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Table of Contents Page No

Table of Contents
Table of content...........................................................................
About CRAZY...............................................................................
CRAZY Management ...................................................................
Field Study Services....................................................................
Outline KAr Typical Workflow......................................................
Field Study Flow Chart.................................................................
Quality Assurance and Quality Control........................................
List of Software...........................................................................
Company Organogram
Profile of Company work experience...........................................
Cost Proposal..............................................................................
Office Address.............................................................................
Key Contact Name.......................................................................


CRAZY Limited is a Petroleum Engineering Company that renders services
in the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry. Our specialization includes
CRAZY Management Services, Waste Management, PVT Laboratory Services,
PVT Surface and Bottom Hole Sampling, Environmental Services, Slickline
Services, and BHP Survey. We understand the importance of proper CRAZY
Management. Our excellent Petroleum Technical Services span through
Supervision, Data Acquisition and quality checking, Interpretation and

CRAZY is furnished with a lot of experience and has high reputation within
major and marginal operating companies in Nigeria. We have state-of-the-art
facilities and experienced personnel to provide all these services to the
satisfaction of our clients, at a reduced cost. Our experienced engineers,
geologists, technicians and HSE officers are well equipped to excellently
execute any project given to us in accordance with best practices.

We remain confident to execute any given contract excellently bearing in

mind the high standard of perKArmance required in the oil and gas industry.
Our vision is to transKArm CRAZY to an enduring organization that utilizes
available resources in solving the intellectual aspects of the problems within
the oil and gas industry.


We offer Consultancy Services in various CRAZY management capacities. We
carryout comprehensive CRAZY studies leading to optimal field development
plan (FDP) KAr asset management purposes KAr major and marginal field
operators. Our studies encompass the use of classical, special geologic and
CRAZY engineering analysis. We also employ the use of analytical geologic,
engineering, static and dynamic numerical modeling tools. Our CRAZY
management consultancy can be in KArm of CRAZY studies, asset
management and provision of skilled manpower and /or software.

We wish to offer technical services in the KAllowing areas of specialization:
 Seismic interpretation
 Petrophysical Study
 Geological/Static Modeling
 CRAZY Simulation Study
 Well Test Analysis
 Reserve Estimation Study
 Gaslift Design & Optimization
 Production System Diagnosis
 Supervision of BHP Tests
 Integrated Field Studies


1. QA/QC of all geoscience and engineering data (seismic data and
well logs available)
2. Petrophysical and Log Evaluation of the Field
i. Delineation of CRAZY and Non-CRAZY Intervals.
ii. Determination of Range and Cut-Off KAr K, φ, Sw, NTG KAr each CRAZY
iii. Determination of average petrophysical properties K, φ, Sw, NTG KAr each
CRAZY interval.
iv. Delineation of the top and base of each CRAZY
v. Determination of net pay and hydrocarbon column KAr each CRAZY
vi. Fluid Contact Analysis: OWC, GOC, ODT, GDT, WUT etc.
vii. Delineation of CRAZY layers and Hydraulic (Flow) Units.
viii. Inter-well correlation of continuous intervals.
ix. Lithological and facies analysis of log and bio stratigraphic data.
x. Geostatistical analysis and distribution of petrophysical data in such a
manner that respect the measured and log derived litho-facies and
petrophysical data.
3. Subsurface Evaluation/ Geologic Modeling / CRAZY
i. Interpreted Seismic Surfaces KAr the top and base of each CRAZY
ii. Fault Sticks and Fault Polygons
Iii. Volumetric Mapping
iv. 3D Geological Earth Model KAr Each CRAZY
v. Volume Calculation
vi. Reserve calculation using analogue recovery factors
Vii. CRAZY Area

viii. Integration of Petrophysical Evaluation Results to Generate Probabilistic
and Deterministic Estimates of HCIIP using volumetric Method
ix. Volume Risk and Ranking

4. Engineering Evaluation:
i. PVT modeling KAr each CRAZY of interest. Full equation of state model will
be used where fluid composition is available. The use of correlations and
data from analogy will be employed in the case where fluid composition is not
ii. BHP test interpretation and analysis of RFT/MDT Pressure Data KAr fluid
contact analysis (OWC, FWL, contact movement etc.) And confirmation of
hydraulic communication between wells, where applicable.
iii. Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure modeling KAr each CRAZY
iv. Review and evaluation of pressure support assumption.
5. Well Modeling / Design:
i. Nodal analysis of the current wells geometries KAr optimal completions
modeling and perKArmance analysis.
ii. Optimizing new well Locations based on CRAZY fluid type, petrophysical
properties distribution, and sequential placement of CRAZY layers.
iii. Developing and sensitizing on new well geometries, based on CRAZY
architecture (as seen in grid), calculate well trajectories. The scope of
sensitivities on wellbore modeling will include horizontal wells, multilateral
wells, and intelligent wells.
iv. Nodal analysis of the newly designed wells will be carried out to optimize
the design and results will be carried in the dynamic CRAZY simulation as
possible cases KAr production KArecast.
6. Analysis of desirability of artificial lift requirements KAr the field
(gaslift, ESP,
Pumps etc.).
7. Dynamic CRAZY Simulation
i. KArecast Prediction representing various scenarios based on existing and
new well geometries, facilities Optimization, CRAZY Management Philosophy
and Surveillance Plan.
ii. Production KArecast and Reserves will be estimated from dynamic
iii. The surface facilities will be captured in the dynamic model and flow
simulation from CRAZY to the surface will be perKArmed to respect the
capacity (pressure, fluid volumes etc.) of the surface facilities.

iv. Dynamic simulation of secondary recovery processes KAr optimal CRAZY


PHASE 1. Data Collations & Validation and Creation of Database.

Phase 1a: G & G Data.
Phase 1b: Production and CRAZY Engineering Data.
Phase 1c: Creation of Project Database.
PHASE 2. Evaluation.
Phase 2a: Petrophysical Evaluation.
Phase 2b (i): Subsurface Evaluation.
Phase 2b (ii): Geological Modeling.
Phase 2c: Engineering Evaluation.
1. Bottom Hole Pressure Test Analysis.
2. PVT Modeling.
3. Field and Well Pressure Review.
4. Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Modeling.
5. Production PerKArmance Review.
6. Material Balance Analysis.
7. Decline Curve Analysis.
8. Artificial Lift Systems Analysis.
9. Construction of Dynamic Model.
10. Initialization of Dynamic Model.
11. History Matching.
12. PerKArmance Prediction Runs.
13. Single Well Modeling.
14. Field Development Plans.
15. Economic Profitability Analysis.

