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5, OCTOBER 1992

Technical Notes
Lower Hybrid Waves in Plasmas with Negative Ions With <,= r i , I / I ~ , o ,the following equations are obtained, which
relate the E ’ s to the first-order electric field:
N. D’Angelo
(&’ - -.f+ - I<’C:)<+ = /I<5 E1 (3)
Ill +

The ion-ion hybrid mode, with frequencies d % L L
=;+( is briefly analyzed for a warm plasma containing positive
.( -U,_ - ALC’)<_ = - / A El (4)
I n -

ions (gyrofrequency w.,.+), negative ions (gyrofrequency dc-), and

electrons. Experiments with SF; as the negative ion are proposed.

Low-frequency wave modes in plasmas with negative ions have where Cy = tiT,/m,. Equations (3), (4), and ( 5 ) are complemented
been investigated for many years, both theoretically and experi- with the equation
mentally. Ion-acoustic waves have been studied by D’Angelo et <+ = :<- + (1 - s)<,. (6)
al. [I], Wong et al. [2], and Song et al. [3], [4]. Electrostatic ion-
cyclotron (EIC) waves were analyzed by D’Angelo and Merlin0 [ 5 ] which expresses first-order charge neutrality. Equations (3) through
and experimentally investigated by Song et al. [6], while the Kelvin- (6) are a system of four homogeneous equations in <+, <-, <, , and
Helmholtz instability in plasmas with negative ions was investigated E l . The dispersion relation is obtained by setting equal to zero the
by D’Angelo and Song [7]. determinant of the coefficients. With f l y = d 2 - dz, - IC2(?;, we
An additional low-frequency mode in a plasma containing negative
ions is one of the lower hybrid type, with frequencies on the order f i l e “2
I11 +
”+ TI? +
(1 - E) I I t n ? + +II’np
711 I11 -

I11 +
= 0. (7)
of (dc+d c - ) ’ / 2 , where d,-+ and dc- are the positive-ion and
the negative-ion gyrofrequency, respectively. This mode has been The special cases 5 = 0 (no negative ions) and 5 = 1 (no electrons)
described in the past with emphasis on plasmas containing two are easily obtained from (7). For 5 = 0 we find
or more species of positive ions. It is termed the ion-ion hybrid
resonance in, e.g., the cold plasma theory of Stix and Swanson [8].
2= A ’ < + d,, + Ii”C. (8)
In view of experiments to be performed at some time in the future where Cp = h-0.This is, of course, the usual dispersion
in either a Q-machine negative ion plasma (e.g., Song et al. [6]) or relation (e.g., Nicholson [9]) for lower hybrid waves in plasmas
in a discharge plasma with SF: and SF, ions, the mode is briefly consisting only of positive ions and electrons. For s = 1 we find
reanalyzed here for the case of a warm plasma, and numerical results
d 2 = d T + -i’<.- + c:IC2. (9)
are given for situations of interest to the experimenter.
Positive ions, negative ions, and electrons are treated as fluids
which obey the equations
where C l =
n:. 05, (7)
For 0 < s < 1, and -nf N dz+ >>


:n: = 0. (10)
711 +

which, for T+ = T- = T, = 0, reduces to equation (7) of Stix

av and Swanson [8] for the ion-ion hybrid resonance. The solutions
n,ni, -2
+ ri,niJvJ . Tu, + KT,T n , to (7) were obtained numerically for a plasma consisting of K+
-e,n,E - c J i i J v Jx B =0. (2) positive ions, SF; negative ions, and electrons. It was assumed that
T+ = T- = T, = 0 . 2 ~ 1 -and B = ,5000 gauss. These solutions
where j stands for +, -, and c to indicate positive ions, negative
are shown in Fig. 1, where d / d ,- is plotted as a function of E for
ions, and electrons, respectively. The charges e , are equal to P for
several values of the perpendicular wavelength XI = 27r/Ii. The
positive ions, and to -e for negative ions and electrons. Charge
high-frequency root is insensitive to the actual value of Ii, in this
neutrality is assumed throughout, i.e., T i + = r1- +
r i p . Equations
range of Ii. Of the two roots, the low-frequency one (the ion-ion
(1) and (2) are linearized around a time-independent zero-order state
mode) should be more easily accessible to laboratory study, since
in which the plasma is spatially uniform with densities n + o = 1 1 0 ,
for the above plasma parameters (typical of Q-machine conditions)
r i - 0 = E n 0 and ~ I , O = (1 - 5 ) n o , no electric field is present, and
its frequency is on the order of 50-100 kHz. The experiment may
all fluid velocities are zero. The plasma is embedded in a static and
uniform magnetic field, B , directed along the positive z axis of a consist in applying an oscillating voltage of constant amplitude and
Cartesian frame of reference. All first-order quantities are taken to variable frequency to a suitable electrode located on one side of the
vary as exp[i(lis - ~ t ) the ] , K vector having a nonzero component K+, SF,, r plasma column and in observing the signal received
only along the s axis. The wave electric field, E l , is parallel to the by a second electrode on the opposite side of the column as the
K vector. oscillator frequency is swept past the ion-ion mode frequency. The
observation would be repeated for several values of 5, to allow a
Manuscript received November 18, 1991; revised February 10, 1992. This comparison with the results of Fig. 1.
work was supported by the ONR.
The author is with the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University A second case which may be of interest is that of a plasma with
of Iowa, Iowa City, IA 52242-1479. m + = 111- = t u and T+.7- Y 0 (e.g., an SF:. SF,. c - plasma
IEEE Log Number 9201373. produced by a discharge in sulfur hexafluoride). Also in this case two

