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Joseph Westley Newman

An Invention Whose Time Has Come

Written and published by Joseph W. Newman

(Edited by Evan R. Soule , Jr.)
T o you, thc reader, 1 apologizc in advance if 1 offend, by the manner in which I put forth my
revolutionary Scientific Hypothescs rclative ro numerous, prescntly accepted sciencific statemems with
which l scientifically disagree.
Pleasc consider that during these last 19 years, I havc taught myself physics, chemistry, electrical
engineering, and astronomy. The rcsult of my years of research (which proposes a Unificd Field Theory
concern ing ali ph ysical p henomena) has been a con tinuing and expanding thesis that 1 ha ve written in a
manner to which the p resent scicntific community is not accustomed.
If 1 am guilty o f offending anyone d ue to my love of p ure science (which truly exists without any
intellectual or artificial bouildaries of any type) - 1 sincerely apologize in advance to you.
However, it is my earnest beli<'f that my method will serve a most beneficia! improvement in the future
<lcvelopmcnt and progress of Scicncc and the human spccics - which, if not in the present, will in the
futurc be greatly appreciated by those who will follow after us and look to you and me fo r a smoother
road through life.
Consider the fact, for examplc, that over thirty fundamental atomic particles ha ve been released from
th<..: n ucleus o f an atom. And thc more that is known, the more the mystery deepcns. Ph ysicists are no
long<..:r <.:ven certain that protons, ncutrons, ancl elec trons occupy space. Sorne h ypothcscs describe these
particles <IS waves o r po ints without volume - mathematical singularities which "haunt" space.
Based on the present scientific undcrstanding of matter, this same description would apply to the
encrgy in the force fields of a magnct.
I Iowevcr, it would appear cha e the nuclear and magnetic forces are electromagnetic energy and possess
mechanica l-like characteristics which can be predicted and explained. The proof of the truth of this
sta tcmcnt lics within this Book which I have written following 19 years of work and research.
I open this scientific work with the same statement with which 1 end it - a noce from my w ritings
dated Friclay, 9:00 p.m., April 19, I968:

"To ali people whosc brain b urns and aches to accomplish great things and
changes for the gooci, may God and/or the Gooclness of the Universe be
with you. For you are the Goodness of the Universe and do goocl for the
people in spite of themselves. And I salute you!"

-.fosepb Westiey Neu,ma11. 1984


I urge the reader to re ad this Book in its entirety , in the sequence of its development and presentation.
This Book is developed logically from one concept t0 the next - just as I originally innovated the
concepts which led co the creation of my energy machine. By skipping through the Book, the reader runs
the risk of noc thoroughly mastering the Theory upon which rests the technological innovation. The
specific innovation is, in fact, less important to me t han a proper comprehension of the Theory itself.

I also wish tO assure the reader thac the Editor and I are aware of accepted grammatical customs. I
choose to use certain grammacical variations for purposes of conceptual emphasis and co encourage the
reader tO study carefully what is presented.

In Chapter One, I utilize a quotation from James Clerk Maxwell regarding the mechanical nature of a
magnetic field in which he said: "In speaking of the Energy of the field, however, I wish to be
understood literally. Ali energy is the same as mechanical energy ... "Historically, as it turns out, Maxwell
has not been taken licerally. In fact, chis statement by Maxwell has been literal/y ignored by those who
fo llowed him. PerhapsJames Clerk Maxwell's statement would not have been ignoredor overlooked had
he written che words I WISH TO BE UNDERSTOOD LITERALLY with greater stylistic emphasis.

By intentionally " breaking" the flow of information (to che reader) with the use of quotation marks
and parentheses, 1 am stylistically encouraging che reacte.r to proceed carefully and "Master" what I teach.

The term "Master" should connote to the reader the same meaning as che historical distinction
between "Master" and "Apprentice." Please understand that I do not intend the term to have a
derogatory implication to che reader. This is simply my way of encouraging che reader to underscand
(carefully and systematically) - rather than only memorize - what is presented in chis Book.

My unorthodox treatment of certain words and grammatical devices is intended to partially counter-
balance the psychological effects of a teaching systern which often rewards memorization and ignores or
penalizes a sincere, questioning attitude.

1 muse stress that my purpose is not in any way to condemn or question the intellectual ability of the
ttader. My sincere purpose is to question and improve the operacional nature of the educacional system.


Those who understand the essential nature of Mr. Newman's energy machine may claim that its design
is "simple and obvious." Of course it is. Ali great concepts and man y major inventions throughout our
history are very "simple and obvious" - bur only a/ter they are understood. The wheel is "simple and
o bvious," but it is nevertheless a very important invention that revolutionized our development as a
species. One might ask: " Why was the wheel not 'obvious' to the countless human beings who lived
before the invento r of the wheel?" The following quotation* from Christian Morgenstern answers this
question quite elegantly:

''The obvious is that which ís never seen until someone expresses it simpty. ' '

"h ;in Soule',Jr. wishes to express his gratitude to ptwsicist Andrew J. Galambos for bringing LO his auencion theabove quocacion by Christian
Morgenstern. and fo r sensitiiing him to the nacure o f innovacion via a ¡proper perspective for chac which is "obvio us." Prnfessor ~.alambos has
J<.:LUally re-sta ted Morgenstern's quocation: "The obtiious is that which is neuer understood until someone e,,presses 11 sunplv.
¡Professor Galambos was origlnally informed of the Morgenstern quotati on by Mr. Jerome Sm1th.]
1 wish to express my deepest thanks and love to my Dear Wife, Margaret Ellen Green Newman, who has
always demonstrated unending patlence and faith in me and in the importance of my work. She has
always eagerly offered to help in any capacity whatsoever to see such work to its completion. She has
always demonstrated a deep and understanding love forme in spite of my unbending determination to
achieve the completion of my work above ali else. She has been and is the perfect wife forme. Her beauty,
loving person ality, and famed cooking ability ha ve been an additional asset to my efforts. My love for her
and with her is multiplied by our young son - Gyromas - of two years. I have named my son after my
work and for him I have written a song concerning his special name which I sing to him to inspire and
awaken his young mind .
To Mr. Garland Robinette 1 owe a special thanks and my respect. As a top news anchorman with WWL-TV
in New Orleans, Mr. Robinette has conducted himself in a more scientific manner with respect to
discovering the truth of the operability of my energy machi ne than have rnost of the scientists who ha ve
scen or heard Mr. Robinette's news coverage of this inventio n. Mr. Robinette 's extremely professional
work not o nly triggered the involvement of o ther news media and scientists, but his work also led to
fi nancia! assistance becoming available. Mr. Ro binette spoke out when othe rs were petrified to do so and
his news coverage was based onfacts, not w ild speculation, biases, and prejudices. Mr. Robinette is a
compliment and asset to his profession. In addition, Mr. Robinette is a very special person who truly cares
abbut the benefits of my Invention to you, the People.
To Mr. Evan Soule', Jr. - a calented ceacher and artist in New Orleans - I also owe special thanks and
respect. Mr. Soule' has edited this Book and prepared all the finished drawings which are extremely pro-
fessiona lly exccuted. Mr. Soule' has performed far more than this. He has put his very Essence into che
cditing, preparacion, and production of this Book in order to enable it to be as appealing as possible to the
reader. Mr. Soule' has fought vigorously wíth his pen against sorne of my unscrupulous adversaries. He
has also vigorously discusscd and endorsed my work with ocher scientists and members of the news
med ia. Mr. Soule' is a special person who continuously works on behalf of my innovations becoming a
rcality fo r you, the People.
I wish t0 sincerely thank and give respecc to the numerous scientifically-educated individuals listed in
Chapter Seven who had the Scie ntific Courage to speak out on my behalf when it was not fashionable. Ali
of these individuals are a compliment to the word "Scientist. "
My vcry special thanks to Dr. Roben Smith of NASA, Dr. Roger Hastings of Sperry-Univac, and
Enginecr Milt0n Everett, formerly with the Mississippi Department of Energy - who spoke out first.

]oseph Westley Newman

Table of Contents
Chapter Page
2. G YROSCOPIC ACTIONS . . . . . . .. . 4
7. ADDITIONAL AFFIDAVITS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
10. Q UANTUM MECHANICS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
11. LIGHT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
16. GRAVITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
17. INERTIA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
19. ASTRONOMY . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
25. THE J UDIC!AL SYSTEM .. . 274
_) ,/ . APPHNDIX . . . . . . . . . . . . 283

Chapter 1

"I cannot concelve curved lines of force without the condltions of a physical exlstence in that
lntermediate space."
- Micheel Faraday

I n my search for Absolute Truth over the lasc nineteen tion of Patcnt Application Number 179,474 . Espccially
years, l have often questioned why the conclusions l pertinent is che fact that l have described in extensive
drew from present physics, electrical engineering, and detail how a magnetic field consists of particles wich a
astro nomy teachings were not in accord with che scien- mechanica l, gyroscopic-type action wh ich can be
tific community's conclusions. understood and predicted and which occurs ac the speed
Thc difference lies in the facc thac during thc last of light. Furthermorc, the energy in a magnetic field is
cwenty-three years I have made my livelihood solely the energy u•hicb comprises tbe atoms o/ the material
from inventing. This is a profession that requircs comin- from which the energy comes and is literal/y Einstein 's
ual questioning as to "HOW" and "WHY," followed by Equation of E = MC 2 . Consequently, the mass (in thc
deep, creative thought concerning realistic improvements. form of a gyroscopic particle) must rnoue in a given
In contrast, the present teaching system from grammar direction at C, or the speed of light , and it muse also
school through college is one of memorization. The spin at che speed of light.
more capable a student is in memorizing thc tcxtbooks
used within educacional institutions, the bettcr grade he
or shc receives. Moreover, the time allotted for lcarning " Tbe energy in a magnetic fiel.d is tbe
the basics in college is very hurried. There is little or no energy wbicb comprises tbe atoms of tbe
ume for deep, creative thinking as to " HOW" and material from wbtcb tbe energy comes and
" WHY." This systcm has been, and continues to be, is literally Einstein 's Equatton of E =MC2. "
very detrimental to the progress of science.
The progress of our human spccies is depcndent upon
creativity undergoing a process of continuing physical I wish to pay tribute to Michael Faraday, whose work
e_\pansion. Ali technically-oriented individuals have a scimulated my search, and to James Clerk Maxwell. Boch
sensitive and moral obligation to encourage thc creative of these great scientists ha ve seen even farther in to che
individual, in whom lies the future improvement of the future in ~1 way in which they have yet to receive full
human race. In many insrances, thc technological reali- credit and recognition.
z..ation of a scientific concept will precede the scientific The following faces concerning these prestigious men
( x:planation or expcccation by thc scientific community were discovered by me many years aftcr 1 had originally
r othcr technical individuals. begun my scarch:
The facts relacive to che history of the advancement in
cvery aspect of scicnce - medicine, physics, chcmistry, The following quotations are from a book cntitled
~t ronomy, geology, electrical engineering - clcarly Michael Faraday by L. Pcarce Williams [published by
how that becausc a subject matter is taught in accord- Chapman and Hall, Ltd. , London, 1965]. Essentially,
mce with a given line of thought ac that instant in time Michael Faraday understood che lines of force as real
x:s not make it fact. physical cntitics. His position was not shared by most
However, even at this late date many indivicluals other scicncists of that time. This causcd Faraday co
•chin the scientific community and ocher tcchnical in- remark on November 7, 1855:
1<.luals havc clearly taken the position that anything
ght in a given instant in time is fact. " Howfeu• understand tbe physical fines of force!
lf thcre viere any merit to such a blind attitude, then They u•ill 11ot see them, yet ali tbe researches on the
Earth would be t1at and it would also be thc cencer subject tend to confirm tbe views I putforth many
1he Universe, because such a "belief' was rigidly yectrs since. Thompson o/ Glasgow seems almos/
ght in past years. Actually, the present electric motar the only one u•ho acknoil'ledges them. He is
gcncrator would not exist bccausc, prior to 1820, the perhaps tbe nearest to understanding U'bat f
·hings at that time staced that there was no connec- mea111. I am co11te111 to wait com•inced as f am o.f
'fl bctween 1m1gnetism and clectricity. the trut/J of my vieu•s. " (page 507)
hcre are now and have b<.:cn chose who have blindly
n che position that there is no credibility to my In correspondence between Michael Faraday and
nical Proccss which describes my Pio nccring hwcn- James Clerk Maxwell, Faraday disagreed at onc point


with Maxwell 's dcfinition of Lhe;: word "force." On pagc at first band. lle combined t/Je Laws of electromag-
514, Faraday statcs in a lctter to Maxwell dated netism into a simple, lucid mathematical state-
Novembcr 13, 1857: ment - a set offamous relations known as Max-
well 's equations. These prol'ided the tbeoretical
· · I [Fa raday] perceil•e that Ido 11ot use the u·ord fou11dation of modern electromagnetic science -
'jorce ' as you (Maxwell} define it: 'the tendency of the basis of much, if not most, of our technological
a botZl' to pass from one place to a11other. · W'bat l CÍL iliz atio11. ..

mean by the u•ord is the source or sources of all

possible actio11s of t/.?e partic/es or materia[.,· of the Maxwell states on pages 72 and 73:
tm i l'erse ... "
" I hat•e hardly made a single experiment, and that
However, on the subject of the lines of force, Maxwell the li111ít of my design is to show how. by a strict
did agree with Fa rada y. On page 511. L. Pearce Williams applicatiou of the ideas and methods of Faraday,
writes: the co11nection o/ uery dif.ferent orders of phe-
nomena which he has discovered may be clearty
.. Maxu 1el/, il would seem, u•as the onzv person placed be/ore tbe mathematical mind. .,
besides Faraday wbo actual/y felt tbat the fines of
force did exist and were not just an easy way to Frorn page 125:
represent action ata distance."
·· This work is Maxwell 's cmwning masterpiece:
The above quotations clcarly show that Michacl Farad::iy 'The lheory I propase may ... be called a theory
- possibly the greatest experimental genius that rhe o/ the Electromagnetic Field because it has to do
world has ever known - strongly believed that the lines with the space in tbe neighborhood o/ the etectric

"How few understood tbe Pbysical lines of Force!" - Michael Faraday

of force of a magnet were real entities and consisted of or magnetic bodies, and it may be called a
sorne type of particles. He simply did not know how to Dynamical Theory, because it assumes that in
mechanically explain or prove the existence of these that space there is matter In motton, by which
parricles. tbe observed efectromagnetic phenomena are pro-
Therefore, it is obvious from the abovc that Michael duced. '" (Emphasis added.)
Faraday would have eagerly endorsed a consistent,
mechanical explanation of these particles comprising the From page 125 continued:
Jines of force within a magnet which would mechanical-
ly explain why magners and electrical chargcs attract and " The storage of electromagnetic energy in the field
repelas well as why electric currents move in varying is tben discttssed in terms u1hich no /onger re-
directions whcn a conductor moves relative to a givcn quire the aether model. Ajter writing clown his
magnetic field . final relations for the electromagnefic field
In my original Disclos ure Docurnenc (which is legally a (i\llaxwell 's equatio11s), he puts it this way:
part of my Patent Application) along with my Patent Ap-
plication, I mechanically explain in derail all of the 'I hm'e 011 a f ormer occasion attempted to
above - in addition to previously unexplained scientific describe a particular ki11d o/ molían anda par-
observations - vía one, single mechcmical explanation ticular kind of strain, so arranged as to account
of gyroscopic-type particles which comprise ali rnatter for the phenome11a. In tbe present paper l avoicl
(cnergy) in the Universe and generate all magnetic/elec- any hypot/Jesís of this kind; and in using such
tric fields . I will present a cletailed, rnechanical dcscrip- uiords as electric momentum and electric.. elastic-
tion of these particles in this Book, beginning with ity in reference to the known pbenomena of the
Chapter Three. induction o/ currents and the polarization o/
dielectrics, I wish mere/y to direct the mind of
The following quotarions are from a book encitled the reader to mechanícal phenomena which will
]ames Clerk i'vlaxwell: a Biography by lvan Tolstoy. assist him in understanding the electrical ones.
[Published by Canongate Publishing, Ltd., Edinburgh , Ali phrases in tbe present paper are to be
1981.) considered as illustralive, not explanatory.
From pages 2 and 4:
• !11 speaking o[ the Energy o( the [ield, bou1euer,
" Afaxwell was, and largely remains to Ibis e/ay, a I ll'ish to be understood literal/)•. All energy is
physicist 's physicist - appreciated and re1 •ered by the same c1s mechanical energy, whetber it exists
those equipped to understand and sauor bis work in t/Je form o/ motion or in that of elasticity, or


in any other f orm. The energy in etectromagnetic sight, and, as a result, stitl teaches the old theory which
phenomena is mechanicat energy. The onty Maxwell referred to as: " the fo rro of an unknown quali-
question is, Where does it reside? On the old ty called po tential energy, or the po wer of producing
theories it resides in the electrified bodies, con- certain effects at a distance. ' '
ducting circuits and magnets, in the form o{ an
unknown quality called potentiat energy, ar the [I will discuss in this Book the actual nature of " poten-
power o[ producing certain e[fects a ta distance. cial " energy as opposed to kinetic energy.]
On our theory it resides in the etectromagnetic
[ietd, in the space surrounding the electri[ied The above facts clearly sho w that two of the most
and magnetic bodies, as wett as in those bodies prcstigious men of science - befare the f act - already
themselves, and is in two differentforms, which endo rsed a basic of my Disclosures. The above
may be described without hypothesis as magnetic quoratio ns, the factual results rhat will be presented in
polarization and electric potarizatlon, or, ac- this Book, and the fact that as of this writing o ver thirty
cording to a very probable hypothesis, as the (30) extremely qualified, scientifically-minded individ-
motion and strain o/ one and the same uals have put fonh statements verifying rhat my techno-
medium. ' ·· (Emphasis added.) logical pro to types have a greater energy o urput than ex-
terna! energy input into my system, most certainly o ver-
It is o bvious from the above facts that Maxwell come the o bjections of mere disbelief on the part of
believed that there is matter-in-motion in a magnetic o thers who have not studied my concepts .
/ ield and that the re was sorne typc of mcchanical prop- It is o bvio us that neither Maxwell or Faraday could
erty which created the observed elecrromagne tic mechanically explain or prove the existence of these
pheno mena. Max well, like Faraday, simply did not know particles, which I will discuss in this Book, nor did they
how to physically prove o r mechanicall y explain the understand o r o penly predict ho w o ne could o btain
pheno mena . grcater energy from a mass o r magnetic field than the
1 was in the same intellectual positio n during March, cnergy put into the system. Yet, these great men instinc-
1965 w hen 1 read and studied the nature of Faraday's tively laid the ground work of endo rsement for anyone
Generator. At that time, I also concluded that a magnetic who could mechanically explain these particles and
field was composed of particles thar possessed sorne therefore expand upon their own sincere and dedicated
forro of mechanical action which created the observed efforts to provide a mechanical explanation for elec-
results then being taught and accepted. In addition, I tro magnetism.
also concluded that these panicles moved ar the speed I have accomplished this understanding and much
of light. Ho wever, like Faraday and Maxwell, I could not mo re. By their statements, Faraday and Maxwell have ef-

"In speaking of tbe Energy of tbe field, bowever, I wisb to be understood literal/y. Tbe
energy in electromagnetic pbenomena is mecbanical energy. " - James Clerk Maxwell

prove that my Hypothesis was true at that time. I then fectively endo rsed a basic te net of my Disclosures before
realized that o ne must mechanically understand the che fact, even though they had no explicit, mechanical
essence of these particles before one could efficiently explanatio n for their statements.
harness the ir ene rgy. I eagerly accepted this massive The impo rtance, originality, and fac tual corroboratio n
challenge and for well ove r a decade l srudicd, ex- of my Disclosure will speak fo r itself.
perimented, and put forth deep, creative tho ught which
resulted in the (U.S. Patent Office) Disclosure Document SURELY 1 AM ENTITLED TO PIONEERING PATENT
of o ver 130 pages and the patent application Serial No. PROTECTION FOR THIS REVOLUTIONARY INVENTION.
1'"'9,474 • . This in turn resulted in my developing a
Unified Field Theory which was no lo nger only a theo ry
but a Te ch.nical Process which d e mo nstrates and teaches
1.he.mechanical disclosure of a n e w source o f e n ergy and
so disclo sed in this Boo k.
It is histo rically apparent that because Faraday and
Maxwell could not prove or mechanicall y explain these
cnergy particles, the present scientific community has
not grasped the essence of Maxwell's and Faraday's in-

• This applicatlon is a concinuaci on·in-part o f che prior copcnding ap·

phc<1tion Serial No. 110,834, filedJanuary 9, 1980. which in curo is
;i concinuatlo n-in-p;irt of p rior pacenc appli cation Serial No. 23, 136,

fileu March U., 1979, and Serial No. 25,907, ílleu April 2, 1979.
Chapter 2 "The way in wh ich Faraday made use of his lines of force in co-ordinatlng the phenomena of electric
inductlon shows him to have been a mathematician of hlgh order, and one from whom the
GYROSCOPIC A CTIONS mathematicians of the future may derive valuable and fertile methods."
- James Clerk Maxwell

1 will begin with the scientific facts concerning my

inirial reading in March, 1965 on rhe nature of Michael CONDUCTOR DOWN
Faraday's Generator.
Anyone who cannor recognize the veracity of certain
conclusions thar I understood when I initially studied
Faraday's facts has been unjustly influenced by the
rcaching process which reward5 one for memorization
and discourages questioning of the subjecr matter taught.

As you read the following Jist of experimental facts

concerning Faraday's generator, you will retrace the
steps of my initial readings during March 1965. With
open eyes and an open mind, question for yourself what 3. Flip over the magnet 180º and the direction of rhe
would happen under the conditions described below. * electric current flow will be reversed from that of
Figures 1 and 2 above, although the direction and mo-
The facts of Faraday's Generator: tion of the conductor remain the same (compare Figure
3 to Figure 1 and observe opposite results).



1. Push a conductor wire down and through a

magnetic field at right angles to the lines of force and 4. Push the conductor "down" or "up" in a motion
the electric current will flow to the left as drawn. parallel to, and through the magnetic lines of force: no
electric current will flow despite a vigorous or ener-
getic pushing effort.

2 . Push a conductor up and through a magnetic field at

right angles to the lines of force and the electric current
flows to the right as drawn (opposite to Figure 1 above). 5. However, although the conductor can be very slow-
ly pushed at riglu angles to the magnetic lines of force ,
ºThis openmindedn ess tO ncw knowledge may be difficult for those the resulting electric current will move at the speed of
taugh t by a system which rewards memori:rntion and discourages
the very rype of questioning employed b y the Author.
che propcr angle which results in che bullet being
FIGURE 6 deflected from its original path.)
However, I was still puzzled. I asked myself, "Why
did che up and down mocion of the deflecting con-
ductor produce op positc-direction deflection of this
mechanically-natured particle which moved at the
speed of lighc? Why did the deflection reverse whcn
the magnel was flipped over 180°? And why, when
the conductor moved par.illel to thesc mechanically-
naturcd panicles (which wcrc moving at Lhe spcec.J uf
light), was no currem flow produccd?" This latter
6. Thc conduclOr can be disconnecced from che am- question indicaced to me that no proper deflectlon o f
mcccr, ílipped over 180º, reconnected to Lhe ammecer che particlcs occurred in the mechanical position o f
co rcpcac the samc motions of che conduccor through, force of che conductor .
ancl at right anglcs to the magnclic lines of force (as in Also, 1 asked myself, " When thc conductor was mo-
Figures l -3). lclcntical results of the elecuic current tionless in the magnetic field (consisting of particlcs
flow will chen be observed cvcn chough thc conductor with mechanical characccriscics and moving ac che
has beco flipped over 180º. ( ce Figures 5 and 6: the speed o f light), why was no current flow produced?"
conductor in Figure 6 has been ílipped over 180º from This obscrvation indicatcd chat therc was no propcr
thac o f Figure 5, ycc che direccion of currenc flow is deflection of che particles occurring In the mechanlcal
ldcntical.) position of the conductor.

7. The convencional ceachings would sugg~t chat che

abovc-discussed electric currem ílow was a result of 10. Summationofm thou
c:kctron flow in the conductor and thac nothtng carne of 1 65:
rom che magnetlc fleld. Also, convencional ccachings Faraday had ínvented an importanc invemion - the
uce chat the magnetic lines of force are imaginary, eleccric generacor - bue he had invented an inefficient
e 1ns1scing o f Potemial Energy and no Kinecic Energy. invemion because one always obcained less energy
(This claim was belleved to be jusclfied because no cur- from a syscem than the energy p ul lnto that system:
rcnc flow was observed when che conductor was mo- yet, the faces clearly showed that the system conslstcd
nless in a magnetic field . There ls no merit to thls of an orderly flow of Kinetfc Energy. Thls Klnetlc
¡. ltion when one knows chat one can vigorously Energy conslsts of a mechanically-orienced particle
movc a conductor parallel to magnecic lines of force whích moves at the speed of light. Therefore 1 knew
d no cu rrent flow will occur.] thac in arder to construct the propcr cechnological
mechanism whlch could utilize chis encrgy, I must
.. As l scudied che above faces of Fartlday's Gener.acor, simply understand che cssence of the entire system.
1 oncluded chac che convemional ceachings of No. 7 I n addition to making my living by other successful
were cotally incorrect and that such a conclusion
)\.'C inventions, the next thrcc years consisced of
plerely ignores che known facts presented by Fara- of hours of testing, scudying, and thinking to search for
) ~ Generator. che tru th conceming che nacure o f this mechanically-
oriented panicle. During this time, thc same question
• Faces 1 -6 above clearly proveo co me chal a dominated my thoughts: Ilow did the particles of a
~necic field consiscs of: magnetic field " know" which way to cravel? In rctro-
• panicles which have mechanical charactenstics. l spect, thc answer is cxtrcmely simple, bue seemcd vcry
cd myself, " llow else could these particlcs ' know' difficulc to me at che time since I had ncver taken a
blch way to travel and why clse would che direction physics course and had becn teaching m yself many
urrent flow be so dependcnt upon che magnecic varied subjects.
d and totally independenc of the conductor icself? " Ac chis time in my life, 1 began to work on anocher
• panicles moving at the speed of light wnhin the invention consisting of a flywheel which acted as a
netic field. The facts prove to me that one did not " mechanical scorage battery" far a bicycle. This
t che vclocity o f light to clectric currem flow b y fl ywheel caused che bicycle to aucomatically react as a
inga conductor slowly through a magnecic field. " wheelle. " uch "stored mechanical energy" within
icr, che facts demonstrated chat the resulcing elec- che flywheel suggesced to me che stabilizing influence
c:urrent flow consisced of an entity which already of a gyroscope. I then became fascinaced with under-
cled at che speed of light. T he slow movcment of scanding che essence of che gyroscope and thereafter 1
conductor ar right angles to chac entity had simply learned the answer to thc questions dominating my
hanically dcflecced the parcicle from its normal thoughts conccrning che explicit, mechanical character-
Such accion is similar to thac of a bullet being istics of che particles comprising a magnecic field and
dd'KCted by hiuing a metal plate or body of water ac traveling at the speed of light.
11 . These particles consist of a gyroscopic mechanical actiOE which can be operationally (mechanically) understood
and predicted! Let the following facts prove or disprove chis Theory:


Figure Movc a conductor clown at a right angle to a Figure Apply a downward force to the axis of a spin-
11-A magnctic field and the current.f7ow moves left. 11-Al ning gyroscope and it will pivot ata right angle
to the force (in this case pivot left). Now imagine
that this gyroscope has a forward direction at che
speed of lighc.


FIGURE 11·8 FIGURE 11·81

Figure Move the conductor "up" at right angles to the Figure Apply an upward force to the axis of the spin-
11 -B magneric field and the current jlows right and 11 -Bl ning gyroscope and it will pivot at right angles
opposite to Figure 11 -A above . to the force. Jn this case, che gyroscope piuots
right and opposite to Figure 11 -Al above. Now
imagine that this gyroscope has a forward direc-
tion at the speed of light.



Figure Flip thc magnets over 180º and repcat the Figure Flip the spinning gyroscope over 180°. Rcpeating
11-C actions of Figure 11-A above. Thc current ílow 11 -Cl che actions of Figure 11-Al above, the gyroscope
direction will be right and opposite to that of will pivqt at right angles to the force, but u•ill
B:ample 11 -A even though the force direction is now piz'ot rigbt and opposile to that of Figure
the same. 11-A I above, eL1en though tbe force directíon is
the same. Now imagine that this gyroscope has a
forward direclion at the spced of light.



FIGURE 11·0 FIGURE 11 ·01

Figure Repeat the actions of Figure 11 -B and the current Figure Repeat the actions of Figure 11-Bl: tbe gyroscope
11-D jlow will be left and opjJosite to Figure 11 -B even 11 -Dl will pivot at right angles to the force, but will
though the force direction is the same. now pivot left and opposite to Figure 11 -B1
even thougb the force direction is ti:} e same.
Now imagine that this gyroscope has a forward
direction at the speed of light.




Figure Move the conductor vigorously "up" and Figure Apply an " up" and "down" force parallel td the
11-E "down" through the magnetic field, maintain- 11 -El axis of the spinning gyroscope. Regardless of
ing the conductor.force parallel to tbe magnetic how energetically tbe force is apptied, as long as
tines o/force and no current flow will result. the force remains parallel, the gyroscope will
not pivot even though it has a forward motion at
the speed of light.

" These particles consist of a G . When one brings a conductor "down" or "up" at
'gyroscopic mechanical action' which right angtes to a magnetic jield, the random motion
of the atoms within the conductor does not a.ffect the
can be op erationally (mechanically)
system because there is a general drift direction of
understood and predicted!" the "up " and "down "force applied to the gyroscopic
particles comprising a magnetic .field. This effect is
F_ The reason that a stationary conductor in a similar to an airílow consisting of gas molecules in
magnetic field (generated by and consisting of gyro- random motion within the airflow, but also possessing
scopic particles spinning and moving at the speed of a general drift direction which will apply a force to a
light) does not produce current flow is very simple. windmill, etc. If the airflow ceases, however, the
The fundamental Laws for the Mathematics of Proba- windmill will not turn even though the molecules of
bility (Statistics of Large Numbers) states that as many gas - while still moving at high velocities - are
of the gyroscopic particles will pivot left as pivot right nonetheless in a random motion which cancels the
due to the random motion of the atoms comprising force applied to ali sides of che windmill.
the conductor. Such action causes a cancellation effect. The same effect is true if one applies a random
The same is true if, from all directions, one randomly force to the axis of a gyroscope. lf the random force
applies a force to the axis of a spinning gyroscope. It has a given drift direction of force, the gyroscope will
simply w ill not pivot if the random forces are fast. pivot at right angles to that drift directional force.



At this point in time, the facts I had assembled had The same electrical energy input created extremely
convinced me that my initial thoughts in 1965 were in- variable field strengths! I therefore instantly knew that
deed correct. A magnetic ficld does consist of discrete che strength of the magnetic field had to be a rcsult of
particles which move forward at the speed of light and the nature of the atoms comprising the material and
possess mechanícally-identifíable characceristics whích not a result of the electrical energy input.
are identical to those possessed by a gyroscope. Such 12
characteristics can be mechanically understood and B. The facts further demonstrated that the strength of
predícted. the magnetic field was observed to increase as more
By this time, however, I also mechanically explained atoms within the material became aligned!
other quesclons which 1 had conceived regarding the
nature of a magnetic field. Questions such as:
,-- - - - -
Why, in a mechanical sense, does a magnet attract and / "1
repel other magnets?
Why, in a mechanical sense, do electric charges attract FIGURE 12·81
~; a/
000 , ,WEAK
and repel? f ' FIELD
\ )
What is the energy in a magnetic field and what is its
- ----- ./

Oid the energy used in creacing a permanent magnec FEW ATOMS ALIGNED
have any bearing upon the strength or encrgy
contained within a magnetic field emitted from
the permancnt magnet once it was made?

12. In the carly part of 1965, I eagerly researched the /

---,,,, ,____
, ,-----
., ---- ........
' '
known facts concerning the creation of a permanent
magnet. Because 1 instinctively knew that if the (

I 1
// .... - -.
t 1"';-"":-. '· °'\ J

strength of a magnetic fíeld was solely relative to the
energy input, then I would know 1 was incorrect. But if ' . . . '~ºººººº
FIGURE 12·82 ';: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0º'/ ,,,,,/ ~
the strengch of the magnetic field was independent of /" / , DOOOOOD~'\',
the energy input, then I would be even more assured
that I was correct.

\ \ '-

-- 1

... ....._____
I /
-...-,,,, .,,. // /
...... ----.,., _,/

Upon examining the known facts concerning perma-
nent magnetS, I again knew I was correct and such -- - - - -
faces are listed as fo llows: GREATER ATOM ALIGNMENT
A. For a given energy input into varying materials of
identical volume, che generated strength of the mag-
netic fi eld varies drasticall y 1 FACT B therefore further corroborated FACT 12-A
above as being correct.

' "'.,,, ------ - C. The facts also taught that o nce the maximum
.,,. - - - - ....... : ' atom alignment of a given material was achieved,
FIGURE 12-A1 >1
... -._ .. -"'~
1/ then no amount of electricaJ input would continue to
increase the magnetic field of that material! (See
Figure 12-82 above.)
PRODUCES WEAK, PERMANENT MAGNETIC FIELD It was obvious to me from this conclusion that the
strength of the magnetic field of a given material was
not relative to the electrical energy input. Once the
maximum atom alignment o f a material was achieved,
-- one could increase the energy input 1000 times and
there would be no increase in the strength of the
magnetic field of the permanent magnet. Therefore,
FACT 12-C further corroborated FACT 12-A above.
D. The facts also taught that if one took a permanent
..... ...._ ___
-- - - .-- magnet (such as in Figure 12-01 below) which has a
strong magnetic field and heated the magnet to its
Curie temperature, the magnetic field would vlrtually
disappear! (See Figure 12-02 below.)
an infinitely small entity which, in a literal and
mechanical sense, moves laterally and rotationally to

/ _.,..- ,.,- ----- - '

-------. ..............
generare a gyroscopic (spiral] helix effect .)

D . The literal and mechanical configuration of a

I /1 "' ,,.. ; : -....- , ' \
\ f I I , -, ' \ 1 \ / magnetic fie ld is simply a result of the summation of
FIGURE 12·01 '''' [JO
O D D 0 D :::::/ ~/
, ; atom alignment within che material from which the
magnetic field is generated .
/ ,,,I~ ODODDDD ',' ,

\ \
'' ...... --..:::
...........-- "'- ""
.......... ...............

...... ___
' ' -' / 1

E. At this time, I had also mechanically explained
why electric charges as well as magnets attracted and
repelled. (Conventional teachings only state that
STRONG MAGNETIC FIELO PROOUCEO "like" magnetic poles repel and "unlike" magnetic
BY GREATER ATOM ALIGNMENT poles attract. It is also said that "like" electrical
charges repel and " unlike" electrical charges attract.
T his is a superficial analysis.) The answer to such at-
traction/repulsion is simple. The gyroscopic spin has a
FIGURE 12·02 mechanical action which causes the observed results
,y NO MAGNETIC FIELD and can be mechanically understood and predicted .

F. The same conventional and superficial analysis

was also applied to electric charges, i. e., "like"


charges repel and "unlike" charges attract. My
mechanical explanation concerning electric charges

1 ~TORCH was developed 1 V2 years before I understood the

gyroscopic composition of magnetic fields. In
essence, 1 mechanically viewed the electric charges as
rotating arrows QQ similar to the mechanics
of gear interaction. This enabled me to easily envision
Again, it was obvious to me that the magnetic field and draw the mechanical effects of attraction and
disappeared in Figure 12-D2 because the heat input repulsion. However, 1 did not call this mechanical ef-
created a random atomic motion and non-alignment fect of attraction and repulsion a gyroscopic effect
within the material. One can clearly see that in Figure since (at that time) 1 had still no t studied gyroscopes.
12-D2 one is transferring energy into the system of Upon understanding gyroscopes, I instamly under-
the magnetic material, i.e., one is not taking energy stood that the mechanics I had originally drawn for
from the magnetic material and yet the magnetic field electric charges was a gyroscopic action. The fact that
virtuaily disappears. the same mechanical explanation for gyroscopic ac-
tion explained both magnetism and electric charges
13 . The conclusions which I drew from the above made me even more certain of the correctness of the
FACTS l - 12D clearly proved to me rhe following: mechanical explanation. [Electric charges consist of
millions (plus) of gyroscopic particles and such
A. The energy in a magnetic field is the energy which charges w ill be discussed in more detaÚ in a later
comprises rhe component parts of the atoms from chapter (Sections 29 A-M) discussing gravity.] Ar this
which the energy comes! point, you should first intellectually master the con-
cept and mechanical nature of magnetism.
B. The energy in a magnetic field is therefore literally
Einstein's Equation of E = MC2 ! · The following two pages of drawings describe
C. The energy in a magnetic field must be moving in (as well as electrical repulsion and attraction), visually
a direction at the speed of light and must also have a explaining the discussion in 13 A-E. These drawings have
gyroscopic spin at the speed of light: herein líes the been unselfishly produced for me by_Mr. Evan R. Soule',
mechanical essence of E = MC 2 ! Jr. (talented artist and teacher). See also the following
The Kinetic Energy ofa moving particle is 0MV 2. lf pages p·resenting a Technical Description of the draw-
me particle is moving with speed V and also rotating ings. This Technical Description was also unselfishly
about its axis at speed V, then the total Kinetic Energy written by Mr. Evan R. Soule', Jr. from information
Is ~ MV2 (for forward motion) plus V2 MV2 (for the developed by me, with the purpose being that if Mr.
rotational motion [not Yí Iw2]) which equals MV 2. If V Soule' could understand what 1 have taught, then as an
is equal to C, then the total Kinetic Energy is equal to experienced teacher he could put forth this information
\IC.!. (Hypothetically, this particle is mathematically so that you, the reader, would also understand.


Orawn by Evan Soule', Jr. (New Orleans, LA) basect
::> upon the original and copyrighted c oncepts o f
:i:: " LIN E OF FORCE"
V> ------. y- Statlc c harges attract and
..,m P \ N ' \ repel because of spln
z r + J---,\ { -
/ "" LIKE CHARGES spin in same
"'-- 1 + \ _,, .¡, - J N \ direc tlons, but outer periphery
opposes and repels
Perlphe<y<epu1s1on7 \ ) "" \_,,,. UNLIKE CHARGES spin in
~ ~ " ' -Pe<lphery opposite directions, but outer
•ur•otlon periphery merges and attract s


/ "':---- --
- -', ' ' ,,
I / ,,.;,,..-;-_-_-:_-::: , ' ,
___,,,,, \



shells wlthl7

,' ,' I ¡

\ \
... ~
¡ 1 •
\\ \ \

-~ ...
1 \
J /

A N Y SOURCE CAUSING , 1 ' 1 1 , \'~~.. -.-:..·...~,,, ' t • : : 1 \ GYROSCOPIC

1 1 1
' ' ''-:..~"':;..',,./ /¡ 1 1
1 1
RANDOM ATOM MOTION \ \ \ \ ' ,~,'
.."':..~ :: : :>·/ ,/ I / I PARTICLE M
' ', , .... __ _. ......... / / I ATCAND
', '
' - - - - - - _,', ,USPINATC
'- -::.~-=.::,/ J:J rHEREFORE = c2
' ......... ......


(Energy ine>vt to m.eke a perm.enent

Á.cutal .. llnes of focCé"' at tM wltn energy wltnin a magn.etlc fleld - FIELD COMES. THIS EN ERG Y IS LITERALL Y EINSTEIN'$
ce.ntral axis are compressed, cataly tic etfect only)


# 1
"' Drawn by Evan Soule', Jr. (New Orl eans, LA) based
"'C>"" upon the original and copyrlghted concepts o f
V> -.,. y- Static charges attract and
.,,"' P \ N ' \ repel because ot spin
z r + ~p- (\ - IN '\ LI KE CHARGES spin in same

"'~ '- f + -A - j
dlrecuoos, but ou1er periphery
opposes ar>d repels
> Penonety<eoutsion_7 \ ) ~ '-.... UNLIKE CHARGES spin 1n
z ~ ~-- opposlle directions, but outer
a111ac1JOn perlphery rne<ges and attracts

..... --- ...

\- :
"" ,, ...
, ,, ... --- ..........., '
I 1" ,,;,,-:_-_-__... ::, ' , \

r' ,' /~','~!...:.~::;~~,','\ \ \

ON A 360' BASIS ',', , . I /t_,/
/~-, . . ::,, FORWARD
1- - - -- ahells wUhln ar.ella t ¡ I ' \ ' OIRECTION OF

ACulaJ ..HnN of force" at IM

(Ener;y input to make a permanent
magnet h-.s absolutety nothlng to do
with ene<gy wllhin a magr>etie neta -
\ \ \
\\~'..,'....~}~~~/~'/ /
. . .:-.:=:;:: ..·-",/ / /
· - - - - - · ' / ~SPI NATC,
' , ' · - - - - ; ' )':::/ THEREFORE = C2
' .........
.,...,. ..... /


cent11I axia a.rt comprtNed, ONE PLAN E OF "fil!fil:bl! OF FORCE" catatytic effect only)
bu1 do noc 1ouch.
Chapter 3
TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION ÜF DRAWINGS " ... it is lmpossible for anyone to begin to learn
what he thinks he already knows."
- Eplctetua

D escribed above are the technical drawings for one

aspect of Joseph Newman's theories. The cwo drawings
move " up" or " down" che conduccor (at right angles to
che direction that they first encounter the conductor).
- MAGNETJC FIELDS IN REP ULS ION and MAGNETIC Mr. Newman indicares that it is principally the spin of
PTBLDS IN ATTRACTION - describe three bar magners in the gyroscopic particle (and not the direction of flow for
a three-dimensional configuracion surrounded and the gyroscopic particles along the " lines of force" ) that
penetrated by circulating gyroscopic particles, each of determines magnetic repulsion and attraction. The in-
which spins while traveling upon "lines (shells) of force teraction of the peripheries of the particles actually ef-
(direction)" that consecutively alterna te in opposite fects such repulsion and attraction (see PROOF A).
directions. [The difference becween che cwo drawings is Although the drawings depict space between the par-
that the central magnet is reversed.] ticles flowing in a given " line of force," in accuality the
According to Mr. Newman, these gyroscopic particles particles are more like individual spirals upon a strand of
are the smallest particles known and comprise all atoms beads in the shape of a helix which results in a gyro-
within the universe. The technical drawings are scopic action - each particle "bumping against the
qualitative in nature; quantitatively, chere are trillions of next." [According to Mr. Newman, between each parti-
such gyroscopic particles flowing in the described paths cle there is a very small amount of space created by the
to generate the magnetic field. Although sub-atomic par- electromagnetic force surrounding each particle.]
ticles wiÍl be shielded by lead, the effects of magnetic As the drawings depict, the actual " lines of force" are
fields can be observed through lead shielding. According really shells offorce which envelop the magnets as
to Mr. Newman, this is one proof that these particles are discrete shells of gyroscopic particles which líe concen-
the most fundamental particles known. trically within other shells. These "lines of force " (as
These drawings represent thefirst time in the history depicced in one plane on the drawings) or shells of force
of physics that there is presented in an explicit pictorial (in actuality) travel (rotate) in opposite directions relative
fashion (via the concepts innovated by Mr. Newman) a to one another. The effect of such motion is to place the
precise, mechanlcal explanation of the phenomena of peripheries of respective gyroscopic particles (from one
magnetism and the principie of " action at a distance." " line of force " to the next) at oppositio n (or repulsion)
In his researches on magnecism, James Clerk Maxwell (as to one another and consequently kcep each "line of
well as Michael Faraday) explicitly described the lines of force " separated from each adjoining (concentric) " line
force surrounding a magnet as kinetic, mechanical (shell) of force."
energy. (Maxwell called electromagnetism '' matter in In addition, there are as many "lines of force"
motion. " ) This description by Maxwell has been forgot- emanating from each end of che bar magnet as there are
ten in the past 100 years. While Maxwell could not ex- atoms aligned magnecically across the width and height
plain in detail the action of a magnet, he did recognize of the N and S ends of the magnet. Because of the large
that such action is mechanical in nature. size of iron filings relative to the sub-atomic size of the
As one passes a conductor wire in front of and across gyroscopic particles, the particles within the " line of
the end of a bar magnet, one will observe the current to force " congeal clumps of the filings into (via the nakcd
flow first in one direction, then become neutral, then eye) a relatively few number of such lines. Wich more
reverse itself and flow in che opposite direction. This finely-ground iron filings , more " lines of force" would
occurs due to che nature of the flow of the gyroscopic become visible to the human eyc.
particles as they flow from each end of the bar magnet Each parcicle (M) travels along the "line (shell) of
(see drawings above). On one side of the south (S) end force " at che speed of light (C) and also individually
of the bar magnet, for inscance, the particles flowing in spins at the speed of light (C). Consequently, such mo-
and out along che "lines of force " spin " up, " while on tion results in energy (E) since E = MC2.
the other side of the same south end, the particles flow- It should also be noted that, based o n the theories of
ing in and out along the "lines of force" spin "down." A Mr. Newman, I constructed thrcc-dimensional models o f
spinning gyroscope will move at right angles to the force two bar magnets to study how che gyroscopic panicles
acting upon it; hence, as the gyroscopic particles en- interact . Using simple styrofoam (for thc bar magnet),
counter the particles composing the conductor wire, they wire (for thc " lines of force " ), and wooden beads (for
the gyroscopic particles), I was able to construct these when placed directly end-to-end, if one shifts the same
models as shown in the technical drawings. (This is only faces to the stde of one another (keeping them in the
an analogous construction. Mr. Newman does not state same plane), one will notice that the periphery spin of
there is a solid particle spinning on its axis as it moves, the gyroscopic particles flowing from N and S will in-
but probably is a particle moving [in effect, spinning] in teract to repel one another, even though opposite poles
a circular [spiraling helix) configuration at the speed of normally attract one another in a head on position.
light and moving forward at the speed of light (within
the general helix action); such combined motion equals
c 2.] (See Figure 13-G.) FIGURE 13-H2




The specific spiral motlon of the gyro-

scopic "particle" occurs at the speed of
light and the general forward moti on of
the spiral configuration also occurs at the speed
of l ight. The combined motions of the g~roscopic
" particle" constitute energy, i.e., E= MC .
Such spiral mot ion mechanically describes what is meant
by the expression " spins at the speed of light."

An interesting observation occurred following con-

struction and study of these rwo models: while the N
and S pole faces of two magnets (see Figure 13-Hl) attract

ó/ --o--- . . . . ~ FIGURE 13·H1

Similarly, with two Jike poles (see Figure 13-H2) brought
together (N to N or S to S) - while they repel each
other when placed head on, the models appeared to in-
:f- ;:-~ ~1:- ~" MOVE
dicate that the magnets would attract each other when

Ó /
OF OTHER Tbis simple experiment to test tbe
'- ..._ ~ / MAGNET
PERIPHERY REPULSION ~; - - .- f"'\L. validity of an explanation for a previously
,.,,.,...---- ~ .... ,,,.,,,.--v - ... unobserved (or if observed, then
\/ AA "') unexplained) magnetic pbenomenon is a
'>--1--< powerful corroboration for the rightrw~~
' . . . .~s- - - J ,~TTR¡CTIO!!-
,. t . . .f_ s
PERIPHERY - ~ ---/ of Mr. Newman 's tbeortes.
/ _. - - ---= Ñ - ..._ - -- ft . . . _ '-..

PERIPHERY:E~;:;IO:-f"- -

- -...
...._V- -
the ends are placed slightly side to side (alongside one
another and overlapping in the same plane.) For this
writer, the real test was whether actual magnets be-
/V ... haved in this manner. In testing such magnets, I found

that such side attraction (with N to N) and side repulsion
(with N to S) was observed exactly as the mechanical
descriptions of Mr. Newman would predict and indicate.
This simple experimem t0 test the validity of an explana-
tion for a previously unobserved (or if observed, then
' /
unexplained) magnetic phenomena is a powerful cor-
-.. - ( ) ) - - - ..- QUALITATIVE DEPICTION
roboration for che rightness of Mr. Newman's theories.
Technically speaking, like a water wheel harnessing interaction of unobserved electromagnetic fields (com-
the mcchanical action of a river, Mr. Newman has effcc- posed of gyroscopic particles) s urrounding bodies in
tively designcd a machine capa ble of harnessing the space. [Mr. Newman has theoretical concepts appropri-
above-described magnetic energy and converting it to ate to this subject.]
useful electrical energy. Therefore, the produced elec- As the drawings also indicate, positive and negative
trical energy comes from the gyroscopic particles com- electrical charges are determined by the gyroscopic spin
prising the atoms of the magnec. A magnetic field is of individual particles, and such charges are repelled or
created (as che drawings indicate) when the atoms of a attracced to one another accordíng to periphery attrac-
given material become aligned. According to Mr. tion (scc PROOF A).
Newman, the motion of the gyroscopic particles about The fundamental, gyroscopic particle is, therefore, the
the "línes (shells) of force" surrounding a magnet are a unifying factor for thc nuclear, electric, magnctic, and
precise retlection of the interior, structural interaction of gravitational fields.
these particles within a given atom. The Jargcr particles
(quark, neucrino, meson, electron, procon, ncutron, etc.) Evan R. Soule', jr.
are various configurations and agglutinations of the New Orleans, Louisiana (1984)
gyroscopic particle. As che atoms become aligned within
a magnet-to-be, they bcgin to act upon (and magnify)
one another's individual, atomic, magnetic fields to in-
tegrare with one anothcr until s uch fields completely
mesh and expand to become the magnetic field of the
complete magnet.
One may wonder that, if the magnets are depleted of NOTE: To dcite, over thirty individuals ha11e signed
their gyroscopic particles during the course of che opera- Ajfidavits attesting to the rightness of Mr. Newman 's
tion of Mr. Newman's machine, will they not eventually invention. These inditiiduals include electrical engi-
lose their mass completely? The answer is yes, although neers, physicists, inventors, scientists, and explicitly:
because Mr. Newman's energy machine operares at Mr. Milton Everett (biomass energy specialist with the
100% conversion efficiency (there being no radiation, Mississippi Department of Energy), Dr. Roger Hastings
heat, light, etc., as in nuclear fission reactions which (principal physicist for Sperry-Univac in St. Paul, Nlin-
operate at less than 1% efficiency), and because there nesota), and Mr. Eike Mueller (West German scientist
are trillions plus gyroscopic particles within each atom, and European Space Agency mission coordinato1- with
Mr. Newman estimates that it would licerally be the National Aeronautics and Space Administration).
thousands of years before one would detect any signifi-
cant, measurable amount of mass Ioss within a magnet.
It should be noted that Mr. Newman has worked on
these ideas for 19 years. Mr. Newman submittcd his
theoretical discussion and proofs to che patent office
severa! years before he constructed the actual working
prototype of his energy machine. Mr. Newman was to-
tally convinced o f che rightness of his theories and did
not need an operating machine to prove such ríghtness
to himself. From his perspective, such a machine was
needed as proof to everyone else.
It is Mr. Newman's position that from his varíous
theories (of which this discussion about the lmagnecic-
fie ld-creating] gyroscopic particles is only a single aspect
of his theories) one should be able to understand that it
would be possible to construct an energy machine chat
was capable of harnessing such (gyroscopic) energy if
one could visualize the proper configuration of the
materials necessary to effect such harnessing. Such con-
figuration is the technicaJ aspect of the Patent itself -
technically independent o f, but theoretically dependent
upon, understanding the nacure of the gyroscopic parti-
cles and how they intcract wich one another, especially
since ali atoms in the universe are composed of such
Although this would be a separare (but physically-
related) theorctical discussion, Mr. Ncwman has in-
dicatcd that gravitation is the observed effect of che
Chapter 4
EXPLANATION F OR "When a mathematlclan engaged In lnvestlgatlng physlcal actions and results has arrived at his own
conclusions, may they not be expressed in common language as fully, clearly, and deflnltely as In
mathematical formulae? lf so, would lt not be a great boon to such as well to express them so -
A W ORKING I NVENTION translating them out of their heiroglyphi cs that we might also work upen them by experiment?"

- Mlchael Faraday to James Clerk M axwell, 1857

J will now presem an explanation for a working

invention which utilizes the energy within magnetic
Turn the current on as in Figure 14-Bl anda magnetic
field will occur very quickly. Then turn the current
fields and produces more energy than is introduced into off as in Figure 14-B2 and the magnetic field very
the system from an externa] energy input. Do not at this quickly disappears with no remnant of the magnetic
point reflect poorly upon yourself and blindly state field observed in the copper material. If one then
" perpetua! motion." Simply put, the technological pro- places a magnet close to the copper, it is not observed
cess which I will discuss converts mass into energy on to be noticeably magnetic. Therefore, one is easily
a 100% conversion process via E = MC 2. deceived since conventional, so-called magnetic
materials generare a different result. Example:
14. I believe it is imperative to reiterate that the
energy in any magnetic field is the energy which com-
poses the elements of the atom and is literally Einstein's
Equation of E = MC2 . Such energy in the form o{ gyro-
scopic particles is the basic building block o{ ali matter
and provides the basis f or the conceptual interface
between energy and matter.
The following facts will clearly demonstrate a funda-
mental understanding which prepares the reader for a
more thorough comprehension of how one technolog-
ical embodiment of this Pioneering Invention can be
A. The prior teachings indicate that copper is non- FIGURE 14-84 WEAK MAGNETIC FIELD

magnetic and that the resulting magnetic field associ- -- -- --- ---- --- -.f
ated with current flow jn copper is the result of the
current. COPPER
B. Those teachings are totally wrong. Copper is ex- OBSERVABLY
tremely magnetic! It is so magnetic that it deceives the NO AFFECTED BY
observer. Example: INPUT

By placing an iron core within a copper coi! (as in

FIGURE 14-81
Figure 14-B3) and turning the current on, a significantly
MAGNETIC FIELD stronger magnetic field wiU be generated than in Figure
K ~ 14-Bl [for the same energy input]. Now, turn off the
/->f")-,c;"Y'L"".ry"' - "\"): .....,. ...

CURRENT FLOW -tf ( 1 i ¡ i I

• ' \ 1 1 \ ;\ , '

¡; ¡

,,\,,~\__,\_,\,,,.,, ...,\~'.,,,,\,,.
• \ .'\

) ~~~::EA
current as in Figure 14-B4 and there will be a small,
remnant magnetic field surrounding che iron core. Ir a
magnet is placed near the iron core, the rpagnet will
be visibly affected. However, one is easily deceived
FIGURE 14·82 by these tests and can be mislead into believing that
copper is non-magnetic. This is exactly what hap-
~ pened to Hans Christian Oersted in 1820 when he first
discovered that an electric current produced a
_ . S ~ BE NOTICEABLY magnetic field which would cause a magnet to align
/' AFFECTED BY at right angles to the conducting wire. Oersted noted
that the deflection of the magnet !asted only as long
as the current was flowing through the conducting
wire and hence, such magnetic action could not be
caused by the (coppcr) wire, bue must be a rcsult of Physically speaking, this simply means that che
the currenc itself. Thts same incorrect conclusion is energy comained within che magnetic field - when
slill rigidly taught to tbis day. generated by positive ( +) current tlow in one direc-
The following facts will clearly prove that copper is tion - is returned by the collapsing magnetic field as
hi[5hly ma8nctic rclative to the speed of atom negative ( - ) current tlow when the current flow
alignment/unalignment as well as the action/reacrion reverses direction.
effect of rhe energy rclease (in the form of the gyro- 14
~t:opic paniclcs p rcviou:ily discusscd) from the atoms D . Tbe Prior Art also teacbes Kircbhof['s Law
comprising the coppcr wire! which states: the same amount of current placed into
a syscem (as a copper conductor) for a given-instant of
time has the same amount of current flowing from
" 1be prior teacbings indicate tbat copper that system (copper conductor) for the same given-
is non-magnetic and that the resulting instant of time. (See Figure 14-D.)
magnetic f fold tllSOciatBd witb current flow
in coppe r is the r esult of the current. Tbose
teachtngs are totally wrong. Copper is FIGURE 14· 0
extreme/y magnetic! It is so magnetic tbat it
decetves tbe observer. "

C. What tbe Prior Art teaches: Hypothecically, if one
imposes currem incoa (copperº ) conductor coi! of
pure inductance, thc same current would be returned
as that which was initially placed into che (copper*)
conducting coiJ. (See Figures 14-Cl and 14-C2.) #



E. The above FACTS of 14C and 14D to tally con-
tradict the prior teaching that the magnetic field
generated by che current flowing in a ( copper) con-
ductor is solely a result of che currcm itself and that
copper is no n-magnetic.
Look at the facts and open your mind'
The faces demonstrate the following: 14C above
shows that if one inputs a given amount of current (X)
into a copper coil during a given-instant of time then,
as described in I4D above, the same amount of cur-
rent (X) outputs from the copper coi! during the same
instant of time. In addicion, 14C above also shows that
if the current is then cut ofl and thc coi! sho rted w ith
GRAPH POWER IN PURE INDUCTANCE mcters in the line, then the same amount of current
(X) will now come from the copper coi!.
The faces thcrefore demonstrate: (X) current in and
(X) current o ut plus (X) current out again when the
(X) currenc input is scopped. These faces are therefore
cquivaJent to 1 (X) amount of current into che coil
(copper) and 2 (X) amount of current out of the (cop-
per) coil.

Q1!_EST10N: From u•bere did tbe extra (X) amount of

[ºThis process is in no way limited to copper. Accual- current coming from the copper coi/ emanare?
ly, one can utilize any suitablc materials fo r conduct·
ing, e.g., super-conducting marerials such as niobium ANSWER: By analogy, thc Prior Tcachings indicate that
tin, etc.) current is equivalenc to the volumc of water and that


voltage is equivalent to the pressure of water. Therefore, starting point and hooked to a meter and dry cell bat-
o ne should understand che essence of this analogy tery. (See Figures 14-Fl and 14-F2 .)
relative to the facts discussed above. (See Figures 14-El
and 14-E2.)




400 ft.
400 ft. l 'l. BATTERY




400 11.

40011. +-

The test shown in Figure 14-Fl has the parallel posi-

tions of the wire 10 feet apart, with no "Unobvlous
Force" between the parallel portíons of the wire. The
ONE GALLON OF WATER INTO PIPING test shown in Figure 14-F2 has the parallel portlons of
PRODUCE ONE GALLON OF WATER the w ire extremely close, w ith an "Unobvious Fo rce"
OUT OF SYSTEM between the parallel pares of the single wlre.
{There ara those who wlll bllndly state that the magnetlc lleld produced Is
equlvalent to pressure lncrease as relatad to hydraullcs. Such e atatement Is
The results of these two tests demonstrated the
totally wrong even by the known laws ol hydraullca, because as one lncreases
the voluma flow par second one also lncreases the veloclty ol that entlty and
same current input for both tests. Prior to these
11\ereby ll s preasure decreases.) results 1 had recognized that the words " Work,"
"Force," and " Power" are imp!Ícit engineerlng
The facts clcarly demonstrate that in Figure 14 -El , statements and do not represent precise, scientiflc
onc " gallon" of cuttent e.a me from tbe copper coil ltself terms based upon observational reality. 1 conceptually
and most deflnitely not from the lnltlal one " gallon" of altered such macroscopic, engineering statements to
current put loto the coppcr coil. (This is an analogy " Obvious wo rk," " Obvious Force," and " Obvious
o nly. The mass o r volume of the electric current input Power.' · I would microscopically describe what oc-
or output cannot be seen or weighed because it is com- curs incernally, within matter as "Unobvious Work,"
posed of gyroscopic particles and is the mechanical "Unobvious Force," and " Unobvio us Power. " (I w ill
essence of E = MC2.) explain these concepts later in this Book.) Such
14 semantic clarification enabled me to know - upon
F. The Prior Teachíngs distort the above facts and completing the above tests in Figures 14-Fl and 14-F2
would indicate that the analogy of one " gallon" of - that copper is extremely magnetic.
current has no pressure when coming from the coi! in 14
Figure 14-El , and that one "gallon" of current has a G. Returning to che above test of Figure l 4·El anel
pressure which is thereby equivalent to ene " gallon" 14-E2 : by my tcaching, the facts clearly show that in
of current with the input pressure. Furthermore , such thc above analogy, one gallon of currem " matter"
teachings would indicate that because of the resist- (consisting of gyroscopic particles) was released from
ance within the coi! and other losses, not even the the atoros of the copper coi!! This extra o ne galle n of
latter pressure will occur in reality. current (gyroscopic particles) comes from the compo-
Even l was mislead by these teachings fo r many nent parts of the atoros comprising the copper coil
years, and 1 finally carne to the realization that copper and simply utilizes Einstein's Equation of E= MC2.
was highly magnetic by a completely different means (I muse stress that this is an analogy only. The volume
than outlined above. These means included: (l) my or mass of maner via the gyroscopic particles
general comprehension which o riginated with my re· represents the mechanics of E ~ MC2 and :mch par·
cognition that the basic building block of all matter cicles cannor be seen or welghect by conventio nal
matter was the gyroscopic partícle, and (2) a test I meaos. Their existence can be inferred, however,
conductccl using a single piecc of copper wire 800 based on their mechanical behavior combined with
t<:ct lo ng. which was doubled-back 400 fee1 to the known, observational faces.)
QUESTION: How can this extra one gallan of current exist? A. Take 40-gauge copper wire which has a resistance
of 1,049 Ohms for 1000 feet with a total weight (of
ANSWER: The currem input (gyroscopic particles) simply aroms composed of gyroscopic particles) of a mere
acts as a catalyst relative to the atoms comprising the cop- .02993 lbs., turning same into a coi! with a 10-foot in-
per coi! - :itoms which :ilign and unalign extremely fast terior diameter and 8.32 feet in height. One would
comparecl t0 che aroms of convemional, magnetic therefore have approximately a mere 31 .8 turns of
materials - thereby releaslng vinually immeasurable por- copper wire (copper aroms, i. e., gyroscopic partides).
ti9ns of the gyroscopic particles comprising the atoms of (See Figure 15-A.)
the coil. This release generates the magnetic field. When
the input current is turned off, the collapsing (gyroscopic
particles of the) magnetic field within the coi! result5 in the
gyroscopic particles attempting to return to the atoms _.l,.--~-"'"---.:.' '
from which they initially emanated. Such mechanical ac-
tion result.5 in tl1e gyroscopic panicles suiking orher aroms
I ~ ... ,,. .J '\
I \ \ I h \
w !thin the copper con ar sorne dcgree of a right angle and
moving at ríght angles to that force. This gyroscopic mo- 1
1 1
"Sucb mecbanical action results in 1 1
tbe gyroscopic partieres striking otber 1
atoms witbin tbe copper coil at some degree I
1 1
of a rigbt angl.e and moving at rigbt \ I
to tbat force. " \ I
COIL '... h 1..
tion explains the source for the additional "one gallon" of
current (gyroscopic particles) discussed in the above water
analogy. Because of the "conversion efficiency" of this
process vía E= MC2, there will be no observable change in lf 100 volts is connected to coi! 15-A, tben a current
the mass of the copper coi! even after decades of use. flow of approximately 95MA would occur with total
I should add that there is an important conceptual power input of 9.5 watts and a resulting weak, mag-
distinction between two meanings of the word "efficien- netic field of .012 Gauss ora mere .000014 Joules of
cy." To state that a given invention is 8.2 efficient, i.e., it energy stored in this weak, magnetic field.
produces over eight times as much energy as it consumes, An insignificant current flow would now occur if
is different from stating that the invention is 100 percent the current input was stopped and coi! 15-A was
efficient, i.e., it completely converts the gyroscopic par- shorted-out to collapse a wea.k magnetic fi.eld and pro-
ticles w ithin the magnet from "magnet mass" to electrical vide an inductance of o nly .003 Henries.
energy. The former process involves production efficien- IS
cy and the latter process involves conversion efficiency. B. Now, conduct another test with 5-gauge copper
wire which has a resistance of .3133 Ohms for 1000
15 . Now to discuss the practica! usage for this new feet. However, to equal the same resistance as in 15-A
understanding of thc gyroscopic particles which are the above, one must now use 3,348,000 fett of 5-gauge
mechanical essence of the equation E= MC2 and com- wire with a massive, total weight (of atoms composed
prise the component parts of the atoms within ali mat- of gyroscopic panicles moving and traveling at the
ter, conductors, and copper. By understanding the spced of light, i. e., the mechanical essence of
teachings (of this Pioneering Invention), one can build Einstein's Equation E = MC 2) of 335,469.6 lbs. or
a physical embodiment of this Pioneering Invention by 16.77 tons. Such wire is turned into a coil with a
using a conducting coil which will produce more 10-foot interior diameter and 8.32 -foot height. This
energy out of the system than that put into the system structure would have approximately a phenomenal
from an outside source such as battery, generator, etc. 90,000 turns of 5-gauge (copper atoms). If 100 volts
1 wish to thank Dr. Roger Hastings, Senior Physicist were now connected to coi! 15-B (see drawing
for Sperry-Univac, for calculating by conventional below), then a current flow of approximately 95MA
mathematics the quantitative measurements for the could occur with a total power input of 9. 5 watts and
following test which I had proposed. Dr. Hastings is an a resulting, phenomenally larger magnetic field of 23.7
exceptional scientist who had the character to come Gauss, or 1,905 times larger for coi! 15-B than for coi!
forth in my behalf when man y others were fearfu l or 15-A, and 116 Joules of energy stored in the magnetic
close-minded. field of Figure 15-B below. This represent.s a phenom-
For "mind-opening purposes" (to use the current enal 8 million times more energy tban in the
vernacular) carefully study the following two tests: 40-gauge coil o[ 15-A above.

,,. --- - - ...... -- ........
' ........


'' /
'' '' ......... /

'' ..__ - /

....... /

A phenomenally larger current flow would now oc- this day): "that the magnetic field carne only from the
cur if che current input was stopped and coi! 15-B was current and not the conductor" to be totally false.
shorced-out as a result of the collapslng, much greater [Although his conclusion is incorrect, 1 rernain grateful
rmgnetic field of the 5-gauge wire in coi! 15-B. Such to Hans Christian Oersted for being the first to notlce
shoning would generate an inductance of 25,700 and atternpt to explain an observed connection be-
Hcruies, which is better than 8 mil/ion times the induc- tween an electric current anda magnetic field.)
!!!!fee o( the 40-gauge coi/ in Figure 15-A above. When coupled with FACTS 1 rhrough 14, tests 15-A
and 15-B clearly prove chal thc phcnomenal differencc
C. e-.irly. these faces - combined with the above in scrength for the resulting magnetic fields (implying
FACTS 1 through 14 - prove beyond any doubt that grear clifferences in srorecl energy) and additional cur-
Oersted s conclusion in 1820 (which is still t<tught to rcm tlow when the input current was sropped (induc-
tance). had tO come from the gyroscopic parcicles Maxwell expliciúy stated his debt to Faraday:
comprising the component parrs of the aroms within
l ile copper coi!. " The methods are generatzy those suggested by the
Tbe current flow input was the same in both tests, pmcesses of reasoning whicb are fou nd in the re-
but the number of atoms (lbs. of copper) vartea con- searcbes of Faraday, and ivhich. though they have
siderahly from test 15-A to test J 5-B correlating been interpreted mathematically by Prof Thomson
precise/y with the phenomenal difference in the and others, are very general/y supposed to be on an
strength of magnetic fields produced, the extreme dif- indefinile and unmathematical cbaracter, when
ference in the srored energy (gyroscopic particles), compa·r ed with those employed by the professed
and the great difference (inductance) in che additional mathematicians. By the method which 1 adopt, J hope
currem flow producc.:d when thc input currcnt was to render ít evident tbat l am not auempting to
scoppctl in test 15-A aod test 15-B. These phenomenal establish any physical theory of a science in which 1
differences represen/ tbe mecbanicat essence of have bardly made a single experiment, and that tbe
E = M Cz:
gyroscoptc parttcles. limit of my design is to shew bow, by a strict ap-
All of the above FACTS 1 through 15 scientifically plication of the ideas and methods of Faraday, tbe
establish the position that thc mathematical formulas connexion of the very ciifferent orders ofphenomena
employed in the calculation of the energy within a wbich he has discovered may be clearly placed befare
magnetic ficld (intended to represent che potencial the matbematical mind. "*
energy o r stored encrgy of Jo ules in a magnetic field) IS
are tocally incorrect. The FACTS above clearly indicace C. In 1979, 1 filed a patent for this Pioneering Inven-
char rhc magnetic field consists of gyroscopic-type par- cion of which several embodimencs have been taught
ticles which are che mechanical essence of E = MC2 and and disclosed since rhat time. The use of a conductlng
represenc an orderly flow of kinctic energy. coil is one of those embodimencs and the origjnal pat-
I will go further and state that "potential" energy, ent and continuing patent applications were filed
as such, does not exist! Ali energy is kinetic in nature, befare any physical prot0types bascd on thc Theory
since the gyroscopic particles continue, under ali con- were built. The physical procotypes were thereafter
ditions, to move and spin at the specd of light in ac- built for the benefit of others, not for myself, since I
cordance with E = MC2. knew such prototypes would operate as I had predict-
The above FACTS pro ve beyond question that the ed. Scientifically, one should find pertinent the fact
proper mathematical equatlon (concerning the chat when these prototypes were constructed, they
" kinetic" energy which makes up a magnetic field) performed exactly as 1 had conceptually predicted in
muse be relative to E= MC 2. A proper mathematical the patent applications for rhis Pioneering Invention.
equacion would recognize that the "Unobvious See below picture 15-C 1 featu ring one of these ea rly
Force " p1·oduced represents the joules of the "Unob- prototypes urilizing 5-gauge, insulated copper wire
vious Power ·' activated at that instant-in-time and as with a total weight of approximately 4,200 lbs. of
so used would diminish the mass of the source of the copper atoms (or over two rons), 300 lbs . of No. 30

''... tbe magnetic field consists of gyroscopic-type particles wbicb are tbe
mecbanical essence of E = MC2 and represent an orderlyflow of kinetic energy. "

magnetic field via a 100% utilization (conversion ·effi- Gaugc copper wire (atoms) wrapped over che outside
ciency) of Einstein's Equation E = MC2, since che of the 5-gauge wire (aLOms), and a permanent magnet
magnetic field consists of kinetic energy having a containing approximately 600 lbs . of atoms (or
gyroscopic action which represents the mechanical slightly less rhat Y3 of a con). [l am deliberately refer-
essence of E= MC2. ring to the wire as "atoros" and describing rhe magner
I lea ve the task of determíning the nature of such as 600 lbs. of " atoros" in order to accustom the
equacions to a thinking, questioning mathematlcal reader to a mechanical perspective concerning che
mind, as I do not have the mathematical expertise. It nature of the action of thc gyroscopic parcicles con-
should be noted, however, that -che mechanical com- tained within ali atoms.]
prehension of a natural phenomenon has often histor- The massive, permanent magnet had an approxi-
ically preceded a mathematical model. james Clerk mate 20-inch diameter and was slightly less than 4 feet
Maxwell acknowledged the importance of Michael long. The large, conducting copper coi! had an ap-
Faraday's mechanical and experimental abilíties. proximate l .D of 4 feet, was app'roximately 3 feet in
Maxwell also recognized that such mechanical aptitude height, and was wrapped upon a large fiberglass tube.
constituted a major intellectual input to his later The total weight of the sysrem was approximately
mathematical theories. In his paper 'On Faraday's Lincs 5,000 lbs.
of Force,' read befare the Cambridge PhilosophicaJ
•L. ?caree Williams, Micha!!/ Fai-aday, Chapman and Hall, Ltd.
Society on December 10, 1855 and February 11, 1856, London, 1965, pages 510·51 1.
Everyone who initially viewed the massive unit in
L5-C l abo ve was then asked the question: " Based on
you r expertise, how much power would be necessary
to simply operate this device mechanically? " Answ er:
fro m 200 tO 1000 watts. Other skilled indivlduals -
upon learning that the unit had only copper in the coil
- stated that in their expert opinion, the unir would
be highly inefficienr since it comained no iron core.
Ho w ever, che fa ces pertaining to the unit's operation
in 15-C l do clearly pro ve that the unir could o perare
o n less than 1 'h watts ana that it was phenomenally
ejficient, i. e., far in excess of 100% production effi-
ciency relacive to che power o ut o f the system com-
parecl to the externa ! power into the sysrem, and
exacrl y 100% corwersíon effi ciency relative to the
conversio n of the mass (gyroscopic particles) o f cop-
per acorns to electrical and rotacional cnergy oucput.
1 rnust stress that this process Is no t " perpetua! mo -
tion ." An yone w ho foilow s my teachings is simply

" Tbe energy out of tbe total system ts

equivalent to tbe small amount of electrlcal
energy input (acting as apure catalyst) plus
tbe extant magnetic energy (in tbe form of
gyroscopic partlcles) witbin tbe system. "

convening (on a 100% conversion efflclency basis)

mass lnto energy via a 100% (or more) production ef-
flciency process. There(ore, the en ergy out o( the total
system is equivalent to 1he sma// amount o( etectrict1l
enen~y input (acting as a pttre catalysl) plus tbe ex-
tant magnetic energy (in the [orm o[gyroscopic
partictes) within tbe system. Oue to chis latler com -
bi11ation of energies. it may be said thac the externa!
energy ot1cpul is grcacer than che externa! cnergy input.
PHOTO 15-C1 {TOP VIEW) PHOTO ev MATT ANDERISON 1 w ill again curn co Dr. Roger Hastlngs (Senior
Pl1ysicisc w ith Sperr y-Univac) who has conducced
The phowgraphs shown in 15-C 1 simply reprcsent more teses on diffcrcnt occaslons upon my working
a primitive, hand made prototypc m<ide (in rhe back - prococypes chan anyone else. 1 reemphaslze the poinc
w oocls of Luceclalc, Mississippi, by me amJ my love ly, that Dr. Hastings Is an exceptio nal sciencist who has
dcvotccl wife) lO provc to orhc rs 1ha1 the T\.:chnical courage and the crue sciemific auitude. As a result , he
(Theoretical) Process which l o rígi n:ill y tlevdoped :md carne fonh in my behalf when many o chers were
taught Is corrcct. I co11sidr!r llJe Tl!cbn ical Process t1'} frightened o r closeminded.
lx' IU.000 times more lnt/)()r/cmt tba11 ti.le primltiuc,.:. T he veri flcacion of the o peration of the unir in
u•orking prolotypes. 15-Cl above, as well as ocher protocypes, and che
With onl y 1 V2 watts input, thc back powcr (emt) quallcacive sciencific abillLy and foni tudc: of Dr.
produced would generare a spark ar che comm urn wr Hascings are clearl y demonscrated vla c11e resr de·
i>Í such heat magnitude th<it the back power would, in scribed in Chapcer Five. Such a healthy, scientlfic at·
2 short perio d of time, explode anu destroy a ceramic ti tude is even mo re exempllfied by the fact thac Dr.
msulator from a 5-wan resisto r placed o n thc co m- Hasrings wenl o n record as havlng o nce had the at-
mucacor ar the po inl o f current reversa!. Dr. Roger titude chac, before he craveled to Lucedale to meet
•bstings estimated the back emf to be in excess o f me, to Listen tO my concepts, and to conduct tests, he
t\0,000 watts. wa~ o f the he lie f th:1t he wo u ld be confro nting ::i
T he rotating, handmade, 600 lb. (of atoms), 4-foo t " crack-por inventor." Forcunacely, Dr. Hastings' skep-
m,;¡gner permitted a slow RPM. Ac 200 RPM it was cal - ticism was tempered with genuine curiosity. I have
-ulated by others thar the centrifugal force would he discovered chac without such curioslty, skepticism
0,000 lbs. o f force attempting ro puU the magnet w ill rapidl y decay inco cynicism.
aparr. Dr. Roger Hastings' statcmcnts and tests follow.
Chapter 5


The Honorable Comm1ss1oner

ot Patenta and Trademarks
lü:s.h1ngton. D. C. 20231
Th1s letter represents a disclosure or 1nvest1gat1ons and
e.xper1mentat1on wh1ch I have perrormed on Mr. Joseph Newman's
energy generat1ng mach1ne (patent pend1ng). Th.e t ac t is that
ever1 experiment wh1ch I have perrormed shows t hat the energy
CJUtput o! the device 1s 1ndeed larger than the energy input. Some
cx.urples are:
l.) The elec tr1cal e nergy output is measured at more than
tour times the electr1cal energy inout. These resu l ts may be
ver1r1ed by exa m 1nin~ the oscillogrnph records taken by Dr. F. Nerr
Weber 1n Oecember. 1981.
2.) Acting as a motor Mr. Newman's device performed mechanical
vork in excess or ten times the electric al energy input.
].) Hr. Newman'a device del1vers over ten ~1me~ the ~orque of
a co111merc1al D.C. permanent ~agnet motor rated at SOS eff1c1ency .
Hovever. during th1s test Mr. Newman's device 1s consumin~ only a
tract1on or the input power or the commerc1al motor.
'these resulta must be taken ser1ously . Hr. Newman has made
the. observat1on that huge magnetic f1elds may be generated w1th
m1n1mal power input in a laree co11 wound w1th large d1ameter w1re.
'Ibis co11 creates a very large torque on a suitably large permanent
magnet. In operation, the batteries power1ng the coil consume 11ttle
power and diacharge at a very slow rate . Yet the motor del1vers
c onsiderab le mechanical and/or electrically generated power.

It is r a scinating to observe that Mr. Newman has arrived at
this invention on the basia or his theoretical work, coupled with
years or experimentation on electromagne tic energy. The fact that
Mr. Newman is self-taught, with no formal training in advanced
mathematics or physics, is apparent in his writings. Yet he ha~

been rigorously conslstent in development of a model or matter and

energy, and rurthermore has fortif1ed his model with experimentat1on.
His model is based on the assumptlon that mattcr 1s concentratcd
electromagnetic energy. He pred1cts that this energy (E•MC 2 ) may
be released in a controlled way, and his experiments verify thc
In vlew or the benefit Mr. Newman's devlce could bring to
mankind, I urge you to take h1s patent application seriously, and
not to be prejudiced by the style or claims of his writings. 7he
patent applicatior. is in order and the stated results have been
verified by experts. The burden is now upon you to act, either by
1ssuing the patent ir:unediately, or by f1rst conduct1ng your own
measurements on hls devicc to verify the cla1m.
The future of the human rac e ~ay be dra~atically uplifted ~Y

the large sea le comr.iercial developr:ient of th1s invention. It 1i;

1ndeed painful to see it lying dormant .

In hope that you w1ll act soon,
Yours s1nccrely,

Principal Phys1c1st
Sperry Univac Corporat1on
Former Assoc1ate Professor of Phys1cs
North Dako t a State University
Author of Scient1fic Literaturc
Waiver: I am acting on my own,
and am in no way representing


April 26, 1982

This document compiles and analyzes the results of several

experiments performed on the Newman Motor in 1981 and 82 . The
results of the experimental work show that this motor operates
with energy output far in excess of energy input. This work is
intended t o characterize the motor, and to organize the experi-
mental results. It is hoped that the document will serve as a
guide in the development of the mathematical theory which explains
the Newman Motor.
I. Mechanical Energy Output
A.) Test against a d.c. Permanent Magnet Motor/Rated 80%
Date: 2-20- 82
In this experiment eight fresh 1.5 Volt alkaline batteries were
connected to an 80% rated efficient d.c. motor. The motor turned
an oil pump at about 1 Hz. The motor ran for 6 minutes, and the
final battery voltage was about 60% of the starting voltage .
Alkaline batteries were used because battery performance
curves were available from the manufacturer. One such chart is
plotted in Fig . l. The per for mance of the d . c . motor is ver1f1ed
by the chart, which predicts that the batteries, when initial ly
drained at 2 amps, wi ll last 6 min . The measured motor drain under
load was near 2 amps .
The above results a l low us to estimate t he power consumed by
the oil pump. We find:
init ial pump outlut power • o.8
1n1tial battery nput power
pump output • 0.8 x 2 amps x 12 volts • 19 Watts
The same pump was connected to the Newman Motor (with a 90# permanent
magnet rotor) so that the pump again ran at near 1 Hz. Therefore,
the pump was consuming the same power in this experiment. Eight
fresh batteries were connected to the Newman Motor. (Unit de signed
as instructed in Patent Application, Serial No . 179,474, illustrated
in Fig. 6 and stated in lst three paragraphs of page 3 of Declarat ion
by Joseph Westley Newman of September 19, 1981.) The batteries


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were drained to about 60% of their starting voltage after seven
(7) hours! Although the input current to the Newman Motor follows
a complicated waveform, we may estimate the initial average input
current from the performance curve (fig. 1 ) . Using 0.2 amps at
12 volts we f1nd:

In1t1al Newman Motor Input • 2.4 Watts

Since the output is consuming 19 Watts we have:
Newman Motor Efficiency • ~:
4 x 100% • 800%
At this point we note that the 1ntr1ns1c efficiency of the
Newman Motor could be greatly 1ncreased. As designed now the motor
has a tremendous leakage flux, and extreme mechanical losses. An
efficiently designed Newman Motor would certainly have three times
the efficiency quoted above, and perhaps ten times (8000%!).
B.) Static Torque Test Date: 2-20-82
The output shafts of the d.c. motor and Newma n Motor were connected
in turn to a scale via a pulley and belt. The d.c. motor pulled
a maximum or 1.5 lbs., while the Newma n motor pulled 13 lbs . At
maximum load the d.c. motor consumed about 24 Watts while the
Newman Motor consumed only 2 . 4 Watts.

Static Torque Ratio Newman motor

d.c. motor
• 13
1.5 -
@ input energy ratio Newman Power • 0.1
d.c. motor power

If we define a motor performance parameter under static loada by

the ratio of maximum torque output to the input energy drain, we
find that this number is 87 times larger for the Newman motor than
for the d.c. permanent magnet motor!
C.) Battery Lifetime Tests March/April, 1982
It has become apparent that the batteries powering the Newman
motor outlive the expectations of the manufacturer . In this test
124 old alkaline batteries were used to power the (90 lb. rotor)
motor. The batteries read 2/3 of their fresh voltage value at the
outset of the experiment. It was found that the 90 lb. cyl1ndr1cal
rotor is spun up to 6 Hz. in 21 sec. when the batteries are
connected to the motor. The voltage drops from 125 v. to 70 V.
when the batteries are connected, and remains at 70 V. when the
rotor runs at speed. The minimum power supplied by the batteries
is therefore equal to the power required to spin up the rotor.
This is:
p • 1 I w2 /t

where t • time to spin up rotor • 21 sec.

W • angular speed • 2 x 7( x 6 Hz .
I • M (R2 + L2)
Ií rr

M • rotor mass • 41 kg.

R • rotor radius ~ .08m.
L •rotor length ~ .31 m.

This yields a minimum energy required to keep the rotor spinning

at 6 Hz. of 13 Watts. Therefore the batteries must be supplying
at least 13/70 • 190 m amps. As a separate estimate it was found
that a constant drain of 300 m amps. through a resistor drops the
battery voltage from 125 V to 70 V. Consulting the battery charts
we find that a fresh battery with a starting drain of 150 m amps.
(100 m amps. when V • 2/3 starting voltage) will drop from 2/3 to
1/2 of its starting voltage in a few hours. If the batteries began
at 2/3 of their fresh voltage under a drain of 250 m amps. they
would be very dead in two hours.
The Newman motor has been run for between one and four hours
per day for a total of ten hours. The batteries began at 2/3 or
their fresh voltage, and after the ten hours the voltage had not
dropped perceptibly. Mr. Newman intends to continue running the
motor a few hours per day to test the l1m1ts of h1s motor. Here
again the mechanical energy consumed by the spir,ning rotor is far
in excess of the maximum possible electrical energy which could be
supplied by the batteries (according to the charts). An eff1c1ency
near 1000% is 1nd1cated by the experiment to date.

April 20, 1982. On this date the old batteries have worn down
to a point at which they will not even run a 1 1/2 V. small toy motor.
Yet when they are connected to the Newman motor, the 90 lb. rotor is
5pun up to 4.5 Hz. in about 20 seconds !
II. Electrical Energy Output
The Newman motor generates electrical energy by induction. The
relevant experimenta have been documented elsewhere, and indicate
an efficiency of about 4ooi in the generation of electrical power.
Experiments have since been run in which mechanical energy was
measured via measurement of the frequency at which the motor runs
while delivering a measured torque. Electrical energy was simultan-
eously generated, and the sum of electrical and mechanical energy
was roughly twice the energy obtained when only electrical energy
was generated. In this experiment an accurate measure of the input
power was nat made. Instead, batteries were used and the time
required to drain the batteries to a given voltage was measured. It
was hoped that the battery charts could be used to estimate the
input power. The result was too close to 100% efficiency to rely
upon the accuracy of the charts. It should be noted that the measured
output energy did not include losses in the belt used to transmit
torque . In addition, the whole measurement apparatus was set into
motion by the magnetic force during rotation .
III . Static Measurements
Mr. Newman has made measurements of the static torque generated
by his 6001 magnet at various voltages. These results agree with
theoretical predictions based upon measurements of the magnetic
moment of the magnet . The predicted torque is:

~ __..::.
• M X H '
and the maximum torque is MH. The static field generated by the
coil i s:
N • 1 turns
L • coil height
I • coil current
(Unit also designed as instructed in Patent Application, Serial
No. 179,474, illustrated in Fig, 6, and described in Exhibit A of
Declaration by Joseph Westley Newman, September 19, 1981, except
Magnet Rotary weighed approximately 400 pounds at that time . )

The magnetic field of the 6006 magnet was measured at various
distances from the magnet using a Hall effect transducer (factory
calibrated). These results were compared with the expression for
the dipole field to yield a magnetic moment of M • 107 ~- rt3 or
100 gauss rt3. Therefore the maximum torque is predicted to be:

'f' ., MH • 2 • 6 x l O- 3 (NI) ft. lbs.,


T in amps,
L 111 meters.
The length of the motor coil is . 69 m. and the number of turns
is 2,630. Therefore
~ • 9 .9 I ft. lbs. {I in amps).
Mr. Newman's measurements of torque and current are listed below:

Voltae' I y YII
6 .6 17.3/4 7.21
12 .98 33/4 8.42
18 • 75 29.3/4 9.77
24 l. 3 38/4 7.31
30 1.4 47/4 8 .39
average 8.2
The value 8.2 for 71r compares well with the predicted value of
9.9 cons1dering inaccurac1es in measure1ng devices.
It has often been noted by Mr. Newman that for a fixed power
input to a coil, the torque increases with the moment of the magnet.
If the magnet is made infinitely magnetic the torque becomes 1nfin1te,
even 1f the power to the coil is very small.
IV. Dynamic Properties
A.) Inductance
To begin with, the inductance of the 6006 magnet motor coil
may be predicted and taken from measurement. The pred1cted val ue is:


A • coil area
L • coil length
N • 2630
W1th a co11 radius of 2 . 5 feet and 2.25 feet length we predict
L • 23 henries.

In operation the motor inputs a square wave voltage for a
fraction of the roughly 0.5 Hz. cycle. Since the coil resistance
is 13 ll. L/R should be much larger than one period, and we predict
a current r1se or:

I • V (l-e -t/L/R) ~ V t

From an oscillograph photo with no load on the system, the coil

current rises 0.5 amps in O.l sec. when 200 volts are switched across
the coil. Thus:

L • 200 (0.1) • 40 Henries

The magnet is turning during this measurement so the approximate
agreement between theory and measurement is reasonable.
B.) Motor Frequency
Under no load and assuming zero friction, the maximum theoretically
possible frequency of the motor is determined by the condition that
the induced voltage is equal to (-) the input voltage. The induced
voltage is:
Vind ~ -w Bmagnet i1' Ro2 N
Bmag • magnetic induction of rotating magnet
Ro • coil radius
w • 2 1r x frequency
W1th Vind • - V we find:
f • V 1
~ T Ro2 N Bmag
Now Bmag • ZTí M
A '
M • magnet1c moment, /f. • magnet volume

With m • .01 W (ft)3 , Ro• .76 m, N • 2630,
rt • 1í ( l' ) 2 x 4' • 12. 56 ( ft) 3 we find:

f • V • .0067 V (Hz)
4'1J3 M N Ro2

f • .402 V (rpm)
At 200 Volts we find the maximum frequency, if the motor had a 100%
intrinsic efficiency (no losses), is :
f • ao.4 rpm, about double the 6001 observed motor frequency
under no load.
e.> Energy Input (Theoretical Estimate)
Assuming that:
l.) The voltage input and induced emf are 180°
out of phase.
2.) The voltage input varies sinusoidally.
We have:

(V - Vind) e 1wt • L dl + IR

I • V - Vind cos(wt - Q)
R )1 + (wL)2

where t an(Q) • wL/R

The average power consumed by the coil is then:

P • l V (V - Vind) cos (Q)

2 R J l + (~)2

p • l V (V - Vind) ~ V R (V - Vind)
2 R (1 + (wL)2) 2wL wL
With w • Zlf 40 ~ 4 L • 50, WL • 200' WL • 20
~ ' lf
V • 200 Vind 11' l V • 100,
P • 100 • 2.5 Watts

This number agrees approximately with Mr. Newman's measurements
or input power, in an exper1ment in which output was measured
at about 5 Watts. The numbers used in the above calculation are
approximate so the result represents an estimate. The expression
for the input power along with the expression for Vind allow a
prediction or how input power varies with motor frequency and voltage.
The plot is shown in Fig. 2, and the prediction is given below:

Predicted Power Input • 450 ( V )2 c1 - 200 r >

~ -V -so Watts
c1 + [ r J2 >

V • input voltage (volts)

r • motor frequency (rpm)

This result was obtained by requir1ng the derived formula to match

the experimental result that input power at 200 volts and 35.7 rpm.
is l. 8 Watts.

V. Predicted Output Power

The output power is found by averaging the product of torque
on the rnagnet and frequency over one cycle. The torque is given by:

r · TxT
and /-" • MH cos (wt) • MNI cos (wt)
Where the fact that maximum torque occurs in phase with rnaximum
input voltage has been used. The output power is therefore:

P{t) • MN (V. - Vind) w cos (wt) cos (wt-Q) ,


and the average power is:

Pout • 1 MN (V - Vind) w
2L R(l+(~J)

...r ;
tt~u·ttttu. ttH.t'+t-tt+ Jtt+ ·l1
1 j ~·
f + ...J '
t1 41
I+ !

_: t

H ' ,_..
.f µ o+ C- I+

tl ~
.i F+<.H-l 11
i !
': .
!++ H--H+ll+l-l...t-


! :l.. 'T7
~ : j

¡; 11
t -ti i' ~ ft J 1!. :.· ¡ ' '. •- •· ~'. 1: ·:- :~ i:F .1.1 .•
. il ~ - -.· 1-N'¡~+t+ttttt:t!::l±l-Hf2-t-n.~l:l±
' "" . i • .. L••• :_t .,J
-• ,: + 1r • ... f • .i 1. ,

; ¡; r
¡. "
, ,1 1 ¡,
· w"
· . :. '. ~ - -
i t-t--

if= \.
- . •

~~ _..

.... _,...

1 :+¡H+H,.;:;_ff:..t\1:-i-t_.:...-*r:...~.~~H.L.:..¡;J;J;-

- t .¡ - tCi
11: '

¡ l. i t1 ~ J i. -t;- :r .r !: t¡ ,' : 11il t~.¡

. .. '! t

í ~
- • r t : ;¡:¡ _ ~ H- J- ·~

-;- n ;.:: ,f1i::i-: ¡ 1¡.t - - ~; :'.J:

~ i- Ll =r ¡Dt t t .! ¡ "t
11 ¡· • t
t :r . ·rn :t 11 tJ 1 1u 1 111 11 1¡ [! t ·L
The output power goes to zero at the maximum frequency (V• Vind),
and also at zero frequenc y.
VI. Predicted Efficiency
Dividing the expressions for output and input power yields:

Predicted efficiency •
MN W X 100% ,
Where W cannot exceed its maximum value. Using MN/L • 9.9 ft. lbs .
l amp • 13 j./amp yields the following expression for the predicted
efficiency of the 600 pound Newman motor:

Predicted efficiency = 1.4 f X 100%, f in r.p.m.

V V in volts

Operating under no load, the above formula predicts a Newman motor

efficiency of 24% (35 rpm at 200 volts). The theoretical maximum
motor efficiency is obtaine d by using the maximum frequen cy of 80
rpm at 200 V., yielding a 56% upper limit in the case that the motor
has zero frictional losses. Working back through the equations it
can be seen that the maximum predicted efficiency is give n purely
in terms of geometrical factors (ratio of magnet volume to coil volume),
and cannot exceed 100%.
It is c lear that measured efficiencies for the Newman motor are
far in excess of predicted efficiencies. The predicted input power
is in agreement with measured input.
The measured output power exceeds the predicted output. For
example, at 1.8 Watt s input and 24% efficiency we expect 0.4 Watts
output from the Newman motor. I n one experiment the motor generated
5 Watts of output power with 1.8 Watts input drain. The discrepancies
are far too large to be explained by experimental errors.
VII. Unusual (Non Conventional ) Behavior
As seen above , a number of propert ies of the Newman motor
follow conventional theory. In specific, the input power is as
expected. The output power (in excess of input) is the non-
conventional result. In my mind the most interesting motor measure-
ment is the oscillograph photos taken around the coil showing very
high voltages. This photo also shows the (to me amazing) fact that
the co11 current i s over three times the current at the battery

when the voltage is applied. My opinion is that an excess charge
is left in the coil when the input voltage is cut off. At this point
a spark appears and a huge induced e.m.f. is created in the coil.
This e.m . f. shoul~ disappear quickly (showing upas a spike) . However,
the high voltage remains, having the per iod of the moving magnet .
This indicates that the magnet is " pushing" an excess charge around
in the coil, and this appears as excess current when contact is
re- established with the battery.
There is also the issue of the "anomalous" current which appears
during the spark . It is unclear from the photos whether this current
appears in the coil, but it has the proper sign and magnitude to
drive the magnet.
VIII. Future Theoretical Research
The upcoming challenge for this writer is to explain the Newman
motor output mathematically. The purpose of the above documentation,
for me, is to 1solate the origin of the excess energy. At that point
it is likely that application of a unified theory of char ge, matter,
and energy , e . g. M~ . Newman ' s theor y, will be required to mathematically
describe the results. This mathematical explanation will also have to
explain other various embodiments of the Newman Invention, which will
obvious·ly result from the Newman Disclosures.

Principal Physicist
Waiver: I am acting on my own, SPERRY UNIVAC CORPORATION
and am in no way representing Former Associate Professor of Physics
Sperry Univac Corporation. North Dakota State University
Author of Sc ientific L1 t e~ature

okJt,?. /dJNalpp

Chapter 6

Thc following is a smaller unit (sec photograph 15-C2 below) composed of 30-gaugc, insulated, copper wire weighing
approximately 145 lbs. (atoros) and having a rotating magnet of 14 lbs . (atoms). This po rtable unit, with very little currcnt
input, clearly demoostrates an energy o utput which is greater than the externa! energy input. With 300 volts input of
pressure, only 1Y2 milliamps of current (volume of gyroscopic particles) wem into the copper coi! (of at0ms), which Is lcss
than \h watt input fo r ~1 0 eoergy output in exccss of 1O waus.

Phorograph l 5-C2:


See below copy of a test conducted by Dr. Roger Hastings utilizing the 15-C2 unit.

June 1 7, 1 9 84


On June 16 and 17, 1984 I rana series of te s t s on

Joseph Ne wman ' s 145 lb . motor wi th 1 4 l b . ro t ary . The s e te s ts
show that power is generated by the motor which great ly exceeds
the battery i npu t power . The results a r e summarized briefly
b elow :

l . Demonstrat ion of Large Current Spikes Produced by the Motor

A. Oscilloscope Readings
The oscilloscope showed l arge (• l Amp ) s t aircase current
s p ike s of signi ficant t ime duration , whi ch were ini t i ated when
the commu tator s wi tc hed , and flowed b oth i n the co il a nd b atte r y
portions of the ci r c u it . A pic t ure of this spike taken on the
coil side of the commutator is attached . A block diagram of the
circuit is shown below .

To scope

- //l. J 17..


B. Ci rcuit Breaker Tests

An ammeter which has a built i n circuit breaker was placed
in the ci r cuit . When the meter was placed on the 100 ma scale, the
break er o pened, both on the battery and coi l s i de of the commutator .

The breaker did not open when the meter was placed on the one amp
scale, however, it was verified that a current input of more than
1 . 5 times the full scale deflection did not open the breaker.

C. Temperature Rise
A five hundred ohm risistor was placed in series with the
battery . The resistor was water-proofed and placed in a small
thermos container with a precision thermometer. A temperature rise
of approximately one degree Centigrade was observed in a period of
fifteen minutes. To raise the temperature of the 21 grams o f water
by 1 degree in fifteen minutes requires at least an average power
p 1 cal
gmoc- X 21 gro X lºC X 4.19 J/cal
0.1 Watts
15 min x 60 sec/min

Since the power supplied by the current f lowing in the resistor

is r2R, where I is the average current and R = 500.fl , it follows
that a current of at least 14 roa on the avera9e must f low in the
circuit . This result was verified experimentally by supplying
14 roa to the 500/l resistor via a battery and series resistors .
If the current contained in the spikes (attached photo) is averaged
over the cycle time, the result is consistent with an average
current of 14 ma.

2. Demonstration that Large Current Spikes are not Produced by the

A. Current Readings
When a Simpson amp meter is placed in series with the
batteries, a d.c . input current of 1 . 2 roa is registered. The
battery input current is therefore 1.2 roa .

B. Expected Input Current

When the rotor is stopped, the input current from the
batteries is measured to be 6 roa (this is in agreement with 304
volts and 50 KJl coil resistance). The coil inductance , as
calculated from the number of wire turns and the geometry, is
16,000 Henries. At the operating speed of 136 r . p . m. , the
inductive reactance of the coil is 230 Kfl., which is much large~

than the coil resistance . The expected battery input current is

304 V/230 Kfl = 1.3 roa, in good agreement with the measured input
of 1. 2 roa.

c. Constant Battery Voltage

During four hours of continuous running of the motor, the
voltage remained constant at 304 volts. If the 15 ma average
current contained in the spikes carne from the batteries, they
would drain down significantly in the four hour period. By

draining 14 ma from a fresh 9 volt transistor battery 1aent1ca1
to those on the motor it was found that the 14 ma drain causes
the voltage to drop by 2% per hour. Thus if the 14 ma were
originating at the battery, the battery voltage would drop by 24
volts in four hours . No drop was observed .

D. Larger Current Spikes on Coil Side

The current spikes, as recorded on the scope, were larger
on the coil side of the commutator than on the battery side. This
indicates that the spikes originate at the coil, with sorne loss
occuring at the commutator .

E. Negative Current
A significant portion of the spike in the battery circuit
is negative (opposing the battery voltage). The battery cannot
generate such a negative current.

F. Dependence Upon Rotary Position

The intensity of the spikes varies greatly with the placement
of the rotary. For example, when the rotor is on the side (outside )
of the coil the spikes are large . They virtually disappear when
the rotary is placed on top of the coil .

3. Power and Useful Output

A. Output verses Input Power
Since an average of 14 ma flows through the 50 K/l coil, the
heat dissipated in the coil is ten watts . The battery i nput is
1.2 ma times 304 volts, or 0.36 watts. The heat generated in the
coil is 27 times the input power . Note that i f the ten watts
were delivered by the batteries, they would drain down very quickly.
These batteries have been used in frequent demonstrations for long
durations by Mr. Newman over the past several months . As mentioned
above , f our hours of motor operation during these tests did not
measureably lower the battery voltage.

B. Useful Output
Mr . Newman placed a 75 Watt, eight foot, flourescent tube
across the motor coil, and the bulb lit to perhaps 10% of full
brightness. Interestingly , when the bulb was inserted, the
. rotary gained speed, and the motor drew less current from the
batteries! The lit 75 watt tube demonstrates useful output o f
several watts, with a fractional watt input power.

best of

._ j -v / ) ..) DR.
/.._, ,
f__! +:_rcv.v

;,:".:::-~ LANA D PETERS ~
Mv Comn;·~s•oo Expires
!t.>.1 i'J. 1988{
'lf \./V\A/\N VVVVV\/\Ny'l/\/\AI .tVVV\.V\lv\/\/VV\/VV •

Chapter 7

A 1so auached is a copy of an Affidavit signed by Mr. Evan R. Sou le', Jr.
Michacl Meatyard, electrical cngineer with the U.S. Army 1135 jackson Avenue, #305
Corps of Engineers. New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
Additional signed Affidavics as well as television news Profession: Educacional Comractor (physics background)
endorsemems have been providccl by more than 30
competem individuals including myself. These Affidavics Henry T. Dart
include physicists, a nuclear engineer, electrical 3636 )ena Street
engineers, aeronautical engineers, chemists, mechanical New Orleans, Louisiana
engincers, electronic/technical individuals, and others . Profession: Attorney (physics background)
These individuals are Jisted bclow, and these individuals
should be complimented for their courage, since they Marc Kahgan
were well aware of the significance of che impact of 5014 South Prieur Street
what they were saying. New Orleans, Louisiana 70125
Mr. Meatyard's Affidavit follows below with the names Profession: Physician (physics background)
of che above-mentioned individuals who have tested and Director of Electronic Company
cescified that the energy oucput from my syscem is
grcacer than the externa! energy input into my system. Douglas R. Mapes
2544 Robert E. Lee Boulevard
Apartmcnt 21 O
New Orleans, Louisiana 70124
ENDORSERS OF JOE NEWMAN'S DEVICE Profession: Student (electronics background)

jerry A. Miller Leslie D. )ensen

16675 Spruce Circle 14144 Woodland Ridgc Avenue
Fountain Valley, California 92708 Baton Ro uge, Louisiana 70816
Profession: Electrical Engineer Profession: Chemical Engineer

joseph Richard Trinko, Ph .D. Gary N. Krasnow

4635 Dryades Street 933-B Louisiana Avenue
New O rleans, Louisiana 70115 New Orleans, Louisiana 701 L5
Profession: Nuclear Engineer Profession: Architect (physics background)

Bobby Matherne Arnold R. Smythe, Jr.

5901 Marcie Street 234 Glendale Orive
Metairie, Louisiana 70003 Metairie, Louisiana 70001
Profession: Physicist Profession: Consulting Structural Engineer

John P. Gil lis James H. Wilson

4509 Tartan Drive 1701 Bcltline Highway
Metai ric, Lo uisiana 70003 Mobile, Alabama 36609
Profession: Dentist (physics background) Proft:ssion: Civil Engineer

Eric J. Szuter Robert E. Melton

2301 Edenborn #807 '101 Firestone Drive, East
Mecairie, Louisiana 70001 Mobile, Alabama 36601
Profession: Mechanical Enginccr Profession: Electrical Engincer
Roger Hastings, Ph.D. Mansur Nathoo, Ph.D.
1204 Circle Hyde Drive 4 Little Stream Close
Burnsvilk, Minnesota 55337 Northwood, Middlesex, England
Profession: Physicist Profession: Solid Stace Physicist

Thad M. Lee Thomas J. Herold

3450 Armour Orive 121 17 Comanche Trail
Mobile, Alabama 36609 Huntsville, Alabama 36803
Profession: Electronics Technician Profession: Ph. O. Business Administration

Patricia Wright Eikej.W. Mucller

3450 Armour Orive NASA/MSFC
Mobile, Alabama 36609 CodeJAl I
Profession: Electronics Tcchnician Marshall Space Flighc Cemer, Alabama 35812
Profession: Aero-Space Engineer
Wayne Powell
3450 Armour Drive Joscph E. Bolger
Mobile, Alabama 36609 1404 Alegria
Profession: Electronics Technician Austin,Texas78757
Profession: Nuclear Engineer
C. Emmett Pugh
1250 Poydras Street, Suite 2200 Ralph Hartwell
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112 WWL T.V.
Profession: Patent Attorney/Engineer New Orleans, Louisiana
Profession: Eleccrical Engineer
Gregory Upchurch
6 11 Olene Street Ted Saari, jr.
St. Louis, Missouri 63101 WWLT.V.
Profession: Patent Attorney/Electrical Engineer New Orleans, Louisiana
Profession: Electrical Engincer
Milton K. Everetl
Mississippi State Departmem of Energy More Zimmerman
and Transportation High Tech Company
510 Georgc Street Dallas, Texas
Jackson, Mississippi 39202 Profession: Electrical Enginec:r
Profession: Mechanical Engineer

Michad H. Mcatyard
4703 Princeton Orive
Mobile, Alabama 36609
Profession: Ekctrical Engincer

Richard Vialton
Education: M.S., M.I.T., Elcctrical Engineering
Profession: Engíneer with majar manufacturer
of oscilloscopes

Lawrence C. Gibbs
5736 Citrus Blvd.
Harahan, Louisiana 7012.~
Profession : Building Enginecr
TllE E'.'IERtiY MAUflNE OF .IO~El'll '111:\\ \1 \ '11
My name is Michael H. Meatyard . My address is 4703 Princeton
Orive, Mobile, Alabama and my telephone number is (205) 342-1160.
I have personal knowledge of the following facts :
l. EDUCATION : My education includes a Bachelor of Science
in Electrical Engineering (B.S.E.E . ),1971, University of South
of Alabama, Mobile, Alabama.
Pertinent courses include the following :
Engineering Materials (Strength of Materials) :
Calculus and Analytical Geometry;
Circuit Analysis;
Electronics and Conununication;
Technical Physics (Classical);
Modern Physics (Relativistic);
Heat Transfer;
Energy Conversion and Transmission;
Electromagnetic Field Theory .

