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1 dr.Puji Pinta O. Sinurat, Sp.S (K)

2 Dr.dr. Khairul P.Surbakti Sp.S
3 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
4 dr. Haflin Soraya Hutagalung Sp.S
5 dr. Rusli Dhanu Sp.S (K)
6 dr. Haflin Soraya Hutagalung Sp.S
7 dr. Rusli Dhanu Sp.S (K)
8 Dr.dr. Khairul P.Surbakti Sp.S
9 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
10 dr. Kiki M. Iqbal, Sp.S
11 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
12 dr. Yuneldi Anwar, Sp.S (K)
13 dr. Fasihah Irfani Fitri, Sp.S
14 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
15 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
16 dr. Cut Aria Arina Sp.S
17 dr. Rusli Dhanu Sp.S (K)
18 Dr. dr. Khairul P. Surbakti Sp.S
19 dr. Yuneldi Anwar, Sp.S (K)
20 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
21 dr. Rusli Dhanu Sp.S (K)
22 dr. Kiki M. Iqbal, Sp.S
23 Dr.dr. kiking Ritarwan Sp.S (K), MKT
24 dr.Cut Aria Arina, Sp.S
25 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
26 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
27 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
28 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
29 Dr.dr. kiking Ritarwan Sp.S (K), MKT
30 dr. Fasihah Irfani Fitri, Sp.S
31 dr. Irina Kemala Nasution, Sp.S
32 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
33 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
34 dr. Rusli Dhanu Sp.S (K)
35 dr. Kiki M. Iqbal, Sp.S
36 dr. Yuneldi Anwar, Sp.S (K)
37 dr. Irina Kemala Nasution, Sp.S
38 Dr. dr. Khairul P. Surbakti Sp.S
39 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
40 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
41 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
42 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
43 dr. Iskandar Nasution, Sp.S, FINS
44 dr. Fasihah Irfani Fitri, Sp.S
45 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
46 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
47 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
48 dr.Cut Aria Arina, Sp.S
49 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
50 dr. Puji Pinta O. Sinurat Sp. S
51 dr. Aida Fithrie, Sp.S (K)
52 Dr. dr. Aldy S. Rambe Sp.S (K)
53 dr. Yuneldi Anwar, Sp.S (K)
54 dr. Kiki M. Iqbal, Sp.S
55 dr. Alfansuri Kadri, Sp.S
56 Prof. Dr. dr. Hasan Sjahrir Sp. S (K)
57 dr. RAD.Pujiastuti, Sp.S
58 Dr. dr. Khairul P. Surbakti Sp.S
59 dr. Iskandar Nasution, Sp.S, FINS
60 dr. Irina Kemala Nasution, Sp.S
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VAS-COG World 2015 *
Proceedings of RF-ISERD International Conference, 2017 *
Proceedings of RF-ISERD International Conference, 2017 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
11th Asian & Oceanian Epilepsy Congress 2016 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
VAS-COG World 2015 *
ASEAPS Congress 2017 *
ASEAPS Congress 2017 *
International Journal of ChemTech Research *
International Journal of ChemTech Research *
1st Public Health International Conference (PHICo 2016) *
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications *
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications *
Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine *
15th AOCN 2016 *
15th AOCN 2016 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2016 *
Neurona 2016 *
Neurona 2017 *
Neurona 2017 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2014 *
Neurona 2014 *
Neurona 2014 *
Neurona 2017 *
Neurona 2017 *
Neurona 2015 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2013 *
Neurona 2014 *
Repository USU 2014 *
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
2-3 Maret 2017 Singapore
2-3 Maret 2017 Singapore
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
13-16 May 2016 Hongkong
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 September 2015 Tokyo, Japan
16-19 February 2017 Yangon, Myanmar
16-19 February 2017 Yangon, Myanmar
2017 USA
2017 USA
February 2015
February 2015
18-21 Agustus 2016 Malaysia
18-21 Agustus 2016 Malaysia



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