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1 the ðə 9243 (definite article, adverb)

2 of /əv/ , /ə/ , /ʌv 5220 (preposition, auxiliary verb)

3 and /ənd/,/ən/,/n/ 5196 (conjunction)
4 to /tə/ , /tu/ 4951 (preposition, adverb)
5 a /ə/ , /eɪ/ 4506 (indefinite article, noun, preposition)
6 in /ɪn/ 2822 (preposition, adverb)
7 is /ɪz/ 2699 (verb)
8 you /yə/ , /yu/ 2041 (pronoun, noun)
9 are /ər/ , /ɑr/ 1843 (verb)
10 for /fər/ , /fɔr/ 1752 (preposition, conjunction)
11 that /ðət/, /ðæt/ 1743 (pronoun, adjective, adverb, conjunction)
12 or /óː/,/ər/ , /ɔr/ 1487 (conjunction)
13 it /ɪt/ 1386 (pronoun, noun)
(adverb, conjunction, pronoun,
as /əz/ , /æz/ 1363
14 preposition)
15 be /bi/ 1145 (verb, auxiliary verb)
16 on /ɔn/ , /ɑn/ 1087 (preposition, adverb, adjective)
17 your /yɔr/ , /yər/ , /yʊr/ 1067 (pronoun)
18 with /wɪθ/ , /wɪð/ 1062 (preposition)
19 can /kən/ , /kæn/ 895 (auxiliary verb, noun)
20 have /həv/ , /əv/ , /v/ , /hæv/ 891 (verb, auxiliary verb)
21 this /ðɪs/ 864 (pronoun, adjective, adverb)
22 an /ən/ , /æn/ 754 (indefinite article)
23 by /baɪ/ 706 (preposition, adverb)
24 not /nɔ́t/,/nɑt/ 658 (adverb)
25 but /bət/ , /bʌt/ 626 (conjunction, preposition, adverb, noun)
26 at /ət/ , /æt/ 624 (preposition)
27 from /frəm/ , /frʌm/ , /frɑm/ 622 (preposition)
28 I /aɪ/ 621 (pronoun)
29 they /ðeɪ/ 617 (pronoun)
30 more /móː/ , /mɔr/ 597 (adjective, adverb)
31 will /wɪl/ , /wəl/ , /əl/ , /l/ 577 (auxiliary verb, noun)
32 if /ɪf/ 546 (conjunction, noun)
33 some /səm/ , /sʌm/ 501 (adjective, pronoun, adverb)
34 there / ðə/ , /ðɛr/ 470 (adverb, pronoun, noun, adjective)
35 what /wɔ́t/ , /wət/ , /wʌt/ 461 (pronoun, adjective, adverb, interjection)
36 about /əbáwt/ 451 (preposition, adverb, adjective)
37 which / wɪ́ʧ/ 449 (pronoun, adjective)
38 when /wɛ́n/ , /wən/ 442 (adverb, conjunction)
39 one /wə́n/ , /wʌn/ 441 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
40 their / ðɛ́ː/ , /ðər/ 439 (pronoun)
41 all /óːl/ 438 (adjective, pronoun, noun, adverb)
42 also /óːlsəw/ , /ˈɔlsoʊ/ 419 (adverb)
43 how /háw/ , /haʊ/ 412 (adverb, conjunction)
44 many /ˈmɛni/ 397 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
45 do /də́w/ , /du/ 389 (auxiliary verb)
46 has /həz/ , /əz/ , /z/ , /hæz/ 384 (verb)
47 most /mə́wsd/ , /moʊst/ 378 (adjective, noun, adverb)
48 people /ˈpipl/ 372 (noun)
49 other /ə́ðə/, /ˈʌðər/ 369 (adjective, noun, pronoun, adverb)
50 time /taɪm/ 369 (noun, adjective, verb)
51 so /sə́w/ , /soʊ/ 352 (adverb, conjunction, pronoun, adjective)
52 was /wəz/ , /wʌz/ 352 (past, verb)
53 we /wi/ 352 (pronoun)
54 these /ðiz/ 344 (pronoun, adjective)
55 may /meɪ/ 336 (auxiliary verb)
56 like /laɪk/ 324 (preposition, verb, conjunction, adverb)
