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Carbon footprint analysis of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system: a case study
of Xiamen City, China

Article · December 2009


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Wancen Wang Shenghui Cui

University of Southampton Institue of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences


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International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology

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Carbon footprint analysis of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system: a case
study of Xiamen City
Shenghui Cuia; Hongbin Niua; Wei Wanga; Guoqin Zhanga; Lijie Gaoa; Jianyi Lina
Key Lab of Urban Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of
Sciences, Xiamen, China

Online publication date: 21 July 2010

To cite this Article Cui, Shenghui , Niu, Hongbin , Wang, Wei , Zhang, Guoqin , Gao, Lijie and Lin, Jianyi(2010) 'Carbon
footprint analysis of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system: a case study of Xiamen City', International Journal of
Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 17: 4, 329 — 337
To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2010.490657


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International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology
Vol. 17, No. 4, August 2010, 329–337

Carbon footprint analysis of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system: a case study of Xiamen City
Shenghui Cui*, Hongbin Niu, Wei Wang, Guoqin Zhang, Lijie Gao and Jianyi Lin
Key Lab of Urban Environment and Health, Institute of Urban Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xiamen, China

The transport sector is responsible for a large and growing share of global emissions that affect climate change. Bus Rapid
Transit (BRT) systems have been identified as an efficient public transport option, but their total emissions across the entire
operation chain have not been quantified. This paper proposed a carbon footprint model of the BRT system based on a life cycle
assessment (LCA) approach, with three components: infrastructures, fuels and vehicles. A case study of Xiamen City was
carried out to offer a broader perspective on the greenhouse gas (GHG) impact. Results showed that the total carbon footprint of
Xiamen’s BRT system was 55,927 tCO2e per year. The main emission phases, infrastructure operations, vehicle fuel
consumption and infrastructure material production, respectively, accounted for 31%, 30% and 23%. The direct emission
from fuel consumption was 13,059 tCO2e per year, accounting for 23% of the total carbon footprint. Considering only direct
emissions, the BRT system could achieve reductions of approximately 25,255 tCO2e per year compared to the no-build option.
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The carbon footprint model proved effective in identifying and measuring GHG emissions of each activity of the BRT life
Keywords: carbon footprint; Bus Rapid Transit (BRT); Life Cycle Assessment (LCA); Transport; Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
emission; Xiamen

Introduction energy use, GHG emissions and pollutant emissions asso-

The carbon footprint has become a widely used model in the ciated with the full life cycle of various transportation
public debate on responsibility and abatement action activities.
against the threat of global climate change, and has been Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) systems have been identified
used to assess household, industry, transport, construction, as an inexpensive and efficient public transportation option
water supply and medical treatment applications (Christen (Bitterman and Hess 2008; Estupinan and Rodriguez 2008;
2007; Perry et al. 2007; Barthelmie et al. 2008; Klemes and Golotta and Hensher 2008). Several studies have evaluated
Pierucci 2008; Zachary 2008; Cole 2009; Druckman and the efficiency and environmental effect of BRT systems
Jackson 2009; Friedrich et al. 2009; Kenny and Gray 2009; through cost–benefit analysis or scenarios analysis (William
Somner et al. 2009). and Jerram 2006; Abdelghany et al. 2007; Golotta and
Transport has played an especially important role in Hensher 2008; Wohrnschimmel et al. 2008). However, few
responding to the challenge of averting dangerous climate studies have focused on the life cycle emissions of BRT
change (Yan and Crookes 2009). By 2050, as much as systems. In this study, an evaluation of the carbon footprint
30–50% of total CO2 emissions are projected to come of a BRT system based on the LCA model was explored.
from the transport sector, compared with today’s 20–25% We evaluated the carbon footprint of the BRT system of
(Fuglestvedt et al. 2008). It is therefore of critically impor- Xiamen City, China, and analysed the GHG emissions over
tance to analyse energy demand and greenhouse gas (GHG) the BRT life cycle to offer a broader perspective on the
emissions in the transport sector and to assess possible GHG impact of transportation. Finally, solutions for reducing
effective reduction measures. Some studies have estimated GHG emissions from BRT are put forward to build a low-
the historical trends of energy demand and associated GHG carbon transit-oriented development mode for the future.
emissions in the road transport sector and future trends
under different policy scenarios (Steenhof et al. 2006;
Bellasio et al. 2007; Hensher 2008; Singh et al. 2008). Methods
These only considered direct emissions (vehicle operation)
and ignored upstream (road construction and vehicle man- System boundary
ufacture) and downstream (decommissioning and recy- The system boundary was established based on the ISO
cling) emissions. However, upstream and downstream LCA standard, which requires inclusion of all life cycle
emissions are known to have a significant impact on the stages in environmental product declarations. In a full life
total GHG emissions (Matthews et al. 2008). To fully assess cycle for transportation, emissions from three components,
GHG emissions from transportation, life cycle assessment namely infrastructure, fuels and vehicles, should be taken
(LCA) can be used to analyse and evaluate energy con- into account (EPA 2006). The life cycle phases of the BRT
sumption and environmental emissions, and examine system are illustrated in Figure 1.

