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can be little doubt that the reported values are higher than would requires the modification of Rollett’s conclusion (9) of the forma-
be expected from the actual proportion of the homogeneous solid tion in equal proportion of four pairs of isomeric hexabromides
a-hexabromostearic acid formed on the bromination of linolenic from that unsaturated acid, his fundamentally correct hypothesis
acid. It is therefore suggested that future theorktical studies re- having been based on the observation of the fortuitous behavior
lating to questions of isomerism among the various unsaturated of the nonhomogeneous debrominaftion linolenic acid (4). Final
acids and their bromides take this factor into account and con- solution of the exact degrees of isomerization and proportions of
sider hexabromide numbers to be valid only when based on bromides formed awaits the unquestionable purification of lino-
weights of precipitates n-ashed to a constant loss, giving due re- lenic acid to proved identity with the natural form and the de-
gard to the concentration effect. However, for analytical pur- velopment of a method for the determination of true hexabromide
poses, especially for the identification and the detection of adul- numbers, since the present study may be claimed to have brought
teration of the various vegetable oils, empirical procedures will out only correct minimal values, having disregarded such effects
obviously remain satisfactory, since these involve only compari- noted by Steele and Washhurn (11) as the increased hexabromide
sons Tvith firmly established values, erroneous though they may numbers observed in the presence of traces of alcohol or acetone
be. It follows that future proposals of standard hexabromide in the solvent.
numbers, M hether of mixed fatty acids of oils or of pure linolenic
acid, should be accompanied by specifications of the experimental LITERATURE CITED
method. Bailey, H., and Baldsiefen, u’. D., J. ISD. EKG.CHEM.,12, 1189
On the assumption that the samples of the recrystallized lino- (1920).
lenic acid are identical Tvith the natural isomer present in linseed Carriere, J. F., Chem. Weekblud, 26, 575 (1929).
Dean, H. K., “Utilization of Fats”, London, A. Harvey, 1938.
oil and using averaged results, the concentration of linolenic acid Kass, J. P., Nichols, J., and Burr, G. O., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 63,
in the mixture of linseed fatty acids used in this study is 1060 (1941).
100 X 32.8 Kaufmann, H. P., Fette u. Seifefen, 44, 480 (1937).
= 42.8’%,in line with the currently accepted concep- Matthews, S . L., Brode, UT. R., and Brown, J. B., J . Am. Chem.
76.6 Soc., 63, 1064 (1941).
tion of the composition of linseed oils as determined from em- Moore, T., Biochem. J . , 31, 138 (1937).
pirical thiocyanogen values or ultraviolet absorption data. On Norris, F. -4., Kass, J. P., and Burr, G. O., Oil and Soup, 17,
the other hand, a similar calculation based on the hexabromide 123 (1940).
number of debromination linolenic acid gives an obviously im- Rollett, d., 2. physiol. Chem., 62,432 (1909).
Shinowara. G. Y . . and Brown, J. B., J . Am. Chem. Soc., 60,
possible high concentration of linolenic acid; the calculated 2734 (1938).
proportion accounts for the total iodine value xithout allowing Steele, L. L., and Washburn, F. JI., J. IND.ENG.CHEM.,12,
for the known presence of oleic and linoleic acids in the mixture. 52 (1920).
Tschudy, E. A., Ibid., 13,941 (1921).
Comparison of the hexabromide numbers of debroniination Vizern and Guilot, Ann.fais., 30,329 (1937).
and crystallization linolenic acids as obtained by the authors’
procedure indicates that an even greater degree of isomerization THISwork, completed in 1941, was aided by grants from t h e H o m e 1 Founda-
tion, t h e National Livestock and M e a t Board, a n d the Graduate School of
occurs during the debromination of 01‘ hexabromostearir acid than the University of IIinnesots. Grateful acknowledgment is made t o Inter-
suggested by Brown and co-workers (6). Confirmation of the chemical Corp. for affording the opportunity t o prepare the manuscript f o r
higher hexabromide numbpr of natural linolenic acid thus furtlicxi publication.

Determination of Degree of Substitution of

Sodium Carboxymethylcellulose
Hercules Experiment Station, Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington 99, Del.