57 use / jʉ́ wz/ , /yuz/ 319 (verb, noun)
58 into /ˈɪntə/ , /ˈɪntu/ 301 (preposition)
59 than /ðən/ , /ðæn/ , /ðɛn/ 301 (conjunction)
60 up /ə́p/ , /ʌp/ 296 (adverb, preposition, adjective, noun)
(adverb, preposition, adjective,
out /áwt/ , /aʊt/ 294
61 interjection)
62 who 281 (pronoun)
63 them /ðəm/ , /əm/ , /ðɛm/ 269 (pronoun)
64 make /meɪk/ 262 (verb, noun)
65 because /bəkɔ́z/ , /bɪˈkʌz/ , /bɪˈkɔz/ 248 (conjunction)
66 such /sə́ʧ/ , /sʌtʃ/ 236 (adjective, adverb)
67 through /θrʉ́ w/ , /θru/ 235 (preposition, adverb, adjective)
68 get /gɛ́t/ , 233 (verb)
69 work /wə́ːk/ , /wərk/ 224 (noun, adjective, verb)
70 even /ˈivən/ 223 (adjective, verb, adverb)
71 different /dɪ́frənt/ 215 (adjective)
72 its /ɪ́ts/ 215 (pronoun)
73 no /nə́w/ 213 (adverb, adjective, noun)
74 our /ɑ́ː/ , 213 (pronoun)
75 new /njʉ́ w/ 210 (adjective, adverb)
76 film /fɪlm/ 209 (noun, verb)
77 just /ʤə́sd/ , //dʒʌst// 208 (adjective, adverb)
78 only /ə́wnlɪj/ , //ˈoʊnli/ / 208 (adverb, adjective, conjunction)
79 see / sɪ́j/ , 204 (verb)
80 used /jʉ́ wzd/, /yust/ 204 (adjective)
81 good /gʉ́ d/ 201 (adjective, noun, adverb, interjection)
82 water / wóːtə/ , /ˈwɑt̮ər/ 201 (noun, verb, adjective)
83 been / bɪn/ , 200 (past, verb)
84 need /nɪ́jd/ 193 (verb)
85 should /ʃʉ́ d/ , /ʃəd/ , /ʃʊd/ 191 (auxiliary verb)
86 very / vɛ́rɪj/ 191 (adverb)
87 any /ɛ́nɪj/ 190 (adjective, adverb)
/hɪ́sdrɪj/ , /ˈhɪstəri/ ,
history 187 (noun)
88 /ˈhɪstri/
/ɔ́fən/ , /ˈɑfn/ , /ˈɔftən/ ,
often 187 (adverb)
89 /ˈɑftən/
90 way /wɛ́j/ 185 (noun)
91 well /wɛ́l/ , 184 (adverb, verb, noun, interjection)
92 art /ɑ́ːt/ 183 (noun)
93 know /nə́w/ , //noʊ// 181 (verb)
94 were /wə́ː/ , /wər/ 180 (past, verb)
95 then /ðɛ́n/ 179 (adverb, adjective)
96 my / mɑ́j/ 177 (pronoun)
97 first /fə́ːsd/ , //fərst/ / 176 (adverb, adjective)
98 would /wʉ́ d/ , /wəd/ , /əd/ , /d/ 176 (verb)
99 money /mə́nɪj/ , 174 (noun, adjective)
100 each /ɪ́jʧ/ 173 (adjective, adverb)
101 over / ə́wvə/ , /ˈoʊvər/ 170 (preposition, adjective, noun)
102 world /wə́ːld/ 169 (noun)
103 information /ɪ́nfəmɛ́jʃən/ 168 (noun)
104 map /máp/ 167 (noun)
105 find /fɑ́jnd/, 166 (verb)
106 where /wɛ́ː/ , /wɛr/ 166 (adverb, pronoun, noun)
107 much /mə́ʧ/ , 165 (adjective, adverb)
108 take /tɛ́jk/ , 164 (verb)
109 two /tə́w/ , /tu/ 164 (noun)
110 want /wɔ́nt/ , /wɑnt/ 163 (verb)
111 important / ɪmpóːtənt/ , /ɪmˈpɔrtnt/ 160 (adjective)
112 family /fámlɪj/ , 159 (noun)
113 those /ðə́wz/ , 156 (pronoun)
114 example / ɪgzɑ́ːmpəl/ , 147 (noun, verb)
115 while /wɑ́jl/ , 147 (noun, conjunction, preposition, verb)
116 he /hɪ́j/ , /i/ 144 (pronoun)
117 look /lʉ́ k/ 144 (verb, noun, interjection)
/ˈɡʌvərmənt/ ,
government 143 (noun)
118 /ˈɡʌvərnmənt/