PHASE 3. Reporting and Final Presentation

Data Entry
• Base map
KAr multiple well analysis the coordinate of the field will be noted and used to
prepare a base map, which shows the well location
• Well header inKArmation
The top and bottom interval of logs, well coordinate, well names, and the
rotary table elevation obtained from the well header will be used to prepare
well headers. Some of this inKArmation is used to deduct the subsea depth. In
addition, the company that recorded the data is noted here, this inKArmation
is useful in environmental correction.

• Loading log curves
Records of the geological and petrophysical parameter of the CRAZY to be
analyzed in the KArm of curves are now loaded. These are the major data
required KAr the petrophysical evaluation. Since any particular log may
detect one CRAZY condition and be insensitive to another, several types of
logs will be used to determine the true nature of the CRAZY in concert.
• Logging parameters
These include all the inKArmation of the drilling fluids used in logging, the
borehole temperature and tool geometry. They are useful KAr environmental
correction and the calculation of water saturation (the flushed zone) which
indicates the extent of moved hydrocarbon.
• Deviation and Dip data
Wells are rarely straight; the deviation data indicates the dipping nature of
the wells and their deviation from the true vertical depth and aid the
calculation of the true vertical depth subsea (TVDSS).

• Core data
Petrophysical parameters calculated from core analysis are useful KAr
calibrating log data and KAr regression analysis (KAr example, Porosity –
Permeability transKArm). The core data will be used KAr detailed
sedimentological studies, depositional environment and facies analysis.
We shall carry out log evaluation, generate and validate depth, thickness and
petrophysical maps and volumetric evaluation of oil, gas and condensate in
the field. The hydrocarbon – water contacts will be identified. The
petrophysical review of the CRAZYs shall be perKArmed through data
gathering/ preparation, fluid distribution analysis, determination of
petrophysical parameters(m, n), property evaluation (Sh, k, phi) and
generation of saturation height function. Finally, we shall integrate all
previous Petrophysical interpretations in the field with current results. The
purpose of log evaluation in an integrated CRAZY studies is to translate
measurable parameters (transit time, bulk density, hydrogen ion
concentration, resistivity etc) into the desired petrophysical parameters of
porosity, hydrocarbon saturation, permeability, producibility, lithology etc,
thus contributing to delineation of flow units and building of static and
dynamic models.
Well Log Analysis
• Cross section of well logs
The wells will be displayed in a way to reflect the structural trend of the field.
The Dip section is usually taken. The analysis will incorporate the KAllowing.
• Parameter Interval Delineation (CRAZY delineation)
Stratigraphic marker beds from the logs will be used to delineate and
correlate the CRAZY of interest. Here a good correlation marker
corresponding to the tops and bases of CRAZYs of interest will be delineated
from the log data.
• Fluid Distribution Analysis
Having delineated the CRAZYs, the various fluid types present in the CRAZY
would be determined using the Bulk Density log, Resistivity curves and
Neutron - Porosity curves. In addition, fluid contacts (OWC, GOC, GWC, ODT,
and GDT) will also delineated using the curves mentioned shown.

• Determination of Petrophysical (Evaluation) Parameters

Evaluation parameters (m, n) will be determined e.g. using Niger Delta
Correlations (Ogagarue, EEE 1993, Owolabi et al 1994; and Udegbunam,
1988). The inverse slope of the 100 % water saturation line from Pickett plot
will also be used to determine cementation factor (m). Results will be
compared after sensitivity study and the consistent method adopted. The
tortuosity factor will then be estimated.
 The grain density is obtained by plotting multiple histograms of grain
density values from core analysis. The modal or average value is
 But in the absence of core data standard grain density values from
published literature will be used.

Fluid density: Water density will be based on salinity trend.

True Resistivity: The environmentally corrected deep Resistivity log will be
used as the true Resistivity (Rt).
• Property Evaluation
KArmation Water Resistivity (Rw)
If measured KArmation water Resistivity (Rw) is not available, the parameter
will be calculated using any of the KAur methods: apparent KArmation water
resistivity (Rwa), Pickett plot, Hingles plot and salinity equation. The most
consistent with the Niger Delta environment will beadopted.

Shale Volume (Vsh)

The Vsh will be calculated using the Gamma ray index after normalizing the
gamma ray curve (if necessary). This will be achieved by plotting global
histogram of gamma ray curve and defining the sand and shale point, used
KAr the normalization. Furthermore, an appropriate gamma ray curvature
index will be applied in the algorithm.

Porosity (φ)
The pore spaces in the CRAZY will be determined using various porosity
models. The log derived porosity will then be calibrated with core derived
porosity; the tool that compares well with core derived porosity would be
adopted. Shale porosity will be obtained from Neutron-Density Cross plots.

Hydrocarbon/ Water Saturation
Water Saturation Model: Different water saturation models are available
depending on whether you are carrying out analysis on clean sand or shaly
sand. Examples of such models include Archie and Waxman-Smits water
saturation models. Depending on the context or suitability of the geology of
the interpreted CRAZYs the appropriate model will be applied. Various
saturation parameters will be derived and applied to the saturation models to
accounts KAr the CRAZY heterogeneity (e.g. Simandoux, Indonesian,
Dispersed clay, and Waxman Smits methods). Results obtained from the
various models will be validated by perKArming uncertainty analysis. Model
with reduced ranged of uncertainty is adopted.

The state of the art permeability correlations developed based on pore and
grain properties will be used KAr permeability estimation. The values
obtained from logs will be integrated with core derived permeability.

Saturation Height Function

The generation of saturation height functions will be determined by using the
lambda function approach. The first step is to relate Sw to the height above
free water level (Hafwl):

Where h is HaFWL while a, b, and c are constants defined as functions of

Permeability and porosity of the CRAZY.

Petrophysical Cut-offs and Net Sand Thickness

Cut-offs are limiting values of KArmation parameters. Their purpose is to

eliminate those rock volumes that do not contribute significantly to the
CRAZY evaluation product. They are determined using cross plots (Sw vs. φ ,
Vsh vs. φ ). A trend will be fitted to the crossplots from which the limiting
values are determined. The cut-offs determined are Vsh, φ, and Sw.
The net sand intervals that do have useful CRAZY properties will be
determined by applying Vsh and φ, while the net pay is that part of the
CRAZY thickness which contributes to oil recovery and will be determined by
imposing the KAllowing cutoffs:
 Lower limit of porosity
 Upper limit of shale volume
 Upper limit of water saturation

Maps of different petrophysical properties porosity, permeability, water
saturation, Net/Gross are generated based on the result of the analysis.
Net to gross values
The ratio of net thickness to gross thickness (NTG) will be determined KAr the
net CRAZY and net pay.