0093-3813/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE


[l] N. D’Angelo, S. von Goeler, and T. Ohe, “Propagation and damping
of ion waves in a plasma with negative ions,” Phys. Fluids, vol. 9, p.
1605, 1966.
[2] A. Y. Wong, D. L. Mamas, and D. Arnush, “Negative ion plasmas,”
Phys. Fluids, vol. 18, p. 1489, 1975.
[3] B. Song, N. D’Angelo, and R. L. Merlino, “Ion-acoustic waves in a
plasma with negative ions,” Phys. Fluids B , vol. 3, p. 284, 1991a.
[4] B. Song, R. L. Merlino, and N. D’Angelo, “Potential relaxation insta-
bility and ion acoustic waves in a single-ended Q-machine plasma with
negative ions,” Phys. Lett. A, vol. 153, p. 233, 1991b.
[5] N. D’Angelo and R. L. Merlino, “EIC waves in a plasma with negative
ions,” IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 14, p. 285, 1986.
[6] B. Song, D. Suszcynsky, N. D’Angelo, and R. L. Merlino, “Electrostatic
ion cyclotron waves in a plasma with negative ions,” Phys. Fluids B ,
vol. 1, p. 2316, 1989.
[7] N. D’Angelo and B. Song, “Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a plasma
with negative ions,” ZEEE Trans. Plasma Sci., vol. 19, p. 42, 1991.
[8] T. H. Stix and D. G. Swanson, “Propagation and mode-conversion for
waves in nonuniform plasmas,” in Handbook of Plasma Physics, vol.
1, M. N. Rosenbluth and R. Z. Sagdeev, Eds. Amsterdam: North-
Holland, 1983, p. 337.
[9] D. Nicholson, Introduction to Plasma Theory. New York: Wiley, 1983.
‘0 0.5 I

Fig. 1. L/&,~-versus E , the percentage of negative ions, for a plasma

consisting of K+ positive ions, SF, negative ions, and electrons. The Response of a Microwave Multipolar Bucket
T+ = T- = T, = 0.2e\’; B = 5000 gauss. Plasma to a High-Voltage Pulse with Finite Rise Time
Shu Qin and Chung Chan
Abstract- A collisional model that describes the response of a mi-
crowave multipolar bucket plasma to a high-voltage pulse with finite rise
time has been developed for plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII).
The agreement between this model and the measurements of the sheath
position and target current in a 100 mtorr helium plasma is found to
be much improved when the rise time of the pulse and the ion energy
distribution during the PI11 process are considered.

The plasma immersion ion implantation (PIII) technique [ 11 has
been proposed as a low-cost, low-energy doping method with appli-
cations in semiconductor manufacturing including shallow junction
doping and trench sidewall doping [2]-[4]. The process is performed
by repetitively applying a large negative pulse to a silicon wafer
immersed in a plasma of the appropriate dopant ions. Ions are
‘I accelerated by the target potential and are implanted into the target.
Previously, we developed a collisional model [SI that describes
the response of a microwave multipolar bucket plasma to a high-
0.1 ‘

voltage pulse for a disk-shaped target. This model considers the
nonuniform plasma density caused by the diffusion mode of the
E MMB plasma system [SI as well as the arbitrary geometry of the
Fig. 2. d/dC- versus E , for a negative ion plasma in which m+ = m- target. Measurements of the sheath position and target current in a
(e.g., a plasma with SF: and SF; ions). T+ = T- = 0 . 100 mtorr helium plasma are found to be somewhat consistent with
this model. The biggest difference between the previous model and
the measurements is believed to be caused by the finite rise time of the
wave modes exist as shown in Fig. 2. For the low-frequency mode
high-voltage pulse and the actual shape of the ion energy distribution.
*I= jc+ = dc-,while for the high-frequency mode
In that model, when a rectangular pulse waveform is applied to
J 7n 1+ E the target, an ion-matrix sheath [SI is assumed to form in the time
A’r+ A’,- m, 1 - 5 Manuscript received March 6, 1992; revised May 12, 1992.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineer-
ing, Northeastern University, Boston, MA 02115.
IEEE Log Number 9202684.

0093-3813/92$03.00 0 1992 IEEE

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