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1350-4509 print/ISSN 1745-2627 online

# 2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/13504509.2010.490657
330 S. Cui et al.

Infrastructure raw material Vehicle raw material

extraction Upstream emissions

Transport Fuel raw material

exploitation Transport

Infrastructure material and Vehicle componemt

component manufacture Transport

Fuel production
Transport Transport

Infrastructure construction Vehicle assembly
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Vehicle operartion and

Infrastructure use and maintenance maintenance
Direct emissions

Infrastructure demolition Transport Vehicle disposal

Recycling Land filling Recycling

Downstream emissions

Figure 1. The system boundary of the carbon footprint assessment for the BRT system.

Infrastructure carbon footprint study is listed in the material inventory (Scheuer et al. 2003,
Material production phase Asif et al. 2007) (Table 1). The GHG emissions in produ-
cing the materials and components can be calculated from
Material production contains four processes: burden from raw
Equation (1):
materials extraction (e.g. drilling for oil, mining for iron ore,
etc.), transportation and processing, refining raw materials into
engineered materials and manufacturing (e.g. extrusion of X
n fi
steel or aluminium, etc.). The primary material embodied Im ¼ qi  ð1 þ wi Þ  ei  CF; (1)
energy, on a per kilogram basis, for materials used in this i¼1

Table 1. Embodied energy for building materials, waste factor for materials in construction and emissions for materials.
Embodied energy Waste factor Consumption GHG emissions
Material (MJ/kg) (%) (tons) (tCO2e)
Cement (in concrete) 3.7 2.50 203,893.03 201,854.10a
Sand 0.6 5.00 287,298.85 126,981.50
Gravel 0.2 5.00 647,983.81 95,466.16
Steel 12.3 5.00 59,474.22 538,876.41
Aluminium primary 207 2.50 150.52 22,951.81
Glass 6.8 5.00 39.37 197.21
Ceramic tiles 5.5 5.00 2,046.18 8,290.14
Bricks 2.7 5.00 6,661.27 13,248.78
Acrylate lacquer 30.8 5.00 85.85 1,947.72
Asphalt 50.2 5.00 6,493.10 194.79a
Aggregate 1,010,008.62
Note: aThe default values are 0.99 tCO2e per t cement and 0.03 tCO2e per t asphalt (UNFCCC 2006).
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 331

where Im (tCO2e) defines the GHG emissions in infrastruc- Decommissioning and recycling phase
ture material production; n is the number of building mate- The conventional decommissioning process often results in
rials and elements; qi is the amount of material i; ei (MJ/kg) landfill disposal of the majority of materials. However,
is the energy required for manufacturing material i; wi is a some materials can be separated and reused in order to
factor for waste of material i produced during the assembly; reduce disposal costs and environmental burdens
CF (t/TJ) is a conversion factor recommended by the IPCC (Birgisdottir et al. 2007; Carpenter et al. 2007). This study
(1996): 1 TJ coal equivalent can release 92.64 tCO2, 10.00 assumes recycling of the following materials: steel and
tCH4 and 1.40 tN2O. aluminium. The decommissioning energy for this study is
calculated using 90% of the total energy in the construction
stage (Qiao 2006).
Transport and construction phase
Transport mainly covers shipping of materials from the
manufacturing site to the construction site as well as trans- Fuel carbon footprint
portation to landfill/recyclers. The unit inventory loadings A fuel cycle is a complicated process, including upstream
of transport vehicle operation can be calculated by multi- emissions associated with drilling, exploration and produc-
plying fuel consumption by the sum of engine operation and tion, crude oil transport, refining, fuel transport, storage and
fuel production (Huang et al. 2009), see Equation (2): product retailing, as well as downstream disposal or recycling
Downloaded By: [CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences] At: 07:02 30 November 2010