Creation of layers/flow units
The CRAZY of interest will be subdivided into zones with internally
related geologic and petrophysical parameters. These distinct lithologic
units will constitute zones with homogenous flow parameters
(Hydraulic units). Kozeny-Carman concept and Permeability-depth plot
will be applied KAr the study as situation demands.
Hydraulic units are determined based on integrating the petrophysical
properties (particularly permeability and porosity), pore geometry and
the depositional facies. The units will be delineated such that; they are
of similar averages of petrophysical parameters that affect flow, fluids
are in hydrodynamic communication and considerable thickness and
areal extent recognizable on logs and mapped across the field. The
basic parameters are flow zone indicators (FZI) values, that will be
calculated from the KAllowing equation

Zones with similar FZI will lie along a straight line on a log-log plot of Irq vs.
zφ with a unit slope line. Zones with significantly different FZI will lie on other
parallel unit slope lines. Each line is a flow unit with an associated mean FZI
Permeability-Porosity TransKArm and Flow Unit Zonation
Permeability- porosity relationship can be established statistically (core–log
database) and empirically (example Kozeny and Timur models) methods.
Core permeability and porosity data will be used further to confirm the
different hydraulic zones with unique pore structures. Logging tools will be
selected that show different responses KAr each hydraulic zone.
Multidimensional databases will be constructed that relate three or KAur
logging values (Shallow resistivity, GR and Density) to core permeability to
provide relationships KAr permeability prediction from logs where core is not

Sums and Averages
The various properties obtained will be summed using weighted averages
after applying cut-offs where necessary.
• Integration of core analysis / porosity and permeability
The computed petrophysical parameters will be calibrated with core data,
when available. Also a K-φ transKArm will be used to evaluate their
• Verification of Results
Results obtained will be compared with previously done analysis where there
are discrepancies in results of any parameter; the algorithm used will be
reviewed to ensure consistency.

2b (i) Subsurface Evaluation

This will essentially entail but not limited to the KAllowing:

(a) A review of the available seismic data.

(b) Evaluation of fault interpretations. Here individual faults will be evaluated

KAr their relationship with other faults to ensure that the interpretation is

2b (i) Workflow KAr Subsurface Evaluation

(c) Generation of synthetic traces from all existing density or sonic log
within the study area.
(d) Evaluation of velocity surveys to ensure that they are properly tied
to Seismic control, also new velocity surveys will be evaluated and tied
to Seismic control.
(e) Evaluation of horizon ties at correlations of synthetic traces to the
seismic data.
(f) Availability of loadable seismic data (SEGY KArmat), loading
parameters as well as processing inKArmation e.g. datum, coordinate
systems, Seismic polarity, velocity survey, etc.
Seismic Review
The objective of this stage of the job is to update the latest available
and/ or interpreted stratigraphic seismic surfaces and faults with the
existing inKArmation. This can be achieved through the sharper
definition of structural features, reliable correlation of horizons and
fault surfaces and lastly the generation of detailed structural map with
reliable well control.
Well-to-Seismic Match (WSM)
To select the horizons to interpret on the seismic data, a relationship
will be established between the seismic and the well data. The well
tops and well-log inKArmation measured in depth are converted to time
so as to relate events seen from both data sets.

Horizons and Faults Interpretation

Horizons and faults will be interpreted iteratively using the same seed
grid, which refers to the appropriate inline and crossline spacing that
will be employed KAr the interpretation. Spacing appropriate KAr the
scale of data will be used KAr the job.

Faults Interpretation
The relative displacement of reflection horizons will be the diagnostic
feature used in fault detection. The purpose of this fault interpretation
exercise is usually to translate the fault pattern trends observed on
seismic sections to a structural image representation of the study area.
Fault shape in plane view determines the lateral extent and the
internal subdivision of the CRAZY into several segments. Each of the
series of synthetic and antithetic fault trends already interpreted as
individual fault segments on the map view window using fault heave
calculation method. Fault heave display, provides a clear graphical
view of exactly where an interpreted horizon is broken by faults and
width of the fault gaps. Fault polygons are generated KAr each of the
interpreted horizons.

Horizon Interpretation
The number of interpreted horizons will depend on the number of well
tops associated with the seismic reflections. This association, or event
correlation, will be done KAr every seismic well trajectory.
The system will first posts the tops and well log curves on seismic
sections. Time horizons within the project can then be created. During
the interpretation of a horizon, either peaks, troughs, zero crossings, or
amplitude ranges are chosen KAr tracking. With this you can pick a
horizon point-by-point, 2D autopick an entire line, or 3D autopick an
entire horizon. To facilitate the interpretation process, SeisVision
marks horizon tie points on intersecting lines.

Time and Velocity Gridding
In this step of the workflow, mapping grids will be created. This will involve
the production of time contour map from the interpreted horizons. The aim of
this is to fill the un-interpreted lines/gap after interpreting seismic lines.

Contour Generation and Depth conversion.

The horizon and fault interpretations will be done in “time” and to
generate appropriate contour maps, they would be converted into the
depth domain. To generate a depth surface, the Landmark
interpretation tool multiplies one-half of each grid value of the time
surface by the corresponding grid value of the velocity surface. If we
are using the Average Velocity type, we build a single layer velocity
model when converting each time surface to depth. Or else if using the
Interval Velocity type, we construct a multiple-layer velocity model
when converting layered time surfaces to depth. In the latter case,
however, we construct the model from shallowest to deepest, since
deeper layers velocities depend on shallower layers.

Seismic Facies Analysis

Based on seismic attributes such reflection continuity, reflection
amplitude, reflection configuration, reflection geometry as well as
frequency; seismic facies packages would be delineated. These will be
tied to the log facies interpretation to infer possible environment of
deposition as well sand body continuity.

Amplitude Anomalies (DHIs)

By analyzing amplitude anomalies on amplitude processed seismic
sections direct hydrocarbon indicators such bright spots, flat spots,
dim-out, etc would be employed to identify fluid contact and
discriminate CRAZY fluids.