2. WORK EXPERIENCE: My experience includes:

September 1967- January 1980 Alabama Power Company, Mobile,
Alabama .
My duties included inspection of
transmission lines; maintenance
and operation of power distribution
substations and equipment; design,
inspection and maintenance of over-
head and underground power dis-
tribution systems and equipment;
and sale of electric energy and
January 1980-present U. S. Army Corp of Engineers,
Mobile, Alabama.
My duties include design of
electrical distribution systems
for military projects.


January 1980-present Prívate consultant with a local
company involved in energy
management engineering.

3. GENERAL TEST PROCEDURE: The device shown in Exhibit 1

was tested . The input and output of the device was tested simulta-

neously. There were no conventional sources of energy input into the

system other than a battery pack. See the attached sketches of input

and output arrangements and list of equipment used.


A. Oscilloscope - Tektronix Model 2215 .

B. Ammeter - Beckman digital multimeter Model TECH 310.

C. Battery pack - 24-6Volt nominal (average voltage 6 . 25) .

Ray- 0-Vac Model 945.

D. Pulley - radíus equal 2-1/2"; constructed of alumínium

alloy .

E. Weight - approximately 1.3 oz. lead .

F. Precision one ohm resistor - Model CMF-60 metal film

manufactured by Dale Electronics , Inc.

G. RPM Determination - time determinecl wi th Micronta, LDC

Quartz Chronograph, Model 63-5Q09.

H. Voltmeter - Simpson Model 260.

5. INPUT: The dual trace oscilloscope was used to monitor volt-

age and current into the device (See Exhibit 2, 3, and 4). Also, the

Beckman anuneter was used to monitor current simultaneously with the

oscilloscope (See Exhibit 2).

A graph of power versus time was constructed using voltage and

current values from the oscillograpb . This was done over the length

of one complete electrical cycle, using current values no greater than

those shown on the oscilloscope graph (0.4 AMP most negative value) which

is conservative . A graphical integration of the power versus time graph

was then done to obtain the energy input during the cycle. This energy

was then divided by the length of the cycle in seconds to yield average

input power (See Exhibit 5) .

Average input power = 0.93 joules - 3 .6 joules

0.37 seconds/cycle
= -7.216 watts (Negative)
The Beckman ammeter readings were also taken throughout the
experiment and it was observed that negative values of current
occurred frequently. Actual values of current observed on the
ammeter were not recorded since it is felt that the oscilloscope
is a much ~ore accurate instrument for recording and measuring the
input current. However, the visual observations made on the ammeter
clearly substantiate the findings that the oscilloscope produced.
For example, the enclosed photo (Exhibit 6) shows a value of -5 . 77
amps being displayed on the amrneter . This photo was taken during
the experiment.
6. OUTPUT: Mechanical output power was measureá by using
a prony br eak arrangement (Exhibit 7 and 8). A known weight was
used to apply a force to a torque arm of radius "R" . The RPM was
measured by using a digital stopwatch and simply counting the
revolutions of the device in a given interval of time. Output was
determined by use of the following equation.
Horsepower (HP) • 2'11" x F x Rx N

F = Force in pounds
R ~ Radius of torque arm in feet
N • Revolutions per minute.
Date Gathered:
F = 1.3 oz. - 0.081 lbs.
R 2- 1/2 " = 0.2083 feet
N 162 RPM
HP "' 211"' X 0 . 0 81 X 0 . 2083 X 16 2
Horsepower = 0.00052
1 horsepower = 746 watts, therefore,
Output watts 0.00052 X 746 ª 0.38 watts
The output of this device is not due to inertia because it
operated several minutes prior to testing and it was observed that it
stopped in less than 15 seconds when disconnected from its power supply
with the mechanical load in place.

7. OPINION: In my opinion, based on my education, experience,
and the tests described herein, Mr. Newman's device
A. has greater output power than input power, and
B. does, indeed, have greater energy output than external
energy input.
This opinion is my own and is in no way represented to be that
of my employer.

Sworn to and subscribed befare me on this day of

November, 1983.




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Chapter 8
"A new sclentific truth does not triumph by convi nci ng its opponents and making them see the
light, but rather because its opponents eventual ly d ie, anda new generatlon grows up that is
I N UNDERSTANDI NG familiar with lt."
- M ax Planck


1 will now discuss in greater detail " how" and "why"

my conducting-coil-unit operates.
16. Let us study another analogy (see 16-A and 16-B FIGURE 16-C +-


FIGURE 16· B _______¡ I

. ""- WEAKER

If 1 amp of current goes into Figure 16 -C, a noticeably

smaller and weaker magnetic field occurs than in Figure
If 1 amp of current goes into Figure 16-A , a 16-D .
noticeably Jarger magnetic field occurs than in Figure
16-B (for the same current input). QUESTION: Why the difference?

QUESTION: Why the large difference in the strength of ANSWER: Simple . As we have already proven, we
the magnetic field? have more copper atoms to align in coil 16-D than in
coil 16-C.
ANSWER: Simple. We have already demonstrated that 16
the iron becomes magnetic due to atom alignment. E. Ali of che facts p resented in Sections 1-16 clearly
Therefore, via the small electrical input acting as a prove that the current (consisting of gyroscopic par-
catalyst, we have simply caused more atoms to align in ticles in motion) put into a conductor simply acts as a
tbe larger mass of iron in Figure 16-A above than in the catalyst in aligning the atoros of the conductor irself.
smaller mass of iron in Figure 16-B. This same catalytic effect is observed if a conduct0r is
wrapped around iron and the currcnt runs through will also attempt to m ovc. JJo wever, enough pressurc
thc conductor . In other words, thc current simply can be imposed on pista n 2, causing the gas molc-
acts as a "pure catalyst!" The currc nt input triggers culcs to compress into a smaller area within the pipe.
the ato m alignment which resulcs in energy The same eff ect can befound in magnetics.
(gyroscopic particles) being rcleascd from the acoms 16
aligncd . Ho w ever , che electrical current input does G. The same cy pe o f hydraulic effect can be o bser ved
not particípace in che magnetic fi elcl rcl<.:ased. in thc electric current (gyroscopic parcicles) coming
t6 fro m a battery or genc rato r ancl tlo wing into a con-
F. Thcrc is anothcr important mcchanical dfecc o f ducto r to align che atoms wichin thc co nduccor. Thc
thc gyroscopic particles comprising a magnetic field, mo ms o f che conductor are aligncc.l d ue to the pres-
clectric ficld , and ali matter, which 1 refer to as a
" ll ydraulic Bffect. " (See Figun: 16-F l.) " Tbe current input triggers tbe
atom altgnment wbtcb results in energy
(gyroscoptc parttcles) released from tbe
_ ___ j_ _ atoms aligned. However, tbe electrtcal

- -- - -- -- ..._
current input does not pa1·ticipate in tbe
- - -- -..
- -
magnetic field released. "

sure o f the vo ltagc from thc baltcry o r generato r . T hc

currc nt (gy roscopic partidcs) that is c.leri ved from thc
atoms of che material within thc bauery or che atoms
within the conducto r and m agnc l o f the generato r is
thc.: energy w hich com priscs the ato ms of the material

' - - - - - PIVOT
fro m w hich che current (gyroscopic particles) o rlgi-
nates. Thc gy roscopic particlc11 actually creare a
hydraulíc effecc back to thc atoms fro m which the
gyroscopic particlcs cornt:. Thls accio n is mechanicall y
sim ilar to any hy draulic pumping systeni.
H. Thcrc is a most lmpommt distinction, however,
lf o nc places a piece of Jron in a magnetic field and between the pow er sourcc o f convencio nal h y<.lraul ic
che sourcc (magnet) ls fixcd to a pivo t (see Figure systems and chat which 1 have cliscovcred and devel-
16 F 1 <1bo ve), then , lf thc p iece o f iro n is moved, che o pec.l The current (gy roscopic panicles) which comes
magm:t will also :m cmpt ro move. lt is mcchanica lly fro m a hattery o r generato r is thc cnergy which com
obv i ou~ that thcrc is a magnelic "coupling cfkct" prises the atoms of che materials from which currcnt
gcrn: r:ttt!d b y ílowing "streams o r shclls" o f gyroscopic (gyroscopic p;micles) com es. This action is literally the
parcicles comprising the magnetic fü:kl and o riginating mechanical cssence o f Einstcin 's Equacio n E = MC.2 .
from the atoms of che magnet. l originally askcd Tberefore, a battery con11ected to the prop er 0 111p111
mysel f: " l low clsc could thcre be an action-reaccion system w ill be destroyed i11 acwrdance u•ith E = MC.! !
c ffcct?" Any motion w hatsocvc r on thc pan o f che 1 am not rcferring to thc p rcsc.:nt, incffi cient chcmical
pk:ce of iron w ill cause an attemptcd mo tio n of the rcactio n w ith in a bau cry, sincc present teach ings s1:11c
magnct i tsclf. This accion is 1hc same type o f effcct as 1hat :tll energy-pro ducing dcvices (which use currem)
fo und in a hyc.lrnulic systcm. (Sec Figure 16 f 2.) o pera te via the current input o nl y. T/:Jis is 110 1 tm e.'



tf thc p ipe is filled wich fluid and 1hc piston is Such presenc reachings havc resulted in designs for in-
moved, thcn piston 2 will also 1110 \ ' C. lf thc pipe is effi cic.:nc bactery devices which are tlelibernreiy con-
filled w ith a gas and piston 1 is m o ved, then p isto n 2 scructed co use rclacivcl y high currcnt. 1 teach the
opposite. One shoulcl ouilcl devices to use as little duction effect would have far greatcr power than that
current as possible cmd practica/ in ordcr to restrict which originally carne from battery 16-Hl on a chcmical
that current from complcting che circuit and returning basis only. If you, the reader, have now mastered w hat I
to che battery or generator. have taught, you will quickly recognize that the action-
reaction effect within coi! 16-H2 and the hydraulic effect
EXAMPLE: Let's examine a typical battery - an electro- o f battery 16-H1 ali operate in accordance with E= MC2.
chemlcal cell. These devices operate according to Fara-
day's Laws. Faradav's First Law states that the quantity
of electricity chat passes rhrough a solution is proporcional
"One should build devices to use as líttle
to Lhe quantitv of suhstance decomposecl. You will note current as possible and practical ... ''
thaL Lhis action is solely dcpendent upon Lhc current
(gyroscopic panicles) completing thc circu it. If the cur- In effect, the currem (consisting of flowing, gyroscopic
rent (gyroscopic particles) does not complete che circuit, p<irticles) coming fro m tbe atoms of coil 16-H2 and bat-
there will be no quantity of substance decomposed. (See tery 16-II l arc the mechanical essence of E ~ MC2 and,
Figures 16-Hl ancl 16 112.) consequently, thc mass of the entirc system will be re-

~~==X =1 /
Reversed /
.,,,,,,,,, - - - -...



CH EM ICAL--ilt8~
Current moves at speed of light,

but coil 16-H2 is extremely long. ........

Hc-cxami ne che coil in Figme l S·B and thcn compare duced via E - MC¿ as energy is removed from thc sysLCm.
it to that in 16-Hl and 16-1-12 above. Envision that if coil However, dueto the high conversion efficiency withln
16-fl 2 is composed of 5-gauge copper wire wich such a che process. it would accually requirc an cxtremely long
length that irs resistance is 1,000 ,000 ohms and che bat- period of time - measured in years - t0 significantly
tery volcage of 16-111 is 1000 volts, then only 1 milliamp deplete the mass of the materials involved in the systcm.
of currcnt could flow through coi! 16-II2 and complete It should be obvious to you that the electric currenr
che circuit to return to battery 16-HI. It is obvious that (gyroscopic p~1rticles) which emanates from the elcments
the cncrgy within che magnetic field of coil 16-H2 would of battery 16-111 is not deplc::tcd in coil 16-H2. If permit-
he tremendous, and, if the direction of the currem was ced, not only would the battery input current align the
reversed by a commutator (or similar mechanism) at acoms of coil 16-1-12, but once the current returns to the
posicion (X) above, before che current of 1 M.A. passed battery, such current would, according to Faraday's First
through the coil, then no decomposition of tbe battery Law, chemically decompose large quantities of matter
by chemical means would occur. However, the compared to the minute size of the currem {in the form
hydraulic ejfect of che 1000 volts from battery 16-HI of gyroscopic particles) which activates the undesirable
would have already affected (catalytic effcct) and aligned chemical reaction.
many aroms within coil t6-H2. Such alignment would These gyroscopic particles obey the First Law of Thcr-
gencrate a tremendous magnetic field (gyroscopic parti- modynamics precisely: it appears they cannot be
cles). When the currcnt was reversed w i thin coi! 16-H2 d estroyed and it appears they p ossess a motio n of
by che pressure of 1000 volts from battery 16-HI , the in- infinite duration .
17. You, the readcr, must now obtain che proper an electrolytic basis. Rathe r, what occurs is action
perspectivc within your mind. (Scc Figures 17-A according to E = MC 2 via thc efficient conversion of
and 17-B.) magnelic rnass (gyroscopic particlcs traveling


1 Battery

8 Batteries in Series


What distinction do you inscantly detect berween throughout the space surrounding aligned atoms -
Figures 17-A and 17-B? You should recognize that also referred to as "magnetic energy") to electrical
one obtains greater energy from 17 · B than from energy (gyroscopic parcicles traveling through a
17-A. You should recognize this fact on a chemical conductor)*. If the tcchnical system is properly
basis. !Iowever, you should also scc that this utilizcd, one should not be surprised that an energy
distinction between Figures 17-A and 17-B can also o utput can be achieved which is in excess of the
be visualized according to E = MC 2 if properly cxternal energy input. Consequently, one should
undcrstood and utilized. insramly recognize that one can obtain greater
Now examine Figures 17-C and 17-0: encrgy from coil 17-0 than from coi! 17-C.



.01 lb. of 40-gauge copper wlre

300 lbs. of 40-gau9e

copper w1re

What difference do you recognize betwcen • No/e: rderring to encrgy as " clcctric<1l" or "magnetic" without un-
derstanding the esserHial narurc of such energy can be conceptua ll y
Figures 17-C and 17-0? You should immediately mbleading. There exiscs only une (mechanical) concept of encrg)' :
recognize thac there are 30,000 times more aroms l{l't·uscopic particles in 11101io11. Thi:, single concept of energy can
in Figure 17-0 chan in 17-C. And you sbould a/so be obl>en·ationally manifested in different forms: when tr:l\'eling
through a comluct0r (metal wire) , the gyroscopic panicles are com-
recognize that these atoms are - in effect - monlr calkd " electrical" encrgy. When 1r:1veling throughout thc
extreme/y small batteries (scc Figures 17-A and 17-B ~p;ice ~urrounding aligned atoms, rhe same gyroscopic particles are
abovc), except that there is no chemical rcaction on pcrcclvc<.I as "magnetic"' cncrg~'.
If one calculates the resistance in Figure 17-D com- What is significant in Figure 18-A is the fact that
pared to that of Figure 17-C, one finds the resistance of when the small cylinder of niobium-tin alloy is re-
17-D to be approximately 30,000 times the resistance moved from the liquid helium, the alloy instantly
of 17-C. Note that this fact coincides with my previous loses its formidab le, magnetic field.
statement that the conducting coil 17-D contains The reader should quickly recognize that in test
30,000 times more atoms than conducting coil 17-C. 18-A, the niobium-tin alloy initially possessed energy
However, to greatly increase the desired results, (heat) which was removed from its mass when placed
return to tests 15-A and 15-B. You will find in those in liquid helium . This heat loss instantly results in a
tests that the resistance in 15-B is equal to thar of large reduction of the random atom motion within the
15-A, but within the coils of these two tests the alloy and therefore a high percentage of the alloy's
number of atoms in each vary greatly. This difference atoms then align ro release sorne of their electromag-
is dueto the fact that conducting coil 15-B has a netic energy (gyroscopic particles) throughout the for-
phenomenal 110, 704,968 times more atoms than con- midable, magnetic field created.
ducting coil 15-A. You can easily see that this cryogenic process is op-

"... for a given current input ... tbe m ost efficient conducting system design
is one in wbicb tbe g reatest number of atoms within a coil
are aligned by the given current (gyroscop ic particle) input. "

18 . At this point, it shouta be clear that /ora given posite to the Curie temperature e//ect of heat input
current input (consisting of gyroscopic particles) from (energy) into a permanent magnet resulting in atom
a battery, generator, etc., the most e//icient conducting unalignment, i.e., increased random atom motion, and
system design is one in which the greatest number o/ virtual disappearance of the magnet's field. (See Figure
atoms within a coil are aligned by the given currei.t 12-D2 on page 9 for comparison.)
(gyroscopic particle) input. If the small, cylindrical, niobium-tin alloy is re-
lt is therefore obvious that a properly designed, moved from the liquid helium, then heat (energy)
super-conducting system would produce even greater travels into its mass from the environment which
results. As of this writing, work is being performed by results in a significant increase in the random motion
other scientists in an attempt to develop a super- of the aroms within its mass. This action creates the
conducting material which can operate at temperatures disappearance of the magnet 's prior magnetic field
higher than those previously developed. since the gyroscopic particles which previously com-
A. Let us examine super-conducting magnets in view pasea the magnetic fieta have now returnea into the
of what 1 teach. In Figure 18-A, when a small, fist- original atoms from which they came. (These results
sized cylinder of niobium-tin alloy is placed in a flask scientifically match those of test 12-D above.J
of liquid helium having little or no current input, the
cylinder becomes a formidable magnet of 24,000 "... I stress that it is essential that
gauss. Additional materials have been developed that
are capable of producing superior results.
one design and establisb the correct
geometric configuration. "

FIGURE 18·A 19. For optima! results, I stress that it is essential that
one desígn and establish the correct geometric con-
figuration! With such a correct configuration, the
atoms of the substances involved will intersect the
gyroscopic particles (composing the magnetic field of
the system) at the proper angle. In sorne designs it may
be desirable that those atoms within the system do not
& NO MAGNETIC FIELD (or minimally) intersect the gyroscopic particles, i.e., in
such instances, only gyroscopic particles should me-
•-+--- DEWAR FLASK chanically interact with one another.

;14---+-- Hlgh atom alignment slnce heat "One must pay strict attention to
(energy) is removed from the mass
the mecbantcal essence of the gyroscopic
action of tbese particles ... ' '

One must pay strict attention to the mechanícal

essence of the gyroscopic action of these particles
moving in a magnetic ficld and cmanating from the atoms of the substances in volved in the process. Such gyroscopic
particles are thc mcchanical essence of the equation E = MC2 . (See Figure 19-A.)


When a conductor is physically moved down and across a magnetic field as in Figure 19-A , then the current will
change dlrection rwice. Thc same is true if the conductor is moved from the South end of a magnet to the Norch end of
the magnct. Reason: thc dircction of gyroscopic action is changing throughout the " lines (shells) of force. " However, if
a small, multi-loopcd, 38 gaugc conducting-coil-wire (approximately 11 /32-inch in diamcter and 3/4-inch long] is
moved across lhe end of a 6 inch diamctcr magnet, the currem direction will alter four times. (See Figure 19-B.)

small conductlng coil
FIGURE 19·81 ---....
-- - ' " \
', \ \


-........... \ \ '


i ~ -- "' .... '1 1' 11 J

/ --.
38·gauge coil
M _
- -"',,,/// /
_.. ./ / / /

\ A
' ... .

1 G
E ---.....__ ,
...... ...... '\ ' \' ' '
/V' - Ñ
-..... ,'\\ \
_ ___. .) 111
\ \
\ \
6" dla. magnet (solid) t __ _.. ./ 1 ¡ I 1
,,,./ / /
_... /
/ /

----- /

By moving the 38-gauge, copper-wire coi! across the materials and caused such atoms to release a portion of
end of the magnet (as shown in Figure 19-B), the cur- their electromagnetic energy in the form of a magnetic
rent direction will now change/our times. [P = posirive field composed of gyroscopic particles. Such action in-
and N = negative.) It is exrremely important to recog- creases the capacity of the system for performing
nize that the "lines (shells) of force" (gyroscopic par- "Obvious" or "Unobvious" Work, Force, or Power.
t.icles) continuously vary in their exact direction at any The system can then react with another magnetic force
given moment. Study Figure 19-Bl above and observe or the atoms (gyroscopic particles) of that source to
rhat the angular direction of the "lines (shells) of force" multiply this electromagnetic effect even further.
(gyroscopic particles) vary from the center of the magnet
to che left, in one plane of the magnetic field, and to the 2 0 . Let's examine the facts which corroborare the
right, in the opposite side of that same plane. previous statement:
Also observe that at the points marked with a dot (•) 20
in Figure 19-B above, there is no current produced A. I have already proven that the greater the number
even though the moving, small coil is never parallel of atoms aligned wirhin a magnet, the greater the
with the " lines (shells) of force." Reason: This occurs release of the magnet's energy (gyroscopic particles)
as a result of a cancellation ejfect, i.e., one side of the in accordance with the equation E = MC 2 . (See Figures
small coil is Iocated within one plane of gyroscopic par- 20-Al, 20-A2, and 20-A3.)
ticles possessing a given angular direction, while the
opposite side of the small coil will be located in
another plane of gyroscopic particles possessing a dif-
ferent angular direcrion. The identical effect will be
observed if the small coil is moved from the North to FIGURE 20·A1
the South end of the magnet.
The reader should understand that I did not observe
the above results by accident. On the contrary. I uti- No Magneti c Field
lized the small diameter coil because ' expected that it
would more effectively detect the varying angles of the
g;woscopic particles involved. The results I obtaíned
totally corroborated my expectations. Jt should now be
obvious to you that relative to a magnetíc field, the FIGURE 20·A2
angular directions of the gyroscopic particles are of
extreme importance with respect to a substance 's given
geometric design.
I would anticipare that computer rechnology -
which is pictorally capable of depicting the mechanical
essence of the action/reaction, gyroscopic effect of
energies - would be very helpful in predicting more Magnetic Field
efficient designs and in computing useful mathematical
-- - --- ..... .....
Whar should not be done is for one to simply "throw
together' ' sorne design concept ;¡,nd then place it in a ------
----- '
magnetic field without giving careful consideratioo to ,... -- - - - "
/ /
/ / \
the mechanical essence of che energy of that magnetic \
field, í.e., the mechanical essence of the energy (in the J
form of gyroscopic particles) comprising the atoms of /
/ /
the substance or substances of the design. Prior to my /

work, a lack of mechanical thought has been the norm,

and, as the reader is well aware, the progress of science
and the human race has suffered. / /
I stress to you, the reader, that there are many designs f l
\ \
which will effectively release the energy in a magnetic \

' ' ' "' "'

field in accordance with the conversion of the mass /

from which the magnetic field emanares via E = MC2. ----- _.... /

' -- -- -- ,... /
The electromagnetic composition of the atoros of
materials which initiates an input current flow is con-
--- ---
stant, is similar to hydraulic pressure, and appears to LARGER MAGNETIC FIELD
move at the speed of light. In addition, such input cur-
rent behaves solely as a catalyst in interacting with the
clectromagnetic nature of the atoms comprising other
B. I have already proven that the more atoms aligned within a conductor, the greater will be the release of the
energy contained within that conductor (in the form of gyroscopic particles) in accordance with the equation
E = MC2. (See Figures 20-Bl, 20-B2, and 20-B3.)

FIGURE 20·81 FIGURE 20-82

~ +-~
+ Has a much
No 1 ·strongerand
Magnet ic Magnetic 1 / larger magnetic
Field Field 1 1 field
\ /
\ /
\ /
'\ /

" ........
--- / ./

t. I have already proveo that one should perceive the individual atoms (of Figures 20-A3 and 20-B3) as microscopic
batteries with an energy capacity equivalent to E = MC 2 . Realizing these facts, one then knows that the greater the
number of atoros of any substance which one activa tes in accordance with these teachings, then the greater the
energy release that can be expected. (See Figures 20-A3 and 20-B3.)
Refer back to Figure 15-B (on page 19) and imagine that Figure 20-83 is of similar magnitude. Also, imagine Figure
20-A3 of proportional size and magnitude with Figure 20:B3. If these two systems (20-A3 and 20-83) then react with
one another, you will obtain the following: (See Figures 20-Cl and 20-C2 .)


-- - - - -=- - - - - -
One can easily envision a conductor coil 20-C 1 be- results described above wcre observed in the primi·
ing the size of a domed stadium, and a magnet 20-C2 tive prototype (described in 15-C and 15-Cl) except
being larger chan a giant redwood tree. that che generating coil had only 300 lbs. of atoms.
In sorne cases, it may be desirable to permit che gy- For more impressive results, che prototype should
roscopic particles emanating from magnet 20-C2 to effi- have concained 4,200 lbs. of atoms. I specifically
ciently interact with the gyroscopic particles surround- limited the coi! weighc to 300 lbs., however, because I
ing the conducting coi! 20-C 1, but not to interact with knew that high voltage would occur and that
che atoms concained within the conducting coil 20-C l electrlcal-reslstance-breakdown could also happen if
itself. With thc proper mechanical configuration utiliz· the coil size became too great. These problems are
ing the gyroscopic particles, one would achieve maxi- tcchnical problems which can easily be solved by
mum corque with magnet 20-C2 wíthout creating back- prescnt technology.
emf or induction into conducting coi! 20-Cl. The reader should clearly understand by now that if
The reader mu~t also realize thac chere is a hydrau- che clectric current which is inicially released from a
lic, " magnecic-coupling effecc" of che gyroscopic par- battery is not permitted (by a conducting coil) to com-
ticles comprising the magnetic fidds - an effecc plete che circuit within che coi! itself, then the total
which extends back to che acoms of the material from electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic particles) con-
which che gyroscopic particles emanate. As a result, tained within che conducting coll will perform exactly
the Arcbimedian "Laws of Leverage" are enacted! as I teach. Ideally, one should construct the energy
Knowing these faces, one can easily see that in machlne to have voltage (hydraulic pressure), but che
Figures 20-CJ and 20-C2 there would be a phenome- input current should (as much as practica!) be pre-
nal corque produced upon the masses of both 20-Cl vented from returning to che battery, generator, etc.
and 20-C2. Tbis pbenomenal torque is the result That current which flows from the conducting coil
of E = MC2 ! could indeed return to the battery and re-charge it.
20 20
D. EXAMINE THESE FACTS: The massive number of E. One could reduce the length of a conductor and
atoms within conducting coi! 20-C 1 produce a phe- still achieve the desired results by simply increasing
nomenal back-emf (power) which is greater than che the speed of the " on" and " off' input current which
externa/ energy input (consisting of a catalytic effect behaves as a pulsating flow. The atoms of the conduc-
only) or externa! power input. In addition, the tor will produce a back-emf flow as a result of the ex-
massive number of atoms within magnet 20-C2 release pa nding and collapsing magnetic field (composed of
via atom alignment a large quantity o f kinetic energy gyroscopic particles). These atoms are " triggered' '
(in the form of a magnetic field) which interacts with into this observable, back-emf flow via the "catalytic"
another large quantity of kinetic energy (in the form action of the small, inicial input current.

"1be greater tbe voltage (bydraultc pressure), tben tbe

greater tbe number of atoms of a conductor will be trtggered into tbe desired action. "

of a magnetic field) within conducting coil 20-Cl. The greater the voltage (hydraulic pressure), then
Such inceractions result in a phenomenal torque effect the greater the number of atoms of a conductor
and eithcr 20-Cl or 20-C2 (or both) could rotare . which will be triggered into the aesirea action.
Observe that the above mechanical configuration However, chis statemenc should be qualified: the facts
has multiplled the capacity of the system to perform indicare that ali atoms ha ve a "threshold effect." If the
"Obvious" or "Unobvious" Work, Force, oí- Power " threshold effect" of the atoms (contained within a
relative to the intial power input which acts only as given diameter and length of a conduct0r) are ex-
a catalysc. ceeded, then the atoms will emit sorne of their elec-
Now, envision another conducting coil of propor- tromagnetic composition (gyroscopic particles) in che
cional size which acts as a generator and is physically form of heat with the result that che magnetic field
positioned to efficiently interact mechanically with would be greatly reduced. If chis occurs, then one
20-Cl and 20-C2. This configuration will increase the should simply increase the diameter of the conductor
energy o utput even further. o r increase the speed of the p ulsating input current.
Such a configuration is exactly what I created with Returning, to the prototype in Figure 15-C 1: this
my primitive, handmade prototype. The prototype massive 5-gauge coi! had only eight (8) ohms of
was not built for my benefit, but for the benefit of resistance, yet it produced a tremendous back-emf
others who had been unjustly influenced by a teach- (power) which reduced current-flow-input from che
ing process which rewards memorization. le was also battery pack. When the input power from the battery
built for those who could not or would noc recognize pack was interrupted, che back-emf chen returned
the validity of my Theoretical Process. (Again I refer more power chan the original power input from the
to the discusslon in 15-C and Figure 15-Cl .) AIJ of the battery pack.


21 . There are those individuals who will ask the ques· ticles having a "cumulative effect." (See Figure 21 -Bl
tion: "Why can't one simply feed the generated, output and Figure 21 -82.)
current back into itself, eliminating the need for an
input battery? " The answer is simple: The energy in-
volved in this system (consisting of gyroscopic par-
ticles) is composed of real, mechanical entities which FIGURE 21· 81 PULL CORO
will work against themselves (as would unaligned gears) i
just as readily as they will work together in utilizing or
generating power. (See Figure 21 -A.)

FIGURE 21-A o.e.
OUT +r-----
--- - --



~-- - -----
--- --
A. Envision that the above two magnets in Figure
21-A have a strong, magnetic field that is capable of
compressing the spring. One would not expect the
spring to then recoil and push the two magnets apart. 5 small motors
Reason: The gyroscopic particles emanating from che in series
atoms of the two magnets are the mechanical essence
of E = MC 2 and, consequently, such particles will keep
the spring compressed. However, if one has a " trig· In Figures 21 -Bl and 21-82, the depicted motor also
gering mechanism" ora catalytic effect that causes the acts as a generator. In 21 -81, if the leads are shorted
atoms of one or both of che two magnets to aligo and out with only 1 ohm of resistance in the generator's
unalign, then the spring would recoil, pushing che conductor, there will be a resistive force equal to the
two masses apart. When the atoms are aligned, the pull-force that one exerts in pulling the pull-cord at-
spring would again be compressed via the generation tached to the pulley on the motor (generator) shaft.
of the magnetic field by the aligned atoms. This pro· Reason: The conductor cuts the magnetic field of the
cess would continue to repeat itself. permanent magnets, thereby releasing gyroscopic par-
ticles (current) from the magnetic field . These releas-
B. A similar effect (creaced by the gyroscopic parti·
eles via E = MC2) is observed when the current is pro· "Tbis successive number ofgyroscopic-
hibited from returning to a conventional generator. If
a mechanical means is constructed to "trap" che elec-
particle-re/.eases is wbat creates tbe
tric current and prevent it from completing a circuir, 'cumulative e.ffect. ' "
then the gyroscopic particles of che current have a
capacity for contínuous work without che necessity ed, gyroscopic particles whích travel into the conduc-
to increase che power input from the generator sys- tor then have theír spin at right angles to the balance
tem. However, if che circuit is complete and the elec- of gyroscopic particles (spín) remaining in the
tric current moving within che S}'Stem performs no magnetic field which in turn generates an opposing
" Obvious" Work, Force, or Power, then the gyro- ' 'Obvious Force. '' These gyroscopic particles continue
scopic particles comprising the current will - upon to move throughout the shorted conductor as the
returning to the generator - increase the need for conductor continually moves thro ugh additional
greater power input into the system. Reason: Such " fines (shells) of force" within the magnetic field
action occurs as a result of the very fact that these which, in turn, results in even more gyroscopic par-
gyroscopic particles are literally the "mechanical ticles (current) being released within the conductor.
essence of E= MC 2 " and it appears they cannot be Thís successíve number of gyroscopic-particle-
destroyed. This fact results in these gyroscopic par- releases is what creates the ' 'cumula tive ejfect. ''
One can easily prove this prcvious statement to be a produce an undesired chemical action and destroy
fact by simply conducting an experiment. Observe one's ability to utilize thc c lcments of the battery in
that the harder one pulls on the "pull-cord" (in Figure accordance with E = MC2 .
21-B 1), the more the resisrive force will equal your The very electro lytic action described by Faraday's
pul!. [Frictional force is additional.) One can tberefore Law is proof that the currenc within the system has
easily observe tbat one is proclucing no ''Obuious noc been depleted. With a correct technical system,
Work, For·ce, or Power" outsícte tbe system. such currenc could be harnesscd for more productive
Observe above Figure 21-B in which five smaller, purposcs since the gyroscopic particles (which com-
permanent-magnet mmors have been placed in series. prise the current) have an infinite capacity for work.
When one pulls the pull-cord, one finds that the re- Via the p roper design, it is obvious that one can feed
quired energy is significantly less than in Figure 21 -Bl che energy triggered and rcleased from a system into a
and yet ali five additional motors will now be run- configuration which then operates itself and produces
ning. One is now proctucing ''ObL1ious Work, Force, additional, excess eriergy in accordance with E= MC2
and Power" outsicte of the system and yet one is us- by converting the mass of the system involved.
ing significantly less input power. Why the differ- This is exactly what I have clearly demonstrated by
ence? Answer: In Figure 21 -Bl , o ne is producing high utilizing the primitive, handmade prototypes already
current (volume of gyroscopic particles which acts as discussed. (See Figures 15-Cl and 15-C2.) There are
a " brake") ancl virtually no hydraulic pressure many additional, technical clesigns possible which will
(voltage). However, in Figure 21-B2, one is producing be built by following my basic principies.
high hydraulic pressure (voltage) ancl low current
(volume o f gyroscopic particles completing the circuir), 22. l now wish to give you, thc rcader, a test. Have
therefore, the " braking effect" is drastlcally reduced. you understood literally what T ha ve taught you? Or
Lenz's Law states that "the curre nt induced in a cir- have you sünply sought to memorize what I have writ-
cuir due to a change in the magnetic flux through it o r cen? I wish to stimulate you to understand the
to its motion in a magnetic field is so directed as to ve r y " e ssen ce " o f wha t 1 te ach you! Only by doing
oppose rhe change in flux o r to exert a mechanical so will you be able to "stand on my shoulders and see
force opposing the motion ." farther than I ha ve.''•
Lenz's Law is simpty an observation of tbis cumu- Question: How would you build a more efficient
lative eff ect of the gyroscopic-particle-spin (compris- design than the primitive prototypes I have already
ing the current proctucect) being at right angtes to the derno nstrated? What p roperties would you seek to
spin of the gyroscopic particles remaining in the pcrfect in you r system?
magnetíc field. Prior to my work, the true nature of You should understand that if built structurally
the magne tic field has never been full y understood. strong, e ven the 15-C l and l 5-C2 prototypes would
Returning to the question, "Why can ' t o ne simply produce an impressive powcr output if the h ydraulic
feed the generated, output currem back into itself?" l pressure (voltage) was increased. For example, in the
would answer: If one blindly (via mechanic al im- smaller 15-C2 unit, I utilized o nl y 300 volts of pressure
plicitness) fe eds the curre nt pro duced from a duc to the fact that as one increases the voltage (hy-
syste m back into itself, then a " braking e ffect" draulic pressure) then the power produced becomes
will o ccur which will negate the d esire d results. damaging to the primitive commutator which I built by
It should be obvious to the reader that the prior hand. Utilizing these 300 volts, I had only 1.6 milliamps
teachings have indicated that al! power produced input anda 14 lb. magnet which rotated at approxi-
from any type of conductlng system was the result of matcly 200 RPM. Now, if you add 100,000 volts (hy-
current fl ow and was not from the conducting system draulic pressure) to a system structurally designed to
itself. As a resulc of chis view, ali prior systems have withstand the voltage - which is 333 times the o riginal
been deliberately designed to utilize high current-flow voltage I utilized to demonstrate my correct principie
to produce high power. - then one can expect the power output to be in thou-
If you ha ve mastered my reachings up to this point, sands of watts with an input of only severa! hundred
then you should be principally interested in che watts. With such a system, the 14 lb. magnet '.vould
vottage (hydraulic pressure), since the current (gyro- rotare at more than 50,000 RPM!
scopic particles) simply acts as a catalyst for any What l continually stress to you, thc reader, is that
system into which it flows. As T indicated above, the thc handmade prototypes wcrc simply built to prove
gyroscopic particle composition o f the currem cannot lhat thc Technical Process which 1 teach is correct.
be depletect as it moves through the system. As a ! consider the Technical (Theoretical) Process to be
resu lt, the current completes the circuit to the genera- 10,000 limes more importan! Iban those primitiue pro-
cor and a "braking-action" occurs to creare the cumu- totypes. If you have mastered what I teach, then the
latil'e effect. If the currem was ro complete che circuic magnitude of this " Pio neering Invention" should be
and return to the battery, then such current would, obvious to you.
2Ccording to Faraday's Law of Electrolysis (which
• B:tM:<.l upon thc quoiation from Isaac Newton: " l f 1 havt: sccn farthcr
depends upon current flow (gyroscopic particles]), than othcrs, it is bcca11sc 1 havc scood 011 thc shouldcrs o f giams...
Chapter 9
WITHIN M Y E NERGY M ACHINE A ND " lf you cannot make something simple, in the end
you do not know what you are about."


Q UESTION: Do you understand the importance and larger sub-atomic particles e.g, electron, proton,
of physically designing a technical configuration neutron, meson, neutrino, quark, etc.) within the
which causes the current (consisting of gyroscopic par- atoms of the materials used in the construction of.the
ticles) to be "trapped" within any system (including a battery?
conductor) utilizing che hydraulic pressure (voltage) of lf you do not instantly know the answers to ques-
. the input current and prohibiting such input current tions 22-A and 22-B, then you have not " Mastered"
from detrimentally affecting the battery source of che what I have taught, and you must therefore re-read
input current? [If permitted (to a detrimen!al extent) to (and Master) che earlier sections of this Book before
return to the battery source, such input current will proceeding further.
operationally invoke Faraday's Law of Electrolysis and However, if you do know che answers to questions
prevent the further utilization of the electrical energy 22-A and 22-B, then you should immediately under-
(gyroscopic particles) within the battery in accordance stand why I designed (within the structure of my in-
with Einstein's equation of E= MC2 .] vention) a segmented commutator and brush system
22 for the purpose of proving 1) my teachings are correct
B. QUESTION: Do you understand that the gyro- and 2) how quickly production units for practical use
scopic particles (current) emanating from the materials will result when my teachings are "Mastered" and
of a battery literally represent the mechanical essence not "Memorized. "
of Einstein's equation of E = MC 2 and constitute the 22
basic entities comprising ali component parts (other C. EXAMPLE: (See Figure 2-Cl .)



Brush to Battery

Made of nylon wlth copper
segments glued and soldered as
shown. See actual drawing of
1 L H
handmade unlt. (FIGURE 22-C2)
1st 2nd 3rd



Commutator has 20 Current Input or Firi ng Positions 5/16" wide, 20 Blank Spots 3/16 " wide,
and 20 Short Out Positions 2/16" wide.

~ ~ ~
¡;; ¡;; ¡;;
F B s
1 L H
R A o 180º Break
s K T or Current Reversa!
lst 2nd 3rd

Coil Short Out ,..J
.' ;_.. _--Brush
~ .......- - . - .·... to

contact here
and coil
shorts out

180° Break
or Current Reversa!
Brush to Coil and Current Flows
or Firing Position

Opposite side of Commutat or is connected with Firing Wl res to the Hub on the opposite
si de of the 180 º Break. No Short Out Wire is needed on the reverse side.

D. QUESTION: Why does the cornrnutator - at the rernaining within the atorns of the conductor. This
points where it rnakes contact with the brushes con- right-angular collision occurs in a direction opposite
necced to the copper coil - consist of segments? to the right-angular collision which originally oc-
(Those hub or brush comacts connected to the bat- curred when the rnagnetic field was expanding As a
tery interface with a continuous rim of copper.] result of the second collision, additional electrical cur-
rent (in the form of moving gyroscopic particles) is
ANSWER: Simple, if you have "Mastered" my produced in the conductor. Such current is now rnov-
teachings to this point. ing in the same direction as the original, "catalytic"
The brushes connected to the copper coil rnake input current (gyroscopic particles) from the battery.
contact with the FIRING SEGMENT position on the At the next instant in the rotation of the commuta-
commutator. At that precise moment, current (in the cor, the brushes that are connecced to the copper coil
form of gyroscopic particles) flows frorn the atoms of leave the BLANK SEGMENT and enter the SHORTOUT
thc battery's rnaterials into the copper-coil conductor SEGMENT. This SHORTOUT SEGMENT perrnits the cur-
as a result of the "hydraulic effect" [voltage]. As a rent (gyroscopic particles) produced by the collapsing
"catalytic effect," such current-flow from the battery magnetic field to complete the copper-coil conductor
causes sorne of the atoms (within the copper-coil con- circuir, but prevents additional current input frorn the
ductor) to align and release a minute portion of their battery. Such electrical-circuic-cornpletion within the
clectromagnetic configuration (in the forrn of gyro- copper-coil conduccor works to rnaincain che magnecic
scopic particles) to generare an expanding magnetic field of the coil since the current (gyroscopic par-
fie ld. As a result, sorne of these gyroscopic particles ticles) circulation in the copper-coil conductor is in
(within the expanding magnetic field) mechanically the same direction as the original, "catalytic" input
collide with a portion of the gyroscopic particles corn- current frorn the battery source. Such "magnetic-field
prising other atorns within the copper-coil conductor. rnaintenance" results in a continua! force which acts
Sorne of these gyroscopic particles collide at a right in the proper direction co affecc the rotating rnagnet
angle, and those that do subsequently move at a right adjacent to the copper-coil conductor, although the
angle to thac righc-angular force. Such right-angular magnet and conductor are not límited to this position
motion results in electrical current (consisting of gyro- or configuration. Furthermore, such a contin ua! force

" 1'be power produced from tbe conducting coil witbin tbe sy stem
becomes signtficantly greater tban tbe initial 'catalytic' power
coming from tbe atoms of tbe materials comprising tbe external battery. ,,

scopic particles) which moves in a d irection opposite greatly reduces wasted energy (electrical sparking) at
to the "catalytic" imput current (gyroscopic parcicles) each current break in the cornmutator!
frorn the battery source. The electrical current (gyro- Following the SHORTOUT SEGMENT position, the
scopic particles) generated by the above-rnentioned, brushes connected to the copper coil enter the FIRING
right-angular collisions essentially "traps" and SEGMENT posicion again, and the entire p rocess is
prevents the battery current from completing the cir- repeated twenty cirnes per revolution of the rotating
cuit. [Note: This right-angular rnotion of the gyro- rnagnet since che commutator is attached to the shaft
scopic particles occurs as an "after-the-fact" reaction, of the rotating rnagnet.
i.e., the right-angular motion occurs after the gyro- 22
scopic particles (cornprising the expanding, rnagnetic E. The electrical activity as described in section 22-D
field) collide w ith those gyroscopic particles rernain- appears on an oscilloscope as depicted in the drawing
ing within the atorns of the conductor.] below. (See Figure 22-E.)
At the next instant in the rotation of the com-
mucator, the brushes - connected to the copper coil
- rnove off the FIRING SEGMENT and pass omo the
BLANK SEGMENT (or "dead-spot" position.) This new
position breaks the "hydraulic effect" (input voltage) POSITION
from the battery and thereby causes the atorns of the
copper-coil conductor to unalign. Such atomic \ 1
unaligrunent results in a collapsing, rnagnecic field and
represents an atternpt on the part of the gyroscopic The purpose Is to allgn and unalign the atoms as qulckly as possible.

particles (cornprising the rnagnetic field) to return into acope leed connected to a 1 Ohm preclslon resistor and equals S Amp1.
per centlmeter X 4 centlmetera or 20 Amp1. at Hlgh Sweep Time
the atoms frorn which they originally ernanated.
When this occurs, sorne of these gyroscopic particles The Input c urrent lrom the battary pack 11 so low that th• Input current la not
...n on the oaclllosc ope. Only the current produced by the lnventlon 11 I H n on
cornprising the collapsing rnagnetic field then collide the oscllloscope becau1e of the high vollage per centlmeter necassary to aee the
generated current.
at a riW1t angle with sorne of the gyroscopic particles



"collision" occurs between the upper perlphery of the

gyroscopic particle and the adjacent copper wire

sorne gyroscopic partlcles

••miss" the wire and
physically expand
beyond the wire

spiral-helix path of gyroscopic particles (only a few depicted)

which generate the magnetic field around the coil MOMENT OF FIRING SEGMENT ON THE COMMUTATOR
--¡;xpandlng magnetic lield)

The process below Is lully repeated with stepG)physlcally thrustin~ the expandlng,
now the gyroscoplc partlcle "collapses" to return to the atom from
whlch lt emanated - but now the lower perlphery of the gyroscoplc
particle lirst strlkes the copper wire causing the gyroscoplc partocle
to now travel in the ( +) dlrectlon
® magnetic fleld even lurther beyond the coil structure. íThls expans1on and collapse
ol the coil 's magnetlc lleld mechanically interacls wlth the magnetoc fleld
(gyroscopic partlcles) ol the cyllndrícal magnet to create a "push-pull" elfect whlcn
causes the cylindricat magnet to rota te and also add sorne of lts gyroscoprc partlcles
In ínteraction with the copper eoll, thus adding lurther to the externa! output energy.I

copper coll composed
of copper atoms with trlllions
of gyroscopic particles

~l•ptlng magnetlc fleld) (canceilingaadiiional current from the battery)

not to scale - quali tative depictions only 63




The power produced from the conducting coi! within field(s) will ali be critical consider:alons to the " timing
the system becomes significantly greater than che effecr" of aoy system 's design.
inicial " cacalytic" power coming from the acoms of To properly understand what 1 have written, you
the maLeriaJs comprising che external battery. must " Master" the fact thac we are mechanicalJy
Observe rhar we have not created Power or Energy discussing the ' ' Mechanical essence' ' of E= MC2.
from no thing. The system I have innovated releases 22
Power o r Energy from thc sub-atornjc (gyroscopic G. Recuro to Dr. Hasting's Affidavic of]une 17, 1984
panicle) arrangemem of che acoms comprising ali and study the oscillograph pictured on page 37. This
macerials (coil, battery and m~gnec) in accordance oscillograph was produced via the utilization of a 14
with Einstein's equation of E = MC2 . This proccss lb. magnet adjace11t to a copper coil (see Figure
occurs on a 100% conversion-efficiem basis. 22-Gl). The current spike in Figure 22-Gla was pro-
duced from the copper coil.
F. One must pay strict attention to the exacting
of the mechanical essence described by che above
results. As the commutator revolves, the mechanica1J FIGURE 22·G2
action which occurs wichin the atoms of che conduc-
tor coi! should remind o ne of the timing sequence
that occurs during the spa rk plug firing within an
automobíle engine. ]use as the proper ciming of sucb
firing within the vehicle engjne cannot be ignored or
taken for granted, neither can the gyroscopíc particles

" The 'timing effect' I bave descrlbed
is very crltical. ''

(comprising and emanating from che atoms of the ,
systern's materials) be ignored or taken for gramed in ' 1
\ \
terms of their "firing" to generare the production of \
externa! energy output. When the sparklng in piston
firlng is sropped, in Lhe case of an automobile engine,
this is analogous to properly timing the rotating com-
mutator ro stop the ftring of Production as the coil FIGURE 22·G1a FIGURE 22·G2a
brushes physically enter the BLANK SEGMENT position.
Anyone famHiar with the conventional engine
within an automobile knows that, if ali pistons were
" fired " simultaneously and continuously, chere would However, if the 14 lb. magnet was physicaliy placed
be no rotational motion of che crankshafc. Under such above tbe copper coil (as in Figure 22-G2), then no
circumstances, one would have only an " Unobviou1s current spike (see Figure 22-G2a) was produced frorn
Work, Force, or Power" produced in such an engine. the co!I. In the second position of the magnet in
The same effect is true (by what I have presented in Figure 22-G2, tl1ere was a "cancellation effect. " The
the above discussion) when che atoros within the copper coil had only a 4-inch interior diameter and the
copper-coíl conductor remain aligned ar ali times. cylindrical 14 lb. magnet hada 4-inch outside d.iamerer.
Under such circumstances, there would be no ro·ra- By placing the magnet above the coi! (as in Figure
tional motion on the part of che cornrnutator (via tbie 22-G2), the magnec's magnetic field would sweep
revolving magnet), nor would additional, exrcrnal, across both sides of the copper coil in che same direc-
electrical current (gyroscopic particles) be produced tion as the magnec itself rotated. (Sec Figure 22-G3.)
once the magnetic field of the copper-coil conductor
ceased ro expand and collapse. In essence, rhere COIL
would be only an " Unobvious Work, Force, or MAGNET
Power" produced. FIGURE 22·G3 / SWEEP DIRECT,ON
In order ro understand what Thave wrinen and co
be able to physically construct those unlts capable of
COLLISION (cancellatlon ellect)
achieving what I have achieved, you must " Master"
these teachings. The "timing effect" l have described
is very crttical. This " timing effect" will vary from Consequemly, sorne of the gyroscopic particles com-
the configuration of one physical system to another. prising the magnetic field of the rotating magnet would
EXAMPLE: The voltage (hydraulic effect) input, arn1 collide wich sorne of the gyroscopic particles compris-
the incensity of any imeracting, additional magnetic ing the atoms of che coil at a right angle and generally
cause a "cancellation effect" of the repetitive, mechani- In addition, because of che spatial placemem of the
cal motions of the gyroscopic particles within che coil and magnet, most of the gyroscopic particles
magneric field in conjunction with the gyroscopic par- comprising the magnetic field generated by the con-
ticles within the copper coil. This " cancellation cffect" ductor coi! would also avoid collision with the gyro-
would vary with che speed of the rotating magnet. scopic particles remaining within the atoms compris-
l2 ing the 100 lb. magnet. However, the gyroscopic parti-
H. To you, the reader, I cannot overemphasize the les comprising the magnetic fields of both the 100 lb.
fact that even the slightest alteration in the configura- rotating magnet and the 4,200 lb. coi! would react
tion of a particular system's design can effcct a with one another as desired and designcd by me.
noticeable change in the observed results. You cannot 22
cake anything fo r granted! J . The results of a test utilizing the configuration of
Figure 22- I are described as follows:
" ... even tbe sligbtest alteration in Two (2) 40-watt fluorescent bulbs were connected
in series as a resistance load to 300 lbs. (atoms) of a
tbe configuration of a particular system 's 24-gauge copper coi!. A battery volcage (consisting of
design can effect a noticeable cbange 66 volts of " hydraulic p ressure" equaling 31 milliamps
in tbe observed results. " or 2.04 watts) was thcn input into the motor coi! con-
sisting of 4,200 lbs. (atoms) of 5-gauge copper coi!.
22 When the 100 lb. magnet rotated at 48 RPM, the two
l. 1 will now describe a factual observation which bulbs we re emitting useful light, but were not con-
sho uld "open your mind" even further. I will refer to tinuously lit since they flickered at a rate consistent
che commutator design already discussed and with each "break" in the current .
depicted above in Figures 22-Cl and 22-C2. Now to state the shockingfact to those only skilled
The above-described commutator was affixcd to the in the old reachings:
shaft of a rotating, 100 lb ., solid magnet (6-inch If the resistance load of the two (2) 40-watt fluores-
diameter and 12-inch length). [The 400 lb. magnet cent bulbs connected in series was dísconnected
depicted in Figure 15-Cl on page 21 was part of my (open circuir) from the generator coi! consisting o f
largest prototype.] The 100 lb. magnet was placed in 300 lbs. o f atoros - and this was the only deliberare
the cemer of a very large coil composed of 4,200 lbs. change made - then che 100 lb. rocating magnet would
of copper atoms (5-gauge copper coil). In addition, reduce ics rotational rate within two minutes to 36
300 lbs. of copper atoms (24-gauge copper coi!) was RPM. At the saroe time, average "catalytic" current
wrapped around the larger, 4,200 lb. copper coil. The input from the battery increased to 2.57 watts
purpose of this configuration was to prove chat most (equivalent to 39 miUiamps X 66 volts input into the
of the gyroscopic particles comprising the magnetic 4,200 lbs. (atoros) of 5-gauge, moto r-coi! conductor).
field cmanating from the aligned atoms of the perma- In essence, you will note that by reducing the load
nent, 100 lb. magnet would avoid collision wlth the on the generator coi! of 300 lbs. (of copper atoms),
gyroscopic particles comprising the atoms within che then the motor coil o f 4,200 lbs. (of copper ato ms)
conducting coils. (See Figure 22-I which is concep- drew more power and resulted in the 100 lb. magnet
tually related to Figure 22-E above.) reducing its rotationa1 rate.





In effect, the RPM of the rotating magnet decreased In the earlier test described above (in Section 22-C
by 25% and the power demand increased by 25% and pictured agaio in Figure 22-)2), the atoms of the
when tbe load was removed from tbe generator! motor coi! are " fired" via the FIRING SEGMENT (releas-
ing energy), followed by the BLANK SEGMENT (allowing
QUESTION: How can this result occur? the atoms to unalign [via the collapsing magnetic field]
in the opposite direction to the energy of an expandlng
ANSWER: Simple, if you have Mastered my teachings. magnetic field), followed by the SHORTOUT SEGMENT
[It should be noted that l theoretically predicted such (permitting the energy in the system to attempt to main-
results in my original Patent AppliC'Uion long before I tain atom alignment until the next FIRlNG SEGMENT).
constructed the above-described prototypes.] I stated This sequence permits rhe energy of che system to
in my original Patent Application: as rhey aligned and apply a sustained force to keep the magnet rotating.
unaligned, the atoms (within the generator coil of my One should clearly see that there is an extreme dif-
prototype) could indeed have a "beneficia! effect" ference in the energy-output-effects generated by dif-
upon the atoms of the motor coil in terms of the ferent mechanical configurations. J must again stress
desired results. This "beneficial effect" would occur the importance of the " tirning" factor!
due to an " action/reacrion effect" and vice versa. Actually, the reader should recognize that there are
Such an " action/reaction effect" is what occurred in many differem ways to design a system to replace the
the above-described test results. The proper timing of commutator circuitry described above. With addi-
this " action/reaction effect" is essential to obtain the tional research, one could select magnetic, electronic,
desired results. or light-sensitive circuitry - to meotion only a few.

EXPLANATION: When the load of the two (2) fluores- "One should clearly see tbat tbere
cent light bulbs was connected into the circuir of the is an extreme di:fl'erence tn tbe
300 lbs. (atoms) of the generator coil, then the atoms energy-output-e.ffects generated by
of the conductor coil would align and unalign proper-
ly. However, when the circuir was broken by remov-
di:fl'erent mecbantcal configurations. "
ing the load (light bulbs) and leaving the circuir open, 22
the atoms of the conductor coil could not properly K . Let us now examine the effects of a similarly-
aligo and unalign. designed, segmented commutator placed upon the
The proper timing relative to the segmented com- shaft of a 14 lb. magnet adjacent to approximately 140
mutatOr (described in Figure 22-Cl and 22-C2) is very lbs. of 30-gauge (copper) conductor coil. (See Figure
critica!. Por example: If the segmented commutator 22-Kl.) [I must stress that my system is not limited ro
was simply flipped over 180º - enabling the coil- the use of copper as the conducting medium! There
connected brushes to flrst make physical contact with are other rnaterials which - under certaio circum-
the SHORTOUT SEGMENT, then the BLANK SEGMENT, stances - would permit more efficient atom align-
tben the FIRING SEGMENT (see Figure 22-Jl) - the ment, e.g., super-cooled niobium tin. Atom unalign-
results would be that the lighr output of the two (2) ment (as ir occurs in copper) wlll also have to occur
fluorescent bulbs would be greatly reduced. within the system.)

s e F FIGURE 22·K1
o A 1

111 2nd 3rd

Such a reduced light output should be clear proof that

notbing in this system I have described should be
taken for grantedl Why che resultant difference in
light output? It should be obvious. In Figure 22-Jl, the
"timing sequence" first SHORTS OUT the motor coil
via the SHORTOUT SEGMENT (creating a "current-
break effect "), followed by a BLANK SEGMENT
(norhing happens), and tben the unit " fires " via the
FIRING SEGMENT to align the atoms in the motor coi!.

e s
1 A o

181 2nd 3rd

In prot0type 22-Kl' the FIRING SEGMENT on the QUESTION: Can you predict what would occur if the
commutator switch is 3/8" wide, the SHORTOUT coil in Figure 22-Kl was subjected to a cryogenic
SEGMENT is 1/8" wide, and the GAP between the FIR- temperature?
ING and SHORTOUT SEGMENTS is 1116" wide. In the
configuration of this commutator, the position of the ANSWER: The 50,000 ohm resistance in the coil
BLANK SEGMENT is combined with that of the would greatly decrease and the same voltage (hydraulic
SHORTOUT SEGMENT. This is accomplished by simply pressure) employed above would cause a greater
placing Scotch tape over the SHORTOUT SEGMENT . number of atoms to aligo in the 30-gauge coil. This
(Sec Figure 22-K2.) would result in an in·creased energy rclease (via a
magnetic field c reated by gyroscopic particles). Atom
unallgnment will have to occur in this system as it does
F s F
in copper ar normal room temperature.
1 H 1
FIGURE 22-K2 R o R
E R E 22
s T s L. The most efficient system design is one in which
1at 2nd the smallest amount of externa/ current input will
cause the greatest amount of atom alignment and
In Figure 22-K2, each SHORTOUT SEGMENT is unalignment within the system. [This approach is
covered wíth a thin !ayer of regular Scotch "magic" contrary to and more efficient (over 100% production
tape. As the commutator revolves, such a tape covering efficiency) than all electrical systems designed before
has the following effect: first the coil brushes connect this time!] As necessary, one can then have the means
with the FIRING SEGMENT and atoms within the motor to unalign the atoros and also reduce the FIR1NG time.
coi! align to produce energy; then che coi! brushes
pass over the SHORTOUT SEGMENT covered with tape EXAMPLE: Even at room temperature, the power
which causes the atoms to unalign and produce energy output of a 30-gauge motor coi! is noticeably greater
in the same direction (per the discussion in Section than the external power input from a battery source.
22-D). This energy traveling in the same direction On an oscilloscope such power appears as described
causes a small spark to flash across the GAP between in Figure 22-Ll:
addition, there is a 76-watt, 8-foot, fluorescent bulb
and three (3), \4-watt fluorescent bulbs connected in

" The most efficient system design is

one tn wbicb tbe smallest amount of
external current input will cause tbe
greatest amount of atoms alignment and
unalignment witbin tbe system. "
series, but hooked parallel to the motor coil which in
turn is connectcd to the rotating commutator. There
are a total of twenty-eight (28) sequences consisting of Scope leads connected to a 1 Ohm resistor.
Current = 2 Amp. per cen tlmeter X 4 or
FIRING SEGMENT-GAP-SHORTOUT SEGMENT-GAP- 8 Amps. and Sweep Time In milliseconds
FlRlNG SEGMENT per rotation of the commutator.
Utilizing 960 volts (hydraulic pressure) input (from FIRES = 28 times per revolutlon
BREAK = 28 times per revolution
transistor batteries) into 140 lbs. (atoms) of 30-gauge, SHORT = 28 times per revolutlon
copper-coil conductor with 50,000 ohms of resist-
ance, one has onty 1.6 milliamps or 1.5 watts going 22
into the system. As a result, thc 14 lb. , cylindrical M. Imagine a "friction-frec" commutator (designed
magnet mechanically rotates at 105 RPM and ali four according to Figure 22-C above) which has a 5-foot
fluorescent bulbs emit useful light, but not to full diameter with FIRJNG, GAP, and SHORTOUT SEGMENTS
brightness due to a steady flickering. [Such lights built to the same dimensions as those in Figure 22-Ml:
flicker during each sequence of the revolving com- 118"
mutator. If the commutaror were to turn faster, the 318" 318"
flickering would become less and less noticeable and F s F
1 H 1
the brilliance of the lights would increase. With a suffi- FIGURE 22-M1 R o R
1 R 1
cient rotational rate on the part o f the commutacor, the N
lights would achieve full brilliance and would seem to
emit light at a steady rate since the flickering rate THIN,COVEREDINSULATOR
would occur fastcr than the human cye could detect.J
With such a commutator configuration, the FIRING, (and preferably at a constant rate) to achieve maximum
GAP, SHORTOUT sequence would occur over 360 atom alignment within the conductor coi!.
times per revolution. Under such conditlons, atom 23
alignment/unalignment of the conductor occurs at a B. In my experience, I have observed that the dry
faster and faster rate, thereby producing greater and cell battery already possesses certain
greater energy for the given "catalytic" energy input characteristics which (accidently) demonstrate severa!
from an externa! source. Combine such action with of the requiremenrs necessary to ha ve a capacitar as
the Iower resistance within 140 lbs. (atoms) of a well as a battery. Such characteristics are even
30-gauge coiJ as discussed in Sectio n L, and the results noticeable when I utilized the segmented commutator
should be obvious: the energy output wilt íncreasé! design (described above) and obtained high spikes of
As stated earlier, rhere are many physical variations current produced by the atoms within the motor-coi!
that become "obvious" once my teachings are conductor. Such current traveled in the same direc-
Mastered and not Memorized. tion as the "catalytic" input current from the battery .
(See Figure 23-B as seen oo an oscilloscope. This is
EXAMPLE OF ANOTHER DESIGN: The commurators not drawn to scale.)
described above could slmply consist of a FIRING
However, such an arrangement will create sparking FIGURE 23·8
(wasted energy) if it is not properly designed. Such a
proper design could consist of a bulb or resistance In Figure 23-B, the "catalytlc" input current from
load placed across or parallel to the motor coil (con- the battery is so low that when set o n the "volts-
nected to the commutator) that has a greater percent" position, the oscilloscope shows no input
reslstance than the motor coil itself. This would cause current from the battery (_ _ ). However, the cur-
the external-power, "catalytic" input voltage (via che rent produced from the conductinE? coil appears o n
hydraulic effect) to push the current loto che motor the oscilioscope as high spikes ( _/\_) of current
coi!, but not push current noticeably through the bulb which trave ls in the same direction as the smaU,
or resistance load. The electromotive force produced " cata1yc1c" input current, then the spikes e) L)
by the gyroscopic particles of the atoms within the wlll travel off the screen (lf the input current _]is shown).
conductor coil (as such atoms unalign to collapse the 23
magnetic field) - which occurs as the coil-connected c. Witho ut careful consideration, you, the reader,
brush passes over the GAP - woulcl then travel coulcl assume that the high splkes of current fro m the
through the bulb or resistance load because such conducting coil would quickly destroy the dry cell
resistance is less than that required to ionize the air ac battery. The facts that 1 have observed in my ex-
che GAP. [It should also be understood thac the perlments prove that such is not the case. The follow-
mechanlcally-designed commutator can be replaced by ing mechanical examinatio n of a dry cell battery com-
other switch rechnologles whlch are more efflciem .] bined with what 1 teach will explain why such battery
destruction does not occu r.
2 3. I shall now discuss the FIRING or " timing" se- Examine che following drawing of a dry cell battery
quen ces in conjunction with che battery deslgn, and in Figure 23-C:
the results that will be observed from such sequences.
[Review Sectio ns 16-Hl and 16-H2.] Seallng FIGURE 23-C
Since the "actio n/reacrlon effect" described in Sec- Compound '

tion 22-J occurs too quickly, the standard amp and volt
meters wil1 no t be able to monitor the results quickly
enough for proper observation. Therefore, it is neces- Chemlcal Paste of
Ammonlum Chlorlde and
sary to use an oscllloscope that can be calibrated to an Manganesa Oioxlde
exrremely fast "sweep-time" measured in millionths of
I \ Carbon Rod (Posi tiva)
a second. I \
/ \
A. The facts obtained by a thorough study of my
energy machine prove that the most efficient battery Battery Input
design is one which functions both as a capacitor as CUR RENT =
well as a battery. Conductlng Coll ',
When currenr is released from a conventional ca- ........ \ ///

paciror, the voltage (hydraulic pressure) will quickly ' ...., '-..._ Thla wlll result In !he
carbon becomlng more
be reduced. I have already shown that in order to negativa !han the zinc!
achieve che proper functloning of my energy machine,
1t .is necessary to input a " catalytic" voltage (hydraulic
pressure) whi~h can be maintained as high as possible
D. Study carefully what " mechanically" occurs when Actually, too much output energy (gyroscopic parti-
che current (gyroscopic particles) inítially flo ws from cles) can descroy the desired results. Consequently, che
the zinc (atoros) into the cond uctor coi! and returns co amoum of material (atoros) within the battery is direct-
the carbon rod within the battery. ft should be ob- ly proporcional to the quantity of energy it can accom-
vious that energy has been removed f rom the zinc modate. [Other materials can be used for better results.]
and has traveled to che carbon rod. [This action then 23
invokes Faraday's Law of Electrolysis. ] The metallic G. As depicted on an oscilloscope calibrated In
zinc delivers zinc io ns to the electrolyte; if chis pro- milliomhs of a second, the vo ltage of a battery pack
cess contlnues, che zinc wo uld deteriorare until che connected in series will sho w the following: [No te:
cell would become useless. A variety of voltages can be used. In my smallest pro-
23 to type, I have used between 300 and 950 volts.]
E. However, as the electrical process continues,
scudy what " mechanically" occurs when cum:m (gyro- NORMAL
scopic partlcles) is released from the atoros of the con- B ATTERY
ducting co ll and flo ws into the carbon roó. One should FIGURE 23·G
easily see that there is an extreme ''mechanical ''
clfstínction (from that which occurs vía Faraclay 's
l aw of Electrolysis), because the z inc releases no
energy and the carbon rod has a c t ttally gafried
en ergy (gyroscopic particles).
F. QUESTION: Why the d ifference in results obtained REPRESENTS ON E SPIKE OF CURRENT.
[In on• commutetor dHlgn th•r• wer•
in Seccíon 23-D compared to those of Section 23-E? 56 auch aplku pu r•volutlon.J

ANSWER: In Sectio n 23-D, the zinc atoros con-

talned an excess of gyroscopic panlcles w hlch would When current (gyroscopic particles) "shoots" from
readily flow to the carbon ro d. However, in Sectio n che conduccing coil (ato ms) into the carbon rod, the
23-E, the " mechanlcal" condltlo ns have altered and battery vo ltage wlll "shoot" sharply negative and then
the carbon ro d no w recelves an excess of gyroscoplc lncrease to an amo unt pase the no rmal battery voltage.
parctcles whlch mechanlcally cause the carbo n to Thls indicares a charging effect upon che zinc wlthln
become mo re negatlve than che zinc. As thls process the battery fo llowed by the " actionLreaction effect" of
o ccurs, a very sensitlvely-callbrated oscilloscope w!ll addltlonal dlscha rges and charglng action within che
depict the zinc as " posltive" and the carbon rodas battery pack.

"/ bave been discussing tbe utilization of tbe atoms witbin a battery and the
utilizatton of tbe atoms witbin a condt-lcting coil on a 100%,
conversion-e.lficúmt process in accordance w ith E =MC2 . "

" negativc." With such polarizatlon, the " mechan ícal 2 4. In essence, I have been díscusstng the utitízatíon
actlo n" (described in Sectio n 23-D) will am:mpt to in- of the atoms w fthin a battery ana the tttittzation of the
voke Farnday's Law of Electrolysis and reverse this atoms wíthin a concluction coil on a 100%, conversion-
new process. At this po int, che gyroscopic particles efficient process in accorclance with E = MC2 . The same
wi ll fl ow from the carbon rod (acting as a capacitor) is true with thc use of a pc rmanent magnct.
lnto the zinc which causes zinc lo ns to be removed
fro m the electro lyte and return tO che zinc itself. QUESTION: Have you " maste red" what I havc taught
This effect is pro bably mosc cfficlent when the cur- you? [I muse cominue to ask you chis quescio n to cnsure
rem concinues to reverse back and forth rapid ly. that yo u are simply not " mcmo rizing" o r " blindly
Under such conditio ns, the zinc lons (which are in- accepting" what I am prescnting in chis Book.] Whac l
ltially delivered to the electrolyce) would not have a have discovered is basically "simple." But remember, it
sufflciem opportunity to so lidly blnd themselves wlth is "simple" after-the-jact of its presematio n!
the electrolyte and wo uld therefore be mo re easily
" torn loose " to return to the zinc. Such action results The perfectio n of produccion unlts for my Ploneering
in the vo ltage (hydraulic pressure) of the zinc rising Inventio n must advance ar a rapid pace with che sup-
higher than its inicial voltage. My proto cypes and dry port of every caring scientist, business individual,
cell batterles have demo nstrated these described results statesman, and human being upon thls Earth. This
although such results were not o btained at the highesc energy machine will havc a most beneficia! e ffect upon
efficiency of operation. [I encourage the reader to all of us. The economic impact of this re volutio nary in-
scudy, "Master," and improve upon my results!J vention upo n the Earth will be discussed in Chapter 2 3.
Chapter 10

"We hope that the present fluctuatlons of thinking are only lndlcation of an upheaval of old
bellefs whlch In the end wlll lead to something better than the mess of formu las wh ich today
su rrounds our subject."
- Erwln Schrodinger

2 5. Up to chis poim, I have been discussing the "{!) light and matter are ultimately composed of
mechanical ucilization of che basic building entity of ali particles. Their wave prope1·ties derive from the
matter: the " gyroscopic-action-entity. " 1 will now con- group behavior of a large number of interacting
cepcually relate che behavior of chis " gyroscopic-action- particles. [This approach, it will be recalled, was
entity" to QUANTUM MECHANICS. unsuccessfully adopted by Einstein in an attempt to
explain the behavior of light.]
[NOTE: I will now be discussing ocher important con-
cepts concerning the nature of the gyroscopic particle. " (2) light and matter are ultimately composed of
I must add chat there are those who may feel that I waves. The particle properties are then derivative.
should have published these other concepts in a One could hypothesize that 'particles' are really
separare book rather than combine their exposition concentrations of waves or perhaps stable conden-
with a presentation describing che nature of my energy sations in an underlying fluid or field.
machine. l disagree with anyone who may feel chis
way. The universal nature of the gyroscopic particles "Unfortunately, neither of these atternative
(more generally referred to as " gyroscopic-action- hypotheses has been developed with any great suc-
entities") which I have discovered is offar greater cess. Most modern-day physicists general/y believe
significance than one, simple application of their that neither particles nor waves are more funda-
utilization, i.e., my energy machine. By combining mental, but rather that they are two manijestations
these two intellectual areas, 1 wish to stimulate the of some as-yet-untdentified (and possibly untden-
mind of che reader to chink beyond che limitations of tifiable) entity.
thoughc imposed by che study of one technical applica-
tion. 1 would prefer that the reader give more careful "lf the beginning student has trouble understand-
consideration to understanding a universal principie: ing how an entity can possess both wave and parti-
che principie inherent in che nature and action of che cle attributes at the same time, he ar she may be
gyroscopic particle!] comforted to learn that most experienced physicists
2S are justas disturbed by this problem. "
A. 1 will quote several passages from a well-wricten
book cntitled The Nature of Physics by Peter J. Quoting from The Nature of Physics, page 604:
Brancazio of Brooklyn College, City University of
New York [published by MacMillan Publishing Com- ''Einstein firmly believed that underlying the
pany, Jnc., New York, 1975). From page 585: quantum theory - perhaps on a subquantum
leve/ - there had to be f ully deterministic laws.
WA VE-PARTICLE DUALITY In a letter to Max Born written in 1926, Einstein
''The discovery that material particles exhibit summarized bis position:
wave characteristics adds a new dimension to the
problem of wave-particle dua/ity. The classical 'Quantum mechanics is very impressive. But an
descriptions of light as a wave and matter as com- inner voice tells me that it is not the real thing.
posed of solid particles no longer seem valid - for 7'he theory has much to offer ... but I am convinced
both matter and light have been f ound to display that God does not throw dice. '
wave and particle characteristics. How can we pro-
vide a coherent explanation f or these extreme/y "At the present time, nearly fifty years after the
puzzling discoveries? One way to resolve the prob- birth of quantum mechanics, the argument has not
lem of wave-particle duality is to assume that one been settled. There is no evidence whatsoever that a
or lhe other is more fundamental. There are two deterministic subquantum level exists. Nor ts there
Possible alternatives: any convincing evidence to support the orthodox
interpretation. For example, no experiments have tum mechanics to the mechanícal essence of ali matter
ever been performed on a single atom or electron consisting of the gyroscopic-action-entity which I pre-
to test the orthodox contention that the wave func- sent in this Book.
tion describes the properties of a single parlicle A gyroscopic action is the "mechanical" essence of
rather than a group of particles. Althougb the or- a ''spin. '' l wili now present man y (seemingly
thodox interpretation is general/y accepted, there unrelated) scientific facts which I examined years ago
rema in a f ew who, like Einstein, believe that tbe for che purpose of testing the truth of my Hypothesis
mathematical formalism of quantum mechanics is and ascertaining if my Hypothesis could explain other
not tbe final answer. This attitude has been most scientific observations for which there was no
eloquently described by Erwin Schrodinger: "mechanical" understanding.
'Many maintain that no objective picture of reality D. If we do not have a unified, " mechanical"
is possible. However, the optimists among us (of understanding of the essence of ali matter, then what
whonz 1 consider myselj one) look upon this view we physically " see" as an outsider co macter can be
as a philosophical extravagance born of despair. very deceiving.
We hope that the present fluctuations of thinking EXAMPLE:
are only indications of an upheaval o/ old beliefs (See Figure 25-Dl .)
which in the end will lead to something better
than the mess offormulas which today surrounds FIGURE 25· 01
our subject. ' "
B. My work pays tribute to those thínking individuals
such as Einstein, Schrodinger, Faraday, Maxwell,
Newton, and others. The sensitive and inquisitive
mind will see that my work more accurately brings
together the work of these impressive contributors for Have an uneducated individual view a gyroscope
the advancement of the human species. The effect of spinning in a clockwise direction as it faces the
such inteUeccual " bringing together" is co generare a individual. Have that individual push down on the
new "oneness" which is more impressive and benefi- axis of the gyroscope. Because the individual observes
cia) than the work of any single, great innovator alone. that the gyroscope pivots to the left (with respect to
Lec me begin by pointing out that che mathematical the individual), the individual may arbitrarily call such
consequences of the Dirac equation stlpulates that the pivota! motion " negative. "
energy terms applied to a fourth quantum number
having two values, ( + Yi) and ( - Yi ), are identical to FIGU RE 25-02

the spin-quantum-number Ms which assigns to the FORCE OOWN

electron an intrinsic spin and states that magnetism
is a result of electron spin within the material. On
the othcr hand, it has still been taught that a magnetic
field contalns no kinetic energy - only potencial
energy - and that che "lines of force" surrounding a
magnct are imaginary. [This erroneous concept has While the same individual closes his eyes, reverse
been taught in spite of the brilliant insights of Faraday the spin of the gyroscope in such a way that it now
and Maxwell!] spins (see Figure 25-02) in a counter-clockwise direc-

" ... tbe essence of Magnetism, Electrlcity, Gravity, Inertia, Planetary Motion,
Tbermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy and Matter are ali
m ecbanically explained by tbe nature of a 'gyroscopic, action-type particle. '"

c. You will discover in this Book that the essence of tion as lt faces the same individual. Have the in-
Magnetísm, Electricity, Gravity, lnertía, Planetary Mo- dividual open his eyes and push down on the axis of
tion, Thermodynamics, and a New Source of Energy the "same" gyroscope. Because the individual then
and Matter are ali mechanically explained by the observes that the gyroscope pivots to the right, the
nature of a "gyroscopic-action-type-particle." It was individual may arbitrarily call such pivotal motion
long after I had developed my concepts that I " positive. " Such subjective descriptions would appear
discovered my " mechanical" explanation correlated to indicare chat there are two different gyroscopes.
precisely with Dirac's concept of mathematical spin. However, you and I know that this is not the, case.
The reader should find it easy to advance from quan- Actually, what the individual believed to be two dif-
ferent gyroscopes is, in fact, one and the same: a
single gyroscope simply having its mass spinning in
the opposíte directíon relative to the outside observer.
E. I wi11 now quote to you a statement 1 made on the
occasion of my "humbling" realízation of this simple
fact described in Section 25-D in conjunction with the
basic entity of all matter. I clearly recall the occasion
in 1968 while flying on a commercial airline at 30,000
feet and returning home from a trip to Washington,
D.C. which concerned another patent application:



Extrapolating upon my "humble" thought, I con-

cluded: consider the possibility that if you could ex-
ert enough force to füp over this basic gyroscopic-
action-particle of matter 180 º, then to an outside
observer it would appear to be an opposite, electric

''Ali matter is composed of one type of

gyroscopic-action-particle. "

charge. Since this is true, then the basic mechanism of

nature is even more ingenious than I suspected
because: all matter is composed of one type of gyro-
scopic-action-particle. Moreover, by mechanically
rotating (in varying degree directions) the gyroscopic-
action-particles, such particles are capable of exerting
a "force influence" upon one another. Such a "force
influence" causes the gyroscopic-action-particle to
gyrate (relative to one another) and subsequently,
sucb inftnitely-posstble-d egree-gyrattons form
tnftnite types of matter .
Such a perspective is conslstent with ali Matter in
the Universe being composed of the same entity hav-
ing an attraction of one towards another. Mathemat-
ically, this explains the consistency of the Laws of
Magnetism, Electrical Charge, and Gravity.

Chapter 11
LIGHT " Planck's discovery of the quantum In 1900 drove a crack In the armor that stlll covers the deep and
secret principies of exlstence. In the exploitatlon of that opening we are at the beglnning, not the end.
Someday we'll understand the whole thlng as one single marvelous vlslon that will seem so
overwhelmlngly simple and beautiful that we wlll say to each other - Oh, how could we ha ve been so
stupld for so long? How cou ld lt have been otherwlse!"
- John Archlb1ld Wheeler

25 25
F. l will now demonstrate that the "gyroscopic- H. Observe che effects of light polarization by certain
action-particle" which comprises ali rnatter will crystals:
rnechanically explain other scientific facts which have
not been rnechanlcally explained before this time. FIGURE 25-H
Consider that the existence of the " gyroscopic-
action-particle" also explains the duality of the wave
and particle theories of light. Light is electrornagnetic
in nature and consists of "negative " and "posítive" 1
(see discussion of " negative" and " positive" in Sec- 1
tion 25-0) gyroscopic particles traveling in the same 1
direction and having opposite spins. When the axis 1
L. - -----
of the gyroscopic particles are affected as they
(o) (b) (e)
rnechanically collide with different materials at vary-
ing angJes, the gyroscopic particles will therefore Figure 2S.H1 F igure 25-H2 Figure 2S.H3

behave as particles ora wave . If one " hits" the axis of TRANSMISSION OF LIGHT THROUGH TOURMALINE CRYSTALS
a gyroscope "head o n," it will not pivot.
The following inforrnation corruborates the prior
information I have presented in this Book. I urge the
reader to Master the Mechanical Essence of this Figure Light is transmitted thro ugh crystal slabs having
material. The material demonstrates rhat one must pay 2S-Hl their crystalline axes oriented paraUel with
strict attention to the sub-atomic cornposition (gyro- respect to one another.

"Light is electromagnetic in nature and Figure Less light is transmitted when one of the crystal
consists of 'negative' and 'positive' 2 5-H2 slabs is rotated to a 45 ° angle w ith respect to
che other slab.
gyroscopic particles traveling in tbe same
direction and baving oppostte spins. " Figure No light is transmitted when one of the crystal
2 5-H3 slabs is oriented ata 90 º angle with respect to
scopic spin) of ali matter which is pertinent to those the other slab.
varying technical dcslgns utilizing Einstein's equation
of E"' MC 2 on a 100% conversion-efficient basis. As the angular degree of the crystal (composed of
2, electromagnetic energy in the form of gyroscopic par-
G. John Oalton (English chemist and physicist, ticles) varíes, the amount of light (electromagnetic
1766-1844) proved that when various elements were energy in the form of gyroscopic particles) also varies.
observed through a microscope, such elements ap- Such a variation indicares that che crystal is held
peared in different crystalline shapes. Crystals of gold together with greater electromagnetic force along cer-
always looked alike, crystals of copper always looked tain planes: the GYROSCOPIC PLANE !
alike, but crystals of gold and copper never looked 25
like one another. l. Sir David Brewster (Scottish physicist, 1781-1868)
lt has also been proven that a sharp " hit" will easily was the first to note that when light is incident at the
break crystals ar certain mathematical points and will polarizing angle, then the reflected and refracted rays
not easily break che crystals at other points. are exactly 90º apare.
Considering the two preceding paragraphs, it is ob- Notice that the 45 º and 90 º angles are significant in
vious that the energy comprising different crystals the application of force to light (electromagnetic
representing different elements has an amactlon force energy). This effect matches the 45 º angles of prisms
throughout the crystal. This attraction force is greatest and pyramids as well as the 90 ° angle important to a
along a particular plane: the GYROSCOPIC PLANE ! conductor system.
2S 25
J. What does the picture below represent? L. The first connectio n between magnetism and
o ptks was discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845.
FIGURE 25-J Faraday discovered that che plane of líght polarization
is rotated when polarized light is allowed to pass
chrough an isotropic medium located within a strong
magnetic field if the light travels in a direccion parallel
to the direction of the magnetic fteld. This observation
demonstrates the effect of gyroscopic spins comprising
light interacting with the gyroscopic-spin-composition
of matter and magnetic energy with respecc to che
plane of gyroscopic spins of ali interactions.

Etectromoqnel wmdmqs ~,


Rotatlon of the plane of polarlzatlon by a magnetic field:

Faraday effect.

M. A related, magneto-optical effect to that of
Does Figure 25-J appear similar to the forces Faraday's was discovered by John Kerr in 1875. Kerr
generated by an electric or magnetic field? Actually, found that an isotropic, optical medium placed be-
Figure 25-J represents a picture of a sheet of glass cween the places of an electrical condenser became
undergoing stress which causes the glass to doubly- doubly refracting when the condenser is charged.
refract. If there was no physical (mechanical) strain This observation again demonscrates the presence of
upon the glass plate, the plate would have no effect che gyroscopic spin or plane.
upon the light passing through it. One may then con-
clude that when placed under stress, the glass plate FIGURE 25·M
releases a glimpse of its "secret" concerning the plane
of its electromagnetic composition.

K . Certain materials (liquid mixtures) have the prop- Tr1n1p1r1nt Simple
erty of rotating the plane of light polarization by an
amoum directly proportional to the length of the light The Kerr eflect.
path in the sample.
(1) Sorne materials cause a rotation that is clockwise N. An effect similar to that of John Kerr's was also
when viewed towards the light source. discovered by A.A. Cotton and H. Mouton in 1907.
They found that certain isotropic, optical media
(2) Sorne materials cause a rotation that is counter- become doubly refracting when placed in a strong
clockwise when viewed towards che light source. magnetic field. Such an observation again demon-
strates the presence of che gyroscopic spin or plane.
(3) Observe that such rotations match my descrip-
tion of "negative" and "positive" charges. These
negative and positive charges compose ali matter and
represent the same gyroscopic entity seeming to spin
in opposite directions (when viewed from the per-
spective of an observer). FIGURE 25-N
(4) Observe that such rotations indicate that materi-
als are eicher a little more negative or positive in
charge depending upon their electromagnetic com-
posicion. Unless such is the case, why else would dif-
fering liquid solutions have reverse effects upon light Schematlc dlegrem: Cotton·Mouton effect.
(cleccromagnetic energy)?
O. Ali of the above processes - which involve pro- light (electromagnetic energy, i.e., gyroscopic par-
ducing double refraction in a normally isotropic ticles) "colliding" with a material (a razor blade also
medium via the application of mechanical deforming composed of electromagnetic energy, i.e., gyroscopic
forces, magnetic fields, and electrical fields - have a particles) at an angle which graphically demonstrates
basic similarity: in each case, physical (mechanical) the effect of the gyroscopic action and gyroscopic
strains are produced within the medium which accord- planes. Observe that the light and dark lines (which
ingly becomes anisotropic. surround the outer perlphery of the razor blade) form
the conventional patterns of electric or magnetic
Consequently, there is a definite, scientific pattern "lines of force."
which emerges in the above observations: the gyro- One should recognize that the light and dark lines
scopic composition of matter reacts to a proper force . are explained by my description of "negative" and
"positive" charges which represent opposite spins of
(1) Observe that in ali cases a force is applied which the gyroscopic-action-type-particle. The observed pat-
causes the electromagnetic composition of the terns in Figure 25-P will occur when such gyroscopic
material to react. particles travel in the same direction (as light) and
have thelr axes acted upon by a force which causes
(2) Observe that in ali cases the presence of electro- them to move at right angles to the imposed force as
magnetic energy is obvious. well as to one another. (This explanation satisfies both
the wave and particle theories of light!]
(3) Therefore, in ali cases the reactions were due to As described in Chapter Three, a magnetic field
the material composition (electromagnetic energy) be- consists of "negative" and "positive" particles - [the
ing affected by the mechanical action of such elec- same gyroscopic particle is described as being either
tromagnetic energy (consisting of gyroscopic particles). "negative" or "positive" via the direction of its spin
Such reactions demonstrate the "action/reaction effect" with respect to the frame of reference of the outside
created by the gyroscopic spin or plane which con- observer] - with opposite spins and traveling in oppo-
stitutes the basic mechanical structure of ali matter. site directions like cars on one-way streets. In addition,
25 when a conductor wire is applied (as a mechanical
P. Such an "action/reaction effect" is observed in the force) at right angles to those " negative" and
following example: "positive" particles, both "versions" of the single,
gyroscopic particle traveled down the conductor wire
FIGURE 25·P in the same direction.
It should now become apparent how light can be
produced from an electric current which consists of
gyroscopic particles traveling in the same direction
with opposite spins.
When light strikes an object (as the razor blade in
Figure 25-P) at the appropriate angle, the gyroscopic
particles (having clockwise and counterclockwise spins
comprising the light) travel in opposite directions or
have sorne alteration of their original direction. This
mechanical action creates the image of an electric or
magnetic field via the observed " lines of force." Such
action should clearly demonstrate the gyroscopic effect
of matter.

To summarize two important points:

( 1) A magnetic field mechanically consists of

''negative' ' and ''positive '' gyroscopic particles
having opposite spins and simultaneously traveling in
opposite directions, e.g., the concentric "shells of
force '' surrounding a bar magnet. (Refer back to
Chapter Three for a detailed analysis of this effect.)

(2) An electric current mechanically consists of

"negative" and ''positive" gyroscopic particles having
Fresnal diffraction etfects in the shadow of a razor blade.
opposite spins and traveling in the same direction
down a conductor wire - as does light traveling in
Tbe photograph in Figure 25-P depicts the effects of space through a medium.


A magnetlc fleld mechanically consls ts of "nagatlve" and An electrlc current machanlcally consists of " nagative"
" positiva" gyroscopic particles havlng opposita spins and and "positiva" gyroscopic particles having opposite spins
slmultanaously traveling in oppos/te diractions, e.g., the and travallng In the same diractlon down a conductor wire
concentric "shells of force" surrounding a bar magnet. - as doas light traveling in spaca through a medium.

from origina/ sketch by Robert J. Matherne

Q. Further evidence of che gyroscopic cffect of should exist.] The Zeeman Effect represents the split-
matter is demonstrated by the follow ing: ting of spectral lines into components of slightly dif-
ferent frequencies when the light source is placed in a
(1) Every chemical element emits a characteristic strong magnetic field.
spectral line when che atoms of che element are ex-
cited in a flame , furnace, o r in an electric discharge. (4) In Sections 25-Q(2) and 25-Q(3) above, che
This again demonstraces the varying eleccromagnetic described effects upon spectrographic lines are
composition of different materials. [Since all matter is similar. Such lines are a characceristic of each
composed of che same gyroscopic particle, the elec- elemenc's gyroscopic (eleccromagnetic) composition.
tromagnetic composition of matter varies with the In (2) above, the spectrogram's lines vary when travel-
particular angle of incidence (plane of spin) for a given
gyroscopic particle. J ''Ali of tbe above observations
These spectral line variations are similar to the light
and dark lines that become visible when materials are demonstrate tbe tmportance of tbe
placed under physical (mechanical) stress. Both of gyroscoptc-action composttton of ali matter
these effects are a result of the electromagnetic com- and demonstrate tbat even sligbt cbanges
position of ali matter. (in materials via tbe gyroscopic angle of
(2) lf the material comprising a prism is altered, che tnctdence) can produce a noticeable
spectrographic lines will also change in their distance dijJerence In observed r esults. "
between one another. This effect corroborares my ex-
planation that different macerials are different elec- ing through different materials having different gyro-
tromagnetically, i.e., cheir gyroscopic planes vary. scopic (electromagnecic) composition. In (3) above,
Consequently, the degree of deflection of penetration the spectrogram's lines vary under the influence of an
of differem materials by light traveling ata 45 º angle external, electromagnetic (gyroscopic) field.
will vary cominuously as will light deflection.
All of the above observatio ns demonstrate che im-
(3) Such action on che part of light is further porcance of the gyroscopic-accion composition of ali
evidenced by che Zeeman Effect. [Pieter Zeeman had matter and demonscrate that even slight changes (in
scarched for another magnetic effect upon light since macerials via che gyroscopic angle of incidence) can
he knew that Faraday had believed that another effect produce a noticeable difference in observed resulcs.
R. The following is additional evidence concerning Remember that light consists of gyroscopic particles
the importance of the gyroscopic conception of rnatter: moving in the same direction , but with a (possibly)
equal number of such particles spinning in one direc-
(1) The observed, spectrum "band" of colors pro- tion ·anda (possibly) equal number of gyroscopic par-
duced when white light is dispersed by a prism actually ticles splnning in the other direction. All such gyro-
varíes in hue on a continuous basis from the violet to scopic particles are interspersed throughout the
the red end of the spectrum. Such a spectrum is not general flow, direction of the light.
composed of seven distinct "bands."
In figure 25-R, the spectral lines travel to the left
and to the right of the point where light (electromag-
netic energy) first physically enters into surface AB at
a 45 ° angle.
FIGURE 25-R If you imagine numerous surfaces parallel ro surface
AB and oriented throughout the prism (which is ac-
tually a three-dimensional pyramid), then you will
recognize that the gyroscopic particles of light vary
continuously in their angular degree of penetration (of
a 45 ° angle) as they pass through the material.
The continuous variation in color hue is created by
che continuous variation of "negative" or "positive"
gyroscopic particles that exist in any one plane (sur-
Red (640mµ) face) within the prism. [The electromagnetic function
Oronge (600mµ)
Yellow (580mµ)
Green (520mµ.)
of the eye with respect to the brain is appropriate to
Btue (480mµ.) how or what we visualize.)
Viole/ (450mµ.)

(3) The fact that infrared and ultraviolet light are

Dispersion of whlte light by a located at opposite ends of the spectrum operationally
prism. Typlcal values of wavelength
associated with the different colors means that one color "band" has more "negative"
are indicated at the rlght. charges and the other "band" has more "posltive"
charges. Consequently, the two color "bands" repre-
sent different types of matter !

"In reality, eacb gyroscopic particle

(2) If one applies my description of " negative" and consists of identical gyroscopic-a ction-
"positive" particles with opposite spins (gyroscopic entities which demonstrate botb "negative "
action) to Figure 25-R, then the observed spectral and "positive" cbaracteristics depending
results will be precisely explained: upon the gyroscopic orientation of the spin
REASON: The gyroscopic particles comprising light w i th respect to the outside observer. "
have opposite spin d irections. These gyroscopic par-
ticles either collide with other gyroscopic particles From the begínning of my research, 1 have endeav-
comprising the atoms of the prism or they have an ored to prove that all matte r is composed of a varying
influence-force placed upon them by the gyroscopic amount of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic par-
particles comprising the atoms of the prism. This ticles. In reality, each gyroscopic particle consisrs of
"collision" or "influence-force" mechanically occurs identical gyroscopic-action-entitles which demonstrate
as a result of a close encounter between the loosely- both " negative" and "positive" characteristics depen-
bound gyroscopic particles within the light causing ding upon the gyroscopic orientation of the spin with
such gyroscopic particles to move at right angles to respect tO the outside observer. Moreover, the ar-
the force exerted upon them by the more tightly- rangement of such gyroscopic-action-entities (via
bound gyroscopic particles within the prism. slight degree changes in their respective axes of rota-
However, because of their opposite spins, the gyro- tion) can be infinlte. Such infinity can generate infinite
scopic particles comprising light will move in op- forms of matter.
posite directions to that force as they encounter the (4) Gyroscopic action also provides an explanation
gyroscopic particles within the prism, í.e., one gyro- for the nature of X-rays which originate by separatlng
scopic particle within the light will move " right" (at electrical terminals while placed in a partial vacuum.
sorne angle between oº and 90 º) and the other gyro- Such a separation causes dlfferent amounts of
scopic particle (having an opposite spin) within light "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles to be
will move "left" (at sorne angle between Oº and 90 º). released, thereby forming another type of matter.

S. You may now be beginning to understand how ali rays have something in common: such rays are ali
the "spin" orientation of gyroscopic particles pro· electromagnetic energy and they are therefore com-
vides an explanation for all rays emitted by different posed of gyroscopic-action-entities.
materials. Such gyroscopic action ("negative" or What causes such rays to differ? I have endeavored
"positive") is also verified by the fact that as certain to prove that the wave motion of these rays are caused
rays are emitted from one type of material, that same by a variation in the number of "negative" or
material will undergo decay into another form of mate- "positive" gyroscopic particles composing a given ray
rial. The new material is composed of a different quan- as well as the angular. degree by which such rays are
emitted from their source.
"Tbe wave motion of tbese rays are 2S
T. QUESTION: Have you Mastered what was taught
caused by a varlation in tbe number of in Section 25 above? If you have, then you must now
'negative' or 'positive' gyroscopic partieres realize the critica! importance of understanding the
composing a given ray as well as tbe mechanical, gyroscopic-action-entity comprising the
angular degree by wbicb sucb rays are atoms of ali materials. Many such materials will be used
in energy machines designed for 100% (conversion) effi-
emitted from tbeir source. " cient utilization of Einstein's equation of E = MC 2. Such
an understanding will also permit the creacion of new
tity of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles. materials with varying electromagnetic characteristics.
The opposite effect is also true: by bombarding
uranium atoros with neutrons (which are agglutina- "Tbe bebavior of tbe gyroscopic partiere
tions of gyroscopic particles) the uranium is
transformed into the heavier element transuranium .
can still be mecbanically understood
The differing forms of matter which are continuously and operationally predicted in accordance
observed in cyclotrons are forms generated by the in- witb Newtonian Mecbanics. "
teraction of "negative" and "positive" gyroscopic
particles. There are infinite, possible forms that such By studying whac I have written, you have glimpsed
matter can assume. Such infinite forms are caused by che Mechanical Essence of Quantum Mechanics: the
high-velocity particles reacting with "negative" and Gyroscopic-Action-Particle. This "gyroscopic-
"positive" gyroscopic particles comprising (and action-parcicle'' is the basic building block of ali matter
traveling within) the tremendous ~lectromagnetic and is the mechanical essence of E = MC2. The behavior
fields generated by such units. of the gyroscopic particle can still be mechanically un-
Based upon the electromagnetic field experiments derstood and operationally predicted in accordance
of Michael Faraday, the electromagnetic theory of wich Newtonian Mechanics.
radiation was proposed by James Clerk Maxwell in If you ha ve Mastered what I have earnestly sought to
1865 and experimentally corroborated 20 years later teach you up to this point, then you should have no
in Germany by Heinrich Hertz. difficulcy in understanding and Mastering che teachings
It should be obvious from studying Figure 25-S that which will follow.
Chapte r 12

A. The mathematicaJ equations involving " Work, under the mass to permit it to fat i. (Had the man con-
Force, and Power" are engineering equations which tinued to support the mass he would have become
satisfy the past and present-day industries of the fatigued to the point of collapse and physical damage.)"
world. They are not appropriate tofuture industries.
Such equations are not universal, scientific equations WORK = FORCE X DISTANCE (by convencional
and they do not satisfy a rigorous sciencific scrutiny. mathematics)
The equations which I w ill propase below are scien- According to this simple formula, che man in the
tific equations and do sacisfy scientific scrutiny. In above example did no work.
addition, these equations will fulfill thefuture engi-
neering need of induscry and will conceptually mesh POWER = WORK ..;. TIME (by convencional
with an understanding of the gyroscopic-action-entity mathematics)
which is che basic building block of ali matter and According to chis simple formula, the man in the
represents the mechanical essence of E -= MC2 . above example exerted no power.

1 will now define a " Force" in accordance with FORCE = MASS X ACCELERATION (by convencional
Newton's Laws: mathematics)
According to chis simple formula, the man in the
" A 'Force' is any actlon capable of causing a above example exerted no force.
reaccion from an enticy which is in or may enter
che influence of that ' Force'!" [I should point out that from the perspective of
Statics, there !§ FORCE exerted but there is no
To an observer, " Force" may be perceived as POWER or WORK. J
"Obvious" or "Unobvious." I mathematically
disclnguish between " Obvious" or "Unobvious" Force. Because the force of the man and the force of gravity
One cannot have (Obvious or Unobvious) " Work, upon the mass are equal and opposite, then conven-
Force, or Power" occurring without energy participa- tional mathematics would state that there is a net
cion and cransference. force of zero .
The consistem, semamic application of the rerms 26
Obvious or Unobvious to " Work, Force, or Power" C. I v.<Ul now examine the internal actions of the man in
wi!I accurately stimulate the mind of che thinking in- Figure 26-B to determine if the predictions obtained via
dividual which will further the progress of science conventional mathcmatics correspond with the Facts.
and che improvement of the Human Race.
26 The Facts are as follows: During s trenuous exercise
B. It is the essence of the scientific mechod that a or stress, the heart may pump eight times as much
sciencific theory should stand or fall with respecc t-0 blood as in a period of relative relaxatio n , i.e., as
whether its predictions correspond with the Facts. many as 12 gallons a minute. Ali of the following con-
With this in mind, 1 will now apply the conventional ditions drastically increased while the man held the
mathematical formulas for Work, Power, and Force to mass: the hcartbeat, blood flow, breathing, oxygen
a factual observation: flow, che electromagnetic stimulation of the brain and
body cells, and the fermentation process to produce
energy occurring within the muscle cells.
FIGURE 26-B Internally speaking, the man did produce Work and
Power which resulted in the man producing a Force.
Internally speaking, Potencial Energy was converted
to Kinetic Energy. It is important to note that the
"A man has a 400-pound mass placed upon his shoul- Potencial Energy of the mass being supported by the
ders. The gravitational force pushes down with 400 man was a direct result of the interna!, Kinetic Energy
pounds upon the man. The man pushes up with 400 within the man. In essence, the presently-accepted,
pounds of force on the mass. The man supporcs the mathematical equations concerning \\í'ork, Power,
400 pound mass for 10 minutes and then pivots from and Force do not correspond with tbe f acts.
D. To properly view the Facts from a scientific basis, the man in the above experiment did produce Unubvio us
Work, Unobvíous Power, and Unobvious Fo rce. Until he dropped che 400-pound mass, both the man and gravity
excrted a force. Consequemly, che net force could n ot be zero - o nly the net mo vement was zero.
E. By subjecting them to proper scientific scrutiny, the presently-accepted, mathcmatical formulas describing Work,
Powcr, Force, Potencial and Kinetic Energy are not scientifica ll y accurate! I pro pose that more expllcit and scientifi c
mathematical formulas would be as follows:


¡1m1croscopically-oh:;cr v;1ble MASS X AC:C:E l.ERATION]


(molecular, atomlc, and/or sub-atomlc MASS X ACCELERATION]



The above mathematical fo rmulas do correspond with existence of Unobvio us Kinctic Energy: materials
the facts . They satisfy a ll prevlous requlrements as bo th fatigue and break/collapse from supporting a
well as the example o f thc man suppo rcing a 400- fo rce. Gas molecules " heat up" when compressed by
pound mass. The man dtd produce Unobvious Work, a fo rce. Such observatio ns prove that materials react
Unobvio us Power, Unobvious Force, and Unobvious with Interna!, Unobvious Kinetic Energy when a statlc
Kinelic Energy. He die/ not produce Obvlous Wo rk, force or Potem lal Energy is exerted against them .
Obvlous Power, Obvlous Force, or Obvious Kinetic 26
Energy. G . To improve your understanding o f my statements,
The L. Pearce Williams biography on Michael Fara- consider Einstein's equation of E= MC2 . The nature of
day states that during the early years of Faraday's in- the mass-energy relatlonship is such that the mass
tellectual development, Faraday was very impressed (and welghc) changes associated with Potential Energy
with a book written by Dr. Isaac Watts entitled, The conversio n loto Unobvious Kinetic Energy (whích oc-
lmprovement of the Milld. As a disciple of John
Lockc, Dr. Watts continually emphasizcd thc impor- "It can now be scientifically observed from
tance of the observcd fa ct and the dangcrs of lm-
tbe facts tbat ali static forces and ali
preclsc language. In his book, The lmprovement of
the Mtnd [published in Lo ndon, 1809], Dr. Watt cau- potential energies exist as a result of
tlons the student to carefully distinguish between continutng, Unobvious Ktnetic Energy.,,
words and th ings test he " feed upon husks instead of
kerncls." Dr. Watt's emphasis u pon carefu l observa- curs internally within matter) is immeasurably small.
tion and precisely dcscrlbcd facts equipped Michael Consider also that the gyroscopic-action-entity
Faraday with a seemlngly infallible guide, i.e., the represents the Mechanical Essence of Einstein's equa-
essencc of the scientific method. I wish to provide tion of E = MC 2 and that the mathematlcal formu las I
you, the reader, wlth the precise, mathematical equa- present properly account for the existence of che gy-
tions which J have prescnted above in order to permit roscopic-action-enti ty.
a better scientific unde rstanding of matter.
F. It can now be sciemiflcally observed from the facts Newton's Third Law of Motlon states: by the law of
that a li static forces and ali potential ene rgies exist as Action and Reactio n , a Force must be resisted by an
a result of continuing 1 Unobvious Kinetic Energv. Equal and Opposite Force.
(Verify this fact by observing the Unobvious Kinetic
Energy internally produced within the man as long as What does the mathematical term "equal" really
he supported che 400-pound mass on his shoulders.) mean? It means " identical in mathematical value or
There are additional observations which verify the logical denotation; equivalent."
Energy to accomplish this task. The mass loss is not
easily measurable since we are describing the effects
that generate atomic energy. As you know, we are
discussing E= MC 2 . The existence of the Gyroscopic-
Action-Entity exactly fits the First Law of Then;nody-
namics since it appears this Entity cannot be created
or destroyed.
The present utilization of atomic reactors as a
source of energy production is extremely inadequate
According to Newton's Third Law: if I hold an iron for the demánd.
material at a distance (see Figure 26-G) from a strong, The energy machine I have innovated has no harm-
permanent magnet (causing me to resist a constant ful side effects • , will cost little, and will be small in
attraction force of 200 lbs.) - what happens to me? I size cornpared to a nuclear reactor. Ali that I have
must use Unobvious, Interna! Kinetic Energy to con- written has been based upon the concept of the gyro-
tinually resist the attraction force of the permanent scopic emity on which I started working in 1965.
manget. According to Newton's Third Law, the Since that time I have sought to preve or disprove
magnet must also be utilizing Unobvious, Interna] this concept. The more I have learned, the more cer-
Kinetic Energy to produce the constam attraction tain I became of its truth.
force, i. e., an "equal" action and reaction! If you have Mastered what I teach, then you must
If the magnet were not to react with Unobvious, recognize the reality of my Pioneering Invention.
Interna! Kinetic Energy, then Newton's Third Law However, the access toan unlimited source of energy
would be defied. In resisting a continua!, attraction is not by any mearis the ultimate discovery!
force, I had to expend a constant, Unobvious, Interna! The energy machine I have innovated simply uses
Kinetic Energy. If the magnet produced a constant at- Universal Energy (the gyroscopic-action-entity). Such
traction force and did not utilize any Unobvious, utilization must occur if man is to end his stupidity,
Interna! Kinetic Energy, then such observed results hunger, greed, and wars - and advance to other solar
would be "opposite" and not "equal. " Hence, such a systemsl Consider how long it took our Species to
concluslon would be obviously incorrect. discover how to harness the motion of flowing water
The Facts clearly show that the atoms within myself, vía a simple waterwheel.
the magnet, the iron material, and the wall ali pro- It has been obvious to me that what I have seen so
duced "Unobvious Work, Force, and Power. " There clearly was unirnaginable for most people. What I
was no " Obvious Work, Force, or Power" produced. have seen is, at the very least, equal to the effect of
26 Einstein's equation of E= MC2 . It gives me much con-
H. I have presented more precise mathematical equa- tentment if you now understand what I have presented.
tions which are conducive to an improved scientific This is the purpose of my Book.
comprehension of Matter in accordance with the
Mechanical Essence of Einstein's Equation of E= MC 2 .
Such a mechanical essence is represented by the gyro-
scopic-action-entity which is the basic building entity
of ali matter.
Consider once again the equations Wu = FT,
(Pu =~'), and Fu = [S]F. •Note: There are no harmful side effec ts bccause che size o f che gyro·
scopic-ac tion-encic y is so small that it easil y passes through th<: acomk
A perrnanent magnet " X " that attracts an object structure of living tissue. In nuclear fission. the sub·awmic parcicles
" Y" with a constant force of 200 lbs ., twenty-four (rcpresenting agglucinations of gyroscopic particles) arefar lar1<er
hours a day for 30 days will have performed the and can do damage w 1he a1o mic scructure of living tissue. By
analogy, if one 1hrew a dust p;micle at a largc fishnec . the particle
following: would easily pass 1hrough the nec. However, if one a1temp1ed to pass
a large boulder (composed of millions of dusc p;micles) chrough the
Wu (200) X (60 sec.) X (60 min.) X (24 hrs.) X (30 days) same fishnet, it wouk1 cause damage coche nec. By anolher analogy.
my energy m<1chine - in its u1ilization of nuclear cne rgy - differs
Wu 518,400,000 lbs.-sec. from conventional nuclear energy füurces in che following manner:
1 have discovered a previously unknown source of "underground,
Fu = 200 lbs. constant un ique runn ing water. " 1 tuve thcrefore devised a "waccrwh ecl" (my
energy machinc) to tap inco this exising cnergy of unique running
Pu = 200 lbs. constant wa1er (1he corninual mo1ion of 1he gyroscopic p<micl es). The crnwen·
1ional nuclear energy approach would he IO secure a cup of normal
The gyroscopic energy in the magnetic fíeld wacer and actemp1 to " smash" 1he no rmal w;Jter wi1h a hammer to
cxcracc thc ;11omic energy from 1he w:ue r. My proce~s is 100'.V.. (con·
produced Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, and vcrsion) efficien t and harmless (dueto che mimHe siz<: of cht' gyro·
Unobvious Force. The magnetic field also maintained scopic particles). Con ve mional nuclear fission is less than 1% cffi·
Potential Energy vía the use of Unobvious Kinetic cie111 and harmful (due 10 1he larger size of thc rc::leased panicl<.:s).

