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Tiruchirappalli – 620 017

I MBA Course Code: P18MS105

1. Esprit de corps means .

a. Union is strength. b. Service is our motto.
c. Buyer be aware. d. Product is our strength.
2. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior
is .
a. Unity of direction. b. Unity of command.
c. Centralization. d. Scalar chain.

3. The first and foremost function of management is .

a. Planning. b. Organizing c. Controlling. d. Co-ordination
4. Who developed the concept of Management by Objectives?
a. Maslow b. Herbert Simon
c. Herzberg d. Peter F. Drucker
5. Managers with good are able to communicate, motivate and lead to get the
best out of their people.
a. Human skills
b. Conceptual skills
c. Technical skills
d. Visual skills
6. The oldest and simplest organizational structure
a. Line and staff b. Line c. Matrix d. Divisional
7. Planning lays down the overall objective strategies and polices for the total enterprise is
a. Corporate planning.
b. Divisions planning.
c. Unit planning.
d. Department planning
8. developed a categorization scheme for defining what managers do,
consisting of 10 different but highly interrelated roles.
a. Henri Fayol b. Henry Ford c
c. Henry Mintzberg d. Henry Morris
9. The process whereby a manger shares his work and authority with his subordinate’s
is .
a. Decentralization. b. Responsibility.
c. Delegation. d. Decision making
10. Communication going up through each position in the line of authority .
a. Order b. Equity.
c. Scalar chain. d. Formal communication
11. The process of monitoring and correcting the action of the organization is called
a. Managing b. Controlling.
b. Leading. d. Administrating.
12. In delegation, the duties and authority are shown in the organizational structure
of the enterprise
a. Formal b. Informal c. General d. Specific
13. In delegation authority is delegated to another person who is in the same rank
a. Downward b. Sideward c. Accrued d. Unwritten
14. Food, drink, sleep, oxygen and an acceptable temperature are all examples of

a. Physiological needs b. Safety needs

c. Competence needs d. Social needs
15 ---------- is considered as the primary function of management?
a. Organizing b. Planning c. Staffing d. Controlling
16. A superior cannot delegate
a. Authority b. Responsibility c. Duty d. None of these
17. The attitude based on feelings, sentiments and emotions of any person is under
component of Attitude
a. Behavioral b. Cognitive c. Affective d. Positive
18. Outgoing, talkative, social are part of Personality trait
a. Friendly b. Openness to experience
c. Introversion d. Extroversion
19. Herzberg's motivation Hygiene theory is also known as .
a. Three factor theory. b. Two factor theory.
c. Need theory. d. The big 5 model theory.
20. Which model of OB lie, on OB managements building and a feeling of partnership with
a. The custodial model. b. The collegial model.
c. The supportive model. d. The autocratic model.
21. A conflict between two or more people is termed as .
a. Inter personal conflicts. b. Inter group conflicts.
c. Intra personal conflicts. d. Inter organizational conflicts.
22. When role expectations are inadequately defined or substantially unknown
a. Role conflict. b. Role stress. c. Role behavior. d. Role ambiguity
23. What term is used for the tendency for individuals to spend less effort when workingcoll
a. Groupthink b. The rule of diminishing returns
c. Social loafing d. Group shift
24. is the process through which employees identify with the organization
and want to maintain membership in the organization.
a. Job satisfaction. b. Organizational commitment.
c. Job involvement. d. Job Enrichment.
25. What is brainstorming?
a. A technique used to build group cohesiveness
b. A technique that tends to restrict independent thinking
c. A process for generating ideas
d. A process used mainly when group members cannot agree on a solution
26. Because leading is one of the four basic managerial functions, leaders.
a. All managers are
b. All managers should be
c. Some managers are
d. Some managers should be
27. says that leadership effectiveness depends upon the situation in which.
leadership is exercised
a. Contingency model theory. b. Situational leadership theory.
c. Path goal theory. d. Trait theory.
28. Believes, attitudes, traditions and expectations which are shared by group members is
a. Group norms b. Group communication
c. Group cohesiveness d. Group structure

29. means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender,
race and ethnicity.
a. Workforce diversity b. Globalization
c. Organization culture d. Structure
30. Communication with superiors involves:
a. Problem solving b. Disciplinary matters
c. Welfare aspects d. Public relations
31. are the rules of pattern and behaviour that are expected from all team members
a. Norms b. Policies c. Procedures d. Role
32. Hitler style of leadership is
a. Transactional b. Transformation c. Autocratic d. Democratic
33. The is the best style of leadership in emergencies.
a. Autocratic. b. Democratic c. Laissez Faire d. Participative.
34. The stage at which emerging of leader and standards and roles are formed.
a. Norming stage b. Forming stage c. Storming stage d. Performing stage
35. Failure to report work is called
a. Lack of commitment b. Absenteeism c. Burnout d.Immoral activity
36. Grievance is a state of over issues related to employment.
a. Satisfaction. b. Dissatisfaction. c. Fear. d. Likeliness.
37. Which type of personality has the character in people like easy going, sociable, free
from urgency of time, laid back and non-competitive?
a. Type A personality. b. Type B personality.
c. Judging personality. d. Perceptive personality.
38. Organizational effectiveness is defined as the degree to which organization realizes it
a. Goal. b. Success. c. Effort. d. Performance
39. The change agent is an outside .
a. Consultant. b. Consoler. c. Country. d. Counselor.
40. When one party perceives its interests are being opposed or set back by another party,
this is known as:
a. Fear b. Conflict c. Competition d. Equity
1 A
2 B
3 A
4 D
5 A
6 B
7 A
8 C
9 C
10 C
11 B
12 A
13 B
14 C
15 B
16 A
17 A
18 B
19 B
20 B
21 A
22 D
23 C
24 B
25 C
26 B
27 B
28 A
29 A
30 A
31 A
32 C
33 A
34 A
35 B
36 C
37 B
38 A
39 A
40 B

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