrap
Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian Interpolates data on a curvilinear grid (i.e. RCM,
(including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid. grid to another (with optional truncation). WRF, NARR) to a rectilinear grid and retains
f2foshv_Wrap g2gsh_Wrap metadata.
Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid Interpolates a scalar quantity from one Gaussian rectilinear_to_SCRIP
(including pole points) to a fixed-offset grid (retains grid to another (with optional truncation) (retains Writes the description of a rectilinear grid to a SCRIP
metadata). metadata). file.
f2fsh g2gshv rgrid2rcm
Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian to Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a
another. another (optional truncation). curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF
f2fsh_Wrap g2gshv_Wrap and NARR models/datasets.
Interpolates a scalar quantity from one fixed grid to Interpolates a vector quantity from one Gaussian to rgrid2rcm_Wrap
another (retains metadata). another (optional truncation) (retains metadata). Interpolates data on a rectilinear lat/lon grid to a
f2fshv latlon_to_SCRIP curvilinear grid like those used by the RCM, WRF
Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to Writes the description of a lat/lon grid to a SCRIP and NARR models/datasets and retains metadata.
another. file. triple2grid
f2fshv_Wrap linint2 Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto
Interpolates a vector quantity from one fixed grid to Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid.
another (retains metadata). rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation. triple2grid2d
f2gsh linint2_points Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto
Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured the nearest locations of a curvilinear grid.
Gaussian grid (with optional truncation). grid using bilinear interpolation. triple2grid_Wrap
f2gsh_Wrap linint2_points_Wrap Places unstructured (randomly-spaced) data onto
Interpolates a scalar quantity from a fixed grid to a Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to an unstructured the nearest locations of a rectilinear grid and retains
Gaussian grid (with optional truncation) (retains grid using bilinear interpolation, and retains metadata.
metadata). metadata. unstructured_to_ESMF
f2gshv linint2_Wrap Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an
Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a Interpolates from a rectilinear grid to another ESMF file.
Gaussian grid (optional truncation). rectilinear grid using bilinear interpolation, and
f2gshv_Wrap retains metadata. RIP
Interpolates a vector quantity on a fixed grid to a obj_anal_ic wrf_cape_2d
Gaussian grid (optional truncation) (retains Iterative improvement objective analysis. Computes maximum convective available potential
energy (CAPE), maximum convective inhibition exp_tapersh_wgts given a scalar z on a fixed grid.
(CIN), lifted condensation level (LCL), and level of Calculates weights which can be used to perform lapsG
free convection (LFC). tapering (filtering) of spherical harmonic coefficients. Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics,
wrf_cape_3d exp_tapershC given a scalar z on a gaussian grid.
Computes convective available potential energy Performs tapering (filtering) of the spherical lapsg
(CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN). harmonic coefficients. Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics,
get_sphere_radius given a scalar z on a gaussian grid.
Retrieves the radius of a sphere used in spherical lapvf
Singular value decomposition harmonic routines. Computes the vector Laplacian using spherical
dgeevx_lapack gradsf harmonics, given a vector quantity (u,v) on a fixed
Given a square (N,N) real nonsymmetric matrix, Computes the gradient of an array that is on a fixed grid.
compute the eigenvalues and, optionally, the left grid using spherical harmonics. lapvg
and/or right eigenvectors via the LAPACK subroutine gradsg Computes the vector Laplacian using spherical
dgeevx. Computes the gradient of an array that is on a harmonics, given a vector quantity (u,v) on a
svd_lapack gaussian grid using spherical harmonics. gaussian grid.
Calculates the singular value decomposition of a igradsf lderuvf
general rectangular matrix. Computes a scalar array from its gradient Computes the latitudinal derivatives using spherical
svdcov components on a fixed grid using spherical harmonics, given vector components (u,v) on a fixed
Uses singular value decomposition and returns the harmonics. grid.
left and right homogeneous and heterogeneous igradsF lderuvg
arrays associated with the two input datasets. Computes a scalar array from its gradient Computes the latitudinal derivatives using spherical
svdcov_sv components on a fixed grid using spherical harmonics, given vector components (u,v) on a
Uses singular value decomposition to return the left harmonics. gaussian grid.
and right singular vectors associated with the two igradsg rhomb_trunc
input datasets. Computes a scalar array from its gradient Performs rhomboidal truncation on spherical
svdstd components on a gaussian grid using spherical harmonic coefficients.