119 before /bɪfóː/ , /bəˈfɔr/ 141 (preposition, adverb, conjunction)
120 help /hɛ́lp/ 141 (verb, noun, interjection)
121 between /bɪtwɪ́jn/ 137 (preposition, adverb)
122 go /gə́w/ 131 (verb, noun, adjective, interjection)
123 own /ə́wn/ 130 (adjective, verb)
124 however /hawɛ́və/ 128 (adverb)
125 business /bɪ́znəs/ , 127 (noun, adjective)
126 us /əs/ , /ʌs/ 127 (pronoun)
127 great /grɛ́jt/ 126 (adjective, noun, adverb, interjection)
128 his /hɪz/ , /ɪz/ 125 (pronoun, adjective)
129 being /ˈbiɪŋ/ 124 (verb, noun)
130 another /ənə́ðə/ , 123 (adjective, pronoun)
131 health /hɛ́lθ/ 122 (noun)
132 same /sɛ́jm/ 120 (adjective, pronoun, adverb)
133 study /sdə́dɪj/ 118 (noun, verb)
134 why /wɑ́j/ 118 (adverb, conjunction, noun, interjection)
135 few /fjʉ́ w/ 117 (adjective, noun, pronoun)
136 game /gɛ́jm/ 117 (noun, adjective, verb)
137 might /mɑ́jt/ 116 (auxiliary verb, noun)
138 think /θɪ́ŋk/ 116 (verb, adjective, noun)
139 free /frɪ́j/ 115 (adjective, adverb, verb)
140 too /tʉ́ w/ 114 (adverb)
141 had /həd/ , /əd/ , /d/ , /hæd/ 113 (auxiliary verb)
142 hi /hɑ́j/ 113 (interjection)
143 right /rɑ́jt/ 113 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
144 still /sdɪ́l/ , /stɪl/ 112 (adjective, noun, adverb, verb)
145 system /sɪ́stəm/ 111 (noun)
146 after /ɑ́ːftə/ , 110 (preposition, adjective, adverb)
147 computer /kəmpjʉ́ wtə/ 109 (noun)
148 best /bɛ́st/ 108 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
149 must /mə́st/ , 108 (auxiliary verb, verb, adjective, noun)
150 her /hə́ː/ , /hər/ , /ər/ 107 (pronoun)
151 life /laɪf/ 107 (noun, adjective)
152 since /sɪ́ns/ 107 (preposition, adverb, conjunction)
153 could /kʉ́ d/ , /kəd/ 105 (auxiliary verb)
154 does /də́z/ 104 (verb)
155 now /náw/ 104 (adverb, conjunction, adjective)
156 during /ʤʉ́ːrɪŋ/ 103 (preposition)
157 learn /lə́ːn/ 102 (verb)
158 around /əráwnd/ 101 (adverb, preposition)
159 usually / jʉ́ wʒəlɪj/ 101 (adverb)
160 form /fóːm/ 99 (noun, verb)
161 meat /mɪ́jt/ 99 (noun)
162 air /ɛ́ː/ 98 (noun, verb)
163 day /dɛ́j/ 98 (noun, adjective)
164 place /plɛ́js/ 98 (noun, verb)
165 become /bɪkə́m/ 97 (verb)
166 number /nə́mbə/ 97 (noun, verb)
167 public /pə́blɪk/ 97 (adjective, noun)
168 read /rɪ́jd/ 97 (verb, noun)
169 keep /kɪ́jp/ 96 (verb, noun)
170 part /pɑ́ːt/ 96 (noun, verb, adverb)
171 start /sdɑ́ːt/ 96 (verb, noun)
172 year /jɪ́ː/ 96 (noun)
173 every /ɛ́vrɪj/ 95 (adjective)
174 field /fɪ́jld/ 95 (noun, verb, adjective)
175 large /lɑ́ːʤ/ 95 (adjective)
176 once /wə́ns/ 95 (adverb, conjunction)
177 available /əvɛ́jləbəl/ 94 (adjective)
178 down /dáwn/ 94 (adverb, preposition, adjective, verb)
179 give /gɪ́v/ 93 (verb, noun)
180 fish /fɪ́ʃ/ 92 (noun, verb)
181 human /hjʉ́ wmən/ 92 (adjective, noun)
182 both /bə́wθ/ 91 (adjective, adverb)