T H E increasing industrial importance of sodium carboxy-

methylcellulose has created interest in methodsfor itsanalysis.
The degree of substitution-i.e,, the average number of sodium
third consisting in titration of the free acid with sodium hydrox-
ide. Since none of these procedures fulfilled the need for methods
suitable for control purposes and applicable to both purified and
carboxymethyl groups substituted per anhydroglucose unit- unpurified samples of the sodium salt of varying degrees of sub-
markedly affects the properties of this compound and convenient stitution, the methods presented here were developed.
methods for its determination have therefore become necessary. This paper describes three methods-acid-wash, conducto-
Hollabaugh, Burt, and Walsh (6)have published a complete metric and colorimetric-for determination of the degree of sub-
review and bibliography on the uses and applications of this prod- stitution of sodium carboxymethylcellulose. With appropriate
uct. Brown and Houghton ( 1 ) in another review described a modifications, however, the methods \vould be applicable also
method for determining degree of substitution of the acid form of to the free acid form. Quantitative determination of the amount
rarboxymethylcellulose based upon electrometric titration. An- of carboxymethylcellulose present in admixture with other ma-
other method reported by the same authors (1) involves precipi- terials would be possible but would require previous knowledge of
tation of the copper or aluminum salts and determination of the the degree of substitution. Each of these methods is best adapted
metal content of the precipitate. Schmidt, Meinel, Jandebeur, to a certain type of sample, although the applications may some-
and Simson ( 7 ) describe a conductometric method for deterniin- times overlap.
ing carboxyl in cellulose which is of interest in connection with
one of the methods discussed in the present paper. Sakurada
(6) reports three methods for determining substitution, one in- This method involves conversion of the sodium salt of carboxy-
volving potentiometric or conductometric titration with sodium methylcellulose t o the acid form by treating with methanol acid-
hydroxide, another requiring ashing the sodium salt, and the ified with hydrochloric or nitric acid, removal of the excess acid by
V O L U M E 19, N O . 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 4 7 25

Three methods are described for determining the able saving in time over that rcquired in the former.
degree 'of substitution of sodium carhoxymethyl- A third method involving treatment of the car-
cellulose. This material may be converted to its boxymethylcellulose w-ith sulfuric acid to produce
free acid form by treatment with acidified alcohol, glycolic acid, which is then determined colorimetri-
freed from excess acid, and the cqrboxyl content cally using 2,7-dihydroxynaphthalene, is recom-
determined by an acidimetric procedure using mended for use with difficultly soluble samples.
phenolphthalein indicator. Alternatively, the so- Possible use of this method in quantitative determi-
dium salt may be dissolved in water containing nation of carboxymethylcellulose in mixtures is sug-
excess sodium hydroxide, and the solution titrated gested. The three methods give comparable results
conductometrically with standard hydrochloric acid when applied to samples having a degree of substi-
solution. In the analysis of purified, dry samples, tution ranging from 0.2 to 1.3. 'The most ad-
the use of this latter method results in a consider- vantageous application of each method is suggested.

washing with a methanol-water solution, and drying the material. carried on overnight. (Sote. V-ee 80% methanol for washing if
the degree of substitution is above 1.0.)
Weighed samples of the free acid are dissolved in distilled n a t e r When all the methanol has been delivered to the filter, place the
containing an excess of standard sodium hydroxide, and the excess filter on a filter flask and remove the excess solvent by suction.
base is back-titrated with standard hydrochloric acid using Add 100 t o 150 ml. of 70% methanol t o the filter, stir up the car-
phenolphthalein indicator. This method differs from those de- boxymethylcellulose mat, and again remove excess methanol by
suction. Test this filtrate for neutrality by mixing 5 ml. of the
scribed in the literature in two respects: The carboxymethylcel- filtrate with 5 ml. of distilled water and adding one drop of
lulose is retained in the solid state during the mashing procedure, methyl red indicator. If the filtrate is acid, continue washing in
and an excess of alkali is used t o facilitate solution. Results ob. this same manner until the filtrate is neutral t o methyl red, and
taiiied on five samples with various degrees of substitution are then remove as much as possible of the wash liquor under strong
given in Table I. suction.
-4dd 150 ml. of anhydrous methanol to the filter, break up the
carboxymethylcellulose mat by stirring, stopper, and allow t o de-
REAGENTS A N D APPARATTS.Sitric acid reagent. Add 100 nil. hydrate for about one hour. Again remove the methanol under
of 70% nitric acid to 1 liter of anhydrous methanol slo~rlyn.ith strong suction and then transfer the carboxymethylcellulose to a
stirring. small beaker. The remainder of the methanol may be removed by
Hydrochloric acid reagent. Add 25 ml. of concentrated hydro- drying with a blower or in an oven at 80" C.
chloric acid to a solution of 900 ml. of anhydrous methanol and Place approximately 2 grams of the washed and dried carboxy-
270 ml. of distilled water. methylcellulose in a weighing bottle and dry for l hour a t 100" C.
Methanol, 70% by weight. IT'eigh by difference (to nearest milligram) into a rubber-stop-
Methanol, 80% by weight. pered 500-ml. Erlenmeyer flask. Add 15 ml. of 70% methanol,
Hydrochloric acid, 0.5 N , accurately standardized. allow to stand a few minutes, and then add 200 ml. of distilled
Sodium hydroxide, 0.5 S , accurately standardized. water and 50 nil. of 0.5 sodium hydroxide solution, accurately
Pressure filter, with fritted disk,. pdrosity M, Corning Glass measured from a buret. Place the flask on a bottle shaker and
Works, Catalog No. 34020; or equivalent filter of other manu- shake rapidly for 3 to 5 hours to dissolve or disperse the carboxy-
facturer. methylcellulose. Titrate with 0.5 hydrochloric acid using
PROCEDURE. Place about 10 to 15 granis of freshly precipi- phenolphthalein as indicator.
tated sodium carboxymethylcellulose and 200 ml. of the acid Calculation.
reagent in a 500-ml. Erlenmeyer flask, stopper, and shake for 3 or
4 hours. Transfer the acid and carboxymethylcellulose to the fil-
ter funnel and remove the acid liquor by suction. Add 100 t o 150 (111.of S a O H X S)- (nil.. of acid x .\-) -
- ~ ~~

