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Journal of Economic Literature 2009, 47:1, 5–86

Recent Developments in the

Econometrics of Program Evaluation
Guido W. Imbens and Jeffrey M. Wooldridge*

Many empirical questions in economics and other social sciences depend on causal
effects of programs or policies. In the last two decades, much research has been done
on the econometric and statistical analysis of such causal effects. This recent theoreti-
cal literature has built on, and combined features of, earlier work in both the statistics
and econometrics literatures. It has by now reached a level of maturity that makes
it an important tool in many areas of empirical research in economics, including
labor economics, public finance, development economics, industrial organization,
and other areas of empirical microeconomics. In this review, we discuss some of the
recent developments. We focus primarily on practical issues for empirical research-
ers, as well as provide a historical overview of the area and give references to more
technical research.

1.  Introduction research in economics and suitable for a

review. In this article, we attempt to pres-

M any empirical questions in economics

and other social sciences depend on
causal effects of programs or policies. In the
ent such a review. We will focus on practi-
cal issues for empirical researchers, as well as
provide an historical overview of the area and
last two decades, much research has been give references to more technical research.
done on the econometric and statistical anal- This review complements and extends other
ysis of such causal effects. This recent theo- reviews and discussions, including those by
retical literature has built on, and combined Richard Blundell and Monica Costa Dias
features of, earlier work in both the statistics (2002), Guido W. Imbens (2004), and Joshua
and econometrics literatures. It has by now D. Angrist and Alan B. Krueger (1999) and
reached a level of maturity that makes it an the books by Paul R. Rosenbaum (1995),
important tool in many areas of ­empirical Judea Pearl (2000), Myoung-Jae Lee (2005a),
Donald B. Rubin (2006), Marco Caliendo
(2006), Angrist and Jörn-Steffen Pischke
* Imbens: Harvard University and NBER. Wooldridge:
Michigan State University. Financial support for this
(2009), Howard S. Bloom (2005), Stephen
research was generously provided through NSF grants L. Morgan and Christopher Winship (2007),
SES 0136789, 0452590 and 08. We are grateful for com- Jeffrey M. Wooldridge (2002) and Imbens and
ments by Esther Duflo, Caroline Hoxby, Roger Gordon,
Jonathan Beauchamp, Larry Katz, Eduardo Morales, and
Rubin (forthcoming). In addition, the reviews
two anonymous referees. in James J. Heckman, Robert J. LaLonde,
6 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

and Jeffrey A. Smith (1999), Heckman and can involve different physical units or the
Edward Vytlacil (2007a, 2007b), and Jaap same physical unit at different times.
H. Abbring and Heckman (2007) provide an The problem of evaluating the effect of a
excellent overview of the important theoreti- binary treatment or program is a well studied
cal work by Heckman and his coauthors in problem with a long history in both econo-
this area. metrics and statistics. This is true both in
The central problem studied in this liter- the theoretical literature as well as in the
ature is that of evaluating the effect of the more applied literature. The econometric
exposure of a set of units to a program, or literature goes back to early work by Orley
treatment, on some outcome. In economic Ashenfelter (1978) and subsequent work by
studies, the units are typically economic Ashenfelter and David Card (1985), Heckman
agents such as individuals, households, mar- and Richard Robb (1985), LaLonde (1986),
kets, firms, counties, states, or countries Thomas Fraker and Rebecca Maynard
but, in other disciplines where evaluation (1987), Card and Daniel G. Sullivan (1988),
methods are used, the units can be animals, and Charles F. Manski (1990). Motivated
plots of land, or physical objects. The treat- primarily by applications to the evaluation of
ments can be job search assistance programs, labor market programs in observational set-
educational programs, vouchers, laws or tings, the focus in the econometric literature
regulations, medical drugs, environmental is traditionally on endogeneity, or self-selec-
exposure, or technologies. A critical feature tion, issues. Individuals who choose to enroll
is that, in principle, each unit can be exposed in a training program are by definition dif-
to multiple levels of the treatment. Moreover, ferent from those who choose not to enroll.
this literature is focused on settings with These differences, if they influence the
observations on units exposed, and not response, may invalidate causal comparisons
exposed, to the treatment, with the evalua- of outcomes by treatment status, possibly
tion based on comparisons of units exposed even after adjusting for observed covariates.
and not exposed.1 For example, an individual Consequently, many of the initial theoreti-
may enroll or not in a training program, or he cal studies focused on the use of traditional
or she may receive or not receive a voucher, econometric methods for dealing with endo-
or be subject to a particular regulation or geneity, such as fixed effect methods from
not. The object of interest is a comparison panel data analyses, and instrumental vari-
of the two outcomes for the same unit when ables methods. Subsequently, the economet-
exposed, and when not exposed, to the treat- rics literature has combined insights from
ment. The problem is that we can at most the semiparametric literature to develop new
observe one of these outcomes because the estimators for a variety of settings, requir-
unit can be exposed to only one level of the ing fewer functional form and homogeneity
treatment. Paul W. Holland (1986) refers to assumptions.
this as the fundamental problem of causal The statistics literature starts from a dif-
inference. In order to evaluate the effect of ferent perspective. This literature originates
the treatment, we therefore always need to in the analysis of randomized experiments by
compare distinct units receiving the different Ronald A. Fisher (1935) and Jerzy Splawa-
levels of the treatment. Such a ­comparison Neyman (1990). From the early 1970s, Rubin
(1973a, 1973b, 1974, 1977, 1978), in a series
1 As oppposed to studies where the causal effect of
of papers, formulated the now dominant
fundamentally new programs is predicted through direct approach to the analysis of causal effects in
identification of preferences and production functions. observational studies. Rubin proposed the
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 7

interpretation of causal statements as com- market programs, although more recently

parisons of so-called potential outcomes: this emphasis seems to have weakened a
pairs of outcomes defined for the same unit bit. In the last couple of years, some of the
given different levels of exposure to the treat- most interesting experiments have been
ment, with the ressearcher only observing conducted in development economics (e.g.,
the potential outcome corresponding to the Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer 2004;
level of the treatment received. Models are Esther Duflo 2001; Angrist, Eric Bettinger,
developed for the pair of potential outcomes and Kremer 2006; Abhijit V. Banerjee
rather than solely for the observed outcome. et al. 2007) and behavioral econom-
Rubin’s formulation of the evaluation prob- ics (e.g., Marianne Bertrand and Sendhil
lem, or the problem of causal inference, Mullainathan 2004). Nevertheless, experi-
labeled the Rubin Causal Model (RCM) by mental evaluations remain relatively rare in
Holland (1986), is by now standard in both economics. More common is the case where
the statistics and econometrics literature. economists analyze data from observational
One of the attractions of the potential out- studies. Observational data generally cre-
comes setup is that from the outset it allows ate challenges in estimating causal effects
for general heterogeneity in the effects of the but, in one important special case, variously
treatment. Such heterogeneity is important referred to as unconfoundedness, exogene-
in practice, and it is important theoretically ity, ignorability, or selection on observables,
as it is often the motivation for the endogene- questions regarding identification and esti-
ity problems that concern economists. One mation of the policy effects are fairly well
additional advantage of the potential out- understood. All these labels refer to some
come set up is that the parameters of interest form of the assumption that adjusting treat-
can be defined, and the assumptions stated, ment and control groups for differences in
without reference to particular statistical observed covariates, or pretreatment vari-
models. ables, remove all biases in comparisons
Of particular importance in Rubin’s between treated and control units. This case
approach is the relationship between treat- is of great practical relevance, with many
ment assignment and the potential out- studies relying on some form of this assump-
comes. The simplest case for analysis is when tion. The semiparametric efficiency bound
assignment to treatment is randomized and, has been calculated for this case (Jinyong
thus, independent of covariates as well as the Hahn 1998) and various semiparametric
potential outcomes. In such classical ran- estimators have been proposed (Hahn 1998;
domized experiments, it is straightforward Heckman, Hidehiko Ichimura, and Petra
to obtain estimators for the average effect E. Todd 1998; Keisuke Hirano, Imbens,
of the treatment with attractive properties and Geert Ridder 2003; Xiaohong Chen,
under repeated sampling, e.g., the difference Han Hong, and Alessandro Tarozzi 2008;
in means by treatment status. Randomized Imbens, Whitney K. Newey, and Ridder
experiments have been used in some areas 2005; Alberto Abadie and Imbens 2006). We
in economics. In the 1970s, negative income discuss the current state of this literature,
tax experiments received widespread atten- and the practical recommendations coming
tion. In the late 1980s, following an influen- out of it, in detail in this review.
tial paper by LaLonde (1986) that concluded Without unconfoundedness, there is no
econometric methods were unable to repli- general approach to estimating treatment
cate experimental results, more emphasis effects. Various methods have been proposed
was put on experimental evaluations of labor for special cases and, in this review, we
8 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

will discuss several of them. One approach ­ articular attention to the practical issues
(Rosenbaum and Rubin 1983b; Rosenbaum raised by the implementation of these meth-
1995) consists of sensitivity analyses, where ods. At this stage, the literature has matured
robustness of estimates to specific limited to the extent that it has much to offer the
departures from unconfoundedness are empirical researcher. Although the evalu-
investigated. A second approach, developed ation problem is one where identification
by Manski (1990, 2003, 2007), consists of problems are important, there is currently a
bounds analyses, where ranges of estimands much better understanding of which assump-
consistent with the data and the limited tions are most useful, as well as a better set
assumptions the researcher is willing to make, of methods for inference given different sets
are derived and estimated. A third approach, of assumptions.
instrumental variables, relies on the pres- Most of this review will be limited to set-
ence of additional treatments, the so-called tings with binary treatments. This is in keep-
instruments, that satisfy specific exogeneity ing with the literature, which has largely
and exclusion restrictions. The formulation focused on binary treatment case. There are
of this method in the context of the potential some extensions of these methods to mul-
outcomes framework is presented in Imbens tivalued, and even continuous, treatments
and Angrist (1994) and Angrist, Imbens, and (e.g., Imbens 2000; Michael Lechner 2001;
Rubin (1996). A fourth approach applies to Lechner and Ruth Miquel 2005; Richard D.
settings where, in its pure form, overlap is Gill and James M. Robins 2001; Hirano and
completely absent because the assignment Imbens 2004), and some of these extensions
is a deterministic function of covariates, but will be discussed in the current review. But
comparisons can be made exploiting conti- the work in this area is ongoing, and much
nuity of average outcomes as a function of remains to be done here.
covariates. This setting, known as the regres- The running example we will use through-
sion discontinuity design, has a long tradition out the paper is that of a job market training
in statistics (see William R. Shadish, Thomas program. Such programs have been among
D. Cook, and Donald T. Campbell 2002 and the leading applications in the economics lit-
Cook 2008 for historical perspectives), but erature, starting with Ashenfelter (1978) and
has recently been revived in the economics including LaLonde (1986) as a particularly
literature through work by Wilbert van der influential study. In such settings, a number
Klaauw (2002), Hahn, Todd, and van der of individuals do, or do not enroll in a training
Klaauw (2001), David S. Lee (2001), and Jack program, with labor market outcomes, such
R. Porter (2003). Finally, a fifth approach, as yearly earnings or employment status, as
referred to as difference-in-differences, relies the main outcome of interest. An individual
on the presence of additional data in the form not participating in the program may have
of samples of treated and control units before chosen not to do so, or may have been ineli-
and after the treatment. An early applica- gible for various reasons. Understanding the
tion is Ashenfelter and Card (1985). Recent choices made, and constraints faced, by the
theoretical work includes Abadie (2005), potential participants, is a crucial component
Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004), of any analysis. In addition to observing par-
Stephen G. Donald and Kevin Lang (2007), ticipation status and outcome measures, we
and Susan Athey and Imbens (2006). typically observe individual background char-
In this review, we will discuss in detail acteristics, such as education levels and age,
some of the new methods that have been as well as information regarding prior labor
developed in this literature. We will pay market histories, such as earnings at various
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 9

levels of aggregation (e.g., yearly, quarterly, or but not both, and thus only one of these two
monthly). In addition, we may observe some potential outcomes can be realized. Prior to
of the constraints faced by the individuals, the assignment being determined, both are
including measures used to determine eli- potentially observable, hence the label poten-
gibility, as well as measures of general labor tial outcomes. If individual i participates in
market conditions in the local labor markets the program, Yi(1) will be realized and Yi(0)
faced by potential participants. will ex post be a counterfactual outcome. If,
on the other hand individual i does not par-
ticipate in the program, Yi(0) will be realized
2.  The Rubin Causal Model: Potential
and Yi(1) will be the ex post counterfactual.
Outcomes, the Assignment Mechanism,
We will denote the realized outcome by Yi,
and Interactions
with Y the N-vector with i-th element equal
In this section, we describe the essential to Yi. The preceding discussion implies that
elements of the modern approach to program
evaluation, based on the work by Rubin. Yi = Yi(Wi) = Yi(0) (1 −Wi) + Yi(1) Wi
Suppose we wish to analyze a job training
program using observations on N individu- Yi(0)  if Wi = 0,
als, indexed by i = 1, …, N. Some of these = e
individuals were enrolled in the training Yi(1)  if Wi = 1.
program. Others were not enrolled, either
because they were ineligible or chose not to The potential outcomes are tied to the spe-
enroll. We use the indicator Wi to indicate cific manipulation that would have made
whether individual i enrolled in the training one of them the realized outcome. The more
program, with Wi = 0 if individual i did not, precise the specification of the manipulation,
and Wi = 1 if individual i did, enroll in the the more well-defined the potential out-
program. We use W to denote the N-vector comes are.
with i-th element equal to Wi, and N0 and N1 This distinction between the pair of poten-
to denote the number of control and treated tial outcomes (Yi(0),Yi(1)) and the realized
units, respectively. For each unit, we also outcome Yi is the hallmark of modern statis-
observe a K-dimensional column vector of tical and econometric analyses of treatment
covariates or pretreatment variables, Xi, with effects. We offer some comments on it. The
X denoting the N × K matrix with i-th row potential outcomes framework has important
equal to X′ 
i. precursors in a variety of other settings. Most
directly, in the context of randomized experi-
2.1 Potential Outcomes
ments, the potential outcome framework was
The first element of the RCM is the notion introduced by Splawa-Neyman (1990) to
of potential outcomes. For individual i, for derive the properties of estimators and confi-
i = 1, …, N, we postulate the existence of two dence intervals under repeated sampling.
potential outcomes, denoted by Yi(0) and The potential outcomes framework also
Yi(1). The first, Yi(0), denotes the outcome that has important antecedents in econometrics.
would be realized by individual i if he or she Specifically, it is interesting to compare the
did not participate in the program. Similarly, distinction between potential outcomes Yi(0)
Yi(1) denotes the outcome that would be real- and Yi(1) and the realized outcome Yi in
ized by individual i if he or she did partici- Rubin’s approach to Trygve Haavelmo’s (1943)
pate in the program. Individual i can either work on simultaneous equations ­models
participate or not participate in the program, (SEMs). Haavelmo discusses ­identification of
10 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

supply and demand models. He makes a dis- The potential outcomes framework has
tinction between “any imaginable price π” as a number of advantages over a framework
the argument in the demand and supply func- based directly on realized outcomes. The
tions, qd(π) and qs(π), and the “actual price p,” first advantage of the potential outcome
which is the observed equilibrium price satis- framework is that it allows us to define causal
fying qs( p) = qd( p). The supply and demand effects before specifying the assignment
functions play the same role as the potential mechanism, and without making functional
outcomes in Rubin’s approach, with the equi- form or distributional assumptions. The most
librium price similar to the realized outcome. common definition of the causal effect at the
Curiously, Haavelmo’s notational distinction unit level is as the difference Yi(1) − Yi(0),
between equilibrium and potential prices has but we may wish to look at ratios Yi(1)/Yi(0),
gotten blurred in many textbook discussions of or other functions. Such definitions do not
simultaneous equations. In such discussions, require us to take a stand on whether the
the starting point is often the general formula- effect is constant or varies across the popu-
tion YΓ + XB = U for N × M vectors of real- lation. Further, defining individual-specific
ized outcomes Y, N × L matrices of exogenous treatment effects using potential outcomes
covariates X, and an N × M matrix of unob- does not require us to assume endogeneity or
served components U. A nontrivial byproduct exogeneity of the assignment mechanism. By
of the potential outcomes approach is that it contrast, the causal effects are more difficult
forces users of SEMs to articulate what the to define in terms of the realized outcomes.
potential outcomes are, thereby leading to Often, researchers write down a regression
better applications of SEMs. A related point is function Yi = α + τ · Wi + εi. This regres-
made in Pearl (2000). sion function is then interpreted as a struc-
Another area where potential outcomes tural equation, with τ as the causal effect.
are used explicitly is in the econometric Left unclear is whether the causal effect
analyses of production functions. Similar to is constant or not, and what the properties
the potential outcomes framework, a pro- of the unobserved component, εi, are. The
duction function g(x, ε) describes production potential outcomes approach separates these
levels that would be achieved for each value issues, and allows the researcher to first
of a vector of inputs, some observed (x) and define the causal effect of interest without
some unobserved (ε). Observed inputs may considering probabilistic properties of the
be chosen partly as a function of (expected) outcomes or assignment.
values of unobserved inputs. Only for the The second advantage of the poten-
level of inputs actually chosen do we observe tial outcome approach is that it links the
the level of the output. Potential outcomes analysis of causal effects to explicit manip-
are also used explicitly in labor market set- ulations. Considering the two potential out-
tings by A. D. Roy (1951). Roy models indi- comes forces the researcher to think about
viduals choosing from a set of occupations. scenarios under which each outcome could
Individuals know what their earnings would be observed, that is, to consider the kinds
be in each of these occupations and choose of experiments that could reveal the causal
the occupation (treatment) that maximizes effects. Doing so clarifies the interpretation
their earnings. Here we see the explicit use of causal effects. For illustration, consider
of the potential outcomes, combined with a a couple of recent examples from the eco-
specific selection/assignment mechanism, nomics literature. First, consider the causal
namely, choosing the treatment with the effects of gender or ethnicity on outcomes
highest potential outcome. of job applications. Simple comparisons of
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 11

e­ conomic outcomes by ethnicity are diffi- model the probability of enrolling in the pro-
cult to interpret. Are they the result of dis- gram given the earnings in both treatment
crimination by employers, or are they the arms conditional on individual characteris-
result of differences between applicants, tics. This sequential modeling will lead to a
possibly arising from discrimination at an model for the realized outcome, but it may
earlier stage of life? Now, one can obtain be easier than directly specifying a model for
unambiguous causal interpretations by link- the realized outcome.
ing comparisons to specific manipulations. A fourth advantage of the potential out-
A recent example is the study by Bertrand comes approach is that it allows us to for-
and Mullainathan (2004), who compare call- mulate probabilistic assumptions in terms of
back rates for job applications submitted potentially observable variables, rather than
with names that suggest African-American in terms of unobserved components. In this
or Caucasian ethnicity. Their study has a approach, many of the critical assumptions
clear manipulation—a name change—and will be formulated as (conditional) indepen-
therefore a clear causal effect. As a sec- dence assumptions involving the potential
ond example, consider some recent eco- outcomes. Assessing their validity requires
nomic studies that have focused on causal the researcher to consider the dependence
effects of individual characteristics such structure if all potential outcomes were
as beauty (e.g., Daniel S. Hamermesh and observed. By contrast, models in terms of
Jeff E. Biddle 1994) or height. Do the dif- realized outcomes often formulate the criti-
ferences in earnings by ratings on a beauty cal assumptions in terms of errors in regres-
scale represent causal effects? One possible sion functions. To be specific, consider again
interpretation is that they represent causal the regression function Yi = α + τ · Wi + εi.
effects of plastic surgery. Such a manipula- Typically (conditional independence) assump-
tion would make differences causal, but it tions are made on the relationship between εi
appears unclear whether cross-sectional and Wi. Such assumptions implicitly bundle a
correlations between beauty and earnings number of assumptions, including functional-
in a survey from the general population rep- form assumptions and substantive exogeneity
resent causal effects of plastic surgery. assumptions. This bundling makes the plau-
A third advantage of the potential outcome sibility of these assumptions more difficult to
approach is that it separates the modeling assess.
of the potential outcomes from that of the A fifth advantage of the potential outcome
assignment mechanism. Modeling the real- approach is that it clarifies where the uncer-
ized outcome is complicated by the fact that tainty in the estimators comes from. Even if
it combines the potential outcomes and the we observe the entire (finite) population (as
assignment mechanism. The researcher may is increasingly common with the growing
have very different sources of information to availability of administrative data sets)—so
bear on each. For example, in the labor mar- we can estimate population averages with no
ket program example we can consider the uncertainty—causal effects will be uncertain
outcome, say, earnings, in the absence of the because for each unit at most one of the two
program: Yi(0). We can model this in terms of potential outcomes is observed. One may still
individual characteristics and labor market use super population arguments to justify
histories. Similarly, we can model the out- approximations to the finite sample distribu-
come given enrollment in the program, again tions, but such arguments are not required to
conditional on individual characteristics and motivate the existence of uncertainty about
labor market histories. Then finally we can the causal effect.
12 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

2.2 The Assignment Mechanism to simple mean differences by assignment.

Such analyses are valid, but often they are not
The second ingredient of the RCM is the the most powerful tools available to exploit
assignment mechanism. This is defined as the the randomization. We discuss the analysis
conditional probability of receiving the treat- of randomized experiments, including more
ment, as a function of potential outcomes and powerful randomization-based methods for
observed covariates. We distinguish three inference, in section 4.
classes of assignment mechanisms, in order of The second class of assignment mecha-
increasing complexity of the required analysis. nisms maintains the restriction that the
The first class of assignment mechanisms is assignment probabilities do not depend on
that of randomized experiments. In random- the potential outcomes, or
ized experiments, the probability of assign-
ment to treatment does not vary with potential Wi   ǁ   AYi(0), Yi(1)B | Xi,
outcomes, and is a known function of covari-
ates. The leading case is that of a completely where A   ǁ   B | C denotes conditional indepen-
randomized experiment where, in a popula- dence of A and B given C. However, in contrast
tion of N units, N1 < N randomly chosen units to randomized experiments, the assignment
are assigned to the treatment and the remain- probabilities are no longer assumed to be a
ing N0 = N − N1 units are in the control group. known function of the covariates. The pre-
There are important variations on this exam- cise form of this critical assumption, not tied
ple, such as pairwise randomization, where to functional form or distributional assump-
initially units are matched in pairs, and in a tions, was first presented in Rosenbaum
second stage one unit in each pair is randomly and Rubin (1983b). Following Rubin (1990)
assigned to the treatment. Another variant is a we refer to this assignment mechanism as
general stratified experiment, where random- unconfounded assignment. Somewhat con-
ization takes place within a finite number of fusingly, this assumption, or variations on it,
strata. In any case, there are in practice few are in the literature also referred to by vari-
experiments in economics, and most of those ous other labels. These include selection on
are of the completely randomized experiment observables,2 exogeneity,3 and conditional
variety, so we shall limit our discussion to this
type of experiment. It should be noted though
2 Although Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1997, page
that if one has the opportunity to design a
611) write that “In the language of Heckman and Robb
randomized experiment, and if pretreatment (1985), matching assumes that selection is on observables”
variables are available, stratified experiments (their italics), the original definition in Heckman and Robb
are at least as good as completely randomized (1985, page 163) is not equivalent to unconfoundedness.
In the context of a single cross-section version of their two
experiments, and typically better, in terms of equation selection model, Y = Xi′β + Wi α + εi and Wi
expected mean squared error, even in finite = 1{Z i′ γ + ν i > 0}, they define selection bias to refer to
samples. See Imbens et al. (2008) for more the case where E[εiWi ] ≠ 0, and selection-on-observables
to the case where selection bias is present and caused by
details. The use of formal randomization correlation between εi and Z i, rather than by correlation
has become more widespread in the social between εi and ν i .
3 Although X is not exogenous for E[Y (1) − Y (0)],
sciences in recent years, sometimes as a for- i i i
according to the definitions in Robert F. Engle, David
mal design for an evaluation and sometimes F. Hendry and Jean-Francois Richard (1983), because
as an acceptable way of allocating scarce ­k nowledge of its marginal distribution contains infor-
resources. The analysis of such experiments mation about E[Yi(1) − Yi(0)], standard usage of the
term “exogenous” does appear to capture the notion of
is often straightforward. In practice, however, unconfoundedness, e.g., Manski et al. (1992), and Imbens
researchers have typically limited themselves (2004).
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 13

independence4. Although the analysis of data outcomes for another unit. Only the level of
with such assignment mechanisms is not as the treatment applied to the specific individ-
straightforward as that of randomized exper- ual is assumed to potentially affect outcomes
iments, there are now many practical meth- for that particular individual. In the statistics
ods available for this case. We review them literature, this assumption is referred to as
in section 5. the Stable-Unit-Treatment-Value-Assumption
The third class of assignment mechanisms (Rubin 1978). In this paper, we mainly focus
contains all remaining assignment mecha- on settings where this assumption is main-
nisms with some dependence on potential tained. In the current section, we discuss
outcomes.5 Many of these create substantive some of the literature motivated by concerns
problems for the analysis, for which there is about this assumption.
no general solution. There are a number of This lack-of-interaction assumption is very
special cases that are by now relatively well plausible in many biomedical applications.
understood, and we discuss these in section 6. Whether one individual receives or does
The most prominent of these cases are instru- not receive a new treatment for a stroke or
mental variables, regression discontinuity, and not is unlikely to have a substantial impact
differences-in-differences. In addition, we on health outcomes for any other individual.
discuss two general methods that also relax However, there are also many cases in which
the unconfoundedness assumption but do not such interactions are a major concern and the
replace it with additional assumptions. The assumption is not plausible. Even in the early
first relaxes the unconfoundedness assump- experimental literature, with applications
tion in a limited way and investigates the sen- to the effect of various fertilizers on crop
sitivity of the estimates to such violations. The yields, researchers were cognizant of poten-
second drops the unconfoundedness assump- tial problems with this assumption. In order
tion entirely and establishes bounds on esti- to minimize leaking of fertilizer applied to
mands of interest. The latter is associated with one plot into an adjacent plot experimenters
the work by Manski (1990, 1995, 2007). used guard rows to physically separate the
plots that were assigned different fertilizers.
2.3 Interactions and General
A different concern arises in epidemiological
Equilibrium Effects
applications when the focus is on treatments
In most of the literature, it is assumed that such as vaccines for contagious diseases. In
treatments received by one unit do not affect that case, it is clear that the vaccination of
one unit can affect the outcomes of others in
their proximity, and such effects are a large
4 E.g., Lechner 2001; A. Colin Cameron and Pravin K.
part of the focus of the evaluation.
Trivedi 2005.
5 This includes some mechanisms where the In economic applications, interactions
dependence on potential outcomes does not create any between individuals are also a serious con-
problems in the analyses. Most prominent in this category cern. It is clear that a labor market program
are sequential assignment mechanisms. For example, one
could randomly assign the first ten units to the treatment that affects the labor market outcomes for
or control group with probability 1/2. From then on one one individual potentially has an effect on
could skew the assignment probability to the treatment the labor market outcomes for others. In a
with the most favorable outcomes so far. For example,
if the active treatment looks better than the control world with a fixed number of jobs, a train-
treatment based on the first N units, then the (N + 1)th ing program could only redistribute the jobs,
unit is assigned to the active treatment with probability and ignoring this constraint on the number
0.8 and vice versa. Such assignment mechanisms are not
very common in economics settings, and we ignore them of jobs by using a partial, instead of a gen-
in this discussion. eral, equilibrium analysis could lead one to
14 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

