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30 September. 1994 Issue 26

The newsletter of the History of the Imperium Working Group (HIWG), a Traveller club
using the offici~ Tnveller universe. Produced and distributed by Clayton R. Bush.

Opening Letter
This issue of AABP is going out in the first part of October; the next AABP will go out
in early November. Sever~ threads reached a critic~ point in August and September. Thi.
issue deals with those. The November issue will catch up on HIWG status reports, new
documents, and activities.

Geneon XXVII
This issue has my annu~ report from the GenCon Traveller seminar. I included a report
on the Twilight: 2000 seminar, because the Armor 21 has alot that can be carried over to
TNE campaigns. ([he common example is how CJ.ssic Traveller's high-tech ''battle
Contents map "was available for Desert Storm--and GDW had overstated the size by ~f.)

Chairsophont.' s Letter . 2
GenCon Report . . . • . . . . 1j GDW received a propos~ for ;\0 electronic fanzine, which was discussed on computer
channels during the summer, and GDW fi~ly said "No". Roger Sanger has redirected his
T: 2000 & GDWNews . . . . . . 5
energy into setting up a new game, which is definitely newsworthy. The new system will
Copyright Messages . . . . 6 not have :my connection to Traveller, so I probably won't be mentioning it again.
Sanger's posts to Traveller discussions have proselytized for his development project. A
Electric Fanzine Denied. 7
discussion on HIWG's mission rose (again), and the CSL on the next two pages discusses
New Startup . . . . . . . . . . 8 Geo's response. Perso~ly. I don't think HIWG ever has had one mission that involved
anything close to everybody in the organization.
Fanzines . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Due to the discussion, however. I have slightly amended the sidebar on page 3. Since
TNARB notes. . . . . . . . 11 HIWGers are open to discussing alternate universes. it did not make sense to say HIWG
Proposed Star Changes, . 11 is working on "the offici~ Traveller universe."

Regency Development.. 12 Traveller Naval Architect Review Board

Re.gency Adven'.::.ures . . . 16 GD\'I a:;ked if anyone wa~ interested in joinging a group to verify the correctness of
FF&S ship designs. Four people. ~l HIWGen, are in the group so far. If you have a
design. please submit it to them! (They've just started up, and need the work. wink)

Regency Sourcebook
GDW will be doing a Regency Sourcebook. Sever~ HIWGers have been involved in
groundwork activities. such as UWI~ updates from 1120 to the New Era. Discussion of
what should be in the Sourcebook has been ongoing. and starts on page 12 here.

Well, InterNet fever continues. A host computer has been arranged and now there's an
InterNet mailing list for I-llWG members. Just send the message "subscribe hiwg-list"to
HIWG-LIST@IO.COM, and you'l be copied on ~l messages.
And I could not fit everything into 8 pages, or even the current 16. So watch for
AABP 2 7, due in your mailbox in November.
Chairsophont's Letter
-GeoGelinas h2ve written md had published Traveller :articles. I believe th2t
I h2ve recently received :lnumber ofletters questioning the most of the best writers of Traveller today are members.
purpose of this org:lniz:ltion. Let me ske with you the text of :l As noted elsewhere in the flyer, some of these got their st:lrt
flyer th2t wu put together to :ldvertise HIWG. I h2ve :It nrious writing for HIWG. but others were writing for Tr:lveller long
times md phces st:lted the concepts cont:lined here, but perh2ps it before th2t. However. the Workshop is under no oblig.ation to use
is time to print them collectively for :lI1 the membership to see. -my- of our
Furthermore, the Workshop has used very little that we
mWG BEFORE NEW ERA h:lve created :lS :l group. Even th2t is misle:lding, because the entire
The History of the Imperium Working Group (HIWG) is m membership ofHIWG has -never- created :l single article for
international org:lniz:ltion of Traveller fms. I-HWG W.J.S founded publication. Yes, inclividu.als h.ave had published md have
:lbout the :ldvent ofMeg:lTuveller. As conceived, HIWG would duwn ide4.s from other mem.b'ers. Yes, sm:lll groups of
expmd on the history of the Imperium from the time of the members have worked together on a project, such as HubWorlds.
assassination of Emperor Strephon bringing the condition of the :md h.ave had it published. However, there has not been one single
Imperium to that shown on the "112; P(!j.ce M~p ". project in ''1'hich.al1 r.Hlmbers have hJ~.2 contribution. Is this bad?
HIWG set :lbout in earnest tow:lrd th2t go:ll, but very quickly Absolutely not.
expmded beyond th2t purpose. Mmy people joining HIWG were It is not practical for us :lS m entire group to :lttempt to work
interested in :lspects of MegaTraveller other than its history. This together on a single written article. The reason for this is prim:lrily
resulted in the creation of a number of Speci:ll Interest Groups. the distances between members and the difGculty of trying to
HIWG thus bec:lffie more than m organization creating history, it communic:lte with everyone. There :lre :lIso f:lctors
bec:lffie m idea exchange. person.alities md interests, which may not coincide md m:ly even
A number of our members got their start as writers ofT raveller conflict with the group's project. We have seen this recently while
materi:ll while creating documents for HIWG. Both Digest Group working on the Regency project.
Publications md G:lffie Designers' Workshop, though under no Should we, therefore, disb;nu:l.? Absolutely not. A l:lrge p:lrt of
obligation to do so. h2ve used materi:ll developed by HIWG. our strength is that we are such:l diverse group. Tr:lveller h2s been
enriched by Ollr work. In my world occupation, I have studied
mWG IN THE NEW ERA m effect c.alled synergy. The synergetic effect is that the sum of
ideas gathered from a group is gre4.ter th;nl the sum of the ide:ls of
But th2t was then. md this is now. It is evident to myone who
the individu.als of that group. A key re:lson is that as one
h2s read the Travellers' News Service in Ch:llienge. or the reprint
presents an idea, it cm spark a further idea in another
of th2t material in Surviv:ll Margin that the timeline h2s
Disbanded. HIWG members would still be individu.als.
gone well past 1125. Pe:lce :lS we expected it is deftnitely not at
Individu.ality is import;nlt, but when that individu.ality is :lpplied to
hand. So wh2t is HIWG's role now? HIWG rem:lins wh2t it has
a group effort. then it becomes all the greater.
become in recent years, m org:lnization ofTr:lveller players md
Wh:lt should our group effort be? Support Traveller! Traveller
referees. This is HIWG's most importmt role now. always been and continues to be the best science ftction role
That is not to say that HIWG no longer does development.
phying game :lv:lihble. For the most p:lrt, it doesn't nl:ltter which
Quite the contrary" All the people credited for the creation of
ver~Qn of the rules you use. Every rule set ha,s its :ldvmtag~s and
HubWorlds in Tr~veller: The New Euare l-IIWG members.
disadvantages. If you want to write for the Workshop, you need to
HIWG will continue to develop that pocket empire md expects
use the New Era rules. but otherwise. you are free to use wh.atever
materi:ll to appear in Ch.Jlenge.
rules you w;nlt.
Our development is not limited to the HubWorlds. Some
members :lre applying the effects of the Collapse to published
sectors. Others are concentrating on the Regency md worlds ENRICHING TRAVRIJLF,R
which avoided the Collapse. Still others are cre:lting materi:ll How should we support Tr:lveller? At the very b.lsic level, I
associated with the Reformation Co:llition. There will be members strongly encour:lge every HIWG member to referee or participte
creating equipment, vehicles, md st:lrships. If there is:l Traveller :lS a pl:lyer in Traveller g:lffies. Beyond that, there is such a variety
rel:lted :lctivity you:lre interested in which is not mentioned here, of activities that you cm do. I will mention just a few here, but you
it has a place in HIWG too. :lre not restricted to these or under obligation to GO my of these.
Let me t~e :l few minutes to focus on:l few issues here, md W~ '::011 kQ,p th~ Workshop informed of wh:ot w~:os individudls
expound on them to m extent which I could not in the flyer. wmt from Traveller. Most organiz:ltions view any letter that they
HIWG is ftrst of all a "Working Group", not :l"Writing Group." receive not as m individu:ll letter, but as representative of a
W" h2ve not been chartered by the Workshop or my other g:lffie percentage of the people they serve. I believe that one of the
compmy to write for Traveller. lndividu:l! members of HIWG primary re:lsons that the Workshop is going to release Regency

30 September, 1994 Page 2 AAB Proceedings 26

materi:i1 is because people like you have get my point. HIWG can be :.I vehicle for
requested it. finding others with your interest. If the
We cm continue writing for Traveller. rest of the T rOlveller players in the world
True, the Workshop may only use a sm:i1l have no interest in your interest, so whOlt?
proportion of the materi:i1 my of us You hOlve that interest. and have the right
produces. But why are you writing for to investigate that interest with others with
Traveller in the first place? If you are the sOlTne interest.
looking to make a living as a Traveller Develop an :i1ternate universe. AgOlin,
writer, you are writing for the wrong Fire, Fusion, :1nd Steel is 01 tremendous
reason. I don't know of myone outside the tool for OIccomplishing this end. Indeed,
Workshop making.;t Ii ving as a Traveller with the publicOltion ofTNE OITld FFS,
writer. Although I have received some Traveller is not limited to the offici01l
monetary compensation for my work, it is universe my more. (Of course, some of us
mostly a labor oflove. never felt limited to the offici01l universe to
We c~ continlie development of begin with.) In previous letters, I llOlve
HubWorlds. There is thi 5 wonderful offered the opportunity for HIWG to
pocket empire published in TNE th:at -we- collectively create md det;>il our own
developed. Yet, nothing much further universe. To dOIte. I hOlve not seen any
~ecm.s to have been done with it. There are suggestions to that end. but the offer still
:adventure possibilities here that have stmds. True, it mOlY never be published
nothing to do with the Reformation my where outside ofHIWG publications.
Co:i1ition. If thOlt mOltter s to you then I suggest you
We can continue to developequipmeut direct yuur ~nergies to other OITeas. which is
for the New Era. In Fire, .Fusion, :md Steel, perfectly OIcceptable within the frOlmework
we have a tremendous tool for the design ofHIWG. Ifit doesn't mOltter to you, then
of a vast array of equipment. Some of you this is m excellent opportunity to
have developed equipment and some of it contribute to TrOlveller.
has been published. Let's keep up this Thes~ OIre just 01 few of the mmy activities
effort. There may be :.I need for TL 1 3 - TL md methods by which HIWG cm support
15 equipment as the Regency c:.lmp;>ign is TrOlveller.
published. Might some of your desigm fill But why support Traveller? You will 6ve
that need? I know fOr a fact thOlt the to answer that for yourself. Each of us has
Workshop will never use that which is our own reason. but whOltever your reason
never designed! Beyond that I cm't make is. it is enough.
Jny promises. Yours [or Tuveller,
Select 01 world md develop it with loving Geo
detail. EolCh worldisflch in djv~sity:and
adventure possibilities. Develop one for
use in your person:U group. So what if
something the Workshop later publishes
runs right over it? We are under no
obligation to use in our own g:.lmes that
which the Workshop has published. The
Khul:.lm Sector that my players adventure
in is cert;>inly 9uite different than what
appears in P:1th ofTe:1rs.
Exdunge ideas as pOlrt of 01 speci:i1
interest group. Are you interested in the
ecocycle ofVargr fleas? There m:ay be
someone else who has a similar interest. ~~.~ -, ..- . ~

Okay. my example is 01 bit extreme. but you , J ~!iii':, ~ " ~. ~.'