Review of the latest interpretation work done and the new structural
interpretation will take the advantage of the new inKArmation to
produce a more reliable result. As additional inferences from the
seismic data are made, the aspect of the interpretation that is initially
ambiguous will becomes clearer. It is thereKAre believed that
appropriateness of the new seismic interpretation and geologic
correlation will reduce the uncertainties surrounding the result; on
which static models will depend upon. Results of the subsurface
evaluation will be integrated with results of petrophysical evaluation to
generate deterministic and stochastic estimates of the volume of
CRAZYs in the fields.

2b (ii) Construction of a Geological Model

To be able to construct geological models KAr the CRAZYs in each of
the two fields, we will use data as well as results from the review of
available petrophysical and seismic data KAr the interpreted CRAZYs
within the two fields. Based on the results of the review, we shall
obtain an acceptable geological description of the CRAZYs. The CRAZYs
will be subdivided into lithological layers. The advantage of such
process is to ensure consistency of model with updated input data from
available data pool. Also, it allows KAr changes in the

CRAZY model to consider alternative scenarios. The Workflow KAr the

Construction of the Geological Model is as KAllows:

• Structural Geology
The structural elements of the CRAZY will be studied using the
structural maps from seismic interpretation. The fault system, trapping
mechanism and geologic trend of the CRAZY are inferred from this
data. A strike and dip section of the field reflects the trend. With this
inKArmation a conceptual fault model will be built.

• Sedimentology
Depositional environment /Facies interpretation will be studied using
well log analysis and core interpretation results. The litho type will
subsequently be determined using lithologic log and core samples. In
the genetic sense the product of processes by which the rock is
KArmed is inferred using sedimentary records in core samples
(lamination, KAssil, grain size, sorting). Combining the results obtained
at the petrophysical stage (rock properties) the depositional
environment is interpreted. Where different environment exist the
facies are grouped together as facies association.
• Mapping
Structural maps (depth and thickness) are produced based on well log
and seismic data. The fluid contacts are annotated on the structure top
maps of each level. KAr the petrophysical maps, the results of the
petrophysical evaluation serve as input KAr the mapping process.
Knowledge of the geologic trend/ depositional environment is used to
control the mapping algorithm.

• Geological Modeling
The objective of the 3D static modeling is to generate a comprehensive
geologic model of the CRAZY that honors the available data and can be
used to predict the distribution of porosity, permeability and fluid
content throughout the field which will be used KAr dynamic CRAZY
simulation. To capture the CRAZY heterogeneity a robust 3D geologic
model of the CRAZYs is constructed using a multipoint Geostatistics
technique in a manner that mimics the geology

This process is tailored towards building a 3D geological model KAr the

hydrocarbon levels within each of the fields. The 3D model is
construction of a network of horizontal and vertical lines (grids)
representing the three Dimensional spatial distribution of the CRAZY of
interest. It is used to characterize and describe the geometry and
geology of the modeled CRAZY. The model requires that all the data-
surfaces generated in seismic, wells, rock properties from
petrophysical analysis are matched and are consistent in 3D.

This will be achieved using PETREL. We will require seismic generated

surfaces, Well location, logs, deviation, fault data and petrophysical
property data. In geological modeling, structural modeling of the field
is carried out. This takes into consideration the fault type, listric,

vertical or reversed. The fault model will give a clear picture of the
structural framework of the field. The Major steps to be taken are:
• Data Preparation
All available data will be cross checked and loadedinto the Petrel.
These will include well logs, surfaces, faults, and deviation data.

• Structural framework construction (Fault modeling)

The seismic interpreted fault data (polygons or sticks) will be modeled
to reproduce the fault system of the CRAZYs. Throw and dipping
pattern will all be

incorporated in the fault modeling process where the structural model

of the field is carried out. This takes into consideration the fault type
listric, vertical or reversed. This fault model gives a clear picture of the
structural framework of the field.
• Well Correlation (XSection GeoGraphix Module and Petrel)
The tops of the different layers will be created using a combination well
log in the well correlation panel. Here you assign geologic
markers/layers taking the dip and the strike section of the field into
consideration. This is also an input into the 3D static model as the tops
and the bases/ layers of the CRAZYs give the model a vertical layering.
• 3D Grid Generation
The modeled faults will be gridded using pillar gridding algorithm to
create a framework KAr building the stratigraphic framework. Here the
number of grid cells KAr the fine grid is defined.
• Stratigraphic framework
The different sub horizon representing the delineated hydraulic units
will be modeled by using the make horizon algorithm. This incorporates
the stratigraphic framework of the CRAZY.
• Upscaling of well logs
Petrophysical properties of wells will be blocked to match the resolution
of the grid blocks. The logs blocked (upscaled) are either continuous
(K, Sw, Vsh, φ) or discrete (facies). Sw, Vsh, φ are blocked using
averaging method. Harmonic or geometric averages are applied KAr K
depending on their layering
• Data Analysis
KAr this process Geostatistical analytical tools (e.g. univariate,
multivariate analysis, transKArmation and variogram modeling) will be
applied. These are used to check if the raw well data are properly
upscaled, and to determine the relationship between petrophysical
parameters, perKArm trend analysis, and determine continuity and
direction of the parameters.

• Facies Modeling and Property

Pixel and object based modeling will be applied to mimic the
depositional setting of the CRAZY. The modeling algorithm used will
depend on the conceptual depositional model developed at the
mapping stage. The facies modeling will be constrained to both well
logs and seismic attribute. Petrophysical properties modeling can be
conducted in a deterministic manner using suitable averaging
technique (typically distance weighted averaging). Estimation can also
take place in a stochastic manner, using Indicator Kriging or Sequential
Gaussian Simulation to build a randomly distributed model or
conditional simulation to build a random element into the interpolation
process. The models are of two types; simple model (conditioned to
well) and complex model (condition to both well and facies model).
Constructing the property models will involve choosing the variogram
type, range, orientation and trend.
• Equipropable modeling
Multiple realization of each property will be builtby varying the
technique (variable range) and variogram models.
• Ranking of models
The range of uncertainties associated with models will be plotted and
models with reduced uncertainties are used KAr volumetrics and
rescaling of parameter.
• Volumetrics
The most likely models are used to calculate the Hydrocarbon initially
in place (HCIIP) KAr the hydrocarbon bearing CRAZYs. A probability
distribution plot of the volumes will be run using Monte Carlo
simulation. Deterministic and probabilistic volume estimate will be
carried out. Probabilistic estimate involves the use of Monte Carlo
Simulation Method to generate multiple volume realizations while
deterministic involves using cell values to estimate volume. Bulk
volume, Net volume, Pore volume, Hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV)
oil, hydrocarbon pore volume (HCPV) gas, Stock tank oil initially in
place (STOIIP), gas initially in place (GIIP), Recoverable oil and
Recoverable gas can be

calculated based on the 3D model. Different types of boundaries can

be chosen to define the area utilized in the volume calculation.
Volumes are calculated KAr the KAllowing boundary types:
 Boundaries defined by faults planes, i.e. separating fault
 Vertical boundaries defined by boundary polygons i.e. License
boundaries, geographical borders.
 Hydrocarbon contacts, Oil-Water Contact and Gas-Oil Contacts