erroneously conclude that extending the pro- depending on some distance metric, either
gram to the entire population would raise geographical distance or proximity in some
aggregate employment. Such concerns have economic metric.
rarely been addressed in the recent program The most interesting literature in this area
evaluation literature. Exceptions include views the interactions not as a nuisance but
Heckman, Lance Lochner, and Christopher as the primary object of interest. This litera-
Taber (1999) who provide some simulation ture, which includes models of social inter-
evidence for the potential biases that may actions and peer effects, has been growing
result from ignoring these issues. rapidly in the last decade, following the early
In practice these general equilibrium effects work by Manski (1993). See Manski (2000a)
may, or may not, be a serious problem. The and William Brock and Steven N. Durlauf
indirect effect on one individual of exposure (2000) for recent surveys. Empirical work
to the treatment of a few other units is likely to includes Jeffrey R. Kling, Jeffrey B. Liebman,
be much smaller than the direct effect of the and Katz (2007), who look at the effect of
exposure of the first unit itself. Hence, with households moving to neighborhoods with
most labor market programs both small in higher average socioeconomic status; Bruce
scope and with limited effects on the individ- I. Sacerdote (2001), who studies the effect
ual outcomes, it appears unlikely that general of college roommate behavior on a student’s
equilibrium effects are substantial and they grades; Edward L. Glaeser, Sacerdote, and
can probably be ignored for most purposes. Jose A. Scheinkman (1996), who study social
One general solution to these problems is interactions in criminal behavior; Anne C.
to redefine the unit of interest. If the inter- Case and Lawrence F. Katz (1991), who look
actions between individuals are at an inter- at neighborhood effects on disadvantaged
mediate level, say a local labor market, or a youths; Bryan S. Graham (2008), who infers
classroom, rather than global, one can ana- interactions from the effect of class size on
lyze the data using the local labor market the variation in grades; and Angrist and Lang
or classroom as the unit and changing the (2004), who study the effect of desegregation
no-interaction assumption to require the programs on students’ grades. Many iden-
absence of interactions among local labor tification and inferential questions remain
markets or classrooms. Such aggregation is unanswered in this literature.
likely to make the no-interaction assump-
tion more plausible, albeit at the expense of
3.  What Are We Interested In?
reduced precision.
Estimands and Hypotheses
An alternative solution is to directly model
the interactions. This involves specifying In this section, we discuss some of the
which individuals interact with each other, questions that researchers have asked in this
and possibly relative magnitudes of these literature. A key feature of the current litera-
interactions. In some cases it may be plau- ture, and one that makes it more important to
sible to assume that interactions are limited be precise about the questions of interest, is
to individuals within well-defined, possibly the accommodation of general ­heterogeneity
overlapping groups, with the intensity of in treatment effects. In contrast, in many
the interactions equal within this group. early studies it was assumed that the effect
This would be the case in a world with a of a treatment was constant, implying that
fixed number of jobs in a local labor market. the effect of various policies could be cap-
Alternatively, it may be that interactions occur tured by a single parameter. The essentially
in broader groups but decline in importance unlimited heterogeneity in the effects of the
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 15

treatment allowed for in the current litera- expectation of the unit-level causal effect,
ture implies that it is generally not possible Yi(1) − Yi(0):
to capture the effects of all policies of inter-
est in terms of a few summary statistics. In τ PATE = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0)].
practice researchers have reported estimates
of the effects of a few focal policies. In this If the policy under consideration would
section we describe some of these estimands. expose all units to the treatment or none at
Most of these estimands are average treat- all, this is the most relevant quantity. Another
ment effects, either for the entire population popular estimand is the Population Average
or for some subpopulation, although some Treatment effect on the Treated (PATT), the
correspond to other features of the joint dis- average over the subpopulation of treated
tribution of potential outcomes. units:
Most of the empirical literature has focused
on estimation. Much less attention has been τ PATT = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Wi = 1].
devoted to testing hypotheses regarding the
properties or presence of treatment effects. In many observational studies, τ PATT is a
Here we discuss null and alternative hypoth- more interesting estimand than the overall
eses that may be of interest in settings with average effect. As an example, consider the
heterogeneous effects. Finally, we discuss case where a well defined population was
some of the recent literature on decision- exposed to a treatment, say a job training
theoretic approaches to program evaluation program. There may be various possibilities
that ties estimands more closely to optimal for a comparison group, including subjects
policies. drawn from public use data sets. In that case,
it is generally not interesting to consider the
3.1 Average Treatment Effects
effect of the program for the comparison
The econometric literature has largely group: for many members of the comparison
focused on average effects of the treatment. group (e.g., individuals with stable, high-wage
The two most prominent average effects are jobs) it is difficult and uninteresting to imag-
defined over an underlying population. In ine their being enrolled in the labor market
cases where the entire population can be program. (Of course, the problem of averag-
sampled, population treatment effects rely on ing across units that are unlikely to receive
the notion of a superpopulation, where the future treatments can be mitigated by more
current population that is available is viewed carefully constructing the comparison group
as just one of many possibilities. In either to be more like the treatment group, mak-
case, the the sample of size N is viewed as ing τ PATE a more meaningful parameter. See
a random sample from a large (super-)popu- the discussion below.) A second case where
lation, and interest is in the average effect τ PATT is the estimand of most interest is in
in the superpopulation.6 The most popular the setting of a voluntary program where
treatment effect is the Population Average those not enrolled will never be required
Treatment Effect (PATE), the population to ­participate in the program. A specific
example is the effect of serving in the mili-
6 For simplicity, we restrict ourselves to random sam- tary where an interesting question concerns
pling. Some data sets are obtained by stratified sampling. the foregone earnings for those who served
Most of the estimators we consider can be adjusted for (Angrist 1998).
stratified sampling. See, for example, Wooldridge (1999,
2007) on inverse probability weighting of averages and In practice, there is typically little motiva-
objective functions. tion presented for the focus on the overall
16 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

average effect or the average effect for the have to be particularly concerned with the
treated. Take a job training program. The distinction between the two estimands at the
overall average effect would be the param- estimation stage. However, there is an impor-
eter of interest if the policy under con- tant difference between the population and
sideration is a mandatory exposure to the conditional estimands at the inference stage.
treatment versus complete elimination. It If there is heterogeneity in the effect of the
is rare that these are the alternatives, with treatment, we can estimate the sample aver-
more typically exemptions granted to various age treatment effect τ CATE more precisely
subpopulations. Similarly the average effect than the population average treatment effect
for the treated would be informative about τ PATE. When one estimates the variance of an
the effect of entirely eliminating the current estimator ​  τ​
ˆ —which can serve as an estimate
program. More plausible regime changes for τ PATE or τ CATE —one therefore needs to
would correspond to a modest extension of be explicit about whether one is interested in
the program to other jurisdictions, or a con- the variance relative to the population or to
traction to a more narrow population. the conditional average treatment effect. We
A somewhat subtle issue is that we may will return to this issue in section 5.
wish to separate the extrapolation from the A more general class of estimands includes
sample to the superpopulation from the average causal effects for subpopulations
problem of inference for the sample at hand. and weighted average causal effects. Let 픸
This suggests that, rather than focusing on be a subset of the covariate space 핏, and let
PATE or PATT, we might first focus on the τ CATE,픸 denote the conditional average causal
average causal effect conditional on the cova- effect for the subpopulation with Xi ∈ 픸:
riates in the sample,  
N τ CATE,픸 = ​ ___
1  ​  ​∑  ​ ​​E[Y (1) − Y (0) | X ],
i i i 
τ CATE = __
N픸 i∶Xi∈픸
​ 1  ​ ​∑ ​​​  E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi ],
N i=1
where N픸 is the number of units with Xi ∈ 픸.
and, similarly, the average over the subsam- Richard K. Crump et al. (2009) argue for
ple of treated units: considering such estimands. Their argu-
ment is not based on the intrinsic interest of

τ CATT = ___
​  1  ​  ​∑  ​ ​​E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi ].
these subpopulations. Rather, they show that

N1 i | Wi=1 such estimands may be much easier to esti-
mate than τ CATE (or τ CATT ). Instead of solely
If the effect of the treatment or interven- reporting an imprecisely estimated average
tion is constant (Yi(1) − Yi(0) = τ for some effect for the overall population, they sug-
constant τ), all four estimands, τ PATE, τ PATT, gest it may be informative to also report
τ CATE, and τ CATT, are obviously identical. a precise estimate for the average effect of
However, if there is heterogeneity in the some subpopulation. They then propose a
effect of the treatment, the estimands may particular set 픸 for which the average effect
all be different. The difference between is most easily estimable. See section 5.10.2
τ PATE and τ CATE (and between τ PATT and for more details. The Crump et al. estimates
τ CATT ) is relatively subtle. Most estimators would not necessarily have as much external
that are attractive for the population treat- validity as estimates for the overall popula-
ment effect are also attractive for the cor- tion, but they may be much more informative
responding conditional average treatment for the sample at hand. In any case, in many
effect, and vice versa. Therefore, we do not instances the larger policy questions concern
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 17

extensions of the interventions or treatments differences between quantiles of the two

to other populations, so that external validity marginal potential outcome distributions,
may be elusive irrespective of the estimand. and not as quantiles of the unit level effect,
In settings with selection on unobservables

the enumeration of the estimands of interest (2)  ​ ˜ q = ​F −1
becomes more complicated. A leading case
is instrumental variables. In the presence of In general, the quantile of the differ-

heterogeneity in the effect of the treatment ence, ​ τ​˜ q, differs from the difference in the
one can typically not identify the average quantiles, τq, unless there is perfect rank
effect of the treatment even in the presence correlation between the potential outcomes
of valid instruments. There are two new Yi(0) and Yi(1) (the leading case of this is
approaches in the recent literature. One is to the constant additive treatment effect).
focus on bounds for well-defined estimands The quantile treatment effects, τq, have
such as the average effect τ PATE or τ CATE. received much more attention, and in our
Manski (1990, 2003) developed this approach view rightly so, than the quantiles of the

in a series of papers. An alternative is to focus treatment effect, τ​ ​ ˜ q. There are two issues
on estimands that can be identified under regarding the choice between a focus on
weaker conditions than those required for the the difference in quantiles versus quantiles
average treatment effect. Imbens and Angrist of the difference. The first issue is substan-
(1994) show that one can, under much weaker tial. Suppose a policy maker is faced with
conditions than required for identification of the choice of assigning all members of a
τ PATE, identify the average effect for the sub- subpopulation, homogenous in covariates
population of units whose treatment status is Xi, to the treatment group, or assigning all
affected by the instrument. They refer to this of them to the control group. The result-
subpopulation as the compliers. This does not ing outcome distribution is either f Y(0) ( y) or
directly fit into the classification above since f Y(1) (y), assuming the subpopulation is large.
the subpopulation is not defined solely in Hence the choice should be governed by
terms of covariates. We discuss this estimand preferences of the policymaker over these
in more detail in section 6.3. distributions (which can often be summa-
rized by differences in the quantiles), and
3.2 Quantile and Distributional Treatment
not depend on aspects of the joint distri-
Effects and Other Estimands
bution f Y(0),Y(1) ( y, z) that do not affect the
An alternative class of estimands consists two marginal distributions. (See Heckman
of quantile treatment effects. These have and Smith 1997 for a somewhat different
only recently been studied and applied in view.) The second issue is statistical. In gen-

the economics literature, although they were eral the ​ τ​ ˜ q are not (point-)identified without
introduced in the statistics literature in the assumptions on the rank correlation between
1970s. Kjell Doksum (1974) and Erich L. the potential outcomes, even with data from
Lehmann (1974) define a randomized experiment. In a randomized
experiment, one can identify f Y(0) ( y) and
(1)  τq = ​FY(1)
​ −1 ​ (q) − F ​ −1 ​ (q),
​ Y(0) f Y(1) (y) (and any functional thereof) but not
the joint distribution f Y(0),Y(1) ( y, z). Note that
as the q-th quantile treatment effect. There this issue does not arise if we look at average
are some important issues in interpreting effects because the mean of the difference is
these quantile treatment effects. First, note equal to the difference of the means: E[Yi(1)
that these quantiles effects are defined as − Yi(0)] = E[Yi(1)] − E[Yi(0)].
18 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

A complication facing researchers inter- using Kolmogorov-Smirnov type testing

ested in quantile treatment effects is that procedures.
the difference in a marginal quantile, τq, is in A second set of questions concerns treat-
general not equal to the average difference ment effect heterogeneity. Even if the aver-
in the conditional quantiles, where the latter age effect is zero, it may be important to
are defined as establish whether a targeted implementa-
tion of the intervention, with only those who
τq(x) = ​FY(1) | X
​−1  ​ (q | x) − F ​−1  ​ (q | x).
​ Y(0) | X can expect to benefit from the intervention
assigned to it, could improve average out-
In other words, even if we succeed in esti- comes. In addition, in cases where there is
mating τq(x), we cannot simply average τq(Xi) not sufficient information to obtain pre-
across i to consistently estimate τq. Marianne cise inferences for the average causal effect
Bitler, Jonah Gelbach, and Hilary Hoynes τ PATE, it may still be possible to establish
(2006) estimate quantile treatment effects whether there are any subpopulations with an
in a randomized evaluation of a job training average effect positive or different from zero,
program. Sergio Firpo (2007) develops meth- or whether there are subpopulations with an
ods for estimating τq in observational studies average effect exceeding some threshold. It
given unconfoundedness. Abadie, Angrist, may also be interesting to test whether there
and Imbens (2002) and Victor Chernozhukov is any evidence of heterogeneity in the treat-
and Christian B. Hansen (2005) study quan- ment effect by observable characteristics.
tile treatment effects in instrumental vari- This bears heavily on the question whether
ables settings. the estimands are useful for extrapolation to
other populations which may differ in terms
3.3 Testing
of some observable characteristics. Crump et
The literature on hypothesis testing in pro- al. (2008) study these questions in settings
gram evaluation is relatively limited. Most of with unconfounded treatment assignment.
the testing in applied work has focused on
3.4 Decision-Theoretic Questions
the null hypothesis that the average effect of
interest is zero. Because many of the com- Recently, a small but innovative literature
monly used estimators for average treatment has started to move away from the focus
effects are asymptotically normally distrib- on summary statistics of the distribution of
uted with zero asymptotic bias, it follows treatment effects or potential outcomes to
that standard confidence intervals (the point directly address policies of interest. This is
estimate plus or minus a constant times the very much a literature in progress. Manski
standard error) can be used for testing such (2000b, 2001, 2002, 2004), Rajeev H. Dehejia
hypotheses. However, there are other inter- (2005b), and Hirano and Porter (2008) study
esting hypotheses to consider. the problem faced by program administra-
One question of interest is whether there tors who can assign individuals to the active
is any effect of the program, that is whether treatment or to the control group. These
the distribution of Yi(1) differs from that of administrators have available two pieces of
Yi(0). This is equivalent to the hypothesis information. First, covariate information for
that not just the mean, but all moments, these individuals, and second, information
are identical in the two treatment groups. about the efficacy of the treatment based on
Abadie (2002) studies such tests in the a finite sample of other individuals for whom
­settings with ­randomized experiments as both outcome and covariate information is
well as settings with instrumental variables available. The administrator may care about
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 19

the entire distribution of outcomes, or solely With experimental data the statisti-
about average outcomes, and may also take cal analysis is generally straightforward.
into account costs associated with participa- Differencing average outcomes by treatment
tion. If the administrator knew exactly the status or, equivalently, regressing the out-
conditional distribution of the potential out- come on an intercept and an indicator for the
comes given the covariate information this treatment, leads to an unbiased estimator for
would be a simple problem: the administra- the average effect of the treatment. Adding
tor would simply compare the expected wel- covariates to the regression function typically
fare for different rules and choose the one improves precision without jeopardizing con-
with the highest value. However, the admin- sistency because the randomization implies
istrator does not have this knowledge and that in large samples the treatment indicator
needs to make a decision given uncertainty and the covariates are independent. In prac-
about these distributions. In these settings, it tice, researchers have rarely gone beyond
is clearly important that the statistical model basic regression methods. In principle,
allows for heterogeneity in the treatment however, there are additional methods that
effects. can be useful in these settings. In section
Graham, Imbens, and Ridder (2006) 4.2, we review one important experimental
extend the type of problems studied in this technique, randomization-based inference,
literature by incorporating resource con- including Fisher’s method for calculating
straints. They focus on problems that include exact p-values, that deserves wider usage in
as a special case the problem of allocating a social sciences. See Rosenbaum (1995) for a
fixed number of slots in a program to a set of textbook discussion.
individuals on the basis of observable charac-
4.1 Randomized Experiments in Economics
teristics of these individuals given a random
sample of individuals for whom outcome and Randomized experiments have a long
covariate information is available. tradition in biostatistics. In this literature
they are often viewed as the only cred-
ible approach to establishing causality. For
4.  Randomized Experiments
example, the United States Food and Drug
Experimental evaluations have tradition- Administration typically requires evidence
ally been rare in economics. In many cases from randomized experiments in order to
ethical considerations, as well as the reluc- approve new drugs and medical procedures.
tance of administrators to deny services to A first comment concerns the fact that even
randomly selected individuals after they randomized experiments rely to some extent
have been deemed eligible, have made it on substantive knowledge. It is only once
difficult to get approval for, and implement, the researcher is willing to limit interactions
randomized evaluations. Nevertheless, the between units that randomization can estab-
few experiments that have been conducted, lish causal effects. In settings with poten-
including some of the labor market training tially unrestricted interactions between
programs, have generally been ­influential, units, randomization by itself cannot solve
sometimes extremely so. More recently, the ­identification problems required for
many exciting and thought-provoking experi- establishing causality. In biomedical settings,
ments have been conducted in development where such interaction effects are often argu-
economics, raising new issues of design and ably absent, randomized experiments are
analysis (see Duflo, Rachel Glennerster, and ­therefore ­particularly attractive. Moreover,
Kremer 2008 for a review). in biomedical settings it is often possible to
20 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

keep the units ignorant of their treatment Examples of such programs include the
status, further enhancing the interpretation Greater Avenues to INdependence (GAIN)
of the estimated effects as causal effects of programs (e.g., James Riccio and Daniel
the treatment, and thus improving the exter- Friedlander 1992, the WIN programs (e.g.,
nal validity. Judith M. Gueron and Edward Pauly 1991;
In the economics literature randomization Friedlander and Gueron 1992; Friedlander
has played a much less prominent role. At var- and Philip K. Robins 1995), the Self
ious times social experiments have been con- Sufficiency Project in Canada (Card and Dean
ducted, but they have rarely been viewed as R. Hyslop 2005, and Card and Robins 1996),
the sole method for establishing causality, and and the Statistical Assistance for Programme
in fact they have sometimes been regarded Selection in Switzerland (Stefanie Behncke,
with some suspicion concerning the rele- Markus Frölich, and Lechner 2006). Like
vance of the results for policy purposes (e.g., the NSW evaluation, these experiments have
Heckman and Smith 1995; see Gary Burtless been useful not merely in establishing the
1995 for a more positive view of experiments effects of particular programs but also in pro-
in social sciences). Part of this may be due to viding fertile testing grounds for new statisti-
the fact that for the treatments of interest to cal evaluations methods.
economists, e.g., education and labor mar- Recently there has been a large number of
ket programs, it is generally impossible to do exciting and innovative experiments, mainly
blind or double-blind experiments, creating in development economics but also in oth-
the possibility of placebo effects that com- ers areas, including public finance (Duflo
promise the internal validity of the estimates. and Emmanuel Saez 2003; Duflo et al.
Nevertheless, this suspicion often down- 2006; Raj Chetty, Adam Looney, and Kory
plays the fact that many of the concerns that Kroft forthcoming). The experiments in
have been raised in the context of random- development economics include many edu-
ized experiments, including those related to cational experiments (e.g., T. Paul Schultz
missing data, and external validity, are often 2001; Orazio Attanasio, Costas Meghir,
equally present in observational studies. and Ana Santiago 2005; Duflo and Rema
Among the early social experiments in eco- Hanna 2005; Banerjee et al. 2007; Duflo
nomics were the negative income tax experi- 2001; Miguel and Kremer 2004). Others
ments in Seattle and Denver in the early study topics as wide-ranging as corruption
1970s, formally referred to as the Seattle and (Benjamin A. Olken 2007; Claudio Ferraz
Denver Income Maintenance Experiments and Frederico Finan 2008) or gender issues
(SIME and DIME). In the 1980s, a number in politics (Raghabendra Chattopadhyay and
of papers called into question the reliability of Duflo 2004). In a number of these experi-
econometric and statistical methods for esti- ments, economists have been involved from
mating causal effects in observational studies. the beginning in the design of the evalua-
In particular, LaLonde (1986) and Fraker and tions, leading to closer connections between
Maynard (1987), using data from the National the substantive economic questions and the
Supported Work (NSW) programs, suggested design of the experiments, thus improving
that widely used econometric methods were the ability of these studies to lead to con-
unable to replicate the results from experi- clusive answers to interesting questions.
mental evaluations. These influential con- These experiments have also led to renewed
clusions encouraged government agencies to interest in questions of optimal design.
insist on the inclusion of experimental evalu- Some of these issues are discussed in Duflo,
ation components in job training programs. Glennerster, and Kremer (2008), Miriam
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 21

Bruhn and David McKenzie (2008), and Whether the null of no effect for any unit
Imbens et al. (2008). versus the null of no effect on average is
more interesting was the subject of a testy
4.2 Randomization-Based Inference and
exchange between Fisher (who focused on
Fisher’s Exact P-Values
the first) and Neyman (who thought the lat-
Fisher (1935) was interested in calculating ter was the interesting hypothesis, and who
p-values for hypotheses regarding the effect of stated that the first was only of academic
treatments. The aim is to provide exact infer- interest) in Splawa-Neyman (1990). Putting
ences for a finite population of size N. This the argument about its ultimate relevance
finite population may be a random sample aside, Fisher’s test is a powerful tool for
from a large superpopulation, but that is not establishing whether a treatment has any
exploited in the analysis. The inference is non- effect. It is not essential in this framework
parametric in that it does not make functional that the probabilities of assignment to the
form assumptions regarding the effects; it is treatment group are equal for all units. It is
exact in that it does not rely on large sample crucial, however, that the probability of any
approximations. In other words, the p-values particular assignment vector is known. These
coming out of this analysis are exact and valid probabilities may differ by unit provided the
irrespective of the sample size. probabilities are known.
The most common null hypothesis in The implication of Fisher’s framework is
Fisher’s framework is that of no effect of the that, under the null hypothesis, we know the
treatment for any unit in this population, exact value of all the missing potential out-
against the alternative that, at least for some comes. Thus there are no nuisance param-
units, there is a non-zero effect: eters under the null hypothesis. As a result,
we can deduce the distribution of any statis-
H0 : Yi(0) = Yi(1), ∀i = 1, …, N, tic, that is, any function of the realized values
of (Yi, Wi​)i=1
​N  ​,  generated by the randomiza-
against Ha : ∃i such that Yi(0) ≠ Yi(1). tion. For example, suppose the statistic is
the average difference between __ treated
__ and
It is not important that the null hypothesis control
__ outcomes, T(W, Y) = ​  
Y ​
1 − ​
Y ​ 
0 , where ​
Y ​ w = ​∑ i∶W ​ ​Yi /Nw , for w = 0, 1. Now sup-

is that the effects are all zero. What is essen-   i=w​ 
tial is that the null hypothesis is sharp, that pose we had assigned a different set of units
is, the null hypothesis specifies the value of to the treatment. Denote the vector     
of alter-
all unobserved potential outcomes for each native treatment assignments by ​ W​ ˜   . Under
unit. A more general null hypothesis could the null hypothesis we know all the potential
be that Yi(0) = Yi(1) + c for some prespeci- outcomes and thus we can deduce what the
fied c, or that Yi(0) = Yi(1) + ci for some set of value of the statistic would have been      under
prespecified ci. Importantly, this framework that alternative assignment, namely T(​ W​ ˜   , Y).
cannot accommodate null hypotheses such We can infer the value of the statistic for all
as the average effect of the treatment is zero, possible values of the assignment vector W,
against the alternative hypothesis of a non- and since we know the distribution of W we
zero average effect, or can deduce the distribution of T(W, Y). The
distribution generated by the randomization

H′0 : ​ __
1  ​ ​∑  ​  ​Y A(1) − Y (0)B = 0, of the treatment assignment is referred to as
the randomization distribution. The p-value
N i i i

  of the statistic is then calculated as the prob-

against H′a : ​ __
1  ​ ​∑  ​  ​Y A(1) − Y (0)B ≠ 0. ability of a value for the statistic that is at
N i i i
22 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

least as large, in absolute value, as that of the this point, we took data from eight random-
observed statistic, T(W, Y). ized evaluations of labor market programs.
In moderately large samples, it is typi- Four of the programs are from the WIN
cally not feasible to calculate the exact demonstration programs. The four evalua-
p-values for these tests. In that case, one tions took place in Arkansas, Baltimore, San
can approximate the p-value by basing it on Diego, and Virginia. See Gueron and Pauly
a large number of draws from the random- (1991), Friedlander and Gueron (1992), David
ization distribution. Here the approximation Greenberg and Michael Wiseman (1992),
error is of a very different nature than that and Friedlander and Robins (1995) for more
in typical large sample approximations: it is detailed discussions of each of these evalu-
controlled by the researcher, and if more ations. The second set of four programs is
precision is desired one can simply increase from the GAIN programs in California. The
the number of draws from the randomiza- four locations are Alameda, Los Angeles,
tion distribution. Riverside, and San Diego. See Riccio and
In the form described above, with the Friedlander (1992), Riccio, Friedlander, and
­statistic equal to the difference in averages Freedman (1994), and Dehejia (2003) for
by treatment status, the results are typically more details on these programs and their
not that different from those using Wald evaluations. In each location, we take as the
tests based on large sample normal approxi- outcome total earnings for the first (GAIN)
mations to the sampling__ distribution
__ to the or second (WIN) year following the program,
difference in means ​Y ​ 1 − ​Y ​ 0, as long as the and we focus on the subsample of individuals
sample size is moderately large. The Fisher who had positive earnings at some point prior
approach to calculating p-values is much to the program. We calculate three p-values
more interesting with other choices for for each location. The first p-value is based
the statistic. For example, as advocated by on the normal approximation to the t-statis-
Rosenbaum in a series of papers (Rosenbaum tic calculated as the difference in average
1984a, 1995), a generally attractive choice is outcomes for treated and control individu-
the difference in average ranks by treatment als divided by the estimated standard error.
status. First the outcome is converted into The second p-value is based on randomiza-
ranks (typically with, in case of ties, all pos- tion inference using the difference in aver-
sible rank orderings averaged), and then the age outcomes by treatment status. And the
test is applied using the average difference third p-value is based on the randomization
in ranks by treatment status as the statistic. distribution using the difference in average
The test is still exact, with its exact distri- ranks by treatment status as the statistic. The
bution under the null hypothesis known as results are in table 1.
the Wilcoxon distribution. Naturally, the test In all eight cases, the p-values based on
based on ranks is less sensitive to ­outliers the t-test are very similar to those based
than the test based on the difference in on randomization inference. This outcome
means. is not surprising given the reasonably large
If the focus is on establishing whether the sample sizes, ranging from 71 (Arkansas,
treatment has some effect on the outcomes, WIN) to 4,779 (San Diego, GAIN). However,
rather than on estimating the average size in a number of cases, the p-value for the
of the effect, such rank tests are much more rank test is fairly different from that based
likely to provide informative conclusions on the level difference. In both sets of four
than standard Wald tests based differences locations there is one location where the
in averages by treatment status. To illustrate rank test suggests a clear rejection at the
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 23

Table 1
P-values for Fisher Exact Tests: Ranks versus Levels

Sample Size p-values

Program Location Controls Treated t-test FET (levels) FET (ranks)

GAIN Alameda 601 597 0.835 0.836 0.890

GAIN Los Angeles 1400 2995 0.544 0.531 0.561
GAIN Riverside 1040 4405 0.000 0.000 0.000
GAIN San Diego 1154 6978 0.057 0.068 0.018
WIN Arkansas 37 34 0.750 0.753 0.805
WIN Baltimore 260 222 0.339 0.339 0.286
WIN San Diego 257 264 0.136 0.137 0.024
WIN Virginia 154 331 0.960 0.957 0.249

5 percent level whereas the level-based test 5.  Estimation and Inference under
would suggest that the null hypothesis of no Unconfoundedness
effect should not be rejected at the 5 per-
cent level. In the WIN (San Diego) evalua- Methods for estimation of average treat-
tion, the p-value goes from 0.068 (levels) to ment effects under unconfoundedness are
0.024 (ranks), and in the GAIN (San Diego) the most widely used in this literature. The
evaluation, the p-value goes from 0.136 (lev- central paper in this literature, which intro-
els) to 0.018 (ranks). It is not surprising that duces the key assumptions, is Rosenbaum
the tests give different results. Earnings data and Rubin (1983b), although the literature
are very skewed. A large proportion of the goes further back (e.g., William G. Cochran
populations participating in these programs 1968; Cochran and Rubin 1973; Rubin 1977).
have zero earnings even after conditioning Often the unconfoundedness assumption,
on positive past earnings, and the earnings which requires that conditional on observed
distribution for those with positive earnings covariates there are no unobserved factors
is skewed. In those cases, a rank-based test that are associated both with the assignment
is likely to have more power against alterna- and with the potential outcomes, is contro-
tives that shift the distribution toward higher versial. Nevertheless, in practice, where often
earnings than tests based on the difference data have been collected in order to make this
in means. assumption more plausible, there are many
As a general matter it would be useful in cases where there is no clearly superior alter-
randomized experiments to include such native, and the only alternative is to abandon
results for rank-based p-values, as a generally the attempt to get precise inferences. In this
applicable way of establishing whether the section, we discuss some of these methods
treatment has any effect. As with all omnibus and the issues related to them. A general
tests, one should use caution in interpreting theme of this literature is that the concern is
a rejection, as the test can pick up interesting more with biases than with efficiency.
changes in the distribution (such as a mean Among the many recent economic appli-
or median effect) but also less interesting cations relying on assumptions of this type
changes (such as higher moments about the are Blundell et al. (2001), Angrist (1998),
mean). Card and Hyslop (2005), Card and Brian P.
24 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

