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Fifth Edition


MA LL B (Cantab.)

of the Inner Temple, Barrister

Fellow of Magdalene College
University of Cambridge


Dias : Jurisprudence 5th Edition

First Indian Reprint 1994

© Butterworth & Co (Publishers) Ltd. 1985.

All rights resered. No part of this publication may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying and
recording, without the writte's permission of the copyright holder,
application for which should be addressed to the publisher. Such
v,ritten permission must also be obtained b ' f ore any part of ths
publication is stored in a retrieval system of any nature.

This edition is pubhed by arrangement with

Butterworth Law Publisrs Limited
Kent, U.K.

ISBN 81-85353-33-6

This publication is for sale in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

Published by Kailash Balarsi for Aditya Books (F) Ltd.

Regd. Office 11-2/16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj,
New Delhi- 110 002 and Printed at Efficient Offset Printers, Delhi.


The study of jurisprudence is an opportunity for lawyers to brin g theor

and life into focus, for it concerns human thought in relation to societ.. I:
is always the hope of teachers of law to encoura g e pupils to learn how to
think rather than just what to know, and Jurisprudence is suited to this end
because it can set law in wider contexts and proceed by way of stimulation
and not simply by instruction. This book does not evolve or demonstrate
a particular theory, but seeks instead to provide a way of thinking about
law. It tries also to furnish material for the evolution of ideas and the
understanding of other theories and in this respect serves as a prelude to
these contributions by providing an informed and critical background to
them. A guarantee of independence and originality in thought is breadth o
view, a sense of perspective and appreciation of what people have said and
are saying. No one theory provides the best or exclusive avenue to the
'truth', and those who choose to tread one path rather than another are
not for that reason misguided. Jurisprudence is a field traversed by man.
paths, none being superior to another, since much depends on whither on
wishes to go.
To give effect to this aim an attempt has been made to offer gudin
threads to the extensive literature on the topics dealt with, which will give
readers an idea of those topics and the issues and problems they involve
The reading lists appended to each chapter are no more than pointers. Side
by side with this, a parallel attempt has been made to provide fuller refer-
ences for those wishing to delve more deeply, which are contained in the
companion volume, A Bibliography of Jurisprudence, the object of which is
to enable readers to steep themselves in as many aspects as possible of
various topics by . consulting a wide range of views and shades
of opinion.
The only consistent theme throughout the various editions of this book
has been in the Prefaces announcing changes since the previous edition.
This stems from the fact that the book was born before being conceived.
which is why its gestation has been unusual, to say the least. The 'achieve-
ment of justice' as a general concern of law, which was the plan according
to which the last edition was revised, is continued. The book is divided
back into three Parts, and not two as before, and the material of the whole
book has been revised and redistributed. The first three chapters are differ-
ently presented and Chapter 3 is new. Other new material has been put in.
but there has also been a good deal of shortening and excision so as to
prevent the book growing larger; hopefully to make it shorter. The different
style and format of this edition make it difficult to gauge how far these
hopes have been realised.
The acknowledgment of the debts to others is always the pleasantest task.
The help given by those mentioned in previous Prefaces has been of per-
viii Preface

this edition, my gratitude to them can never diminish. Hoei'er, a special

word of thanks should continue to be given to that unfailingly helpful body
of critics, the undergraduates, whom I have met over the years in discus-
sions and classes. It is for their successors that this work is designed, and
if it proves to be of value to them, that might atone in some measure for
the experiments inflicted upon their predecessors.
In conclusion, I would like to record ray appreciation of the efficiency
and indulgence of the Publishers and Printers, who have made the business
of production as smooth as possible.

August 1985

list of Cases xl

Part I Introduction
Chapter i - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Legal material 2

Chapter 3 - Rules, laws and legal system 47

Part II Aspects of justice 63

Chapter 4 - Distributive justice 6c
Chapter - The problem of power 7
Chapter 6 - Control of liberty
Chapter 7 Justice in deciding disputesped 4-' 126
Chapter 8 - Statutory interpretation
Chapter 9 - Custom 17
Chapter 10 - Values 194
Chapter 11 - Obligation and duty 2:6
Chapter 12 - Persons 20
Chapter 13 - Possession 22
Chapter 14 - Ownership 292
Chapter 15 - Justice in adapting to change 3:5

Part Ill Legal theory 329

Chapter 16 - Positivism: British theories 331
Chapter 17 - The pure theory 38
Chapter 18 - Historical and anthropological approaches 3-5
Chapter 19 - Economic approach 395
Chapter 20 - Sociological approaches 420
Chapter 21 - Modern realism 447
Chapter 22 - Natural law 470
List of cases

FAG 1.
Apicasion de z Caz A '. Fall. V,:.-as
Ltd 1974
Abbe y Malvern Wells Ltd v Ministry of 72.
Applin '. Race Rela:.ns P,-arc :g'
Local Government and Planning
('95') Arbon v Anderson 1943 2G
Ableyv Date (t85I ''7' Ar g ll (Duchess of v l) of Arrvil

Adam v Ward (1917) .141
Adams v Adams (A-G intervening)
Armory v Delarnirir 1722 .282
('97') 54,55 Armstrong v S:eain 1952
• I5
Adams v National Bank of Greece, SA Ashbv V Whine •1 734\ 3.1.
(1961) Asher v Secretar, of State for the
Addie (R) & Sons (Collieries) Ltd v Environment 1074

Dumbreck (1920' -'49 Asher v Whitlock (t26 20'
Adkins v Children's Hospital Askinex Ltd v Green 1960
Adler v George (1964) ..... .174
Aspdcn v Seddon (1274' .14.
Administration des Contributions mdi- Assam Railwa y s and Tradin g Co L:d v
rectes and Comit Interprofessionnel IRC (1935 ........
des \'ins Doux Naturels v Ramel Associated Ne'* spapers Gros: Ltd v
( 1 97 1 ' ........ Flynn (1970
Administration des Douanes v Soci6tê A-C v Antigna T,me Ltd l9
Cafes Jacques Nabre and J Weigel et A-C v Batrs. lrnposi:soris (.ae :6
CieSarf(t975' .105
A-C s Bs,tter'..or:h I 3 . S- a,_',
Adrniralt v SS Dtsina Os,ner 1 he .\pplica:i.
Truculent (1952 '0 A-Cs Cras ford LDC .
Admiralt y Comes S.S Amerska Osn- A-C Dc K-sees Rosal Hte( Ltd
ers) (19:7) • '49 920) ......
Affrteurs RéunisSA v Leopold \Valford A-C Farreil 1931.........
(London) Ltd (isto' ..... 92
A-Cs Ko'hlcr ,86t
Ainlev A,nlev (19451 ..... .148 A-C Prince Ernest Auu'tus 'fHsno-
Aire y v Airev (1958 5CC (1(y........
Akar v A-G of Sierra Leone (1970) 93-95 A-C 1 horoton rIP24..
97 A-C for Xci' S..uth Wales v 3 rvth: an
Aksionairnove Ohschestvo A M Luther 032)
vJamesSagor&Co(1921) . . .219
AG of Commonalth of Astra!:a s
Alexander v Ra y s-on 0936' ....2ib
Adelaide SS Co Ltd :19131
AllenvFlood (1898' ......30 A-C oflIsng Kon g v Rediffusion (Hong
Allen vJackson (18731 ......162 Kong) Ltd .197r, • c.
Allen V Roughlev i 1955 ) .....294 A-C of New Zealand Hutt
Alma SPA v High Authority 244/63 Corpis (1964' .......
(1965) .........,o6 A-C of Ness Zealands Ortiz t982
Amalgamated Society of Railway Serv- A-G of Sc Christopher. Nevis and An-
ants Osborne (1910) ......43 . 93. 13
guilla v Re nolds f 1980
Amministraziotse delle Finance drIb Auckland Bus Cciv Ne's Lynn Borough
Stato v SACE SPA; 2695/70 (1975) . -to,- 2.1.0
Amministrazionc delle Finanze drib Australian Consolidated Press Ltd v
Stato v Simmenthal SPA (No 1 ) ioô/ Cren(t969 ' .....
77(1978) .........so6 Automatic %4tnarning C) Ltd V
-6 ) ...278.28,
Anconav Rogers (18 1 . Stringer ( 1957 .200
Anderson (\V B) & Sons Ltd Rhodes As. ilco ASs Fulvia Spa di Yavigazone.
(Lis erpool) Ltd (1967 11 .
....233 The Chikuma (19815 -
Anderson Ltd v Daniel (1924) - . . .176 Avero vJenkins (1873 . - • 20
Anglo- IranianOil Co Lid vJaftrate,Thc
Rose Mary (19531 ......2
Aisnetield,The(i97i) ......'49
Annsv Merton London BoroughCouncil
(1978.........39.204 B-a nilnor). Re (19815 ..... . 10.3
V . ,..'. (.. I ..' . Lw. 1.5..,-,,-0.., tsr' P. • C........-' r;. ,r P .'.'-

