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Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Vol. 4, pp. 219-226, 1985 0730-7268/85 $3.00 + .

Printed in the U.S.A. Pergamon Press Ltd. Copyright 0 1985 SETAC


Pesticide Research Center and Department of Fisheries and Wildlife,
Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824
(Received 20 January 1984; Accepted 4 September 1984)

Abstract- Photoinduced anthracene toxicity to Daphnia pulex was investigated. Organisms were
exposed to three nominal anthracene concentrations (3.0, 9.6 and 30.0 fig L-’)in static bioassays
on clear, partly cloudy and cloudy days. A “shell coating” technique was used to achieve concen-
trations within the aqueous solubility range of anthracene and to obviate the need for a carrier sol-
vent. Photoinduced anthracene toxicity was not observed under laboratory lighting conditions; it
occurred only in the presence of solar radiation. A dose-response relationship existed for both
anthracene concentration and solar radiation intensity. Anthracene was only slightly less toxic to
organisms transferred into water containing no anthracene before exposure to solar radiation. This
indicates that toxicity resulted from activation by solar radiation of material present on or within
the animals and not in the water. Activation appeared to be of anthracene molecules and not anthra-
cene degradation products, since similar concentrations of anthraquinone, the primary and most
stable degradation product of anthracene, were not toxic at similar solar radiation intensities. Addi-
tionally, a series of filters was used to selectively remove UV wavelengths from solar radiation to
determine the photoactive wavelengths. Mylar film absorbs in the UV-B region (285 to 315 nm)
of solar radiation and Corning 0-52 glass absorbs essentially the entire spectrum of UV wavelengths
(285 to 380 nm). Placement of Mylar film over bioassay beakers diminished photoinduced anthra-
cene toxicity only slightly, whereas Corning 0-52 glass reduced toxicity proportionate to the reduc-
tion in UV intensity. Thus, wavelengths in the UV-A region (315 to 380) are primarily responsible
for photoinduced anthracene toxicity.
Keywords - Anthracene Daphnia Photoinduced toxicity Bioassay Solar radiation

INTRODUCTION solvents that resulted in measured concentrations

Compounds of the class known as polycyclic greatly in excess of aqueous solubility limits and
aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are composed of environmental concentrations. Within aqueous
two or more fused benzene rings, with occasional solubility limits, many PAH are not acutely toxic
incorporations of cyclopentene rings and hetero- [ 5 ] . For these reasons there has been greater con-
atoms such as nitrogen and sulfur [l]. These com- cern over possible chronic, sublethal effects such
pounds are ubiquitous in the environment from as carcinogenicity and reproductive impairment in
natural and anthropogenic sources [2]. Natural aquatic animals or bioaccumulation by animals
PAH sources include forest fires [2,3] and volcanic as possible vectors of exposure to humans. In
activity [2]. Some PAH are formed by plants and addition, laboratory bioassays of PAH are usually
microbes [l]. However, most PAH inputs into the conducted under artificial lighting to minimize
environment result from pyrolytic processes attrib- photodecomposition of the test compounds. Giesy
utable to human activities [4] such as fossil fuel et al. [6]and Bowling et al. [7] have demonstrated
combustion. that, in the presence of solar radiation, anthra-
Laboratory bioassays in which PAH have been cene, a linear, three-ring PAH (Fig. l), is acutely
found to be acutely toxic have often used carrier toxic to bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) at
concentrations (12.7 pg L-’) well within aqueous
solubility limits.
*To whom correspondence may be addressed. The purpose of the present study was to further
The present address of P.M. Allred is Georgia characterize the interaction between ecologically
Environmental Protection Division, 3420 Norman relevant solar radiation intensities and anthracene
Berry Drive, 7th Floor, Scott Hudgens Building,
Hapeville, GA 30354. concentrations that are acutely toxic to Daphnia
Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station jour- pulex. Specific objectives were to (a) determine the
nal article 1 1 145. dose-response relationship for anthracene concen-
220 AND J . P . GIESY