McCall (1996), V. Joseph Hotz, Imbens, and in the subsample with treatment WI = w.
Jacob A. Klerman (2006), Card and Phillip Imbens and Rubin (forthcoming) suggest as a
B. Levine (1994), Card, Carlos Dobkin, and rule of thumb that with a normalized differ-
Nicole Maestas (2004), Hotz, Imbens, and ence exceeding one quarter, linear regression
Julie H. Mortimer (2005), Lechner (2002a), methods tend to be sensitive to the specifi-
Abadie and Javier Gardeazabal (2003), and cation. Note the difference with the often
Bloom (2005). reported t-statistic for the null hypothesis of
This setting is closely related to that under- equal means,
lying standard multiple regression analysis
with a rich set of controls. See, for example, __ __
​X ​ 1 − X ​
Burt S. Barnow, Glend G. Cain, and Arthur (4)  T = ​ _____________
___________   0    ​ .
S. Goldberger (1980). Unconfoundedness ​ √​S  0​ ​ ​/N0 + ​S1​2​ ​/  
N1 ​
implies that we have a sufficiently rich set of
predictors for the treatment indicator, con- The reason for focusing on the normalized
tained in the vector of covariates Xi, such difference, (3), rather than on the ­t-statistic,
that adjusting for differences in these covari- (4), as a measure of the degree of difficulty in
ates leads to valid estimates of causal effects. the statistical problem of adjusting for differ-
Combined with linearity assumptions of the ences in covariates, comes from their relation
conditional expectations of the potential out- to the sample size. Clearly, simply increasing
comes given covariates, the unconfoundedness the sample size does not make the problem
assumption justifies linear regression. But in of inference for the average treatment effect
the last fifteen years the literature has moved inherently more difficult. However, quadru-
away from the earlier emphasis on regression pling the sample size leads, in expectation,
methods. The main reason is that, although to a doubling of the t-statistic. In contrast,
locally linearity of the regression functions increasing the sample size does not system-
may be a reasonable approximation, in many atically affect the normalized difference. In
cases the estimated average treatment effects the landmark LaLonde (1986) paper the nor-
based on regression methods can be severely malized difference in mean exceeds unity for
biased if the linear ­approximation is not accu- many of the covariates, immediately show-
rate globally. To assess the potential problems ing that standard regression methods are
with (global) regression methods, it is useful unlikely to lead to credible results for those
to report summary statistics of the covariates data, even if one views unconfoundedness as
by treatment status. In particular, one may a reasonable assumption.
wish to report, for each covariate, the differ- As a result of the concerns with the sen-
ence in averages by treatment status, scaled sitivity of results based on linear regres-
by the square root of the sum of the vari- sion methods to seemingly minor changes
ances, as a scale-free measure of the differ- in specification, the literature has moved to
ence in ­distributions. To be specific, one may more sophisticated methods for adjusting for
wish to report the normalized difference differences in covariates. Some of these more
sophisticated methods use the propensity
__ __
​X ​1  − X ​​ 0  score—the conditional probability of receiv-
(3)  Δ X = ​ ________
______    ​ 
, ing the treatment—in various ways. Others
​ √​S  0​ ​ ​+ ​S1​2​ ​ ​ 
rely on pairwise matching of treated units to
control units, using values of the covariates to
where for w = 0, 1, ​Sw​2 ​​  = ∑
__ ​  i∶W ​ ​(Xi −

match. Although these estimators appear at
​  w)2 /(Nw − 1), the sample variance of Xi
X ​ first sight to be quite different, many (­including
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 25

nonparametric versions of the regression esti- An ongoing discussion concerns the role
mators) in fact achieve the semiparametric of the propensity score, e(x) = pr(Wi = 1 | Xi
efficiency bound; thus, they would tend to be = x), introduced by Rosenbaum and Rubin
similar in large samples. Choices among them (1983b), and indeed whether there is any
typically rely on small sample arguments, role for this concept. See for recent contribu-
which are rarely formalized, and which do not tions to this discussion Hahn (1998), Imbens
uniformly favor one estimator over another. (2004), Angrist and Hahn (2004), Peter C.
Most estimators currently in use can be writ- Austin (2008a, 2008b), Dehejia (2005a),
ten as the difference of a weighted average of Smith and Todd (2001, 2005), Heckman,
the treated and control outcomes, with the Ichimura, and Todd (1998), Frölich (2004a,
weights in both groups adding up to one: 2004b), B. B. Hansen (2008), Jennifer Hill
(2008), Robins and Ya’acov Ritov (1997),
N   Rubin (1997, 2006), and Elizabeth A. Stuart
ˆ  = ∑
 ​   τ​ ​  ​ ​  ​λi · Yi,  with ∑
​   ​ ​λi = 1,

In this section, we first discuss the key
​∑  ​ ​λi = −1. assumptions underlying an analysis based on
i∶Wi=0 unconfoundedness. We then review some of
the efficiency bound results for average treat-
The estimators differ in the way the weights λi ment effects. Next, in sections 5.3 to 5.5, we
depend on the full vector of assignments and briefly review the basic methods relying on
matrix of covariates (including those of other regression, propensity score methods, and
units). For example, some estimators implicitly matching. Although still fairly widely used,
allow the weights to be negative for the treated we do not recommend these methods in prac-
units and positive for controls units, whereas tice. In sections 5.6 to 5.8, we discuss three
others do not. In addition, some depend on of the combination methods that we view as
essentially all other units whereas others more attractive and recommend in practice.
depend only on units with similar covariate We discuss estimating variances in section
values. Nevertheless, despite the commonali- 5.9. Next we discuss implications of lack of
ties of the estimators and large sample equiva- overlap in the covariate distributions. In par-
lence results, in practice the performance of ticular, we discuss two general ­methods for
the estimators can be quite different, partic- constructing samples with improved covari-
ularly in terms of robustness and bias. Little ate balance, both relying heavily on the pro-
is known about finite sample properties. The pensity score. In section 5.11, we describe
few simulation studies include Zhong Zhao methods that can be used to assess the plau-
(2004), Frölich (2004a), and Matias Busso, sibility of the unconfoundedness assumption,
John DiNardo, and Justin McCrary (2008). even though this assumption is not directly
On a more positive note, some ­understanding testable. We discuss methods for testing for
has been reached regarding the sensitivity of the presence of average treatment effects
specific estimators to particular configura- and for the presence of treatment effect het-
tions of the data, such as limited overlap in erogeneity under unconfoundedness in sec-
covariate distributions. Currently, the best tion 5.12.
practice is to combine linear regression with
5.1 Identification
either propensity score or matching methods
in ways that explicitly rely on local, rather than The key assumption is unconfounded-
global, linear approximations to the regression ness, introduced by Rosenbaum and Rubin
functions. (1983b),
26 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Assumption 1 (Unconfoundedness) The second assumption used to identify

treatment effects is that for all possible val-
Wi   ǁ   (Yi(0), Yi(1)) | Xi . ues of the covariates, there are both treated
and control units.
The unconfoundedness assumption is often
controversial, as it assumes that beyond the Assumption 2 (Overlap)
observed covariates Xi there are no (unob-
served) characteristics of the individual 0 < pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x) < 1,  for all x.
associated both with the potential outcomes
and the treatment.7 Nevertheless, this kind We call this the overlap assumption as it
of assumption is used routinely in multiple implies that the support of the conditional
regression analysis. In fact, suppose we distribution of Xi given Wi = 0 overlaps com-
assume that the treatment effect, τ, is con- pletely with that of the conditional distribu-
stant, so that, for each random draw i, τ = tion of Xi given Wi = 1.
Yi(1) − Yi(0). Further, assume that Yi(0) = α With a random sample (Wi, Xi​)i=1 ​N  ​  we
+ β′ Xi + εi, where εi = Yi(0) − E[Yi(0) | Xi ] can estimate the propensity score e(x)
is the residual capturing the unobservables = pr(Wi = 1 | X i = x), and this can provide
affecting the response in the absence of some guidance for determining whether
treatment. Then, with the observed outcome the overlap assumption holds. Of course
defined as Yi = (1 − Wi) · Yi(0) + Wi · Yi(1), ­common parametric models, such as probit
we can write and logit, ensure that all estimated prob-
abilities are strictly between zero and one,
Yi = α + τ · Wi + β′Xi + εi, and so examining the fitted probabilities
from such models can be misleading. We
and unconfoundedness is equivalent to inde- discuss approaches for improving overlap
pendence of εi and of Wi, conditional on Xi. in 5.10.
Imbens (2004) discusses some economic The combination of unconfoundedness
models that imply unconfoundedness. These and overlap was referred to by Rosenbaum
models assume agents choose to participate in and Rubin’s (1983b) as strong ignorability.
a program if the benefits, equal to the differ- There are various ways to establish identifi-
ence in potential outcomes, exceed the costs cation of various average treatment effects
associated with participation. It is important under strong ignorability. Perhaps the easi-
here that there is a distinction between the est is to note that τ(x) ≡ E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi
objective of the participant (net benefits), and = x] is identified for x in the support of the
the outcome that is the focus of the reseacher covariates:
(gross benefits). (See Athey and Scott Stern
1998 for some discussion.) Unconfoundedness
is implied by independence of the costs and (5)  τ(x) = E[Yi(1) | Xi = x] − E[Yi(0) | Xi = x]
benefits, conditional on observed covariates.
= E[Yi(1) | Wi = 1, Xi = x]

7 Unconfoundedness generally fails if the covariates − E[Yi(0) | Wi = 0, Xi = x]

themselves are affected by treatment. Wooldridge (2005)
provides a simple example where treatment is random- = E[Yi | Wi = 1, Xi = x]
ized with respect to the counterfactual outcomes but not
with respect to the covariates. Unconfoundedness is easily
shown to fail. − E[Yi | Wi = 0, Xi = x],
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 27

where the second equality follows by uncon- effect, the third term drops out, and the vari-
foundedness: E[Yi(w) | Wi = w, Xi ] does not ance bound for τ CATE is

[  ]
depend on w. By the overlap assumption, we
​σ​2​ ​(X )
​σ​2​ ​(X ) _______
can estimate both terms in the last line, and (8) 핍CATE = E​ _____
​  1 i ​   
+ ​  0 i   ​    ​.
therefore we can identify τ(x). Given that we e(Xi) 1 − e(Xi)
can identify τ(x) for all x, we can identify the
expected value across the population distri- Still, the role of heterogeneity in the treat-
bution of the covariates, ment effect is potentially important. Suppose
we actually had prior knowledge that the
(6)  τ PATE = E[τ (Xi)], average treatment effect conditional on the
covariates is constant, or τ(x) = τ PATE for all
as well as τ PATT and other estimands. x. Given this assumption, the model is closely
related to the partial linear model (Peter M.
5.2 Efficiency Bounds
Robinson 1988; James H. Stock 1989). Given
Before discussing specific estimation this prior knowledge, the variance bound is
methods, it is useful to see what we can learn
about the parameters of interest, given just (9)  Vconst
the strong ignorability of treatment assign-
−1 −1
ment assumption, without functional form or ​σ​12​ ​(Xi) _______
​σ​2​ ​(X )
distributional assumptions. In order to do so,    = aE c a​ _____ + ​  0 i  

 ​​b​  ​db
​ ​  .​
e(Xi) 1 − e(Xi)
we need some additional notation. Let ​σ0​2​ ​(x)
= 핍(Yi(0) | Xi = x) and ​σ1​2​ ​(x) = 핍(Yi(1) | Xi
= x) denote the conditional variances of the This variance bound can be much lower
potential outcomes given the covariates. than (8) if there is variation in the propen-
Hahn (1998) derives the __ lower bounds for sity score. Knowledge of lack of variation in
asymptotic variances of ​ √N ​
   -consistent esti- the treatment effect can be very valuable, or,
mators for τ PATE as conversely, allowing for general heterogene-
ity in the treatment effect can be expensive
​σ​2​ ​(X )
​σ​12​ ​(Xi) _______
(7) 핍PATE = E c​ _____  
+ ​  0 i  
 ​   ​  in terms of precision.
e(Xi) 1 − e(Xi)
In addition to the conditional variances of
the counterfactual outcomes, a third impor-
+ (τ(Xi) − τ​)​ 2​d , tant determinant of the efficiency bound is
the propensity score. Because it enters into
where p = E[e(Xi)] is the unconditional treat- (7) in the denominator, the presence of units
ment probability. Interestingly, this lower with the propensity score close to zero or one
bound holds irrespective of whether the will make it difficult to obtain precise esti-
­propensity score is known or not. The form mates of the average effect of the treatment.
of this variance bound is informative. It is no One approach to address this problem, devel-
surprise that τ PATE is more difficult to esti- oped by Crump et al. (2009) and discussed in
mate the larger are the variances ​σ0​2​ ​(x) and​ more detail in section 5.10, is to drop obser-
σ​12​ ​(x). However, as shown by the presence of vations with the propensity score close to
the third term, it is also more difficult to esti- zero and one, and focus on the average effect
mate τ PATE, the more variation there is in the of the treatment in the subpopulation with
average treatment effect conditional on the propensity scores away from zero. Suppose
covariates. If we focus instead on estimat- we focus on τ CATE,픸, the average of τ(Xi) for
ing τ CATE, the conditional average treatment Xi ∈ 픸. Then the variance bound is
28 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

1    ​
(10)  핍픸 = _________
​  ˆ  reg = __
(11)  ​   τ​ ​ 1  ​ ​∑ ​​​  A​    
μ​ ˆ   (X ) − ​    
μ​ ˆ  0(Xi)B.
pr(Xi ∈ 픸) N i=1 1 i

Given parametric models for μ 0( · ) and
​σ​2​ ​(X )
​σ​12​ ​(Xi) ________
× E c​ _____  
+ ​  0 i   ​ 
 ​   (Xi) ∈ 픸 d , μ1( · ), estimation and inference are straight-
e(Xi) 1 − e (Xi)
forward.8 In the simplest case, we assume
each conditional mean can be expressed as
By excluding from the set 픸 subsets of the functions linear in parameters, say
covariate space where the propensity score is
close to zero or one, we may be able to esti- (12)  μ 0(x) = α 0 + β′0(x − ψX),
mate τ CATE,픸 more precisely than τ CATE. (If
we are instead interested in τ CATT, we only μ1(x) = α1 + β′1 (x − ψX),
need to worry about covariate values where
e(x) is close to one.) where we take deviations from the overall
Having displayed these lower bounds on population covariate mean ψX so that the
variances for the average treatment effects, treatment effect is the difference in inter-
a natural question is: Are there estimators cepts. (Naturally, as in any regression context,
that achieve these lower bounds that do not we can replace x with general functions of x.)
require parametric models or functional Of course, we rarely know the ­population
form restrictions on either the conditional mean of the covariates, so in estimation we
means or the propensity score? The answer replace__ψX with the ­sample average across all
in general is yes, and we now consider differ- ​  . Then ​   τ​
units, X ​ ˆ  reg is simply
ent classes of estimators in turn.
(13)  ​   τ​
ˆ  reg =    
​ ˆ  1 −    
​ ˆ  0 .
5.3 Regression Methods
To describe the general approach to This estimator is also obtained from the
regression methods for estimating average coefficient on the treatment indicator Wi__in
treatment effects, define μ 0(x) and μ1(x) to be the regression Yi on 1, Wi, Xi, Wi ·(Xi − ​X ​ ).
the two regression functions for the potential Standard errors can be obtained from stan-
outcomes: dard least square regression output. (As
we show below, in the case of estimating
μ 0(x) = E[Yi(0) | Xi = x] τ PATE, the usual standard error, whether
and or not it is made robust to heteroskedastic-
ity, ignores the estimation error in ​X ​ as an
μ1(x) = E[Yi(1) | Xi = x]. estimator of ψX; technically, the conventional

By definition, the average treatment effect 8 There is a somewhat subtle issue in estimating treat-
conditional on X = x is τ(x) = μ1(x) − μ 0(x). ment effects from stratified samples or samples with
As we discussed in the identification subsec- missing values of the covariates. If the missingness or
stratification are determined by outcomes on the covari-
tion, under the unconfoundedness assump- ates, Xi, and the conditional means are correctly specified,
tion, μ 0(x) = E[Yi | Wi = 0, Xi = x] and μ1(x) then the missing data or stratification can be ignored for
= E[Yi | Wi = 1, Xi = x], which means we can the purposes of estimating the regression parameters; see,
estimate μ 0( · ) using regression methods for for example, Wooldridge (1999, 2007). However, sample
selection or stratification based on Xi cannot be ignored in
the untreated subsample and μ1( · ) using estimating, say, τ PATE, because τ PATE equals the expected
the treated subsample. Given consistent difference in regression functions across the population
 ˆ   ( · ) and     distribution of Xi. Therefore, consistent estimation of τ PATE
­estimators ​ μ​ 0 μ​
​ ˆ  1( · ), a consistent esti- requires applying inverse probability weights or sampling
mator for either τ PATE or τ CATE is weights to the average in (11).
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 29

standard error is only valid for τ CATE and not linear approximation to the regression func-
for τ PATE.) tion is globally accurate, regression may lead
A different representation of τ​  ˆ
​    reg is useful to severe biases. Another way of ­interpreting
in order to illustrate some of the concerns this ­problem is as a multicollinearity prob-
with regression estimators in this setting. lem. If the averages of the covariates in
Suppose we do use the linear model in (12). the two treatment arms are very different,
It can be shown that the correlation between the covariates and
the treatment indicator is relatively high.
__ __
​ 1  − ​Y ​0  − a​ _______
N0    ˆ Although conventional least squares standard
(14)  ​   τ​
  = Y ​
ˆ reg    ​ 
· ​ β​ 1 
N0 + N1 errors take the degree of multicollinearity
into account, they do so conditional on the
   ˆ ′ __ __
+ _______
​     ​ 
· ​ β​ 0  ​b​ ​(​X ​1  − X ​
​ 0 ). specification of the regression function. Here

N0 + N1 the concern is that any misspecification may
be exacerbated by the collinearity problem.
To adjust for differences in covariates As noted in the introduction to section 5,
between treated and control units,__the simple __ an easy way to establish the severity of this
difference in average outcomes, ​Y ​ 1 − Y ​ ​  0, is problem __ is to__inspect _______ the normalized differ-
__ by the
__ difference in average covari- ences (​X ​ 1 − ​X ​ 0)/​ √​S  0​2​ ​+ ​S1​2​ ​) ​ 
ates, ​X ​ 1 − ​X ​ 0, multiplied by the weighted In the case of the standard regression esti-
­average   ˆ
of    the regression coeffi- mator it is straightforward to derive and to
cients ​ β​  0 and ​ β​
ˆ   in the two treatment regimes.
1 estimate the variance when we view the esti-
This is a useful representation. It shows that mator as an estimator of τ CATE. Assuming the
if the averages of the covariates in the two linear regression model is correctly specified,
treatment arms are very different, then the we have
adjustment to the simple mean difference can __
(15) ​ √N ​ ​    reg − τ CATE) → (0, V0 + V1),
  ˆ d
be large. We can see that even more clearly
by inspecting the predicted outcome for the
treated units had they been subject to the con- where Vw = N · E [(​    
α​ ˆ  w − αw)2],
trol treatments:
    __     __ __ which can be obtained directly from standard
ˆ  [Y (1) | W = 0] = ​Y ​  + β​
​ E​ ​ ˆ 0 ′ (​X ​1  − ​X ​ 0). regression output. Estimating the variance
i i 0

when we view the estimator as an estimator
The regression parameter β​ ​ ˆ  0 is estimated of τ PATE requires adding a term capturing the
on the control sample, where__the average variation in the treatment effect conditional
of the covariates is equal to ​X ​ 0. It there- on the covariates. The form is then
fore likely provides a good approximation to __
​ √N ​ ​    reg − τ CATE) → (0, V0 + V1 + Vτ),
  ˆ d
the conditional mean function around that
value. However, this estimated regression
function is then used to predict outcomes where the third term in the normalized vari-
in the treated sample, where__ the average of ance is
the covariates is equal to ​X ​ 1. If these cova-
riate averages are very different, and thus Vτ = (β1 − β 0)′
the regression model is used to predict out-
comes far away from where the parameters E[(Xi − E[Xi])(Xi − E[Xi])′](β1 − β 0),
were estimated, the results can be sensitive to
minor changes in the specification. Unless the which can be estimated as
30 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

       ˆ    ˆ

​ ˆ  τ = (​ β​
V​   1 − β​
​    0)′ practice, researchers have not used higher
order kernels and, with positive kernels, the
N __ __    
× __
​ 1  ​ ​∑ ​​​  (Xi − X ​
​ ) (Xi − X ​ ˆ   −    
​  )′(​ β​1 β​
​ ˆ  0). bias for kernel estimators is a more severe
N i=1 problem than for the matching estimators
discussed in section 5.5.
In practice, this additional term is rarely Kernel regression of this type can be inter-
incorporated, and researcher instead report preted as locally fitting a constant regression
the variance corresponding to τ CATE. In cases function. A general alternative is to fit locally
where the slope coefficients do not differ a polynomial regression function. The leading
substantially across the two regimes—equiv- case of this is local linear regression (J. Fan
alently, the coefficients
__ on the interaction and I. Gijbels 1996), applied to estimation
terms Wi · (Xi − ​X ​)  are “small”—this last of average treatment effects by Heckman,
term is likely to be swamped by the variances Ichimura, and Todd (1997) and    ˆ
Heckman et
in (15). α​
ˆ  (x) and β​
al. (1998). Define ​     ​    (x) as the local
In many cases, researchers have sought to least squares estimates, based on locally fit-
go beyond simple parametric models for the ting a linear regression function:
regression functions. Two general directions N
​  ​​  λi
have been explored. The first relies on local α​ ˆ  (x), ​ β​
A​     ˆ  (x)B = arg m
α, β i=1
smoothing, and the second on increasingly
flexible global approximations. We discuss × AYi − α −β′(Xi − x)B 2,
both in turn.
Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1997) and with the same weights λi as in the standard
Heckman et al. (1998) consider local smooth- kernel estimator. The regression function at
ing methods to estimate the two regression x is then estimated as ​     μ​
ˆ  (x) =    
​ ˆ  (x). In order
functions. The first method they consider is to achieve convergence at the best pos-
kernel regression. Given a kernel K( · ), and a sible rate for   τ​
​ ˆ  reg, one needs to use higher
bandwidth h, the kernel estimator for μ w(x) order kernels, although the order required
is is less than that for the standard kernel
ˆ  w(x) = ∑
 ​     ​   ​ ​Yi · λi, with weight For both the standard kernel estimator
and the local linear estimator an important

choice is that of the bandwidth h. In prac-
Xi − x  
Xi − x
λi = K a​ _____ b ​∑  ​ ​K a​ _____

 ​  tice, researchers have used ad hoc methods
h i∶Wi=w h
for bandwidth selection. Formal results on
bandwidth selection from the literature on
Although the rate of convergence of the nonparametric regression are not directly
kernel estimator to the regression function applicable. Those results are based on mini-
is slower than the conventional parametric mizing a global criterion such as the expected
rate N −1/2, the rate of convergence of the value of the squared difference between the
implied estimator for the average treatment estimated and true regression function, with
effect,   τ​
​ ˆ  reg in (11), is the regular parametric the expectation taken with respect to the
rate under regularity conditions. These con- marginal distribution of the covariates. Thus,
ditions include smoothness of the regression they focus on estimating the regression func-
functions and require the use of higher order tion well everywhere. Here the focus is on
kernels (with the order of the kernel depend- a particular scalar functional of the regres-
ing on the dimension of the covariates). In sion function, and it is not clear whether the
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 31

conventional methods for bandwidth choices K

have good properties. μ w,K(x) = ∑

​   ​ β w,k · xk.
Although formal results are given for the
case with continuous regressors, modifica- We then estimate β w,k by least squares
tions have been developed that allows for both regression, and estimate the average treat-
continuous and discrete covariates (Jeffrey S. ment effect using (11). This is a special case
Racine and Qi Li 2004). All such methods of the estimator discussed in Imbens, Newey,
require choosing the degree of smoothing and Ridder (2005) and Chen, Hong, and
(often known as bandwidths), and there has Tarozzi (2008), with formal results presented
not been much work on choosing bandwidths for the case with general Xi. Imbens, Newey,
for the particular problem of estimating aver- and Ridder (2005) also discuss methods for
age treatment effects where the parameter of choosing the number of terms in the series
interest is effectively the average of a regres- based on expected squared error for the
sion function, and not the entire function. See average treatment effect.
Imbens (2004) for more discussion. Although If the outcome is binary or more generally
the estimators based on local smoothing have of a limited dependent variable form, a linear
not been shown to attain the variance effi- series approximation to the regression func-
ciency bound, it is likely that they can be con- tion is not necessarily attractive. It is likely
structed to do so under sufficient smoothness that one can use increasingly flexible approx-
conditions. imations based on models that exploit the
An alternative to local smoothing meth- structure of the outcome data. For the case
ods are global smoothing methods, such as with binary outcomes, Hirano, Imbens, and
series or sieve estimators. Such estimators Ridder (2003) show how using a polynomial
are parametric for a given sample size, with approximation to the log odds ratio leads to
the number of parameters and the flexibil- an attractive estimator for the conditional
ity of the model increasing with the sample mean. See Chen (2007) for general discus-
size. One attraction of such methods is that sion of such models. One can imagine that,
often estimation and inference can proceed in cases with nonnegative response variables,
as if the model is completely parametric. exponential regression functions, or those
The amount of smoothing is determined by derived from specific models, such as Tobit
the number of terms in the series, and the (when the response can pile up at zero), com-
large-sample analysis is carried out with the bined with polynomial approximations in the
number of terms growing as a function of the linear index function, might be useful.
sample size. Again, little is known about how Generally, methods based on global
to choose the number of terms when inter- approximations suffer from the same draw-
est lies in average treatment effects. For the backs as linear regression. If the covariate
­average treatment case, Hahn (1998), Imbens, distributions are substantially different in
Newey, and Ridder (2005), Andrea Rotnitzky both treatment groups, estimates based on
and Robins (1995), and Chen, Hong, and such methods rely, perhaps more than is
Tarozzi (2008) have developed estimators of desired, on extrapolation. Using these meth-
this type. Hahn shows that estimators in this ods in cases with substantial differences in
class can achieve the variance lower bounds covariate distributions is therefore not rec-
for estimating τ PATE. For a simple version of ommended (except possibly in cases where
such an estimator, suppose that Xi is a sca- the sample has been trimmed so that the
lar. Then we can approximate μ w(x) by a K-th covariates across the two treatment regimes
order polynomial have considerable overlap).
32 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Before we turn to propensity score methods, The basic insight is that for any binary vari-
we should comment on estimating the average able Wi, and any random vector Xi, it is true
treatment effects on the treated, τ PATT and (without assuming unconfoundedness) that
τ CATT. In this case, ​ τ​ 
  (Xi) gets averaged across
observations with Wi = 1, rather than across Wi   ǁ    Xi | e(Xi).
the entire sample as in (11) Because     μ​
​ ˆ  1(x) is
estimated on the treated subsample, in esti- Hence, within subpopulations with the same
mating PATT or CATT there is no problem value for the propensity score, covariates are
if μ1(x) is poorly estimated at covariate values independent of the treatment indicator and
that are common in the control group but thus cannot lead to biases (the same way in
scarce in the treatment group. But we must a regression framework omitted variables that
have a good estimate of μ 0(x) at covariate val- are uncorrelated with included covariates do
ues common in the treatment group, and this not introduce bias). Since under unconfound-
is not ensured because we can only use the edness all biases can be removed by adjusting
control group to obtain     μ​
​ ˆ  0(x). Nevertheless, in for differences in covariates, this means that
many settings μ 0(x) can be estimated well over within subpopulations homogenous in the
the entire range of the covariates because the propensity score there are no biases in com-
control group often includes units that are sim- parisons between treated and control units.
ilar to those in the treatment group. By con- Given the Rosenbaum–Rubin result, it is
trast, often there are numerous control group sufficient, under the maintained assumption of
units—for example, high-income workers in unconfoundedness, to adjust solely for differ-
the context of a job training program—that ences in the propensity score between treated
are quite different from any units in the treat- and control units. This result can be exploited
ment group, making the ATE parameters con- in a number of ways. Here we discuss three
siderably more difficult to estimate than ATT of these that have been used in practice. The
parameters. (Further, the ATT parameters are first two of these methods exploit the fact
more interesting from a policy perspective in that the propensity score can be viewed as a
such cases, unless one redefines the popula- covariate that is sufficient to remove biases in
tion to exclude some units that are unlikely to estimation of average treatment effects. For
ever be in the treatment group.) this purpose, any one-to-one function of the
propensity score could also be used. The third
5.4 Methods Based on the Propensity Score
method further uses the fact that the pro-
The first set of alternatives to regres- pensity score is the conditional probability of
sion estimators relies on estimates of the receiving the treatment.
­propensity score. These methods were intro- The first method simply uses the pro-
duced in Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983b). pensity score in place of the covariates in
An early economic discussion is in Card and regression analysis. Define νw(e) = E[Yi | Wi
Sullivan (1988). Rosenbaum and Rubin show = w,e(Xi) = e]. Unconfoundedness in com-
that, under unconfoundedness, independence bination with the Rosenbaum–Rubin result
of potential outcomes and treatment indica- implies that νw(e) = E[Yi(w) | e(Xi) = e]. Then
tors also holds after conditioning solely on the we can estimate νw(e) very generally using
propensity score, e(x) = pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x): kernel or series estimation on the propensity
score, something which is greatly simpli-
Wi   ǁ   AYi(0), Yi(1)B | Xi  fied by the fact that the propensity score is a
­scalar. Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1998)
⇒  Wi   ǁ   AYi(0), Yi(1)B | e(Xi). consider local smoothers and Hahn (1998)
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 33