Chapter 13
" New and stirring th ings are belittled because 11 they are not belittled, the
humiliating question arises: Why then are you not taking oart In them?"
- H.G. Wells

27. T he reader should now become aware that B. I have not physically constructed the STATIC
other physical embodiments of my Pioneering Inven- ENERGY MACHINE design just described, but chis
tion can result by securing the proper • • , atom- does no t alter the fact that what I teach o utlines the
oriented, current-carrying materíals which have a pro- meaos fo r such construction.
per geometrlc design, and are placed within the ~

magnetic field of a permanent magnet. SAMPLE DES IGNS:

A. QUESTION: Ho w does one explaln the effect of (1) J should recomme nd utilizing a uniform magnetic
Lenz's Law which states that " the current lnduced in a fie ld as evidenced by that generated with a stro ng,
circult due to a change in the magnetic flux through it ho rseshoe magnet o r other means. (See Figure 27-B.)
or co frs motion In a magnetic field is so dlrected as co
o ppose the change in flux o r to exert a mechanlcal force (2) The utllizatio n of a pro per, acom·o rlented coll
opposlng the motio n. " wlth the correcc geometric design is crítica! ro che suc-
cess of the system. It wo uld be better to have only o ne
ANSWER: Simple. If a proper, atom-orlented material side of che coi! within that particular magnetlc field to
(wlth the proper aco mlc [geometric] design) was avoid che " cancellation effect. " (See Figure 27-B.)
placed withln a magnetlc fleld of gyroscoplc-actlon- (There could be addltlonal magnets placed In pro per
p:irtlcles (whlch móve át C and Spln at C) In á Cónfigura- current po larity around the proper, ato m-orlented coll.]
tlon whlch caused currem (gyroscopic particles) to flow,
then it wo uld be necessary to physically secure the pro-
per, acom-orlented material wlthln the Unobvious FIGURE 27·8
Magnetlc Force Field. If not secured, then the proper,
atom-o riented material would be physically repelled and
the energy cransfer of gyroscopic particles would cease.
[Earlier in this Book, 1 have demonstrated that Lenz's
Law was only an observtion which in fact described
those gyros~opic particles deflecced fro m a magnetic
field. Because such deflection occurs, it can be conclud- One slde of coll passes through
ed that the spin of such gyroscopic partlcles is ac right magnet's magnetlc field.
angles to the spin of the gyroscopic particles which re-
maln within and comprise che magnetic field itself. ]
Such physical repulsion of the proper, atom-o riented (3) With respect to che questio n of producing che
material Is in accordance with Newton's Law of Action pro per, acom-o rlented material, lt should be noted
and Reactio n! that when formed by convencional production tech-
niques, i. e., the use of heat, most materials appear to
• • No te: By the term " proper," 1 am rcfc rr ing to a mechanical under- align their atoms in random directions.
standlng (o f bo th the mo tion o f the gyroscopic particles comprlsing 27
a given electrom agnetic fl el d surrounding a magnet and the m otion C. ONE METHOD OF CREATING THE PROPER,
of thc gyroscopic panicles w ithin the atoms of the proper material)
wh ich permits o ne to co nstruct an energy mach ine designed for ATOM-ORIENTED MATERIAL:
the effl cient utilizatio n o f the maximum number o f gyroscopic par-
ticles existing within ali interacting systems, i.e., the stationary As Michael Faraday proved, neutrality to a magnetic
magnet's kinetic magnetic field and che proper material.
In addition, the specific ato mic str ucture (physical o rientation) of field does n ot exist! All materials are aligned parallel
che energy machine·s materials - such as the proper material - or across lines of Unobvious Force when such
will differ from element to element or compounds in terms of how materials are suspended within an extremely powerful
such varying atomic scructures (concaining billions of gyroscopic
particles) will deflect excer ior gyroscopic panicles impinglng upon magnetic field. If a material undergoing atomic forma-
ch e gyroscopic pan icles contained wi thin such ato mic structu res. tio n is coo led within chis powerful magnetic field,
then the atoms of the material will assume a particular externa! magnet!c source) will move at right angles to
alignment. The at0m-alignment-direction of the that proper Force, but all particles will move in the
material could be changed if the magnetic field was same direction. (lt may be desirable to have fme con-
aJigned at 90 º to the material or at any degree less ducting wire impregnated within the proper material.]
than 90 º t0 the material. Such induced atom- 27
alignment would result in the atoms (of a given G. Ordinary materials may be possibly converted
material) comaining gyroscopic-action-entities having into proper, atom-oriented materials by subjecting the
orientations princlpally along the same axis and at any ordinary material to cryogenic temperatures. Such
temperatures w ould reduce the random atomic mo-
"Even tbe sligbtest degree alteration tion within the material and cause the atoros to move
towards a general axial alignment.
in atomic-axis-alignment can produce a
significant cbange in results obtained. " H. In addition to other methods, one can employ
contained, high pressures (or stresses) to possibly pro-
desired angle of atom alignment with respect to the duce atom alignment. The atoms of ali materials will
proper material's length. Thus, such material would react to a sufficient, externa) force.
possibly become a proper, atom-oriented material. 27
27 l. In effect , it will be essential to dcvelop the correct
D. 1 again stress that nothing in the energy system's techniques for the production of proper, atom-oriented
design can be taken for granted! Even the slightest materials which achieve an atom alignment possesslng
degree alteration in atomic-axis-alignmcnt can pro- internally-contained force fields which can be coupled
duce a significant change in results obtained. Refer to with the Prope r Geometric Design of the system. Such
Sections 25-F through 26, and you will observe visual a system will generate the contro lled release of elec-
facts which confirm the truth of this statement. trical energy from magnetic fields of Unobvious Force
27 when the proper, atom-oriemed material is physically
E. However, merely having at0m-alignmem is insuffi- secured within the lines of Unobvious Force comprls-
cient to produce the desired results. The utilized ing che Externa! Magnetic Field.
material (wlth its particular atom-alignment) should
produce very little (if any) magnetic field (gyroscopic To create such a system will require standard test-
particles) in the surrounding area beyond the physical ing as demonstrated in the 19th Century by Thomas
dimensions of the material icself. It is obvious from Edison's perfeccíon of the desígn for the light bulb.
the facts of science that different materials produce
results which vary sígnificamly. (As proof of this,
simply look at the wlde diversity of conductors, semi-
conductors, and non-conductors.)
F. It is very likely that the proper, atom-oriemed
material w ill have a different atomic alignmem than
thac of a conventional magnec concaíning atoms
generally alígned along a certain axis which causes the
release of an Externa! Magnetic Field. In the proper,
ato m-oriented material, the magnetic energy (resulting
from such at0m orientation (alignment) will be primar-
ily comained within the physical boundaries of the The atoms of a conductor align at right angles to the
input current in a circular configuration within the conduc-
material itself. The intent of such a system is to have
tor. By the time this Book.went to press, Mr. Newman had
the gyroscopic parcicles of the Externa! Magnetic Field developed a detailed explanation of this process whlch
interact with the atoms comprising the proper, atOm- will be presented in greater detall in the Second Edition.

"In tbe proper, atom-oriented material,

tbe magneiic energy (resulting from sucb
atom orientation [alignment]) will be
primarily contained witbin tbe pbysical
boundaries of tbe material itself. "

oriented material. This will result in the proper Force

beíng applied to the axis of those gyroscopic particles
being emitted from che externa1, magnetic source.
When this occurs, thc: gyroscopic particles (from the
Chapter 14

28. I will now discuss another EMBODIME T of my Pioneering Invemion.

A. The follow ing is a DECLARATION by Dr. Roger Hastings (who deserves the reader's respect):

April 29, 1982
Mr. J.W. Newman has shown me a demonswuion in which lead powder placed
gingerly onto the surface of water exhibits a most interesting property. Nearly
microscopic streamers of lead immediately flow down in to che water from the lead dust
on the surface. Viewed under che microscope, the particles in the streamers appear as
brilliant sparks of light. The streamers swirl in a vonex motion. Having believed that
lead is inert to water, this demonstration gave me considerable surprise, and markedly
raised my opinion of Mr. Newman as a Scientist. My graduate and post-doct0ral training
was in the field of condensed macter (solids and liquids), and I am quite certain that
Mr. Newman's discovery would generare considerable excitement in this community
of sciemists. Applications of chis discovery are very likely to be fonhcoming. (Mr.
Newman has aJready de cribed an application in hi declaration witnessed by his patenc
an orney, Me. Pugh, on Aug. 1, 1979.) ~ / ~

~¡&/~ \
Roger Hastings, Ph.D.
Principal Pbysicist
Sperry Univac Corporation

I am acting on my own in matters related to ELLEN C. BRULE
Mr. Newman ·s inventions, and am in no way NOTAtY ru1uc - Ml~SOT A

represerzting Sperry Unit•ac Corporation. OMOTA COUN1Y

My commiuion expires fob. 27, 1986

Roger Hastings, Ph.D.

B. The reader should reaJize that chronologically, the essence of the gyroscopic-acrion-entity (acting in ac-
cechnological developmem of my Pioneering Invention cordance with Einstein's equarion of E= MC 2 ). the
occurred in che following sequence: narure of maner, and the nacure of a magnetic field
chan those who utilize concepts taught by the Prior
(1) The GAS EMBODlMENT Art. Such is true because the facts clearly verify the
(described in Section 28-F) validity of the " Mechanical," Technical Process which
l teach - a process which adheres to the established
(2) The STATICEMBODIMENT Sclentific Mechod. Let che facts verify my predictions;
(descrlbed in Section 27A-I) the result is a " Pioneering lnvention."
(3) The CONDUCTING-COIL EMBODIMENT C. 1 will now insert my technical papers referring to
(described in Sections 15 - 22) the process described by Dr. Roger Hastings in Section
28-A. These papers were wicnessed by Mr. Emmett
The fact that I ha ve developed three differerzt Pugh (my Patent Attorney with a physics background)
BODIMENTS o f my Pioneering lnvemion proves on August 1, 1979 and were forwarded by Mr. Pugh to
th2t 1 have more clearly unders tood the " mechanical" the U.S. Pacenc Office.
PROTOTYPE PROOF OF MY PATENT APPLICATIONS straight line from che center of the end of magnet and
PENDING ON AN UNLIMITED SOURCE OF ENERGY. 360 ° around the end of the magnet. 1 also found chis
effect could be neutralized after 3 or 4 dunkings of the
Attached with my Energy Patents Pending, there is a magnet. Bue could be reinacted if che magnet was
Scientific Document that 1 have written. Pages 6 through rotated above the particles again.
12 of that Document state that gravity is the unobvious These results gave me no doubt electromagnecic
effeccs of electromagnetic energy and that matter is held energy was being generated throughout the distilled
cogether and attracts and repels other matter electromag- water which is an extremely poor conducting medium.
netically. 1, accordingly, took a flashlight with a magnifying glass
Pages 12 through 21 explain electric charge, for making a concentrated light beam and made the room
magnetism and electricity and in conjuction with my dark. I found no obvious results with Gold, Silver, Cop-
Energy Patent Applications explain and disclose how an per, Zinc, Aluminum, Iron o r Bismuth. However, with
Unlimited Source of Energy can be released from elec- Brass and Lead 1 did find the results l had predicted in my
tromagnetic fields of force. Energy Patent Applications and Scientific Document!
The Patent Examiners have recently turned down my From the metals of Brass and Lead I observed
Ene rgy Patent Applicatlo ns on the basis of wanting to streamers coming from the floating metal particles on
see a working model. top of che water. The streamers consisted of a web ap-
The following disclosure demonstrates this working pearance dotted profusely with tiny metal microscopic
model: particles or groups of acoms which carne from the above
It is presently stated in physics that it is virtually im- floating metal.
possible to see any details of particles in suspension I concluded that these groups of metal atoms were
without an electron microscope. pulled out of the floating larger metal particles because
It is also presently stated the only movement observ- the total electrical attraction of che water molecules
able of particles suspended in wate r is in accordance were greater than the total electrical attraction the metal
with Brownian Movement which uses microscope of atoms had for each other in the small floating metal par-
500 to 1,000 times enJargement wilh drop of water on a ticles. 1 verified this as fact by suspending a large piece
slide, and any-movement observed is so slight, it is of the metals of Brass and Lead; and this result was not
doubted by sorne observers. observed, except when I put rough or sharp edges 6n
As a result of my many years of work and in accor- the metals. (You will observe this result fits exactly as I
dance with my Energy Patent Applications Pendíng, I predicted in pages 6 thro ugh 12 of the Scientific Docu-
concluded che following: ment attached with the Energy Patent Applications).
I know the onJy way 1 was likely to easily and inex- Of great scientific importance and scientific break-
pensively get material movement as a result of interaction through is the observable fact that these minute metal
with the gyroscopic particles moving in electromagnetic partícles attracted down into che water have an obvious
fields of force was to get particles of minute size. energetic pivoting or fli ckering motion when observed
Thereby, when the proper material minute particles by a flashlight beam. There are continuous convec tion
were struck by the gyroscopic particles moving in an currents also, but not near so exciting. This is exactly
electromagnetic field they would have an electric cur- the results I had ancicipated and built the prototype for!
re nt induce d into them¡ which would crcatc an expand- This also satisfied the exciting results J have predicted in
ing magnetic field and as a result of the combination of my Energy Patent Application.
thls effect coupled with the gyroscopic particles of the To be sure this effect was not caused by light, photo-
electromagnetic field moving at right angles to any electric effect, l set up the prototype in the dark and lec
resistive force they encouncer the particles should have a sic for one hour and when 1 turned on the flashlight the
p ivoting actlon. partlcles were ali already pivoting evcn when light was
Accordingly, therefo re, I did the following: swung through test. Even when light is not directly o n
I took severa! diffcrent metal materials and filed off metal atoms they can be seen pivoting with same enthu-
small particles of each metal which I floated on water in siasm. The opposite was also done, che filings were put
dlfferent glass bowls for different metals. under bright light and then placed in water while under
I observed that ali the metal particles attracted each light and then put up close to light source and let sit for
other and that they resulted in always forming a crystal one hour under light and results were still the same .
structure on top of the water. 1 tried Silver, Gold, Also knowing the mass of light is extremely hard to
Aluminum, Bismuth, Iron, Brass, Copper, Zinc and Lead. detect, in past sensitive experiments designed just for
1 observed there were times when a magnet was such purpose. And knowing che atoros of the test are ex-
rotated above any of che material sorne of the particles tremely heavy (Mass) inertia effect compared to mass
would become excremely magnetic and just as quickly and lack of inercia displacement ability of light (a thin
lose this property. I also observed that when one end of small light piece of tissue paper when suspended by a
the magnet was scuck in the wate r clase to che mera! thread will not move when a strong light beam is shown
particles floating, they would all shoot away from the on it). However, in extreme contrast, che Earth's electro-
m~gnet :ilong the curved lines of force which was in a magnetic field will quickly aligo my large 90 pound
magnet even when suspended by a rope! Also the force, which produces electric current in the metal parti-
streamers are affected when a magnctt is put up next to cle, which also produces an expandlng magnetic field
the glass bowl containing the test. which induces an electric current in neighboring metal
To be sure this vigorous pivoting action of the minute particles and opposing magnetic field which causes
metal particles was not a chemical reaction, I tested with pivoting, but when electric current in first metal particle
litmus paper and, in addition, observed there was no is subsiding, its associated magnetic field then is collaps-
noticeable dlfference in the appearance of the metal par- ing and, thereby, induces electric current in opposite
ticles electroplated on the wall of the glass bowl. direction in neighboring metal particles which attract,
I also was impressed that when copper and zinc filings thereby, causing pivoting back toward original positlon.
were put in same bowl, there was an electrolysis effect This effect is taking place throughout the entire pro-
and floating particles had thick fungus-looking substance totype and ln additlon is mirrored back and forth among
on the under side. However, absolutely no pivoting action the entire prototype resulting ln a fantastically energetic
could be seen of the particles in suspension. pivoting action in ali directions of the minute metal par-
Also lead is noted for its chemical resistance, even ticles throughout the prototype.
against sulfuric acid. Another fact that proves electricity is being produced
Also impressive is the fact that when Copper and Zinc is that the emire inner wall of the glass bowl evemually
are heated to the point of combining their atoms to form becomes lightly and evenly electroplated with metal
Brass, the atoms of Copper and Zinc cannot be distln- atoms after about 24 hours. (Even when distilled water is
guished between. Which proves as I have predicted, atom used.) Consider now Faraday's First Law of Electrolysis:
alignment of a material is relative to gyroscopic particles The weight of any material deposited on the cathode
moving in an electromagnetic field reacting with the during electrolysis is directly proportional to the quantity
material atoms and producing an electrlc current! of electric charge passing through the circuit.
Therefore, the results of this prototype prove the atoms This law states that the weight of a substance
of the metal suspended in the water are affected by the deposited is proportional to the quantity of electricity.
gy roscopic particles moving in the Earth's or any electro- Ali of the above proves beyond any doubt I have dis-
magnetic field of force as I have contir.uously predicted closed a working prototype of my invention explained
they would be in my 120 page Scientific Document and in my Energy Patent Applications and a Scientific
two Patent Applications on Unlimited Source of Energy Breakthrough that has never been disclosed and
from electromagnetic fields of force! This is also proved explained before on this earth.
by the electrical field that exists in the water relative to I have succeeded in disclosing a new invention which
the filings floating on the water which are repelled when those skilled in the art by taking this, my Energy Patent
a magnet is stuck in the water. These are also the results I Applications and attached Scientific Document will be
was looking for and predicted before I ran this new scien- able to make many obvious improvements upon. (Such
tific breakthrough prototype and was the exact reason I as new type batteries, capacitor, etc., utilizing (Gravity)
went to small filings in that 1 had hypothesized from my electrical fields and magnetic fields.) However, 1 aro
many years of work that I should get particles of minute most certainly entitled to my first patent Claim and ali
size to easily and lnexpensively see any obvious results other claims as 1 have shown a completely and totally
from the effects of the continuous energy of electromag- new invention which will result in being the most bene-
netic fields of force. This prototype has proveo the exact ficia! invention ever put forth for this Earth before now!
results I explained in my Patent Applications. I have accomplished ali of this with virtually no scien-
The prototype also indicates the following basic tific equipment, it is obvious what can be now accom-
possibility law: plished with proper financing and scientific equipment.
The maximum kinetic energy of each gyroscopic partl-
de (d ue to its velocity) that is moving at C in the electro-
magnetic fields of force of the Earth or any source is in- joseph Westley Newman
dependent of the intensity of the electromagnetic field
of fo rce. And, therefore, the pivoting action of the metal
atoms in the test that are hit by the gyroscopic particles
moving in an electromagnetic field are the result of the
taws of a gyroscope moving at right angles to the force
applied to it and in conjunction wíth the present laws of
dectro magnetic induction. The metal atoms consits of
dcctromagnetic energy as does the electromagnetic
fidds of fo rce and they react to one another when they
a>llide, resulting in pivoting action of metal atoms in the
procotype. The gyroscopic particle moving in the elec-·
llOmagnetic field attempts to spin the metal atom it
&llf:kes, which is resisted, therefore, results in the gyro-
scopic particle moving at right angles to this resistive
Chapter 15

D. My mechanical unclerstanding of the "gyroscopic- mosphere, thc fields produced by the dynamo effect
action-entity" composition of ali matter combined are several orders of magnitude Jcss.)
with my natural curlosity regarding che nacure of elec-
trical storms, led me to the developmenc o f the GAS (3) In drier climates, dust st0rms produce surface
EMBODIMENT for my Pioneering Inventlon. electrical fields much greater than the normal field
and are charncteristlcally oriented in the opposite
The follow iñ.g facts concerning e lectrical storms directíon from the no rmal ficld. (Other examples o f
stimulated my thoughts: this opposite-cllrection-effect are snowstorms and
smoke/steam blown from locomotives.)
(1) Jupiter possesses a strong magnetic field. Power-
ful, electrical disturbances occur within its acmosphere (4) Ali ions participate in random mo lecular motlon.
and intense burscs of radio waves are emitted from When an electric field is created in the atmosphere,
such dlsturbanccs. the eleccrlc field superimposes (upon the random, at-
mospherlc motlon) a "drift veloclty" tn the field's
(2) The Earth also possesses electrical storms, but of Ciirectt'on when the ion charge Is "positive," and
less incensity chao those onJupiter. opposite to the fteld's direction when che ion charge is
"negative." The actual conduction currents flowlng in
(3) I then asked mysclf: why the electrical-lncensity che medium depend u pon the established Electric Flelds.
díffcrence between the two planets? I also observed
chat both che gravltatlonal (Unobvious Effects of Elec- (5) It has been determined th:u updrafts and
tromagnetlc Energy consistlng of gyroscopic partlcles) downclrafts (high wlnds) in clouds and storms consist
:rnd m:ignetic fields of Ju pi ter are substantiall y greater of separate electrícal charges! By what 1 teach, this
than those on Earth . In addition, both the atmospheric means that one draft consists of "negative" charges
composition and prcssure of the two planets differ. I and the other draft consists of "positive" cbarges/
then concluded that the cwo planees' electrical scorms
differ in ince nsity and frequency as a rcsult of differing One can unde rstand why I was stlmulated by Fac t
Magnctlc Ficlds, gases (atmospheres), gas p ressures, 28-E(5), sincc it coincides prcciscly with my cxplana-
tcmpcrnrures (possibly), and rotacional speeds. tion of thc bchavio r of gyroscopic particles (in a
211 magnetic fi eld) which travel in opposite directions
E. l then studied rhe known facts concerning Earth 's " like cars on one-way streets." Su ch mechanical
electrlcal starms. Those facrs which l found interest- behavior generares an effect whích causes the outside
ing include che following: observer to perceive a gyroscopic-action-entity as
" negative" at o ne instant and "positive" at anothe r
(1) Thunderstorms :1re che largesr and most spectac- instant in time.
ular atmospheric electrical gcnerators. The mechanism . It was obvious to me that Fact 28-E(5) proved that
rcsponsible for such elcccrical activity ís vcry com- thc updrafts and downdrafts actually represented a
pHcated. circular molion. By placing clecrrically-sensitive instru-
ments in the path of such activity, the circular motio n
(2) The motion of air across the Earth's Magnetic would appcar as " negative" o r "positive" depending
Field produces an Electric Field in che atmosphere u pon the frame of reference of che observer.
(gases). Within the highly conducting regions of the 2 11
lowcr ionosphere, this process is called che " dynamo F. Combining the knowledge I had acquired, I
effect" and it is respoosible for larger electrical cur- applied for a Patent for the First (GAS) Embodiment of
rencs which are studied ar the Earth's surface by my Pioneering lnvention in March, 1979. The follow-
meaos of the magnetic fields which such electrical ing are drawings and instructions from my Patent Ap-
currencs produce. {However, within thc lowcr at- plication 179-474 for my First Embodiment:
115 119


FIGURE 28·F(1)

FIGURE 28·F(2)

f lRST EMBODIMENT (Figure 28-Fl )

O ne possible, exemplary embo dlment using che ho using 116 is regula ced by means o f che line 122 wlch
principies o f che syscem of the presenc invc ntion is its gauge 123 and control valve 124. Eleccric current
schematlcally sho wn in che generalized illuscracion o f oucpuc wircs l 19 are provlded and cxtcnd clown to
Figure 28-Fl . electrically connecc with a wire pick-u p syscem 118
As illustraced in Figure 28-F l , chere is provicled an (shown in close-up in Figure 28-F2), which can be fo r
electrlcal current gencrmo r 100 comprising an o ute r example in che fo rm of very small w ires forming a
keeper housing 115 and an inner, pressure-containing, closely-spaced network or mesh o r of a po rous con-
closed ho using 116 suppo rced the reln by insulating duccing m etal bod y o r sheet, located In and exte nded
suppo rts 105. A vacuum exiscs In che area 106 be- tl1ro ughouc che fluid 11 7 in che houslng 116.
rween che cwo houslngs 115, 116, whlch vacuum is It is noted that a chlmbleful o f gas conrains a fan-
regulatecl and induced by means o f che vacuum line tastically large number o f extrcmely tiny bodies which
104 w ith les gauge 107 and its concro l valvc 108. The are in concinuous, rando m mo tio n moving at excreme-
o uter housing 115 acts as a keeper fo r magnecic fields ly high speeds. lle nce, the fluid 11 7 continuo usly ap-
of fo rce, and can be made, for example, o f soft !ron, plies a fo rce to thc gyroscopic partic les (comprising
whlle che vacuum in area 106 prevents Lhe leakage or che magnetlc field as described in Chapter Three)
dlscharge of stacic eleccrical charges which mlght moving at che specd of light in the high electromag-
build up o n che exterior o f che lnner houslng 116. netic field (produced by che magnecs 120) as chey con-
A gas o r gas-liquid mix cure 117 which may also in- tlnuo usly collide with each o ther, which results in the
clude solid panicles such as, for example, lead or fluid 117 bccoming electrically charged . The charged
brass filings, is included wlchin the inner housing 116 fluid 117 discharges its eleccrical charge to the pick-up
surrounding a series o f aligned magnets 120 carried by wire netwo rk 118 posicioned in che fluid , and the elec-
insulacing braces o r suppo rts 121 and producing a tric current so pro duced and generated is caken o ff fo r
high, combined electromagnecic field. The magnecs use via the electrical output wires 11 9.
120, w hich can for example be cryogenic magnets, As an alternativc to having internally-contained
have their " north" and "souch " poles alígned (as il- magnets 120, the electromagnetíc field needed in the
lustrated by che "Ns" and "Ss") so chat thcir magnetic fluid 117 could be pro duced by a source located o ut-
ficlds reinforce on e anoche r. side o f the confines of the fluid 117 as long as a
The Ievel o f che gas o r gas-liquid mixture 117 in che significant field was produced within the fluid 117.
Lead or Brass Fillngs (powder) on Surface of Water

- H
- T

· os
- u
- e


Clear Cont ainer of Distilled Water

G. The FIRST EMBODIMENT (discussed in Section FACT: Figure 28-H is in fact an astronomical photo-
28-F) can be developed to produce significam results. graph and yet this picture represents the ex a ct forma-
The first step would be to construct a design (at least) tion and action one will witness when conducting the
8 feet tall and 16 feet long which is capable of experiment described in Sections 28-A and 28-C!
withstanding "high" and "low" pressures. One
should utilize a strong magnetic field(s) and test a How unique it is that if we " open our minds" we
variety of pressures, materials, gases, fluids, etc. A can observe - in miniature on Earth - a process
monitoring or viewing area would be important to which produces a reflection of what possibly occurs
study the interna! reactions. The height and length of on a much grander scale in the Universe. I find it very
the EMBODIMENT would permit observable and more difficult to believe that such interesting results are
distinct circulation of the medium. "pure coincidence."
Actually, those who observe this test become en-
H . I now refer back to the lead powder demonstra- thralled, since it is like experiencing the feeling one
tion discussed in Sections 28-A and 28-C. A enjoys upon viewing the sky on a clear night.
demonstration conducted as l described will provide If you, the reader, have Mastered what I have
the exact results as seen in Figure 28-H. Observe the taught, then you should be inspired. You should also
remarkable resemblance to astronomical photographs "peacefully and responsibly" recognize the
which depict those star systems enveloped within a significance of what you have Mastered. 1 would now
gas (web appearance) undergoing stellar birth. recommend that you "prepare your mind for more."

Chapter 16
"lf lt should be said that the physical nature of gravitation has not yet been consldered, but only the
law of lts action, and, therefore, that no deflnltlon of gravlty as a power has hitherto been necessary;
that may be so with sorne, but then it must be hlgh time to proceed a llttle further if we can ..."
- MlehHI Farad1y

By this poim in che Book, che reader should recognize what gravíty represems. As an íntroductíon to what I wíll
presenc, I wish to pay tribute to Isaac Newton and quote those words whích demonstrate his mental clarity and
profound insight:

"Jt is inconceivable, that inanimate brute matter should, without the mediation of
something e/se, which is not material, operate upon, and affect other matter without
mutual contact . . . and is one reason, why I desired you would not ascribe innate
gravity to me. That gravity should be innate, inherent, and essential to matter, so that
one body may act upon another, ata distance through a vacuum without the mediation
of anything else, by and through which their action andforce may be conveyedfrom one
to another, ís to me so great an absurdíty, that I believe no man who has in philosophical
matters a competent faculty for thinking, can ever f ali into it ... "

Urom the PRINCIPIA, published by the University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1934, page 634 of the Appendix.j

29. A. I will now demonstrate that Gravity - as you In Figure 29-A, the positive charge within each mass
may already reallze - represents che Unobvious Effects attracts the negative charge and repels the positive
of Electromagnetic Energy. charge of the other mass. In addition, the negative
charge attracts the positive charge and repels the
EXAMPLE: If a single " negative" and a single negative charge of the other mass.
" posítive" charge are physically separated from one 29
another 8 ©, one could easily detect their ex- B. WRONG CONCLUSlON from observing Figure 29-A:
istence as electrical charges. However, if the two The attraction and repulsion forces of the two,
separate charges are joined, then one would have a separate masses are equal; therefore, they would
mass of (±) which neutralizes the Obvious elec- neither attract nor repel.
trical chatacterlstics possessed by the charges when 29
physically separated. C. RIGHT CONCLUSION: The unlike charges will seek
Visualize two, separate masses of @ and @ . to obtain the least possib/e dt'.stance between them-
Nelther mass would demonstrate Obvious electrical selves with respect to the two, separate masses; and
characteristics. But consider what occurs (with respect the Like charges will seek to obtain the greatest possible
to the attracting and repelling forces of those two distance between themselves with respect to the two,
physically separate masses) when they are brought separate masses. [Remember that the charges belng
close to one another: simultaneously repelled are also belng simultaneously
attracted and such charges cannot physically move far
from one another.]
FIGURE 29·A Conslder the implication of the Inverse-square Law
with respect to the attracting or repelling force of
charges. The most dominant forces are those between
the charges existing within each separate mass. Conse-
quemly, the attraction force is greater than the repul-
sion force between the two separate masses - but (as
an order of magnitude) this difference is unimaginably
small. [A simple mathematical analogy demonstrates
this " unimaginably small" difference: If we assign to
equal attraction and repulsion fo rces a " unity of 1," scopic-action-particle) composition on Earth.
then the difference (in the attracting forces being 29
greater chan the repulsion fo rces) would be an ex- F. One may ask, " When they are both dropped from
tremely smaJI percemage of such ''unity of 1," e.g., the same height, why doesn't a heavy mass fall faster
only .00001.J than a light mass towards a significantly larger mass,
Such a small difference is clearly demonstrated by e.g., the Earth? "
the facc that the attraction force of Gravity (che ob-
served effect of the interaction of unobscrved clectro- ANSWER: Such masses fall at the same rate because
magnetic fields comprising Matter) is extremely less che attraction force (due to the " unequaling effect"
than the (" unity of 1") attraction/repulsion forces of [Gravity]) will be only a small percentage of the "unity
Obvious electrical charges as well as those same forces force of 1'' (in effect between ali gyroscopic-action-
(gyroscopic-action-particles) which comprise magnetic particles comprising ali Matter) and will also be a con-
fields o r Matter itself. stant for a particularly large mass such as the Earth.
(See Figure 29-F.)
"As a result of sucb Unequaling Forces, tbe
attraction force is always minutely greater FIGURE 29·F
tban tbe repulsion force. "
D . 1 hypo thesize that the following represents the ~ The heavy mass has three times as
Law of Gravity with respect to the Inve rse-square Law:
The difference in the Unequaling Fo rces (in accord-
t many gyroscopic particles as the
light mass.

ance with the law of distances sought between " like"

and " unlike" gyroscopic-action-particles) of the two,
t The Earth is the signlficant F0<ce
Produoer and th1s Force Factor wlll
vary from planeno pfanet.
abovc-mentioned masses causes a Fo rce of Gravity tO t t
be a very small percemage (example o nly: .0001 of a EARTH
" unity of 1" ) of the equally attracting and repulsion
forces having a "unity of l. " [Refer to Section 25-E.) 29
Such equal forces (with a "unity of 1") represent a G. The (attraction) " Force Factor" (with a magnitude
batanee of a11 the " negative" and "poslrive" gyro- on the order of .0001 of the " unity of l" occu rring
scopic-actlon-particles comprising ali Matter. [I remind between ali "oppositely-charged" gyroscopic-action-
thc reade r that such "negative" and " positive" gyro- particles) demonstrates that the speed of an object (as
scopic-accion-particles are actually composed of only a result of that "Force Factor") is independent of the
one type o f gyroscopic-action-entity which appears tO number of gyroscopic-accion-particles comprising that
move in o pposite directions depending upo n the object. This is true because every gyroscopic-action-
frame of reference of the observer.J entity comprising that object has the same small at-
As a result of such Unequaling Forces, the attraction traction " Force Factor" with respect to the Earth. As a
force is always minute/y greater chan the repulsion result, the object cannot travel any faster (than the in-
force. Such an inequality of forces is still incredibly dependent speed of its basic composition) towards the
less than the attraction /repulsion forces of Obvious major " Force Producer, " e.g., the Earth.
electric charges or magnetism which have a "unity
(force) o f 1. " EXAMPLE: Observe the following simple analogy:
NOTE: For the convenience of expression, I am arbi·
trarily assigning this " unity (force) of 1" value to elec- FIGURE29·G
tric charges and magnetism in order to provide the
reader with sorne subjective means to distinguish such
forces from the very weak gravitational force which
would have - as an order of magnitude - a value of
approximately .0001 based upon the above forces
having a value of "l.")
E. It should be clear that such Unequaling Forces
occur regardless of mass size or number. This minute
attraction force cannot be neutralized by placing un-
cruugcd or non -magnetic matter between the Earth
and another object. If this were done, such matter In Figure 29-G, there are two auto drag strips label-
would simply participate in the same " unequaling ed l and 2 , On drag strip 1, there are ten identical
effect" between its own " negative-positive" (gyro- automobiles which can each achieve a speed of 100
mph in 1.4 mile. On drag strip 2, the re are five binations (of such particles) are infinite, allowing
au tomobiles identical to those on drag strip 1, and Matter to vary in gyroscopic particle composition
each automobile can achieve a speed of 100 mph in 14 which can be p red ominately "negarive" (gyroscopic
mile. If ali the automobiles on drag strips 1 and 2 start particles) or "positive" (gyroscopic particles). As
at the same instant, the front automobile in the 10-car proof of rhese variances in " positive" and " negative"
group will reach the finish line at the same instant as charges within Matter, see Figu re 29-I:
the front automobile in the 5-car group.
However, if one attempted to stop both groups at ELECTROMOTIV E SERIES OF THE METALS
the finish line, o ne would need to exert twice the Metal Electrode Potential (''Volts' ')
force to stop the 10-car group as the 5-car group. (If Lithium - 3 .02
the automobiles had twice the motor power, then Potassium -2.92
they would travel twice as fast.) This simple analogy Barium - 2.90
represents the same effect gravity has upon mass via Sodium - 2 .71
the Unobvious effects of " unequal effects" between Aluminum - 1.67
gyroscopic-entities comprising all Matter. Zinc - 0 .76
Chromium - 0 .71
H . The difference in the Gravity Effect of various Iron - 0.44
planers occurs for the same reason that - like the two Nickel - 0 .25
groups of automobiles - such planets have different Tin - 0 . 14
masses. (See Figure 29-Hl and 29-H2.) Le ad - 0 . 13
Hydrogen (arbitrarily set at zero ''o lts reference) 0.00
Bismuth + 0 .20
Copper +0.34
Silver + 0.80
FIGURE 29·H1 Mercury + 0 .85
Gold + 1.68
(Conventional teachings depict these differences on
an inefficient chemical basis. I teach these differ-
ences also exist on a more sign~ficant and powerful
Planet (1) E= MC2 basis.)

It is obvious that such variance in electrode poten-

tial can only o ccur as a result of different electromag-
netic composition between the various substances. If
FIGURE 29·H2 all Matter was simply composed of an equal number
o f " negative" and " positive" gyroscopic particles,
then such electrode potential differences could not
exist. (Because such differences are so slight com-
pared to the immense quantity of " negative " and
Planet (2) " positive" gyroscopic particles, the diffe rences are
not Obvious in normal utllization of the substances.)
If Planet 1 has twice the gravitational force of Planet J. Another Proof of such variance in quantity of
2, then Planet 1 is twice a "major force producer" than " negative" and " positive" gyroscopic particles can be
Plan et 2. Falling objects on Planet 1 would equally re- observed by the conventional facts of present teachings:
spo nd in accordance with the " major-force-producer
effec t" (Gravity) of Planet 1. The same objects placed
on Planet 2 would equally respond in accordance with
the " major-force-producer effect" (Gravity) of Planet 2.
Ho wever, the gravitational effe.ct of Planet 2 w ould be ó6
baif that of Planet 1.
l . Prior to my work, Matter has been thought to be
cqually composed of " negative" and " positive"
charges. The Facts I have presented demonstrate that
Ibis is not true and that Matter is composed of immea- In observing Figure 29-J, it has been said that:
smable numbers of "negative" and " positive" gyro- " Rubber rods and glass rods can be made to have an
scopic-action-particles. Moreover, the possible com- electric charge by rubbing the rubber with fur or flan-
nel and the glass with silk. Two electrified pieces of In Figures K-1 and K-2 , the gyroscopic-action-particle
hard rubber rods will be found to repel each other as spin on the glass rod is opposite to that on che rubber
will cwo electrified glass rods; bue an electrified hard rod. One can see that the periphery interaction of the
rubber rod will attract to an electrified glass rod." gyroscopic particles (spinning at the speed of light) on
The experiments depicted in Figure 29-J do not edge K-l(b) would easily " merge" (attract) with those
prove that different materials are composed of eqoal periphery spins of che gyroscopic particles on edge
numbers of " negative" and " positive" charges (gyro- K-2(a). [The same is true for edges K-2(b) and K-3(a).]
scopic partícles), but proves just the opposite. If the Attraction would also occur if the glass rods were
mate rials were equal in their "negative" and placed parallel to che rubber rods. However, by scudy-
"positlve" composition, then one would obtain equal ing che above Figures, one should also observe how
results when the glass or rubber rods were rubbed; the edges of che two glass rods (or two rubber rods)
moreover, one would also obtain equal results when placed end-to-end or side-to-side would repel one
boch glass or rubber were rubbed with silk o r fur. another, e.g., edge K-3(b) placed against edge K-4(a).
29 Such repulsion occurs because che periphery spins of
K. It is a known Fact that electrical charges (gyro- the gyroscopic particles on edges K-3(b) and K-4(a) are
scopic particles) will tend to place themselves as far in che same direction. (The periphery attraction/repul-
from one another as possible, or they wiJI distribute sion of che gyroscopic particles occurs in the same
themselves in such a manner that their density per manner as che periphery attraction/repulsion discussion
surface unit is everywhere equal. in the Seccion on Magnetism (See Chapcer Three).]
In Figures K-5, K-6 and K-7, it should be apparent
Let's examine what occurs when my teachings are that the three rubber rods would repel one another
applied to these observed results: since ali their gyroscopic particles are spinning in the
same direction causing ali edges (and their respective
1 teach chac when one rubs che glass and rubber gyroscopic particle peripheries) to repel one another.
rods cogether (both are good electrícal insulators) as in 29
Figure 29-J, the " outer skin" surface of the material L. QUESTION: What would occur if the rubber rod
eicher loses or gains gyroscopic particles (electrical in Figure K-2 was flipped over 180 °?
charge) demonstrating the " negative" and "positive"
composition of ali Maner. (Remember, ali gyroscopic WRONG ANSWER: The rubber rod in Figure K-2
particles are identical. Those that are " negative" would now be repelled to che glass rods in above
would - to an outside 0bserver - appear to spin in a Figures K-1 and K-3 as the gyroscopic particles of the
different direction from those that are " positive." But rubber rod would now be flipped over 180 ° co repel
such " negative" and "positive" gyroscopic particles the glass rods as shown in Figures L-1, L-2 and L-3 as
are rocaced 180 º wich respect co one another.] depicted on the following page.


FIGURES 29·K·1 through 29·K·7

ing numbers of gyroscopic particles then create in-
finite types o f Malter. Thc machcmatical eombinations
FIGURES 29·L·1 through 29·L·3 (of such possible gyrations combined with the
number o f gyroscopic particles) are infinite.
Such a view is consistem wjth all Matter in the
Universe being composed of the same entity having
an attraction (or repulsion) of ''ONE'' towards
another. Thís mechanically explains the consistency
between the marhematical laws of Magnetism, Electric
Charge, and Gravity. My comprehensio n of this
mechanism generates in me a most " humbling" ex-
L·1 L·2 L·3 perience, which 1 feel evento chis day. I hope you,
the reader, also cxperience this feeling.
I will now prescnt additional Facts for your con·
" This is the lncorrect answer!" sideration and study.

RIGHT ANSWER: It makes no difference if you flip

over by 180º the rubbe r rod in Figure K-2. Regardless
of how one flips or tums rubber rod K-2, one would
stitl see the same spin direction for the gyroscopic
particle (electrical charge) comprising rubber rod K-2.
There would still be an attraction force between che
glass and rubber rods regardless of their respecrive
orientations. (See Figures L-4, L-5 and L-6.)

FIGURES 29·L·4 through 29·L·6

L·4 L·5 L·8

" This is the correct answer! "

M. Once again l state my " humbling" feeling con-
cerning the simple nature of this gyrosco pic particle:



Magnetic and Electric Fields are indeed equal. They

are o ne and the same !

The basic mechanlsm of nature is ingenio us because

ali Matter is composed of one type of Gyroscopic-
Actíon-Particle. By traveling in varying directions,
such particles create a fo rce influence upon one
anorher causing them ro gyrate with respect to one
another. As a result, this mechanical action and vary-
Chapte r 17
lNERTIA "Why should gravltatlon, of ali the many forces In nature, be the only one to be so intimately
relatad to inertia, which is supposed to be an lnherent property of bodies that is lndependent of
the natura of the force belng exerted?"
- Petar J . Brancazlo

1 will begin the subject of inertia with a quotation* from the exceptionally well-written book entitled The Nature of
Physics by Peter J. Brancazio.

30. A. Quoting from pages 146 and 147:


"One aspect of gravitation that may provide a clue as w its ultimate nature is the peculiar relationship between
gravitation and inertia. This relationship is most pointedly illustrated when we re-examine in detail the
derivation from Newtonian principies of the law of falling bodies. Newton derived the law by substituting the
gravitational force between the earth and a falling body of mass m into the equation F = ma:

Fgrav = GMEm = ma
RE2 ·

"The next step is to cancel the m on both sides of the equation, with the result that the acceleration
a= GMEIRE2 is independent of the mass of the falling body. Herein líes the mystery.
''The m that appears in the equation F = ma is a measure of the inertia of the body. It meas u res the resistan ce
of a body to any force. Let us call chis the inertlal mass. The m that appears in the equation F = GMm/d 2
determines the strength ofaparticular interaction involving the body- namely, the gravitational force. Let us
call this the gravitational mass. The inertial and gravitational masses must be exactly equal; otherwise we could
not cancel them in the above equation. If they did not cancel, we would arrive at the conclusion that the
acceleration of a faUing body does depend on its mass (either inertial or gravitational, or both), which is contrary
to experience. The theory of gravitation would be incorrect.
"Therefore, we see that Newton did not really derive the law of falling bodies; rather, the law of fa!Jing bodies
(an experimental result)/orcea him to assume that the inertiat and gravitational masses must be equal.
"The equality of the inertial and gravitational masses is extremely puzzling to physicists. Why should
gravitation, of ali the many forces in nature, be the only one to be so intimately related to inertia, which is
supposed to be an inherent property of bodies that is independent of the nature of the force being exerted? This
connection between inertia and gravity - two completely different and otherwise unrelated properties of
bodies - has thus far eluded an explanation. In fact, Einstein Iooked on the equality of inertial and gravitational
mass as a fundamental principie of nature and used itas a starting point for the general theory of relativity. This
thcory proYided yet another conceptualization of gravity. Einstein's theory of gravitation is far too complex to
summarize in a few sentences, so we will defer a discussion of it until a Iater chapter. In any case, the equality of
the inertial and gravitational masses is clearly an important clue as to the fundamental nature of gravitation (and
inertia as well). This equality must be explained by future physicists if a deeper comprehension of gravitation
and inertia is to be achieved.
"In view of the lack of a fundamental understanding of the nature of gravity, it seems remarkable that
Newton's theory of gravitation could have brought about such an enormous advance in our understanding of
the universe. But this is characteristic of the way in which science progresses. It is not necessary to understand
gravity fully in order to have a successful theory of gravitation. Simply by accepting the concept of gravitation as
an axiom, we can account for a wide variety of seemingly unrelated phenomena in relatively simple terms. Thus
in view of its simplicity, comprehensiveness, and predictive power, the theory of gravitation must be
considered an outstanding theory. The attempts on the part of sorne physicists to ' understand' gravity represent
the next state in man's attempt to probe ever more deeply until the ultimare answers are found- if, in fact, such
answers exist."

[*Reprinted with permission of MacMillan Publishing Company from The Nature of Physics by Peter]. Brancazio,
Copyright © 1975 by Peter]. Brancazio.]
B. I have already demonstrated that Gravity repre- the "gravity effect." (This effect was originally ex-
sents the " Unequalizing Effect" of the number of plained in Section 25Hi.)
" negative" and " positive" gyroscopic particles com- )0
prising all Matter. (Again I stress that such " negative" E. Have the same massive log suspended by a cable
and " positive" gyroscopic particles are in reality one and attached to a support which permits the massive
type of gyroscopic parcicle which is depicted as log to balance in the air. (See ,Figure 30-E.)
"negative" or "positive" depending upon the
particle's given spin direction and the specific plane of
that spin direction.]
The dominating mechanicaf essence of the observa-
tions concerning the term " Gravity" of a planee (large
bodies in space) upan other objects represents the
Obvious "force factor effect." Such an effect is GIANT REDWOOD
sornetimes Unobvious. The mechanical effect of the
term "weight" of an object is totally relative to the
number of gyroscopic particles comprising that ob-
ject, the Unequaling Effect of its electrical charges, FlGURE 3~ E Earth
and the Unobvious " force field effect" of a particular
gravitational field! Such a description is the same for
gravity, except that gravity can be observed as either In this example, one has mechanically produced an
"Unobvious" or "Obvious." "Unobvious Force" which does not in any way cancel
the " gra vity effect," but has simply "counter-
C. I will now demonstrate that the " Inertia" of a equaled" the " gravity effect" with respect to che
mass is also mechanically related to the quantity of gy- massive Iog. In Figure 30-E, one will now find it
roscopic-action-parcicles comprising that mass. Inertia relatively easy to move the massive log parallel to the
is simply the Unobvious, mechanical effects of the Earth's surface, e.g., swinging end 2 around 180 º
"speed" of the gyroscoplc actlon of the basic building 30
entity of all matter: the Gyroscopic Partic/e! F. One can easily see that Figure 30-E demonstrates
Consequently, one can easily mechanically under- two points:
stand why inertia and gravitational masses are equal. (1) Even whcn the " gravity effecc" was coumcr-
They both represent one and the same gyroscopic- equaled, there remained sorne type of resistance
action-entity (see Section 30-A) which demonstrates (Unobvious) force to che movement of chat mass. This
the mathematical "oneness" of the two effects. resistance (Unobvious) force is called "inertia."
The following quote is a tribute to Michael Faraday: (2) The Facts show that such "lnertia" - as a
''Faraday, in bis tast years, tried to show experi- resistive (Unobvious) force - is extreme/y weak com-
mentally a relation between gravity and e/ectricity, pared to electric or magnetic forces which have a
conc/uding hís paper with, 'Here end my trials f or '' unity factor of 1. ''
the present. The resufts are negative; they do not )0
shake my strongfeeling of the existence of a relation G. One can conclude that this weak, " inertia-mass
between gravity and etectricity, though they give no effect" is only sorne percentage of che " unity factor
proo.f that it exists. ''' of 1" and similar to the weak "gravity-mass effect."
30 CONSIDER THE FOLLOWING: Einstein's General
D. To understand the relation between gravitation Theory of Relativity has been criticized for its failure
and inertia, one must first have the proper mental to explain the concept of inertia. In Newtonian
perspectlve. The effect of inertia is extremely small. mechanics, it is stated as a fundamental principle that
Therefore, the mechanical essence of inercia can be bodies possess inertia, bue it is not explained why
very deceptive. bodies possess this property.



FIGURE 30·0 Earth

Imagine a massive log lying on the Earch 's surface. H. Consider the following experiment: a two-foot
As one attempts to lift even the log's end (see Figure diameter, fiberglass ball has a 10-pound, one-foot
30-D), one would encounter great resistance due to diameter gyroscope hidden inside (see Figure 30-H)
which has been rotated to 30,000 RPM (perfectly fect is relative to the "speed" of the mass. If the mass
balanced). An uneducated man walks up to the ball has no speed then lt can have no acceleration. During
and starts rolling it. As long as he rolls the ball in a acceleratlon the mass símply has varying speeds.
direction that does not change the plane of axis of the Hence, one can conclude from the facts that any
internal gyroscope, the ball wíll roll relatively easily. mass having speed also has inercia.
However, when he tries to roll the ball in a direction 30
which applies a force which auempts to tilt the axis of K. If one simultaneously shoots a bullet and drops
the interna! gyroscope, the uneducated man would be another bullet (of equal mass to the first bullet) from
dumbfounded since the ball would then resist him the same positíon, they wíll both collide with the
with great force. The ball would start gyrating in a Earth's surface at the same instant. (See Figure 30-K.)
rotational motion at right angles to the direction he WRONG CONCLUSION: Because the gravity effect
pushed the ball. The ball would greatly resist his ef- (Obvious Force) caused the two bullets with equal
forts to accelerate or reverse that rotational gyration. masses to slmultaneously collide with the Earch's sur-
If, at a later time, someone informed him about the in- face , it can be concluded rhat the inertia effect of the
ercia of an object, he would comment, " I know of an two bullet-masses did not change at any time.
object that has a 'varying inercia. "' In essence, the 30
mecha nical cause f or tbe difference in observed L. Consider the followíng experiment which wíll
results is caused by tbe "speed" of the interna[ mass! demonstrate why the above conclusion is wrong:
l. Because matter is principally equal in lts Construct a confíguration as depicted in below in
"negatlve" and "positlve" mechanlcal compositlon, Figure 30-L. Place two bullet " traps" equidistant from
i.e., it consists of the same, gyroscoplc-action-entity the end of the gun barrel. With che assistance of an
spinning in opposite directions, one may at first be electric eye (which can react fast enough) and an ap-
decelved and conclude che followlng: propriate mechanical devlce, the two traveling bullets
would be simultaneously deflected at a right angle to
WRONG CONCLUSION: Matter is principally "negative" thelr respective trajectories into traps 3 or 4. In addi-
tive" and " positive" in its compositlon and therefore tion, a pressure gauge could be connected to the me-
there wou!d be a "cancellation effect" with respect to chanlcal device employed to deflect the bullets ínto the
a pivoting motion when an (Obvious) force tilted their two traps. The purpose of the gauge is to measure the
respective axes. Therefore, the gyroscoplc-action- exact (Obvious) "opposing" force required to deflect
entlty canoot be the cause of the "inertia effect." the two bullets of equal masses into the two traps.
It should be obvious that to deflect the two bullets
'º Let's examine the CORRECT CONCLUSION:
J. will require considerably more (Obvious) force with
Consider the fact that (Obvlous) Force = Inertla respect to the mass of trap mechanism 3 than for the
Mass X Acceleration. " The m that appears in the equa- mass of trap mechanism 4.
tion F = ma is a meas u re of the inerria of the body. ''
(See Section 30-A.) Therefore, in reality, the inertía ef- QUESTION: Why the difference in force?


~- --

--- 2


UW-40: TRAP 1
-- -- --- 2

ANSWER: The difference in the forces demonstrated Spin a small, toy gyroscope and then balance it on
by the two trap masses is a result of the additional the end of a rounded pencil point. (See Figure 30-N.)
speed added to the composition of their masses. This If one lightly holds the pencil at its base, the top end
additional speed is also added to the "natural" speed of the pencil will proceed to pivot in ali lateral direc-
of the basic building emity of each mass: the gyro- tions ata rapid pace. Under such conditions, one
scopic-action-particle. would feel a continuously changing force which is
Because the mass of trap 3 had greater speed added parallel to the Earth's surface.
to its mass than the mass of trap 4, the test in- Before conducting the test, one would tend to
struments would indicate that the mass of trap 3 has a assume that when a gyroscope was moved parallel to
greater inertia effect than the mass of trap 4. the Earth's surface, one would experience no resistance
in spite of the speed of the gyroscope's spinning mass.
ADDITIONAL PROOF: When the additional speed is
removed (i. e., the mass is stopped), then the two "Tbe natural, inertia effect of an Obvious
bullet-masses demonstrate equal inertia effects. mass is a result oftbe 'speed ' oftbe
30 gyroscopic-action-particle wbicb is tbe basic
M . Consider the fact that motion (energy) is the
"natural" state of the Universe, and that the absence
building entity of ali mass."
of motion (lack of speed) of Obvious Mass is the "un- 30
natural" state of the Universe. O. Mass consists of gyroscopic particles spinning at
Energy's motion (speed) is always present, even the speed of light and moving at the speed of light.
when such .energy - in the form of g)rroscopic par- With such rapid motion, a "solid" mass would appear
ticles moving at the speed of light and spinning at the to indicate to the outside observer that the interna!
speed of light - is combined to form an Obvious gyroscopic particles of the mass are rigidly secured.
mass which macroscopically has an apparent absence However, such gyroscopic particles are not rigidly
of motion. However, an observer who was micro- secured, but are actually internally suspended in space
scopically placed " inside" that Obvious mass would within the mass comprised of such gyroscopic par-
o bserve the basic energy of all matter - the gyro- ticles. In addition, the gyroscopic particles appear to
scopic-action-particle - moving at very high speeds! aligo the spin of their infinitely small masses to certain
The natural, inertia effect of an Obvious mass is "planes of spin. "
the result of the "speed" of the gyroscopic-action-
particle which is the basic building entity of ali mass.
The "negatíve" and "positive" charge composition FIGURE 30-0
of matter does not cancel the speed of the infinitely
small, gyroscopic particle masses. Such charges only
produce an equaling "counter force" which prevents
an (Obvious) mass from behaving as a single, conven-
tional gyroscope. Moreover, the speeds of those in-
finitely small masses still exist and the existence of
such speeds is proveo via the observed, inertia effect
of an (Obvious) mass .
N. To funher sensitize the reader to the fact that one The speed and orlentatlon of the lnflnlte
number of gyroscoplc partlcles are obvlously
cannot take the ingenious action of the gyroscopic- not to be taken for granted!
particle-composition of matter for granted, conduct
the fol!owing test: (GYROSCOPIC PLANES shown below.)
Figure 30-0 depicts a " solid" mass consisting of an
incredible number of gyroscopic particles electromag-
netically coupled and suspended within the space of
chis (Obvious) mass.
1 P. An Obvious Force exerted upon a mass or "spin-
u ning" mass does not create the inertia effect. It is the
E resistance to that Obvious Force which is perceived
30- N as the inertia effect.

EXAMPLE: If one tilts the plane of a spinning mass

(gyroscope) toan angle equal to the gyroscope's
original plane of orientation in space, one will ex-
perience a right-angte resistance. The greater the
angle of displacement of that gyroscopic plane in a whether the spinning mass piv:ots left or right in
given instant of time, then the greater che resistance. response to an Obvious Force. In Figure 30-Q, one
(See Figure 30-P.) should see a similarity between the force required to
pivot the mass (composed of gyroscopic particles)
FIGURE 30·P from point 1 to point 2 and che force required to
deflect a bullet from its initial direction into a trap.
(Refer to Figure 30-L.)
(c In tests 30-L and 30-Q, the gyroscopic particles
comprising the masses involved have been forced to
pivot at right angles to their previous plane-in-space
direction. The resistance incurred is a direct result of
the sp eed of the particles involved. When the speed of
If one pivocs the gyroscopic plane of spin from the (Obvious) mass was removed, e.g., when the mass
point l to point 2, one will observe a noticeable was stopped, then the inertial effect was reduced.
resistance. Such resistance could be called an " inertia
effect. " If one then stops the gyroscopic spin and
repeats the same motion from point l t0 point 2, then
one will notice very little resistance.

QUESTION: Why the difference in resistance?

ANSWER: Such a difference is a result of the speed of

the mass, i. e., the additional speed added t0 the speed
of the gyroscopic spin comprising che mass. 30
30 R. Envision a gyroscopic (Obvious) mass as in Figure
Q. If the results of the test in Figure 30-P are puzzling, 30-Rl, which moves the plane of the spinning mass
repeat the same test but invision the interna! motion from point 1 to point 2 in a parallel position to the
of the particles comp rislng the "solid" mass. (See o riginal plane of gyroscopic spin in space.
Figure 30-Q.) (Remember, mass consists of infinite ly small gyroscop-
ic particles spinning at the speed of ligh t and moving
at the speed of light.]
In Figure 30-Rl, one will observe noticeably less
resistance in moving the mass from point 1 to point 2
compared to the resistance which is encountered in
Figure 30-Q.

QUESTION: Why the difference?

ANSWER: There is an extreme mechanical difference

between Figure 30-Q and Figure 30-Rl. This dif-
fe rence is a r·esult of the fact that the particles com-
prising the spinning mass in Figu re 30-Rl have had
their plane of spin moved parallel to their o riginal
plane in space.
The mechanical difference is similar to the test in
Figure 30-K in which the bullet mass was permitted to
collide with the ground. If the bullet had continued
In Figure 30-Q, since the gyroscopic particles travel traveling in a straight line following impact with the
in opposite di rections when the mass is rotated in op- Earth's surface, the bullet mass would have traveled in
posite direc;tions, one can easily understand why the a direction parallel to its original lnstant direction.
spin direction causes opposite results in terms of (See Figu re 20-R2.)

1 FIGURE 30·R2 Orlglnel ln atent directlon

-..- - .... - Contlnued direction
- - - - - -

S. Pay close attention to the test results in Figure matter. As mathematics would predict, ali three effects
30-R2: one can be deceived lnto belleving that the in- represent che actions of one mechanical entity - the
ertia effect of the bullet masses did not change be- gyroscopic particle.
cause che Obvious Force of gravlcy caused both bullec
masses to colHde with che Earch ac che same inscant. The following statement by Albert Einstein verifies
From the test in Figure 30-L, it has been demonstrated my mechanical teachings :
that there is a difference in inercias, but that the dif-
ference is deceptive. The same dífference is true for ''If a body gives off the energy E in the form of
che test in Figure 30-Rl. 1 have no doubt that if one radiation, íts mass diminishes by Ele± ... The mass
could accelerate the speed of che rotatlng mass (in of a body is a measure of its energy-content; if the
Figure 30-Rl) to chat of light, one would find a greater energy changes by E, the mass changes in the same
resistance than at conventionally slow speeds of only sense by Ele ± ... If the theory corresponds to the
thousands o f revolutions per minute. f acts, radiation conveys inerUa between the emitting
and absorbing bodies. "
comprising thac mass have a fixed plane or posicion in The previous quotatíon in ection 30-A concerning
spacc, e.g., a circular motion as in Figure 30-S l. Newton's mathematics further verifies my mechanical
teachings. The interrclated "oneness" of ali the
various Faces I have presented is more imporrant than
FIGURE 30·51 FIGURE 30·52 any Fact by itself.

In Figure 30-Sl, one imposes a lateral directlon

upon a partlcle traveling In a rotational plane direc-
tion. The energy necessary co impose chis direccional
c hange must be imposed from an externa! source. lf
one wishes to accelerate the speed o f the lateral direc-

"1be g ravity, inertta, and weigbt

effects wUl ali decrease or increase as
gyroscopic particles (comprlsing ali Matter)
are pbystcally removed or added to tbe
mass in accordance wttb Einstein's
equatton of E =MC2"

tion, onc muse impose addicional energy lO overcome

the prcviously compounded motion (speed) of che
particlc in space.
T. le should be obvious from the above Facts thac,
llke the gravity effecc, che inertia effecc is very decep·
cive. Boch effeccs are a resulc of che gyroscopic parti-
cle composition of ali matter.
The gravity, inertia, and weight effects will all
decrease or increase as gyroscopic particles (compris-
mg ali matter) are physically remo11ed or added to
tbe mass in accordance with Einstein 's equation of
E= M C2 . ln addition, che gravicy, inertia, and weight
cffects represent only a small percentage of the " unity
factor o f I " (discussed in Sections 29-C and 29-D)
cha ractcristic of ali gyroscopic particles comprising ali
Chapter 18

" ... 1have bu lit my house on the foundatlon of your theory of Latent heat and ... 1owe a jusi way
of thinking on these subjects to you ."
- t rom a taller by James Watt t o Joseph Black, December 13, 1782

1 wish to pay tribute to Joseph Black ( 1728-1799),

Scottish chemist and physicist, who is one of the
greatest sciemists who ever lived. I have no doubt in my
mind that had r visited Joseph Black in the 1760's and
had I informed him that E= MC2, he would have
replied: "I believe what you have stated is very possible
since my years of research have indicated to me that
sorne immense energy does exist in mass or matter."
With Joseph Black's brilliant work and great insight, he
would have had no difficulty or hesitacion in accepting
the validity of E= MC2.
lt is appropriate first to discuss chemiscry and heat as a
prelude to analyzing the Three Laws of Thermodynamics.

A. Chemistry is the study of the composition of ali
forms of matter found in the Universe. l will demon-
strate that chemistry is consistent with my single Joseph Black
ceachings concerning the nacure of electromagnetic Courtesy o/ Edgar Fabs Smith Collection.
energy: U11i11ersity o/ Pe1111sy/11a11ia
In chemistry it is presencly stated that every bond-
ing between atom and atom, as well as between Abo ut 1770, Joseph Black mad e sorne brilliant
molecule and molecule, represents potemial energy dlscoveries concerning h e at. Black showed that heat
sources. r epresented a quantity o f something and that temper-
I now introduce the fact that all chemical reactions atur e was the degree of h otnes s. In effect, he h ad
always involve electromagnetic energy. It makes no discovered that heat and te mperature wer e not the
difference whether the reactions are endothermic same. Not one ofJoseph Black 's contemporaries had
[when the reaction absorbs heat, Light, or electrical bee n able to establish a sharp distinction between
energy (ali forms of electromagnetic energy)) or ex- heat and te mperatur e .
othermic [when the reaction releases heat, light or To the great surprise of Joseph Black's colleagues,
electrical energy). Scientific conclusion: ali chemical and evento us today, Black demonstrated that wacer
reactions are the result of absorbing or releasing elec- continues to increase in temperature until it comes to
tromagnetic energy. Furthermore, electromagnetic a boíl and then the termperature rise will stop and re-
energy in che form of che previously described gyro- main the same until ali the water is boiled away. Such
scopic partlcles comprises ali matter. a constant cemperature is observed even if extreme
31 heat i·s employed. Moreover, the reverse is true when
B. It is appropriate to analyze a serious mistake once the vapor or steam condenses.
made in science: I return to the debate concerning Joseph Black also established that a mixture of ice
whether heat was a transferable emity called Caloric, and water remains ar the same temperature -
or whether heat was simply the resulc of motion as although heat may be emitted or absorbed - until it
staced by the critics of the Caloric Theory. The mo- is cransformed entirely into ice or water. Black used
tion concept of heat is still believed today in science the term "lacent heat" to describe the process of heat
and such a concept led to che Kinetic Theory. absorptlon.
Black wrote: "My conjecture, when put into form, tion between electricity and magnetism! It is importam
u·as to Ibis purpose, I imagined that, during boiling, ro remember that heat is "gyroscopic" electromagnctic
heat is absorbed by the water, and enters into the energy! Queslion: If one does not understand that
composition of the vapor producedfrom it, in the there is even a connection between electricicy and
same manner as it is absorbed by ice in melting, and magnetism, how can one really understand heat, which
enters into the composition of the produced water. " is " gyroscopic" elecrromagnetic energy?
lt is quite apparent to me that Joseph Black's In 1788, Coum Rumford (also known as Benjamin
curiosity and powers of reasoning were extremely Thompson, British physicist, 1753-1814) rejected the
high, considering the limited scientific knowledge Caloric Theory of heat on che basis that heat was a
available cluring his time. Black understood what form of motion. He accepted this "motion effect" as a
others - even today - have not understood . result of observing the boring of a cannon barre!. He
Without any doubt in his mind, Joseph Black knew concluded that friction could generate an inexhaustible
that heat was absorbed and emitted by Matter and that supply of heat. Question: Did he have any conception
hcat was sorne type of entity that composed all Mat- of E = MC 2 ? Answer: No! The only point Rumford
proved with this cannon-boring experiment is that
" Witb josepb Black's brllliant work E = MC 2 .
Keep rhe cannon-boring experiment in mind, because
and great insight, be would bave bad no in a few pages I will demonsmne that heat retease is a
difficulty or besitation in accepting tbe result of the compression of atomic entities which
validity of E = M C2. " comprise all matter. For those who are not familiar
with metal cutting on a lathe, high pressure is used to
ter. He simply did not know what thls entity is: gyro- push the cutting too! into thc metal being cut. Such
scopic, electromagnetic energy! The Facts clearly high pressure is a result of che mechanical power of
show that ali Matter is changed in lts mechanical char- che screw.
acteristics as ir absorbs o r emits heat, i.e., a random In 1799, Sir Humphry Davy (English chemist,
flow of gyroscopic-action-particles. 1778-1829) caused two pieces of ice to melt by rubbing
Following Black's discoveries, this basic idea was so chem together while in freezing conditions. He claimed
refined and developed that it conveniently accounted that the result of this particular ice experiment con-
for ali heat phenomena observed at the time. To ex- stituted a failure of the Caloric Theory since rhe ex-
plain ali heat phenomena, scientists turned to the old pcriment preved that the resulting heat was simply
concept whlch was later known as the Caloric Theory. caused by motion.
However, Davy's statement is not true! If the heat
The following are the essential posLUlates of the was simply the result of motion, then the two pieces
Caloric Theory as established in 1779: of ice would have melted just as quickly by moving
them separately while in the freezing temperacure.
( 1) Calo ric is a n e lastic fluid whose particles repel Anyone knows that this simply isn' t true. I will show
o ne anothe r . chat heat release is the result of mechanical compres-
(2) Calo rlc particles are strongly a ttracte d b y the sion. [Remember that it wasn' t until 1820 that the
partides of other Matter, and differ e nt kinds of Danish physicist Oersted discovered a connection be-
Matte r attract calorlc with differ e nt strength. tween electricity and magnetism. Heat, electricity, and
(3) Calorlc is indestructible and uncreatable. magnetism are all electromagnetic energy.]
(4) Calo rlc can b e eithe r "sens ible" or " la tent," i.e.,
e ither felt or stored. La te n t h eat is " chem ically" "... beat release is a r esult of
combine d w ith particles o f Matter to change a
solid into a Uquid ora liquid in to a vapor.
tbe compression of atomic entities wbicb
(5) Calorlc d oes not have w e ight. [O f course, h eat romprise ali Matter. "
d oes h a ve w e ight according to E = MC 2 .]
Lct's examine severa! faces: Molecules consist of
The rheory offered in opposition to the Caloric atoms. Atoms consist of smaller entities.
Theory was never so direct and this opposition theory Question: Whar comprises the smaller entities?
requircd a long time to evolve. As early as 1620, Sir Remember, from the beginning of chis Book, l have
Francis Bacon had said, " Heat itself, its essence and hypothesized that atoms and all Matter consist of elec-
quiddity, is motion and nothing else. " This line of tromagnetic energy, i. e., gyroscopic-type-particles.
thought was endorsed by many ocher scientists The scientific hypothesis concerning the interior
following Bacon's time. structure of the atoro has changed concinuously over
At chis point it is important to indicare a scientific the years. Over thirry fundamental atomic particles
facc: during the time rhis Caloric-Kinetic argumenr have been released from the nucleus o f an atom. The
was undergoing intense debate, there was absolutely more that is known, che more che mystery deepens.
no sciencific acceptance that there was even a connec- Prcsently, physicists are no longer even certain that
protons, neutrons, and electrons do, in fact, occupy QUESTION: What does the statement " to become
space. Sorne hypotheses describe these particles as hot" really mean?
waves or " points without volume" - rnathernatical
singularities haunting space. ANSWER: It means to absorb heat. To "become cool"
Based upon the present scientific understanding of meaos to emit heat. When the gas expands, the atorns
Matter, this sarne description would apply to the absorb heat, i.e., " gyroscopic" electromagnetic
energy in the force fields of a magnet. However, I have energy equal to that which the atoms originally lost
already shown that such force fields are ali electrornag- on being compressed. This is why the gas will " feel"
netic energy and possess gyroscopic, mechanical-like cold to your hand since the gas absorbs heat from
characteristics which can be explained and predicted. your hand. When expanding, the gas .molecules also
Such characteristics are also true for heat absorption possess inertia as a result of producing a continuous
and release: Unobvious Force when under pressure (similar to pull-
ing on one end of a taut rope and having it snap in
reaction). The concept of "speed" is also a determining
factor - refer to the speed discussion in Section 30.
D . Examine severa! additional facts:

1. In the 17th century, Robert Boyle demonstrated
that for a fixed quantity of gas, the volume and
pressure are inversely proportional, i.e., halve the
volume and double the pressure; double the volume
and halve the pressure.
2. In the 18th century, Daniel Bernoulli demon-
strated that by increasing the temperature of a gas,
one causes it to expand in a deflnite mathematical pro-
portion, i. e., double the absolute temperature of a gas
under constant pressure and the gas volume doubles.
3. In 1787, Jacques Charles established that ali gases
held at constant pressure will expand in proportion to
the amount of heat applled.
4. John Dalton, Engllsh chemist and physicist
Sorne scientific books presently teach that a com- (1776-1844), observed a SO º F. increase Jn the
pressed gas cools or loses heat when it expands (see temperature of a gas when its volume was halved by
Figure 31-Cl), and that a gas galns heat when com- rapid compression.
pressed (see Figure 31-C2).
31 QU ESTION: What do these facts inclicate?
C. This is simply not true! What occurs is just the
o ppositel When the gas is compressed, the atorns ANSWER: The "gyroscopic" electromagnetic energy
within the rnolecules are pushed closer together, emit comprising atoros (which comprise molecules) has a
heat (electromagnetic energy comprising all atoms), particular "space area" necessary for any given
and cool down. The gas feels hot " to the touch" for a substance. If one compresses the area demanded by
glven time bccausc the atoros within the gas emit - this gyroscopic electromagnetic energy comprising
not absorb - heat. [Such a process is analogous tO atoms, such atoms will emit a deflnite, minute mathe-

"Wben tbe gas is compressed, tbe atoms witbin tbe molecules are pusbed
closer togetber, emtt beat (electromagnetic energy comprising ali atoms), and cool down."

squeezing a wet sponge (atoms containing gyroscopic matical portion of this electromagnetic energy in the
particles representing electromagnetic energy) and form of heat, i.e., a random flow of gyroscopic par-
releasing water (the gyroscopic particles or electro- ticles. Such heat release permits a smaller demand area
magnetic energy flowing in a random direction). for the balance of the remaining gyroscopic particles
These same gyroscopic particles released frorn the (electrornagnetlc energy) comprising the atoms under
atoros of the gas undergoing compression will then be pressure. If heat is addecl to a given system, the
absorbed by the atoms within your finger, causing demanded area is increased due to che minute gain of
such atoms to expand. Such expansion will be per- additional gyroscopic particles resulting in a pressure
ceived by you as the sensation of "heat. " ) rise relative to heat input.
E. PROOF: the atoms within thc water molccule.
(1) Raise a liquid's temperature to the boiling point PROOF: Water expands more than 1,500 times as it
and there will be a "pause" during which time heat turns into water vapor or steam! (This result is exactly
(electromagnetic energy) is absorbed without a further as the brilliant Joseph Black o riginaJiy predicted - see
rise in temperature, and enabling the liquid to Seccion 31-B.)
transform into a gas. Critics of the Caloric Theory stated that the Theory
31 -E provides no explanation for the source of the motive
(2) The reverse is true when the gas is condensing. power for steam expansion. It is quite obvious that
There will be a " pause" in temperature decline at the the atoms of the demanded a rea (needed for the gyro-
boiling point. Although heat is steadily emitted, the scopic-type-particles of the electromagnetic composi-
tempcraturc will remain constant until ali the gas has tion within the atoms) have acquired considerable in-
liquified . ertia with the capability tO expand 1,500 times. Such
expansion has the capacity for performing Obvious
EXPLANATlON: In PROOF (1), the liquid is expanding Work, i.e., pushing a pisten o r turbine. However,
into a gas, consequently, the electromagnetíc energy pushing a pisten or turbine places the vapor under a
(gyroscopic particles) comprising the atoms' demand- compression pressure. As a result of such pressure,
ed area increases only with the absorption of addi- heat is emitted and the vapor tends to condense and
tional electromagnetic energy input (heat) which reduce the demanded area of the gyroscopic-cype-
results in expanding inertia (speed). In PROOF (2), the particles of the electromagnetlc composition of the
gas is decreasing in volume, consequently, the electro- atoms within the water molecule.
magnetic energy comprising the atoms' demanded 31
area decreases as the atoms emit their electromagnetic E. QUESTION:
energy composition received initially in PROOF (1). 3 1·E
3 1-E (5) When a gas is compressed and the pressure
(3) When the pressure on a liquid is lowered, its maintained, why does che gas not emit heat con-
boiling point drops. When the pressure is increased, tinuously instead of only during compression?
the boiling point rises. QUESTION: Why?
ANSWER: Once compressed to a particular demanded
ANSWER: When the pressure is reduced upon a area by a continuous force, the gyroscopic-type-
liquid, the electromagnetic composition of the atoms' particles of the electromagnetic composition of the
demanded area expands and therefore has room to atoms within the gas retain the vast majority of their
physically accept additional gyroscopic pardcles (elec- electromagnetic energy (heat) within the atoms. Such
tromagnetic energy). Therefore, such acoms can and retention results in an Unobvious Force against and
do absorb additional heat. As this p rocess occurs, ad- equal to the force being continuously applied. When
ditional gyroscopic particles are absorbed by the the gas is released, it will have inertia similar to the ef-
atoms to maintain the expanding demanded area. If fect of pulling on a taut rope and causing it ro snap.
the atoms are absorbing heat, a lesser temperature will (See "speed" discussion in Section 30-L.)
be required to cause the atoms to absorb heat. As a Energy is internatly used within the atoms of the
result, the boiling point is Jowered. gas and within the atoms of that substance applying the
When the pressure on a liquid is increased, the "gy- continuous force on the gas. The real distinction is be-
roscopic" electromagnetic composition of the atoms' tween Obvious Work and Unobvious Force (as I have
demanded area has been decreased; consequently, already explained earlier) and the fact that E = MC 2 .
such atoms will emit heat. If the atoms are attempting Actually I am amazed that ochers have had difficulty
to emit heat, a greater temperature (or higher tempera- in understanding what is so clear to me. The facts are
ture difference) will be required to cause the atoms to there! In chemical reactions, there are many instances
absorb heat. As a result, rhe boiling point of the liquid where large quantities of electromagnetic energy
will be higher. (heat) are emitted or absorbed. Yet the Matter result-
31 -E ing from the reaccions (supposediy) always weighs the
(4) To raise the temperature of a gram of water by same. EXAMPLE: In separating the hydrogen and
1 ºC. to its boiling point requires one calorie for each oxygen molecules of water, large quantities of heat
degree. However, when che 100 ºC . boiling point is are required, i.e., 5,400 º F. which is twice the melting
reached, 540 calories are needed to boil the water away. point of iron. The resulting gas volumes of oxygen
and hydrogen will weigh the same as the water did. If
QUESTION: What happened to this additional heat one strikes a match, the oxygen and hydrogen will
input? unite back into water. Such water will weigh the same
as be/ore, but it will release ali the energy (gyroscopic
ANSWER: The heat input expands the demanded area panicles) originally acquired during the separation of
of thc "gyroscopic" electromagneric composition of the gases.
10 ~


QUESTION: Is heat nothing, and yet it is capable of heated it occupies a greater volume " B" (exaggerated
causing extreme changes in Matter? scale). In physics, this fact is presently referred to as
a thermal expansion phenomenon!
ANSWER: No. Heat is electromagnetic energy (gyro- This thermal expansion phenomenon is explained
scopic particles spinning and moving at the speed of via my consistent Theory that heat is electromagnetic
light) and such electromagnetic energy comprises ali energy consisting of gyroscopic particles and that
Matter. In accordance with E = MC 2, it simply requires such electromagnetic energy comprises ali Matter.
vast quantities of gyroscopic panicles to comprise a Joseph Black also explained the thermal expansion
single speck of Matter. It would therefore require an phenomenon in the l 760's. The gyroscopic-type-
lncredibly sensicive scale to weigh the difference of particles that comprise ali atoms in material "A"
release or absorption of Matter on an atomic basis. physically have a preferred demand area with respect
Such a scale presemly does noc exist. to the total electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic par-
Lavoisier's classic series of experiments - which
had scientific inadequacies - were intended to prove ''Heat is electromagnetic energy (gyroscopic
that Matter did not lose weight when burned or altered particles spinning and moving at the speed
in chemical reactions. His statements are based upon a
scale be invented that could weigh by a water drop the
of light) and such electromagnetic energy
differences in che weight of Matter. This scale was an comprises ali Matter."
accurace invemion for weighing commonplace items.
However, Lavoisier's scale is total/y inaccurate for ticles) wlthin the material at the moment material "A"
weighing the loss of Matter in the form of gyroscopic- occupies the space described in Figure 31 -E (6).
action-particles or electromagnetic energy in che form [NOTE: A "demand area" is defined as that area
of heat, light, etc. Conclusion: Antoine Lavoisier physically required by the mechanical narure of a -
invented an inadequate scale. particular number of gyroscopic particles.) .

QUESTION: Considering the validity of E = MC 2, how At the moment material "A" expands to occupy
much energy is contained within a drop of water? It space "B," additional gyroscopic particles or electro-
should be obvious that such energy is vastly greater magnetic energy (heat) have been absorbed by che
than any energy release occurring via Lavo isier's atoros of the material. This changes the preferred de-
restrictive experiments using an inadequate weight mand area of the gyroscopic-type-particles which
scale. [Remember, if totally converted into energy via comprise the atoms. In essence, the material absorbs
E = MC2, the mass of a railroad ticket contains enough heat by physically expanding to accommodate the
energy to run a large train around the world severa) resulting effects of the additional, quantitative input
times!] It is also very significant that Lavoisier as well of gyroscopic particles.
as his scientific contemporaries had absolutely no con- 31· E
ception that E = MC2 . (7) Every gas has a "critica! temperature" above
which it cannot be liquefied.
(6) It is a known fact that Matter undergoes a volume
change when its cemperature is raised. The volume QUESTION: Why is this so?
expansion within solids is small, e.g., with a 10º rise
in temperacure the body of a bridge w ill expand ap- ANSWER: Different gases consist of different atoms
proximately .04 inches for every 33 feet of its length. which contain varying quantities of electromagnetic
energy o r gyroscopic-type-particles. Such atoms re-
lease a minute portion of these gyroscopic particles in
FIGURE 31· E(8)
the form of heat. This heat is released in varying
,- - - - - - - - ¡ amounts before the particular demand area is suffi-
''In essence, the material absorbs heat
by physically expanding to accommodate
A 1
the resulting effects of the additional,
1 : quantttative input of gyroscopic particles. "
~- - __ __ _ I
~ B ,... ciently reduced to permit the atoms to physically
compress close enough to become a liquid.
EXAMPLE: Helium atoms have to release more gyro-
scopic particles to become a liquid at -452ºF. than
The cube of metal depicced in Figure 31-E (6) first carbon dioxide atoms release to become a solid at
occ~pies a certain volume " A, " but after it has been - 109 º F. Here is an interesting fact: liquid helium re-
quires considerably less gyroscopic particle input to Such formation can only occur from atomic compres-
become a gas or vapor compared to carbon dioxide or sion within the water affected by the freezing process.
water. However, it requires considerably less effort to Increasing pressure internally applies compression
cause the water vapor (steam) or carbon dioxide gas within the ice cube and pushes or "shoots" the water
to refease the newly-acquired gyroscopic particles from the center of the cube that has not yet frozen,
{heat) than it does helium gas. This demonstrates that but is super-cold and freezes very rapidly.
varying materials - depending upon the electromag- 3 1·E
netic or gyroscopic-type-particles comprising the {10) Let's now return to the cannon-boring experi-
atoms - have definite, preferred space areas once the ments of Coum Rumford in 1798 and the ice rubbing
gyroscopic particles occupy that particular space area experiment of Humphry Davy in 1799 which were
with respect to a particular gyroscopic particle or supposed to prove the Caloric Theory wrong and that
electromagnetic energy (heat) environment. Various heat was simply a result of motion.
environmental temperatures such as 75 º, 32 º , - 109 º , The study of friction proves that heat release is the
- 400 º composed of varying quantities of gyroscopic result of surface compression of the two materials in-
particles will generate different effects. volved! The coefficient of friction is defined as the
3l·E ratio between two quantities - friction and pressure.
(8) The facts demonstrate that when atoms are sub- Increasing contact pressure thus increases friction.
jected to compression in any state (gas, liquid, or
solid) they emit electromagnetic energy (heat or ran- QUESTION: What does this really mean?
dom gyroscopic particle flow) and proceed to " cool
down. " When the same atoms are subjected to expan- ANSWER: Surfaces are actually rough on materials
sion they absorb electromagnetic energy (heat) and that appear smooth. (See Figure 31-E (10).]
"warm up." The reverse is also true. If electromagnetic
energy {heat) as a quantity of gyroscopic particles is FIGURE 31-E(10)

added to atoms, then they will expand. If atoms have

electromagnetic energy (heat) or gyroscopic particles A
subtracted from their physical composition, then such
atoms comract, e.g., conduction, etc.
31· E
(9) At first glance, when water becomes frozen it
appears to be an exception to the above rule. How-
ever, water is notan exception. Because the atoros do
compress with respect to one another, as the mole-
cules create and demand a definite area relative to ad-
joining molecules, such action causes the molecules to B
create a solid form of water occupying a larger space
than it does as a liquid due to empty space. If material B is moved in the direction of the arrow,
See Figure 31-E (9)a . the the rough surface edges of materials A and B are
compressed in opposite directions! The rough edges
FIGURE 31·E(9)a of material A will tend to be ground forward in the
direction of the arrow and the rough edges of material
B will tend to be ground backward, or in the opposite
Since ali molecules consist of atoros, the molecules direction of the arrow.
react in accordance with the " instructions" of the
atoms involved, i.e., the atoms of ice are compressed CONCLUSION: Ali heat (electromagnetic energy)
to their occupied area. releascd from Matter as a result of friction is in reality
Such compression is proven by observational results. the result of two surfaces being compressed in opposite
first brought to my attemion by my lovely and devoted directions. Therefore, friction is compression in a
wife: when water is frozen in ice trays, the ice will at lateral direction on the outer surfaces of matter as a
times formas shown in Figure 31-E (9)b. result of mechanical conveyance of energy pressure.
This can be simply proven by quickly rubbing the
pairos of your hands together. You will feel your hands
release heat which comes from the atoms within your
hands being compressed in a lateral direction. As soon
as you stop rubbing your hands and hold them apart,
FIGURE 31-E(9)b you will feel the opposite results. Your hands will
- ..........-.. --.
..:.. .~ ICE CUBE now feel cool for having released the heat, i. e., the
gyroscopic particles or electromagnetic composition
of your hands.
10 7
What is the conclusion of what I ha ve shown with magnetic energy) in Matter, heat does bave motion. As
respect to heat? you know from earlier Sections in this Book, gyro-
Ali heat emitted from Matter - whether a result of scopic particles move at the speed of light. Because
chemical reaction, mechanical compression reaction, Joseph Black's work anticipated E= MC 2 , his brilliant
conduction, etc. - is released as a result of the gyro- insight was far in ad vanee of his time. We owe him
scopic-type, electromagnetic particles (which com- recognition and respect for his accomplishments. (See
prise ali atoms) being reduced past the point of their Section 31 -B.)
original demand area. As a result, such atoms will emit Heat is electromagnetic energy (consisting of gyro-
electromagnetic energy (heat) to adjust to the smaller, scopic particles). Gyroscopic particles (or electromag-
required demand area now occupied by the balance netic energy) comprise ali Matter. Alterations in the
of the vast quantity of gyroscopic particles (electro- beat (gyroscopic particles) of Matter cause a change in
magnetic energy) remaining in the Matter. the amount (gyroscopic particles) of Matter in accor-
dance with E= MC2.
"Ali beat emitted from Matter is released
as a result of tbe gyroscopic-type, 3 2. 1 shall now proceed to constructively refute the
negative doctrines that are a result of the present
electromagnetic particles (wbicb comprise " Three Laws of Thermodynamics. "
ali atoms) being reduced past tbe point of
tbeir original, demanded area. " A. FACTS:

Ali heat ·absorption from Matter - whether a result 1. The Thre e Laws of Thermodynamics were con-
of chemical reaction, mechanical compression reaction, ceived without an understanding of the relationship
conduction, etc. - is absorbed as a result of the gyro- between heat (gy ro scopic particles/electromagnetic
scopic-type, electromagnetic particles (which comprise ene rgy) and Matter.
ali atoms) being expanded past the point of their
original demand area. As a result, such atoms will ab- 2 . The Three Laws of The rmodynamics were con-
sorb electromagnetic energy (heat) to adjust to the ín- ceived without an understanding that there is an
creased required demand area of the total electromag- en ergy relationshlp other than the simplicity of Work
netic energy then in the Matter. = Force X Distance, Power = ~~ . and Force = Mass
It would therefore appear that energy tends to flow X Acceleratio n .
from a condition of higher mechanical pressure (within
one atom) to a condition of lower mechanical pressure 3. The Three Laws of Thermodynamics were origi-
(within another atom). I must stress, however, that I nally conceived without any knowledge, understand-
do not wish this concept (or any of my other concepts) ing, or anticipation of Einstein's equation of E= MC2 .
to be interpreted (by those who follow me) in such a
manner that the interpretation stifles further questioning 4. The Three Laws ofThermodynamics were o rigi-
o r curiosity by a young person Jearning this informa- nally conceived without an understanding o f Gravity,
Electricity, Magnetism, lnertia, Matter, and Planetary
"Ali beat absorption from Matter is Motion.
absorbed as a result of tbe gyroscopic-type, ~2

B. QUESTION: If none of these things were under-

electromagnetic particles (wbicb comprise stood at the time that the Three Laws of Thermody-
ali atoms) being expanded past tbe point of namícs were conceived, how can these three laws be
their original demanded area. " so "ali encompassing" as to be capable of predicting
- on a seemingly "infallible" basis - the " Doom of
tion fo r the first time. The above statemem may prove the Universe" and the "Total Impossibility of
to be totally incorrect since I have obviously not seen Perpetua! Motion?" Those who made such predictions
or envisioned everything and ali possible conditions must have understood the mechanical workings of
within the Universe. the Entire Universe.

FURTHER CONCLUSIONS: The critics of the Caloric QUESTION: Did they?

Theory stated that heat was simply the result of motion.
They were wrong. Heat is the result of motion as "Tbe Tbree Laws of Tbermodynamics
stated by the supporters of the Kinetic Theory who were conceived witbout an understanding
criticized the Caloric Theory. However, this view of the relationsbip between beat
does not constitute proof against the validity of (gyroscopic particles/ electromagnetic
calorlc In che form of etectromagnetic energy.
Because the Caloric (electromagnetic energy) Theory
energy) and Matter."
indicates changes in the amount of caloric (electro-
C. The "First Law of Thermodynamics" (1850) states: tion for heat flow laid the foundatlon for one of the
basic laws of physics: the Second Law of Thermody-
" Energy can be exchanged in the f orm of heat namics. The law was first formulaced in 1850 by the
or of mecbanical work, but its total quantity German physicist, Rudolf Clausius, who stated, " It is
remains constant. '' impossible for a sclf-acting machinc, unaided by any
externa! agency, to convey heat from one body to
The First Law of Thermodynamics is one of the most another at a higher cemperature."
positive scientific statements ever made, although this The essence of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
was not the initial íntent of this Law . is this: heat will not flow of its own accord from a
cold place to a hot one. Again , I repeat that thls state·
QUESTION: What does this Law say? ment has absolutely nothing to do with the essence of
heat and demonstrates a total lack of understanding
ANSWER: If one cannot destroy encrgy, this means chat heat is gyroscopic particles (elcctromagnetic
that cnergy aJways exists. Jf energy always exists, one energy) which comprises ali Matter and that E - MC2 .
can always use it. Thc Facts have indJcatcd to me that In physics lt is p resently believed that this unidlrcc-
the gyroscopic partícle composition of ali Matter is tional flow if hcat, as stated by the Second Law of
totally in accord with the First Law of Thermodynam- Thermodynamics, implies the " Doom (or heat death)
ics slnce it appears that the energy (spln specd) of the of che Uni verse." I vlgorously disagrcc with this un-
gyroscopic particle cannot be consumedl founded statemcntl All of thc facts now presented in
32 science prove this closeminded statcrnent co be t0tally
D. 'J'he "Second Law of Thcrmodynamics" (1850): lncorrectl Thls negatlve statement has been an ex-
The First Law of Thermodynamics proves that the treme hindrance to che dillgent progrcss of science
impllcatíons of the Second Law of Thermodynamics since lt doses one's mind to creative thought and has
are íncorrectl The Second Law of Thcrmodynamics succeeded in unjustly lnfluenclng young minds that
represents a conclusion concerning thc use of heat were taught to accept it.
based upon primltive, 19th-century mechanical Eleccromagnetlc energy is changlng
deviccs. The "Second Law of Thermodynamics" may from energy co Matter and from Matter ro energy.
well apply to such prlmitive mechanical devices, but [While I fully realize that the use o f the word
it has absolutely nothing to do wlth the implications " perpetual" vlolates currenc sciencífic taboos, I will
of E = MC 2 ! do so anyway.] The gyroscoplc entlty I have described

"Tbe Ftrst Law of Tbermodyna,mtcs proves tbat tbe

tmpltcattons of tbe Second Law of Tbermodynamtcs are tncorrect!"

As I have demonstrated earlier, many of the 19ch- in chis Book perpetually splns and travels at the speed
cemury sclentists believed heat co be only the result of líght in acco rdance with E • MC 2. Even lf ali
of motion. They dld not understand that heat was physical Matter could become exactly che same tem-
slmply thc conversion of Matter into gyroscoplc par- perature, che gyroscopic partlcle (electromagnetic
cicles or electrornagnetlc energy (heac) as implied by energy) wlthln Matte r Is still moving at the speed of
the brilliant work of Joseph Black. Nor dld they light. Any Mattcr could stlll be caused co release lts in-
reallze that heac (conslsting of gyroscoplc parcicles o r credible electromagnecic energy (gyroscopic particle)
electromagnetic energy) was convertible into Matter. compositionl
They were completely ignorant concerning E= MC 2. A chain reaccion could be induced within a mass the
In cheir ignorance, they would have sald that anyone slze of a planee, thereby causing the mass t0 release lts
claimlng such a statement was stupld. In my opinion, eleccromagnetlc energy (gyroscoplc particle composl-
Joseph Black would have readily accepced the lmplica- tion) at a rate as rapld as that of the Sun. The mass
tions of E = MC2. would then cause a source of heat greater than lts sur-
In 1824, Sadi Carnot published a paper encicled roundings which were retaining the major portien of
" Reflecclons on the Motive Power of Heat." Carnoc their gyroscoplc particles (electromagnetic energy)
had dlscovered chat heac must flow "downhíll", i.e., composition wichin the physical boundaries of the
heat must change frorn high to low temperatures to macerials. Ali heat is gyroscopic partlcles (electromag-
perforrn work. Such a conclusion was based upon the netic energy). Ali Matter is gyroscoplc partlcles (elec-
observation of primitive lnventions and has no real crom-agnetic energy). Ali Matter can release its gyro-
conncction with the essential nature of heat or scopic particles in the forro of heat, light, electrical
E = MC 2. Joseph Black understood the nacure of heat current, electromagnetic fields, eleccromagnetic
as early as 1760 - others dJd not. waves, electrornagnetic radiacion , or in smaller quan-
By 1850, it was concluded throughouc che scientific cities of its total physical form . However, it makes no
community that Carnoc's dlscovery of a definite dJrec- difference in what form Matter is released, since it is
always composed o f gyroscopic particles (electromag- absolute zero. Scientists at the time further reasoned
netic energy). that if " cold" is simply the absence of " heat, " then
The reverse is also true: all gyroscopic particles there should be a point when there is absolutely no
(electromagnetic energy) can be converted into heat. This reasoning demonstrates a complete lack of
physical Matterl Having a basic understanding of the understancting that heat is actually electromagnetic
ingenious properties of the gyroscopic particle (elec- energy (gyroscopic particles) w hich comp rise ali Mat-
tromagnetic energy) composition of aU Matter in the ter and that E = MC 2 . [Kelvin's knowledge is valuable,
Universe, the mathematical law of probability tells however, in terms o f designing my Pioneering lnven-
me that the probability of the Universe undergoing a tion where atom unalign.ment is important since heat
''heat death '' is zero. causes random motion and rapid atom unalignment.]
In accordance with the above concept regarding the
''Tbe gyroscopic entity I bave absence of heat, the Third Law of Thermodynamics
described in tbis Book perpetually spins was proposed. It states that every substance known
ro man undergoes entropy, i.e., a measure of the
and travels at tbe spee d of light in availability of energy to perform work that ap-
accordance witb E =MC2." proaches zero as the temperature approaches absolute
zero ( - 273 .16º C. or - 459.69 º F.).
One of Joseph Black's important discoveries was Einstein's equation of E = MC 2 and the work I ha ve
that different substances have different capacities for accomplished prove that this statement concerning
absorbing or emitting heat (electromagnetic energy)! entropy is totally incorrect.
EXAMPLE: If 1 kg. of iron at 80ºC. is immersed in Kelvin's results are explained by my prior discussion
1 kg. of water at 40 º C., then the equilibrium tempera- that heat (gyroscopic particles/electromagnetic energy)
ture is found to be 43.7°C. In other words, the same Ioss from Matter causes the atomic entities to demand a
amount of heat (electromagnetic energy) has resulted smaUer area. This is why gases lose p ressure at Iow
in a much greater temperature change in the iron temperatures since thcy are becoming a liquid state.
than in the water. The concept that cold is the absence o f heat should
The same unfounded statement of the Second Law be corrected as foUows: Cold is simply a condition of
of Thermodynamics is also used in present physics to Iess gyroscopic panicles o r electromagnetic energy
ha ve stamped the final label of " FUTILE" o n the quest (heat) in Matter. As long as one has Matter, one still
for " Perpetua! Motion." I would agree that " Perpetual has gyroscopic particles (electromagnetic energy or
Motion" would be futile as long as o ne accepts the potential heat). Matter at - 459 .69 ºF stíll contains tre-
validity of the Second Law of Thermodynamics as ex- mendous electromagnetic energy (o r heat if properly
plaining everything in the Universe for all time. released) or vast quantities of gyroscopic particles
However, I challenge such validity. It is easy to spinning at the speed o f light. Only when Matter is
recognize that in this sense, the Second Law has oper- gone, is aU potential heat gone. The mechanical
ationally been a deliberate attempt to close young essence of E = MC2 is the gyroscopic-action-particle
minds who would be otherwise willing to question which is the basic building entity of ali Matter.
the " finality" of the Second Law of Thermod ynamics.
I am sure that there are many who read this Book who "Matter at -459.69 º F still contains
have been so unjustly influenced. Please recognize that tremendous ekctromagn etic energy. "
the conversion of physical Matter to electromagnetic
energy {gyroscopic particles) and from electromagnetic ,2
energy (gyroscopic particles) back to physical Matter is F. lt is totally amazing ro me that these three laws of
perpetua! throughout the Universe and this phenom- thermodynamics have been so long accepted, know-
enal energy change can be conceptually understood ing that their total premise is one of negativism w hich
and technologically harnessed in the immectiate future completely stops the creative thinking processes of a
for the incredible benefit of humanity! srudent who is motivated to question or discover a
32 method for a better energy invention that would
E. The " Third Law of Thermodynamics" (developed ultimately be of service to humanity. However, in
1888-1902): spite of tbe negative intentions of those who devel-
In 1902, measurements of the heat reaction of oped it, the First Law of Thermodynamics proves just
various substances were examined, and it was found the opposite! It is a most posicive, scientific statement.
that the free energies experienced an increasingly small Although this may appear superficially paradoxical,
variation as the reaction approached absolute zero. l will make the positive statement that there is no
This line of thought was initiated in 1848 by Lord place in science that negativism should be allowed to
Kelvin (William Thomson). Knowing that when cooled exist! The entire history o f science has proveo over
one degree from Oº to - 1 º C. a gas loses 11273 of and over again that, whenever it has been thought
its pressure, Kelvin reasoned that at - 273 º C., gas that something was not possible, it later turns out to
should ha ve no pressure and he called - 273 º C. be possible. Therefore, as the faces have proveo,
science should put forth positive statements of hopes
and dreams that will perpetually stimulate the creative
processes of the human mind. In contrast, throughout
my sincere, scientific efforts of nearly two decades, I
have had to fight against many negative " sciemific
statements" that were and are wrong. Such injustice
has no t been unique to my efforts but, on the contrary,
it has been the common fate of most creative individ-
uals throughout the History of Science.
Having a full awareness of this knowledge, l am
bound to the task that my efforts will cause lo ng-
overdue changes to occur within the teaching system
which - prior to this time - has stifled questioning,
creative thoughts, and has hampered the advancemem
of science and the Human Race. It is my deep, caring
belief that in years to come, our descendants will look
back upon these times as truly the " Dark Ages,"
whereby they will state: " My parents and ancestors
were taught in such a manner that the natural curiosity
with which they were bo ro was significantly stifled."
In a later chapter I will discuss this educatio nal prob-
lem in greater detall.

Chapter 19

" lt certainly looks as though the lines of force either must go out to join the lnterstellar gas or they
must Joln up at a dlstance far outside the Sun."
- Fred Hoyle

T he following is a very special tribute to Michael Faraday, whom I quote:

''Here end my trials for the present. The results are negative; they do not shake my
strong f eelings of the existence of a relation between gravity and electricity,
though they give no proof that it exist. "

(from Michael Faraday by L. Pearce Williams - originally from Experimental

Researches in Electrícíty, paragraph (2717)]

Throughout the prior work I have presemed, I have proven Faraday's brilliant insight correct. The following information
further corroborates such insight.

33. A. I wish to thank Dr. Robert Smith (Chief, Orbital Space Environment Branch, Space Sciences Laboratory, NASA,
Huntsvílle, Alabama) and Dr. Ellsworth Humington (now deceased) whose work Dr. Smith forwarded to me. Dr. Smith is a
thinking, questioning scientist who spoke in my behalf when others would not.
[Refer to Dr. Smith's letter of June 22, 1976.]
B. Dr. Smith discussed my work with others for severa! years. When Dr. Smith found that he was unable to encourage
others to speak out regarcting my work, he then wrote an even stronger letter in my behalf. (Refer to Dr. Smith's letter of
March 20, 1979.] I hope the reader recognizes the scientific courage and intellectual honesty of Dr. Smith, since he had
never seen a working Prototype of my Invention.

National Aeronautics and
Space Administration
George C. Marshall Space Flight Center
Marshall Space Fl1gh t Center, Alabama


Reply 10 Ann ot: ES44 June 22 , 1976

Mr . Joseph W . Newman
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, AL 36618

Dear Joe:

I have read your article several times , believe th a t it is very worthwhile,

and that it should be studied in much more detail.

I am sending you a Xerox copy of several pages of a book by Huntington

that should be of great intere s t. It contains sorne oí the data we dis-
cussed about inclinations of the various planets' orbits to the ecliptic .
lt a lso contains much information that supplements and complements
your work. I have not read the entire book which can only (as far as
I know} be obtained from the Library oí Congress. If these pages are
good examples, t hen the entire book would be of great value to you.

I intend to discuss your work with Dr . Willis Webb, an atrno spheric

scientist at the White Sands Mi ssile Test Range, N. M . 1 this week.
He has a newly developed theory on the electrical structure of the e arth .
I intend to give him a copy of your paper and ask him to contact you.

I have thought about your smoke experiment in the jar and I b e lieve
that the particles that are suspended in the air are more than likely
ionized and, therefore, should align themselves with the magne tic
field lines . They probably stay ionized for long periods oí time ,
because there are not enough other particles in the jar to make them lose
their charge through collisions - the way they would if they were outside
the jar .

I n my opinion, the only way you can get the approval and widespread
dissemination oí your work tha t you want is through publication -
preferably in a technical journal like th e Journal oí Geophysical
Research , or the Journal of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Physics .
I would high ly recommend the former and advise you to spend the
ti me and effort requi re<l to get it accepted for publication .


Endorsements by many individuals are not as valuable as getting your

work published in a technic a l j ournal. While this can never measure
th e true worth of a pers on 's research activities, at the pre sent tim e
it is used by members of the scienc e community in that way .

I am going to continue to study your wor k and I will provide you with
add itional relevant data and information as I find it. Once again, I
think you should co ntinue to expand your efforts , as it appears as i{ the
r esults could be very s i gnihcant.

Please l et me know if I c an help you in a ny other way.


Robert E . Smith
Chief, Orbital & Space Environment Branch
Aer ospace Environment Division
Space Sciences Labor atory

Enclosure :
"Earth & Sun"

33.e l ?.5 Vv<:!s1.bury lJrive
lJunl:.villc , AL 3~802
March 20, 1979

To Whom lt May Concern:

Mr . Joseph W. Newman and I have l>cen about hiu

revolutionary concepts of magnet i.c ficlcls for the past sever~l years .
I ha ve not seen his expe.rimental set-up bnt i( his write-ups oí the
procedure s and results ~u:e cor r ect, then several laws of physics ma.y
need to be re-exarnine<l . li the manner in which J oe conducted his
experiments and the resu.lts were made known to lhe industrial or
engineering communiti es , then , in my o pinion, several companies
and / or in<livi<luals posse Bs the expertise an<l capabilities to construct
the hardware required t o ítilly exploit the apparent capability of bis
new concepts .