<C •

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 3 30 September, 1994

GenCon Report
--Clay Bush rules for simple planet;lry conflict. They wOldd be willing to license the Nilsen started the TNE seminar by Referees will be ;lble to resolve milit;lry GDW house system to people doing
s.ying. "Regency sourcebook. in the first conflicts in their wIll-playing campdigns. It .Jternate universes. They would be less
qwrter of 1995! So let's all call it quits and may not be very interesting as a two-player likely to publish an :Jternate universe
go to ollr hotel rooms." game, but they weren't trying to stuff a sourcebook them sieves.
Perversely, we kept the seminar going for board game into the product. (GDW W;lS uneasy with this discussion; I
the full two hours ~c1teduled. VampireFleet:lt will expldin the Black SU'P"CL concern wilh being sure abuuL
Curtdin. having rights and with quality ;md with
SPINWARD ISSUES AthsoftheImperium:GDW has gotten fragmenting the SF role.pbying market.
The Regency Sourcebook will when requests to reprint this. If they were to get But the door is ajar to the right product.)
the Regency is r~dy to go bck into the 5,000 orders, they would! However, it wa~ Nlhlnler~lelb-rWar sourcebooHl
Wilds. Their drive is to reest;lblish the old a very poor seller. They think most the would be fUll to do (otccording to some
Imperium. They see themselves as its inquiries are abollt completing colkrtions. participants). but the discussion surted off
spiritwl custodims. RJg;mling the i'lterest in jUStJl.:<l:ing a wilh.~'How many people would buy it :md
It will resolve what Project Longbow compillte map to the Core; th,~ UW P file, pbyiLc" .
was/is ";IS well as it will be resolved." It wlll are mostly available on GEnie (and other C~dilbcs& DinosaursII is written, but

have something to do with the Zhodmi libraries). However, most flIes have not the dealers responsp- to tlw prOc1llct was
Core expeditions, ;lnd it will hit the been developed. Zaruslugar W:.lS noted "Are you rr;azy?" Despite the comics and
Regency before it hits the rest of the being :.I gi;nlt hiccup where 1/2 the worlds the TV series, they have IlO intere~t in
Imperium. Unlike the Ancients, GDW will have the same UWP. carrying the produc t.
not fully resolve this mystery in print.
Question: ue you ;IS interested in COMI'UTER STUFF OTHER DEVELOPMENTS
Yaskoydray now that you know he is a Paragon is doing nothing. (They did the GDW is still developing th", New Era
TL35 Droyne remnmt? two IBM PC role-playing games.) K'kree. They have some ideas. but nothing
"Spinward Aliens" wlll ;lppear to Traveller Navig:Hor is ;ldmittedly very in print yN. They did say tlut the K'kree
complement "Aliens of the Rim." (fhey basic. A new version is in the works. They are not ~ny rucer th~n before.
will have a b"'tter name thm "Spinw;lid haven't seen it yet, but know it is coming. There was only one set of designs
Aliens:) No work has been done yet, but N;lutilus wiiI do interactive games. They turning in for the Top Laser competition.
it's burning on the back burner. ;Ire on the RPG put of the Internet. The Nilsen admitted it w~s a great idea. but
GDW represent.atives were Wlsure if new they l.Ick the resources to recreate a
OTHER PRODUCTS players would start anew or if they would number of ship designs. Discussion was
Strihr II: Due out in December, 1994. be joining ;a campdign in process. (l expect that prooflng the designs amounted to
1: 1000 sc.Je. Demos were run in the the in PBM games.) r02creating them~ since you had to recreate
Demo ar~ at GenCon, and the official all design d"cisions. On modifyingl
play test W;lS held S;lturd;ly evwing. ALTERNATE UNIVERSES correcting designs. are you keeping the
Although the S;lturday event was sold out. 23 ooAD: They intend to do a J 300 AD submitted design or .just replacing it with a
;lloc;ltion change lost most of the Sourcebook, but it is not in their schedule '. similar ship with the original name?
scheduled players, so I got in. for the next 18 months. DISCUSSION; GDW is willing to
New RAFM 25mm figures were used for A Chillenge issue will soon present 2300 cooperate with any fans willing to run an
about h.Jfthe RCES stands: they looked AD char;lcter generation under the TNE unpdid board of proofers. This could be
very good. The others used were the old system. Similar development wNk would c.Jled the Centraliz;ltion Bureau or th,,·
Grell;ldier 25mm figures. The scenuio was be welcome in Challenge, andwould hasten Board ofN~val Review. The computer
the M;lr:l.x :l.sS;lult from ofT~rs. the re-app~rmce of 2300 AD. tools to automate verification don't exist
They bve ;I good bsic system. md th€-y Otherwllverses are possiM<'. They had (GDW works by hmd) and someone has
got some notes on developing it during and discussed doing other universes once the yet to create them.
after the demos. They are looking to retain rule system was well established, but [See the TRNARB article on pdge I I for
some of the detail Oike mobile ovens) that nothing in sight now. They were re;ldy to development. since Gf:I1Con. J
contributed to roleplaying milit;lry sign on two ne;at universes (ALIEN and
cmtpdigns. The fin.! product should be PREDATOR) when the other party
well worth the price. re.Jized they had all rights except the rights
WorldTamers:This will include the being sold. Both deals ;Ire now dead.

30 September, 1994 Page 4 AAB Proceedings 26

T:2000 Seminar at GenCon
--Chy Bush One big difference ITom T:2000 is that playing. Ch.:mer and adrenaline-induced
pbyers are in a ch;ain of commmd, not in stream ·of conscioumess reporting can
PRODUCT SURVEY: :nJ.archy (So no idle fragging of officers.) bury import:nlt traffic; comm:nrd cOIllrol
There are more and bettcr uses for admin counter-acts. For role playing, r~ferw is
ARMOR 21 Wins
and bargain skills in scrounging and getting (sometimes) higher authority on comma
Armor 21 is the direction the survey
resourCl;S. You don't usually buy things; channels giving orders & reports, and
iIldic;~ted. The other projects tended to
they issue you equipment, :md seud up enforcing r;ldio discipline (or not, as case
luve ;a small, very interested group md
resupply. M;aintenance will be far less m:l.y be).
everyone elSp. indicating 110 interest. (Lots
import.ant, sinre you CJn get sp1re parts.
uf 1,2s and some 9,10s.)
It is set a few decades ahead to demo new
It will probably include chJracter tem- OTHER PRODUCT
plates, for easier st;u-t up and replacement They have gotten requests to reprint the
t.echnology. Third'World countries will
of dead PCs. "Poland" trilogy. That is the gmte setting
havp. sp.cond-- md third-hmdMIAls;
Antibiotics won't work any more! Check in the rules, and most of the adventures in
phyers will be in existing military
hier;uchies with "modern" equipment. those diease rules ... th;at corl? cWlp;aign are out of print.
GDW discussed having niix of live and They have some interest in updated
Setting:No depression as in Merc:
robot Lmks on m Armor 21 mission. 'fhe Mideast/RDF scenarios.
2000. Instead, fairly suddenly, lr:l.q's l:1St
attempt ;at nuclear bl;ackmail f;ailed. With robot tanks would be slaved to or TWilight Night.tmres had good sale, as
most Mideast oil flleds now radioactive, controlled [rom J lil'e, comm:rnd tank. v,uiety, but miniscule repeat business in
The semin:l.T discussed radio discipline. the stores. (No dem:llld to restock.) No
the U.S. md Europem Union compet.e for
oil fields in Nigp.ria ;and Gh:ma. Lots of ch;atter goes on in '1':2.000 role- interest in similar submissions. (Some of
that market may have gone inlo Dark
Conspiracy, for which the Nightmare
Traveller is Multi-Cultural scen;u-ios work well.)
Q: Here is an issue that's been really WASPs (check Ollt the ill os in Star
bllgging me since I first began playing Vikings onpp" 10,26,28, and 68 for MINIATURES
T r;aveller (Chssic). Where did the some characters that :Ire clearly not purely The whole m;u-ket is taking it on the chin.
plethora of races from Terr;a go? It would European) or only for men. Frankly, I am a Changing to (non-lead) pewter caused
seem thaI. every human in the Traveller little peeved that we do not h:lYe more price increases which buyers perceive as
lmiversl' is Cl.llcasi:m, Jnd cultural spice is asi;atics ,lepicu_,d in our ill(JstrJLi, ,lIS,;JJ d I excessive.
;adJed by the use of :IIi en cultures. I guess have mentioned tills our art dil'ector. Also, miniatures where often an impulse
it's possible that the Traveller universe is I disagree with many of Roddenherry' s purchase. Right now, Magic is domimting
one in which there were never my r:lces on philosophical expressions in Star Trek, but all impulse gaming purchases. (Smart
Terr;!. besides the "white" ones.- .. Unknown I fLoe! he got one thing right: We humans people in industry think this is temporary,
A: Not true. GDW's policy has ~w:J.ys should ,.debrale our diversity. fad thing, so watching to see iff when
been that the fiJI panoply ofTerran r:lcial As for cultures, we don't talk ahout market reverts to older habits. Pewter-
Jnd national diversity went into space, individual planetary human cultures or induced pric€'s may have permanent effect
s['rf'Jd out, and cuverlified. wilY do you rciigion; much (except inindividual on :lmount of impulse purchasing.)
think we .:ly: "Any character is potentially adventures), because we assume
of either sex or any race." Back in the referees will bring interesting and exotic CHALLF~NGE SUBMIS-
classic Traveller (hlys,John Harshman and I cultures/religions into their campaign to
tried to get. the widest variety of ethnic suit their own tastes md we prefer not
No "better set of rules" articles, please.
names into the game in order to drive this place any restrictions on this. We do not
Also, they have plenty of scenarios where
point home. (Anybody remember m discuss sex or sexual orientation for· the
players reCOYer a nuke that fell to earth and
admiral SL;Ishll NagoyJ, the Japanese- same reason. Player char:lCt<}rs can be
did not go off. They have no interest in
f'ole?). whatever their plAyers want them to he, and
We have had (and still have) problems the game is richer and more diverse because
They are looking for interesting and
convincing artists to depict other than orit.
entertJ.ining scenarios. Map and 2-3 pages
c all s:l.sian males (we are not alone in this Sorry if! went a little overho;u-d in this
(1000 words per page) probably best.
either), but this should not be construed response .. .J feel rather strongly on the
as indicating that space travel is only for subject.--Loren Wiseman