considers a series estimator. In either case = 1 be boundary values. Then define Bij,
we have the consistent estimator for i = 1, … , N, and j = 1, … , J − 1, as the
N indicators
ˆ  regprop = ​ __
​   τ​ 1  ​ · ​∑ ​​  A​   ν​
ˆ   (e(Xi)) −   
​ ˆ  0(e(Xi))B ,
N i=1 1
1 if cj−1 ≤ e(Xi) < cj
B =e
which is simply the average of the differ-    ij 0 otherwise
ences in predicted values for the treated and J−1
untreated outcomes. Interestingly, Hahn and BiJ = 1 − ​∑ ​  Bij.
shows that, unlike when we use regression to j=1
adjust for the full set of covariates, the series
regression estimator based on adjusting for Now estimate within stratum j the average
the known propensity score does not achieve treatment effect τj = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Bij = 1]
the efficiency bound. as
Although methods of this type have been __ __
used in practice, probably because of their  ​   τ​
ˆ  j = Y ​
​  j1 − Y ​
​  j0
simplicity, regression on simple functions of
the propensity score is not recommended. where
__ N
Because the propensity score does not have a
​Y ​ jw = ___
​  1   ​  ​∑  ​ ​Bij × Yi,
substantive meaning, it is difficult to motivate Njw i∶Wi=w
a low order polynomial as a good approxima- and
tion to the conditional expectation. For exam- N

ple, a linear model in the propensity score Njw = ∑

​   ​   ​Bij .
is unlikely to provide a good approximation
to the conditional expectation: individuals If J is sufficiently large and the differences
with propensity scores of 0.45 and 0.50 are cj − cj−1 small, there is little variation in the
likely to be much more similar than individu- propensity score within a stratum or block,
als with propensity scores equal to 0.01 and and one can analyze the data as if the propen-
0.06. Moreover, no formal asymptotic prop- sity score is constant, and thus as if the data
erties have been derived for the case with within a block were generated by a completely
the propensity score unknown. randomized experiment (with the assignment
The second method, variously referred to probabilities constant within a stratum, but
as blocking, subclassification, or ­stratification, varying between strata). The average treat-
also adjusts for differences in the propensity ment effect is then estimated as the weighted
score in a way that can be interpreted as average of the within-stratum estimates:
regression, but in a more flexible manner. J
Nj0 + Nj1
Originally suggested by Rosenbaum and ​ τ​
  block = ∑
​    ​​    τ​ _______
​ ˆ  j · a​   ​  b .
Rubin (1983b), the idea is to partition the j=1 N
sample into strata by (discretized) values of
the propensity score, and then analyze the With J large, the implicit step function
data within each stratum as if the propensity approximation to the regression functions
score were constant and the data could be νw(e) will be accurate. Cochran (1968) shows
interpreted as coming from a completely ran- in a Gaussian example that with five equal-
domized experiment. This can be interpreted sized blocks the remaining bias is less than
as approximating the conditional mean of the 5 percent of the bias in the simple differ-
potential outcomes by a step function. To be ence between average outcomes among
more precise, let 0 = c0 < c1 < c2 < … < cJ treated and controls. Motivated by Cochran’s
34 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

c­ alculations, researchers have often used five where the second and final inequalities fol-
strata, although depending on the sample low by iterated expectations and the third
size and the joint distribution of the data, equality holds by unconfoundedness. The
fewer or more blocks will generally lead to a implication is that weighting the treated
lower expected mean squared error. population by the inverse of the propensity
The variance for this estimator is typi- score recovers the expectation of the uncon-
cally calculated conditional on the strata ditional response under treatment. A similar
indicators, and assuming random assignment calculation shows E[((1 − Wi)Yi)/(1 − e(Xi))]
within the strata. That is, for stratum j, the = E[Yi(0)], and together these imply
is ​   τ​
ˆ  j, and its variance is estimated
as ​ V​  j = V​
ˆ ​    j0 + ​ V​
ˆ ˆ   , where
_____ (1 − Wi) · Yi
Wi · Yi _________
(16)  τ PATE = E c​  − ​ 

 ​  d 
 ​ .
e(Xi) 1 − e(Xi)
​2 ​​ 
ˆ   = ​ ___
​ V​ jw   ​ 
, where Equation (16) suggests an obvious estimator
  __ of τ PATE:
 ​​ = ___
​  1   ​  ​∑   ​ ​(Yi − Y ​
​  jw)2
Njw i∶Bij=1,Wi=w ˆ  weight = __
(17) ​   τ​ ​ 1  ​ 
_____ (1 − Wi) · Yi
Wi · Yi _________
​  ​​​  c​ 
The overall variance is then estimated as
− ​ 

 ​  d 
 ​ ,
e(X i) 1 − e(Xi)
Nj0 + Nj1 2
J i=1
​ 핍​ ​ ˆ  block) = ∑
ˆ  (   ​    ​​  (​ V​
ˆ   + ​    
V​ _______
ˆ   )· a​   ​.
0j 1j
N which, as a sample average from a random __
sample, is consistent for τ PATE and ​ √N ​
This variance estimator is appropriate for asymptotically normally distributed. The
τ CATE, although it ignores biases arising from estimator in (17) is essentially due to D. G.
variation in the propensity score within strata. Horvitz and D. J. Thompson (1952).9
The third method exploiting the propensity In practice, (17) is not a feasible estima-
score is based on weighting. Recall that τ PATE tor because it depends on the propensity
= E[Yi(1) − Yi(0)] = E[Yi(1)] − E[Yi(0)]. We score function e( · ), which is rarely known. A
consider the two terms separately. Because ­surprising result is that, even if we know the
Wi · Yi = Wi · Yi(1), we have propensity score, ​   τ​
ˆ  weight does not achieve the
efficiency bound given in (7). It turns out to
Wi · Yi _______
Wi · Yi(1) be better, in terms of large sample efficiency,
  E c​   ​  = E c​ 
d  d 
 ​  to weight using the estimated rather than the
e(Xi) e(Xi)

true propensity score. Hirano, Imbens, and
Ridder (2003) establish conditions under
Wi · Yi(1)
= E cE c​   
 Xi d d
 ​   which replacing e( · ) with a logistic sieve esti-
mator results in a weighted propensity score
estimator that achieves the variance bound.
= E ________________
E(Wi | Xi) · E(Yi(1) | X)
c​   ​     d The estimator is practically simple to com-
e(Xi) pute, as estimation of the propensity score
involves a straightforward logit estimation
= E _____________
e(X ) · E(Yi(1) | Xi)
c​  i    d 
9 Because the Horvitz–Thompson estimator is based on
sample averages, adjustments for stratified sampling are
= E [E(Yi(1) | Xi] = E[Yi(1)], straightforward if one is provided sampling weights.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 35

involving flexible functions of the covariates. the block. This has the advantage of avoiding
Theoretically, the number of terms in the particularly large weights, but comes at the
approximation should increase with the sam- expense of introducing bias if the propensity
ple size. In the second step, given the esti- score is correctly specified.
mated propensity score   ​e ​ˆ(x),
  one estimates A particular concern with IPW estimators
arises again when the covariate distributions

W  · Yi N ____
​  ​​  _____
are substantially different for the two ­treatment
  =∑  ​∑ 
(18) ​   τ​
ˆ ipw ​     i  ​   
   ​ ​  ​      ​ 
− groups. That implies that the propensity score
i=1 e​ ​    (Xi) i=1 e​
ˆ ​    (Xi)
gets close to zero or one for some values of the

(1 − Wi) · Yi N _______
N covariates. Small or large values of the pro-
​∑ ​​  _________ ​∑ ​​  ​ 
 ​     ​ .
i=1 1 − e​ ​    (Xi) i=1 1 −   e​
  ˆ pensity score raises a number of issues. One
​ ˆ (  Xi)
concern is that alternative parametric models
We refer to this as the inverse probabil- for the binary data, such as probit and logit
ity weighting (IPW) estimator. See Hirano, models that can provide similar approxima-
Imbens, and Ridder (2003) for intuition as tions in terms of estimated probabilities over
to why estimating the propensity score leads the middle ranges of their arguments, tend to
to a more efficient estimator, asymptotically, be more different when the probabilities are
than knowing the propensity score. close to zero or one. Thus the choice of model
Ichimura and Oliver Linton (2005) stud- and specification becomes more important,
ied ​   τ​
ˆ  ipw when    ​ ˆ  ( · ) is obtained via kernel
e​ and it is often difficult to make well motivated
regression, and they consider the problem of choices in treatment effect settings. A second
optimal bandwidth choice when the object of concern is that for units with propensity scores
interest is τ PATE. More recently, Li, Racine, close to zero or one, the weights can be large,
and Wooldridge (forthcoming) consider making those units particularly influential in
­kernel estimation for discrete as well as con- the ­estimates of the average treatment effects,
tinuous covariates. The estimator proposed and thus making the estimator imprecise.
by Li, Racine, and Wooldridge achieves the These concerns are less serious than those
variance lower bound. See Hirano, Imbens, regarding regression estimators because at
and Ridder (2003) and Wooldridge (2007) least the IPW estimates will accurately reflect
for methods for estimating the variance for uncertainty. Still, these concerns make the
these estimators. simple IPW estimators less attractive. (As
Note that the blocking estimator can also for regression cases, the problem can be less
be interpreted as a weighting ­estimator. severe for the ATT parameters because pro-
Consider observations in block j. Within the pensity score values close to zero play no role.
block, the Nj1 treated observations all get Problems for estimating ATT arise when some
equal weight 1/Nj1. In the estimator for the units, as described by their observed covari-
overall average treatment effect, this block ates, are almost certain to receive treatment.)
gets weight (Nj0 + Nj1)/N, so we can write   τ​ ​ ˆ  
5.5 Matching
= ​∑ i=1   ​ ​ λ i · Yi, where for treated observations

in block j the weight normalized by N is N · λi Matching estimators impute the missing
= (Nj0 + Nj1)/Nj1), and for control observa- potential outcomes using only the outcomes
tions it is N · λi = (Nj0 + Nj1)/Nj0). Implicitly of a few nearest neighbors of the opposite
this estimator is based on an estimate of treatment group. In that sense, matching is
the propensity score in block j equal to similar to nonparametric kernel regression,
Nj1/(Nj0 + Nj1). Compared to the IPW estima- with the number of neighbors playing the role
tor, the propensity score is smoothed within of the bandwidth in the kernel ­regression. A
36 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

formal difference with kernel methods is that replacement.” Given the matched pairs, the
the asymptotic distribution for matching esti- treatment effect within a pair is estimated
mators is derived conditional on the implicit as the difference in outcomes, and the over-
bandwidth, that is, the number of neighbors, all average as the average of the within-pair
often fixed at a small number, e.g., one. Using difference. Exploiting the representation of
such asymptotics, the implicit estimate     μ​
​ ˆ   the estimator as a difference in two sample
w (x) is (close to) unbiased, but not consistent, means, inference is based on standard meth-
for μ w(x). In contrast, the kernel regression ods for differences in means or methods for
estimators discussed in the previous section paired randomized experiments, ignoring
implied consistency of ​    
ˆ  w(x). any remaining bias. Fully efficient matching
Matching estimators have the attractive algorithms that take into account the effect
feature that the smoothing parameters are of a particular choice of match for treated
easily interpretable. Given the matching unit i on the pool of potential matches for
metric, the researcher only has to choose unit j are computationally cumbersome. In
the number of matches. Using only a single practice, researchers use greedy algorithms
match leads to the most credible inference that sequentially match units. Most com-
with the least bias, at the cost of sacrificing monly the units are ordered by the value of
some precision. This sits well with the focus the propensity score with the highest pro-
in the literature on reducing bias rather than pensity score units matched first. See Gu and
variance. It also can make the matching esti- Rosenbaum (1993) and Rosenbaum (1995)
mator easier to use than those estimators that for discussions.
require more complex choices of smoothing Abadie and Imbens (2006) study formal
parameters, and this may be another expla- asymptotic properties of matching estimators
nation for its popularity. in a different setting, where both treated and
Matching estimators have been widely control units are (potentially) matched and
studied in practice and theory (e.g., X. Gu and matching is done with replacement. Code for
Rosenbaum 1993; Rosenbaum 1989, 1995, the Abadie–Imbens estimator is available in
2002; Rubin 1973b, 1979; Rubin and Neal Matlab and Stata (see Abadie et al. 2004).10
Thomas 1992a, 1992b, 1996, 2000; Heckman, Formally, given a sample, {(Yi, Xi, Wi​)} ​i=1
N  ​, 

Ichimura, and Todd 1998; Dehejia and Sadek let ℓ1(i) be the nearest neighbor to i, that is,
Wahba 1999; Abadie and Imbens 2006; ℓ1(i) is equal to the nonnegative integer j, for
Alexis Diamond and Jasjeet S. Sekhon 2008; j ∈ {1, … , N}, if Wj ≠ Wi, and
Sekhon forthcoming; Sekhon and Richard
Grieve 2008; Rosenbaum and Rubin 1985; ǁ Xj − Xi ǁ = ​     
min ​ ǁXk − Xi ǁ.
Stefano M. Iacus, Gary King, and Giuseppe
Porro 2008). Most often they have been More generally, let ℓm(i) be the index that sat-
applied in settings where, (1) the interest is in isfies Wℓm(i) ≠ Wi and that is the m-th closest
the average treatment effect for the treated, to unit i:
and (2) there is a large reservoir of potential  
controls, although recent work (Abadie and ​∑  ​ ​1 Eǁ Xl − Xi ǁ ≤ ǁ Xℓm(i) − Xi ǁ F = m,
Imbens 2006) shows that matching estima-
tors can be modified to estimate the overall
average effect. The setting with many poten-
tial controls allows the researcher to match 10 See Sascha O. Becker and Andrea Ichino (2002) and
each treated unit to one or more distinct Edwin Leuven and Barbara Sianesi (2003) for alternative
controls, hence the label “matching without Stata implementations of matching estimators.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 37

where 1{ · } is the indicator function, equal to it is therefore critical that some weights are
one if the expression in brackets is true and negative through the device of higher order
zero otherwise. In other words, ℓm(i) is the kernels, with the exact order required depen-
index of the unit in the opposite treatment dent on the dimension of the covariates (see,
group that is the m-th closest to unit i in e.g., Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd 1998). In
terms of the distance measure based on the practice, however, researchers have not used
norm ǁ · ǁ. Let M(i) ⊂ {1, … , N} denote the higher order kernels, and so bias concerns
set of indices for the first M matches for unit for nearest-neighbor matching estimators
i: M(i) = {ℓ1(i), … , ℓM(i)}. Now impute the are even more relevant for kernel matching
missing potential outcomes as the average methods.
of the
for the matches, by defin- There are three caveats to the Abadie–
ing ​ Y​  i(0) and Y​
​    i(1) as Imbens bias result. First, it is only the con-
tinuous covariates that should be counted in
ˆ Yi if  Wi = 0, the dimension of the covariates. With dis-
​   i ​(0) = e 1/M ∑
Y ​   j∈
​ ​Yj if  Wi = 1, crete covariates the matching will be exact
in large samples, and as a result such cova-
   ˆ 1/M ​∑ j∈ if  Wi = 0,

  (i)​ ​  riates do not contribute to the order of the
​   i ​(1) = e Yi
Y if  Wi = 1,
bias. Second, if one matches only the treated,
and the number of potential controls is much
The simple matching estimator discussed in larger than the number of treated units, one
Abadie and Imbens is then can justify ignoring the bias by appealing to
N an asymptotic sequence where the number
ˆ  match = __
​ 1  ​ ​∑ ​​  A​ Y​
   ˆ    ˆ
(19)  ​   τ​   i(1) − ​ Y​  i(0)B. of potential controls increases faster with
N i=1
the sample size than the number of treated
Abadie and Imbens show that the bias of units. Specifically, if the number of controls,
this estimator is of order O(N−1/K), where K N0, and the number of treated, N1, satisfy
is the dimension of the covariates. Hence, if N1/​N0​4/K
​  ​ → 0, then the bias disappears__ in
one studies the asymptotic distribution
__ of the large samples after normalization by ​ √N   1 ​. 
estimator by normalizing by ​ √N ​    (as can be Third, even though the order of the bias may
justified by the fact that the variance of the be high, the actual bias may still be small
estimator is of order O(1/N)), the bias does if the coefficients in the leading term are
not disappear if the dimension of the covari- small. This is possible if the biases for differ-
ates is equal to two, and will dominate the ent units are at least partially offsetting. For
large sample variance if K is at least three. To example, the leading term in the bias relies
put this result in perspective, it is useful to on the regression function being nonlinear,
relate it to bias properties of estimators based and the density of the covariates having a
on kernel regression. Kernel estimators can nonzero slope. If either the regression func-
be viewed as matching estimators where tion is well approximated by a linear func-
all observations within some bandwidth hN tion, or the density is approximately flat, the
receive some weight. As the sample size N bias may be fairly limited.
increases, the bandwidth hN shrinks, but Abadie and Imbens (2006) also show
sufficiently slow in order to ensure that the that matching estimators are generally not
number of units receiving non-zero weights efficient. Even in the case where the bias
diverges. If all the weights are positive, the is of low enough order to be dominated by
bias for kernel estimators would generally be the variance, the estimators do not reach
worse. In order to achieve root-N consistency, the efficiency bound given a fixed number
38 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

of matches. To reach the bound the num- on estimating μ w(x) = E[Yi(w) | Xi = x] for
ber of matches would need to increase with w = 0, 1 and averaging the difference as in
the sample size. If M → ∞, with M/N → 0, (11), and the second is based on estimating
then the matching estimator is essentially the propensity score e(x) = pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x)
like a nonparametric regression estima- and using that to weight the outcomes as in
tor. However, it is not clear that using an (18). For each approach, we have discussed
approximation based on a sequence with estimators that achieve the asymptotic effi-
an increasing number of matches improves ciency bound. If we have large sample sizes,
the accuracy of the approximation. Given relative to the dimension of Xi, we might
that in an actual data set one uses a spe- think our nonparametric estimators of the
cific number of matches, M, it would appear conditional means or propensity score are
appropriate to calculate the asymptotic sufficiently accurate to invoke the asymptotic
variance conditional on that number, rather efficiency results described above.
than approximate the distribution as if this In other cases, however, we might choose
number is large. Calculations in Abadie and flexible parametric models without being
Imbens show that the efficiency loss from confident that they necessarily approximate
even a very small number of matches is the means or propensity score well. As we
quite modest, and so the concerns about the discussed earlier, one reason for viewing esti-
inefficiency of matching estimators may not mators of conditional means or propensity
be very relevant in practice. Little is known scores as flexible parametric models is that
about the optimal number of matches, or it greatly simplifies standard error calcula-
about data-dependent ways of choosing it. tions for treatment effect estimates. In such
All of the distance metrics used in prac- cases, one might want to adopt a strategy that
tice standardize the covariates in some combines regression and propensity score
manner. Abadie and Imbens use a diagonal methods in order to achieve some robust-
matrix with each diagonal element equal to ness to misspecification of the parametric
the inverse of the corresponding covariate models. It may be helpful to think about the
variance. The most common metric is the analogy to omitted variable bias. Suppose
Mahalanobis metric, which is based on the we are interested in the coefficient on Wi in
inverse of the full covariance matrix. Zhao the (long) linear regression of Yi on a con-
(2004), in an interesting discussion of the stant, Wi and Xi. Suppose we omit Xi from
choice of metrics, suggests some alterna- the long regression, and just run the short
tives that depend on the correlation between regression of Yi on a constant and Wi. The
covariates, treatment assignment, and out- bias in the estimate from the short regression
comes. So far there is little experience with is equal to the product of the coefficient on
any metrics beyond inverse-of-the-variances Xi in the long regression, and the coefficient
and the Mahalanobis metrics. Zhao (2004) on Xi in a regression of Wi on a constant and
reports the results of some simulations using Xi. Weighting can be interpreted as remov-
his proposed metrics, finding no clear winner ing the correlation between Wi and Xi, and
given his specific design. regression as removing the direct effect of Xi.
Weighting therefore removes the bias from
5.6 Combining Regression and Propensity
omitting Xi from the regression. As a result,
Score Weighting
combining regression and weighting can lead
In sections 5.3 and 5.4, we describe meth- to additional robustness by both removing
ods for estimating average causal effects the correlation between the omitted covari-
based on two strategies: the first is based ates, and by reducing the ­correlation between
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 39

the omitted and included variables. This is (2007), weighting the objective function
the idea behind the doubly-robust estima- by any nonnegative function of Xi does not
tors developed in Robins and Rotnitzky affect consistency of least squares.11 As a
(1995), Robins, Rotnitzky and Lue Ping Zhao result, even if the logit model for the propen-
(1995), and Mark J. van der Laan and Robins sity score is misspecified, the binary response
(2003). γ​
MLE ​    
ˆ   still has a well-defined probability
Suppose we model the two regression
__ func- limit, say γ *, and the IPW estimator that uses
tions as μ w(x) = αw + β′w (x − ​X ​ ), for w = 0, 1 γ​
weights 1/p(Xi; ​    
ˆ  ) for treated observations
(where we abuse notation a bit and insert the γ​
and 1/(1 − p(Xi; ​     ˆ  )) for control observations
sample averages of the covariates for their pop- is asymptotically equivalent to the estima-
ulation means). More generally, we may use a tor that uses weights based on γ *.12 It does
nonlinear model for the conditional expecta- not matter that for some x, e(x) ≠ p(x; γ *).
tion, or just a more flexible linear approxima- This is the first part of the double robustness
tion. Suppose we model the propensity score result: if the parametric conditional means
as e(x) = p(x; γ), for example as p(x; γ) = exp(γ 0 for E[Y(w) | X = x] are correctly specified, the
+ x′γ1)/(1 + exp(γ 0 + x′γ1)). In the first step, model for the propensity score can be arbi-
we estimate γ by maximum likelihood and trarily misspecified for the true propensity
obtain the estimated propensity scores as   e​ ​ ˆ   score. Equation (20) still leads to a consistent
(Xi) = p(x;    
​ ˆ )  . In the second step, we use lin- estimator for τ PATE.
ear regression, where we weight the objec- When the conditional means are correctly
tive function by the inverse probability of specified, weighting will generally hurt in
treatment or non-treatment. Specifically, to terms of asymptotic efficiency. The optimal
estimate (α 0, β 0) and (α1, β1), we would solve weight is the inverse of the variance, and
the weighted least squares problems in general there is no reason to expect that
__ weighting the inverse of (one minus) the pro-

(Y − α 0 − β′0 (Xi − X ​
​ ) )2
    ​   ​∑  ​ _________________
(20) ​min  ​​  i  ​  ,
   pensity score gives a good approximation to
α 0,β 0 i∶Wi=0 γ​
​ ˆ  )) that. Specifically, under homoskedasticity
and of Yi(w) so that ​σ​w2 ​ ​ = ​σ​w2 ​(​  x), in the context of
__ least squares—the IPW estimator of (αw, β w)

(Y − α1 − β′1(Xi − X ​​ ) )2
 ​   ​∑   ​   _________________
is less efficient than the unweighted estima-
    ​​  i      ,
α1,β 1 i∶Wi=1 1 − p(Xi; γ​
​ ˆ  )) tor; see Wooldridge (2007). The motivation
for propensity score weighting is different: it
Given the estimated conditional mean func- offers a robustness advantage for estimating
tions, we estimate τ PATE, using the expres- τ PATE.
sion for ​   τ​
ˆ  reg =    
​ ˆ  1 −    α​
​ ˆ  0 as in equation (13). The second part of the double robustness
But what is the motivation for weighting by result assumes that the logit model (or an
the inverse propensity score when we did alternative binary response model) is cor-
not use such weighting in section 5.3? The rectly specified for the propensity score, so
motivation is the double robustness result that e(x) = p(x; γ *), but allows the condi-
due to Robins and Rotnitzky (1995); see also tional mean functions to be misspecified.
Daniel O. Scharfstein, Rotnitzky, and Robins
(1999). 11 More generally, it does not affect the consistency of
First, suppose that the conditional expec- any quasi-likelihood method that is robust for estimating
tation is indeed linear, __ or E[Yi(w) | Xi = x] the parameters of the conditional mean. These are likeli-
= αw + β′w (x − X ​ ​  ). Then, as discussed in hoods in the linear exponential family, as described in C.
Gourieroux, A. Monfort, and A. Trognon (1984a, 1984b).
the treatment effect context by Wooldridge 12 See Wooldridge (2007).
40 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

The result is that in that case ​     α​

ˆ  w → E[Yi(w)], Once we estimate τ based on (20), how
and thus ​   τ​
ˆ   = ​    
α​ ˆ  1 −    
​ ˆ  0 → E[Yi(1)] − E[Yi(0)] should we obtain a standard error? The nor-
= τ PATE and the estimator is still consistent. malized variance still has the form V0 + V1,
Let the weight for control observations be λi where Vw = E[(​    
α​ ˆ  w − μw)2]. One option is to
= (1 − p(Xi; γ *))−1/​∑ j∶W   j=0​ ​ ​ (1 − p(Xj; γ *)) .
__of ​ α​

exploit the representation
ˆ  0} as a weighted
Then the least squares estimator for ​ α​    
ˆ  0 is average of Yi + ​ β​  0 (Xi − ​X ​ ), and use the naive
N variance estimator based on weighted least
ˆ  0 = ∑
(21)  ​     ​  ​​  (1 − Wi)  λi  squares with known weights:
__   __
× AYi − β​
​ ˆ 0 ′ (Xi − X ​
​  ) B. ˆ   = ∑
(22) ​ V​ ​   ​ ​​λi​2​ ​ · (Yi + β​
​   0 ′ (Xi − X ​
​  ) −    
​ ˆ 0  )2,

