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UNIT 3 20-1 PLAN

Pursuit of nationalism 20-1

Title of Unit Grade Level
Related issue 3 15 periods
Curriculum Area(s) Time Frame
Nicholl Urdal
Developed by


Programs of Study Foundations
What program foundations form the emphasis of the unit? What big ideas from the program of studies will you include?

 Globalism  Unilateralism  Tied aid

 Nationalism  Bilateralism  Balkanization
 Internationalism  Multilateralism  Odious debt
 Isolationism  Supranationalism
 Nation States Motivations  Economic sanctions
 Humanitarianism  Collective security
 Self-Determination  Gross national income

Essential Question
What is the big, overarching question guiding your unit plan?

To what extent should internationalism be pursued?

Unit Plan Outcomes

What are the program of studies general outcomes and specific competencies to be covered in your unit?
What will students understand, be able to do, be able to apply?

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

Skills and Processes
S.1- Synthesize information from contemporary and historical issues to develop an informed position.
S.3- Asses how human interaction impacts geopolitical realities.
S.5- Respect the points of view and perspectives if others
- Collaborate in groups to solve problems
S.7- Apply the research process
S.8- Demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy
Values and Attitudes
3.1- Appreciate that nations and states engage in regional and global affairs for a variety of reasons
3.2- Appreciate the impacts of nation and state involvement in regional and global affairs on individual and collective identities
3.3- Demonstrate a global consciousness with respect to the human condition and global affairs
Knowledge and Understanding
3.4- Analyze the motives of nation and state involvement or non-involvement in international affairs (economic stability, self-determination, peace,
security, humanitarianism
3.5 - Explore understandings of internationalism
3.6 - Analyze how internationalism can be promoted through foreign policy (multilateralism, supranationalism, peacekeeping, foreign aid, international
law and agreements)
3.7 - Evaluate the extent to which selected organizations promote internationalism (United Nations, World Council of Indigenous Peoples, European
Union, l'Organisation internationale de la Francophonie, Arctic Council, contemporary examples)
3.8 - Analyze impacts of the pursuit of internationalism in addressing contemporary global issues (conflict, poverty, debt, disease, environment, human
3.9 - Evaluate the extent to which nationalism must be sacrificed in the interest of internationalism


What resources will you require? Will there be guest speakers/field trips to plan for?
Will you need particular resources/materials/technologies?
-Slide/Lecture notes
-Projector for notes
-Access to computer lab for projects
-Laptop carts for research and projects

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

What will you accept as evidence that learning has occurred at the conclusion of this unit?

What is the summative performance assessment for the unit? Unit Exam, In-Class Essay

Critical and creative thinking: Research and information: Oral, written

and visual literacy: Managing information.
What is the goal of your summative performance assessment
as framed within the outcomes and competencies? What do
-Student content knowledge and higher order understanding of concepts
you hope to learn?
- Students ability to write critically and articulate understandings of the
It will help to gage students abilities to create reasoned critical arguments
How will this assessment inform student learning and your as well as show understanding for higher order synthesizing of content
practice? and topics presented in this unit.


For each lesson in the unit, consider the primary topic/activities, outcome and assessment. Does each lesson build on the next?
Consider the following questions as you plan your sequence of lessons:
What events will help students engage with, explore, explain, elaborate on and evaluate the big idea in the unit?
How will you help guide students to reflect, rethink and refine their work/ideas/understandings?
How will you help students to exhibit and self-evaluate their developing skills/knowledge/understandings?

How will you assess whether

What is the primary objective of this learning has occurred in each
Lesson # What are the primary activities in this lesson?
lesson in your own words? lesson? How will you employ
formative assessment?

1. Chapter 9: States Motivations -Class Discussion Class discussion

Students will understand that nations The class will participate in discussion facilitated Students will be assessed through
act based their own self-interests and by myself. A PowerPoint and videos will be the quality of the
those interests are different for each provided to help facilitate learning and create discussion/questions they ask and
nation. Students will explore the topics some differentiation. the answers they provide.
of economic stability, peace and Chapter 9/10 worksheet

