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31 May. 1994 188ue25

Theswwaletter of the History of the Imperium. Working G1'OUP (l-UWG). a T1'avell. club
using the official T1'aveller universe. Ptooduced. md diluibuted by Clayton R. Bum.

A New Era, A New Beginning

Foremost. one of HIWG', co:-founders has retind from gaming. Bel Edwardl hal sold .
hil ccl1ection to Roger Sanger, and. 3lJk. that hi. name be dropped from HIWG mailing
lists. We shall miss him.
Second, thanks for corrections to the HIWG Memhership Directory mailed.lalt ilsue. I
have all the chmgel in the datahase. md give out only the current info to new memherL
Byeryone:if anyone wanta a current copy of the HIWG Membership Di1'ectory. at:ln!,
time. just send me a self-addressed.. staffed. envelope. I'll print one off just for you.
(please. please. use regular size envelopes. No one Ues to receive those little 3 z S
envelopes as SASEs. hecause they are hard to stuff.)
mWG continues
Chairsophont 's Letter .. 2 Recently some HIWGers have heglUl hearing that their correspondent I thought HIWG
Quadrant Editors •••.•• 2 no longer exilted. To counter thi., we'1'e starting some adYertiaing. My part has been
sending in a new ad to Challenge classified.s. and. sending a information-and-flyer fde off
YiklerdanzhNews • . • •3 into the Internet. I'll also he taking flyers to GenCon.
A Zhodani Subs ector ••••• 4 We're also confronting the question of what we exist for. Sector development has some
validity in the New Era, so we are continuing it, hut we are looking at other need., niches.
Sector UWP Files •••••• 5 opportunities. and 50 forth that we cm fill.
Traveller in the Net •••• 6 Brym Borich has offered to head a technology special interest group. This would work
with the standard and alternate technologies presented in Fu.. Fusion, mJStHl
Computer Aids •••••••• 6 Andrew Moffat-Vallance has offered to head a classic Tuveller special interest group.
Fanzines • . • • . . • • • • . 7 This would be for those people interested. in continuing with the classic T1'aveller rules.
No one has--yet--expressed interest in heading a Rebellion special interest group.
World Tamer's Guide •••• 7
HIWGDocuments • • . • . • . 8 Quadrant Editors
Along with this. there have been some organizational chmges. Quadrmts editorl are
discussed on the next page; these are the vallUlteer officers who actually1'un HIWG.
The dividing point of the four quadrmts is Reference/Core 01",0. This alight chmge
divides the Domain of Sy]ea in half.

Conventions and What Goes into AABP

Few HIWG members go to conventions, and fewer go to the national convention•• Thi.
indicates something of what members wmt from I-nWG. (By the way. I suggest chit
everyone try I'lmning events at conventions. It cm be fun. you meet peopl~ iftd fOu'r.
exposed. to new ideas. But I won't try to sell everyone on that idea in thil c~umli\.)
(For anyone mildly interested. in what it costs to attend GenCon: Goina tfiJ GenCon in
August will cost me $",20 + Plme fare + games purchased. [Registd.UOOf • ,t>. Hotel
1'OOm. single rate $2 70. Food $ 80. Cab fares md leaving car at airport hg,)