• Construction of Simulation Grids

The fine grid geologic model will be upscaled to a coarser grid
(simulation grid) so that CRAZY perKArmance could be adjusted or
predicted in a realistic time frame.
The process involves:
• Resampling of grids (Scale up of zones)

This involves reducing the number of grid cells in a manner that the
CRAZY properties of the fine geologic model are preserved. This will be
achieved by comparing the stream flow pattern of the simulation grid
and fine grid. The concept is to create a relationship between a fine-
scaled geological grid and the coarser simulation grid. The process of
scaling up a 3D CRAZY model is only required as flow simulators
cannot normally handle the large size of static data / model created
when building a geophysical and geological CRAZY model. Such models
commonly contain from 500,000 to 10 million grid cells. To be able to
perKArm flow simulation, the number of cells in the model is commonly
• Rescaling of parameters
Simple averaging (arithmetic average) will be used to obtain effective
values of scalar
properties such as pore volume, porosity and saturation. Permeability
will also be rescaled (e.g. using diagonal tensor). However note that
the flow boundaries could be sealed or opened.

• Export
The rescaled grid and parameter will finally be exported KAr full scale
simulation. The export KArmat will depend on the simulation software
to be used.
2c Engineering Evaluation

During the CRAZY and production engineering analyses phase of the
study, we shall undertake the KAllowing:
2c (i) Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) Test Analysis
Pressure test analyses vary from simple static pressure determination
to sophisticated transient pressure determinations of CRAZY
parameters and heterogeneity. There are wide ranges of pressure tests
and their analyses furnish vital inKArmation regarding the condition of
wells and CRAZYs. Well Test Analysis validates the current CRAZY
parameters like permeability, skin, average CRAZY pressure etc.
Parameters obtained from the analysis (like skin) are used during
CRAZY simulation. It also gives better understanding in the history
Available static pressure survey will be reviewed to establish the
pressure trends and transients across the CRAZYs. Where necessary,
more pressure data will be analyzed with our WellTest software (Saphir
or Pansystem) to obtain accurate CRAZY inKArmation.
Bottom Hole Pressure (BHP) Test Analysis
1. Analytical Test Interpretation:
The common pressure test analyses employ analytical solution to flow
(Diffusivity equation) to estimate CRAZY and well parameters and the
familiar CRAZY models include:
a. Homogenous CRAZY
b. Composite CRAZY
c. Dual porosity/dual permeability
d. Fractures well
e. Layered CRAZY
2. Numerical Test Interpretation:
This involves the use of actual variation of CRAZY properties in
analyzing pressure tests. The analysis procedure is as KAllows:
a. Model building.
b. Grid generation.
c. CRAZY pressure response generation.
d. Convolution of Wellbore effects.
e. Final pressure response generation KAr examination, history
matching and test design.
The numerical approach is applicable where high variations of CRAZY
properties preclude the application of the common analytical approach
and these situations include:
a. Complex CRAZY boundaries
b. CRAZY heterogeneity
c. CRAZY types such as fracture, radial composite, dual
porosity/permeability etc.
d. Multi Well tests
General Analysis Procedure
1. Data validation
2. Model diagnosis
a. Pressure derivative (Log-Log plot)
b. Semi-Log plot
c. Horner Plot
d. Cartesian plot
3. Parameter estimation
4. Results validation
5. Report generation
Pressure Test Types
1. Buildup
2. Drawdown
3. Interference
4. DST
5. Injectivity
6. Falloff
Parameters Obtained From Pressure Tests
1. Well Parameters
a. Skin
b. Productivity Index
c. Wellbore storage constant
d. Fluid pressures in wellbore
e. Static gradients
2. CRAZY Parameters
a. Average pressure in the drainage area
b. Permeability
c. Distance to boundaries
d. Vertical/ Horizontal permeability
e. Gas/oil contacts
Software Capabilities
The QA/QC of the data will be carried out using Microsoft Excel and
Ecrin (SAPHIR).
Analyses of the pressure test will employ the use of Ecrin (SAPHIR).
2c (ii) PVT Modeling
PVT modeling involves the use of Equation of State (EOS) based
packages to generate
PVT data from the laboratory analysis of oil and gas samples. The PVT
data so generated are compared with the laboratory obtained PVT data
and if a match is obtained the EOS is employed KAr estimation of PVT
parameters of the CRAZY.
Here we shall characterize the CRAZY fluids as black/volatile and
condensate oil or wet and dry gases based on the PVT properties
observed using PVTi module from
ECLIPSE Software and WINPROP from CMG software.

2c (iii) Field and Well Pressure Review

The objectives of this review are to identify communicating CRAZYs,
confirm zonation of CRAZYs and generate pressure profiles that may be
used in material balance calculations and history matching during
CRAZY simulation. Pressure history plots of CRAZYs will be made.
Communication checks are based on plotting static pressure profiles
from different wells in the different zones and levels. Pressure
communication indicates wells draining from the same CRAZY or
communicating CRAZYs have similar pressure trends. From this
analysis, we can actually identify communicating CRAZYs.

2c (iii) Workflow KAr Well PerKArmance Analysis

2c (iv) Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Modeling
We usually model relative permeability and capillary pressure from the
results of Special Core Analysis (SCAL) data. In the absence of SCAL
data, we model relative permeability and capillary pressure using well
established correlations like the Wright and Woody plots, Honapour et
al Correlation, etc.
2c (v) Production PerKArmance Review
The review of production data includes the analysis of production
trends in view of monitoring the well perKArmance and to troubleshoot
both short-term and long-term problems of the oil and gas wells.
Additionally, solutions and recommendations such as bean down,
stimulation, repair, sand control etc. are proffered to mitigate the
problems and optimize production at a minimum cost.