Robert E . Smith

C. Earlier In this Book, I have demo nstraeed ehe magneeic fields. Such planetary, electromagnetic fields
Unobvious electromagnetic (gyroscopic particle) effect include the Earth's electromagnetic field which causes
of Matter and its " unequaJing effect" which has been the Moon to aJign with and o rbie ehe Earth since the
popularly eermed " graviey. " I have demonserated the Earch's eleceromagnetic field encompasses the Moon's
gyroscopic mechanical motion of electric charges and eleceromagneeic field as do the o ther planees' fields
magnetic fields which attract and repel. 1 have encompass their respective moons. In essence,
demonserated how electric current (consiseing of gyro- everytbing in tbe Universe mo ves in :llignment with
scopic particles) is released from eleceromagnetic the gyroscopic-action-emity composition of respective
fields. I have demonstrated that the negative and electromagnetic fields. The observed interaceion of
posieive charges moving in an electromagnetic field these unobserved electromagnetic fields in space is
are in reality a gyroscopic-type-particle traveling in called " gravity. " In reality, gravity is the "unequaling
different directions, comprising ali Matter, and effece" of ehe gyroscopic-actio n-entity composition of
creating che effect of inertia in Mauer. 1 have shown all Maeter.
that the gyroscopic-action-pareicle is liee rally che H
mechanical essence of Einstein's equation o f E= MC 2 . E. In 1967 I wrote a 25-page document and sent ie to
I have also demonstraeed to any individual with ade- the physics and astronomy departmencs of fifty-six
major universities in the United Staees. (These univer-
sities are liseed in a later chapter.] In ehis document 1
"lt is my Tbeory made ehe folJowing prediction:
tbat a central electromagnetic field
complete/y encompasses our Galaxy's " It is also stated tbat tbe Eartb 's mr'?netic Nortb
electromagnetic fleld and causes our and tbe true Nortb are different. However, l con-
Galaxy to align witb and orbit tbis central tend tbat tbey are not different in tbe sense tbat
is suggested. Tbe magnetic Nortb and tbe true
electromagnetic fleld.,, Nortb are one and tbe same, the difference being
matbematica/ points of contact in reference to the
quate powers of reasoning that a new source of Eartb and its movements tbrougb and by electro-
energy can be released from gyroscopic fields of force magnetic fields offorce. ''
which are comprised of gyroscopic particles in mo-
tion. Conslderlng ehese facts scientifically, one would 1 was very certain from my own simple_experiment s
surely conclude that the entire Universe is composed and the known laws of electr omagnetic induction that
and controlled by these gyroscopic panicles (electro- thc Earth's magnetic fleld was belng warped into
magnetic energy). Spacc as the Earth' s magnetlc fleld merged with the
Current astronomy books use words like " queer, Sun's magnetic field.
odd, and peculiar" tO describe man y o f ehe motions H
of planees and their satellites. Yet, such books provide F. Present aseronomy teachings state thae the Earth's
no reason for ehese motions other than saying that magnetic axis makes an angle o f approximately 11 .y.¡ 0
" they just occur ehat way. " wieh respect to the Earth's true axis and thae the
I will now expliciely apply the previous information magneric axis and true axis are different. This conclu-
presented In thls Book tO our Solar System, as well as
the Universe, and l will demonstrate by using the laws "In essence, everytbing in tbe
of Magnetic and ElectricaJ Forces that there is a par- Universe moves in allgnment witb tbe
ticular rcason for ali astronomical motions.
'f'.he foLiowing information must aJI be Maseered, gyroscopic-action-enttty composition
since its mechanicaJ essence is applicable to space of tbeir respective electromagnetic fields. "
travel, food production, and the future safety of life as
we know it on planee Earth. sion has been made because the point on the Earth's
surface where a magnetic poincer wilJ point straight
D. ll is my Theory that a central electromagnetic down was found to be approximately 1500 miles from
field completely encompasses our Galaxy's elecero- the Earth's true axis of roeation. (See Figure 33-F.)
magnetic field and causes our Galaxy to align with
and orbit this central electromagnetic field. Our
Galaxy's eleceromagnetic field causes the Sun to align
with and orbit within our GaJaxy since this electro-
magnetic field encompasses the Sun's o wn electro-
magnetic field. In turn, the Sun causes alJ the planets
within our Solar System to align with and orbit the
Sun because the Sun's electromagnetic field encom- Pe1P9ndlcul1r
passes all of its planets and their respective electro-
QUESTION: What would have been the conclusion if 27' conc traced out b y thc Earch's true axis evcry
the Earth's magnetic axis had been found to be in the 25 ,800 years.
same Iocation as the Earth's true axis? 34
C. The probable, mathematical odds of this data hap-
Thls prior conclusion would appear to be a Jogical pening by accidentare 29,160,000 to l. (Degrees X
scientific conclusion until subjected to a rígid scien- minutes = 5,400 X 5,400.)
tific scrutiny. Experimentation will verify that a
s malle r magnetic fi eld will always be warped when Q UESTIO N: Why isn 't the degree of angle betwecn
b ro ught under the influence o f a larger magnetic field . the Earth' s true ax is and its magnetic axis 89 º, 2' o r
The Sun has a Iarger electromagnetic field than the 3 º , 58' or any other than 23 º, 30', which produces
Earth's electromagnetic fi eld. Consequently, 1 was cer- mathematicaHy exact results? (See Figure 34-J.)
tain chat che Earth's electromagnetic field must be :H
warped into Spacc. I was also ccrcain that the Sun's D. In Section 33-E, 1 have already s tated that
electromagnetic ficld was warpcd as it align cd with astro nom y currently teaches that thc Earth's true axis
o ur Galaxy's elcctromagnetlc field . [I was also certain and the E::m h's magnetic axis are diffc rcnt.
that thc Moon's clectromagnctic field alígned to the :H
Earth 's electromagnetic field and resulted in thc E. In I 967, 1 predicted that the Earrh's true ax is and
Moon's observed mo cio n and positio n in pace.] the Earth 's magnetic axis we re on e and tbe same .
l:'o r a number o f years I dlllgently sought to have M.oreove r, l predicted that the Earth's magnetic axis
o thcr scientlsts de bate wlth me concernlng my astro - was being warped into Space by the Sun's magnctic
fi eld and s uch warpagc caused che effect of che Earth's
" true axis."
''Experlmentation wtll verify tbat }4
a smaller magnetic field will alway s be F. T hese machematical Facts in Sectio ns 34-B and
warped wben brought under tbe influence 34-C are proof that my p11ediction Is correct. (Sections
of a /.arger magtietic field. " 34-G and 34-H re present further proof.)

G. The angular degree o f the co ne traced by the
nomlcal concepts. Howe ve r, such an attempt o n m y Earth's magnetlc axis at the Earth's surface (approx-
part was to no aval!. In 1974 I concluded from the imately 23 º, 30 ') Is equal to che angular degree of che
known Facts In Astronomy that there wo uld be a Earth's " true axis" to the perpendicular of the plane
mathematlcal relatio nship o f recorded astro no mical of les o rbit around che Sun (approximately 23 º, 27').
daca which should prove that I was correct. lf I could (See Figure 34-J .)
assemble this data in v iew o f my mechanical teach- 34
ings, then o the rs wo uld lis ten and o pen thelr minds. H. The mathematlcal odds o f probablllty fo r these mea-
H . surements happening by accidentare also 29,160 ,000
G. The followíng data represents che very first lnfor- to 1, i.e., 5,400 degrees X 5,400 minutes. (Refer to the
mation 1 assembled . I did no t slmply select these data " QUESTION" in Seccio n 34-C s ínce it applies here.)
figures fro m a large group of figures and chcn attempt
to make the m matc h. They are and were thc o nly "In 1967, I predicted tbat tbe Eartb's
rccorcled figures available. J assembled this elata and true axis and tbe Eartb's magnetic axis
searched for a mathemacical connectio n sincc ali of were one and tbe san-ie. "
my experimems and che known laws o f c lcctro mag-
netic induction convinced me beyond any doubc chat
the re wo uld be a connection . l. Currenc as trono my tcaches that a peculiarity o f the
o f the Earth's positlon in Space is its tllt with resp ect
34. A. Since Fcbruary, 1974, the amazing mathematical to the plane of its o rblt around the Sun. The Earth Is
proof chat I assembled re presems che exact rcsults I canted at a fixed angle of approximately 23 lfl degrees.
predicced fro m experimencs in 1967! [Please observe No furch er explanatio n is o ffered except to say " lt jus t
that we will be discussing DEGREES X MINUT ES. 1 con- exls ts thls way."
servatively used 90 ° X 60' . However, che p osslble :H
angles could ha ve been anything within 360 º X 60 '. J. The mathematical Facts in Sectio ns 34-B and 34-C
The conservacive numbers 1 use are mo re than s uffi- combined with those o f Sections 34-G and 34-H are
ciem for the PROOF which 1 sought.] s crong proof that the Earth's true axis is the center of
}4 the cone traced by the Earth's magnetic axis. The
B. PROOF: Thc Earth's magnetic axis at the Earth's Earth is tllted from the perpendicular of its orbit
s urface " traces o ut" two circles every day, each circle around the Sun by the warpage of che Earth's magnet-
having an approximate 23 °, 30 ' cone that is equal to ic axis which aligns with che curvature of the Sun's
che radius of che circles having an approximate 23 º, magnetic lines of force. (See Figure 34-J.)
'' \ \

'',\ \\ \ \ ,,
\ \ \ \

I ,, ,,,,\,,,,,


\ ,,, ,,,\'
'''"''' \

The Earth's True Axla t racee I I The degree ol Angle ol the Tllt \ \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \\ \\ \ \
out 2 c lrcles - eec h havlng a ol the Earth's True Axl e to the \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 \
23 ° 27' radlus every 25,800 I ,' Perpend icu lar ol lle orblt \ \ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \ \
yeare. Thls equals the degree ol /¡ equals the Cone ol the \ \ \ \ \ \
the clrcle traced out by the I¡ Magnetlc Axia l \ \ \ \ \ \1 \ \ 1 \ \ \
E1rth'1 Magnetlc Axis each day. // Theee 2 anglee are equal. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \
The mathemetlcal odde agalnat ~¡'J f, The mathematlc al odd1 agal nst \ \ \ \ 1 \~, 11 \ \ \ \ \ \
thla lact happenlng are 1 LO '"f l-1 thls fact happenlng are \ \ \ \ 11 11 1 \
"29,160,000 to 1". ·~3. :/(),/// " 29,160,000 to 1". \ \ 1 s1
1 1 1 \ \ 11
oe0 1ee º' \ \ ' 1 •s• ~r 1 \ \ \ \ \ \
I by Mag . Axis \ ',
' '1
11 1
l \
: :1 1 1 1 1 \ \ 1
\ I '~ ,,, \ \ \
/ \ ,' / "1
\ 1 ~
MO OH \ \ \ \ \
1 1 1
1 \ 1
Around Sun .., 1 1 1 1 1
¡;. . 111 1 1 1 1 1
~n·eO~ ~
Oegree ol Angle
belween Earth•a
True Ax is and
Ear1h'1 Orbll
y66 ° SS'

Degree ol Ang~e
between E•rlh 1
True Axis~~~- ~ · •
These threa anglea aqual
• 11 0
Magnetic ~ u~serve that 11 the 1111 o t the Moon's
, • • , + •8 • 41 ,
5 9
1 X
\~ 11\ 1 1
1 11 l 1 \
1 1 1
\ \ \

1 1 1 ' 1
arour\d Sun I ¡ • 11 • • 5' O rblt ~hanges, then the tllt of the 1I I¡
1 1 1
~/ Moon·s True Axis must also change. I
/// ' 1 1 / I 1, 1 1 1
," -IJ.- .... The mathematlcal odde egal net the
1 / 1 / I 1¡ ¡ r 1
'/..! two angles ol the Moon belng an equal
ObH rve that the Moon'• True Axl• •llon• 11',
wlth the Ear1h' 1 electromagnetlc llnH of // degree ol angle between the Earth'e 1 t I 11 11 1 I 1
Force ebove end below the Ear1h'1 equ1tor. True Axle and Magnetlc Ax is are I / /
11 " 157,484,000,000 to 1". / I I¡ I ¡ 1
// 1¡
¡ I
,,,,, ,,,,,,
I / / JI IJ 1¡ 1
I f
I f
,,,,, ,,,, '
' '111¡ I J¡
Perpendlculer 11
, ,,, , '1' 1/¡ 111 1 º'
/ I I / / =~x
¡ 11 1 11
•eu engl.. ere epproxlm•I• "'
35. Current astronomy teaches that the Moon 's axis is H . The mathematical odds for the probability of
tilted by approximately 6 º , 41 ' to the perpendicular of these statistics being "accidentally" equal are
the plane of its orbit around the Earth. 157,464,000 to 1, í.e., 5,400 X 5,400 X 5,400.
A. No reason is provided for such tilt other than " it QUESTIONS:
exists this way."
3S 1. Why isn' t the degree of angle betw een the Moon 's
B . Current astronomy teaches that the Moon's orbit is orbit and the Earth' s orbit 1 ° 15 ', or 63 ° 14', o r
inclined at approximately 5 º , 9' to the Earth's orbit. any other d egree than the approximate figure which
3S p r o vides a continuo us, mathematical relationship?
C. No reason is provided for such orbital inclination (See Figure 34-J.)
other than " it exist this way."
35 2 . Why isn't the degree o f angle - for the tilt of the
D. During my early research in 1967, I proposed 17 Moon's axis to the perpendicular o f the plane of its
statements concerning how all bodies move in the o rbit - any other than this exactin g statistic? (See
Universe. One of these statements is: Figure 34-J.)

'' The degree of angle of any single body as it orbits 3. Why isn't the degree o f angle b e tween the Earth's
another body depends upon several f actors: true axis and the Earth's magnet ic ax is any other than
this exacting statis tic? (See Figure 34 -J .) [The ans we rs
(1) The number of degrees North or South past the to QUEST IONS 1 and 2 equals a pproximately 11 ° 50'
magnetic equator that both potes of the orbiting which equals QUESTION 3 of approximately 11 º 45' .]
body are within one pote of the particular body 3S
beíng orbited l. The mathematical facts and statistics in Sections
3S·D 35-G and 35-H are strong proof that both the Moon's
(2) The orbiting body 's magnetic or electrical field tilt (of its axis to the perpendicular of the plane of its
3S·D orbit) and the degree of angle between the Moon's or-
(3) The orbiting body 's weight anda.rea bit and the Earth's orbit are indeed relative to the
3S·D electromagnetic (gyroscopic particle) field of the
(4) The dístributíon of the orbiting body 's weight Moon intertwining and aligning with the electromag-
3S-D netic (gyroscopic particle) field of the Earth. As a
(5) The relation of the orbiting body to the rotation, eructe analogy, one could imagine the Earth and Moon
magnetic or electrical field, weight, and area of surrounded by billions of "invisible streams of gyro-
the body being orbited. " scopic particles" spinning at the speed of light and
3S traveling at the speed of light where each gyroscopic
E. As related to the Moon, for example, what 1 am particle within a given stream has an "electromagnetic
saying in Statement 35-D is the following: " Whatever coupling effect" upon the nex t gyroscopic particle to
degree of orbit the Moon has around the Earth would generate a hydraulic pressure throughout the entire
affect the tilt degree of the Moon with respect to the " stream." In addition, each stream is capable of inter-
Moon's orbit. Both the Moon 's tilt and its orbit are twining or meshing with and into one another. (As I
affected by their relation to the Earth 's magnetic and have already shown, gravity represents the " Unobvious
electrical fields. " Effect" of the electromagnetic (gyroscopic particle)
35 " Unequaling Effect." Refer to Figure 34-J with this
F. In 1974, the following statistics are the very first I knowledge in mind.)
assembled from available astronomy data. l must 3S
stress that I did not select these statistics from a large J. Please realize that I made rigorous statements pre-
group of statistics and then attempt to match them. dicting these results from mechanical tests conducted
These were the only quoted statistics regarding the seven years before 1 obtained these astronomical
gosition of the Moon with respect to the Earth. statistics. In addition, 1 discovered the Fact that ali the
3S recorded astronomical statistics coincide exactly with
G. The degree of angle of the Moon's orbital inclina- the prediction, i.e., the mathematics of probability
tion with respect to the Earth's orbit (approximately indicate that the chances of the Facts occurring "by
5 degrees, 9 minutes), plus the degree of angle of the accident" are so unlikely as to be almost impossible.
Moon's axis-tilt with the perpendicular to its orbit
around the Earth (approximately 6 degrees, 41 36 . Because they were unjustly taught in Astronomy
minutes) is equal to the degree of angle of the Ea'rth's to memorize the statemem "the Sun's magnetic field
magnetic axis with respect to that of the Earth's true reverses on a 22-year cycle," there are those who will
axis (approximately 11 degrees, 45 minutes). (Refér to blindly state that ali of the above Facts discussed in this
Figure 34-J.) Chapter are incorrect.
A. The following represents my scientific reasoning From my original writings, the following informa-
concerning why the Sun 's general magnetic field does cion provides a description and drawing of an experi-
not reverse: ment I conducted on Wednesday, 10 P.M., April 3,
36 1968: (See Figure 36-D.)
B. Present scientific data states:

'' Sunspots Jade in strength euery eleven years. This ~ 1 lnch magn1t

pattern is but a phase of a twenty-two year cycle

in u hich the Sun 's magnetic field reverses itself.
/ Polnt B
's 6 inch magne1 NIS 6 inch magnet
Polnt C ,

Point A
·' The eleven-year cycle o/ the number o/ sunspots
doubles if the difference in magnetic polarity is POLE 90# MAGNET POLE
taken into account. lnformation shows the polar-
ity of the leading spot in a bipolar group during
a cycle in one hemispbere have North polarity, 1 foot long

while those in the other hemisphere have South

polarity. As the cycle progresses, the spots " Experiment Puzzling?"
appear, on the average, at lower latitudes. How-
ever, the leading spots of the Northern hemi- "When a large 90-pound magnet (previously
sphere still have a North polarity and those of the described) is laid down and two, smaller, 1-inch
Southern hemisphere a South polarity. During the diameter, 6-inch long magnets are placed end to end
next eleven-year cycle, tbe leading spots wbich and placed where they are anracted parallel to the
appear at high latitudes o/ both hemíspheres are 90-pound magnet, they appear to have the same po-
of reversed polarity. Therefore, the real cycle of larity as the large magnet to which they are attracted.
the sunspots is 23 years and not 11.5, which "There should be a South pole at point B and a
would be the length o/ the cycle if the spots were North pole at poim C, but when the Souch pole of a
judged solely on their number. And that one major smaller 'A -inch diameter, 1-inch long magnet is placed
reversa/ of the Sun 's magnetic field took place in at point A on the large, 90-pound magnet and is at-
1957-1958 when sunspot activity was ata max- tracted, it should be repelled at point B on the 6-inch
imum, During this period, the North magnetic long magnet's Souch pole. However, it is attracted
pole of tbe Sun became magneticalty a weak there also, but if they are taken away from the
South pote and the South pote became a weak 90-pound magnet in the same position as when they
North pote. '' were attracting, they then repel - ?"
C. Present scientific data also states: On ly after l conducted further experiments did l
understand what was happening and that there was a
'' .. . how magnetic fielcts of tbe sunspots and of the repelling of the South pote of the smaller magnet
Sun are studied by the Zeeman E[fect {the phenom- when placed at che very end of the South pole of the
enon o[ spectral lines splitting due to the presence 6-inch long magnet.
o[ a magnetic {ield o[ su[[icient intensity) and that
it is not easy to measure solar magnetic {ields o[ ".. . wbenever tbere is a stronger magnetic
hundreds o[gauss. Tbis raises the question: does field merging witb a weaker magnettc field,
the Sun have a permanent, general magnetic field? tbe true polarity of tbe weaker magnetic
field sbould be stated witb caution. "
'' lf a permanent magnetic field were present, it
would be manifested as a widening of the spectral 36
lines f rom any point on the pbotosphere and not E. Sciemifically, this experiment proves that whenever
just (rom the sunspots. Because the spectrum of there is a stronger magnetic field merging with a
the pbotosphere is often observed with extremely weaker magnetic field, the true polarlty of ene weaker
sensitive instruments, it can be stated with cer- magnetic field should be stated with caution. Similarly,
tainty that if such a general field exists, it must sunspots' magnetic fields have been fou nd to possess
be extreme/y weak. lts intensity cannot be greater strengths of up to 500,000 gauss. With a low strength
than sorne tens of gauss." (Emphasis added.) of tens-of-gauss measured during sunspot activity, che
36 Sun's general magnetic field should be stated with
D. In conjunccion with my experiments that follow, caution. The Sun's general magnetic field will be con-
these above two quotations present factual, scientific siderably weaker than sunspot magnetic fields at any
arguments as to why che Sun's general magnetic field one point. However, because of the total st'ze of the
has not been observed, but only the general polarity Sun's general magnetic field, such a field is immensely
of sunspot accivity. stronger tban ali the sunspot fields combined.
F. An additional experimental comparison foilows: Effect , but the ge neral field of sunspot activity w a s
(Refer ro Figures 36-Fl and 36-F2 .) studied instead .
QUESTION: Have you, the reader, Mastered what I
FIGURE 36·F1 FIGURE 36·F2 have taught? Do nor blindly accept what l teach, but
POINT 1 (Soulh Polarlty) POINT 1 (North Po larlt y) question the "Facts"' for yourself. Similarly, do not
,/;:,1 blindly accept what one was originally taught to
1 / I
''\ "memorize" when one studied Astronomy.
N s N s 1 have questioned previously accepted concepts and
s s che "Facts" have clearly convinced me that what 1
T T teach is indeed correct. Based upon these " Facts"
o o combined with a "rigid format of Logic," you must
N N decide for yourself what is " true" and what is " false."
E E As one who values scientific precision, I urge you to
R R cliscard what is " false " and adhere to what is " true" !
s N s tl
11I) 11 1 1'~'1 1 3 7 . A. EXAMPLE: Consider che statement, "The Moon
\ ' _,, I \ './ I presently has no magnetic fteld, it is unlikely that
,_ / ...... _ /
POINT 2 (North Polarlty) POINT 2 (South Polarlty) Venus has a magnetic field, and Mars may have a very
small magnecic fleld. "
Thl s experimenta! comparlson has nol been
demonstrated belore by the sclentlllc communlty. The above statement was pro posed by scientifically-
oriented indíviduals. As a scientisc, I was astonjshed
When cwo magnets are placed parallel, as in Figure thac anyone could seriously accept such a statement. l
36·Fl , they will have a weaker general po larity at now underscand that such individuals have been un-
po incs 1 and 2 (caused by the merging of che two justly influenced by a teaching system which rewards
fields) in the same manner as che magnet with the memorizacio n and penallzes serious questioning of
stro ngest field. 1f the strengths of the two magnets are statements which may currently be accepted as true.
reve rsed as in Figure 36-F2, the weaker general polar- 37
ity at po lnts 1 and 2 wlll reve rse. B. Well over 100 years ago, Míchael Faraday clearty
36 aemonstratea that tte utrality to a mag tieticfield d oes
G. Consequencly, if lmaginary lines are drawn fro m not ex ist! The Faces known prio r ro my teachings clear-
che leading and follo wing spo ts in the No rthe rn Heml- ly demo nstrate chat che Laws of Electromagnetic Induc-
sphere, o ne wlll have a drawing o f the Sun as de· tio n apply to planees, stars, etc., if there were cmy
picted in Figure 36·G: magnetic ft'elds involvea. From my own experiments
with magnets and the known Laws of Electromagnetic
FIGURE 36·0 Induction, I was scro ngly predictlng such ascro no mical

1 /
/ / _..-
-- ,,'
Pol nt 1

...- -......
'\ \ \
results in 1967.
'O C. In 1967, while I was predicting that che Moon
Sun Spot -rLO'1 1
1 ¡-
1 Ludino
s un Spot
wo uld be found to have a magnetic field, everyone
1 1 1 1 else (whose wo rk I read) was saying thac the Moon
1 1
1 1
did not o r would not be found to have any magnetic
1 1 1 1 fleld o f any consequence. For example, after an analy-
1 1 1 1
spot• -11-0 :
1 \ \
1 1¡
sis of the Explorer 35 's results, it was concluded that
lf a permanent lunar field exlsted , lts magnltude
, , .... _,,, ¡ /
'-:::.-:.-"..... would be less than two gammas. The Moon was con-
Polnt 2
sidered magnetically dead by the scientlfic community.
ln contrast, 1 was so positive that the Moon would
There will be a weaker gene ral field of che sunspots have a magnetic field - my attitude being based upon
at points 1 and 2 depending upon which magnetic my experiments - that I wrote Dr. Robert R. Gilruth
field is strongest. lf che potes reverse in polarity but (the previous director of NASA) a letter onjanuary 3,
maintain che strongest fi eld, the weaker general field 1969 still predicting that the Moon would be founa to
at points 1 and 2 will also reverse. If che polarity of have a magnetic field when the astronauts made their
che potes remain the same but che scrength of che potes · first landing on the Moon. If my predicted results
reverse in terms of which side is srronger, then the were not corroboratea, then l would readily aamit
weaker general field at points 1 and 2 will also reverse. that my aocument of 1967 was wrong; but if I was
36 correct, then my comments should be given immediate
H. The refor e, I have p resen ted a sound scientiflc an d attention. (See copy of my letter (37-Cl ] to Dr. Gilruth
factua l argume nt that the i>olarity of the Sun's ge n e ral dated]anuary 3, 1969 and the copy of Dr. Gilruth 's
magnetic field has n o t bee n studied by th e Zeeman letter [37-C2] to me dated]anuary 21, 1969.)

3062 Pickell Drive

Mobile , Alabama 36605
January 3 , 1969

Dr. Robert R. Gilruth, Direc tor

NASA Manned Space Fligh t Cente r
Houston, Texas 77058
Dear Dr. Gilruth:
I have be en advised by Mr. Ben James of Public Affairs t hut
you could assist me in my endeavor.
Two ye ars have pas sed s i nce I wrote a Scient1f1c Document on
How Bod1es Move 1n the Universe, and I have been unable to
get any other scientist to prove or disprove my documentf
Enclosed pl ease find a list of fifty-six colleges that r e -
cei ved a copy of my docurnent at their Department Head of
Physics and Department Head of Astronomy, where applicable.
Very few even offered the courtesy of acknowledging that
they had received my docurnent, and even fewer made comment.
(Please see attached)
Also enclosed you will not e a copy of a l e tter from Hunts-
ville Space Adm1n1s t rat1on and National Science Foundation
to which there has been no follow-up correspondence.
Also please note the enclosed copy of my Scientific Document
and a scientific article which I had printed in the Mobile
Press, Dec ember 22 , 1968 , at a cost of $650. 00.
On or about February of 1967, my patent at t orney, Harold
J. Birch, w1th the finn of Irons, Birch, Swindler, and McKie
in Washington, D. c. arranged an nppointment forme and ap-
proximately six (6) scientista at Houston Space Center for
the purpose of expressing an o pinion on my document. Unfor-
tunately, I have since lost the names of these gentlemen.
They were quite courteous but did not contribute a de finite
statement except to say that I may or may not be correct and
that the burden of proor was on me. One of the scientists,
whom I 11ked becausc he seemed to have an open mind for new
op1n1ons, kept a copy of my docurnent.
I have made my livcli hood by 1nventing since 1961 and I have
always told my client s that I would let my creative abi lity
speak for 1tself. Therefore, s i nce the burden of proof is
on me, I would again like to bring attention to a prediction
that I made two years ago, that the moon's axi s would be
found to have an angle toward the earth in rel ntion to 1ts
magnet1c field. (See page. 12 of my sc1ent1f1c document.)

Dr. Robert R. Gilruth
January 3, 1969
Page 2

My purpose is str1ctly sc1ent1f1c and any comments I have

made and of fered in my document and article are based on
numerous costly experimenta made and pa1d for by mé, plus
countless long hours of decp creat1ve th1nk1ng. I humbly
ask that the follow1ng experiment be made when the Astro-
nauts make the1r f1rst landing on the moon, which hopefully
w111 be in the very near future. Th1s experiment w111 let
my ability, or lack of creative ab111ty, speak for 1tself.
If this prediction is not as I have stated, I w1ll read1ly
admit that my documcnt and art1cle are wrong, and that I
have wasted my time, as well as that of others, to whom I
would greatly owe an apology. Howcver, 1!' I am correct, I
think 1t would be approprlate that my comments be g1ven
immcdiate at tention.
My pred1ct1on for proof is as follows:
The moon w111 have a magnetic field located within 12 of its
axis or already designated North and South Pole. However,
what has been stated by scientists as the moon's North Pole
will have a South Magnetic Pole within 12 of same. And what
has been stat ed by sc1ent1sts as the moon1s South Pele w111
have a North Magnet1c Pole w1th1n 12 of sarne. (This would
have to be shown with a compass made with a high grade of
alnico 5 material . Because a compass made of material that
doesn't strongly retain i t s particular magnet1c f1elds can
have its polarity changed 1f quickly shoved 1nto a stronger
magnet1c field . ) If a magnetized po1nter is used as a compass
and one end is marked that points North on the Earth, 1t w1ll
point to the moon's South Pole, which will be the Moon's North
Magnetic Pole.
Please infonn me at your earl1est convenience as to what I
may expect in reference to my request and any sc1ent1f1c
comments would be welcomedf

~oe - W. Newman
3062 Plckell Dr1ve
Mob1le, Alabama 36605

1l .~


HousroN, TEXAS 77058

JMI 2 1 1%9

Mr . Joe W . Newrnan
3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabarna 36605

Dear Mr . Newrnan:

Thank you for your interesting docurnent on the space prograrn.

The magnetic field of the rnoon is an area we have worked on sorne
in the past. The U. S , satellite, Explorer XXXV, as you probably
know , went into orbit around the rnoon carrying a rnagnetorneter .
This instrurnent, as well as a similar instrurnent on the Russian
lunar lander, Luna 9, showed that the rnagnetic field of the rnoon
is very srnall. It is less than one thousandth of the earth 1 s rnagnetic
fiel d and rnay be ze ro . Even if the field of the rnoon were zero, in
a short time it would have collected a small magnetic field which
would be transported frorn th e sun via the solar wind . We think
probably this is the nature of the present magnetic field of the moon
based on th e expe r irnents which have been carried out so far .

We currently have plans for placing a very sensitive magnetometer

on the surface of the moon in the second lunar landing. The payload
for the first lunar landing has already been dete r mined . The magne -
t ometer will try to study the field of the moon in more detail and for
a longer period of t ime in or der to determine whether it is, as we
suspect, controlled by the sun . The result of this experiment will
be published in the scientific literature made available to the press
as soon as it is available .

Thank you very much for your interest .


~~ Robert R . Gilruth

37 :n
D . Since che Moon was considered magnetically H. The marhematical scati cic presented in Seccions
dead, the firsc Apollo 11 landing was not even 33-E through 35-J certainly provc th::tt I am correct
scheduled to carry a magnetometer. However, on since I assembled such stati tics cvcn years after my
November 12, 1969, the scient1fic community was original prediction.
very excited and surprised when an instrument
measured a permanent magnetic field of 38 gammas 38. A. Let's examine other current statements in As-
at the Apollo 12 landing site. Then in February, 1970, tronomy. The following information is quoted from the
the Apello 14 crew measured a magnetic field of cwo books, Astronomy and Frontiers of Astronon1y by
43 gammas and 103 gammas at two d ifferent locations eminent ascronomer Fred Hoyle. fAstronomy is publlshed
near their landing site which was l 10 miles east of by Rathbone Books, Ltd., London, 1962; Frontiers of
Apollo 12. During a time period around August 1, Astronomy is published by New American Library, New
1971, the Apello 15 crew measured a magnecic field of York, 1964.] From Astronomy, page 260:
6 gammas at their landing site . Then, in April, 1972,
the Apollo 16 crew measured a surprisingly high mag-
netic field of 3 13 gammas ac their landing site. The
Apollo 17 mission did not carry a magnetomecer.
[NOTE: A gamma is a unit of rnagnetic intensity,
equal to 1O 5 oersted.]
The magneticfield measurements obtained at the
Apolto sites combined with the high magnetic
remanence f ound in rock samples returned from ali
the Apotlo sites, demonstrate that the Moon is mag-
netized in ali visited regions.
E. I strongly predicted these results before the first
lunar landing, but these were not the results pre-
dicted by the scient1fic community before tbe first
lunar landing. SUN & PLANETS: The stars that are prominent in the
nlght sky are only the nearby stars inside this sphere.
F. Because the direction and intensity of the Moon's
magnetlc field varíes and is based upon rneasurernents
recorded in Space by satellites, sorne scientists have Figure 38-A is a "schematic representation of the mag-
offered the hypothesis that the Moon's permanent netic field of a galaxy. Lines of force seem to be aligned
field is only localized. mainly parallel to the galactic plane. It is strongly
I do not consider this a correct scientific conclusion. suspected that a magnetic field pervades our galaxy. "
Even the Earth's magnetic field is described " like the
wanderings of a snail, " and its intensity varies greatly
over different mineral deposit areas. My experiments
have scientifically demonstrated the complications of
FIGURE 38·A1 ,, :

,,, 1
determining strength and polarity of a weak magnetic \\\ 1 ' ' /
field at a dlstance from its source, as did the Russian
'' t1 1''
\ I 11
Luna 10 and the U.S. Explorer 35 experiments con- N. pole
ducted before the first manned Moon landing. The
reader may find it interesting that after the
measurements of the Moon's magnetic field were SUN
recorded, a new anide stated: " No one predicted the
magnitude of the Moon's magnetic field. " I brought
S. pole
this news statement to the attention of one physicist
I ¡ 1 1\ \
and my original, strong prediction before-the-f act, and 1// 1 ',',',
the physicist's reply was that "I had a 50-50 chance of 1''
1 ,,,
1 ,,,
guessing this Fact ." QUESTION: Do you, the reader,
I¡ 1 \ \
believe that the Faces indicate I was only guessing? 1
G. From my experiments, the laws of magnetic and The facc chac che Earth and Sun have magnetic fields is
electric fields, and the " Faces, " 1 am cena in that che well known. However, quoting from Fred Hoyle's book,
Moon has a general magnetic field which is consider- Frontiers of Astronomy, page 106: " The problems of che
ably weaker than the Earth's field. 1 am also certain Sun 's field is notas simple .as that of an ordinary magnet. "
that a magnetic field will be found at any other manned Figure 38-Al, " shows the pattern in which iron filings
landings made on the Moon, Venus, o r Mars. arrange chemselves around an ordinary rnagnet."
12 5
From Frontiers of Astronomy, page 110:

" ... a ca reful exam ination of the polar piu mes of che corona suggests chat che lines of force emerging from che potes
of the Sun show the behavior indicated in Figure 38-A2 . The lines of force apparemly make a bee-line dead away from
the Sun, and the farther they go the less indication therc seems to be that they are ever going to curve round and join
up with the Jines o f force fro m the other pote. Where do these lines of force go to? This question raises a puzzle to
which tbere is 110 agreed answer. "(Emphasis added.)
B. To simply demonstrate the observations o f Section 38-A, I conducted the following test:



J scratched the drawing in Figure 38-8 on a clear plastic rectangular pan (10 \/2" widc by 17" long) and fil led in lhe
scratches with red paint so the image could be casily seen. Then I taped a small magnet (3/4" lo ng by 1/ 16" diamecer)
undcr che plastic pan as shown. I sprinkled the plastic pan with iron filings. When thc plastic was physically tapped,
thc iron filings arranged themselves as shown. The iron filings not in che immediate vicinity o f che scratched draw-
ing were not aligned by the small magncc. Jt is easily seen that che magnetic lines of flux in Figure 38-B align as they
do in Fred Hoyle's Figure 38-Al, but no t as shown in Frcd Hoyle's Figure 38-A2.
C. However, when the Figure 38-B experimem is physically moved to the vicinity of the equato r o f a large , 90-lb.
magnet, the rcsults are as follo ws:


/ / / I I • , : ...... ~:. ¡ I I I I I
/ ' '.. '· //
A ' I i 1, I -~
i i / ·.; ,.- . r' ' ' I I ' '
~ .'¡ J / / / / I !¡~ /1 í, I I / / I / I I
LARGE MAGNETIC FIELD / / / / / / !¡/ 11'!1 J/ / / / / / / / Earth's True Axi s Is now In the c enter
/ / / / ///( ¡ l/f I I I/ / / of the Earth's warped Magnetic Axlal
/ /

I / / /1'11. 1,;~1í
¡ 1 111 f ¡I I 1 I I I I I
/ I / / / / / I ,' / ///, ,~ I I I I I I I I I I
/ /I I
South True Axis
I 1 ¡ 1 .' .' ,' ,' .' / / l 1 1 / I I
/ / I
From Figure 38-C one can deduce the following: (1) gravity r e presents the " Unequaling Effect" of
the Uno bvious Effects of the e lectromagnetic com-
(1) The magnetic field depicted in Figure 38-B is position of ali Matte r and ,
now immediately warped. (2) m agnetism and e lectrlc cb arges are composed of
the same gyroscopic-action-particle th at is the basic
(2) When the experiment is physically tapped, the building e ntity of a ll Matter.
iron fili ngs o n the scratched circle in Figure 38-B
travel to the North and South poles or the magnetic 39. Let's examine my explanacions for other astro-
equator as shown in Figure 38-C. (This effect varies nomical statements:
depending upon the dis tance separating the larger and 39
smaller magnetic sources.) A. Astronomy teaches that the Moon has a slow rota-
tion and that at ali times it keeps the same hemisphere
(3) T he iron filings not p reviously moved by the turned towards Earth.
smaH magnet all aligo with the magnetic field of the 39
large magnet. Such filings beautifully aligo with the B. Popular Explanation: "In the remote past, the
iron filings in Figure 38-C and cause the Earth's true Moon rotated more rapidly, but the drag of che cides
axis to be in the center of che Earth's warped magnet- induced within its once-plastic body by the more
ic axis. (Compare Figure 38-C to Figure 34-J.) massive Earth, robbed the Moon of its spin. Moreover,
the Earth's gravitational pull upan a slight bulge on
lt is easily seen that the magnetic lines of flux in the side of the Moon f acing the Earth is probably
Figu re 38-C d o not aligo as they previously did in responsib le for its continually fac ing the Earth ."
Figure 38-B, or as they do in Fred Hoyle's Figure 39
38-Al , but do align as shown in Fred Hoyte's Figure C. On Augusc 4, 1971 , a scientific finding was
38-A2, since they move directly away from the small published that the Moon is lopsided with the bulge on
magnet. Therefore, the question raised by the obser- its backside. (Thls contradices the hypothetical
vation of the Sun's magnetic field shown in Fred " popular stacement. " )
Hoyle's d rawing in Figure 38-A2 - upon which there
previo usly was no agreed answer - is now answered. "I tberefore concluded tbat tbe Moon
My simple experiment demonstrates that the Sun's
k eeps the same face towards tbe Ear tb
magnetic field connects with a far larger magnetic
field: our galaxy 's magnetic field as shown in Fred because tbe Moon ts e/ose to tbe Eartb and
Hoyle's Figure 38-A. tbe magnetic a n d electrical alignment of
38 tbe Moon 's and Eartb's Ftelds ofForce are
D . T he true depiction of o ur Sun's magnetic field stronger tban tbe centrifugal force. "
should be shown as in Figure 38-A of our Galaxy's
magnetic fietd. The polar ptumes of the Sun's corona 39
appear in Fred Hoyle's Figure 38-A2 simpty because D. From experimems I conducted in 1966 - with
thac area of the Sun has che strongest magnecic lines of small magnets covered with varying amoums of clay
force which contain strengchs that dominare the Sun's and fixed where they could orbic around a larger
polar plumes. Examine the two, top and bottom magnet - I observed the following results:
center arrows of Figure 38-A and compare those to The smaller magnet was o bserved to make an ellip-
the ooes in Figure 38-A2. You will see that such ef- tical orbit; it was observed to spin in the direction it
feccs are a duplicare of one another. (See Figure 38-D.) was traveling; and it was observed that when the or-
bital path of the smaller magnet around the larger
magnet reduced, the speed of its motion around the
, larger magnet increased. lt was also observed that

\I '' \

' '1
,; when the smalter magnet approached the larger
magnet, it would begin to maintaín the same f ace
towards the larger magnet. This result would cease if

1 \
the orbit became extremely elliptical which caused
; \

, •'
the smaller magnet to spin erratically.

E. I therefore concluded chat che Moon keeps the
38 same face towards the Earth because che Moon is
E. T he results of Figure 38-A combined with my close to che Earth and the magnetlc and electrical
teachings and the known Laws o f Eleccromagnetic In- alignment of the Moon 's and Earth's Fields of Force
ducrion clearly demonstrate that our Sun and ali of its are stronger than the centrifuga! force. (If the Moon
planees are affected and governed by thc eleccromag- moved farther from che Earth, then the Moon would
netic effect since: scart spinning.)
40 . Based upon my experiments and the Laws of magnetic línes of flux with the magnetic lines of flux
Magnetic and Electrical Fields, 1 made the following of the Sun. "
statement in 1967:

H. These scientific observations which I read and my
A. " It would be a violation of the proveo laws of comments in Sectio ns 40-A through 40-G coincide ex-
magnetism and electricity for a body orbittng tbe Sun actly with the results described in Figure 34-J along
not to continuously a ttempt to allgn tts magnettc with the mathematical proofs In Sections 34-B
Unes offlux witb tbe magnettc lines of flux of tbe through 34-H that the Earth's true axis is generated by
Sun. As a result, the orbiting body's degree of angle, the Earth's magnetic axis. The scientific observations
speed, elllptical orbit, and tbe rotation on its axis of Section 40-D and Section 40-F demonstrate that the
wlll vary as the distance varíes between the orbiting Earth's true axis traces a small circle which is the
body and the Sun. " result of the larger circle traced by the Earth' s mag-
netic axis in the period of one yearl
"ºB.In October, 1970, I read the following scientific 40
information: l. It is doubtful that the circles described in Section
40-D or Section 40-F will be closed circles. Such
" Analysi·s of data by Stoyka at Paris Observatory circles would be open because the motions of the Sun
has revealed accelerations and retardations o[ the as it orbits within our Galaxy - combined with the
Earth 's rotation over the very short period of forward motion of our Galaxy - prevents the Earth
about one year. from tracing the exact same orbit as the previo us year.
(See Figure 40-1.) Therefore, by conducting measure-
" The last word has not yet been said on this matter mems on distant stars one will observe similar circles
and there is stitl much to be done. Astronomers, as described in Section 40-D and Section 40-F.
though, justi[iabty worry about it. ''

C.This is precisely what I predicted in 1967 via state-
ment 40-A: " ... and rotatio n on its axis will vary .. . "

In the December 13, 1968 íssue of Time Magazine,
page 54, I read the following scientific information:

'' Instead of spinning smoothly, tbe Earth wobbles

on its axis. By sighting telescopes on distant fixed
stars and carefully measuring tbeir apparent
movement, scientists have determined that the
North and South poles - the points at which the
imaginary axis o[ rotation pierces the Earth 's
sur[ace - are continual/y on tbe move. Over the
course of a year, they wander about the polar
regions in roughly circular paths about 50 ft. in
diameter. The cause o[ the erratic wobbling motion 41. A. Astronomy teaches that the planet Pluto has
has long been a geophysical mystery. " the greatest inclination of any planetary orbit. Ali other
planets move in orbits that are only slightly inclined to

E. Again, this is exactly what I predicted in 1967 via the ecliptic, i.e., the Earth's orbit around the Sun. The
statement 40-A: " ... degree of angle ... wiH vary ... " exception to the rule is Pluto which Hes on a plane
about 17 degrees with the ecliptic. (See Figure 41-A.)

F. I also read this scientific information: •1B.
Popular explanation for Pluto's inclination: "Pluto
" The Magnetíc Po/es wander, provea also in may be a lost satellite of Neptune."
1912 in tbe South Pote by observations of severa/ 41
months, the pote wandered along the are of a C. My experiments have shown me that the further
five-kilometer circle. " from the source of a magnetic and electrical field o f
force - when that source is engrossed in a larger
There was no reason or explanation provided fo r such magnetic and electrical field of force - the greater the
'' wandering.' ' warpage of the lines of forces of that source.
40 41
G. Once again these results are exactly what 1 D . This warpage is generated by the inertia of the
predicted in 1967 via statement 40-A: " ... a body or- source wanting to carry that source in a straight line
biting the Sun ... (will) ... continuously try to aligo its as it orbits another source.




---- ..... ----------.....


z - Ecllp\\c

"'~ 6 'ii'»(\
z~ o~'' .,.~º\)~
~\\)'º'!> .


Compare the degree of the angle between Pluto's Orbit and the Sun's
True Axis to the degree of the angle between the Earth's Orbit and the
Earth's True Axis. (See Figure 34-J.) They are equlvalent! This indicates a
mathematlcal relatlonshlp throughout the Solar System caused by each
smaller body allgnlng ltself with the larger curva tu re of the Magnetic and
Electric lines of force of the larger body whlch the smaller body orblts.

• Approxlmate figures
E. Pluto is 3,,670,000,000 miles from the Sun (the The following results were observed from the experi-
source) or 39.5 times the distance of the Earth from ment pictured in Figure 42-A:
the Sun. T herefore, dueto the inertia of the Sun, the 42
Sun' s magnetic and electrical fields of force begin to B . When the small magnet was maintained in a flat
warp as they continuously try to aligo with our position in the small dish, it would always travel to
Galaxy's magnetic and electrical fields of force. the magnetic equator of the larger rrlagnet regardless
41 of where the small magnet was originally placed in tbe
F. Because of confidence in the veracity of my exper- pan of water.
iments, I searched years ago for mathematical proof 42
that Pluto's magnetic and electrical flelds of force do C. When the small magnet was tilted a small amount
in fact aligo with the Sun's magnetic and electrical with one end upward, the small magnet would travel
fields of force. slightly North or South of the Jarge magnetic equator,
41 depending u pon which end of the small magnet was
G. An additional mathematical argument is now actually tilted.
presented! The degree of angle of Pluto's orbit to the 42
true axis of the Sun (approximately 65 º, 51 ') closely D. When the small magnet was tilted even more, it
equals the degree of angle o f the Earth's o rbit to its would travel even further North or Sourh of the large
true axis (approximately 66 °, 53 '). magnetic equator.
41 42
H . The mathematical odds of the probability of these E. When the plastic pan of water was lowered too
figures "happening by accident" are 29, 160,000 to 1, clase to the large magnet, the small magnet would
i.e., 5,400 X 5,400. start •to tilt at an extreme angle and would move fu r-
41 ther North or South of the large magnet's equator.
l. 1 have already presented strong proof that the This process would continue until the small magnet
Earth's orbit and true axis are the result of the Earth's was pulled under the water which would cause the
magnetic axis aligning with the curvature of the Sun's small dish to sink.
magnetic and electrical fields of force. 42
41 F. As a result, this experiment explains why ali the
J. The same mathematical relationship has occurred planets orbit in the vicinity of the Sun's magnetic
again! This indicares to me that the same mathematical equator in varying degrees of angle due to electromag-
relationship operates throughout the Solar System! netic alignment and the warpage of the Sun's electro-
Such is the case because every smaller body aligns magnetic field. This experiment also explains w hy
with the Jarger curvature of the magnetic and elec- most stars orbit in a galactic plane. [I also predict that
trical lines of force of the larger body which the galaxies also orbit within the p lane of their respective
smaller body orbits. Central Entity . (See Section 52-M.)]
42 . A. Further experimental proof of my Theory G. This experiment also provides an explanation of
follows: why sunspots always rravel to the Sun's equator and

- -

/' //' I/-_._
· <


-- - -

-... small magnet In small plastlc dlsh

,....o&::- ~--~ 1'

., 4
, "
\ plastlc pan ol water
f / / > /-- _ _ _ ---.... < ..,_ "
\ 1 I / / / ______............ , "\ \ \ 1
/>,-:,:-:::,---> '\
" "" "

"- -...

' \
\ ','-.:::.//
:..... -.... " , Large /
90# magnet ----
,, /_,,.. /
1 )


Centrifuga! Force is eq uivalent to the

:=:-=-- ,;?~"?.;:,""=:: Prevlously ~ -- -... water In the experlment, fo r planets


-- /
f I
....- .--
/ /
/ -::--_- ' '' " ' " " "\
descrlbed. --:::::,.

/-,.-:.=-,',' \ \ "\ \
-... " orbitin g the Sun!

I r \ \ \ ', ~:.:::: -:. / / ; i J ) \

1 \ " "- , ' , ------- .:-- / / / / / / 1
"" " ' ' ," ' , ---------------
------- --- ~


"' ' - - - - ---


--- - ---- - ---

1 observed these results in 1968.

Slmulation of the Sun' s Magnetic and Electrlcal Lines of Force only. (Such li nes of force \
emanate f rom the Sun in a mathemat ical order and are warped differently as the distance
varies.) The Planets' degree of angle of their orbit to the Sun's True Axis and thelr t llts to
thei'r own orbit are controlled by their respective Magnetlc and Electrical Lines of ' '\. \
Force allgning with the Sun's Magnetic and Electrical Lines of Force! Such \
action is exactly that which was demonstrated and described for the Moon \ \
in Figure 34-J. / \ \ \
\ \ \
This Figure depicts the planets' degree of Angle of Orbit to \ \
the Sun's Axis (and above the Sun's Equator) as well as \ \ \
their Degree of Tllt of Axis to their respective orblts \ \ 1
-l whlch align with the curvature of the Sun's \
:i: 1
Magnetic and Electrical Lines of Force. The
!Z \ 1
Sun's Lines of Force are also ~~y
"'"' \

C) the SP-inning of the Sun, but thls does not 1
-< \
ter how the magnetic and electrical \ 1
~ ields align with one another! 1
\ 1
ro ..,.. 1 ,.. - . \ I
o - 1 /
"r. SUN\ 1/ - - , \ 1
', .... _.._. p\ . . , \ Top\Vlew \
~tTl \ 1
~ : 1 \ 1
zm ;
1 A.JC1s
\ 1 For explanation,
:;:: refer to Section 43-J . I
> \ /
~IS +
z \
\ \ /
\ 1 /
\ 1 /
See explanation
1 1 in Section 43-K.

2 F1GURE43· A

/ /
why they are seldom found more than 40 º North or H . It is obvious that each of che following p lanees -
Souch of the equator. Llke the small magnet in experi- Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, and Neptune - is align ing
ment 42-A, the sunspots are probably pulled under ics true axis (which is the result of its magnetic axis) to
the Sun's surface if they travel too clase to the the curvature of the Sun's magnetic and eleccrical
magnetic pales of the Sun. lines of force. (See Figure 43-A.)
43. A. Astronomy teaches that seven of the planets l. It is also obvious that the degree of p lanetary axis
orbiting the Sun have particular tilts to the perpen- tilt becomes progressively greater as the distance from
dicular of their orbits, and two of the planets' tilts are the Sun becomes greater. Venus is an exception and
unknown. (See Figure 43-A.) therefore deserves verification due ro its continuous
cloud covering. Jupiter is an exception and is dis-
The tilts of the p lanets and their distances from the cussed next.
Sun are as follows: 43
J . Jupiter is so voluminous - it could accommodate
l . MERCURY, tllt unknown ali the othcr planees within its perimeter - and has
36 mlllion mile s from the Sun such a powerful magnetic and elcctrical field of force,
2. VENUS, tllt 25 ° that it nearly cuts the curvature of the Sun's lines of
67 milllon mUe s from the Sun force into a straight line. (See Figure 43-Jl.)
3. EARTH, tilt 2 3 111 °
9 3 mlllion miles from the Sun
Thc average dlstance of)upitcr's
4. MARS, tilt 2 5 ° FIGURE 43·J1
most renv..,te sace l litcs Is
142 mllllon miles from the Sun 23,660,000 miles. Therefore, the
5. JUPITER , tilt 3 ° Sun's tilt of Jupitcr's axis to the perpen-
Llnes of F0<ce dicular o f ils orbit is only 3
484 mllllo n miles from the Sun ' \, degrees. A smaller electro magnetic
6. SATURN, dlt 27 °
887 mlllioo mJles from the Sun
FIGURE 43-J2 .~..
: fleld would cause Jupiter to tllt
more, as it docs with the smaller
7. URANUS, tllt 82 °
, /
planees. (See figure 43 -)2.)
1, 78:! milUon mile s from the Sun
8. NEPTUNE, tUt 29 °
2 , 797 mlllion miles from thc Sun
"K .Uranus Js dlamagnetic In nature and aligns perpen-
dicular to the Sun's magnetic and electrical Unes of
9. PLUTO, tilt unknowo force. (The nature of diamagnctlc materials was
3,670 mllllon miles from the Sun orlginally proveo by Michael Faraday.)
43 L. Astronomy teaches that ali of the planets are abovc
B. No reason is provided by currently accepted the Sun's cquator on one side of thelr respective or-
tcaching which explains the above stalistics other bits and below thc Sun's equator on the other side of
than the stacement chat " it just exists this way. " their respective orbitS.
o "3
C. Ali the proof that t have presented to chis poim in- M. There is no reason providcd in current astronomy
d icares to me that al! p lanctary motion Jn our Solar teachings cxcepc to say that " it just exists this way. "
Systcm is controlled by the Su n's magnctic and elec-
trical fie lds of force. ''... all planetary motion in our Solar
o System is controlled by tbe Sun's magnettc
D. Figure 43-A and thc carlier Figure 34-J rcpresent and electrlcal fields offorce. "
addicional proof that planetary mocion is controlled
by thc Sun 's magnetic and electrical flelcls of force. 43
43 N. Figure 43-A shows the plancts above the Sun's
E. In Figure 43-A, the nine planees are shown in their equaror; the planees hotel thelr samc tilts when they
particular orbits wlth their respective degree of axis travel ro the other side of the Sun, but are thcn below
cilr ro their o rbit. the Sun's equator.
F. In Figure 43-A, the dash lines are intended to "O. The reason for such " tilt maintenance" is the
slmulate the curvacure of the Sun's magnetic and elec- same reason provlded for the Moon's tilt in its orbital
trical lines of force. relation to the Earth's equator. (See Figure 34-J.)
o 43
G. Because there is progressively a greacer differencc P. Examine my Theory of the Universe as I stated in
of millions of miles between each planee (refer to Sec- Section 33-0. If you consider ali the factual informa-
cion 43-A), che curvature of the Sun's lines of force tion that 1 have presented throughout this entire
will have greater and greater ares. Book, the Facts verify my Theory!
Q. The Faces I have consiscently presented are cer- planees' tílts and o rbits are governed by electromag-
tainly more scientifically sound chan current ascro- netíc fields of force.
nomical teaéhings which say that "all bodies in the 44
Universe have particular angles, orbits, and distances G. On the bottom of page 244 and che top of page
from one another simply because they 'landed' that 245 of Earth and Sun, Huntington states that some-
way. " At one time, gravity was called an " invisible times the planets have a negative effect upon sunspot
entity" which was not clearly understood. It should activity and at other times a positive effect. Thls was
be clear by now that gravity simply represents the very perplexing to Huntington since there was no
" Unequaling Effect" of che Unobvious Electromag- way such results could be explaíned by a gravitational
netic (gyroscopic-action-entiry) composition of ali effect. But such sunspot effects may be explained by
Matter. an electrical hypothesis.
43 44
R. The following information should be taken H. In accord with such an electrical hypothesis, I
seriously and " Mastered" : conducted che following experiment:

44 . A. I am extremely indebted to Dr. Robert E.

coll of copper wlre
Smith, Chief, Orbital and Space Environment Branch,
Marshall Space Flight Center, Alabama, for having che
scientific insight to recognize a correlation between my
Magneto -~'illl+-.... -~11'111'--0 Magnet
work and che work accomplished by Ellsworth Hunt-
s s
ington over fifcy years ago.
B. On June 22, 1976 (see Section 33-A), Dr. Smith
sene copies of Ellsworth Huntington's work to me FIGURE 44-11
with the comment that " it supplements and comple-
ments your work."

""C.Without Dr. Smith's scientific lnsight, I am very ""·"

( 1) If the magnets were singly moved, a given cur-
doubtful that 1 would have ever known of this informa- rent was recorded on the galvanometer.
tion since ít appears that Ellsworth Huntíngton's work «·H
can only be obtained frorn the Library of Congress. (2) A cottSlderably smaller curr ent was recorded on
44 the galvanometer when the magnets were m oved
D. After reading Huntington's work, 1 was amazed slmultaneously at the same speed in diffcrent
that it had lain dormant for all these years (except for dlrections as shown in Figure 44-H. (Current is
the recognition of its significance by such insightful now being lnduced in two different directlons
individuals as Dr. Smith), and I was very excited be- and tends to cancel the net effect.)
cause the reader will see that Ellsworth Huntington's 44-H
work complements my work exactly. However, after (3) Thls simple experiment satisfles Huntington's
pondering the results of my and Huntington's work, concern r e sunspots described in Section 44-G,
as well as conducting additional experiments, the since this concern can be duplicated with the
scientific results 1 have obtaíned give me reason to Laws of Electromagnetic Induction.
have concem since it appears that a possible catastro-
phe may lie in che Earth's immediate future. [But I "'l.
Throughout his book Earth and Sun, Huntington
must stress that there is no problem which cannot be indicates that when the planets of our Solar System
solved if the essence of tbe problem is properly are in allgnment with one another, they increase the
understood!j quantity of sunspots. As a result of this observation,
I conducted the following experiment:
""E.The dedicated scientific work of Ellsworth Hunt-
ington proves that sunspot activity is principally coll of copper wlre
caused by the planees. The questlon asked by Hunt-
ington was whether such sunspot activity was caused N
by a gravitational, electrical, or sorne other effect.
Huntington believed that it was probably an electrical
o íls os
effect. (See pages 244, 245, and 284 of Earth and Sun s
by Ellsworth HuntiQgtOn.)

I will proceed to combine Huntington's scientific
FIGURE 44·1 1 1 1 11 1 11

findings with mine: Sections 33 through 43 -P of this GALVANOMETER....__ _ V.;;..

_ _ __.
Book provide exactíng, scientific evidence that the
(1) The greater the number of magnets aligned as in harmooy (giving a total increase in sunspots)
shown in Figure 44-1, the greater the amount of or not in harmony (tending to cancel out
current that was recorded on the galvonometer sunspots). [Refer to my experlment in Sections
when the magnets were moved as shown. When 44-H, 44-1, and Figure 44-M.]
the magnets reached the second arrow and con- 44
tinued on, the current reversed. L. The average sunspot cycle is l' l .13 years.
44-1 However, as Huntington states in Earth and Sun,
(2) If the largest magnet moved alone, theo less (page 253), sunspot maxima had ranged from 7.3 to
curreot was geoerated than if ooe additiooal 17.1 years.
magnet was moved in alignment with it. 44

44 -1 M . With respect to the Laws of Electromagnetic

(3) This experlment satis fies Huntington's obser- Induction, it is an intriguing test of logic to anticipare
vation in Section 44-I since that observation is the resulting force (or effect) of a planee (and its accom-
also duplicated by the Laws of Electromagnetic panying electromagnetic field) moving through the
Induction. Sun's electromagnetic field in a complicated manner.
44 44-M
J. On pages 278-281 of Earth and Sun, Huntington (1) The planet moves in an opposite direction
states that another observed relationship which puzzled through the Sun's electromagnetic field when
him was that sunspot acrivity varied as a planet was the planet is on one slde of tbe Sun in contrast to
North or South of the Sun's equator. Thls observarion when the planet is on the other side of the Sun.
is also explained by my experiments in Section 44-H 44-M
and 44-1. Every time the direction of movement or po- (2) While on ooe side of the Sun, the planet moves
larity direction changes, an electromagnetic induction down f:rom the North pole to the South pole. On
change can be expected in accordance with the Laws the other side of the Sun, the planet moves up
of Electromagnetic Induction. (See Section 44-M.) from the South pole to the North pole . In both
44 cases, the planet goes loto opposite sunspot
K. On page 225, bottom of page 245, and pages 246 polarity eacb time this occursl The Sun rotates
and 247 of Earth and Sun, Huntington indicares that every 28 days sweeping this changing induction
there is a relationship of sunspot activity to a planet's effect into the Earth and the other planets.
eccentricity of orbit. 44-M
(3) The planet also changes its speed through the
25 Deys Sun' s electromagnetic fleld when the planet is at
its farthest and closest points from the Sun.

25 Deys N

Combine with
44-M (1) - 44· M(4)

44-K Observe that if Planet (A) matches the orbit of Planet (B)
(1) 1 then simply applied Kepler's Second Law of before Planet (B) can reach the Sun's equator, there will be a
Planetary Motion whkh states that " the radius sunspot reversa! or cancellation. Planet (A) is "in harmony."
Planet (B) is not.
vector would cover equal areas in equal time. "
(2) Consequently, the difference in the rate of speed 44-M
of orbit velocity for aU the planets varies con- (4) Each planet crosses the Sun' s equator twice and
tinuously. (See Figure 44-K.) reacbes two different extreme distances from
44- K
the Sun during one planetary orbit of the Sun.
(3) In accordance with the Laws of Electromagnetic (See Figure 44-M.)
Ioduction, a continuous change in lnductlon can
be expected. Therefore, considering Section 44-K (4) and Section
44-M (1)·(3) and then applying the electromagnetic in-
(4) However, remember that both the di.r ection of duction effect, one would consider these four points
movement and polarity being moved through [44-M (1)-(4)] the most important for determining the
are pertinent in terms of whether the change is average net effect.
N. On the bottom of page 283 of Earth cma Sun, duced loto the orblting plaoets. Imagine thls
Huntlngtoo states that he is not implying LhaL che effect greatly lncreased.
energy emitted from sunspots is derived from the #O
planets, but that the planets act as a catalyst to cau:se (3) UESTION: What results can be expected when
the release of energy that is continuously present in aJl tbe planets from Saturo to tbe Sun become
the Sun, i.e., similar to a " trigger mechanism" used in perfectly allgoed whilt:: at thcir dosest respec-
an cxplosion. tive points to the Sun?
-44-N 44-0
(1) I agree with thJs statement completely. ( 4) Present sclentiflc evidence iodJcates that, in thc
44- N
past, the Earth's magnetic flcld has reversed aod
(2) The Sun is Matter (electromagnetic energy), and has beco located in other arcas. Moreover, the rc
the Matter is continuously converted into eleotro- is aJso evidence that the true axis has aJso been
magnetic energy of one forro or another. When located at other points upon the Earth.
trJggered by electromagoetlc inductioo, the Sttn QUESTION: What event(s) caused these changcs?
apparently accelerates its cooverslon of Matte;r 44-0
Jnto electromagoetic energy. (See Figure 44-0. ) (5) A11 the evldence 1 bave gathered lndica"tes t:hat lf
the Earth's magoetlc fleld reve rsed, the Earth
(3) The sunspots and planets are behaving in acct[)r- would then try to turn upside-down to agaln
dance with the known Laws of Electromagnetic align wltb tbe Sun's field. Such an event would
lnduction. cause earthquakes, volcanlc eruptions, tidaJ.
waves, and atmospheric stonns that would be dis-
(4) Sonspot reversaJ is caused by the sum of the asttous to most life on Earth. Even lesser stresses
total effect of a11 the planets Jn terms of whether placed upon the Earth can be daogerous.
the resultant, dom.Jnating, electromagnetlc Jn- .¡.¡
ductioo force is above or below the Sun' s P. As the planets affect the Sun (and the Sun a.ffecls
equator. As the planets continuously vary in the planets), so aoes the Sun and otber stars in our
their aJignment, it Is obvious that the resultant, Galaxy affect the energy force arouna which they orbitl
dominating, electromagoetic inductlon force Mo reover, this central galactic energy source also affects
wUJ also vary as lt occurs throughout the the Sun and other stars in our Galaxy. Fortunately,
observed sunspot cycle. because tbere are so many stars in our Galaxy, the
mathematical odds against a dangerous stellar aLign-
Observe Figures 44-0a and 44-0b which are ment are in our favor. However, tbe evidence
deplcted below: presented does warrant att immedtate and extensive
44-0 in·v esttgation to ensure tbat sucb an alignment wlll
(1) In Figure 44-0a, the electromagnetic output of not surprise us! The Universe docs not "owe" usan
the Sun appears orderly. advance warning of such potentially catastrophic
44-0 stellar alignment. It is up to us to use our inteUectual
(2) In Figure 44-0b, the electromagnetlc output of abilities to determine accurately if such a threat may
thc Sun appears explosivc and, thercfore, po1rco- exist and to take appropriate measures to ensure che
tially hazardous wlth corresponding effects i.Jn- durable survival of our Species.
FIGURE 44-0a FIGURE 44·0b

1. Corona, May 18, 1901, nHr time ol mlnlmum aunapot •c:1Mty. Characterlstlc 2. Corona, Aug. 30, 1905, near lime ol maxlmum sunapot actlwlty. The circular cor·
1un1pol mlnlmum wllh ahort polar bruahes and long equ11or11I etre1m•1rs. ona cher1cter1atlc ol a tunapot·mulmum per1od and the long equato!11I
atreamers whlch glve 11111 typlcal lonn are here vlalble.

4 5 . The result of the Pioneer 10 passage by Jupiter is tions. For example, both probes encoumered gusts of
stated to have shown that the polarity of jupiter's electrons of Jovian origin which were as much as 140
magnetic field in relation to axis spin is opposite to that million miles from the planet. Jupiter generates a
of Earth's. powerful magnetic field which occasionally acceler-
ates particles t0 almost the speed of light and then
"'A.1 strongly challenge this statement. Juplter has 13 "squirts" such particles great distances into the inner
orbitíng moons, and their magnetic poles wíll be op- solar system. (My comparison: This same effect is
posite to Juplter's and to the Earth's. observed from solar flares associated with sunspots,
o except greatly multiplled.]
B. The orbital period of these moons varles from 12 .,
hours to 2 years . The four largest moons (which rival H . The electromagnetic induction effect of che
Mercury and Mars in size), ali orbit Jupiter in a short moons u pon Jupiter is further evidenced by the fact
period of time: that spots appear and disappear on Jupiter's surface in
che space of a few days or momhs. (My comparison:
Average Dlstance This same descriptlon describes sunspots appearing
Juplter's Moon Or bit T lme Fr o mjuplter and dlsappearing.]
10 1.7691 days 422 ,000 miles .,
EUROPA 3.5512 days 6 7 1,000 miles l . Jupiter's Red Spot also shows a variance. It varies
GANYMEDE 7.1546 days 1,100,000 miles in color from an intense brick-red to a faint grey. At

., CAL LISTO 16.6890 days 1,880,000 miles

C. Other resulcs of che Píoneer 10 voyage scate chat

times lt has lost ali color and has become invisible. It
Is very likely that eleccromagnetlc lnduction from
Jupiter's moons also affects the Red Spot.
the planet Jupiter generates a powerful and complex ,,
magnetic field. J. Other results from Pioneer 10 and 11 state that
Juplter is enveloped in a huge, qulvering magnetlc
"'D .
Jupíter's magnetic fleld is complex slncc ali of lts bubble at least ten milllon mHes in cllameter. The total
moons have magnetic fields which are the reverse of magnetlc force or movemem of ícs magnecosphere has
Juplter's magnetlc fleld. These reverse lunar magnetic been estimated to be abouc 20,000 times that of Earch's.

'Ju,piter's magnetic fteld is even more complex because its moons

bave a similar electromagnettc inductton effect upon Jupite r
as (1 bave sbown) tbe planets bave upon tbe Sun."


flelc1s were encountered durlng che passage of Pioneer K . Considerlng FACT 45-J, it would be a complete
10 as evidenced by the findings of Section 45-E below. violacíon of che proveo laws of Electromagnetic lnduc-
.., tion for Juplter's magnecíc field polarity co be che
E. As Pioneer 10 and 11 crossed che orbits of che reverse of Earth's. 1 have presented sound scientific
majar Jovian moons, their cqulpment cletected an Jn- evidence thatJupiter (as well as the other planets) has
teresting phenomenon: there was a cUstinct drop in an electromagnetlc fleld whlch merges with the Sun 's
partlcle flux at each o rbital crossing. Tt appcars that and that alJ planees wlll cake the pmh of least resistance.
the large satellltes literally "carve holes" in the Such a path would be one which is aligned with che
trapped radiatlon belts by absorbing large quantities Sun's fleld and not one which generates opposing
of radiation durlng every ten-hour rotatlon of Jupiter flelds of force. Because of the great dlameter of
and of]upiter'sfield Unes on whlch che partlcles Jupiter's electromagnetlc field, there would be a co rque
mlrror back and forth. It Is obvlous to me and le placed ac both ends of Jupiter's axis that should be
should be obvlous co che reader that such results are phenomenal. Such a force would cause Jupiter to turn
caused by the electromagnetic field of the moons of upside-down or move away from che Sun. Jupiter be-

Jupiter which trap or repel thls radiation.

F. Jupiter's magnecic field is even more complex

haves llke a gyroscope, and wlth such a force imposed
upon its axis it would most certainly move at right
angles to that force. Each time that Jupiter travels from
because its moons have a similar electromagnetic in- the North of the Sun's equator to the South of the
duction effect upon Jupiter as (1 have shown) the Sun's equator, the corque would be applied differently.
planets have upon the Sun. 1 have absolutely no doubt that 1 am correct and that
45 Jupiter's electromagnetlc field has the same polarlty as
G. Such an electromagnetic induction effect is Earth's relative to axial spin; moreover, che magnetic
evldenced by the statement that Píoneer 10 and 11 axis of Jupiter and the magnetic axis of the Earth are
maele findings that have ralsed new and bafflíng ques- opposice co the magnecic axis of the Sun!
46. Considering the scientific findings that I have B. The evidence indicates that the planets act as a
presented which indicate that the planets affect an elec- t riggering mechanism that accelerates the conversion
tromagnetic inductlon force into the Sun, it should be of the Sun's Matter into electromagnetic energy.
obvious that the reverse is also true, i.e., the triggering 47
of the release of energy in sunspots also have an elec- C. Therefore, when the planets do not trigger
tromagnetic induction force into the planets. [I remind sunspot activity, this would indicate that the Sun's
the reader of Newton's Third Law of Motion: "To total Matter conversion processes had weakened.
every action there is always opposed an equal reaction: 47
or, the mutual actions of two bodies upon each other D. The question one should ask is: "Why is the
are always equal, and directed to contrary parts ."] Sun's total Matter conversion into electromagnetic
46 energy a variable and not a constant process?"
A. Consequemly, the weather on ali the planets is 47
certainly influenced by sunspot activity. E. There is a possibility that the planet's electromag-
46 netic fields decreased in strength and consequently
B. Reference Section 49-1 concerning the " Devil's reduced their electromagnetic induction strength into
Sea," "Bermuda Triangle, " and other such geographi- the Suo . However, I suspect other causes.
"... tbe triggerlng of the releas e of energy F. There is also the possibility that the satellites of
Jupiter and Saturo (ali of which have electromagnetic
tn sunspots also have an electromagnetic polarity opposite to all the planets) become aligned,
induction force into the planets. " thereby reducing che electromagnetic effects of the
planets. However, I suspect other causes, since these
cal areas: I postulate that such areas are subjected to satellites remain aligned for only a short time.
electromagnetic lines of force which leave the Earth's
surface at those areas and travel to the region where 48. Consider the oegative and positive effects that the
the Earth's. general electromagnetic field merges with planets ha ve In triggering the induction of sunspot ac-
the Sun's electromagnetic field. tivity. lt then see ms logical that star allgnment would
46 have an even greater negative and po sitive e ffect upon
C. My hypothesis brings to mind the finding that the total p ro c esses o f the Sunl
"loops" of magnetic lines of force have been detected 48
leaving the Sun's surface and travelíng into Space. A. It is estimated that it takes 200 million years for
You will note that the drawing depicted in Section the Sun to make one orbit of our Galaxy. There are
49-1 matches the descripNon provided here concern- also an estimated 100 billion other stars orbiting our
ing the Sun. Such lines of force are traveling to the Galaxy - sorne requiring longer and others a shorter
same point in our Galaxy's magneticfield. period of time to make one orbit of our Galaxy. As a
46 result, many conjunctions of other stars and the cen-
D. Therefore, the weather is probably affected (to tral force of our Galaxy will occur.
sorne degree) if, because of the electromagnetic induc- 48
tion effect, the planets are struck by these " loops" as B . Re-examine Figure 38-A. It should become ob-
the Sun rotates. vious that the Suo - in its orbit around the central
46 force of our Galaxy - will come into conjunctioff with
E. To those scientists who have had the insight to many other stars as well as the central force. It is also ·
recognize a relation between sunspot activity and the
Earth's weather - and who have endeavored to con-
vince " close9 minds" of this fact - ali of my com- ''... va rytng star alignments will
bined findings are scientific proof that your convictions induce sorne type of sunspot activity in
are correct. the central force of our Ga lm..y. "
47. Dr. Robert Smith recommended that my hypothe-
sis should be capable of explaining the years 1645-1715 ol:,>vious that these conjunctions will vary greatly in
(Maunder Mínimum) when there was little or no sun- terms of the number of stars in conjunction at any one
spot activity. (Por further information on this subject, time. Considering the previous findings which 1 have
see the article entitled " When The Sun Wem Strangely preseoted in this Book, it should b.e apparent that these
Quiet," pages 154-156 in the March 6, 1976 issue of varying star alignments will induce sorne type of
Science News.] sunspot activity in the central force of our Galaxy. The
47 electromagnetic output of this central force will vary
A. Previous findings have demonstrated that the trig- according to such varying star aligrunents, and such
gering of sunspot activity is principally influenced by varying output will affect the Sun's rate of total conver-
the planets. sion of Matter into electromagnetic energy.
48 48
C. Our Sun and other stars will be above or below G. The scientific faces of history verify that in the
the equator of che central force of our Galaxy, and the pase che Earth has experienced extreme catastrophes.
polarity of sunspot-type activity within this central It is a reasonable prediction thac such catascrophes
force will reverse as it does within our Sun. There will will be experienced in the future unless we can prevent
be times when our Sun is in electromagnetic harmony such catastrophes via a " Mastering" of che essential
with this sunspot-type activity of the central force of nacure of astronomical activity. Simply because the
our Galaxy, and there will be other times when our human species exists upon che planet does not
Sun is not in electromagnetic harmony. (Refer to " automatically immunize us" t'rom further catastrophe.
H . However, I have absotutely no doubt that there is
" 1bts harmontc va rlance wtll affect a logical solution to whatever problems we may en-
the total converston of the Sun 's Matter counter in the future! Do not listen to "doomsayers"
tnto electromagnettc energy." who "spout" only negative statements. Such índivid-
uals cannot speak for the creativity of others who are
willing to f ace any problem "head on" and solve it!
Figures 38-A and 44-M.) This harmonic variance will '68
affect the total conversion of the Sun's Matter into l. Earlier in this Book, I have shown che reader a new
electromagnetlc energy. [Such an effect is similar to source of unlimited power. Those thinking individuals
how sunspot activity affects the Earth's meteorology, who have "Mastered" what I have taught can accom-
earthquakes, and the "Devil's Sea" /"Bermuda Triangle" pllsh any task. Conducting grids can be constructed in
areas; l wlll discuss these two geographical areas in Space which will encompass the entire Earth. As a result,
Section 49. By combining the information in Sections electromagnetic {ields o[ any intensity can be released
46-C and 49-1, 1 will demonstrate a correlation of elec- to neutratize or harmonize wtth incoming electro-
tromagnetic loops for these areas and electromagnetic magnetic induction (rom Space. With such construc-
loops of che Sun.] tion the Earth 's weather can be controlled, created,
'68 and directed!
D . The above findings provide a scientific explana- 48
tion for large solar fiares which occur when sunspot J. If the scientific community assumes a firm stand
activity is at a mínimum. Because sunspot-type activity and presents exacting scientlfic evidence that con-
of the central force of our Galaxy affects the electro- vinces the general public to take the necessary action
magnetic loops of the Sun (as 1 have already explained capable of saving life and property, then this will be
for the Earth), such activity will also affect the conver- one of the most beneficia! and predicted events in the
sion in certain areas of the Sun's Matter into electro- history o f science for inducing che general public to
magnetic energy. rally 100% behind che efforts of scientists. (Certain
geographical areas of the Earth may be advantageous

E. Beca use of stellar alignmcnt withln o ur Galaxy, for conducting scientific experiments.]
there ha ve been periods of time when the total con-
version processes of the Sun were weakened to the
point that the planees did not trigger sunspot activity, "Electromagnettc f telds of any tn tenstty
i.e., the Maunder minimum. Considering this point, it can be released to neutraltze or b armontze
should be logical that the reverse wilt atso be true. [In wttb tncomtng electromagnettc tnduction
addition, o ne must also consider inter·galactíc align- from Space. Wtth su cb constructton
mem with respect to the Central Entity whích galaxies the Eartb's weatber can be controlled,
orbit. See Seccion 52-M.)
created, and dtrected!"
"ªF.Beca use of stellar aligrunent w o ur Galaxy,
there will be periods of time when the total conver- 48
sion processes of the Sun will be strengthened to the K. Por additional, factual, and independent verifi-
point that the planees will trigger sunspot activicy of cation of the sunspot/earthquake connection and ex-
greater intensity than any for which we have records. planation which I have presented in this Book, refer
Remember, the distances the stars travel in their par- to the article entitled " Seismicity in sync with the
ticular orbits are immense. It may require thousands sun?" in the April 27, 1985 issue of Science News.
or even milllons of years to achieve a particular stellar While the article discusses a correlation between
alignment which would directly affect our Sun. I am sunspot activity and Parkfield, CA earthquakes,
convinced chac jusc·as che planees affect the Sun (and neither the article's author nor che scientific com-
vice versa), so do the stars in our Galaxy affect the munity present an explanation for such correlation as
central force of our Galaxy (and vice versa) and so the 1 have done in this Book even befare this fact.
Galaxies affect the Central Entity which they orbit
('1nd vice versa).
49. The Be rmuda Triangle Space at a region where the Earth's general electro-
magnetic field merges with the Sun's electromagnetic
The following information was presented by the New field. Specific regions upon the Earth's surface such as
Jersey Society for the Investigation of the Unexplained, the Bermuda Triangle, etc., behave differently from
founded by scientist Ivan Sanderson and consisting of the remainder of the Earth's surface in which the elec-
mathemacicians, geographers, geodists, electromagnetic tromagnetic lines of force extend towards the North
engineers, and others: and South electromagnetic poles. (See Figure 49-I and
49 Section 46-C.)
A. During World War JI, bothJapanese and U.S.
Military planes plotted che Devil's Sea. Its size and
pitch are similar to the Bermuda Triangle!
B. It was also found that there appear to be unex-

/ ---,, -, '
' ...
u \
plained happenings which occur within ten, equally / \
spaced areas on Earth. Such areas are spaced at exactly /
72-degree lntervals - five areas in the Northern Hemi-
sphere and five areas in the Southern Hemisphere. /
C. I found the above information quite thought-
I /
provoking! Su ch areas are not located more than 40 º /
North or South of the Earth's equator and they appear 1
co have an alignment of the Northern Hemisphere \ /
areas with the Southern Hemisphere areas. l could see \ /
that such geographical positioning coincided with the /
known scientific facts concerned with the positioning
of sunspots upon the Sun. (Such sunspot positioning
was discussed in Section 36-B.)
49 49
D. I also found it very interestlng that there are two J. Such a hypothesis would account for electromag-
places on the Earth where the compass needle points netíc conditions which occur in certain areas while
to true North and not to magnetlc North. One of these the balance of the Earth's surface is not noticeably af-
places is in the area of the Bermuda Triangle and the fected. Realizing the similarities of these unusual areas
other is in the area of the Devil's Sea. In addition, upon Earth to the sunspot areas on the Sun, I con-
compass needles have been known co continually spin cluded that there should be a connection between
in these areas. sunspot actívity and electromagnetic induction into
49 those particular areas on Earth.
E. I also find it interesting that a large percentage 49
of unexplained happenings occur in June/]uly and K. The greatest noticeable effect in these areas
December/]anuary. should be when sunspot activity is either decreasíng
49 or increasing. This would be true because as an elec-
F. These two periods represent the time of the year tric current increases or decreases in a wire coil, the
when the Earth is farth est or closest to the Sun and current creates an expanding and collapsing magnetic
when the Earth makes a sharper curve through the field and thus induces another current into a separate
Sun's electromagnetic field. conducting coi! of wire.
49 49
G. This Book has already presented exacting scien- L. If the reports regarding the Bermuda Triangle and
tific evidence for the relationship between the Earth's the Devil's Sea are true, then it is apparent to me that
true and magnetic axes. these areas can possibly be the greatest " natural" scien-
49 tific laboratories on Earth for learning more about che
H. Combining all of my previous sciemific findings nature of electromagnetic energy. Matter may well be
with the above information, I made the following formed or converted into Energy in these areas.
hypothesis: 49
49 M . Any scientific experimentation in these areas
l. 1 have hypothesized that at certain times the Ber- should be conducted wisely. It is obvious that electro-
muda Triangle, De:vil's Sea, and probably severa! magnetic occurrences do not happen aH the time and
other areas on Earth (in each Hemisphere) have elec- that they vary in intensity. lt is also very likely that a
tromagnetic lines of force (consisting of gyroscopic human being would be in grave danger if Matter is
particles/kinetic energy) which leave the Earth's sur- strongly affected during periods of peak electromag-
face at these geographical areas and extend into netic activity.
49 50-A
N. With a history of confusion and abnormal claims (1) We ll o ve r 100 y e ars ago, Michae l Faraday
surrounding the Bermuda Triangle, o ne is tempted to proved that n e utrallt y to a m agnetic field does
dismiss che subject and reject che need for furcher in- n o t exist.
vestigacion. However, one should noc adopc such a 50.A
close-minded attitude. l recommend reading che (2) 1 h a ve taught and mechanically e xplaine d the
Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena by "onene ss" of the mechanical e ssence (l.e., gyro-
William R. Corliss. In this book, one wlll find over scop ic-action-en tlty) o f Gravity, Electric Ch arge,
500 pages of recorded, unusual pheno mena and Magnetism, lnertia, Matte'r, Light, Heat, Quant um
anomalies. If your mind is open to new considera- Mech a n ics, and Universal Motion.
tions, you will observe that the common denominator
of these documentcd faces of nature is an " electro- 'º QUESTION: Do I have to teach you more? The
magnetic effect." answer is probably "yes" for those who have been
Throughout the history of science, it has often been unjustly caught to memorize statements presently
the anomalies in nature which have provided " fertile taught in Astronomy.
soil" for new discoveries and such anomalies have
often been a source of curiosity scimulacion to 51. EXAMPLE: Presently, it is debated as to whether
enhance our understanding of the Universe. or not che Universe is contracting or expanding. Based
upon Red Shift observations, it is generally agreed that
"Tbis basic gyroscopic-action-entity the galaxies are receding in a straight line.
prevails tbrougbout our entire Universe 51
A. However, I do not consider chis exacting scientific
and, in a mecbanical sense, it evidence. Example: (See Figure 51 -A.)
electromagnetically couples tbe
Universe into a single enttty or
uníl.JW$al miergy machinel"

50. Ali natural motion (of planets, asteroids, srars,

galaxies, etc.) in the Universe is the result of the move-
ment of the basic gyroscopic-action-entlty whlch com-
prises ali Matter. This basic gyroscopic-action-entity
prevails throughout our entire Untverse and, in a me-
chanical sense, this gyroscopic-action-entity electro-
magnetically couples tbe Universe into a single entity
or ··universal energy macbtne ''!
The basic gyroscopic-action-entity comprises ali
Matte r: from the atom to the molecule to the everyday
materials which surround us.
A. Examine the schematic diagram of our Galaxy
taken from the book Astronomy by Fred Hoyle. Draw ten concentric circles in which each circle's
However, study Figure 50-A in view of the maten·at I radius is one mile shorter than the next, i.e., the
have tc1itght you. largesc circle with a 100-mile radius and the smallest
circle with a 91 -mile radius. On che perimeter of each
concentric circle, measure a 100-yard discance from a
point on which to sean running a race. lf one con-
siders only those 100 yards on each circle with one
man running in each Jane, it would appear that the ten
men would ali be running in straight lines for the brief
perlod of their 100-yard race. If they continued to
run, they would appear ro recede from the viewer in a
straight line if the viewer only occasionally checked
their positions.
B. The discances of the elliptical o rbits of che galaxies
are such chat even a distance of 100 million miles
could be considered at any one moment on those or-
bits and it would appear that thc galaxies were all
receding in a straight Jine.
,. particle - the basic entity of all Matter in the
C. I remind the reader chac the crue speeds of galaxies
are not presently known. Their speed is relacive to an Universe and the entity which comprises ali electro-
observer on Earch who is in a mosc difficult posicion magnetic fie lds throughout che Universe. In essence,
for recording exact astronomical measuremems. A everything in the Universe moves in alignment with
point on che Earth's equator rotaces at 1,050 miles per the gyroscopic-action-emity composition of respective
hou r, the Earth revolves arouth the Sun at l, 100 miles magnetic and electric fields - an effect commonly
per minute, and the Sun moves throughout o ur Galaxy called " gravity." As 1 have already stated, gravity Is in
ac 150 miles per second. In additlon, our Galaxy is reality the "Unequaling Effect" of the gyroscopic-
moving at a speed in les o rbit that is different fro m action-entity compositio n of Matter.
ocher orbiting galaxies. How would you like to at- SI
cemp~ to record exact measurements for the ten run- F. At this point one may raise the fo llowing
ners described in Section 51-A while you are spinning quescion: Does the Centra l Entity of the galaxies a/so
upon a complex mechanical apparatus which has the orbit sorne other entity or does it "sit" suspended in
same mo tions chat the Earth, Sun, and Galaxy have at space while spinning, mocionless, o r what? I am cer-
fast speeds? (See Figure 51-C.) [The reader may find it tain that such a Central Entity would at least be spin-
of interest that in 1967 I taught the difficulty of re- ning, but this has yet to be proven. Could it, in fact,
cording observations under such conditions of com- be orbiting an even larger encity?
plex motion vía a Document which I sent to fifty-six
major universities.) 52 . Further observacional proof that my teachings are
correct is evident from an article entitled "The Case of
the Cosmic Bends" in che August 6, 1984 issue of Time
Magazine, page 57.
A. The article states that an astronomical test was
conducted by the use of 27 radio telescopes placed
across 21 miles of the New Mexico desert at a cose of
COMPLEX S78.3 million.
B. It is obvious to me that the scientists involved in
the project were trying to be honest and dedicatcd in-
dividuals. However, judging by their conclusions, it is
clearly demonstrated to me that such scientists have
been " unjustly influenced" by our ceaching system
which actually rewards memorization and penalizes or
ignores curiosity.
D . Considering these complex astronomicaJ mo tions C. The Time Magazine arcicle states that the scien-
combined wich my previous scientific findings , I stand tiscs observed a "spectacular feature that has never
wich my Theory (teachings) staced in Seccion 33-D before been closely observed: a band of gas 10 to 20
which I repeat: light-years thick, seemingly composed of lacy
'1 filamems, stretching up to 600 light-years above the
E. It is my Theory (ceachings) thac a central electro- plane of che Milky Way." (See Figure 52-C.)
magnetic field completely pervades our GaJaxy's elec-
cromagnetic field and causes our Galaxy to aligo with FIGURE 52·C
and orbit it. Moreover, our Galaxy's electromagnetic
field causes the Sun to aligo with and orbit wichin o ur
Galaxy, since the Galaxy's field pervades the Sun's
electromagnetic field. The Sun's electromagnetic field
causes ali the planees in our Solar System to aligo with
and orbit che Sun since the Sun's electromagnetic field
pervades ali of its planees and their respective electro-
magnetic fie lds. The Earth's electromagnetic field per-
vades the Moon's electromagnetlc field and causes the
Moon to alígn with and o rbit the Earth, just as che
electromagnetic fields of the o ther planees pervade the
electromagnetic fields of their respective moons.
Thus one has a "graded" series of mechanical mo-
tions which are physically integrated with one
another via the nature and essence of the gyroscopic
D. The article indicated that the observed "spec- planets' plane with respect to the electromagnetic axis
tacular feature' ' was arced. The article adds: of our Sun. (See Figure 43-A.)
'' Indeed, the appearance of the magnetic are was G. The reader should return to Fred Hoyle's state-
so unlike anything ever before observed in the ment (in Section 38-A) which he made many years ago
universe that f or weeks its three discoverers and which clearly demonstrates the observed results
refused to accept their own finding. in Figures 52-C and 52-E.

'' . .. others are now leaning toward the presence of

a powerful and mysterious magnetic field as the " ... ali galaxies orbit a Central Entity
most plausible cause. and are not traveling, expanding, or
contracting to some unknown position
'' The magnetíc field, ~f it exists, defies scientísts' in a straigbt line. "
notions about proper celestial behavior. Perhaps
even more bafjling to astronomers, the belt o{ S2
gas rises up ata rigbt angle to the plane o{ the H. Return also to my statement in Section 38-D in
Milky Way ... " (Emphasis added.) which I described a "duplicate effect" of the Sun's
polar plumes (featured in Figure 38-A2) and the top
"So far the strange are has raised only questions, and bottom arrows of the galactic magnetic field in
not answers. Once gravity was thought to be the Fred Hoyle's Figure 38-A. The reader can easily see
sote force shaping the large scale of the galaxy. the exact same results of our Galaxy's plumes
Now it has lost some more of its supremacy to ("filaments") as they mirror the "electromagnetic
whatever molded the giant ribbon of gas. " coupling effect" of our Galaxy to the Central Entity
orbited by our Galaxy and other detectable galaxies.
''Perhaps even more S2
l . It is obvious that our Galaxy has the same relation-
to astronomers, tbe belt of gas ship to the Central Entity (which the galaxies orbit) as
rises up at a rlgbt angle to tbe plane I have demonstrated that the Earth has to the Sun, the
of tbe Milky Way ... " Moon has to the Earth (see Section 34-A through Sec-
tion 35-I), the planets have to the Sun, and the Sun to
S2 our Galaxy.
E. At this point, I will simply draw a figure of what 52
these astronomers have discovered and compare the J. Such observations enable me to conclude that ali
results with my teachings. galaxies o rbit a Central Emity and are not traveling, ex-


,, ,'1
1 \ / I
\ \ / I
\ \ I I
\ ._
l I /



Figure 52-E is based upon the description provided panding, or contracting to sorne unknown position in a
by the astronomers who have detected these magnetic straight line. (Remember that it is estimated to require
filaments arcing from the core of our Galaxy. 200 million years for the Sun to make one complete or-
bit of our Galaxy. One may extrapolate that .this time is
F. Observe in Figure 52-E that the galactic plane with probably squared [or better] for our Galaxy to make
rcspcct to its clcctr omagnetic axis is the same as the one complete orbit around its Central Entity.)
K. What is known about observed galacelc motíon should be updated to a drawing such as Figure 52-K:

FIGURE 52·K ,/ -- -- /
,,.- --- .......
- --


/ - --- ........

' I

/ ........
........ ''
--- -
/ ........
/ I '\.

/ ........ /
/ --- - ' ' " '\ '\




/ - / --- '\

"' '\

-- '\ \ \
,,,,.. - - ....... ........
\ \
/ I '\ \
I / \
/ I /
\ \
I I \ \ \
I / \
I I \ \ 1 \

' ......._ _ I

- /

' ...... - -- ,,,,.. ''
-- - /


--- -- - ...


--- --- - ,,,,.. /

' /

-- -
' /

--- -
....... .......

QUESTION: Does the Central Entity orbit sorne other, even larger, " Super-Central-Entity" ?
L. As the facts of universal motion would indicate - planets to the Sun, stars to our Galaxy, and our Galaxy to its
Central Entity - ali orblt In aplane (see Section 42-A) wbtcb Is at rigbt angles to tbe axis of tbe electromagnetlc
fteld of tbe entity belng orbtted. (Field warpage will affect such angles.)
Such right angular motion clearly and consistencly demonstrates the nature of the basic gyroscopic-action-entity
composition of ali Matter and Energy of che Universe, since, when any force (i.e., attraction, repulsion, centrífuga!,
etc.) acts upon this basic gyroscopic-action-encity, then that encity moves at right angles to that force resulting in a
rotacional motion of one encity around anocher. Tbe baslc gyroscopic-actton-enttty m ecbanically unifies tbe
vartous ftelds obser ved witbin tbe Untverse.
CHART 53-8

MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST September October November December January February
1977 4 1906 ? } 1976 6 } 1956 10 543 9} 1949 5 1262 1 } 530 6 1755 1 856 ? 1962 10} 1783 4}
1963 17-21 1906 16 1902 8 1948 28} 551 9 1868 13 } 1923 1 1737 11 1976 24 1631 16} 1693 11 1797 4
1906 18 1875 16 } 1976 26 1969 25 } 546 15 1975 6} 521 29 1920 16 1915 13 } 1976 4
1972 10 º 1980 18 1963 26 1950 15 1954 9 1946 21} 1907 14 1960 29
526 20} 1976 28 1896 16 } 1978 17 1972 23 1951 18 1953 12
1293 20 1976 17 1290 27 1932 26} 1536 24 }
1960 21 -29 } 1966 19 1939 27 1939 24 z
1935 30 79A.O. 24} 1828 28 } 1531 26 <
1970 31 1883 26 1908 28 ~
1886 31 } 1974 28 :r
1968 31 1703 30 c.

ºM t. St. Helens initlallygave warning of lts potential on March 27, 1980, only six days afterthe Earth crossed theSun 's equa- ""o
tor and went into opposite sunspot polarity. Cumulative elfects then occurred within the volcano causing it to erupt on May -.
18, 1980. Overa tour year period, Mt. St. Helens has produced activity within a 30-day period of March 21 st - the day the
Earth crosses the Sun's equator. ~º
- ~
MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST September October November December January February w
t 1925 18} t 1936 5-6 t 1896 27) h 1953 9 h 1967 9 h 1969 17-19 } h 1930 3 h 1976 1} h 1971 1 h 1974 25 t 1884 19
• 1932 21-22 • 1965 11 c.· 1953 11 h 1882 5 h 1955 18-19 h 1928 12-17} h 1963 3-8 h 1970 13
• 1952 21-22 h 1963 28-29 h 1957 21-28 h 1893 22-30} h 1947 15-19 h 1881 r 8 h 1977 21
h 1965 11-1 2 h 1972 16-23 h 1900 27 h 1974 19-20 h 1960 10/ 31 b 1703 26-27
8olll Hw11Unu h 1954 31 ~ 1934 21} h 1954 12·16}
In Pl!Ootllll b 1938 21 h 1942 16
• 1955 22-28} h 1935 21
t = TORNADO h• HURRICANE b 1954 26 h 1959 27-28 }
h 1959 26-27 h 1876 31
b 1958 27-28 h 1949 31-2
FIGURE 53·0 The Earth's speed Is reducing and is beglnnlng to
March 21
have its Northern Hemlsphere point towards the Sun.
On March 21, the Earth crosses the
Sun's equator lnto oppesite
sunspet polarity!
-- ~o
·~'>~ •
.,$ ••:o..
\~ b'" O'/.
\ .••<f· The Lawa of Electromegnettc lnductlon are rel1tlve: ••"Ó
\ {fl<:- Expandlng or collapslng magnetic fields Induce electrlc current.
Reversing the magnetlc fleld reverses the induction flow of electrlc current. ...~
\ ~O!
The Earth's North Pole has lts ~· Changing the speed of the conductor or of a magnetic fleld alters the amount of electric current. º....,,.
greatest tllt towards the Sun. Neutrallty to a magnetlc field does not exlst.
\ lncreasing the speed of the conductor or of a magnetlc source lncreases electrical induction.
\ Decreaslng speed creates the oppesite effect.
\ tncreasing the proxl mlty of a conductor to a rnagnetic source lncreases electrical induction.
\ Decreaslng such proxlmity creates the oppesite effect.
¡:;; \
"'z \
C> \
\ The Sun rotates every 28 days and sweeps
;¡:: sunspot lnductlon lnto the planets.
~ \ The Earth Is 3 mllllon The Earth Is 3 million
mlles further from the
~ miles closer to the Sun.

"'z -....
December 21
Sun. The Earth Is mov· The Earth Is moving
..,, VI
lng 1800 mph slower.
_... _... ~ //I \" 1800 mph faster .

_... -- \
z \
Sunspets begln their cycle approx. 35 • south and north of the Sun's equator. Small \
sunspots move toward the Sun's equator In approx. 4 years and when thls occurs \
z the spots are more numerous and larger. The maximum number of spots are \
Th• 1un1pot'1 megnetlc fleld e } approx. 1e• south and north of the Sun's equator and are larger. Durl ng the next 7 \
~. ere expendlng 1nd collapslng years, the spots travel to approx. s• of the Sun's equator, are fading and are greatly
~ throughout l h l1 cycle end
generttlng e lectnc•I lnductlon reduced In numbers and size. Thls Is the end of t he cycle. The cycle begins agaln -,.<'~ The Earth's North Pole has its

"'~. 35 • of the Sun's equator. However, magnetlc polarlty Is t hen reversed. Sunspots greatest tllt away from the Sun.
lnto th• orblllng plenets !
have extremely hlgh, loca lized magnetlc f lelds and the total force is small .,.
-,.•' \

' '°O'/.
compared to the Sun's total GENERAL MAGNETIC FIELD whlch controls the
orbltlng planets' movements and alignments. ~
•" \
·~"•.-:.,. ......1'"
·~'l>,. '<-"~

On September 21, the Earth
crosses the Sun's equator lnto

--- ---
opposite sunspot polarity!

These lnduction effects l nto the Earth f rom

The Earth Is beginning to have lts sunspots can vary at other times of the year wheneter
Northern Hemisphere point away from the Sun. the planets create a reduction i n sunspots. Tbls
September 21 causes a coll1pslng magnetic field whlch lnducesan
inductlon d irect ion opposite to that of a n e xpandhg
magnetlc fle!d. (See my discussion in thls Book.)
53. Additional proof that my teachings are correct is E. The reader may find it interesting that Figure 53-D
afforded by the scientific facts regarding " natural was published a¡,proximately on a full page of the
disasters. " Because of Dr. Huntington's work, as well Mobile Press Register newspaper onjune 29, 1980,
as my own, I searched for such additional proof. 1 in- Section B. I had been informed that there would be a
itially attempted to locate the statistics concerning the planetary "alignment" in 1982 and I predicted
~xac t dates fo r earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and unusual storms, volcanic eruptions, -earthquakes, etc.,
storms, but the exact dates were unavailable. Knowing from 1980 through 1985 when the planets would then
that historians generally record the exact dates for such be in greater unalignment. Independently of my
evems which cost lives or cause great financia! damage, work, the national news media has since featured
I went to the library to search further . In the World documentaries which have discussed unusual weather
Book Encyclopedia (published by World Books Inc., conditions around the world during this time. Such
Chicago, Illinois, 1980 Editlon) under the section conditions cannot be explained by convemional
" Disasters of the World," I did find the precise dates wisdom. QUESTION: Do you the reader believe that I
I had expected. only "guessed~ ' this result?
A. The reader should be aware that there was no F. As it turned out, the action-reaction effect of
orderly listing of the " natural disasters" fo r which 1 storms, etc. , was not as great as I had expected, so I
was searching. Therefore, I simply listed such events searched further lnto the facts and found that there
under Months-of-the-Year. The " Earthquake and was no planetary ''alignment, •' but only a generaL-
Volcanic Eruption Disasters" and, the " Tornado and area-positiontng of the planets similar to a shotgun
Hurricane Disasters" were arranged in separate blast upon a target .
12-month periods. Reason: The Earth's mass (inertia n
effect) of solid material is far more resistant to change G . In my scientific document of 1976, 1 initially
than the mass (inertia effect) of gas molecules in the predicted catastrophes whenever pLanetary "align-
Earth 's atmosphere. I therefore expected an " accumu- ment" occurred. Other individuals informed me that
lation effect" for the Earth's solid material and a more such "alignment" has already been predicted in a
"lnstantaneous effect" for the atmospherc (gases) of book entitled The juptter Effect.
the Earth. I was also certain that these natural events H
would occur in accordance with the Laws of Electro- H. The facts have clearly shown that there was NO
magnetic Induction. 1 also knew 1) the speed of the " alignment, " but only a very general, shotgun-blast-
Earth, 2) the Earth's tilt with respect to' the Sun, 3) type alignment in 1982. What the world has encoun-
when the Earth crossed the Sun's equator into op- tered from just that very slight ''alignment '' via
posite sunspot polarity, 4) the direction of the Earth earthquakes, storms, eruptions, etc., is only a
relative to sunspots varied from month to month, and preview of what witl occur. Jt is possible that far
I was certain that these facts would prove the ex- greater ''alignment '' will occur in May of the year
istence of the electromagnetic effect. 2000. (As of the time of writing this Book, I have
received confiicting reports regarding such align-
B. See the " Disasters of the World" Chan 53-B ar- ment.) J urge the reader to Master what I teach. We
ranged by months and observe that many of these have several years to prepare far effects that will
disasters occur very close to the same day under a occur severa/ years before and after that date, tf
given month even though such events occur hundreds true a,ltgnment does occur.
of years apart from one another. Observe that there
is an " order" and "mechanical nature" (the electro- 54. A. Return to Chart 53-B. Observe that a large
magnetic effect) to these events: number of earthquakes and volcaníc eruptions (as Mt.
St. Helens) began on March 21 when che Earth crossed
C. Because Chart 53-B contains a random selection of the Sun's equator and entered opposite sunspot polar-
scientific events on Earth (Disasters), the mathematics ity. This caused an opposite electromagnetic induc-
of probability states that these results will not notice- tion effect into the Earth (i.e., the Sun rotates every
ably change if the exact dates for ali earthquakes, 28 days and sweeps sunspot induction into the Earth)
eruptions, and storms were included, i.e., where loss as the Earch travels into a cumulative "action-reaction
of life and property damage were not significant. effect" since the greatest number of sunspots occur
H 18 to 20 degrees from the Sun's equator. The Earth is
D. Closely examine Chart 53-B and I will demon- more likely to be affected by the sunspots in April and
strate how the ctescription in Section 53-A applies to May due to the position of the Earth relative to the
the observed results. The cffects of the Laws of Elec- Sun. As a result, this cumulative "action-reaction
tromagnetic Induction are quite obvious. Examine effect" peaks upon the Earth in April and May.
Figure 53-D concerning the Eanh's motlon and speed 54
around the Sun as the Earth passes through initial B. The reader should note that for four sequential
sunspot induction and reverse sunspot induction. years, Mt. St. Helens - which is in the Earth's North-
ern Hemisphere - demonstrated volcanic activity and earthquakes peaking in December and January.
around the time the Earth crossed the Sun's equator Such peaking continues into Fe bcuacy sin ce the
on March 21. By this time, the Earth has began to Earth's direction relative to the Sun begins to reverse
point its Northern Hemisphere t0wards the Sun. on December 21.
S4 54
C. On Chart 53-B fo r the month of]une, the reader F. From December 21 throughJune 21, the Earth
can observe that there is little sunspot activity affect- travels farther from the Sun and decreases its speed
ing the Earth because the Earth is at its farthest around the Sun. Similarly, in accordance with their
distance from the Sun and has reduced its speed particular orbital year which differs from the Earth 's
around the Sun by 1800 miles per hour. (Moving a orbital year, the other planets will also alter their rela-
copper wire quickly through and closer to a magnetic tionship with respect to the Sun which in turn causes
field's source, will have a different induction effect increased/decreased sunspot activity. Such sunspot ac-
from that of moving the copper wire slowly through a tivity causes the Sun's electromagnetic fields to ex-
magnetic field and further from the source of that pand and collapse. This is further complicated by the
magnetic field.] The slower speed or'the Earth and its Sun's rotation every 28 days w hich causes a "sweep-
further distance from the Sun reduces the electromag- ing' ' electromagnetic induction effect in to the Earth
netic induction effect and thus produces a reduction that is similar to the sweeping beam of a lighthouse.
in earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The Facts 1 have presemed clearly demonstrate the
S4 cumulative "action-reaction effect" caused by astro-
D. During July, the Earth begins to travel in an oppo- nomical electromagnetic induction which results in
site direction relative to the Sun. (Re-examine Sections earthquakes and volcanic eruptions upon the Earth.
44-G and 44-H which demonstrate the electromagnetic
effect of this direction change.) Sunspot reduction 55. A. Examine Chart 53 -B concerning storms, hurri-
causes a collapsing electromagnetic fjeld which in turn canes, and tornadoes. The same explanation which 1
produces a greater electromagnetic effect. Such an have provided for earthquakes and volcanic eruptíons
effect is o bserved in July into Augustas the Earth is also applies to tornadoes and )rnrricanes. There is a
more apt to be influenced by sunspots which ar..e most difference, however: the electromagnetic induction

"Tbe Facts I bave presented clearly demonstrate tbe cumu latlve

'actlon-reactlon e.ffect' caused by astronomical electromagnettc lnductlon wblch results
in eartbquakes and volcanlc eruptlons upon tbe Eartb. "

numerous 18 to 20 degrees from the Sun's equator. effect with respect tO st0rms is not as cumulative as
There is also an increase in earthquakes and volcanic that for earthquakes and volcanic activity.
eruptions upon the Earth. SS
S4 B. The mass (inertia) of air molecules (gas) is extremely
E. On September 21, the Earth again crosses the light compared to the mass of the Earth. Consequently,
Sun's equator and is again under the influence of electromagnetic induction is more rapid in its effect
fewer numbers of sunspots. Ho wever, the Earth is upon the Earth's atmosphere (gases).
nów in opposite polarity with respect to the Sun and
the Earth's speed is still increasing which increases the Examine the following facts:
electromagnetic effect. Maximum sunspot activity oc- SS·B
curs 18 to 20 degrees North and South of the Sun 's (1) Spring is n ote d for tornadoes.
equator and the Earth is most apt to be affected by SS·B
such sunspots in October and November. However, (2) Fall is noted for h urricanes.
curiously enough, the "cumulative effect" lags behind SS·B
that in the Spring. (See Section 54-A.) This lag is evi- (3) On March 21 the Earth crosses the Sun's equa tor
dent since the cumulative "action-reaction effect" and loto o pposite sunspot polarity. At thls time
peaks in December and January. The difference in the Earth' s No rthern Hemisphere b egins to p oint
timing may be a result of the Earth's speed, i.e., on towards the Sun.
December 21 the Earth is closest to the Sun (three H ·B
million miles closer than on]une 21) and the Earth's (4) On September 21 the Earth crosses the Sun's
speed fncreases by 1800 miles per hour compared to equato r , but the Earth is now travelÍng in an o p-
its speed on ]une 21. This greater proximity and speed posite dlr ection relative to the Sun (and to that
increase magnify the electromagnetic induction effect direction o f March 21 ), and th e Earth ag ain
of the Earth into the Sun (" triggering effect") and vice ent ers o pposite sunspo t polarity. At this time the
versa from the Sun into the Earth which results in the Earth's No rther n Hemlsp h er e begins to point
increased " cumulative effect" of volcanic eruptions away from the Sun.
C. Compare the facts in Section 55-B with the Storm ratlon cffect and the electromagnctic lnduction
Chart in Section 53-B: effect combine to produce hurricancs.
(1) Six out of nlne tornadoes occurrcd withln 30 F. In the FaJI (September 21), the Earth approaches the
days of March 21 - tbe date tbe Earth crosses Sun and increases itS orbital speed around the Sun.
tbe Suo1's equator lnto opposlte sunspot polarlty. This causes the electromagnc;tic induction to increase
ss-c and can result in greater air masses, i.e., hurricanes.
(2) Two of the nine tornadoes occured on March 21. H
G. The variability of the following factors explains
(3) Approximately lf.I of the tomadoes occurred on why hurricanes and tornadoes do not occur only at
March 21 . certain times, but vary from year to year, decade to
decade, and century to century:
(1) the " actlon-reactloo cffect" caused by electro·
( l) ReaU.zlng that there are 9 tomadocs occurrlng magnctic lnductloo as a result of lncrcaslng/de-
within 36S days, then the matbcroatlcal odds are crcaslng sunspot actlvlty triggered by planetary
40.S to 1 against a tomado oocurring on March 21. conflguratlon
5'·0 SS-O
(2) Reallzlng that 2 of tbc 9 tornadocs occ urred on (2) the" w eeplng actloo" of changlng electromag-
March 21 , then tbe mathcmatlcal odds are 1,640 n etic lnduction effects generated by the Sun's 28
to 1 against two tornadoes o ccurrlng on the same day rotatlon
date that the Ear,th ero es tbc u.n' equator. H •G
(3) the orbital peed of tbe Earth
(3) Thc fact that l did not spedflcally sel ect tbesc SS-O
ton12does from a brge number of to.rnadoes (l.e., (4) proxlmity ofthc Earth and Sun
thc e wcre tbe o nly tomadoes ll tcd undcr thc '5-0
" Dlsastcr" ccdon) provldcs sound cicntlflc (5) the Eartb's Northem Hemlspherk degree of tllt
cvldcncc that my tcachlngs are correct. wltb rcspect to thc Sun
E. Compare the Storm Chart 53-B concernlng hurrl- "H. If tornadoes and hurricanes formed only as a
canes to statement 55-B: result of lnteractJng cold and warm a1r masses, then
those st0rms could be very accurately predJcted. But
(1) Tweoty-flvc of 36 hurrlcanes (69%) occurred thc factS prove the opposlte:
within 41 days of Septembcr 21 - thc day the ss-n
Earth crosscs the Sun's equator lnto oppo lte ( 1) Cold aod warm fronts o ften mect and thcrc are
sunspot polarlty. no burrJcanes or tomadocs produccd .
SS·B n -11
(2) Nlne out of 36 burrlcanes (2S%) occurrcd witbln (2) Hurrlcanes or tornadoes are often produced
6 days of Se ptember 21. when they are not expected by metcorologists.
Thls is wby planes are flown into potential hur-
5'· 1!
(3) Four of the 36 burdcanes (11 %) were formed ricane dlsturbaoces to physkally d ctcct and
wlthln 1 day of September 21. observe tbe storm' s nature.
'5· 1! ,,.11
(4) Two of thc 36 hurrlcanes wc rc ronncd oo (3) Totally unexpected, clear-weather tornadoes
Septcmber 21. lbe matbematlcal o dds against have been documented. [See Handbook of
such ao occ urcocc is 102 to l. Utiusual Natural Pbenomena.)
SS·E '5· 11
(5) Storm Chart 53-B demonstnltes that tornadoes (4) Electrlcal and magnetlc disturbaoces assodatcd
are cooccntratcd In the Spring wben the Earth witb tornadocs have been clcarly documcnted.
beglns to polnt its Northern Hcmlspbere towards {Por such documcntatloo, I recommcnd rcadlng
the Sun and causes an electromagnetlc lnduction pages 342 through 366 of the Handbook of
effcct upon the land surfaces of the Earth. Unusual Natural Pbenomena by Willlam Corliss.)
(6) By comparison, the hurricaoes are conccntratcd
In the Fall when the Earth begins to polnt lts
Northem Hemisphcrc away from the Sun and
causes an electromagnetlc inductlon cffcct to be
generally ceotered over cquatorlal rcglons
whlch contaln larac bodies of water. The evapo-
"l. The following is a report of my personal experience from my scientific notes:

Unusual Elcctrical Obscrvations

" Time: Monday, 26 April, 1982, approximately 6:30 PM CST

Place: My home in tbe woods, approximately f our miles from Lucedale, Mississippi

From a northwest direction I observed a dark cloud moving towards my home and traveling in a
southeast direction.
Because of my sciemific work, I take such clouds seriously during this time of the year, and conse-
quently, I opened all screened doors and windows, enabling differences in potemial pressure changes
to quickly equalize.
There was much lightning occurring within this cloud, but the lightning did not appear to be striking
the Earth.
My home is in the rnidst of pines, dogwoods, oaks, etc. My closest neighbor is approximately three-
quarters of a rnile away.
My lovely, devoted wife Ellen and I began to hear a 'zapping' noise occurring in varying outdoor
areas. At the time we hada German Shepherd named Sport (now deceased) anda part-Persian cat called
Mama Kitty (whom we still have) which normally stay under the converted carport when a rain storm
approaches . However, on thls particular occasion, both the dog and cat left and went somewhere into
che woods jusc as the cloud appr·)ached our house.
The 'zapping' noise sounded hke an electrical discharge as one would normally hear from an elec-
trified object discharging ínto another uncharged objecc.
There was lightning and thunder within the overhead cloud, but the lightning did not appear to strike
the Earth.
As would any curious sclentist, I observed the cloud and woods from varying positlons of windows
and doors.
Just as I was looking from one window in the dlrectlon from which the cloud was comlng, there sud-
denly appeared dlrectly In front of my vision - about 100 feet away - a very strong, swirling wind. I
could see the trees vigorously twlstlng and twirling in that area. It was obvious that this was a rotacional
type of air current. What was so lnteresting was that the rotational air current started right in front of my
eyes rather than coming through the pine thicket which begins about 200 feet in front of the open win-
dow from which I was Iooking.
The rotacional air current carne directly to our house and completely engulfed it. One of the doors I
had braced open irnmediately and violently slammed shut. Before I could re-open the door, the rota-
tional air current disappeared. (Within 20 minutes, the dog and cat returned.)"