AABP has itl first subsector on page .... and will have technology agaiRnY\ iilue. (Back
to more Traveller-gaming. non-HlWG content.) I'm interested in tili!R aul:missions.
Chairsophont's Letter
This is Mike Mikesh sitting in for Geo Gelinas this issue. Gee is the New Era. I would like to see more people involved in th:tt :trea,
down with a case of reality. but should be back next issue. working on p.rallel projects. or corresponding with J--I.rold to
Kerry Harrison has brought to our attention that many Traveller contribute ideas or review dr.£t m.terial.
players are under the misperception that HIWG vanished along Return to Quadrant I, we have previously not opened sector
with MegaTraveller. Reacting to this, we're going to be more analyst posts in the Domain of Deneb. leaving its development to
active in advertising for Ilew members. GDW. I still don't plan to open these posts, but I am opening a
This will help .. show the flag." But more importantly. there are Regency special interest group (SIG). The idea is that we go mead
probably a lot of very good people still out there that we'd want in md devel.op the setting anyway. being.s credible md meticulous
the forum. As it is. we've picked up some excellent ones, like Kevin as possible.
Knight and Roger Sanger, wh? have kind of dropped in out of the Right now, GDW's focus is on the Reformation Coalition md
blue. This being almost serendipitous. my mouth waters to think the Imperial interior. It could be some time before they get to
who all we might get if we made a strong effort to recruit. Regency, but,.s with the HubWorlds. the GDW staff might be
New blood is especially valuable at this time, now that. we're into .- interested in adopting what we've done.
the New Bra. HlWG was originally founded to support the I plan to get in touch with GDW directly in a month or two. By
Rebellion. Since that is no more, the injection of fresh ideas will this time, we should have a chft of at least some of the Regency
help us better defme the directions HlWG should take. data to show Dave Nilsen as demonstration. After that. weU
Speaking of new directions, Clay Bush and I have switched continue with refming md detailing, which could take a year or
quadrant editor chairs by mutual agreement. Formally, I W:lS more.
coordinating I-nWG activities involving those sectors If you're interested, please get in touch with me. Things are still
coreward-trailing ofMassilia (Quadrant 2). Clay now has that at a very early stage. Currently Leroy Guatney has begun the
because of his interest on that side, particularly with the expansion process of updating data. Others are involved in th~ discussions.
of the RC and the Black Curtain. But, this is as far as the work has gone.
Now, I am coordinating activities involving sectors spin- On the periodical front, all of you:are probably aw:are that Kevin
cor_ard ofZarushagar (Quadrant 1). This not only covers Knight's TravellerChronicleis in its fourth issue. Its distribution
Dagudashaag (richly supported by HIWG-UK and SIGNAL GK is quite broad, even going to markets in Europe. But there's a
magazine), but the areas behind-the-claw as well. strong indication that weU soon have a second m:tgazine md the
Currently, no one occupies the posts of Quadrant Editor 3 or 4. possible restoration of a previous Traveller periodical: r won't
I should mention we only recently learned that Steven Schwartz offer any details since there have been no form;il announcenJents
died last year in an automobile accident. Steve was our QE 3, and from either of the new parties. But it looks good.
W:lS very active in the Solomani side of the MT Aliens - Solomani Mike Mikesh
&Aslan (DGP,I991) project. 3124 75 th Ave, #3
Regarding those rimward areas. Harold Hale is deep into a Landover, Marylmd
project for GDW developing Terra and the surrounding space in U.S.A. 20785 -1920

Quadrant Editors in the New Era

--Clay Bush With interest in Traveller picking up now New editor: Clayton R. Bush; PO BOl(
To prevent· overloading one person, that TNE has been successfully latmched. 895; Limon, CO 80828.
HIWG divided charted space into four we've filled out to kick off a new era of QuadrantIII:Ilel.ish Domain and :treas
quadrants. Four pairs of eyes and hands are contributing to Traveller. spinward and rimw:ard. Thi s region
better than one; different vi_s avoid QuadrantI: Vland Domain, the Domain cont;nns the AsIan Hierate.
anyone getting hung up on a party line. We ofDeneblRegency. and areas spinwar'd and New editor: Kerry Harrison; 11441
have tried to have four quadrmt editors at coreward. This region contains the high IH-35 North #10102; Austin, TX
all times. but have not succeeded until now. tech areas that survived or ~scaped the 80227·
(Steve Schwartz w.s a recent Q84 Virus. QuadrantIV:Massilia sector and areas
appointee when he died. We did not learn New editor: Mike MIkesh. (See above trailing and rimw:trd. This area cont;nns the
he was dead until recently. 35 his family did for address.) Reformation Coalition, the Solomani Rim.
not return our mail. Steve was enthusiastic, Quac:lrantII: Core sec tor and :areas and the Hiver Federation.
sent letters. answered letters, and played trailing md coreward. This region contains . NeW editor: Leroy Guatney; 2750 S.
Traveller; 111 miss him.) most of the Black Curt;nn and K'kree space. Ingalls Way; Denver, CO 80227.