Uses singular value decomposition and returns the harmonics. rhomb_trunC
left and right homogeneous and heterogeneous igradsG Performs rhomboidal truncation on spherical
arrays associated with the two input datasets. Computes a scalar array from its gradient harmonic coefficients.
svdstd_sv components on a gaussian grid using spherical set_sphere_radius
Uses singular value decomposition to return the left harmonics. Sets the radius of a sphere used in spherical
and right singular vectors associated with the two ilapsf harmonic routines.
input datasets. Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical sfvp2uvf
harmonics. Computes the wind components given stream
Spherical harmonic routines ilapsF function and velocity potential (on a fixed grid) via
dv2uvF Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical spherical harmonics.
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind harmonics. sfvp2uvg
components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. ilapsF_Wrap Computes the wind components given stream
dv2uvf Inverts the Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using spherical function and velocity potential (on a gaussian grid)
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind harmonics and retains metadata. via spherical harmonics.
components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. ilapsg shaeC
dv2uvF_Wrap Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind spherical harmonics. field on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
components for a fixed grid via spherical harmonics ilapsG shaec
and retains metadata. Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar
dv2uvG spherical harmonics. field on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind ilapsG_Wrap shagC
components for a gaussian grid via spherical Inverts the Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) using Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar
harmonics. spherical harmonics and retains metadata. field on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
dv2uvg ilapvf shagc
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind Inverts the vector Laplacian (on a fixed grid) using Computes spherical harmonic analysis of a scalar
components for a gaussian grid via spherical spherical harmonics. field on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics.
harmonics. ilapvg shsec
dv2uvG_Wrap Inverts the vector Laplacian (on a gaussian grid) Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar
Computes the divergent (irrotational) wind using spherical harmonics. quantity on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics.
components for a gaussian grid via spherical lapsF shseC
harmonics and retains metadata. Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics, Computes the spherical harmonic synthesis of a
exp_tapersh given a scalar z on a fixed grid. scalar quantity on a fixed grid via spherical
Performs tapering (filtering) of the spherical lapsf harmonics.
harmonic coefficients. Computes the Laplacian using spherical harmonics,
shsgc grid. vhsgc
Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar uv2vrdvF Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of
quantity on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics. Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical
shsgC harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a harmonics.
Computes the spherical harmonic synthesis of a fixed grid. vhsgC
scalar quantity on a gaussian grid via spherical uv2vrdvf Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of
harmonics. Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical
shsgc_R42 harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a harmonics.
Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar fixed grid. vr2uvf
quantity via rhomboidally truncated (R42) spherical uv2vrdvg Computes the rotational wind components via
harmonic coefficients onto a (108x128) gaussian Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical spherical harmonics, given an array containing
grid. harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a relative vorticity on a fixed grid.
shsgc_R42_Wrap gaussian grid. vr2uvF
Computes spherical harmonic synthesis of a scalar uv2vrdvG Computes the rotational wind components via
quantity via rhomboidally truncated (R42) spherical Computes the vorticity and divergence via spherical spherical harmonics, given an array containing
harmonic coefficients onto a (108x128) gaussian harmonics, given the u and v wind components on a relative vorticity on a fixed grid.
grid. (creates metadata). gaussian grid. vr2uvF_Wrap
tri_trunC uv2vrF Computes the rotational wind components via
Performs triangular truncation on spherical harmonic Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, spherical harmonics, given an array containing
coefficients. given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid. relative vorticity on a fixed grid (retains metadata).
tri_trunc uv2vrf vr2uvg
Performs triangular truncation on spherical harmonic Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, Computes the rotational wind components via
coefficients. given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid. spherical harmonics, given an array containing
uv2dvf uv2vrF_Wrap relative vorticity on a gaussian grid.