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

stability, self-determination and
humanitarianism as common
motivations for states.
2. Chapter 9: States Motivations and -Webquest - jigsaw WebQuest worksheet
Their Responses/Understandings of In groups of 4 students will watch one video from Students will be assed on the
Internationalism/Benefits of links provided to them that explain different completion of the worksheet for the
internationalism problems with nations motivations for jigsaw
Students will understand the ways internationalism or international organizations.
nations respond to the world through
their relationships with other nations.
Students will also understand how
internationalism is used to share the
collective responsibility of challenges
that face the international community.
Students will also understand how
internationalism can benefit nations.
3. Chapter 9: States Motivations and -Class discussion Class discussion
Their Responses/Understandings of The class will participate in discussion facilitated Students will be assessed through
Internationalism/Benefits of by myself. A PowerPoint will be provided to help the quality of the
internationalism facilitate learning and create some differentiation. discussion/questions they ask and
Students will understand the ways -Work period the answers they provide.
nations respond to the world through Any remaining time will be given for students to Chapter 9/10 worksheet
their relationships with other nations. finish up 9/10 worksheet or jigsaw WebQuest worksheet
Students will also understand how Students will be assed on the
internationalism is used to share the completion of the worksheet for the
collective responsibility of challenges jigsaw
that face the international community.
Students will also understand how
internationalism can benefit nations.
4. Chapter 10: How Is Foreign Policy -Class Discussion Students will be assessed through
Set/How Is Internationalism -Matching Game: As a class students will be read the class discussion and through
Promoted Through Foreign Policy different scenario and have to match it to a term the answers they provide during
Students will understand how foreign from the unit the Matching Game
policy is set by nations. Students will Terms will include:
also understand how foreign policy Economic Sanctions
shapes the way in which nations Collective Security
promote internationalism. Gross National Income
Tied Aid
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
5. Chapter 10: How Is Foreign Policy -Work Period Assignment 2: Source Analysis
Set/How Is Internationalism Students will be given the class to start working
Promoted Through Foreign Policy on a Assignment 2: Source Analysis
Students will understand how foreign Students will be provided with a quote or political
policy is set by nations. Students will cartoon that they will have to analyze and tie to
also understand how foreign policy the themes within the unit.
shapes the way in which nations
promote internationalism.
6. Chapter 10: Canadian Foreign Policy -Class Discussion Students will be assessed through
And Internationalism -Work period to finish Assignment 2: Source class discussion and their
Students will examine how Canada Analysis Assignment 2: Source Analysis
balances national interest and
internationalism in foreign policy.
7. Quiz Students will complete Quiz on chapters 9/10 Quiz
Finial project check point
8. Chapter 11: Promotion of -Class Discussion Students will be assessed through
Internationalism -Primary Source Analysis class discussions and their analysis
Students will examine how changing Students will be given a primary source to analyze of their sources/presentation of
world conditions have promoted the in small groups their sources
need for internationalism. Students will As a class we will share our findings
also examine the United Nations Guiding questions will be provided to help
international responses have affected facilitate discussions
9. Chapter 11: International -Class Discussion Assignment 3: Primary and
organizations -Work Period Secondary Source Analysis
Students will examine how other -Secondary Source Analysis
organizations international responses Students will be given a secondary source to
affect nationalism. analyze in small groups that is directly related to
their primary source
As a class we will share our findings
Guiding questions will be provided to help
facilitate discussions
10. Chapter 11: International -Work Period Assignment 3: Primary and
organizations -Ven diagram Secondary Source Analysis
Students will examine how other Students will create a t-chart and compare the two
organizations international responses sources
Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)
affect nationalism. -Chapter 11/12 worksheet
11. Chapter 12: Global Issues -Class Discussion Students will be assed through
Students will explore contemporary -Video on global issues from Netflix about water class discussion
global issues such as climate change, access issues Portfolio Assignment 4: Global
spread of disease, access and control -Work Period Issue Report
over water, poverty and debt. Portfolio Assignment 4: Global Issue Report
Students will create a News Paper Article on an
assigned global issue using visuals, news articles
and current ‘working’ solutions following the
outline of the video
12. Chapter 12: Global Issues -Work Period Portfolio Assignment 4: Global
Students will explore contemporary Portfolio Assignment 4: Global Issue Report Issue Report
global issues such as climate change,
spread of disease, access and control
over water, poverty and debt.
13. Chapter 12: Global Issues -Class Discussion Students will be assessed through
Intervention -Work Period class discussion
Students will explore how the Portfolio Assignment 4: Global Issue Report Portfolio Assignment 4: Global
international community and Issue Report
international organizations attempt to
address current global issues. Students
will also explore the effectiveness of
many of the strategies.
14 Unit Review Review of content within unit Students will be assessed through
-Jeopardy the answers provided within the
As a class we will play jeopardy to ensure jeopardy game
understandings of definitions
-Review work sheet
Optional for students
-Work period to finish up any assignments
15. Unit Test Unit Test on chapters 9/10/11/12 Unit test

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

 How do you feel your students experienced this unit?
 Were they able to make explicit and self-evaluate their growing understanding, skills and/or knowledge?
 Were you able to make good use of formative assessment for/of/as learning? How did this information impact your summative
 Were you successful in reaching all students? How do you know? How did you accommodate for diverse learners and those
requiring accommodations?
 Were there opportunities to address Indigenous, multicultural and interdisciplinary activities and knowledge?
 What went well and what needs refinement? What might you do differently next time?

Overall I feel that this unit was successful in communicating the content goals of this course. However, an area of improvement that I think I
need to focus on is using more engaging activates, not just relaying on lecture and notes, and using more authentic forms of formative
assessment. I think that I relay on the typical lecture and notes form of instruction because it is comfortable and I know that it works, however,
I think that my students would really benefit from diverse activities. I think that I would get a higher level of engagement from all of my
students if I used a variety of different instruction methods. As well, I need to branch out from worksheets to formatively assess student
learning. Again, I use worksheets as a crutch because it is familiar, so think that I need to look into more effective and authentic formative
assessment assignments.

Adapted from Wiggins, Grant & J. McTighe (1998)

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