183 local /lə́wkəl/ 90 (adjective, noun)
184 sure /ʃóː/ , /ʃʊr/ , /ʃər/ 90 (adjective, adverb)
185 something /sə́mθɪŋ/ 89 (pronoun)
186 without /wɪðáwt/ 89 (preposition, adverb, conjunction)
187 come /kə́m/ 88 (verb)
188 me /mɪ́j/ 88 (pronoun)
189 back /bák/ 86 (noun, adverb, verb, adjective)
190 better /bɛ́tə/ 86 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
191 general /ˈdʒɛnərəl/ , /ˈdʒɛnrəl/ 85 (adjective, noun)
192 process /prə́wsɛs/ 85 (noun, verb)
193 she /ʃɪ́j/ 85 (pronoun, noun)
194 heat /hɪ́jt/ 84 (noun, verb)
195 thanks 84 (noun)
196 specific /sbəsɪ́fɪk/ 83 (adjective, noun)
197 enough /ɪnə́f/ 82 (adjective, adverb, interjection)
198 long /lɔ́ŋ/ 82 (adjective, noun, adverb, verb)
199 lot /lɔ́t/ 82 (pronoun, adverb, noun, verb)
200 hand /hánd/ 81 (noun, verb)
201 popular /pɔ́pjələ/ 81 (adjective)
202 small /smóːl/ 81 (adjective, adverb)
203 though /ðə́w/ 81 (conjunction, adverb)
204 experience / ɪksbɪ́ːrɪjəns/ 80 (noun, verb)
205 include / ɪnklʉ́ wd/ 80 (verb)
206 job /ʤə́wb/ , /dʒɑb/ 80 (noun, verb)
207 music /mjʉ́wzɪk/ 80 (noun)
208 person /pə́ːsən/ 80 (noun)
209 really /rɪ́ːlɪj/ 79 (adverb)
210 although /oːlðə́w/ 78 (conjunction)
211 thank 78 (verb)
212 book /bʉ́ k/ 77 (noun, verb)
213 early /ə́ːlɪj/ 77 (adverb)
214 reading /rɛ́dɪŋ/ , /ˈridɪŋ/ 77 (noun)
215 end /ɛ́nd/ 76 (noun, verb)
216 method /mɛ́θəd/ 76 (noun)
217 never /nɛ́və/ 76 (adverb)
218 less /lɛ́s/ 75 (adjective, adverb, preposition)
219 play /plɛ́j/ 75 (verb, noun)
220 able /ɛ́jbəl/ 74 (adjective)
221 data /dɛ́jtə/ , /ˈdæt̮ə/ 74 (noun)
222 feel /fɪ́jl/ , 74 (verb, noun)
223 high /hɑ́j/ 74 (adjective, noun, adverb)
224 off /ɔ́f/ , /ɑf/ 74 (adverb, preposition, adjective, noun)
225 point /pójnt/ 74 (noun, verb)
226 type /tɑ́jp/ 74 (noun, verb)
227 whether / wɛ́ðə/ 74 (conjunction)
228 food /fʉ́ wd/ 73 (noun)
229 understanding /ə́ndəsdándɪŋ/ 73 (noun)
230 here /hɪ́ː/ , 72 (adverb, interjection)
231 home /hə́wm/ 72 (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)
232 certain /ˈsərtn/ 71 (adjective, pronoun)
233 economy /ɪkɔ́nəmɪj/ 71 (noun, adjective)
234 little /ˈlɪt̮l/ 71 (adjective, adverb)
235 theory /θɪ́jərɪj/ 71 (noun)
236 tonight /tənɑ́jt/ 71 (adverb, noun)
237 law /lóː/ 70 (noun)
238 put /pə́t/ , /pʊt/ 70 (verb, noun)
239 under /ə́ndə/ 70 (preposition, adverb, adjective)
240 value /váljʉw/ 70 (noun, verb)
241 always /óːlwɛjz/ , /wiz/ 69 (adverb)
242 body /bɔ́dɪj/ , /ˈbɑdi/ 69 (noun, verb)
243 common /kɔ́mən/ 69 (adjective, noun)
244 market /mɑ́ːkɪt/ , /ˈmɑrkət/ 69 (noun, verb)
245 set / sɛ́t/ 69 (verb, noun, adjective)
246 bird /bə́ːd/ 68 (noun)
247 guide /gɑ́jd/ 68 (noun, verb)
248 provide /prəvɑ́jd/ 68 (verb)
249 change /ʧɛ́jnʤ/ 67 (verb, noun)