The weights imply that E[(1 − Wi)λi__ Yi ] and similar for V1. In general, we may again
= E[Yi(0)] __and E[(1 − Wi)λi(Xi − ​X ​ )] want to adjust for the estimation of the
= E[Xi − ​X ​ ] = 0, and as a result ​     α​
ˆ  0 → parameters in γ. See Wooldridge (2007) for
E[Yi(0)]. Similarly, the average of the pre- details.
dicted values for Yi(1) converges to E[Yi(1)], Although combining weighting and regres-
and so the resulting estimator   τ​ ​ ˆ  ipw =    
​ ˆ  1 −    
​ ˆ  0 sion is more attractive then either weighting
is consistent for τ PATE and τ CATE irrespective or regression on their own, it still requires at
of the shape of the regression functions. This least one of the two specifications to be accu-
is the second part of the double robustness rate globally. It has been used regularly in
part, at least for linear regression. the epidemiology literature, partly through
For certain kinds of responses, including the efforts of Robins and his coauthors, but
binary responses, fractional responses, and has not been widely used in the economics
count responses, linearity of E[Yi(w) | Xi = literature.
x] is a poor assumption. Using linear con-
ditional expectations for limited dependent 5.7 Subclassification and Regression
variables effectively abdicates the first part
of the double robustness result. Instead, We can also combine subclassification
we should use coherent models of the con- with regression. The advantage relative to
ditional means, as well as a sensible model weighting and regression is that we do not
for the propensity score, with the hope that use global approximations to the regression
the mean functions, propensity score, or function. The idea is that within stratum j,
both are correctly specified. Beyond speci- we estimate the average treatment effect by
fying logically ­coherent for E[Yi(w) | Xi = x] regressing the outcome on a constant, an
so that the first part of double robustness indicator for the treatment, and the covari-
has a chance, for the second part we need ates, instead of simply taking the difference
to choose functional forms and estimators in averages by treatment status as in section
with the following property: even when the 5.4. The latter can be viewed as a regression
mean functions are misspecified, E[Yi(w)] = estimate based on a regression with only an
  ˆ i w
, δ* )], where δ*w is the ­probability limit intercept and the treatment indicator. The
of δ​
​    w. Fortunately, for the common kinds of further regression adjustment simply adds
limited dependent ­variables used in appli- (some of) the covariates to that regression.
cations, such functional forms and estima- The key difference with using regression in
tors exist; see Wooldridge (2007) for further the full sample is that, within a stratum, the
discussion. propensity score varies relatively little. As a
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 41

result, the covariate distributions are simi- regression is not used to extrapolate far out
lar, and the regression function is not used to of sample.
extrapolate far out of sample. The idea behind
the   regression adjustment
To be precise, we estimate on the observa- is to replace ​ Y​ ​ ˆ  i(1) by
  i(0) and Y​
tions with Bi j = 1, the regression function
ˆ Yi if Wi = 0,
Yi = αj + τ j · Wi + β′j Xi + εi, ​ Y i ​(0) = e ​ __  ​ ​∑ j∈
​ Yj + β′ (X
0 i  − X j)) if Wi = 1,

by least squares, obtaining    

the estimates ​   τ​
ˆ  j
ˆ     __
ˆ (1) = M  ​ ​ ∑ j∈

and estimated variances V​ ​    j. Dropping
__ __ i X from ​  1
  (i)​ ​ 
(Yj + β1(Xi − Xj)) if Wi = 0,
this regression leads to   τ​
​ ˆ  j = Y ​​  j1 − Y ​
​  j0, which Y  e Yi
​   i ​ if Wi = 1,
is the blocking estimator we discussed in sec-
tion 5.4. We average the estimated stratum-
specific average treatment effects, weighted where the average of the matched outcomes
by the relative stratum size: is adjusted by the difference in covariates
relative to the matched observation. The
Nj0 + Nj1
ˆ  = ∑
​   τ​ _______
​    ​ ​   a​   ​   
b  ·   τ​
​ ˆ j  ,
only question left is how to estimate the
j=1 N regression coefficients β 0 and β 1. For vari-
ous methods, see D. Quade (1982), Rubin
with estimated variance (1979), and Abadie and Imbens (2006).
The methods differ in whether the differ-
Nj0 + Nj1 2
ˆ  = ∑
​ V​ _______
​    ​ ​  ​a​   ​​   
​ ˆ j  .
b​  ​  · V​
ence in outcomes is modeled as linear in
j=1 N the difference in covariates, or the origi-
nal conditional outcome distributions are
With a modest number of strata, this already approximated by linear regression func-
leads to an estimator that is considerably tions, and on what sample the regression
more flexible and robust than either subclas- functions are estimated.
sification alone, or regression alone. It is prob- Here is one simple regression adjustment.
ably one of the more attractive estimators in To be clear, it is useful to introduce some
practice. Imbens and Rubin (forthcoming) additional notation. Given the set of match-
suggest data-dependent methods for choos- ing indices M(i), define
ing the number of strata.
ˆ Xi if Wi = 0,
​   i ​(0) = e ​ __
X   ​ ​∑ j∈ if Wi = 1,
5.8 Matching and Regression   (i)​ 
​ ​Xj

            __ if Wi = 0,

ˆ (1) = M  ​ ​∑ j∈
Once we have the N pairs (​ Y​ˆ  (0), ​ Y​
ˆ  (1)), the ​  1  
​ ​Xj
i i
simple matching estimator given in (19) aver- X
​    ​
i e X i

if Wi = 1,
ages the difference. This estimator may still    ˆ    ˆ
be biased due to discrepancies between the and let ​ β​  w be based on a regression of ​ Y​
covariates of the matched observations and on a constant and ​ X​  i(w):
their matches. One can attempt to reduce
this bias by using regression methods. This α​
  ˆ w  
a    ˆ b =
use of regression is very different from using     ​β​
​    ​ 
regression methods on the full sample.  
ˆ  (w)′     ˆ  (w)
Here the covariate distributions are likely N 1 ​ X​ −1 ​ Y​

i i
   ​​       ​   
a ​ a    ˆ    ˆ    ˆ b​
b a   ˆ    ˆ b 
to be similar in the matched sample, and so ​ X​     
 ​  X​​   i(w)​ X​   ​  ​ ​   ​     
​    i(w) ​  (w)′ ​ 
X​ (w) ​ Y​  (w)
i   i
42 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Like the combination of subclassification and There is an alternative, general, method

regression, this leads to relatively robust esti- for estimating variances of treatment effect
mators. Abadie and Imbens (2008a) find that estimators, developed by Abadie and Imbens
the method works well in simulations based (2006), that does not require additional non-
on the LaLonde data. parametric estimation. First, recall that most
estimators are of the form
5.9 A General Method for Estimating
Variances N    
​    = ∑
​  ​​  ​λi · Yi, with ∑
​   ​ ​λi = 1, ∑
​   ​ ​λi = −1,
For some of the estimators discussed in i=1 i∶Wi=1 i∶Wi=0
the previous sections, particular variance
estimators have been used. Assuming that with the weights λi generally functions of
a particular parametric model is valid, one all covariates and all treatment ­indicators.
can typically use standard methods based on Conditional on the covariates and the
likelihood theory or generalized method of ­treatment indicators (and thus relative to
moments theory. Often, these methods rely τ CATE), the variance of such an estimator is
on consistent estimation of components of
the variance. Here we discuss two general
ˆ  | X1, … , X N, W1, … ,W N) = ∑
핍(​   τ​  ​  ​​  ​​λ​i2​ ​ · ​σW
​2 i​​ (Xi).
methods for estimating variances that apply i=1
to all estimators.
The first approach is to use bootstrapping In order to use this representation, we need
(Bradley Efron and Robert J. Tibshirani 1993; estimates of ​σW ​2 i​​  (Xi), for all i. Fortunately,
A. C. Davison and D. V. Hinkley 1997; Joel these need not be consistent estimates, as
L. Horowitz 2001). Bootstrapping has been long as the estimation errors are not too
widely used in the treatment effects litera- highly correlated so that the weighted aver-
ture, as it is straightforward to implement. It age of the estimates is consistent for the
has rarely been formally justified, although in weighted average of the variances. This is
many cases it is likely to be valid given that similar in the way robust (Huber-Eicker-
many of the estimators are asymptotically White) standard errors allow for general
linear. However, in some cases it is known forms of heteroskedasticity without hav-
that bootstrapping is not valid. Abadie and ing to consistently estimate the conditional
Imbens (2008a) show that, for a fixed num- variance function.
ber of matches, bootstrapping is not valid for Abadie and Imbens (2006) suggested using
matching estimators. It is likely that the prob- a matching estimator for ​σ​W 2
  ​​  (Xi). The idea
lems that invalidate the bootstrap disappear behind this matching variance estimator is that
if the number of matches increases with the if we can find two treated units with Xi = x,
sample size (thus, the bootstrap might be valid σ​
​​ ˆ  1​2​ ​(x) = (Yi − Yj)2/2.
we can estimate ​σ1​2​ ​(x) as    
for kernel estimators). Nevertheless, because In general, it is difficult to find exact matches,
in practice researchers often use a small num- but, again, this is not necessary. Instead, one
ber of matches, or nonnegative kernels, it is uses the closest match within the set of units
not clear whether the bootstrap is an effective with the same treatment status. Let ν(i) be
method for obtaining standard errors and con- the unit closest to i, with the same treatment
structing confidence intervals. In cases where indicator (Wν(i) = Wi ), so that
bootstrapping is not valid, often subsampling
(Dimitris N. Politis, Joseph P. Romano, and ǁ Xν(i) − Xi ǁ = ​    
min ​ǁ Xj − Xi ǁ .
Michael Wolf 1999) remains valid, but this
has not been applied in practice. Then we can estimate ​σ​W
  ​ ​(Xi) as
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 43

​​     ​2 i​​ (Xi) = (Yi − Yν(i))2/2.
ˆ  W limiting it to individuals with zero earnings in
the year prior to the program). Dehejia and
This way we can estimate ​σW ​2 i​​ (Xi) for all units. Wahba looked at this problem more system-
Note that these are not consistent estimators atically and found that a major concern is the
of the conditional variances. As the sample lack of overlap in the covariate distributions.
size increases, the bias of these estimators will Traditionally, overlap in the covariate dis-
disappear, just as we saw that the bias of the tributions was assessed by looking at sum-
matching estimator for the average treatment mary statistics of the covariate distributions
effect disappears under similar conditions. by treatment status. As discussed before in the
We then use these estimates of the con- introduction to section 5, it is particularly use-
ditional variance to estimate the variance of ful to report differences in average covariates
the estimator: normalized by the square root of the sum of
N the within-treatment group variances. In table
 )  = ∑
​  ​​  ​λi​2​ ​ ·​ ​    
ˆ  (​ τ​    
​ V​   ˆ
σ​​ 2
ˆ  W  ​​ (Xi).
2, we report, for the LaLonde data, averages
i=1 and standard deviations of the basic covariates,
An extension to allow for clustering has and the normalized difference. For four out of
been developed by Samuel Hanson and Adi the ten covariates the means are more than
Sunderam (2008). a standard deviation apart. This immediately
suggests that the technical task of adjusting
5.10 Overlap in Covariate Distributions
for differences in the covariates is a challeng-
In practice, a major concern in applying ing one. Although reporting normalized dif-
methods under the assumption of uncon- ferences in covariates by treatment status is a
foundedness is lack of overlap in the covariate sensible starting point, inspecting differences
distributions. In fact, once one is committed to one covariate at a time is not generally suffi-
the unconfoundedness assumption, this may cient. Even if all these differences are small,
well be the main problem facing the analyst. there may still be areas with limited overlap.
The overlap issue was highlighted in papers Formally, we are concerned with regions in the
by Dehejia and Wahba (1999) and Heckman, covariate space where the density of covariates
Ichimura, and Todd (1998). Dehejia and in one treatment group is zero and the density
Wahba reanalyzed data on a job training pro- in the other treatment group is not. This cor-
gram originally analyzed by LaLonde (1986). responds to the propensity score being equal
LaLonde (1986) had attempted to replicate to zero or one. Therefore, a more direct way of
results from an ­experimental evaluation of a assessing the overlap in covariate distributions
job training program, the National Supported is to inspect histograms of the estimated pro-
Work (NSW) program, using a comparison pensity score by treatment status.
group constructed from two public use data Once it has been established that overlap
sets, the Panel Study of Income Dynamics is a concern, several strategies can be used.
(PSID) and the Current Population Survey We briefly discuss two of the earlier specific
(CPS). The NSW program targeted indi- suggestions, and then describe in more detail
viduals who were disadvantaged with very two general methods. In practice, researchers
poor labor market histories. As a result, they have often simply dropped observations with
were very different from the raw comparison propensity score close to zero or one, with the
groups constructed by LaLonde from the actual cutoff value chosen in an ad hoc fashion.
CPS and PSID. LaLonde partially addressed Dehejia and Wahba (1999) focus on the aver-
this problem by limiting his raw comparison age effect for the treated. After estimating
samples based on single covariate criteria (e.g., the propensity score, they find the ­smallest
44 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Table 2
Balance Improvements in the Lalonde Data (Dehejia–Wahba Sample)

CPS Controls NSW Treated Normalized Difference Treated-Controls

(15992) 185 All ê (Xi ) ≥ e1 P-score Maha

Covariate mean (s.d.) mean (s.d.) (16177) (6286) (370) (370)

Age 33.23 (11.05) 25.82 (7.16) −0.56 −0.25 −0.08 −0.16

Education 12.03 (2.87) 10.35 (2.01) −0.48 −0.30 −0.02 −0.09
Married 0.71 (0.45) 0.19 (0.39) −0.87 −0.46 −0.01 −0.20
Nodegree 0.30 (0.46) 0.71 (0.46) 0.64 0.42 0.08 0.18
Black 0.07 (0.26) 0.84 (0.36) 1.72 1.45 −0.02 0.00
Hispanic 0.07 (0.26) 0.06 (0.24) −0.04 −0.22 −0.02 0.00
Earn ’74 14.02 (9.57) 2.10 (4.89) −1.11 −0.40 −0.07 0.00
Earn ’74 positive 0.88 (0.32) 0.29 (0.46) −1.05 −0.72 −0.07 0.00
Earn ’75 13.65 (9.27) 1.53 (3.22) −1.23 −0.35 −0.02 −0.01
Earn ’75 positive 0.89 (0.31) 0.40 (0.49) −0.84 −0.54 −0.09 0.00

value of the estimated propensity score This improves the covariate balance, but
among the treated units, e1 = mini:Wi=1   e​
​ ˆ  (Xi). many of the normalized differences are still
They then drop all control units with an substantial.
estimated propensity score lower than this Heckman, Ichimura, and Todd (1997) and
threshold e1. The idea behind this ­suggestion Heckman et al. (1998) develop a ­different
is that control units with very low values for method. They focus on estimation of the set
the propensity score may be so different where the density of the propensity score con-
from treated units that including them in the ditional on the treatment is bounded away from
analysis is likely to be ­counterproductive. (In zero for both treatment regimes. Specifically,
effect, the population over which the treat- they first estimate the density functions f (e | W
ment effects are calculated is redefined.) A = w), for w = 0, 1, nonparametrically.   ˆ    They
concern is that the results may be sensitive then evaluate the estimated density f​ ˆ  (Xi) | Wi
​   (​ e​
to the choice of specific threshold e1. If, for = 0) for all N values   Xi, and the same for
example, one used as the threshold the K-th the estimated density f​ ˆ  (Xi) | Wi = 1) for all
​ ˆ  (​   e​
order statistic of the estimated propensity N values Xi. Given these 2N values they
score among the treated (Lechner 2002a, calculate the 2N · q order statistic of
2002b), the results might change consider- these 2N estimated   densities. Denote this
ably. In the sixth column of table 2, we report order statistic by ​ f​  q. Then, for each unit
the normalized difference (normalized using i,
  ˆ    they compare the
  ˆ estimated
  ˆ    density
the same denominator equal to the square ˆ (  Xi) | Wi = 0) to ​ f​
  (​ e​
​ f​  
q , and ​ 
e​ (

  X i)  | W i = 1)
root of the sum of the within treatment group to ​ f​  q. If either of those estimated densities
sample variances) after removing 9,891 (out is below the order statistic, the observation
of a total 16,177) control observations whose gets dropped from the analysis. Smith and
estimated propensity score was smaller than Todd (2005) implement this method with
the smallest value of the estimated propen- q = 0.02, but provide no motivation for the
sity score among the treated, e1 = 0.00051. choice of the threshold.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 45

5.10.1 Matching to Improve Overlap in c­ onstructing a matched sample in this fashion.

Covariate Distributions In both cases the treated units were matched
in reverse order of the estimated propen-
A systematic method for dropping control sity score. The seventh column is based on
units who are different from the treated units is matching on the estimated propensity score,
to construct a matched sample. This approach and the last column is based on matching
has been pushed by Rubin in a series of stud- on all the covariates, using the Mahalanobis
ies, see Rubin (2006). It is designed for settings metric (the inverse of the covariance matrix
where the interest is in the average effect for the of the covariates). Matching, either on the
treated (e.g., as in the LaLonde application). It estimated propensity score or on the full set
relies on the control sample being larger than of covariates dramatically improves the bal-
the treated sample, and works especially well ance. Whereas before some of the covariates
when the control sample is much larger. differed by as much as 1.7 times a standard
First, the treated observations are deviation, now the normalized differences are
ordered, typically by decreasing values of all less than one tenth of a standard deviation.
the estimated propensity score, since treated The remaining differences are not negligible,
observations with high values of the pro- however. For example, average differences in
pensity score are generally more difficult to 1974 earnings are still on the order of $700,
match. Then the first treated unit (e.g., the which, given the experimental estimate from
one with the highest value for the estimated the LaLonde (1986) paper of about $2,000,
propensity score) is matched to the nearest is substantial. As a result, simple estimators
control unit. Next, the second treated unit is such as the average of the within-matched-
matched to the nearest control unit, exclud- pair differences are not likely to lead to cred-
ing the control unit that was used as a match ible estimates. Nevertheless, maintaining
for the first treated unit. Matching without unconfoundedness, this matched sample is
replacement all treated units in this manner sufficiently well balanced that one may be
leads to a sample of 2 × N1 units, (where N1 able to obtain credible and robust estimates
is the size of the original treated subsample), from it in a way that the original sample
half of them treated and half of them control would not allow.
units. Note that the matching is not neces-
5.10.2 Trimming to Improve Overlap in
sarily used here as the final analysis. We do
Covariate Distributions
not propose to estimate the average treat-
ment effect for the treated by averaging the Matching with replacement does not work
differences within the pairs. Instead, this is if the estimand of interest is the overall aver-
intended as a preliminary analysis, with the age treatment effect. For that case Crump et
goal being the construction of a sample with al. (2009) suggest an easily implementable
more overlap. Given a more balanced sample, way of selecting the subpopulation with over-
one can use any of the previously discussed lap, consistent with the current practice of
methods for estimating the average effect of dropping observations with propensity score
the treatment, including regression, propen- values close to zero or one. Their method is
sity score methods, or matching. Using those generally applicable and in particular does not
methods on the balanced sample is likely to require that the control sample is larger than
reduce bias relative to using the simple dif- the treated sample. They consider estimation
ference in averages by treatment status. of the average treatment effect for the sub-
The last two columns in table 2 report population with Xi ∈ 픸. They suggest choos-
the balance in the ten covariates after ing the set 픸 from the set of all ­subsets of the
46 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

covariate space to minimize the asymptotic half of what it is in the full sample, with this
variance of the efficient estimator of the aver- improvement obtained by dropping approxi-
age treatment effect for that set. Under some mately 20 percent of the original sample.
conditions (in particular homoskedasticity), A potentially controversial feature of all
they show that the optimal set 픸* depends these methods is that they change what is
only on the value of the propensity score. This being estimated. Instead of estimating τ PATE,
method suggests discarding observations with the Crump et al. (2009) approach estimates
a ­propensity score less than α away from the τ CATE,픸. This results in reduced external
two extremes, zero and one: validity, but it is likely to improve internal
픸* = {x ∈ 핏 | α ≤ e(x) ≤ 1 − α},
5.11 Assessing the Unconfoundedness
where α satisifies a condition based on the
marginal distribution of the propensity The unconfoundedness assumption used
score: in section 5 is not testable. It states that
the conditional distribution of the outcome
​  1   ​  under the control given receipt of the active
α · (1 − α) treatment and covariates, is identical to the
= 2 · E c​ ____________
1     ​ ____________
| distribution of the control outcome condi-
​  1     ​
e(X) · (1 − e(X)) e(X) · (1 − e(X)) tional on being in the control and covari-
ates. A similar assumption is made for the
< ​ ________
1   ​d 
. distribution of the treatment outcome. Yet
α · (1 − α) since the data are completely uninformative
about the distribution of Yi(0) for those who
Based on empirical examples and numerical received the active treatment and of Yi(1)
calculations with beta distributions for the for those receiving the control, the data can
propensity score, Crump et al. (2009) suggest never reject the unconfoundedness assump-
that the rule-of-thumb fixing α at 0.10 gives tion. Nevertheless, there are often indi-
good results. rect ways of assessing this assumption. The
To illustrate this method, table 3 presents most important of these were developed in
summary statistics for data from Imbens, Rosenbaum (1987) and Heckman and Hotz
Rubin and Sacerdote (2001) on lottery play- (1989). Both methods rely on testing the
ers, including “winners” who won big prizes, null hypothesis that an average causal effect
and “losers” who did not. Even though win- is zero, where the particular average causal
ning the lottery is obviously random, varia- effect is known to equal zero. If the testing
tion in the number of tickets bought, and procedure rejects the null hypothesis, this is
nonresponse, creates imbalances in the cova- interpreted as weakening the support for the
riate distributions. In the full sample (sample unconfoundedness assumption. These tests
size N = 496), some of the covariates dif- can be divided into two groups.
fer by as much as 0.64 standard deviations. The first set of tests focuses on estimating
Following the Crump et al. calculations leads the causal effect of a treatment that is known
to a bound of 0.0914. Discarding the obser- not to have an effect. It relies on the presence
vations with an estimated propensity score of two or more control groups (Rosenbaum
outside the interval [0.0914, 0.9086] leads 1987). Suppose one has two potential control
to a sample size 388. In this subsample, the groups, for example eligible nonparticipants
largest normalized difference is 0.35, about and ineligibles, as in Heckman, Ichimura and
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 47

Table 3
Balance Improvements in the Lottery Data

Losers Winners Normalized Difference Treated-Controls

(259) (237) All 0.0914 ≤ ê (Xi ) ≤ 0.9086

Covariate mean (s.d.) mean (s.d.) (496) (388)

Year Won 1996.4 (1.0) 1996.1 (1.3) −0.19 −0.13

Tickets Bought 2.19 (1.77) 4.57 (3.28) 0.64 0.33
Age 53.2 (12.9) 47.0 (13.8) −0.33 −0.19
Male 0.67 (0.47) 0.58 (0.49) −0.13 −0.09
Years of Schooling 14.4 (2.0) 13.0 (2.2) −0.50 −0.35
Working Then 0.77 (0.42) 0.80 (0.40) 0.06 −0.02
Earnings Year −6 15.6 (14.5) 12.0 (11.8) −0.19 −0.10
Earnings Year −5 16.0 (15.0) 12.1 (12.0) −0.20 −0.12
Earnings Year −4 16.2 (15.4) 12.0 (12.1) −0.21 −0.15
Earnings Year −3 16.6 (16.3) 12.8 (12.7) −0.18 −0.14
Earnings Year −2 17.6 (16.9) 13.5 (13.0) −0.19 −0.15
Earnings Year −1 18.0 (17.2) 14.5 (13.6) −0.16 −0.14
Pos Earnings Year −6 0.69 (0.46) 0.70 (0.46) 0.02 0.05
Pos Earnings Year −5 0.68 (0.47) 0.74 (0.44) 0.10 0.07
Pos Earnings Year −4 0.69 (0.46) 0.73 (0.44) 0.07 0.02
Pos Earnings Year −3 0.68 (0.47) 0.73 (0.44) 0.09 0.02
Pos Earnings Year −2 0.68 (0.47) 0.74 (0.44) 0.10 0.04
Pos Earnings Year −1 0.69 (0.46) 0.74 (0.44) 0.07 0.02

Todd (1997). One can estimate a “pseudo” nonparticipants as in Heckman, Ichimura

average treatment effect by analyzing the and Todd (1997) is a particularly attractive
data from these two control groups as if one comparison. Alternatively one may use geo-
of them is the treatment group. In that case, graphically distinct comparison groups, for
the treatment effect is known to be zero example from areas bordering on different
and statistical evidence of a non-zero effect sides of the treatment group.
implies that at least one of the control groups To be more specific, let Gi be an indica-
is invalid. Again, not rejecting the test does tor variable denoting the membership of the
not imply the unconfoundedness assumption group, taking on three values, Gi ∈ {−1, 0, 1}.
is valid (as both control groups could suffer For units with Gi = −1 or 0, the treatment
the same bias), but nonrejection in the case indicator Wi is equal to 0:
where the two control groups could poten-
tially have different biases makes it more 0 if Gi = −1, 0,
Wi = e
plausible that the unconfoundedness assump- 1 if Gi = 1.
tion holds. The key for the power of this test
is to have available control groups that are Unconfoundedness only requires that
likely to have different biases, if they have
any at all. Comparing ineligibles and eligible (23) Yi(0), Yi(1)   ǁ   W
i | X i,
48 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

and this is not testable. Instead we focus on Next, we turn to implementation of the
testing an implication of the stronger condi- tests. We can simply test whether there is a
tional independence relation difference in average values of Yi between
the two control groups, after adjusting for
(24) Yi(0), Yi(1)   ǁ   G
i | X i. differences in Xi. That is, we effectively test
This independence condition implies (23),
but in contrast to that assumption, it also E CE[Yi | Gi = −1, Xi] − E[Yi | Gi = 0, Xi]D = 0.
implies testable restrictions. In particular, we
focus on the implication that More generally we may wish to test

(25) Yi(0)   ǁ   Gi | Xi, Gi ∈ {−1, 0}    E CE[Yi | Gi = −1, Xi = x]

⇔ Yi   ǁ   Gi | Xi, Gi ∈ {−1, 0}, − E[Yi | Gi = 0, Xi = x]D = 0

because Gi ∈ {−1,0} implies that Yi = Yi(0). for all x in the support of Xi using the meth-
Because condition (24) is slightly stron- ods discussed in Crump et al. (2008b). We
ger than unconfoundedness, the question is can also include transformations of the basic
whether there are interesting settings where outcomes in the procedure to test for dif-
the weaker condition of unconfoundedness ference in other aspects of the conditional
holds, but not the stronger condition. To dis- distributions.
cuss this question, it is useful to consider two A second set of tests of unconfounded-
alternative conditional independence condi- ness focuses on estimating the causal effect
tions, both of which are implied by (24): of the treatment on a variable known to be
unaffected by it, typically because its value
(26) AYi(0), Yi(1)B   ǁ   Wi | Xi, Gi ∈ {−1, 1}, is determined prior to the treatment itself.
Such a variable can be time-invariant, but
and the most interesting case is in considering
the treatment effect on a lagged outcome.
(27) AYi(0), Yi(1)B   ǁ   Wi | Xi, Gi ∈ {0, 1}. If it is not zero, this implies that the treated
observations are distinct from the controls;
If (26) holds, then we can estimate the average namely that the distribution of Yi(0) for the
causal effect by invoking the unconfounded- treated units is not comparable to the distri-
ness assumption using only the first control bution of Yi(0) for the controls. If the treat-
group. Similarly, if (27) holds, then we can ment is instead zero, it is more plausible that
estimate the average causal effect by invok- the unconfoundedness assumption holds. Of
ing the unconfoundedness assumption using course this does not directly test the uncon-
only the second control group. The point is foundedness assumption; in this setting,
that it is difficult to envision a situation where being able to reject the null of no effect does
unconfoundedness based on the two com- not directly reflect on the hypothesis of inter-
parison groups holds—that is, (23) holds— est, unconfoundedness. Nevertheless, if the
but it does not hold using only one of the two variables used in this proxy test are closely
comparison groups at the time. In practice, it related to the outcome of interest, the test
seems likely that if unconfoundedness holds arguably has more power. For these tests it
then so would the ­stronger condition (24), is clearly helpful to have a number of lagged
and we have the testable implication (25). outcomes.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 49

