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By Jester P. of20percent on goods and

Manalastas services, socialpension to
SPEAKER Gloria indigent eldedY, manda-
Macapagal-ArroYo ex- torv-PhilHealth covera ge,
pressed gratitude to the de;th benefit assistance,
Senate for adopting the exoress lanes, education-
House version of the bill al'privileges, tax deduc-
creating the National tions, among othe6.
Commiision of Senior Under the proPosed
CitizenB. law, all matters Pertaining
The bill seeks to to senio! citizens shall be
strengihen the rights of undertheNCSCwhichwill
senioi citizens in the coun- ellsr.ue the effective imPle-
trv. mentation of various Pro-
' Speaker ArtoYo was grams and services for se-
on" bf th" princi]:al au- Xior citizens and establish
ihors of the measure' community-based health
The orooosed law was and reiabilitation, ed uca-
ARROYO tional and socioeconomid
aourovid ohthid reading
tr'v'the Lower House last am glad that the Senate orograms for the elderlv
linuarv29,2019 with 175 has adooted our rneasure.
' the NCSC will replaie
approval and no objection This willl ensure better de- the National Coordinat-
and abstention. liverv of serdces to all oul ing and Monitoring Board
"lViththisbill,therewill senior citizens," ArroYo created under the Expar1d-
be one agency, the NCSC, added. ed Senior Citizens Act of
which will be responsible during her presidencY 20i0.It will be composed
for the formulation and that two of the pioneering of a Chairperson and six
implemqrtation of laws on the rights of senior Comnissioners acting as
plars and proglams tor citizen s were Passed - the a co[egial body. The six
our senior citizens," she ExDanded Senior Ci tizens Commissioners shall reP-
said. Aci of 2oo3 (RA 9257) and resent dif f erent geograPh-
"I would like to com- the ExDarded Senior Citi- ical regions of dre PhiIiP-
mendourcongressmenfor zens hct of 2010 (RA oines Jnd shallhold ofiice
actively pushing for it. I 9994). Both laws $anted in tJreir respective tegiors


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