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 5 30 September, ] 994

Copyright: GDW Attacked (Flamed?) on InterNet Channels
--Grant SincLair those references to the official Travl'Jler control over their ('opyrights, but why
I bve h~rd sever'! disturbing things universe). consult a bwyer to see ifit's OK for people
:l.bout GDW;,uw. copyright btely, most I've removed [rom the HIWG libury the to write utilities for their own Lise, given
recently in TML digest 30. I h~rd it files I have th;J.t [ thought bre:ached th.t they must 6ve bought the books to
rumoured somewhere th:l.t they are not too copyright too b:l.dly (the Conta('t! :alien do it at all?
thrilled about TIC, though if they re.uly files went some time :1.&0, :l.S requested by Bush:My understanding is that you C3rt
6ted it t6t much, they would presum:l.bly Brym Borich), but I'm st;J.rting to wonder do ;,ulything you want for yourself.
shut it down. TTC is for profit, :l.t l~st we whether I should cut more deeply. However. if there is ;.J.ny sale or other
are only lm:l.teurs. If there some things about all this distribution, you are infringing on the
No·one is going to dispute their owner- that people should know, perhaps it would trademark md copyright rights.
ship of the copyrights ;,uw. the ex:unple make a good :lTticle for MB proceedings. Now, all p:lge 3 of this fanzine!
Loren g:lve of someone going to OCR .!I Grmt Sinclair newsletter is a statement th:at use of
the rules for gener.! rele:ase is obviously grant@c] (,DW's trademarkednames is admitted.
going too f:l.r. I thought'it was re.J nice of . Bush:Word is th~t Kevin Kllig~t got his In theory. they could write me to stop
them to ~:ly t6t it w:l.~ OK, as f:IT:lS they :lpprov.!directly from Marc Milier, u~illg those rumes, 'which would kill AABP.
could see, to write :I. spre:l.dsheet for without my discussion with GDW. They won't do t.his, because they like their
person.! use. I hope its OK with them to Sinchir:Your comment abollt Kevin games being discussed mrll have arlmitterl
write :l.n adventure yourself to run for your Kniglll getting his approval from Marc tlwy have J tradem:lrk. (HTWG got
pbyers. ( mode off) Du you 6ve Miller was interesting. It explains the permission [WIll DGP and GDW when it
my unoffici'! guidelines from them? The comment I h~rd about GDW (l"J'C. was founded, but GDW (ould withdnw
progr:uns in the HIWG libr:l.ry I mirror It. WlS the bit about writing ~ utility to permission.)
would certainly breach their copyright, md use yourself was OK "to the best of OllT If one beeJn publishil1£ a fJIIzine (or
the W;J.y they ; t;J.lking, I would think most legal :ldvice" t6t I thought was going a bit ~ellitlg :lIly product) thal used Traveller but
HIWG documents do too (cont~ning .II b.r. I do lmderstmd that they want to keep did not have GDW's permission, then one
of twn things happ~ns. Either GDW orders
them to stop selling or distributing their
GDWs Post on Copyright Question product, or GDll'1wL'S lhe tr;;.Jem;;.rk.
We then have The (Second Chssic)
To Sh.Jom Z:lidfeld: A: We c;,ul'l give you a l"g.J .m&wer be- Traveller Adventure anrl Tr:ive\1er:
Q: Is writing :a utility to help design C:l.l1se we aren't lawyers, and the t.e(hniC':~1 Predalor Jlld Trdvelkr: Fluffy Aliens JIld
vehicles using FF&S nJes as :I sprl'..ldsheet legalities of the whole "lnr.,II'll· ltd TrJ.v.,\1"r: Sorcery Supplement being put
and then giving it :l.way to whoever wishs to property vs" thing aren't out by :mybody wltlu'llt (lOW having :my
use th:lt spreadsheet illegal? completely settled yet. GDW mu~t, right to comphin about quality or
A: Ifit contains any of our copyrightl'.d however, take:l. uther conservative position consistency. (I-lint: Formica used to be:a
materiJl (tables, charts, etc.), yes. in these matters, or ri sk losing the J.rJ.d,mldrk fUIlle, but the owner did not
Writing the utility and using it yourselfis tradenurks and copyrights tklt constit.ut\, ddi:...nd it ii'um seumt1 party use.)
evidently OK (to the best of aUf leg;J our liv~iEood.Th;iL'swhy W"Ldh~ to Now, GDW is not rc']uired to track
advice), but selling, conveying, or giving it answer Shalom as we did. down all f1nzines CYl,r produced. They do
to anyone else is a definite no-no (:l.lld this We have nn prohl",.m wi th ron vers:J.IJon 6ve to folluw up 011 r"purts of use of their
includes putting stuffin FTP sites, BBS OIhout Traveller (we :.lctivc1y ~courage it), tr..ldem:al k, and umut.horized use of their
libr:ITies, "I just put it on a. disk =d 1",[t it but there :lTe people who wallt to do a. good trademark for such products as
on a t:l.ble" gimicks, and the like). deal more than that. and get highly computerized referee :lids are areas they
offended when we t",ll them they can't. (I must police or lose the trademark.
To David Reed: h; he:ard rumors of a series of flames Likewise with progr:uns. If! use a
Q: My question wa.s of more technic.!, cir.:ul:l.ting about us beo.use we wouldn't spre:adsheet to design my ships, fine. If I
legal nature than the note from Mr. Nilsen OK an on-line electrozine.) I'm not distribute it by mail or for sale, I must have
addressed, but since I find you posting here kidding when I say that one proposal GDW' ~ p~mlisBio!l. ! f '. hey don't care 1.0
I will take th;J.t as a tacit nod in the wmted to photocopy/OCR large blIDche, sell spr~dsheets, a tr .. deIllJ.rk admission
direction of open mJ free cOllversa.lion, of our stuff and give it aW:lY, md wanted may be enough, but they c:m order ;my
the likes of which T$R (tm) seeks to stifle. our offici:l.l of :l.pprov.J to do so. distribution stopped. Tfit can hurt sales of
(We refused, of course). FF&S, they will. That's their right. Period.

30 September, 1994 Page 6 AAB Proceedings 26

Electric Fanzine Proposal Denied
Roger Sanger & Brpn Borich were license, they wouldn't ;/.Ilowmyreprinting sUtement concerning their publishing of
working on;m electronic ·zine. of material copyrighted by them (Jstrodata, the materi;us.
The problem was that Bryan & Rodge rules, etc.). She said t~l submitting tllJ.l m;/.t~' to
could not sell1<l1Ough periodic;us per Yl'..r She indic;~ted thaL .. other publications th;/.t had J leller of
under GDW's rules to make the effort If we did a Traveller electrozine without approval from them would be acceptable.
worthwhile. This limitation is to protect thpjr permission. t.hey would sue. So it looks like your HIWG back-up plan
GDW' s utiter licensees, and GDW won't If we did;m on-line service, such;/.s on m;/.y very well work. Good luck if you go
give Bryan & Rodge a license. AOI.., they would sue. that route. Keep in mind that you mUlit get
Rodger got one prelimmry estimate for a If we went ahead with a PRI NTED permission from Andy before you publish
'~ne with 100 pages and color covers (8.5 Traveller mag without a letter of any of his articles.
x 11 I belieVe/presume): permission, they would sue. She ;uso stated Keep in touch,
500@$Sper ·th;/.t they ;uen't giving out =y more letters Rodge.
1000@ $3 of permission to anybody for anything. (?): (SUS411 seems kind ofh~Tdnosed)
2000@$2 If we did a non-Imperium c2IIlpaign that Borich:1t may have just been Rodger's
Tlus pr"sumed camera re;/.dy work. We used T r;/.veller rules, they would sue. wording.
p;/.~te the ;/.rtwork in. etc .. And no She said they reserve the right to sue As f;/.r;/.s Rodger goes, he's out of the
:Jdvertising to help bring the costs down. fanzines, but that they are not actively picture on Traveller ·zines. Or anything
Rodge:GDW could sue on the grOlmds pursuing that course of action. closely rcbted.
of the publication being a "derintive FOR THERHCORD,MY INVOLYH- It might be worth asking the HIWG
work." Yes, and it has very much to do with MENr WITH THIS MAGAZINE read..rship in the next AAB how they would
use of the words "V;}rgr", "Asian", PROJECT IS HEREBY OFFICIALLY feel like a change in the nature of the
"Archduke Norris", "Regency", "Spinward TERMINATED. publication.
Marches", Jnd so on. Susan seented to be amiable to the It's too b;/.d GDW is being this way,
LeroyGu;/.tney:GDW does not need a concept of turning all of the ;/.rticles we've though I can underst:md some of it.
Par;moid Press or J ttdge' s Guild for received over to other publications. such as But this might be a big loss for them in
Tra~,eller now. The recognition is ;uready Challenge, or the HIWG family of the long run (I think the electronic
out there. They can afford to be picky newsletters. But she was unfamiliar with magaziu" :utd the hypertext form;/.t might
;/.bout what ends up as "canon" in Traveller. the HIWG, :md wouldn't make an offtci;u havB bwn a big boon to Traveller players).
I would ch:uacterize them as desiring
someone who cm produce tight materi;us
;md be a consistent producer. To my TSR Also Got Into Copyright Issues!
knowledge, the longest any of us (;/.s a
--Cb.y Rush pay a licensing fee to TSR, or would face
group) have been working on any major
;/.Iawsuit over copyright infringement. A
project is all of perhaps two or three
months. Th;.).t's ;umost trivi;u in the scheme Magazines few sites are paying ;/.Iicense fee, but most
TSR nI;!iled a letter to most g;Hning ftp sites purged their files.
of things.
public;/.tirms s~)'ing they could no longer The projectsaffected include the Great
publish anything concerning TSR' 5 games Net Mages Book (which collected ill spells
Permission Denied into one reference work), =d a monster
except reviews. This may end the wide-
RodgerSanger:Dear Bryan,
spread publication of scenarios and filler compendium project. While these are
Well, after calling sever;u times, I f11"!.4-!ly
items for those g4.ffies, but some public;/.- items that c= easily =d profitably be
got through to Susan Schug.t GDW (she
tions may pay the licensing fees re<Juired. computerized, you can now only get to
Jl"ver returned ,any of my c;uls).
I noted that magazines aren't =ing them by a read-only access to a licensed
Their mswer is definitely NO.
TSR's g4.ffies in their =nouncements. This site. (This last is based on reports that I
"We don't give away rights that we could have not verified.)
is probably ;/.bout issues, so I
sell. "
followed that practice here.
For a license for such a product, they
Looking Forward
wmt $5,000.00 up front, plus some kind
of roy;uty (negotiable). Overill fees would InterNet It will he interesting to see what kind of
TSR ;uso sent notices to ftp sites across referencing systems are &et up in a few
d~pomd upon how m=y times the materi;u
the country. Basic;uly, they would remove years. The lnfob;/.hn is meeting copyright
was released (reprints, new versions, etc.).
all materi;us for TSR's game, or they wOlJd law now, =d the Tesults will be interesting.
Furthermore, even if they did gr=t us

