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“Though a documentary, it’s dramatic enough to be be reminiscent of ‘The Insider,’ the whistleblowing thriller about Big Tobacco.” Graham Fuller, New York Daily News — 8/28/14 SECOND OPINION LAETRILE AT SLOAN-KETTERING “Lying to the American people wasn't part of my job description.” Ralph W. Moss, PhD June 2, 1974 minutes: This: contains the “minutes” CMTC OICEC OM MPa RU ae Raa) PUNCH CM CURT eam ICI RUT CCRT Sloan-Kettering discussing the positive laetrile/amygdalin results EOE C LU ROM NTP IRS Merle OCT RU EO Second Opinion: Laetrile At Sloan-Kettering is available on Blu-ay, DVD, and Video On Demand. Also available is Doctored Results, a new book & companion guide to this documentary by Ralph W. Moss, PhD www.secondopi LE AOL UCL WOT mmZ OTC DC MEETING Sxurerr A Pace Z ATTEND! 3:00 P.M. July 2, 1674 8.H. Morrison John M. Venditti Stephen K. Carter Robert M. Hadsell Lewis Thomas Robert A. Good Dr. Chester Stock Lloyd Old B.T. Loftus Phil Walters, M.D. Bryant L. Jones, M.D. Howard L. Walker, M.D. William d. Evans, 4.0. Paul Sage. David J. Richman, Ph.0. v. Richard Crout, M.D. Carl Leventhal Kid. Finkel, M.D. Barrett Scoville NCI NCI NCI KCI Sloan Kettering Menorial Institute Sloan Kettering Menorial Institute Sloan Kettering Memorial Institute FDA/BD FDA/BD HFD-150 HFD-150 HFD-300 FDA/8D HFD-150 FDA FOA FDA FDA seurerr A Vaoe Dr. Crout and Or. Thomas opened the meeting with introductions. led Dr. Good (Sloan Kettering) reviewed the scientific question of interest to Sloan Kettening. He emphasized: It is hard to identify Laetrile as a compound; one ‘can only work with amygdalin. b. There is inmense enotion assoicated with this drug. Studies of amygdalin are a small. part of Sloan Kettering program. Dr. Old enphasized that Leetrile is emygdalin not the glucuronid of mandelonitrite. There is a theoretical rationale for enyadalini selective release of CN (cyanide) intracellularly. Amygdalin is one of a series of cyanogenic glycosides. (They would like to study other menters of this group not just a in. Sloan Kettering would Ti! to test these drugs in spontansous tumors not just experimentally derived tumors, 8-giucasicases are found in mi tissues. Cancer cells are said to have high clucosidase levels. Normal cells are said to have low glucosidase levels. The rat kidney has a high level of 8-glucosidase but does not break down amygdalin to release cyanide. The oral route of administration of amygdalin(a) is much more toxic than the parenteral because the intestinal bacteria break down amygdalin to release cyanide(CX). This is shown by use of en- vironmentally protected raised animals who do not haroor bacteria in the intestine. The oral route in these animals is no more toxic than the parenteral. )* , Dr. Old presented some possible research approaches to study the con- cept that a CN donor might be en anti-tumor egent. Dr. Old has written to several world users of Leetrile, including Drs. Contreras and Niepes and others. He found two groups (1) Those who used it end found it of value (i.e. Contreras) and (2) Those who had not used it and did not believe in it. ‘ " Dr. Old fi administra? break down. 1s that amygdalin is 2s non-toxic as glucose, although oral ‘on increases toxicity due to CN release from bacterial

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