Bailey v Geddcs ( 1 938) FAG E
.138 Bligh v Martin (1968) '2 85
Bailey v Victorian Soccer Federation
Blundell v Catterall (182,) .... . 192
(1976) .262 Bolton (HL) (Engineering) Co Ltd v TJ
Bailey v Williamson (1873) 30 Graham & Sons Ltd . . 258, 269
Baker, Re, Nichols v Baker (1890) .242 Bonham'$ Case (i6,o) ..... . 83,88
Baker vR(t975) .143 Bonsor v Musicians' Union (1956) . -90,263
Baker v Turner (tgo) ..... .280 Boomer v Penn (i965) . . . . 202,310
Banco de Vizcaya v Don Alfonso de
Borland's Trustee v Steel Bros & Co Ltd
Borbon y Austria (i) . .219 (tgoi) ........ . 255
Banco, The, Monte Uha (Owners) v Bourne vKeane (1919) ..... . 2t0
Banco (Owners) (ir) . 79 Bo'.. lesv Bank of England(tg,3) . .
Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart v . 93
Rom maker Ltd vTabor (t041) . . . . 27
SlatIord (ig) .259 Bowman v Secular Society Ltd (1917) . 149,
Bank of England v Vagliano Bros
........ 210
.326 Boy Andrew (Owners) v St Rognvald
Barclays Bank Ltd v JRC (rg6i) .259 (Owners) (1948) ...... . 178
Barker v Levinson ( ig, ) . .135 Boylan v Dublin Corpn ( tgg ) .
Barker v Wilson (1930) ..... .141
.308 Boynton-Wood v Truernari( 1 9 6 1 )
Barnes vJarvis (tg) . 279
175 Boys v Chaplin (1968) .....
Barratt v Gough . Thomas (tg) . 130
t45 Bradbury v Enfield London Borough
Barrs v Bethel] (198) .t43 (1967)
Baxter v Baxter (19 4 8) ..... ......... . 210
.st6 Bradford Corpn v Pickles (1895) . 26, 28, 30,
Baylts v Bishop of London (igi) 194
Beachey v Brown (t 86o) 32, 232, 463
.246 Bradford Old Bank v Sutcliffe (1918) . .
Beard v Beard (t946) 148 Bradlaugh v Gosset t (t88 4 ) . . . . 97
Beaulieu v Finglam ( to, ) . 187 Bragg v Crosville Motor Services Ltd
Beck v Scholz (ig) .280
Becke v Smith (t836) . . .173 '4'
Brassey's Settlement, Re, Barclays Bank
Beckett (Alfred F) Ltd v Lyores (tg6) 188, Ltd v Brass (1955) ..... . g8
189 Bratty v A-G for Northern Ireland
Beecham v Trinidad Cement Ltd (1963) ...... . 202,310
..........c... . ... Em Brentnall and Cleland Ltd v LC
Behrens v Brtrm
Bertram .
Mills Circus Ltd
(1957) t35
140 Bribery Comr v Ranasinghe (1965)
Belfast Corpn v OD Cars Ltd (1960) .205 . 93, 94,
Belmont Finance Corpn Ltd v Williams 95, y7
Bridges v Hawkesworth (i8 5 1) . 282,288
rurrlltureLto )1979) .... . 258
Brighton Corpn v Packman (tgo8) . . 39
Bendall v McWhirter 0952) . . 162, 321 Britain v Rossiter (1879) . . . 240,243
Benmax v Austin Motor Co Ltd ,g) 8, British Coal Corpn v R (1935) . . .g8, 180
136 British Homophone Ltd v Kunz and
Berendsen (S) Ltd v IRC (1958) . . .259 Crystallate Gramophone Record
Beresford v Royal Insurance Co Ltd Manufacturing Co Ltd
)1938) . . .246
. . . . . . . 207,245 British Motor Trade Association v Sal-
Berkeley ' 'apadoyannjs (ig.ç) . . .280 vadori (tgg) ....... . 262
Berliner Industrjcbank Akt v Jost
British Railways Board v GJ Holdings
('97') ........ . 242
Berry v Irish Times ..... 3'
British Railways Board v Herrington
Best v Samuel Fox & Co Ltd (1952): 197,209 (1972) . . . .
Betty's Cafes Ltd v Phillips Furnishing 147, 149, i6, ig,
Stores Ltd (,9 59 ) .......142 ig8, 204, 213, 266
British Railways Board v Pickin (1974): 88, 96,
Bewlay (Tobacconists) Ltd v British Bata
Shoe Co Ltd (,g58) ..... . 184 167
Britt v Buckinghamshire Count y Council
Bilang v Rigg (1972) ..... .
55 (1963) ......... . 178
Billings v Reed (' g ) ......178
Broadbent vWilks(,7 4 2) .... . t88
Bilston Corpn v Wolverhamp t on Corpn
(1942) ........ . Bromilow and Edwards Ltd v IRC
97 (1970) ........ . 173
Bird v Fort Francis (1949) .... . 283 Bromley v Bromle y (196 5 ) .....j35
Birmingham and Midland Omnibus Co Bromley London Borough Council v
Ltd v W orcestershire CC (1967) . .
.205 Greater London Council (1983) . . .223
Birmingham Corpn v West Midland
Broom v Morgan (ig) . . 142, 155, 244
Baptist (Trust) Association Inc, Broome vCa.ssell & Co Ltd ('97') . . .
........ .
i66 Broome v DPP (tg74) ...... .
Birtwistle v Tweedale ( t ) . . . .134 33
Broughv Nettleton (1921)278
Bize v Dickason (1786) ..... . 242 Broughton v Snook ('938) .... . 240
BLack-Clawson International Ltd v Pa- B rnwn tLL.,,,..4 ...rrj...... -
1' ',OE
Brown v Rolls Royce Ltd (1960) . . . Chapman v Honig (1963) . 25,28,36.217,
Bryant v Foot (1868) . 188 , 189
Chapman v Pickersgill (1752) . . . 40
Buccicuch (Duke) V IRC (1967) . . .135
Charter v Race Relations Board (1973 51,
Buchanan (James) & Co Ltd v Babco
Forwarding and Shipping (UK) Ltd 7'. 120. 178
Cheney v Conn (Inspector of Tax-s)
Bulmer (H P) Ltd v J Bollinger SA (1968) ........3,80.218
Cheng v Governor of Pentonvill Priscn
'(1974) .......'3', 179
Bunting v Oregon 243 US 426 tq i6) . . 184 )19731 ...........70 :75
Chic Fashions (West Wales Ltd Jones
BurdenvRigler(19l1) ......30
Burmah Oil Co (Burma Trading) Ltd (1968) ..........So 201
Lord Advocate (1965) . 100, 199 Chief Constable of North Wales Poltce v
Burns v Bidder (1967) .309 Evans )ig8s
Busch v Stevens ( 1 9 63) ......241 Chillingworth v Euche (1924) . . . .242
Bushford v Falco (1954) .....280 Ching Garage Ltd v Chtngford Cor?n
Butler v Board of Trade (1971) . .202 (1961) .........205
Butler (or Black) v Fife Coal Co Ltd Chisholm v London Passenger Transport
(1912) .........234 Board (t939 1 ........138
Buttes Gas and Oil Co v Hammer (No 3) Chokcs(ingo v A-G of Trinidad and
.........219 Tobago(1981) .......102
. Chung Chi Cheung v R ( 1 939) . . .218
Button v DPP, Swain V DPP (1966)
Byrne v Deane (1937) ......31 Church of Scientology, ex p (1978) .222
Byrne v Hoare (1965) ......283 City of London v Wood (17$l) . . .
Byrne v Kinematograph Renters Society ClavtonvHcffron (1960'
Ltd (1958) ........208 Clayton v Woman & Son (Builders)
Ltd (1962)
Clore v Theatrical Properties Ltd and
%Vestby & Co Ltd (1935 ......30
Close v Steel Co of \Vales Ltd It 14€ 962 .
C Coburn v Colledge (1897
Cochrane, Re(iB4o) ......14€
CHT Ltd v Ward )1963) .....135
Cohen. Re, National Provincial Bank
Caisse Réginnale de 9,) 'trite Social do
Ltd Katz (i953
Nord-Est v Goftari (1969) .131
Colchester Estates (Cardiff , CaI'.n
Calder v Bull (1789.......103
Industries plc 'i9843 .......27
Caldow v P,xell (1877) ......44 . 30
Cole v Police Constable 4 33A (13
Caledonian RI) Co v North British Rly
College of?hillt i a ns v Cooper (1675 - 93
0)(1881) .........172
Collins v Godefroy (1831 1 .....230
Caller v Caller (1966) (1968) .260
Collins v Minister of the lntrior
Calvin's Case (,6o8..........2 90
Campbell v Paddington C.orpn (1911) . . 12_`- Si -
CoIl) more v A-G ( 1970 . . .
Campbell Discount Co Ltd v Bridge .25
Colonial Bank v Whinnev (1885) .
(196 t); revsd. sub nom. Bridge Commercial and Estates Co of Egs ?t V
Campbell Discount Co Ltd (1962) .195
Board of Trade)t.925- ......215
Canada EnterprisesCorpn Ltd v Macnab
Compania Colornbiaita de Segurco v
Distilleries Ltd (,g8t) .....262 .24)
Pacific Steam Navigation Co (19551
Candler v Crane Christmas & Co Compania Nasiera \'a.scorigado s S S
(tgi) ......137, 148, 154 .......2,5
Cane (Valuation Officer) v Royal Cot-
Company or Fraternity of Free Fisher-
kgeofhlusic)t961\ ......112
men of Fasersharti, Re 1887 ) - . .253
CannvWillson(1888) ......148
Canterbury (Viscountt v A-G 1842) .252 Congrese v Home Office ' 1976) . 33 . 37 . 90.
Carr vJamcs Broderick & Co 119421 . 27 . .25
Connors Bros Ltd v Connors (1940
Carrier's Case, The (1473) .....284 Conservative and Unionist Central Of-
Carrington v Roots (1837) .....240
fice v Burrell (Inspector of Taxes)
Cartwright v Post Office (t 969 ) .205
143, (1982)
Cassell & Co Ltd Brootne (I 972) . .
151,162,196,213 Pros ide st Society
Conset t Industrial.ind
Ltd s Cotiscit Iron Co 1922) . . .14--
Cassidy vMinistry of Health 1 , 95') .204
Convey v Regan (t952) .....285
Ca.stioni, Re (,89t\ .......168
Cattle '. Stockton Waterworks Co Conway v George \Vimpev & Co Ltd
08751 . . . . . . . 217,233 () .........162
Casanagli V Ulster %Veasing Co Ltd Conway v Rimmer (t968t . . 100, 127, 130,
.......161,211 203,213
Central London Property Trust Ltd v Conway v Wade (1908) .....263.
High Trees Ho,ssc Ltd (,g) . . .321 Coop-rvP)sibbs(l857 ......aS
GsaffersvGoldsmid (18 94 ) . . . Copyright Owners Reproduction Sod-
Chamberlifle v Flsrvev I t6g6t . . . .197 et, v E).11 (Australia Pty Ltd