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 7 30 September, 1994

Electrozine Proposal Leads to New Game Startup Effort
Once upon .1 time. enollgh m.J.teri.I to fill at kast 2 or 3 i sSLIes. the referee' fi·om one reb ted event to
There W.lS .1 Tr.lveller-f.1wtic n.lffi~.d I laving st.lrted .. hypertext mother. or from the description of a room
Hyperodge who W.lS so into Tr.lveller th.t development business·:I few months to the ones next to it,,-even handling
he built .1 collection cont.lining almost before, Hyperodge convinced Brym that adventufl?s with lots of tdeportation
enry Tr.lveller-rehted item ever made the best W;ly to go would h." with an becol1H:s eJsy. because- hypertext is a form
(over 700 of them), including virtu.lly e1ectrozine format for dispbying the of tel,,?ortation! Tracing the nuggets =d
every offici.I product ever produced, m .. teri.I on computer screen. the flow of :lny :ldventure becomes an easy
m:lg:lzines with so much.s .. single To test the waters, ;l survey was task.
Tr:lveller ..rtiele in them. multitudes of conducted to s'<e if ther", was interE',t in CrOSS-lc' ~>2f-2ncil1g shall also be provided
fmzines, an .;mny of min.i:ltures, meg upon such:l public:ltion. Here is the intro from to allow the reader to access the
meg ofTr.vell"r-rel.lted m.gnetic medi .. th..t survey: descriptions of the things he is reading
md ne:lrly the entire HIWG library of about (the r",l<ev;ult NPC's, world library
documents. including. few misplaced docs First Survey dJtJ, Ne.) J' tlwy c>c(ur in th(: adventure.
tholt for some reason never m.1de it frem Altentibh Travdler Aftcionados!:' Pwb:..bly t he nicest feature th:lt I could
the lunds of one of the HIWG's illustrious I'm looking into theproducing a TrJveller provide is the combinability of issues. That
cofounders into the HIWG's librolry. hypertext e1ectrozine, .lnd W.lS wondering is, ;JS you ro"c€'ive issues of the fmzin€'. YOLl
This hopeless fmatic even wrote a wh..t interest there would be for this kind simply add each on", to the previous issues
"f.lWtic's guide" for other collectors which of thing. Essentially, it would be :I you've rec~ved. aud the master t.bles of
listed every T uveller item he knew of Traveller f.lnzine on magnetic mediJ contents and indices would be updated
(900+). md which included ol biblio- (floppy dishtte) with hypertext access. each time, encompassing ALL of the
grolphy with hundreds of Traveller .. rtides Hypertext is tlw technology of infor·· material in previou~ issues. alld allowing
listed in it. mation access. I t is similar in nalllre to the you to jlm,p directly from d,ose reference
So target-fixated on the game was .. see .Iso" referenc .. s so f.J.miliar in aids to the desired material itself.
Hyperodge that he constructed a coloss.I encyclopedias, except that luoking tho?m lip Providing sue h is an eJSY task for the
hypertext knowledgeb .. se to support his is :lutom.lted. All the read"r h.lS to do is hyp,>rtext deydoper (me) with the right
Tuvellerroleplaying obsession. This select which reference to go to, and th:lt is tooL.
hypertext reference work cont.lined :lccomplished with a coupl" dkqstrokes. Thus, all equipment descriptions
infoTm.ltion about the game organized for Thus. cross-referencing is>2l1 to a n"w thwughollt :>.11 the iSSll,'S wOlJd be listed in
the e.lse of retrieval. including sections for level. because it can be applied to ubIes lOf ono> p\.IC8, with jump,outs built into the
cmlp.lign tim~lines, astrogrJphic d:lta contents md indices, md to 01 her list, so tlut you coulJ sJect my piece of
(interstell:lT empires, domains, sectors, reference aids,:ls well ;IS from within thE' equipment and then go to its description
subsectors, worlds. md allegiance codes), .ltticles themselves. with but the press of J key. reg.lfdless of
libr:lry data. NPC's, technology, Hypertext is the technology cfkllOW- which issue, .lrtic!e, or adventure it
equipment, vehicles, shi ps. aliens. etc., ';l.l1d ledge organiz:ltion, or "Tech-knowlogy." It originally appe.;,ueJ in. Simildr lists would
it even contained .l majority of thl< allows for the r.lpid cat€:gorizJtion and be provided for technology descriptions.
documents :luthored by theHIWG in strlle tut'ittg,()finform;\r1on through Jli€'l1 race d",scriptions, authors, subject s,
magnetic media form. as well as .II the processes which I cill .. node--processing" Jnd "very other category of Traveller icon
bWldl"s .llld.:ompihtiolls Cpa(bges") of and "link-man ..gement." For the fanzine. (sectors, sub sectors, worlds, ships. rul"s.
materi.I from the TML! this me:ll1S that .11 related m.lteri.I will be etc.). Articles from ongc'ing series wOlJd
With this wondrous reference tool, he e:lsily .lccessible -- no more hunting around be combined, linking each to the
could look up Traveller-related issues in.l to g.lther ship descriptions. ;.ldventures, installm(<I1ts C.1111(: before.
sm.ill fr.lction of the time it took other world descriptions, equipment. ch.lracters, These m:lster-refereJlce aids would be in
referees to fmd the m.lteri;ll. etc., for e:lch will be grouped into addition to the t:lbles of contents and
It W.lS only .l m.ltter of time tbt this convenient .lccess lists. with the jLUnps to indices of'~dch issu€', so that you could also
fmatic's .lttention tumed tow.lfd the materi.I built-in to the lists! view the issues .lS you originally received
publishing for the game.l-bving enjoyed so Adventures. the central purpose of them. if you so desired.
many of the 3rd-p;rrty product~ produced Traveller. would be given mow life, inJ Writers for the electrozine could refer to
for T r.lveller, he decided to produce a would become easier to use. Dealing with previous material (such as .l particul.lf
Traveller f;mzine. He te;uned up with cOlwoluted intel' twining plot. lines would ship) provide instmt-.lccess cross-
mother f.lWtic and I-IIWG'er n;uued Bry;ul be m:lde simple, by providing links to uke references to that rn:lteri.I! Thus, a
Borich. ;uld the two cuzies gathered ch:lracter description could have linkouts

30 September, 1994 Page 8 AAB Proceedings 26

to the descripti?l1s of item of equip- themselves from the access lists. Thus, you game system organized along the same
ment he possesses, and so on, regardless of could l1;1ve ;tlist of all of the s~tors, with lines .1S til" proposed electrozine would be
what issues those pieces of equipment e:lsy access to the data for eae h published of interest.
originally in. sector, The same goes for the enormous The Second Survey w~s a success. A new
Submissions would not be limited to collection of ship and vehicle files. And game was born, md it is currently under
articles. 'Vriters could submit programs. something simi).J.r could be done for TML development.
md those programs could be executed BUNs. Don't go crazy just yet by down-
from right inside the electrozine! Figures. loading everything in sight -- some of the Under Development
pictures. md the like could also be submit- filen:unes on the ftp sites might need to be Th" design te..m currently includes 3
te.d, along with articles or independently. chmged first to accommodate this process, 1- IIWG'ers, several unknowns. and we are in
I'm also con!lidering to allow the re:lder Each issue of the electrozine would be neiloti.tions with several names in the editing of the electrozine, so that you packed with the equivalent of 1000r more industry. T.!ented individuals all. We luve
could .add your own materds, or edit the p.ages ofTRAVELLER-rE'!J.ted articles, opened the doors for new te~m members
articles already there (tncluding the' anJwOlud cost in th' neighb,::,rh,),xl of$ 5 md ~re processing a flurry of
reference ~d5). You could then customize to $9 per issue. applicants. I am looking for designers.
:l.I1ything YOll wanted. or you could copy and TO DETERMINE WHETHER THIS writers, editors, artists, and programmers.
then create customized versions from the IS A WORTH-WHILE PROJECT, I The game is f:l.pidly turning into :l.n entire
copies. You could also create. your own NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU, TIlE product line. Several different campaigns
reference ~ds for e:lSY access to particular pOTENTIAL READER. are on the drawing board, with 3 products
it"-I11S (for instance, all th", background IThe rest deleted]. already in the works: A set of integrated
material you h~ye tracked down to support cor( rules, a multi· dimensional module to
your latest custom adventure), thus, Responses tie everything togeth"r. and a c;unp~gn
erlCounter tables md th~ like can be used After conducting the email survey of based upon alternate histories or p~ralle1
over md over again with ease. TML mE'mbers. the responses of whom Ul11verses.
An interesting outgrowth of the wen? nothing short of ecstatic. tho" of Since the core rules are currently being
el..xtrozine is that the main file-formats would-be publishers promptly submitted a roughed out, we are ge:lTing up to compete
that I plan to use are edsy to work with -- as request and proposal to GDW, the in the two m~n genres of the industry:
they are in ASCII. (Don't worry, there shall Traveller copyright owners, to ask for their Medieval Fantasy, and H:l.rd Sci-Fi.
~(? plenty of grJ.phics too). What this me..ns permission to produce the electrozin12. W,,'ve been knocking our he..ds together
in practic:l.l terms is that the re:lder can not After making the duo jump through to determine wlut fe..tures the sci-fi game
only add his own custom files to the several hoops. GDW responded with a should and should not cont~n. and the
,,!':-ctrozine's ae'cess structure, but can also resounding "NOr" Not only did the g.;une responses to the Second Survey have been
at tachto it .any file thJ.t h" collects, comF,my d"ny permission, but they a gr~t help. Among other things. on that
including the files that are provided on ftp threatened to sue in no uncertain terms, survey I asked wlut the readers wanted in a
sil",s! Readers can cooperate with each and went so far as to list just about every new game system, and also what they ab-
oth~r by L1rloadin~ in(~ices or tables of conceivdble contingency under which they solutely hated about existing game
ccntents for the contained in the ftp could Stl8, "Vetl thos" du,t had notlung to systems. Their responses were
archives. do with th" electrozine project. Their etilightening. If you would like to answer
Since the fiI~ames for the TML BUNs represent.tive expl~ed that if the p~r of our second survey, drop me :l. note ~t
are already standardized. links to specific enthusiasts produced anything remcttely
messages could be utilized, for those related to'1'rav ..Jler, they would sue. The sci-fi game will likely fill the gaps
readers who ha;'e the TML BUNs on their The operation was crushed. The many left by the other games in the industry. and
machines. Thus, writers who submit writers who had submitted material were its focus shall be forging into fascinating
articles to the electrozine could include apologized to and then refet'l'ed to Kevin frontiers rather thm recovering from a
references to specific TML mess:l.ges if Knight of The Tr.1veller Chrom'cie. holoCJlIst of one type onnother. rf
they so desired. Hyperodge mused. It had been an interested in joining our le..m, by all means,
Isn't t~hnology grand? interesting experiment. Because there lud drop me :l. note at my em~1 address
I'm currently looking into providing been so much interest, and so many (
access lists to all of the files on sunbane, so Volwltwrs lud offered to help out with the I hope the .bove h:l.s helped to s~tisfy
tlut you can access these access lists from proj~t. he sent out a press rele:lse ;md a your I:uriosity,
the electrozine, and :l.ccess the mes Second Survey, to see if a non-Traveller Sincerely, Roger Sanger

