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The Nov. 6, 2018, General Election was historic by any measure. Tireless in 1969, the public demanded federal action. A bill creating the Environ-
grassroots efforts by Democratic Party organizations, as well as Indivisi- mental Protection Agency (EPA) was passed in 1970 and was signed by
ble, Swing Left, Brand New Congress and many other groups, were Republican President Richard Nixon. This paved the way for the passage
extremely successful in giving the Democrats a 40-seat gain in the House by Congress, and signing by Nixon, of the Clean Water Act in 1972, which
of Representatives. This was the biggest Democratic Party gain in can be argued was the most aggressive legislation ever passed at the feder-
Congress since November 1974 in the first post-Watergate election. al level to ensure clean, safe drinking water for Americans, and to reduce
The complexion of the House is far more diverse than it has ever the pollution of our waterways.
been, with more women and people of color in the chamber. Despite a In the last 20 years, the Supreme Court has eroded the enforce-
minor and lackluster effort to prevent it, Rep. Nancy Pelosi now wields the ment power of the Clean Water Act. Now, POTUS 45 has appointed
Speaker’s gavel for the second time, making history. In her short first former lobbyists of polluting industries to head the EPA and other natural
month in her second Speakership, she has reminded everyone about her resource agencies. Regulations protecting our waterways have been
considerable clout and influence. stripped away. We must urge the 116th Congress to restore all regulatory
Democrats now control all committees in the House, giving provisions of the Clean Water Act.
them considerable influence. Democrats in our region need to make sure
the 116th Congress works for the people and not themselves. Increased Funding for Education
To that end, the Fresno County Democratic Party lists seven It’s true that throwing money at a problem doesn’t always solve the
issues that it would like to see the new Congress prioritize (in no particular problem. However, it is deplorable to note that at every level—K-12 and
order). post-secondary—the federal government, and many state governments,
have disinvested in education over the past three decades. This must stop.
Comprehensive Immigration Reform Federal investment in all levels of education means a stronger
The U.S. Senate passed a comprehensive immigration reform bill during economic future. Making public colleges and universities much more
President Barack Obama’s second term in 2013. However, under Republi- affordable, like they were four or five decades ago, means that graduating
can Speaker John Boehner’s leadership, or lack thereof (Note: Boehner is students won’t be saddled with hundreds of thousands of dollars of student
now cashing in on the cannabis industry), the bill was never considered in loan debt. We must urge the 116th Congress to pass bills that establish
the House. Now that Democrats control this chamber, it’s time to consider universal preschool and to make post-secondary education either free or
that bill. much more affordable.

Voting Rights Repeal Tax Cut for the Rich

In June 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court voted 5-4 to gut key provisions of The previous Congress passed a sweeping “tax reform bill” in December
the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Since that time, many states—mainly those 2017, which was a lump of coal for the lower and middle class and a huge
with Republican control of the legislature—have purposely passed mea- gift that keeps on giving for the already rich. The $1.5 trillion package
sures making it more difficult for people to vote with onerous ID laws and slashed tax rates for corporations, provided new tax breaks for businesses
other provisions. Some of these heinous laws have been thrown out by and reorganized the individual tax code in ways that favors the wealthy.
courts, but many remain. This bill, along with the fake tariff wars that POTUS 45 started, has caused
Right after being sworn into the 116th Congress on Jan. 3, 2019, the national debt to balloon exponentially out of control.
Democrat John Sarbanes introduced HR-1, designed to restore and renew So much for fiscally responsible Republicans! We must urge
all provisions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, to revamp the oversight the Democratically controlled House to pass a bill reversing this obscene
of the Office of Government Ethics and to repeal the SCOTUS Citizens upward redistribution of wealth.
United decision, among other things. We must urge the House to pass this
bill. Gun Safety
Mass shootings are so common now that many people hardly notice them.
Universal Healthcare Late last month, yet another mass shooting occurred—this time, in
The Affordable Care Act, while giving access to health insurance for Sebring, Fla., when a man with a handgun murdered five women in a bank.
about 20 million Americans, has many flaws. On a personal level, we all At this writing, there is no known motive for this shooting.
know people who still can’t afford health insurance, or who have lost their Most of these shootings, according to USA Today, are carried
subsidy because their marital status changed, or who have gone bankrupt out by angry White men. Why did they have these guns? Did they acquire
paying medical bills. them legally or illegally? Is it right for Americans to have such easy access
Last month, a school superintendent was cited for claiming that to guns, which can be used by people in a fit of anger or to carry out a
a student with strep throat was her own child to ensure that the child was grudge?
treated by a doctor because the child’s grandmother (his guardian) could We must urge the 116th Congress to pass sensible gun safety
not properly care for him. These things should not happen in the richest and background check laws—much stronger than the ones on the books
country in the world. We must urge the 116th Congress to pass universal today.
healthcare for all.
People have the power. Vote. Join fellow Democrats in addressing
Clean Drinking Water for Everyone solutions for the problems that ail our country. The Fresno County
After alarming levels of DDT in U.S. rivers were reported in 1968, after Democratic Party can be reached at 559-495-0606 or
the Cuyahoga River caught fire in 1969 and after the Santa Barbara oil spill


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Paid for by the Fresno County Democratic Central Committee. FEC ID # C00518605 / FPPC ID # 743910.

The content in this section is paid for by the Fresno County Democratic Party

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