Lu V flC1t Davies Jenkins & Co Ltd v Davies

(198 1) . 17 (inspeclorofTaxes) (t968) . . 168, 172
Corbett v Burge, Warren and Ridgicy Davis vJohnson (tgg) ......178
Ltd (1932) ........233 Davis (Clifford) Management Ltd v
Corbett v Corbett (otherwise Ashley) WEA Records Ltd (i) . . . .211
('97')..........'57 De Frcitas v Benny (1976) .....92
Corbett v Corbctt (otherwise Ashley) Defrenne v SA Beige de Navigation
(No 2) () .......312 A&ienne: (1976) .....105
Corfu Channel Case, The (19 4 8) - . De Funis v Odcgaard 4° L Ed (sd) 164
Gsrocraft Ltd v Pan American Airways
Inc (j969) .....173,179,218 Delaney vT P Smith Ltd (*946) . . . 29
Costa v Ente Nazionak per lErie'rgia Dc Morgan v Metropolitan Board of
Elettrica (ENEL):6/64 (1964) - io, io6, Works (188o) ........30
107 Denby (William) & Sons Ltd v Minister
Council of Civil Service Unions v Min- of Health (1936) .......2,09
ister for the Civil Service (196) - .200 Deportation of Aliens, Re . . .
Coutts & Co v Browne-Le'cky (,g) • 32 Derry v Peek (1859) . . . . i6,, 233
Cove v Flick ( i ) ...... .8o Dcwhirst, Re, Flower v Deshirst
Crabb v Arun District Council (197€) .321 (1948)
Craddock v Hampshire County Council DcWutzv Hendricks (,824) . .
(1958) . .2,8
.142 Deyong v Shenburn (1946) . . . .234
Craxfords (Psmsgate) Ltd v Willirr,s Dickinson v Del Solar (1930) . 40,219, 243
and Stccr :"anucactur-ing Co Ltd Dimes v GrandJunction Canal (Proprie-
(tg.) .240 tary) (1852) ..... 208,259
Crinton v Minister forJustice (1959) .283 DPP Bhagwan(ig72) .....30
Crofter Hand Woven Harris Tweed Co DPP v Brooks (,g,) ......289
Ltd v Veitch (1942) DPP v Kent and Sussex Contractors Ltd
Crouch v Credit Foncier of England
(1873) 258
193 Diw ell vFarnes(1959) ......2,6
Crowe (Valuation Officer) v Lloyds Dixon v Tommis (1952) .....280
British Testing Co (tg6o) .180 Docket's' Labour Club and institute Ltd
Crowhurst v Maidment .280 v Race Relations Board ( i ) . . . 184
Crown Lands Comrs v Page (tg6o) .237 Dodwell & Co Ltd's Trust Deed, Re
Croxford v Universal Insurance Co Ltd
1'52") .......171, 172 Dodworth v Dale (1936) .....t95
Cullimore v Lyme Regis Corpn 11962 . 37 Doe d Harding v Cooke (t831) . .293
Cunningham, Re, ex p Bennett (1967) . Doe d Hughes vDyeball(,8 20 ) . .293
Curtis Moffat Ltd v Wheeler (1929) .145 Doe d Burrough v Reade (1807) . .293
Curwen v Milburn (1889) .....241 Donoghue (or McAlister) v Stevenson.
Customs and Excie Comes v Top Ten See M'A)ister (or Donoghue) v Ste 'en-
Promotions Ltd (1959) .....185 son
Cutler v McPhail (1962) .....24.4 Dorset Yacht Co Ltd v Home Office
Cutler v Wandsworth Stadium Ltd (1969) .........204
Doughty v Turner Manufacturing Co
Ltd (1964) .......128, 161
Dowty Boultor, Paul Ltd v Wolverhamp-
ton Corpn (1971) .......40
Dransfield v British Insulated Cables Ltd
D v National Society for the Prevention ( 1 937) .........t45
of Cruelty to Children (1978) . 146,203 Duck vMayeu(,892) ......244
D (a minor) Re, (1976) ......203 Dulkwe v Duliewe (1969) . . . 176, iSo
DHN Food Distributors Ltd v London Duncan v Cammell Laird & Co Ltd
Borough of Tower Hamlets (1976) . 262, (1942) .........203
255, 266 Duncan vJones (1936) ......30
Da Costa en Schake NV v Nederiaridse Dupor, Steels Ltd v Sirs (1980) . 214, 221,
Administratie van Belastingen: 28-
30/62 (1963) .........131 DurfeevJones ....... .288
Daimler Co Ltd V Continental Tyre and Dutton v Bognor Regis UDC (1972) . 37,
Rubber Co (Great Britain) Ltd 145, i6,, 204
(1916,1 .........258 Dwyer v Mansfield (*946) .....207
Daly v Liverpool Corpn (tgg) . . .247 Dyson Holdings Ltd v Fox (1976) . . 28o
Dando (S L) Ltd v Hitchcock (194) • .280
Davey v Harrow Gorpn (1958) . • .14*
David v Abdul Cader (1963) . • 28,34,37
Davie v New Merton Board Mills Ltd
( 1 959 i .....138,148,159,212 EBM Co Ltd v Dominion Bank
Davis v Elsby Bros Ltd (1960) . . . Ealing London Borough v Race Rela-
Davie (or Davis) v Powell (1738) . • .147 tions Board (,ois( . ,R, ,-,st ,is,-, ,Q.


Fast Ham Borough Councd (or Cnrpni Fagan s Nietropoluar. Poitce Go rnr -
v Bernard Sunles & Sons Ltd 1965' ( 191)9
.39 ...
Goi Suffolk Rivers Catchment Board Fatrman v Perpetual In'. mtme:.t Bo:.d-
Kent 9415 .... ingSocietv '1923.
27- 37-204
Eastbourne Corpn Fortes lc Cream Falmou'h Boat Construo-on C,, Lt: v
Parlour 19551 Ltd 1959) . . . Hosn4 . 19'o''; affd. soo nom.
F,asterii Counties Building S.s'iet'. v Falmouth Boat Cx,'o.strucor>n Dd
Russ')) 47 1951 . . . . . . iya
E,tso'rts D i -trihsitor' Ltd v C,old:srs, Farrell'. Alexander ',c,- . tao.
........241 Federal Steam Nas,ga:::r, (a. Lt:
Eastham u Newsmd" United F oothall l)epa:tmen' of Trade and 1d'..--r
Club Ltd 104'.......197
'i974 ........t7
Eastman Photographic Materials Co Ltd Fe,rs for Examination of' im red Or-
v Comptroller-General of Patents anges.Re(t975)".
1898 .........'75 Felixstowe Dock and RI'. Co ar,d E .ro-
Ebb, Vale UDC v South Wale , Traffic pean Ferries Ltd v Decks Board
Area Licensing A:ithority i . r.r British t97" ....., IO' IO

Transport Commission) (195t Felt v Burrhet 1857' ......t8

Edgington v Sw indon Corpn (19391 Fellner v Minister of the Interior
Edginton v Clark (19641 .....a8 (i --.14'
Edinb(srgh and Dalkeith RI' Co v Fender v StJohts-Miidma.' (1933) . 217.220
Wa1schope(1842 ......g6 Fendoch Investment Trust Co v IRC
Edwardss A-G for Canada (1930) . . 119455
. 180
Edwards vJoiies ('947) .....135 Ferguson v Earl ofKinr,oll ( 12 4 2 ) . . 37
Edwards v Porter (19251 .....173 Fibrosa Spolka Akcyjrus v Fairbairn
Egerton v Earl Brownlow (1853' 207,26 LaasonombeBarlx.or Ltd 1943' . .141.
Egertott v Harding (1975) .....i88 Firma Alfons Lut,icke GrnbH v
Egger s Viscount Chelmsford (or Da, i,s tzollamt Sarrelouis: 57 'h (1971
(196 ..........41 Firman Ellis 19781
Eleciris'al. Llestrontc 1'elecomrnunica- Fisher v Bell 196 ( ....... 1. .
tints and Plumbing Union s Times Fisher s Ruislip-North'- :-d L DC and
Newspapers ltd t 9801 . Sliddi-sex (osinty Cr oocil 'J4
. 263 21

F71 ' 'ctrical Exeter Hospit'i Fisher Tas lors F urn:s,):ng S,'sre, Ltd -
Agreement. Re (t971) ......18 (1956
Elias Pasmore )i934 1 .... Fitzsim ns v Ford Motor Co Ltd i A e r o
Ellen Street Estates Lid s Minister of Engines) (1946) .12
Health (1934) .......89 Fletcher v, Budgen (ia .....
Dittman Lines Ltd Murra y . 1931 Fletcher's Application. R . 970
.179 . 37
Elliot s Lordjotces ' i935 ......a6o Foakesv Beer 11884) . . .141.
Ellis vjohnstoite (1963) .....153 Forbes vCochrane(1824 ..... 1 97
F,!wes Brigg Gas Co (t886) .
282,287 Foster a Dr i scoll (1929 . . . . at
Empson v Smith 11966) ......243 Fothergill v Monarch Airlines Ltd
Enderbv ]'own Football Club Ltd v (1981) .......177, 179
Football Association Ltd (1971) . Fowley Marine (Emswr:h" Ltd v Gaf-
. . 208
Engineering Iudus,r, Training Board v ford 11968 ........aBa
Samuel Talbot (Engineers) Ltd Fox, Re, Brooks v Marston (191 3( . . . 300'
(1969' ..........75 Fox v Newcastle-upon-Tyne Corpo
English Hop Growers s Ocring (1928) (i.').211
F.ntirk '. Carrington )I7b1 Frances (Ketch) (Owners' v Highland
. 82, 145, 198,
Loch (Owners), The Highland Loch
Erringion v Minister of Health (1935) . tt912)
.208 ..........9.8
Escoigne Properties Ltd v I RC 1958) . Francis a Chiefof Pultce 973 ' ,
176, . 2 110
Francis v \iewsley and Wet Dras ion
i8i, iB
Esse,tdon Engineering Co Lid v Made UDC(1958' ........150
(1982 . .........258 Francorne v Mirror Group Newspapers
Estler s' Murrells 1,959 1 .....188 Ltd )1984 -317
Ewart s Ewart 1959' .......173 Franklin vA-G(1974' ......252
Eyre vjoht,son (19461 ......247 Franklin v Minister of Town and Coun-
Eton v Studd (15741 ......175 try Planning (1948' ........6,208
Franklin v R (No 2) (1974 5 .......-
Frauds on Agricultural Lcvies, Re: 8a,'
72(1974 5 .........104
Free Church of Scotland (General As-
FA and AB Ltd s Luploti (Inspector of sembly) v Lord Overteaun (1904' . 263
Taxes (1972'. . . . 136, 146, 152,154 French Kier Developments Ltd v Secre-
FG (Films) Ltd. Re 1933) .....255 tary of State for the Environment

G (infants), Re (t963)
GKN Bolts and Nuts Ltd Sports and
.252 (1983) ........
Hale vJennings Bros (t938) . . .
. 137
Social Club, Re, Leek v Dnkcrsky Haley v London Electricit y Board
(1982 ) .........265
Gallagher v Post Office (io) - . .21
(t'965) .....
Hall v Rogers (1925) .....
Gallic v Lee (1969); on appeal sub nom.
Saunders (Executrix oI\Vill ofGallie)
Anglia Building Society (1971) . .132
}Iallett's Estate, Re, Knatchbull v HaIku
(t88o) ........
Hambleton v Callinan (1968) . . 278, 284

Gardiner v Heading (1928) . .194

Gardiner v Moore (1969) ....
Garfinkel v Metropolitan Police Comr
244. Hamilton v National Coal Board
Hamps v Darby ( 1 94 8 ) ......135
(1972) . . . . . . 199,201,202
Gatehousev Vise (1956) ....
Geelong Harbor Trust Comrs v Gibbs
Hampstcad Corpn v Caunt (1903) . . . 35
Hanna, Re ( 1 957) ......
Hannah vPcel(t 945 ( ......282
. 29

Bright &Co(i97 4 ) . .t31,155,t83,214

Gejsrnar v Sun Alliance and London
Insurance Ltd (1978) .... .
Hanover (HRH Prince Ernest Augustus)
vA-G(t955) .....
Harding v Price (t 948) .....
. . _3 174
George and Richard, The ( 18 7 1 ) . .260 Hargreaves v Bretherton (t959) . 233
George Wimpey & Co Ltd v BOAC
(tg) ........ .
Harper v National Coal Board (,g) - 140,

.. .
GlianivJones(,97o) 99,201,202 Harper v Secretary of State for the Horne
Gibbons v Pepper (1695) .... 309 Department (1955) .... 96,97
Gilbert v Stone (1647) ..... 309 Harris v Minister ofthe Interior (t 952 95,
Giles v Walker (1890) . . .
Gilford Motor Co v Home ( z 933) . . 257
Godden v Hales (1686) .....
. 41,209

Harris v Quine (t869) .....
Hartley v Mayoh & Co (t) 176,234
Gofor Investments Ltd v Roberts -
('s) .........280
Golak Nath v State of Punjab (1967) .
Haseldjne v C A Daw & Son Ltd
(1941) ........
Haynes v Harwood 0935) 13- . . . 239 -
. 141
Goldman v Hargrave (t967)
Goodier vCooke (ioo)
Goodrich vPaisner(t 957 )
. . . .172
. 176, 184
Hayward v Chaloner (1968) . .
Hazell v British Transport Commission
(1958) .........