of oil products (Delucchi and Mark 2003). In this paper, we

TE ¼ FC  ðEO þ FPÞ; (2) examine the fuel cycle (raw material exploitation–fuel pro-
duction–vehicle operation; Table 2), using the GREET model
where TE (gCO2e/kmt) is transport emissions; FC (MJ/km) is developed by the Argonne National Laboratory as a research
fuel consumption, i.e. amount of fuel added to the engine, using simulation tool. As recommended by the IPCC (1996), emis-
a lower heating value and converted from l/km; EO (g/MJ) is sions of the three GHGs are combined with their global
emissions from engine operation, where g emissions per MJ warming potentials (GWPs): 1 for CO2, 21 for CH4 and
work energy output from the shaft of the engine are converted 310 for N2O. Table 2 shows the GHG emission factors of
from g/kwh and FP (g/MJ) defines emissions from fuel fuel manufacture (Wang et al. 2007).
Construction is the burden from electricity used for
power tools and lighting, as well as diesel used by heavy Vehicle carbon footprint
equipment at the construction site. Activities are site pre- The vehicle life cycle includes: raw material recovery and
paration, structural and envelope installation, mechanical extraction, transportation and material processing, material
and electrical equipment installation, and interior finishing. production and fabrication, vehicle component production,
Energy and environmental flows associated with the con- vehicle assembly, operation, disposal and recycling
struction process could not be developed directly, since there (Burnham et al. 2006).
is no record of equipment use or operational hours. Here,
5% of total embodied energy is used to account for both
structural and interior construction (see Scheuer et al. 2003). Material production phase
The processes included in the vehicle material production
Operation and maintenance phase phase are: raw material recovery, raw materials transporta-
Operation phase activities consist of lighting (road lamps) tion and processing and material production, fabrication and
processing. The GHG emissions in producing materials and
and equipment operation, such as escalators, card readers
components can be calculated from Equation (3):
and air-conditioning. The emissions can be estimated from
electricity consumption of such equipment. During the
maintenance phase, we mainly consider emissions from Vm ¼ qi  ð1 þ wi Þ  Mi ; (3)
materials production and road repairs. The materials used i¼1
in maintenance are mostly cement, sand, gravel and asphalt.
The energy for road repair is thought to be 5% of total where Vm is GHG emissions from vehicle material produc-
embodied energy of the material used in maintenance, as tion (tCO2e/t); n is number of vehicle materials and ele-
in the construction phase. ments; qi is amount of material i; Mi is the emission factor

Table 2. GHG emission for fuels manufacture.

Emission factor CO2 CH4 N2O
Fuel (gCO2e/mmBtu) (g/mmBtu) (g/mmBtu) (g/mmBtu)
Gas 12,608.74 12,266.81 13.50 0.19
Diesel 9,765.94 9,499.59 10.51 0.15
332 S. Cui et al.

Table 3. GHG emissions for vehicle assembly, disposal and recycling.

Emissions CO2 (g/vehicle) CH4 (g/vehicle) N2O (g/vehicle) CO2e (t/vehicle)
Paint production 31,319.00 69.33 0.73 33,000.95
Vehicle painting 234,446.00698,900.00 263.37 2.59 240,779.53
Vehicle assembly 312,523.00 1,318.68 10.63 729,886.76
Vehicle disposal 420.74 4.42 322,729.71
Total ADR 1,277,188.00 2,072.12 18.37 1,326,396.95

required for manufacturing material i (tCO2e/t); while waste vehicle category i (gCO2e per km); DDi is total distance
of material i produced during manufacture is denoted by wi. driven by vehicle category i (km per year); Pz is the total
passenger capacity of vehicle category i (passenger trip).