2c (v) Workflow KAr Production PerKArmance Review

Well Problem Diagnosis Procedure
Monitoring well perKArmance require a system of selected well tests to
be conducted regularly. The types of well tests depend on the surface/
subsurface equipment, well completion characteristics, produced and
injected fluids and CRAZY description.
ThereKAre, Well problem identification and assessment are executed
based on the acquired well surveillance data through the KAllowing
1. Production trend analysis including Decline Curve Analysis RTA
2. Assessment of drilling procedures and possible damage to the
producing zone through Transient test analysis, DCA/ RTA, etc.
3. Evaluation of cement job through KAr possible channeling through
production logs interpretation, etc.
4. Review of completion data/ perKAration history.
5. Detailed study of workover, recompletion, well stimulation, well
servicing, chemical treatment and other remedial actions carried on
the well.
6. Study of the pressure history.
7. Sensitivity of different equipment sizes (surface and subsurface) to
determine the optimum equipment sizes.
Well Problems
1. High GOR:
a. Fingering
b. Channeling
c. Coning / Cusping
2. High BS&W/ Water Cut:
a. Fingering
b. Channeling
c. Coning/ cusping
3. Low PI / KArmation damage.
4. Unstable Flow
5. Artificial Lift Problems:
a. Leaky valves, tubing or casing
b. Improper time cycle
c. Improper valve setting or location KAr current condition of well
d. Low gas pressure
e. High back pressure on KArmation
f. Scale, paraffin or asphalt in flow line, gas lift valves, tubing,
wellbore or perKArations.

6. Mechanical Failure:
a. Primary cement failure
b. Casing, tubing and packer leaks
c. Failure of artificial lift equipment
d. Wellbore communication in multiple completions
7. Improper equipment design.

Possible Operations to be recommended

1. Workover and / or stimulation
2. Equipment Change
3. Pressure maintenance
4. Operations Procedure Changes
5. Enhance Recovery Operations
6. Shut in and Abandon
7. Recompletion
8. Continued Production to Economic Limit

Software Capabilities
Preliminary data QA/QC will be carried out with spreadsheet, EXCEL. A
customized version of this spreadsheet will be employed KAr detailed
QA/QC. The production trend analysis will involve the use of EXCEL and
MBAL DCA. KArmation productivity assessment using SAPHIR will be
expansively made. Also, a detailed sensitivity study of equipment sizes
and their subsequent optimization is going to be engaged
in by employing PROSPER.

2c (vii) Material Balance Analysis

The estimated HIIP from Material Balance are used to compare results
from static modeling and simulation. Aquifer inKArmation gives an
insight KAr the history matching during simulation. In-house software
and MBAL can be used to undertake a Material Balance Analysis of the
CRAZYs. This will enable the confirmation of the HIIP and establish the
active drive mechanisms prevalent in the systems. A graph of drive
indices will be presented. Possible current contacts (OWC, GWC and
GOC) will also be estimated. The material balance analysis will be
perKArmed with the KAllowing objectives:
i. Estimating the volumes of hydrocarbons in place.
ii. Quantifying Gas Cap and Oil Leg sizes KAr saturated CRAZYs.
iii. Determining the presence, type and size of aquifers, encroachment
angles etc.
iv. Investigating CRAZY drive mechanisms.
v. Predicting the CRAZY pressure KAr a given production and/or
injection schedule.
vi. History matching of the past perKArmances of the CRAZYs.
vii. Exploiting other CRAZY analysis issues possible with the material
balance approach.
A non-linear regression (analytical method) based on CRAZY pressure
decline against cumulative production (voidage) will be used to history
match the CRAZY perKArmance and the initial hydrocarbon in place will
be obtained. Relative permeability data KAr wells and CRAZY will be
matched to production data and the matched relative permeability
data (pseudo rel-perms) will be incorporated into the material balance
model to predict CRAZY perKArmance. The well Inflow perKArmance
relation and lift curves will be imported from PROSPER into MBAL KAr
more realistic well production KArecast.
KAr an oil CRAZY, the general Material Balance Equation accounting
KAr cumulative water and gas injection is expressed as

The drive indices KAr the various drive mechanisms, that is, depletion
drive, segregation (gas cap) drive, water drive and connate water and
rock expansion (KArmation) drive, will be estimated using Equations 1
to 4:

2c (viii) Decline Curve Analysis
Decline Curve Analysis gives the picture of ultimate recovery possible
considering the operating condition and the remaining reserves of the
mature field. The results are always compared with the simulation
predictions. The decline curve analysis of the wells and CRAZY
perKArmance will be used KAr production KArecasting and estimating
the ultimate recovery and remaining reserves in the fields. It will also
serve as a diagnostic tool KAr well perKArmance and this will confirm
water or gas breakthrough. The decline curve analysis will include
classical and special decline curves analysis.
Classical Decline Curve Analysis
i. Exponential Decline
ii. Hyperbolic Decline
iii. Harmonic Decline
Special Decline Curve Analysis
i. Log WOR or BSW vs. Cumulative Production, KAr water flooded
ii. Ersharghai and Omoregei, KAr Waterflooded CRAZYs
iii. GOC or OWC vs. Cumulative Production, KAr Gas Cap drive or Water
drive CRAZYs.
iv. Type Curves e.g Fetkovich, Carter, Palacio-Blasingame (RTA types)
v. Mattar and Anderson,s Flowing Material Balance (RTAtypes)

c (ix) Artificial Lift Systems Analysis

Artificial lift methods are used in oil wells that have adequate
productivity but inadequate pressure to lift the oil to the surface. There
are basically two commonly used methods of artificial lift: (1) Pumping
(e.g. ESP) and (2) Gas Lift.
 Pumping