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, vr2uvG
given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid. given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid Computes the rotational wind components via
uv2dvF (retains metadata). spherical harmonics, given an array containing
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics uv2vrG relative vorticity on a gaussian grid.
given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid. Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, vr2uvG_Wrap
uv2dvF_Wrap given the u and v wind components on a gaussian Computes the rotational wind components via
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics grid. spherical harmonics, given an array containing
given the u and v wind components on a fixed grid uv2vrg relative vorticity on a gaussian grid (retains
(retains metadata). Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, metadata).
uv2dvg given the u and v wind components on a gaussian vrdv2uvf
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics grid. Computes the wind components via spherical
given the u and v wind components on a gaussian uv2vrG_Wrap harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a fixed
grid. Computes the vorticity via spherical harmonics, grid.
uv2dvG given the u and v wind components on a gaussian vrdv2uvF
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics grid (retains metadata). Computes the wind components via spherical
given the u and v wind components on a gaussian vhaeC harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a fixed
grid. Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of grid.
uv2dvG_Wrap vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. vrdv2uvg
Computes the divergence using spherical harmonics vhaec Computes the wind components via spherical
given the u and v wind components on a gaussian Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a
grid (retains metadata). vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. gaussian grid.
uv2sfvpF vhagC vrdv2uvG
Computes the stream function and velocity potential Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of Computes the wind components via spherical
via spherical harmonics given u and v on a fixed vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical harmonics, given vorticity and divergence on a
grid. harmonics. gaussian grid.
uv2sfvpf vhagc
Computes the stream function and velocity potential Computes vector spherical harmonic analysis of Lat/lon functions
via spherical harmonics given u and v on a fixed vector fields on a gaussian grid via spherical add90LatX
grid. harmonics. Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the
uv2sfvpG vhseC rightmost dimension of the given data.
Computes the stream function and velocity potential Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of add90LatY
via spherical harmonics given u and v on a gaussian vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. Adds two fake pole points (90S and 90N) to the
grid. vhsec leftmost dimension of the given data.
uv2sfvpg Computes vector spherical harmonic syntheses of area_poly_sphere
Computes the stream function and velocity potential vector fields on a fixed grid via spherical harmonics. Calculates the area enclosed by an arbitrary polygon
via spherical harmonics given u and v on a gaussian on the sphere.
bin_avg global fixed offset grid. copy_VarCoords
Calculates gridded binned averages and counts onto latlon2utm Copies all named dimensions and coordinate
a rectilinear grid using randomly spaced data. Converts from lat/lon to UTM using a specified variables from one variable to another.
bin_sum datum. copy_VarCoords_1
Calculates binned sums and counts over multiple latRegWgt Copies all named dimensions and coordinate
invocations of the procedure onto a ectilinear grid. Generates [sin(lat+dlat/2)-sin(lat-dlat/2) weights for variables from one variable to another except for the
gaus equally spaced (regular) global grids that will sum to rightmost dimension.
Computes gaussian latitudes and weights. 2.0. copy_VarCoords_2
gaus_lobat lonFlip Copies all named dimensions and coordinate
Computes gaussian latitudes and weights using Reorders an array about the central longitude variables from one variable to another except for the
Gauss-Lobatto quadrature. coordinate variable (rectilinear grids only). rightmost two dimensions.
gaus_lobat_wgt lonGlobeF copy_VarMeta
Computes Gauss-Lobatto weights given a one- Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a Copies all attributes, named dimensions and
dimensional array of Gauss-Lobatto latitudes. global fixed grid. coordinate variables from one variable to another.
gc_aangle lonGlobeFo default_fillvalue
Finds the acute angle between two great circles on Generates longitudes and associated metadata for a Returns the default missing value for the given
the globe. global fixed offset grid. variable type.
gc_clkwise lonPivot delete_VarAtts
Tests clockwise/counterclockwise ordering of points Pivots about a user specified longitude (rectilinear Deletes one or more attributes associated with a
on spherical polygon. grids only). variable.
gc_dangle nggcog getFillValue
Finds the directed angle between two great circles Calculates the latitudes and longitudes of a set of Retrieves the _FillValue of a variable, if present.