31 May, 1994 Page 2 AAB Proceedings 25

Yiklerdanzh Update •

" " . ' . . {


1" : II",.,

--Grmt Sincl:ur reverse of what was h:tppening before! No

DOlvid Schneider wmted me to ·give you a one here has run TNE yet (:ts we:tI1 dislike
sl:ttus report on the Yiklerzcbnzh project. the b:lCkground) which doem't mae that
We Olre m:tking slow but sure progress, task any easier. Do you have the expression
with m ever-slipping target date now of "Aiming for moving go:tI posts"? That is
Mid MOlY for release of the first draft. how we feel. There is new stuff coming out
Kevin Knight somehow he:trd of us, md f:tster than we can digest it (md afford it, it
when I subscribed to lTC, he asked us to is expensive here), and "little" things that
send him some" material for consideration Olre nevertheless import:ant. For instance,
for his mOlgazme. We don't wmt to submit how the new fusion drives make jump-O
my thing until the first draft is done, but very prev:l!ent now (:IS discussed recently
we have sent some pre-release pr~touts to ipTML) and how the Free Tnder has fuel
him, md Olre w:uting for comments on purification plants now (so why bother
them. One other person has :tIso expressed going to l g:ts giant, when it t:tkes so long
interest. to get there now, md t:tkes longer to
At the moment, people Olre supposedly harvest, and is more dangerous anyw:ty,
tidying up their documents in readiness for than ocem or ice refuelling or simply
release of the drOlft sector (or submission buying dirt cheap unrefmed fuel? And if
LO:l m:lg:lZine, whatever). Whether they Olre people won't need gas giants much now,
re;ally doing my thing, I don't know. why should piratea bother lurking there,
Also.D:avid wmted me to let you know unless they enjoying starving?).
Lhat he is unlikely to get time to do the I or There is :tIso the new tnvel code column
2 p:lge overview document of the project in GDW has invented, which I have only just
the ne:lr future. he:trd of, that I g:tther is to do with the
He md I :are yery busy on Yiklerzcbnzh b:l!kanised problem for TEDs. If we follow
(he:and I have each spent 12-14 hours on this, and it is offici:tI, we have to change ill
the project in the l:lst two days :tIone) md ourUWPs,
there is plenty more to do. He doem't have If we put off release ofYiklerzdanzh
time to work on Yiklerzcbnzh and do this until we are familiOlr with TNE, we will
document :as well - please reply if this gives never get it out!
you:lproblem. We don't know how CRB:I1l w:tit until D:tvid has time to do
important this document is to you. :t summary. Thanks for the information.
The next thing you :are likely to get from Never w:ut until you understand
us is:a document oflibr:lry dat:l of the everything :tbout Traveller! It's :tIw:tys been
secLor Qikely to be doc number 7COO). evolving, but more important: people who
The current version is on my desk here - it w:tit until something is perfect before
runs to 15 p:lges of non-proportion:tl ten submitting it generally end up submitting
point text, with some more to be added and nothing!
some to be edited out. With any luck, it Leroy Guatney :tIso r:tised a ruckus about
will be re:ldy in the next couple of weeks, GDW changing the for,mat without telling
and (being :a gener:l! document) can be players they've done so! He dislikes
released in :tdmce of the m:Un sector draft. inconsistencies. He's computerized sector
D:lvid is likely to move sometime soon gener:ttion, collapsing, md reporting, so he
(problems with his landlord), which will be checks his output ag:Unst the published
:l big set bck ifit happens. (If you have listings. Then he gets on GEnie bulletin
ever had to go house hunting, you will bOOlrd and points out any differences
know how time consuming it is.) between the published listing and. the
Another problem is TNB, We want our published rules.
stuff to be TNE comp:ttible, but GDW
keeps publishing new books md ert:tt:t for . ' ..... "
~ ~ . " :. '"
old ones that m:tke it difficult. Totilly the ;.
. . .
' ,.