Table 1. Water chemistry for water used

in cultures and bioassays

Conductance (Fmhos cm-I) 590

PH 7.20
Chloride (mg L-I) 11
ANTHRACENE Total phosphate (mg L-I) 0.022
Orthophosphate (mg L-I) 0.007
0 Nitrate (mg L-’) 0.010
Alkalinity (mg L-I) 306
Hardness (mg L-’ CaCO,) 350
Dissolved oxygen (mg L-I) 8.8

ANTHRAQUINONE Chemical Co.) was combined with 9-I4C-labeled
anthracene (3.3 pCi p ~ - ’ ,radiochemical purity
Fig. 1. Structures of anthracene and anthraquinone.
98%; California Bionuclear) in HPLC-grade ace-
tone (Fisher Scientific Co.) to prepare a stock solu-
tion having 2.0 pg anthracene/ml acetone and
an activity of 0.14 pCi ml-’ (70 nCi pg-’ anthra-
tration and solar radiation intensity, (b) determine cene). The aqueous solubility limit of anthracene
if toxicity results from activation of anthracene has been reported in the literature to range from
molecules associated with D. pulex or molecules 30 pg L-’ [lo] to 44.6 pg L-’ [ l l ] at 25°C. A
present in the water, (c) determine if toxicity is a progressive bisection of the log scale [12] was used
result of anthracene or an anthracene degradation to select three nominal anthracene concentrations
product and (d) determine the wavelengths of solar of 3.0, 9.6 and 30.0 pg L-’ from the anthracene
radiation responsible for photoinduced toxicity. solubility range. Anthracene stock solution was
added to 300-ml beakers and the acetone was
MATERIALS AND METHODS evaporated to dryness under a fume hood. Control
Static acute toxicity bioassays with D. pulex [8] beakers received only acetone. Two hundred mil-
were used to characterize the actinic toxicity of liliters of filtered (Whatman No. 42) well water
anthracene. Established protocols were followed as was added to each beaker along with 20 adult D.
closely as possible, but because of the unique pulex of approximately the same size and age.
nature of the phototoxic phenomenon, some mod- Each beaker, including controls, was gently swirled
ifications were required (see Discussion). Orga- every 6 to 12 h for 24 h to allow the anthracene
nisms used in the study were obtained from a concentrations in the water to achieve steady state
research pond at the Michigan State University and the organisms to be “loaded” with anthracene.
Limnological Research Facility and identified by Although the same shell-coating protocol was
D. J. Hall of Michigan State University. Cultures followed each time a bioassay was run, nominal
were maintained in well water (see Table 1 for concentrations were not always achieved. The
water chemistry) and fed yeast (Red Star) and the efficiency with which the coated anthracene par-
green alga Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Organisms in titioned into the water varied with the amount
the cultures readily reproduced, and regular har- of stock solution added to the beaker. Trial and
vesting was required to maintain the cultures in a error experiments were conducted prior to the
growth phase. bioassays to determine how much stock solution
The addition of organic carrier solvents directly had to be shell-coated onto the beakers to attain
to bioassay water is inappropriate for photochem- measured concentrations that were near nominal
ical studies because many organic solvents are pho- concentrations.
tosensitizers and can affect the bioavailability of For the experiments reported in this study, 0.3
PAH. A photosensitizer is a chemical that causes ml of stock solution shell-coated on the bottom of
chemical reactions that do not occur in its absence a beaker resulted in an average anthracene concen-
[9]. For this reason, we employed a “shell coating” tration of 1.4 f 0.27 pg L-’ (mean f 1 SE; n = 6).
technique that obviated the need to add organic Thus, 46.7% of the added anthracene went into
solvents directly to bioassay water. Anthracene solution. When 2.0 ml of the stock solution was
(FW 178.23, Gold Label, purity 99.9%; Aldrich shell-coated onto the beakers, the average anthra-
Photoinduced toxicity of anthracene to daphnids 22 1