having a specified intersection point. points approximating a circle at a given point on the getvaratts
gc_inout surface of the globe. Returns a list of attribute names for the given
Determines if a list of lat/lon specified points are niceLatLon2D variable or file pointer.
inside or outside of spherical lat/lon polygon(s). Check two dimensional map coordinates to see if getvardims
gc_latlon they have a "nice" structure. Returns a list of dimension names for the given
Finds the great circle distance (true surface NormCosWgtGlobe variable.
distance) between two points on the globe and Create normalized cosine weights that sum to 2.0. getVarFillValue
interpolates points along the great circle. plt_pdfxy Retrieves the missing value of a variable, otherwise,
gc_onarc Creates a nice plot of the joint probability array it returns the default _FillValue.
Determines if a point on the globe lies on a specified created by the pdfxy function. isatt
great circle arc. region_ind Returns logical values indicating whether the given
gc_pnt2gc Returns the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional attributes are attached to the given variable.
Finds the angular distance from a point to a great latitude/longitude arrays that span user specified iscoord
circle. latitude/longitude boundaries. Returns True for every input string that is a
gc_qarea utm2latlon coordinate variables of the given variable.
Finds the area of a quadrilateral patch on the unit Converts from UTM to lat/lon using a specified isdim
sphere. datum. Returns True if variable dimensions are defined in
gc_tarea wrf_ij_to_ll the given variable.
Finds the area of a triangular patch on the unit Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the isdimnamed
sphere. specified model grid indices (i,j). Returns True if variable dimensions have names in
getind_latlon2d wrf_ll_to_ij given variable.
Finds the indices (subscripts) of two-dimensional Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the ismissing
latitude/longitude arrays closest to a user specified specified location(s) in longitude and latitude. Returns True for every element of the input that
latitude/longitude coordinate pair. wrf_user_ij_to_ll contains a missing value.
landsea_mask Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the isunlimited
Returns a grid that contains a land sea mask given specified model grid indices (i,j). Returns True if the given dimension name is defined
any latitude and longitude array. wrf_user_ll_to_ij as unlimited on the given file.
latGau Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the nameDim
Generates gaussian latitudes and associated specified location(s) in longitude and latitude. Assigns given named dimensions, long_name, and
metadata. units to the input variable.
latGauWgt Metadata routines set_default_fillvalue
Generates gaussian weights and associated assignFillValue Sets the default missing value for the given variable
metadata. Transfers the _FillValue attribute from one variable type.
latGlobeF to another.
Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a copy_VarAtts Meteorology
global fixed grid. Copies all of a variable's attributes from one variable angmom_atm
latGlobeFo to another. Calculates the atmosphere's relative angular
Generates latitudes and associated metadata for a momentum.
dewtemp_trh and height based on the 1976 U.S. standard clmMonLLLT
Calculates the dew point temperature given atmosphere, given the pressure. Calculates long term monthly means (monthly
temperature and relative humidity. stdatmus_z2tdp climatology) from monthly data: (lev,lat,lon,time)
fluxEddy Calculates the corresponding temperature, density, version.
Calculates time averaged eddy flux quantities. and pressure based on the 1976 U.S. standard clmMonLLT
hydro atmosphere, given the height. Calculates long term monthly means (monthly
Computes geopotential height using the hydrostatic uv2dv_cfd climatology) from monthly data (lat,lon,time version)
equation. Computes divergence using centered finite clmMonTLL
hyi2hyo differences. Calculates long term monthly means (monthly
Interpolates from data on one set of hybrid levels to uv2vr_cfd climatology) from monthly data: (time,lat,lon) version
another set of hybrid levels. Computes relative vorticity using centered finite clmMonTLLL
hyi2hyo_Wrap differences. Calculates long term monthly means (monthly
Interpolates from data on one set of hybrid levels to vibeta climatology) from monthly data: (time,lev,lat,lon)
another set of hybrid levels and preserves metadata. Performs vertical integration using beta factors. version
kf_filter w_to_omega month_to_season
Extract equatorial waves by filtering in the Wheeler- Convert vertical velocity with units (m/s) to Pa/s. Computes a user-specified three-month seasonal
Kiladis wavenumber-frequency domain. wind_component mean (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS,
lclvl Calculate zonal and meridional wind components ASO, SON, OND, NDJ).