AAB Proceedings 25 Page 3 31 May, 1994

Zdiadlevepra Subsector (Ziafrplians P)
--Jmles "Farstar" Kundert
,TlavL Ia 2532 A79589D-9 sO 204 Zh M3 V M4 0
Drants 253 3E21 0311"'- 8 ' La Ni 205 Zh F1 III
Lavarbl ietl 2535 B426410-9 x Ni 402 zh K3 V
Briprtliesav 2536 C795100:...6 Lb Ni 401 Zh FO V
Zhdietsevre 2537 D9B2620-8 Fl Ni 404 Zh M6 V
Ongaeghz 2631 E749563-6 C Ni sO 504 Va A9 IV M7 0
plintspiedl 2633 CAC47S9-9 Fl s9 70S Zh M6 V MS VI
Krpriaehtie 2636 CS85654-4 Z Ag Ni Ri 205 zh M3 V
Qatliee' 2638 B889211-9 Lo Ni 814 Zh F6 IV
Vashtebl 2734 C495658-A Ag Ni S8 122 Zh K4 V M1 0
Zhdeeql 2735 B99869D-A Ag Ni 314 Zh FO IV
Fiaerrinzh 2736,cS362J4-6 Lo Ni 702 Zh M6 V
Lanse Sho' 2740 BA7A335-B Lo Ni Wa 604 Zh M1 V
Adedrtlal 2833 A656797-9 Ag 804 zh KO V
Koavrtivr 2836 B8859BE-C Hi 213 zh M6 v
Shok Ons 2838 XSC4761-9 Fl F 102 zh F7 V
Anzehiefr 2839 E596778-6 Ag 732 Zh F4 V
Ogz 2931 B411574-·8 H Ie Ni zO 224 Va F3 V
Sarrsarz 2932 D336874-6 Sl 112 Va G1 IV M3 V
Idliaosh 2933 BOO0303-A Z As Lo Ni 614 zh M6 V
Zhdoiesh 2934 A200532-E Ni 702 Zh K8 V
Adltsap 2936 B526986-0 Hi In 220 Zh M3 II
Tliabr Ons 2937 B79A443..;.8 Nf Wa 805 zh M5 V
Ants 2938 BOO09BD-C Z As Hi Na 313 Zh M5 V
Jablnishoz 2939 B595AAC-C Hi In 910 zh M9 V
Bartsel 3033 E549554-9 Ni s6 522 zh K7 V M9 0
Jdianzhili 3035 D655345-7 Lo Ni s8 424 zh M2 V M3 0
Anshdem 3037 B768465-B Z Ni 400 zh K7 V
Daflanzhr 3039 C340212-9 Z De Lo Ni Po s2 202 Zh M8 v M9 VI
Stansinz 3040 D666034-6 Lo Ni 604 Zh M4 V
Zdi'ehaf 3135 COO0441-c As Ni 405 Zh A6 v
Dalkr 3136 DAA6114-8 Z Fl Lo Ni Sl 304 Zh K4 V M2 D
Iadriefria 3138 C342420-6 Z Ni Po 700 Zh MO V
Krianstabr 3140 D726634-7 N! SA 602 Zh M2 V MO V
Kfaethugh 3231 E584645:"'S Ag Ni Ri 310 Va Ml V
Qranehava 3232 D896336-7 Lo Ni s3 810 zh M4 V MS VI
Eberisfr 3233 D78579A-5 Z Ag Ri U 622 zh K3 V
Shombrie'prak 3235 B473025-B Lo Ni SB 910 Zh M8 V M9 0
Yiranz 3237 E300578-7 Ni Va S9 703 Zh M7 V G7 D
Iepriats 3240 D886698-1 X Ag Ni Ri 303 Zh GS V
Note:The Stellar position notation is the Smle as I used for Tienspevnekr sector. with the hex digit following
the "s" indicating the orbit of the companion star. Zero is a Contact Binary while uF" is in a Far orbit that may
require a further roll.
Zdiadlevepra subsector contains 40 worlds. 36 of which :Ire within the Zhodmi Consulate. The remaining four
are "independant" Vargrworlds sandwiched between the Con~ulate and the Thirz Empire. The Consuliteis using
one of these worlds.Ogz (2931). as a listening post and long-term cultural experiment in the mixing Zhodmi
and Vargr peoples. While not within the Consulate its.elf,Ogz is considered an "Unabsorbed" world for the
purposes of Consular tT:lvellers and traders.
Eberish (3233). declared "Umbsorbed" in 1034 Imperial. h:as suffered &om "excessive exposure to Imperial
ide:als" to quote one Tavrched!' report. How this Cmle ;lbout. and wh:at the Thought Police are doing about it. is a