Assembly, disposal and recycling phase

The assembly, disposal and recycling (ADR) phase includes Emission reductions
vehicle assembly, painting, disposal and recycling. The The emission reductions of the whole BRT system can be
emissions associated with vehicle assembly, e.g. body weld- calculated from Equation (6):
Downloaded By: [CAS Chinese Academy of Sciences] At: 07:02 30 November 2010

ing, assembling and painting, are calculated using data from

a survey of automotive assembly plants (Burnham et al. ERy ¼ BEy  PEy ; (6)
2006). In addition, life-cycle emission data from research
on paint production and vehicle painting were also collected where ERy is emission reductions in year y (tCO2e); BEy is
(Burnham et al. 2006; Papasavva et al. 2001, 2002). On the baseline emissions in year y (tCO2e) and PEy is project
basis of these data, the GREET (2.7) model calculated that emissions in year y (tCO2e).
emissions related to ADR of a medium-sized passenger car The baseline emissions for all passengers transported
is 1.33 tCO2e. Details for emissions of the ADR phase are are calculated using Equation (7). This is differentiated
shown in Table 3. according to the mode of transport that the person would
have used in the absence of the project.

Operation phase X
BEy ¼ EFi  Pi ; (7)
Direct emissions occur during the operation of vehicles. i
GHG emissions per kilometer (Druckman and Jackson
2009) are calculated based on consumption of each fuel where BEy is baseline emissions in year y (tCO2e); EFi is
type and CO2e emissions per litre of fuel. Equation (4) transport emissions factor per passenger in vehicle category
calculates emissions per km for different vehicle categories i in year y (g per passenger trip); Pi is passengers transported
(UNFCCC 2006). by the project (BRT) in year y who, without the project
activity, would have used category i, where i ¼ Z (buses,
X   Nx;i

public transport), T (taxis), C (passenger cars) or M (motor-
EFKM ;i ¼ ECx;i  EFCO2 ;x þ EFCH4 ;x þ EFN2 O;x  ;
Ni cycles) (passenger trips). The percentage of passengers who
in the absence of the BRT would have used other transport
types was based on representative surveys (sample size was
574, effective rate of 100%). This default questionnaire for
where EFKM,,i is the transport emissions factor per distance of
the survey was from the baseline methodology for BRT
vehicle category i (gCO2e per km driven); ECx,i is the energy
projects (UNFCCC 2006). The project emissions are only
consumption of fuel type x in vehicle category i (litres per
from vehicle operation of the new BRT system including
km); EFCO2 ,x is the CO2 emission factor for fuel type x (gCO2
both trunk routes and feeder lines as in Equations (4) and
per litre); EFCH4 ,x is CH4 emission factor for fuel type x (gCO2e
per litre, based on GWP); EFN2 O,x is N2O emission factor for
fuel type x (gCO2e per litre, based on GWP); Ni is the total
number of vehicles in category i; while Nx,i is the number of
vehicles in vehicle category i using fuel type x.
The GHG emissions per passenger trip for different Carbon footprint of the infrastructure
vehicle categories can be calculated from Equation (5): The total carbon footprint of the infrastructure was
42,037.43 tCO2e per year based on a 50 year life span
EFKM ;i  DDi (Table 4). Operation and maintenance activities accounted
EFP;i ¼ ; (5)
PZ for the majority of total GHG emissions, about 55.49% of
the carbon footprint. Materials production deducted emis-
where EFP,i is the transport emissions factor in vehicle sion reduction from recycling accounted for about 39.78%
category i (g per passenger trip); EFKM,i is emissions from of total life-cycle emissions. Transport activities including
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 333

Table 4. Carbon footprints for the infrastructure of the BRT system.

Category GHG emissions (tCO2e per year)
Infrastructure material production 20,200.17
Transport 149.89
Infrastructure construction 967.13
Infrastructure operation 17,273.74
Infrastructure maintenance 6,055.29
Infrastructure decommissioning 870.42
Infrastructure recycling 3,479.21
Aggregate 42,037.43

shipping of materials from the manufacturing to the con- detailed data for consumption and emission of infrastructure
struction site and transportation to landfill/recyclers materials are shown in Table 1.
accounted for only about 0.36% of the total life-cycle The total transportation GHG emissions, including ship-
GHG emissions. Construction and decommissioning were ping of materials from manufacturing to construction site
responsible for 2.30% and 2.07% of the infrastructure car- and transportation to landfill/recyclers accounted for only
bon footprint, respectively. Infrastructure carbon footprints 7,494.45 tCO2e, or 149.89 tCO2e per year. Material trans-
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are annualised based on the life span of the project. This is port accounted for the majority of total transport emissions,
due to the fact that emissions from material production, about 93.69% of the transport carbon footprint. Gravel,
transport, construction, decommissioning and recycling cement and sand were the largest contributors to the GHG
occur at the beginning or the end of the infrastructure life emissions probably due to their greater mass. Transport to
cycle, while other direct emissions such as operation and landfill and recyclers accounted for 5.85% and 0.45% of total
maintenance are annual. Not annualising the upstream and emissions, respectively. Average distances from Xiamen BRT
downstream emissions would thus grossly overstate emis- sites to sources of sand, gravel, cement, metal, glass, etc. were
sions in the first year and would not be compatible with the used as materials transport distances (Table 5). The default
approach of monitoring annual emissions (UNFCCC 2006). distances from the disposal sites to landfill and recyclers are
5 and 10 km, respectively.