Gordon sHarper (t796)
Gorris v Scott (1874)
Goodwin vRobarts(t8 75 ) .....193
Heap v Ind, Coopc and AIlsop Ltd
(1940) .......55 94
Heathfield v Chilton (t 767) . .

. .2
Gouriet v Union of Post Ot8ce Workers
Heatons Transport (St Helens) Ltd
(1978) . . 26, 118, ''9, 120,223.317
Transport and General Workers'
(1958) ........ .
Grafstein v Holme and Freeman
Union (1973) ........263
Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller &
Stanley (zgo8) .
Gramophone and T y pewriter Ltd
...... 259
Partners Ltd (196 4 ) . 142, 148, 16 1, 204,

erties Ltd (t) ...... .

Grants Southwestern and County Prop-.

Great Northern Rly v Sunburst Oil and

Henderson v Folkestone Waterworks Co
(1885) .......148, 150

Henshall (John) (Quarries) Ltd

Refining Co 287 US 358 (1932) . . .io
Harvey (1965) .......258

Green sHills (1969)

Great Western Rly Co v Mostyn (Own-
ers), The Mostyn (1928) ....
. . . . 202, 3t0
Heron II, The, C Czarn)i:ow Ltd v
Koufos(t966) .......147
HerringvTemplensar,(,g, 3 ) . .
2) (18) ........ .
Green & Sons v Minister of Health (No

Gresham Life Assurance Society v

Herschtal (or Herschthal) v Stewart and
Ardern Ltd 094 0 ) ......'45
. .208

Heydonv Smith (t6io)

Crowcher(1 9 1 5 ) .......300
Grey Pearson (1857) ...... 173 Heydon's Case (1584) ......175
Heyman v Darwins Ltd (1942)

(t965) .........too
Grosvenor Hotel, London (No 2), Re

Grundig Werke GmbH andJNJ Sieverd-

Hibbrt v McKiernan (t948)
Higgs v Nassauvian Ltd (t975)
ing NV v PVBA Common Markt Hilder v Dexter (1902) .......- .178
Import and Trade Co(t968) . . .105 Hill v Aldershot Corpn (1933) - .195
Guinns (Arthur), Son & Co (Dublin) Hill v Baxter (1958) . . 202,309,3,0
Ltd s- The Frcshfield (Owners), The
Lady Gwendolen (1965) .... .258
Hill v C A Parsons & Co Ltd (1972)
Hill v East and West India Dock Co
(t884)9 App Cas448
- .296

Hinds vR(,977) ........102

H Hivac Ltd v Park Royal Scientific
Instruments Ltd (1946) .....211
Hack London Provident Building
Sockxy(1883) ...... . '44
Hodgson v National and Local Govern-
ment Officers Association (1972) . .263
Hogan v Benrinck West Hartley Colli-
cries (19*8; ........I28
Jackson V Hall ('8o)
Hoggett v Hoggett ( 1979) .....a8o
Jackson (Francis) Developments Ltd
Holmden's Settlement Trusts, Re, Holm-
Hall (193
den vlRC(1966.......142
Jacobs vLCC(195o) - - u:, 1 -L2
Holmes v DPP (1946(
James (an insolvent) (A-C intervening.,
Holt v Dawson (1940) ......279
Re ( 1 977 ) ...........
Home Office v Dorset Yacht Co Ltd
James v Thomas H Kent & Cr, Lt
(,o) .....i9, 1 5 1 , 135, 162
(igt) .........215
Horwood v Millar's Timber and Trading
Jarvis v Williams (1953
C0LId(1917) .......'97
Jebb, Re, Ward-Smith Jebb 196-r . .
Houldssorth v City of Glasgow Bank
Jeffrey v Black (1978) ......-3 2c:
and Liquidators (1880) .....254
Jennings v Quinn and Dooris (1966
Hounslow London Borough Council v
Twickenham Garden Developments
Jewish Maternity Home Trustees v Gar-
Ltd (1971) ........38
finkle(1926) ........270
House Property and Investment Co Ltd,
Jilani v Government of Punjab (ig;a .lc.
Re (1954) .........1 34
12, 54, 55, 82, 87, 93, 100, I, 2c
Howard and Wife v Walker and Lake
239, 332, 3 6 5, 3 66 , 3 6 7, 37 I, 373
(Trustees) and Crisp (1947) . . . .139
Joachimson v Swiss Bank Corps (lost; - 35
Howard de Walden (Lord) v IRC
Johanna Oldendorff, The. See O:den-
(1942) .......177,206
dorif (E Li & Co GmbH v Tradax
Howard's Will Trusts, Re, Levin v
Export SA, Thejohanna Oldendor8
Bradley(g6i) .......2,6
John v Rees(197o) .......2C3
Howell v Falmouth Boat Construction
Johnson vAgnew(1973
Ltd. See Falmouth Boat Construction
Johnson Clark ( 1908 .......t6
Co Ltd v Howell
Johnson v New Jersey 384 US ;t
HowgatevBagnall '95!) .....178
Huddersfield Police Author i ty v Watson
Johnson v Phillips (1975 ... 255,3
Johnson's Will Trust4., Re, Naziors
Hughes v Griffin (1969 ( .....285
Provincia! Ba.k Ltd vJeftre ) )t .2
Hughes v Her.dersor. 1 963 . . . 38
Jones Chapman ;l849
Humphries v Connor (1864) . . . 30
Jones v Dennison (i97,
Hurst v Picture Theatres Ltd (1915) . 36,39
Jones vGeen(1925.......207
Hutton v Warren (1336) .....192
Jones v Lipman (1962 259,252
Jones v Randall ;'1774.......2t6
Jones v Secretar y of State for Social
Services (1972 - 143, 146, 119 t50. 16;.
77. Ll,2t3
Jones vSelby (1710) ......273
Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd v Julius vLord Bishop of Oxford (i83o . -
Shatwell (1963) . 32, 114, 155,211,212, Junior Books Ltd v \'eitchi Co Ltd
244 (1983) ......137,t39.204
Import Dutieson Processed Beef(1966) .to6
Import of Pork, Re: 20-2t/63 (1966) - .105
Industrial Properties (Barton Hill) Ltd v
Associated Electrical Industries Ltd
128,294 Kariapper v Wijesinha (t 968) - . . . 103
IRC v Ayrshire Employers Mutual In- Katikiro of Buganda v A-G (196o( .173
surance Association Ltd (19461 - .172 Kaufman v Gerson (1904( .....195

IRC v Bew Estates Ltd (1956) 265 Kavanagh v Hiscock (,g;. . . . . 33
IRC v Colico Dealings Ltd (19) Kaye v Sutherland (1887)
IRC v ColIco Dealings Ltd (1962) Kennaway v Thompson (198 1) .207
IRCvCrossman(1937) - .255 Kennedy vSpratt(i97a; .....17)
IRC '. Dowdall O'M.shoney & Co Ltd Kerrison v Smith (1897) .....33