31 May, 1994 Page 4 AAB Proceedings 25

Available Sector UWP Files:
question that some of the Provinci;I 1120 Sector listings 1200 FlIes: Under Work
Council feel has not been their Most have all worlds named. All have had If anyone else is working on a subsector.
satisfaction. size VI starts converted to size V stars. just drop me a line!
The highest population in the subsector Where known or published. sub sector
is 90 billion at Jablnishoz (2939). The names have been included in the fUe's Viand Domain
highest tech level is 14 at Zhdoiesh header section. Clay Bush is developing the four sec:tors
(2934). A dearth of natur;I raw materials Alpha Crucis 33606 04-28-94- ofVland Domain. for use by c;ampaigns
required for jump drives lumpered the Amdu\m28183 04-28-94 expmding out of the Regency.
sub sec tor' s development. resulting in only Antares 37222 04-28-94 Corridor 19139
three A-ports (but 13 B-ports) in the area. Core 3806704-28-94 Dagudashaag37485
All three A-ports are within Consulate Corridor 2226304-30-94 Gushemge 35899
territory. Conversely. the sub sector Dagudashaag,37612 04-28-94- V1and 35675
supports foLiT high population worlds and a Daibei-ll 16 3106904-28-94
tot;} population of 97.6 billion with the Daibei-I120 3152704-28-94 Regency Space
help of eight agricultur;I worlds and two Dark Nebula 3376404-28-94 Farstar Kundert has started. but not
industrial worlds. Bvery system is used in Delphi 2338904-28-94 fmi.shed. updating Massilia to the New Bra.
some fashion md commerce is lively. Deneb 2617404-28-94 These mes only contain four subsectors to
Most active extra-Consular trading Diaspora-l 1203074704-28-94 add to the HubWorlds published in the
companies have facilities here; mmy Diaspora-1124 3390304-28-94 TNB rulebook.
started here. Zdiadlevepra subsector is the Baliy 30233 04-28-94 MASSILIA TXT 24,579
mchor for much of the commerce the Bmpty Quarter 21027 04-28-94 MASSILIAWP 25,835
Consulate carries on with the Imperium Femast 3543904·-28-94 . Gee Gelinas has fInished collapsing the
md its neighbors. Glimmerdrift 23574 04-28-94 Old Bxpmses.
Gushemege 3702504-28-94- Leroy Guatney collapsed the rest of
ZIAFPLIANS Gvurrdon26683 04-28-94
Hinterworlds 2956604-28-94
Hinterworlds lector. for a R~y-to­
--James Kundert Hiver space adventure.
Ley 2607604-28-94 Jeffrey Freeman. anew member. has
I've had little opportunity to develop
Lishun4-0866 04-28-94 started work on the Glimmerdrift R.eaches.
Ziafrplims. Before other things cropped
Magyar-II09 3481905-02-94 Hil addresl was not in the lalt HIWG
up. I was able to wrench a set of real star
Massilia 37862 04-28-94 Membership Directory. so here it il: 9+23
locations out of the dot map in V&V
Mendm 3007<4- 04-28-9<4- Mixon #248: Dallas. TX 75220.
(which has a nasty shift across national
Meshm 28991 04-28-94
boundaries. BTW). and assemble a dot map
Old Bxpmses 28983 04-28-94-
of my own like the one I did for Solomani Rim
Reft 878<4- 04-28-94
Tienspevnekr (which I'm fairly sure I sent HMoldhWehasworkedupaf~
Riftspm 94-8804-28-94
you one of). I have ;Iso done the UWPs for write-up of the Solomani Rim. Bach
solomani Rim 28968 04-28-94
the Zhodani portion of the sector. A few IUbaec:tor has notes and write-up in th.
Spica 3126704-28-94
worlds are named, but I got really sick of s;ame format as the original supplements
Spinward Marches 29636 04-28-94
cut-md-paste world names right about for the Solomani Rim and Spinward
Tienspevnekr 4243904-28-9<4-
then, so it hasn't been fInished. Marches.
Trojm Reach 2422004-28-94
I also did a 'four-comers' dot map of a SOLORIMTXT 74,783
Vlmd 3587604-28-94
sector-sized area centered at the SOLORIMWP 129,950
Zhdant 3718104-28-94
39 file(s) 1102662bytes
junction, containing four sub sectors ttom
Most of these files started from the
each. The borders in this area really did
GBnie library; some development· work.
wonders for my perception of "the
such as naming worlds. was noted. above.
Zhodani threat" to the Marches. I rec~tly
These retain their copyright notes.
found time to "TNE" the sector's star
A few (extra-Imperium) sector mes are
types, md name most of the worlds in
the original products ofHIWG members.
subsector P.