ml. of 70% methanol t o the filter funnel, break up the mat by grams of sample
stirring, and then attach a 2-liter separatory funnel t o the top of milliequivalents of total carboxyl per gram of sample. Yalur -4
the filter by means of a bored rubber stopper t o give a tight seal.
Place 2 liters of 70% methanol in the scparatory funnel and open
the stopcock slightly t o allow about one drop per second t o pass o'162 A
through the filter brlon. This xashing may conveniently be = degree of substitution
1 - 0.058 A

where the constants are derived from the molecular weight of the
anhydroglucose unit of cellulose (162) and from the net increase in
Table I. Degree of Substitution of Typical Carboxj-- the weight of the anhydrogluclose unit for each carboxvmethrl
methylcellulose Samples by Various >lethods group substituted ( 5 8 ) .
Conducto- .Icid-Wash- Acid-Wash- When the hydrochloric acid reagent was used, the samale of
metric "OB HCI Colorimetric carboxymethyicellulose was given Ehree 1-hour steeps, using 100
Sample Found A v . Found AT. Found Av. Found Av. ml. of fresh reagent for each steep instead of the 3 t o 4 hours'
1 1.20 1 . 1 9 1.29 1.29 1.33 1.32 1.51 1.38 shaking period used with a single portion of nitric acid reagent as
1.19 1.29 1.30 1.38 described above. Either may be used, although the nitric acid
1.20 1.30 1.34 1.46 procedure is more convenient.
1.12 1.30 1.33
1.20 1.29 1.35
1.20 1.28
1.23 1.29
1.29 Early attempts to titrate the sodium carboxymethylcellulose
0.69 0.70 0.70 0.71 0.75 0.75
0.71 0.72 0.77 with hydrochloric acid either electrometrically or with use of an
0.69 0 72 0.74 indicator were abandoned because an indistinct inflection occurs
0.73 in the titration curve a t the completion of formation of the car-
3 0.74 0.72 0.74 0.74 0.74 0.75 0.80 0.77 boxyiiiethylcellulose free acid. It was found, however, that this
0.70 0.73 0.76 0.76 same end point could be satisfactorily determined conducto-
0.71 0.74 0.75 0.76
4 0.54 0.51 0.56 0.56 0.56 0.57 0,55 0.55 metrically. I n this procedure, the sodium carboxymethylcellu-
0.50 0.56 0.57 0.55 lose is diqeolved in distilled water containing a small known
0.50 0.57 0.57
5 0.17 0.17 0.16 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.19 0.18 amount of standard sodium hydroxide solution. This alkali
0.17 0.17 0.18 0.18
0.17 0.17 0.18 0.17 serves to speed solution and convert any carboxymethylcellulose
free acid t o the sodium salt. The solution is then titrated con-

