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y exampape

GCE O Level Oct/Nov 2008

8 Physics 5
8 Paper 1 S
d Answers

# Anns Workin
1 D From rest, u = 0.
2 40, 2
2 B Gradient of Speed-Time Graph = Accceleration
0-5s: nonn-uniform grad dient ∴ non-unniform acceleraation
5-10s: zeero gradient ∴ zero acceleratiion, constant sppeed
10-15s: constant
c gradieent ∴ uniform aacceleration
15-20s: zero
z speed ∴ at a rest
3 B Q is the force
f in the samme direction ass car’s motion. If Q increases, resultant forcce, which is in
the same direction as caar’s motion, woould increase. Thus, using F= =ma, acceleratiion of car
increasess, implying ratee of change of speed increasees in the same ddirection.
4 C Frictionaal force (f) is afffected by typee of surface. Oiily surface givees smoother surface and
thereforee smaller f as coompared to dryy surface. To sllow down a caar, resultant forrce (F) has to
oppose direction
d of car’s motion, impplying magnitudde of f has to bbe greater than that of
forward force.
f Since, frrictional force iis smaller on oily
o surface, tim me taken for f tot be greater
than forw
ward force is loonger.
5 D Directionn of tension in the rope has too be slanted upw wards to the leeft. This is donee so that,
when thee tension is reso olved into its vvertical and horrizontal compoonents, the verttical
componeent pointing upwards would bbalance the weiight while the hhorizontal com mponent
pointing to the right woould balance thhe pulling forcee.
6 B mass 20kg
7 D Mass = density
d x volumme
= 8 x 23 = 64g
8 A Sum of clockwise
c momment = Sum of aanticlockwise moment
150 x 0.775 = F x (0.75+
F = 75N
9 A
10 D
11 B Power = Work done / Time
T = 80 x 4 / 5 = 64W
12 B At higherr altitude, atmoospheric pressuure is lower. When
W balloon iss brought up, th
he pressure in
it has to reach
r um with the suurrounding. Therefore, the baalloon expands and its
pressure drops. Exposed surface of mercury of barom meter measurees the pressure in balloon,
which coorresponds to h.h Since pressurre in balloon drrops, h would ddrop too.
13 C P = F/A = 80 / (10 x 5)
14 B Browniann motion
15 C An increaase in temperatture increases the t average kin netic energy off molecules, thuus greater
speed. Prressure is the reesult of collisioon of moleculees with the walll of cylinder. Since
S pressure
is constannt, rate of colllision is the sam
16 A 100°C -------- 250 – 1000 = 150mm
1°C -------- 1.5mm
60°C --------- 190 – 100 = 90mm
17 C At boilin
ng point, there’ss no change in temperature but a change in state.
When liqquid changes innto gas, the moolecular spacingg increases. (K Kinetic molecullar model of

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18 D

19 C V = fλ = 2.5 x 0.6 = 1.55 m/s

T = D / S = 3 / 1.5 = 2s
20 D Light travvels slower in glass, thereforee it bends towaards the normaal when it enterrs glass from
air and beends away from m normal whenn it enters air from
fr glass.
Light striiking the mirro
or will be refleccted.
21 A When tottal internal refllection occurs, angle of incideence is greaterr than critical an
22 B
23 A T = 1 / f = 1 / 3600
No of waaves = 0.50 / (11/3600) = 18000
24 D Frequenccy determines pitch
p of sound..
Speed off sound in the same medium is i constant.
25 B A positivvely charged ro od would inducce negative chaarges on left haand side of mettal ball and
repel possitive charges too right hand side of metal ball. Earthing woould neutralize the charges
on right hand
h side of metal
m ball. Neutrralized chargess are not shownn.
26 D Electric field
f lines arouund positive charge radiate ouutwards while that
t of negativee charge
radiate innwards.
27 B I=Q/t
t = 10 / 2 = 5s
28 B S3 must be
b opened to prrevent short cirrcuit
29 C Resistancce is directly prroportional to llength of wire.. To have a stroonger current, a small
resistancee and thus a shhorter wire is reequired.
30 D IT = I1 + I2 + I3
I1 = 6 – 1 – 3 = 2 A
31 B Voltage is i directly propportional to Resistance. To haave the smallesst potential diffference across
the variabble resistor, itss resistance hass to be the smalllest.
V = IR
I = 6 / (1++2) = 2mA
V = IR = 2mA x 1kΩ = 2V
32 B f=1/T
= 1 / 0.0008
= 125 Hz
33 A Low tem mperature and loow light intensity gives high resistance
34 C Cost = 0..16 x (2000 /10
000 x 2)
= $0
35 A The fuse has to be fixedd in the live leaad before the apppliance (lightt bulb)
36 A Alternatinng current is used
u in demagnnetization.
Iron has to
t be inserted in
i the core of ssolenoid so thatt magnetic fielld lines can be trapped inside
the iron, producing a strronger electrommagnet.

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37 B Magneticc field lines aree trapped in thee core of solenooid by the ironn. Closer field lines
l imply
stronger magnetic
m effecct.

38 D Fleming’’s left hand rulee

39 A
40 A V = IR
I = 12 / 8 = 1.5A

Ip = 0.0755A

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