J. These observations, those of others, and my years nected and produce electricity. Up to a point, the
of work, totally convince me that a tornado principally greater the difference in temperature, the greater the
results from differences in the electromagnetic induc- current produced.
tion potential between a cloud or air (gas) areas and a ,,
particular ground area. M . It is my opinion that tornadoes and hurricanes
form more easily over flat or cleared areas since a
"K. The constant "zapping" noise we heard was com- stronger electromagnetic difference will exist (without
ing from pointed limbs of trees, lea ves, bushes, etc., quickly dissipating) between the Earth and the gasses
discharging electrical charge from the Earth to the ap- (atmosphere and clouds) above the Earth. This same
proaching cloud or vice versa. Such "zapping" ceased electromagnetic mechanical effect Is observed with
when the cloud was directly overhead. respect to lightning. Lightnlng rods will reduce or
eliminate the damaging effects of llghtning.
"L. This does not mean that other mechanical factors The very fact that a tornado will often slowly ex-
such as jet streams and intersecting warm/cold fronts tend from a cloud towards the ground but fail to
do not play an important role, although such activity touch the ground, or may touch the ground and then
can also be electromagnetically motivated. This action Hft again (and repeat this procedure many times) -
is called tbe "thermocoupling effect" when two dif- clearly demonstrates this electromagnetic effect. (See
f erent, hot and cold conducting materials are con- Figure 55-M on the next page.)

FUNNEL (negatively-charged)


1. 1

;- -~-: (This positiva and negative charge effect can be reversed.)

1 •

EARTH + ++ + + + + + +
The EARTH is a posi t ively-charged surface in that area where the charged funnel
cannot easily leak away.

Therefore, a tornado has an invisible, positively- This eye-witness description most definitely
charged funnel which rises from the ground and describes a charged funnel !
meets the negatively-charged cloud funnel. [I have H
already demonstrated that charges are composed of an O . Quoting from the Handbook of Unusual Natural
infinite number of gyroscopic particles. Consequently, Phenornena by William Corliss, page 342:
the spinniog funnel is to be expected.]
The funnel wiJl lift again as the cloud becomes '' . . . conventional wisdom also has trouble dealing
more neutrally charged. Lightning represents the same with forked waterspouts [Figure 55-0a), water-
mechanical, electromagnetic effect. However, in a tor- spouts stretching between clouds (Figure 55-0b]
nado, the funnel can maintain a more direct and and waterspouts with two concentric tubes
shorter distance of charge flow from the cloud or gas (Figure 55-0c). "
(clear atmosphere) and che Earth. The funnel lifts and
drops according to the "charge differential. " For the
same reason, a funnel wiJI start from the ground and
FIGURE 55-0a FIGURE 55-0b
rise into the air (gas).
N. A Kansas farmer, Will Keller, once saw what 1
have described. OnJune 22, 1928, while standing in
che cyclone-celler door, Keller looked directly up and
imo the cemer of a tornado passing over his head. On
page 132 of the Time-Lije book entitled Storm, Will
Keller states:

'' . .. the walls o/ this opening were of rotating

clouds and the whole was rnade brilliantly visible
by constant flashes of lightning whích zigzagged
frorn side to side.
"Around the lower rím of the great vortex,
srnall tornadoes were constantly forrning and FIGURE 55-0c
breaking away. These looked like tails as they
writhed their way around the end of the f unnel.
It was these that rnade the hissing noise. 1 noticed My comment: Those waterspout descriptions are
tbat tbe direction ana rotation of tbe great whirt clearly a description of electric charge (electromag-
was anti-clockwise, but the small twisters rotated netism). This same effect is observed in connection
both ways - sorne one way and sorne another. ' ' with lightning.
Quotlng again from the Handbook of Unusual In 1982, there was only a shotgun-type planetary
Natural Phenomena, page 343: alignment with the Earth and other planets on the
same side of the Sun. However, from 1980 through
Electric Currents Accompanying Tomado Activity, 1983, unusual weather conditions, eruptions, etc.,
Brook, Marx; Science, 157:1434, 1967. Abstract. verify the "effect" of even a very minor planetary
Measurements of the magnetic field and earth alignmem. Even the news media have had reports on
turrent in the vicinity of a tornado show large, che unusual weather conditions throughout the world
step-like deflections coincident with the touching during this period.
down of the f unnel. Calculations with a simple
current model indicate that a minimum current "R . Although I am not certain as of this writing that it
of severa/ hundred amperes must be postulated to is true (but 1 do consider lt potentially important
account f or the observed deflection in a magnetic enough to include in this Book), I have been informed
field. The existence of a steady current of 225 that there will be a far more direct planetary " align-
amperes for a pertod of about 10 minutes pro- ment" (similar to Figure 55-Q) except that che Earch
vides joule beat at the rate of approximately will be on the opposite side of the Sun from tbe other
1o•o joules per second, and involves a total planets. I was informed of such alignmem by Tom
charge transfer of 135,000 coulombs. The Valemine - author of a book emitled Lije and Death
calculations imply that a tornado is electrically of Planet Earth (which I have not read) - who had
equivalent to severa/ bundred isolated an astronomer at Northwestern University compute
thunderstorms cells active simultaneously. " alignment degree and date. According to the
astronomer, there would be very e/ose to a straight-
P . There are many additional pages of faces in che line, planetary alignment during the month of May
Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomena which 2000. (Sorne individuals have also indicated a similar
verify the electromagnetic effect and nature of tor- planetary alignment for that period while other in-
nadoes or waterspouts. Tbe observa/ion in Section dividuals have indicated that there would be not true
55-0 verifies the unusual electromagnetic intensity of planetary alignmem for that period. However, it is
a tornado. Again, this matches my teachings of in- very important that astronomers conclusively confirm
creased electromagnetic induction f rom sunspots o r deny such alignment and be capable of predicting
andlor the Sun. when true planetary [as well as stellar] alignment
would occur.)
Q. The above fac ts still necessitate a thorough 55
mechanical understanding of the "action-reaction, S. Of tbts I am certatn: íf sucb dtrect p lanetary
electromagnetic induction effect." Consider ali that I altgnment d-Oes occur, tbe Facts bave proven tbat
have taught and then examine Figure 55-Q. "great bavoc" wtll be experienced by tbe Eartb if me-


QUESTION: What do you expect will occur o n Eanh cbanlcal preparatlon Is not undertaketi! [I must add
when ali of the planets align in a direct fine on one thac che effecc of such alignmenc u po n the Earth will
side of tbe Sun? What would occur upon che Earth if be influenced by the number of planees aligned, their
the planetary alignment was cominuous excepc thac actual degree of alignment, the planees' orbital posi-
the Eartb was on one side of the Sun by itselj? tion/speed with respect to the Sun at the time of such
15 1
alignmem, and the effect of any degree of stellar alignmem during this time.]

S6. 1 now offer the following positive and creative co ncepts:

(1) 1 have taught the safe means for an enormous release of energy via E = MC2 .

(2) lt is quite obvious that if excess electromagnetic induction causes any type of havoc upQn the Earth (in May 2000
or at any time in the future) , then the opposíte must also be true: one must produce an electromagnetic cancellation
or control mechanism and such havoc will not occur!
A. For example, considera potentially dangerous st0rm which is capable of producing tornadoes. (See Figure 56-A.)
B. Instead of the meteorological formation in Figure 56-A, I propose the following:
(1) A single large conducting grid or numerous conducting grids (with conducting connection to Earth) composed of
aluminum can be eicher raised in the air (see grid in Figure 56-Bl) when a sto rm approaches or can be carried to
the potential storm as it begins to forro. Massive balloons (see Figure 56-Bla) could actually lift the aluminum grid.

_ tethet'9d


(2) In fact, the massive balloons should be coated with a good conducting substance. If properly performed, the
massive balloons could be used in large numbers in lieu of che grid. The balloon mechanism could also offer
tethered conduction to the ground.
(3) The most efficient design would be to utilize the energy source I have innovated and couple it with stro ng laser
beams, X-rays, etc., to ionize the air throughout the cloud and to produce a good conducting connection be-
tween the Earth and the cloud as well as within the clo ud itself. (See Figure 56-82.)

4 - .. "+ ~:1 \:-+¡~/ ~: :¡: ·-: ' ,_ ~

,+ :. + - - \t - / + + _..,,, .:- ::\\-.:¡:
7 . :.._,
. - + - . + - .,.~ + - + ::11 + - , \-i- - ~
FIGURE 56-82 l + - + - ;A ll + - + -, + - +. - 1
+ ::::-- Mi -+- - + --. I + ~ \-J -
\ + -
':-:>- + u-\- \rl-+,. -- ++-'·+
,'-- ·. + ..f.+ -¡.,
+ -- ,+
,+ \_',
.l. .• '
- /- ' · .+ -_, '+ - + - . +. - /, - -' \

// -', . . ._- n ~" - '

// \\ 11 \\
// \\
// \\ 11 \\

/:/ // \\
,,o n //
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + . EARTH

The lasers, etc. , would be grounded, made to pivot, A. I am very hopeful that this impending potential
and placed at numerous points. If desirable, such catastrophe (if it occurs in May 2000) can instead be
lasers can be portable. 1 have learned that during the converted into a positive benefit to encourage the en-
attempt to develop laser weaponry, the air ionization tire world to think and work as a family of one.
has been a problem by producing wasted energy. S7
However, this problem is the desired result of my B . If the world can solve this potentially serious
proposal. I have provided the energy source as the problem, then we will beco me aware that as a f amily
meaos. of one we can solve ali problems.
S6 S7
C. I strongly recommend that testing begin in earnest C. If this potential catastrophe is not now acted upon,
throughout major laboratories and universities - then it is possible that world devastation could be
NOW! Clouds can be produced in a closed environ- compounded by radiation leakage from nuclear reac-
ment with a charging source for the produced clouds. tors if any remain in functional existence. In addition,
such possible devastation could possibly trigger
nuclear weaponry, etc .
" ... tbe solution will allow tbe world
to p rodu ce and direct i ts weatber at will. '' D. I did not initially search for this potential disaster.
On the comrary, the faces I have gachered proved tO
One can also produce an opposite charge on an ar- me that such disaster could be the case. Therefore, I
tificial Earth within that closed environment. Under searched for further proof. To do less would be irre-
such conditions, one can test for the simplest, most sponsible and totally unscientific behavior on my pare.
efficient, and practical meaos to discharge the charged S7
cloud to the artificial Earth as well as the mechanism E. These statements concerning potential planetary
necessary to intercept and cancel unwanted electro- problems have not been offered in a negative manner
magnetic induction from the charging source. but just the opposite: they are made in a most
S6 positive manner. Jt is my sole purpose to contribute
D. 1 have no doubt that with such tests utilizing pro- to the "well being of all humanity. "
per temperature differences, etc., one would find that
the physical spinning of the entire environment within "Consider tbe fact tbat up to tb is time,
the test will generate the same results produced by
n o one has offered a single m ecbanical
natural storms observed on Eartb: tornad-Oes and
burricanes. When perfected, this would be a good explanation for p benomena tbat we o bserve
test for Skylab. in tbe Universe. "
E. A passive, "wait-and-see" attitude cannot be 58. What I teach is the meaos via a new source of
tolerated. Start to properly understand and prepare energy (gyroscopic particles) to eliminate, control, and
the mechanism NOW! The ultimate goal is to stop ali predict future disasters as well as to produce, control,
undesirable electromagnetic induction into the Earth's and direct our weather. We will have the abilíty to con-
environment. Superior technology will ultimately vert deserts into oases by being able to convert salt
enable us to stop such undesirable electromagnetic in- water to fresh water and acquire valuable mineraJs in
duction in outer Space. This is why we must first the process. Energy availability or environmental pollu-
perfect the technology on a small scale with Earth's tion will not be problems. Space travel will become
weather, and then apply such technology to outer commonplace. In fact, innumerable scientific doors will
Space. When this occurs, we will be able to produce be opened.
and direct our weather at will ! S8
s6 A. These many pages are the results of my sincere
F. Ali of these "action-reaction, electromagnetic in- efforts to seek "TRUTH."
duction effects" can be duplicated in a laboratory (see S8
Section 56-C) and a mechanical means can be B . Observe that 1 have presented a single, scientific,
developed to intercept and redirect or cancel mechanical explanation that has been consistent
undesirable electromagnetic induction. throughout my teachings, even though I have discussed
many diverse scientific effects and subjects. Consider
5 7. Such undesirable effects constitute a problem fac- the fact that up to this time, no one has offered a
ed by the entire world. The entire world should and single mechanical explanation for phenomena that
must unify as an entity of one! The potential problem we observe in the Universe.
posed by planetary aHgnment can be converted into a Surely, he who " Masters" what I have written will
positive tool for the benefit of ali humanity. As I have understand the order of "TRUTH" in what I have taught.
already stated, the solution will allow the world to pro- 1 wish to pay "tribute" to Michael Faraday who was
duce and direct its weather at will. also correct and w hose work inspired my search.
Chapter 20

" Men ol great leaming and retlrement of1en contrlbute llttle or nothlng to the progress of
l mprovemenl They spend thelr time In learning and admlrlng the lnventions ol others, wlthout ever
proposlng a new thoughl ol thelr own, or ever dlscoverlng one uselul power In nature."
- Joaeph Black


A. All of the many preceding pages of my ceachlngs mean absolutely
nothing if the major deflciencies of world society - fear, greed, intellec-
tual dishonesty, and a lack of curiosity/lmelleccuaJ asplrntion - are not
supplamed wlth superior actitudes.
1 ask you - who 1 seek to inspire - to please " Master" my teachings
whlch can correct such deflciencies. It is you who muse apply what I teach
to the world. Wlth such application, l will predice the possiblllty ofworld
peace as well as a productive andl meaníngful life for ali lnclivíduaJs.
B. le is only fair that 1justify my sincerlty and dedication to this desirable
goal. Consequemly, I will begin by providing you with a history of my ef-
fon s in the developmem of aU that l ha ve aJready caught.
C. The followlng represents a very small sample of my volumlnous cor-
respondence wlth sclentlfic agencies, universities, indivlduaJs, and
elecced officials. It is my hope that such correspondence wíll convince
you of my dedication to what I teach .

Joe W. Newllla n

3062 Pickell Orive

Mobile, Alabama 36605

President Lyndon B. Johnson July 31, 1967

The White House

Washington, D. C.

Mr. President:

I know you will receive this during troubled times and I

would not impose upon you except that it be imperative that

mankind utilize the attached information and that our nation

be first to benefit by it.

I have not written, expecting that you prognosticate whether

or not the attached information is of value; but to convince

you of my sincerity; whereby, you will use your influence to

insure that the attached scientific document is given all

available scientific consideration with the greatest expedi-


I make my living inventing better machines. I do not allow

myself the luxury of a mistake. With the funds derived from

inventing, I do scientific research alone . I do this re -

search not for money but because I am mentally compelled to

do so. If I had all the money in the world, I would still do

a nd get more pleasure out of research than anything man has

to offer.
I arn appalled at rnan's neglect for his fellow man. I have
made myself a vow that I will not rnentally be satisfied with
rnyself until I have produced a rnachine and the method; where-
by, the basic problerns of rnankind are a thing of the past.
This attached document is a step in that direction. If I can
get recognition for the inforrnation disclosed in this attach-
ed docurnent, this recognition should enable me to get a grant
frorn sorne source to build a prototype of the above rnentioned
machine, which I have a lready designed. I will also finish
a docurnent on the rnerger of econornics and me chanization , as
the rnethod I rnentioned above.

I respectfully await your earliest possible reply.


Joe W. Newman



t-':e.rch 9 , 1974

15 41 Ji·ache r Dr i ve
Houston, Texa3 770 55
Pr~s ident Ri cha rd !'-:. ~~ ixon
?he Wh1.te House
Wash inston , D. C.

Er. Pre3id2nt:

Plea3c ri ~d a tt a ched a cover letter and scientif1c

docu men t I am sendin ~ out to the s~ientific co~reunity.
I r.ave not Hritten ask i ng you to g ive an o p1::1on, t ut 1

that if ..,hat I ha ve writt e:1 is corre ct; you Hould thc.: lm:ii¡_:n t
to i~ n(Ji·: t ht: 1nfor-:r:ut io!1 o r. tl'v.: l ast page is al::; o corr~ct. I a:1.
ce:1·t airi ar. unllmi tcd source of ene r e y i s po::rn 1 \J ly ob tai nab l ~ \d
one ycar..; tLne .

•,a th the u1de r .:) tand in,;:: of the b1po1~t an c(; of thi~ po:: sio.1.11 ty,
I re ':u-::s t you h a ve qual.1. f ~. ~J opiniorn; be c; i ver. yo u.

~·~r. Presijent, I am corr~ct !

Ene lo~¡ ar(.:

December 30, 1974
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile , Alatam& 36618
Phone : 205-344-9767
President nerald Ford
Washin~ton, D. C.
Dear Mr . President:

I doubt seriously that this letter will ever be broursht to

your attention, but th e 1mmense i mportance of this subject rnatter
cc~rcls me to try.

Since 1967, ! have diligently sou~ht soecific scientific

arr:ument ar:ainst scientific material I have written. When I have
pe r:; ona l ly aprroached Phy s 1 es Pro fessor0 they sa id I should ge t the
opinion of Astronomy Professors and the Astronomy Professors would
~ny T ~hould ~et t he opinion of the Physics Pro f~ ~sors.

Throu~h persistence, I have received correspondence from

National Aeronautics and Space Adm1nistrat1on, Atomic I~nergy Commiss1on
and Nat1onal Sclence Foundat1on.

Of all the comments received from the scientific community,

none have given ~pccific scientific ar~ument which has given me any
doubt concerntn~ my hypothesis. Any arguments first presented, dis-
qualify themselves after I pr0sent my arguments.
All three of these National Depart ments e~d up sugsesting
::1~t I r.:et a scientific journal to publish rny hypothesis. My Scientific
Document and copies of all correspondence rnentioned are attached ,
ir:::!ludin¡:; scientific journals.

t ~os t of the se ient i f i e communi ty I forwarded a copy o f rny

hynothesis made no comments .
The reluctance of the scientific community to take a stand on
my ~wpothe::;is is illustrated by my correspondence wi:.h Dr. Dessle:--
wit~ the Snace Science Department of Rice University in Houston, Texas .
Af:2r readinr, my document, he called my by phone anJ give me his opinion.
Quo~c: " I t1ou ld not attemrt t o debate with .vou what .vou have written ,

vc:1 rrcbabl:¡ could be one of the grcatc~;t theorctical thinkers th~t h3.s
ever l~ved . Howeve r , T can irr.a~ine you are having difficultv get t!n~
res p f r om othe r se 1en t :!. s t::; be cause vou ha ve not ¡:,resented your
arguml..·nt::; ir. tr.e acccptcd sc:'..entific forrr. expected by the ~cient!.fic
World . I would advlse you ~o Lack to colle ~c to learn how to preuen~
y0ur a r rru r:icnts in the accepted form . " Unquote :

How lronic, t hat form ami are of more tm po r t<J.r.ce

than thc of trut h to the scic. í:tific cor.:rnunit.v.

Presldent Gerald Ford
Page two
Ge c ember 30, 1974

It should be apparent that I am not the a v era~e individual .

~hc refore ,I must be a quack who can offer nothin~ o f benefit to
ma nktnd or I must be a person with the ability to be of service to
~ankind . I have forwarded al l of this mate r ial , whereby , you would
b e able to form an opinion as to which I am.
Mr . President , the World is in such an unstable economic
condition t hat if there is the slightest indication t hat I am c orrect
ir. my hypothesis, i mmediate action should be t aken that would disprove
or preve my hypothesis.

I welcome and challenge any scienti s t in the Wor l d to debate

with me on my hypothesis by exacting scientific ar~ument. Truth is
what is important here, not form or credentials . Surely , all of my work
and efforts have earned me the rif,ht to expect the scientific community
to take a stand; to agree or dlsa ~ ree in no uncertain terms .

The conclusion of my nine years of lengthy experirnents , study

a~d crentive thou~ht is that I am saylng an Un l!~ited Source of Energy
ca n he releas ¿ d from Ma~netic and Ele ctric F!e lds of Force . I ha ve a t
p~e se nt drawin~s of a prototype device that would a c complish this result.
I es ti ~ ate an investment o f $200,000. and within one year of di l lgent
E.'XP<'ri mPnt, positive rt'!su l ts. 13ecause of it s p;reat lr.1portancr., I
f::t v e n<)t f, hown this drawlnp; to my Patent attorney or any inve ~>tor .

I a1.¡ your carlit':1t po0slble I't~pl,v .

Mr . Presldent, I a~ corre ct!

Re:spcc t f ull y ,

Jo::-; cr~1 \v'esl l e :1

JWN/~ n

Enc:o s ures

August 28, 1975
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618
Phone: 205 - 3~4-9767
Vice-President Nelson Rockefeller
ATTN: Mr. Frank Pagnotta
Washington, D. c.
Dear Mr . Vice-President:
I talked with Mr . Lacey by phone on the night of August 26,
1975, while you and he were in Mobi le, Alabama. Mr. Lacey advised
ne to send this letter and the enclosed material to Mr. Pagnotta
and that he would personally see to it that you received this im-
m~nsely important material.

Please find enclosed a copy of my scientific doc~~ent, a copy

of Dr. Edward Leverne Moragne's letter dated J\ugust 7, 1975, con-
cerning my document and a separate page showing Dr. Moragne's
scientific accomplishmenta, a copy of a letter to President Johnson
dated July 31, 1967, a copy of a letter to President Nixon dated
March 9, 1974, and a copy of a letter to President Pord dated December
30, 1974.
For ten years now I have studied, thought, experimented and
financed absolutely alone. I have purchased $2 , 000. worth of books
during this time concerning several fields; Astronomy , Physics,
Cher.1istry, Medicine and they all have at their ~~ry . base the same
deno:::inator, Electro Mar;:netic Ene~y.
Lon~ a~ o I reasoned that (electric) magnetic fields Must be t he
energy that makes up the material from which it comes. I am referring
to a release of truly controlled atomic energy, with no pot entially
dangerous side effects to man or his enviroment. It has been a
lonely feelin g , realizing that what I see so clearly is uni rnaginab le
to most sc1entists.
I met Dr. Mora gne in ~ arch, 1975, and we have talked frequently
since that time. During this time I have forwarded him additional
proof of my worl< on several occasions. The results of our talks
brought about Dr. Moragne's letter . (2 pages of this recent information
is in front of my 1975 document. Drawings are not enclosed, Nep tune
drawin~ is 12 feet, 11 1nches long.)

It is obvious that the letter Dr . Mo r agne has written puts him

in a position where he has nothing to gain and everything to lose.

Vice-President Rockefe ller
Page two
August 28, 1975
I am sure you can appreciate my effo rts, as I explained in
the atta ched let te r to President Ford date d December 30 , 1974.
That letter and all sci entific correspondence ended up back at the
Nationa l Sc1ence Founda tion . A letter dated Januar y 24, 1975, from
H. Guyfor d Stever, Director of N. S . F ., quot ing mere sc1ent1fic
rhetoric is enclosed . My letter dated January 27, 1975, answerine
Mr. St eve r ' s letter is also enclosed. The purpose of enclos1ng
these two letters is to verify t hat I have found very few physicists
quali fied to eve n discus s the fi ndings in my document . Arld I feel
that ir you s end my document to just anyone you may encounter t he
same. If you r eque s t Mr. Stever to ~ 1ve you a ll correspondence I
sent to President Ford you will appreciate this statement.
The rnajor point of all this~ is that I a~ s aying I can re lease
an Un11mited Source of Energy froru El ect r o- Via gnet ic Energy . Thi s
is simp ly using universal energy . This is ba sic , if man is to end
a ll of his stup1dity, hunger , greed , wars, di sease , a~eing , and
advaqce to o ther s o l a r systems! I:f t he r e was one chance i n one
thousand that I was corre ct, it would still be t he greatest r eturn
on an 1nvestment in t he history of man . However, I have di ligentl y
sought to disprove my hypothesis for t he l ast ten years, but cver
and over and over I have found proor that I was correc t . So nuch
so , t h ht I state the mat hematical odds or me being correct are phe-
nome na l in my f avor. I am at t he point Edi son was when he knew he
could r-et light from electric curr ent, but that he had to experimcnt
to prove it.
I have found no one in t he scientific community \·1ho c ould ~ ive
exacting sc i entific a r¡i;ument a gainst rny fin dings . On t h e o·i;her hand ,
I have found a scienti st of gr eat p r e ve n ability that a grees \:i t h rny
fin d in ~ s and has ob ta1 ned the interest e~ his colleagucs.

Mr. Vi ce-Presi dent, I know that I have an ability that can be

beneficial to mankind. Dr. Mor a Rne has offere d to hel~ me . ~i ll
the government help me to help t~e gover nment and t he ~orl d ?
It i s in t he inte rest of sc1ence and mankind tha t I as k for
rcscarch money to be made availab le . I Noul d apprecia te your earliest
possible reply concerning this most i mportant matte r.
Respectfully ,

Joaeph Westley Newr:ian
Enc losures



February 19 , 1976

Dear Mr . Newman:

This wi ll acknowledge your lett er to the

Vice Pr esident regar ding your interest and scientif ic
proposal in the f ield of electro magnetic energy and
request f or f inancial assistance to enable you to
fu rther research your project .

The Vice Presiden t appreciates your interest

end tes instructed that you r correspondence be for -
warded to Dr . Robert C . Seamans , Admin i strator of t h e
Energy Research and Development Administration , where
it ~il l be further reviewed and given appropriate
ac tion .

The Vice President t hanks you for bringing

this matter to h i s attention .

Sincerely ,

~ ?ágn$ftta
Assistant to the Vice President
fo~ Administration

Mr . Joseph Westley Newman

1521 Deerwood Drive , East
Mobile , Alabama 36618

i•'.:i.rch 12 , 197 9
1521 Dee rwood Drive, Eá~t
Mouilc , Alabama 3661 3
f'l\011•; : (205) 34 11- 9767

President J i mmy Carter

'l'he \füi t0 House
~aJhi~~ton , D. C.
Dear :.'._:-• . Pres iC.cnt :

~h is lctt er is written with t h~ cxpericnced knowl~1GC

th~t I will probably rcceivc no re sponsiblc , exacting action3
r el~tive to this request . However , a3 I ama determined
ir: ~ ividual , bcc3.use I have ab:.rnlutt:ly no doubt that I am
c o rr~ct, I persevere .

I can salve t:hc energy prolJlern as a result of 14 years

of sludy , experimenting and deep creative thought ! I have
made my living solely as an inventor for the last 18 years .
Science and Truth havc been my majar interest for the last 14

Refc renc e my credlbi l ity : Find encloscd 5 lettcrs

conc c :-ni.nt'.: mY inv ~nti ve ab111ty (one of which is from thc Go·.¡~rnc1·
o~ Al1barn3 - Pob James , Jr.).

Find · ~nclo scd 7 l e tters from rcputable sc1entif1c indi viduals

\i!'. ic '.1 are compllinentary of my scicntific efforts . Two of t !. ese
lc~t~r3 a re from Dr . Robert E . Smith , Chief , Orbital and :~~ce
::n·1ironment Branc h , Space Sciences L:tborato ry of NASA at fü.:ntj villc,
Alatama . Dr . Smith ' s recent l etter of Fcbruary 26 , 1979 , describing
t:.e uncxpected problem of gett ing exacting debate on my \1ork of
l~ yc ::irs f _ ror.1 sorne of his colleagucs , outlines exactly, thc typical
s~i0ntific rhetoric I ha ve r ecc!ved from the gene r al scientific
co ¡:.::: ~n.l ty for the la:st 12 years . (St ... dlc<.i and experi me nted for-
t~o ycar3 prior to seeking scientlfic debate).

Find cnclosed copi0s of lctterJ to Presidents of the pa~t :

~re~iJe nt Johns o~ , July 31, 1 967 , Prccldent Nixon , March S , i9711 ,
?rcsld ent rord , December 30, 197 4 > and to Vice- President Ro~ke fcllcr,
A;;g:..i :: ¡:; 2:8 , 1 975 . '.:'nesc letters explain in detail my efforts .

Prcsidcnt Carter
Page two
i·iarch 12, 1979

As a re3ult of these letters find cnclosed copies of

letter~ from National Scicnce Foundation , Atomic Energy Commizsion,
Efü)A, other Departnwnt Eeads of !iASA, all saying they are
unqualified to debat~ witll me in an exacting , scientific marmer on
my scient ific effort s . My letter of January 27, 1975 to Dr .
Stcver , (then) Director of Ilational Sc icnce Foundation, explains
my honest fcelings of thelr sc1cnt1fic r hctoric.
ln conclus ion, I ea rnestly, ask the President of
a~ain ,
the ll11.lLed States to help me , help the people of my country
and the people of all thc world .

I can solve the energy problem! Find enclosed my scientlfic

docume nt that now consist of 92 pages of cxacting, scientific
statcmcnts, these statemcnts are stated slmp ly and clearly. There
are no highly compllc ated rnatl1ematics or scientific rhetor1c. I
have ~tudied , experimented and spent numerous hours in deep creative
t liink1ng during thc last 111 in compiling these scientific
finding~ .

I earne3tly requ es t for you, President Carter, to demand

the Federa l Scientific Department Heads to all group to ge th e r and
a~ree or dioagree in writing in an cxacting , scientific rnancer
to rny 92 page scientific document. If all of these people are
un~ualified, as they say they are , to deb a te with me, then all of
thc rna jor Universities in the U.S. be aok ed to preve me wrong .
I also reque5t for a board of individuals with high powers of
rcasoning be set up to review their written comments and rny
·, .;ri tten com:r..ents in def~n:.>e of my docume nt.

If all of tllese peoplc still thcy are unqualified to

Jlscu!3s scientific statt:'r.1ent s made simply, acain~t what
exactin~ ,
t '.w y baen then i t proves they do :n ot truely under::;tand
wLat they have been tauc;h t.
Accordin5ly, Prcsiucnt Carter, I a~k that you then r ~co~ nize
t h~t in itself i s jus tification to g ive a federal Grant to me so
t hat I may complete my scientific efforts of 14 years (whic h I
have flnanced solely alone) and r c lease an Unl1mited Source of
Encrr,y from Electrornagnetic Fields of Force . I have read that you,
Mr. President , are of scicntific credibility. Please be advised
that my scientific document is written so exacting, clearly and
simply that you can r ead and unJerstand what I have written.

President Carter
Page three
March 12, 1979

I know there are honest and crcdiblc scientists in

every science f1eld (such as Dr. Smith), but reHrettably,
that is the cxception rathcr than the rule.
The future generations of this world and poss i bly
other worlds, will be arnazed at the sc i entific rhetoric an<l
lack of Government Interest I have encountered and may still
encounter in completing ~Y scicntific efforts, that will be
of extreme benefit to this and all other generations.
For 14 years I have stood alone, again~t great odds.
Must I continue to do so?
I would appreciate the earliest possible renponsible

JWN/e n

November 17, 1983

Route 1 , Box 52
Lucedale , Mississi ppi 39452
Phone : (601) 947 - 7147

President Ronald Reagan

The White House
Was hington, D. C. 20025

Dcar Mr . President :

This letter is written with literally years of experienc ed

knowl edge th at I will probably receive no r espo nsible, e xacting
act i ons relative to this request .

You wi ll be the f ifth President I have written r egarding a

New Source of En er gy and the fifth Presiden t which I h ave nsked
to hclp me hel p thc peoplc of l his country und th0 pcople of the

For over 18 years I ha ve stood alone against a closed-

rninded scientific community and great odds .

My Governrnent h as given me a bsol ut el y n o h e lp, but to the

contrary , has stood in rny way and still continues to d o so at
the l e vel of t h e U. S. Patent Office .

I n ow h a ve several working prototypes of this New Ener gy

Invention !

P l ease fi nd e n closed c opy of a l e tt er I sent to President

Jo hns on , dated July 31 , 1967 .

Also a copy of a l et t er , d ated July 30, 1982 , I sen t to

Mr . Paul Gomor y (Expert Advisor on Pa t ent Law for the Judici ar y
Committee of the Congress ) and ñ. copy of Mr . Gomory ' s reply to
my letter which he sen t to Mr . Ra l p h Ornan , Staff Director ,
Criminal Law S ubcommitte~ , Committee of the Judici ar y .

Also fine enclo s ed copy of my listing in the Physics

Sec ti on of Who ' s Who In Technology, 1980 Edi ti o n , and numerous
copies of letters from crcdible Scientif ic Individuals concerning

President Ronald Reagan
Page two
November 17, 1983

my scientific work, even before I built these prototypes, ,and

which refers to a Scientific Document (No~ 130 pages~ong),
which puts forth a Unified Field Theory on all Matter. And copies
of letters from credible business associates concerning rny . honesty
and integrity and inventive abili ty .

Most important, find enclosed a VHS tape of news cov e~ages

rnade by Mr. Garland Robinette of WWL- Television (C.B.S.) of New
Orleans. There are eight news coverages and one human interest
coverage on this ta~e. Mr. Robinette has conducted himself in
a most scientif ic manner relative to the facts on which he has
reportea, he has taken nothing for granted, but checked out all
facts. Any others who give an o~inion disagreeing on this matter,
without doing equally as well, only reflect poorly on themselves
and does an injustice to the peoples of the United States of
America and the peoples of this world . I recommend that you view
this tape before you pass this information down to sorne lower
office as has always been the case in years past . This tape is
approximately 30 minutes long.

My patent attorncy is Mr. Emmett Pugh of New Orleans . Phonc

Area Code 504 - 581-2526.
Mr . Paul Gornory can be reached at Area Code 301-320 - 4327 .

Mr. Robinette can be reached at Area Code 504-529 - 6300.

Patent Officials of U. S . Patent Office have deliberately

ignored the requirements of the Patent Law Procedure relative
to their own actions relative to the issuance of this Pioneering
Patent on a New Energy Source.

I wish for the Commissioner of Patents to have to explain

the actions of U.S. Patent Office, with me present , in front of
the Judiciary Committee or the President.

I ask that you, Mr. President, have someone of honest inte grity
check out these facts in an exacting , scientific manner and to
enact responsible actions accordingly .

I still stand alone, no doubt I will have to continue to do

so, until all is accomplished as a result of my efforts. How
sad that millions of others suf fer in the mean time and the world
stands on the threshold of total destruction.

President Ronald Reagan
Page three
November 17, 1983

This invention will be the cause of the Industrial

Revolution all over again, except at a greatly accelerated rate ,
and will do more to reduce the possibility of war than any and
all other means existing at this time, space travel will become
a true reality, and will touch and excite all aspects of Science
and will open many doors to the mind that have been closed before
this time.


~~- ~
¿? Joseph Westl/y" Newman




Earch 21, 1984

Dear Mr . Ne wrnan:

On behalf of President Reagan, I want to thank you for your

letter and enclosu~es.

The President appre ciates the time you have taken to bring
your invention to his attention. However, I arn sorry that
this must be a disappointing response to your reques t. So
many sirnilar.requests are received that it just is not
p~ssible to comply . I hope you will understand.

w:th the Pres i dent ' s best wishes,


Anne Higgins
Special Assistant to the Presiden~
and Director of Correspondence

Mr. Joseph Wes tl e y Newrnan

Route .1, Box 52
L~ced~le, MS 39 4 5 2


Name of Sender:_,_J_~-~-~· -e~p_l/-'-_..v~t:_.___4~l~e~w~M-'--A_N______________ _ ~

1242 X ,?""" ;¿ L tfCerk /e, )
Jl11sc" 3q

Date Received by the White House :

--- ------ ------ --


- -- --
S u~ary: .?r.77 ~ ·- ~ -
tr,' ¿z•UU

. 4<01.k-='-1 -
éÚ 4
·4'"- _
Jlk=·ef ~
7~ -/~ .¿ e.u ?/5 /~

If nothing unusual send directly to Lilie Bell , Room 58 . Make

a copy for JCD ' s file.
~ Special c ases to Ch u ck Donovan , Room 9 4.

Problems , i . e. threats etc . send to Secret Service Room 45 via

Bob Gallagher .

Keep origina l form with video .

Anything intended as a gift , i . e . a profess i onal production ,

Bible tapes , send directly to the Gift Unit , Room 4 57 .




r.larch 12, 1979

SUBJECT: f.'lr. c1oe Newman the Man

Dear Sir s :
My business is manufacturing and distributins products
for public u se . Business for the past thirty years has enabled
me to study and work with many groups of people .
Before any product can be produced someone ~ith i ma gina tion,
inGenuity, a lot of patience and determination must develope
a useful and marketab l e item .
I have had the privile~e of knowin~ several men who are
s c'ienti st , physicist, or just inventors . rlr . Joe Newman is one
of these men. I have known him about twelve yenrs . Durin s this
time he has devoted h is ti me , knowledge and enerr;y to produc inr,
us e ful items for public se rv ice .
¡. ¡y i mprcssion has been
from thc bcr;inninr; anc remained
e ons tant throup;h the years,tha t Mr . tlc·..1mc.r. has one obj ec ti ve
foremost i n all his actions . ':'hat objective has bee n an<l is
to rro ve a theory and make i t availab l e to manizind wllich will
provide and harncss an abundant source of e n er~y , which
according to his theories and expcriments is availablc to a:l
mankind .
I am convinced he is honest, sincere G.nd \.lejicated to his and is '.·1orti1y of c.11 consicierations any inC.ividual can t;ive .
This information and thesc opinions are ~ritten because l
reco.r.;nize the r.;rea: , hreat nced the v1orltl ~ias for nev! cnerr;y
sou rces and because I l:now the attitudes and ded i cations ~r .
New man has demonstrated th rou gh the years I have known hi:7! .
Sincerely ,

De nni s A. Moore

'B' (205) 457-5382

.; ·;:.
r. -
. ~">1
\ .......l'L'/
\ ..~

11 ffl1
:=-, .:~ .-:..

~ .:
F> . O . O RAWF.:R 16508 • 3060 O A UPHI N STRE:ET

July 13, 1979

To Whom It May Concern:

I have had a business and personal relationship with Joe Newman for
the past two years .
As a businessman, I can attest to his honesty and complete fairness
in all of his business dealings.
From a standpoint of our personal relationship, 1 find him to be a
very warm and considerate person of extreme honesty.
My overall opinion of Joe is that he has an extremely keen mind .
Any subject or matter that he becomes interested in he will devote untold
hours of study and research in his quest for the truth.
As an example, I know that he has spent years in his research to
produce a source of un1imited energy. 1 personally believe that there is
great merit to his findings. I only regret that I am not in a position to
join him in the development of his research.

-~ s . .
/~~ "'/· -?~
·/ J .{~cConn 11, Pres .


To Whom 1t May ConceJtn:

1 have known Joe. Ne.wman 6oJt about 29 ye.aJt6 . VuJting th.<..6 pe~.<..od
06 time I have had the oppoJttunity to dl6cu66 6aJt Jteachlng 6ubject6
6Jtom ene.Agy to e.conomlc6. Joe. Newman ha6 alway6 lmpJte.66ed me. a6
be.lng an hone.6t and tJtuth6ul man;moJte. 60 ~han mo6t 06 the people 1
know oJt have. known .
FoJt the pa6t ten to twe.lve ~eaJt6 I know that Joe. ha6 be.en ~nvolve d
w.< 6oJ.tmulating th e.oJt.<..e.6 co nceJtn,{.ng a !.> ouJtce. o 6 iutl-<.m,(.,te.d ene.Jtg y .
1 have had the oppoJttun.<..ty to di6CU66 w.< hlm and h,(.6 the.oJtle.6
cuid di66e.Jttat.<..on6 and 6oJt the. mo6-t paJtt the.y have bee.n be.yond my
eng~ne.eJtlng pJtactlcum . , 1 am lmpJte.61.>e.d with what 1 unde.Jt -
6tand wlth the. the.oJtie.6 and am awaJte. 06 thi6 Nat.<..on6 . The.Jte.6oJte., 1 he.aJttily Jtecomme.nd that M~ . Ne.wman be g.<
6ull le.e.way ln e.xe.Jtc.<..6.< h.<..6 theoJtie6 6oJt the 1.>ake. 06 ouJt CountJty6


Octobe r 6 , 1977


I have known Joe Newman for the past eleven years . During
this time we have developed a trusted business and per sonal

As a r es u lt of th i s relations hi p , I have b een privi leg ed to

see hirn encounter nurnerous rne c han ical and scientific problems .
Usin g his own creati ve abi l ity he has deve l oped solutions to
each o f these probl ems . More frequently than not , so quickly
and simply that is has not only amazed me , but others who were
specili sts in the respective fields, including a nurnber of
indi viduals holding Masters, and P . H. D. degrees in engi neering ,
scie nce and matherna t ics.

With reference to Mr . Newrnans character, from my own personal

observations and others wi t h whom we both have had contact ,
I f ind his honesty and intagrity to be impeccable .

Most sincerely ,




October 4 , 1977

Mr . Jo e Newman
152 1 Deerwood Dr. E.
Mobile, Alabama 36618

Dear Joe:

In days past we , the people at S c apa Dryers , Inc., have

contacted you to help us with a problem that has been in
existence for a long time . Your help in solving this pro -
blem through your inventive ability , which has been known
to me for the past five years, made me confident enough (as
you k n ow) to recommend you to Scapa to help solve the dryer
felt seam separation at each ed g e of the felt.

I am sure that the people at S c apa have your name on file

and will be contacting you on any future mechani c al pro-
blems. Thanks again for your help .

Best personal regards ,


Pete A. Rodrígu e z


309 williamson ave nue

ope lika, alabama 3b801

p h: (20!>) 749-9001

products corporation
September 29, 1977


I have known Joe Newman personally for 15 years during which

time he has worked for us on numerous occasions as a trouble
shooter of mechanical problems dealing with machinery and
equipment from conceptual,design and production standpoints.
Joe is the best I have ever seen in this regard with tremen-
dous creative and inventive abilities.

Joe Newman is a man of integrity and complete honesty. I

recommend him highly to f ind solutions for the tough and
unusual mechanical problerns of any nature.


World's largest Transmission Specialists

2525 FOWLER STREET, FT. MYERS, FLORIDA 33901 • (813) 334·7776

October 3, 1977


I have known Joe Newman, first professionally theri

personally , for over ten years . Durin~ this period, I have
been continuallv amazed at his creativity and inventiveness
towards mechanical problems and theory. When g iven a mechan-
ical pr oblem and objective, Newman will bring them together .
I have complete confidence in Joe liewman ' s eth:!.cs and
honesty as well as his creative abil i ty. As an engineer and
mechanical businessman, it is not easy to impress me as .J oe

Lindsey Bu:.Zans , President

In 1967, sent 25 page Scíentific Document to all the 56 following
colleges' Astronomy and Physics Departments :



Ur.iversity of Alabama (Dr. lear) 1

Tus~al oos a, Alaba.~a

Stanfcrd University 1
Starifo,d , Cal~fornia
U:·. :.yersity of C&lif'ornia
~rkeley 4, Califor~ia 1 1

University of California
Los Angeles, California l

California Institute of Technology

1201 =:ast Ca.lif . Stree t
Pasaúena 4, California 1 1

Uni'!e r si ty of Sot:. U.e rr. California

Los A~gcles 7, CaliforLia 1

of Colorada
U~iver sity
Boulder, Colorada 1 1

U~iversity of Connecticut
Storrs, CoLnecticut 1

Yale U:1iversity
New Haven, Conne cticut 1 1

Cattolic Jniversity of A.~erica 1

Was~i,0n 17, D.C.
Georbetown University
Washi ~gton7, D. C. 1 1

Florida State U~ivers ity

Talla~asseo 1 ?lcrida 1

U n i~e rsity of !lorida

Gai~esville , ?lorida 1

Ce or gi a ! nst i~u te of Technclogy

ltla~la 13 , ~eo rgia 1

Illi ~o :.s I~sti tute of Techr.ology

Chi c ag~ 16, Ill iLois 1

Northwest~r~ University
EYa:.stcn ar.d C~ic ago , Illir.ois 1 1

U~i.,e rsity of Chicago

Chicago 37, IlliLois 1 1
Ur.ive rsity of Illinois
Urbar.a, Illinois 1

Ir.diana Unive~s ity

Bloornington, Ir.diana 1 1

Purdue Uni'.rersity
Lafayette, Ind i ana 1

~n iversity of Notre Da..~e

Notre Dame , Indiana 1

Iowa State University of

Science and Technology
Arnea , Iowa 1

State University of Iowa

Iowa City, Iowa 1

ULiversity of Kansas
Lawre nce , Kansas 1

Lo~isiana State University

Be.ton Rouge .3, Louis.iana 1

Johna Hopkins University

Balti~ore 18 , Maryland 1

Univérsity cf t-t.aryla.nd
College Park , Maryland 1

Harvard :Jniversity
Ca:n~ridge 38, Massachusetts .l. 1

~.assachusetts Institute of TechnologJ

Cambridge 39, ~ssachusetts 1
Radcliffe College
Ca~b~id ~e 38 , Y.assac~usetts 1 1

~~i~!".i gan State :Jr.iversity

East ~E:. :-.&ing , '1ichigar: 1

U!"!i.·1er sHy of Michi.gar.

Ar. ~ P~bo ~, ~ic~igan 1 1

r:r.ivers i.ty of Mir.r.esota

Mir.r.t:- apc: i s , Mlnnesota 1

~ashb gt o:i. ~J::iversity

St . : cuis 30 , ~isso~ri 1

Pri~cet o n University
Princet on, New Jersey 1 1

Rutgers - The State Untversity

New Brur.swick, New Jersey l

Columbia University
New York 27, New York 1 1

C 0 r~e ll Ur.iva rsity

It~ aca , New York 1

New York U:iiversity

New York 3, New York 1

U~ive rsity of Rochester

R och~~ t ~ ~ 20 , Ne ~ York l

Duke Ur.iversity
Durham. ~orth Carolina 1

University of North Caroli~a

Chape l Hill , North Carolina 1

Case Institute of Technology

Cle ve la~d 6, O~io 1 1

Ohio State University 1

Columbus 10, Chio
C a r ~eg ie Institute of Technology
rittsturg lJ, Pennsylvania 1

Pe r.r.syl·1ania State Ur.iversity

Unive:-sity Park , Pen:'lsyl•rania 1

'Jni•:e rsity of Per.nsylvar.ia

~~ il ad ~ l phia 4 , Pennsy lvania 1 1

Unive r s i ty of Pittsburg
Pittsbw·g 21 , Pe;:nsylvar.ia 1

3ro1,1n l!r. b·e rsity

Frovidonce 12 , ~rode Isl e ~d 1

~~ivarsity of Tec~essee
K:.oxville 16, Ter.r.essee 1

Rice Ur.iversity
~ou s : o r. 1 Texas 1

University of Texas
Austin, Texas 1

University of Utah
Salt Lake Ci ty 12 , Utah 1

Ur,iversity of Virginia
Charlottesv11le, Virginia 1 l

'J:~ive rsity of Washington

Seattle 5, Washington 1

University of Wisconsi~
Mad-:sc::., ·.'1isccns in 1 1



PA August 31, 196 7

Mr. Joe W. Newman

3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabama 36605

De ar Mr. Newman:

Thank you for providing us with the opportunity of examining your

communi cation conc erning various scientific matters . In reading
your doc wnent, we found it interesting and thought provoking.

With r e spect to your request for specific information about space

rockets that have veered off course, please l et me say that this
information is not available at t he Marshall Center. More than 600
space vehicles have been l auncbe d to date . Sorne of these launchings
were conducted by civilian agencies and others by military organi-
zations . Sorne were launched by Russia, France, England and Italy,
as well as by the United States. Sol am sure you can readily under-
s t and why t he informatio n you r e quested i s not kept loca lly.

In the paper you forwarded to us you discuss a wide range of subjects ,

including magnetisrn, electricity, relativity , fric t ion, celestial
mechanics , gravity and rneans to achieve perpetua! motion. In an
effort to help you receive competent advice in the variety of areas
you are intere ste d in, and be cause we do not ha ve experts in all of
these fields, I suggest that you may wish to contacta special group
that NAS A Headqua rters has established to receive and evaluate new
proposals and ideas related to space research. It is t he:

Board of Invent ions and Contributions

NASA Headquarters
Washington, D. C. 20 546


Again, let me say that we are glad that you are interested in our
space program, and we appreciate your kindness in first submitting
your ideas to us .

We wish you much success in your studies.

~~~~ Foster Haley

Deputy Chief of Public Affair s



Mr . Joe W. Newman
3062 Picke l l Drive
Mobile, Alabama 36605
Dear Mr . Newman :
I have read the document which you sent to the Physics
Department .
It shows a great deal of i rnagination but also shows that
you are unfamiliar with a vast amount of work which has
been done and is being done in the f ields of electro-
dynamics and mechanics. I would strongly suggest that
you read sorne standard texts in electricity and magnetism
and Lorrain .
If you coul d then relate your work to the standard body
of accept e d and well tested physical theory it would
have a much better chance of being heeded .
Sincerely , JfL_b~
Edward A. Desloge
Associate Professor
EAD : pw


August 10, 1967

Mr . Joe w. Newman
3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabama 366o5

Dear Mr . Newman :

President Johnson has referred your letter of July 31, 1967

to the National Science Foundation for reply. The Foundation
is a Feder al agency whose priilci pal mission is support of
basic research and education in the sciences . I would like to
thank you on behalf of the President for bringing your thoughts
on scientific matters to the attention of the Government.

I have r eferred your paper to the Physics Section of our

Ma.thematical and Physical Sciences Division for further
review. You may expect t o hear from them after they have
had an opportunity to stud.y it .

Sincerely yours ,

Randal M. Rober tson

Associate Director (Research)





AREA CODE 516, YAPHANK 4-6262, EXT. 2341

The Physicol Review Physicol Review Letters


A. HERSCHMAN, Editor (on leove) G .L. TRIGG, Editor
A.W.K. METZNER, Acting Editor M.J. FLEMING, Pvblicotion Manager
J.C. FINEMAN, Assistonl lo the Editors

18 April 1967

Dr . Joe W. Newrnan
General Delivery
Webster, Texas

Dear Dr. Newman :

We regret to inform you that your rnanuscr ipt 11 The

Universe" is not considered suitable for publication i n
The Physi cal Review. We are therefore returni ng it herew
with .

Yours sincerely,

SP:cc S . Pasternack
Ene . Editor




August 24, 1967

Mr . Joe W. Newman
3062 Pickell Dr ive
Mobile, Alabana 36605

Dear Mr . Newma.n :
This is simply a note to acknowledge receipt of your
document regarding the laws of electricity and

Thus far no one on the faculty has given it a critical

review . If we find it desirable to communicate further
with you, you may be assured that we will do so upon
the earliest occasion of interest .

Sincerely yours




7 August 1967

Mr. J oe E. Newman
3o62 Pickell Drive
~obile ,Alabama 36605

Dear Mr. Newman :

This is in regard to the Scientific Document whi ch

we received f'rom you today along with your r equest for

Unfortunately your request has come at a very bad

time of the year and I am sorry to say that the members
of our sta:ff' who could review your docu.ment are not
gener ally available during the summer months . I am there-
fore retu rning your pape r with the hope that you will be
eble to find someone who could give more prompt attention
to your request.

Sincerely yours ,

/2Jd /Jt ~cf_ ~~

Ruth Mandalian
RM: sw Administrative Secretary

P.S. Since Radcliffe College does not have a separate

astronomy departr..ent , the document which you sent
them has been forwarded to us , e.nd is also enclosed.

80ULOEA. CO ~O AADO •o~oa

August 8, 1967

Mr . Joe W. Newman
3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabama 36605

Dear Mr . Newman:

We in the Department of Physics and Astrophysics receive

so many letters, pamphlets, and books that it is impossible
f or us to a cknowledge ea ch one individually. I thereíore
want to acknowle dge your writi ng by means of this form
letter .

Sin cerely,

µ~/ e 4-z47;__
We sley E . Brittin
C hairman




Mr . Joe W. Newman
3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabama 36605

Dear Mr . Newman :

I have just received your 25 page Scientific Document which

you sent me August 3, 1967. I will try to see if anyone here is
interested in your work and will send any cornments to you.

Sincerely yours,

Arthur J. Freeman
Cha irman

AJF: eh



OFFICE O F TH E O E AN October 11, 1967

Mr . Joe W. Newman
3062 Pickell Drive
Mobile, Alabama 36605

Dear Mr. Newman:

I apologize for the long delay in responding to your request for

my opinion on your document relating to the LAWS OF MAGNETISM Al-i'D ELEC-
of specialty is e l ectromagnetic theory, I must disqualify myself as an
e xpert in astrophysics, and suggest that it would be more appropriate if
you would consult a apecialist in this area. Perhaps someone in the
Physics Department of"'the University of South Alabama would be willing
to give his opinion on your work. I must confess to considerable satis-
faction personally with the laws of Kepler, Newton and Einstein as they
have been applied by engineers and scientists to predict the motion of
bodies in space, including the motion of free charged particle in high
vacuum. It is very diff i cult , too, to argue with the success that has
been evident in our various space probes.

In any event, all of these laws are only models which we use to
attempt to explain what happens in nature, but they don't tell us why
these things happen . For example, in your discussions you use the terms,
"magnetic flux" and "magnetic lines of force" many times to explain thQ
actions of bodies in motion. As I'm sure you will agree, there is no
such thing as a magnetic line of force, this being simply a model which
is used to at t empt to explain something which happens. The key question,
it seems to me, is why do we have this thing which we call "magnetic
force" when two charged particles are in motion relative to one another .
It is the attempt to answer questions such as this that present us with
what I feel are our most intriguing fields of inquiry .

Again, thank you for letting me read your document and I am sorry
I do not fee l qualified to cornment on the points at which you feel you
a r e i n disagreement with exist i ng theory.

Sincerely yours,


ce: Mr . J ohn Tyson

WASHINGTON . o.e. 2 05 45

J A:J 2 1 í869

Mr . Joe W. Newroan
3062 Pickell Orive
Mobile, Alabama 36605

Dear Mr . Newman:

It was nice to talk with you and Mr. Giddens a few days ago on
the phone and to receive your l etter of January 7 and its two
attachments, namely:

Article from Mobile Press Register, "What is Gravity?"

Manuscript, "For the sake of mankind and in the int erest of science . "

When I got the ma terial l sent it to members of our scientific

staff for review. They examined it and returned it promptly to
me without making any substantive corranents . They did point out
so far as the Atomic Energy Connnission is concerned the docurnents
discuss matters outside our purview.
The impression I have from my examination is that your material,
while interesting to read, is based on a general philosophical
approach to the universe rather than on a detailed account of nature
and its interrelationships.

You told me on the phone that you were having difficulty finding
someone to publish your material . This is not surprising for really
there are very few philanthropic individuals or organizations set up
to finance the cost of publishing documents such as yours. Many
scientific societies (for example the American Physical Society)
even assess page charges to the authors of papers published in their
journals. They are even highly selective in the actual documents in
their journals bec ause the members of the societies have their own
ideas on what they want to preserve by publication.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to examine the enclosed docu-

ments . I hope you find my remarks he lpful , that certainly is my
intent. Please give my very best regards to Mr. Giddens .

Paul W. McDaniel, Director
Division of Research
Enclosures :
Two documents noted above .

WASHINGTON. o.e. 20547

November 9, 1970

I:ear Joe:

Please mail a copy of your Moon article to

Dr. Velikovsky , 78 Hartley Avenue , Pr inceton,
New Jersey 08540. Thought it might interest him .

Hope your affairs are going well.

Sincerely, /

~Gi~ns Kenneth R.

Mr. F . J . Newman,, .]'r.

1454 Government Street
Mobile , Alabama

.;:.;¡. ~.*'H.H::h:~::VEi:fR~~SK_~
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OF~ICI!: o~ nu:
WÁSHINOTO N , 1). C . 110418

August 5 , 1974


Mr . Kenneth R. Giddens, Director

Voice of America
U.S. Information Agency
Washington , D. C. 20547
Dear Ken:
Referring to your personal letter of July 9, I
really do not feel that Mr . Newman has achieved any
new insights or notable experimental results, nor
that his conclusions would withstand detailed scru-
tiny in the light of facts that have been irrefutably
established by long and painstaking investigations .
Of course, the standard procedure for scientific
publication would involve his first sending his paper
to the editor of an appropriate scientific journal .
If the editor felt that the paper might have any sub-
stantial merit, he would normally have it read by two
or three highly qualified scientists in relevant fields,
who would recommend for or against its acceptance for
publication .
Mr. Newman can f ind a wide selection of scien-
tific journals in any good university library, and
can himself determine which he thinks closest to his
To you, however, I should make it clear that I
hold out no hope that his ideas would be f ound to
embody anything publishable .


Mr . Kenneth R. Giddens , Director

August 5 , 1 974
Page Two

Woods Hole does have its advantages over Wash -

ington , whether one is vacationing or working here ,
or , as I a m, doing both . Do come this way and t r y
i t out .

With be st regards .

Sincerely yours ,

Phil~ er


Mr . Kenneth R. Giddens, Director

August 5, 1974
Page Two

Woods Hole does have i ts advantages over Wash-

ington, whether one is vacationing o~ working here,
or, as I am, doing both . Do come this way and try
it out .

With best regards.

Sincerely yours ,


WASHINGTON, o.e. 20546

AT1 N OF · June 18, 1974

Mr . Joe W. Newman
1541 Bracher Drive
Houston, Texas 77055

Dear Mr . Newman:

Your letter to the President concerning magnetic and

electrical fields has been referred to my office for reply.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administr ation, in supporting
the National energy program, welcomes the opportunity to con-
sider recommendations which may lead to the early and effective
application o f additional energy sources . Your l etter has been
passed to our technical staff for consideration. Should
additional information be desired you will be contacted

Thank you for your interest and your effort in this vital


H. Schmitt
Assi stant Administr ator for
Energy Progr ams
/V v fu rtA.-<- r Comme'i_T



CB April 24, 1974

Mr . Joe W, Newman
1541 Bracher Drive
Houston, TX 77055

Helio Joe :

Thanks for the water see- saw. The kids had a lot of fun,
The water was too cold f or me , Ha!

You.r plans on the torso trimmer are enclosed. We only have

one more flight until Shuttle, and we don't plan to change
our exercise machi ne for t his flight. It also looks like i t
would have to be modified to be useful and lighter for space
flight . Maybe when the time comes we can use it on Shuttle
flights .

A copy of your continuation of hypothesis is enclosed with my

comments. I hope you can expand your creative ideas so that
they can help explain some more of the quote "scientifically
accepted and preven theories" of magnetism and gravity .

Best personal regards till we meet again .

;J?~ly, ~
Ronald E. Evans
Ce.ptain, USN
NASA Astronaut


W A SHINGTON , o .e. 2 054 5

M.4R 1 4 1974

Mr . J oe W. Newman
1541 Bracher Drive
Hous ton, Te xas 77055

Dear Mr. Newman:

The n ~ you for your l etter of March 8, 1974, concerning articles

you plan to send t o t he scientific communit y .

The Atomi c Energy Commission does not undert ake any direct
evaluati on of i ndepende nt scientific treat i ses be ca use the vas t
nurober of such independent re s earches carri ed out in t he world
today has it ne cessary for all fundame ntal scientific work
to undergo an evaluation by t he scientifi c community .

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us . We wish you success
in your futur e publicati on efforts .


D. R. Mi ller , Deputy Director

Divisio n of Physical Re sear ch

P . S. You may be int erested to learn that s i nce

your l as t corresponde nce , Dr . P. W. McDani el
hes retire d from t~e AEC.

WASHINGTON. o .e. Z0545

MAY 2 1 1974

Mr . J oe w. Newman
1541 Bracher Orive
Houston, Texas 77055

Dear Mr. Newman:

I have looked at the material you submitted with your letter

of May 15, 1974, and have reviewed again our previous corres -
pondence. I am afraid that my conclusion is that I have
not hing t o add to my previous statements and suggestions.

Your per s istence is understandable, ior your objective of

convincing the scientific community of the correctness of
your h ypothesis requires it . Have you discussed your ideas
with working scientists specializi ng in the areas in which
you are concerned?

Sincer e ly,

D. R. Miller , Deputy Director
Division of Physical Research

WASHINGTON, o .e . 20461

MAY 2 O 1974

Mr. Joe W. Newman

1541 Bracher Drive
Houston, Texas 77055

Dear Mr. Newman:

Thank you for your recent letter to President Nixon

concernin~ energy re search and development that has been
suggested as having the potential to contribute to an
easing of the energy situation.

Because the National Aeronautics and Space Administration

has special expertise in this matter, I am forwarding
your letter to their off ice ÍOr consideration .

For your information, I am enclosing an energy research

and development fact sheet, an energy definitions list
that appeared in the Congressional Record, and an enumeration
of energy research and development budget recommendations for
fiscal year 1975 that may be of interest to you.


Assistant Administrator
Energy Resource Development


Save Energy and Y ou Serve A merica!


MAY 1 S 1974

Mr . Joe W. Newman
1541 Bracher Orive
Houston, Texas 77055
Dear Mr. Newman:
Your letter of March 29, 1974 addressed to President Richard M.
Nixon, together with a copy of your paper on "Hypothesis that
the Word Gravity is the Effect of Magnetic and Electric Fields
1 1

of Force, has been referred to this office fer a scientific


reply .
An identica1 1etter was r eceived by the Assistant Director for
Research , Nati onal Science Foundation, Washington, D.C. There-
fore, a copy of the Foundation 's reply to your letter, dated
April 30, 1974, is transmitted herewith.
Sincerely yours,
f,,t~f r¡;?rf
Edward P. Todd
Deputy Assistant Director
for Research

WASH INGT O N , D.C. 20550

Apri l 30, 197 4

Mr . Joe W. Newman
1541 Bracher Dr1ve
Houston, Texas 77055
Dear Mr. Newman:
Thank you for your l etter of Marc h 29, 1974. Si nce we have no record
of having received your March 5, 1974 l etter, I will only conunent on
the materi al i ncluded in pages 17-22 of your document .
Your theory does not appear t o cha l lenge t he valid ity of calculati ons
based on t he accepted theories . Therefore, the test of your t heory
i s whet~er i t predicts any previ ously undetected phenomena. The hypo-
thesized negatively and pos i tively charged energy particles woul d
satisfy th is criteri on, but these particl es have not been observed in
any of the many experiments in which charged part icle detectors have
been placed i n magneti c fie l ds. Because al ternative expl anations are
possible , attraction of th ~ graphite rod toward your finger i s not
conclusive evidence f or the existence of charged energy particl es .

~~~-~~! ~sion, you~ the_?.!~ .:.~!..~~~~~~!~~-~~-~.~~~.--s~P.P.~ ~~.ts exi sting

Sincerely yours,

()_ .~µ_~¿\vi'
Al bert Bridgewater
Staff Assistant
Physics Section

HousTON. T EXAS 77058

TN7 March 13, 1974

J. W. Newman
1541 Bracher Orive
Houston, TX 77055

Dear Mr. Newman:

Thank you far your manuscript, 11 Magnetic and Electrical Fields ... 11 I
have found it stimulating. Unfortunately most of it is beyond my freid
of expertise and thus I am unable to evaluate your contribution.
Thus I have taken the liberty of sending the manuscript to a colleague -
Prof. G. W. Pearce of the University of Toronto. He is a geophysist
and specialist in magnetics .
Yours truly,


/Vo vornme,..;t eve..r rec.e.'\red

f rol')"\ f rof. P~cve-e


ATTN OF : AC APR 1 7 1974

Mr. Joe W. ·Newman

1541 Bracher Drive
Houst on, T exas 77055

Dear Mr. Newman :

In reply to your letter of April 8, 1974, I have discussed your

paper with Dr. Brett. It is m y understanding that he is forwarding
a reply to you recommending that you contact the J ournal of Geo-
physical Research . I believe that since this Center really does not
have the specialists in those fields that would be appropriate to
evaluate your hypothesis, it would be better to forward your paper
to them for possible review and publication.


Ge~~ -s. Abb ey
Technical Assistant to the irector


TELEPH O NE : 303 - 494· 4 73 7

May 23 , 1974

Mr . J oe w. Newman
1541 Bracher Drive
Houston, Texas 77055

Dea r Mr . Newman,

Thank you for your lette r of 15 May enc l osing a copy of your
ma nuscri pt . Unfortunately the tapie of your pape r l íes we l l outside
the r ange covered by the Space Physics section of the J our nal of
Geophysical Resear ch. We a r e r est ricted essent ial ly t o papers dealing
wi t h exper imental and theore tical studies of t he physics and ch -=mis t ry
of t he upper atmosphe r e and near space , and we cannot handle papers
on such basic subjects as the connection between gravity and magnetic
fie l ds .

Sub j ect matt e r aside , however, I t h ink you wi l l have great

diffi culty in having your pape r pub lished in any scienti f ic jour nal
i n its present f orm . There is a gene ral ly accepted format for scientific
pape r s , and unfortunate as it may be one has to speak t he s cie nt ists 1
f a nguage t o commun icate e ffect i vely with them . I t may be helpful to
consult a few current s ciem:. Hic J burnal s , and to see whethe r you can
re - cast y our presentation to confor m generall y wit h the i r normal style.
This will at l east ensure that your paper is given seri ous conside r ation,
and is not reje cted out of hand wi th a pol ite fo r m letter .

With best wi she s .

Since r e ly,

,¿/4>->3c iL
George c. Reíd
Enclosur e

U,..,..._,~Lv¡,:J /h v~~¿_
'/J?-/ ~/jlj-b.f.? t¡
The Physicol Review


PH Y S I CAL R EVI EW L E T TE R S Physicol Rev1ew ll!tll!rs
Telephone (516) 345-2540

24 April 1974

Dr . J oe W. Newman
1541 Bracher Or ive
Houston, Texas 77055
Dear Dr . Newman ,
We regret, to i nforrn you that your rnanuscript "Magne tic
and Electrica l Fields , not just the Word Gravity, are Key
Factors in Controlling the Movernent of the Ear t h, Moon ,
Planets, Sun, Stars and Galaxies throughout the Universe"
is not considered suitable for publication in The Physical
Review. We are therefore returning it herewith .
Yours sincerely,

t 2'W{
C. Lewis Snead, Jr.
Ene .

WASHINGTON . o .e . 20550

J a nuary 24, 1975


Mr. Joseph Westley Newman

1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618

Dear Mr. Newman:

We have received your letter of Decerober 30, 1974 which you sent to
President Ford regarding unliroited sources of energy from magnetic
and electric fields of power source. In reviewing the correspondence,
we see that you had forwarded a simi lar letter to President Nixon on
March 29, 1974 and that letter was referred to the National Science
Foundation for response by Dr. Todd and Dr. Bridgewater .

We appreciate your sincerity but you must recognize that the answers
which we supplied six months .ago still represent the viewpoint of
the National Sd.ence Foundation.

During May and June of 1974, Dr. Bridgewater tried at great length to
provide what I consider to be a fair examination of your hypothesis and
has suggested publication of your theories and experimental results in
reputable journals in order to resolve any differences in viewpoint.
Dr. Bridgewater made other suggestions to you which I am sure you have
as a result of the previous correspondence.

Certainly creative and innovative thinking is always encouraged . I

would suggest that you take the advice in the impartial manner that it
is provided and concentrate upon publication of your theories, develop-
ment of the experimental data, and detailed discussions to resolve
divergent viewpoints.

We strongly support the free and open exchange of scientific information.

If your document has the ne cessary scientific foundation, I am reasonably
confident that publication would not be a major obstacle.

;;f2'yours, r~
H.~78 /

January 27, 1975
1521 Deerwood Orive, East
Mobi l e , Alabama 36618
Phone: 205-344-9767
Mr. H. Guyford Stever, Director
Washington, D. C. 20550
Dear Mr. Stever:
Reference your letter of January 24, 1975. It was not my
1ntent1 on that the National Science Foundation receive my letter,
documents and corre spondence forwarded to President Ford.
Your response is exactly what I would have expected, had
I sent it to your department.
Dr. Bridgewater's correspondence was polite, but not exacting
scientific argument. And contrary to what you and Dr. Bridgewater
suggest, publication in a reputnble Journal is a major problem. Th1s
is even admitted by Mr . Reid of the Journal of Geophysical Research
in his letter of May 23, 1974, of which you have a copy.
The scientific community is ~ow and has always been made up
majorly of 1nd1v1duals who have memorized the works of great men before
them and there fore, claim to be true acientists. Their claim is
ridiculous and their close-mindedness is despicable.
I do not make this comment based off my experiences with the
so called sc1ent1f1c community. History is full of the disheartening
experiences of great men who were ridiculed by the sci entific community
of their time and even their colleagues. Robert Goddard is an examp le.
The Germans were amazed at the American Gove rnment's lack of interest
in Goddard's work. He di ed in 1945 . It was not unt11 19 60 that the
U.S. acknowledged his contribution with an award of one m1111on dollars
to his estate for the use of his patents. That was a great help after
h e was dead?

The so called sc1ent1f1c community of the U.S. is now quick

to say , "look what we have done, sent men to the moon." Only men of
vi s ion like Goddard and Von Braun have caused men ~o be sent to the
moon .

I have tried dili gent ly and politely to get exacting scientific

ar~ume nt on what I have written. I have not received it. If I am
wrong , 1t should be a simple matter for the National Science Foundation,
with all it s knowledgeable scientists, to prove me wrong. Not to be
a b le to do so shows the lack of ability to creatively think!

THt: t:NfRGY MAC ltlNI! 01' JOSl!Pll NEWMAN
Mr. Steve r
Pap;e two
Jan uary 27, 1975

What I am saying is simple. There is no súch th1ng as a

third entity called Oravity. There 1a only the observance of Electrical
and Magnet l c Fi elds of Force. I challenge anyone to quote factual exp-
er1ments to preve me wreng.
If there i s no ene the re with the p ewer of re asoning t o preve
me wreng, that in it self is reason for yeur department to s~n d it to
semeone who can; or that your departmcnt r equest one of the reputable
jeurnals to publish my artic l e fer the purpos e of having it reputed.
The scientific community is like a boxer or athlete who
cla1ms to be the greatest, but will not compete.
I have gotten no warm and sat i s fying fe e ling fr om writing
t his l etter . I ask that you be honest with yoursclf for a moment.
What would you have written, if you were me and had tried as I have
tried, to get someone to debate with you to thc finish?
Re grettably,

J WN/en


APR 8 1975

Mr. Joseph Westley Newman

1521 Dee!Ylood Drive, East
Mobile , Alabama 36618

Dear Mr. Newman:

We have enjoyed corresponding with you during these past few

months but our advice is still the same. The proper place
f or your ideas to be exposed and to obtain reactions f rom
your colleagues is for you to publish them in a reputable
periodical. If your ideas are as sound as you profess,
these periodicals would welcome your docurnent, and publication
would stimulate discussion throughout the scientific community.

I feel that this is t he most ef fective step for you to take

and recornmend that your energies be focused in that direction.

Sincerely yours,

Office of Public
Technology Projects
Res earch Applications


6230 Evergreen Suite "E..

Jl ouston, Tcxns 77036
713 - 772-4668

August 7, 1975

Mr. Joseph Westley Ne~an

1521 Deerwood Orive , East
Mobile, Alabema 36618

Dear Joe:

In reading your report, drawings and calculations , it is rny opinion

your work 0!1 Magnetic and Electrical Fields of Force shows scientific
promise. I t requires someone with inexhaustible creative ability in
the science of physics und a s tronomy to rnake the discovery and be
able to express as you have. But , you have opened an area in Astro-
physics which rnay revolutionize the rnagnetic energy problem which is
now the rnost paramount problem in future energy and space travel .
This , we will e:cplore further after y ou set up your research program.

I do believe with proper research funds (and do . not start off under-
financed) , the rcsultn would not only be a great financial boom to
your finnnciere , but would lead to developments that will. be practical
and beneficial to a ll rnankind and develop a new step in science .

As a rnatter of fact , I , and other scientists in the scientific com:rnunity

in the aerospace science group here in Houston , will be more than willing
to coll aborate and assist you in this very irnportant endeavor with par-
ticu lar emphasis on this unlirnitecl source of energy.

Please let me know if I can be of any service to you .

Sincerely yours ,

EL."'i: gs

f flJ• "' r ';.YY 1•.:;.1'0"'. .... 0 . $.TA~ '4 T l-'UA .... 0*'f!), S .C .
•t • ,... .. ,. lroll . J"-":• so...:. V. • !.H. JOHH TOwc• . T CJt.
U ·j Al-" :;J W , C,.\ ...·-C~. NCV. e AFHN GOl.OWATC " . A ftl l..
l'll ,,.,, J . ,.. ,: J:-r.'"'Ylltt 0 N , H. Wll.UAM L. scon. VA .
UA.kMY r , r'r'k:J. 1 1' ., V .\ . Jlt08CHT TA.n. J Jt., OHIO
!:. ª",,\ ....... e; , . DCNCY F , IS.\ fHl.crf', Ol(LJ\,
JC .... t:. Clit.. Y f. A, ICWA
r.•>-ty H-. .. r. COLO.
l 'A. ~ k! C' I( J, l.(.\H Y, VT , CO MM ITTEE O N A R M EO SER VICES

W ASH I NGTO N , o .e. 205 10

A ugust 23, 1976

Honorab l e Robert C . Seamans, Jr . , Administrator

Ene rgy R ese a rch and Development Adnini stra tion
20 Massachusetts Avenuc
Washin51on , D . C . 20545

Dear Doctor Seaman s :

I am enclosing herewith some correspondence and newspaper

clippings re l ating to a development in the energy field by Mr .
Joseph W . Newman , 1521 Deenvood Drive, East, Mobile, Alabama
36618 .

lt appea rs from the file that scveral experts íeel that his
report, drawing s and calculations have considerable scientific
promise, and I am wl"iting this to recommend very strongly that
he be considered for an energy research grant by ERDA .

I realize that you will need the specifics oí his propos al in

o roe r to give the matter proper consideration . I am you can
obtain these b y contacting Mr . Newman at the address given above .

You r ea rl y attcnt ion t o this will be appreciated .

Sinc e rcly,

Uni t ed Statcs Scnator

JCS : kls
Enc1osures : a/ s

2 14
WASHINGTON, o.e. 20545

1 \97&

Honorable John C. Stennis

United States Senate

Dear Senator Stennis:

Dr. Seamans has ask.ed me to reply to your letter of August 23,

1976, concerning Mr. Joseph Y. Nelinnan.

We have had correspondence with Mr. NeWI:lan dating back to 1969,

and ve have suggested that he publisb bis work in a reputable
technical In tbe correspondence forwarded vith your
letter, Mr. Smith of NASA makes t be same recommendation, affirm-
ing our belief that such publication is tbe appropriat e next
step for Mr. Newman.

I wish that we could be more belpful in this matter.


Jai;ics S. K.ane, Director

Division of Physical Research

H C.NtltY M . JACKSOH. WASH. J0KH TOWflll. Toe..
HOWARn W. CA/ . ~ IOH , N.EV.. SA-"1'Y GOU>WATP. A"1X.
TlfOMAS J. MC INT'Yft.C. N ..H.. WILUAM L. -=oTT. YA..
Y.A"AY I'. eY..D , '"·• VA. ROtlC:RT TAl'T. J ..... Qto4JO
SAM NUNN. GA. ocwn F . llA"1'L.l:TT. OKLA.
JOHN C. Cl.H...Vl:flt, fOWA


O ctober 28, 1976

Mr . Joseph W. Newman
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618

Dear Joseph:

I have your letter of October 23rd and ha ve read it with

a great deal oí interest. I shall certainly give the points you
raise my attention.

In the meantime, I urge you to persist in this matter , I

agai,n express my regrets that the contacts I made on your
behali were not more productive.

With warm pe rsonal re ga r d s, I am

United States Senator


JAMf:S W . 5YMIN<lTON, MO. JOHH W , WYOLC,R, N .Y. l'HlUP 8 . \'U.OS•
M IKC MC CORMACK, WA.SH. 11.ARRY M. G(M...OWATC'ft, J ... , CA.UF'. l .~ •ATCHP'Ol'O
DA.L.t'; MILl'OftO, TIX.
JOHN a, CONL.AN, AftlZ:,
llAl.JIH N. llUO
RAY THORNTON, A1'K, GARV A . MYEllllS, ..A. ft 0•UllT C , t<rTCHAM
lllOB Elt1' • . Olu.AWAY


July 22 , 1976

Mr. Joe Newman

1521 Derwood Drive E
Mobile, Ala. 36618

Dear Mr. Newman:

In a recent telephone conversation , Capt. Ronald Evans

informed me that you have, in work, a new energy concept that
might be useful in this Country ' s present problem,' and wished
to know a forum whe re this concept might be introduced.

The Department of Commerce has just such a forum for

new i nventors , the Office of Energy Related Inventions.

It is my r ecommendat ion that you describe your invention

in a letter to:

Mr. George P . Lewett

Chief, Off ice of Energy Related Inventions
·National Bureau of Standards
U.S. Department of Commerce
Washington, D.C. 20234

This office will assist you in evaluating your ideas.


21 7
December 20, 1975
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618
Phone: 205 - 344-9767
Mr. George P. Lewett
Chief, Office of Energy-Related I nventions
National Bureau of Standards
Washington, D. C. 20234
Dear Mr. Lewett:
Today I received your letter of December 16, 1975.
While your comments are d1sappo1nt1ng, they are not
surpr1s1ng to me at all . They conform exactly w1th the attitude
of the correspondence that I have previously received from the
National Science Foundation, Atomic Energy Commission, National
Aeronaut1cs and Space Adm1n1strat1on, as well as others.
Truth 1s of great irnportance to me as a man and a
sc1ent1st. The resulta of my sc1entif1c efforts for the last
10 years are as follows:

l. Reputable Scientific Journals only print the

hypothesis of elite sc1ent1f1cally rocognized physicists and
2. Of all the correspondence I have received from your
department, as well as those sc1ent1f1c departments listed above,
none have the ab111ty to give exact1ng sc1ent1f1c argume nt against
the sc1ent1f1c f1nd1ngs I have put forth in my document.
3 . How can th1s be? The scientific stateme nts made in
my docurnent are made in a most def1nite sc1entif1c manner, there
is no scientific rhetoric or ambiguous statements a nd, therefore,
should be easy to disprove 1f they are wrong.
4. On the other hand, reputable sc1entific individuals
I ha ve spent time with recogn1ze that I may have a most unusual
sc1ent1f1c ab111ty.
This ie evident by the letter from Dr. Edward Leverne
~or agn e , of which you have a copy.
It is also ev1dent by the comments made by Mr. David ~T.
F.den, (Director of Department of Comrn~rce), to my pa tent attorney
firm, ( Schuyler, Birch, Swindler, McKie and Beckett), after meetin p;
and t a lkinR with me in Washington, D. C. and then reading rny
sc1ent1fic document.

Mr. Lewett
Page two
December 20, 1975
It is a lso evident by the comments made by Robert W.
Gundlach, Top research scientlst with Xerox Corporation, w1th
whom I spent the night in his home and discussed my sc1ent1f1c
efforts. Quote: "He had no doubt that the mathematical evideneé
that I had put forth oonc e rning the tilts and orbits of the planeta
was correct. That he very often used the mat hematica of probab111ty
in his line of research and that the mathematical evidence I had
put forth fit those laws exactly." Unquote:
Conclusion : There is certainly something gravely wrong
with the present sc1ent1fic comrnun1cation system for me to have
encountered these results.
I was told that your department was set up to alleviate
this type of inefficiency in the ga1n1ng of ~cientific knowle dge.
Quote from letter of Mr. Atwell, (Deputy Chief of Operat1ons,
Office of Congress1onal Affairs), dated Septe mb e r 9, 1975 : "The
Federal Nonnuclear Energy Research and Developrnent Act of 1974
assi gns res pons1b111ty for evaluating and funding all promising
energy-related 1nventions (particular thos e submitted by individual
inventors and small companies) to the Nat1onal Bureau of Standards
(NBS) for analys1s and possible grants." Unquote:
On studying the resulta of my ten years of scientific
e ffortaJ is it not wiser for your department to use its influence
and request a reputable scient1f1c journal or journals to print
my scientific f1ndings for the purpose of hav1ng them proven or
disproven and then have those resulta forwarded back to your office,
whereby, a sound scient1f1c conclusion could then be drawn?
I arn certain my sc1ent1f1c findin gs will contr1bute to the
well be1ng of all people on earth and will enable manki nd to
efficiently advance to other sola r sys tems .
I await your earliest r eply.
Sincerely ,

J WN/en

2 19
National Bureau of Standards
Washington, D.G. 20234

January 28, 1976

Mr . Joseph W. Newrnan
1521 Deerwood Drive , East
Mobile , Alabama 36618

Dear Mr. Newman:

We wish to acknowledge your letter of December 20, 1975, requesting

this office to submit your scientific findings to a reputable
scientific journal for publication .
It is unfortunate that you have had difficulty in getting your
material published in a scientific journal . However, this office
cannot comply with your request to use its influence to get your
ideas published. We are not in a position to endorse or repute
your findings, si~ce , as stated i n our previ ous l etter, it is not
our funcfion to mak.e judgments about new theoretical propositions
which challenge accepted theory.

Since you have had considerable dialogue about your f indings

with the ·several scientists you mention in your letters, perhaps

assi;;~this matter.

George.P . Lewett ~
Chief , Of fi ce of Energy- Related Inventions




September 7, 1976

Mr. Joseph W. Newman

1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618
Dea r ~·Ir . Newman :
I have looke<l over your latest manuscript on the
relationship of magnetism t o various physical features
in the universe. As with your previous work, I found
it imaginative and filled with original ideas . The
work shows you have both a strong interest in physics
and a definite native ability. Howcver, I am afraid
that I cannot encourage you with regard to the possible
publication of your work in any standard scientific journal.
Lct me illustrate with one specific example.
On page 14 you men tion an experiment with a pendulum
and your ninety pound magnet. Using standard electro-
magnetic theor y (\laxwcll 's equations), I believe the
change in period for a swing ing pendulura can be calculated
for the cases where the magnet is brought near the
pendulum . T~1e presently accepted theory would predict
that a dccrcase in the pen<lulum period will occur only
whcn the· penclulum material is a conclucting material. That
is , thc r.rngnet would ha ve no effect i f the pendulum bob
were cornnoscd of a nonconducting material such as gl ass
or tcflon. I f your results are different from this,
'taxwcll' s t !1eory woul<l be upsct, anJ you would ha ve a
fir~ builclin~ block to advance you r theory. However. you
sinply statc your rcsults with no data ancl, thcrefore,
no chance far anyone to cl1ec k your result against standard
clect romagnctic theory. It is for rcasons such as this
t!rnt your manuscript would, in my opinion, not be under-
stood by the audience you are trying to acl<lress.
To write up your pendulum experiment properly for

22 1

scientific journal publication would require an 11nderstanding

of ~Iaxwell's equations in vector form. If you can show,
w~lil e speaking the language o f thc aud ience wi th whom
you are trying to communicatc, that Maxwell's cquations are
invalid, you woul<l have a chance to push forwar<l your new
t heory. Ho\\·evcr. I do not he 1 ieve yo u wi 11 havc an
opportunity to do so unlcss you can communicatc with the
physicists and astronomers of the world in their own
~ ...

Once again , T woul<l urge that you consider obtaining

a forma l cducation in physics so that you can present your
rcsults in accepted mathenatical form anJ scientific
notation. The rules of the gamc are fair, and thcy are
clearly defincd. If you want to play, you must follow the
rules. Alternatcl y , your work has no dou b t been o f g rcat
personal satisfactiort, and you mi g ht consider bein ?
satisfied with that and give up the idea of communicating
with physicists (who will insist you speak their language) .
Should you decide to ortain a formal education in
physics, please do not hesitate to contact me regar<ling
a<lvice on this move .
r.ood luck in your endeavors.

Department of Energy
Was hington, D.C. 20585

Mr . Joseph Westley Newman

1521 Deerwood Ori ve, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618
Dear Mr. Newman :
Your l etter to Pres i dent Carter was referred to the Department of
Energy far reply.
There are two issues which you have presented in the letter. The
first is that you would like someone to debate, agree or disagree
with your paper setting forth your ideas, hypotheses and conclusions
about electromagnetic energy, and second you would like to receive a
Federal grant with which to continue work on your i deas.
1 will reply first on the matter of grants . As you might imagine,
the procedure far getting Federal funds is closely prescr i bed . I
am enclosing the Guidelines far the Submission of Unsolicited

Proposals, which tells you how to apply. Essentially you have to


tell what you want to do and how you plan to do it. The Department's
program managers must see clearly that supporting your project plan
would support their mission and plan. Consequently, you will not be
able to ask far support on something which you can't reveal.
I have read the document that you sent and I will be happy to comment
on a few examples that come early in your paper to point out other
ways to look at them.
It does not follow, without question, that the man holding up the
400 pound weight proved that the work eguals force times distance
moved - formula is invalid . One could say that it was inappropriate
to use the formula far more than a first arder description . All
such laws are used with much qualification and reservation.


In your case of radiation appearing with the burning of the log ...
thereby proving disappearance of gravity . . . another way to look at
that case is -- the "aggregate" material i s gone and so is the
aggregate gravitational effect . . . there is nothing to suggest that
11 11

the mass-energy r esidues are not affected by gravity. lt is crucial

to look at cases such as the above because they are premises for
your conclusions .
. . . Could a Faraday experiment be carried out under conditions of
weightlessne~s? (p. 9) ... Your connection between 11 weight 11 and
"electromagnetism" is couched in a statement which ignores the
mass deposited . . .
11 11

Certainly a few conments cannot cover the very extensive work that
you have done. I do hope that they raise classes of questions which
you may consider .

C)Q/w\ .. w. ""~
James W. Mayo
Scientific Advisor
Office of the Assistant Secretary
for Energy Technology

August 27, 1979

Mr . Joseph Newman
1521 Deerwood Drive, East
Mobile, Alabama 36618

Dear Joe,

I am getting almost as frustrated as you. I have not been able to arrange

any sort oí demon s tration meeting with people that would know what you are
talking about, Sorne of them are still on vacation; however, with others
the problern is more serious. Most of them are not interested, They say
that Maxwell' s equations and theories are the best understood oí all the
laws oí physics and that any attempt to show that they are wrong or that he
arrived at the wrong conclusions is useless.

Sorry to be the bearer oí such bad news but that's the way it stands now.
I'll keep trying to set up a demonstration and also try to get a cornpetent
review oí your document but right now the prospects are not too encouraging.
I'll keep in touch with Lynn Pitchí ord and keep him informe d . In the rnean-
tirne keep up the experirnents and try to write sorne oí thern up very sirnply
so that they can be published in a technical journal.

Good luck,

Robert E . Smith
125 Westbury Drive, SE
Huntsville, Alabáma 35802

22 5

Fa s .JAM E S
QOVIORNOR March 12, 1979

Mr. Joe Newman

1521 Deerwoog Drive , East
Mobile, Alabama 36618

Dear Joe:

I appreciate your letter of February 4, and

allow me this opportunity to express my gratitude for
your support during the campaign . I will do my best to
do a job t hat will make you proud. Have been t ied down
about 16 hours a day since taking office but hope things
will.ease upa little next week and give me time to act
on your letter.

I remember very well our conversation and

experiences regarding the scientific community and will
act accordingly . Joe , if energy coul d be r eleased from
electromagnetic f ields of force , it would be a godsend
to thi s country .

Hope t o see you soon .

Sincerely ,



Technology Today

· ~*~~



Nelson, Donald F. technical articles. Also active in the field of Ad·
Member of Technical Staff vanced Technology. Principal expertise involves:
Unified Theory of Al/ Physical Phenomena
Presently associated with: Bell Telephone Labora-
tories, 600 Mountain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ.
0797 4. Started in 1968 and is now serving in above
capacity. Received lhe Ooctorale Oegree (Techni- Nisenoff, Martín
cal) in 1958 from the University of Michigan. Ac· Research Physicist
cumulaled 21 years of professional experience.
Presently associated with: Naval Research Labora-
Holds 6 U.S. Patents. Author of 1 technical book
tory, 4555 Overlook Road South West, Washing-
and 80 articles. Also active in the field of Optics.
ton, OC. 20375. Started in 1972 and is now serving
Principal expertise involves:
in above capacity. Received the Ooctorate Oegree
· Crystal Physics, Lasers, Ultrasonics
(Technical) in 1960 lrom Purdue University. Ac-
cumulated 19 years ol profsssional, and 8 years of
Nesterczuk, George managerial experience. Has acted as a consultan!
Consulting Scientist relating to Patenl disclosures. Author of 50 lect:\ni-
cal articles. T ochnical involvement includes experi-
Presently associated with: EG & G/WASCI, 6801
ence in Electronics. Principal expertise involves:
Kenilworth Avenue, Riverdale, MD. 20840. Started
Superconductive Electronics
in 1977 and is now serving in above capacily. Re-
ceived a Masters, Degree (T echnical) in 1971 from
the University of Marytand. Accumulated 8 years ot
professional, and 6 years of managerial experí- Nygaard, Kaare J.
ence. Author of 20 technical articles. Servad as Professor
Corporate Director and Officer. Technical involve-
ment includes experience in Oceanography. Princi· Presently associated with: University ol Missouri al
pal expertise involves: Rolla, Rolla, MO. 65401. Started in 1968 and is
Remote Sensing and Satellite Systems now serving in above capacity. Received the Doc-
torate Degree (Technical) in 1964 from the Norwe-
Newell, Philip B. gian lnstitute of Technology (Norway). Accumu-
lated 15 years of professional, and 8 years of
Senior Engineering Specialist
managerial experience. Author of 99 technical arti-
Presently associated with: GTE Sylvania, 100 cles. T echnical involvement includes experience in
Endicott Street, Danvers, MA. O1923. Started in Electronics. Principal expertise involves:
1976 and is now serving in above capacity. Re- lonization Laser Kinetics Education
ceived the Doctora te Degree (T echnical) in 1969
lrom Boston University. Accumulated 19 years ot
prolessional, and 5 years of managerial experi- NG 1 Yee S.
ence. Holds 1 U.S. Palent. Author of 6 technical
Research Assistant
anicles. Also active in lhe field of Optics. Principa
&>.pertise invoives: Presently associated with: Pennsylvania State Uni-
Appficstions and Dasign Xe Flashlamps versity, Physics Department, 104 Davey Labor ,1.
tory, University Park, PA. 16802. Started in 1976
1N~wrnan, Joseph W. and is now serving in above capacity. Received a
Sc1ent1~t; Inventor Mn:itQr~ Ooyroe (Tochnicul) in 1077 lrorn Ponntiyl,
vania State Univorstly. Accumulalod 5 years of pro-
S~il-í:tn ployad t.s Scient1st; Inventor since 1961. fessional experience. Author of 7 technical articles.
Accumulated 18 years of professional experience. Also active in lho field of Metallurgy. Principal ex-
Holds 7 U.S. Patents, and has experience in the pertise involves:
uvaluation of Patent Office actions. Author of 4 Atom-Probe FIM, Surface Segregation



September 17, 1984


I woul d like to present a few observations and comments regarding joe

Newman's theory of operation of his motor . His theory is a unified field
theory based upon Einstein ' s equivalence of matter and energy. According
to Einstein's famous equation, E=mc 2 , every conversion of energy involves
a corresponding mass loss. (E in this equation represents total energy of
a system, kinetic and potential, and m is the system mass.) Thus, for example,
when two atoms combine and give off li ght, the atoros weigh less after combining
than before, and the difference is accounted for in the light energy. Newman's
interpretation of these notions states that all matter and energy consists
of elementary spinning particles . This reduces Einsteins relation to a process
of counting elementary particles. In the above exarnple both the atoros and
the light consist of the elementary "gyroscopic" particles. Sorne particles
are released in the form of light when the atoms combine . According to Einstein's
theory, and Newman's interpretation, energy generation in the Newman motor
must necessarily involve a conversion of matter to energy. This statement
is equally true for any system which generates energy. This statement is
also perfectly consistent with the first law of thermodynamics, and does not
violate the second law.
The nature of the spin of the gyroscopic particles in Newman's theory
provides a qualitative understanding of electroraagnetic phenomena. In fact,
NeWI11an conceived the theory originally to explain electromagnetic effects .
Thus, electric and magnetic fields, including static fields, consist of gyroscopic
particles moving at the speed of light . Creation of a field requires a corresponding
mass loss, or loss of gyroscopic particles, from a system. Newman's motor
concept provides a means for trapping gyroscopic particles in a l ong coil
of wire, which catalyzes the release oI particles from the wire in the form
of very large mag:\etic fields. It must be considere d significant that Newman
conceived of the theory of operation of his motor befare t~ constructed the
fir s t ~orking prototype. It may be expected tha t the mo tor operation can
be explained in terms of the mathematical theories of electromagnetism and
relativity, howevc r we cannot expect or require Mr. . such

a foat.

oc;1l Jl'í / gT¡

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Pusuc ·.:.11w;EsorA
r... c.
HA .;'.JNTY . º l
~ >!.¡- Coru .. :iSSV :I Explí.!S U~r. J!l. 1988 THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN
.. \l\/ltvvvv,,¡o /\, 'vVVVV..,'1/\1\Af> •'-VVVVVV.. • • A • • •-
234 GLENDALE ORIVE· METAIRIE. LOUISIANA 70001 · (504) 831 -7504

October 19, 1984


Mr. Joseph Newman, of Lucedale, Mississippi , is attempting to

achieve issuance of patents on an energy producing device devel-
oped by him, and on the underlying scientif ic principles dis -
covered by him.

The conunents of fered here are in response to the " Report of the
Special Master" , Civil Action 83-0001, dated September 28 , 1984.

The statements of the Special Master indicate that he believes

there is adequate evidence of the validity of Mr. Newman's device
and that it performs as Mr . Newman claims. The Special Master,
however, rejects Mr. Newman's explanation of the unique physical
phenomena which cause the device to function . I consider this ap-
parent rejection to be contradictory and intellectually inconsis-
tent . Please note that Mr . Newrnan divulged his theories of con-
version of mass into energy prior to the construction of his first
prototype device. The successful operation of this first prototype
confirmed the rightness of his theories.

In rny opinion, the correct application of the Scientific Method

must conclude that there is adequate evidence to allow the issuance
of a Pioneering Patent to Mr . Newrnan. My opinion is based on my
observations of the prototype device and the underlying theory as
propounded by Mr . Newman . These observations were made during two
presentations by Mr. Newman before groups of engineers, and during
two prívate all - day sessions with Mr. Newrnan at Lucedale .

STATI OF' LOUISIANA Arnold R. Smythe / Jr.

Consulting Structural

.{_, /! (!/¡_"'=1¡ff 0
Evan Q . &oule~ J r.
1135 Jackson Avcnue. Apt . 305
New Ürleans. lJOu1siana 70130
(504) 524-3063. 866-7656


RE: Report of the Special Master dated September 28 , 1984 for Civil Action 83 - 0001

The following two statements from the Report of the Special Master totally contradict
one another:

from Point #9 : "Evidence . .·.is overwhelming that Newman has buil t and tested
a prototype of his invention in which the output energy exceeds
the external input energy . "

from Point #10: "There is no evidence corroborating Newman's scientific theory ... "

As a scientist famil iar with Joseph Newman's work , I must ask this question:

"Who is better qualified to determine the rightness of his scientific theory

than the inventor of the energy machine for which the evidence is overwhelming
(in the words of the Special Master) that the machine works? "

It is also important to note that Joseph Newman built this workable prototype based upon
and several years after he submitted to the Patent Office his scientific theory which made
it poss1ble for him to know how to build such an invention in the first place.

The energy machine prototype is overwhelming evidence that totally corroborates

Joseph Newman's scientific theory .

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5037 Veterans Memorial Blvd.
Dental-Medical Plaza
Metairie, Louisiana 70003
October 21, 1984
Ref: Report of the Speci al Master da ted September 28 , 1984
for Civil Action 83- 0001.

With all due respect for the c onclus ions of the report by the
Special Master , it is quite clear that there is a contradiction
in the implied argument that Newman ' s prototype is not corrobor-
ation of his scientific theory .
As is well known , in t h is area of re s earch , the existence of sub-
atomic phenomena such as Newman ' s hyp othesized gyrosc opic
particles is theoretical and not directly obs ervable . Th.e
standard corroborative mechanism for research in this domain
involves predic t ing energy transformations that can be observed
as a result of manipulation of the hypothesized subatomic
phenomena .
Newman has clearly met these criteria for corr oboration of his
sci entific theory . Newman hypothe s ized the existence of gyro-
scopic subatomic phenomena initially , and then followed the
standard corroborative procedure by predicting energy trans -
formations that could be observed experimentally. Newman then
designed and built an experimental device , the prototype of.
his inventi on , which enabled him to observe the predicted energy
transformations of the gyroscopic phenomena described in hi s
s cientific theory.
The Special Master explicitly states that Newman's invention
functions as claimed and can be duplicated by others . However ,
the Master concludes that this device is in no way supporti ve
evidence for corroborati on of Newman ' s scientific the ory of
subatomic gyroscopic phenomena . This conclu s i on is clearly
in contradiction with standard scientific procedureo It appears
that the obvious has been overlooked , which is , that without
Newman ' s initial scientific theory the probability of his
building a workable prototype ofAthis natur_e .~is infini t e si mally
smal 1 . __} -~~\l. [~¡ \ r
hn Po Gillis D. D. S.
Sworn to and su.l<sdrib d b2f orn me
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/ Notiiry Pubilc
My comrni ssJ.Jn is for life 232
J. Ri chard Trinko, Jr.
Cons11lting E11gi11eer



RE : Report of the Special Maste r dated Septembe r 28 , 1984 for Civil
83 - 0001

It is my understanding that Mr . Joseph Ne wman is being denied a patent

on the concept of his invention for the foll owing r eason :

"There is no evidence corroborating Newman ' s scientific theory

involving gyroscopic type energy parti cles to expl ain how mass to
e nergy conve rsion is . accomplished by hi s system; claims which
specifically recite that theory we r e prope rly rejected . " RE : Item No .

I would l ike to suggest to the Special Master that ve ry f ew , if any , new

inventions o r scientific theories are perfected a t the time of patent
application . Pe rf ection genera lly fo llows development of applications.
Imperfections , if they exist in the Newman patent application , should not
inval idate Mr . Newman ' s rightful claim to the basic concepts of his
invention . Inde ed , justice demands that he be granted a patent on the
basic concepts beca use :

" Evidence before the Patent and Trademark Off ice and this Court is
overwhe l ming that Newman has built and tested a prototype of his
invention in which the energ y output exceeds the external input
energy ; there is no contradictory factual evidence ." RE : Item No . 9 .

I submit that since the prototype demonstrably produces more energy output
than e ne rgy input , he should be granted a patent on the concepts as claimed
wi t ho ut regard to imperfections in theory 1 as postulated by the Specia l
Master . To the extent that his original claims prove correct , he i s
entit l ed to patent protection . To the extent that future studies prove
that they are false , neither he nor others will be penalized . Justice is
best served , therefore , by granting him a patent on his original concepts
as claimed . A gross and grievous injustice is assured by denying him
pate nt protection on concepts which prove to be correct .

