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Science Fair 2018-2019

Experimental Project Proposal

1. Name of the principal investigator (you):
Bryce Griffith

2. Collaborator(s):
If you got advice or help from an adult (other than your parent or Biology teacher), put their name,
credentials, and a brief summary of their contributions below:

3. Introductory essay:
Below, write an introductory statement including
a) What are you testing? (include IV and DV)
b) Relevance: Why does anyone care/how is it relevant to real life?
c) Context: Describe a related experiment from your research.
You can write about each of these items in any order.
Your statement should be well-written (grammar and spelling) and have properly-formatted APA
parenthetical citations reflecting strong research of your topic. (The citation formatting will be done in class
before winter break.)

4. Independent and dependent variables

If you plan to assess more than one of each, add as many rows as needed.
independent What the person is yelling at me positive/negative

dependent How my shot was affected by the IV


5. Baseline control
The baseline control provides a baseline of data that you compare your results to.
Baseline/comparison control Me shooting alone without any distractions
(what are you comparing your
results to?)

6. Hypothesis
This should be a testable statement that indicates the IV, DV, and usually baseline control.
It should be concise and clear.
If I change my mental mindset before shooting to positive one, then my shot percentage will
7. Other variables
What might interfere with your results, and what can you do about it?
You need to do your best to ensure that only the variable you are testing (IV) is responsible for your
a. One way to do this is to be sure that a variable is the same for all your test groups. These are
called ​standardized variables​.
b. Another way to ensure something is not interfering with results is to test it. This would be a
control group​.
c. Sometimes it is not possible or feasible to eliminate the effects of a variable. These are called
extraneous variables​. You need to identify these, and acknowledge their possible impact
when you analyze your data.

In the table below, list variables and factors that you want to ensure do not interfere with your
results. Indicate if it is a standardized variable, control group, or extraneous variable.
Add as many rows as you need.
What is the What will you do about it? Is it a standardized
problem? variable, control group,
(the variable) or extraneous variable?

Someone Provide a list of positive comments standardized

yelling positive

Someone List of negative comments standardized

negative things

No distractions Shoot like 50/50 I guess because then it's all based control
at all on my own head and what it is thinking

8. Robust results:
To generate meaningful results, you need to test many subjects and/or repeat your test
several times. Indicate below your plans for each, as applicable for your project:
Add as many rows as needed.
Sample size 3 sets of 20 shots from the 3 point line in at the same spot at the top of
(number of subjects) the key I will do this test on multiple days to see how it varys

Repeated measures
(how many times is the 3 times for the 3 different variables (negative, not distracted, positive)
test repeated?)
9. Subjects:
Who or what will you test? Do you need permission or help to use them?
(If you are testing people, do not put their names, but indicate if they are neighbors, family friends,
UL students at Galloway, friends from another school, EL Galloway students, etc).
If your project does not have living test subjects, write “none” below.
Add as many rows as needed.
Test subjects Help or permission from whom?

myself One of my friends, Talk to waddy of Tulo

10. Ethics:
Please put an x in the appropriate space below and complete the instructions that apply to you:
I am testing people. I have completed the ​human subjects [link to your completed
ethics form​ (paste the link in this table, in column to the form here. Be sure it is in
right) your science fair folder]
I'm testing myself with a heckler

I am testing non-human vertebrate animals. I have [link to your completed

completed the ​vertebrate animal ethics form​ (paste the form here. Be sure it is in
link in this table, in column to the right) your science fair folder]

x I am not testing people or other vertebrate animals

11. Safety:
If you are handling any potentially hazardous materials or tools, list them below and indicate the
safety precautions you plan to take. Add as many rows as needed.
If you are not using any potentially hazardous materials, write “none” below.
material Safety precautions


12. Materials:
If you will need to acquire materials for your experiment, fill in this table. Add as many rows as
material where are you going to get it from? Approximate cost

basketball Galloway gym $0.00


13. Testing Location(s):
Where will you conduct your experiment? Do you need permission to use the space?
If your project does not need a location, write “none” below.
Add as many rows as needed.
location option for testing permission from whom?

Galloway gym Waddy or Tulo

14. Step-by-step plan

Be clear and detailed on each step of your planned procedure.
If you are using parts of a protocol you found in your research, you need to cite it (APA parenthetical
citation) as well.
1. Shoot 20 shots without anyone distracting me to get a constant (from free throw line)
2. Shoot 20 shots with someone yelling negative things at me (free throw line line top of the key)
3. Shoot 20 shots with someone yelling positive things at me (free throw line line) top of the key
4. Take the data and percents from each of those sets of 20 shots.
5. Repeat steps 1-4 for 2-3 other days.
6. I will ether Prove that sports psychology is true or I will learn that my brain doesn't get affected by
people yelling things at me because I'm mentally tough.

Doc for positive negative phrases
Doc for introductory essay

Google form

15. Time Frame:

In the Calendar below, identify probable dates for key procedure steps.
Note yellow identifies Winter break and blue identifies Excursion. WAIT!!!!

Sun Mon Tues Wed Thu Fri Sat

7 8
Proposals and
signed parent
form due

9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22

23 24 25 26 27 28 29

30 31 1 2 3 4 5

5 7 8 9 10 11 12

13 14 15 16 17 18 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26

27 28 29 30 31 1 2

3 4
Data is due
16. Data Table:
Part of design is knowing exactly what kind of data you will collect and being prepared with a data
table for documenting it.
In your Biology folder, create a Google sheet and prepare it for your data (label the columns
appropriately to be ready to fill in your observations and measurements). Be sure to consider:
a. It is a good practice to include dates, times, and locations in your table.
b. Also, bear in mind the number of groups and repeated measures you have.
c. Generally, you should have space for both qualitative and quantitative observations
Put the ​link​ to the google sheet in the box below:

17. References:
Put APA citations below for any works referenced in this proposal. (The citation formatting will be
done in class before winter break.)

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