AAB Proceedings 25 Page 5 31 May, 1994

Traveller in the Net
This item explains the. electronic services is Graliers Encyclopedia; 13 35 is Micro- Internet
to those considering joining them. and to Soft Windows.) Within the roundtables. The U.S. government and academia
those who feel technophiles inHlWG are there are categories: strategy games. developed Internet as a way to
leaving everyone elae out. role-playing games. Traveller. AnIon Hill. communicate between different locations.
With President Clinton's emphasis on GDW. Each category has topics. to which It is becoming the highway system where
modern communications. computer users can read and append messages. all networks talk to each. All the major
bulletin board services have seen GHmehas the longest Traveller usage. bulletin board services now provide an
tremendous growth in just a few months. This i. where GDW and OOP were found. Internet gateway. A location or network has
Computer manufacturers' growing practice GDW is still very active there, and they an address, just like city & zip code (GEnie
of including a modem in their standard maintain their own category in the Games is "'). Individual user IDs
computer configurations fueled this roundtable. preceed. this address. (,My GEnie ID is
growth; you may fmd yourself with email AmericaOn-Linei. said to a active G.BUSH3.) Anyone in the world with
access whether you plan to or not. With the Traveller area. GDW is active there, too. Internet access c~ send electronic mail to
last Membership Survey. over half the CompuSeryeis the preferred board of "C.BUSH3@GENIB.GBlS.COM" and I
reaponden.ts now had an electronic mail ID. most business users. I am told it is almost will get it when I next check my "mail box."
dead for Traveller or gaming discussions. Mailinglists:The closest thing Internet
Bulletin Boards Delphiwas the first bulletin board where has to a bulletin board is a mailing list.
On these services. a user logs in and players could talk to DGP and GDW. but Some location agrees to keep the
apecifie. a page number. Each page number the focus moved to GEnie when the two accumulated messages; users send
represents a different roundtable and has companies changed. services. I have no electronic mail to the mailing list; everyone
its owrimenu. For example, GEnie's page report on how active it is now, but Bryan who has "subscribed" to the mailing list
200 is the electonic mail menu: check for Barich says it provides the cheapest email gets copies of everything. The Traveller
new mail. send mail••end mes. etc. Page and InterNet access. Mailing List has been active for years.
805 is the Games menu: Go to library of Pl'odiUis disliked by most active Some weeks the traffic is light, and other
fdes. Go to discussion bulletin board, etc. modem users. times the week's accumulated mail can
(page 225 is Japan; 725 is Germany; 365 exceed. forty pages. To subscribe. send the
electronic mail message" subscribe
(mailing list) (your address)" to the keeper
Computer-Assisted Refereeing of the mailing list. They will start sending
you the accumulated mail as one electronic
There have been any number of personal The program was distributed as freeware mail message per week.
sector- and character-generation programs. (no cost). The author. a Dennis G.
I looked for programs that went on to try Landsem. posted the latest version to Appeal of Electronic Services
to help referee's run campaigns. GEnie in 1992. He did not respond to
You can communicate 9uick1y over
email sent to the listed Internet address: oceanic distances. I can email to Australia
NAVIGATOR either he stopped supporting the program, overnight. while surface mail sometimes
The oo1y company licensed. to produce or he moved.
goes by boat and takes three months. Any
computer referee aids is Planet III iOftware postal mail I send overseas r«luires $.50
with its Tnye1J« Nayj~tor. This haa a - DGP postage; email is cheaper. You have a
subsector viewer. and can show what the DGP has ceased operations; Joe Fugate record of the discussion. phone calls
codes mean. It seems very basic. does not respond to any mail. Thus. the depend on powers of recall and scribbled
TRADER program and the Second Survey notel by the phone; electronic mes can be
MGTMAID disk are out of circulation. forever. Also. writing down a long message
Thtr.l. a Traveller aid program in some Elsewhere in this issue is a list of all and sending it by email can take a minute of
iOftwate lll>taries called MGTMAID;lt . sector fUes available from the HIWG phone time rather than a half-hour phone
perform. Wleral functions; the most library. This includes some extra-Imperium cilscussion.
useful i. a name generator. The character sectors. I have hearchhat DGP did Disk. however. remain the cheapest way
generator was for MegaTraveller. and there generate other sectors-enough for the dot to send lots of fUes. For example, I can fit
is a Hard TlJIle5 section to change UWPs. maps in V&Vand SM--but that they all sector mes on 2/3 of one high-density
Th. porgram haa not been brought up to erased those fdes after generating their dot disk.
the New Era. map ••