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 9 30 September, 1994

Fanzines and Newsletters
CRB:I list fanzines in alpbbetical order. Melbourne Times
Although I have not beeIl following it. thi s [=ine detailing an
KFAN UZANGOU alterrute setting ~round earth h~s ~dvanced to issue # 5. His new
--Roger Myhre address is:
I'm about to take upmy Vargr related fanzine after a year of no DaviJ Johnson
production. I hope to get out m issue in ~ couple of months. To 2020 GeorgiaIl WOOd5 Place. # 13
make this I would like to get Vargr articles md artwork. Everyone Wheaton. MD 20902
that contributes will get m issue.
Free copies are available for all ~nalysts md developers for V~rgr SIGNAL-GK
sectors in Travell"r. Those who submitt material will also receive Paul Sanders has recieved permission to distribute Signal GK! in
free copy of the issue the material appears in. The articles should the u.s. Leighton Piper and Jae Campbell al'e considering a "Best
not be longer thm 2000 words. of" compilation and T- slurts emblazoned with GK artwork.
Articles em either be e-mailed me or sent on a disk. See below Sign.u-GK returns to D.lgll<:ksha.lg with ContJ.ctl ZiJ.dd (10
for information on submitting disks. drwaing should h"plack md pages on ~:mi!ior human r.ce).a world write-up (11 pages), two
white or grey scale (please no more than 16 colors/shades) A4 size. interesting adventure called "Nine Day Wonder" and "Gateway" (8
It may also be submit ten on disk in these formats: GIF, IFF, EI'S, pages involving ~ Hutter transporter and a contact situation).
MacPaint. Illustrator. PCX, DR2D and ProDraw An ins8rt det.ail SIl.lllows [E 1subs'ec[or and mother is.l cli.lgram
Disk formats: Amiga, PC or At~ri double density disks. Sorry of an assault lander.
can't hmdle high density disks yet. 42 pages.
I'd like to get reply from all analysts or sector developers of
Vargr sectors. or Vargr related topics bye-mail. My mail list for
Terrau Traveller Chronicle
the 'zine is not up to date.
Issue 6 is devoted to the pocket empire that the TML working
Roger "StarWolf'Myfue (
group develop,,,d in Reaver', D8"'P: th" Grayln Union. There's one
Ammerudgrenda 168
long .lnd one short adventure Jnd J. writeup of the Union's scout
service complet" with 28 NPCs.
Other articles continue Keith's write up of Caledon seuhsector,
three mo"" subs""ct,xs of Far Frontiers, and two Amber zone
MAYDAY FANZINE? adventures set in DiJ.spora.
--Mark Watson (94/06/21) 48 rag"s, $4.95.
I'm planning to start up a fanzine. I figure I currently have Sword of the Knight publications can now be reached on
enough material for the first four issues. based on material from InterNo?t at "sword.knight@\:eni"".
past campaigns I have TlUl. I plan to cover the classic. MT and TNE
rulesets. As such I'd be willing to take you up on your request for World Builder
someone to coordinate Rebellion era material. and would use my
Tl·us is J. profe;,si':'J'ldlly-produced mas;.a.:ine that is looking for
'zine as a vehicle for disseminating those discussions.
science fictiolJ contriblltors. DUt< tu th", the copyright discussion
My w~rking title for the zine is Mayday, which I'll! currently
mentioned e;,lrlier in tlus issue. I'd huld off on submission for;/.
trying to dear with GDW.
while. I have a message to G DW asking what sort of permission
I would lib: is to be able to use the same sector for both Classic
~Vord Builder L.r the ;luthor needs to obtain before publication.
and TNE development. as I would like to consolidate my current
40 p.. ges, $ 15/p,;,lr for 6 issues.
material into the HIWG timeline by relocating it. l1t is set in a
World Builder
Lishun that is based on AU<ls ohile Imperium. pre- Fi;J.l1ling Eye.)
P.O. Box 7196
I'd also like to pick up some work on TNE. I would willingly take
BOffiley Lab?, WA 98390-0932
on the job of collapsing one of Spica. Glimmerdrift or Hmter-
Voice/PAX: (206) 89'/-6182
worlds. Is Spica still available?
If this is not possible. then I would like to pitch ~lso for ~ sector
Terran Traveller Times
for my Cb.ssiclMT material. My eyes alight on Astron. I s this
Geo is working on his next issue It h;lS been ;! while.
virgin territory} I realise I'm asking for a lot but I am serious,
M~k WatsoCl .
28 Adams P~rk Road
Farnham, Surrey GU99QG
Great Britain

30 September, 1994 Page 10 AAB Proceedings 26

Traveller Naval Architecture Review Board
·-Harold Hale weapon of original design. Both designs rules and guidelines be voted on by the
Dave wOlJd like to orgm.ize a committee must be mbmitted to the Committee TNARB as a whole, and that J!l rules and
which would review ship designs md give Cluirm~n (iuc) , :md be found by the guidelines pass or fail on a simple majority
them the "OfflciJ! UDW Sump of TNARB to be free of mathematicJ! errors vote of J!l voting members (non-voting
ApprovJ!." IndividllJ!s who wmt to become and design flaws (l will :mume t.hat:a11 of members counted as abstaining).
a member of the committee must be well YOll have done this by now, so you :are r wOlJd in my role as chairmm also at this
versed in J!l a~-pects of BriIlmt L:mces/ e"empt-.the requirement is for future time issue thl! following decree. It is likely
FF&..'>' ship design, be willing to review committee members). to he the first and only such decree to be
starship designs line by line· perform 3) A prospective committee member issued by my office. so no one need worry
revers\! engineering when necessary ..nd must own or have acc<~ss to at \"..Jst the about future constitutionJ! precedent:
nuke ~iIILplc correctiolls. (1,,(u majur following pieces of equipment: a PC "The chainnan of the TNARB will. on at
r"d",signs jllst bec;lLls", SOllwone thought cap;,!>le ofrunniug Microsoli. Excel (or .. l~st :Ul :lImuJ! basis, publish for members
I.h~y had 2,000 more cubic meters than compatihle program) or a good cJ!culator only .~ list of TNARB member names,
they did.) (OM capable of storing formilbs)c: 3 IJX :ddi~sses, phone numbers and e-mail
PJ.rlicil'J.IllS must be ;,lso be willing to machi,,,,, vr a PC equipped with a mudem; addresses. The chairm:m will be
wcn-k for the sh<£r joy of being ..nd n;lvJ! access to Internet or UEnie. TNARB responsible fOr distributing this list in a
"rchitect ... sorry guys, no pay for this job. membr:rs will inform the chairm~n of any timely fashion to J!l TNARB members."
Inlerested HIWCl IT,,,ml',,r, sJ\I,tJd drop address. telephone, or electronic e-mail All TNARB members should send the
IIh: J.lille;ls SOOIl;lS po;silYle. I'll put the list .. Jdress chang<!s. above information to me no later than
of mmes togett)l:r .mel get in touch with We need to establish ollr own internal 10/14/94. My e-mail addresses are:
J)OlVf: In J couple of weeks about the ruies ami guidelines with regard t.O how the HDHALE@TASC.COM and
pJrticuiars. TNARB will operate. r move first that J!l HHALEl@GENIE.GEIS.COM