250 interest /ɪ́ntrəsd/ , /ˈɪntrɛst/ 67 (noun, verb)
251 literature /lɪ́trəʧə/ , /ˈlɪt̮ərətʃər/ 67 (noun)
252 sometimes /sə́mtɑjmz/ 67 (adverb)
253 problem /prɔ́bləm/ 66 (noun)
254 say /sɛ́j/ 66 (verb, interjection, noun)
255 next /nɛ́ksd/ 64 (adjective, adverb, noun)
256 create /krɪjɛ́jt/ 63 (verb)
257 simple /sɪ́mpəl/ 63 (adjective, noun)
258 software /sɔ́fdwɛː/ 63 (noun)
259 state /sdɛ́jt/ 63 (noun, verb)
260 together /təgɛ́ðə/ 63 (adverb)
261 control /kəntrə́wl/ , /kənˈtroʊl/ 62 (noun)
262 knowledge /nɔ́lɪʤ/ 62 (noun)
263 power /páwə/ , /ˈpaʊər/ 62 (noun)
264 radio / rɛ́jdɪjəw/ , /ˈreɪdiˌoʊ/ 62 (noun, verb)
265 ability /əbɪ́lətɪj/ , 61 (noun)
266 basic /bɛ́jsɪk/ 61 (adjective)
267 course /kóːs/ , 61 (noun, verb)
268 economics /ɪ́jkənɔ́mɪks/ 61 (noun)
269 hard /hɑ́ːd/ , 61 (adjective, adverb)
270 add /ád/ , 60 (verb)
271 company /kə́mpənɪj/ 60 (noun, verb)
272 known /nə́wn/ 60 (adjective)
273 love /lə́v/ 60 (noun)
274 past /pɑ́ːsd/ 60 (adjective, noun, preposition, adverb)
275 price /prɑ́js/ 60 (noun, verb)
276 size /sɑ́jz/ 60 (noun, verb, adjective)
277 away /əwɛ́j/ 59 (adverb, adjective)
278 big /bɪ́g/ 59 (adjective, noun)
279 internet /ɪ́ntənɛt/ 59 (noun)
280 possible /pɔ́səbəl/ , 59 (adjective, noun)
281 television /ˈtɛləˌvɪʒn/ 59 (noun)
282 three /θrɪ́j/ 59 (number)
/ə́ndəsdánd/ ,
understand 59 (verb)
283 /ˌʌndərˈstænd/
284 various /vɛ́ːrɪjəs/ 59 (adjective)
285 yourself /joːsɛ́lf/ 59 (pronoun)
286 card /kɑ́ːd/ , 58 (noun, verb)
287 difficult /dɪ́fəkəlt/ . /ˈdɪfɪkəlt/ 58 (adjective)
288 including /ɪnklʉ́ wdɪŋ/ , 58 (preposition)
289 list /lɪ́sd/ , 58 (noun, verb)
290 mind /mɑ́jnd/ 58 (noun, verb)
291 particular /pətɪ́kjələ/ 58 (adjective, noun)
292 real /rɪ́jəl/ , /ril/ 58 (adjective, adverb, noun)
293 science /sɑ́jəns/ 58 (noun)
294 trade /trɛ́jd/ 58 (noun, verb)
295 consider /kənsɪ́də/ 57 (verb)
296 either /ɑ́jðə/ , /ˈiðər/ 57 (conjunction, adjective)
297 library /lɑ́jbrərɪj/ 57 (noun)
298 likely /lɑ́jklɪj/ 57 (adverb)
299 nature /nɛ́jʧə/ 57 (noun)
300 fact /fákt/ 56 (noun)
301 line /lɑ́jn/ 56 (noun, verb)
302 product /prɔ́dəkt/ 56 (noun)
303 care /kɛ́ː/ , /kɛr/ 55 (noun, verb)
304 group /grʉ́ wp/ , 55 (noun, verb)
305 idea /ɑjdɪ́ː/ , /aɪˈdiə/ 55 (noun)
306 risk /rɪ́sg/ 55 (noun, verb)
307 several /sɛ́vrəl/ 55 (adjective)
308 someone /sə́mwən/ 55 (pronoun)
309 temperature /tɛ́mprəʧə/ 55 (noun)
310 united /jʉwnɑ́jtɪd/ 55 (adjective)
311 word /wə́ːd/ 55 (noun, verb, interjection)
312 fat /fát/ 54 (noun, adjective, verb)
313 force /fóːs/ 54 (noun, verb)
314 key /kɪ́j/ 54 (noun, adjective, verb)
315 light /lɑ́jt/ 54 (noun, verb, adjective)
316 simply /sɪ́mplɪj/ 54 (adverb)
317 today /tədɛ́j/ 54 (adverb, noun)
318 training /trɛ́jnɪŋ/ 54 (noun, adjective)