Calculates the pressure of the lifting condensation from wind speed and wind direction. month_to_season12
level. wind_direction Computes three-month seasonal means (DJF, JFM,
mixhum_ptd Calculate meteorological wind direction from zonal FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ, JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND,
Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given and meridional wind components. NDJ).
pressure and dew point temperature. z2geouv month_to_seasonN
mixhum_ptrh Computes the geostrophic zonal and meridional Computes a user-specified list of three-month
Calculates the mixing ratio or specific humidity given wind components using geopotential height on seasonal means (DJF, JFM, FMA, MAM, AMJ, MJJ,
pressure, temperature and relative humidity. isobaric levels (rectilinear grid only). JJA, JAS, ASO, SON, OND, NDJ).
omega_to_w zonal_mpsi rmAnnCycle1D
Convert omega vertical velocity (Pa/s) to (m/s). Computes a zonal mean meridional stream function. Removes annual cycle from a one-dimensional time
prcwater_dp zonal_mpsi_Wrap series.
Computes column precipitable water of the rightmost Computes a zonal mean meridional stream function rmMonAnnCycLLLT
dimension. and retains metadata. Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
pres2hybrid rmMonAnnCycLLT
Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to Climatology Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
hybrid levels. calcDayAnomTLL rmMonAnnCycTLL
pres2hybrid_Wrap Calculates daily anomalies from a daily data Removes the annual cycle from "monthly" data.
Interpolates data on constant pressure levels to climatology. smthClmDayTLL
hybrid levels and retains metadata. calcMonAnomLLLT Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an
pres_sigma Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the array nominally dimensioned (Time,Lat,Lon).
Calculates the pressure at specified sigma levels. long term mean from each point (lev,lat,lon,time smthClmDayTLLL
pslec version) Calculates a smooth mean daily annual cycle for an
Computes sea level pressure from CCM/CAM hybrid calcMonAnomLLT array nominally dimensioned (Time,Level,Lat,Lon).
model variables using the ECMWF formulation. Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the stdMonLLLT
pslhor long term mean from each point (lat,lon,time version) Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
Computes sea level pressure from CCM/CAM hybrid calcMonAnomTLL stdMonLLT
model variables using the ECMWF formulation and Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
Trenberth's horizontal correction. long term mean from each point (time,lat,lon version) stdMonTLL
pslhyp calcMonAnomTLLL Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
Computes sea level pressure using the hypsometric Calculates monthly anomalies by subtracting the stdMonTLLL
equation. long term mean from each point: (time,lev,lat,lon) Calculates standard deviations of monthly means.
rdsstoi version.
Reads weekly/monthly compocp site and climatology clmDayTLL Oceanography
grids. Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) depth_to_pres
relhum from daily data. Convert ocean depth to pressure.
Calculates relative humidity given temperature, clmDayTLLL mixed_layer_depth
mixing ratio, and pressure. Calculates long term daily means (daily climatology) Calculates a quantity derived from the Potential
relhum_ttd from daily data. Density of significance. (Documentation under
Calculates relative humidity given temperature and clmMon2clmDay construction.)
dew point temperature. Create a daily climatology from a monthly pop_remap
stdatmus_p2tdz climatology. Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid.
Calculates the corresponding temperature, density,
PopLatLon mixed_layer_depth PopLatLonV
Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon Calculates a quantity derived from the Potential Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and
grid or vice-versa. Density of significance. (Documentation under vice-versa.
PopLatLonV construction.) potmp_insitu_ocn
Converts vectors on a POP grid to a lat/lon grid and mjo_cross Calculate seawater potential temperature at an
vice-versa. Calculate space-time cross spectrum over multiple arbitrary reference pressure given insitu
potmp_insitu_ocn segments. temperature, salinity and depth.