s,:> Lr I hdve the- following list (If people Proposed Stellar Type Changes
who hav", st J.t~d t hdt they have an interest
in being involved with ti,e review bo:nd: --.r-larold HJ!e :lJId errata issued. The Sion Classification
Djmgo Upton f-J:1rold fhle :md others discussed stdbr System could also be introduced. This
S;un "Sillktd" Thomas t;pes, espt!ci:l/~r the over:lbuncbnce of option still allows for the possibility of
Roger "StdrWolP'Myhre white dW:lT[compuuoI1S, bJ' em:1J.i. } tJrold DM stars, but they would appear only in
used the Jc,J}owm.fJ pro!,os:U for Di:1spor:l special circumstances.
CR1TERIA ;;.nd Solom:mi Rim. There W:lS discussion ,) Cr~te a supplement to the TNE rules
III t h" I1l';:Jnt illle, we need to decide on :1bout putting nell' st:lr gener:ltioll rules lil which would have a more re;Jistic system
Ctileri;} for membership to the committee. lVoddT:.uncq bue thAt did not luppell. for generating stars. This could be included
I move that the following criteria be These were my recomntend..tions: as part of an updated. TNE version of iJoox
"stJ.blishE·d, . 1) Errata could be issued for the TNE 6: Scou{s (along with the new government
I) The individu:tl must own his/her own Manual tlut :lily M spectrJ! type stars gener:ttion system tlut has been
copy of Brifli:mt L:mces and Fire, Fusion &: generated that 'D' as a size should be discussed), or as part of Fire, Fusion., mel
Steel. Individual committee members are changed to a main sequence type. This Steel: P:1rt 2. No errata would have to be
responsible for he-pitlg their copies of would be the least painful change to the issued, but there remains the time
these publications though I will rules, and ;Jctually has a side benefit in that consuming chore of retrofitting J!l the star
endeavol' to get all changes from Dave more M main sequence stars would :.pp= systems generated for TNE with the new
Nilsen, and pass them J!ong when possible. (which wouldincr~se re;Jism). system (something I'm sure thE! public will
2) The individuJ! must show proficiency Additionally. guidelines could be issued on demmd). This option would ~lIow not only
with tit" d~sign system by designing two how many of what types of white dwarfs DM st:lrs, but J!so for generating neutron
vessels: one jLUHp c..pable ship utilizing the normally appear in a sector, with the stars. pulsars, qwsars, even black holes.
Brilliant Lances design sequence Solommi Rim (or some other section of I strongly suggest whatever courSE! of
",xelusively, and one non-jump capable ship space) as a model. action is taken (except ignoring the
utilizing thE: design sequence in Fire, 2) Cre.ate a separ:tte system for probl~m). that someone grab the ear of a
Fusion &: Steel. The non-jump c..pable generating ill white dwarf st:u-s. This would PhD in Astronomy or Astrophysics md
design must utilize at l~st one ship's require that additional tables be cr~ted, find out if my conclusions are correct.

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 11 30 September, 1994

Regency Development Discussions
REGENCY SOURCEBOOK REGENCY DEVEI,OPMENT count. All the ones I've been involved in
The Regency Sourcebur~k is sbted fur --Bryan burich early on require bying down alot of
the first qu~rter of 1995. How~~, it will What I was figuring for the Regency was gwwiJwork ;mel doing dw appr(jprial~
probably be preceeded by the equipment 1. validating 1117 (or 1120) maps rl!s~rch. Aftl<1' thi; is done, the rest of the

guide in December or January. 2. Figuring out which worlds got hit by sl.lIffi5 J. piece of cake (writing ;adventures,
Basic~lIy the overview f.lls into these InnsiollS (A~Lm, Reb, V;>.rgr, Virus) developing further source material, etc ...).
sections: 3. Applying I-lard Times/l'NE modifiers y uu '.iy you w:mt to become mar" nuted
1. Publication of a Regency Sourcebook, to step 2. [CRB: various respondant s ;as ~ writer ....wellthis is one of the WdYS.
concentr:lting on the Spinw:lrd Marches not!ld that the ColLapse only hiL part of The general sllggestion is write adventures,
around 1202 when the Regency decides to D=eb sector.] develop material, becorn" steady at lhis and
expand into the Virus domiru.ted :lre.s. 4. Doing random improvements to the than ,!vctltually Irl.lyb" th" compouly will let
This will be using maps gener~ted by rest of the applicable worlds. you du;a projoect for tht<rll. Thi~ applies to
'HIWG'. 5. Hand tune the affair as deemed all the g:uning companies J know of. Right
Possibly c:alled 'Keeping the FJ;u;n,,: necc;ssJ.ti (modi[.1ill.g starporLs, b::,."~;, pop, no)v you're involved iT! a bigger project

Possibly including some surrounding allegences); . than someune or your experi'"ll~e wuuld
sectors depennding on av~lability of room. As for what GDW wants, I'm not sure I norm.tlly be ..lIowlld in on. It will put your
2. Public:ltion of Equipment GuidI! for care, as I'm sure we call do bet ler [h.lvi!:g TI:lme in front of GDW's eyes, what you
the Regency, donI! by Loren. more time}, ;,lud they CUl ;uways duuge want to Jo from than on is up 10 YOll. But it
3. Publication of Robot design rules in what they need. gives you a step in their front dum.
Vampire ships. And nethacking ala GregoryLee: As for random versus fine As for whim the mdteri",l will be
Cyberpunk. tuning sLar system:; by hand, I thiTJk by publishlld, I think we em speed this up one
4. Classic type adventuring for the hamlis better. RanduUl ~ptelm .'lem great way or the at her.
Regency (.long with some new stuff). for g=er;lting areas which arl! in the Brp.:uBuTich:lfil'S autollDluy you WJIlt
Other possibilities include the background but you don't necessarily feel than you're better off doing youI' own
'Assassination Wars: Vargr you11 ever play in. This means that there's ganK. Don't expect autonomy working for
Warld Tamer s [ounung other regions}, and no good Ulufteel sy:;tem t~ P4S~ ;Uung tu any gJming cOnll':my. Th(-."['e is no such
;md I'm sure I got a few more floating referees and it's hbor intemive to du, but. 1 thing. As fur J.cklluwl~dgem\!!ll, well, it is
arOlmd my he.d. think the final. result is worth it. the first step ill being recogniz"d, ;md gets
5. More info released on the Longbow/ your n;ame in front of the comp~nys' eyes.
A~ for p;ay and gaming comp:uues in
J umpstart projects. REGENCY PROJECT
gLll'", they work differently Lhan other this is not iust for
comp.lilt,,;. rlll~v" it atthaL
GDW. This is for the writers. No
backgrOlUld check, no Reg,e.l1cy, no
TML's "SHALL NOT Regency projects. NoalllS AS REGENT?
PERISH" PROJECT Part of the reason GDW probably hasn't Bush: Th.. TNE book does not s",y who
Borich: [This Regency project] hasn't bothered with the R('g'''w), is 1"1cdu;", t],q the l\l?gent is; c'llly thdt the RE'gency Moot
produced.anything useful y",t.. It needs Jon't h;,v", the tim", to dL' whJt w,,'re doing l..unf1rll1~ his Sll(C~'::S:-;Or. Discussions oVl2r

organization ;md editing. It isn't worth (though technidly they .houlJ 1.,,, bett«t who slI(c",,,,d,"d Norris, or wh",t.h",r h,"!
anything in the format it's in. equipped in some respects for the job). rules, has b~l ongoing on GEnie ;md
DavidJohnson: I've been cutting ~nd Working on a project is not easy. Tlus is Em;lil.
pasting and editing .ll.long. I think we're my fifth(~) depending on wbt rOll CJI'" to Guatney:The Norris Interview (c.,
on our way to a decent project - espocially 1120) says:
for a 'labor oflove.' I've alre.dy posted Norri::; Aelb A1edon, (exc",rpted) Age:
PERSONALITIES 57. born 156-1063
two edited dr~fts (quite skeletal) but the
Guatney: I don't know if J. "Personali- This makes him 140 years on
next one ought to have some reJ.1
ties of the Reformation Coalition" work 156-1203 (1n th", New Era). For
will be done fur the Regency, r&fcl'''-11ce, D&!phin.. di.J.;}t ;}ge 141. Arrlv;;;l
Bry:mBorich: I just saw the outline.
Mikeslu I sure hope the GDW doe"
That's a step in the right direction t~wards Venge.mce confirms his age as 63 in 1126.
include something like this. It goes a long GEnie topic I, "The Spinw;;!rd Chronicles"
something useful. By the way I'm not
way toward defining the oyhe had some discussion about whe·ther or not
trying to belittle the discus.ions, just
selling. Norri~ still lives.
stating a concern.

30 September, 1994 Page 12 AAB Proceedings 26

rSIONICS S"'ORJ) WORLDS inherent fr:actiousness once the
D2vitlJohnson:We've never seen :my Was tllll Sword Worlds Cou[",der;!.tiun 'st;lbilizing' influence of the Zhodani is
indiration of lit., Imp.,rium being ~ble to viable on its own? The duration of the renl;"ved.
detect psionic activity. Given this, I expect current confecler:ation may be due to the
('TIe of two things. Zhodani ;agents are Zhodani support that started with thi s STARPORTS
thicker among the R"gency councils than confeder:ations establishment. At 1120 the SpinwJrd M:arches had only
cockroaches in a Chicago housing "I point to Zhochni support (collusion} four TL-15 worlds. Rhylanor. Glisten,
development. or else some sort of ' secret propping up} fTatemal fTjend ship 7) in Mora and Trin, one TL-16 Darri:m. Trrn
psi detector' (Imperial psikes?) exists to establishing and maintaining th:lt got trashed, Glisten got captured Q-fI
root them out. confederation as part of their anti- recall by the Asian, yep just checked).
Borich:1 think something was stated to lmperi\uu policy of contairunent." l~ving Nonis or his successor only two
t.he contr~ry, but. I'm not sure where. Then Mikesh:This is pretty much the worlds to hl'lp the tech of the others.
Jg.lin, maybe it was'n't official. Somphing conclusion I've come to in my TML posts. GregoryLee: Aftl'f 70ye:ars mda
about ;an Imperi:al N4VY Psionic service. ?;;: I expect they l;"'ve cont~lueJ to whopping big external, I 'J expect a
(It's been proposed by sever:al parties that support it, because their policy has the dual lot went into upgrading porl~. shipprds
t.he Imperium would need such J service to goab oHeeping the Regency arOlmd to and TLs :across the volume. Remember
l"oteCl themselves against. tile Zhodmi.) maintain order and stillto contain it so that that although YOll have to build an
11arolJ I ble: I'SiClllS C;ill d"tl;ct other it doesn't intruJ," on ZituJ:ani ~pJ.ce. illfrastructure. tech doesn't have to be
psions (through a simple' R\,::Ld Sud~ce Mikesh:! 'd fJther exp.,ct the Zhodani no reinvented, just trmsferred. I don't think
Thoughts', et.c.). Non-Psions h;ave to longer need to continue this support. It's such an upgr2de program is out of the
wit.ness th,· Psion perform some sort of sort oflike the US in Pakistm after the enel question if all of the high tech!
psionic ..ctivity. of the Cold War - there's no longer as shipbuilding worlds across the ex-Domain
(jiven the proximity of the Zhochni a need to continue to support. thi:; client participate. (Of course convincing local
Consubte to the Rep,(>J1CY, I would assume state and there are always pr('sslIres to use systl'ms to give up a tec~ologically
tbt the Reg('TlCY Intelligence Agency (or thos(' resources elsewhere. dl?1'iv",d economic .ldvant:age should be m
wltat"ver they call themselves) woulJ have Tlus :also opens up the Sword Worlds for interf:sting (adventure generating)
an entire wing of their head9u;lfters some interesting adventure possibilities as exercise).
devoted to psions who ;Ire employed in they cope with th",.ir own ~ihat.",j~ D2vidJohnson:Why just the Marches?
finding Zhod:mi spies, ;md rsions who incursions (or al least refugees £k('.ing the What about the rest of the Dom:lin/
p"rform covert missions [or tit", Reg,-'IlCY. "ilut";") ;mJ once again suf[1?[ frLJm Lheir Regency? Th.,re's Depot, Vincennes and