Sincerely , . J_
¡ /) ~//~ // ¡J/
v-.J¿~~Á /c.,,~-ck~~~
_,/!-i, &/r , J!l , J~. ¡;
Joseph Richar d Trinko , Jr . , Ph . D. '
185 Walnut St . , Unit 3
Ne w Orleans , LA 70118


~: Reoort of the Soecial Master dated Seoternber 28, 1984 for Civil Action 83-00íH

!vir . NeWJ'!fill developed his scientific theorv involving gyroscooic type energy
oarticles sorne ten to fifteen vears Prior to his building of an ao9aratus . His
discoverv in theory, indeed , predicted that such an aooaratus could be built .
He then built the aooaratus. Mr . Williarn E. Schuvler Jr . , Soecial Master, has
stated that the evidence is overwhelming that Newrran has built and tested a
orototvoe of his invention in which the outout energv exceeds the external inout
energv . In other words Mr . Schuvler states that M:r . NeW11B.r1s aooaratus corruborates
his theorv . But, then M:r . Schuvler goes on to state that there is no evidence
corruborating Newrnans theory . It is a total contradiction to sav in one breath
that the theorv is overwhelminglv corruborated and in another that there is no
evidence of corroboration. This imolies to rre that Mr . Schuvler has not mastered
l\Jewrrens theorv.

Eric,, . Szu
' V '-..

Vice President/Genen3.l M.anager .

Haller' s Air Conoitioning Maintenance
and P,ngineering Service

Sworn to and Subscribed before me


, Notary Public
:! ,1
1 '


RE: Repo rt of the Special Muster C.ated ScpLc:nber 28 1 1984
fer Civil /\ction 83-000 1
For the past year I ~ave spent many hours studying
Mr. Newman's motor and si:.udyiag his theory . I am firrnly
convinced that his theory is the more significant o~ the
two inventions and that the motor was developed frorn . the
theory . Thus, if the motor is deerned to havc value (Statements
#8 and #9 of Special Master ), the theory must therefore
be of g r eater value than the motor.

I agree with Statemen t ~9 that a skilled person

could build a Newman motor from the description in the
pate~t , however , I doubt that a normally skilled person
person could read Mr. Newman ' s theory once or twice and
learn to build such a device . This may be possible for
certa in highly skilled persons , however, and thereupon
lics the rationale for granting Mr . Newman's theory
pioneering invention status . For without such protection ,
the theory of Mr . Newman's rnay never be available to the
public for lack of protection for its disclosure . This
theory , so contrary to the established laws of electro-
magnetics that I was taught during my undergraduate
curricula in physics, will require deep and prolonged
study by scientists who are willing to considcr the
possibilities of a completely new scientific paradiam .
The process of forming a new scientif ic paradigm is
fraught with problems as described in Thomas Kuhn's
"The Structure of Scientif ic Revolutions" published by
The University o!: Cllic.:igo Press in 1962. On page 151

- 2-

Kuhn quotes Max Planck: "a new scientific truth does not

triumph by convinciny its opponcnts and making thcm scc

the light, but rather because its opponents eventually

d ie, a nda new generation grows up that is familiar with it,"

A scientific theory is a simplif ied mode l of how

the universe works. Models can be used to explain why

certain known phenomena occur and - to explain how to produce

hitherto unknown na . Mr. Newman ' s theory qualifies

on both counts:

1) The theory explains why electric and

magnetic f i elds are perpendicular to each other .

Everybody knows this i s so a nd uses this know -

l edge , but no one has ever produced a model to

exp la in why u p until now. Mr . Newman's theory

of gyroscopic particles explains why. In

es sence these particles, spinn ing li ke minature

gyroscopes, produce perpendicular forces when

deflected exactly as gy r scopes do . Mr. Newman

has created a theory that p r edicts an underlying

unity of spinn ing masses and electromagnetic


2) The theory explains how to produce more

energy from a device than is p ut into it

(obviously a hithe rto unknown phenomena) . The

prototype de~onstrates this to be a fact on

the basis of overwhelming evidence (Statement tt9),

Isaac Newton ' s t he ory in the 17th Century made it

possibl ~ to predict exactly the orbits of planetary

bodies, but it wasn't until Halley's Comet arrived right

o n the date predicted that Newton's work was corroborated.

Albert Einstcin's theory required an experiment be

- 3-

performedduring a total eclipse in order to corroborate

it . This seemingly innocous experiment confirmed a theory

which has ma¿e nuclear power a reality in our time .

Joseph W. Newman's theory has enabled Mr . Newman,

who understands it best at this time, to manufacture a machine

that taps energy from the sub- atomic structure of matter in

a controlled manner . This can be considered as nuclear

power without t he destructive side effects of bombs and


Statement ~8 says "Operation of Plaintiff's System

seems to clearly conflict with recognized scientif i c

principles relating to thermodynamics and conservation

of energy . " In the presence of a conflict, a true scientist

will either cisregard t he conflict as a spurious anomaly

(as the Pate~t Office has done with Mr. Newman's theory

for many years) or the scientist will produce a new

theory which will explain all currently understood

phenomena plus the anomalous phenomena. This is precisely

what ~r . Newman's theory does. Mr. Newman's theory may

lack the precision of exposition of an academically trained

scientist, but what trained scientist would ever spend

ti~e investigating a process he had been taught was clearly

impossible? Undoubtedly trained scientists will welcome

the opportunity to add mathematic precision to Mr. Newman's

theory and the decision to give them access to this material

must include full protection under law for Mr . Newman's

inr.ovative concepts as embodied in his pioneering inventions.


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OCTOBER 21, 1984 •
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Chapter 21

"Bacon In his lnstructlon tells us that the scientlfic student ought not to be as the ant, who
gathers merely, nor as the splder who spins from her bowels. but rather as the bee who both
gathers and produces."
- Mlchael Faraday

T he facts o f history clearly illustrace the injusrice of EXAMINE THE FOLLOW!NG FACTS :
the present teaching syscem. One has only to observe From adolescence ro maturity, an individual is in-
each separa ce aspect of science - physics, ascronomy, scructed to memorize, mimic, and noc question or
chemistry, medicine, etc. - to see that che common challenge what is caught. Then che individual is in-
denominator is the fact that, during their instant of time formcd rhar sorne of what he/shc has Jearned is wrong
in history, chosc creative indivi<..luals who rnade the and must now question it. Becausc rhat individual has
greatest positivc contributions were gencrally pcrse- been " unjustly taughc," one can casily understand why
cuted or ridiculed by their colleagues. Many such con- that individual would feel threatened by such an ap-
tributors were never recognized during their lifetirnes proach and would psychologically rcspond by "denying"
for their achievements. As a matter o f fact, such recogni- what is proposed. How sad is this fact f or humaníty.
tion (when given at ali) was generally not forthcoming At four years of age, such an individual would not
uotil a cencury or more after their deaths. have responded so negatively and chus denied herself/
himself che excitement of understanding new discovery
QUESTION: Why should the greatest comributors in which scimulares and invigoraces the questioning mind .
history be so trcatcd? Thc fo llowing fact should cause the reader to chink:
One can acquire numerous Ph.D.'s during one's lifetime,
With small children, one can observe that they are but in so doing one has only learncd to mimic various
acited, stimu lated and mystified by observing and ex- "crafts." One is only a scientist when one questions
pcriencing ncw information. The child does not become and challenges what is being taught. A four-year-old
angry or intimidated by new information or cliscovery. human being has scientific instincts, but ironically most
The history of science clearly demonstrates that the Ph.D. individuals who have been " unjustly influenced"
so-called "conventional scientists" of a given age were by thc present teaching system do not. A .scientist is
intimidated , angered, or even felt threatened by new simply an individual who seeks "Absolute Truth"
and beneficia! scientific contributions from comem- abot•e all else!
porary creative individuals.
Over the years, l have personally seen and experienced The following is a very importam QUEST!ON:
this same response from many conventionally-educated
and scientifica lly trained individuals concerning my How is it possible forme, living in che backwoods of
work. l have often stated that the problem I was having Mississippi with limited money and limited convencional
with these individuals was a "psychological problem" training/education, to have achieved the innovation of a
and nota " true scientific problem" ! totally new energy source, plus much more?
Because 1 am a human being, I have at times become Also, consider the fact that che conventionally-taught,
angry with such individuals when l observed that they scientific community has had over 30 years, thousands
did not wish ro think, question, or scarch for "Absolute of conventionally-crained "scientiscs," and billions of
Truth. " Since I am a fair person, however, 1 can honest- dollars to creare a more efficient meaos o f mechanically
ly state to mysclf, " l know their negativc actions are not convening mass into energy in accordance with Einstein's
their fault. " Such individuals are only acting as the pres- Equation of E= MC 2 (rather than the incfficient conven-
ent teaching system has taught them to respond since tional, nuclear-reactor, mechanical method which was
they entered the first grade. initially prompted by an accide ntal discovery of the
Thereforc, I concludc that these individuals have been fission of heavy nuclei by two chemists in Germany -
"unjustly ínfluenced" by an incorrect teaching system Oteo Hahn and Lise Meitner).
that has existed for centuries. Despite che above facts , such convenrionally-trained
In clinical psychiatry, such a negative response would scientists have failed to achieve any practica! or signifi-
be called " The Denial Syndrome." This mea ns that, if a cant improvement in energy conversion and production
person mentally feels threatened by information efficiency. In lieu of such failure, why have I succeeded?
presented to her/him, then that individual may rcspond
by denying the information. ANSWER: The conventionally-trained scientists have been
"unjustly taught" by the convencional teaching system 10 out of 100, the visitor would discover that the Earth-
that they did not ha ve to mechaoically understand ling is virtually devoid of curiosity.
Gravity, Magnetism, Electricity, Inertia, Planetary Mo- The visitor would then wonder: "What tragedy could
tion, Light, Heat, etc., and that it was sufficient to simply possibly have happened to the Earthling during the
provide mathematical formulae for such effects . twemy-year period?" Were the visitor to be informed of
When l read such teachings, l was totally shocked! My the nature of the Earth's present teaching system, the
natural questioning instincts of "How, Why, and What" visitar would understand the full extent of the tragedy
told me that it was not only necessary but imperative to that the tested Earthling had endured during the past
understand the mechanical essence of these effects . twenty years.
This simple distinction in mental attitude between the I am certain that the reader is aware that ali young
conventionally-trained scientists and myself provides the children possess immense curiosity. However, because
reason for the significant difference in results. children are so perceptive, they learn quickly and tend to
lt is also interesting to note that the very essence of strive for the approval of their peers and especially their
the present teaching system so conforms the students' loved ones. As a result of good intentions, it is ironic that
minds that they were not and are not shocked as I am these children are pressured to forsake their natural birth-
by the conventional-teaching statement described above. right of curiosity and only strive to "make the grade,"
I do not write these observations to offend the reader; i.e. , to obtain the family/teacher-inspired " A."
quite the contrary: I write them because I care very Being perceptive, children quickly learn that the name
deeply about the future of humanity. of the game is memorization. Like a parrot, the more
I repeat: It is my deep, caring belief that in future precisely the child can quote or mimic what is "taught,"
years, our descendants will view these times as the true the better the grade obtained and the greater the ap-
"Dark Ages, " whereby they will state: proval from teachers, peers, and especially loved ones.
The impressionable child clearly learns not to question
"My parents and ancestors were taught in such or honestly challenge what the teachers present in class,
a manner that the natural curiosity with which since this results in only reprisal from her/his peers and
they were born was signijicantly stifled; whereas sometimes even from her/his teachers.
we are taught in such a manner that our natural As a result of this non-educational process, the child
curiosity birthright is stimulated and not stifled." stri ves only to "make the A, " forsakes the natural birth-
right of curiosity, fails to truthfully question what is
In effect, I believe that future generations will actually taught, and, with time, subtly loses a beautiful, glimmer-
feel sorry for their ancestors. If you ha ve grown chil- ing light from her/his eyes.
dren, perhaps you can recall the excitement of mental
anticipation that was mirrored in their eyes when they I sincerely and caringly ask that ali individuals on this
were five years old or less and their birthright curiosity planet teach their children by the following method:
was "as free as the wind." If you now examine the
mature eyes of your children, you will not find the spark (l) Encourage your children not to memorize data but
of mental excitement, anticipation, and rhe free birth- rather to learn the essence of many different sub-
right of curiosity. What a terrible and ironic misfortune jects. Moreover, the more they learn, the more
that such a loss of curiosity was bequeathed to them they can question!
with the best of intentions.
Let me give you another example of this loss: (1) It is most important for the parent to encourage
Imagine if you will, a highly creative individual from and highly commend the honest questioning of
another Solar system visiting the planet Earth and con- such varied subjects. One should not question for
ducting the following simple experiment: the purpose of disruption, but rather question
The interstellar visitar initially conducts the experiment with the honesty and integrity of one's natural
on an Earthling who is four years of age. The "test ex- birthright. Children should diligently seek to
periment" is measured and graded on a scale of O to 100 answer their own honest questions if a satis/ac-
with respect to the innate curiosity of the young Earth- tory answer is not provided by others.
ling. From one's observational experience with young
children, it is very likely that the young Earthling would (3) Instruct your children to honestly question
achieve a " curiosity score" of perhaps 80 to 90 out of throughout their Jives, since only then are they
100. After scoring, the visitor unobtrusively tags the truly free human beings. With this healthy attitude
young Earthling for future identification and then pro- throughout their lives, such children will find
ceeds to leave the Earth. Twenty years later, the inter- truth as well as maintain the excitement and light
stellar visitor retums. The tagged Earthling is now in their eyes to reflect their intelligent, question-
twenty-four years old and the same "curiosity test" is ing mind.
again conducted by the visitor on the same Earthling. In
analyzing the new results, the interstellar visitor would (4) Teach your children to strive to understand the
be shocked. With a maximum " curiosity score" of 5 to essence of ali that they experience. Teach them to
be "humble" and sensitive to the fact that the moment the evems that have occurred in your life and
more they learn, the more they become aware of search your mind for those events that generare a warm
how much there is to know. Therefore, teach and tender feeling within yourself.
them to cominuously learn and question. 1 can predict the nature of your memories. They will
consist of thoughts concerning your mother, father,
I am certain of the following: If ali children were brothers, sisters, grandmother, grandfather, other
taughr as 1 have described, then dictato rs and crooked relatives, friends, or even an animal ~- thoughts involv-
politicians could not exist and continue to perpetrate ing your efforrs to comribute to the well-being of
themselves. another, and their efforts tO contribute to your well-
Questioning individuals would maintain an account of being. Although you may not have reflected on these
the promises of politicians and also have the means to meaningful memories for years, you nevertheless ex-
maintain a permanent record of elected politicians' per- perience the inner warmth of those memories and even
formances. If they discovered that the politician lied to now tears may come to your eyes.
them, such questioning individuals would quickly in- Please observe that it is not the memory of material
itiate a petition of such magnitude that they would recall objects that you recall - you are not remembering the
and evict the lying politician from office. The same pro- first bicycle, skates, automobile, .house, boat, or plane
that you received. Subconsciously, you already know
that these material items are replaceable, but the
"Subconsciously, you already know memories you cherish are not replaceable.
tbat tbese material items What is the " Truth" of which I speak?
are replaceabl.e, but tbe memories As you will find, my interests go far beyond the
you cberisb are not replaceable. " energy machine I have innovated. 1 wish to strive for the
improvemem of ali humanity in a very fundamental
cedure would apply to inept elected judges. Where the The following is a song 1 wrote severa! years ago con-
judges are appointed, then the politicians who ap- cerning this "Truth": (Even if you do not appreciate this
pointed the~ would be held accountable. song, or find it "trite," please sing this song to your
Honest and questioning individuals will question ali children. They will appreciate it.]
subjects and problems they encounter; more importantly,
they wil1 earnestly seek to efficiently salve such prob-
lems. As a result, such educated inhabitants of a planet
would have very few difficulties since encountered Oh, Subconscious mina, tell me the truth
Where aoes it lie, the truth of lije that I seek
problems would be quickly solved. Even as a chíla receiving toys
In essence, it is my purpose to teach ali inhabitants of Andas an aautt receívíng ever more expensive toys
this Earth to "THINK." The balance of this Book will so I have anticipatea them ali with great joy
verify this fact. But perpetually, once received, the joy has always
disappeared from me
It is imperative that the present teaching system Oh, subconscious mind, where do the memories lie,
change to a formar consisting of honest, questioning in- so dear to me
dividuals devoted to discovering " Truth" above ali else. Always it has been a close and personal tie
World Peace can result from the efforrs of the planetary Relative, friend or other, where we have always been
inhabitants so taught. of benefit
to one another
Continue to read this Book and please open your Oh, subconscious mind, tell me the truth
mind for the purpose of seeking.the " Absolute Truth. " Where does it lie, the truth of lije that I seek
Please do not blindly accept what I teach, but, on the Personal gain, is well ana good, so long as it is shared
conrrary - question what I teach and question what as it should
you have been taught by others. 1 specifically ask that This is how, I shall live my lije, f or it will ena much of
my inner strije
you do the following: Truthfully question everything, Oh, subconscious mind, where ao the memories lie,
discarding that which is "false" while adhering to and so dear to me
teaching your children what is ''true. '' Sing this song, so others may know
Where the truth of lije belongs, that they should surely seek
Ana may these thoughts make them smile, and feel
The Fo rmula for Happiness gooa inside,
For all of life's while
Despite the best of intentions, it is ironic that Oh, subconscious mind, subconscious mina, ij I pay attention
adults and the teaching system instill in childre n You can be so kind
the vie w that the pursuit and acquisition of mater- ]oseph Westley Newman
ial wealth (money o r its equivalent) w ill brlng
forth happiness to the m and their family.
Written by: Joseph Westley Newman
Such a teaching is totally false ! I urge you to prove © Copyrighted, 1979, February 25,
this falsehood ro yourself. Consider for a pleasurable by Joseph W. Newman
Let's examine another fact that occurred in the 1960's thereot) which I observe within the families of this point
which constitutes further proof concerning the "Truth" in history.
of which I speak. These facts tell me that as creative technology advanc-
During the 1960's, hippie communities began appearing ed to reduce the drudgery and hardships of life, then
throughout severa! areas of the country. This occurrence love and happiness between family members decreased.
in itself is not the point. The significant f act is that This alarming trend would appear to violare comrnon
many of the members of these hippie communities were sense. A questioning mind will instantly realize that
from weatthy farnilies. something in this formula of life is wrong.
What is wrong is the teaching that "material wealth
QUESTION: Why would children from affluent families will make one happy." This simply is not true! Only c~r­
leave home to live simply and without the material ing and sharing human beings can bring happiness! The
wealth into which they were born? achievement of material wealth should be sought only as
The answer is obvious. Such children had parents a meaos to accentuate one's ability tocare and share
who were often too busy to offer them the !ove the chil- with others. Material goods are only capable of reducing
dren required and were offered instead material goods as life's drudgery for you and your loved ones. But in
substitutes for !ove. In response, the children recognized themselves, material goods do absolutely nothing to
the unfair nature of this exchange and therefore rejected bring forth happiness.
wealth in favor of the hippie communities' promises that
!ove would be theirs for the asking. · EXAMPLE:
In essence, those children born into wealth knew that Place within a mansion replete with material wealth a
the teaching which states, "Material wealth brings hap- married couple who do not "!ove" or "like" one
piness, " is afalsehood. They therefore sought happiness another. If they are forced ro spend most of their time
in a place essemially devoid of any material wealth. within the walls of the mansion, it becomes a "prison"
It is ironic that children poor in material wealth but to the minds of that couple.
rich in family !ove often leave such love when they Place a man and woman who deeply "!ove" and
become adults and devote their lives to the acquisition "like" one another within the walls of a modest wooden
of material wealth. Such occurs because these children house in the forest - a house con"raining mínimum
have been taught that material wealth would (magically) material wealth. To the minds of this man and woman,
make them happy. However, because they may have the plain wooden house becomes a ''home. ''
forsaken the " Truth" of which I write, such wealthy If I can only instill within you the "Truth" of which I
children from poor families become very unhappy. Sub- wish you to understand!
consciously, they know that they have spent their lives After years of dedicated effort on my part, the energy
in the pursuit of afalsehood. machine that I have innovated wíll mean n o tbing unless
it serves to truly increase the happiness of ali humanity.
FURTHER PROOF: Please recognize the " Truth" of what 1 write in order
Offer a child (four years old or younger) who has re- that I not view my life's work to be a total waste.
ceived ample love from her or his parents the following: With these same thoughts in mind, I will now com-
The child can have ali the material goods in the world ment on Marriage.
but never see her or his parents again. Most marriages are unsuccessful because children who
You will find that the young child will alarming!y become adults do not understand the " Truth" of life or
scream that he/she "chooses the parems." It is in- marriage, since they have not been taught the "Truth"
which I have referred to. A solid foundation for a mean-
ingful marriage is simple.
"Only caring and sbaring
human beings can bring bappiness!" EXAMPLE:

teresting that the loved child knows the " Truth" of If a girl is considering marrying a boy, she should ask
which I write. This is because the young child has not herself the following question: " If he were a girl, would
been taught to accept thefalsehood that material wealth I like her as a friend?" A boy should ask himself a similar
would (magically) bring happiness. question about his prospective bride: "If she were a
The following proof is based on my observations of boy, would 1 like him as a friend? "
48 years. This proof gives me great concern since I do You need only consider the true, close friends of your
not desire to contribute to the unhappy rrend which I life to realize what this meaos. Please note that a true
have observed. friend has things in common with you and both of you
When I was a boy, most families were financially what are sensitive to one another's problems.
we would consider poor by today's standards. 1 have If potential spouses have common "likes" and
observed, however, that the love, devotion, and happi- "dislikes," then they will be sensitive to one another' s
ness within the poor families was considerably greater needs and endeavor as much as possible to participate
than the love, devotion, and happiness (or absence together in many different activities.
Regrettably, many marriages are based not on " Iove" I ask that you teach your children the follo wing to
but rather "infatuation." Within such a marriage, a cou- enable them to become content within themselves:
ple may initially perceive themselves to be in Iove, even
though they do not know or understand one another's (1) One of the most important accomplishments in
" true" likes and dislikes. After the flame of su ch "in- their Jives is to be able to provide a positive and
fatuation" d iminishes, the " true" likes and dislikes of favorable response to the question: " What do I
each become clearly known to one another. Such a cou- really think of myself?"
Everyone in the world can tell you that you are
"True love r epresents, in essence, great, but if you fail to experience within yourself
wholeness, inner happiness, comentment, peace,
an accumulation of many small tbings
love and the knowledge that you are doing your
over a 'long tim e span'. " best to contribute to the future advancement of
humanity, then you will s till be unhappy.
ple may unfortunately discover that they do not even However, if you experience a positive fee ling
Iike one another. Either divorce or an unhappy marriage within yourself with respect to these qualities,
will then ensue . then you can endure the whole world thinking
Ironically, s uch an unhappy marriage is not really the negatively about you. This occurs because you
couple's fau lt, since they have not been taught the ha ve a positive opinion of yourself. Moreover,
" Truth" of what represents the basic and solid founda- you know that you are right and that the rest of
tion of a good marriage: Spouses must have things in the world is wrong.
common. If they share in these and other things, then
the love wi!l grow throughout their Uves. (2) The on ly elements in life contlnuously experi-
True Iove - between a mother, daughter, son or enced on a dally basis which do not become bor-
father, man or woman, brother, sister, or grandparents ing are "true love" and Constructive Accomplish-
- represents in essence an accumulation of many
smatt things over a ''long time span. '' ''Tberef ore, dedicate yourself to purs uing tbe
The following is a song 1 wrote several years ago con-
cerning this " Truth" of which l write: (Again, even if quality of life and not tbe quantity of life!"
you do not appreciate this song, please sing it to your
children . They wlll value the song and the fact that you ment or effort. These are the essences of life
are singing it to them.] which are capable of fulfi lllng your being!
Ali other pursults of a more egotistical or selfish
LASTING LOVE nacure become boring when done on a continu-
Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan ous, day-by-day, month-by-month, or year-by-
Lasting Love, is holding your hand year basis: sittlng o n a yacht, fi~h ing, huming,
lasting Love, is sharíng, unspoken words
Lasting Love, is accumulation, o/ many small things, skiing, swimmJng, eating, receiving material gifts,
over a long time span sex, cte.
Lasting Love, is not a flash in the pan
Lasting Love, is sticking together through thick and thín (3) Those things in life which you find exciting o r
Lasting Love, is pulltng together, until we win
Lasting Love, is accumulation, of many small things, fun mean so much mo re w hen shared with some-
over a long time span one you Iove and who !oves you in return:
Lasting Love, is nota flash in the pan a bcautiful sunset or sunrise, stars in the night
Lasting Love, is caring and sharing sky, beautiful mountains and valleys, forcsts and
lasting Love, is f orgíving, when we misunderstand
.La.stfng .love, is accumulation, o/ rnany smal/ thíngs, flowe rs, rivers and oceans, o r entertainmcnt and
overa long time span accomplishment. Love, is nota flash in tbe pan
Lasting Love, is doing together a/l we can Therefore, dedícate yourselj to pursuing the quatizy
Lasting Love, makes frienas, o/ each otber
Lasting Lo11e, is accumulatíon, o/ many small things, of lije and not the quantity o/ life. The former fu lfills
over a long time span your inncr being and the latter deceives and leaves your
]oseph Westley Newman inner being unfulfilled.

Wrluen by: Joseph westley Ncwman

© Copyrighted, 1980, May 22,
by Joseph W. Newman

Chapter 22

"I believe in one God, and no more; and
1hope for happlness beyond th is lile."
- Thomas Palne
from his book, The Age of Reason

1 ask that all people read and question what

and especially those who do not believe in God.
1 write, 2 A. However, memory and thought cannot be pin-
pointed or efficiently affected by touching an elec-
I was raised a Protestant, joined the Church, and was trode in a limited portian of the brain. Ex periments
baptized ar the age of eight. I believed in God because I have even been conducted on rats that were previously
had been taught to do so. taught to go through a maze, and then systematically
My ever-questioning mind would not be quiescent, remove more and more of the brain - the rats would
however, and as the years passed 1 began to doubt there still always attempt to stumble through the correct
was a God. The major reason: my inner being was path of the maze!
deeply hurt when I witnessed the misery and injustice 2 B. The conclusion I d raw from these experiments
throughout the world, especially in the eyes of young implies that the brain is considerably more unique in
children boro into misery. acquiring meaningful knowledge than in the functions
I asked myself the question: "If I hurt so de_s:ply 'in- of the material body.
side, how could a God (who would be infinitely more
sympathetic to such suffering than I) permit such mer- 3. l, therefore, conclude that the brain is considerably
ciless injustice to occur?" 1 was unable to flnd a satisfac- more concerned about gathering and retaining knowl-
tory answer to my honest question. Consequently, as edge in the brain than it is in the functions of the
the years passed, I ceased to believe in God. I did not material body that are the mode of mot0rization for the
desire a "pie in the sky, " and I did not wish to hold a brain. I have personally experienced a body tempera-
false belief. My sole purpose was tO do good, and 1 had ture drop on many occasions when in deep creative
vowed to myself that I would not be content until I had thought.
achieved a beneficial improvement for humanity. (Refer
to my letter to President Johnson in 1967 at the beginn- 4. This is, indeed, scientifically curious.
ing of Chapter 20.] At the time, I also continued toques- 4A. Is the brain seeking, finding and retaining
tion and to seek proof or disproof of God's existence - knowledge for better protection of the material body
not for others, but for myself. Such questioning or for sorne other unobvious reason?
stimulated me to write a discussion on the "Soul, " dated 4B. This raises the question - is the body better
May 16, 1978: protected by most of the brain devoted to speed,
strength, and repairing of cells and bones or as the
THE SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE OF THE " SOUL" brain exists today which is superior to such a limited
l. The soft mass of the adult brain is perfectly motion- 4C. Looking around the world, it is very obvious that
less. It does not contract, divide or grow - yet it con- there are many animals faster and stronger than
sumes up to 25% of the body's oxygen supply and humans; however, there are none that can protect
20% of the body's blood supply - while it comprises their physical bodies as efficiently as humans.
only 2% of the body's weight. Evidently, great 4 D . Therefore, I draw the conclusion that the brain
amounts of energy are consumed in the production of senses that the body is better protected by the gaining
mental life, but exactly how is not known! of knowledge and, therefore, stimulates the body to
find knowledge. This is easily observed in most ali
2 . Ali material parts of the body can be efficiently af- smalI animals, as they are always curious.
fected by touching an electrode in a limited portian of
the brain - such as sight, sound, thirst, hunger, sex 5. The gaining or seeking of Wisdom is less motivated
drive, fear, anger, body movements, etc. in most human or animal brains. Most humans gather
knowledge for the betterment of their material bodies. 6C. The paragraph that follows is a statement of
5A. This is very curious because it is very obvious Truth made by Socrates on that day which has in-
from al! of the vast evidence presented in life that spired me greatly, as che statement is still Absolute
material things or possessions, such as food, cars, Truth to this day:
planes, boats, houses, fame, sex, etc., do not make the
human brain content very long or give it a feeling of "And thought is best when the mind is gathered into
tranquility for any length of time. herself and none of these things trouble her - neither
5B. It is also very obvious from ali of the vast sounds nor sights nor pain nor any pleasure - when
evidence presented in life that meaningful thoughts, she takes leave of the body, and has as little as possi-
such as love, deep creative thinking and constructive ble to do with it, when she has no bodily sense or
religion does make the human brain content and gives desire, but is aspiring ajter true being. ''
it a feeling of tranquility for infinite time, so long as
these thoughts are uppermost in che brain. 6D. Prior to reading this statement, I h~d stated to
5C. Scientifically, this is very interesting! It appears others I doubted that I had a Soul, because I was not
that the human brain is only truly satisfied in those mentally aware of my Soul, nor could I scientifically
thoughts that are beneficia! for a lasting time to more point out its separation from the material bocty, which
than one brain! Does this mean that the brain seeks to included the mind. Immediately upon reading
produce - invent - goodness and then multiply or Socrates' statement, I related to my own personal ex-
reinforce this goodness with the merging with other periences and statements concerning deep creative
sources of goodness - knowing rhat the desired feel- thought. I then quickly questioned, does this then
ing is increased? mean that I have been aware of my " Soul Entity"
5D. Looking at these facts, 1 draw the conclusion without realizing it?
that if rhere were made available an energy source 6E. In 1968, ata time when I felt that I did not have
that would eliminate the need for the human mind to a Soul, 1 wrote this statement that I derived from deep
feel the necessity of spending the largest portion of its creative thought as to ali matter and the Human Mind:
time working for material gain, there would be a "It does not seem improbable to me that the Human
resulting increase in desire for the human mind to Mind is capable of feats that have not been imagined."
produce those creative thoughts most conducive to a Coupling this statement with my present statemems, I
lasting feeling of tranquility, if given the proper now realize that I had concluded the possibility that
guidance. the Human Mind may creare its "Soul."
6F. This raises the question, When does the Soul
6. It has been my own personal observation of myself enter the mind of a human? Religion teaches the
that when the brain is learning knowledge - study, ex- "Soul" is made Good or Bad by what you think.
perience, etc. - the brain absorbs this knowledge Therefore, if this is a true statement - the scientific
without a " High Eláted Feeling," at this point it has a conclusion is that the mind surely develops the
more computerized attitude. "Soul, " probably not unlike the process that the
6A. However, when the brain then takes this physical body develops, but taking much longer for
knowledge and strives to be creative, thereby entering real development as to being a Good or Evil "Soul"
into deep thought -: the brain then experiences a - and being in a state of limbo until such thinking
"High Elated Feeling. " l have experienced this feeling processes are established.
to such a high extent that I have described it to others 6G. Therefore, the scientific conclusion I draw from
as a feeling complerely separare and independem from these thoughts is that if the "Soul" is developed by
earthly substance. I have never experienced this com- the mind at a time Jacer and independent of the
pletely sarisfying feeling in any other experience in material body, then it would possibly cominue to live
my life, not sex, dining, athletic accomplishments, for a period of time after the death of the physical
receipt of monetary value or any orher. This feeling is body.
more closely related ro !ove or constructive religious 7. As a Scientist who searches for Absolute Truth in Ali
thoughts, but to me, personally,it has been even Things, it pleases me to state that the True Scientific
higher because the feeling has been so completely Facts of life relative to the Human Existence indicare
pure - there are no doubts that cross the mind, there that there is a development in the human mind -
is only the feeling of completeness, an absolute when pointed in the right direction - which causes, the
unawareness of earthly substance. human mind to strive to obtain a mental state of ex-
6B. From 469 - 399 B.C., there was a truth-seeking istence separate and independent of the material func-
individual named Socrates. On the day he was to be tions and needs of the Human Body, which is not
put to death for his beliefs, he carried on a discussion unlike the Entity named the "Soul" of religion.
with sorne of his followers as to whether the body
had a Soul. This discussion was based on logic deduc- Joseph Westley Newman
ed from limited sciemific information and observa-
tions of that time. May 16, 1978
" Absolute Truth ." Go d answe red my request in a factual
EDITOR 'S NOTE: Tbere will undoubtedly be those in the manner exactly in accordance with the scientific manner
present scientific community who do not understand Mr. in which my mind and my life function.
Newman 's rationale f or including in tbis published work As a truthful scientist, my mind responds to factual
a ''discussion on God. '' However, it should be bistoricalty circumstances that consistently repeat themselves. Like a
noted that even the great physicist Isaac Newton cbose magnet, such signs and signals attract my scientific mind
to include a discussion conceming "the nature of God " and direct my deep attention to the pertinent subject
in BOOK /!/ of bis scientific masterp iece PRINCIPIA matter. *
MA THEMATJCA . I always keep m y word to any human being. I most
Mr. Newman considers bis "discussion on God" to be certainly keep it with my Supreme Being!
inseparable from tbe presentation of bis other scientific 1 now pray the following: " Go d, give me the knowl-
tbeories and tecbnical processes. Moreover, as a result of edge and wisdom to draw ali peoples of this Earth to
the societal crisis presently confronting our species, it is you and not the fírst one, no, not the first one, away
important to Mr. Newman tbat these concepts be published fro m you."
in their entirety at tbis time. In the beginning, God did no t " reveal everything to
humans," but d id best0w upon us " Free Will " and the
mental ability/desire to ·questio n and seek to totally
Approximately one or two years prior to writing " The understand the nature of the Universe. Use the divine
Scientific Evidence of the 'Soul,' " I b.egan to state this abilities to the maximum and you will benefit both
single prayer: "God, if you exist, make me know it rela- yourself and o chers.
tive to the mind you have provided me." I asked nothing Concerning my earlier question with respect to che
else, and 1 made the statement silently and periodically misery of innocem individuals throughout our histo ry
overa year's passage. 1 felt it would not demonstrate o n this planet: Such misery is created by humans and
sincerity on my pare to state it only once o r twice. che actions (or lack of actions) by humans. AH problems
In order to appreclate what I am preparing to share o n chis Earth can be solved if we first question and then
with you, I must assure you that I am a to tally factual work to seek a solucion to the pro blems.
and non-superstitious individual. " Pure" !ove and " pure" actio ns are not "pure" if they
During 1978, the mathematical number " 14" became are forced - they must be offered and performed vía
repeatedly and compellingly fixed in my mind. In the exercise of o ne's Free Will. 1 can understand God
response to this mental input, I asked Ellen, my devoted no t desiring anything that is no t reflective of Truth . Per-
wife, to record the number " 14" in a written log and tO sanally, I feel exactly che same way. If I cannot depend
remember it. upon someone, then I strongly prefer to stand alo ne
Remarkably, important business transactions and other since 1 realize that 1 can depend upon myself. Moreover,
significant evems began to arrive consistently at a I want no part of something or someone's actions which
satisfactory conclusio n on the 14th day o f varying are not true. 1 can o nly ask, " Why should anyone want
mo nths and years. This pro cess has continued through someone who is false?"
April of 1985 . We are false if we do not truly care about our fellow
Por the first time ín 1984, I disclosed this fact to other human beings. We can solve any problem that we "set
business associates and they marveled when they inde- our mind to." If misery exists u pon chis planet, then we
pendently witnessed several significant events con- have only ourselves to blame, not God.
sumare forme on the 14th day of the month. [I must The greatest gift God has glven us is our "Mind" -
stress that I did not influence or plan these events in any for even the mind is the essence of the " Soul. " Whether
way. Such events were planned by others at their o wn the "Soul" is good o r bad depends solely upon the
instigation.] " Mind."
The mathematical probability odds of these evems If Go d gave us such a powerful too! as a " Mind," then
consistently occurring o n the 14th day of the month it should be o bvious that God expects us tO use the
over a seven-year period on a coincidental basis are stag- " Mind" for good , no t evil, and that one's "Mind"
gering. There exists a complete and recorded log of ali sho uld not be complacent, unthinking, or unquestio n-
such occurrences. ing. With such a powerful God-given gift as the " Mind,"
I must also stress to you that 1 sincerely doubt a ny we muse place the blame for the misery throughout che
human being would have convinced me that God exists. world upon ourselves, not God.
However, because of these and many o ther related It is evident to me that we must have Free Will . How
·actually-recorded events, 1 must follow the dictum of else could we demonstrate pure and voluntary !ove to
>hakespeare when he said: •¡ have an extcnsi ve log book containing all recorded events rclating to
''To tbine own self be true; the number " 14." 1 am not including these eventS [w hich number over
And it mustfollow as tbe nigbt tbe day, fifty) in chis Book, since I believe most pcopl e would only view such
eventS as extraordinary coincidences. The signiflcance of the number
Thou can 'st not then be false to any man. " " 14" has much importance come, but such signíficance is not proposed
3ecause of this attitude I now know there is a God and as a " p roof' for God's exiscence. The speciíic recommended "proof'
:hat God has been kind to me in my stubborness to seek will follow later in chis Chapter.

God? If we were fashioned by Godas " robots" which Think for a moment and question your own mind
were fully programmed to do good and eliminate misery concerning the Truth of what I ha ve just written. Con-
from the Earth, then not o nly would our accions be sider also the fact that insurance scatistics prove mosc ac-
meaningless but our very existence would be equally cidents are preventable and represent the results of an
meaningless. unthinking, unquestioning, and complacent attitude of
I ask you: " Would you wish to replace your loved "Free Wíll. "
ones wich robots?" Of course not. The difference in the Carefully quescion and consider che above statements:
mental significance between " loved ones" and " robots" let's proceed to seek Absolute Truth.
is phenomenal. The " pure love" within our " loved God has provided us w ich " Free Will" as well as a
ones" touches o ur inner being; the intelligence of a powerful MINO, and God expects us co ucílize our MINO
robot is only a result of given materials which may be without complacency o r evasion of responsbilicy for ac-
easily replaced. A robot may even be programmed to cidental deaths as a result of fire, collisions, storms,
" love" and "care" for you. However, you would know earthquakes, guns, floods , disease, etc. Such is true
that such robotic actions are false and do not represent because we are responsible for underscanding and for-
" pure love. " Your inner being would not be content mulating che Laws of Nacure. Moreover, the history of
with a " loving" robot since the essence of such an ar- science demonstraces chat we can solve any problem to
rangement would befalse. which we address our minds.
If one seeks Absolute Truth via a questioning attitude, QUESTION: If we care so little about ourselves --:-- which
then one should clearly understand and be sensitive co demonstrates a lack of self-respect, a lack of che respon-
why God provided us wlth a "Free Will." In striving for sible applicacion of " Free Will," andan insensitivity to
Absolute Truth, one should possess che intellectual che precious gift of a powerful rnind - then by what
honesty ro recognize that the responsibility for che logic can we expect God to be responsible for our own
human misery upon this Earth líes with us - not God. incompetence?
I am totally certain that if we apply our minds to If we seek Absoluce Truth, chen we muse place che
understanding nature, we can salve any problem upon blame solely where ic belongs: upon ourselves.
this Earth. Do not belittle yourself and blíndly say, " No, If one wishes co solve a problem, then one muse first
such cannot be accomplished." Such an attitude is but admit that there is a problem. One must then pinpoint
an unknowing rejection of the unjust teaching system in- the problem and solve it by asking, " How, What and

"I am total/y certain tbat if we apply our minds to unders tanding nature,
we can solve any problem upon tbis Eartb."
herited from the pase. Why," via God's precious gift to us: our Mind.
I urge you to have the inte llectual honesty to admit to With regard to the implícations of self-responsibility
yourself that God has provided you with a powerful and fer che use of our Mind, let's discuss different religions.
leveraged entity: the MINO. God expects you to utilize
such a MINO for beneflclal purposes and to demonstrate EXAMPLE: In previous years, many religious doctrines
pure lave on the basis of your "Free Will." Such "Free taught that the Earth was flat, that the Earth was the
Will" represents Absolute Truth. When such occurs, we center of the Universe, was orbited by che Sun, planees,
will have shown that we are able to be with God. etc., and that aJI celestial objects were "perfect
Anything less than such demonstrable actions is false spheres.'' Religious doctrine also taught that plagues,
and constitutes a lie. storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptlons, etc. were acts
of God, representing retribution fer our sins. We were
QUESTION: Why does a loved one, who may be a good also told that " if God wanted man to fly, God would
and decent individual, suddenly and unexpeccedly die? have given him wings líke che birds." We were in-
While I do not know the answer to this quescion for structed not to question anyrhing taught by che various
certain, I do sense thac " Free Will" is che major factor in Churches.
such an occurrence. It is true that the above teachings are and were totally
fa/se. The faces demonstrate that God did not say rhese
EXAMPLE: WJ:lat would happen if you jumped without a teachings. The question is then raised, " Who did say
parachute from an airplane flying ac 20,000 feet and you these statemencs? " The truthful answer: " Man!"
landed on concrete? There should be no doubt in your There are many different relígions with separate teach-
mind what would occur. At the very least, serious and ings thro ughout the world and dozens of o rders, congre-
possibly perrnanent injury would occur. Far more likely gations, and sects even within a single denomination.
- you would be killed. FACT: God's word is pure and represems Truth.
Certainly we would not use our " Free Will" to per-
form such an obviously foolish action unless suicide is QUESTION: In an effort to justify the confusing result of
our intent. However, if we were to do so, we would not so many religious reachings, who has said that God has
expect God to stop us. stated so many varying pronouncements?
Ai~SWER: "Man!" God-given gift of a questioning mind. The facts I have
presemed in Chapter 21 demonstrace that children are
QQESTION: Who has wricten che scriptures of the unjustly taught by school systems and religious denom-
world's religions? inations to forsake their God-given gift of a questioning
mind. The facts also demonstrate that che "fear of ques-
ANSWER: "Man!" tioning" is a result of the influence of mere menor
QUESTiON: Does God teach us to hate and kili? God is Truth and God has no fear of Truth. Absolute
Truth can only be achieved by sincere questioning! The
ANSWER: No! God teaches love, caring, and forgiveness. blind, non-intellectual, unquestioning mental acceptance
of teaching or dogma from whatever source, will only
QUEST ION: Who has taught (or teaches) the justification result in the acceptance of falsehood born of the biased,
for religious wars which serve to generare hace, death, prejudiced attitudes of mere men and women.
and revenge? I write and speak this Truth co ali meo and women of
the world. It is my sincere purpose to teach one to
ANSWER: " Man!" think; one can correctly think by honest questioning.

To chose who may feel uncertain or uncomforrable " The blind, non-intellectual,
with what I write, I warmly ask that you truthfully ques- unquestioning mental acceptance of
tion my scatements since I arn only a mere man.
teacbing or dogma from wbatever source,
However, if you do chis (as you should), then you
should also truthfully question what you have been per- will only result in tbe acceptance
sonally taught by any man or woman. offalsebood born of tbe biased, prejudiced
l write to you only of my !ove for Absolute Truth. attitudes ofmere men and women. ''
The very essence of my being has always, yes, always,
cried out: Seek the "Absolute Truth" in all things and At this point, I wish to share with the reader a proof
the Truth will set you free! of God's existenc~ via my simple prayer: "God, if You
As Thomas Paine so elegantly wrote in his Age of exist, enable me to know it relative to the mind You
Reason: ha ve given me."
Severa! years ago, a sincere, God-respeccing business
" iHE WORI> OF GOD IS iHE CREAilON WE BEHOW and associate advised me to purchase a Bible and read it. He
it is tbts word, which no human invention can counter- claimed that by so doing, I would have no doubt of
f eit or alter, that God speaketh universally to Man. " God's existence. I did as he suggested, and as I read the
Bible, I discovered many conflicting statemems. (I will
I believe in God not because of the word of any man not discuss these statements, since it serves no construc-
or woman, but because I soughc Absolute Truth and I tive purpose.)
was committed to follow the trail of such Absolute As I read the Bible, I felt deep dismay because I
Truth to its end, regardless of whether such a trail prov- wanted to believe in God's existence. However, in my
ed or disproved che existence of God. endless desire for Absolute Truth, I could not com-
My very essence said to me that if God does exist, then placently and blindly accept what I read. One thought
God is Truth and such a God could endure subjection to rushed through my mind: the Bible was che one place
any honest question I ask in obtaining Absolute Truth. where I would not expect to find error and conflicting
It warms my being to be able to inform you that God statements if it truly represented the Word of God.
is Truth! Moreover, such a God can wíthstand any Suddenly, my mind "received" a powerful, scolding
honest question. message: " Get up and do what you do best!" Instantly,
Only a mere man or woman is capable of hiding in the I knew what to do. I went to my library which contains
cloak of darkness and despises serious questioning of numerous books describing countries throughout the
the biased and prejudiced untrue rhetoric which flows world. I rigorously researched the essence of religious
from her or his mouth. doctrines throughout the world.
God exemplifies confidence and Absolute Truth via In studying such doctrines, I discovered a dominating,
che very essence of my own being. I realize that God has clear, and unquestioning Truth which made itself ap-
bestowed upon me a questioning mind and a bulldog parent to the purity of my rigorous questioning mind -
determination to pursue and find the Truth. To those a mind always searching for Absolute Truth. The Truth I
who believe in God, it should be obvious that I have re- discovered is the following:
tained this precious God-given gift of a questioning mind Any conflicting statement or falsehood within the
and that God gave it to me because God expects me to Bible, teachings, or doctrine of any religious sect,
use it. represents the mistake of MAN, not GOD.
God exemplifies his confidence and Absolute Truth to History demonstrates that anything "touched" by
you since ali healthy young children have the precious mere man or woman is contaminated by their own
biases and preíudices. Bibles are no exception to this (3) ISLAM - a doctrine whose message is also
rule. Like textbooks which contain incorrect statements, Goodness and a bellef in o ne God. The name
l do not recommend that one dismiss the entire Book. " ALLAH " is used by Muslims and Chrlstians .
There are valuable Truths in the Bible! The same is true
for the various bibles of religio ns througho ut the world. (4) J UDAISM - a doctrine whose message is also
You should only dismiss what is False and retain what is Goodness and a belief in one God.
True. Teach such Truth to your children.
The following is the true essence of al! religions in the (5) CH RISTIANITY - a doctrine whose message is also
world: Goodness anda belief in one God.
''Do good, think good thoughts, care f or others, and
do not steal, kili, etc. ·· I will cake the liberty of quoting the Biblical Peter,
This basic common denominator of the " teaching of chief of the twelve apostles, andJesus, who understood
Goodness" which I found evident in all religions, the true message of God:
represented a tell-tale sigo tO my questioning mind. Such
a commo n denominator is unllkely to be accidental. To " Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, 'Of a
my questioning mind, this " teaching of Goodness" had truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
a purity that was majestic and distinct from the biases But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh
and prejudices of mere man or woman. Such a consis- righteousness, is accepted with him .'"
tency of "Goodness" is what I would expect from God, (ACTS 10:34,35]
who 1 know is " merciful. "
I thus perceived a logical reason for the existence of And Jesus himself said:
different religions throughout the world. At different
times, God had instructed special individuals to teach " Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall
the essence of God's !ove, as well as to live and maintain see God."
such !ove o n a consistent basis. (MATTHEW 5:8]
History had demonstrated that God's Word was not
quickly taughc throughout the world. Consequencly, Once again 1 repeat my constant prayer:
God commissioned individuals familiar with their
respective customs in different parts of the world to ''God, give me the knowledge and wisdom to unite
teach the essence of God's !ove to people with varying ali peopte of this Earth to you and not the ft'rst one,
ethnic ·and cultural backgrounds. no not the first one, from you. ''
QUESTION: What would you do if you hired someone
to perform a particular task and you found they were The evidence has proveo to me that at various times
unable to maintain or complete che total task as required? and places God has ordained and chosen Special Good
Individuals by endowing them with the Spirit of God for
ANSWE R: If you believed that the ind ividual was the purpose of teaching " God's Goodness" to ali God's
providing her/his best effort, you would very likely people on this Earth. However, none of these chosen in-
secure additional assistance to complete the job. In ef- dividuals were or are superior or equal to God. God
fect, one would have separare contracts with various ln- is Goodness, Supreme, and represents the purity of
dividuals to effect the same task. One wou ld expect that Absolute Truth.
each individual would honor the terms of their respec- Those who have been chosen by God to teach God's
tive concract. word have admltted that they are neither equal nor
superio r to God. As an example of this fact, 1 quote Jesus:
QUESTION: Does it not seem reasonable thac God would
act in sorne fashion if a task God sought to achieve was ''Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the
not being accomplished? Father in me? The words that J speak unto you I speak
not o[ m yset{ but the Father that dwelleth in me, he
EXAMINE T HESE FACTS: doeth the works. " (Emphasis added.) [Quotation f rom
ST. JOHN, Chapter 14, verse 10. The number " 14" as I
(1) BUDDHISM - a doctrine whose message is have discu.ssed is very significant to me but not necessar-
Goodness, wlth the followlng lntended result: ily to anyone else. This quote was brought to my atten-
"The reality beyond ali change and suffering, lt is tion a/ter I noted the significance of the number "14. " ]
peace, security, supreme joy, unspeakable bliss." The following quotation is from ST. MATTHEW,
Chapte r 27, verse 46 (similar to a quote from ST. MARK,
(2) HINDUISM - a doctrine whose message is also Chapter 15, verse 34):
Goodness and the words of the incarnate god ''And about the ninth hour, jesus cried with a loud
Krishna, who says: voice, saying, 'Elt~ Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is to
" Whatever god a man worships, it is I who answers say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
the prayer." (Emphasis added.)
Such a quotation demonstrates that j esus was certain moment in my life a "comfortable and knowing"
that God's Spirit dwelt within him and therefore he rhoughr entered my mind:
called upon God. "Examine the 'Speaking in Unknown Tangues. ' "
Although the Special Individuals chosen by God were Although I was raised a Baptist, I immediately felt con-
not actually God, rhis fact does not distraer from the fident concerning che Truth of this rhought. The "Speak-
Absolute Truth's essence of God, "Spirit," and the ing in Unknown Tongues (Languages)" was not taught
essence of God's Goodness mirrored from such individ- or practiced in rhe Baptist Church. Moreover, such ac-
uals. The facts of history demonstrate that if God exists tion would not have been countenanced in the Baptist
then these Special Individuals must now exist with God. Church. I have never spoken in "Unknown Tongues
To believe in such Individuals and the essence of what (Languages), " nor have I ever had the desire (prior to
they teach (whichever religious doctrine) is to believe this time) to speak in " Unknown Tongues (Languages)."
in God. However, without such an experience 1 nevertheless
Such Special !ndividuals were chosen by God f or the sensed within myself a thought that the "pure proof" of
exact purpose of providing a means for other individ- God's existence would be found via the "Speaking in
uals to make a covenant with God! Moreover, God ex- Unknown Tongues ."
pects one to honor such a covenant. 1 disclosed this thought to a California business
associate who responded by sending me a book entitled,
Quoting again from Jesus and the apostle Peter, w ho They Speak With Other Tangues, by John L. Sherrill. I
undersrood God's true message, Jesus said: proceeded to read the book in an effort to discover
scientific facts.
Blessed are the pure in heart: f or they shall On page 25 of the book, John Sherrill asked the
see God." preacher of a small church whose members practiced
{MATTHEW 5:8} "Speaking in Unknown Tongues" to indicare the source
of such worship. "Why, from the Bible," he said. "The
"Then Peter opened bis mouth, and said: 'Of a Iast part of FIRST CORINTHIANS, Chapter 14.''
truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons: (Emphasis added.)
But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh In this instance, the mention of rhe number "14" had
righteousness, is accepted with him. ' " double significance for me (although not necessarily to
{ACTS 10:35} anyone else): (1) the earlier references to factual exper-
iences which had consumated forme on the " 14th" day
I perceive that God wishes ali people upon this Earth of various months and (2) my search for a "pure proof"
to live together in peace and harmony. I also perceive of God' s existenc~ had led me to Chapter "14" of FIRST
that all religions which recognize God's existence have CO RINTHTANS.
been instructed by God to teach "Goodness. "Since the There are 16 Chapters in FIRST CORINTHlANS. The
killing of one another is not sanctioned by God, who odds are 16 to 1 against " 14" being the Chapter which
teaches andlor sanctions such action? ANSWER: "Man!" would be of unusual significance to me. However, when
In accordance with God's teachings, ali war should such odds are multiplied by the many additional evenrs in
permanently cease. Moreover, ali religious individuals my life relating to the number "14," I know that my
should /ove one another and share theír love with non- becoming aware of "The Speaking in Unknown Tongues"
believers. is neirher accidental nor coincidental.
Not because of man do I believe in God, but rather Although I'll never humble my "Will" to any man or
because God was kind to me during my determined ef- woman upon this Earth, 1'11 gladly humble my " Will" to
forts to seek Absolute Truth by providing me with over- the " Purity of God" and the "Goodness" that God
whelming "proof of God's existence relative to the mind represents.
God has given me. " I will endeavor to demonstrate FIRST CORINTHIANS, Chapter 14, verse 22, States:
equal proof to other "non-believers," as well as to those ''Wherefore tongues are for a Sign, not to them that
religious individuals who have ever experienced believe, but to them that believe not: but prophesying
"doubt" concerning God's existence. Such attitudes are serveth not for them that believe not, but for them
the result of worldly experiences. which believe. " (Emphasis added.)
After years of study, thought, and questions during As I searched for " Facts" within They Spe,ak With
my relentless search for Absolute Truth, I asked myself a Other Tangues, by John L. Sherrill, the more knowingly
question: I perceived the Truth of the "pure proof' for God's ex-
"Surely God realizes the imperfections of mere man istence via "Unknown Tongues." Such an activity as
or woman and surely God has developed apure and " Speaking in Unknown Tongues" is rotally independent
factual proof of God's existence totally independent of contamination by mere man or woman. Examine the
from the contaminaring influence of mere man or following factS to understand why this is true:
woman?'' (1) Between 1926 and 1936, a significant impact of the
I was convinced that such a factual proof must exist. spiritual power involved with "Unknown Tongues"
But where would I find such a "pure proot?" At that was demonstrated: the tradirional churches lost
two milllon members - 8% of their total member- case is obvious to me since I described earlier the same
ship. During the same period, Pentecostal member- effect from a totally different approach. Refer to my arti-
ship increased: cle entitled "The Scientific Evidence of the Soul," in
PENTECOSTAL ASS EMBJ.IES - up 264.7% which I srate:
CHURCH OF GOD - up 92.8% " As a scientist who searches for Absolute Truth in
[Statistics from page 50 of They Speak Wíth Other all things - it pleases me to state that the true scien-
Tongues.j tific facts of life relative to the human existence in-
(2) In the past, traditional Churches have cooly re- dicates that there is a development in the human mind
ceived the Pentecostals due to the latter's doctrine - when pointed in the right direction - which causes
of "Speakióg in Unknown Tongues." However, as the human mind ro srrive to obtain a mental state of
a result of the phenomenal results obtained by the existence separate and independent from the material
Pentecostals, many important traditional Church functions and needs of the human body, which is not
leaders such as Billy Graham have been quoted as unlike the entity named the 'Soul' of religion. "
recognizing God's influence via the Holy Spirit (Emphasis added.)
(Speaking in Unknown Tongues). [See pages 64-67
of They Speak With Other Tongues.] One should recognize the facr rhat the Mind (Soul)
Sorne Traditional Churches would still be uncomfort- demonstrates an existence separare and indepei:ident
able with the demonstration or thought of demonstra- from rhe human body via the unorthodox actions of in-
rion of "Speaking in Unknown Tongues" within their dividuals who "speak in unknown tongues (languages). "
own congregarion. This is because the actions of rhe in- Examine the scienrific significance of this recommend-
dividual who "speaks in unknown tongues (languages)" ed proof of God's exisrence. Begin with an individual
cause him to appear foolish and totally degraded. who is taught to have self-respect, proceeds ro "speak in
As an eight-year-old, I can recall when 1 once visited a unknown tongues" and, as a resulr, totally belittles and
Pentecostal Church wirh a friend. I had never heard of degrades the importance of one's physical body by
"speaklng in unknown tongues" and l remember how one's unintelligible actions. After exhibiting such
shocked and stunned I became when I watched a behavior, one would expect that the individual would
twelve-year-old girl suddenly stand and begin to jump be ashamed, embarrassed, and sad for behaving so
abour while loudly blabbering in a totally unintelligible before others.
fashion. As a young boy, my immediate reaction was to However, the facts. consistently demonstrate that
laugh - so much so that my young friend also began to those individuals who truthfully "speak in unknown
laugh, even though it occurred in his own church. The tongues" feel blessed, close to God and are grateful for
adults sitting in our vicinity began ro sternly hush us. the experience. Many such individuals have reported
I never returned to rhat Pentecostal church. Such feeling within themselves a new source of energy which
strange behavior was totaUy foreign to rhe strict and lasts for months.
rigid Baptist posture where one's parents would ad- Such psychological results are totally opposite to what
monish one to "be srill" if one twisted or squirmed in one would expect.
the pew; one was also forbidden to speak during the If one could "bottle" the end result of BLISS and market
Church Services. it, there would be a stampede to purchase such an elixir.
However, I can now comprehend internally what that Dope and alcohol would instantly be forgotten!
boy of eight only visualized externally. Such is the case It is my intent to use my God-given gift and prove
because I now have "Free Will." l recognize the God- God's existence by tape recording those who "speak in
given power of the mind, and I seek Absolute Truth. unknown tongues (languages)" and convert such sounds
It is true that members of traditional Churches have into electromagnetic impulses which can be observed on
cooly received reports of those individuals who "speak an oscilloscope. With the assistance of linguistic experts,
in unknown tongues (languages)" and physically act 1 would endeavor to identify the audio and conceptual
foolishly and degradingly by jumping, shouting, rolling order of the sounds produced by those who "speak in
on the floor, etc. However, in one sense, such unknown tongues (languages)." I believe instinctively
"degrading" actions are "beautiful" because they that God has provided such an order capable of being
establish apurity not likely to have been contrived by detected by the Truthful, questioning mind for purposes
the contamination of man. Conversely, such purity does of providing an Absolure Proof ro those who disbelieve
indeed demonstrate God's spirit. the existence of God's presence within our lives.
I am fully aware that the reader will be tempted to In pursuit of scientific Truth, author John Sherrill ar-
totally dismiss what 1 now write as foolish, ridiculous, ranged a meeting at the Columbia University Faculty
and irrational. However, 1 implore you to utilize your Club, and had six linguists listen to an approximately
questioning mind and recognize the Truth of what God one-hour tape recording which featured individuals who
demonsrrates by such belittling and seeming degradation were "speaking in unknown tongues (languages)." (Refer
of the mere physical body. Such a body is only the glit- to pages 100-103 of They Speak With Other Tongues.]
ter and not the substance of the "Soul." That such is the Although the linguists were unable to identify any
spccific languages on the recordings, Sherríll writes that could monitor both linguistic oucput and brainwave pat-
" they had frequently identified language patterns on tern to reduce or eliminate che possibility of deception.
the tape." In an attempt to fool the linguists, John Recently I spoke with a woman who is the mocher of
Sherrill had intentionally recorded two deceptive sound severa) grown children and was formerly a strict Baptist.
sequences under normal circumstanccs. These sequences Approximately five years ago, she began attending a
were intended to resemble the voice quality of an indi- Pentecostal Church as a result of her teenage daughter's
vidual who was "speaking in unknown tangues." experiences at the same Church.
At che Columbia University meeting, the six linguists The good woman informed me that she had prayed in
quickly detccted the two fake sound sequences. Accord- the following manner to God: "While I do not under-
ing to John Shcrrill: scand the nature of one whu 'speaks in unknown
"The 'shape' of real language, the variety of sound congues,' if it is real then I wish to share the
combinations, the infrequency of repctition, and so experience." Within a shon time, according to che good
forth, is virtually impossible, so they (the linguists) woman, she experienced the "speaking in unknown
said, to reproduce by deliberate effort. " tongues (languages)" on a number of occasions.
The linguists added that there were over 2,800 known 1 asked her the following question: "Afrer such an ex-
languages and dialecrs spoken chroughout the world to- perience, what was the intensity of your 'closeness to
day, and che odds against the recognition of a particular God'? Was the intensity 'the same, slightly greater,
language were enormous. significantly greater, or tremendously greater?" Without
I fcel certain that this recommended proof of God's any hesitation, she vigorously stated that she had felt
existcnce can be accomplished and electromagnetically " tremendously closer to God!"
documented. She adued that her son - a man in his early twenties
I warmly recommend that ali churches and religions - had recently told her that "he could never return to
throughout che world encourage the " speaking in the Baptist Church because it simply did not provide
unknown tangues (languages)" in a purposeful manner him with what he needed." 1 am convinced that their
which complements the power of our God-given mind. respective responses would have been identical had they
If one were to introduce scientific technology into this originally belonged to any other traditional Church. [I
process, then one could simply construct " seat-belted do nm write this tO derogate other traditional Churches,
chairs" which would automatically rescrain an individual bue rather to encourage them to honestly and sincerely
filled with the Spirit of God. Such a mechanism would examine che phenomena of those who "speak in
improve personal safety, improve posture, and would unknown tongues (languages). "]
restrain those physical movements which distraer from 1 am convinced that it is necessary to scientifically cor-
the phenomenal experience. roborare the unique nature of those who "speak in
With such physical restraint, those who are not unknown tongues (languages)." In the above discussion,
"filled" with the Holy Spirit may then observe che I have offered a technique to accomplshi such corrobo-
physical manifesrations reflecting the inner being (Soul) ration. While personal opinion and experience is valu-
of che individual who "speaks in unknown rongues" able, it is still necessary to subject the "speaking in
(languages) wirhout distraction from physical body unknown tongues (languages)" phenomena to the rigors
superficialities. Such superficialities do not reflect the of che scientific method. lt is my hope that the discus-
substance of the "Soul." · sion on chis subject within the context of this Book will
I am confident that good design engineers could con- encourage honest, scientific investigation of this
struct a proper restraining seat; moreover, with the in- phenomena.
troduction of visual dramatics to enhance the effects of lt is true that I have never spoken in unknown
the experience, such engineers could utilize a discrete tongues (languages). Although I sincerely advise others
electrical and/or hydraulic system to enable the restrain- to attend the religious institutions of their choice, I
ing seat to physically rise several feet above che floor. By should state that I do not physically attend any par-
surrounding chis seat with " whitc veils, etc. " one could ticular church. In this sense, my personal approach is
metaphorically represent the " Purity" of God's Spirit perhaps similar to that of Thomas Paine who once
which resides within us ali. Such an arrangement would wrote: "My own mind is my own church."
permit ali observers - as well as the person "speaking However, I am certain that God has provided me with
in unknown tongues (languages)" - ro participate in the che gift of a questioning mind. The facts that I have
splendor of the moment. discovered and my awareness of God's existence con-
To avoid deception by mere man o r woman, NASA- vince me that the good woman speaks the Truth.
developed, heat-sensing and pulse/blood pressure To quote once again from They Speak With Other
monitoring dcvices could be installed within the special Tongues, pages 65 and 66:
seats. The seat would not mechanically rise unless all
pre-programmed instruments psysicologically indicated " Father Daniel]. O' Hanlon, Professor of Theology
that the experience was genuine (from God) and not in- at Alma College, Los Gat0s, California, wrote an arti-
duced by mere man or woman. A pre-programmed com- cle for America, che nacional Catholic weekly, in
puter integrated with an oscilloscope and EEG machine which he said:
'Few Catholics regard Pentecostals wlth little more a broadcast if one is properly tuned to that frequency.
than amusement, if they take notice of their ex- Of course, it is technologically possible for millions of
istence at ali. Even most Protestants keep their individuals to do so simultaneously.
distance from these unconventional Christians and When one prays and is tuned into "God's Channel,"
find it difficult to say anything good about them. then one is transmitting a message. However, one only
Nevertheless, the rapid growth of the Pentecostal reaches " God's Channel" by being sincere. One could
movement ali over the world and the extraordinary consider "God's Channel" to be a "pay-TV Channel" in
appeal it has for the kind of people to whom our the sense that the "payment" God expects is the sincere
Lord especially addressed Himself, the poor and and consistent utilization of your honest and questioning
dispossessed, should warn us to put aside our Mind.
squeamish bourgeois prejudices and take a long, It is a recognized fact that one's brain operates as both
hard look at it.' " a transmitter anda receiver of electromagnetic waves. It
is also known that the electromagnetic wave pattern will
The evidence before me indicates that not only is the vary according to one's thoughts. When an assembly of
unbeliever converted into a belief in God after the individuals (as in a Church) began in unison to pray and
"speaking in tongues" experience, but even conven- "transmit" on the same "channel, " such activity acts as
tional believers in God greatly benefit by such an ex- a powerful transmitter to and receiver from God.
perience. Such conventional believers are drawn closer 1 have no doubt that our scientific capabílity appears
to God and experience an intimate feeling concerning less than barbarie by comparíson to God's scientifíc
God's. reality. capabilíty!
Quoting from page 140 of They Speak With Other We are all composed of the same type of gyroscopic
Tongues: particles that exist throughout the Universe. Such par-
ticles can certainly be mechanically foreseen and under-
"Not long ago, I talked with Dr. John Alexander stood by God.
MacKay, President-Emeritus of Princeton Seminary Based on the concepts I have expressed in this Book,
and one of the country's leading theologians. the time is long overdue for wise roen and women and
'If it is a choice,' he told me, 'between the uncouth heads of religions and nations to join together to pro-
life of the Pentecostals and the aesthetic death of the duce a Doctrine capable of providing the people of the
older Churches, I for one choose uncouth life.' world with enduring Peace, Love, and Happiness.
"But what if there need not be this choice? What if By the grace of God, I have developed an innovation
there can be a synthesis on a higher plane than either, capable of uniting the world mechanically and
so that in our Churches we have form and life grow- technologically. But without the proper conceptual
ing Godward together? What if Pentecost comes to teachings, such an innovation means nothing. God has
the Church today?" provided us with "Free WiU" and a powerful question-
ing brain. If we utilize such a brain properly, we can
If you are utilizing the precious, God-given gift of the achieve the goal of pleasing God and ourselves.
powerful questioning Mind to seek Absolute Truth, then There are those who will read what I have written on
I need say no more. However, if you are not and wiU che "subject of God" and be convinced of its Truth. I
not pursue such Truth with your Mind, then it would be fully realize that there will be those who will be skep-
a mutual waste of time for me to say more to you on tical, unconvinced, or only convinced that I am a
this subject. "religious nut." Sorne will perhaps be of the
Ido, however, perceive the following Truth from "charitable" opinion that I am a sincere "religious nut."
God: People of every religious denomination/persuasion I am well aware of the possibility of such reactions.
throughout the world who worship/pray to God or to I stress to the reader, however, that I am not writing
God's Essence should respect one another, !ove one this Book only foc present audiences, but rather for
another, care for one another, and, as a Unity of One, those who will be our distant descendants. Consider the
pray to God for one another. many occasions in history when someone was branded a
Throughout the world. God-loving individuals who "nut" by his contemporaries, only to be proveo correct
fight amongst themselves only serve to provide evidence and insightful in later times.
to non-believers that God does not exist. Peace between My purpose in presenting the "speaking in unknown
such individuals should provide evidence to the non- tongues (languages)" subject within the contexr of a
believers that God is real. scientific treatise is to encourage the sincere and scien-
Many non-believers ask by what meaos does God si- tific investigation of this phenomena. Only by the
multaneously talk with or influence millions of people honest inquiry of our minds will we ever be capable of
thróughout the world? Scientifically speaking, I can unlocking the seeming secrets of the Universe.
visualize that such is accomplished in a manner similar to With such an open, questioning, and truthful mind, I
a powerful radio or TV transmitter. Only if one is atttined wish to discuss another subject of vital importance to
to "God's Channel" will one receive God's message. this worthy goal: ECONOMICS.
Even with a normal TV or radio one can only receive
Chapter 23
" lt is one of t he most beautiful compensations of thls
llfe, that no man can sincerely try to help another
without helping hlmself."
- Shakespeare

E conomics is a subject that strongly demonstrates the was very concerned about Economic teachings which
" unjust" and "detrimental" results of the brainsoiling• failed to offer a sound solution to ·che obviously severe
effect generated by our present primitive teaching system. problems repeatedly observed in Economics. One of
I majored in Accounting and Economics in the tradi- Presldent Kennedy's special assistants (whose name I
cional college and quit college during my Junior year. have unfortunately forgotten) responded by mail by
Asan adult, Economlcs is one of the first subjects sending me a copy of President Kennedy's Congres-
whose vaJidity I strongly chaJienged. Even as a young sional recommendation entitled: How to Ada Momem-
man, an honest and carlng concern for humanity ran tum Back to the American Economy.
deep within my being. I was deeply t0uched by the sub- I handed the copy of these recommendations to Mr.
ject of Economics because I knew that it affected the phys- Cooper, whom I respectas a teacher and human being.
icaJ well-belng of the total population upon this planet. Mr. Cooper was very pleased, made toples of the recom-
OrlginaJly, lt requlred considerable thought to properly mendation, and distrlbuted them to the students in ali of
analyze the lncorrect sclentlflc thlnking whlch I have his classes.
ctiscussed in thls Book. However, when I proceeded to
study Economics, I was shockea by "accepted teachlngs" At the end of che semester, Mr. Cooper took me aside
which my thinking, caring, and questloning mind and said: "Joe, 1 wlsh to thank you. "
recognlzed as being obvlously wrong. "What for, Mr. Cooper?" I replied.
After studying in traditional economics, I found that Mr. Cooper responded, "Joe, I aman old man, and
my questionlng mind - which has always pursued Economlcs is one of the most important courses a stu-
Absolute Truth - would not be stilled. I loudly spoke dent can take since it affects one's whole life. Over the
up in my Economics class and said: "What is being years, however, studenrs attend my classes ·and behave
taught is wrongl" At first my teacher thought that 1 was dryly and uruesponslvely. You have generated more en-
a smart aleck and told me that lf I was so smart 1 should thusiasm and particlpation from this year's class of
" get up and teach the class. " I responded by proceecting students than all of my prior years of teaching ach íeved.
to do just that. I simply wanted to thank you, ]oe. "
As a result of my delivery to that Economics class, I I warmly replled, "Mr. Cooper, it was my pleasure to
successfully stimulated the processes of every be your student and attend your class." I often think
young man and woman in the room. My delivery of Mr. Cooper with great warmth even though I have
prompted my fellow students to eagerly begin to think not seen him since I left college as a young man. Mr.
and question. Cooper was truly a teacherl I sincerely recommend that
At this point, I wish to pay tribute to my excepcional any teacher who wishes to be warmly remembered by
Economics teacher - Mr. Paul R. Cooper - who was her/his stude.µts should so conduct herself/himself. By
not offended by my response to his challenge of me and such actions, the teacher will do her/his students and
from that point continued to encourage my questions. I herself/himself honor, justice, and stimulate progress.
immediately sensed that Mr. Cooper was an exceptional I humbly pray that I can use my talentS to stimulate
teacher. Prior to that time, I would ask questions and you and the world to question, think, and become
would always be told by my teachers: "Joe, you are excitea about Economics and the future of our world.
holding up the class." Ido not even recaJl the names of Read again in Chapter 20 my 1967 letter to President
such teachers. Johnson in which I predicted "An Energy Innovation
In 1961, I wrote to President]ohn Kennedy because I and a Merger between Mechanization and Economics. "
Just as I was "shocked" as a young man, I will now
• It is more semantically precise and descriptive to use the term brainsoílíng attempt to "shock" you. There is an old saying - "A
rather than brainwasbing, since " washing' · implies a purification process;
"soiling" implies just the opposite. This semantic distinction was first picture is worth a thousand worcls." The following
developed and employed for such usage by Evan R. Soule', Jr. in 1981 . graph is far more valuable than a million words:


+ 10

- 10

- 20

- 30

- 40

- 50

+ 30

+ 10

- 10

- 20


- so
- 60 1835 18'5 1850 1855 1860 1875

1880 1885 1890 1895 1915 1920

American business actlvlty,

shown In solld black and lndl·
cated by the scale at the left,
has been subject to wlde fluctu·
atlons from the long·term
trend. Changas in wholesale
commodlty prices are sug·
gestad by the dashed line.
Aeprinted from " An Economlo
History of the United States" by
Gilbert C. Flte end Jim E. Aeese,
Boston. Houghton Mifflin Co., 1959.

1935 19.j() 1945 1950 195.5



This graph is from my basic economics text eotitled " reasonable" prices. At this point in time, manufacturers
"An Economic History of the United States." ha ve extensive inventories as a result of having recemly
Imagine taking such a graph to a given company's increased their production capacity.
competent production engineer anywhere in the world Such facts clearly prove that the essence of economics
and inforining that individual that: "I have a new is not "supply and demand." Actually, at the point of
production machine for your assembly line. This graph maximum inflation, there is an abundant "supply" of in-
l'm showing you demonstrates my new production ventory anda strong consumer "demand" for such
machine's operability and dependability - it works for goods/services. The problem is that the consumer simp-
a week, breaks down, works for a week, breaks down, ly refuses to purchase the goods/services at prices which
etc." It should be obvious that the company's produc- are "unreasonable" and which represent "Greed."
tion engineer would tell such a person to "get los t. " Such "Greed" results in unemployment at the com-
But how ironic it is that the same graph which depicts panies who supply raw materials and the factories who
societal inefficiency does affect and control the entire manufacture the produces. At this stage, the psychologi-
above-discussed company as well as its assembly lines. cal factor of "Fear" becomes manifest. Such "Fear"
This fact was clearly demonstrated in the early 1980 precipitates a sharp decline towards a "Depression." On
"Depression" which was euphemistically called a the graph above, such Depressions repeatedly follow the
"Recession." There were many long-time, established inflationary cycles. (They begin at the point immediately
companies which permanently closed their doors during following the height of the inflationary cycle and fall to
this recent Depression. It was a heartbreaking ex- the lowest point on the node below the zero line.]
perience to watch the dependable employees of such It is ironic that the initial extensive unemployment oc-
companies lose their jobs and the sincere managemems curring at the height of the Inflation ("Greed"), initiates
be helpless to prevent such loss and closure. Company a negative chain reaction by instilling a "Fear" factor
managemem believed they neither created nor knew which results in a Depression.
how to fight the "unseen enemy" of an econornic Such " Fear" causes consumers not to purchase goods/
Depression. services even when prices are lowered during a depres-
Are you "shocked" by these economic events? I was s~onary cycle. When goods and ser\'.'ices go unsold,
and I remain shocked to this day! 1 simply could not unemploymem increases. Everyone is well acquainted
believe that I lived in a world that would blindly repeat with the extensive human misery that occurs during a
the same rnistakes - so costly and damaging to human Depression (" Fear").
life and happiness - over and over again. What I have 1 repeat that the essence of " present" Economics is
witnessed is an extremely inefficieot economic not " Supply and Demand." The essence of "present"
mechanism that first "soothes," then " worries, " and Economics is "Fear" and "Greed. "! I am certain that
then "slaps down" human beings. The trickery and the reader recognizes that "Fear" and "Greed" do not
deception which creares such human misery apparently represent the essence of Science or of a "thinking, ques-
goes unnoticed by others. tioning, and truth-seeking rnind." "Fear" and " Greed"
Since the late 18th century, periods of prosperity and are t0tally inappropriate as the controlling factors for the
depression have succeeded one another at irregular in- essence of the "economic well-being" of human beings.
tervals in the United States, Great Britain, and other in- "Present" econornics is indeed "a subject that strongly
dustrial nations throughout the world. demonstrates the 'unjust' and 'detrimental' results of the
It is currently taught that the essence of economics is brainsoiling effect generated by our present primitive
" supply and demand." This teaching is total/y false. As teaching system.
it now exists and has existed in the past, the essence of I emplore you not to close your mind. To do this
economi<:s is "Fear" and " Greed. " would only endorse a continuation of human misery.
I urge the reader not to blindly accept what I teach. The f acts demonstrated by the above Graph prove
On the contrary, you should honestly question both that J speak the Truth. Such facts clearly prove that
what I teach and what you have learned from the past. " present" economic dislocations result from the
Simply examine the graph depicted above and prove repetitive cycles of hope (Greed) and misery (Fear). This
to yourself that "Fear" and "Greed" are the true economic system is highly inefficient and demonstrates
economic culprits of our present civilization. On the an unwillingness to sincerely question the observed pro-
graph, all nodes located above the zero line represent in- blems and seek Absolute Truth with respect to a realistic
flationary action. Inflation occurs because of " Greed." solution.
This problem will only be solved if Absolute Truth is I now wish to focus on the presentation of a " Positive"
consistently taught to the entire world. solution rather than discuss the " Negative" nature of the
At the height of an inflationary cycle (the highest point problem. I seek to inspire and excite you as to the solu-
on the nodes above the zero line), the "Greed" Factor tion for our economic problems. Such a solution will
becomes so outrageous that consumers begin to refuse replace the " Old" with the " New" and will be extremely
to purchase commodities or services. Even though the efficient. This solution will offer the human population
consumer still desires goods/services, the consumer of our planet a continuous enjoyment of physical well-
refuses to purchase and endeavors to wait for " fair" and being rather than intersperse such enjoyment with
"Greed," "Fear, " and "Misery." the "unemployed" consumer would Iack the available
Let me share wilh you how I perceive the Absolute (inancial resources.
Truth for che essence of Economics: lt should be obvious that both the potential con-
sumers (who are generally employees) and company
"Economics is simpty a 'thought too/' with respect management do not desire the negative results of a
to the efficient utilization o/ human power via '' Depression. ''
mechanical devices!'' I sincerely urge both "Labor" and "Management" to
question, think and seek Absolute Truth - only then
We cannot and shou ld not lose sight of chis Fact! To will both sides recognize that the facts of economics
do so only " mocks" che very essence of the deep with respect to an Efficient Economic Program prove
motivatlng force within the truly creative individual. that "Labor" and "Management" are not enemies. On
the contrary: Neither can exíst without the other! For
"Economics is simply a 'tbougbt too/' one side to truly function efficíently, so must the other.
wttb respect to tbe efficient utilization It is therefore o nly pure economic sense for each side
of human power via m ecbatiical devices!" to be concerned about the prosperíty of the other side.
The facts clearly demonstrate that as one side efficiently
While he was President of the Nacional Academy of functions, so does the other.
Sciencc, Frcdcrlck Seitz eloquemly stated it this way: As a sclemist who always searches for Absolute Truth,
I find this "Fact" of efficient economlcs very pleasing.
''Rep,ardless of the diversity o/ nationatities, per- J'his f act proves that in order to achieve an Efficient
sonalities, and specialties, sctentists everywhere - tn- Economic Program, we must carefor one another's
tentionalty or not - a·re bound together by a common oconomic well-betng. Such a true concern fo r one
purpose: the advancement o/ human capabttities. '' another contributes toward national and "world peace."
Once agaln, I recognize the same common denominator
I might add that this fact is true for any creative in- l had discussed in my earlier chapter o n God: Coodness!
dJvidual. 1 have classified a Sctenlist as anyone who I now wish to speciflcally presem the positive
honestly questions what they are rnught and then perspective: permit me to excite, stimulate, and "open
sincerely and diligcntly seeks a correct answer to their your mind" to the magnlflcence of the future which can
origina l question(s). Furthermore, they then seek to im- begin with positive, thinking action.
prove upon what they have been taught. I ask that company· management/owners conslder thc
Such an attirude is exempllfled by the Pioneering Elec- followlngpositive economlc results of my invention
tromagnctlc Energy Invention whlch I have lnnovated rather than the above-described negative economic
during twcnty years of dedicated effort. results:
Consider what would occur if all companies, instead
EXAMPLE: Several years from now, imagine that my in- of ílring workers as mechanizatio n proceeds, simply
novation is In full production for any type of device have such employees work less bours for the same
neccssary to perform a given task. salary.
At thls point - according to the old (and incorrect) Your first unthinking reactlon to such a proposal
economlc teachlngs - the managemcnt of aJI manufac- wou ld be to say "Such a proposal is ridiculousl " My
turing/productlon companies wi ll decide to mechanize response: NOT SOi Examine the whole picture and not
and rcplacc ali human operatlons wlth robotlcs. The 1\lmply a microscopic portion of the whole picture.
managcmcnt will conclude that by flring most of thelr If the workers utílize the beneflts of Mechanized Pro-
employccs thcy can increasc profits for their company.
Such "Grced" - or lack of concern for human welfare "Examine tbe whole picture and not simply
- will engulf companies throughout the world as they a microscopic portion of tbe wbole picture. "
endorse the same selfish idea.
1 agree that any routine task pcrformed by a human duction, then such workers can produce more products
being can be more efficiently accomplished by a In Iess time and at less cost.
mechanized device. However, the results obtained via Now you, the "worker/employee", must also think.
"Creed" or such a selfish and "unthtnking " response You must not continually strive to ralse your salary.
on the par! ~(a company tvill bo opposite to manage- Your first unthinking reaction to such a proposal would
ment 's expectations! If all companles fire most of their be to say, "Such a proposal is ridlculous!" My response:
workers, this would not only drastically reduce the NOT SO! Examine the whole picture and not simply a
work force but would also drastically reduce the pur- microscopic portion of the whole picture.
chasing power of the consumer - a consumer readily If ali workers produce more produces at reduced
desired and needed by all companies to provide an costs, then the consumer - you - w ill have more prod-
outlet for manufactured products. The economic result ucts available at reduced cost. In effect, this decreased
of such diminished purchasing power is a "Depression!" product cost to the consumer represents a continuous
Products and services would simply go unsold because salary increase without the " negative" results affecting
the whole picture. The positive actions I propose will naturally decrease costs and dramatically increase the well-being
of al! people.
And from the management/employer perspective: If worker employment is high, then there is an extremely large
consumer population willing and desirous of purchasing your products.
Moreover, as the working hours of the "employee/ workers" decrease, then these employee/workers have more
leisure time available. Such leisure time generares additional demand for more products, services, new companies, and
greater employment .
Sound and " thinking" Economics requires that realistic safeguards proposed by the general public, company
managers, and employees be established. If properly prevenred, "Greed" and "Fear" will not occur. At the same time,
however, incentive must not only be maintained but stimuiated! It is an observational fact that animals perform far
more efficiently when an incentive reward is provided for their efforts. For human beings, this is even more true.
Companies must strive to increase financia! profit via increased production and sales, not by price increases.
Similarly, workers must strive to obtain more products and services not by salary increases but via increased produc
tion which lowers the cost of such products and services.
If a company enjoys an increased demand for its products or services, that company must not proceed to irrespon-
sibly raise its prices, if at ali.
In essence, top-level company management, top-leve! employee personnel, politicians, other responsible individuals
and especially you - the "voters " - must unite to think, question, and solve problems together. If such is done, then
the Positive and Efficient Economic program I have described will occur.
The following statement is a Fact: lf "Fear" and "Greed" are replaced with "Truthful Thinking, "Questioning, and
Action, then the realistic results of the Economics which l teach will produce the following graph:

eE •3
N 12
M 11
e 10

p 9
y 8
L s

E 2
G 1

o 3 s e ro tt ~ ~ ~ IB ~ n re

What f have been discussing is Positive Economic Action that is compatible with the Revolutionary Energy Inven-
tion to which I have devoted many years of my life. Such Positive Economic Action will enable Space Travel to
become an efficient and exciting reality. 1 am also speaking of the beginning of positive hopes and dreams for our
young children and those future generations who look to us for a "smoother road through life! " The historical facts
prove that in Economics we most definitely " reap what we sow. "
That which is required is actually quite simple. What is required is that we truthfully "Question, Think and Act. "
The achievement of what I ha ve described also requires that we care f or one another which is the functional essence
of Goodness. Moreover, the simplicity of what is required is mirrored in the "twinkling eyes" of our ever-questioning
children. Such simplicity only demands that we creatively utilize the " Birthright" of our own "Questioning Mind, "
which has previously remained as a Sleeping, Majestic Lion.
I urge rhis " Majestic Lion" ro awaken! And the world will be changed most beneficially.
The following Chapter will discuss an area requiring urgent attention and constructive change for the benefit of you,
the "People."
Chapter 24

"Justice delayed, is justice denied."

- Wllllam E. Gladstone

T he sole purpose of any Patent Office throughout

the world is to stimulate the creativity of the people
1. My Constitucional Rights were and are being
deliberately violated.
in ali countries. Such action generares benefits for aH A. I was originally told in January 1982 by Patent Ex-
inhabitants of the planet. aminer Donovan F. Duggan that he didn't think he
This discussion of the patent system will begin with would ever be able to give me a Patent "no matter
a quote from an article in U. S. News and World Report, what evidence I presented to him."
1981, February 2, pages 45 and 461, entitled "Patent [On September 12, 1983, a Federal District Court in
System ... A Drag on Innovation." The article quotes Texas found that Donovan F. Duggan's "Knowledge of
Donald W. Banner, former Commissioner of the U.S. electrical theory may have been inadequate for his
Patent and Trademark Office, who says: responsibilities. " (See lindsey v. Uníted States, Civ. Ac-
tion Nos. TX-79-60-CA, TX-81-39-CA.) This Texas case
" A U.S. Patent h as become a cruel hoa x, prov idlng involved the same Examiner Duggan and another in-
n e ither protect ion nor incentive for develo pment o f ventor, Ralph Lindsey. The Federal District Court in
inventio ns.'' Texas also found that Examiner Duggan rejected the
patent application of Ralph Lindsey because he (Dug-
When inventors and their inventions suffer at the gan) "misunderstood" the nature of the device and
hands of Patent Office Officials, then the people of therefore "carelessly and incorrectly perceived" it to
ali nations suffer. This is so because such inventions be a "perpetua! motion machine." The Court found
which could bring to ali people prosperity and hap- that Duggan summarily rejected the Lindsey application
piness are stifled, resfricted, suppressed, and/or with a "cryptic comment" faili ng to provide "such
interminably delayed to the point of extinguishing clear and full disclosure of reasons fo r rejection as re-
creativity and hope. quired by the regulations." The Court fou nd that once
The total injustice which 1 have been forced to Duggan was "convinced" it was "a perpetua! motion
endure for years from the U.S. Patent and Trademark machine, " he "seemed unable to consider the design
Office with respect to my Pioneering Energy Invention on its own merits." The Texas Court concluded that, as
clearly illustrates and confirms the truth of the above a result of Duggan's negligence, Lindsey failed to
quotation by Donald W. Banner. Dueto lack of space, receive a patent that was later issued instead to a Mr.
I will not present ali the shocking details of the very Davis for a similar device.]
extensive file (over 1500 pages) concerning the injustice B. My legal rights to a Pioneering Patent have been
inflicted upon me by the U.S. Patent and Trademark unscrupulously delayed for over five years.
Office. 1 will, however, quote severa! sections from the
public records of the Washington, D.C. Federal District 2. There has been and still is a delibera te violation of
Court Case No. 83-0001 concerning my lawsuit against U.S. Patent Law.
the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. A. I was informed by a U.S. Patent Office Examiner
For years, I have carefully andfactually documented that he had not read my extensive, 133-page Disclosure
my file with respect to both the actions of the U.S. Document.
Patent Office and the Federal District Court. Such B. The Patent Examiner refused to clearly define his
extensive documentation is being accumulated because objection to my Disclosure Document.
1 do not want other creative and talented individuals to C. The Patent Examiner refuses to accept the Affidavits
be exposed to Injustice from employees of the U.S. attesting to my energy machine's operability. These Af-
Patent Office. fidavits have been provided by more than thirty in-
dependent, competenc, scientifically-educated in-
As of the time of this writing, the following is a brie( dividuals who include nuclear physicists, electrical
outline of what has occurred: engineers, electrical technicians, etc.
3. The U.S. Patent Office has consistently, deliberately, he was not technically qualified. MY QUESTION: If such
and with premeditation misrepresented and distorted the an individual adrnitted that he was technically un-
Facts. qualified, then how could he be qualified to judge the
A. Patent Office employees have falsely stated that I capability of the technically qualified individuals who
claim my energy machine is a "perpetua) motion had tested the energy rnachine?
device." B. The Patent Office falsely implied that I and the
B. The Patent Office employees have implied that I more than thlrty scientifically-educated individuals who
had a "hidden energy source." (Several other Patent had attested in Affidavlts to the validity of my Pioneer-
Office employees later agreed that this was not the ing Invention were ali incompetent.
case.) C. Major Williarn Schuyler, Jr., a former Commissioner
C. The Patent Office employees doubted that my of the U.S. Patent Office, was nominatea by the Patent
5,000-lb. operational prototype even existed. O/fice and appointed by the Federal District Court to
D. The legal counsel for the Patent Office hada evaluate the validity of rny energy machine. Both the
" witness" (who had never actually tested my energy Patent Office and the Federal Judge expressed the fact
machine) sigo an Affidavit questioning the operability that they were very irnpressed with Mr. Schuyler's
of my energy machi ne despite the f act that at the time superb technical qualifications. (See a further discussion
the " wirness" truly believed the possibility that the of this subject in the following Chapter.)
After evaluating my energy rnachine, Mr. Schuyler
"Tbe U.S. Patent O/fice has consis tently, wrote in his Report of the Special Master, dated
deliberately, a nd with premedi tation Septernber 28, 1984:
m isrepresented and distorted the Facts. "
energy machine worked. Later, this same " witness" OFFICE AND THIS COURT IS OVERWHELMING THAT
reversed himself and submitted a second Affidavit NEWMAN HAS BUILT AND TESTED A PROTOTYPE OF HIS
which attested to the operabllity of my energy INVENTION IN WHICH THE OUTPUT ENERGY EXCEEDS
E. The Patent Office made false statements to the effect TRADICTORY FACTUAL EVIDENCE." (Eniphasis added.)
that ali of the independent sclentlsts who had endorsed (2) The Patent Office has presented "no contradictory
the operability of my invention had an interest in my factual evidence. ''
invention. (3) There was ample evidence that one skilled in the
F. There are many other distortions too numerous to art could construct or utilize the energy machine.
list in this Book. Such distortions are contained in the (4) The Patent Office did not examine the petitioner's
entire Court records and available documentation. (Mr. Newman's) application " on its merits in accor-
dance with usual practices."
4. The U.S. Patent Office has consistently acted as a (5) The Patent Office Board of Appeals' finding rejec-
"hostile adversary" towards the developrnent of rny ting such amachine as " impossible" was " clearly e r-
Pioneering Energy Invention. roneous. ''
A. A representative of the Patent Office who acted (6) Petitioner Newman " is entitled to a patent."
solely as an adversary carne to rny house to question
testimony submitted by two competent scientists - The legal counsel for the Patent Office had originally
testimony which was provided in Depositions verifying vouched for the superb credentials of former Corn-
the operability of my Pioneering Invention. At the sarne missioner Schuyler at the time Mr. Schuyler was
norninated for Special Master to the Federal Court.
"Tbe U.S. Patent O/fice has After the Report of the Special Master was issued, the
same legal counsel vilified forrner Commissioner
consistently acted as a 'hostile adversary' Schuyler and advised the Court to " exercise sorne
towards the development of common sense and refrain frorn joining those who ap-
my Pioneering Energy /nvention." parently still believe in the tooth fairy." The legal
counsel was, however, incapable of specifically advis-
visit, however, the Patent Office rPfused to furnish ing the Court as to why the findings of the former Pa-
anyone to physically test rny energy machine despite tent Office Commissioner were incorrect.
the fact that rny attorney had repeatedly asked that D. Ali of the above, 1 through 3F.
such testing be arranged before the Patent Office
representative traveled by plane from Washington, 5. As a result of the Injustices described above (and
D.C., flew to New Orleans, and rented an autornobile many others not included in this brief synopsis), I have
for an approximately 130-rnile drive to my home in been forced to write this Book and fully disclose the
Lucedale, Mississippi. A/ter the patent office represen- nature of my Pioneering Invention without the full
tative arrived at rny home, he inforrned me that he was benefit of Pioneering Patent protection to which 1 arn
unable to conduct testing on rny energy rnachine since entitled by Iaw.
6. The Injustices inflicted upon me by the U.S. Patent Patem Office is operating efficiently and legally. From
Office have cost me (as of chis date) over S200,000.00 in this point forward, the People and the News Media
legal expenses and, more importantly, have cost the should closely and continually monitor the performance
American people and the World che opportunity to en- of the U.S. Pacent Office. If warranted, the public should
joy the benefits of a revolutionary energy invention. be advised by che News Media when accion is necessary.
Such action should chen be caken immediately to pre-
I must stress to the reader that such Injustices go far vent further scifling by che Patent Office of individual in-
beyond myself. If these Injustices are permitted to con- itiative and creativity.
tinue without reprisal, then you may be assured that While most members of the News Media have fairly
other creative individuals will continue to suffer such in- and accurately reported my case to the public, there
justices - injustices which will only increase with time. have been severa! news stories that did a disservice to
1 do not so vigorously fight thls battle with the Patent the news reporting profession. In each case, these factual-
Office solely for my own benefit. l especially {ight for ly inaccurate news stories were written anonymously. It
those creative individuals whose sensitive dispositíons requires no personal courage to attack the potential
can be shattered by such injustice! righmess of an individual from a protective cloak of
I ask the reader to use your " Questioning Mind" and anonymity. Being unwilling to assume explicit credit and
examine the many existing innovations which eliminare reputational risk for what was ~ritten is a form of
One of these inaccurate, misleading, and anonymous
"I especially figbt for tbose creative
articles appeared in DISCOVER magazine. This reputed
individuals w bose sensitive dispositions scientific magazine hired the services of a magician in an
can be sbattered by sucb injustice!" attempt to discredit what I ha ve accomplished. If a hoax
was really feared , chen a more scientific approach would
the drudgery from your life. What is the source of ali have been to send someone having technícal and scien-
these beneficia! inventions? tific credentials to accompany the magicían in the event
ANSWER: Such beneficia! inventions were innovated by my work appeared to indeed be genuine. This was not
creatlve indivíduals at a moment in time when such in- to be, however. By indicacing that he was an "inves-
dividuals envisioned something "new" that had not tigative consultant," the magician did not truthfully
been previously understood. These beneficia! inventions represent himself to me on che telephone, and implied
were not created by Kings, Queens, Presidents, politi- that he possessed the requisite scientific credentials.
cians, etc., but were developed by creative individuals. Also, the "investigative consultant" promised to confer
Simply examine the previous several thousand years with me following his investigations and before he sub-
of human history and ask, "Why have there been so mitted his findings to the magazine. This he failed to do.
many significant material improvements?" The facts The article that finally appeared in DISCOVER maga-
preve that: the J ewels o f our civilization a r e o ur zine was replete with factual inaccuracies. However,
Cr eative lodividualsl since the "investigative consultant" is a professional
Is it noc logical that we should at least protect, nur- magician, I would say chat he is eminenúy qualified to
ture, and inspire our Creative Individuals with che same investigate the illusions which appear to exist within che
diligence and protection provided in Nature by a produc- mind of the individual who fabricated the article in
tíve "worker bee" to a "Queen bee" within the hive? DISCOVER magazine.
The Constitution of the United States directs that we A second inaccurate, misleading, and anonymous article
behave in such a fashion. Moreover, the sole purpose of appeared in the New York Times entitled "Perpetual In-
the U.S. Patent Office is to afford such protection. vention.'' In this article, the writer describes my energy
The facts prove, however, that the Patent Office is machine as a "perpetua( motion machine. " I have
failing to do its job. It is obvious that proper legal ac- repeatedly stated that my machine is nota " perpetual
tions must be initiated to guaramee that the Patent Of- motion machine." Such an unscientific attitude on the
fice properly performs its very imporcant function. part of the writer indicares an unwiUingness to examine
1 urge the reader to contact your elected officials and an innovation which requires new thought processes.
demand that your " Queen bee" - the Creative Individual Labeling an invention a "perpetua! motion machine"
(by which you and your future descendants will con- relieves che writer of the responsibilicy of seriously and
tinuously benefit) - be protected such that creativity is sciemifically considering my theories and innovations.
stimulated and not stifled. The New York Times anonymous wríter specifically
wrote: "Mr. Newman calls bis device an 'energy genera-
At this point, 1 wish to pay tribute to the News Media. tion system having higher energy outpu't than input -
In many instances, the News Media are the "lubrican/" an eleccric motor thac gets something for nothing. " This
which "unclogs" the wheels of our Democracy! statement is totally false!
1 urge the News Media to vigorously investigare the I have very specifically described my energy machine
Facts concerning the behavior of the U.S. Patent Office as a device generating "greater externa! energy output
and to maintain such an investigation until the U.S. than externa! energy input. " This statement is totally
different from an electric motor that "gets something for nothing." The depth and validity of my work has already
been sincerely presemed to you, the reader. The irresponsible action of those individuals who make such umhinking
statements is exposed for what it is.
In general, however, the News Media has acted responsibly, accurately and fairly. Their actions can cominue to serve
the public in a beneficia! manner by alening chem co the uníusc actions o f the U.S. Patent Office.

I have included a copy of an Affidavit concerning the U.S. Patent Office which 1 presented to the Federal District Court
in Washington, D.C. This Affidavic recommends specific changes in che patenc system which 1 had originally suggested
to Mr. Paul Gomory, expert advisor ro the Senate Judiciary Committee on Pateot Office Affairs.


For the benefit of the Honorable Court , I submit the

following Exhibits A, B, and C and related following comments.

In July , 1982 , as a result of my grievances given to

Senator Stennis' Office concerning this patent application and its
resulting treatment by the u.s. Patent Office , I was given a
meeting with Mr. Ralph Ornan at his office . Mr. Ornan is Staff
Director of Criminal Law Subcomrnittee , Committee On The
Judiciary , Unite d States Senate.

After discussing my concern with Mr. Ornan for a short

period of time , Mr. Ornan stated he wished me to talk with and
expalin myself to Mr. Paul L. Gomory , whom he advised me was
an Expert Advisor to the Judiciary Committee o n Patent Matters .
Thereupon , Mr. Ornan called Mr . Gomory by phone and I talked with
Ml:. Gomory for a while and then met with him personally the
next morning for about one hour.

I returned home that day and within the week wrote Mr.
Gomory a five page letter explaining my concerns , which is
attached as Exhibit C, and also forwarded a copy to Mr . Ornan ,
wh ich is attached as Exhibit B.

Said five page l etter prompted Mr. Gomory in writing a

most positive letter in my behalf to Mr. Ornan and is attached
as Exhibit A. (Information concerning Mr. Gomory is attached
as Exhibit Al.) Especially see the first one and one-half
sentences of paragraph 4 of first page. Quote: " I fee l
strongly, very strongly, the situation that Joe is experiencing .

Manifestly , this is not the way to treat our inventors , much
less their inventio ns . . . . . . . . . " Unquot e: (Elnphasis Added)
Also see last paragraph of page one . Quote~

"I subscribe to J o e's letter in general. I have experienced

his experiences, especially as related in each of the paragraphs,
especially beginning with paragraph 4 and 5 on page 2 to the end
of his letter including his excellent s uggestion s which take into
consideration the nature of the human being.• Unquote.

I have not rece ived or been told any information by these

individuals which have stated or implied contradiction to the
above facts.

Leaving one to conclude others of prominate , pertinent

position feel my complaints are justified.

The undersigned declares further tñat all statements rnade

herein of the undersigned 's own knowledge are true and that all
statements made on information and belief are believed to be
true; and , further that these statements were made with the
knowledge that willful false staternents and the like so rnade
are punishable by fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section
1 001 Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful
false statements may jeopardize the validity of the application
or document or any registration issued thereon .

DATE: lb ~.¡ti?'
e!"' !,"'•h
'J \. ' •)
r.f c(.l ~rrJe
; J, V e '

Si:.;;;; l(J ar.:1 ::: ,; ir:;:; ~~d b;;forc me, this the
ldy Conunisafon
Ezpiree lst Monday in 1988
__J~.d::i:· .::L.~----·····19.Q.L
-2- ~~ti_~ .,Chancery Clerk
ay ~~ tiAU_6-L.,.o.c.
Ifo lph C·;;-::an , EXHIBIT A
Ctief 1cgi s1Dti ve Assi s t &n t
..:erca tor .~&e ;·.a t c.ié>S

Lnc loaed is a co py of a letter ~e iled to Leurence Pretty ,

Ch3 irms n , AEh , FfC Section, Commi t t e e on ? etent Lew JE vision . lopies
were msde on ~ eturd ey and msil ed on Sundey . Thi a is tte firs t
o p9ort unity I ba ve to write to you co nc e r nin5 our di s cussion on
what should be done , es d isc~ssed with you on the phone when ,
r cs fonsi ve to your r·eque s t t :at I do so , I outlined to you briefly
cy the~ thou c ~ ts o ~ how to breek the many i rapssses which 1 ha ve
enc ounte red in rny pr ac tice and whi ch , unfortunate ly , J oe ~ ewm3 n
ha s encountered . Ey let t er to La r ry .t;retty amplifies somewhs t my
thou¡;hts i n t he 1:Jat ter . .1hen I have heard f r om the Co!r.mittee end
ot he rs to whom I heve sent ccpies of t he lett e r now enclose d , l
shol l BLain be i n touc h with you , reaJy to dr aft a pro posed bill
if thi s see ~ s indiceted et the ti ~ e .

: he persons receivinG copies o f t he e nclosed le t ter are a ll

o f t hem we l l~ res pe cted leade r s and/or officers i n t he associations
to which I bclonb •

Juct t his ~. or ~ing I ha ve J oc ' s let cer .::if J u l y 30 . ~ie

indicates thereon t het you ha ve r eceived e copy . i-.y co ~·.!:'len ts on
vce ' ~ let t er can be b r ief beceuse you should al r eady have it .

I f e el strongl y , very etron c ly , t he a ituv tion t ha t 0oe is

experiencing . ~-.&nif est ly, t hi s i s no t the way to t r ee t our
inv e; nt ors , c.;u c h les s thelr i nvcntions whic h t :1cy s Lould be
encoura c ed to <l isclose res ponsive to t he i ~ centive of thc s ys teru
whi c h you know I h<:vc fre quently r efe rred to as b e i ne; our
V l'<~..i1 I: p.. '<1 ·.J i-~: (; : C~\ U J :·: , ; 11·v _L 'l'I l I~ _:..,:. _, ;: ;~ 1'1 (!V J;:rio N
:'~ I ~: :::.i1 1 : ·.:; !!:i :~!.1 IV ~ ,
:.;y;.,1':.:.<.. l'l·.is nac e for our system , which I l:<Jve us c d in t es t-.t fyi ng
before the several hous es of Conz res s , expleins or de~ c ribes thet
t he re shell be incentive sufficient to cause 11 voluntory 11 d~s closure
of inventions . ~ uch disclosure icme diately pe r ~i ts , when the
patent hes iss ued , or es rlier when t he ap ~ l icant fo r pate nt sees
t ha t he hes adequate 9rote ction in a -p elent to be is ~;ued , tbat o the rs
in t he fie l d c a y be Gi~ to build on or at terpt t o des i ~ n eround the
invention 1 the ~~ is closur e he vin5 be en rJe de re spons i ve to the
Constitutionel provi sion of Art ic l e I , Section ~ Clause 8 . rhis
i s indeed 11 • • • to promete • • • the use fu l ert s • • • "

I subscribe to Joe•s letter in ge ~eral . 1 hr ve experienc ed

his experie nces, especielly as r eleted in each o f the pa ra s raphs ,
especially beginning with parae raphs 4 end 5 o~ ~a s e 2 to the end
of his letter includ i ng his excellent sug0 estions whi ch t eke into
consideretion the n ~ ture of the human being.

Ralplr Omsn August 2, 1982

I now look f orward to the meeting whic h yo u ha ve seid

you would like to have wit h me end will wsit for you to set the
date en y ou h~ v e advised ae.
Xi ndest r egar d s ,

320-'+32 7

ce J oe new.r.;en

Abbreviated Biographical Sketch

PAUL LOUIS GOMORY , born Newark , New Jersey . Lived in several

states and traveled in others. Lived ten years abroad during his formative
period, attending schools in Hungary, Austria , France and England. Studied
chemistry and engineering at the University of London, England and at
Polytechnic Institute in New York City. He holds a law degree from Temple
University School of Law and is a member of the Bar of the United States
Supreme Court , Pennsylvania Supreme Court, the Court of Customs and Patent
Appeals, and a number of lower state courts and federal courts .

Paul was an active Washington Athletic Club member for about 23

years. He now works out at The Army & Navy Club, making it to the club
regularly. He runs befare breakfast . He and Peg are avid bikers. They
can be seen on the C & O Canal towpath on Saturdays, Sundays and some

Paul is Director, Washington Office Phillips Petroleum Company

Patent Division. He has served Phillips for over 32 years. Active in
politics he is engaged in several endeavors related to the abatement of
crime and recidivism . He is personally deeply concerned about federal
legislation concerning business, which is America's business .