ductometrically with standard hydrochloric acid solution. As is washings to the cell. Start the stirrer and nitrogen stream and
shown by Figure 1, three linear segments are obtained which are allow approximately 5 minutes for the contents of the cell to be-
come homogeneous. Stir vigorously but avoid introducing bub-
extrapolated to two intersections. The volume of acid corre- bles into the body of the liquid by too rapid stirring.
sponding to the difference between points VI and Vp is a measure Determine the resistance of the solution with the canductivity
of the carboxyl groups in the sample. The titration vessel and bridge and then titrate with the 0.33 X hydrochloric acid, adding
the electrode system used are illustrated in Figure 2. Results the acid in 0.3- to 0.4-ml. portions. Take a resistance reading
aftef each addition of acid, allowing sufficient time for adequate
obtained on five samples covering a range of substitutions are mixing. After 10 ml. of acid have been added, continue additions
given in Table I. in 0.5-mI. portions to a total volume of 16 ml. A total volume of
16 ml. of 0.33 K acid is usually sufficient for a sample having a
substitution of 1.2 or less.
Calculate values of the reciprocal of the resistance and plot
these against milliliters of hydrochloric acid solution as shown in
the sample curve, Figure 1. Ignore the points obtained up to
about 25% beyond the second end point and then draw the best
straight line from the points between 25 and 75% excess hydro-
chloric acid. Extrapolate the three linear portions of the curve to
12 obtain the two end-point intersections and determine the volumes
of hydrochloric acid solution VI and V, corresponding to these
intersection points.
Calculation. Total Carboxyl. The milliequivalents of total
carboxyl per gram of sample are measured by the difference be-
tween V2and VI.
(Vz - VI) N - -
grams of sample
milliequivalents of total carboxyl per gram. Value A
VI and V2 are defined above and A: is the normality of the hydro-
chloric acid used.
Free Carboxyl.
V, ,V J (Ml. of NaOH X S ) - (VI X N ) -
- of sample
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
milliequivalents of free carboxyl per gram. Value B
RI1. of 0.33 S HC1
VI is d e k e d above.
Figure 1 . Conductometric Titration of Sodium Carboxy-
methylcellulose Degree of Substitution.
A X 0.162
(1 + 0.022 B - o.080 A ) = degree of substitution
Reagents. Hydrochloric acid, 0.33 A-, accurately standard-
ized. where 0.080 is the net inciease (divided by 1000) in the weight of
Sodium hydroxide] 0.5 X, accurately standardized. the anhydroglucose unit of cellulose for each sodium carboxy-
Apparatus. 8
Methanol] 70 by weight.
onductivity cell, made from a 500-ml. Florence
flask, indented, 8-mm. side arm for introduction of gas; side neck
methyl group substituted; and 0.022 is obtained by combin-
ing terms containing the constants 0.080 and 0.058 previously
for electrodes fitted with standard-taper joint (see Figure 2). defined.
Electrodes. Platinum foil electrodes 7 X 7 mm. reinforced a t
the edges with S o . 18 platinum wires and spaced approximately
7 to 10 mm. apart. The two electrodes are separated by sealing
into separate glass tubes Tvhich are in turn sealed into a standard-
. taper joint, to fit the side neck of the cell. Contact is made be-
tween the electrodes and the lead wires through a few drops of
mercury placed in the glass tube. For satisfactory performance
the electrodes should be platinized.
Variable-speed motor stirrer.
Buret, 10-ml. capacity, 0.02-ml. subdivisions, with side filling
tube. Offset tips are sealed on in place of the straight tips regu-
larly supplied.
Constant-temperature bath maintained a t 25" * 0.2" C.
Iodine flasks, 250 ml.
Conductivity bridge. Leeds & Northrup, Philadelphia, Pa.,
portable electrolytic resistance indicator] Catalog No. 4960; or
Model RC-1, Industrial Instruments, Inc., Bayonne, N. J.; or
Procedure. Grind the sample in a laboratory micro Wiley
mill or equivalent, using a 20-mesh screen. Weigh roughly about
0.3- to 0.4-gram sample of medium- or high-substituted material Figure 2. Conductivity Cell and
or up to 1.0-gram sample of low-substituted material (less than Electrode System
0.3 degree of substitution) into a glass-stoppered weighing dish.
Dry the sample 1 hour in an oven a t 100" to 105" C. Remove,
stopper, cool in a desiccator, and weigh to the nearest 0.001 gram.
Transfer the contents of the weighing dish to a dry 250-ml. iodine The term 0.022 B may be neglected if the sample is known to
flask and weigh the empty bottle to get the sample weight by dif- be entirely in the sodium salt rather than partly in the free acid
ference. Add 15 ml. of 70% methanol solution and allow the sam- form.
ple to soak for 10 minutes. Add 200 ml. of carbon dioxide-free
distilled water and 3 ml. of 0.5 A' sodium hydroxide solution from COLORIMETRIC METHOD
a buret or pipet. Flush the air from the flask with a stream of
nitrogen, stopper immediately, and shake until the sample is dis- Chowdhury (3) repoi ts that treatment of carboxymethylcellu-
solved or, if it is low-substituted, until it is dispersed. This will lose with phosphorus triiodide and water yields glycolic acid.
take from 15 minutes to 4 hours depending on the type of sample; Feigl ( 4 ) describes the uie of 2,7-dihydroxynaphthaleneas a spot
low-substituted materials will require longer time. Pour the solu-
tion into the conductivity cell and rinse the flask with 3 separate test reagent for glycolic acid; and Calkins (2) describes a quanti-
50-ml. portions of carbon dioxide-free distilled water, adding the tative procedure for the determination of glycolic and oxalic acids
' V O L U M E 19, NO. 1, J A N U A R Y 1 9 4 7 27
ueing this same reagent. In order to avoid possible interference Calculation.
from the iodide ion in the determination of the glycolic acid pro- Grams of glycolic acid in aliquot X 100 -
duced from the carboxymethylcellulose, ;ulfuric acid n-as suc- -
eranis of samole