cene concentration was 9.7 j, 0.73 pg L-’ the various concentrations of anthracene and then
(mean k 1 SE; n = 12) or 48.5% of added anthra- transferred to water containing no anthracene
cene. Addition of 6.0 ml of stock resulted in an prior to solar radiation exposure.
average concentration of 26.9 f 1.35 pg L-’ To determine if an anthracene degradation
(mean & 1 SE; n = 12) or 44.8% of added anthra- product was responsible for photoinduced toxicity,
cene. Even though the water temperature for all we conducted an experiment using anthraquinone
experiments was 22 +- 1 “C during the 24-h period (Fig. 1). Anthracene degrades to several com-
anthracene was permitted to go into solution, pounds, but anthraquinone is the primary and
actual measured concentrations differed slightly most stable of the degradation products observed
from nominal concentrations. under our test conditions [13,14]. The experi-
Anthracene concentrations were determined by mental design was identical to that of the anthra-
assaying duplicate 1-ml water samples taken from cene experiments, and similar concentrations and
each beaker for radioactivity. Ten milliliters solar radiation intensities were used. Anthraqui-
of scintillation fluor (PPO-POPOP plus Triton none (FW 208.22, Baker Grade; J. T. Baker Co.)
X-100)was added to each 1-ml water sample and was dissolved in HPLC-grade acetone to pre-
a Nuclear Chicago Isocap/300 liquid scintillation pare a stock solution having a concentration of
counter (Program 2) was used to assay for radio- 2.0 pg L-1.
activity. All samples were corrected for back- Anthraquinone concentrations at the end of
ground (45 to 50 cpm), quench and counting the exposure were determined by extraction once
efficiency (98.5%). A quench curve and the sam- with a 20-ml volume of toluene and twice with
ple channels ratio were used to determine quench 20-ml volumes of ethyl acetate. Extracts were dried
and counting efficiency. by passing through sodium sulfate and reduced in
The test endpoint was organism immobiliza- volume by rotary flash evaporation and evapora-
tion: When an organism displayed no movement tion under a stream of nitrogen. Fluorene internal
for 1 min, it was considered to be immobilized. standards were added and final volumes were
The reported values are percentages of the test adjusted to 200 pI. Gas chromatography (1.83 m,
populations that were immobilized. Exposures 4 mm i.d., packed column of 3% OV-101 on
were continued until approximately 50% of the Supelcoat; Packard Model 804) was used to quan-
organisms in the beakers having the intermediate titate anthraquinone by measuring peak heights
anthracene concentrations were immobilized. Since of peaks having the same retention time as anthra-
anthracene was not toxic at the concentrations quinone standards. Anthraquinone concentrations
studied in the absence of UV radiation, the term are corrected for extraction efficiency (87.6 k
“exposure” in this study means exposure to UV 1.57%, mean k SE; n = 4), which was determined
radiation. Each treatment was carried out in dupli- with samples spiked with known amounts of
cate, and the reported anthracene and anthra- anthraquinone.
quinone concentrations are the means of two A series of filters was used to selectively remove
determinations. Results of all bioassays are pre- UV wavelengths from natural solar radiation.
sented graphically as time to daphnid immobiliza- Ozone in the earth’s atmosphere removes essen-
tion for each treatment. tially all wavelengths shorter than 285 nm. Mylar
In the experiment designed to determine if a (E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co.) film absorbs
dose-response relationship existed for anthracene, wavelengths in the UV-B (285 to 315 nm) region
all three nominal concentrations were included. and Corning 0-52 (Corning Glass Works) glass
Exposures were conducted on clear (0% cloud absorbs wavelengths in both the UV-A (315 to
cover), partly cloudy (50% cloud cover) and cloudy 380 nm) and UV-B regions. Placement of Mylar
(100% cloud cover) days in an effort to determine and Corning 0-52 glass filters over a series of
if a dose-response relationship existed for solar beakers allowed us to selectively remove bands of
radiation. Exposures were begun 24 h after the wavelengths. Measurements made in the field with
water and organisms were placed in the anthra- a radiometer revealed that Mylar film and Corn-
cene-coated beakers. Organisms remained in the ing glass did not completely remove all solar radi-
beakers containing anthracene during solar radia- ation in their respective absorption regions, and
tion exposures, except for the experiment designed only a 70 to 75% reduction of intensity in the two
to determine whether toxicity resulted from an- wavebands was practical. Placement of the filters
thracene associated with the animal or simply from over the beakers also slightly reduced the intensity
the anthracene present in the water. For this exper- of unfiltered wavelengths. For this reason, cellu-
iment, organisms were loaded in water containing lose triacetate (CTA) film (Kodacel; Eastman
222 P. M. ALLRED