Infrastructure material production

The total GHG emissions of infrastructure material produc- Carbon footprint of vehicles and fuels
tion were 1,010,008.62 tCO2e and 20,200.17 tCO2e per The total GHG emissions of the vehicle life cycle was
year, respectively. Cement, steel and sand were the largest 13,889.64 tCO2e per year (Table 6), consisting of three
contributors to embodied energy and emissions. The important parts: vehicle material production, ADR and

Table 5. Transport parameters and GHG emissions.

Materials transport Materials transport Landfill transport Recycling transport
Freight Origin Destination distance (km)a (tCO2e) (tCO2e) (tCO2e)
Cement (in Longyan, Fujian Xiamen, 142 2,300.59 79.03
concrete) Fujian
Sand Zhangzhou, Xiamen, 50 1,141.44 108.71
Fujian Fujian
Gravel Zhangzhou, Xiamen, 50 2,574.44 245.18
Fujian Fujian
Steel Zhangzhou, Xiamen, 75 354.44 33.76
Fujian Fujian
Aluminium Xiamen, Fujian Xiamen, 5 0.06 0.11
Glass Yixing, Jiangsu Xiamen, 1,063 3.33 0.01
Ceramic tiles Foshan, Xiamen, 738 119.99 0.77
Guangdong Fujian
Bricks Xiamen, Fujian Xiamen, 5 2.65 2.52
Acrylate Sanming, Fujian Xiamen, 410 2.80 0.03
lacquer Fujian
Asphalt Maoming, Xiamen, 1,012 522.13 2.46
Guangdong Fujian
Aggregate 7,494.45 7,021.86 438.72 33.87
Note: aThe distances were measured using Google Maps.
334 S. Cui et al.

Table 6. Carbon footprints of vehicles and fuels in the BRT system.

Category GHG emissions (tCO2e per year)
Vehicle material production 801.25
Assembling–Disposal–Recycling 29.18
Fuel consumption 13,059.21
Aggregate 13,889.64

Table 7. GHG emissions for vehicle materials manufacture in the BRT system.
Trunk routes Feeder lines
Emission factor XMQ6127G XMQ6891G
Material (tCO2e/t or dl) (tCO2e/vehicle) (tCO2e/vehicle)
Virgin steel 4,899,022.19 36.62 27.07
Cast iron 481,133.27 0.10 0.10
Virgin wrought 11,014,556.08 0.73 0.54
Lead 847,564.00 0.08 0.08
Copper 7,763,188.81 0.27 0.27
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Glass 1,393,976.25 0.93 0.69

Plastic 4,332,135.13 0.83 0.61
Rubber 2,898,510.32 1.43 1.43
Engine oil 2,016.19 0.05 0.05
Aggregate 41.06 30.85

fuel consumption, including the fuel life cycle. Fuel con- Xiamen City, which was 55,927.07 tCO2e per year.
sumption accounted for the majority of total GHG emis- Infrastructure operations, infrastructure material produc-
sions, at about 94.02% of the vehicle carbon footprint. tion, fuel consumption and infrastructure maintenance
Vehicle material production and ADR activities accounted activities account for the first four parts of the total carbon
for 5.77% and 0.21% of total vehicle emissions, respec- footprint, whereas other parts together only represent 5.04%
tively. According to the statistics for buses from the Xiamen of total emissions.
Metal Recycling Company, a default vehicle retirement age
of 10 years was used in this paper.
There are mainly two kinds of vehicle in the BRT system Emission reductions of the BRT system
in Xiamen City, trunk route vehicles (XMQ6127G) and Based on Equations 6–8, the project emissions were
feeder line vehicles (XMQ6891G). The emission factors 13,059.21 tCO2e per year. Taking the direct emissions into
for vehicle materials manufacture are shown in Table 7. consideration, we found that the BRT system would
decrease emissions by 25,255.67 tCO2e per year. Table 8
shows GHG emissions for operation of the different vehicle
Carbon footprint of the BRT system types. Figure 3 shows the percentage of passengers trans-
Combining the infrastructure and vehicle carbon footprint, ported by BRT that, without the project activity, would have
Figure 2 shows the total carbon footprint of the BRT in used other categories.