Calculate seawater potential temperature at an mjo_cross_coh2pha pres_hybrid_ccm
arbitrary reference pressure given insitu Calculate space-time coherence-squared and phase Calculates pressure at the hybrid levels.
temperature, salinity and depth. using the array returned by mjo_cross_segment . resolveWavesHayashi
rho_mwjf mjo_cross_plot Reorder the complex coefficients returned by cfftf to
Computes ocean water density given a specified Plot coherence-squared and phase spectra as resolve the progressive and retrogressive waves.
range for potential temperature (deg Celisus) and returned by mjo_cross. vinth2p
salinity (psu). mjo_cross_segment Interpolates CAM (Community Atmosphere Model)
Calculate space-time cross spectrum for a single hybrid coordinates to pressure coordinates.
CESM time segment. vinth2p_ecmwf
angmom_atm mjo_phase_background Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure
Calculates the atmosphere's relative angular Plot background for MJO phase-space diagram. coordinates but uses an ECMWF formulation to
momentum. mjo_space_time_cross extrapolate values below ground.
band_pass_area_time Calculate space-time cross spectrum over multiple vinth2p_ecmwf_nodes
Create a time series of area averages; band pass segments. Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure
filter the resulting area averaged time series and mjo_spectra coordinates but uses an ECMWF formulation to
calculate other statistics. Driver to calculate and plot seasonal spectra via extrapolate values below ground.
band_pass_area_time_plot segment averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR vinth2p_nodes
Generate a plot using the output from MJO diagnostics website . Interpolates CESM hybrid coordinates to pressure
band_pass_area_time. mjo_spectra_season coordinates on an unstructured grid.
band_pass_hovmueller Calculates seasonal spectra via segment averaging vintp2p_ecmwf
Create a band-pass filtered time series suitable for a as defined by the US-CLIVAR MJO diagnostics Interpolates data at multidimensional pressure levels
time vs longitude (Hovmueller) plot. website . to constant pressure coordinates and uses an
band_pass_hovmueller_plot mjo_wavenum_freq_season ECMWF formulation to extrapolate values below
Generate a plot using the output from Calculates wavenumber-frequency spectar via ground.
band_pass_hovmueller. seasonal averaging as defined by the US-CLIVAR wgt_vert_avg_beta
band_pass_latlon_time MJO diagnostics website . Computes weighted vertical average or sum using
Create band-pass filtered series at each lat/lon grid mjo_wavenum_freq_season_plot pressure thickness and beta factors.
point. Plot wavenumber-frequency spectra as returned by wgt_volave_ccm
band_pass_latlon_time_plot mjo_wavenum_freq_season. Calculates the volume average of a quantity from the
Generate a plot using the output from mjo_xcor_lag_ovly CCM using weights.
band_pass_latlon_time. Plot lagged cross-correlations as returned by wgt_volrmse_ccm
cz2ccm mjo_xcor_lag_season. Calculates a weighted volume root-mean-square-
Computes geopotential height in hybrid coordinates. mjo_xcor_lag_ovly_panel difference between two variables from the CCM.
decomposeSymAsym Plot lagged cross-correlations as returned by wkSpaceTime
Decompose a variable which is symmetric about the mjo_xcor_lag_season as panels. Calculates Wheeler-Kiladis space-time spectra.
equator into symmetric and asymmetric parts. mjo_xcor_lag_season wkSpaceTime_cam
depth_to_pres Calculates lagged correlations between a reference Calculates Wheeler-Kiladis space-time spectra using
Convert ocean depth to pressure. series and gridded data as specified by the US- a generic CAM interface.
dpres_hybrid_ccm CLIVAR MJO diagnostics website .
Calculates the pressure differences of a hybrid moc_globe_atl ESMF
coordinate system. Facilitates calculating the meridional overturning curvilinear_to_SCRIP
dpres_plevel circulation for the globe and Atlantic. Writes the description of a curvilinear grid to a
Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a omega_ccm SCRIP file.
constant pressure level coordinate system. Calculates omega [vertical pressure velocity] using ESMF_regrid
dpres_plevel_Wrap the model diagnostic method. Regrids data from one lat/lon grid to another, using
Calculates the pressure layer thicknesses of a omega_ccm_driver ESMF software.
constant pressure level coordinate system. Computes vertical pressure velocity [omega] via ESMF_regrid_gen_weights
dz_height model diagnostic code. Writes a weight file using the offline ESMF weight
Calculates the height layer thicknesses at each grid pop_remap generator.
point over varying surface terrain. Regrids a POP ocean model grid to another grid. ESMF_regrid_with_weights
kf_filter PopLatLon Using the provided weight file, regrids data from one
Extract equatorial waves by filtering in the Wheeler- Regrids a scalar variable on a POP grid to a lat/lon lat/lon grid to another.