31 May, 1994 Page 6 . AAB Proceedings 25

Fanzines and Newsletters
(I discuss 'zines in alphabetical order.) ANew Zine? Deneb. with all the fun that entails.
--Bryan Borich Regarding Sparklers. J dunk we ought to
ImperialLines Roger Sanger and I are serioualy looking consult Dave before investing a lot of time
< Can you tell why GDW dropp~ It?> at starting a magazine like JTASfITC. in this direction,;
MikeMIkesh:Circulation was not high Roger wants to cover the Regency. Also. on Regency getting J-7 +: despite
enough to merit the effort ofmaintaining Mike Mikesh: articles suggesting J-7 is in reach, Marc and
it. I suspect that being short staffed, they I have mixed feelings on covering the Joe have long insisted that it was net
needed to reserve their resources for where Regency: n.1mely GOW stomping on our possihiy in the Imperium uniYerae until
it would count the most. Dave Nilsen was toes. In other respects it would be nice. IfI TL21 +, although the size ofjwnp drins
very sympathetic with the situation. He felt know Norris ha's busy sticking out feelers would go down in the meantime. Frank and
it should be kept alin long enough for th.. into the collapsed areas trying to fmd out Dave might. have different. ideas. but I
up and coming TNB crowd to latch,on to what's going on out there. In the meantime, doubt it.
it. He still thinks the time will come for a I've asked Leroy ifhe'd care to collapse
TNE 'zine (next Ye4r?).and when it does.
he assured Gee and I that he'd give us a
call. He wants a different name, though. World Tamers Guide
--Terrence R.Mcmnes
World T .1mers is in the G DW 1994 catalog scheduled for a July release. It is new n.1med
Professionally produced, 38-page, side
the world T 2mers Handbook. However. it will be a lot larger and have a different focus
st.1pIed. and going strong. The issue
than I originally anticipated. During a meeting witll Dave Nilsen and Frank Chadwick it
contains several adventures. a minor race
was deci!iedthat World T .1mers, rather than be a generic product. will clearly focus on
write-up. and assorted designs. There is
being set in the Reform Coalition. The way it's going to be done is this:
also an supplement giving library data for
The WT Handbook 1S to be a sourcebook for anyone dealing with worlds and their
braa subsector ofDagudashaag.
technologies. and the efforts to increase technological levels. Several adventure Cmtpaign
J.1e C.1mpbell has not arranged foru.s. possibilities are to be included. However, the key focus has shifted away from colonizing
distribution of his 'zine. (His cleal with
virgin worlds toward focusing on bootstrap operations. The main adventure C.1mpaign is
Traveller Chroniele has been cancelled.) I
where a world taming team is sent by the R C to a population group on a low tech world
have written asking about getting rights to
with orders to raise them up to a higher tech level through improved agricultural practices.
distribute it in the U.S., but I haven't
improved medical technology. and development ofmineral resources and basic industries.
recei.eved a response yet.
The goal is to bring a le4ding group on the planet toward membership in the interstellar
community as trading partners. AlIO. by setting an example, thilleading group should
Starburst24&25 inspire others on the planet to improve their agricultural and technology base. In some
HIWG-Australia continues its TUSh to
have the highest issue nwnber of any
ways, this will have the flavor of Special Forces civic action work with the
Montengards in the Vietnamese and Laotian highlands.
Traveller 'zine. Page counts are 8 and 10
There will also be a colonizing adventure let specifically in the Reform Coalition where
pages; all materials focus on the zhodani
the players are hired by the R C to lead or participate in the colonization of a specific
and on Yiklerdanzh sectors. (Emphasis is
world. In addition, there will be a "Generic" colonization C.1mpaign that the refer.. can set
about equal on both topics.)
anywhere. You can even play this one from Earth as it attempts to expand out into tha
stars again.
Terra Traveller Times Other sections in the book include one on planetary surveys--what players fmel on the
Issue 41 is out now. Traveller's longest ground as they run core s.1mples. geo1ogicalsurveys. soil tests. and much more. A section
running zine'was stuck at 40. while Gee on detail star system generation is in the book as well This integrates the best from
handled move between the two coasts and Traveller, MegaTrave1ler. World Builders Hand1>oc*. and 2300 into the TNB letting.
a new position. Now its back. still other sections detail planetary infrastructure, primitive weapons, wet ships. and
Opening artiele is on beefmg up TNB Yehicles.
char:acters CTe4ted using the MegaTravel- .. What .I.have tc) do between now and mid-May is reorganize what I've written to date and
Ier-to-TNE section in Survir.J M:a-gin. add huge new chunk. of material to it. We are looking for a 1281'age book that will baa
The second long article gives Hard llDleB sourcebook for many things and stay in print for a long time.
versions of Harlequin subsector in the If you don't hear from me for a while after this. it's because I'm buried. I'll try to keep
SoJomani Rim. checking the mail from time to time, 10 please keep me in the loop. .