(1952) 172 Keys v Boulter (i,) - . . - 170,263
IRC v Educational Grants Association Ktnally,ex p (1958) ......37
Ltd (19o7) .........175 King's Prerogative in S.altpetrc (,6o6) .20
IRC v Harton Coal Co Ltd (t 960) - - .259 Kirkness v John Hudson & Co Lid
IRCvHinchy(ig6o) . . . . 171.172 ( 1 955) .........iSo
IRCv Rossminster Lad (1980) - . . .199 Kitchen v RAF Association (1958; -194
Internationale Handelsgesellnchaft mbII Knapp v Railway Executive (19491 - 176.
v Einfuhr- und Vorratsstelle ftjr 234
Getreide und Futtermittel: 52/71 Knight v Sampson (1938) .....133
(1974) .........105 Knight and Searle v Dose (1964) - .265
Ionian Bank Ltd Cc-uvreur (, q6 . .2o6 Knieht's Question, Re 7toco t .......-,
Koenigsberg, Re, Public ':tre v Ko- Lochner v New York 178 US 45(1904) .387
enigsberg (ig) .148 Lochner v US, 18 US 45 (io) . .194
Korcmatsu v US 323 US 214 • 200 Locksscssd, Re, Atherton v Brooke
Kores Manufacturing Co Ltd v Kolok (1958) .........173
Manufacturing Co Ltd (1959)
.207 Lockyer v Gibb (1967) ..... . 284
Krause v IRC(,g29) 89,99 London and Country Commercial Prop-
Kurnigl v Donnersmarck 095) .259 erty Investments v A-G (,g) .175
London and County Securities Ltd v
Nicholson (1960) .......206
London Brick Co Ltd v Robinson
(1943) .........73
Lady Gwendolen, The. See Guinnes London Corpn v Appleyard (1963) .82
(Arthur), Son & Co (Dublin) Ltd LCCV Lees (t939) .......185
The Freshheld (Owners), Tbe Lad' London Gracing Dock Co Ltd v Horton
Gwendolen (1951) .........t44
Lake District Special Planning Board London Jewellers Ltd v Attenborough
Secretary ofState for the Environmen 142
208 London Passenger Transport Board v
Laker Airways Ltd v Department of Upson (t949) ........138
Trade (1977) ..... . ito, t i8 London Tramways Cov LCC(t8q8) . .127
Land Comr v Pillai (tg6o) ..... . 25! London Transport Executive v Betts
Langhirk Properties Ltd v Surre' ( 1 95) .........,, ,, t8
County Council (1969) .28,233 Longdon..Grifflths v Smith (1c151) . .263
Langford Property Co Ltd v Battet Lonrho Ltd v Shell Petroleum Co Ltd
(1951) • .185 (1980) .........262
Langford Property Co Ltd v Turema t Lorentzen v Lydden & Co Ltd (1942) . .219
('949) 280 Iotanv Cross (t8to) ......28!
Langham v City of London Corp t Lotus,The(,927) .......127
(1949) 70 Low v Fry (, 9 35) ...... . 242
I.atilla v IRC ( x • .177 Lucy v \V T Henleys Tekgraph Works
) .
Latimer v AEC Ltd (t953) 6g, 212 Co Ltd (i97o).......178
Lawrence v Hitch (1868) .189 Luke vlRC(t963) .......
Laythoarp v Brn_yant (1836) .240 Lyons (Raymond) & Co Ltd v Metro-
Leader v Duffey (1888) .... .172 politan Police Comr ( t ) . . .295
Leather Cloth Co v Lc,rsont (t 86c, Lyons. Sons & Co v Gulli'. Cr 14) .207
Leathlcy v John Fcrssler & Co Lt Lyus v Stcpnev Botoj g h Ccuricil
(1946) ISO ( 1 94 1 ) ........ . is8
Lee Bude and TorringtonJuncti:,n Rh
o(t87t) ....... 88,96
Lee v Lee's Air Farming Ltd (t96 t) .254
Leigh vJack (1879) ...... SI
Leigh & Sillasan Ltd v Aliakman Ship M (Infant), Re (196 1) ......252
ping Ltd (1985) .204 MAlister (or Donoghue) v Stevenson
Lenriard's Carr y ing Co Ltd v Asiati (1932) . . . 138, 142, 144, 146, 154,
D 7._I
ICLLOICUIII LA)"" (t9153 S._. -S
.257 16l,204,301
Leroux v Brossn (1852) .... . 240 .Iacarthysv Smith (tgg) ... 107, 179
Letang v Cooper (1965) . . 177,178,233 Macarthys Ltd v Smith (t 961) . . 105, 107
Levene v IRC (1928) Macaura v Northern Assurance Co
Levison v Patent Steam Carpet Clcanin (1925) . . . . . . . 2 55, 259
Co Ltd (1978) .210 McasskyvR(1920) ......96

Lewis, exp(t888) 30 MacCorn,ick v Lotd Advocate (1953) . . 98
Lexmead (Basingstoke) Ltd v Lewit McDuff Co Ltd vJohannesburg Consol-

(1982) t6t idated Investment Co Ltd (1924) . .259
Lillingston, Re, Pembery v Pember) McFarlane v Sharp (1972) . . 199. 201, 202
(t952) .278 McGrath (J) Motors (Canberra) Pty v
Em Chin Aik v R (1963) . .246 Applebee (1964) .......7
Linipus v London General Omnibus Cc MclnernyvLloyds Bank Ltd ( 1 974) . . t68
Ltd (1862)
.162 McKay v Essex Area Health Authority
Litter v Romford Ice and Cold Storage (1982) .........ig8
Co Ltd (1957)
38,212 Mackenzie-Kennedy v Air Council
Littledale v Liverpool College (1900) .285 (1927) .........557
aucwocn_Is iaii 'Jraer otores LtQ V M'Leod (Neil) & Sons Ltd, Petitioners,
IRC(t96g) . . . . . . 256,259 Re (1967) .........26,
Liversidge v Anderson (1942) . 7, 172, 182, Macmanaway, Re, Re House of Com-
'99 mons (Clergy Dis qualification) Act
Liyanage v R (1967) . . . . 100,102 ( 1801 )( 1 9 1 ) .......iSo
Local C 'rrnrnent Board v Arlidge McMillan v Crouch (1972) - . 175,178


Maddison v Alderson (1883) . . . .240 Minister of the Interior V Harris (l9) .

Madras Electric Supply Corpn Ltd v Ministry of Housing and Local Go'. v
Boarland(ig55) ..........2 Sharp 1970)
Nladzimbamuto v Lardner-Bnirke (No Mir Hassan v The Sosre, Pak LD
2)(1968) .........55 (1969 ............36
Madzimbarnuto v Larduer-Burke and Mirehouse v Rennell 1233 .127.200
George (1969) ......98,350 Mitchell v Harris Eng,r.ering Co td
Nladzimbamuto v Lardner-Burke NO (1967
(1968 . . . .54.100,363,366,367 Nloftatt '. Kazana 1969
Magdalena Steam Navigation Co v Mogul SS Co s SlcGrez.r Goi. & Co
Martin (1859) . . . . . 219,243 (1889 ;affd.(1892 ......... 235
Magna Plant v Mitchell (1966' . Molkerei-Zentrale V estfalen-Linpe
Magor and St Mellons RDC v Newport GmbH v Haup'zollanA Paderbin:
Corpn (tgo . . . . 172, 176, 178, 181 16/6 (1969......los. io')
Maharaj v A-G of Trinidad and Tobago Molkerei-Zentrale \Vestfalen-Lipe
(Nos) ( 1 979' GmbH v Hauptzsllanst Paderlxrn:
Malaysia (Gos ernment) v Selangor Pilot 28:67(1968' ......102.13:
Association (i) ....205,296 Moore v A-G for Irish Free cate
Malone v Metropolitan Police Comr ( 1 935' .........94
(1980) .........202 Moore v Hewitt ...... 130
Moore v I Bresler Ltd (i44) .252
Manuel v A-G (1983" 98,350
Marshall v BBC ( I 979) ......175 Moore v Robinson '183t
Morelle Ltd v Wakeling 955 .130
Matthes V Bobbins (1980) .....212
Mathews v Kuwait Bechtel Corpn Morgan v Fear (ID7( ......'49
( i gy) . . . . . . . 1 45, 196 Morgan v Liverpool Corpn (1927) .207
Matthews v MacLaren and Jones, The Nforphett vJones (IBIS........
Ogopogo (1969 .......310 Morris Baron &Co (1918) . . .243
Maunsell v Olins (,g) . 16, 173, 173, 185 Morrison v Sheld Corpn (ii . . 122
Medway v Doublelock Ltd (1978) . . .206 Morrisons (or Morrison Holdinos L:d v
Medway Drydock and Engineering Co IRC(i966 ............
Ltd v motor vessel Andrea Ursula, Niortensen v Peters ç';'3 .....2 I
The Andrea Ursula 1973" 79 NIc'ses . h,'-ferlan
Niembery v Great Western Rly Co 1:xxS lor, t I 32: . . . .
(1889...........42 Niungoni v A-G of Nor:hern Rhesia
Mercer v Denne (1904" .....188 (1960)
Merchandise Transport Ltd v British MurlandvDespardlg56 . . . 283
Transport Commission (1962) . .26o Nlusgrose< v Chun Teeor.z To7 (tEc.:: . 20
Merkur Island Shipping Corpn v Laugh- MusservUtah ........113
ton (t983.........185 Mustapha, Re, Nlustana '. Wo5ake
Metropolitan Asylum District Managers (1891) ....... .276
vHili(i881) ........205 NlusurusBe)sGadhan 1894) .243
Meux v Great Eastern Rl) Co (1893) .281 MutasavAGlI980.......230
Volpe (1967) ....279,280 Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Co
Michel v
Middlesex SheriWs Case (I840) . . .246 vEvatt(1969( . . . . 162,333,498
Middleton v Baldock (igo) . . . .280 Mutual Life and Citizens Assurance Co
Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Heu, Ltd v Evart (1971) .....7,167
Stubbs and Kemp (a firm) (1979): 129,247 Nlwenya, Re (1960) ......350
Midland Counties Motor Finance Co M y ers v DPP (196) ......163
Ltd v Slade (1931) ......242
Miles Forest Rock Granite Co (Leices-
tershire) Ltd (1Q18' .137
Nliliangos v George Frank (Textiles) Ltd
(1976) . . . 127, 128, 132, 147, 148, Nagle v Feilden (1966 .....suB, 209
151, 21 3 .21 9 , 334 IN Molvan (O.ner of Motor \ essel
Millar vTay!or 07691 . 178, 194 Asya) v A-G for Palestine (1948 . .2
Miller Collins (i8961 ......300 Nakkuda Al) v NI F De S Javaratne
Miller vJackson (1977) .....207 () ........ . 182
Miller ' Oregon 208 US 412 (1907) . .184 Nan der Linde vCalitz '1967) . . .100
Miller SS Co Ptv' Ltd v Overseas Tank. Nash v Tarnplin & Sons Brewer y . Br,gh-
ship (UKi Ltd R %V Miller & Co Pty ton, Ltd (1932 .......'4'
Lid v Oserseas Tankship (UK) Ltd National and Grindlavs Bank Ltd v
The Wagon Mound (No 2); 015 appeal Kentiles Ltd and Official Receiser
sub norn. Overseas Tankship (UK) (1966) .........253
Ltd v filter SSCoPty (1967) . . 2,138, National Bank olGreecc and Athens SA
142, 146, i6i v Metissa (19581
Mills v Colchester Corpn (1867) . -28, 18 National Bank of Greece S.\ v West'
F nd Tr,s1,e