Kiladis wavenumber-frequency domain. grid or vice-versa.
latlon_to_SCRIP wrf_overlays Unclassified routines
Writes the description of a lat/lon grid to a SCRIP Overlays multiple plots, created from other ARW dim_spei_n
file. WRF plot functions. Calculate the standardized precipitation
rectilinear_to_SCRIP wrf_pvo evapotransporation index (SPEI).
Writes the description of a rectilinear grid to a SCRIP Calculates potential vorticity from WRF model dim_spi_n
file. output. Calculate the standardized precipitation index (SPI).
unstructured_to_ESMF wrf_rh dim_thornthwaite_n
Writes the description of an unstructured grid to an Calculates relative humidity from ARW WRF model Estimate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) via
ESMF file. output. the Thornthwaite method.
wrf_slp dim_ttwpet_n
WRF Calculates sea level pressure from ARW WRF Estimate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) via
wrf_avo model output. the Thornthwaite method.
Calculates absolute vorticity from WRF model wrf_smooth_2d rtest
output. Smooths a given field. Determines the statistical significance of a linear
wrf_cape_2d wrf_td correlation coefficient.
Computes maximum convective available potential Calculates dewpoint temperature in [C] from ARW
energy (CAPE), maximum convective inhibition WRF model output.
(CIN), lifted condensation level (LCL), and level of wrf_times_c
free convection (LFC). Converts WRF variable "Times" which is of type
wrf_cape_3d character to user specified numeric units.
Computes convective available potential energy wrf_tk
(CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN). Calculates temperature in [K] from ARW WRF model
wrf_contour output.
Creates a contour plot from ARW WRF model wrf_updraft_helicity
output. Calculates updraft helicity from WRF model output.
wrf_dbz wrf_user_getvar
Calculates simulated equivalent radar reflectivity Extracts data from ARW WRF model output, and
factor [dBZ] from WRF model output. does basic diagnostics calculations.
wrf_eth wrf_user_ij_to_ll
Calculates equivalent potential temperature from Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the
WRF model output. specified model grid indices (i,j).
wrf_helicity wrf_user_intrp2d
Calculates storm relative helicity from WRF model Interpolates ARW WRF 2D model data along a give
output. line.
wrf_ij_to_ll wrf_user_intrp3d
Finds the nearest longitude, latitude locations to the Interpolates ARW WRF model data vertically or
specified model grid indices (i,j). horizontally.
wrf_interp_1d wrf_user_list_times
Linearly interpolates a one-dimensional variable in Extracts the list of available times in the ARW WRF
the vertical. model output.
wrf_interp_2d_xy wrf_user_ll_to_ij
Extracts a cross section from a given input field. Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the
wrf_interp_3d_z specified location(s) in longitude and latitude.
Interpolates to a specified pressure/height level. wrf_user_unstagger
wrf_ll_to_ij Unstaggers an input variable along a specified
Finds the nearest model grid indices (i,j) to the dimension.
specified location(s) in longitude and latitude. wrf_uvmet
wrf_map Rotates u,v components of the wind to earth
Creates a map background for ARW WRF model coordinates.
data. wrf_vector
wrf_map_overlays Creates a vector plot from ARW WRF model output.
Overlays different contour and vector plots over a wrf_virtual_temp
WRF-ARW map background. Calculates virtual temperature, given temperature
wrf_map_resources and mixing ratio from WRF model output.
Sets map plotting resources based on an input wrf_wetbulb
WRF-ARW file. Calculates wet bulb temperature in C, given
wrf_omega pressure in temperature in K and mixing ratio in
Calculates approximate omega in C, given vertical kg/kg from WRF model output.
velocity, water vapor mixing ratio, temperature, and
pressure from WRF model output.

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