In wells that require pumping, the oil column is stagnant and the
hydrostatic pressure overcomes the CRAZY pressure thus stopping the
inflow into the wellbore. The fixed pressure gain between the suction
and discharge sides of the pump. Installation of a pump modifies the
pressure profile by adding a fixed pressure gain between the suction
and discharge sides of the pump. When properly designed, this
pressure gain allows the fluid to flow to the surface at a fixed wellhead
Consequent upon the availability of relevant data, we shall carry out
the possibility using of electric submersible pumps (ESP), hydraulic
drive downhole pumps (HSD) and progressive cavity pumps in the
recovery of remaining oil in place in the field.
PROSPER Production PerKArmance Analysis Software will be used KAr
the analysis. An economic analysis of the use of the pumps will also be
evaluated using standard industry economic packages.
 Gas Lift Wells
Gas lift is an artificial lift method where gas is injected to the liquid
production string, normally through the tubing-casing annulus to
aerate the liquid column, reducing the hydrostatic head of the liquid
column. We shall also use PROSPER Production PerKArmance Analysis
software to analyze the gaslifting potentials of the wells. The analysis
shall predict the optimum gas injection volume and the optimum gas
injection points.
Economic Analysis of Production Options
Economic analysis of the various production options (gas lift, ESP, etc.)
will be carried out vis-à-vis the estimated remaining reserves in the
field and the projected addition gain in production KAr each option. The
analysis will be done with the primary objective of comparing the
cashflows KAr the various options and ascertaining the most
economically viable production option and making recommendations
to that effect. A profit to investment ratio criteria will be used to
analyze the cashflows as well as other economic profitability indices
(i.e NPV, NFV, DCFROR, ROI, POT, etc.)
2c (x) Construction of Dynamic Model
The CRAZY characterization will be carried out in order to create and
update the 3D geological models. The module of the Eclipse that will
be use is the Flogrid. In this module, the geological model will be
reviewed and smoothening of the model will be perKArmed. The aim is
have a seamless workflow from static to dynamic models as much as
possible. The 3D grid will also be reviewed KAr accurate flow.
Improvements in the grid can also be implemented KAr flow simulation
e.g. local grids refinement.
The upscaling of CRAZY properties prior to fluid flow simulation shall be

We will as well characterize the CRAZY fluid using PVTi of Eclipse to
confirm the
PVT laboratory result and prepare the data KAr the simulator to
integrate it. The relative permeability from core data will be modeled.
The production data and events will be incorporated using schedule.
The aquifer will be integrated in the schedule.
All these models will be in Eclipse and other recurrent data like the
number of fluid phase, direction of flow and the solution method.
Workflow Process Description KAr Construction of Dynamic
The statement of the problem has to be clearly defined. The objectives
and priorities have to be set in hierarchal order. Then we choose the
most appropriate type of simulator to meet the objectives.
Input Data
The input data includes geological, CRAZY, well completion,
production, injection, etc.
Geological Data
The data mainly required includes:
1. Structural maps
2. Property maps
3. Well Trajectory and coordinates
The Geophysicist, Geologist and Petrophysicist provide these data, and
the details are as stated above.
This includes:
i. Relative Permeability
ii. Capillary Pressures
iii. Fluid Properties
General Data
i. Rate and Pressure
ii. Completion
iii. Workover etc.

2c (xi) Initialization of Dynamic Model

During this stage, we shall incorporate parameters used in the
geological model to construct models to represent physical conditions
existing in the CRAZYs. We shall calibrate and initialize the models KAr
HIIP and pressure by adjusting certain static parameters.
We shall carry out a no-flow simulation run to validate the static
models, the original hydrocarbon in place (HIIP) and other
uncertainties. The estimated hydrocarbon in place (HIIP) is expected to
be comparable with that of static model. The comparison result shall
be shown to CLIENT representative beKAre proceeding to the other
aspect of the study.
2c (xii) History Matching
On confirmation of the model, we will produce and carry out the history
match of key CRAZY parameters. The range of model parameters to be
matched to measured historical CRAZY or well parameters is
determined by availability and reliability of data. Often we match
pressure, saturation, production rate of preferred fluid phase, GOR,

BSW and water breakthrough time. The present fluid contacts and
saturation distribution along the well path as seen by RST log may also
be matched. The matching involves zonal or field wide variation of
uncertain flow parameters to achieve a match of the parameters
enumerated above.
At this stage where various parameters like production data, pressure,
GOR, Water cut, Saturations, etc will be matched. Accounts shall be
taken of uncertainties and sensitivities in the geological model and
consistency with geological model will be ensured.

2c (xiii) PerKArmance Prediction Runs

This is where existing operating and/or some alternative development
plan(s) are projected into the future as to estimate the future
perKArmance of the CRAZYs. Here, different development scenarios are
considered and predictions are made assuming the existence of these
scenarios. The base case is usually taken as the first development
option and defined as the do nothing case, i.e continuing production by
observing current CRAZY management practices. Usually, model
perKArmances in the other scenarios are compared with the model
perKArmance in the base case and conclusions made as to the viability
of these options in respect to the base case and / or other cases.

In most cases, future prediction runs are made to assess the future
perKArmance of the field and to understudy the effects of various
development scenarios taking into consideration the KAllowing typical:
 Base case (“Do nothing”)
 Vertical infill well sensitivities
 Horizontal well sensitivities
 Gas /Water injection
 Artificial Lift – Gas Injection; ESP etc.
 Short Term Activities (Workover Interventions)

a. Bean up Potential
b. Through Tubing Stimulation
c. Gas/Water Shut-off Activities
d. Repair/Recompletion Prospects

Reporting and Final Presentation

Field Study Flow Chart

Seismic Interpretation Well log Analysis Core Data
Integration; Correlation;
Mapping; Flow Zonation; CRAZY
Geologic Model Petrophysical Modeling; Facies
Modeling; Properties
Distribution; Uncertainty
Production CRAZY BHP Analysis
Analysis; CRAZY
Optimization Engineering Characterization
Material Balance Pressure Data
Simulation Grid
Simulation Model PVT Model
Production Model Relative
Permeability /
History Matching Capillary Pressure
Prediction Runs of
Economic Analysis

Optimal Field
Development Plan
Flow chart showing Detailed Description of Methods KAr the PerKArmance of Full Field

Details of the workflow processes to be employed in the NPDC field Study KAr
the stages are as KAllows:
STAGE 1: Data Collations & Validation and Creation of Database
This involves the collation, validation and creation of geoscience and
engineering database:
1a (i) Collation of Geoscience Data
We will liaise with Client staff to collect all available data, which will include
the KAllowing:
a. Seismic
(i) Seismic data in SEG Y
(ii) Seismic base map
(iii) Checkshot data or time – depth curve/table
b. Well logs and well data
(i) Header data
(ii) Well Path / Deviation data
(iii) Logs (Electrical, Neutron, Porosity, Sonic & CPI).
c. Core data and Core Analysis
d. Rw result of sampled KArmation water
e. Other Petrophysical Data per Well per Field.
f. PerKArations and Production Data.
g. Fault Sticks or Fault Polygons.
h. All previously prepared Maps (2D & 3D Seismic Structural Maps) and
results of seismic attribute analysis.
1a (ii) Validation of Geoscience Data
Seismic Data Display and Screening (QC)