Kodak Co.), which slightly reduces intensity but 24-h equilibration period. Within aqueous solu-
not spectral characteristics of solar radiation bility limits, anthracene is not phototoxic under
greater than 285 nm, was placed over a third set fluorescent (wavelengths greater than 380 nm;
of beakers so that the intensity of unfiltered F W W ; General Electric Corp.) laboratory lighting.
wavelengths was approximately the same among When organisms were exposed to anthracene
all treatments. The sides of all beakers were and solar radiation under a clear sky (Fig. 2A),
covered with aluminum foil so that solar radiation time to immobilization was a function of anthra-
entered only through the filters. Only two nomi- cene concentration. All organisms in beakers con-
nal concentrations of anthracene (9.6 and 30.0 taining the greatest anthracene concentration were
pg L-I) were used in the experiment to determine immobilized in less than 2 min. At the intermediate
active wavelength bands. concentration, 100% of the organisms were immo-
UV radiation was quantified with either a bilized in less than 10 min and in beakers contain-
Macam Photometrics Model UV-103 radiometer ing the smallest concentration (1.2 pg L-'), more
equipped with Model SD104 UV-A or UV-B than 50% of the organisms were immobilized in
cosine-corrected photodiodes (Macam Photomet- less than 15 min.
rics, Ltd., Livingston, Scotland) or poly-(methyl- When D.pulex were transferred to water con-
methacrylate) actinometer films [151 containing taining no anthracene before exposure to solar
ortho-nitrobenzaldehyde (ONBA). The ONBA in radiation, immobilization was not as rapid (Fig.
the actinometer films is quantitatively converted 2B). However, 40 to 50% immobilization occurred
(efficiency 50%) to ortho-nitrobenzoic acid in the within 2 min. After 30 min of exposure, 70% of
290 to 400 nm range and conversion is quantified organisms from beakers with the greatest anthra-
by monitoring the change in relative amplitude of cene concentration were immobilized, whereas
the 1,530 cm-' infrared absorption band. 42% from the intermediate concentration and
30% from the lowest concentration were immobi-
RESULTS lized. Toxicity resulted from activation by solar
D.pulex were not immobilized when exposed radiation of material associated with the organisms.
to anthracene under laboratory lighting during the A lesser solar radiation intensity resulted in


Fig. 2. Cumulative Duphniu immobilization as a function of anthracene concentration for clear sky conditions.
Organisms were allowed 24 h to reach steady-state anthracene content and then either remained in water containing
anthracene or were transferred to water with no anthracene before exposure to solar radiation. Symbols represent
the means of two numbers. Brackets around a mean represent the range of the two numbers unless the range is
too small to be shown.
Photoinduced toxicity of anthracene to daphnids 223