319 until /ə́ntɪ́l/ 54 (preposition)
320 major /mɛ́jʤə/ 53 (adjective, noun, verb)
321 name /nɛ́jm/ 53 (noun, verb, adjective)
322 personal /pə́ːsənəl/ 53 (adjective, noun)
323 school /sgʉ́ wl/ 53 (noun, verb)
324 top /tɔ́p/ 53 (noun, adjective, verb)
325 current /kə́rənt/ 52 (adjective, noun)
326 generally /ˈdʒɛnərəli/ , /ˈdʒɛnrəli/ 52 (adverb)
327 historical /hɪsdɔ́rɪkəl/ 52 (adjective)
328 investment /ɪnvɛ́sdmənt/ 52 (noun)
329 left /lɛ́fd/ 52 (adjective, adverb)
330 national /náʃnəl/ , 52 (adjective, noun)
331 amount /əmáwnt/ , 51 (noun, verb)
332 level /lɛ́vəl/ 51 (noun, adjective, verb)
333 order /óːdə/ , 51 (noun, verb)
334 practice /práktɪs/ 51 (noun, verb)
335 research /rɪsə́ːʧ/ 51 (noun, verb)
336 sense /sɛ́ns/ 51 (noun, verb)
337 service /sə́ːvəs/ 51 (noun, verb)
338 area /ɛ́ːrɪjə/ 50 (noun)
339 cut /kə́t/ 50 (verb, noun)
340 hot /hɔ́t/ 50 (adjective)
341 instead /ɪnsdɛ́d/ 50 (adverb)
342 least /lɪ́jsd/ , /lɪst/ 50 (adjective, adverb)
343 natural /náʧrəl/ , 50 (adjective, noun, adverb)
344 physical /fɪ́zɪkəl/ , 50 (adjective, noun)
345 piece /pɪ́js/ 50 (noun, verb)
346 show /ʃə́w/ 50 (verb, noun)
347 society /səsɑ́jətɪj/ 50 (noun)
348 try /trɑ́j/ 50 (verb, noun)
349 check /ʧɛ́k/ 49 (verb, noun, interjection)
350 choose /ʧʉ́ wz/ 49 (verb)
351 develop /dɪvɛ́ləp/ 49 (verb)
352 second /ˈsekənd/ 49 (number, noun)
353 useful /jʉ́ wsfəl/,/ˈjuːsfl/ 49 (adjective)
354 web /wɛ́b/ 49 (noun, verb)
355 activity /aktɪ́vətɪj/ 48 (noun)
356 boss /bɔ́s/ 48 (noun, verb, adjective)
357 short /ʃóːt/ , 48 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
358 story /sdóːrɪj/ 48 (noun)
359 call /kóːl/ 47 (verb, noun)
360 industry /ɪ́ndəsdrɪj/ , /ˈɪndəstri/ 47 (noun)
361 last /lɑ́ːsd/ 47 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
362 media /mɪ́jdɪjə/ 47 (noun)
363 mental /mɛ́ntəl/ , 47 (adjective)
364 move /mʉ́wv/ 47 (verb, noun)
365 pay /pɛ́j/ 47 (verb, noun)
366 sport /sbóːt/ 47 (noun, verb)
367 thing /θɪ́ŋ/ 47 (noun)
368 actually /ákʧəlɪj/ 46 (adverb)
369 against /əgɛ́nsd/ 46 (preposition)
370 far /fɑ́ː/ 46 (adverb, adjective)
371 fun /fʌn/ , /fə́n/ 46 (noun, adjective, verb)
372 house /haʊs/ 46 (noun, adjective, verb)
373 let /lɛ́t/ , 46 (verb, noun)
374 page /pɛ́jʤ/ , 46 (noun, verb)
375 remember /rɪmɛ́mbə/ 46 (verb)
376 term /tə́ːm/ 46 (noun, verb)
377 test /tɛ́sd/ 46 (noun, verb)
378 within /wɪðɪ́n/ 46 (preposition, adverb)
379 along /əlɔ́ŋ/ 45 (preposition, adverb)
380 answer /ɑ́ːnsə/ 45 (noun, verb)
381 increase /ɪ́ŋkrɪjs/ , /ɪnˈkris/ , /ˈɪnkris/ 45 (verb, noun)
382 oven /ə́vən/ 45 (noun)
383 quite /kwɑ́jt/ 45 (adverb, interjection)
384 scared /skɛrd/ , /sgɛ́ːd/ 45 (adjective)
385 single /sɪ́ŋgəl/ 45 (adjective, noun, verb)
386 sound /sáwnd/ 45 (noun, verb, adjective)