.aL,orial Loa 12.u.ard UaIIcy (t 98) . .212 Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd s' Slorm
National Provincial Bank Ltd v Air,- Dock and Engineering Co Ltd, The
t..orth (1965) .....162. 321 \Vagn Mound (1 951) . . 23, 128 7 138,
National Union of General and Munici- 147, 161
pal Workers v Gillian (19 4 6) . .262
NdTsana v Hofmeyr NO (tm) . 97,98
Neumann (Firtna Max) v Hauptzollamt
Hof/Saalc: 98/63 (1969) . . . ,o6 P
New South Wales Taxation Comrs v Paisncr v Goodrich ( 1 55) .....280
Palmer (1907) .......142 Paley (Princess Olga) v \Veirz (1929) .
New Windsor Corpn v Mellor (1974): 188, i Pancomtnerce SA v Veecheema BV
New York Times v United States . . . 103 (1983) .........247
Newcastle City Council v Royal Newcas- Paradise Beach and Transportation Co
tle Hospital (t959) . . . . 272,282 Ltd v Price-Robinson (1968) . . .285
Nc's man (George) & Co, Re (189) .257 Paris v Stepney Borough Council
N)blett v Confectioners' Materials Co 211
(1921) .........34 Parkanski, Re (1966) ......13
Nicholas v Penny (tgo) .....'3° Parker v British Airways Board (1982) .283
Nokes v Doncaster Amalgamated Colli- Parker and Cooper Ltd v Reading
eries Ltd(tg 4 o) . . . . 173, 198,295 (1926) .........257
Nordenfelt v Slasim Nordenfelt Guns Parkinson v College of Ambulance Ltd
and Ammunition Co ( 1894) . 259 and llatrtson (1925) ......216
Norris .. Edmonton Corpn (1957) .150 Parlement BeIge, The (t88o) -145 ...
Nors.. hale, The ( 1 975) ......'79 Parmee v Mitchell (1950) .....a72
Note (judicial Precedent) (1966) Parry v Parry and Adams and Mackay
. 127, 130.
(1962) .........216
132, 159.213
Nothman v Barnet London Borough Parry-Jones v Law Society (1968). .
(1978) Partington vA-G (1869) .....206
Pasmore v Oswaldtwistle UDC (t 8g8) . 38
Nova Mink Ltd v Trans-Canada Airlines
Patel v Comptroller of Customs (1965( 18o .
( 1 95 1 ) .......204,234
Paton v British Pregnancy Advisory
Nowy Sacz, The ( tg ) .....128 Service Trustees (1979) . . . - 26. 217
Patttnson v Finningley Internal Drain-
age Board (1970) .......205
0 Pearce v Brain (1929) ......32
Pearson v Lambeth Borough Council
Oakes .. M i nster ''f War Tran,y-t /1950) ..........4!
1 944 .........205 Pegler v Craven (1952) ......:54
Ocean Estates Ltd v Pinder (1969) 282,285 i Penn-Texas Corpn v Anstalt (196 4 ) .253
O'Connellv R (i8) ......34 Penn-Texas Corpn v Murat Anstalt (No
O'Connor v Isaacs (1956) .....241 2)(t964) ........ . 140
Ogden Industries Pty Ltd v Lucas Pennsylvania Coal Co v Mahon 260 US
(1 097 . . . . . . . 393 (1922) ........205
Ogopogo, The. Sec Matthews v Mac- People's Pleasure Park Co v Rohleder 6
Laren,Joncs and The Ogopogo South Eastern Rep 794 (1909) . .254
OKelly v Harvey (1883) .....30 Perry v Clissold ( ,o ) ......293
Okre,.,_ v Brent London Borough Coun- Perry v Kcndricks Transport Ltd
cil(,967) .........177 (1956)
Old Gate Estates Ltd v Alexander Perry vStophcr(tg5g) ......135
(150).......216.280 Petition of Right, Re )tg,) . . . . ic,g
Oldendorff(E L) & CoGmbH v Tradax Pettitt v Pettitt (1970) ... 163, 170, 173
Export SA, The Johanna Oldendorff Philadelphia National Bank v Price
149,213 155
Ong Ah Chuan v Public Prosecutor Philpot, Re (1960)
(tg81) Phipps v Pears (1965) ........26
Oppenheimer v Cattermole(ig 7 6) Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Trans-
88, 195,
port Ltd(i98o) .......210
219 Piddingtonv Bates (tg6o) .....30
O'Reilly v National Rail and Tram'.say
Appliances Ltd (1966) Pigney v Pointers Transport Services
.....212 Ltd (g)
Orri v Moundrcas (1981) .....262 ........245
Pigott (j H) & Son v Dock, and Inland
Osborne v Amalgamated Society of
Railwa y Servants (t9o9) Waterways Executive (1953) . .207
. . . Pilkington Bros Ltd W orkmen's Pension
Os borne v Rosslet, (1880) . . 126,140 Fund,Re(1953) ........253
Otto and Otto v Boltot, and Norris
Ptllai v Singapore City Council (1968) .208
Pilling v Abergele UDC (1950) . . . 37
Overseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Miller
Pinchin v Santam Insurance Co Ltd
SSCoPty ( 1 96 7) .......140 00) . . - ' -.
''H'-'' XXI

Pinnel's Case (1602) .236 R v Board of Control, ex p Winter6oed
Pioneer Aggregates (UK) Lid v Secre- (1938) .......I73,2o2
tary of State for the Environment R v Board of Referees, ex p Calor Gas
(') (Distributing) Co Ltd (' g M)
Pioneer Laundry and Dry Cleaners Ltd 37
R v Bottrill, ex p KuedsenmeiMer
v Minister of National Revenue
(1940) .........259 R v Bouchereau: 30/77 ( 1 97 8) . . .
Playa Larga, The (Owners of Cargo .
Rv Bourne (,g3g) .......316
lately laden on board) v I Congreso Rv Bourne (,952) .......245
del Partido (Owners), Marble Islands, R v Bow Road justices (Domestic Pro-
The (Owners of Cargo lately laden on ceedings Court), ex p Adedigba
board) v I Congreso del Partido (1968) .......149, 184
(Owners), I Congreso del Partido RvBoyesen(,982) .......284
(tgS) ..........217 R v Brent Health Authority, ex p Francis
Poland v Earl Cadogan (ig8o) . . .280
Polemis and Furness Withy & Co, Re 30
R v Buswell (1972) .......284
(1921) . . . . . . 128 , 1 47, 148 Rv Chapman (t959) ......2,6
Portland Managements Ltd v Harte R v Charlson . . . . 202,309
(g) ......282, 285, 290 R v City of London Court Judge and
Post Office v Estuary Radio Ltd (1967) -179 Pane(t89s) ........17I
Potts (or Riddell) v Reid (tg.,) . . R v Gockb'irn (1968)
Poulton v London and South Western RvCroft (ii,) .......245
RlyCo(t86 7 ) .......258 R v Cunningham (1982)
Powell v Apollo Candle Co (188) . .....213
.350 R v Cunninghame, Graham and Burns
Pramatha Nath Mullick v Pradyumna (tEES)
Kumar Mullick (1925) .....251 R v Customs and Excise Cornrx, ex p
Prescott v Birmingham Corpn (1955): 68, 182, Cooke and Stevenson (or ex p Cook)
Prestcold (Central) Ltd v Minister of Rv Davis (,87o) .......73
Labour (1968) .......t85 R v Deakin and Smith (t800) . .
Pretoria City Council v Levinson Rv Decry (i 977 ) .......2I8
RvDelaval(t763) .......216
Priestley v Fowler (1837) .....211 R v Dickson (7950) ......44 35
Prince's Case, Re ( 160 ) .... . 93 Rv Donovan (,934) tI4,312
Printing and Numerical Registering Co R v Doody(i85 4 ) ........245
v Sampson (t8 75 ) ......2t0 R v Dudley and Stephens (188 4 ) .229
Pritchard v Post Office (1950) . . 135, 154 RvDuric.alf(, 979 ) .......175
Processed Vcgetable Growers Associa- R v Dssnsheath, cx p Meredith (, g i) . . 38
tions v Customs and Excise Comrs: 73/ RvDvtham(1979) ........232
.........105 .
Rv Earl ofBanbury(7693) . . . . 88
Proc lama tious' Case (161 1) . . . 53 R v Electricity Comrs, ex p London
Pryce v Belcher (1847) .....33,38 Electricity joint Committee Co (1920)
Pylkington's Case, Re ......93 Ltd (1924) ........206
Pyrenc Co Ltd v Scindia Steam Naviga- Rv Enoch (t833)
tion Co Ltd 954) ......'79 RvEnsor(,887)
R v Foley (i 88o) .......284
Rv Ford (,978) ......t17
Q R v Gaming Board for Great Bri. tain, ex
Qualcast (Wolverhampton) Ltd v p Benaim and Khaida (1970) . . .209
Haynes (1959) Rv Godfrey (1923) .......219
Quinn v Leathern (1901) Rv Gould (i968) .......216
. . .30, 146
R v Governor of Brixton Prison, ex p
Kolczynski(1955) ......2t9
R v Greater Manchester Coroner, ex p
Tal(i98 5 ) ........t27
R (MJ) (an infant), Re (1975) .206. . R v Halliday (1917) . . , . ,gg, 200
R v Agricultural Land Tribunal for R v Hampden, Ship Money Case
South Eastern Area, ex p Bracey (1637) .........53,'tOI
(1960) .........135 R v Harding (1929) ......
R v Arthur (1967) .......254 R v Harrison-Owen (ii) . . 202,309
R v Ashton-Rjckardt (1978) . . . .284 R v Hendon RDC, ex p Chorley (,g) .208
R v Ashwe[! (1885) .......283 Rv Heron (,982) .......iSo
R v Aston University Senate, ex p Roffey R v Hibbert(t869) .......s,6
(1969) .........so8 R v Hudson ( tg ) .......283
Rv Bishop (i975) R v Hussain (1969 ) .......284
RvBlaue(1975) ........312 RvICR Hatlm-T,,4(,,,.t

PACE .310
R v Sibbles (1939 .
R Industrial Disputes Tribunal, ex p .277
College. University of R Smith (1855)
Queen Mar y R s Somerset Justices, ex p E J Cole &

London (1957 .......211 PartnerS Ltd (1950) ......37
R v Industrial Injuries Comr, ex p
R V Spencer (1985) .......127
Amalgamated Engineering Union .......309
RvSpurge (196 1)
(tq66)..........13 Rs Steel (1981) ........312
.201 .......26t
R v IRC. cx p Rossmiflster Ltd 1980) R v Stewa:t (t84O
R lntan t 83 .309 R V Stocks 1921) .......216
R v Isirt (1978 . . . . R v Stokesky (Yorks) Justices CX p
. i6
R s Jsckson t8qt) . . 88 Bari ram ( 1956 ) .......141
R ',Jordon I i9671 . . .
R Sussex Justices, ex p McCarthy
R sjist ice ofthe Peace forPcterborough, 208
(4) ......
ex pHickSit97 8 ) .....2O2,3t ......201 RvSinson (1900) .......284
R s Kemp('957( R v Tan (1983) ........312
R v Larsonfleur ( 1 933 ) .....246 . R v Tao (1977) .........285
R v Le es Justices, ex p Secretary of
.202 R s Thurborn (1849) ......284
State for Home Department (1972) ......180
. 88 R Titterton (1895)
• v Lincoln (Bishop) (1345 () . . .......216
Rs Lipman (1970) .......310 .....207
R v Waddington (t8ot)
R'. McDonnell (1966) ......258
RvWheat (1921) .......216
herek ......312 R v Woking justices, cx p Gossage
R v Males 19621 .......17 208
(t973" .
R' Marriott ( 1 97 11 ......284
Wood 1982) .......308
R v Metropolita n Police Comr, ex p
Rv Youn g (t953 5 ........141
Blackburn (1968) ......316 R and Lord Hunsdon v Countess of
n Police Com r , cx p
R v Metropolita
6 Arundel and Lord Howard (1616) . . g6
Blackburn 19801 ......31 Nicum of Hyderabad
R, Nlilitarv Governor NDU Internment
(1958. ...........
Cap(t24.........96 Rail'avs Comr v Quinlan 1964) 149. 16
. .285
R' M,ford i97& .
Ramia CE Ltd
African Woods Ltd
1968" 54, 8, too. 367
R vNdhl' ,'. u
93.) ...........
I,) ...... .. 44
R' N: Ransom and Luck Ltd v Surbiton Bor-
R Ncark tq8ol .......308 .205
ough Council )t949 . . .
R v Nrth London Metropolitan Magis-
8 RalinsOn v Ames (1925 .....240
trat. cx p Havwocd . tq3C
R.......Application. A-G v....20