cessfully tried as the ether-cleaving reagent to replace phosphorus grams of glycolic acid per gram of sample. Value A
triiodide and water. Briefly the method involves solution of the
caniple in sodium hydroxide solution, acidification with sulfuric 162 A
= degree of substitution
acid, and heating under reflux to produce glycolic acid. The 76 - 80.4
procedure of Calkins is then used with slight modifications to de- n-here 76 is the molecular weight of glycolic acid and 162 and 80
termine the glycolic acid in an aliquot of the resulting solution. have been previously defined.
Some aldehydes (especially formnldehyde'i, glycolic acid, and
sodium glycolate \Till interfere in t h e colorimetric step in t'liis DISCUSSION
procedure. Results obtained on four sample. of varying degrees Results of replicate determinat,ions on five representative
of substitution are given in Table I. samples by the acid-nash and conductometric methods, and on
four samples by the colorimetric method are given in Table I.
Each value represents a n individual sample carried through the
Reagents and Apparatus. Sodium hydroxide solution, 6%.
Dissolve 30 grams of reagent grade podium hydroxide in 470 ml. of complete procedure given above. Satisfactory agreement be-
xater. tween the acid-wash and conductometric methods was obtained
Dihydroxynaphthalene solution. Dissolve 0.100 gram of 2,7- throughout the substitution range. The trend toward somewhat
dihydroxynaphthalene (Eastman Kodak Co. Catalog No. 4408) Ion-er results by the conductometric method has not been ex-
in 1 liter of 95% sulfuric acid. Allon this solution to stand until
the initial yellow color disappears before using. (Usudly 5 to 6 plained. The colorimetric method agrees well with the other two
hours are required.) Store this solution in a dark cabinet. methods xhen applied to the lower-substituted material, but does
Standard glycolic acid solution. Dry some glycolic acid not give results of comparable precision when applied to high-
(Eastman Kodak Co. Catalog S o . 998) in a calcium chloride des- substituted material. The precision of the values in Table I is
iccator at room temperature overnight,. rlccurately n-eigh 0.028
gram of the dried material, dissolve in distilled water, and make up consistent with previous esperiences in using these methods over
t o volume in a 250-nil. volumetric flask. Prepare a fresh solution a period of two years.
each time a calibration is carried out. I t has been found that the acid-wash method can be applied
Spectrophotometer. A Beckman spectrophotometer Model to the greatest advantage to unpurified samples. It is also useful
DU was used in this work. A wave length of 540 millimicrons,
a slit width of 0.025 mm., and a 1-em. cell were used. for the analysis of purified material unless time is an important
Procedure. Using a 1-ml. graduated pipet, measure accu- factor. The outstanding advantages of the method are its sim-
rately 0.2-, 0 . 5 , and 1.0-ml. portions of the standard glycolic acid plicity and the fact that the common impurities are eliminated,
solution into separate 8 X 0.78 inch Pyrex test tubes and add thus making the method as written applicable to any sample of
20 ml. of the dihydroxynaphthalene solution to each with a gradu-
ate. Place the test tubes in a beaker of boiling water for 20 doubtful purity.
minutes. Plac'e the test tubes in a container of cold t a p xater and The shorter analysis time for the conductometric method rec-
allow to cool. Transfer the contents of the test tubes to 80-ml. ommends the procedure for use when several purified samples are
volumetric flasks, rinse the test tubes with three 5-ml. portions of to be analyzed in a short time. The method gives high and unre-
distilled water, and add the washings to the flasks with the aid of
a small funnel. The water should be added carefully with ade- liable results if weak acids and their salts other than carboxy-
quate swirling to mix, taking care to prevent the mixing from tak- methylcellulose are present.