387 again /əgɛ́n/ 44 (adverb)
388 community /kəmjʉ́ wnətɪj/ 44 (noun)
389 definition /dɛ́fənɪ́ʃən/ 44 (noun)
390 focus /fə́wkəs/ 44 (noun, verb)
391 individual /ɪ́ndəvɪ́ʤʉwəl/ 44 (adjective, noun)
392 matter /mátə/ 44 (noun, verb)
393 safety /ˈseɪfti/ 44 (noun)
394 turn / tə́ːn/ , 44 (verb, noun)
395 everything /ɛ́vrɪjθɪŋ/ , /ˈɛvriˌθɪŋ/ 43 (pronoun)
396 kind /kɑ́jnd/ 43 (noun, adjective)
397 quality /kwɔ́lətɪj/ 43 (noun)
398 soil /sójl/ 43 (noun, verb)
399 ask /ɑ́ːsg/ 42 (verb, noun)
400 board /bóːd/ 42 (noun, verb)
401 buy /bɑ́j/ 42 (verb, noun)
402 development /dɪvɛ́ləpmənt/ 42 (noun)
403 guard /gɑ́ːd/ 42 (verb, noun)
404 hold /hə́wld/ 42 (verb, noun)
405 language /láŋgwɪʤ/ 42 (noun)
406 later /lɛ́jdə/ 42 (adverb, interjection)
407 main /mɛ́jn/ 42 (adjective, noun)
408 offer /ɔ́fə/ 42 (verb, noun)
409 oil /ójl/ 42 (noun, verb)
410 picture /pɪ́kʧə/ 42 (noun, verb)
411 potential /pətɛ́nʃəl/ 42 (adjective, noun)
412 professional /prəfɛ́ʃnəl/ 42 (adjective, noun)
413 rather /rɑ́ːðə/ 42 (adverb)
414 access /áksɛs/ 41 (noun, verb, adjective)
415 additional /ədɪ́ʃənəl/ 41 (adjective)
416 almost /óːlməwsd/ 41 (adverb)
417 especially /ɪsbɛ́ʃəlɪj/ 41 (adverb)
418 garden /gɑ́ːdən/ 41 (noun, verb)
419 international /ɪ́ntənáʃnəl/ 41 (adjective, noun)
420 lower /lə́wə/ 41 (adjective, adverb)
421 management /mánɪʤmənt/ 41 (noun)
422 open /ə́wpən/ 41 (adjective, verb, noun)
423 player /plɛ́jə/ 41 (noun)
424 range /rɛ́jnʤ/ 41 (noun, verb)
425 rate /rɛ́jt/ 41 (noun, verb)
426 reason /rɪ́jzən/ 41 (noun, verb)
427 travel /trávəl/ 41 (verb, noun)
428 variety /vərɑ́jətɪj/ 41 (noun)
429 video /vɪ́dɪjəw/ 41 (noun)
430 week /wɪ́jk/ 41 (noun)
431 above /əbə́v/ 40 (adverb, preposition, adjective, noun)
432 according /əkóːdɪŋ/ 40 (adjective, verb)
433 cook /kʉ́ k/ 40 (verb, noun)
434 determine /dɪtə́ːmən/ 40 (verb)
435 future /fjʉ́ wʧə/ 40 (noun, adjective)
436 site /sɑ́jt/ 40 (noun, verb)
437 alternative /ɔltə́ːnətɪv/ 39 (adjective, noun)
438 demand /dɪmɑ́ːnd/ 39 (noun, verb)
439 ever /ɛ́və/ 39 (adverb)
440 exercise /ɛ́ksəsɑjz/ 39 (noun, verb)
441 following /fɔ́ləwɪŋ/ 39 (preposition, noun, adjective)
442 image /ɪ́mɪʤ/ 39 (noun, verb)
443 quickly /kwɪ́klɪj/ 39 (adverb)
444 special /ˈspeʃl/, /sbɛ́ʃəl/ 39 (adjective, noun)
445 working /wə́ːkɪŋ/ 39 (adjective, noun)
446 case /kɛ́js/ 38 (noun, verb)
447 cause /kóːz/ 38 (noun, verb)
448 coast /kə́wsd/ 38 (noun, verb)
449 probably /prɔ́bəblɪj/ 38 (adverb)
450 security /sɪkjʉ́ ːrətɪj/ 38 (noun)
451 TRUE /trʉ́ w/ 38 (adjective, adverb, verb)
452 whole /hə́wl/ 38 (adjective, noun, adverb)
453 action /ákʃən/ 37 (noun, adjective)
454 age /ɛ́jʤ/ 37 (noun, verb)
455 among /əmə́ŋ/ 37 (preposition)
456 bad /bád/ 37 (noun, adverb, adjective)