Raw materials Use and

Transport Manufacture Demolition Recycling and land filling
extraction maintenance
149.89 2,516.09 877.52 –3,476.21
21,001.42 34,861.36

Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Transport

materials construction use and maintenance demolition 9.45 Land filling
20,200.17 967.13 23,329.03 870.42

Transport Transport Fuel use –3,479.21
Fuel materials production
1,526.87 11,532.34

Vehicle Vehicle assembly–

Transport Transport Land filling
materials disposal–recycling
801.25 29.18

Figure 2. Carbon footprints of the BRT system (tCO2e per year).

International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology 335

Table 8. GHG emissions for the operation of different vehicles.

GHG emissions
Vehicles Fuel type (gCO2e/passenger trip)
Taxis Gas 767.10
Normal buses Diesel 322.19
Cars Gas 3,226.72
Motorcycles Gas 277.98
BRT (trunk routes) Diesel 142.28
BRT (feeder lines) Diesel 165.60

Normal buses
85.02% 3.66%
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Electric bikes
Motorless vehicles

Induced traffic

Figure 3. Percentage of passengers transported by BRT that, without the project activity, would have used other categories of transport.

Discussion System boundary – a key issue

Carbon footprint and direct emissions Accounting for carbon footprints is a question of quantify-
It is interesting that direct emissions of vehicles only ing and presenting emissions data for the whole life cycle of
accounted for 23% of the total carbon footprint of the BRT products in a consistent manner (Weidema et al. 2008);
system. The emissions could be underestimated if other therefore, the system boundary is a key issue for calculating
emissions in the life cycle of the BRT system had been carbon footprints. In recent studies, the most notable meth-
ignored. This is supported by the report of GHG emissions odology for carbon footprint analysis was that developed by
from the US Transportation Sector (1990–2003). According the Carbon Trust (2008), which can cover all supply chain
to the EPA (2006), the total life-cycle emissions for the USA steps from raw material to disposal. However, the product
transportation sector are estimated to be 27–37% higher than carbon footprints used in a product label include steps up to
direct fuel combustion emissions. However, these estimates the arrival of the product at a retail store, plus disposal;
do not include some important components of the transporta- emissions in the use of the product are not included, which
tion life cycle, such as upstream vehicle emissions for non- is an important part of the overall carbon footprint. In
highway vehicles, and emissions from the construction and particular, a notable evaluation method for the GHG emis-
maintenance of infrastructure. Furthermore, if only consider- sions in the BRT system is the approved baseline methodol-
ing direct emissions, the BRT system could achieve reduc- ogy AM0031 (UNFCCC 2006). The methodology is
tions of approximately 25,255.67 tCO2e per year compared applicable to project activities that reduce emissions
to the no-build option. That means the BRT system can through the construction and operation of a BRT system
definitely decrease GHG emissions through its mass transit for urban road-based transport. Nevertheless, this method
system. Analogously, William and Jerram (2006) also found ignores emissions from vehicle production and infrastruc-
that BRT offered the greatest potential for GHG reductions, ture operation of the BRT system. Furthermore, the metho-
when comparing expected CO2 emissions from three dology focuses solely on cement and/or asphalt as the main
scenarios. energy-intensive materials used for construction.
In addition, we analysed the composition of BRT carbon
footprints to probe the emissions at each stage. Apart from
fuel consumption, the largest share of carbon footprints in Conclusions
the BRT system was concentrated in material production This paper has developed a methodology to estimate total
activities of both infrastructure and vehicles, which GHG emissions in carbon equivalents from a BRT system
accounted for 31.33% of the total carbon footprint. The across its life cycle (carbon footprints) based on the LCA
largest contributors to material production were cement, approach. The study shows that BRT is a promising transit
steel and sand, which is due to their large mass rather than option for cities looking to reduce their transportation-
their material production energy. related GHG emissions, if only direct vehicle emissions
336 S. Cui et al.

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