First partition the vector of covariates Xi original unconfoundedness assumption is not

into two parts, a (scalar) pseudo outcome, testable. Nevertheless, if one has a proxy for
denoted by ​X​ip​ ​, and the remainder, denoted either of the potential outcomes, and in par-
by ​X​ir​ ​, so that Xi = (​X​ip​ ​, ​Xi​r′​  ​)′. Now we will ticular a proxy that is observed irrespective
assess whether the following conditional of the treatment status, one can test inde-
independence relation holds: pendence for that proxy variable. We use the
pseudo outcome ​X​ip​ ​as such a proxy variable.
(28) ​X​ip​ ​  ǁ   Wi | ​Xi​r​ ​. That is, we view ​Xi​p​ ​ as a proxy for, say, Yi(0),
and assess (29) by testing (28).
The two issues are, first, the interpretation The most convincing applications of these
of this condition and its relationship to the assessments are settings where the two links
unconfoundedness assumption, and second, are plausible. One of the leading examples
the implementation of the test. is where Xi contains multiple lagged mea-
The first issue concerns the link between sures of the outcome. For example, in the
the conditional independence relation in (28) evaluation of the effect of a labor market
and original unconfoundedness. This link, by program on annual earnings, one might
necessity, is indirect, as unconfoundedness have ­observations on earnings for, say, six
cannot be tested directly. Here we lay out the years prior to the program. Denote these
arguments for the connection. First consider lagged outcomes by Yi,−1, … , Yi,−6, where
a related condition: Yi,−1 is the most recent and Yi,−6 is the most
distant preprogram earnings measure. One
(29) Yi(0), Yi(1)   ǁ   Wi | ​Xi​r​ ​. could implement the above ideas using earn-
ings for the most recent preprogram year
If this modified unconfoundedness condition Yi,−1 as the pseudo outcome ​Xi​p​ ​, so that the
were to hold, one could use the adjustment vector of remaining pretreatment variables​
methods using only the subset of covari- X​ir​ ​ would still include the five prior years of
ates ​X​ir​ ​. In practice, though not necessarily, preprogram earnings Yi,−2, … , Yi,−6 (ignor-
this is a stronger condition than the original ing additional pre-treatment variables). In
unconfoundedness condition which requires that case one might reasonably argue that if
conditioning on the full vector Xi. One has unconfoundedness holds given six years of
to be careful here, because it is theoretically preprogram earnings, it is plausible that it
possible that conditional on a subset of the would also hold given only five years of pre-
covariates unconfoundedness holds, but at program earnings. Moreover, under uncon-
the same time unconfoundedness does not foundedness Yi(c) is independent of Wi given
hold conditional on the full set of covari- Yi,−1, … , Yi,−6, which would suggest that it is
ates. In practice this situation is rare though. plausible that Yi,−1 is independent of Wi given
For example, it is difficult to imagine in an Yi,−2, … , Yi,−6. Given those arguments, one
evaluation of a labor market program that can plausibly assess unconfoundedness by
unconfoundedness would hold given age and testing whether
the level of education, but not if one addi-
tionally conditions on gender. Generally Yi,−1   ǁ   Wi | Yi,−2, … , Yi,−6.
making subpopulations more homogenous in
pretreatment variables tends to improve the The implementation of the tests is the same
plausibility of unconfoundedness. as in the first set of tests for assessing uncon-
The modified unconfoundedness condition foundedness. We can simply test whether
(29) is not testable for the same reasons the estimates of the average difference between
50 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

the groups adjusted for differences in ​X​ir​ ​are if on average it does not affect outcomes.13
zero, or test whether the average difference They show that in some data sets they reject
is zero for all values of the covariates (e.g., the null hypothesis (30) even though they
Crump et al. 2008). cannot reject the null hypothesis of a zero
average effect.
5.12 Testing Taking the motivation in Crump et al.
(2008) one step further, one may also be
Most of the focus in the evaluation litera- interested in testing the null hypothesis that
ture has been on estimating average treat- the conditional distribution of Yi(0) given Xi
ment effects. Testing has largely been limited = x is the same as the conditional distribu-
to the null hypothesis that the average effect tion of Yi(1) given Xi = x. Under the main-
is zero. In that case testing is straightforward tained hypothesis of unconfoundedness, this
since many estimators exist for the average is equivalent to testing the null hypothesis
treatment effect that are approximately nor- that
mally distributed in large samples with zero
asymptotic bias. In addition there is some H0 : Yi   ǁ   Wi | Xi,
testing based on the Fisher approach using
the randomization distribution. In many against the alternative hypothesis that Yi is
cases, however, there are other null hypoth- not independent of Wi given Xi. Tests of this
eses of interest. Crump et al. (2008) develop type can be implemented using the methods
tests of the null hypotheses of zero average of Linton and Pedro Gozalo (2003). There
effects conditional on the covariates, and of have been no applications of these tests in
a constant average effect conditional on the the program evaluation literature.
covariates. Formally, in the first case the null
hypothesis 5.13 Selection of Covariates

(30) H0 : τ(x) = 0,  ∀ x, A very important set of decisions in

i­mplementing all of the methods described
against the alternative hypothesis in this section involves the choice of covari-
ates to be included in the regression func-
Ha : τ(x) ≠ 0,  for some x. tions or the propensity score. Except for
warnings about including covariates that are
Recall that τ(x) = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi = x] is themselves influenced by the treatment (for
the average effect for the subpopulation with example, Heckman and Salvador Navarro-
covariate value x. The second hypothesis Lozano 2004; Wooldridge 2005), the litera-
studied by Crump et al. (2008) is ture has not been very helpful. Consequently,
researchers have just included all covariates
(31) H0 : τ(x) = τ PATE,  ∀ x, linearly, without much systematic effort to
find more compelling specifications. Most
against the alternative hypothesis of the technical results using nonparametric
methods include rates at which the ­smoothing
Ha : τ(x) ≠ τ PATE,  for some x.
13 A second motivation is that it may be impossible to
Part of their motivation is that in many cases
obtain precise estimates for τ PATE even in cases where one
there is substantive interest in whether the can convincingly reject some of the hypotheses regarding
program is beneficial for some groups, even τ(x).
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 51

parameters should change with the sample f­ unctional form and functions of a small set
size. For example, using regression estima- of covariates.
tors, one would have to choose the bandwidth
if using kernel estimators, or the number of
6.  Selection on Unobservables
terms in the series if using series estimators.
The program evaluation literature does not In this section we discuss a number of
provide much guidance as to how to choose methods that relax the pair of assump-
these smoothing parameters in practice. tions made in section 5. Unlike in the set-
More generally, the nonparametric estima- ting under unconfoundedness, there is not
tion literature has little to offer in this regard. a unified set of methods for this case. In
Most of the results in this literature offer a number of special cases there are well-
optimal choices for smoothing parameters if understood methods, but there are many
the criterion is integrated squared error. In cases without clear recommendations. We
the current setting the interest is in a sca- will highlight some of the controversies and
lar parameter, and the choice of smoothing different approaches. First we discuss some
parameter that is optimal for the regression methods that simply drop the unconfound-
function itself need not be close to optimal edness assumption. Next, in section 6.2, we
for the average treatment effect. discuss sensitivity analyses that relax the
Hirano and Imbens (2001) consider an unconfoundedness assumption in a more
estimator that combines weighting with the limited manner. In section 6.3, we discuss
propensity score and regression. In their appli- instrumental variables methods. Then, in
cation they have a large number of covariates, section 6.4 we discuss regression disconti-
and they suggest deciding which ones to include nuity designs, and in section 6.5 we discuss
on the basis of t-statistics. They find that the difference-in-differences methods.
results are fairly insensitive to the actual cutoff
6.1 Bounds
point if they use the weight/regression estima-
tor, but find more sensitivity if they only use In a series of papers and books, Manski
weighting or regression. They do not provide (1990, 1995, 2003, 2005, 2007) has
formal properties for these choices. ­developed a general framework for inference
Ichimura and Linton (2005) consider in settings where the parameters of interest
inverse probability weighting estimators and are not identified. Manski’s key insight is that
analyze the formal problem of bandwidth even if in large samples one cannot infer the
selection with the focus on the average treat- exact value of the parameter, one may be
ment effect. Imbens, Newey and Ridder able to rule out some values that one could
(2005) look at series regression estimators not rule out a priori. Prior to Manski’s work,
and analyze the choice of the number of researchers had typically dismissed models
terms to be included, again with the objective that are not point-identified as not useful in
being the average treatment effect. Imbens practice. This framework is not restricted to
and Rubin (forthcoming) discuss some step- causal settings, and the reader is referred to
wise covariate selection methods for finding Manski (2007) for a general discussion of the
a specification for the propensity score. approach. Here we limit the discussion to
It is clear that more work needs to be program evaluation settings.
done in this area, both for the case where We start by discussing Manksi’s per-
the choice is which covariates to include spective in a very simple case. Suppose we
from a large set of potential covariates, have no covariates and a binary outcome Yi
and in the case where the choice concerns ∈ {0, 1}. Let the goal be inference for the
52 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

­average effect in the population, τ PATE. We assumptions we cannot rule out any value
can decompose the population average treat- inside the bounds. See Manski et al. (1992)
ment effect as for an empirical example of these particular
τ PATE = E[Yi(1) | Wi = 1] · pr(Wi = 1) In this specific case the bounds are not
particularly informative. The width of the
+ E[Yi(1) | Wi = 0] · pr(Wi = 0) bounds, the difference in τu − τ l, with τ l and
τu given above, is always equal to one, imply-
− E[Yi(0) | Wi = 1] · pr(Wi = 1) ing we can never rule out a zero average treat-
ment effect. (In some sense this is obvious:
+ E[Yi(0) | Wi = 0] · pr(Wi = 0)]. if we refrain from making any assumptions
regarding the treatment effects we cannot
Of the eight components of this expres- rule out that the treatment effect is zero for
sion, we can estimate six. The data con- any unit.) In general, however, we can add
tain no information about the remaining some assumptions, short of making the type
two, E[Yi(1) | Wi = 0] and E[Yi(0) | Wi = 1]. of assumption as strong as unconfoundedness
Because the outcome is binary, and before that gets us back to the point-identified case.
seeing any data, we can deduce that these With such weaker assumptions we may be able
two ­conditional expectations must lie inside to tighten the bounds and obtain informative
the interval [0, 1], but we cannot say any more results, without making the strong assump-
without additional assumptions. This implies tions that strain credibility. The presence of
that without additional assumptions we can covariates increases the scope for additional
be sure that assumptions that may tighten the bounds.
Examples of such assumptions include those
τ PATE ∈ [τ l, τu], in the spirit of instrumental variables, where
some covariates are known not to affect the
where we can express the lower and upper potential outcomes (e.g., Manski 2007), or
bound in terms of estimable quantities, monotonicity assumptions where expected
outcomes are monotonically related to cova-
  τ l = E[Yi(1) | Wi = 1] · pr(Wi = 1) riates or treatments (e.g., Manski and John
V. Pepper 2000). For an application of these
− pr(Wi = 1) − E[Yi(0) | Wi = 0] methods, see Hotz, Charles H. Mullin, and
Seth G. Sanders (1997). We return to some of
× pr(Wi = 0), these settings in section 6.3.
This discussion has focused on identifica-
and tion and demonstrated what can be learned
in large samples. In practice these bounds
  τu = E[Yi(1) | Wi = 1] · pr(Wi = 1) need to be estimated, which leads to addi-
tional uncertainty regarding the estimands.
+ pr(Wi = 0) − E[Yi(0) | Wi = 0] A fast developing literature (e.g., Horowitz
and Manski 2000; Imbens and Manski 2004;
× pr(Wi = 0), Chernozhukov, Hong, and Elie Tamer 2007;
Arie Beresteanu and Francesca Molinari
In other words, we can bound the average 2006; Romano and Azeem M. Shaikh 2006a,
treatment effect. In this example the bounds 2006b; Ariel Pakes et al. 2006; Adam M.
are tight, meaning that without additional Rosen 2006; Donald W. K. Andrews and
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 53

Gustavo Soares 2007; Ivan A. Canay 2007; completely relaxing the unconfoundedness
and Jörg Stoye 2007) discusses construction assumption, the idea is to relax it slightly.
of confidence intervals in general settings More specifically, violations of unconfound-
with partial identification. One point of con- edness are interpreted as evidence of the
tention in this literature has been whether presence of unobserved covariates that are
the focus should be on confidence intervals correlated, both with the potential outcomes
for the parameter of interest (τ PATE in this and with the treatment indicator. The size of
case), or for the identified set. Imbens and bias these violations of unconfoundedness
Manski (2004) develop confidence sets for can induce depends on the strength of these
the parameter. In large samples, and at a correlations. Sensitivity analyses investigate
95 percent confidence level, the Imbens– whether results obtained under the main-
Manski confidence intervals amount to tained assumption of unconfoundedness can
taking the lower bound minus 1.645 times be changed substantially, or even overturned
the standard error of the lower bound and entirely, by modest violations of the uncon-
the upper bound plus 1.645 times its stan- foundedness assumption.
dard error. The reason for using 1.645 To be specific, consider a job train-
rather than 1.96 is to take account of the ing program with voluntary enrollment.
fact that, even in the limit, the width of the Suppose that we have monthly labor market
confidence set will not shrink to zero, and histories for a two year period prior to the
therefore one only needs to be concerned program. We may be concerned that indi-
with one-sided errors. Chernozhukov, Hong, viduals choosing to enroll in the program
and Tamer (2007) focus on confidence sets are more motivated to find a job than those
that include the entire partially identified that choose not to enroll in the program.
set itself with fixed probability. For a given This unobserved motivation may be related
confidence level, the latter approach gener- to subsequent earnings both in the presence
ally leads to larger confidence sets than the and in the absence of training. Conditioning
Imbens–Manski approach. See also Romano on the recent labor market histories of indi-
and Shaikh (2006a, 2006b) for subsampling viduals may limit the bias associated with
approaches to inference in these settings. this unobserved motivation, but it need not
eliminate it entirely. However, we may be
6.2 Sensitivity Analysis willing to limit how highly ­correlated unob-
served motivation is with the enrollment
Unconfoundedness has traditionally been decision and the earnings outcomes in the
seen as an all or nothing assumption: either two regimes, conditional on the labor mar-
it is satisfied and one proceeds accord- ket histories. For example, if we compare
ingly using the methods appropriate under two individuals with the same labor mar-
unconfoundedness, such as matching, or ket history for the last two years, e.g., not
the assumption is deemed implausible and employed the last six months and working
one considers alternative methods. The lat- the eighteen months before, and both with
ter include the bounds approach discussed one two-year old child, it may be reason-
in section 6.1, as well as approaches relying able to assume that these cannot differ radi-
on alternative assumptions, such as instru- cally in their unobserved motivation given
mental variables, which will be discussed in that their recent labor market outcomes
section 6.3. However, there is an important have been so similar. The sensitivity analy-
alternative that has received much less atten- ses developed by Rosenbaum and Rubin
tion in the economics literature. Instead of (1983a) formalize this idea and provides a
54 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

tool for making such assessments. Imbens this changes the point estimate of the aver-
(2003) applies this sensitivity analysis to age treatment effect.
data from labor market training programs. Typically the sensitivity analysis is done
The second approach is associated with in fully parametric settings, although
work by Rosenbaum (1995). Similar to the since the models can be arbitrarily flex-
Rosenbaum–Rubin approach Rosenbaum’s ible, this is not particularly restrictive.
method relies on an unobserved covariate Following Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983b),
that generates the deviations from uncon- we illustrate this approach in a setting
foundedness. The analysis differs in that with binary outcomes. See Imbens (2003)
sensitivity is measured using only the rela- and Lee (2005b) for examples in econom-
tion between the unobserved covariate and ics. Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983a) fix the
the treatment assignment, with the focus marginal distribution of the unobserved
on the correlation required to overturn, or covariate to be binomial with p = pr(Ui =
change substantially, p-values of statistical 1), and assume independence of Ui and Xi.
tests of no effect of the treatment. They specify a logistic distribution for the
treatment assignment:
6.2.1 The Rosenbaum–Rubin Approach to
Sensitivity Analysis
   pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x, Ui = u)
The starting point is that unconfound- exp(α 0 + α′1 x + α 2 · u)
edness is satisfied only conditional on the = ____________________
​         ​.
observed covariates Xi and an unobserved 1 + exp(α 0 + α′1 x + α 2 · u)
scalar covariate Ui: They also specify logistic regression func-
tions for the two potential outcomes:
Yi(0), Yi(1)   ǁ   Wi | Xi, Ui.
   pr(Yi(w) = 1 | Xi = x, Ui = u) =
This set up in itself is not restrictive, although
exp(β w0 + β′w1 x + β w2 · u)
once parametric assumptions are made the ​ ______________________
assumption of a scalar unobserved covariate 1 + exp(β w0 + β′w1 x + β w2 · u)
Ui is restrictive.
Now consider both the conditional dis-
tribution of the potential outcomes given For the subpopulation with Xi = x and Ui =
observed and unobserved covariates and the u, the average treatment effect is
conditional probability of assignment given
observed and unobserved covariates. Rather    E[Yi(1) − Yi(0 | Xi = x, Ui = u] =
than attempting to estimate both these con-
exp(β10 + β′11 x + β12 · u)
ditional distributions, the idea behind the ​ _____________________
sensitivity analysis is to specify the form and 1 + exp(β10 + β′11 x + β12 · u)
the amount of dependence of these condi-
exp(β 00 + β′01 x + β 02 · u)
− ​ _____________________
tional distributions on the unobserved cova-
riate, and estimate only the dependence on 1 + exp(β 00 + β′01 x + β 02 · u)
the observed covariate. Conditional on the
specification of the first part estimation of The average treatment effect τ CATE can be
the latter is typically straightforward. The expressed in terms of the parameters of this
idea is then to vary the amount of depen- model and the distribution of the observable
dence of the conditional distributions on the covariates by averaging over Xi, and integrat-
unobserved covariate and assess how much ing out the unobserved covariate U:
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 55

τ CATE ≡ τ( p, α 2, β 02, β12, α 0, α1, β 00, f­ unctional form assumptions, and so attempts
to estimate θsens are therefore unlikely to be
β 01, β10, β11) effective. Given θsens, however, estimating the
remaining parameters is considerably easier.
exp(β10 + β′11 Xi + β12)
1  ​ e ​∑ ​​  p a​ ____________________ In the second step the plan is therefore to
= ​ __         ​
N i=1 1 + exp(β10 + β′11 Xi + β12) fix the first set of parameters and estimate
the others by maximum likelihood, and then
exp(β 00 + β′01 Xi + β 02) translate this into an estimate for τ. Thus, for
− ​ ____________________
1 + exp(β 00 + β′01 Xi + β 02) fixed θsens, we first estimate the remaining
parameters through maximum likelihood:
exp(β10 + β′11 Xi)
+ (1 − p) a​ _______________
1 + exp(β10 + β′11 Xi)
​ θ​
ˆ   (θ ) = arg m
other sens ​    ​L(θother | θsens),

exp(β 00 + β′01 Xi) where L( · ) is the logarithm of the likelihood

− ​ _______________
      ​b f .
1 + exp(β 00 + β′01 Xi) function. Then we consider the function
We do not know the values of the parameters τ(θsens) = τ(θsens, ​ θ​
ˆ   (θ )),
other sens
( p, α, β), but the data are somewhat informative
about them. One conventional approach would Finally, in the third step, we consider the range
be to attempt to estimate all parameters, and of values of the function τ(θsens) for a reason-
then use those estimates to obtain an estimate able set of values for the sensitivity parameters
for the average treatment effect. Given the (θsens), and obtain a set of values for τ CATE.
specific parametric model this may be possi- The key question is how to choose the
ble, although in general this would be ­difficult set of reasonable values for the sensitiv-
given the inclusion of unobserved covariates ity ­parameters. If we do not wish to restrict
in the basic model. A second approach, as dis- this set at all, we end up with unrestricted
cussed in section 6.1, is to derive bounds on bounds along the lines of section 6.1. The
τ given the model and the data. A sensitivity power from the sensitivity approach comes
analysis offers a third approach. from the researcher’s willingness to put
The Rosenbaum–Rubin sensitivity analy- real limits on the values of the sensitivity
sis proceeds by dividing the parameters into parameters ( p, α 2, β 02, β12). Among these
two sets. The first set includes the ­parameters parameters it is difficult to put real limits on
that would be set to boundary values under p, and typically it is fixed at 1/2, with little
unconfoundedness, (α 2, β 02, β12), plus the sensitivity to its choice. The more interesting
parameter p capturing the marginal distribu- parameters are (α 2, β 02, β12). Let us assume
tion of the unobserved covariate Ui. Together that the effect of the unobserved covariate is
we refer to these as the sensitivity parame- the same in both treatment arms, β 2 ≡ β 02
ters, θsens = ( p, α 2, β 02, β12). The second set = β 21, so that there are only two parameters
consists of the remaining parameters, θother left to fix, α 2 and β 2. Imbens (2003) sug-
= (α 0, α1, β 00, β 01, β10, β11). The idea is that gests linking the parameters to the effects of
θsens is difficult to estimate. Estimates of the the observed covariates on assignment and
other parameters under unconfoundedness potential outcomes. Specifically he suggests
could be obtained by fixing α 2 = β 02 = β12 to calculate the partial correlations between
= 0 and p at an arbitrary value. The data are observed covariates and the treatment and
not directly informative about the effect of potential outcomes, and then as a bench-
an unobserved covariate in the absence of mark look at the sensitivity to an unobserved
56 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

covariate that has ­partial correlations with suggests bounding the ratio of the odds ratios
treatment and potential outcomes as high as e(xi)/(1 − e(xi)) and e(xj)/(1 − e(xj)):
any of the observed covariates. For example,
e(xi) · (1 − e(xj))
1/Γ ≤____________
Imbens considers, in the labor market train-
​       ​≤ Γ.
ing example, what the effect would be of (1 − e(xi)) · e(xj)
omitting unobserved motivation, if in fact
motivation had as much explanatory power If Γ = 1, we are back in the setting with
for future earnings and for treatment choice unconfoundedness. If we allow Γ = ∞, we
as did earnings in the year prior to the train- are not restricting the association between
ing program. A bounds analysis, in contrast, the treatment indicator and the potential
would implicitly allow unobserved motiva- outcomes. Rosenbaum investigates how
tion to completely determine both selection much the odds would have to be different in
into the program and future earnings. Even order to substantially change the p-value. Or,
though putting hard limits on the effect of starting from the other side, he investigates
motivation on earnings and treatment choice for fixed values of Γ what the implication is
may be difficult, it may be reasonable to put on the p-value.
some limits on it, and the Rosenbaum–Rubin For example, suppose that a test of the
sensitivity analysis provides a useful frame- null hypothesis of no effect has a p-value of
work for doing so. 0.0001 under the assumption of unconfound-
edness. If the data suggest it would take the
6.2.2 Rosenbaum’s Method for Sensitivity presence of an unobserved covariate that
Analysis changes the odds of participation by a factor
ten in order to increase that p-value to 0.05,
Rosenbaum (1995) developed a slightly then one would likely consider the result to
different approach. The advantage of his be very robust. If instead a small change in
approach is that it requires fewer tuning the odds of participation, say with a value of
parameters than the Rosenbaum–Rubin Γ = 1.5, would be sufficient for a change of
approach. Specifically, it only requires the the p-value to 0.05, the study would be much
researcher to consider the effect unobserved less robust.
confounders may have on the probability of
6.3 Instrumental Variables
treatment assignment. Rosenbaum’s focus
is on the effect the presence of unobserved In this section, we review the recent lit-
covariates could have on the p-value for the erature on instrumental variables. We focus
test of no effect of the treatment based on the on the part of the literature concerned with
unconfoundedness assumption, in contrast to ­heterogenous effects. In the current sec-
the Rosenbaum–Rubin focus on point esti- tion, we limit the discussion to the case with
mates for average treatment effects. Consider a binary endogenous variable. The early
two units i and j with the same value for the literature focused on identification of the
covariates, xi = xj. If the unconfoundedness ­population average treatment effect and the
assumption conditional on Xi holds, both units average effect on the treated. Identification
must have the same probability of assignment of these estimands ran into serious prob-
to the treatment, e(xi) = e(xj). Now suppose lems once researchers wished to allow for
unconfoundedness only holds conditional on unrestricted heterogeneity in the effect of
both Xi and a binary unobserved covariate the treatment. In an important early result,
Ui. In that case the assignment probabilities Bloom (1984) showed that if eligibility for the
for these two units may differ. Rosenbaum program is used as an instrument, then one
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 57

can identify the average effect of the treat- the observed outcome Yi and the potential
ment for those who received the treatment. outcomes Yi(0) and Yi(1), is
Key for the Bloom result is that the instru-
ment changes the probability of receiving Wi = Wi (0) · (1 − Zi)
the treatment to zero. In order to identify
the average effect on the overall popula- W (0) if Zi = 0
+ Wi(1) · Zi = e i .
tion, the instrument would also need to shift Wi(1) if Zi = 1
the probability of receiving the treatment
to one. This type of identification is some- Exogeneity of the instrument is captured by
times referred to as identification at infinity the assumption that all potential outcomes
(Gary Chamberlain 1986; Heckman 1990) in are independent of the instrument, or
settings with a continuous instrument. The
practical usefulness of such identification (Yi(0), Yi(1), Wi(0), Wi(1))   ǁ    Zi.
results is fairly limited outside of cases where
eligibility is randomized. Finding a credible Formulating exogeneity in this way is attrac-
instrument is typically difficult enough, with- tive compared to conventional residual-
out also requiring that the instrument shifts based definitions, as it does not require the
the probability of the treatment close to zero researcher to specify a regression function in
and one. In fact, the focus of the current order to define the residuals. This assump-
literature on instruments that can credibly tion captures two properties of the instru-
be expected to satisfy exclusion restrictions ment. First, it captures random assignment
makes it even more difficult to find instru- of the instrument so that causal effects of the
ments that even approximately satisfy these instrument on the outcome and treatment
support conditions. Imbens and Angrist received can be estimated consistently. This
(1994) got around this problem by changing part of the assumption, which is implied by
the focus to average effects for the subpopu- explicitly randomization of the instrument, as
lation that is affected by the instrument. for example in the seminal draft lottery study
Initially we focus on the case with a binary by Angrist (1990), is not sufficient for causal
instrument. This case provides some of the interpretations of instrumental variables
clearest insight into the identification prob- methods. The second part of the assumption
lems. In that case the identification at infin- captures an exclusion restriction that there
ity arguments are obviously not satisfied and is no direct effect of the instrument on the
so one cannot (point-)identify the population outcome. This second part is captured by the
average treatment effect. absence of z in the definition of the potential
outcome Yi(w). This part of the assumption is
6.3.1 A Binary Instrument
not implied by randomization of the instru-
Imbens and Angrist adopt a potential out- ment and it has to be argued on a case by
come notation for the receipt of the ­treatment, case basis. See Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin
as well as for the outcome itself. Let Zi denote (1996) for more discussion on the distinction
the value of the instrument for individual i. between these two assumptions, and for a
Let Wi(0) and Wi(1) denote the level of the formulation that separates them.
treatment received if the instrument takes on Imbens and Angrist introduce a new con-
the values 0 and 1 respectively. As before, let cept, the compliance type of an individual.
Yi(0) and Yi(1) denote the potential values for The type of an individual describes the level
the outcome of interest. The observed treat- of the treatment that an individual would
ment is, analogously to the relation between receive given each value of the instrument.
58 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

In other words, it is captured by the pair of Bloom set up with one-sided noncompliance
values (Wi(0), Wi(1)). With both the treat- both always-takers and defiers are absent by
ment and instrument binary, there are four assumption.
types of responses for the potential treat- Under these two assumptions, inde-
ment. It is useful to define the compliance pendence of all four potential outcomes
types explicitly: (Yi(0), Yi(1), Wi(0), Wi(1)) and the instrument
Zi, and monotonicity, Imbens and Angrist
never-taker if Wi(0) = Wi(1) = 0 show that one can identify the average
if Wi(0) = 0, Wi(1) = 1

Ti = defier if Wi(0) = 1, Wi(1) = 0 .
effect of the treatment for the subpopula-
tion of compliers. Before going through their
always-taker if Wi(0) = Wi(1) = 1 argument, it is useful to see why we cannot
generally identify the average effect of the
The labels never-taker, complier, defier, treatment for others subpopulations. Clearly,
and always-taker (e.g., Angrist, Imbens, and one cannot identify the average effect of the
Rubin 1996) refer to the setting of a random- treatment for never-takers because they are
ized experiment with noncompliance, where never observed receiving the treatment, and
the instrument is the (random) assignment so E[Yi(1) | Ti = n] is not identified. Thus,
to the treatment and the endogenous regres- only compliers are observed in both treat-
sor is an indicator for the actual receipt of ment groups, so only for this group is there
the treatment. Compliers are in that case any chance of identifying the average treat-
individuals who (always) comply with their ment effect. In order to understand the
assignment, that is, take the treatment if positive component of the Imbens–Angrist
assigned to it and not take it if assigned to result, that we can identify the average effect
the control group. One cannot infer from the for compliers, it is useful to consider the
observed data (Zi, Wi, Yi) whether a particular subpopulations defined by instrument and
individual is a complier or not. It is important treatment. Table 4 shows the information
not to confuse compliers (who comply with we have about the individual’s type given
their actual assignment and would have com- the ­monotonicity assumption. Consider indi-
plied with the alternative assignment) with viduals with (Zi = 1, Wi = 0). Because of
individuals who are observed to comply with monotonicity such individuals can only be
their actual assignment: that is, individuals never-takers. Similarly, individuals (Zi = 0,
who complied with the assignment they actu- Wi = 1) can only be always-takers. However,
ally received, Zi = Wi. For such individuals consider individuals with (Zi = 0, Wi = 0).
we do not know what they would have done Such individuals can be either compliers
had their assignment been different, that is or never-takers. We ­cannot infer the type
we do not know the value of Wi(1 − Zi). of such individuals from the observed data
Imbens and Angrist then invoke an addi- alone. Similarly, individuals with (Zi = 1,
tional assumption they refer to as ­monotonicity. Wi = 1) can be either compliers or always-
Monotonicity requires that Wi(1) ≥ Wi(0) for takers.
all individuals, or that increasing the level of The intuition for the identification result
the instrument does not decrease the level is as follows. The first step is to see that we
of the treatment. This assumption is equiva- can infer the population proportions of the
lent to ruling out the presence of defiers, and three remaining subpopulations, never-
it is therefore sometimes referred to as the takers, always-takers and compliers (using
“no-defiance” assumption (Alexander Balke the fact that the monotonicity assumption
and Pearl 1994; Pearl 2000). Note that in the rules out the presence of defiers). Call these
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 59

Table 4
Type by Observed Variables
0 1

0 Nevertaker/Complier Nevertaker
       Wi 1 Alwaystaker Alwaystaker/Complier

­population shares Pt = pr(Ti = t), for t ∈ τ LATE = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Wi(0) = 0,

{n, a, c}. Consider the subpopulation with Zi
= 0. Within this subpopulation we observe Wi(1) = 1]
Wi = 1 only for always-takers. Hence the = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Ti = complier].
conditional probability of Wi = 1 given Zi =
0 is equal to the population share of always-
takers: Pa = pr(Wi = 1 | Zi = 0). Similarly, in In practice one need not estimate the local
the subpopulation with Zi = 1 we observe Wi average treatment effect by decomposing the
= 0 only for never-takers. Hence the popula- mixture distributions directly. Imbens and
tion share of never-takers is equal to the con- Angrist show that LATE equals the standard
ditional probability of Wi = 0 given Zi = 1: Pn instrumental variables estimand, the ratio of
= pr(Wi = 0 | Zi = 1). The population share the covariance of Yi and Zi and the covari-
of compliers is then obtained by subtracting ance of Wi and Zi:
the population shares of never-takers and
always-takers from one: Pc = 1 − Pn − Pa. E[Yi | Zi = 1] − E[Yi | Zi = 0]
τ LATE = ______________________
​      ​
The second step uses the distribution of Yi E[Wi | Zi = 1] − E[Wi | Zi = 0]
given (Zi, Wi). We can infer the distribution
of Yi | Wi = 0, Ti = n from the subpopula- E[Yi · (Zi − E[Zi])]
tion with (Zi, Wi) = (1, 0) since all these = ______________
​       ​,
E[Wi · (Zi − E[Zi])]
individuals are known to be never-takers.
Then we use the distribution of Yi | Zi = 0, which can be estimated using two-stage-
Wi = 0. This is a mixture of the distribution least-squares. For applications using
of Yi | Wi = 0, Ti = n and the distribution of ­parametric models with covariate, see
Yi | Wi = 0, Ti = c, with mixture probabilities Hirano et al. (2000) and Fabrizia Mealli et
equal to the relative population shares, Pn/ al. (2004).
(Pc + Pn) and Pc/(Pc + Pn), respectively. Since Earlier we argued that one cannot con-
we already inferred the population shares sistently estimate the average effect for
of the never-takers and compliers as well as either never-takers or always-takers in
the ­distribution of Yi | Wi = 0, Ti = n, we can this setting. Nevertheless, we can still use
back out of the conditional distribution of the bounds approach from Manski (1990,
Yi | Wi = 0, Ti = c. Similarly we can infer the 1995) to bound the average effect for the
conditional distribution of Yi | Wi = 1, Ti = c. full population. To understand the nature
The difference between the means of these of the bound, it is useful to decompose the
two conditional distributions is the Local average effect τ PATE by compliance type
Average Treatment Effect (LATE), (Imbens (maintaining monotonicity, so there are no
and Angrist, 1994): defiers):
60 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

τ PATE = Pn · E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Ti = n] We can combine these to estimate any

weighted average of these local average treat-
+ Pa · E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Ti = a] ment effects:

+ Pc · E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Ti = c]. τ LATE,λ = ∑
​   ​  ​λ k,l · τ LATE(zk, zl).