greater time to immobilization. The greatest mea- graphically. Anthraquinone was not phototoxic at
sured anthracene concentration during the ex- the concentrations and solar radiation intensities
posure conducted under partly cloudy conditions studied.
(Fig. 3) was only 18.9 pg L-'. This was well below In the experiment designed to determine the
the nominal 30.0 pg L-' concentration, but 100% photoactive wave-length bands of solar radiation,
immobilization still occurred within 30 min. At the all organisms in the beakers covered with the CTA
intermediate concentration, 67% immobilization filters (all UV wavelengths present) and having
occurred within 60 min. With complete cloud the greatest anthracene concentration were immo-
cover (Fig. 4), 100% immobilization occurred in bilized within 45 min (Fig. 5 ) . At the lesser con-
60 min at the greatest anthracene concentration. centration, 50% were immobilized within 45 min.
No immobilization occurred in 60 min at the two Mylar filters (absorbing UV-B wavelengths) re-
lesser concentrations. duced times to immobilization slightly, but 100%
D.pulex were exposed to anthraquinone under immobilization still occurred within 45 minutes at
a clear sky (0% cloud cover), with a solar radia- the greater concentration (Fig. 5 ) . Corning 0-52
tion intensity similar to the intensity for the filters (absorbing both UV-A and UV-B wave-
anthracene-clear sky exposure (Fig. 2A). Mean lengths) reduced time to immobilization markedly
measured anthraquinone concentrations in the (Fig. 5 ) , although the UV light not removed by
bioassay beakers were 24.9, 4.6 and 0.7 pg L-'. the filter (29% of incident) was quite effective
No immobilization occurred in any of the beakers in immobilizing organisms. The reductions in
in 30 min; therefore, the results are not presented immobilization were proportionate to reductions

0 lo& ,-__--_-__---
------- -a CONDITIONS
- 75-
,' 1440-1540 H
m =. 2441 aW/CM2

P 50 /'
E ,' /-

u3 25 /' 0- CONTROL
- ,,'
____---- -3/' A--A 2.1 wG/L
0 a&------ 4 *-4 6.7aG/L

- 100- ...-4 1549-1649H
2 75- .*-
I.*c 1657 c(W/CM2
v) o---O CONTROL
3 25- /---
*-A 0.9 wG/L
f _--- ___-*-- *-* 8.3 pG/L

Fig. 4. Cumulative Daphnia immobilization as a function of anthracene concentration for complete cloud cover.
Symbols represent the means of two numbers. Brackets around a mean represent the range of the numbers unless
the range is too small to be shown.
224 P. M. ALLRED

~ ----
______---- EXPOSURE
75 CTA .' 1250-1335 5

1314 pW/CM

26.1 pG/L

- loo-
I t 1
MYLAR~ ~ _---
r! 75- ,&--
3 50-
S-4 12.4 pG/L
*--*25.6 p G / L


75- ,'**
*-a12.7 vG/L
50 - I */' *--*26.4 pG/L
--- _--- -

____ -a
__I_-- 8

Fig. 5. Cumulative Duphniu immobilization as a function of anthracene concentration for clear sky conditions; bioassay
beakers were covered with cellulose triacetate (CTA), Mylar or Corning 0-52 filters. Symbols represent the means
of two numbers. Brackets around a mean represent the range of the numbers unless the range is too small to be shown.

in UV intensity, At the greater anthracene concen- that inspection of all the beakers for immobilized
tration, 74% of the organisms were immobilized organisms was difficult. Use of the larger adult
in 45 min and, at the lesser concentration, 7% organisms instead of neonates made visual exami-
were immobilized in 45 min. nation and assessment of immobilization simpler.
Organisms with impaired locomotion did not
DISCUSSION recover when transferred back to the laboratory.
Organism immobilization is the endpoint com- A dose-response relationship existed for both
monly used in daphnid bioassays to calculate a anthracene concentration and solar radiation in-
48-h EC50 [8,12]. Organism immobilization from tensity. As concentration and intensity increased,
photoinduced anthracene toxicity occurred in time to daphnid immobilization decreased. UV
minutes rather than hours and immobilization at radiation alone is injurious to most aquatic organ-
the lesser anthracene concentrations and solar radi- isms including bacteria, phytoplankton, zooplank-
ation intensities was at times difficult to assess. ton and fish larvae [16], though many organisms
Organisms would occasionally cease swimming, lie possess repair capabilities [ 171. Processes respon-
on the bottom of the beaker and then resume sible for UV-induced damage include disruption of
swimming. Conversely, at the greater concentra- cell membranes [18], inactivation of enzyme sys-
tions and intensities, immobilization was so rapid tems [191 and damage to chromatin material [20].
Photoinduced toxicity of anthracene to daphnids 225