Bills with which he has been personally concerned are divesture

of organizations in the chemical, the oil, the ferrous, the non-ferrous and
other industries . An important ítem he personally has put in his time on
is deregulation, especially of the oil and gas industry which he says
" . . . is at the backbone of our great Country ' s military and economic
posture . " His concern with patent legislation has been a part of an overall
concern far the welfare of our Country .

The recently enacted patent law revision bill is one of several on

which he has worked assiduously having testified on it and others on behalf
of the Association for the Advancement of Invention and Innovation (A2I2)
and on his own behalf. Paul drafted a number of bills which have been
introduced in the U.S. Senate as well as in the House of Representatives,
and has secured the introduction of the American Patent Law Association bill
presented to the 94th Congress . He is an ex-officio member of the National
Council of Patent Law Associations .

Paul has chaired a number of commit tees in the American Bar

Association, the District of Columbia Bar Association, and in the American
Patent Law Association. These committees have been related to various
legislation activities including public relations and public information.
He has acted as liaison between the D.C . Bar Association, Patent, Trademark
and Copyright Section of the District of Columbia Bar Association and was
far many years a member of the Antitrust and Trade Regulation Committee of
the Chamber of Commerce of the United States and its Subconunittee on Divestiture
which he conceived and formation of which he instigated . He has worked with
a large number of other associations including NAM, CMA, PMA, MAPI, ATA, etc.

I "- · ·
,. '
! {

) e · {.·
.. j ,, I
¡V ,, /
P. L. Gomory Bio Sketch Page 2

A Director and Advisor of A2r2 , he has represented the association

in legislative matters on the Hill and elsewhere in the private sector and
in government . He has prepared and presented testimonies on the Hill where
he is well received as shown by the printed records.

Paul has worked with a large number of persons and organizations,

personally and informally , on subjects of interest to him. He works in
close touch as advisor to Intellectual Property Owners. He worked with the
Business Round Table for severa! years .

Paul has spoken and continues to speak on various subjects including

política! , legal and technical subjects. He has addressed the Metropolitan
Washington Board of Trade, Sertoma , Lions, Oldest Inhabitants of Washington,
D. C. Society and other groups including political and civic action orgnizations.
He has been invited speaker to the Practicing Law Institute in New York Ci t y
and has spoken at a number of technical and legal conferences and conventions .

Paul has authored a number of legal briefs for the United States
Supreme Court , as well as articles on political and legal subjects, including
Trade Secret Law, Freedom of Information Act, Intellectual Property Law and
Government Patent Policy .

Paul is married to ~argaret Burke and says that much of what he is

aod may have accomplished he owes to her aid and encouragement.

'l'he Gomorys ' daughter is now Mrs . Nanette Lunde . She and he r
husband Ivar, who is from Oslo, Norway, teach at the University of Wisconsin,
Eau Claire (Fine Arts Center) . Paul, Jr. was for severa! years a Staff
Assistant to the President in the White House . During part of this time he
was Executive Assistant to Mr . Peter Peterson, later Secretary of Commerce.
He is now with Korn- Ferry International , executive management specialists.
(Formerly Chairman of the Board of Bell and Howell.)

In his talks to various groups, Paul has sought to impart information

leading to a more effective citizenship for those of us who want to do more
than simply vote and pay our taxes .

Paul has asked me to state that he appreciates particularly the

opportunity which has been afforded to him to appear here today •


CH.1 M1 NAI. LA w SvecoM·• ,un ..: r.

July 30, 19132
CoM '-4 ITT•:•: o~ TH•: J uoictARY
U NIT •: o STAT>:S SY. ~ATV. F.out~ l i Eo x 52
D. c. 20f>IO
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f t tt.í°f . ' h·~"tC\!"
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me t '.:, '~1 ~ . .t. P l e~i:=.<> f'1 n '1 A ~e l<'se d ~ <." 1,·y -:· f ~ 1 .;:-tt~r I ~ .. n t: to
l• 1 \'!\ t. - .'l" :·-- .

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'\ :ry,v~~to·r--c· 11 ~ the ("~~? t c·i:-·"~ ~ : th~ i l"l<U v! 1HP.. lf\ "!hotn the s o l r urr ose e
c.f' ;;P h"· n~ 1 r~~ ~·~ : 1r~s 1:1re r:r!d \>~~r- ~ ~. n t err'!ed to e t 1rri.:1!.t4' !·m d te
pr otr:·:?t+ The i r feelir ~r.
er:d. ~eed~ ce.n not be ~rr~ec 1etl' 1 \ cr truly
ant i e 1 :>~.teti by t he nNon- :rnventor " Ir.e lv1 <'.v.e: ""'~<' hf~e r.•'t f' :r.rer i enGe1
t h~ir t ur~in~ t esirP of the m1 ~d to b e c~A ~ti ve 9 wh jc ~ 1~ ~ort
a l.ways d :tsc curaeed and dampene-d b y t he trt"llt' ar:d tribuls t iof".3 t h a t
!f,ost inae r endent 1nven t0ra ueually ex."~~jenc e-. The one p l ~.ce that
~ he sc jnt' ividu;?ln eho u l d f '!!el t h ~t t ~ ey wi ll fl nd t"e fug~ ,
r.h oul <~ be t he Pe.tent Off.i.oe !

,; <;-;m1 J.d zlatU y pert1c1rate and c l": a!"f;e abscl ut e l;r n" F e e fo!'
t his r1o~t. \;·orthJ caus ~. T. ar~ eure the~e A.r e ct'flers sueh a ~ myself.
~Fo'w-;·ülcCif"i'6---n~.rtlc·rpll3.te tn the a ame "'" Y.

r t s hould be under s tood I am extremely hl)nast , and will a lvra.ys

3tate ~-· h e.t :r believe to be the s.bsolut e n.n'1 r a1r eol11tton to an:r
r r .,tler , I d P sp i ee r hé? t0~9 iO and ftlway!l ~!) rt~ht t o the h~ art ol
sny pr oblem.


/ /' '
Julr 30, 1982
Route l a Box 5.2
Luaedale~ Mfssiseippi 39452
Phon~: (6 01 J 947 .;. 71.Jfr

0 O/ -.3c:io- 5f..3o2 7
Mr. Paul L& Go~ey
5609 Ogden !toad
~ashingt on: P . Co 20816

It wa s e nj oyable ~leeting and talk1ng you th1a week in

Wash1ngton i D~ c.
Pleuae t'1nd e nc l.oaed the 1naterials you lent me to make copies
t herel') f.
I have capefully oo nsl~ Ared the uords of our ~onvers at ion.

! am you co!"rect , t hat I am my cwn worst enemy ,

when :r:mking point n to i who are effected or reflected on
by the po1nt s wh.ieh I inake in accordanoe w1th ·my own rigid and high
s-t.&n<lards or hor1~ sty and direot state mente, which I expect to mean
exaetly what is stated or i mpl!ed. ( Ptu•t of' t .his i s prooably my
s oientific trainir1g and ü i sc~1.pliue, that all statements should mean
e xa.ctly what the y imp ly r egarding the subject matter under consideration.)
Anyway , I st1ll feel w.1 th all mf be1n¡ that the problems I have
enoountered trom the u.s.
Patent orr~c e on th1a particular 1nvent1on-
are Moct def.1n1t ely wrong and unju at. For such procedurea to continue
or axpand will most der·1 n1tely be to the ae triment of. oreat ivity ot
the indivi<lual.
The Patent Ott ioe 1a an Inatitution ot Science In Continuing
Ph1s1ca l Expansionl !n many 1natanoes t he Physical Realization of
a P~opérty of Soienoe, w1ll preced~ t he Sc1ent1f1e Explanat1on or
txpectation of the Faet ; b y the So1entit'1c Cornmun1ty.
The Examiners and O!f1o1als of the u.s . Patent Of f1 ce have a
eensit1ve and mo~a l obl1gat1ot1 to t he encouragement of ereativity or
t he In.d1v1dualt wb1oh is the easenoa . or the bet~ elnftent of the Human
Race. All tne great ad.vanees 1.n the betterment of' the Human Ra.oe
are not ó!.nd w:e:r& not made d1rectly by k1ngs~ queens, pol1t1eians
and etc., but were made d1rectly by the Creative Proces ses. of t he
Indivi dual. "Iihe greatest and most lastin t ib · io t o the


Mr . Paul L. Oomocy
Pag• two-
Jul1 30 1 1982

human raoe tbat a pol1t1o1an or Preai dent can make 18 to in1t1ata

and eet up prooodu:-es to enoo\Jl'age e11d prote<.:t cr eat1v1ty or the
1nd1v1dual , i n &ddition to t he no:rmal :.i.nd decent rights ot t he
1nd1v1dual ..
As I bave alr eady state4 . t h• Patent Oft1ce i s i ndeed an
" Institution Of Scienoe In Oontlnui ng Ph7eical Bspana1on• . Theretore.
Eaart1ne:-s a-nd Offi oials ot the o.s. Pa tent Ottioe aho\ll.d mo•t oer t alnlJ
wi sh t o conduct thei::iselves tn a 8o1ant 1t 1o Manner.
~h~ ir stat e~ents should be lnt erpret ed t o reaa exact11 ae th•
__1mpl i es,.

Tbair s tat nenta should require t acta ot Pl'oot , e.xactl7 aa 1•

presen tly .i.. equ1red of t he s.pplicant (t he ind i vidua l who is t he
creat o:t' ami t nkeo the dr :J.dgery out o: life). Is the applicant not
e ntitled to a t l6ast t he sa:ne oonsider a t ion a s the Exa~~ne r ask or
t he individua l who has :na<.le •.;he con-.;r!.but ion'?
On P 1onaerin~ I11vent1ons , t he Exrun::.ner 1:!; a t an extreme dis-
advantage . All vf a suddo:1 h e haa thr own upon h i M completely New
Teaohi ng8 whiah , 1n i.léUlY irn,tanouo • \·11.ll go against wh.1;1t he wa s
personally t aught in hi s schuolin¡;. In auch ?ioneeri ng Cases t he
Examinar should oa ll 1n t he ~ppli e ant ('C he extreme c~ea tor ) prior
t o making or taking a ot i on 0:1 th~ ;>icneerlni appllcation f or the
purpos e or being diligently i nstruot ed a nd taught the know ledge o t'
theae N e~ Te&ehings . The l aw already r ~ q uir es that t he Exam1ner
make a thorough atudy ther e or of t he appl1cat 1on . Th1a doea not mean
that t¡1e Examiner n1mpl y r ead t he N~w Te ach1ngs , bu t he mus t
ma .:st~r it l

:t i s very impor t ant tor t he Bxanliner's sake tha t he be taught

and master these New Teachi nga ot a Pioneering I nvention. The
r •aaon b•ing, •"1 o.t,her inTentions will t ollow pionee1•ing 1nvent1ons.
They w1ll be mQre 1mproved i nventions , and not p1oneer1ng 1nventions.
The Supreme Co\lrt has already rule..! L1ber a11ty should apply to
P1c>ne er 1ng I nve:nt iona . Ir t he Exaui1ner doea not master the Teaoh1ngs
ot a P1oneer1ng I nvention betore all the improved 1nvent ions atart
P<hlring 1nt o t h• Patent orrioe, be w111 beoome even more flustr a ted
beoaus o 1t wil l be d1tf1oul t tor him to qui ckly and exaotly poi nt
out what ia or 1• not patentable or the 1.Jnpr oved 1nvent ions in light
ot the exi sti ng P1oneer1ng I nTent1on .

Paul L. Oomory
1tr .
Page t hree
July 30, 1982

In contraat to ·this proce4ure ~ after the Paot of the Pinal

Rejection, I wa a personally adv1sed G;¡ tho E xc:ll1:tn~r and fí!s
Supervisor that neither one or them i:a1.l e v<::n r·~ !id t ha 130 paga
Dooument, that took me 15 yeare to 0 01r.l.) le~e a.nd was l egally mada
a part o!' the patent appl1oat1on. And la extrl!mely i mporte.nt i n
understand1ng t he "How" and RWby" and "Dreadth" of thi s Extremely
Pioneer ing Invention! Bver¡r page or that Document waa literally
&n 1':"'.vcnt1~1e procass on mr part, all consummat1n~ in • working
protot:;pe! the 'l"E:chn1cal Prooess or 'Releaeing a !feflt Source ot
Energy . At t he time or the Pinal Rejection t he Examiner had not
evc.n r ~ ad bA!.d ~o c ument, muob leas mastered it, nor h&d the Ex&miner
e ven :::tas ta re~ t he te&.c hings or the Spec1t1cat1on !tselt'. I ktlow
beoause I talked w1th nim shortly after the Pinal Rejeotion!
Por the Si.:.pe1•v!sort.. o!' the E:>tamir:er ( who a re in essence Íudgea
or tho Bxar.:!.r~~r • s ~w.! thc u licc.nt '~ o.i.titt ,.reer1ent b ) to be a.1 owed
to Í'I'ateriiIZ€w. J • ~ .x.!lr•1 ner, B o ·aJ.-" ur1 us t oward thé
ªKp l i (:ant (\1ho i:; t hc e ~ c.:..to1 or <;:::mtri .1 uto:r· to 1e e t er1:~ent ot
\ e fíuman r ace). For t hle to be al1owed 1s to i gnore the fij,c ts of
human natiu."e! '.::i1e la\; :!.n ~he court ::! ret;;arcling Jud E;~S i f:l i;uite
e xp l 1c1.t i n tni.a f ac t. l.f a Judge c an ever. be cons! rler E:d biaaed or
pi•ej u dlced (tio ~oe;.) not hll.v~ 'to b t pre 'itn blapeC: or prejudiccd),
be bhoul<i exoua6 hitüSt;lf . Cú!1sideri!¡r; t he "~Xt }' orr.a i mportance in
settin¿; up a p:-ooedure ~hat eneou:- as·~ 3 -: ~.r ~ ?. tJ .;~~- Y •Jf t.hc- .1fo1:l vidual
ttnd a e u i·e~ u:..t t!;erco r :i.mproves the ut•::.l iJe:l.!1f; o f c.ll,) •'!<.n ws do any
l e'5ti than what is :>t a.ndnrJ pro~edure in a nt''.l.r>rM1l oour. t of l a\i?
~ ner e appears to be a problem because cf the clo s~nes s of the
Exu.miwn s a nd their Superviscrs a.11 be lr:s on ·t he ·; ar.1e f'lc•or in the
~a11c A~t :Jnlt. u! om: th in3 I an: su.-r•e , no ¡r:at t er what t h e ;.>roblem
there is a solution. First . W9 muet reoogni~e there is a problem
and , ~(:!Cvnd , wc must want to c orrect the probler;, and then searoh tor
t he sulut ion in a truthful mt!'.nner aml t he s olution w1ll moat certa1nl ~r
come .
It woulct seen t o me an easy a~d i~provea procedure could ea•ily
b& aet u~ a l ong thtt f ollowing 11ne t: :
• A. The Director of eajh Art Un1t rnust not h1s offi ce in
tbe pa:i... ticulat• Art Unit. Al l of the Directora of All the Art Un1ta
be put on a floor with all of the1r off.icen together. They would
then have camaraderie and could fraterni ze with each other without
J eopardia1ng the fairness toward an examiner or applicant . The

Mr w Paul L. Gomory
Page rou:!:'
July 30,. 1982

D ~reotor~ do not perform normal Exa mlnar prccedures, t herefore ,.

they do not hav& to be 1n that Art ünlt cont i ~uouc ly to do t hei.JI.
Job eft"1o1entl y. Also t he Pir•ctor:;, wil l ali E;XpE>r ionce one or
more proble1'ilS that ~111 be common to all Dir ec t ora . They oould
easily meet every month or ao and diGcuss solutiona. The Directora
ot an Art Unit must have and maint a1n an air of respect and
aeparab ill t y ~om the Exam1ner or the Appl1cant that is conduoive
· , ~ th t ~'I,;.! ,:-0,:ier a.!°lJ che i !nporta.nce o r t he poaition given bim. 'l'h•
f t1~ t '~ i :L! !~ ".:~v~ ·~xa:::i:.~r haa t o go outside or hia normal envi ronment
to :~dd1 ¿:..,.:.; the L'irector in b1a otfice w111 have a most poeitiv ~ tteo t
'J:'.."' ~e:~ :..;,; :r:" E·~ p ·..::ns~Lle aotion trom an Examiner relat1ve t o an
apr.1~. ~: r:~... . ;1.lso tl~c r~ct that the Director may make an 1 n~p ect1 on
o!' h~. ~; ,.¡•i,; Unit at any time will alao have a most pos1tive ettect on
tho E:.:.d1.;:lners 8.nd t he1r 1mrned1ate Supe~v1aor s.

·:::w .... :· lt·~ :.üt.~ S!..~p~1 :i .... ora t e t h c E:.:a.1ir.ers il'lUut a l so ma.intain
~tt p ~:.'-:.é .: .. ,... ·-·la: ~. uperv !so1· ::; cun htav c thr -~r o t fic~ 1n t he Art
Un~ t :1· .. ~. (~~· t~;í: :.: , Lut lH.. l:.!Ut;t aO't ba alloweu to fx•at;er ni z•
w1th t he E ~m.r.1iners . J:t he is hon eat 1n want1ng t o be oomp l e tely
f a ir C.?1'~ ~r::; .!.a n h! > Le Cll.O:..l•J havc r.c d e ::;~ ro t e frat~rniz e witb t he
E .'<:i!') ~. r_-.·;.,• • but t (} ~ h !..: <'Ont~ r.r~ • e hould ha ve a s incere ueaire to out
un~' t :.c.'~ L~ :..e.y :.a. ~; e !rn.~ ·•. ; ~h ~he Exatr...Lr~crs back 'Ahtin he himselt
wa s ar. I:'..Aar..~ 'l'Lel can not eat togcther , t hey os.n not rr(lterni ze
n rte~ 1.!0l:'lL Th9 :-::i-.&1'.1 1 m~r t s im;.wd! :..:uporv!.scr TalU ti t o1 ~n t.ilf:dges
th1:.. t t1 H' Y w:!.11 no t or cío n-:..t f~at~ rr!~?.<. with tte ~a.; 1·s .

!he F:xa!'liners , the Exaninerc' !.mocci&te Super•ieors and t be

01. r ~c tvrt :..ind all other Pa t ent Cfficiala aholllc reuogn1ze and hold
ln ~c ve rl:' r. ce
the Hc1~a1 (:bl1fa t1Qn t e a ct in a L'.lan.ner that will Le
corr1 ·.1c ~ \" 4"
to crcnt!.vit:: oi ne
Ind iv~aual . ar.d a D a rt:sult the:-eof.
to t he 't c ttenient or the hw:i:en race. They mus t proteot t he patenta
of t ht ~ •1.11 vié.!ual s \<hict they gra nt• but a\; t he same t ime they muat be
sure they g1ve ~~ t ant~ ~h~n ~es ervee • . Ar.d especia lly be s cna1t1ve to
P1.oneering Invent1ons (the Extreme Cre•tor).
1to pr ocedure or t t e u.s. Pate nt Office must meet t~ r equire-
n:e~t s l :ld ne ed.s cf the ll..Pi' l i car.t ( tl'.. ~ ~reator or contributor) and
not be set up to mee t unnocessary tl0s1re9 of Patent Of fioe E!?ipl oyeea.
which e dotriment t o t hc Inventor and a dctr 1.ment to Creatlva
Pr oc c~3cs.



Mr. Paul L. Oomory
Page t'ive
July 30 . 1982

The problema I have wri t ten ab1)·.;.~ I havi:• p&r !'tvnally exper1enced
on t he pat ent app11oat1on, Ser i al ~7 1J. 17 9) !~ • .:in e ,¡t.reimely P1oneer1ng
Invent1on. Tbe f'aots are in tbe Jte oo:r·l.l foi.~ ci. 11 to aee ~ who wi s h t o
&ee .
T:1i 3 invention , which I bave worked so dil igently and ded1cat edlJ
r or J ~a :r-s ,. unt i l it was pertected , w111 benefi t t he .human raoe
m')re tha.n ~ ny c t l1.:::i."' i nvent1on . It i s very 1mportant to National

Def ~nu~ and Nat ional Eoonomy , a a 1t i s to t he entire world .

J.":lJ. !'.me: or ~o~p :..-t1ch you coul d recom.m'!nd tha t would be in·~ ere1t ed
ln as oi'7.t 1nl :ne in this lmpor t ant matter would be appreo1ated.
Sincere thanks and re ~ arda,

JWN/ ~n

<lC : "i!t". Ra l ph Orna:'\

The reader should draw her/his own conclusions from
the following FACTS:

(1) Donald J. Quigg, the current Acting-Commissioner

of the U.S. Patcnt Office, was employed as a top ex-
ecutive with a major oil company for 36 years before
becoming the Deputy Commissioner of Patent and
Trademarks on October 26, 1981.
(2) A Federal Judge discussed in the following Chapter
was appointed in 1982 by President Ronald Reagan. I
have been informed by a number of individuals that
President Reagan is very favorably dlsposed towards
the oil indusrry.
(3) Return to Chapter 20 (pages 169 and 170) and ex-
amine the response from Prcsident Reagan's office at
the White House. An " in-house" memo (page 170) was
accide ntally enclosed with the cover letter signed by
Anne 1-llgglns. The cover letter indicateS that it was not
possiblc for President Reagan to comply with my re-
quest to examine che video film of my energy machlne,
yet the " in-housc" memo indicares that the lndlviduals
at the White llouse rccognlzed that thc video film con-
tained lnformatlon of immense lmportance to the
world and was vlewed on March 3, 1984.

In addition to the above information, the facts of my

Federal District Coun Case 83-0001 in Washington,
D.C., clearly demonstrates why the U.S. Patent Office
must be immediately reformed.
" The Jewel of our civillzaclon is its creative in-
dlviduals! " Need I say more?

Chapter 2 5
"Every communlty has a right to demand of all lts agents
an account of thelr conduct."
- Thomaa Palne
from his book, The Rlghl• ot Man

F ollowing years of injustice at the hands of the U.S. (4) I nominated two highly-qualified individuals: a
Patent Office, my fight for justice tOOk me to the Professor of Electrical Engineering at Texas A&M, and a
U.S. Federal Court where, much to my dismay, I Ph.D. graduare from Auburn University who is present-
discovered further lnjustice. The specific Facts of my ly a NASA employee at Huntsville, Alabama. To avoid
Federal District Court case only serve to exemplify such having a "biased nominee, " I had not met either of
continuing injustice. these scientifically-competent individuals. For the same
EXAMPLE: Enclosed is a News Release which indicates reason, I did not nominate any of the more than thirty
that I have been forced to file with the U.S. Court of Ap- individuals who had already testified in my behalf.
peals a Writ of Mandamus against federal Judge Thomas
P. Jackson . Dueto the precedent-setting magnitude of (5) The U.S. Patent Office nominated three individuals
this case, my legal counsel has requested that all ten for the position of Special Master. Two were only Pa-
Judges of the U.S. Court of Appeals hear my case. tent Office employees who, by virtue of their em-
I sincerely recommend that the news media and con- ployer, would be suspected of being biased and preju-
cerned cicizens/elected officials secure a copy of my diced against my case. The third Patent Office nominee
Writ of Mandamus submitted to the U.S. Court of was Mr. William E.. Schuyler, Jr., a former Commis-
Appeals. The facts of this case speak for chemselves! sioner of the U.S. Patent Office from 1969-1971 with a
However, for those individuals who are unable to degree in electrical engineerlng. Mr. Schuyler could
secure a copy of che Writ, I have outllned severa! of the also be suspected of being biased since he had worked
pertinent facts: for the Patent Office.

(1) At the first hearing in Federal Court, Judge Thomas (6) Judge Jackson refused to accept my two nominees
P. Jackson proposed that a technically competent and instead chose Patent Office nominee William E.
" Special Master" be appoimed by the Court to evaluate Schuyler, Jr., whose credentials were described by
my energy machine since the Judge stated chat he had Judge Jackson as " superb. " 1 agreed to accept Mr.
no scientific expertise. (A "Special Master" is someone Schuyler as Special Master since 1 believed him to be an
technically skilled in the subjec;t under consideration honest individual. I had once met Mr. Schuyler in 1975
by the Court.) and so advised Judge Jackson and the legal counsel for
the Patent Office. The Judge and the Patent Office still
(2) I objected to the Judge's proposal. I stated that the insisted upon Mr. Schuyler's becoming the Special
Judge did not need scientific experience since he had Master. As a result, Mr. Schuyler was appointed as the
only to follow the Law and simply count the actual Special Master to evaluate my energy machine.
wirnesses who have attested to the operability of my
energy machine. 1 had more than 30 such witnesses (7) Within severa! weeks after receiving all Disclosure
and the Patent Office had zero! Documents and case history presented to the Court,
1 indicated to the Judge that a " Special Master" Me. Schuyler issued his Report of the Special Master,
would only increase the unjust expenses 1 had already dated September 25, 1984, whlch contained very
been forced to endure as a result of the illegal actions significant statements:
of che U.S. Patent Office. (A) "Evidence before the Patent and Trademark Of-
fice and this Court is overwhelming that Newman has
(3) Judge Thomas P. Jackson insisted that both the built and tested a prototype "of his invention in whlch
Patent Office and 1 submit three nominations for the output energy exceeds the external input energy;
Special Master. If both parties could not mutually agree there is no comradictory faqual evidence." (Emphasis
on a single individual, then the Judge himself would added. I described this Report earlier in conjunction
select a Specia1 Master. with the Patent System discussion.)
27 ~


1 ,_John
Janney House
F1e1nnery 3847 North Tazewe ll Street
Waterford. Virginia 22190 Arlington, Virginia 22207
703 -882 -3 175 703 -534-7 464

Contact: Susan Braaten, 534-2918 or 534-7464

INVENTOR NEWMAN DEMANDS DAY IN COURT (April 17, 1985) •••••••••••
•••• Inventor Joseph Newman, whose extraordinarily efficient
machine works as he says, according to a former Patent Cornrnissioner,
asked the federal appellate court to order the u.s. District
Judge handling his patent case "to do his job, to decide the
case, and not to shirk his constitutional duty•" In short, Newrnan
demanded "my day in court."
Inventor Newrnan, f ighting for five years for a patent
for his device, said "the Patent Office wouldn't consider my
invention on its merits and I can't get the District Judge to
consider it either."
Newman said, " The Court appointed the former Cornrnissioner
of the Patents, no less, as his Special Master to say what the
facts were to save us time and money . At least that's whqt Judge
Jackson said. The Master found for me. He said there was 'over-
whelming . evidence' my device worked and that I was entitled
to a patent. And he decided that quickly, by September 28th
of last year. But Judge Jackson sent me back to the Patent
Office ahd wouldn't decide anything. Now it's costing me time
and money as the Cou rt made me pay for the Master' s fees and
expenses ."
John Flannery, a former federal prosecutor and Newrnan's
counsel, said in papers filed with the u.s.court of Appeals
for the Federal Circuit that "the Court ••• having appointed a
Special Master to determine what the facts were, had admittedly
'adjudged' nothing itself."
Flannery noted in his papers that:
"the Cou rt said on October 31 i t was "not prepared' and
was 'unprepared' to conclude anything. On January 31, when
[Flannery] said 'nothing has changed' since the Patent
Office ' s first rejection in 1981, the Court said, 'I~ don't
know yet.' On March 14th, the Court said he gave the Master's
Findings of Fact 'no effect whatsoever' and when asked
if there were any facts the Court relied on in questioning
the operability of [Newman's] device, the Court said, 'I'm
not going to tell you now.'"
[,S.e,e Petition for writ of mandarnus a t p. 30 .]

Newman charged, "The Judge is not doing bis job." John

Flannery, a former federal prosecutor and Newman 's counsel,
sa id that "the law is that the District Court has a duty" to
f ind out for itself what happened. Newman says that means,
"The Court can't pass the buck back to the Patent Office as
it has."

Flannery's papers include the unusual request that the

entire Federal Circuit consider Newman's petition. Flannery
says the case involves a "precedent-setting question of exceptional
importance", namely:
"May a District Court that has appointed a Special Master
to determine the facts but has itself admittedly 'adjudged'
none of them, remana the civil action ••• [cites omitted] ••• to
the Patent Off ice where [Newman] has already exhausted
bis administrative remedies requiring him to exhaust those
remedies again and threatening him with abandonment of
his patent application for his failure to comply with the
extraordinary and unprecedented demands made of him upon
[See Petition for writ of rnandamus at p. 1- 2.]
The Patent Off ice has stated flatly that Newman will have
abandoned his patent application if he doesn' t bring from Mississippi
and produce by May 30th "his [5,000 pound] operating prototype
[in Maryland], [Newman's trial] evidence, notwithstanding that
it might be withheld during the civil action, if not dismantled
or destroyed."
[~ Petition for writ of mandamus at p.4, 18-19.]

Flannery's papers refer to a case, Marqolis y. Banner,

where the Patent Off ice tried this before and the federal appellate
court stopped them "dead in their tracks", according to Newman.
In that case, the federal appellate court prevented "the Patent
Off ice from using the threat of abandonrnent to force the [patent]
applicant to give additional evidence after a final rejection. "
[See Petition for writ of mandarnus at 37-38.]
Backwoods Inventor New~an, 48, of Lucedale, Mississippi,
has been stonewalled in his ef forts to obtain a patent for the
last f ive years. Patent Examiner Donovan Duggan, a proven incorn-
petent, according to one federal district court, told Newman
after he issued bis final rejection of Newrnan's patent application
that he "doubted he would ever allow a patent on [Newman's]
invention no matter what proof [Newman] submitted (emphasis
According to Newman, u.s. District Judge Jackson appointed
the Special Master last surnrner to make f indings of fact because
of the "substantial and contradictory submissions of record
before the Court." Newman charges Judge Jackson did that in
part because the patent off ice submitted a false affidavit contra-
dicting one of Newrnan's experts but the affidavit was recanted
too late -- after the Master had been appointed.

(B) Under the section entilled "PROPOSED CONCLU- (13) I advisedJudge Thomas P. Jackson thac the
SlONS OF LAW," Mr. Schuyler wrote: " powcr" of the Honorable Court was not "bis power,"
"Even though the operation of Plaintiff's but that as a judge he was only a custodian o/ the
(Newman's) system seems contrary to recognized "Court 's Power. " Fo r che Judge to charge me
scientific principies, Plaintiff has demonstrated the S11 ,602.20 for a Report which he refused to accept and
operation o f his system by very clear evidence and is then to order me to once again submit to the capricious
therefore entitled to a patent if he o therwise sacisfies behavior of the Patent Office - such judicial actio ns
che requirements of the Patent Statute (35 USC). In re only endorse the Injustice 1 have been forced to endure
Chtlowsky 229 2d45 (CCPAl956)" (Emphasís added.) fo r over five years.

(8) The U.S. Patent O/fice then responded to the (14) Because Judge jackson refused to correct his
Report of the Special Master by vilifying former Com- deliberare injustice, I inscrucced my atto rney to file
missioner Schuyler and advising the Court to "exercise against Judge Thomas P. Jackson a Writ of Mandamus
sorne common sense and refrain from joining those in the Uniced States Court of Appeals for the Federal
who apparently still believe in the tOOth fairy." Circuir to which accion my attorney readily agrccd and
Such an irresponsible remark by che legal counsel for further requested a Hearing In Banc, i.e., for ali Ap-
the Patent Office was made against their otcn nominee pellant Judges to hear the Wric. As of this writing, both
- a nominee appointed by Judge Jackson who stated the U.S. Court of Appeals and che U.S. Supreme Court
that the credentials of che Spccial Master were ha ve rcfused my Writ of Mandamus and have continued
"superb"! to e ndorse the injustlce initiated by che Patent Office
and che Federal Disrrict Court. Such injustice proves
(9) Amazingly enough, Judge Thomas P. J ckson re- chat changes in our judicial syscem muse occur.
fused to accept che Special Master's findin,.,s of fact
with respect to the operability of my Pion.;ering Inven- I sincerely ask that th<;: news media, elected officials,
tion. Such a refusal was issued by ajudge who and concerned officials obtain a copy of the Courr file
already clearly admitted chat he possessed n.o scientific with respect to my case. The injus~ice of which 1 write
credentials. is fully documemed!
Even though Judge Jackson had no evidence to con- I wish t0 pay tribute co my excellent attorney:
tradice the findings of Special Master Schuyler, and John P. Flannery, II, Esquire
even though the Patent Offlce was also unable to pre- 555 Fourch Street, N.W., Suite 333 (202) 73 7-5708
sent any evidence tO refute the Report of the Special Washington, D.C. 20001 534-7464
Master - Judge jackson stil/ refused to accept che Possessing an intelligent and sharp mind, Mr. Flannery
Special Master's findings of fact and refused to instruct is more willing to "Fight f or justice" than any attorney
the Patent Offlce tO issue me a Pioneering Patent. ! have ever met! Having only inherited and handled my
case for severa! months, Mr. Flannery has fu lly and com-
{10) Rule 53(e)(2) of the Federal Rules o f Civil Pro- plecely " mastered" a massive legal case.
cedure, 28 U.S.C.A. , provides that in a no n-jury action, My legal case actually represents an ideal example of
"the Court shall accept the Master'sfindings of fact the urgcnt need for an extreme change in che "Arrogant
unless ctearly erroneous. " Both che Judge and Patent Authority" automatically and blindly given tO Judges.
Office failed to present any " clearly erroneous" l ha ve no doubt that there are man y honorable Judges
evidence. in the judicial Syscem who are a credit and compliment
co their profession. However, che facts prove that there
(11) Judge Thomas P. Jackson then ordered meco pay are many judges whosc arbitrary behavior justifies the
S 11 ,602 .20 for the Report of the Special Master - a immediacc curtailmcnt of such power with a proper
Report which 1 had originally objected to as an un- system of checks and balances.
necessary expense and a Report which was written by I make su ch a scacement not beca use 1 dislike judges,
a man who was selected by the Court because Judge bue because l have the greatest respect and admiration
jackson admitted that he was technically unqualified to for those Judges who truly have been an asset tO their
judge che issues. profession and have consistently exhibited the vcry
essence of justice. Rather, ! make the above statement
(12) Judge Thomas P. Jackson then placed che further because ! ''/ove, cherish, and am devoted to ]ustice''
dispositio n o f the case right back in the hands of the while I totally despise and condenm ali lnjusticel
Patent Offlce by ordering a remand to that office. In ef- It is for you, the public, that 1 write. 1 urge you to use
fect, I was "returned to square one" and o nce again your Mind to questíón, think, and then act in a manner
fo rced to face che injustices o f che Patent Office. This based on Truth and Justice. Do no t be complacent and
remand occurred a/ter numerous court hearings, unknowingly permit che " powers that be" to rcpress
thousands of dollars in legal expenses, and an you and your loved ones. To permit Injustice to occur
S 11 ,602 .20 Report of the Special Master which en- is to show contempt for the principies developed by che
dorsed che operability o f my energy machine! Founders of our " free " coumry.
The following Facts I have observed verify the truth FACT 5: Judges have the power to determine whether a
of my statement concerning judicial abuse of power: case will be tried by a Jury (the People) or by che Judge.
One of the reasons for the exiscence of the Declaration
FACT 1: Numerous attorneys have informed me of their of Independence is that the Founders of our country
belief that Judges possess "Awesome Power." Nine out knew that the Colonialists had suffered the injuscices of
of ten lawyers conduct themselves in a manner that a corrupt judicial system. As it specifically states, the
reflects their fear of such power. Declaration of Independence held the King of England
CONCLUSION FROM FACT 1: Such a belief is totally in contempt "jor depriving us in many cases of the
wrong! AJudge does not possess "Awesome Power. " benefits of Trial by jury. ''
A judge is only a custodian of the Honorable Court 's In my case, I have been denied a tria! by a Jury (the
Power. The Court belongs to the}ustíce "of the People" People). The reader should find it significant that an
- not "of thejudge "! Justas a grown person would official of the U.S. Patent Office readily admitted to my
avoid h urting a baby, a]udge has an even greater moral attorney that "they (the Patent Office) would bate to
obligation not to abuse the "Power of the Court." A have my case tried by ajury (the People)!"
Judge who misuses such conferred auchority should be Judges attempt to justify their trying a case instead of a
judged accordingly. Jury by saying that "People (a Ju ry) can try a case
Any Judge who conducts herself/himself as though the concerning Facts, but only }udges should try a case con-
Power of the Court is the Judge's Power should be im- cerning Law. ''
mectiately disrobed and replaced! No lawyer can properly
represent her/his client (the People) if that lawyer " ... tbey (the Patent O.ffice)
believes the Judge possesses "Awesome Power. " would bate to bave my case tried
by a]ury (the People)!"
FACT 2: Many attorneys have personally told me that I
should not file a Writ of Mandamus against Judge CONCLUSION FROM FACT 5: The Founders of our country
Thomas P. Jackson! Such lawyers reason that, even if I realized that Judges were often the pawns of "special in-
win my case in the Federal Court of Appeals, I must still terests" that influenced politicians, who in turn, ap-
retu rn to Judge Jackson's Court for further disposition. pointed the Judges. It was for this reason that our
When this occurred, the lawyers' opinion was that Judge Founders stressed the importance of Tria! by Jury (the
Jackson would very likely try even harder to serve me People).
Injustice. If a statement represents the "Law," then such a state-
CONCLUSION FROM FACT 2: In itself, Fact 2 demonstrates ment is a "Fact of Law." Consequently, the members of a
that Judges must be held responsible for their actions. Jury (the People) are entitled to hear a case concerning
Extremely strict judicial codes must be enacted since the " Facts of Law." TheJury would simply be provided
justice cannot be served to attorneys' clients (the with the " Facts of Law," just as the Jury is provided with
People) when·auorneys believe FACT 2 and con- other Facts. A FACT IS A FACT, and any attempt by a Judge
duct themselves accordingly. to claim otherwise only represents a ploy to deny the
" People" a tria! by a Jury (the People).
FACT 3: I have been informed by many attorneys that The "Peo ple" should be grante d a Trial by "Jury"
most Writs of Mandamus are rejected or opposed by whe ne ver the clie nt (the People) request it.
higher courrs because ali Judges wish to "protect their }ustice is not someching learned from che blind
ow n members" to an extent greater than that in other memorization of a Law book. justice is a natural instincc
professions. for anyone who devotes his life to living such]ustice.
CONCLUSION FROM FACT 3: Such a Fact demonstrates
the same conclusion as that expressed for FACT 2! EXAMPLE: There areJudges who exernplify proper judicial
behavior and are true administrators ofjustice. Consider
FACT 4: It is well known that Federal Judges are appointed aJudge who has publicly opposed abortion dueto the
by politicians. It is also well known that many politicians respect for and acceptance of a religious teaching but has
cater to "special interests." Furthermore, many sensitive jucticially ruled in favor of "abortion" due to an accep-
individuals anxiously await such appointments to deter- tance of the "Essence ofJustlce" and the " Facts of Law."
mine if a Judge is politically " Conservative" or " Liberal. " Consider the t'nternal conflict experienced by such a
CONCLCSION FROM FACT 4: In themselves, tbe words }udge! Yet such a Judge recognized that che " Faces of
"Conserva ti ve" and " Liberal" clearly demonstrate Law" have demonstrated in previous centuries that
bíases and prejudices - NOT JUSTICE. The "special many religious teachings only served to promote Jn-
interests'' support politicians who appoint to Federal justice rather thanjustice to the People. In respect for
Judgeships specific individuals which the politicians the "Facts of Law," such a Judge rendered a decision
hope w ill issue " Rulings of Law" which are favorable to which was most likely - in her/his opinion - to prop-
the "special interests" that support the politicians. It is erly dispense]ustice to the People. The Founders of our
indeed a " vicious cycle" that is vicious in its denial of country had very clearly expressed the necessity for the
justice to the People . separation of Church and Sta ce.
I salute those judges who have always conducted them- is born and grows, the "Mind" proceeds to develop a sensi-
selves in a manner which demonstrated they were "custo- tivity to right and wrong, and thereby brings the "Soul" out
dians" of the "Power of the Honorable Court!" Such of "limbo."
judicial conduct also demonstrates theír recognition that QUESTION: Do you not understand why many people
such ''Power' ' was not to he used to promote theír personal accept "abortion" since, in many instances, such
biases and prejudices. Such is the ' 'Essence of}ustíce. " "abortion" couJd be considered "merciful?"
I am well aware that there are many religious individuals QUESTION: Do you not understand that to impose your
who have good intentions but would vigorously disagree belief upon those who accept abortion by saying that "they
with the above statement concerning "abortions." This is could not have an abortion," would be as unjust as those
certainly a very sensitive and emotionaJ topic. I must stress who accept abortion, imposing their belief upon you by
that 1 do not wish to offend such individuals. My only intent saying that "you must have an abortion?"
is the rigorous pursuir ofTrurh andjustice. Perhaps you can now have greater respect and apprecia-
QUESTION: Whv do many religious individuals ha ve such tion for thoseJudges who demonstrate a custodianship of
an attitude concerning "abortion" ? the Power of the Honorable Court which strives to only
ANSWER: Because they were so taught and taughr not to serve Justice to the "People."
question. It is most importam, however, that the People and the
QUESTION: Have 1 been able to convince you that your news media apply safeguards to Judges to ensure that such
Mind is a precious, God-given gift which God expects Judges serve "Justice to the People" rather than serve
should be consistemly used to Question and pursue Truth? biases, prejudices, and/or special imerests.
QUESTION: Have you not been taught that God is
"merciful" ? I am certain your answer would be " Yes. "
QUESTION: Do you believe it likely thar a merciful God The judicial lnjustlces 1 have described must not be allowed to
would deliberately and intentionally cause children ro be contlnue unchecked by the U.S. Supreme Court and Congress. To
born in Ethiopia - only to live in misery for days, momhs, permit such injustice to occur would only constitute a signal to the
U.S. Patent Office that patent officials can lnltiata agalnst creatlve
or years and then to die of starvation?
individuals any form of injustice without fear of punishment. Such
QUESTION: Do you believe it likely that a merciful God injustica would only serve to discoúrage innovators from craatlng
would deliberately and intentionally cause children to be inventions which benefit ali humanlty.
born with severe mental and/or physical handicaps - 1arn also well awara of cartain individuals throughout the coun -
handicaps which cause great suffering for the children and try who hava copied my invention and who attempt to clalm the
invention as their own. lt is historically known that Glenn Curtiss
anguish for their parents?
attempted to steal the lnvantion of tha aeroplane from the Wright
QUESTION: Do you believe it likely that a merciful God Brothers. Fortunately, history has done justice to both the Wright
would deliberately and lntentionally cause children to be Brothers and Mr. Curtiss.
born tO parents who do not want them - or ro parents who 1 sincerely appeal to the people of thls country and tha world to
cannot support them and provide proper reachings, help stop Patent Offica/judlclal injustica and work to ensure that all
inventors and banefactors of humanity secure the fruits of thelr
guidance, hope, pride and /ove? A child born to such
labors. lf you truly care for such justice, then 1urgeyou towrlte your
parents would only experience a life of misery and hope- Senators, Representatives, as well as the President of tha Unitad
Jessness, as well as a life possibly devoid of skill and per- States - and clearly demand that justlce be served.
sonal pride in their ability to contribute to civilization. The injustice 1 have descrlbed would total/y discourage creative
Permit me to offer the following FACT for your qu.estion- individuals from pursuing Pioneering lnventions.
One individual, who has already publicly denounced my Pioneer-
íng and thinking consideration: lng Patent Appliation as worthless, has nevertheless attemptad to
FACT: Miscarriages or "natural abortions" which occur in staal my Patent Application rights by flllng a patant application
early pregnancy are generally the result of abnormal which utilizes my Tachnical Procass. Such nagative philosophy
development within the embryo or within the protective and destructiva action is fostared by the unjust actions of the U.S.
and nutritional structure derived from the trophoblast. Patent Office/judicial system, and only serves to further
discourage creative and pioneering individuals. lt Is the people
QUESTION: Do you think it possible that God (the Essence
who are the true victims of thls unjust process.
of Merey) has mercifully placed such an automatic govern- You - the people - have power. EXAMPLE: When lnjustlce to a Patent
ing mechanism in the female human body and in the em- Appllcation has occurred, your elected ofllclals In Congress have the power
bryo in order to prevent sorne of the above-described to dlrectly lssue that Patent.
misery from occurring? 1 sincerely ask you to question and think. Throughout hlstory,
when justice does not occur, rebelllon and in many instances anar-
QUESTION: Do you not think it possible that God (the
chy have resultad. In a quick and orderly tashion, you have the
Essence of Merey) instilled Merey within us as well as a power - by your vote and/or recall of elected officlals - to "alter
Questioning, Thinking Mind and Free Will? Is it possible or abolish" any form of government which Is or becomes unjust.
that God recognized that human action may be taken tO ter- Such a right, duty, and power was clearly statad by Congress on
mínate a potencial human being born into a life of physical July 4, 1776 in tha Declaration of lndependence and paid for by the
blood of many of our ancestors. To allow injustice to occur is a
and/or mental misery - a potential human being "missed"
mockery of the very essence of what America represents. Need 1
by God's "merciful and natural safeguard?" say more?
THOUGHT: Consider the possibility that the physical body
is not the essence of the "Soul" which remains in "limbo"
until the birth of the physical body. When the physical body
Chapter 26
" 1have always found that the honest truth of our own mind
has a certaln attractlon for every other mlnd that loves
truth honeslly."
- Thomaa Carl yle

As 1 conclude tbis final Cbapter, 1f eel a burden

lifted from my sboutders. In slightly more than two
Such a new, Single Language muse be based on "Con-
siscenc Logic" (similar to machematics) racher chan
mo nchs, 1 will be 49 years old. For nearly 50 years, I memorizacion and imprecísion. Prescnt languages are
have deeply cared for humanity and scrived to improve deficient in scrict logic and only serve to interfere with
che qualicy of life upon the planet. the creative processes one enjoys when wricing one's
For over 20 years, I have fought for you, the People, work. 1 wrice from experience. This new, Single
who are now alive or who are yet to be born. Language can be achieved if we "Question, Think,
Many of my closest friends have sincerely urged me to Create, and Act!"
include only copies relating to pure Sclence in my Book The young children chroughouc the world who are
rather than these other numerous subjects. My friends taught such a new, Single Language will automatically
are concerned thac you, "the People," wlll dismiss ali of feel ctoser and less suspicious of che children of other
my work if you become offended by any subject that 1 councries. When such children become adults, they will
have discussed. be more eager to talk, sbare, solve, care, and produce
I told my friends that I fully recognize this possibility, " Peace, Love, and Goodness. "
and yet it does not deter me in any way. The reason is 1 have provided for che world a Unified Field Technol-
simple. 1 am not promoting ]oseph Newman.I 1 ampro- ogy and a New Energy lnnovation which I sincerely
moting you, "the People, " and urging you to recognize believe - if used creatively - wlll do more to generare

"I have provided for the world a Unified Field Technology anda New Energy Innovation
which I sincerely believe - if used creatively - will do more to generate World Peace than the
efforts of ali tbe Kings, Queens, Presidents, Dictators, etc., who have ever lived."

the "Sieeping lion" tbat líes within you. 1 urge you to stir World Peace than the effons of ali che Kings, Queens,
yourselj, "Awaken, " and begin to Question, 1hink, and Act Presidents, Dictators, etc., who have ever lived.
to produce "7RUTH " which equals "Goodness." But for this to occur, it is imperative that we teach our
I believe in you, "the People, " more than you believe young children to Cherish and Use the Natural Birthright
in yourselves. of their Questioning Minds - and always, yes, always,
We have been given a most precious gift: a Powerful seek che Pursuit of Abso~ute Truth which equals
Mind capable of Quescioning, Reasoning, Thinking, Goodness.
Creating, Loving, being Merciful, Accing, Seeking, and The energy technology 1 have innovated when com-
Producíng Absolute Truth, which equals Goodness! bined with the "Merger of Economics and Mechaniza-
So, teach your young children and stimulace their tion" will result in a most beneficia! working life and
curiosity - chis will do more toward producing a Meaningful lije for ali humanity. I can envision the time
" meaningful, happy life" for your children chan ali the when you, the " People," will only need to work no
dogma you received via a non-educational process of more than one hour a week (and possibly less) to
memorization: achicve the material things of life necessary to enjoy an
1 have been discussing the " happiness," the "well- adequate physical exlstence for your famlly.
being," and the "future" of our children and of children There are those unthinking Doomsaycrs who will
yet to be born. To achieve and ensure these desirable blindly state that " If people only necd to work an hour
goals, 1 warmly recommend chat a Single Language be or less each week to live, then such people will become
developed and taught on a worldwide basis to supple- worthless. ''
menc conventional languages. This new, Single l shout in response: NOT SO! I see the Truth of what I
Language muse be independent of any other known write via the " twinkling of the eyes" of our young
language in che world. children - especially those who are five years old or
less. Such young childrcn need not work to Jive. Yet We are composed of the same Gyroscopic, Electro-
such children are consistently motivated to " Learn, Un- magnetic Energy thoughour che Universe, and the fluc-
derstand, Improve, Please," and most of ali to " Love." cuations of such energy affect us physically and mentally.
1 shout the following: Take this natural 13irthright, This indicates that a new electromagnetic mechanism
stimulate it, and nurture it to maturity! can be developed and installed within a human habitar
If chis is done, thcn whatever profession our "youth" or carried on a person which would be physioiogically/
pursut:, they wiu strive to achieve a result which will be psychologically beneficia!. [It should be obvious to the
bcncifical to themselves and the beholdcr (the People). individual who assumes the responsibility for such a
If chíldren so stimulated become adules that only need device that the effects of electromagnetic energy can be
co work an hour or less a week for conventional necessi- beneficia! or harmful, depending upon how employed.]
ties - then such an adult with a "Stimulared, Natural I have endeavored ro increase your awareness thar your
Birthright" would consistently be productive, creative, " brain" is a Powerful Electromagnetic Generator, as wcll
and generate meaningful endeavors. Such endeavors as a Receiver of Elecrromagneric Waves. Your only Umita-
would result in even greater beauty and significance to tion is the limitacion you place upon yourself. It is mo r e
the beholder (the People). Such pleasing results consis- than li.kely that an y thing you can imagine is possiblel
tencly enjoyed by the beholder (che People) would only I envision space cravel becoming commonplace wichin
further stimulare che People ro be consrructive for twenty years. There will be a continuous Source of
one another. Energy and the ability ro travel co other Solar Syscems at
If People have been taught what is truly important in the speed of light or possibly /aster.* ( •1 have given chis
life, rhen they will realize that caring and sharing for the subjecc much thought and I have developed a techno-
benefit of others - and not material acquisition - can logical hyporhesis for che means to achieve speeds ex-
only bring happiness. ceeding chat for light.]
I speak from years of experience. I truly physically There will be an end to environmental pollution caused
and mental/y hurt when I see People suffer misery, by processes involving coal, oil, gas, or nuclear fuels.
despair, and unhappiness! I smile when I see People Desercs can be cransformed into "oases." Salt water
"smile, care, !ove, share, are consrructive and produce can be readily and inexpensively converced into fresh
Goodness." water with the extracted minerals being used produc-
1 am smiling now, because 1 can envision che positive tively. And on and on!
results for the People of che future who are educated as 1 repeat - I am made humble by the realization of

"1 am made humble by the realization of the Ingenious Workings of Our Universe."
I have described. If 1 have succeeded to any degree in the Jngenious Workings o/ Our Universe. I strive co
contributing to that "Goodness" of the Future, then I bestow in the reader' s mind the visions of grandeur and
sense a deep, inner peace which is beyond ali worldly, excitement which I see so clearly for the future. Such
material wealth. Even ar chis inscant, I smile peacefully visions lie within our immediate grasp and especially the
and warmly with tears in my eyes f or tbe young cbil- grasp of our young children.
dren o/ the world who are yet to be born. I now conclude twenty years of my life's work. 1 hope
With all of my inner-being, I speak to ali young that I will contribute even more in years to come.
children: "You can accomplish anything - anything - Remember, if 1 think you " hurt," then 1 hurt for you. If
to whicb you wish to apply your Powerful Mind. '' I think you "smile," then I smile with you.
It does not seem improbable to me chat the gyro- I send my love to you and I hope you will "mulriply"
scopic energy comprising electrical and magnetic fields your /ove to others.
of matter -in-motion can be utilized in the proper I conclude chis Book wich a note from my wricings
mathematical combinations and proportions to create dated Friday, 9:00 PM, April 19, 1968:
any substance in tbe Universe.
It does not seem improbable to me that "aging" and "To ali peoples whose brain burns and aches to
"disease" can be fully controlled and reversed via this accomplish great things and changes for the good,
same energy. may God and/or the Goodness of che Universe be
How is che human body composed and how does it with you. For you are the Goodness of che Universe
funccion? - by Eleccromagnetic, Gyroscopic Energy! and do good for people in spite of themselves. And I
It does not seem improbable to me thac che mind is salute you!
fully capable of feats rhat have yer to even be imagined.
The physical basis of E.S.P. may be easily explained joseph Westley Newman
by the laws of electromagnetic induction. Lucedale, Mississippl
I am quite certain thar the entities which I have April 21, 1985
worked on throughout my life will be "toys" to future
children and are very likely already coys to children in-
habiring other Solar Syscems.
Note: Page 282 is intentionally blank
(The items discussed below have bcen to che Second Edicion.)

l. Scv<.:ral readers of che First Edition havc rcquested configuracion would be incapabie of causing thc rotation
grcat<:r c.letail concerning test 1'1-F on page 17. The of the 700 lb. magnct as shown in photograph 15-Cl, on
following rcprcsencs the requested information : pagc 21.

The rcason test 14-F convinced me that copper is 14-F4. If the conduct0r is extremely long as in photo-
"cxtremely magnctic' · is thc very fact that 1 do not ac- graph 15-C 1, page 21, then thc 700 lb. magnet will
ccpt the hclicf that one can "get somcthing from ab- rotatc. REASON: There are vast numbers of aligned atoms
solutdy nothing." Test 14- F clearly provcd that a force wlthin the conductor which weigh thousands of
was bcing produccd and exertcd bctwcen the wires of pounds.
Figu re l 4-F2. For any force w cxist, therc muse be Wlth such a configuration, che 700 lb. magnct will no t
em:rgy particlpation, i. e., tht: cncrgy muse b<.: released on ly rotare and produce "Obvious Work," bue rhe vast
from a :,ourcc and this energy must be accounced for. aligned atoms of che massivc coil will release gyroscoptc
The rcsults of test 14-F clcarly toid me that the addi- fJGlrtfcles, i. e., eleetrlcal encrgy output whose current
tio11al e11e1·f01 of this force was not accounced for by the now opposes che inpuc current from che battery into the
cicctricai cncrgy input from the battery . massi ve coil.
Sincc my prior work had enabled me co mechanically One should note, however, thac the release of the
undcrstand the essence of magnetisrn, i.e., atom aiign- gyroscopic parcicles from thc atoms o f che massive coll
mcnt anc.I the subsequent release of gyroscopic particles and from the atoms of the rocating 700 lb. magnet oc-
(rcprcscntlng the mechanical essencc of E = MC2) to curs a/ter che "Fact" of che inltiai minute input currem
generare an electromagnerlc fidd, I immcdiacely from the battery. The small input current represents che
rccognized that che additional cncrgy whlch produced llydraulic Pressure Effect (Volrnge) origlnating from the
this Unohvious Force had to originatc from che awms of atoms of rhe battery. Simply pul: The 700 lb. magnet
che copper conductor. Consequcncly, J realízed that rocaces a/ter the atoms of che masslve coi! aligo which
while copper is excremeiy magnccíc, íc is also align after che "Facc" of che lnltlal Input or " Hydraulic
mechanically different from eonvcntíonal magnecic Pressure" (voicage) from che bauery. The proper ciming
materials such as iron, etc. of the hydraulic pressure (voltage) co fire/not to fire via a
If one simply examines the Facts, such a recognition commutat0r results in 100% converslon of matter into
of copper's magnecic nature should he easy to grasp. energy in accordance with E - MC2. The system also
produces energy at the moment that the Hydraullc
Pressure (voltage) from che battery Is broken and the
FIGURE 14·F3 atoms of the massive coil become unaligned, i.e., a col-
lapsing magnetic ficld induces additional current.
Severa! readers have also asked: "How do the con-
ductor's atoms align in order to cause a magnetlc fieid to
encircle che conductor? "
(Refer to Figure 14-BI on page 15 and Figure 25-P on
page 77.]
ANSWER: The atoms of a conductor (which is normally
a rounded copper wire) align in a circular configuration.

EXPLANATION: This Fact can be demonstrated by plac-

If one shorts out a battery via a short conductor as in ing small magnets in a circle around a non-magnetic tube
Figure 14·F3, the result will be high current or " high composed of plascic, rubber, ecc., in order to creare a hol-
power output" into che conductor. However, such a low-shaped clise. Using a thread, one should hang the disc
configuratlon would produce a very weak magnetic 3-6 inches above che larger magnet. One will observe
field. REASON: There are very few aligned acoms (Iess that the magnetic clise aligns w ich its cencer at right angles
than 1 ounce) within che conductor. Moreover, such a to the larger magnet as shown in Figure 14-Bla:
FIGURE 14-811

/ /

------ -
........ MAGNETIC

" '\
/ \
I \ \
1 l
/ I
I /

/ /
----- ------... .........,
A compass moved
around a uniform
Three-dlmenslonal view


/ /
I /
- - '
1,.. - '

' \
' \
" '\
magnetlc dlsc would
duplicate t he observad
effects of movlng a

....... - ....
/ compass around a volt·
I ' , ____ / 1 \ \ energizad (hydraullc

--- - ,_.,,.

J 1
1 \
pressure} conductor.

\ \
' ........ / / / /
\ \ '- ...... I
\ _. / / /
' " / / /

This fact c learly explains why a magnet aligns at righc To "open che readcr's mind, " l present the following
angles to a current-carrying conductor and why a con- photograph and dcscription from page 102 of the TIME-
ductor aligns at right angles to a magnetic field. l.IFE Book encicled Plc111et Eartb: STORM.
One should also realize from Figure 14-Bla that if
numerous magnetíc discs were placed side by side, one
would have a cylindrically-shaped rod ( onmrnmm >) -
similar to a conductor rod or wire - which would align
itself at right angles to a magnetic field. Or, viewed from
another perspective, the magnetic fie ld would be aligned
at right angles to the cylindrically-shaped rod. This fact
is further verification of statement 25-0(3) o n page 76 as
well as the entire discussion o n pagcs 76 -79 concerning
the gyroscopic-particle-plane of mattcr.
11. ADDITIONAL WEAT HER DISCUSSION (see pgs. 144 - 153)
Recently, l observed and experienced Hurricane Elena
whose seemingly erratic path of movement over a period
of several days complecely baftled conventional weather
experts. As a result of such movement, such experts read-
ily admitted on local news broadcasts that they had no
idea where Elena would finally land o n the Gulf Coast.
As a rcsult of che weather experrs' inability to accu- In this August 1974 satellite photograph, the twin Pacific
hurricanes Kirsten (top right) and lone (bottom left) are
rately predict landfall, inhabitancs o f the Gulf Coast from linked by clouds as the hurricanes pinwheel about each
Florida to Texas became extremely concerned over uncer- other in a counterclockwise direction.
tain and conflicting weather repons. In fact, many inhabi-
tants of Florida were tocally caughc o ff-guard due to an QL' ESTION: How do the hurricanes atcract one ano thcr
abrupt and seemingly "unpredictable" sharp turn of Hur- and why do they not come togcther? (The two hurricanes
ricane Elena towards the western Florida coast. One of began attracting one anocher at separation distances up
these was a personal friend of mine in Fort Myers whose to 900 miles, chus proving that the "attraction force'" is
young son was camped with others on an island off the no ticeable.)
Florida coast. My friend thanked me for c:illing him at
2a.m. to inform him that Hurricanc Elena was nearby. ANSWER: Understand thcir el ectr o magnetic naturc!
It is with concern for the " people" that 1 stress that Study carefully Chaptcr 3. p<1ge 13, beginning with thc
caring weather expens must master my teachings and first paragraph in the left column and ending at the bor·
combine this knowledge wich convencional meteorology. tom right column.
This would enable weather experts to predict more ac-
curately hurricane landfall and satisfactorily explain che You will note in Figure l!>·H l that che cnds of two bar
erratic paths often assumed by such storms. magnets placed N to S to one anothcr will attract onc an·
other. When the same two magnets are shifted stdeways with respect to one another, repulston will result.
You will also note in Figure I3-H2 that the ends of two bar magnets p laced N to N to one another wilJ repel one
another. When the same two magnets are sbifted sideways with respect to one another, a ttraction will result.
If the reader has Mas te red my teachings then it shoLild be obvious that the Pacific Pinwheel Cyclones represent electro-
magnetic phenomena.
Let's consider the view that the Pinwheel Cyclones have identical polarity orientation upon the Earth 's surface, i.e., a
South to South and North to North polarity orientation.
Consider the fact that the Earth' s surface is curved - a curvature even noticeable on the seas ata distance of only 12
miles. Consequently, there would be very noticeable curvarure between two points on the Earth 's surface separated by a
distan ce of 900 miles.

(The S or N poles of the hurricanes are

arbitrary deslgnations.) With respect to one ano1her, the magnetic poles ot Wlth respect to one another, the magnetic poles of
the t wo hurricanes are shi fted off center or side·to the two hurricanes are now equat in latitude to one

---- N
FIGURE 13·H3 side because of latitude dilferences.
\ ~~ ,,,
,~ ~


s s s
Visuallze hurrlcanes and storms upon
the Earth's surface as giganlic, cylindri· The net attraction of two hurricanes is The net repulslon of two hurricanes is
c al magnets whose electromagnetic dueto a dlfference in latitudes. due to a simllarity in latitudes.
fields interact with one another.

Observe in Figure 13-H3 that the Pinwheel Cyclones are located at different latitudes upon the Earth's surface. Conse-
quently, their S to S magnetic repulsion effect has been shifted to the side of one another (as the bar magnets in Figure
13-H2) causing a net attraction. If the two Pinwheel Cyclones continue to attract one another to the point of latitude
similarity, then repulsion would result and separation would be maintained.
It should become obvious to the reader thar the electromagnetic effects of srorms will need to be carefully studied in
addition to pertinent meteorological data.
Let's return to Hurricane Elena.

STORM .............. . STORM



(1) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, August 28 (2) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, August 29

(3) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985. Auaust 30 (4) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, August 31

(5) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, September 1 (6) VISIBLE LIGHT - 1985, Seotember 2
- 1 ~-~'-.....""""""

(A) INFRARED LIGHT - 1985, August 31 (B) INFRARED LIGHT - 1985, September 1

(1) Hurricane Elena enters the Gulf of Mexico. (2) Hurrlcane Elena moves lowards lhe Mobile Bay area. (Another storm system beglns to
develop over Georgia and Soulh Carolina.¡


(3) Hurricane Elena continuas to move towards Mobile Bay. (Storm system contlnues to (4) Hurricane Elena moves towards FLA coast because il is electromagnetically attracted
strengthen In intensity over Georgia and Soulh Carolina.¡ lo lhe storm system over So. Caroli na and offshore Allanllc Ocean area. The dlfference In
lalilude of the two storm systems causes lhem 10 etectromagne11ca11y attract one anotner.


(5) The So. Carolina storm system drops towards a latllude more equal lo lhat of Hur- (6) Slorm syslem over lhe Allanlic Ocean now weakens and Hurricane Elena resumes lts
rlcane Elena whlch now slalls off lhe FLA coas!. The slmllarlty in latitudes of the two earlier northweslward course lowards the Mississippi Gulf Coast area.
slorm systems causes them lo begin to electromagnetically repel one anolher.

(A) lnfrared light depicts Hurricane Elena eteclromagnellcally coupled 10 the o ther (B) lnfrared light deplcts the Atlantic Ocean storm system beginning to lower itself to a
storm system. lalltude which is c loser to the lalilude of Hurricane Elena. This precipita tesan electromag·
nelic repulslon effect between the two storm systems.

At one point during its forward motion in the Gulf of study an abbreviated, basic, electrical engineering course
Mexico, Hurricane Elena became electromagnetically and to "Master" what 1 have taught. This knowledge,
coupled to a cloud formation having intense storm ac- combined with conventional meteorology will enable
tivity on its northern end. These formations were clearly such professionals to be more confident and present
depicted in photographs taken by satellites. more accurate instructions to those whose life and pro-
During the time Hurricane Elena abruptly moved perty may depend upon correct meteorological data.
towards the Florida coast, the cloud formation extended But as 1 have taught in this book, 1 have no doubt that
over parts of Florida, South Carolina, and North Carolina in future years, the weather will be created and controlled
with heavy thunderstorms in the northeastern portion. at will!
At one point, a high pressure front from the northwest
swung down and "pushed" the north end of the cloud
formation into the Atlantic Ocean. The storm activity
within the cloud formation decreased and the cloud for-
mation became placed in a closer latitude to that of Hur-
ricane Elena.
Just as the anraction force between the Pinwheel
Cyclones becomes reduced when their respective lati-
tudes become similar, so did the attraction between Hur-
ricane Elena and the cloud formation become reduced as
the storm activity decreased within the cloud formation.
When this occurred, Hurricane Elena was easily affected
by conventional air currents and assumed a northwest-
ward course. It should be recognized, however, that
such air currents are generated by electromagnetic ac-
tivity as well as temperature variances.
As further evidence of the electromagnetic effect of
hurricanes, l presem the fact that hurricanes normally
form 10 º to 30 º North or South of the Earth 's equat0r.
Correlate this fact with the fact that Sunspot activity
forms 5 ° to 35 º North or South of the Sun's equator
(see page 145) .
This correlation proves that hurricane spin formation
is not the result of the Earth's spinning u pon its axis.
The greatest speed of the Earth's rotation is at its
equator. Yet the equatorial region of the Earth is not the
breeding ground of hurricanes and is generally devoid of
hurricane formation.
The regions of hurricane formation are very likely
related to the plane of the Earth's magnetic equator
which acts as a " block wall" (í.e., Iow-level, electromag-
netic activity) in a convemional magnet. A globe of Earth
examined with respect to that magnetic axis generally
correlates with the absence or presence of hurricane ac-
tivity. (The Earth's magnetic equator is approximately an
11Y2°- 12 ° angle with respect to the Earth's true equator.]
1 am convinced that the seemingly unpredictable move-
ments of hurricaóes are electromagnetically induced.
Such movemems are capable of being mechanically un-
derstood and accurately p redicted if a proper under-
standing of electromagnetism is achieved by responsible
1 urge rneteorologists ro cake chis discussio n seriously.
1 am discussing the saving of life, property, and the
reduction of mental anxiety for those individuals who
have been subjected to those who meteorologically cry
"wolf" when there is no "wo1r· as well as when there is
no warning and the "wol f" suddenly and unexpectedly
appears at their door.
We must encourage professional metcorologists to
TllE t:N F.HCY :\ 1ACI ll NE 01' J OSEl'll :-.IEWMAN

H ha~ becn recommended that 1 prcscnt an extended discussion conccrning super-conducting materials and cryogenic
magncts. The following discussion of super-conducting designs is from a Occlaration s ubmiued to che U.S. Patent Office
on April 8, 1982:

··By way of cxample as to how someone skillcd in an art may proceed in a way in which thesc examiners may
nor be skillcd , applicant will turn to the are of cyrogenic tempcrature.
Applicant will clemonstratc h0\>. easily someom: skilled in thc art of cryogenics, once mastering the

teac:bi11µ,s r~/ bis inl'e11tion, could casily put forrh another embodimcnt of his invention; but which would still
be following applicanc 's earncsl and dctailecl teachings and instruccions relative to the Spccificacion of his ex-
tremcly pionccring invemion. l IO\\' C\'Cf, ir would not be obvious ro chose not skilled in effects of cryogenic
By way of cxample:

Find auached copies of tt:sr n:sulls (Exhibir A) by other scientists, that when coupled with applicanc's
teachings and disclosurcs, provcs thc above dcvicc will work- if indeed niobium tin alloy instantly becomes a
formidable magnet when immc.:rscd in liquid helium and also instantly bereft of its potency when pulled from
its icy bath as these other scicncists state happens. Applicanr is taking their word this result does happen,
because he has not run the test himself.
This embodiment would work efficicntly in Space. hecausc you have extreme temperaturc differences
relative to onc side of an object facing the sun and the opposite sicle protected from the sun.
You will note, chis energy releasc (Magnecic field) from the acoms of a mass in this case, are the result of a
decrease of cnergy in the mass, and thac the disappearance of chac energy release (Magnecic field) from that
mass, is thc result of increased energy inpuc inco that mass. Sce pages ODI9 through DD20 of the Scientific
The Jack of mechanical understanding of a magnetic field, acoms, and matter is exemplified by the attached
picturcs (Exhibit A) showing che technician holding a 3 Yi pound Scillson wrench, which is being attracted by a
cryogenic magnet at the elite Avco-Everett Laboratories. The lack of understanding and the amazemenc, ex-
citement, and curiosity are mirrored in the Technician 's R_yes for ali of poscerity to see.
Contrary to this, the detailed mechanical understanding and tcachings of applicant's Specification are ex-
emplificd within the vast disclosures for ali of posterity to scc.
As applicanc has airead y taught and disclosed in great detail in the patent application and its important scien-
tific documenc, random atom motion slows down in materials placed in liquid helium because of temperature
decrease and result in atom alignmenc occurring-thereby rclcasing their electromagnetic makeup in accor-
dance with E= MC2. See pages 0019 chrough page 0021 of sciencific document! Also see first paragraph of
Abstract of the Disclosure of patcnc application on page 1, and ali of pages 6 and 7, and firsc two lines of page 17
of patent application. Also see lines 16 through 26 of page 29 of patent application. Also see Iines 20 through 33
of page 35 and ali of page 36 of patent application.

Nloblum tin on rotatable wheel · No. 1

VACUUM Rotatable wheel and shaft · No. 2
llquld hellum · No. 3

\ llquld hellum No. 3 is completely

closed off In container No. " and <lA; No.
4A Is made of copper so that when
Nloblum tln No. 1 touches between the
rlbs 4A, temperature instantly drops In
No. 1 and magnetlc field results, and Is
pulled toward constant magnetlc fleld
5, and Is pulled away from rlbs 4A and ENDVIEW
enters rlbs 7, whlch is also copper and
5 leads to warm source outslde of Oewar Flask. This causes
temperatura to lnstantly rise in No. 1 and magnetlc field dlsappears,
but followlng No. 1 Is now pulled into rlbs 4A and results In con·
tinuous rotation motion of hlgh torque of Shaft and Wheel No. 2.
No. 8 are all lnsulators.
3 Fixed Niobium tin or magnetlc lron or etc. · No. 5
Closed container of liquid helium 11 nloblum tln is used · No. 6
Oewar flask

In the above drawing, the atoms of niobium tin No. 1 inscantly aligo when touching ribs No. 4A of liquid
helium No. 3 of closed top container No. 4 and 4A, thereby releasing a magnetic field (E = MC2), which then in-
teracts and attracts with the magnetic field coming from fixed magnetic field mass No. 5 (again, E= MC2);
therefore, the gyroscopic particles of the two separare magnecic field masses attract together as explained in
great detail in the Oisclosure Oocument. See pages 0023 through 0024.
However, the atoms of niobium tin No. 1 immediately disorientace when attractecl out of ribs 4A of liquid
helium and pulled into warm ribs No. 7 causing its magnetic field to disappear; but now the following No. 1 is
now pulled into ribs 4A of liquid helium and the technical process then instamly occurs again: thereby a con-
tinuous, fase and strong rotation of Wheel and Shaft No. 2 will result because of the continuous flipping of align-
ment and non-alignment of the atoms (E = MC 2) of the niobium tin units attached ro outer edge of rotatable
wheel and shaft No. 2. This design can easily be adapted to Space, where extreme tempera tu re differences can
easily be maintained.
This is very similar to the effects of acom flipping and causing atom alignment and non-alignment in
Figures 5 and 6 of the Third Embodimem already expllained in detail as an example of the Technical Process
which applicant has earnestly and dedicatedly taught and disclosed in great mechanical detail in the·pacent ap-
plication and its important scientific documenc. In boch cases, energy input into a mass is alternaced, as to direc-
tion or amount.
This obvious embodiment is still only anocher example of the Technical Process which applicant has
already taught. 'That the energy in a magnetic field is the energy that makes up the atoms of the material fro·m
which che magnecic field comes, and thac it is literally Einscein's equation of E = MC 2 and therefore the energy
moves ac C.' That if you can cause the atoms of a material co align and disalign ac your will, E = MC 2 will be
released at your will. But how is this done? Simple - by varying mechanical meaos of causing atom alignment:
applying or not applying pressure, force, or heat, or electrical or magnetíc input, or by decreasing or increasing
normal atom random motion or atom alignment. By varying or reversing those mechanical steps, che magnetic
field coming from a Mass will exist or not exist or reverse direction.
Also, by meaos of applying the proper force at the proper angle to the gyroscopic type energy particles
movi(ilg in a magnetic field, E= MC2 will be released at will.
The point is - while these cryogenic resulcs would not be obvious to an examiner noc skilled in
cryogenics, chese results would be obvious to those who were skilled in cryogenics and mastered the appli-
cant's Specification! Applicant is sure that there are already other materials and experiments now existing in ex-
Otic labs, that he does not know about, but which will be obvious to others so skilled; that those materials and
experiments will be easily applicable to che vastness of what applicant has so earnestly taught and disclosed,
once applicant's teachings and disclosures are mastered by those so skilled.
Applicant has taught a diligent, wide, Mechanical, and Technical Process of releasing energy from Mass or
a Magnetic Fielct. Applicant has even taught the incorrectness ofprior teachings: from the ceachings concerning
Work, Force and Power, to the Three Laws of Thermodynamics, to the teachings that a magnetic field
represents only potential work and no kinetic work, to the ' whys' of conventional electrical production, and
to the 'whys' of gravity and the motions of planets and stars. Applicant has mechanically explained matter, in-
ertia, heat, magnecic fields, electricity, and much more - ali of 'Yhich has been always directed toward a single
goal of releasing a new source of energy from Matter by a Technical Process which he could teach to others and
for the well-being of all generations to come.
Applicant has indeed taught a diligent, wide, Mechanical, and Technical Process of releasing energy from a
Mass ora Magnetic Field. This has been earnestly taught in the Specification and its important scientific docu-
ment of the patent application of applicant's extremely pioneering invention.
The sincere effort of applicant is in the file wrapper for all of posterüy to see and to judge. Therefore, in ac-
cordance with the Supreme Court's prior actions and the intent of Congress, and as an assured incentive for
future inventors, applicant feels he is most certainly entitled to very broad coverage and interpretation of the
genius and labors of his many years of diligent work, which will so greatly benefit his fellow human beings.
The undersigned further declares that all statements made herein ofthe undersigned's own knowledge are
true and that ali statements made on information and belief are believed to be true; and, further, that these
st:uements were made with the knowledge that willful false statements and the like so made are punishable by
fine or imprisonment, or both, under Section 1001 Title 18 of the United States Code and that such willful false
statements may jeopardize the validity of the application or document or any registration thereon."

7 April 1982 ]oseph Westley Newman

lt is1ú ncccssary to h:1\'C.: currcnt travc::ling in to thc dcsign hcc:1usc" hcnl'\'L·r thc coil hccomcs su1x·r<.·onduning i1 '' ill
instantly ha\'c currcnt i nc.luccc.I into it hy the stationary, cryogcnic magnl't.



In the left photograph, Bell Laboratory physists are about to
immerse a small cyl inder of niobium-lin alloy in liquid
hel ium, causing t he cylinder to become a formidable magnet
w itl'l a strength of 24,000 gauss. Al t houg h an excellent metal
for superconduct ing magnets, niobium-tin becomes instan!·
ly bereft of its potency when pulled from the icy bath.


In the photograph below, a single magnet demonstrates a
considerable magnetic field when placed inside a Dewar
flask of liquid helium at the Avco-Everett Laboratories in
Everett, Massachusetts. [Each metal paper cli p hangs freely
from a tack upon the board.]


In the left photograph, the same magnet used with the 221
paper clips now demonstrats its pull upon a 3V2-pound
monkey wrench. The pull upon the wrench is so great that a
grimacing technician exerts his pull u pon the cord tied to the
handle of the wrench to prevent it from clanking against the
Dewar flask. Such magnets exert their considerable pull
without the assistance of a single watt of electricity.

Thc n:ac.lcr can clcarly sce that thc c xprcssion on thc facc of 1hc tcchnician holding tlll· ~ti llson \\'n.:nch :ll a right angk to
thc cryogcn ic magnet , suys il oll.'
T he cryogen ic magnet dernonstration clcarl y proves thc following tO thc questioning rnind:

Th e produced m agne tic fie ld o r ig in ates from th e atoms o f th e co nductor. llowever , the fi e ld originates from the a to m s of
a s upe r conducto r and not from th e curre n t inpute d into th e su percon ductor!
TllE ENE R(;Y MAClllNI' 01' J OSEl'l I Nl!WMAN
IV. MAGNETIC MO TOR/ PUMP speed o f atom unalignment and releascs greater energy
output with respect to energy input. (With increased
I have also developed a reciprocating magnetic motor h yctraulic pressure [voltage), the commutator discs
whose design is based upon the same principies which I should be further increased in number.)
have disclosed in this book. Refer to pho tograph 15-C2 The fo llo wing is a commutato r example for a recipro-
o n page 36. My reciprocating magnetic moto r has a differ- cating mo to r design:
ent mechanical design from the energy machine pictured
in I 5-C2 since a cylindrical magnet has been placed inside Reclprocating Commutator Deslgn
the coi! in o rder to generate a reciprocating motion.
In thls new configuration, the electricity is taken off
the magnets themselves vía (1) one conductor through a INSULATOR
load to ground, (2) one wire taken o ff o ne terminal of n n
tlie battery through a load to ground, and (3) a load
hooked across the coi! itself. In addition to the electrical
o utput o f the system, one must also consider the recip-
rocating wo rkload of the magnets themselves.
This design could be a magnetic pump in which the
In tc rms of reducing spark seve rity for a given coil at
permanent magnet is both a motor piste n and pump, the GAP separating the brush and commutator, tests
pisten capable of pumping numero us types of fluids for havc.: dcmonstrated to my satisfaction that there is a
commercial production and slmultaneously generating mathematical relationship between the hydraulic pres-
electricity fo r commercial utilizatio n! surc (voltage) and che number of times the hydraulic
pressure (vo ltage) muse be " broken" by mechanical o r
V. ELIMINAT I ON OF UNDESIRABLE othe r switching mechanisms. Such additional " breaks"
COMM UTATOR SPARKING increase the overall distance the spark travels in a given
I refer the readcr to my d iscussion of undcsirable instant o f time while distributing this distance o ver a
commutator sparking and air ionizatio n on page 69 , left greater number o f individual but smaller GAPS.
column, second paragraph, which starts with the 1 have no doubt chat the abovc designs will facilitate
heading "EXAMPLE OF ANOTHER DESIGN," rapid production o f co mmercial units. With such com-
Slnce the Firsc Edition was published, l have inno- mutator dcsigns u tilizing appro ximately 100 firing
vated an advanced design which will eliminate che dam- " breaks," one can easily increase the hydraulic pressure
aging sparking effecrs of che earlier commutator designs. to 100,000 volts (or greater) w ith a properly insulated





Revolving Commutator Design

In Figure 22-N the commutato r and brushcs can simp- coil. llowever, numerous e ne rgy-consuming deviccs
ly be multipled two or three times over che o riginal would need to be connected into the syscem to absorb
commucaco r as depicted in the commutato r p ho t0graphs che coil's high energy production.
on page 64. The commutato r pictured in Figure 22-N has With such an impro\'ement in commutator design,
eight b reaks and fires simultaneously such chac the GAP produccion units of che cnergy machinc can be builc im-
distance the spark has ro travd is mulciplied b y a factor mediately by those ind ividuals who have mastered my
of eight. Such a mechanical configur:.itio n multiplies the ccachings.!
VI. ACCEPTANCE WITHOUT RECOGNITION gigantic electromagnetic energy machine composed of
It has become apparent that the "scientific community" uncountable numbers of gyroscopic entities which
is beginning to accept my teachings without providing rnechanically interact to generate ali observable
recognition of the fact chat 1 developed over twenty phenomena.
years ago my knowledge concerning the electromagnetic From the evidence I have presented in this book and
field nature of che universe. Such a Jack of recognition the extensive evidence 1 have contained within my files
will lrnpede their understanding of the greater implica- and diaries, I would also hope that the reader recognizes
tions o f my teachings. the fact that 1 have pioneered the development of these
The following are several quotations fro m individuals concepts over twenty years ago. If there is justice in o ur
featured in an article entitled " Much Ado About Nothing" Universe, then 1 can o nly ask that credit be given where
in the)une 1985 issue of D!SCOVER, pages 76-80: due. Proper credit would further stimulate not only this
inventor but ali future inventors for the betterment of
'' 'Now we believe that the entire universe is nothing the human race.
but a field theory, ' says Harvard physicist Sidney
Coleman. ''

" 'Imagine that the en tire universe was permeated witb

a constant magnetic field, 'Frank Wilczek suggests.
'You would notice certain things that you couldn 't
explain unless you assumed the presence of the field.
The Higgs field is similar to that situation. We see
things - tbe particle masses - that we can 't ex-
plain, and assuming the presence of tbe Higgs field
explains them. ' lf you couldn 't get rid of this
my thical magnetic field, it would be part o.f what you
had left when you took everything e/se away. In
other words, it would be part of the structure of the

" Says (MIT physicist Alan) Gutb, 'People are talking

about questions tbat fi1 1e years ago were considered
outside physics.'

Thc following are cwo qL1otations from an article by

Eric ]. Lcrner entitled, " Magnetic Whirlwinds" in che
July 1985 issue of SCIEl\'CE DIGEST, page 26:

" /11the summer of 1984, astronomers using the \!LA

radio telescopes iu Nei.o Mexico obserued filaments
of gas arcing far aboue the gatactic pia ne. These
twisting spirals appeared to be held top,ether by a
magnelic.field, formi11g a magnetic w/Jirlwind
stretc:hing across perbaps 500 ligbt-years. The
disc<J1'e1~v. ilself siµ, 11ifica11t, a/so added to tbe grou•-
i11g el'Ídence tbat sucb magnetic t•ortices play a ma-
jor role in the uniuerse - an idea gi11e11 lillle weight
1t11til recently. As Antbony Peratt. a plasma physicist
at Los A/amos National Lahoratory , comments, 'Jt
looks more and more that magnetism plays as im-
portan/ a par/ in tbe cosmos as gral'itation. · "

Pe ratt continues:

" lt looks like gral'itati011 alone is not the whole story

- il looks like ita/so takes magnetism to make the
wli1•erse the tl'ay it is nou'. "

1 would hope that the readcr of my book has

undersrood the fact ti th<.: entire Uni verse n.:presents a
¿<) .~

TllF l'NrnCY MAC lll NE 01'.JO!->El' ll NE\X' MAN

VII. SPACE \X'ARPAGE tio n of space warpage is incorrect, simply conduce the
The following question has been raised: " Why isn' t following test:
gravitation simply defined as che warpage of 'Space'
caused by a mass simply being in that 'Space'?" In pos-
ing such a question, reference is madc to Albert
Einstein 's view that if a heavy object is placed on an A B
elastic plane, then the heavy object will creatc an inden-
tion in the elastic plane causing any smaller objccts in
the larger objecc's vicinity to move down towards the
lower indentio n area.

It is not surprising to this author that at the time Albert Fill two equal-sized glasses with an equal amount of
Einstein proposed such a view of space warpage to ex- liquid as shown in Figures A and B. Lo wer a large anda
perts in the domain of Magnetism and Electrical Theory, small mass into glass B. You will observe that the leve!
such cxpercs totally rejected Einstein 's mechanicallpic- of liquid has risen in glass B. However, you should also
torial space warpage hypothesis when he attempted to ap- observe that the liquid equally surrounds both the large
ply it to their area of clectromagnetic theory. and the small mass. There will be no vacuum or indenta-
However, the brain-damaging (soiling) effect of our tion of empty space associated with either mass. Conse-
present teaching system is corro borated by the fact that quemly, the smaller mass would have no mechanical
many physicists - many of whom are not mechanically tendency to move towards the larger mass, since the li-
inclined - have blindly accepted Einstein's total/y inac- quid medium (or space) surrounding the mass is equatty
curate qznd false picto rial hypo thesis of gravity. Such displaced.
blind acceptance has occurred because once Einstein 's The identical process would apply to the medium of
thinking ability was accepted as being above that of the Space surrounding masses in Einstein's pictorial/mechan-
average scientist, such scientists unquestioningly accepted ical hypothesls of space warpage - a hypothesls which
sorne of his beliefs which are not mechanically tenable. is simply proveo wrong by the " Faces."
The known laws of Hydraulic Mechanics demonstrate Ironically, Albert Einstein was quite candid in his
that Einstein's hypothesis of space warpage is totally admission that he possessed no mechanical ability.
wro ng. I say this not to denigrate Albert Einstein, but However, many scientists who followed Einstein ig-
rather to question the blind acceptance of his hypothesis nored that admission.
by those physicists who may no t be mechanically sen- In proper tribute to Albert Einstein, I will state that he
sitive to what is actually involved in this instance. was mathematically correct when he said that there
would be a warpage of space. However, such warpage is
FACT: Space surrounds an object on a 360 ° basis. It is created by the mechanics of the electromagnetic effect
simply incorrect to view Space as a place capable of be- that I have discussed in this book.
ing " indemed." I have already demonstrated that one cannot bring
together two electric o r magnetic entities without a
mechanical warpage of the electromagnetic fields (con-
sisting of gyroscopic particles) surrounding the entities.

-o---- Moreover, I have demonstrated that gravitation is simply

the unequaling effects of this electromagnetic imerac-
tion. Conseque ntly, Gravity, Electricity, and Magnetism
consist of one and the,same entity: " The mechanism of
this gyroscopic entity is the essence of ali matter and
The Laws of Hydraulics state that the pressure of a ene rgy." The observed differences in matter and energy
medium is equal throughout a hydraulic system. Even the are a result of how we perceive the mechanical effects of
Archimedean Law of Buoyancy - developed over 2,000 the Gyroscopic Particle from the perspectíve of an out-
years ago - states that if a given material (mass) is placed side observer.
in a liquid (medium), it would displace an amount of li-
quid (medium) equal to the weight of the material (mass).
To prove that Archimedes ' Theory of Buoyancy is
correct and that Einstein's pictorial/mechanical explana-

Dear Fellow Human Being,

I thank you for reading a copy of my book. It is a statemenc of my learning and my life's work. For over two decades
I have devoted my Ji fe to che perfcction of a New Energy Source which will be of cremendous benefit co all "Peoples" of
this World. If you have heard of my 61/i -year struggle with the Patent Offíce to obtain a pioneer patent for my energy
machine, then I hope you will assist me. This invenrlon wouEd dramacically benefit ali Americans and people throughom
che world by making available inexpensive and abundanc energy. Bue your help is needed!
This Exciting lnvencion and ali chat it encompasses is for the "People" of the World: for you and yours and your
children and your children's children. No, not forme , for you .
As a " reward" for my years of dedicated effort, an arm o f our Government - the U.S. Pacent Office - has
deliberately, consistently, and wich premeditation sought to serve me Injustice. This Injustice is noc rcstricced to me, bue
is amplified millions of times over to you and yours, and coche " People" of che world.
The officials of che U.S. Patem Office have - co such an extreme extenc - conducted themselves outside the law
and the very purpose of the existence of the U.S. Patcnt Office, that when viewed relative to che "Faces" of this
Pioneering Invention , one would assume that the U.S. Patenc Office had embarked on a Documentary emitled, " Ho wTo
Stifle Creativity."

After bringing these faces to che attention of numerous Senacors and Congressmen within the United States, one was
moved enough and outraged enough that , on October 17, 1985, he introduced a Special Bill, Number H.R. 3590 into che
First Session of the 99th CONGRESS asking the Sena te and House of Representa ti ves '' ... acring through the Commissioner
of Patents and Trademarks, shall immediately issue a pionee r patent ro Joseph W. Newman for rhe invention described in
patent applicacion numbered 179,474 ... ·· No, this Congressional Representative of the ''People'' was not from my State
of Mississippi, nor an immediate neighboring State, but rather from a far Northern State of the United States - thc State
of Indiana - more than 600 miles from my home in Mississippi , a far outhern State of the United Stares .
The " Faces" show thac this Bill is not only a special bill, but that che man who introduced it must be a special human
and elected Representativc of the " People. " That special individual is Congressman Dan Bur to n ! Congressman Dan
Burton is not only speaking fo r me, but for you and yours. This effort towards Justice goes way beyond che mere Joe
Newman; it concerns Justice to Creative Individuals and the " Pcople" who are che recipients of the value generated by
chose Creative Individuals as yet unborn. Hopefully, the Special Effort ofCongressman Dan Burton wlll result, not only
in a Pioneering Patent to me, bue also in Patent Law Changes that will actas a Bright Shining Light, ro eternally illuminate
ali actions taken by Patent Office Personnel. Such Patent Office Personnel are, in reality, che Custodians of the
stimulation of the "Jewel " of our civilization - its "Creative People" - and thereby should never be allowed to stifle
this p riceless benefactor.
lfyo u agree with what I have to say, are persuaded by what l've said, if you want to help right the wrongs done by
the Patent Office and want to help protect my work and thereby give hope and protection to others - you can.
Congressman Dan Burton is only one individual, but only afew members of committees or subcommittees will
really decide whether I get a patent. Please care enough to Jet Congressman Dan Burton know you appreciate the fact
chat he is and must be a special individual. Congressman Dan Burton is proof that you count in Congress. Call and write
your Congressmen and Senators and ask them to diligently support Congressman Dan Burton's Bill, Number H.R. 3590 ,
pending at chis time before the 35 members of the House Judiciary Committee. If you have a close friend or relative in
another state, call o r write them and ask them to concact their respective Senators and Congressmen on this issue .
You compliment yourself, the Human Race, and the Future by so acting.

Thank you, the " People."

]oseph Westley Newman

¡This section has bn:n adtlctl to Lhc Third Edition.]

Severa! readcrs havc asked me about the anicle puhli shed in thc January 6, 1986 issue of Physical Review Letters
which presenrs the opinion oí severa! scientists who ha ve announced the discovcry of a "prcviously unknown force in
natun.: called thc hyperchargt: '' and their conclusion that " it also requires a modification of our theories of gravitation."
Their evidence indicatcs that there will be minute variances in che specd of differenc ohjects falling toward Earth when
such objccts are placed in a vacuum.

1n response to che abon: " discovery, ·' 1 simply quote from the last two paragraphs of page 9 and the first paragraph
of page 10 of my Disclosure Document sent to the U.S. Patent Office in 1979 and to the U.S. Copyright Office.

" The Eanh consists of innumerable other ncgativc and positivc charges and is cither slightly more negative or

" Therc can be an infinit<.: mathemacical arrangemcnt, wh<.:reby, materials will vary as ll'ill their a/lraction IOll'ard
h'arl/.1. (Emphasis add<.:d.)

" Consid<.:r now thc fact that in 197<1 l wrote to the National Science Foundation stating the prediction that thc
Cavcnd ish ExperirnerH conclusions wcre "vrong. J had no do111Jt tbal 1/ lhe experimenl ll'CIS sensili1•e e11011gh. lhere
1m11/d he dUfere111 resultsfor d1jjere111 malerials used. "(Emphasis added.)

lkfer to p;1ge 197 of this book for the rcsponsc from che Nacional Scicnce Foundation in 1974 which offered a
response to my statenH.:nt to chcm that even the " spced and path of objects in their orbits .. '.Yould be affectcd.

Also, rcad from S<.:ction 29-1 on pagc 9.~ Lo Section 29-K on pag<.: 94 of this hook and rcad the proof that matter con·
sists 1>f uncqual negative anc.I positivc charges. This is che reason thac years ago I had predicced minute d 1ffcrences in
Gra,·it:llional Force (thc unequaling cffect of l lnobvi0L1S Electrornagnccic Composition of mattcr consisting of differcnt
:1mount..., of m:gative :1nd positive charges.)

This cff1:<.:t is principally of scientific interest, rather that for practica! m~nhernatical calcu lations of accelcrating or
stopping a mass or masscs.

l lowcvcr. 1 compliment thc sckntiscs mencioned in th<: Physical Review Lctter article for their astute obscrvations
and conclusions that there ar<: indeed differenccs.

The rca~on... for thc::sc obserYccl minute diffcrences are thc resulc of th<: Electromagnetic Composilio n of Ali Matter.
Such composit ion will proYic.le man y varying rcsulls to the oucsidc observc:r.

\X.'c stand at the gateway 10 great excit1:rnent and advanccment for che Human Spccies .


rl ll' f'· EI{(;\ \l\Ull:-. 1· nr .10:-.~.l'll , E\\ ,\IA'

(The following sections have been added to the Fourth Edition.]
(or, to express it colloquially, " The steel wedge of truth hit by the sledgehammer ofjacts will
break open closed minds. " ]

The scientific community's own " mathematical equations" prove che validity of what 1 mechanically teach: "The
energy in a magnetic field associated with the currem in a conductor emanatesfrom the ATOMS of the conductor and
NOT from the current. "
The present teaching system indoctrinates students with the following p remise: students are taught chat "a copper
wire is non-magnetic and that the magnecic fleld emanates from the current and not from the conductor. " Moreover,
students are taught that " the conductor simply carries the current, as a water pipe carries water. " (See Figures 14-B5
and 15-B6.) Refer to page 15 of this book for further detall.

FIGURE 14-85 FIGURE 14-86

,, ,. ' \ , '1 ,. ' 1

'' \ ' '\
,I I 1

.:-: . . ::-,..::.....:. . -·..... ·..iii:t". . :..·:·::·::;::·.·..=.::-.::....,·1r-.: ·

1 1 1 1 1 1
l ... '.·,. .. ..... ... :...'!". :':lfAT: . :. .. ::.... ·. ,.,:,. -.:·:.>: ·.... .
........ " .,.... .., ... .. ·~:~~~ ·~;~~) : .. ·..··:. ·,.: .:-: :
1 , 1 I ,_, I I
1 1

/ '-' \ I \ \ I


After the student has accepted the false premise described above, the studem is then instructed (by " sleighc of
hand") that, if a current-carrying conductor is coiled rather than straight, (See Figures 14-87 and 14-88) -

FIGURE 14·87 FIGURE 14-88

1' ¡' -
\ 1 ', I
\ f \
1 \ I \ I
\ 1 I l l 1
1 \
1 ,. ;f
l I \ f...
- - - ~~

7 .
1 1 1 \ 1
I \ ~
I \ .... I \ ,.' - \ I ~<fo


then the current and its associated magnetic field are ductor" realty meaos is that "the strength of a magnetic
concentrated, which results in a concentration of the field of a coiled conductor equals the input current
strength of the magnetic field. The studem is then pro- times the number of 'turns of ATOMS' which comprise
vided with the following statement: the coi l. " (Refer to· Chapter 8, beginning with page 49
"The strength of the magnetic field eguals the current for further detail.]
times the turns of the conductor" (also called amp curns). For those who have been "mentally lobotomized" by
The above two underlined statements concerning the the effects of our present unjust teaching system, I refer
origin of a magnetic field vis-a-vis a current/conduct0r them to pages 238-242 of this book.
are not the same! In fact, these two statements con- The only issue offact is whether the curre nt or the
tradict one another! atoms of the conductor pr.o duce the associated magnetic
field. No other deception or excuse - e.g., time of the
QUESTION: What comprises a conductor? magnetic field's expansion, changing resistance of the
coil turns due to the changing diameter of the coil as
ANSWER: Atoms, of course. more coils are added, etc. - has absolutely any scien-
tific merit or bearing upon the truth and validity of the
What the statement "the strength of the magnetic field facts presented ln this discussion.
equals the current times the number of turns of the con- Then there are those who blindly state that the cur-
rent in the longer coíl produces a magnetic field iden- flcld is sustaincd in ali cases -proves that this resultant
tical to that of the shorter coi!. The facts prove such magnetic field emanates from the atoms of the conduc-
people totally wrong! [The currents are not the same.] tor and is not produced by the input current.
The followíng/acts and graphs prove that 1 amp of The following drawings, explanations, and graphs
current must be maintained in the "atoms" of one turn of which utilize mathematically-accurate, scientlficfacts
the conductor to sustain a magnetic field of strength Z. will "cement" the truth of what I teach: The magnetic
And 10 watts of power must be maintained to sustain that field associated with a conductor-carrying current origi-
magnetic field of strength Z. [1 amp x 10 volts = 10 watts] nates from the atoms of the conductor and not the cur-
At the opposíte end of the mathematícal spectrum, a rent. The current is s imply thc meélium which transfe.r s
miniscule .00000000000001 amp has to be maintained in the hydraullc prcssurc of thc volts and causes this hy-
100,000,000,000,000 turns of the atoros comprisíng the draullc pressure to align the atoms of the conducto r .
conductor to sustain the same magnetic field of strength Under such hydraulic pressure (voltage), the aligned
Z. In this case, a miniscule 1/10,000,000,000,000 of a atoms release their gyroscopic particles - the basic
watt of power must be maíntained to sustain the same building blocks of ali matter - which emanate beyond
magnetíc fíeld of strength Z. the physical boundary of the conductor and behave ex-
In other words, the fact that the input current and the actly as a permanent magnet. (Refer to Figures 14-B9a/b
number of atoms (turns of wire) can vary tremendously and 14-BIOa/b.)
with respect to one another whHe the samc magnctlc


FIGURE 14-89a FIGURE 14· 89b short plJM

ahort conductor Would operate a
's " ..€)-==--
C URRENT ( ~ () ~ conventlonal motor
- drawlng high curren!
:;;;.§,~):¿=- Would turna water
turbine very rapldly
Low reslatance (or equlvalent of low frlctlon) Low frlctlon


FIGURE 14· 810a FIGURE 14· 8 10b




Thls would not operate a conveotlonal motor The volume of water Is very low and
drawlng high current: or at best, the motor would would turn a turbine very slowly/weakly.
operate very weakly.

Even che basic premise proposed by che presem scientific communicy - "a moving charge produces a magnecic field
and a scationary charge does not" - demonstrates their conclusion to be incorrect as discussed here. Because if the
charge produces no magnetic field when stationary, and then produces a magnetic field when moved, it would then
seem only logical that the faster the charge moved - the greater the magnetic field, and the slower the charge moved
- che weaker the magnetic field.
The mechanical facts demonscrate in Figures 14-B9a and 14-B9b that a given charge will quickly exit from the end of
a conductor exactly as a molecule of water from a short pipe.
The mechanical faces demonscrate in Figures 14-BIOa and 14-Blüb that a given charge would, by sorne degree, move
slowly and exit from the end of an extremely long conductor exactly as a molecule of water from an extremely long
water pipe.
Therefore, such mechanical analogies would have one believe that the magnetic field associated with the conduct0r
in Figure 14-BlOa would be very weak, and the magnetic fie ld associated with the conductor in Figure 14-B9a would be
very scrong.
The facts prove these magnetic fields are egua!!
No deceptive or prejudiced comment will alter che seriously affecced by the present teaching system will
fact that in Figure 14-B9a a large volume of current and uncomfortably feel that they must resist these facts.
power input is necessary to sustain a magnetic field of The following mathemarics, based upon che teachings
srrength Z. In Figure 14-BlOa, only a mlniscule volume of che present scientific community, proves " mathemati-
of currenc and power input is necessary ro sustain a cally" that what I have consistenrly taught " mechani-
magneric field of strength Z. cally'' is absolutely correct.
The facts clearly prove that the magnetlc field Z Remember - che following mathematical results are
associated with a conductor is not a result of the current provided by the presenc scientific community and not
or power Input into the conductor, but rather is the by me. The present scientífic community states that a
result of che number of atoms which comprise the turns magnetic field of a given strength is achieved by che
of the conductor. Thls underscores the fact thar the amount of current multiplied by the number of turns of
magnetic field comes from the atoms of the conductor a conductor. Consequently, che following mathematical
and not from the current. resulrs are presented for your consideration:
Those individuals who are not afrald to think for
themselves will quickly see che truth of these facts.
Those lndividuals who have been unjuscly and Using a 1O-Volt bauery che following results occur -

(volts X current = watts)

1 amp X 1 conductor turn = 1 amp turn - 1 amp X 10 volts = 10 watts
100 M.A. (or .1 amp) X 10 conductor turns (CT's) = 1 amp turn - .1 amp turn X 10 volts = 1 watt
10 M.A. (or .01 amp) X 100 CT's = 1 amp turn - .01 amp X 10 volts = 1/10 of a watt
1 M.A. (or .001 amp) X 1,000 CT's = 1 amp turn - .001ampX10 volts = 11100 of a watt
.1 M.A. (or .0001 amp) X 10,000 CT's = 1 amp turn - .0001 amp X 10 volts = 111 ,000 of a watt
.01 M.A. (or .00001 amp) X 100,000 CT's = 1 amp turn - .00001 amp X 10 volts = 1110,000 of a watt
- additional intermediare steps not listed -

.00000000001 M.A. (or .00000000000001 amp) X 100,000,000,000,000 = l amp turn -

.00000000000001 amp X 10 volts = 1/10,000,000,000,000 of a watt


1 amP-..-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--.


1 TURNS OF A CO NDUCTOR ----------------~ 100,000,000,000,000 TURNS

The mathematical facts and graph described above number of " turns of atoms" comprising the conductor.
prove that che amoum of current has consistently de- These scientific and mathematical facts prove that
creased while the strength of the magnecic field has re- what I have consistently taught mechanically is correct.
mained conscant as a result of a consiscenc increase in the These faces also prove that the magnetic field associated
wich a currenc-carrying conduccor emanaces from the atoros of che conductor and noc from the current which con-
siscently diminishes. Such a current could reach an infinitesimally small number while che conductor would produce
an infínícely large magnecic field. [Refer to Chapter 8, page 49 of chis book for addicionaJ decails.]
Let's now consider the relationship between Faraday's Laws of EMF (electromocive force) induccion and the
strength of the magnetic field as it expands or collapses thcough an increasingly larger number of turns of wire
(atoms). When one considers che graph in Figure 14-Bll and Faraday's Laws of EMF induction, one finds
mathematical proof of che following:
As a consistently-decreasing currenc is inputed into a consistently-increasing number of turns of conductor-coi!
wire (acoms), the produced magnecic field remains constant. Even more important is che fact chat whenever the input
current is stopped, one produces an ever-greacer back EMF fro m the collapsing magnecic field chrough an ever-
increasing number of curns of atoms comprising che conductor - this occurs with an ever-decreasing current input.
These mathematical facts ve rify m y teaching that the power from a conductor can be greater than the power in-
p uted into the conductor! (Refer to page 51 of this book for additional details.]

FIGURE 14-812
EXT REMELY-r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--..,~

(Almost no
power Input)

EMF The magnetic fleld remalns the same
at all polnts of the test.

TURNS OF WIRE _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __,..._.... 100,000,000,000,000 TURNS

To rephrase the colloquial title of chis seccion: " The sledge hammer offacts has now hit the sceel wedge of trulh
even in to closed minds."
The machematics 1 have presented in chis scccion are from materials published by che presem sciencific communicy.
These mathematics are not original to me. J have simply bue precisely combined my mind wich chcir machemacics in an
exacting logic whereby the consistenc mechanical teachings I have developed are proven mathematically correct.
The energy in a magnetic (eleccromagnetic) field is literally the mechanical essence of E = MC2. This energy can be
mechanica lly underscood, anticipated; utilized, and released at will to generate the crernendous re lease of energy
without any harrnful effeccs to humanity and to che environmenl.
Treme ndous excitement, hope, drcams and accomplishments will quickly ensue frorn wh<lt I teach since no aspect
of science will rcmain unaffected by thcse concepts. A magnificent future lies at che " fingenips of our imagination "
bec::iusc the entire univcrse reacts clecrro magnecically and has a fundamental electrornagnccic cornposition which
can be harnessed to benefit humanity.



1 AMP-t--r~--r-....._...._......_..._........_._....._._....._._......_~-.......,....._..._........_._....._._......_._..-.......,.....,..o...:.....,....,;.._.....,;~
(1 WATT)

.1 10 ::::;

.001 '00
FIELD .0001 10


.000001 100

.0000001 10


.000000001 100

.0000000001 10 ~



.000000000001 100

.0000000000001 10
.00000000000001 1

.. 100
~ tvms
1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100 1 10 100
\.----y---/ ~ \.----y---/


Cu r rent in coil
or watts required to sustain Volts output
magnetic fiel d from coil
10 .
2 3 4 5 6 . 7 8 9
'" """

l. 9

8 8

7 7
' '
6 "' "" -· 6
1 1


1 .

5 ~
~ - •1

1 1 1

4 .. 11 1 1 1
,. 1 1
1 4
1 1
1 1
,, 1 "
1 1 1 1 1,, 11 1
1 1 ! 1 I/ íl
1 .1 1 íl , 1

,,. l.1'
1 _¡_ _ _
1 '
:1 . 1 1

1 1


1 1
. . -
2 11 11 ,_ 1 2
l .1
l.1 1 1
l.-1 ¡

1 .1
... 1
1 .1 ) 1 1 ! 1
I/ ' 1 1 1

1 ,,. ..... 1
1/ 1
" 1
l./ 1 1 1 1

· ' Q1)QQ1 o
1 1
.. ,TI l.