The only quantities not consistently estima- Imbens and Angrist show that the standard
ble are the average effects for never-takers instrumental variables estimand, using g(Zi)
and always-takers. Even for those we have as an instrument for Wi, is equal to a particu-
some information. For example, we can write lar weighted average:
E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Ti = n] = E[Yi(1) | Ti = n] −
E[Yi(0) | Ti = n]. The second term we can E[Yi · (g(Zi) − E[g(Zi)])]
​        ​ = τ LATE,λ,
estimate, and the data are completely unin- E[Wi · (g(Zi) − E[g(Zi)])]
formative about the first term. Hence, if there
are natural bounds on Yi(1) (for example, if for a particular set of nonnegative weights as
the outcome is binary), we can use that to long as E[Wi | g(Zi) = g] increases in g.
bound E[Yi(1) | Ti = n], and then in turn use Heckman and Vytlacil (2006) and
that to bound τ PATE. These bounds are tight. Heckman, Sergio Urzua, and Vytlacil (2006)
See Manski (1990), Toru Kitagawa (2008), study the case with a continuous instrument.
and Balke and Pearl (1994). They use an additive latent single index setup
where the treatment received is equal to
6.3.2 Multivalued Instruments and
Weighted Local Average Treatment
Wi = 1{h(Zi) + Vi ≥ 0},
The previous discussion was in terms of a where h( · ) is strictly monotonic, and the
single binary instrument. In that case there is latent type Vi is independent of Zi. In ­general,
no other average effect of the treatment that in the presence of multiple instruments, this
can be estimated consistently other than the latent single index framework imposes sub-
local average treatment effect, τ LATE. With stantive restrictions.14 Without loss of gener-
a multivalued instrument, or with multiple ality we can take the marginal distribution
binary instruments (still maintaining the set- of Vi to be uniform. Given this framework,
ting of a binary treatment—see for extensions Heckman, Urzua, and Vytlacil (2006) define
of the local average treatment effect con- the marginal treatment effect as a function
cept to the multiple treatment case Angrist of the latent type v of an individual,
and Imbens (1995) and Card (2001), we can
estimate a variety of local average treatment τ MTE(v) = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Vi = v].
effects. Let 핑 = {z1, … , zK} denote the set of
values for the instruments. Initially we take In the single continuous instrument case,
the set of values to be finite. Then for each τ MTE(v) is, under some differentiability and
pair (zk, zl) with pr(Wi = 1 | Zi = zk) > pr(Wi invertibility conditions, equal to a limit of
= 1 | Zi = zl) one can define a local average local average treatment effects:
treatment effect:

τ LATE(zk, zl) = 14 See Vytlacil (2002) for a discussion in the case with
binary instruments, where the latent index set up implies
   E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Wi(zl) = 0, Wi(zk) =1 ]. no loss of generality.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 61

τ MTE(v) = ​    
​τ LATE(h−1(v), z). Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone
z↓h (v)
(2005), Card, Alexandre Mas, and Jesse
A parametric version of this concept goes Rothstein (2007), Lee, Enrico Moretti, and
back to work by Anders Björklund and Matthew J. Butler (2004), Jens Ludwig and
Robert Moffitt (1987). All average treatment Douglas L. Miller (2007), Patrick J. McEwan
effects, including the overall average effect, and Joseph S. Shapiro (2008), Sandra E.
the average effect for the treated, and any Black (1999), Susan Chen and van der Klaauw
local average treatment effect can now be (2008), Ginger Zhe Jin and Phillip Leslie
expressed in terms of integrals of this mar- (2003), Thomas Lemieux and Kevin Milligan
ginal treatment effect, as shown in Heckman (2008), Per Pettersson-Lidbom (2007, 2008),
and Vytlacil (2005). For example, τ PATE =​ and Pettersson-Lidbom and Björn Tyrefors
∫01​ ​ ​ τ MTE(v) dv. A complication in practice is (2007). Key theoretical and conceptual
that not ­necessarily all the marginal treat- contributions include the interpretation of
ment effects can be estimated. For example, estimates for fuzzy regression discontinu-
if the instrument is binary, Zi ∈ {0, 1}, then ity designs allowing for general heterogene-
for individuals with Vi < min(−h(0), −h(1)), ity of treatment effects (Hahn, Todd, and
it follows that Wi = 0, and for these never- van der Klaauw 2001), adaptive estimation
takers we cannot estimate τ MTE(v). Any methods (Yixiao Sun 2005), methods for
average effect that requires averaging over bandwidth selection tailored to the RD set-
such values of v is therefore also not point- ting, (Ludwig and Miller 2005; Imbens and
identified. Moreover, average effects that can Karthik Kalyanaraman 2008) and various
be expressed as integrals of τ MTE(v) may be tests for discontinuities in means and distri-
identified even if some of the τ MTE(v) that butions of nonaffected variables (Lee 2008;
are being integrated over are not identified. McCrary 2008) and for misspecification
Again, in a binary instrument example with (Lee and Card 2008). For recent reviews in
pr(Wi = 1 | Zi = 1) = 1, and pr(Wi = 1 | Zi the economics literature, see van der Klaauw
= 0) = 0, the average treatment effect τ PATE (2008b), Imbens and Lemieux (2008), and
is identified, but τ MTE(v) is not identified for Lee and Lemieux (2008).
any value of v. The basic idea behind the RD design is that
assignment to the treatment is determined,
6.4 Regression Discontinuity Designs
either completely or partly, by the value of
Regression discontinuity (RD) methods a predictor (the forcing variable Xi) being on
have been around for a long time in the psy- either side of a common threshold. This gen-
chology and applied statistics ­literature, going erates a discontinuity, sometimes of size one,
back to the early 1960s. For ­discussions and in the conditional probability of receiving
references from this literature, see Donald L. the treatment as a function of this particular
Thistlethwaite and Campbell (1960), William predictor. The forcing variable is often itself
M. K. Trochim (2001), Shadish, Cook, and associated with the potential outcomes, but
Campbell (2002), and Cook (2008). Except this association is assumed to be smooth. As
for some important foundational work by a result any discontinuity of the conditional
Goldberger (1972a, 1972b), it is only recently distribution of the outcome as a function of
that these methods have attracted much atten- this covariate at the threshold is interpreted
tion in the economics literature. For some of as evidence of a causal effect of the treatment.
the recent applications, see Van Der Klaauw The design often arises from administrative
(2002, 2008a), Lee (2008), Angrist and decisions, where the incentives for individu-
Victor Lavy (1999), DiNardo and Lee (2004), als to participate in a program are rationed
62 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

for reasons of resource constraints, and clear averaging we make a smoothness assump-
transparent rules, rather than discretion, by tion that the two conditional expectations
administrators are used for the allocation of E[Yi(w) | Xi = x], for w = 0, 1, are continuous
these incentives. in x. Under this assumption, E[Yi(0) | Xi = c]
It is useful to distinguish between two gen- = limx↑c E[Yi(0) | Xi = x] = limx↑c E[Yi | Xi = x],
eral settings, the sharp and the fuzzy regres- implying that
sion discontinuity designs (e.g., Trochim
1984, 2001; Hahn, Todd, and van der Klaauw τ SRD = l​   
 ​E[Yi | Xi = x] − ​l   
im   ​E[Yi | Xi = x],
x↓c x↑c
2001; Imbens and Lemieux 2008; van der
Klaauw 2008b; Lee and Lemieux 2008). where this expression uses the fact that Wi is
a deterministic function of Xi (a key feature
6.4.1 The Sharp Regression Discontinuity
of the SRD). The statistical problem becomes
one of estimating a regression function non-
In the sharp regression discontinuity (SRD) parametrically at a boundary point. We dis-
design, the assignment Wi is a deterministic cuss the statistical problem in more detail in
function of one of the covariates, the forcing section 6.4.4.
(or treatment-determining) variable Xi:
6.4.2 The Fuzzy Regression Discontinuity
Wi = 1[Xi ≥ c],
In the fuzzy regression discontinuity (FRD)
where 1[·] is the indicator function, equal to design, the probability of receiving the treat-
one if the even in brackets is true and zero ment need not change from zero to one at the
otherwise. All units with a covariate value of threshold. Instead the design only requires a
at least c are in the treatment group (and par- discontinuity in the probability of assignment
ticipation is mandatory for these individuals), to the treatment at the threshold:
and all units with a covariate value less than
c are in the control group (members of this  ​pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x)
group are not eligible for the treatment). In
the SRD design, we focus on estimation of  ​pr(Wi = 1 | Xi = x).
≠ ​l    

(32) τ SRD = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi = c]. In practice, the discontinuity needs to be

sufficiently large that typically it can be seen
(Naturally, if the treatment effect is constant, easily in simple graphical analyses. These
then τ SRD = τ PATE.) Writing this expression discontinuities can arise if incentives to par-
as E[Yi(1) | Xi = c] − E[Yi(0) | Xi = c], we ticipate in a program change discontinuously
focus on identification of the two terms sepa- at a threshold, without these incentives being
rately. By design there are no units with Xi powerful enough to move all units from non-
= c for whom we observe Yi(0). To estimate participation to participation.
E[Yi(w) | Xi = c] without making functional In this design we look at the ratio of the
form assumptions, we exploit the ­possibility jump in the regression of the outcome on
of observing units with covariate values arbi- the covariate to the jump in the regression
trarily close to c.15 In order to justify this of the treatment indicator on the covariate

15 Although in principle the first term in the difference

in (32) would be straightforward to estimate if we actually we also need to estimate this term by averaging over units
observe individuals with Xi = x, with continuous covariates with covariate values close to c.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 63

as an average causal effect of the treatment. = c—and acting as if unconfoundedness

Formally, the functional of interest is holds, would lead to estimating the aver-
age treatment effect at Xi = c based on the
im   ​E[Yi | Xi = x] − ​l   
im  ​E[Yi | Xi = x] expression
τ frd = __________________________
x↓c x↑c
​      ​.
 ​E[Wi | Xi = x] − ​l     ​E[Wi | Xi = x]
x↓c x↑c
im  τunconf = E[Yi | Xi = c, Wi = 1]

Hahn, Todd, and van der Klaauw (2001) − E[Yi | Xi = c, Wi = 0],

exploit the instrumental variables con-
nection to interpret the fuzzy regression
discontinuity design when the effect of which equals E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi = c] under
the treatment varies by unit. They define unconfoundedness. In fact, under uncon-
complier to be units whose participation is foundedness one can estimate the average
affected by the cutoff point. That is, a com- effect E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi = x] at values of
plier is someone with a value of the forcing x different from c. However, an interesting
variable Xi close to c, and who would par- result is that if unconfoundedness holds,
ticipate if c were chosen to be just below the FRD also estimates E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Xi
Xi, and not participate if c were chosen to = c], as long as the potential outcomes have
be just above Xi. Hahn, Todd, and van der smooth expectations as a function of the
Klaauw then exploit that structure to show forcing variable around x = c. A special case
that in combination with a monotonicity of this is discussed in Hahn, Todd, and van
assumption, der Klaauw (2001), who assume only that
treatment is unconfounded with respect to
τ frd = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | unit i is a complier the individual-specific gain. Therefore, in
principle, there are situations where even if
and Xi = c]. one believes that unconfoundedness holds,
The estimand τ frd is an average effect of the one may wish to use the FRD approach.
treatment, but only averaged for units with In particular, even if we maintain uncon-
Xi = c (by regression discontinuity), and only foundedness, a standard analysis based
for compliers (people who are affected by on τunconf can be problematic because the
the threshold). Clearly the analysis generally potential discontinuities in the regression
does not have much external validity. It is functions (at x = c) under the FRD design
only valid for the subpopulation who is com- invalidate the usual statistical methods that
plier at the threshold, and it is only valid for treat the regression functions as continuous
the subpopulation with Xi = c. Nevertheless, at x = c.
the FRD analysis may do well in terms of Although unconfoundedness in the FRD
internal validity. setting is possible, its failure makes it diffi-
It is useful to compare the RD method in cult to interpret τunconf. By contrast, provided
this setting with standard methods based on monotonicity holds, the FRD parameter,
unconfoundedness. In contrast to the SRD τ frd, identifies the average treatment effect
case, an unconfoundedness-based analysis for compliers at x = c. In other words,
is possible in the FRD setting because some approaches that exploit the FRD nature of
treated observations will have Xi ≤ c, and the design identify an (arguably) interesting
some control observations will have Xi ≥ c. parameter both when unconfoundedness
Ignoring the FRD setting—that is, ignor- holds and in a leading case (monotonicity)
ing the discontinuity in E[Wi | Xi = x] at x when unconfoundedness fails.
64 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

6.4.3 Graphical Methods and credible estimates with statistically and

substantially significant magnitudes.
Graphical analyses are typically an inte- In addition to inspecting whether there
gral part of any RD analysis. RD designs is a jump at this value of the covariate, one
suggest that the effect of the treatment of should inspect the graph to see whether
interest can be measured by the value of the there are any other jumps in the conditional
discontinuity in the conditional expectation expectation of Yi given Xi that are compara-
of the outcome as a function of the forcing ble in size to, or larger than, the discontinuity
variable at a particular point. Inspecting the at the cutoff value. If so, and if one cannot
estimated version of this conditional expec- explain such jumps on substantive grounds, it
tation is a simple yet powerful way to visual- would call into question the interpretation of
ize the identification strategy. Moreover, to the jump at the threshold as the causal effect
assess the credibility of the RD strategy, it of the treatment.
can be useful to inspect additional graphs, as In order to optimize the visual clarity it is
discussed below in section 6.4.5. For strik- recommended to calculate averages that are
ingly clear examples of such plots, see Lee, not smoothed across the cutoff point c. In
Moretti, and Butler (2004), Rafael Lalive addition, it is recommended not to artificially
(2008), and Lee (2008). smooth on either side of the threshold in a
The main plot in a SRD setting is a his- way that implies that the only discontinuity
togram-type estimate of the average value in the estimated regression function is at c.
of the outcome by the forcing variable. For One should therefore use nonsmooth meth-
some binwidth h, and for some number of ods such as the histogram type estimators
bins K0 and K1 to the left and right of the described above rather than smooth meth-
cutoff value, respectively, construct bins ods such as kernel estimators.
(bk, bk+1], for k = 1, … , K = K0 + K1, where In a FRD setting, one should also
bk = c − (K0 − k + 1) · h. Then calculate the calculate
number of observations in each bin, and the
__ N
average outcome in the bin: ___
1 · ​∑ ​​  Y · 1[b ≤ X ≤ b ],
k = ​    ​ 
​W ​ 
N Nk i=1 i k i k+1

Nk = ∑
​  ​​  1[bk ≤ Xi ≤ bk+1], __    
i=1 and plot the ​W ​  ​ ˜  k, in
k against the bin centers b​
__ N the same way as described above.
​Y ​ k = ___
​  1  ​ · ​∑ ​​  Yi · 1[bk ≤ Xi ≤ bk+1].
Nk i=1 6.4.4 Estimation and Inference
The key plot is that of the ​Y ​ k, for k The object of interest in regression discon-
= 1, …    ˜ , K against the mid point of the tinuity designs is a difference in two regres-
bins, ​ b​   k = (bk + bk+1)/2. The question is sion functions at a particular point (in the
whether around the threshold c (by construc- SRD case), and the ratio of two differences of
tion on the edge of one of the bins) there is regression functions (in the FRD case). These
any evidence of a jump in the conditional estimands are identified without functional
mean of the outcome. The formal statistical form assumptions, and in general one might
analyses discussed below are essentially just therefore like to use nonparametric regres-
sophisticated versions of this, and if the basic sion methods that allow for flexible func-
plot does not show any evidence of a disconti- tional forms. Because we are interested in the
nuity, there is relatively little chance that the behavior of the regression functions around a
more sophisticated analyses will lead to robust single value of the covariate, it is attractive
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 65

to use local smoothing methods such as ker- nel). The choice of bandwidth then amounts
nel regression rather than global smoothing to to dropping all observations such that Xi ∉
methods such as sieves or series regression [c − h, c + h]. The question becomes how to
because the latter will generally be sensi- choose the bandwidth h.
tive to behavior of the regression function Most standard methods for choosing
away from the threshold. Local smoothing bandwidths in nonparametric regression,
methods are generally well understood (e.g., including both cross-validation and plug-in
Charles J. Stone 1977; Herman J. Bierens methods, are based on criteria that integrate
1987; Härdle 1990; Adrian Pagan and Aman the squared error over  the entire distribution
Ullah 1999). For a particular choice of the of the covariates: ∫ ​ ˆ  (z) − m(z))2 f X(z) dz.
​ z​  ​ ​(    
kernel, K( · ), e.g., a rectangular kernel K(z) = For our purposes this criterion does not
1[−h ≤ z ≤ h], _ or a Gaussian kernel K(z) = reflect the object of interest. We are specifi-
exp(−z2/2)/​ √( ​  2π), the regression function cally interested in the regression function at
at x, m(x) = E[Yi | Xi = x] is estimated as a single point, moreover, this point is always
N a boundary point. Thus we would like to
ˆ   (x) = ∑
m​ ​  ​​  Yi · λi, choose h to minimize E[(​      ˆ   (c) − m(c))2] (using
i=1 the data with Xi ≤ c only, or using the data
KA ​ ____  
​ B
X −x with Xi ≥ c only). If the density of the forcing
with weights λi = ​ __________
Xi − x
    ​. variable is high at the threshold, a bandwidth
∑   ​ ​ K A​ ____
​  Ni=1      
​ B
h selection procedure based on global criteria
may lead to a bandwidth that is much larger
An important difference with the primary than is appropriate.
focus in the nonparametric regression litera- There are few attempts to formalize to
ture is that in the RD setting we are inter- standardize the choice of a bandwidth for
ested in the value of the regression functions such cases. Ludwig and Miller (2005) and
at boundary points. Standard kernel regres- Imbens and Lemieux (2008) discuss some
sion methods do not work well in such cases. cross-validation methods that target more
More attractive methods for this case are directly the object of interest in RD designs.
local linear regression (Fan and Gijbels Assuming the density of Xi is continuous at c,
1996; Porter 2003; Burkhardt Seifert and and that the conditional variance of Yi given
Theo Gasser 1996, 2000; Ichimura and Todd Xi is continuous and equal to σ 2 at Xi = c,
2007), where locally a linear regression func- Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2009) show that
tion, rather than a constant regression func- the optimal bandwidth depends on the sec-
tion, is fitted. This leads to an estimator for ond derivatives of the regression functions at
the regression function at x equal to the threshold and has the form
ˆ  (  x) =    
m​ α​ α​ ˆ  , β​
​ ˆ  , where (​     ​ ˆ  ) hopt = N−1/5 · CK · σ 2 
= arg m  ​​∑ ​​  λi · (Yi − α − β · (Xi − x)) , ​ p1  ​+ ___
_ ​ 1 −1 p  
in  2 ​
α,β i=1 _______________________
× a ​         ​​b​  ​,
limx↓c (​  2   ​(x)) + limx↑c (​ ∂__

2 2
m m
with the same weights λi as before. In that ∂x 2  
case the main remaining choice concerns
the bandwidth, denoted by h. Suppose one where p is the fraction of observations with
uses a rectangular kernel, K(z) = 1[−h ≤ z Xi ≥ c, and CK is a constant that depends
≤ h] (and typically the results are relatively on the kernel. For a rectangular kernel K(z)
robust with respect to the choice of the ker- = 1−h≤z≤h, the constant equals CK = 2.70.
66 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Imbens and Kalyanaram propose and imple- times in an attempt to raise their score above
ment a plug in method for the bandwidth.16 the threshold.
If one uses a rectangular kernel, and given There are two sets of specification checks
a choice for the bandwidth, estimation for that researchers can typically perform to at
the SRD and FRD designs can be based on least partly assess the empirical relevance of
ordinary least squares and two stage least these concerns. Although the proposed proce-
squares, respectively. If the bandwidth goes dures do not directly test null hypotheses that
to zero sufficiently fast, so that the asymp- are required for the RD approach to be valid,
totic bias can be ignored, one can also base it is typically difficult to argue for the validity
inference on these methods. (See HTV and of the approach when these null hypotheses
Imbens and Lemieux 2008.) do not hold. First, one may look for discon-
tinuities in average value of the covariates
6.4.5 Specification Checks
around the threshold. In most cases, the rea-
There are two important concerns in the son for the discontinuity in the probability of
application of RD designs, be they sharp the treatment does not suggest a discontinu-
or fuzzy. These concerns can sometimes be ity in the average value of covariates. Finding
assuaged by investigating various implica- a discontinuity in other covariates typically
tions of the identification argument underly- casts doubt on the assumptions underlying the
ing the regression discontinuity design. RD design. Specifically, for covariates Zi, the
A first concern about RD designs is the pos- test would look at the difference
sibility of other changes at the same threshold
value of the covariate. For example, the same τ Z = l​   
 ​E[Z i | Xi = x] − ​l   
im   ​E[Z i | Xi = x].
x↓c x↑c
age limit may affect eligibility for multiple
programs. If all the programs whose eligibil- Second, McCrary (2008) suggests testing the
ity changes at the same cutoff value affect null hypothesis of continuity of the density
the outcome of interest, an RD analysis may of the covariate that underlies the assign-
mistakenly attribute the combined effect to ment at the threshold, against the alterna-
the treatment of interest. The second con- tive of a jump in the density function at that
cern is that of manipulation by the individu- point. A discontinuity in the density of this
als of the covariate value that underlies the covariate at the particular point where the
assignment mechanism. The latter is less of a discontinuity in the conditional expectation
concern when the forcing variable is a fixed, occurs is suggestive of violations of the no-­
immutable characteristic of an individual manipulation assumption. Here the focus is
such as age. It is a particular concern when on the difference
eligibility criteria are known to potential par-
ticipants and are based on variables that are τ f (x) = l​   
 ​f X(x) − l​   
im  im 
 ​f X (x).
x↓c x↑c
affected by individual choices. For example,
if eligibility for financial aid depends on test In both cases a substantially and statistically
scores that are graded by teachers who know significant difference in the left and right
the cutoff values, there may be a tendency to limits suggest that there may be problems
push grades high enough to make students with the RD approach. In practice, more use-
eligible. Alternatively if thresholds are known ful than formal statistical tests are ­graphical
to students they may take the test multiple analyses of the type discussed in section
6.4.3 where histogram-type estimates of the
16 Code in Matlab and Stata for calculating the optimal conditional expectation of E[Zi | Xi = x] and
bandwidth is available on their website. of the marginal density f X(x) are graphed.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 67

6.5 Difference-in-Differences Methods Donald and Lang 2007), as well as the recent
extensions by Athey and Imbens (2006) who
Since the seminal work by Ashenfelter (1978) develop a functional form-free version of the
and Ashenfelter and Card (1985), the use difference-in-differences methodology, and
of Difference-In-Differences (DID) meth- Abadie, Diamond, and Jens Hainmueller
ods has become widespread in empirical (2007), who develop a method for construct-
economics. Influential applications include ing an artificial control group from multiple
Philip J. Cook and George Tauchen (1982, nonexposed groups.
1984), Card (1990), Bruce D. Meyer, W. Kip
6.5.1 Repeated Cross Sections
Viscusi, and David L. Durbin (1995), Card
and Krueger (1993, 1994), Nada Eissa and The standard model for the DID approach
Liebman (1996), Blundell, Alan Duncan, and is as follows. Individual i belongs to a group,
Meghir (1998), and many others. The DID Gi ∈ {0, 1} (where group 1 is the treatment
approach is often associated with so-called group), and is observed in time period Ti ∈
“natural experiments,” where policy changes {0, 1}. For i = 1, … , N, a random sample from
can be used to effectively define control and the population, individual i’s group identity
treatment groups. See Angrist and Krueger and time period can be treated as random
(1999), Angrist and Pischke (2009), and variables. In the standard DID model, we
Blundell and Thomas MaCurdy (1999) for can write the outcome for individual i in the
textbook discussions. absence of the intervention, Yi(0) as
The simplest setting is one where out-
comes are observed for units observed in (33) Yi(0) = α + β · Ti + γ · Gi + εi,
one of two groups, in one of two time peri-
ods. Only units in one of the two groups, with unknown parameters α, β, and γ. We
in the second time period, are exposed to ignore the potential presence of other cova-
a treatment. There are no units exposed to riates, which introduce no special com-
the treatment in the first period, and units plications. The second coefficient in this
from the control group are never observed specification, β, represents the time com-
to be exposed to the treatment. The average ponent common to both groups. The third
gain over time in the non-exposed (control) coefficient, γ, represents a group-specific,
group is subtracted from the gain over time time-invariant component. The fourth term,
in the exposed (treatment) group. This dou- εi, represents unobservable characteristics
ble differencing removes biases in second of the individual. This term is assumed to
period comparisons between the treatment be independent of the group indicator and
and control group that could be the result have the same distribution over time, i.e.,
from permanent differences between those εi   ǁ   (Gi, Ti), and is normalized to have mean
groups, as well as biases from compari- zero.
sons over time in the treatment group that An alternative set up leading to the same
could be the result of time trends unrelated estimator allows for a time-invariant individ-
to the treatment. In general this allows for ual-specific fixed effect, γ i, potentially corre-
the endogenous adoption of the new treat- lated with Gi, and models Yi(0) as
ment (see Timothy Besley and Case 2000
and Athey and Imbens 2006). We discuss (34) Yi(0) = α + β · Ti + γ i + εi.
here the conventional set up, and recent
work on inference (Bertrand, Duflo, and (See, e.g., Angrist and Krueger 1999.) This
Mullainathan 2004; Hansen 2007a, 2007b; generalization of the standard model does
68 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

not affect the standard DID estimand, and 6.5.2 Multiple Groups and Multiple Periods
it will be subsumed as a special case of the
model we propose. With multiple time periods and multiple
The equation for the outcome without groups we can use a natural extension of the
the treatment is combined with an equa- two-group two-time-period model for the
tion for the outcome given the treatment: outcome in the absence of the intervention.
Yi(1) = Yi(0) + τ DID. The standard DID Let T and G denote the number of time peri-
estimand is under this model equal to ods and groups respectively. Then:
(35)  τ DID = E[Yi(1)] − E[Yi(0)] (36) Yi(0) = α + ​∑   
​​ β t · 1[Ti = t]