Bowling et al. [7] placed anthracene-contami- alterations in cellular structure and function that
nated fish in uncontaminated water for increasing could cause photoinduced toxicity. Although the
periods of time prior to solar radiation exposure. mechanisms responsible for the actinic toxicity of
Time to mortality increased as the fish eliminated anthracene remain unknown, several possibilities
anthracene. This indicates that anthracene revers- exist. Damage may occur to DNA [32], structural
ibly partitions into fish. Bowling et al. also observed proteins may be altered [32], enzymes may be inac-
that fish exposed to anthracene photoproducts in tivated [35] or lipid peroxidation may take place
the absence of solar radiation did not die. This [321.
indicates that anthracene photoproducts are not Organic compounds absorb at various wave-
acutely toxic by themselves. In our studies with lengths in the solar radiation spectrum. Those that
D. pulex, activation of anthracene occurred at absorb strongly in the UV range have a greater
some site on or within the organisms, and anthra- potential for photosensitization because UV wave-
quinone did not display actinic toxicity at the con- lengths possess greater energy capable of causing
centrations studied. Anthracene-contaminated D. molecular rearrangements [36]. Undoubtedly, or-
pulex rapidly eliminated anthracene upon being ganic compounds other than anthracene will prove
placed into uncontaminated water, thereby in- to be phototoxic to aquatic animals. Although
creasing time to immobilization. environmental concentrations of these compounds
The best-known example of the actinic effects may be low, they are highly lipophilic, and aquatic
of radiant energy is photosynthesis. The nonpatho- organisms, particularly larvae with high lipid con-
logical, photosensitized oxidation-reduction reac- tent, may acquire considerable body burdens of
tions in photosynthesis [refs. 21-23, cited in ref. them. Juvenile life forms of many aquatic species
241 are closely related to photosensitized reactions show a high sensitivity to UV exposure [37] and
responsible for phototoxicity. Raab reported in they often reside in shallow habitats [38]. UV radi-
1900 [ref. 25, cited in ref. 241 that, in the presence ation penetrates to significant depths in natural
of sensitizing dyes and oxygen, microorganisms waters [39] and conditions may presently exist in
are killed by light. Through the years, numerous the environment under which organic pollutants
classes of natural and synthetic compounds have cause photoinduced toxicity. The ecological sig-
been found to be photoactive [26] including. but nificance of photoinduced toxicity has not been
not limited to, sensitizing dyes [26,27], drugs [28], investigated.
pesticides [29], thiophene compounds [30] and
PAH [6,7,31,32]. Acknowledgements- This research was supported by the
Mechanisms of direct photooxidation and pho- Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station and the Michi-
gan Sea Grant College Program, Project No. R-TS-21
tosensitized oxidations have been reviewed by under Grant NA080AA-D-00072 from the National
Foote [24,33]. Upon absorption of radiant energy, Sea Grant College Program, National Oceanic and
an organic molecule may have an electron excited Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce
to a singlet or triplet state. The singlet state is and funds from the State of Michigan. The manuscript
short-lived; therefore, most photosensitized oxida- benefited from the constructive comments of J. T. Oris
and P. F. Landrum. Jennifer Sweet and Alice Ellis typed
tions are thought to proceed via the triplet state. the manuscript.
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