1 l
ll 1 1

íl 1
2 3

4 5 6 7 8 9 10
$:)<:::> $:)<:::>
"\.<:::> <:: ><:: > ~ ~<:::> $:)<:::> ~ ~<\) ~<\) ~<:::>
~ "\. ~ ~ ~ $:) ~ ~ ~ ~
<:::> ~ $:) ~ $:) ~ $:) ~ $:) ~
~ ......~ <:::>~ \'.:)~ ~~ \'.:)~
"\. ~
<:::> ~ ~~ ~~
~ ......~ <:::><:5
Numb er of turn s i n coil '\.. ~

30 2
[The following d iagrams representa comparison of convencional sclence technology with those concepts
innovated by joseph Newman. Section XII features a Declaration by Dr. Hastings describingjoseph Newman's
elcctromagnetic propu lsion (levitaLion) technology.)


Electric Charges

- - + + - +
Like Charges Repiel - Unlike Charges Attract


s N __N_sJ- _s_N__ s N
Like Poles Repel - Unlike Poles Attract

Current going one way in a conductor attracts one pole of
a magnet - if current dirE!Ction reverses, magnet is reversed.

Gravity is different - it always attracts .


® @

r wl
N o

~~: ,2iS1
,..· ~
• ..._._...,
1 1 1


The splns of the GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES which comprlsc and emaoate from the atoms of the conductor are at rlght
angles to tbe splns of tbe GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES which cmanate from tbe atoms of tbe magnet. As a rcsult of this mechani-
cal lnteractlon, tbe conductor wirc Is repeUed from the magnct rcgardless of thc dtrectlon of thc currcnt which passes
through and allgns the atoms of the conductor. The conductor sbould b e short cnougb to lntersect with the straighter cen ter
llnc of force and not cxtend out over tbe curved llnes of force -because of the changlng mechanical reladonships.

The spi.Q of tbe GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES whlch comprlse and e0120ate from the atoms of the conductor are at r lght
angles to tbe spln of tbe GYROSCOPIC PARTICLES emanatlng from the atoms of tbe magnet. As a r esult of this mechanical ln-
teractlon, the con ductor wire is repelled from the magnet regardless of tbe fact that the magnet's polarity is reversed whlle the
direcdon of tbe curr ent In the conductor remalns tbe same in each lnstance.

© ®

1'\ 1
1'\ ~~
rf} 1

:J)h l
1 IJ /)
s ~
1 Si-? 1
s ~1<!0
1 <-? 1 OF FORCE 1<;:'1
1 1 1 1 1 1

N s

Tbis mechanical explanadon for tbe gyroscopic composi.tion of all matter explalns these o bservcd and demonstratcd
rcsults that defy presently-acceptcd, but false " scienti.flc" teachlngs which claim to be absolute.
Such an understandlng and subsequent physical effect serves to demonstrate the opposlte force to gravity which can
occur betwee n matter and will enable safe, efflcient space travel to become a reality.

1204 Circle High Dr.
Burnsville, Mn. 55337

To Whom It May Concern:

On August 18 and 19, 1986 I visitedJoseph Newman's laboratory in Lucedale Mississippi, wimessed the ope~ation of
Newman's latest motor, and wimessed his demonstration of levitacion from the Earth's magnetic field.

The motor is in tended as a protocype of an electric automobile motor. It is approximately eight inches in d.iameter, and
eighteen inches long, with a 3/8 inch diameter shaft emerging from one end. Other components were a 1,400 Volt d.c. bat-
tery pack consisting of 250 volt batteries and 9 volt batteries connected in series, anda mechanical commucator. The d.c.
current was a fraction of one milliamp nominally. I attempted to stop the motor by holding the rotating shaft with my righc
hand and applying pressure. While 1 could not stop che shaft or reduce its speed to below perhaps 100 r.p.m., the m:otor
never drew more than 1.5 milliamps. My examination was brief and qualitative, however I have had many similar ex-
periences with convencional d.c. motors, and 1 would estímate che power generated at che shafc of chis motor to be in ex-
cess of 100 Watts. Newman's motor never drew more chao 2 .5 Watts. The primary purpose of this procotype is to verify
that the earlier model (demonstrated and documented earlier as a fan motor) can be scaled up to power a car. The verifica-
tion appears to be successful, and 1 recommend immediate efforts to produce the automobile engine prototype.

While at Newman's demonstration inJackson, Mississippi on August 20, I also witnessed che operation of a Newman
motor which was built independently by a Memphis engineer. This motor was running a ceiling fan using 1.5 Watts of
d.c. power taken from 13 nine volt transistor batteries. An identical blade was turning at the same speed, driven by a
commercial ceiling fan and draw ing 40 Watts of a.c. line power. The Newman motor was run continuously for about
four hours without noticeable degradation of the batteries. This demonstration independently verifies the conclusion
chat huge energy savings can be realized by convercing from convencional motor technology to Newman motors in ap-
pliances, compressors, automobiles, pumps, and all other energy intensive motor applications.

The levitation experiment demonstrated a vertical force exceeding the force of gravity on strands of #40 copper
wire when a few hundred milliamps were applied. Application of standard equations for the interaction of che wires with
the earth's magnetic field gave approximate agreement thac the wires were in facc levitated on the earth's field. Recuro
wires were at che same time forced downward. Newman disclosed to me a design in which the force on che "go" wires
should exceed che downward force o n the " return" wires. I estimated that a vehicle of Newma'n's design (with perhaps
sorne modifications to fµrther reduce the force on the return wires) could be made with a self contained power source
and passenger compartment which is 1,000 feet or more in diameter. Such a vehicle should be investigated immediately
as a replacement for rockecs, and as a future meaos of interplanetary space travel.

The above scatements are true and accurate co the bese of my knowledge.

Roger Hastings, Ph.D.

XIII. Events occurring between FALL 1985 and FALL 1986 concerning the effort to secure a píoneer patent
for )oseph Newman's energy machine.

Chapter 25 of THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH pert present for testing, 3) stated that the test resultS
~WMAN described the September 1984 REPORT OF THE would be issued in secret to Judge )ackson who said in
srnCIAL MASTI!R to thc Federal Di:mict Court in Wash- the court record that "it (the test results) will be held
ington. D.C. wh!ch has been the site of Joseph Newman's under seal until we determine that it ought to be ex-
sult agalnst the Patent and Trademark Office (PTO). In hlbited to the public," and 4) gave the NBS an open-
tne Repon, Spec!al Master WIUiam E. Schuyler, Jr. wrote ended period of testing.
that thc " E11taence fJefore tbe Patem ana Traaemark On behalf of Mr. Newman, John Flannery ftled a WRIT
Offtce ana tbts Court is overwbelmtng tbat Newman OF MANDAEMUS with the U.S. Court of Appeals, seek1ng
bas fJuitt and tested a prototype of bis inventíon in to reverse jackson's unfair testing conditions in favor of
whicb tbe output energy exceeds the externa/ input those test conditions proposed by Mr. Newman.
energy; there is no contradictory factual evidence. " and On january 13, 1986, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
"De/endant {PTO) intentionally did not consider' the Federal Circuit issued a court order [In re Newman, 782,
formalities of Plaintiff's (!oseph Newman 's) application F2d 971, 974-75 (Fed Cir. 1986)] upholdlng Joseph
or the patentabílity of Plaintiff's claims under 35 USC Newman's WRIT OF MANDAEMUS against Judge )ackson.
sec. 1021103." The higher court sternly rebuked Jackson for ordering
For many months and expensive trips to Washington, " hlghly Irregular" testing procedures that denied)oseph
D.C., Mr. Newman and his attorney, John Flannery, at- Newman "fundamental faírness" guaranteed him by the
tempted to obtain a decision from)udge Thomas P. Federal Rules. )ackson had originally orderedJoseph
)ackson either accepting or rejecting the Special Master's Newman to surrender his energy machine to the NBS so
findings. Rule 53 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure that Office might dismantle or even destroy it. Instead,
provides that the Judge "shall accept tbe findings of the the U.S. Court of Appeals rejected ali of )ackson's condi-
Special Master. " Finally, in ]une of 1985, Judge Jackson tions for testings and supported Mr. Newman's position.
rejected wlthout reason [andas of this writing we still (As it turned out, this action did no good, because
await his reason] the findings of his own Court expert jackson/NBS/PTO did exactly what they wanted to do!]
and Special Master. However, Jackson dld see fit to The hlgher Court criticlzed Jackson for authorizing the
charge )oseph Newman S11,602.20 for this ignored and destruction of Joseph Newman's lnvention and giving
rejected Report. " no reason for barring petitioner from observing ali the
Judge Jackson originally stated that he chose the testS on his device, or from knowing in advance what
Special Master to assist in "the speedy dlsposition of the tests are to be conducted [by NBS]." The Court con-
trial" and to "reduce the Applicant's Ooseph Newman's) cludes; " Such procedures are híghly irregular, and taint
expenses. " However, the Judge's actions belie his the evidentiary value of the test results."
words: After many hearings, two tria! dates have been Specifically, the U.S. Court of Appeals ordered that: 1)
canceled with a new date set for December 8, 1986; the NBS tests be prepared in advance of the energy
moreover, the litigation expenses to Joseph Newman machine's delivery to the NBS, 2) joseph Newman could
have been compounded by Jackson's actlons! be present for testing as well as have an expert on his
Also, to return toan earlier event: In December, 1984, behalf, 3) the energy machíne could not be dismantled
PTO Commlssioner Gerald Mossinghoff arranged to or destroyed without Joseph Newman's consent, 4) the
have S100,000.00 of Energy Act funds - intended by NBS would have 30 days AND NO MORE to test the
Congress to finance the development of new energy sys- energy machine [this was reaffirmed by the higher Court
tems - misappropriated to discredit Mr. Newman's in- in a letter issued on February 12 , 1986 during the origi-
vention. Mossinghoff made an unprecedented agreement nal and authorized 30-day test period from January 24 -
with the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). Mossinghoff February 23, 1986], and S) th.e results would be issued
ran little risk from the NBS since he had the NBS "expert" openly and publicly to-all parties.
)acob Rabinow file a sworn declaration that Mr. Newman's During the original 30-day test period (fromjanuary 24
device did not operate. Jacob Rabinow gave this opinion - February 23, 1986) the NBS did not conduct a single
without even testing the energy machlne. test. The PTO and the NBS asked the Court of Appeals
After rejecting the findlngs of the Speclal Master in to change its mind and let the NBS dismantle and de-
)une, 1985, Judgejackson remanded the case back to the stroy the energy machine. On February 12, 1986, for the
Patent Offlce - Mr. Newman's judicial adversary - for second time, the Court of Appeals said no: "[NBS's] Dr.
further actlon. The PTO then recommended that the Hebner has not attested to his lnabílity to test the device
NBS formally test Mr. Newman's invention. or that its [the energy machine's] structure is concealed,
In the original test conditions, Judge )ackson 1) refused o r that a test program cannot be reasonably conducted
to order the NBS to prepare a testing program in ad- to ascertain whether the device performs as disclosed in
vance of delivery of the energy machlne to the NBS, 2) the patent application" and "on reconsideration, we af-
refused to permit Mr. Newman the right to have an ex- firm the prior arder. "
The NBS still refused to test the energy machine and erty. Mr. Flannery was lnformed that he had until 12
to run a single test unless they were permitted to de- noon of that day to appear at an emergency meeting in
stroy the energy machine. Even before any tests had Judge Jackson's courtroom. Should he fail to appear,
been performed, NBS representatives told the Court of Jackson would issue a warrant for his arrest.
Appeals that the energy machine was a hoax. This at- Mr. Flannery did appear in the courtroom by 12 noon.
titude was one of the reasons that the higher Court He was promptly informed by Judge Jackson that the
recognized that the NBS had acted in a biased manner energy rnachine of Joseph Newman was now the property
towards Joseph Newman and his work. Meanwhile, the of Jackson's court and the invention would not be turned
NBS offered a thousand excuses - each of which Joseph over to Mr. Newman. Mr. Flannery askedJackson for hls
Newman answered - in an effort to run the dock while reasons for such confiscation. The Judge refused to give
they waited for permission to destroy the energy machine any. Mr. Flannery then asked Jackson to remove himself
e.g., the NBS insisted on communicating by mail, rather as the Judge in the case because of demonstrated per-
than by phone. In another instance, the NBS required sonal bias and prejudice. Jackson denied that he was
Joseph Newman to travel 1,000 miles from Mississippi to prejudiced and continued to refuse to tell Mr. Flannery
Maryland to move a single wire a distance of one inch. what authority permitted the Judge to violate the Court
Joseph Newman and attorney John Flannery gave the NBS of Appeals Order. As Joseph Newman said: "Since when
permission to reconnect the wire that had come loose in in this country can a court take a person 's property,
shipping from Mississippi to Maryland. The NBS insisted seize it without even a hearing and in violation of a
that Joseph Newman do it. Even after Joseph Newman standing order of an appellate court? Something is very
did this - after he traveled 1,000 miles - the NBS wrong here. ''
refused to test the energy machine or even tell Joseph On March 3, 1986, as a result of the Court's question-
Newman when or how they would test it. able procedures, Joseph Newman submi~ted an Affidavit
During this 1,000-mile trip to reconnect the wire by in support of a motion to disqualify Judge Jackson for
one inch, an event occurred which would have great his demonstrated personal bias and prejudice. On March
significance later on. The approximately 135-pound 7, 1986, the District Court held a status conference to
energy machine delívered to the NBS facility in consider giving the NBS more time to test the energy
Maryland would - if not restricted by resistance - machine in violation of the 30-day period authorized by
" pump" back-EMF into the battery pack and thus pro- the U.S. Court of Appeals .
ceed to over charge and damage the batteries by short- Immediately before this status conference began, Judge
ing them out internally. Normally, Joseph Newman plac- Jackson's law clerk handed John Flannery an order deny--
ed 4 ft. fluorescent bulbs in the circuit to act as a release ing Joseph Newman's motlon to disquallfy Jackson as in-
valve to reduce this back-EMF into the batteries. Since it sufficient, but without any discussion as to why the
was inconvenient to carry 4 ft. fluorescent bulbs on the pleadings were factually insufflcient. Jackson even held
plane to Maryland the day Joseph Newman reconnected John Flannery in contempt for merely mentioning the
in severa! minutes the loose wire, Mr. Newman simply pending motion to dísqualify him. Jackson then gave the
grounded the energy machine to shunt away the back- PTO/NBS untilJune 26, 1986 to test the energy machine
EMF and prevent it from damaging the batteries. - 150 days after the energy machine was originally
What is most ironic is that NBS officials saw Joseph delivered.
Newman ground the energy machine and therefore Joseph Newman could not afford to be presem wlth
assumed that he always grounded it - even for testing! counsel and expert for the 12-hour work-days the NBS
The NBS officials were not interested in mastering claimed they worked each day. lt would have cost
Joseph Newman's technical process and understanding Joseph Newman over $60,000.00 to attend the tests and
the principies involved. Instead - like "monkey see - is one of the reasons why the U.S. Court of AppeaJs
monkey do'' - they later grounded the energy machine aurhorized che original 30-day cese period. Former PTO
during thelr secret testing of the confiscated energy Cornmissioner Mossinghoff misappropriated S100.000 to
machine. This action would have important ramifica- run these unprecedented tests. According to the Patent
tions re the va1idity of the NBS test. [It should also be Office, the tests cost approxirnately $75,000.00. Although
added that Joseph Newman had no lntent of "educating Joseph Newman had the " right" to attend the later,
the NBS personnel." They were supposed to be the ex- unauthorized tests on bis confiscated energy machine, it
perts; Joseph Newman's attitude was, "Jet's see what the was a "right" that he could not afford to exercise.
experts do.") Joseph Newman is not a large corporation. He is an in-
The experts did nothing during the authorized 30-day ventor who Uves by what he lnvents. Worse, the PTO
test perlod that expired on February 23, 1986. On Mon- had said that they expect Joseph Newman to reimburse
day, 10:30AM on February 24, 1986, John Flannery ap- the PTO for all NBS tests!
peared at the NBS building in Gaithersburg, Maryland It is, in fact, Joseph Newman's position that ali
where the energy machine was beíng held. Joseph PTO/NBS/]ackson actions taken a/ter the February 24,
Newman had asked Mr. Flannery to return the energy 1986 confiscation without-due-process of his property
machíne to Mississippi. Armed guards met Mr. Flannery are illegal and unconstitutional. As a result of this posi-
and refused to permit him to obtain Mr. Newman's prop- tion and of the expense in attendíng 90 additional days
of testing, Joseph Newman would not in any way wish research corporation, concluded that the PTO's trial ex-
to appear to endorse the NBS proceedings by being pres- pert, the NBS - the 'preeminent nacio nal testing
ent for their testlng. Also, lt should be noted that before laboratory' - failed to measure the energy in Joseph
the NBS ran ~ny tests, John Flannery forwarded to the Newman's energy machine although lt had the energy
NBS a schcmatic diagram of the circuir used to test machine for 150 days. His evaluation was that the NBS
Newman's device. It plainly showed not to connect the personnel did not know what they were doing. AsJohn
energy machine to ground. Flannery said, "The Court of Appeals gave the Patent
Prior to the expected release of the NBS test [con- Office 30 days to test the energy machine and required
ductcd by thrcc indlviduals] on Junc 26, 1986, Joseph the Patent O/fice to inform us in advance what tests
Newman issued a national press release sent to over they were going to run during the 30-day test period
1500 members of the press which predicted that the authorized by the U.S. Court of Appeals. But their ex-
NBS test results would be negative and that "a mockery pert, the NBS, kept the device 150 days and never told
of justlce is expected to continue in the chambers of us what tests they were going to run during this 30-day
Judge Thomas P. Jackson. " OnJune 26, 1986, the NBS period." In his evaluation, Dr. Hastings wrote that the
unsurprisingly said that Joseph Newman's invention did NBS "results reflect a total lack of communication be-
not work. Moreover, Judge Jackson set a tria! date for tween the NBS and Newman or any other expert on
Dcccmbcr 8 , 1986. (Up to this point, Jackson had held a Newman 's technology. " As John Flannery put it, · "lf
series of expensive hearings to determine if a tria! was they told us what they were going to do, we might have
vvarranted and had canceled tvvo earlier tdal dates.) been able to avoid this waste of time and resources by
J:ickson continued to refuse to relieve himself from this Mr. Newman and the taxpayers as well. ' '
case Clue ro bi:is, :mcl J:ickson refused to allow Joseph Specifically, Dr. Hastings said in his evaluation that the
Nevvman a trial by jury. In fact, a Patent Offlce attorney NBS allowed energy to escape from Mr. Newman's
once told Joseph Newman's attorney, " We would bate energy machine and then, instead of measuring the out-
to see this case tried by a jury. ' ' put energy from the energy machine, they measured the
It is ironic that as a consequence of the Patent Office's power consumed by resistors "placed in parallel with
dlsregard of the Court of Appeals' requirement that the the Newman mot0r, and called this power the motor
NBS notify Joseph Newman of what tests they intended output." Dr. Hastings concluded, "the primary r.f.
to run during the 30-day test period authorized by the (radio frequency) power was shunted to ground." As for
Court of Appeals, Joseph Newman did not know how measuring output, Hastings said that the NBS's test was
the NBS " tested" hls machlne untll after the NBS issued "equivalent to stating that the output of an electric
its report on June 26, 1986. Consequently, Joseph motor plugged into a wall socket is given by the power
Newman discovered that the NBS did not actually test used by a lightbulb in the next room which is on a
his inventlon at ali. parallel circuit." ·"The NBS test results carne as no
In one of his PRESS RELEASES, Joseph Newman writes: surprise to me," said Mr. Newman, "/ never expected
" In his April 9, 1984 Statutory Declaration before a that we would get afair shakefrom the Patent Office's
Federal Court, page 10, NBS expertJacob Rabinow expert. Wbat I am surprised about is how badly they
claimed the following - 'It is my opinion since Mr. did the job. "
Newman does not use a tightly-coupled iron structure If the PTO and the NBS had complied with the Court
around his arrnature, that the efficiency of his motor of Appeals Order, Joseph Newman would have had a
should be very low when use purely as a motor.' second opportunity to reinforce what was already ob-
Following the release of the Ju ne 26, 1986 NBS Report vious from the schematic dlagram forwarded by John
(which has been challenged by Dr. Hastings and other Flannery to the NBS - that they should n ot connect
scientific experts), NBS spokesman Matt Heyman Joseph Newman's energy machine to ground. The NBS
boastfully stated to the newsmedia that: 'the energy could have been told that they were in error. But since
machine invention was so inefficient that if one wanted the NBS and PTO failed to give Joseph Newman any
to operate an elcctric fan, then don't use the Newman notice - contrary to the U.S. Court of Appeals Order -
Inventlon hooked to a battery, but rather use a simple of the tests they intended to run during the 30-day test
conducting wire from a battery to a conventlonal period authorized by the Court of Appeals, they wasted
motor.' The above two statements by NBS represen- Joseph Newman's resources and, by their estimates,
tatives Rabinow and Heyman are especial/y ironic S75 ,000.00 of federal taxpayer's monies misappropriated
because onJuly 30, 1986 - in conjunction wlth an ap- by former PTO Commissioner Gerald Mossinghoff.
pearance before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy The REPUBLICAN STUDY COMMITTEE of Congress
Hearing - Joseph Newman demonstrated his latest, wrote in its May 9, 1986 REPORT: "Joseph Newman has
portable energy machine prototype which operates as a received arbitrary and unfalr treatment at the hands of
motor (without Rabinow's 'tightly-coupled iron struc- the PTO andJudgeJackson. Congress should act because
ture around the armature') to power a home-appliance, the Executive and Judicial branches ha ve failed this
electric fan at an efficiency rate that proved the Patent American citizen. In light of Congress' oversight responsi-
Office and the NBS dead wrong. Again.'' bilities and the fact that it is empowered by the Constitu-
Dr. Roger Hastings, Senior Physicist with a rnajor tion to issue patents, the fact that the preponderance of
Notable public evenis of che past year:
1) OCTOBER 9 , 198S: Joseph Newman conducted a public demo at the Hilton Hotel in New Orleans - over 2500 people accended.
2) OCTOBER 16, 198S: Joseph Newm:m addressed the New Orleans section of the IEEE at the lnternational Hotel.
3) DECEMBER, 198S: REGARDIES MAGAZINE published an excellent and comprehensive article on Joseph Newman.
4) JANUARY 14, 1986: Joseph Newman addressed the Mississippi Engineering Society (Gulf Coast Chapter) In Gulfport, Mississippi
• 5) FEBRUARY 2 5, 1986: Joseph Newman formally presented his theories and technical processes before 1500 people at Louisiana State
Unlversity (sponsored by Am . Soc. of Mech. Engr., Student Chap., LSU College of Design, & the HELENE Foundation).
6) FEBRUARY 27, 1986: Joseph Newman appeared withJohnny Carson on the TONIGHT SHOW.
• 7) APRIL 11-17, 1986: Joseph Newman held a nat' I publíc cierno of his EM In the LOUISIANA SUPERDOME. Over 8,500 people attended from
across the U.S. lt was a very successful presentation thac was well received. On Wed., Apr il 16, 1986,Joseph Ncwman challenged any scientist
and/or PhD wich teaching or professional credentlals to publicly debate w/him at the SUPERDOME che fundamentals of eleccromagnecism. No
one accepted hls challenge.
8) MAY 9 , 1986: The Republican Study Committee of Congress issued its Rcport in support of Joseph Newman entitled: " THE PATENT
9) MAY 29, 1986: Joseph Newman addressed the Mississippi House of Representatives & demonstrated his portable, appliance-fan-powered
EM. JN received a standing ovation & both the Miss. H ouse & Sena te passed Resolutions supporting his Congressional effon to obtain a patent.
1O) JULY 30, 1986: Joseph Newman,John Flannery, Dr. Roger Hastings, Mihon Evereu, Congressman Thomas Kindness, Congressman Dan Bur-
ton, and PTO/NBS representatives testllicd before Senator Thad Cochran's Senate Subcommittee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation, & Govern-
ment Processes.
• 11) AUGUST 20, 1986: Joseph Newman demonstrates his !atese fan-powered prototypc & his new eleciromagnctlc propulsion (popularly callcd
" antl-gravity") system ata news confcrcnce at the Sheraron Regency Hotel in Jackson, Mississippi.
12) SEPTEMBER, 1986: LIFE MAGAZINE published a 2-page featurc story on Joseph Newman.
• VCR tapes of these presentations are now available.

evidence is in Newman's favor, and the fact that this in- your due patent rights, and each later application carrled
vention is potentially beneficia) to hundreds of millions forth the disclosures of your earlier applications and
of people, it is totally in order for Congress to grant added to them your then current, up·da.t ed information.
Newman a patent and to allow the American market- The later filings be~efit the publíc, and your rights and
place to decide the value of this invention. " claims are in no way diminlshed or considered aban-
During June -August, 1986, nationally-syndicated col- doned by the up-dating process."
umnist James J. Kilpatrick wrote three different articles Added to this Edition of che book are a number of Dec-
on Joseph Newman's struggle with the Patent Office. In laratlons by Dr. Roger Hastlngs which endorse the opera-
additlon, numerous articles appeared in publications, tion of the energy machine, the portable fan-motor proto-
newspapers, with interviews on radio, and on the TV type, and the new electromagnetic propulsion system.
(National ABC WEEKEND NEWS, CNN National News, The New Orleans City Councll unanimously adopted a
Johnny Carson's TONIGHT SHOW, etc.). It is importanc Resolution on·November 7, 1985 whlch read in part:
that thjs issue remains a public issue until the patent is "BE 1T RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY O F NEW
issued - this is Joseph Newman's onJy protection from ORLEANS, that it hereby endorses the adoption of H.R.
the unjust actions of a Fe.d eraJ Bureaucracy and a Federal 3590 induced by U.S. Representative Dan Burton which,
Court. The ENERGY MACHINE NEWSLETTER contains news would put an end to the costly multi-year litigation over
updates concerningJoseph Newman's work. Those in- the Joseph Newman energy machine by resolving any
terested in obtaining information about the NEW SLETTER doubts in favor· of the applicant and providing for thc
should write Joseph Newman at Route 1, Box 52, issuance of a pacent because le is che Council's firm
Lucedale, Mississippi 39452. belief that the best judge of joseph Westley Newman's
Meanwhile, the Patent Office continues co issue state- invention is not a Court listcning to c:xperts testifying on
mencs that are totally false. PTO Commissioner Donald J. either side, but the American free market with its harsh
Quigg (a former top executive at PHILLIPS PETROLEUM for but fafr test of practicality. "
33 years) wrote in a form letter datedJune 17, 1986 sene The Senate and House of Representatives in Mississippi
to people who wrote him about PTO mistr:eatment of issued a CONCURRENT RESOLUTION #294 (dated April
Joseph Newman: "Mr. Newman has filed an application 10- 11, 1986) which stated in part: " WHEREAS, Federal
for a patent on his invention of a method and apparatus Dlstrict Court Judge Thomas P. Jackson ordered hlghly
for obtaining more energy from a machine than is put irregular testing procedures which denied Mr. Newman
into it. Thls application is related to severa! earlier filed fundamental fairness in recelving patem approval; and
applications, ali since abandoned by Mr. Newman. " WHEREAS judge jackson has taken Mr. Newman's prop-
This is typical of the Patent Office's misleading rhetoric erty without even a hearing and in violation of a stand-
and represems a concentrated effort on the part of the ing order of an appellate court and has subsequently
Patent Office to discredit Mr. Newman and misinform ordered secret tests by NBS of the illegally confiscated
the public. In a )une 25, 1986 letter by Joseph Newman's energy machine, again totally contrary to the order of
patent attorney C. Emmett Pugh, Pugh writes: " In sum- the u.s. Court of Appeals; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT
mary, you have never in factor in law abandoned in any RESOLVED BY THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATfVES OF THE
way any of your patent rights or your efforts to obtain STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, THE SENATE CONCURRING THEREIN,
Janney House
r1e1nner 384 7 North Tazewell Street
Waterford. Virginia 22 190 Arlington, Virginia 22207
703-882-3175 703 -534-7 464
Oct ober 24, 1985
Dea r friend ,
Joe has as ked me to give you a summary of (1) why you s hould
encourage members of Congress on t he relevant committee(s) to
support a private bill , H.R . 3590 , recen~ly int roduced by Rep. Dan
Burton , and (2) briefly state the facts in support . And so
I have.
The re o re f ou r reasons why a pr i vate patent bill for Nr . Newman
is worthy of your support:
Pirstl1 , no citizen s hould be so shabbily treated as has Newrnan
by both adrninistrative and judicial tribu n als -- the Patent
Off ice and by the Courts - - in direct contravention of the Const i t-
ution and the statutes of Congress,
Secondly, if Newman had been fairly treated , the Patent Off ice
and the Court would have seen t hat Newman ' s device works --
as a former u.s . Patent Comroissioner has so attested - - and
that he is entitled to a patent ,
.'.J!birdly, if Newman secures the protection for hirnself to manuf-
acture this device , it shall mean a new source of inexpensive
and efficient energy , and
Fourtbly, this bill doesn ' t cost us as taxpayers a d i me and
may instead save us money - - in energy bills .
A Stateaent of tbe Facts
As for the salient features , a staternent of the facts ,
that I f ind disturbing:
Newman ' s patent applicat i on when it arrived at the Patent
Off ice in 1980 was assigned to a Patent Examiner found incompetent
by the federal district Court in Texas. The Patent Office refused
to look at Newman ' s evidence including a prototype he constructed
to prove i t worked . The Patent Examiner said he doubted he
would ever grant Newman a patent no rnatter what proof he presented
ana the Patent Office refused to replace the prejudiced patent
exarniner . Thus did the Patent Office deny Newman a patent.
Newman appealed his Patent Off ice rejection to the US District
Court in January 1983 . ~ 35 u.s.c. Section 145. The Patent
Office again refused Newman ' s offers rnade during civil discovery
to have thern test bis device; the Patent Office said they "must "
rely on the applicant ' s tests . The Court said it was technically
incompetent to decide the case and appointed former Patent Comm-
issioner Schuyler to consider the case. The former Patent Comm-
issioner concluded:
( more )


(1) there was overwhelming evidence , without cont r ad i c t ion ,

tbat Newrnan ' s device operated as claimed ,
(2) that the Patent Off ice had disregarded its own rules in
rejecting Newma n' s clairns ,
(3) tha t t he Paten t Office ' s deterrn i nation th at Newman mach in e
was " in11:0E.:s ible " was " ele a rly er roneous ", and
(4) that a patent should jssue.

The Court ref~~ee to accept the Master ' s findings and reopened
discovery .
Newman of fered again to permit the Patent Off ice t o test
his device . But the Patent Office doesn ' t want to tes t it ;
not fairly anyhow; they say they will only conclude Newman ' s
device operates if he ' ll permit thern to destroy it .
Thus the need for a private bill .
I believe no doubt as you do t h at a prívate bill should
onl y issue rarely and under special circumstances . Mr . Newman ' s
case is certainly rare and the circurostances cry out for relief .
A 11d vate bj J J, i n tlie waning aays of Congress , is the way to
si ve Newnian the r~l j ef he needs ana deserves .
Thanks for your time and , I hope , for your support of Joe. Joe
is absolutel y rig ht your letter(s) to members of the House and
Senate can make the difference .


3 11
Thac we do supporc Mr. Newman in chis endeavor and do hereby commend the Mississippi Congressional Delegation
for their past and continued support. "
On May 29, 1986 che Senate of Mississippi issued RESOLUTION #3 which stated in pare: " BE IT RESOLVED BY THE
MISS!SSIPPI STATE SENATE, That we do hereby memorialize che United States Secretary of Commerce, acting through
che Commissioner of Patems and Trademarks, and che United States Pacent and Trademark Office to issue a patent'to
j oseph w . Newman for the energy machine and memorialize che United States Congress to adopt legislation direccing
cha e such patent be issued. "
As of chis writing, ten Congressmen - who are outraged over che creatment of Joseph Newman by the Patent Office
and judge Jackson - have incroduced 10 House Bilis co grant Joseph Newman a pioneering pacent fo r his invention.
-::·:."::!'.'' H . R. 3590 ~::::-:::~ H . R. 3977 -·::.:-:-..::- H. R. 4081 -::.::::.-H. R. 4200 -;.·~'!".::~ H. R. 4220
._,., ,...,,._,... ......... ...............-r'. --- . .. -....., .. ,_ .., ...... _ , .... - .. -i-,6• " " · -

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These ten Congressmen include Dan Burton of Indi- over 200 people in the Dirksen Senate Office Building.
ana, Trent Lott of Mississippi, Thomas Klndness of on-io, Following testimony by Joseph Newman, John Flannery,
Roberc Livingston of Louisiana, Robert Torricelli of New Dr. Roger Hast!ngs, Milton Everett, and others, Joseph
Jersey, Willlam Dannemeyer of California, Billy Tauzin Newman demonstrated hls !atese fan-motor prototype.
of Louisiana, Hal Daub of Nebraska, Wayne Dowdy of The considerable mechanical corque produced by chis
Mississippi, and Henry Hyde of Illinois. From che lobby- fan-motor version of che energy machine will have a
ing perspective, che more House Bills that are intro· significant inpacc upon the development of motors for
duced, the greater che pressure on Congressman Robert many commercial uses. At che Senate Hearing, Joseph
Kasteruneier (Chairman of che House Subcommittee on Newman demonstrated a fan powered by his energy
CO URTS, CIVIL LIBERT IES, AND THE ADMINISTRATION OF machine and a second, identically-modeled fan plugged
J USTICE) to schedule hearings on these Bilis. If the imo the wall. The watts needed to power the Newman-
reader knows of people living in Robert Kastenmeier's mocor-connected fan at high speed is 6.9 watts (.003
Southern Wisconsin (Madison area) District, urge them amps X 2300 volts). In addltion to powering che fan, six
co pressure Kastenmeier to acc. As of chis writing, we times che current goes back into the batteries than
scill need our first Senate Bill - consequencly we urge comes out of che batteries. A fluorescent bulb is also
everyone throughout che country to write Senator Thad simultaneously lighted. At.7 .4 watts (.2 amps X 37 volts)
Cochran of Mississippl and urge him to act promptly tÓ - an input approximacely equal to that of the Newman
introduce a Senate Bill identical to the ten House Bilis. motor - the convencional fan motor (plugged into the
The July 30, 1986 hearing before Thad Cochran's wall) barely turns. To equal che speed of the Newman-
Senate Subcommitcee on Energy, Nuclear Proliferation motor·powered-fan, the input into the convencional fan
and Government Processes was quite interesting. Sub- must be raised to 28.5 watts (.38 amps X 75 volts).
committee member John Glenn of Ohio acted very ir- In August, 1986, Mr. Newman issued a PRESS RELEASE
responsibly during che Hearing which was attended by describing in detall John Glenn;s irresponsible actions
whlch lncluded: entering the chamber of the Senate Hear- Congress to grant Newman a patent and to allow the ln-
lng aftcr Congressman Thomas Klndness completed his ventlon to be tested where it should have been tested a
favorable testlmony concernlng the energy machlne [John long time ago - in the American marketplace."
Glenn Is opposlng Klndness In the upcomlng Ohio Senate In his recent testimony before the Senate Hearing con-
electlon) which only proved that Glenn valued "politics cerning Joseph Newman's patent plight, CONGRESSMAN
as usual" over hearing the evidence presented before the THOMAS KINDNESS states the issues yery succinctly
Subcommittee of which he was a member; Glenn falsely when he says, " This is a case where extraordinary actlon
implied that Mr. Newman hada possible conflict-of- is appropriate. One need only look' a.t the convoluted,
interest relatlonship with the Special Master since Joseph tortuous path that this case has taken to know that Mr.
Newman had once mee the Special Master several years Newman has been denied the fundamental fairness and
before the Special Master's Report was lssued [this fact objectivity that is the right of every potential patent
had been related in detail to Judge Jackson by Joseph holder." He adds, " When rea~onable men differ, as they
Newman before William E. Schuyler, Jr. was appolnted as have in this case, the final result should not be a deci-
Special Master: Joseph Newman had met Schuyler at the sion by bureaucratic fiat but rather an accommodation
offices of a former patent attomey - a firm to which should be reached that allows the device to rise or fall
both Schuyler and the patent attorney belonged - and on its own merits! " CONGRESSMAN KINDNESS concludes,
had met Schuyler for about 10 minutes; Schuyler later " The technically competent former head of the PTO and
toldJudge Jackson that he didn't even remember meeting Special Master in thi~ case, Mr. Schuyler, said that a pa-
Joseph Newman and Judge Jackson was fully satisfied as tent should be issued and in light of Judge Jackson's
to Schuyler's impartiality. Moreover, why didn't Glenn refusal to follow federal Jaw with respect to the findings
just as rigorously question the PTO representative at the of such a Special Master, I believe Congress should step
Senate Hearlng slnce the same Patent Office official who in and grant the patent; then the people can decide if it
nominated Schuyler to be Special Master had been a actually works."
subordinate of Schuyler while Schuyler was the PTO CONGRESSMAN WAYNE DOWDY says that " no one
Commlssioner several years earlier!); and although Glenn should have to endure the treatment Mr. Newman has
asked to see more demonstrations and tests of the energy undergone at the hands of the United States Patent and
machlne, he failed to walk down two flights of stairs to Trademark Office (PTO)." And he adds that " instead of
witness Joseph Newman's latest demonstrations of his prpmoting Mr. Newman's invention, the PTO has spent
fan-motor prototype. thousands of taxpayer dollars to thwart him ... Mr.
As CONGRESSMAN T RENT LOTT says, "I do not feel Newman has submitted an impressive list of experts who
that the Patent Office has done enough to process Mr. substantiate his claims. On the other hand, tests con-
Newman's Patent Application. Therefore, I feel that the ducted by the PTO have cast more doubt on its methods
legislative process is now the best alternative ... In light than on the effectiveness of Mr. Newman's machine ...
of Congress' oversight responsibilities and the fact that it Furthermore, if tbe PTO dentes tbts country tbe benef tts
is empowered by the Constitution to issue patents, and of wbat could be a revolutlonary energy devtce, tben lts
the fact that this invention is potentially beneficial to o bstlnancy would, tn my mtnd, be criminal." CON-
hundreds of millions of people, 1 feel it is totally in G RESSMAN DOWDY concludes, " In my opinion, the PTO
order for Congress to grant Mr. Newman a patent." has failed and it is up to Congress to take corrective ac-
According to SENATORJOHN STENNIS, " Mr. Newman tion ... 1 hope the Senate will support Mr. Newman and
has rnade repeated efforts to get his machine patented move to gran t him a pioneerlng patent."
and has encountered substantial obstacles at every turn Hopefully, Senator Thad Cochran will act soon and in·
... If every inventor ran into as man y problems in trying troduce a Senate Bill to grant Joseph Newman a pioneer
to get a patentas Joe Newman has, 1 doubt that we patent by Congressional actlon. As of this writing, your
would have made much scientific progress in the last letters to Senator Cochean are very important!
two centuries, and we certainly would not enjoy many From the very beginning, Joseph Newman has asked
of the products that we take for granted toda y." only for the equal opportunity to present his invention
CONGRESSMAN ROBERT LIVINGSTON asks these ques- in the marketplace with patent protection despite the
tions: " Why has the Patent Office, which has been en- fact that Mr. Charles H. Duell, Director of the Patent Of-
trusted by Congress with the important task of pro- fice, declared in 1899, "Everything that can be invented
moting scientific progress, gone to such lengths to deny has been invented. "
this man the legal right to his invention? Why has the On Wednesday, August 20, 1986 ata news conference
Federal Judge's treatment of Newrnan been so arbitrary in Jackson, Mississippi, Joseph Newman demonstrated
and high-handed? Why did it take four months and the practicality of a revolutionary electromagnetic lifting
$82 ,000 to testan invention which supposedly doesn' t and motion device for Earth and Space travel. He demon-
work, and where did the money come from? Clearly, strated - contrary to conventional scientific teaching -
Mr. Newman is being denied his Constitutional right to that the electromagnetic effect occurring between objects
due process of law. I strongly feel that.Congress should can be made to conslstendy repcl regardless of whether a
act because the Executive and Judicial branches have magnetic entity has its poles reversed or whether the cur-
failed this American Citizen ... lt is totally in order for rent in a conductor is reversed. Dr. Hastings testified to
the extreme significance of such an electromagnetic In conclusion, Joseph Newman w ishes to express his
display and said "such a demonstration can be visually gratitude to the thousands of p eople who have written
viewed by everyone, and lt either works or it doesn't." In and have called to show their encouragement and sup-
his Declaration of August 22, 1986, Dr. Hastings wrote: port. Such support is needed if this invention is to
"The levitation experimem demonstrated a vertical force become a reality to benefit the people of this country
exceeding the force of gravity on strands of #40 copper and the world. And such support is necessary to over-
wire when a few hundred milliamps were applied. " come the same bureaucratic opposition to innovation
Despltc the fact thatJoscph Ncwman has rcpeatcdly that has throughout history impeded the progress.of
demonstrated thc efflcacy of bis inventlon, has over 30 knowledge.
sdentlsts who have tcsted and cndorscd bis invcntlon, As Max Planck said : ''A new scíentific truth does not
and has the endorsemcnt of a technlcal expert to the triumph by convincing its opponents and making them
Court and former Pateot Offlce commlssloner - our see the light, but rather because its opponents eventual-
government is stlll denying Mr. Newman a pateot ata /y die, anda new generation grows up that is familiar
cost of thousands of dollars to the taxpayerl with it. "
As of this writing, Joseph Newman is endeavoring to With ali due respect to Max ·Planck, let's preve his
work o n a mo to r capable of powering an automobile prognosis incorrect in this case, and w ork to ensure the
and is in the process o f forming and financing (based application and expansion of "an invention whose time
upon foreig'n s upport) a manufacturing, research, and has come. " Thaok you for your continuing supportl
development corporation.
Sawrdav. Apnl 12. 1986 The T1mes·P1cayune/ The States·ltPm


Energy Machine
at Superdome
Staff wnter

Mississippi inventor Joseph However, physicists and engi- patent office is putting this man
Newman brought his Energy neers who once scoffed at New- through is a travesty."
Machine to the Superdome Fri- man 's ambitious ideas spoke Fri- Cindy Dickinson of Atlanta
day to convince the public of day in his behalf. admitted she didn't really under-
something he's been trying to get .Newman claims the machine stand Newrnan's ideas but thinks
the U.S. Patent Office to believe swallows energy from any power "it's crucial to get this to the peo-
for 20 years: that the device can source and generates up to 14 ple. If this machine works the
produce unlimited amounts of times as much, wit hout polluting. people deserve to know what the
energy for free. The Lucedale, Miss., inventor gove rnmen t is keep ing from
More t han 1,500 people paid $1 claims he has discovered the t hem."
admission to see the machine principie of magnetic energy, a Stanley H iggins o f N ew
Friday, the first day of a 'week of puzzle that stiU baffles physicists, Orleans said, " If what he says is
demonstrations. and uses it to create elect ricity. t rue, this is the biggest thing
They carne from as nea r as ·•¡ challenge any Ph.D. to get that's ever happened. How can
Houma and as far as Switzerland up on the stage and debate with you miss that when you live only
and South Africa, 'and many said me and prove me wrong," he said. 20 minutes away?"
they were convinced Newman's There were no takers, and
invention will work. many in the audience said they
But the U.S. Trademark and believed him.
Patent Office has not been nearly Victor Melillo traveled from
as sympathetic. Officials have Cherry Hill , N.J . to see the
repeatedJy told Newman that his machine.
claims are impossible, and they "This machine is the greatest
have refused his request fo r a thing ever to ha¡ppen to man -
patent. kind," Melillo said. " What the


On September 19 and 20, 1985 Joseph Newman disclosed and demonstrated

to me his 130 pound motor with reciprocating magnet armature, operating with
high voltage input. The primary problem which has been encountered in the
pase with scaling the Newman motors to large and practical output power levels
was the need to go to higher voltage input , and the destruction whi ch occured
when the coil was switched at high voltages . Joe has now solved the high
voltage switching problem with a new commutator design, and it appears that
arbitrarily high input voltages can now be reached.

The signif icance of high voltage on the Newman motor is that our data
show that l.) the output power increases as the square of the input voltage;
2.) the input power increases linearly with the voltage; 3.) the motor efficiency
increases linearly with the voltage; 4.) output power levels required, for example,
to power a home will require input voltages estimated at ten to twenty kilovolts.

On September 19 , 1985 the motor was operated ~t 1,000 and 2,000 vol t s
battery input, with output powers of SO and 200 Watts respectively. Input power
in these tests were 7 and 14 Watts, yielding efficiencies of 700% and 1,400%

In addition, the motor was operated for the first time using a high
voltage transformer plugged into the a.c. power socket. The transformer output
voltage was roughly 2 , 000 volts . The input power was readily measured using
en a.c. milliammeter to be 25 Watts, while the output was measured again at
approximately 200 Watts. The higher input in this case reflects the inefficiency
of the transformer .

It now appears to me that the Newman motor can be readily scaled to power
levels which will make it practica! for conunercial and home energy needs, and
this should be accomplished in the very near future.

The above statements are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.

1204 Circle High Dr.
Burnsville, Mn. 55337


On June 11, 1986 I witnessed a demonstration of Josepb Newman's

latest motor prototype in Atlanta, Georgia. Newman•s motor
weighed about ten pounds, consisting of copper and a powerful
magnet rotor. The rotor was attached to a 15 inch fan blade
taken from a commercial fan . Newman's motor turned the fan blade
at approximately 660 r.p.m.. It was connected through a
mechanical commutator to 2500 volts of dry cell batte~ies . The
d.c. input current was 1.8 mA, for ~ total power input of 4.5
Watts .

Also displayed was a commercial fan with a five inch blade. "This
fan was advertised as an energy saving motor • . Examination of the
motor revealed a precision motor design. It drew 25 Watts in
opsration. Newman's motor was obvioLtsly doing several times the
work of the commercial motor, while drawing 5 . 5 times less power.
A later e::periment was performed in Mississippi in which a
commercial fan with an identical 15 inch blade was powered from a
Variac and run at the same speed as the Newman motor. The
commercial fan drew 30 Watts compared to Newman's 4.5 Watts . It
should also be noted that a 15 Watt flourescent tube, connected
across Newman's motor coil to prevent sparking, was
simultaneously lit to perhaps one fourth of its full brightness.
Also, as in past prototypes, a large negative current (r.f .
envelope) flows back into the battery from the motor coil .

My testing, and observations of Newman prototypes which are

electronically commutated, indicate that Newman's fan prototype
can be improved to run on e x ternal input of about 2 Watts . Thus
further development can lead to a fan motor which consumes 1/15th
the power of an efficiently designed commercial motor .

This result is significant in view of Mr. Newman's announcement

cf his intention to build an ~utomobile motor prototype. I
firmly believe that the above quoted results will scale up, and
that Mr . Newman's car will consume at least 15 times less energy
than present commercial electric cars. This energy savings could
be utilized for an~ combination of longer running time , higher
speed, or larger vehicle compared to present designs. Newman's
car motor will operate on high voltage, will have high torque at
low current , and will probably consume a fraction of ene
horsepower. If such a motor powered our nation's cars , air
polution would be greatly reduced, and the nation would become
energy independent.

I swear that the above statements are true and accurate to the
best of my knowledge.

1204 Circle High Dr.
Burnsville, Mn. 5533 7


I have read and evaluated che Newman motor test results reported by R.E. Hebner, G.N.
Stenbakken, and D.L. Hillhouse in Nacional Bureau of Standards report #NBSIR 86-3405. While che
reporters display fine credentials and demonsrrate the use of precision equipment, they obvióusly did
nor test the .Newman motor. Instead they measur~d the power consumed in resistors placed in parallel
with the Newman motor, and called this power the motor output. In layman's terms, this is equivalent to
stating rhat the output of an electric motor plugged into a wall socket is given by the power used by a
lightbulb in the next room which is on a parallel c ircuir. The measurement of power consumed by these
parallel resistors is clearly irrelevant to the efficiency of the Newman motor. The actual input power to
the Newman motor (battery input minus power consumed by their resistors) is referred to in the report
as " internal losses." No anempt was made to measure the mechanlcal output ofthe Newman motor. Nor
was any measurement made of heat generated in the motor windings.

It has been demonstrated by myself and others that much of che excess energy generated in the
Newman mach.ine occurs at very high frequencies (in particular between 10 and 20 MHz). It has also
been demonstrated that the high frequency current will flow to ground if given the opportunity. If
Newman's machine is grounded through a high resistance, heat will be produced in the resistor which
represems an additional motor output. In the N.B.S. testing, the Newman motor was connected direcrly
to ground, thus eliminating the excess r.f. power from the system. The report states that " the power
flow in the de vice is primarily a low frequency phenomena. '' This result was guaranteed by the test set-
up. Again, the oscillographs shown on page 3 of the report show clean low frequency waveforms. Ali
oscilloscope waveforms which I have observed on Newman motors which are properly connected have
by comrast been dominated by extremely large high-frequency componems.

In conclusion, the N. B.S. failed tO measure the output of the Newman motor, and instead measured
the output of parallel resistors. In addition, the primary r.f. energy generated by the machine was
shunted to ground. Their measurements are therefore irrelevant to the actual functioning of the
Newman device. These results reflecta total lack of communication between the N.B.S. and Newman o r
any other expert on Newman's technology. Considering the imporcance of Newman's Machine and its
pocential applications, this waste of N.B.S. resources and misrepresemation of Newman's device is an
insult to those seriously interested in the machine and to those who may benefit by its future

Roger Hastings, Ph.D.

31 7
XV. Testimonies by Joseph Newman, Dr. Roger Hastings, John Flannery, and Milton Everett
before the Senate Subcommittee on Energy, July 30, 1986


DATED JULY 30, 1986

Good morning. Thank you for inviting me to appear today. My name Is Joe Newman. 1 come here today from
Lucedale, Mlssissippi. It may be in the backwoods. But that doesn' t mean we are backward. No more than any other out-
of-the-way place, like, say Kitty Hawk. I aman inventor. That is how I make my living and, in the course of making my
living, I have obtained patents for a number of devices and machines. None, however, have been as dramatic as the one
I've been fighting to patent for the last seven years.
I have lnvented amachine whlch uses the prot:iertles of magnetism and electricity to generate power. The reason my
machine is a technological breakthrough is that my machine creates more externa! output energy than the amount of ex-
terna! inpur energy required to run it. My prototype is powered only by dry cell batteries. Various tests run by lndepen-
dent scientists have shown this machine can obtain efficiencies greater than 1000%. That means we have proven my
machine can release more than ten times the energy than it takes to start it. The technology itself shows my device can
produce much more than that. Think of the practica! application of my machine to power your home, your car, or any
other use that requires energy.
The thing that surprised me is that instead of being greeted by the Executive Branch and the Patent Offlce with
curiosity and searching lnquiries, I was greeted lnstead with incompetence, lnconsistency, obstruction and worse. In the
bargain sorne misleading impressions have been given sorne currency.
Firstly, my device does not - as sorne say - create energy. It releases available unused energy.
Secondly, 1 do not claim my machine is a perpetua! motion machine as the Patent Office falsely and repeatedly says.
Far from !t. Through more than 21 years of hard work 1 have harnessed the properties of magnetism in a new way to ob-
tain the unprecedented efficiency I've described. 1 do not claim my machine runs forever . 1 only claim it runs longer than
any other motor or generator invenced thus far.
Thirdly, I have proof for what I have to say. Thirty independent scientists including a principal physicist for Sperry
Univac, Roger Hastings, with me here today, and Milton Everett of the State of Mississippi Geology Department, also
present, have submitted sworn affidavits stating my machine works. My proofs persuaded no less than a former Commis-
sioner of the Patent Office that my device works as I claim. This former Commissioner, Major William Schuyler, with an
electrical engineering background, nominated by the Patenc Office, not by me, was appointed by Federa!Judge Thomas
Jackson on his own motion, over my objection, to render an opinion for thisJudge . Major Schuyler, who bears the title of
Special Master, concluded that there was overwhelming evidence that my machine works. More than that, this former
Commissioner stated there was no contradictory evidence and that the Patent Office had knowingly not followed patent
law and that the Patent Office's position that the machine was impossible was "clearly erroneous" and that they were
overruled, and that the patent should issue if the applicant met the balance of the patent statute.
My counsel,John Flannery, has provided you with additional details. But !et me add a few comments. I filed my first
patenc application on March 22 , 1979 - more than seven years ago. Since then the Patent Office has done nothing but
throw up barriers to block me from obtaining a patent. However, I assembled the proof I've discussed that my machine
works. 1 also complied with the Patent Office's other requirements. There is no question that my device is new or that it
works. More than 30 credible scientists have listened to my technical process and ran their own tests and put their hard-
earned reputations on the line to state that my device works. The Special Master gave those courageous individuals their
due by stating the evldence before the Court and the Patent Office was overwhelming that the invention wo rked as I
claimed it did.
Since 1979, 1 have suffered eight different rejections by the Patent Office. Dealing with the Patent Office is like hav-
lng a starring role in the movie CATCH 22. 1 ha ve hada tria! scheduled on three dlfferent dates: ]une 1984, February 1986,
and now December 1986. I'm not sure 1'11 ever get a tria!. And then my counsel tells me there is the appeal. Even when I
get a Court of Appeals Order disciplining the lower Court, it is ignored by the lower Court, the N.B.S., and the Patent Of-
fice. The N.B.S. has just run these tests behind closed doors, and they did it wrong as Roger (Hastings] shall tell you in a
moment and they expect me to pay for it - $75,000. Imagine that. That's not fair. That's why I've turned to you as the
representatives of the people, my Mississippl neighbors and others across this nation, who I believe want to give me a
chance to succeed (or evento fail).
Please try to understand my frustration as an inventor who believes he has a new way to generate power.
Benjamin Franklin said:
"There are everywhere a number of people who, being totally destitute of any inventive
f aculty themselves do not readily conceive that others may possess it. "
Franklin and others saw the power granted to Congress as a protection for su ch individuals. That promise of protection
has been wlthheld in recent years from me - and others.
I have proven my machine works. I believe I am entitled to a pioneering patent as dictated by the guidelines of the
Supreme Court. 1 appealed to the Patent Office to accept my proofs, to acknowledge my submission was "new" and to
grant my pioneering patent so my pioneering invention could benefit others. Instead, they turned a deaf ear, disregarded
their own procedures, knowingly and consistently viola,ted patent and federal law, and the Courts have equally con-
doned this injustice. That is why I have turned to you on behalf of myself and ali inventors and citizens who believe the
purpose of the patent system is to promete, not stifle, inventors because the jewel of our civilization is o ur creative peo-
ple. Stop creativity and one stays the advancement ofthe human race. That is why 1ask you Senacors to give me the relief
I've fought so long to obtain. If l have what I claim, no one loses. If I'm dead wrong, and 1 tell you with ali my heart and
soul I'm not, then no one loses for I shall fade from sight. But I'm righc and 1 ask you to give me the chance to preve it in
the marketplace, to grant me a pioneering pacent.
Thank you again for your attention and this opportunity.


DATED JULY 30, 1986

My name is Roger Hastings. Thank you for the opportunity co address chis Comminee. Before I discuss Mr.
Newrnan 's devicc. let me tell you somcthing background, how long J've know )oe Newman, and then I'II rnake
rny observations about Newman's device, and repeat my criticism of che recent N.B.S. tests of ewman's device.

My education, through che Ph.D. , is in physics . I ha ve served as a Profcssor of physics for four years, and for the past
five years I ha ve workcd as a physicist for the Sperry Corporation in St. Paul, Minnesota. My current title is Senior Staff
Scientist, and I am the manager of Sperry's Superconductive Electronics Technology Center. I ha ve known Mr. Joseph
Newman for five years. During chis time I ha ve tested most ofthe many prototype motors which he has constructed, and
I havc witnessed testing by other technical people. I have become familiar with Mr. Newman's theories and actitudes. I
represent mysclf in this macter, and have never represented Sperry Corp. rcgarding Mr. Newman or his machine.


Newman's mocors al! consist of a very powerful permanent magnet which rotates or reciprocates within ornear a
coil consisting of a very largc number of turns of copper wire. The coil is cnergized by a battery pack, and the magnetic
field produced by che coi! provides che torque or force required to rotare or reciprocare the permanent magnet. A
mechanical commutator reverses che direction of current flow through the coil each half cycle, and in sorne models also
chops the currem input betwecn current reversals. Technically, che mowr may be described as a two pole, single phase,
permanem magnct armature, d.c. motar. The difference between Newman 's design and the prior art is one of scale: very
large magnet and very large coi!. Newman's large motors contain conventional ccramic magnets weighing up to 700
pounds. His smaller mocors use powerful rare earth magnets. The coils typically are wound with more than 100,000
turns of copper wire. Since the coil resistance is therefore high, the machines operate on bauery voltage which is suffi-
ciently high (hundreds to thousands of volts).
The corque applied to the magnet in these motors is proporcional to the product of the strength o f the magnet, che
number of turns of copper wire, and the current flowing through the wirc. In Newman's machines extremely large
torques can be developed with very small current inputs. Ifwe scale up Newman's motor, it is theoretically possible to
obtain infinite t0rques with infinitesimal currenc flow (and not violare any laws of physics). However, according to con-
ventional thought, as soon as thís magnet begins to rotate, doing work against sorne load applied to its shaft, the back emf
(elcctromotive force) produced by the rotating magnet would produce a back current which nearly cancels che input
current, and che corque would be reduced to nearly zero. The magnet could not rotate, or would rotate extremely slowly
with the shaft power oucput less than the battery input.
Consider what has happened to conventional thought in the pase when people have experimented with the limics of
very high speeds (relativity), very small dimensions (quantum mechanics), vcry low temperatures (superconductivity
and superfluidity). Newman's motors probe the limits of very lai:gc corque with very small current input. And they do
rota te at relatively high rates. For example, wicness Newman's la test prototype (on demonstration following this hearing
today in an auditorium in this building) which runs on 0.0008 amps at 3000 volts and turns a 16 inch fan blade at mor~
than 500 r.p.m. How much torque can this motor produce? Try to stop the motor by holding the two inch diametei
shaft. This will not be possible for a normal human, although the motor is a sea le model of a motor which Newman in•
tends to build to power an automobile.
Newman's motors are unconventional in other ways. One notices the fluorescent tu bes which are placed across the
motor coi!. These tubes are lit by the coil's collapsing magnetic field occurring when the battery voltage is switched.
They are used to protect the mechanical switch from damage due to arcing. The additional power produced in these
tubes (and flowing through the system) occurs at very high frequencies, primarily in the range of ten to twenty million
cycles per second. This r.f. (radio frequency) current has been accurately measured, and cxceeds thc battery input cur-
rent by factor of five to ten in the various motors. One of Newman's motors was monitored with a computerized high
speed data sampling system, wich the following results:
(1) The r .f. appears in bursts, with the r epeat time between each burst approximate ly eq ual to the length of
the moto r wioding divided by the speed of light in copper . The r .f . bursts sbo wed little atte nuation dur-
ing the ir trave l through the coil, maintaining their shap e and amplltude.
(2) The r .f. currc nt and vo ltage were in phase, r e presenting the real power.
(3) The r .f. currcnt and vo ltage wave forms were offset from ground, indicating a n et d.c. component.
(4) The net r.f. p o w er at the battery pack re presente d a n egative powe r which exceed e d the d .c. input powe r
from the batteries.
The last statement may explain why Newman has been able to demonstrate the charging of dry cell batteries placed
in his syscem. Baccery failure has occurred through interna! shorts which develop within the batteries rather than by
depletion of che energy stored within the batteries. When you witness the demonstration of Newman's latest prototype,
if you attend the demo nstration following this hearing, bear in mind that the batteries will last many times longer than ex-
pected for a drain of 0.0008 amps. A prominent battery co mpany is working with Newman to develop batteries which
will stand up to the r.f. power levels, and perhaps last even longer.
Newman's motor design is based on his cheory of gyroscopic particles which he explains in bis book " Tbe Energy
Machine of Joseph Newman." Fu ll utilization of his macbine will require a detailed mathematical representation of the
phenomena based on a tborough understanding of tbe atomic processes at work. This will require a parallel program of
experimentation using tbe finest rcsources available. Application programs bave already been conceived (for example,
the car motor), and will require prototyping and manufacturing efforts. Newman should be immediately awarded a pa-
tent and become recognized in the scientific community for bis accomplishments to date.


1 ha ve been asked whether the recent N. B.S. tests alter the opinions I've expressed before and I'm repeating here to·
day. The recent N.B.S. tests don't alter my opinion because N.B.S. failed to test Newman 's device.
I have read and evaluated the Newman motor test results reponed by R.E . Hebner,- G.N. Stenbakken, and D.L.
Hillhouse in Nacional Bureau of Standards Report #NBSJR 86-3405. (See " Repon of Tests onjosepb Newman's Device,"
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, dated )une 26, 1986, hereinafter referred to as "the NBS Rpl. at __.")

A. N.B.S.'s Energy " Output" Measurements

Wbile the reporters display fine credentials and demonstrate the use of precision equipment, they obviously did not
test the Newman moto r. Instead they measured the power consumed in resistors placed in parallel with tbe Newman
motor, and called this power the motor output. (See NBS Rpt. at 7 (Fig. 4.) "Scbematic Drawing of Newman device and
input and output power measurements circuits," reproduced with comments plainly referring to the "Resistors" as such
in the accompanying chart.]
In layman' s terms, this is equivalent to stating that the output of an electric motor plugged incoa wall socker is given
by the power used by a lightbulb in the next room which is on a parallel circuit. The measurement of power consumed
by these parallel resistors is clearly irrelevant to the efficiency of the Newman motor.
The actual input power to the Newman motor (battery input minus power consumed by their resistors) is referred to
in the reportas "interna! losses. " No attempt was made to measure the mechanical output of tbe Newman motor. Nor
was any measurement made of beat generated in the motor windings.

B. The Addltional Energy N .B.S. Lost From The System
It has been demonstrated by myself and others that much of the excess energy generated in the Newman machine
occurs at very high frequencies (in particular between 10 and 20 MHz). It has also been demonstrated that the high fre-
quency current will flow to the ground if given the opportunity. If Newman's machine is grounded through a high
resistance, heat will be produce d in the resistor which represents an additional motor output. In the N.B.S . testlng, the
Newman motor was connected directly to ground, thus e liminating the excess r.f . power from the system [See NBS Rpt.
at 7 (Fig. 4.) "Schematic Drawing of Newman device and input and oucput power measurement c ircuits," reproduced
with comments plainJy referring to the "Ground" as such in the accompanying chart.] The report s tates that "thc power
flow in the dcvicc is primarily a low frequency phenomena." This result was guaranteed by the test set up. Again, che
oscHlographs shown on pagc 3 of the report show clean low frequency wavcforms. Ali oscilloscope waveforms which I
have observed on Newman motors which are properly connected ha ve by contrast bccn dominated by cxtremely large
high frequency components.

C. Conclusion
In conclusion, the N.B.S. failed to measurc the output of the Newman moto r, and instead mcasured the output of
parallel resistors. Jn addition, the primary r.f. energy generated by che machine was shunccd to ground. The ir
mcasurements are therefore irrclevant to the actual functioning of the Ncwman devicc. These results rcflect a total lack
of communication between che N.B.S. and Ncwman or any o the r expert on Newman's cechnology. Considering thc im-
portance of Ncwman's machinc and its potcntial applications, chis wastc of N.B.S. resources and misreprescntalion of
Ncwman's dcvicc is an insult to those seriously intercsted in che machim.: and to thosc who may bcnt:flt by its futurc ap-

- ---------------- -_J

GROUND (NBS shuoted encrgy from RESISTORS (NBS mcasured cncrgy

Newman d cvicc to grouod wlthout spcot lo rcslstors bue not l.n
mcasurlng and lost lt.) or by Newman's Devlce.)

Prof. Hascl.ngs: Prof. Hastlngs:

" lo the NBS the '' ... Thls ls cqulvaJcnt to
Newman motor was connectcd s tatlng that thc o u tput of an
dJrectly to ground, tbus clectr lc motor pluggcd lnto a
cllmlnatlng tbe cxcess r.f. wall socke t Is glvco by tbe
power from the system." power used by a llghtbulb in
the oext room whkh is on a
parallcl clrcul\." '


Principal polnts cooccmlng dcflclcncles of

thc NBS test conduc ted by thrce lndlvlduals:

1) The Input voltage into thc eocrgy machinc was 3) Thc NBS tests dJd oot measure thc output of Newman's
restdctcd. Thls Is exactly opposlte to thc Technical Pro- motor - instead, be says, the tests measured tbe output
ccss taught by Joscph Ncwmao wbo teaches tbat tbe In- of parallcl rcslstors. As a resul.t , Dr. Hastlngs says,
put voltagc sbould be maxlmlzed and thc Input currcot "Thclr mcasurcmcots are tbcrcforc lrrclevant to tbe ac-
sbould be mlolmlzcd. The lhrce lndlvlduals at thc NBS tual functloolng of the Newtn20 device."
dld thc opposltc.
4) No attcmpt was made to measure tbe mechanical output
2) As Dr. Roger Hastings wrote ln bis statement: "lo tbe of the Newman motor - only the electrlcal o utput.
NBS testin~, the Newman motor was connected dlrectly
to grouod. ' - as a result, the excess output power was 5) No attcmpt was made to measure the heat generated in
shunted away. the motor wlndlngs.

DATEDJULY 30, 1986

Thank you Mr. Chairman and the members of this subcommittee for inviting us here today to discuss how the Patent
Office has failed to treat fairly orto protect, as is merited, the device backwoods inventor Joseph Newman has invented.
I represent Joseph Newman. I am his counsel.
I represent just one inventor, among many, who has spent his resources fighting a tangled bureaucracy, rather than
devoting himself exclusively to his work.
Mr. Newman, 49, seeks a patent denied him for six years not because of Patent Office bungling (they ignored their
own procedures), incompetence (the patent examiner who rejected his patent application admlttedly doesn't have a col-
lege level understanding of physics), bad faith (the Patent Office's Deputy Solicltor filed an admittedly false sworn
declaration, later recanted, knowing it was false in a desperate effort to rebut Newman), unlawfulness (former Commis-
sioner Mossinghoff misappropriated S100,000 of federal energy monies to discredit Newman by an irregular and un-
precedented testing procedure just before Mossinghoff resigned the Patent Office in December, 1984) comemptible and
unfair (the Patem Office's expert, the National Bureau of Standards, ran tests behind closed doo rs in violation of a Court
of Appeals Order requiring them to give notice of the tests they imended to run and to complete the tests within thirty
days; they did neither).
The U.S. District Court has confessed its technical incompetence, ignored the findings of che Special Master it ap-
pointed, seized inventor Newman's property without notice or hearing, and defied che plain language of a writ issued by
the Court of Appeals to correct the Distrlct Court's "highly irregular" procedures.
As a result of what the executive and judicial branches have done (and what they have falled to do), this, the
legislative branch of government has responded by introducing private legislation in che House that might accomplish
what Newman has otherwise been unable to obtain and provided us this hearing in the Senate. We hope that chis hearing
shall result in the Senate introducing private legislation so that Joe Newman may finally have a fair shot at the
marketpliice. Again, we thank you for this opportunity.
As you may know, there has been a great deal of media coverage of Mr. Newman's case includlng magazines like
REGARDIE'S, local and national newspapers and wire services such as ABC WEEKEND NEWS, CNN, and ev.en Johnny
Carson's TONIGHT SHOW. But 1thought1 might serve this Committee best by summarizing the facts of chis case.

A. The Patent Offke
What's happened is simple and tragic. Newman holds a number of patents and, in 1980, he applied for another one.
Bue the Patent Office was entirely unable to understand - at least so they could claim at the outset - Newman's claim
that his devlce produced more energy o ut than required to run it.
The Patent Office said you can't do that, that is, get more energy o ut than you put in. They were, however, dead
wrong. Newman's notion is just like what occurs when you strike a match to dry wood; you release more energy from
the wood (the fire) than the energy required to get it going (the match). The only difference is that Newman's device
doesn't release stored chemical energy (dueto photosymhesis) but stored electromagnetic energy (dueto permanent
and induced magnetic fields).
In 1980, Newman built a prototype proving his devic,e o perated. But the Patent Office refused Newman's offer to
test it. More recently, they have been somewhat eager to test it but only on their own schedule, without describing the
tests beforehand, and only if the public is excluded during the tests. In essence, they refused to test Newman's device
fairly, and under circumstances that Newman could afford to attend, and have otherwlse defied an appellate court order
dlrecting them how to proceed - but more about that shortly.
The Patent Office ignored the sworn statements of 30 scientists and engineers, including a principal physicist for
Sperry Corp., Dr. Roger Hastings, that Newman's device operates as he claims.
In one earlier affidavit by Dr. Hastings, based on severa! experimencs he ran, he found:

(a) for the same input power, Newman's motor ran seven hours as compared with an 80% rated efflcient D.C.
motor that ran only six minutes,
(b) batteries run down so that they were unable to powe r even a 1 Y.? -volt toy motor, when connected to Newman's
device, not only turned Newman's 90 pound rotor, but even caused it to accelerate wíthin only 20 seconds, and
(c) Newman's device - in 1982 - measured unpreccdented effldendes of 800% (output/lnput).
B. The Court
InJanuary, 1983, Newman filed a suit in federal district court in the District of Columbia asking the Court, as is pro-
vided for l;>y statute, 35 United States Code, ·section 145, to compel the Commissioner to issue him a patentas the Patent
Office had refused him one. The case was assigned to U.S. DistrictJudge Thomas Penfieldjackson, appointed to the
bench in 1982.
This case was first set down for trial inJune 1984. But]udge Thomas P.Jackson said he was incompetent, technically
incompetent, to consider the matter, and appointed a Special Master, proposed by the Patent Commissioner, over
Newman's objection, to determine if Newman's device operated. The Master, former Patent Commissioner William
Schuyler (an electrical engineer), reviewed ali the evidence and concluded: (1) there was "overwhelming evidence,"
without contradiction, that Newman's device operated as c laimed, (2) that one "skilled in the art" could make or use
Newman's device, (3) that the Patent Office had disregarded its own procedures in denying Newman a patent, (4) that
the Board of Patent Appeals decision that Newman's device was impossible was " clearly erroneous" and, (5) as a matter
of law, a patent should issue.
Rule 53 ofthe Federal Rules ofCivil Procedure provides that the]udge " shall accept the findings" ofthe Special Master,
but the Court did not. No more technically competent than when the Court appointed the Master, thejudge set aside the
Master's findings citing a body of scientific knowledge that he admitted was beyond bis comprehension. Judge Jackson also
ordered Newman to pay for the Master's services and expenses; so this exercise cost Newman about $12,000.00.
In December 1984, Commissioner Mossinghoff arranged to have S 100,000.00 of Energy Act funds misappropriated
to discredit Newman's device. Commissioner Mossinghoff made an unprecedented agreement with the National Bureau
of Standards. He ran little risk as he already had N.B.S. expert Jacob Rabinow file a sworn declaration that Newman's
device did not operate. ·so the Patent Office ran little risk of the N.B.S. contradicting itself with tests.
We believed as part of pre-tria! discovery that they were entitled to prepare their defense but we wanted to know what
they were doing so we could defend against their critical claims at tria!. lt was not reassuring that the supposed national
laboratory, the N.B.S., had already said the device didn't operate without ever testing it. Nor was it reassuring that this same
N.B.S. expert Rabinow sat in on the meeting when the Patent Office struck this agreement with its sister agency, the N.B.S.
Thus did we insist on five safeguards: (1) presence (we be there so we could keep an eye on what the Patent Office
and N.B.S. were doing), (2) a limitation on the duration of the test (so that presence was affordable to Newman, his
counsel andan expert), (3) destruction (there be nene because Newman develops and demonstrates his prototypes and,
if the device was destroyed, how could we contradict the results they claimed), (4) that the Patent Office describe in ad·
vanee the tests they intended to run, and (5) N.B.S. report the results of any " test" they did run.
Commissioner Quigg rejected these conditions out of hand. He asked the Court to order Newman to surrender his
device, to exclude Newman from " preliminary tests" -whatever they were - and to permit N.B.S. to destroy the device;
the Patent Office made the astonishing admission in a letter to Representative Trent Lott that they wouldn't say Newman's
device operates until after they had destroyed it. The N.B.S expert Hebner said the same thing in a sworn declaration.
Judge Jackson obliged the Patent Commissioner and issued the Order as requested.
In October 1985, as I asked the Court of Appeals tO stay the extraordinary Order, panicularly as Newman would suf·
fer irreparable harm if he was forced to comply. The Court of Appeals issued the stay.
I also asked the Court of Appeals to take the extraordinary step of issuing a Writ of Mandamus.
OnJanuary 13, 1986, the Court of Appeals did. The Circuit Court sternly rebuked District CourtJudge Thomas P.
Jackson for his unprecedented, "highly irregular," and fundamentally unfair procedures. In Re Newman, 782 F.2d 971,
974-75 (Fed. Cir. 1986).
The Appellate Court also ordered the safeguards we requested. They said we could be present for all tests, N.B.S.
had to tell us what tests they were going tO run in advance. They had thirty days, that's all, to run the tests and issue a
report. Newman thought he finally had the leve! playing field he fought for six months to obtain. But as you will see, the
N.B.S. and the Patent Office ignored the court-ordered safeguards from the moment Newman timely produced his
device onJanuary 24, 1986.

C. The National Bureau of Standards

N.B.S. refused to runa single test unless they were permitted to destroy Newman's device. They told the Court of
Appeals before they ran the test, that Newman's d~vice was a hoax. N.B.S. carne up with a thousand excuses, each of
which N~wman answered, to run the dock while they waited for permission to destroy Newman's device. For example,
they insisted on communicating by mail, rather than by phone. In another instance, they required Newman to travel
1,000 miles from Mississippi to Maryland to move a wire a single inch. Newman and I told N.B.S. they could connect it.
But they insisted Newman do it. Even after Newman did, after he traveled a thousand miles to do it, they refused to test
Newman's device or evento tell him when or how they would test it.
The Patent Office and the N.B.S. kept Newman's device for thirty days without running a single test. During that
time, the Federal Circult reaffirmed its decision refusing to let the Patent Office or N.B.S. destroy Newman's device; they
issued an unreported Opinion on February 12, 1986. But the Court of Appeals Order made nota bit of difference. The
N.B.S. didn' t describe or runa single test in the thirty days they were given to do so. On severa! occasions they asked us
to tell them how to run the tests. We refused to telJ, although we did telJ them how we had run past tests. It is of critica!
importance that we told them not to connect the device to ground.
On February 24, 1986, when the thirty days that the Court of Appeals allotted ran out, without a single test having
been described or conducted, I wem to pickup Newman's device with the knowledge and consem ofNational Bureau of
Standards Deputy Director Kramer.
But before I could retrieve the device, the Court seized it without prior notice, much less any hearing. Upon arriving
at N.B.S. to retrieve the device, I was told that the Court hadsummoned me to court threatening my arrest ifl did not ap-
pear in court within the hour. Upon arriving in the court, I was ordered, under penalty of comempt, not to retrieve my
client's property. We objected but complied with the Court's o rder.
On March 3, 1986, as a result of the Court's questionable procedures, Mr. Newman made an affidavit in support of a
motion ro disqualify the sitting District Judge for his demonstrated personal bias and prejudice.
On March 7, 1986, the District Court held a status ¡::onference to consider giving the Patent Commissioner's expert
more time to test Joseph Newman's device beyond the thirty days authorized by the U.S. Court of Appeals. In Re
Newman, supra, at 975.
Immediatcly bcforc the status conference began, theJudge's law clerk handed mean order denying Newman's mo-
tion to disqualify theJudge as insufficiem, but without any discussion as to why the pleadings were factually insufficient.
The)udge hcld me in contempc for merely memionlng our pending motion co disqualify him. During that same hearing
the Court allowed che Patent Officé to continue to have Newman's device and to test it , day to day, unti!June 26, 1986 -
150 days after Joseph Newman produced the device for testing.
Newman could noc afford to be present with counsel andan expert for che 12 hour work-days N.B.S. claimed they
worked each day. It would have cost Newman about S60,000, or more, to attend the tests. Former Patent Commissioner
Mossinghoff misappropriaced Sl00,000.00 to run these unprecedented tests. The tests, we have been told, cost about
$75,000.00. Sure Newman technically hada right to attend the ceses, but it was a right he could not afford to exercise. He
is nota large corporation. He is an inventor who Uves by whac he invencs. Worse, the Patent Office earlier sald they ex-
pect Newman to reimburse the Patent Office for what the tests cost.
On ]une 26, 1986, che Patent Office's expert fínally issued its report. Unsurprisingly, the N.B.S. said Newman's
device did not operate as Newman claims it does. It is ironic that as a consequence of the Patent Office's disregard of the
Court of Appeals requiremem that the N.B.S. notify us what tests they intended to run during che 30-day test period
autho rized by the U.S. Court of Appeals, Newman did not know until after N.B.S. issued its repon how N.B.S . " tested"
his device. Only afterwards did Newman discover thac the N.B.S. did not test his device at ali.
Professor Hastings will say more about this, but, as I said earlier, before N.B.S. ran any tests, I forwarded to N.B.S. a
schematic ofthe circuit used to test Newman's device. It plainly showed not to connect Newman's device to ground. But
N.B.S. nevertheless allowed energy to escape from che device, literally to the ground, and then measured the power
spent in a load (resistors) wired in parallel to the device. Therefore, N.B.S. did not measure the energy produced in (or
by) the device itself.
Ifthe Patent Office and the N.B.S. had complied with the Court of Appeals Order, Newman would have hada second
opportunity to reinforce what was already obvious from che schematic diagram forwarded to N.B.S., that they should
not connect Newman's device to ground. We could have told N.B.S. they were in error. But as N.B.S. and the Patent Of-
fice failed to give us any notice - contrary to the Court of Appeals Order - of the tests they intended to run during the
30-day test period authorized by the Court of Appeals, they wasted Newman's re~ources and, by their estimates,
$75 ,000 .00 of federal taxpayer's monies misappropriated b y former Comrnissioner Mossinghoff.
D. The Congress
Newman's device never hada chance in the Patent Office. Nor has Newman goteen a fair shake from che District
Court. Nor has the Court of Appeals Order compelled the Court, the Patenc Office or N.B.S. to act fairly. The Patent Of-
fice continues to spend taxpayer's money in an effort to grind down Newman's resources lf they can't otherwise fairly
meec and concradict his arguments.
As Newman could not get his " day in court, " 1 asked Congress to give Newman his "day in the marketplace." We
respectfully repeat and renew that request today.
That is why Representative Dan Burton (R-Ind.) last October introduced H.R. 3590 on Newman's behalf. Joseph
Newman seeks a pioneering patent. That is a patent for something that has not been done before. As che Patent Office
claims Newman's device is impossible, but we have proved to che contrary, then it is a pioneering patent. The Supreme
Court has ruled on 6 occasions since the latter part of the l 9th Century that such patents should be liberaJly interpreted
from the narrowest to the widest to interpretatíon of the claims andas muchas possible the claim language will be inter-
preted in the language of the applícant to uphold the fruits and labor of his genius. This is also why Representative Trent
Lott abandoned his position that Newman should wait on the outcome of the litigation and last December introduced his
own bill identical to H. R. 3590. More recently, Representatives Kindness, Torricelli, Dannemayer, Tauzin, Daub, Dowdy
and Lívingston introduced identical prívate bilis . Representative Livingst0n has called for an investigation of the matter.
The House of Representatives has not yet held its hearing, but you have. We are grateful for this opportunity.

Newman has stated before, as he shall again shortly, that he shall continue to press his case.
We respectfully request that after this hearing, after hearing what we' ve had to say, and afte r considering the
evidence that the members of this Committee ío in and intro duce a prívate pioneering patent bill in the Senate so that
Joseph Newman may finally have a patent as protection for his work.
Thank you for your attention and, after Mr. Newman and the other members of this panel make their statements, we
wo uld ali be glad to answer any questions yo u may have.


DATED JULY 30 , 19 8 6

Thank yo u fo r inviting-me to be here coday. My name is Milton Eve rett and I am with the State of Mississippi Geology
Departmem although I am appearing here to day on my o wn behalf.
Throughout Mr . Newman's struggle, o ne thing that has struck me as astounding fo r an agency supposedly interested
in science is the total absence of curiosity by the Patent Office.
My o nly d irect comact w ith che Patent O ffice officials occurred when Mr. Jerry Sears, So licitar for the Patent Office,
attended my deposition at Mr. Newman's Lucedale, Mississippi home.
Mr. Sears assumed an adve rsarial, no tan inquisitive attitude toward me and the o thers present. Ido no t believe this is
a pro per attitude for an official of the Patent Office.
Mr. Sears· travel expenses were billed to Mr. ewman and much to my amazemem, he was neither interested in see-
ing o r testing Mr. Newman's device.
It became e videm in the course of the procedings that his sole inte ntion was to discredit all evidence in support of
Joe Newman's patent.
What I had to say, I suppose, didn't suit his purposes. I testi.fied about a water pumping test 1 had taken part in and in
which I found the Newman device effi ciency ro be 10 times greater than the convencio nal electric mo to r. Indeed, the
conve ntional mo to r's efficie ncy was abo ut 40 % which yields a Newman device efficiency of at least 400% .
I ha ve submitted a number of statements in the three and o ne-half years I have knownjoe Newman. I have attested
to the numerous tests I' ve o bserved: mechanical tests, electrical tests, and thermal tests.
But Jet me tell you this. In each and every case where the Newman device has been properly tested, it has shown an
efficiency of greater than 100% and I'd stake my professional reputatio n on that assertio n.


To Dr. Nicholaos Tsoupas: an exceptional Physics Teacher, Rcsearch Scientist, and the very first teacher with a doctorare
in Physics who cared enough to express in writing the immense importancc of this invention to the "People" with the full
knowledge that many of his colleagucs - in a knce-jerk {unthinking and unquestioning) response - would disapprove.
To the alumni of the u niversily who may be fo rtuna te eno ugh ro have Dr. Tsoupas as a member o f its faculty and especial-
ly to the students of that university who have a class or classes instructed by Dr. Tsoupas - be aware of the mcaning ancl
csscnce of rhe word " Teacher. " The following courageous letter by Dr. Tsoupas says it ali !
}oseph W. NeU'man

P.O . Box 6666, 272 Wbitncy Avc:nue . Ncw Hav~n. Connccticut 06.S 11

Nov. 16, 1985

Representative Bruce A. Morr ison

437 Cannon Bldg.
3rd Disttct: Falrfield, Mtddlesex, New Haven Counties
Hou5e Judiciery Comm itee:
Washington, D.C. 205 15

RE: H.R. Bill 3590

Dear Mr. Morrison:

1am wr1ttng on behalf of the Inventor Joseph West ley Newman of Lucedale , Mtsstsstppt. to
urge you to support the special prlvate bill H.R. 3590 inlroduced in the House of
Representatives on October 17. 1985.

1am a resident of New Haven. Connecticut and work at Yale University as a Research
Assoclate in the physics deparment, doing research in nuclear physics and also teaching physics
at Ya le University, and at times in Southern Connecticut State University and University of New
Haven. As a scientist 1 consider myself open-minded and 1 welcome and suppor t new ideas and
inventlons lntended far the well belng of the human race.

Mr. Newman has clemonstrated many working models of his invention , an "energy
mach1ne" which Is tJased on his own ideas. In spite of thls ear thshak1ng tnventlon, the U.s.
Patent Office has denied him a patent. 1know for a fact that many scientists consider his
invention unorhodox and unacceptable, possíbly because h1s theoríes do not ful ly comport with
lcxlay's University teachings. However, as Mr. Newman has clemonstrated that his invention
works the w~ he claims, the Patent Offlce should not have denied him a patent. This invention
means an unl1m1ted source of energy and wm introduce new Ideas lnto the sclence of physics.

1fully trust that you will support this bill and thus Mr. Newman will be able to devote
more time to hls inventíons and In developlng hls energy machine for commercial uses, lnstead
of draíning his energy and financia! resources by fighting the Patent Office personnel.

Sincerely ,

NT / amt Nicholaos Tsoupas, Ph.D

XVII. The following was written in response co che introduccion o f Senace Bill S. 2832 by
Senacor Thad Cochran of Mississippi.

To wbom it may concern:

Senat0r Thad Cochran is clearly caking a stand asan enemy t0 the people of che Stace of Mississippi, the
country, and the world. He has now incroduced Bill S. 2832 in which he seeks more testing of the energy
machine of Joseph Newman and more unjust examination by the Patenc Office. This unjust position o f
Senator Thad Cochean tlies in the face of the direcc o rder by boch the Mississippi Senate and House which
overwhelmingly srated that the Judicial System, Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, and the Patent Office ha ve
failed to serve juscice to Joseph Newman. The Mississippi Legislacure also o rdered that the Patent Office be
forced tO issue a patent co Joseph Newman.

This same position was also stated by the Republican Study Committee o f Congress (Chaired by
Congressman Bob Livingston of Louisiana), the Ciry Council of New Orleans, the City Council of Lucedale,
Mississippi , and by eleven differem Congressmen who ha ve introduced eleven Bills seeking to ha ve Joseph
Newman issued a paten t for his pio neering invencion. le was most properly stated by Congressman Wayne
Dowdy of Mississippi when he said, " If thc Pate ot'Office dcnies thls co untry tbe b e neflts o f what could b e a
revolutionary ene rgy devlce, the n lts o b s tioancy would, in my mind, be criminal."

Senacor Cochran has chosen to ignore my letter to him of August 27, 1986, in which I wrote:

"To askfor additional testingjlies in tbeface of tbe ciear, deliberate vioiation of the
laws by tbe Patent Office and Federaijudge Tbomas Penfieldjackson. Tbesefacts have been
verzfied by the Republican Study Committee Report and both the Mississíppi State House
and Senate.
"Relative to any institution or lab tbat does not presently bave tiesto receipt ofjunding
or work contractsfrom the U.S. Government Agencies, I know of none, ancl 1 will agree to no
tesling wbere thal government influence can or could be feasible. Nor will I agree to any
testing procedure which wil/ infer that the criminal, consisten/ injustice put f orth by the
Patent Office, Tbomas Penfieldjackson, and the National Bureau of Standards was O.K.
''My strong ancl unbending position is tbat anyone u·bo condones tbese past injustices
o/ the Patent Office, the National Bureau of Standards, and Tbomas Penfieldjackson, is
justas guilty as they. ··

Senator Thad Cochran's position also flies in che face of)oseph Newman 's earnest and eager attempt to
establish a Research, Development, and Manufacturing Company of his energy machine technology in che
State of Mississippi. Such technology will create many new jobs and spur "a new Industrial Revolution which
will flow from thc State of Mississippi and spread across the world."

The facts clearly show that Senat0r Thad Cochean is an enemy o f che people of che Sta te of Mississippi and
I, Joseph Newman, urge every residenr in Mississippi co call, ~ire, or wrice Senator Cochean to inform him
that he will not be elected in November o f l 988, and that he cannot blatamly defy the will of the people of rhe
State of Mississippi and of the Sta te Legislature since the power of chis Scace belongs to the people and not to
Senator Thad Cochran.

Thank you.

joseph W Newman

AGAINST JOSEPH NEWMAN •••••• The Mississippi Legislature, sitting in extraordinary Session, resolved that Mississippi
energy machine inventor Joseph Newmar. has suffered " arbitrary and unfair treatment" by the U.S. Patent Office and asked
the Mississippi Congressional delegation in Washington to do something about it - to grant Newman a patent.
U.S. Senator Thad Cochran has ignored che State Legislature's request. Indeed, he's helping the Patent Office to make
matters worse. Senator Cochran made the surprising admission on the floor of the U.S. Senate, even áfter holding hearings,
that he couldn' t figure out what che Patenc Office did wrong. More than that, he said there "oughta be a law" to give them the
opportunity to do it again and then he introduced a bill - S. 2832 - to make it possible for the Patent Office to do it again.
Where did the Senator go wrong?
During the Senate hearings Senator Cochran held in late July, it was clear that although his s taff was familiar with the
case, the Senator was noc. Neither the Patent Office nor the National Bureau of Standards produced anyone to testify who
had been involved in the case. The Senator's "searching inquiry" of the Pateot Office witnesses who appeared consisted of
" softball" questions such as, " Did the Patenc Office disregard its procedures in che Newman case?" yielding the
unsurprising response, '' No, Senator.'' Newman said, "The Senator didn't seem to know anythíng about the case or evento
care to know what happened although we certainly sent him sufficient background materials and my counsel briefed che
Senator's staffa number oftimes. l guess che Senator was just going through the motio ns, you know, allowing me to speak
my piece but never intending to do anything about it. That' s what happens when you spend too mu ch time too close to
Washingcon. You get Potomac fever. "
During the hearings, Senator Cochran asked whether Newman - who has just retrieved his device from the Nacional
Bureau of Standards after 150 days of testing - would s ubmit his device for more testing elsewhere; the Patent Office has
said. they expect Newman to rcimburse them for the S 100,000 they spenc in trying to pnve Newman's device didn't
operate. Roger Hastings, a principal physicist with the Sperry Corporation, responded to the Senator's question that
scientists always welcome more testing, but, as far as Newman's patenc application went, that should not be linked with
more testing. Newman has already demonstrated his device operated to che satisfaction o f a former Patent Commissio ner
and Congress should direct that a patent issue to Newman without any more testing and further delay.
Despite thc testimony by Mr. Newman, Dr. Hastings, and others, as well as the documents they submitted, Senator
Cochran proposed legislation requiring Newman to select one of five universities for more testing of his device but, even if
Newman agreed and the Universities agreed and then they enchusiastically endorsed Newman's device, Senator Cochran 's
bill-makes no demand of the Patent Offlce. lt doesn't even require the Patent Offlce to issue him a patent. It only requires
that the Patent Office " re-examine" Newman's patent applicatíon again.
Newman's counsel,John Flannery said, " It's the kind ofpolitical posturing you expect ofany politician who's afraid ro
take a stand. We much prefer chose who outright tell us they disagree. The Senator waited until che last two weeks of this
Session of Congress to introduce che bill; it won't be considered, at the earliest, umil January of 1987. In the meantime,
Senator Cochran is, by this bill, actively discouraging any other Senator from introducing a patent bill and insisting instead
on legislation that graots Joe [Newman) nothing but another gauntlet to run with no prospect for a pate nt at the end of the
line. This ain ' t my idea of good governmem. lt is little wonder that the way we found o ut about it was from the press, not
from the Senator's office."
In essence, Joseph Newman is totally opposed to S. 2832 which represem s an apparent attempt by Cochran to
confuse the issue and cost che taxpayer more mo ney. A bill calling for a Congressio nal patent (identical to the 11 House bills)
is straightforward and does not cost anything. Cochran is attempting to "straddle the fence " with S. 2832 - a bill that has
been referred to a Senatc Judiciary Subcommittee and will probably die in Committee after months of inaction.
In other words, through s uch sandbagging tactics, Coch ran has wasted everyone's time with this bill. If the effort is
made to pass a bill, then such an effort should be focused on a Bill granting a Congressional patent. The Pacenc Office has
proveo itself to be biased and incompetent - and yet Cochran wants to have this same bureaucracy " re-examine the
patent" ! We urge all Mississippians co contact Thad Cochran and demand that he demonstrate a sincere concern bv
immediately introducing a Senate bill identical to the 11 House bilis to grantJoseph Newman a Congressional patent. Unlike
Cochran's bill, these 11 bilis do not cose the caxpayer anything.
Nin e of the 11 House members who ha ve introduced these 11 bilis are from states other than Mississippi. It is ironic that
these ni ne Congressmen better represen e the intereses o f the people of Mississippi than does Thad Cochran. As one of che 11
bill sponsors, Congressman Wayne Dowdy o f Mississippi, states, " no one should have to endure the creatment Mr.
Newman has undergone at the hands of che United States Patent and Trademark Office." And he adds that "instead of
promo ting Mr. Newman's invention, the Patent Office has spent thousands of taxpayer doUars to chwart him. lfthe Patent
Office denies this country the benefits of what could be a revolutionary energy device, then its obstinancy would, in my
mind, be criminal. ''
And yet Thad Cochran would havc the Patent Office "re-examine" Newman 's patent applicacion ac more expense to
the caxpayer.
For further informatio n contact:
Joseph Newman, Route 1, Box 52 , Lucedale, MS 39452 (601) 947-7147

Boo ks
Black, Joseph. Lectures 0 1z tbe Elements of Cbemistry, publi hed by John Robinson, Printed by
Mundell and Son , for Longman and Rees, London, and W. Creech, Edinburgh , 1803.
Brancazio, Peter J. The Nature of Physics, MacMillan Publishing Co., !ne., New York, 1975.
Corliss, William R. Handbook of Unusual Natural Phenomene1, ourcebook Project, Glen Arm,
Maryland, 1977.
Fite, Gilbert and Reese, Jim. An Economic History of tbe Uníted tates, The Riverside Press, 1959,
Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Hoyle, Fred. Astronomy, Rathbone Books, Ltd., London 1962.
- - - · Frontiers of Astronomy. New American Library, cw York, 1964.
Huntington, Ellsworrh. Earth cmd Sun, Yale üniversity Press, ew Haven, 1923.
Lapp, Ralph E. Matter, pgs. 70 and 71, LIFE SCI ENCE LIBRARY, Time !ne., New York, 1965.
Newton, Isaac. Principia, University of California Press, Los Angeles, 1934 .
Paine, Thomas. The Age of Reason, Citadel Press, a division of Lyle Stuart, Inc., 1974, Secaucus,
New jersey.
Sherrill, John L. They Speak W'itb Otber Tongues. a SPIRE book published in , ew Jersey by )ove
Publicacions, lnc., 1984, by arrangemem with McGraw-Hill from che 1964 edition.
Tolsroy, I van . james Clerk .llaxu·ell A Biograpby, Canongacc Publishing Ltd., Edinburgh, 1981.
Watts, Dr. I saac. The Imp1-01·erne11t of the /l.1i11d, London, 1809.
Whipple, A .B.C. Planet Eartb: STORM, pg. 102, TIME-LIFE BOOKS JNC., Chicago, lllinois, 1982.
Williams, L. Pearce. Michael Faraday, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 1965.

Discot•er, " Much Ado About Nothing. " pgs . ...,6-80, )une, 1985.
Science Digest, ''.Magnetic Whirlwinds," pg. 26, July, 198">.
Scíence Neu•s, "'When che un Went crangely Quiet," pgs. 15-f- 156, March 6, 19...,6.
- - - · ''Seismicity in sync wich thc sun?" pg. 271, April 27, 1985.
Time Magazine, "The Wandering Poi es," pg. 54, Decembcr 13. 1968.
Time Magazine, " The Case of the Cosmic Bends, " pg. 57 , August 6, 1984.
U.S. NetPS and World Report, " Pacenc System ... A Drag on lnnovation," pgs. 45 and '"!61,
February 2, 1981.

AddittonaJ R eadtng of Interest

Humington, Ellsworth . Cil'ilization and Climate. Yate Universicy Press. New Ha\'en, 1922.
- - - · Tbe Human Habita!, D. Van. ostrand Co.. loe., 1927.
- - - · Mainsprings ofCivilizati<m, John Wiley and ons, lnc., Ncw York, 1945.
_ __ . World-Pou•er and EL•olulion. Yale Universiry Press, New Ha ven, 1920.

THE ENE.RGY ~!ACHINE OF JOSEPll NEWMAN Note: Page 330 is intentionally blank
In sorne cases, the lisced page numbers only represent the principal areas where the subject is discussed.

action-reaction effect, 50 coil discussion, 16-20, 49, 55, 57

Affidavits: cold, 102-110
Gillis, Dr. John P., 232 commutator, 21, 60-69, 292
Hastings, Dr. Roger, 36-39, 229 CONDUCTING coil embodiment (Energy Machine), 18-69
list of endorsers, 40-41 conducting system, 53, 58
Matherne, Robert J.. 235-23 7 Congressional Action, 295
Meatyard, Michael, 42-48 conversion cfficiency, 20-2 1
Newman, Joseph, 261 -262 Cooper, Paul R., 253
Smythe, Arnold R., Jr., 230 copper, nature of, 15
Soule', Evan R., Jr., 23 1 Corliss, William R., 140
Szuter, Eric, 234 correspondcnce (Achievement vs. Apathy), 154-237
Trinko, Dr. J. Richard, Jr., 233 cryogenics, 2.89-290
Appendix, 283 current spike, 65, 69
Archimedian Laws of Leverage, 57
Astronomy, 112-153: o
central clectromagnetic field , l 16ff., 135
central entity, 141 -143 Oahon, John, 74, 104
complcx motions, 141 Davy, Humphry, 103, 107
Earth's magnetic flcld, 88, l 16ff., 118 Dcvil's St:a, 138-140
Earth's magnetic potes, 121 -128 Dirac's Equation, 72
Earth 's orbit, 145 Duggan, Donovan F., 258
earrhquakes and tornadoes, 144-153
experiments of Joscph Newman, 130-134 E
Jupiter's magnctic field, 136
Moon's magnetic íleld, 11 7ff., 125 Eartb and Sun, 133ff.
our galaxy's magnctic are, 141-142 Earth's magnecic field , 88, 116ff., 118
planetary alignment, 146- 148, 151 -152 cconomics, 253-257
planets' tilts, 132 Edison, Thomas, 84
Pluto's inclination, 128 Einstein, Albert, 72, 101, 294
right-angular orbits, 143 l.linstein's Equacion ofE = MC2 , 9- 11 , 13, 15, 20, 55-56, 59, 60,
stellar alignment, 138 70, 74, 79, 81 -82, 101 -103, 108-110, 11 6
Sun ·s magneric field , 117ff., 131 -132 Einstein's General Theory of Rclativity, 97
sunspots, 120- 121, 133- 135 clcctric charges, 9, 72, 74, 91 ff.
weathercffects, 137-153, 284 -288 dcctric cum:nt, 16-18, 58-59, 69
awms, 52, 73 clcctric field , 76, 95
awm alignment, 8, 10-11, 49-50, 53, 55, 58, 68, 76f., 83-8-t clcctrical storms, 88, l '19ff.
clcctrolysis, 51, 59-60, 70, 87
l3 clcctromotivc series, 93
Encrgy Machine:
Bacon. Francis, 103 back-emg flow, 21, 57
banery, 50-52, 56, 60, 69 commutator, 21, 60-69, 292
Bermuda Triangle, 138- 140 CONDL1CTING COIL EMBODIMENT, 18-69
lkrnoulli, D;miel, 104 lttrge Prototype (5000 lbs.), 66, 20-21, 22ff.
Black,joscph, IO.l-110 1Hediu111 Prototype (900 lbs.), 22ff., 56ff.
Boyle, Hobcrt, 104 Smal/ Pmtotype (200 lbs.), 36ff., 59, 67
Brancazio, Pcter J., 71, 96 GAS EM130DIMENT, 88-90
Bn.:wster. David, 7-t gyroscopic panicle~. 62-63
Burton. D:m, 295 new magnctic motor/pump design, 292
photographs, 21, 36, 67
e proper design, 53-55, 65, 68
rotating magnet, 65-67
Caloric Thcory, 102 ff. ~TATIC EMOODIMENT, 83-84
cancellation cfkct, 55, 58, 65, 8:1 test result.s by Dr. Hastings, 22-39
capacitor, 69 test resuhl> by Michacl Meatyard, 42-48
Carnot, Sadi. 109 rorque crearcd, 57
catalyst , 18, so. 57. 62., 66, 69 universal cnergy machine, 140, 293
Charles. Jacques, llH cntropy. 110
C:lausis, Rudolf, 1O<.J F."cren . Mihon. xi. l.¡
TllE ENERGY MACllINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN Note: Page 332 is inte ntionally blank
]oe Newman 's Philosophy:
'lf It Can 't Be Done, It Interests Me. '
buílt, one can change mass into pure electrical energy
and/or rotational motion in a 100-percent conversion pro-
cess." His three operational prorotypes - one small, one
medium in size, anda third weighing over 5,000 pounds
with a 600-pound rotating magnet - have already been
constructed. He built the three machines severa! years ago
in his workshop, and he repeatedly emphasizes that he
developed his conceptual theory overa period of 15 years
before building rhe first physical prototype.
Joe Newman says that his invention is far more efficient
than conveµtional nuclear energy and doesn't release any
harmful radiation. He also says that his invention will
replace ali other forms of energy. It will be utilized in the
home, by industry, and to produce commercial electrical
energy ata small fraction of today's cost.
Joe Newman More rhan 30 competent physicists, electrical engineers,
and technical individuals have sigñed Affidavits which
A great thinker is se/dom a disputant. He answers other state thatJoseph Newman's invention does what he says it
men 's arguments by stating the truth as he sees it. does: the externa! energy output exceeds the externa!,
electrical energy input. This additional energy output is
- Daniel March
the result of the interna!, magnetic energy withínJoe's in-
vention being converted to electrical energy. [This process
Joseph Newman is an original thinker who has the ability is described in this book.]
to visualize the mechanical essence of what he evaluares. Those who have signed the Affidavits include Milton
For the past 23 years, he has made his living by invent- Everett (biomass energy specialist from the Mississippi De-
ing. He holds eight patents for inventions which include partment of Energy and Transportation), Mike Meatyard
plastic-covered barbell sets, a mechanical orange picker, a (electrical engineer for the Alabama Corps of Engineers),
bike that does "wheelies," a knife that always lands point Eike Mueller (European Space Agency mission coordinator
forward, and a new type of automobile rain-deflector. with NASA), and Dr. Roger Hastings (a principal physicist
Joe's formal education ended after his junior year of col- for Sperry-Univac, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota).
lege so that he could pursue his true love - inventing. He In his endorsement, Dr. Roger Hastings writes:
did, however, continue to use his own brains and books to " To date we have been pouring huge funds into nuclear fu-
teach himself physics, chemistry, astronomy, and other sion in search of this dream. It appears that Mr. Newman
areas of science. has found the solution on a scale which will allow im-
At one point, Joe began to study the experiments and mediate and economically reliable development."
writings of the famous English scientist Michael Faraday, As Joe Newman says, "The finished prototype of what I
whose ideas led to the development of the modern electri- teach will change the world drastically for the good of
cal generator. Following 15 years of independent study, mankind, more so than any invention before this time."
Joe explained his theory in a 133-page document which
described a new technical process for understanding and
utilizing a source of unlimited energy. For the first time in our history, this book -
According to previously written statements, the Newman THE ENERGY MACHINE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN -
energy generator (its formal name) works successfully discloses the principies and technology requlred to
because "all mass is made up of electromagnetic energy, and create a totally new method of energy ge neration
if the proper, mechanically-designed mechanism is via "an invention whose time has come."

THE ENERGY MAO llNE OF JOSEPH NEWMAN Note: Page 334 is intentionally blank
To those who may be inspired by what 1 have written within this book - it is to you that I write the following:
There has never heen anything written before my work that was complete in terms of answering ali there is to
know on any given subject. 'lbere is also nothing that 1 have written in this book which represents any final aspecc
of knowledge ami, for the future, I doubt that there will ever be an end to the quest for knowledge in any
intellecn1al domain.
Any previously establishe<l and accepted subject matter is incomplete if it cannot clearly and distinctly provide
an an~wer to any question ( appropriate to that subject matter) which is posed by che mind of an honest and
inquisitive person.
With what I present in this book, I do not endeavor tO awe you but, on the contrary, 1 wish to inspire you to
"stand on my shoulders and see further than 1 have seen" (to paraphrase Isaac Newton). It is my purpose to enable
you to teach others to question everything and to accept nothing blindly. Likewise, do not blindly accept what 1
present in this book, just as you should not blindly accept that which is taught in any given historical age. You
have before you che evidence of history to verify the ·e rror of blind, non-intellectual acceptance of dogma_ In
essence, I wish to encourage ali people to " THINK FOR THEMSELVES."
The new source of enerm1 which I disclose in this book is not the ultimate discovery. On the contracy. The
energy which I have <liscovered is as basic as the WHEEL itself, and such energy will vastly improve the qualitative
life of our human species. Moreover, World Peace can result from such improvement.
I foresee in the future that expanded space travel will become an exciting reality as a result of the utilization of
this new sourcc of energy. Ali aspects of science will he greatly enhanced by the thorough mastery of what 1
present in this book ami, as a result, beneficial changes of a phenomenal nature will quickly occur for our species.
Jf 1 can only bestow upon the reader the excitement and enchantment which 1 foresee within the immediate
grasp of our human species: access to energy will no longer be a problem and there will be a successful merger
hetween economics and automation . Moreover, the mysteries within the Universe will be experienced by our
chiklren and thcir descendants.
The reader will find that 1 discuss many different but related topics within chis book. Read carefully what I have
\.Vritten and you will discover that 1 have no ulterior motive other than a sincere quest for "Absolute Truth."
Over sixteen years ago, I wrote -
'R> ali peoples whose brain burns and aches to accomplish great things and changes for the
good, may God and/ or the Goodness of the Universe be with you. For you are the Goodness
of the Universe ami do good for people in spite of themselves. And I salute you!


"The future of the human race may be dramatically uplifted by the large scale commercial
development of this invention."
Principal Physicist, Sperry-Univac Corporation .

$34.95 (add $3.50 for shipping and handling in U.S.)

To o rder, send $38.45 to tal to:
ISBN0 - 9613835 - 4- 2
Route l , Box 52, Lucedale, Míssissippi 39452
$7.50 (Airmail) or $2.50 (Surface*)
$22.50 (Airmail) o r $2.50 (Surface*)
[* Allow 8 weeks fo r shipping time.]


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