ing place in the neck of the flask. Caution: Watch for possible The analysis time for the colorimetric method is comparable
spattering of the acid solution. Raising the funnel slightly with to that for the conductometric method. The method may be used
the forefinger to provide an air vent during additions to the flask
is recommended. to the best advantage in the analysis of low-substituted samples,
Cool the flasks and contents to room temperature in a water since the 6% sodium hydroxide facilitates complete solution of
bath, and make up to volume with water, cooling again if neces- difficultly soluble material. The specificity of the action of sul-
sary. Read the color of the standards with a Beckman spectro- furic acid to produce glycolic acid from the carboxymethylcellu-
photometer or other convenient photometer against a blank of 20
ml. of color reagent treated in the same fashion as the standards. lose lends itself to the quantitative analysis of samples contain-
Plot grams of glycolic acid in the aliquot taken versus photometer ing materials which would interfere in other procedures; previ-
reading. The calibration curve should be checked about once ous knowledge of the degree of substitution, however, is necessary
each week.
Grind the sample in a Wiley mill, or equivalent, to pass a 20- in calculating the results. The method gives high results when
mesh sieve and mix thoroughly. Weigh 0.06 gram of 0.25-substi- applied to samples containing such interfering substances as form-
tuted material or 0.035 gram of 0.75-substituted material into a aldehyde, glycolic acid, and sodium glycolate.
glass-stoppered weighing bottle. Dry in an oven a t 100' to 105 a C.
for 1 hour, remove, stopper, and cool in a desiccator. Transfer
the contents of the weighing dish to a dry 250-mI. Erlenmeyer SUMMARY
flask with ground-glass joint and weigh the empty dish to get the
sample weight by difference. Add 25 ml. of 6% sodium hydrox- Three methods are described for the determination of the de-
ide solution with a graduate and shake until solution of the sample gree of substitution of sodium carboxymethylcellulose. These
is complete. Wash down the neck and sides of the flask with 25 methods were developed for research and control purposes and
ml. of distilled water. for application to purified and unpurified samples with various
ildd 36 ml. of 95% sulfuric acid carefully to the solution with a degrees of substitution. The most advantageous application of
graduate. The final acid concentration will then be 50%. At-
tach the flasks to condensers with ground-glass joints and heat each method is suggested.
under reflux for 3.5 hours on a hot plate. (The temperature of
the boiling liquid should be about 125' to 130" C.) Allow the LITERATURE CITED
mixture to cool to room temperature, and dilute to 100 ml. with
50% sulfuric acid. Brown, C. J., and Houghton, A. A., J . SOC.Chem. Ind.,60, 254T
Prepare a reagent blank solution consisting of 25 ml. of 6% so- (1941).
dium hydroxide, 25 ml. of water, and 36 ml. of 95% sulfuric acid Calkins, V. P., IND. ENG.CHEM.,ANAL.ED.,15,762 (1943).
and treat in the same manner as the unknown samples. Chowdhury, J. K., Biochem. Z., 148,76-88 (1924).
Pipet 1 ml. of the final cooled and diluted solution into a test Feigl, F., "Qualitative Analysis by Spot Tests", New York,
tube and add 20 ml. of the color reagent. Heat in boiling water Nordemann Co.. 1939.
for 30 minutes, then cool and dilute in the same manner as for Hollabaugh, C. B., Burt, L. H., and Walsh, -4.P., IXD.ESQ.
the standard solutions. Read the per cent transmittancy with CHEM.,37,943 (1945).
a suitable photometer against the reagent blank solution. Read Sakurada, I., J . SOC.Chem. Ind.,Japan,31,19 (1938).
the concentration of glycolic acid corresponding to this reading Schmidt, E., Meinel, K., Jandebeur, K., and Simson, W.,
from the calibration curve. Cellulosechem., 13,129 (1932).

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