AAB Proceedings 25 Page 7 31 May, 1994

HIWG Documents
Given TNB. thelibraTians aTe experimenting with not including statistics.
documents written for the Rebellion era. (The list ran to ten 6F09.TXT (15832) Contact:TIrrils.anavianr"cein
pages, but had. documents dated 1989.) Write me about any Gvurrdon.
documents you think should have been carried forward, and we11 6FoB.TXT (7984) Factions and allegiances in 1200 Gvurrdon.
act on your suggestion. 6FOC.TXT (14028) Alien races in Gvurrdon.
Specify Septttmher, I99J HIWG document list if you write for 6FoD.TXT (7879) TTavel1ing in Gvurrdonin 1200.
the pre-TNB document list. 6FoB.TXT (7241) Update history for Gvurrdon; events
Gen...alDocument. between 1130 and 1200.
--Clay Bush YiklerzclanzhDocumeotl
HIWG.TXT (4788) HIWG flyer and information me. --HIWG-Australia
HMD9402.TXT (10943) HIWG Membership directory. 7COl.DOC (97024) & 7COl.TXT (83184) Contact:
(CumtrJt version print~ in reipona to any T("IuiTes with SASB.) T alpaku minor race.
P ....onalDocumeot. 7C02.DOC (19456) & 7C02.TXT (16054) Subsector I of
--Roger Myhre Yiklerzdanzh.
0142_1 ,.TXT (7457) StaTship lasers: FF&S designs. 7C03.DOC (66560) & 7C03.TXT (62814) Subsector M of
0142_1 ....TXT (16654) Building the Perfect Dog; generating Yiklerzdanzh.
Vargr characters for TNE. 7COS.DOC (17920) &7C05.TXT (21696) SubsectorJ of
0142_15.TXT (6400) Personal Weapons forTNE; FF&S Yiklerzdanzh.
designs. 7C06.DOC (29824) & 7C06.TXT (26412) Contact:
0142_16.TXT (6385) Have Starship-Will TTavel; Starships Carillon minor TaCe.
for Vargr in TNB character generation. 7C09V6.TXT (36790) Yiklerzdanzh sector data: UWP listing
Spartan Hegemony with notes.
--Stuart Machin 7Clo.DOC (74496) & 7CI0.TXT (50194) Subsector N of
181_19.TXT (11502) 1115 listing for six subsectors around Yiklerzdanzh: UWP listing. world notes.
Sparta. (Delphi and Formst.) 7C12V4.DOC (16384) & 7C12V4.TXT (11972) Compiled
181_20.TXT (11502) 1201 listing for six subsectors around Yiklerzdanzh timeline.
Sparta. (Delphi and Formst.) 7C14B.GIF (60502)
181_21.TXT (3128) Sparta: system data. 7C14C.GlF (66558)
181_22.TXT (2179) Sparta:worlddata. 7CI5.GIF (26472)
181_23.TXT (7690) Spartan Hegemony timeline. Daibei Documents
181_24.TXT (12037) Government of the Spartan Hegemony. --Robert Range
181_2S.TXT (4422) Futuruvents (1201-1215) for Spartan l-RULES.DOC (41436)
Hegemony. 2·RULES.DOC (44959)
181_28.TXT (24570) 1215 UWPsformembers worlds of 3-RULBS.DOC (44997)
the Spartan Hegemony. CHAP-I.DOC (14049)
181_29.TXT (6826) 1115 listing for eight more subsectors DAIBEl-1.DOC (41916)
around Sparta. DAIBEI-2.DOC (41269)
GvurrdonDocumenti DAIBE1-3.DOC (40529)
--Roger Myhre SRTl.WP (12220)
6Fol.TXT (nS62) TNE lector data; world UWPs and


David Schneider did not move to the While not listed on the last Member- MegaTTaveller players interested in
acldt••• given in the last Membership ship Directory as such. Nick Law is strategic level role pbying by mail in the
Directory. Continue to send mail to: head ofHIWG-UK. (See sidebar on . Daibei Federation circa 1120-112 5.
David Schneider page 3.) Please send any dues. Play will focus on political intrigue and
S BastAyen~ n:newals. and other correspndence military campaigning during the
Allenby Gardens regarding I-DWG-UK. to him. and to decline of the sector and the rise of the
South Australia no one else. new era. Contact Bob Range; PSC # 5
5009 (Sorry about the misdirected mail. Jae.) Box 768;APO AE 09057.

31 May, 1994 Page 8 . AAB Proceedings 25

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