= AE[Yi | Gi = 1, Ti = 1] G
​   ​ ​γg · 1[Gi = g] + εi
− E[Yi | Gi = 1, Ti = 0]B
with separate parameters for each group and
− AE[Yi | Gi = 0, Ti = 1] time period, γg and β t, for g = 1, … , G and t
= 1, … , T, where the initial time period coef-
− E[Yi | Gi = 0, Ti = 0]B. ficient and first group coefficient have implic-
itly been normalized to zero. This model is
then combined with the additive model for
In other words, the population average the treatment effect, Yi(1) = Yi(0) + τ DID,
­difference over time in the control group implying that the parameters of this model
(Gi = 0) is subtracted from the population can still be estimated by ordinary least
average difference over time in the treatment squares based on the regression function
group (Gi = 1) to remove biases associated T
with a common time trend unrelated to the (37)  Yi = α + ∑
​​ β t · 1[Ti = t]
intervention. t=1

We can estimate τ DID simply using least G

squares methods on the regression function +∑
​   ​​​ γg · 1[Gi = g] + τ DID · Ii + εi,
for the observed outcome,
where Ii is now an indicator for unit i being
Yi = α + β1 · Ti + γ 1 · Gi + τ DID · Wi + εi, in a group and time period that was exposed
to the treatment.
where the treatment indicator Wi is equal to This model with more than two time
the interaction of the group and time indica- periods, or more than two groups, or both,
tors, Ii = Ti · Gi. Thus the treatment effect imposes testable restrictions on the data.
is estimated through the coefficient on the For example, if group g1 and g2 are both not
interaction between the indicators for the exposed to the treatment in periods t1 and t2,
second time period and the treatment group. under this model the double difference
This leads to __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ (​​Y ​ g​ 2,t2​− Y ​
​​  g​ 2,t1​) − (​​Y ​ g​ 1,t2​− ​​Y ​ g​ 1,t1​),
​   τ​
ˆ  DID = (​Y ​ 11 − Y ​
​  10) − (​Y ​ 01 − ​Y ​ 00),
__ should estimate zero, which can be tested
​  gt = ∑
where Y ​ ​ ​Yi/Ngt is the average
​  i  |  Gi=g, Ti=t​  using conventional methods—this possibil-
outcome among units in group g and time ity is exploited in the next subsection. In the
period t. two-period, two-group setting there are no
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 69

testable restrictions on the four group/period ­unobserved components η gt. In this two-
means. group, two-time-period case the problem is
even worse than the absence of a consistent
6.5.3 Standard Errors in the Multiple
estimator, because one cannot even estab-
Group and Multiple Period Case
lish whether there is a clustering problem:
Recently there has been attention called the data are not informative about the value
to the concern that ordinary least square of ​ση​2​ ​. If we have data from more than two
standard errors for the DID estimator may groups or from more than two time periods,
not be accurate in the presence of correla- we can typically estimate ​σ​η2​ ​, and thus, at
tions between outcomes within groups and least under the normality and independence
between time periods. This is a particu- assumptions for η gt, construct confidence
lar case of clustering where the regressor intervals for τ DID. Consider, for example, the
of interest does not vary within clusters. case with three groups, and two time peri-
See Brent R. Moulton (1990), Moulton ods. If groups Gi = 0, 1 are__both not __ treated__
and William C. Randolph (1989), and in the
__ second period, then (​  
Y ​
11 − ​  10) − (​Y ​ 01
Y ​
Wooldridge (2002) for a general discus- − ​Y ​ 00) ~ (0, 4 · ​σ​η2​ ​), which can be used to
sion. The specific problem has been ana- obtain an unbiased estimator for ​ση​2​ ​. See
lyzed recently by Donald and Lang (2007), Donald and Lang (2007) for details.
Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004), Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004)
and Hansen (2007a, 2007b). and Hansen (2007a, 2007b) focus on the case
The starting point of these analyses is a with multiple (more than two) time peri-
particular structure on the error term εi: ods. In that case we may wish to relax the
assumption that the η gt are independent
εi = ​ηG​ i,Ti​+ ν i, over time. Note that with data from only two
time periods there is no information in the
where ν i is an individual-level idiosyncratic data that allows one to establish the absence
error term, and η gt is a group/time specific of independence over time. The typical gen-
component. The unit level error term ν i is eralization is to allow for a autoregressive
independent across all units, E[ν i · νj] = 0 if structure on the η gt, for example,
i ≠ j and E[​νi​2​ ​] = ​σ​ν2​ ​. Now suppose we also
assume that η gt ~ (0, ​σ​η2​ ​), and all the η gt η gt = α · η gt−1 + ωgt,
are independent. Let us focus initially on
the two-group, two-time-period case. With a with a serially uncorrelated ωgt. More gener-
large number
__ of units in each group and time ally, with T time periods, one can allow for an
period, ​Y ​ gt → α + β t + γg + 1g=1,t=1 · τ DID autoregressive process of order T − 2. Using
+ η gt, so that simulations and real data ­calculations based
__ __ __ __ on data for fifty states and multiple time
​    DID = (​Y ​ 11 − ​Y ​ 10) − (​Y ​ 01 − Y ​
​  00) → τ DID periods, Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan
(2004) show that corrections to the conven-
+ (η11 − η10) − (η 01 − η 00) ~ (τ DID, 4 · ​ση​2​ ​). tional standard errors taking into account the
clustering and autoregressive structure make
Thus, in this case with two groups and two a substantial difference. Hansen (2007a,
time periods, the conventional DID esti- 2007b) provides additional large sample
mator is not consistent. In fact, no consis- results under sequences where the number
tent estimator exists because there is no of time periods increases with the sample
way to eliminate the influence of the four size.
70 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

6.5.4 Panel Data o­ utcomes actually compromises the com-

parison because Yi0 may in fact be correlated
Now suppose we have panel data, in the with εi. In the end, the two approaches make
two period, two group case. Here we have fundamentally different assumptions. One
N individuals, indexed i = 1, … , N, for whom needs to choose between them based on
we observe (Gi, Yi0, Yi1, Xi0, Xi1), where Gi is, substantive knowledge. When the estimated
as before, group membership, Xit is the cova- coefficient on the lagged outcome is close
riate value for unit i at time t, and Yit is the to zero, obviously there will be little differ-
outcome for unit i at time t. ence between the point estimates. In addi-
One option is to proceed with estimation tion, using the formula for omitted variable
exactly as before, essentially ignoring the fact bias in least squares estimation, the results
that the observations in different time peri- will be very similar if the average outcomes
ods come from the same unit. We can now in the treatment and control groups are simi-
interpret the estimator as the ordinary least lar in the first period. Finally, note that in
squares estimator based on the regression the repeated cross-section case the choice
function for the difference outcomes: between the DID and unconfoundedness
approaches did not arise because the uncon-
Yi1 − Yi0 = β + τ DID · Gi + εi, foundedness approach is not feasible: it is not
possible to adjust for lagged outcomes when
which leads to the double difference __ __as the we do not have the same units available in
__ __ for τ DID : τ​

DID = (​  
Y ​
11 − Y ​ 10) −
​ both periods.
(​Y ​ 01 − ​Y ​ 00). This estimator is identical to that As a practical matter, the DID approach
discussed in the context of repeated cross- appears less attractive than the unconfound-
sections, and so does not exploit directly the edness-based approach in the context of panel
panel nature of the data. data. It is difficult to see how making treated
A second, and very different, approach and control units comparable on lagged out-
with panel data, which does exploit the spe- comes will make the causal interpretation of
cific features of the panel data, would be to their difference less credible, as suggested by
assume unconfoundedness given lagged out- the DID assumptions.
comes. Let us look at the differences between
6.5.5 The Changes-in-Changes Model
these two approaches in a simple setting,
without covariates, and assuming linearity. Now we return to the setting with two
In that case the DID approach suggests the groups, two time periods, and repeated cross-
regression of Yi1 − Yi0 on the group indica- sections. Athey and Imbens (2006) general-
tor, leading to ​   τ​ ˆ  DID. The unconfoundedness ize the standard model in several ways. They
assumption would suggest the regression of relax the additive linear model by assuming
the difference Yi1 − Yi0 on the group indica- that, in the absence of the intervention, the
tor and the lagged outcome Yi0: outcomes satisfy

Yi1 − Yi0 = β + τunconf · Gi + δ · Yi0 + εi. (38) Yi(0) = h0(Ui, Ti),

While it appears that the analysis based with h0(u, t) increasing in u. The random vari-
on unconfoundedness is necessarily less able Ui represents all unobservable charac-
restrictive because it allows a free coef- teristics of individual i, and (38) incorporates
ficient in Yi0, this is not the case. The DID the idea that the outcome of an individual
assumption implies that adjusting for lagged with Ui = u will be the same in a given time
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 71

period, irrespective of the group member- the treatment group, no assumptions are
ship. The distribution of Ui is allowed to required about how the intervention affects
vary across groups, but not over time within outcomes.
groups, so that Ui   ǁ   Ti | Gi. Athey and Imbens The average effect of the treatment for
call the resulting model the changes-in- the second period treatment group is τcic
changes (CIC) model. = E[Yi(1) − Yi(0) | Gi = 1, Ti = 1]. Because
The standard DID model in (33) adds the first term of this expression is equal to
three additional assumptions to the CIC E[Yi(1) | Gi = 1, Ti = 1] = E[Yi | Gi = 1, Ti =
model, namely 1], it can be estimated directly from the data.
The difficulty is in estimating the second
(39) Ui − E[Ui | Gi]   ǁ   Gi (additivity) term. Under the assumptions of monotonicity
of h0(u, t) in u, and conditional independence
(40) h0(u, t) = ϕ(u + δ · t), of Ti and Ui given Gi, Athey and Imbens
(single index model) show that in fact the full distribution of Y(0)
given Gi = Ti = 1 is identified through the
for a strictly increasing function ϕ( · ), and equality

(41)  ϕ( · ) is the identity function. (42) ​F​Y11​(y) = F

​ ​Y10​(​FY​−1
​ ​(​FY​ 01​(y))),
(identity transformation).
where ​F​Ygt​(y) denotes the distribution ­function
In the CIC extension, the treatment of Yi given Gi = g and Ti = t. The expected
group’s distribution of unobservables may be outcome for the second period treatment
different from that of the control group in group under the control treatment is
arbitrary ways. In the absence of treatment,
all differences between the two groups can E[Yi(0) | Gi = 1, Ti = 1] = E[​F​01
​ ​(F00(Yi10))].
be interpreted as coming from differences
in the conditional distribution of U given G. To analyze the counterfactual effect of the
The model further requires that the changes intervention on the control group, Athey and
over time in the distribution of each group’s Imbens assume that, in the presence of the
outcome (in the absence of treatment) arise intervention,
solely from the fact that h0(u, 0) differs from
h0(u, 1), that is, the relation between unob- Yi(1) = h1(Ui, Ti)
servables and outcomes changes over time.
Like the standard model, the Athey–Imbens for some function h1(u, t) that is increasing
approach does not rely on tracking indivi­ in u. That is, the effect of the treatment at a
duals over time. Although the distribution given time is the same for individuals with
of Ui is assumed not to change over time the same Ui = u, irrespective of the group.
within groups, the model does not make No further assumptions are required on
any assumptions about whether a particu- the functional form of h1, so the treatment
lar individual has the same realization Ui in effect, equal to h1(u, 1) − h0(u, 1) for indi-
each period. Thus, the estimators derived by viduals with unobserved component u, can
Athey and Imbens will be the same whether differ across individuals. Because the distri-
one observes a panel of individuals over time bution of the unobserved component U can
or a repeated cross section. Just as in the vary across groups, the average return to the
standard DID approach, if one only wishes policy intervention can vary across groups as
to estimate the effect of the intervention on well.
72 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

6.5.6 The Abadie–Diamond–Hainmueller group-level covariates may be averages of

Artificial Control Group Approach individual level covariates, or quantiles of the
distribution of within group covariates. The
Abadie, Diamond, and Hainmueller idea is that the future path of the artificial
(2007) develop a very interesting alternative control group, consisting of the λ-weighted
approach to the setting with multiple control average of all the control groups, mimics the
groups. See also Abadie and Gardeazabal path that would have been observed in the
(2003). Here we discuss a simple version of treatment group in the absence of the treat-
their approach, with T + 1 time periods, ment. Applications in Abadie, Diamond,
and G + 1 groups, one treated in the final and Hainmueller (2007) to estimation of the
period, and G not treated in either period. effect of smoking legislation in California and
The Abadie–Diamond–Hainmueller idea is the effect of reunification on West Germany
to construct an artificial control group that are very promising.
is more similar to the treatment group in the
initial period than any of the control groups
7.  Multivalued and Continuous
on their own. Let Gi = G denote the treated
group, and Gi = 0, … , G − 1 denote the G
control groups. The outcome for the final Most of the recent econometric program
period treatment group in the absence of the evaluation literature has focused on the case
treatment will be estimated as a weighted with a binary treatment. As a result this case
average of period T outcomes in the G con- is now understood much better than it was
trol groups, a decade or two ago. However, much less is
known about settings with multivalued, dis-
ˆ [ Y (0) | T = T, G = G] =
​ E​ crete or continuous treatments. Such cases
i i i
G−1 __ are common in practice. Social programs are
​∑ ​ ​  ​λ g · Y ​
​  gT, rarely homogenous. Typically individuals are
assigned to various activities and regimes,
with weights λ g satisfying ​∑ g=0​ ​ ​ λ g = 1, and
often sequentially, and tailored to their spe-
λ g ≥ 0. The weights are chosen to make the cific circumstances and characteristics.
weighted control group resemble the treat- To provide some insight into the issues
ment group prior to the treatment. That is, arising in settings with multivalued treat-
the weights λ g are chosen to minimize the ments we discuss in this review five sepa-
difference between the treatment group and rate cases. First, the simplest setting where
the weighted average of the control groups the treatment is discrete and one is willing

ǁ ǁ
prior to the treatment, namely, to assume unconfoundedness of the treat-
ment assignment. In that case straightfor-
__ G−1 __
​Y ​ G0 − ​∑ ​ ​λ g · Y ​
​  g0 ward extensions of the binary treatment case
g=0 can be used to obtain estimates and infer-
⋮ ences for causal effects. Second, we look at
the case with a continuous treatment under
__ G−1 __
​Y ​ G,T−1 − ​∑ ​ ​λ g · Y ​
​  g,T−1 , unconfoundedness. In that case, the defini-
g=0 tion of the propensity score requires some
modification but many of the insights from
where ǁ · ǁ denotes a measure of distance. the binary treatment case still carry over.
One can also add group level covariates to Third, we look at the case where units can be
the criterion to determine the weights. These exposed to a sequence of binary treatments.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 73

For example, an individual may remain in a example, with three ­treatments, it may be
training program for a number of periods. In that no units are exposed to treatment level 2
each period the assignment to the program if Xi is in some subset of the covariate space.
is assumed to be unconfounded, given per- The insights from the binary case directly
manent characteristics and outcomes up to extend to this multiple (but few) treatment
that point. In the last two cases we briefly case. If the number of treatments is relatively
discuss multivalued endogenous treatments. large, one may wish to smooth across treat-
In the fourth case, we look at settings with ment levels in order to improve precision of
a discrete multivalued treatment in the pres- the inferences.
ence of endogeneity. We allow the treatment
7.2 Continuous Treatments with
to be continuous in the final case. The last
Unconfounded Treatment Assignment
two cases tie in closely with the simultane-
ous equations literature, where, somewhat In the case where the treatment taking
separately from the program evaluation lit- on many values, Imbens (2000), Lechner
erature, there has been much recent work on (2001, 2004), Hirano and Imbens (2004),
nonparametric identification and estimation. and Carlos A. Flores (2005) extended some
Especially in the discrete case, many of the of the propensity score methodology under
results in this literature are negative in the unconfoundedness. The key maintained
sense that, without unattractive restrictions assumption is that adjusting for pre-treat-
on heterogeneity or functional form, few ment differences removes all biases, and thus
objects of interest are point-identified. Some solves the problem of drawing causal infer-
of the literature has turned toward establish- ences. This is formalized by using the con-
ing bounds. This is an area with much ongo- cept of weak unconfoundedness, introduced
ing work and considerable scope for further by Imbens (2000). Assignment to treatment
research. Wi is weakly unconfounded, given pre-treat-
ment variables Xi, if
7.1 Multivalued Discrete Treatments with
Unconfounded Treatment Assignment
Wi   ǁ   Yi(w) | Xi,
If there are a few different levels of the
treatment, rather than just two, essentially all for all w. Compare this to the stronger
of the methods discussed before go through assumption made by Rosenbaum and Rubin
in the unconfoundedness case. Suppose, for (1983b) in the binary case:
example, that the treatment can be one of three
levels, say Wi ∈ {0, 1, 2}. In order to estimate Wi   ǁ   (Yi(0), Yi(1)) | Xi,
the effect of treatment level 2 relative to treat-
ment level 1, one can simply put aside the data which requires the treatment Wi to be
for units exposed to treatment level 0 if one independent of the entire set of potential
is willing to assume unconfoundedness. More outcomes. Instead, weak unconfounded-
specifically, one can estimate the average out- ness requires only pairwise independence
come for each treatment level conditional on of the treatment with each of the potential
the covariates, E[Yi(w) | Xi = x], using data on outcomes. A similar assumption is used in
units exposed to treatment level w, and aver- Robins and Rotnitzky (1995). The definition
age these over the (estimated)   ˆ
marginal dis- of weak unconfoundedness is also similar
​   X  (x). In practice,
tribution of the covariates, F​ to that of “missing at random” (Rubin 1976,
the overlap assumption may more likely to be 1987; Roderick J. A. Little and Rubin 1987)
violated with more than two treatments. For in the missing data literature.
74 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

Although in substantive terms the weak the assignment mechanism; see for example,
unconfoundedness assumption is not very Marshall M. Joffe and Rosenbaum (1999).
different from the assumption used by Because weak unconfoundedness given all
Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983b), it is important pretreatment variables implies weak uncon-
that one does not need the stronger assump- foundedness given the generalized propen-
tion to validate estimation of the expected sity score, one can estimate average outcomes
value of Yi(w) by adjusting for Xi: under by conditioning solely on the generalized
weak unconfoundedness, we have E[Yi(w) | Xi] propensity score. If assignment to treatment
= E[Yi(w) | Wi = w, Xi] = E[Yi | Wi = w, Xi], is weakly unconfounded given pretreatment
and expected outcomes can then be esti- variables X, then two results follow. First, for
mated by averaging these conditional means: all w,
E[Yi(w)] = E[E[Yi(w) | Xi]]. In practice, it can
be difficult to estimate E[Yi(w)] in this man-    β(w, r) ≡ E[Yi(w) | r(w, Xi) = r]
ner when the dimension of Xi is large, or if
w takes on many values, because the first = E[Yi | Wi = w, r(Wi, Xi) = r],
step requires estimation of the expectation
of Yi(w) given the treatment level and all pre- which can be estimated using data on Yi, Wi,
treatment variables. It was this difficulty that and r (Wi, Xi). Second, the average outcome
motivated Rosenbaum and Rubin (1983b) to given a particular level of the treatment,
develop the propensity score methodology. E[Yi(w)], can be estimated by appropriately
Imbens (2000) introduces the general- averaging β(w, r):
ized propensity score for the multiple treat-
ment case. It is the conditional probability of E[Yi(w)] = E[β(w, r (w, Xi))].
receiving a particular level of the treatment
given the pretreatment variables: As with the implementation of the binary
treatment propensity score methodology, the
r(w, x) ≡ pr(Wi = w | Xi = x). implementation of the generalized propensity
score method consists of three steps. In the
In the continuous case, where, say, Wi first step the score r (w, x) is estimated. With
takes values in the unit interval, r (w, x) a binary treatment the standard approach
= F W | X(w | x). Suppose assignment to treat- (Rosenbaum and Rubin 1984; Rosenbaum
ment Wi is weakly unconfounded given pre- 1995) is to estimate the propensity score
treatment variables Xi. Then, by the same using a logistic regression. More generally, if
argument as in the binary treatment case, the treatments correspond to ordered levels
assignment is weakly unconfounded given of a treatment, such as the dose of a drug or
the generalized propensity score, as δ → 0, the time over which a treatment is applied,
one may wish to impose smoothness of the
1{w − δ ≤ Wi ≤ w + δ}   ǁ   Yi(w) | r(w, Xi), score in w. For continuous Wi, Hirano and
Imbens (2004) use a lognormal distribution.
for all w. This is the point where using the In the second step, the conditional expecta-
weak form of the unconfoundedness assump- tion β(w, r) = E[Yi | Wi = w, r(Wi, Xi) = r] is
tion is important. There is, in general, no sca- estimated. Again, the implementation may be
lar function of the covariates such that the different in the case where the levels of the
level of the treatment Wi is independent of treatment are qualitatively distinct than in
the set of potential outcomes {Yi(w)}w∈[0,1], the case where smoothness of the conditional
unless additional structure is imposed on expectation function in w is ­appropriate.
Imbens and Wooldridge: Econometrics of Program Evaluation 75

Here, some form of linear or nonlinear instrument, the instrumental variables esti-
regression may be used. In the third step the mand can still be interpreted as an average
average response at treatment level w is esti- causal effect, but with a complicated weight-
mated as the average    of the estimated con- ing scheme. There are essentially two levels
ditional expectation, β​ ​ ˆ  (w, r (w, Xi)), averaged of averaging going on. First, at each level
over the distribution of the pretreatment of the treatment we can only get the aver-
variables, X1, … , X N. Note that to get the age effect of a unit increase in the treatment
average E[Yi(w)], the second argument in the for compliers at that level. In addition, there
conditional expectation β(w, r) is evaluated at is averaging over all levels of the treatment,
r (w, Xi), not at r (Wi, Xi). with the weights equal to the proportion of
compliers at that level.
7.2.1 Dynamic Treatments with
Imbens (2007) studies, in more detail,
Unconfounded Treatment Assignment
the case where the endogenous treatment
Multiple-valued treatments can arise takes on three values and shows the limits to
because at any point in time individuals identification in the case with heterogenous
can be assigned to multiple different treat- treatment effects.
ment arms, or because they can be assigned
7.4 Continuous Endogenous Treatments
sequentially to different treatments. Gill and
Robins (2001) analyze this case, where they Perhaps surprisingly, there are many
assume that at any point in time an uncon- more results for the case with continuous
foundedness assumption holds. Lechner endogenous treatments than for the discrete
and Miquel (2005) (see also Lechner 1999, case that do not impose restrictive assump-
and Lechner, Miquel, and Conny Wunsch tions. Much of the focus has been on tri-
2004) study a related case, where again a angular ­systems, with a single unobserved
sequential unconfoundedness assumption is component of the equation determining the
maintained to identify the average effects treatment:
of interest. Abbring and Gerard J. van den
Berg (2003) study settings with duration Wi = h(Zi, η i),
data. These methods hold great promise but,
where η i is scalar, and an essentially unre-
until now, there have been few substantive
stricted outcome equation:
7.3 Multivalued Discrete Endogenous Yi = g(Wi, εi),
where εi may be a vector. Blundell and James
In settings with general heterogeneity in L. Powell (2003, 2004), Chernozhukov and
the effects of the treatment, the case with Hansen (2005), Imbens and Newey (forth-
more than two treatment levels is consider- coming), and Andrew Chesher (2003) study
ably more challenging than the binary case. various versions of this setup. Imbens and
There are few studies investigating identifi- Newey (forthcoming) show that if h(z, η) is
cation in these settings. Angrist and Imbens strictly monotone in η, then one can iden-
(1995) and Angrist, Kathryn Graddy and tify average effects of the treatment subject
Imbens (2000) study the interpretation of to support conditions on the instrument.
the standard instrumental variable estimand, They suggest a control function approach
the ratio of the covariances of outcome and to estimation. First η is normalized to have
instrument and treatment and instrument. a uniform distribution on [0, 1] (e.g., Rosa
They show that in general, with a valid L. Matzkin 2003). Then η i is estimated
76 Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLVII (March 2009)

as   η​
​ ˆ  i = F​
​ ˆ  W | Z (Wi | Zi). In the second stage, Yi References
is regressed nonparametrically on Xi and   η​ ​ ˆ  i.
Abadie, Alberto. 2002. “Bootstrap Tests of Distribu-
Chesher (2003) studies local versions of this tional Treatment Effects in Instrumental Variable
problem. Models.” Journal of the American Statistical Asso-
When the treatment equation has an addi- ciation, 97(457): 284–92.
tive form, say Wi = h1(Zi) + η i, where η i is
Abadie, Alberto. 2003. “Semiparametric Instrumental
Variable Estimation of Treatment Response Mod-
independent of Zi, Blundell and Powell (2003, els.” Journal of Econometrics, 113(2): 231–63.
2004) derive nonparametric control function Abadie, Alberto. 2005. “Semiparametric Difference-
in-Differences Estimators.” Review of Economic
methods for estimating the average struc- Studies, 72(1): 1–19.
tural function, E[g(w, εi)]. The general   idea Abadie, Alberto, Joshua D. Angrist, and Guido W.
is to first obtain residuals, ​   η​ ˆ  i = Wi − h​
​ ˆ  1(Zi) Imbens. 2002. “Instrumental Variables Estimates of
the Effect of Subsidized Training on the Quantiles
from a nonparametric regression. Next, a of Trainee Earnings.” Econometrica, 70(1): 91–117.
nonparametric regression of Yi on Wi and   η​ ​ ˆ  i Abadie, Alberto, Alexis Diamond, and Jens Hainmuel-
is used to recover m(w, η) = E(Yi | Wi = w, η i ler. 2007. “Synthetic Control Methods for Compara-
= η). Blundell and Powell show that the aver-
tive Case Studies: Estimating the Effect of California’s
Tobacco Control Program.” National Bureau of Eco-
age structural function is generally identified nomic Research Working Paper 12831.
as E[m(w, η i)], which is easily estimated by Abadie, Alberto, David Drukker, Jane Leber Herr, and
averaging out ​   η​
Guido W. Imbens. 2004. “Implementing Matching
ˆ  i across the sample. Estimators for Average Treatment Effects in Stata.”
Stata Journal, 4(3): 290–311.
Abadie, Alberto, and Javier Gardeazabal. 2003. “The
8.  Conclusion Economic Costs of Conflict: A Case Study of the
Basque Country.” American Economic Review,
Over the last two decades, there has 93(1): 113–32.
been a proliferation of the literature on pro- Abadie, Alberto, and Guido W. Imbens. 2006. “Large
Sample Properties of Matching Estimators for
gram evaluation. This includes ­theoretical Average Treatment Effects.” Econometrica, 74(1):
­econometrics work, as well as empirical 235–67.
work. Important features of the modern lit- Abadie, Alberto, and Guido W. Imbens. 2008a. “Bias
Corrected Matching Estimators for Average Treat-
erature are the convergence of the statistical ment Effects.” Unpublished.
and econometric literatures, with the Rubin Abadie, Alberto, and Guido W. Imbens. Forthcoming.
potential outcomes framework now the dom- “Estimation of the Conditional Variance in Paired
Experiments. Annales d’Economie et de Statistique.
inant framework. The modern literature has Abadie, Alberto, and Guido W. Imbens.  2008b. “On
stressed the importance of relaxing func- the Failure of the Bootstrap for Matching Estima-
tional form and distributional assumptions, tors.” Econometrica, 76(6): 1537–57.
Abbring, Jaap H., and James J. Heckman. 2007.
and has allowed for general heterogeneity in “Econometric Evaluation of Social Programs, Part
the effects of the treatment. This has led to III: Distributional Treatment Effects, Dynamic
renewed interest in identification questions, Treatment Effects, Dynamic Discrete Choice, and
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