R v N r t humberlafld Compensa tion A .130 worth t63l ......t6
a , 321
peal Tribunal. ex p Shaw (1951) Reade v Smith (1959) ......200
R v Oakes C 1959 ....... Redhridge (London Borough) v Jaques
R paddison 97 3( ......309 . 29
(1971 ...... .
RvPeaoont97 8 ' .......284 Regents of the University of California
R v Pettigrew 1980" v Bakke 438 US 265 (1978) . . . 66
........ . 1
R Poulton 8321 Regional Properties Co Ltd V Franken-
R Prioce (18751 ......' .2,6 schwerth (1951) .......a8o
R Purd y 19751 Regulation and Control of Radio Corn-
R Quick 1973( . ...309 .
munication tn Canada. Re (t932)
R v Rees es )t 839 . . . . '.' .261 Metropolitan Police omr
R v Rite s ......... 283 .20!
R v Robert Millar (Contractors) Ltd . .113
Reynolds V CS 98 US 145 (1878) .
(19701 Richards v McBride (1881) . . . .173
R Rosse 1891 .......284
Richardson v London County Council
R Russell , 19641 ..........2 .......t66, 202
K v St Margarets Trust Ltd 11938) . .176 (1957,
River Wear Comm v Adamson (1876) . .173
R Secretary of Slate for Foreign and
Riverstone Meat Co Pty Ltd v Lanca-
Conamonea l t h ,Affairs, ex p Indian shire Shipping Co Ltd (t961) . 1 79, 218,
Association of Alberta (19821 . .330 269
R v Secretar y of State for Home Depart- Rivoli Hats Ltd v Gooch (1953) . . .135
p Bhurosah (i968) . . . . 29
me n1. cx Roadways Transport Development Ltd
R v Secretary of State for Home Dept,
vA-G(1942) ........295
pBh3anghU975 l . . . .t8
Roberta. The (L937) ......262
• v Secretary of State for Home Dept. . 68, 18, 182.
.....aoo Roberts v Hopwoc925) d (1
cx p Hosenball (19771 t99, 209,223
• v secretary of State for Home Dept,
......ii8 Robson v Headland (1948) . ..280
cx pThakrar (1974)
Rodriguez v Parker (1967) .....241
K v Secretary of State for the Environ- . . .217
- RodriguezvSPCYCr Bros (t9t9)
rncnt.c p Hacknes London Borough
Rolle v Whyte (1868) . i8o Sherratt (W A) Ltd v John Bromley
Rollxwin Investments Ltd v Cromolit (Church Stretton) Ltd ( 1 98 ) . . .128
Portugal Cutclars e Produtoa Metil- Shields v E Coomes (Holdings) Ltd
icos St.RL (1970) ......257 (1979) .........104
Ronbar Enterprises Ltd v Green Shiffrnar, v Venerable Order of the
(tg) . . . . . . . 211,259 Hospital of St John of Jerusalem
Ronex Properties Ltd v John Laing (1936) .........37
Construction Ltd (1983) - . . . Short v A-G of Sierra Leone ( 1 96 ) .195
Rookes v Barnard (196 4 ) . 90,212, 263, 343 Short v Treasury Comes (1948) . .255
Roothv Wilson (1817) ...... Shuter (No 2), Re (igGo) . . .37,202
Rose Mary, The. See Anglo-Iranian Oil Sigsworth, Re, Bedford v Bedford
Co Ltd vJafl'rate, The Rose Mary ( 1 935) .........173
Ross v Caunters (1980) . . . 137, 139,204 Simpson v Peat (,g 5 a) ..... . 141
Rosa-Clunis V Papadopoullos (1958): 183,200 Simpson v Wells (1872) .....188
Rowley, Holmes & Co v Barber (i) •.261 Sinclair v Brougham (1914) -195
Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Co Ltd Sirros v Moore ...... 127
Russell (1949) .......130 Small Nairne (1849) ......t35
Royal Government of Greece v Gover- Smith vBaker & Sons (1891) . .211
nor of Brixton Prison ( 1 9 7t) . . . .219 Smith vJago ('975) ......316
Russell v Smith (1958) . . . . 283,284 Smith v Mawhood (1845) .....176
RyanvR(t967) .......310 Smith v Moss (, 94 o) ......244
Rylands v Fletcher (1868) . 35, 137, 203, 301 Smith v Stone (t6 47 ) ......309
Rysak v Rysak and Bugajaski (1967) . .235 Smith (Colin) Music Ltd v Ridge
Socia,al Fonda voor de Diamantarbeiders,
Antwerp v SA Ch Brachuicld & Sons
and Dougal Diamond Ca, Ant'*erp:
2-3/69 (1969) .......104
Sabey (Clifford) (Contractors) Ltd Societa Anonima Fabbrica Accumula-
Long (tgg) ........93 tori (SAFA) v Amministrazione drlle
Sagnata Investments Ltd v Norwich Finanzc(t 9 7 3 ) .....to4, 131
Solle v Butcher ( to ) . . . . 195,321
Corpn ('97') ........184
Said v Butt (tgso) .......142 Sommersett's Case (1772) . . . '157,197
Salgoil SpA v Foreign Trade Ministry of Sorrell v Smith (1925) ......30
the Italian Republic: 13168 (1969) . .104 South Staffordshire Water Co v Sharman
SalihvAtchi(tg6t) ......251 (1896) .......282,287
SalkeldvJohnson(orJohnston)(i84 8) .178 Southern Pacific Co vJcnsen 244 US 205
Salomon v Customs and Excise Comrs (1917) .........163
(1967) ........179,218 Southwark London Borough Council v
Salomon v Salomon & Co (1897) 167, 254 Williams (197 t) .......20t
Sanderson v IRC (1956) .....i8o Sovfracht (V/U) v Van Udens Sdae-
Saunders (Executrix of Will ofGallie) v epvaart en Agentuur Maarschapij
Anglia Building Society (197!). See (NV Gebr) ('g)
Gallic v Lee (1968) (1969) Spartan Steel and Alloys Ltd v Martin
Schlesinger v Schlesinger (196.') . . .135 & Co (Contractors) Ltd (1973) . 161, 215
Schmidt v Secretary of State for Home Spears v Harsly (t800) ......242
Affairs (1969) ......30,434 Spencer v Hernmcrde (1922) . . . .241
Schneider v Dawscn (1960) . . . .243 Stadium Finance Ltd v Robbins (or
Schorsch Meier GmbH v Hennin Robins) (1962) .......279
147,219 Staines UDC's Agreement, Re, Triggs v
( 1 975) . . . . . . .
Schtraks v Government of Israel (196 4) .219 Staines UDC (1969) ......37
Scowby, Re, Scowby v Scowby (1897): z6, , Stamford, Spalding and Boston Banking
Scruttons Ltd v Midland Silicones Ltd Co v Smith (1892) ......242
(1962) .....140, 141,156,194 Starkowskiv A-G(, 954 ) .....194
Seabrook Estate Co Ltd v Ford ( 1 949) . . 35 State v Katsande (,g) .....119
Seaford Court Estates Ltd v Asher State, The y Dosao (1958) . 5, 365, 3126
(1949) .......176,185 Staton v National Coal Board ( 1 957) . . 162
Searle v Wallbank (ig) . . . . .149 Statue of Liberty, The, M/S Sapporo
Secretary of State for Education and Macu (Owners) v S/T Statue of Lib-
Science v Tameside Metropolitan Bor- erty (Owners) (1968) . . -. .308
ough Council (1977) . . . . 110,118 Staveley Iron and Chemical Co Ltd v
Seyfang v G Searle & Co (ig) .219 Jones(19 56) ........
Seymourv Pickett (,go) .....242 Stein v Lehoert (1962) ......32
Shalt v Barnet London Borough Council Steinberg v Scala (Leeds) Ltd (1923) . . 32
(1983) .........176 Stephens v Cuckfleld RDC (t 96o) . . . 178
Sharkey v Wernher (1g54) .....148 Stern's Will Trusts, Re, Bartlett v Stern
Shaw v DPP (1962) . . . . 149, 150, 216 (1q62) .........s6o