Spinward Aliens Supplement

UARRIANS in th" Imperium, \I~lIally on a key world. It goes on to state that the
Mikesh:l )ave LY,x~ th" proposal that they are back to consubt \' on R"gina w:a~ later mcwed to Rhylanor during the 5FW.
prod'lCing real TI.1 6_ He Jdded that an aspect of the I).rrims th:at The At.11 n,,{i,relKl< wn to worlds, however Cipatwe is in Rhylmor
"P. would like 1.0 ' 'Po preserved is the uTlcertainty of th(' tech they're suhsector, sn Cip;atwe may not be .. controversial "cmon:' Also,
r"ally :at. He sounded satisfied with th", following solution. Rhybnor the world, is high pop, and Cipatwe could be construed
Before tha R"bellion. Darrian scientists allJ businessmen to be better .. secured."
flocked to the I mperial interior to work :and invest in the Mikesh:! propose that the K'kree are now on M:arastan
Imperillm's high tech industries. When the Imperitun sh,uerecl, (M:lrches ').2 31 D868772-5 Ag Ri).
tI,,,se D:arri:ms brought home wlut they needed to continue those GII:ltner:Tr.hink we bve a good case for thousmds ofK'kree
in,.lustries ill the D;arrian Confederation. So, Danian's tech level is having b ..-en c;!ught behind- the-claw Juring the Rebellion :lnd
propecl up by both relic technology md Imperial technology, but subs~uet\t Collapse. In our sCeJUrio. Norris gave the refugees ;l
there ;are still gJI'~' subcontinent on M:austan! Glisten. In the generations since, the
K'kree bllilt a major c-orporation (Agro Centauri) transporting
K'KR(i~E food to hi.-popul:ation worlds.
Milr.:esh:D:ave replied favorably to the idea. The upcoming
Guatner:News Note 350-1 120 K7cree Arm:Jd:l Enters Donl:Jln
Regency material might include some comment about it, but the
stdtecl the K 'kree consulate was on Cip:atwe (3118 SM). Alien
Rr'gency product line will not deal with K'hee in depth as it rightly
lv10dule 2: K7cree st:ates that these consulates were one-per-sector
should foe us more on Zhodani, V:argr, AsIan, and Darrians.

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 13 30 September. 1994

Regency Development (con.)
Pashus (all TL 16) and An si rk , Magash, line sometimes is between getting a medal (developed in Tr:lveller Chronicle) and
Starn, Imone, Dekha, Bishop, HRD, or a court manial, eh?) Yiklerzdmzh (developed. by HIWG
Saguenay. Qilv;u- ;md Jecife (ill TL 15) in Australia). Rimward of these are The
Deneb and Lint! (IL 15) in Reft. A NEW DEPOT? Bl10nd ;me! V mguJrd Reac hes (developed
Vincennes;md M:lgash (1n Sabine) are > An«w Depot shOLJd be built. by Chuck Kallenbach 11).
high-pop worlds with class A starports In addition to the on8 in Den'ob? To What we have not yel seen in print are
they're probably turning out megat(JIls uf replace the one in Corridor? a.ny mercantile or eKploratioIl adventures
warships. Starn and Lint! are high-pop' s Gregory Lee: The creation of one or set in lhese ;ue;lS in Ch:allenge. I'm sure.
with class B's. Depot, Pashus, Imone, more depots is;m excellent ideJ.. They're howel'er, th;lt it is a case of GDW being
HRD, Qevar and Jecife all have class A almost lUJ.ndatory to support the vast unable to publish what they have not
starports. number of ships needed. for the n;ceiv8Ci.
Hale: I'd like to report that in my Quarantine. (Aside: Whatever happened. to
Spinward Marches Rebellion campaign Depot/Corridor?) Probably th~y won't be
that the starp0Tt facilities at Glisten were (he superhuge in;talbtions of tll~Third S?INWAUD MARCHES
severely damaged by cCJIrunmdos. (A group Imperium. but the new d"'pot (s) should Leroy Guatn"y is working on validating
of PCs was at the wrong place at the wrong still be sizeable. Spinw:ord M:.rche. UW l-'s for GDW' s
time--don't worry, they lived. though they Regency sourcebook.
had to expbin to their boss how :I large CORPORATE INTERESTS
thermonuclear device detonated in the
MegaCorporations in the Rebellion Eu: REFTSECTOR
w:lrehouse dinrict.) The att:lck temporarily "Corpor:ltions in the Spinward Marches. Bush:J've collapsed this sector, ;md:un
halted the Asian advance into the Spinward working on developing it for 17.0/ _First
for example•... :Ire on the
Marches. and bought critical time for hum;m client states (JfForeven sector ;md priority i; I he Island Clusters,;ls the
Norris' forces. (The S:nD.e PCs were l:lter Regency Qu:orantine Servic .. h..J.~ advallceJ
beyond." Gust beyond, not The Beyond)
decor:lted for their heroism in the <iltt:lck on bases there :mcl patrolls the area. This looks
Bush:Beyond Foreven is Far Frontiers
the Glisten st:lrport. Am:lzing how thin the like a good aTea for RQS Wilds/Virlls
.adveIltuTds, becaus\; il is ,epar;;ted from
th.. Regenc y core by jWllp-7.
Regency Scout Service Missions My ClITrent version h:ls the main RQS
klSP;H '!:"Ourht. JOFtls" is Ih" only world

b.ack up to teel, leyJ 9 since recontact;

--Gregory Lee without the Qtlarantim" pos~;ihly indlldin,p,
French trmsbtioll chips anyolle?
Given the situalion at 1130, I expect that vdmpire htmling (pI'\; .md po;-;t I :cOO).
Guatney:On Ancient sites, in checking
RQ,S was on :I w:lr fuoting from the word o MaintelUIlce of "KiSling nJvigJ.tim,.u
TCS CT/A5, we noticed the Orpht>.P.
go. Without infinite resources. the Scouts dJta bases and markeT systems, SAR and
get a sm:aller part of the pie. Sti1lthere aTe
(I'12 9) r~feTence to interdictiun to
other not so gbmornus ditties_ I seem 10
prot-.d Ll,e minor .Iillll1lJtive h",rbivorou5
import:lnt.. missions to be performed which remember reading somewhere Ih;lI t \1"
grazers, and th" het that Esperaryza
the Scouts are best able to" l:ecute: S~outs !('-sc their comUlw~~calic:.n& job but
(0926) had bal wings which died 0111. 200
o Increased contact with eKisting cultures I'm not entirely sure. Ifthey haven't. they
yeaTS :afLd" th,> plam,t was settled. Laler, it
and races displaces first cont:lct duties stiJ1 nID th" X -Roat net.
W;lS e!etermillw. Ll14t these Were droyne.
(which were never highlighted in the This mJY be ;j moot point giv<~ the poor
Perhaps il should be an Ancients site.
published sources ;myw<ily) during the press RISS receives inTNE on Pg. 169.
Mayhe w" shoilld consi,]"r Troy (Trojan
pre-I200 timefrarne. Recontact missions With the reopening of the borders, perhaps
Reac h) :IS well.
undertaken post 1200. the Scoms will take back many of their
o Conduct of a mini Grand Survey with previolls duties. I'm not of t.he opinion that
the emphasis on political and economic either RQS or the Navy woulJ want to take
Deneb Sector
aspects. With a confin.;d economy, this on the old Scout missions. Even with no No one is J.ctively nlidating the infor-
inform:ltion becomes vit:al (pre-1200). mation for this sectur.
major eKtenul thrE'.4ts (weli m:lyhe the
Expand the Survey in post 1200. vampires). I think the NJvy would hoy on
o Economic developm=t and assessment strat"'gic defense while RQS stich with Trojan Reach
as per previous messages (post 1200). what it knows (a kind of Border Patrol No one is actively validating the infor-
o Intelligence gathering both within and fIIDction). mation for this sector.