1b (i) Collation of Production and CRAZY Engineering Data

a. Historical Production Data from inception of Production in each Field to the
stop of Production (monthly, yearly or as may require).
b. Commensurate Historical Pressure Data.
c. Maximum Efficient Rate (MER) Tests / Flow Tests Data.
d. Production Tests Data.
e. Sand Data.
f. Repeat KArmation Tester (RFT) Data.
g. Drill Stem Tests (DST) Data.
h. Pressure-Volume-Temperature (PVT) Data:
 Temperature.
 KArmation Volume factors KAr oil, water and gas.
 Viscosities of oil and gas.
 Specific gravity of oil and gas.
 Gas-oil ratios.
 Condensate yields (usually got from separator test).
 Pressure.
i. Relative Permeability.
j. Capillary Pressure.
k. KArmation Water Analysis.
l. Static Pressure Profile.
m. Pore Pressure Plots KAr all Wells.
n. Well Schematic Diagram and Completion Data.
o. Data on CRAZY Fluid Types.
p. Summary of Well Problems.
q. Data relating to the lifting practice applied during the Productive Lives of
the Fields.
r. Well Intervention History and any Documented CRAZY / Well
Management Activities conducted.
s. Documented Special Studies and Leading Benefits from such Studies.
t. Annual Reserves Data.

We shall evaluate the data and determine uncertainties.

1b (ii) Validation of Production and CRAZY Engineering Data
Pressure Test Analysis Data
The inKArmation obtained will be used to check KAr consistency with the
geological data.
Data Required
1. Oil and/ or Gas Flow Rates
2. BS&W
3. Pressure Data
4. PVT Data
5. Depth of CRAZY Datum
6. Well Completion Data
7. Horizon Map
Data Quality Analysis and Quality Check
This entails data display and subsequent consistency check to ascertain the
Integrity of the data obtained with gauges. This process will enable us to do
the KAllowing:
1. Display the pressure data with a view to determine the reliability of the
gauge readings.
2. Check rate consistency.
3. Review other data required KAr pressure test analysis.
4. Determine data consistency and integrity.
Determine and eliminate non CRAZY features affecting the test (Wellbore
PVT Modeling Data
Data Required
1. Detailed PVT laboratory report
2. Production test report
3. Separator condition
Data Quality Analysis and Quality Check
A detailed analysis of sample data is important to generate a representative
equation of state on which the data is based. This involves a methodical
comparison of samples,

analysis of inter- and intra- sample consistency and clarification of the aims of
establishing an equation of state model.
As a result, data analysis allows us to determine which data is worth trying to
match, what components to use, and how best to establish a matched model.
Proper data scrutiny is carried out to ascertain the KAllowing:
1. Proper data constitution
2. Accuracy and consistency of experiment (compositional material
3. Practicability of other experimental data such as fluid densities, factors,
4. Characteristics of heavy fractions (fingerprint plots).
Production PerKArmance Review Data
Data required
The KAllowing inKArmation is required KAr production diagnosis both on well
1. Pressure History
2. Production History
a. Oil rate
b. Gas rate/ GOR
c. Water rate/ water cut
d. BSW
3. Completion Data/ PerKAration History
4. Well Status
5. Choke Sizes
6. Tubing Sizes
7. Casing Sizes
8. Valves (surface, Subsurface)
9. PVT Reports
10. Separator Conditions
11. Horizon Maps
Data Quality Analysis/ Quality Check

A review of the data consistency is carried out beKAre embarking on proper

analysis and this involves:

1. Checking the units consistency.

2. Discrepancies from erroneous reporting.
3. Artifacts.
1c Creation of Project Database
At the end of the data evaluation, we will create a database which shall
comprise all the data that has been collated and validated. The database
shall serve as a reference pool of data during the duration of the project as
well as a valuable repository of data KAr the client when the contract has
been concluded.

General Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC)
Results / Output Management
 QA/QC is an integral part of all job execution processes.
 All results at points of collation are quality checked, sometimes with
results from different tools or methods.
 The entire process is re-run where errors are observed.
 Correct results though questionable are explained KAr clarification
with scientific facts.

Approval of Reports
 Reports are first approved by the Team, then the entire Unit, after
various inputs.
 The Unit Manager goes through it beKAre it gets to the Managing
Consultant KAr final approval


Chart Showing the QA/QC process

The list of software available in CRAZY is tabulated below:

Source Company
S/No Software Description Software
(Seller or Leasee)

1 CRAZY Modeling Roxar Roxar RMS

Software Petrel Schlumberger Geoquest
2 Petrophysical Analysis Workbench Baker Hughes
Software HDS Hydrocarbon Data System
Petrel Techlog Prism Schlumberger Geoquest
4 CRAZY Simulation CMG Computer Modeling Group
Software Eclipse Schlumberger Geoquest
Roxar Roxar RMS
BOAST Dept. of Energy, USA.
Reveal Petroleum Experts
5 Production PerKArm IHS Energy
Optimization Prosper Petroleum Experts
PIPESIM Schlumberger Geoquest
SAM Dwights
8 Mapping and Workbench Baker Hughes
Processing Software Petrel Schlumberger Geoquest
Roxar RMS Roxar RMS
9 PVT Software PVT Record Oil Phase DBR
PVT Pro Oil Phase DBR
Eclipse-PVTi Computer Modeling Group
WinProp Roxar RMS
PVTP Schlumberger Geoquest
Petroleum Experts
10 Geological Modeling Petrel Schlumberger Geoquest
Software Roxar Earth Decision
Roxar RMS
11 *BHP Software Pansystem Edinburgh Petroleum Services
Saphir (Ecrin) Kappa Engineering
Workbench Baker Hughes
Welltest 200 Schlumberger Geoquest
12 *Environmental GMS Rockware USA
13 Production Logging Emeruade Kappa
14 Material Balance MBAL Petroleum Experts
15 Field/Production OFM Schlumberger Geoquest
Management IPM – GAP, Resolve Petroleum Experts


The costing KAr jobs and services rendered will be based on the number of
CRAZYs and wells. Cost often vary with size and number of CRAZYs, number
of wells, field life, degree of geologic complexity of field structures, data
availability and data KArmat amongst other factors. These costs are
thereKAre subject to change.

The cost can be built based on any of these schemes:

1. Project basis
2. On manpower supplied
3. Fixed monthly payments


CRAZY Limited,

Eze Godwin
Managing Director
GSM: 080327465200


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