.236 ['ricfus & Co Ltd v Post Office )tg) - .144
Still, v Myrick (tBog)
SturckevS %V Edwards Ltd (t)Jp) . .247 Friggs v Staines UDC (t 968). See Staines
Sullivan v Earl of Caithness (196): 272,278 CDC's Agreement, Re, Triggs v
Sullivan v Gallagher and Craig (,Fo) .212 SiainesUDC(1969)
Summers v Salford Corpn (1943) . 177,207 frucuknt, The. See Admiralty v SS
Sumner v Robert L Priestl y Ltd (ig) .173 Divina (Owners), The Truculent
Sussex Peerage Case 0 8 44 . . . .171 rruman (Frank) Export Ltd v Metro-
Sutton's Hospital Case (16 1 2). .258 politart Police Ccrnr ('977) - .202
Sweet v Parsle y (1970) ......285 fubantia, The (1924 ...... .277
S y dney Municipal Council v Common- Tucker v Linger (1883" - .192
.......253 .254
wealth (tgo.) funstall v Steigmanti (1962)
Sykes. Re, Skelton and Dson v Sykes Tynan v Balmer (1967) - - 30
(1940) .........42
Syndicat Général de Fabricants dv Sc-
moulesde France (1970' .....107
US v Lehigh Valley RR Co 220 US 257
T ('9'') .........259
Taff Vale Rly Co v Amalgamated USvRauscher 119 US 40 7 (1886) - - .219
Uranda v Commissioners of Prisons, ex
Society of Railwa y Servants (iqol) . .263
Tamlin v Hannaford (1950' . 210,264 pNlatova(t966) .......55
Tanistry Case (16o8 Uganda Co (Holdings) v Government of
......35 Uganda (1979'.' ......29,217
Tapp vJones(1B75'
Tassell v Hatlen (1892) ......236 Ulster-Swift Ltd and Pig Marketing
Taiinton-Collins v Cr,mie (1964 . . .217 Board (Northern Ireland) v Taunton
Ta y lor v Niunrow (1960) .....09 Meat Haulage Ltd, FransenTransporl
Techild Ltd v Chamberlain tq11( . .285 NV (third part( (1977) .. - 180,213
Teh CScng Poh (alias Char NIch s Ulverston and District Ness Hospital
P ,ihl ir Prosecu or. NI a Is '.51.1 I - . ui Building Trusts, Re, Birketi v Barross
Tennant v Whytock 947 - . . . 280 and Furness Hospital Management
Tha).F.urpeTip51 lid fort ......t54
if Pak'staii. NI: nutrv of Fe) and Underwood A Li Ltd v Bank of Li, er-
Agriculture, Directorate of Agricul- p.ul and Martins (I 924) .....254
tural Supplies (Imports and Shipping Unit Construction Co Lid v Bullock
Wing 1t975.........'3' (196o( .......258,259
Theophile v Scdr-Grnrral ' igo) . . .218 United Dominions Corpn Jamaica) Lid
Them (NI B s- %Vijvs ardena (t '110 . v Shoucai r i t 969) . - . . 240,243
Thomas V NIetroptliian Housing Corps United Engineering Workers' Union s
Ltd 1 9 36 .........279 Ds-vanaanam President Eastern
Thonsa3vSakin5 -1935' .......3' Province ,Agricultural Co-op Union
Thompson v Andre'. (1968 ' . . . .134 Ltd (1968 .........12
Thompson' Park f 1 94 .....38 United Railwa y s of Havana and Regla
Thompson v Thompson (,q6( . . .173
Warehouses Ltd. Re (1961) . . . .147
Thompson v Ward (t953- ... 2111.280 Universities of Oxford and Cambridge v
Thomson v NInyse (19111 ( - . . 13o,148
Eyre and Spottiswoode Ltd (1964) - 199
Thomson, St Catharines College, Cam-
Upton-on-Severn RDC '. Powell
bridge Matcr and Fellosss ) 1919) - .148
Thorne v Motor Trade .Association (1942)
(19371 ..... 33, 18, 196,208
Thorne and New Brunswick Workmen's
C)ntpensatinn Board (1962) - . - .264
Tick'icr v B,iz.e.-icoit i 1963 . . . .293
Tickoer v Hearn 1,96,1 .....280 VvD(1927) 243
Tidd. Re, Tidd V 0' erell 89) (I 35 Vacher & Sons Ltd v London Society of
Timber Lane Lumber Co v Bank of
Compositors (1913 ) . - 39,171, 173, 178
America (1984' .......21f Valentini v Canali (1889) ,... 32
Tolten.The(1946' ....... Van DunHome Office (1974) - - .131
Tooth & Co vi tllver (t,)56) - - .231
- 272,278 Nan Duyn v Home Office (No ): 41/74
Tossers&Co Ltd v Gray i I 9 61( .......104,434
28, (1975)
Van Geiud en Loot v Nederlandse Belas-
Trapp v Mackie ('979' . - . . -
Trebanog Working Men's Club and tingadministratie 20/62 (1963) - 104, 106
Institute Ltd v MacDonald (1940) 26, Vaughan sTaff Vale Rly Co (1860) - .205
Treloar v Note (1977) Vauxhall Estates Ltd Liverpool Corpn
Trend t ex Trading CorpnvCentral Bank (1932) ........ . 8g
of Noeri. Itn' '- R.. '-.-4-- f,.'

'V W illiams v Glasbrook Bros Ltd . .129
WvW(t976) Williams v ilorne Office (198,)
W . . .206
Wabc v Taylor (1952) . aBc illiams Bros Direct Supply Stores Ltd
Wagon Mound, The (No 2). See Miller v Raftery (1958) .......a8
SS Co Ply Ltd v Overseas Tankship Willis v Association of Universities ofthe
(UK) Ltd, R \V Miller & Co Pty Ltd British Commonwealth (j965) . .262
Oversea-s Tankship (UK) Lid, The Willis v Brooks ...... 262
Wagon Mound (No 2) Willis & Co v Baddrley (1892) . . .
Wagon ound, The. See Overseas Tank- Willow Wren Canal Carrying Co Ltd v
ship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock and British Transport Commission
Engineering Co Lid, The Wagon (1956)
Mound Wilson v Cha,terton (19 4 6) . . . .129
Wakeham v Mackenzie (1968) . . . .278 Wilson v Dagnall (1972) ......93
Walker Rowntre (1961) .....279 Wilson v Glossop (1888) . . . 157,195
Walker's Decision, Re (tg) . . .209 Wilson v Lombank Ltd (1963) . . .
\Vallerstejner v Moir (tm) . . . .259 Wilson (Lady) v Willes (1806) . . . .
Wallis's Cavton Ba y Holida y Camp Ltd Wilson (Paal) & CoA/S v Partenreederei
v Shell-Mex and BP Ltd ( i Hannah Blumenthal (1983) . . . .740
,) . 285,290
Walsh v Curry ( 1 95) .......43 Wilsons and Clyde Coal Co Ltd v English
Walsh 'John) ltd v S heffield City Coun- (1938) ......137, 148,212
cil and Tranter (1957) %Viltsh j re V Barrett (1965) .....176
Vankie Colliery Cos' IRC (t922) . . .185 Wimpey (George) & Co Ltd v Sohn
Warin g , Re, Westminster Bank Ltd v (1967) .........285
Burton-Butler (1948) 18, . . . 1 5 Wiseman v Bornensan (197 j) .209
Warner v Metropolitan Police Comr Wodehouse v Levy (1940) .....128
(1969) .....278,281,283,284 Wood v Leadbit,er (t845) . . . . 36,38
Warr (Frank) & Co Ltd v LCC (1903) . WoodagevMoss(,97 4 ) .......278
Warren v Keen (tq) ......'35 Woodford v Smith ( 1 97 0 ) .... . 263
\Varw,c1. Film Productions Ltd v Eisin- Woods v Martins Bank Ltd (t 959) . . .
ger (1069) ........'79 Wooldridge v Sumner (1963) . . . . 32
%Vasserberg, Re. Union of London and Worcester Works Finance Ltd v Cooden
Smiths Bank Ltd v Was.serberg Engineering Co Ltd (1972)
. .
( 1 9 1 5 ) . . . . . . . . . 278 Wright v Walford (1955) .....t 84
\\'atrnre ';Jenkins (1962) .....309 Wurzel v Atkinson, Norfolk and Ward
Watson Bros v Ho'-nby (1942) . . . . 148 263
Waucho 0e v Maida (t97t) .....240 Wurzel v Houghton Main Home Deliv-
Waugh v British Railways Board cry Service Ltd (tg;) .....263
20. Wuta-Ofei v Danquah (t96t) . . . 285
Weller & Co v Foot and Mou'h Disease W y att v Kreglinger and Fernau (1933)
Research Institute (1966) . . . . Wvcombe Marsh Garages Ltd v Foss ler
Wells v Derwent Plastics (t978) . . . , I (1972) .........175
Wenman v Ash (1853) ......26, Wyld v Silver (1962) .......88
West Bank Estates Ltd v Arthur (1967) .285 Wynne-Finch v Chaytor (1903) . . .129
West Coast Hotel Co v Parrish 300 US
( 1 937) ........184
West Ham Union v Edmonton Union x
(1908) .........49 X (a minor) Re (1975) ......ao6
Western Ground Rents v Richards
(1961) .........285
Western India Match Co Ltd v Lock
(1946) Y
Westminster Bank Ltd v JRC (1958) .149 Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd
Wheat vELacon&Co Ltd (t966) . 8 t27, 128, 145
Wheeler v New Merton Board Mills Ltd Young v Bristol Aeroplane Co Ltd
257 (146) .........132
Wicks v DPP ( tg ) ......172 Young v North RidingJustices (1965) . -135
Wiggins v Wiggins (otherwise Brooks) Young, James and Webster v United
and Ingram (t958) ......2,6 Kingdom (t98,) .......
Wigley v Leigh (1950) ......280
Wigzelt, Re, ex p Hart (192,) . . . .2,6
Wilkinsonv Chetham-Strode (1940) .138 z
Wilicock V Muckle (1951) .....8g
Zeidmar, v 0:en (1950) .....t4.a
Williams v Carwardine (1833) . . . .135
Zoernsc}, v Waldock (1964) . 219, 243, 310

Lkcwo'ts aJ the European Court of Just ice are listed below n2mersc ally.
77te;e decisioiti are alco included in theprfcediri olpi helical trot.

2-3/69: Scciaal Fonda voor de Diaman-
26)62 Van Gend en Loos v Nederlandse
.. o, ,o6 tarbeiders, Antwerp v SA Ch Brach
Belastingadmiflistratie (1963) Cold & Sons and Dougal Diamond Co.
28-30/62: Da Costa en Schake NV
Nederlandse Administratie an Betas- Antwerp 1969' .......104
26 9 5)701 Amministrazionedelk Finanze
inen(1963 .......... dllo Staro v SACE SpA (1975 / . . .107
20-21 / 63: Re Im port of Pork (iq66) . 05
52:7': Intrnati0nale Handelsgcsells
i98,b3 Firma Nla Neumann v 1-laup- chaft mhH v Einfuhr- und Vorraiss-
izollami Hof Saa!e (1969 1 . . . . io6
telle fur Getreide und Futtermittel
2 44 63: Alma SpA v High Authority los
(1965) .........,o6
82/72: Re Frauds on Agricultural Levies
6/6 4 : Costa v Ente Nazionale per lEner- 104
gia Elettrica ( ENEL) (1964): 104, to6, 107 ( 1 974) ...............
57 16 5 : Firma Alfons LUtricke GmbH 41174 1 Van Duyn v Home Office (No 2)
(,g) . . . . . . . 104,434
Hauptzollarnt Sarrclouis (1971) . . . io6
73/71: Processed Vegetable Growers
16/6: MoIkerei-Zentrt Westfalen-
Lippe GmbH .. Hauptzollamt Pader- Associations v Customs and Excise
.......04,106 Comrs (1974/ ....... . lO
born (1969)
Molkerei-Zentrak Westfalen- 43 / 7 31 Defrenne v SA Beige de Naviga-
Lippe GmbH v Hauptzollamt Pader- 'ion Abrtenne (1976) ..... . 105
born (,q68.......104,131 30/77: R v Bouchereau (1978/ . . . .200
106177: AmministraziOne delle F,nanze
13 1 68: Saloil SpA v Foreign Trade
dello Stato v Simmenthal SPA (No 2)
s1inistrv of the Ital:an Republic .........106
........ . 104 (1978)



Chapter i Introduction 3
Chapter 2 Legal material 23
Chap!er 3 Rulc, laws and It-gal system 47

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