30 September, 1994 Page 14 AAB Proceedings 26

Nilson on Regency
Mikesh:! had a ch:mce to talk to Dave probably know how many total incrE'.:lscs we Hale: I'm not sure if! agree with Dave's
about how they arrived at the Regina data, w:mt in the Regency. Perh:lps get that assessment of the Regency Scout Service.
how their thinking ran for the rest of the many beans ;md start placing them at Search:md rescue missions been the
H.egency, :md updating UWPs to 1200. plausible locations on the Domain map. responsibility of the local system defense
Dave affirmed that the Safe sub sec tors of Dave spoke of economics being a driving forces, not the Scout Service. I realize he's
the Spinward States were spared the worst factor, which suggests yet another looking for something for them to do to
:md lasting effects of Hxd Times ;md the possibility. If you really w;mt to do some justify their separate existence. (Their
Collapse. There were no die-ofTs or tech computer coding, perhaps work up :m mission could easily be handled by the
int.erruptions. Virus effects need not be economic atlas of the Regency drawing on RQS and the Navy). Perhaps that should
considered, except ill particular cases such the Trade and Commerce rules. (In fact, I be written into the storyline (the
as Trin. (It· sounds like we c;m create some think there was a)TAS article addn:ssing comm;mder of the Scout Service fighting
J.(klitional cases, although we might want to this.) Where we see the most ship traffic is budget cuts. etc.). I see the Scout Service
Jvoid oversh:ldowing t he Rape ofl;in.) probably where we want to ph~e the 1:·,etter h~ving the following missions:
RHGINA:Regarding tech, GDW starports. Pbcement of other starports 1) Provide for the smooth flow of
assUIned the Regency would see a net might also open up wl,ole clusters that civili:m communications over interstellar
increase of approximatf'ly 1. In their first were otherwise secluded from much trade. dist:mces.
cut of Regina, they gave virtually Thi s would be a lot of work. But if YOll 2) Resource mapping a h ecosats. "This
everything a + 1 TL After that, tll'-'y did a choose to pursue this, it would result in a would fit in with the Regency's need for
lut of'nouJling aroulld.' Dave favors that kind of detailed map tlut Traveller piay(.'TS more resources." Somebody would have to
high tech worlds saw little or no t"ch wmJd relish, as would GDW. be in charge of detailing what resources the
inrrease, whereas lower tech worlds did see BASES: Dave thinks that. ch:J.nges or Regency has, and the Scout Service would
il1cT'.~ses by and brge. additions to bases should be specifically be perfect for this role.
He tlo£s not w;mt cllviromnent :If[ecting placed astrograpltically (alb'~it gov ..,trb.>(l by 3) Establishing contact with potential
ch.mges to st.arport, tech, or population. the limitations imposed by the rules). He new markets spinward. The Exploratory
rhese should be arbi trary (sort of -- see had in mind more RQS bases along the Branch would make contact with old
below). Regarding population, their frontier than the interior. (No surprise.) Imperial (or other) colonies, clear the way
origin:t! thinking was that refugees would We 11 need to address the RQS more soon. for free traders and other merchants, escort
tend to go to blue sky worlds, but Dave Barich: 1 would figure th:2t most R C}S ambassadors, etc. Not exactly exploring
also recognizes th1t surplus work forces b:lses :2re within :2bOflt j.'J oEche border. strange new worlds, or boldly going where
would go to lillpleas;mt resource colonies, This would:ulow j6 covenge ['oth W:l)'S no one has gone before, but at IE'.;tst. they
creating a bal;mce over all. (tow:2rds the lwrder md further into the are working.
STARPO R TS:lle does want to see Regency interior). Worlds with RQS b;,lses 4) Other duties as assigned. In other
:lstrography influence at least st.arport and :uso h:2ve:2 ch=ce ofbecoming m:lrketing words. they get all the crappy jobs no one
bases. (Borich: I W:2S thinking the border hubs (or :2t le:lst there should be one close else (the Navy. RQS, or local system
;,{Te:JS might be better subject to m:mcal by, on the ZhocbrU/As]m/V.1rJ,'T border~). defense forces) warits. As the Scout
:2djl~slmerJts For st.1rp0rts. pop incre:2ses, S<rrvice struggles to redefine its mission
bs.~ pl:2cemenr.. Worlds frirther in could be SCOUT SJi:RVICE and justify its separate existence,
sf.'bjected to;/ more r.mdonI method) Dave brought lip the Scout Service as :administrators are likely to volunteer the
Backw:J.ter worlds might not enjoy many relat..d to the Qu;tr:mtine Service. These services of their people for all kinds of odd.
increases in starports or tech. (Barich: remain two distinct entities, although the (and very dangerous) jobs. Some of these
EKceptions to this :2re prob:2bly the border RSS now has a substantially rE<duced assignments could very well take them into
world~ for security re:2sons.) Worlds mission. Exploration. for instance is the Old Imperium, and elsewhere....
:J.wunJ important hubs woulcl It also probably nil. although the censu~/survey The exploration brarlCh will blossom
makes sense that. starports improve on and communication mission cOIltinue. when the Regency penetrates Corridor in
worlds on important routes. We probably Dave pictures thE< RSS in this period as earnest. then, it might be used for
want to :J.djust worlds like Heroni (3017). something like the Coast Gu.ud, with :a deep space reconnaiss;mce, in coordination
Tltis world with no gas gi:lIlt or ocean is at a emphasis on sioafch and re.cue missions. with the RQ,S, luuking fur evidence of
fork in the Spinward Main, and yet it only Borich: They might :Uso be doing more Virus activity.
lud a class E starport -- no fuel. resoul'ce m:lppi1Jg:u :2 eco~ts md stuff.
I t might be best to handle starrort This would fit in w.ith the RegeI1CYs need
. increases as a manu.:J operation. We for more resources.

AAB Proceedings 26 Page 15 30 September. J 994

Mikesh:G ow will do m :.Idventure book ASLAN ASSASSINS Aslan would probably kill him self before
for the Regency, like Sm:Jsh 8{ Gr:Jb. Its One thr.,:J.d in emdil h.., beell mixing reve:tling even the sndler sec reI..
not on the schedule, though, sillce they some of the Regency int~tul politic s On t.he JuwIlsid,". t!W Asbn w.rm; his
kven't gotten with their plmning. (pro-democracy forces, old nobility, victim in Jdvance. l)ut tlus might not be as
Borich:I'd suggest something more reformers, and so on) wit.h an Asloul b.d where capituhtion is better than if the
:.ilong the lines of the old style :ldventures ..ssassirution group. Ow; puim h:J.s b"en victim actually <1i"5 .
tkn Sm:.lsh&Gr:lb type. Do they wmt how to get Ashn ass.lssin involved. Allother downer is t1l;!t = Asbn would
strictly expmding into the old Imperium MikeMikesh:Since this isn't a linear rE::llly st=d out on .. hum= world. Tho:n
space-type :ldventures or or (or don't know adventure, considering its range of :.Igain, who says the Asian assassin has to be
yet) ....... outcomes, the best w~y I see to achieve this "raei.I· Asian? Al~o, I he ass:.lssin might
H.:Je: The Regency :ldventures in m:my to give the refero:e d lot control over the h«lpers to get around the problem.
ways sholiId be nost.Igic throwbacks to the pacing md the action, md 1(>.4ve the His ;tppnmtices could b" hwnan, hdping
old TT:lveller 4dventures, with perh:lps a :.Idventu1'''' itself unstructured Qike Jl1urdl'r to set up the Marquis tor the kill. In
few curve b:.ills throWl' in fi'om t1m'; to timeorl l!n.,· "us SU(iUll ). To du thi ~ the ac;'lition,. d().~en Aslan might !1ave been
to k.eep the older phyers guessing. Aftet· :.ill,
:.Irt;cle would h:.ive to focus on thl (,.. things: imported ;tS J..x:uys. decoy nughL be
what W:.lS the purpose ofkving the 1) The sitl.1:.ltion set.-up, orJ"r."J to gu to:l p.lTticulJr do
Regency survive (I'm t:llking here about 2) The possible range of outcomes, Jlld cert~in things:.It given time. Being Vlssals,
the re;a}il.y.b:.lsed reasoning, not storyline 3) the forces in play. By 'forces', I mem lhl'y have no idea why. nor would they dare
re:lsoning)? Having .. d:l~sic" adventures to the NPes (the :lss:lssin, Mar9uis, possibly ask.
go with the "chssic" setting only m:.lkes m AsIan Colonies rep, Naval lnt.pJligence Still another w:.Iy "round the problem is
sense. :lgent, the assassin's employer, the p;<rty simply to have human vassals kidnap the
Gregory Lee: The Smash & Grab mistaken [or beiug the ernploy"r. etc). Marquis, perhaps by trmq g:lssing the
mindset seems more :.Ipplic;.tble La the All the referE:e needs is some b .. sic building.
Reformation Co:.ilition than to the inform:ltion, and a thorough understanding 'rhe Mar9lu s could then be :.Iwahned.
Regency. I think there should be noticeable of the NPCs in play. He can wing armed, md released again, say in :.In
differences between the two settings, everything else. which me411S he Clll throw ;!bamloned industrial p:lrk, :.Ilone except for
offering distinctly different environments in :.Inything he wants when h", w;mts to k~ the dss.ssin somewlWfe.
to the user. I side with Mr. H.Ie in the the degree of activity high. Borich:' nus could b .. " good one for
desire to see Regency Adventures which I'm inclined to think the ass;<ssimtions the PC's.
are "...nosl:llgic throwbacks ... with... :1 fewgoing on would be hum:m-styl.,J Q.e. Bush: I think this Jjseussion confuses
curves." After .II,lthink most of us have sneaky and dirty). ~ lowever. this event As\411 assassins with ]J.p411esc ninja. The
played there :lnd it would be neat to c .tch wouldn't preclude the employment of ninjJS were largdy metrenary. The AsIan
up on things 70 years hter. Imagine phying Ashn :.Iss:.lssins. There :.Ire several reasons assassins, however, are clan· related. A
descendants ofPCs you've run before. why they might be aLLr.lctiv,,: of ;lssassination is still fought between
1) The Asian assassin famili ..s have ChIlS. so how is the Asl411 cLm involved?

Adventure Ideas expertese based on millen;., of experience. Involving Lhe cl.m is oasy i[ the coniliel
Mikesh: ; propored ~n . K:ver.ture where .2) Nc1 :l1Inen, with no un<! "rworld of intl·rest. is b"rween the m;"9L',s a'nd the
PC's discover ;m art smuggling contacts, might have no other recourse but cbn. In that. os,,, however, t.he clan would
ring that tr:lils bck to the Sword Worlds. to contact an Asian assassin family. little need to hum411s siuce it could
Sword Worlders are looting the old 3) Asian :.Ire honorable. Some noblemen, c:.ill on its own troops.
Imperium (similar to Piper's Sp:Jce Viking) forced to hire assassins. might st--e Lhem :I~
vi:l :I route through Reft. O:lve liked it. so [:.I\' less reprehensible th411 hiring J hUIll;!Il Pro-D{'mOl~rHCY Uprising
I'll be doing that for him. killer. Bush: l-larold l-l.!l e pushed. for :I wide-
Hale: An interesting storyline (de.Jing Borich:The Democrat.ic faction might spread "Democractie" movenlent that
with RISS's need for:l dear miSSion) could use this rOllle more than the Imperial wants to te'ppl" the Regency's nobility-
involve some rich tYCOOll'S :lttempt to 6v .. faction. Mostly in the cas'3 o[ wh,.;re they jnfll1,~n(ed instit ustions through terrorist
the mission (of interstell:lr civilian m:lil) have an :lttanpt m;td" on them :md t h;\11 or guerilb action.
t:lken aW:lY md spun off to the "Priv:.lte use this more honor:lble method as tltting The Ine Ginr were pro-Democr:.lcy,
Sector." He just h:.lppens to know someone retribution. (They said so!) I-Imm ....
who wmts the job .... hint. hint. 4) If c:lught. a hum= ;I.,s2ssin might 111 put some of that democrJ,-y/guerilb
name his employer to save himself. An w:.Ir di~c u.sion in the next AABP.

30 September, 1994 Page 16 AAB Proceedings 26

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