457 boat /bə́wt 37 (noun, verb)
458 country /kə́ntrɪj/ 37 (noun)
459 dance /dɑ́ːns/ 37 (verb, noun)
460 exam /ɪgzám/ 37 (noun)
461 excuse /ɪksgjʉ́ wz/ 37 (verb, noun)
462 grow /grə́w/ 37 (verb)
463 movie /mʉ́wvɪj/ 37 (noun)
464 organization /óːgənɑjzɛ́jʃən/ 37 (noun)
465 record /rɪkóːd/ , /ˈrɛkərd/ 37 (noun, verb)
466 result /rɪzə́lt/ , 37 (noun, verb)
467 section /sɛ́kʃən/ 37 (noun, verb)
468 across /əkrɔ́s/ 36 (preposition, adverb, adjective)
469 already /oːlrɛ́dɪj/ 36 (adverb)
470 below /bələ́w/ 36 (adverb)
471 building /bɪ́ldɪŋ/ 36 (noun, verb)

472 mouse /máws/ 36 (noun, verb)

473 allow / əláw/ 35 (verb)
474 cash /káʃ/ 35 (noun, verb)
475 class /klɑ́ːs/ 35 (noun, verb, adjective)
476 clear /klɪ́ː/ 35 (adjective, adverb, verb)
477 dry /drɑ́j/ 35 (adjective, verb, noun)
478 easy /ɪ́jzɪj/ 35 (adjective, adverb, interjection)
479 emotional /ɪmə́wʃənəl/ 35 (adjective)
480 equipment /ɪkwɪ́pmən/ 35 (noun)
481 live /lɪ́v/ 35 (verb, adjective, adverb)
482 nothing /nə́θɪŋ/ 35 (noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb)
483 period /pɪ́ːrɪjəd/ 35 (noun, adjective)
484 physics /fɪ́zɪks/ 35 (noun)
485 plan /plán/ 35 (noun, verb)
486 store /stɔ/ 35 (noun, verb)
487 tax /táks/ 35 (noun, verb)
488 analysis /ənáləsɪs/ 34 (noun)
489 cold /kə́wld/ 34 (adjective, noun, adverb)
490 commercial /kəmə́ːʃəl/ 34 (adjective, noun)
491 directly /dɑjrɛ́ktlɪj/ 34 (adverb)
492 full /fʉ́ l/ 34 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
493 involved /ɪnvɔ́lvd/ 34 (past, verb)
494 itself /ɪtsɛ́lf/ 34 (pronoun)
495 low /lə́w/ 34 (adjective, noun, adverb, verb)
496 old /ə́wld/ 34 (adjective)
497 policy /pɔ́ləsɪj/ 34 (noun)
498 political /pəlɪ́tɪkəl/ 34 (adjective)
499 purchase /pə́ːʧəs/ 34 (verb, noun)
500 series /sɪ́ːrɪjz/ 34 (noun)
501 side /sɑ́jd/ 34 (noun, verb)
502 subject /sə́bʤɪkt/ 34 (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)
503 supply /səplɑ́j/ 34 (verb)
504 therefore /ðɛ́ːfoː/ 34 (adverb)
505 thought /θóːt/ 34 (noun)
506 basis /bɛ́jsɪs/ 33 (noun)
507 boyfriend /bójfrɛnd/ 33 (noun)
508 deal /dɪ́jl/ 33 (verb, noun)
509 direction /dɑjrɛ́kʃən/ , /dəˈrɛkʃn/ 33 (noun)
510 mean /mɪ́jn/ 33 (verb, adjective, noun)
511 primary /prɑ́jmərɪj/ 33 (adjective, noun)
512 space /spɛ́js/ 33 (noun, verb)
513 strategy /sdrátəʤɪj/ 33 (noun)
514 technology /tɛknɔ́ləʤɪj/ 33 (noun)
515 worth /wə́ːθ/ 33 (adjective, noun)
516 army /ɑ́ːmɪj/ 32 (noun)
517 camera /kámərə/ 32 (noun)
518 fall /fóːl/ 32 (verb, noun)
519 freedom /frɪ́jdəm/ 32 (noun)
520 paper /pɛ́jpə/ 32 (noun)
521 rule /rʉ́ wl/ 32 (noun, verb)
522 similar /sɪ́mələ/ 32 (adjective)
523 stock /sdɔ́k/ , /stɑk/ 32 (noun, adjective, verb)
524 weather /wɛ́ðə/ 32 (noun, verb)
525 yet /jɛ́t/ 32 (adverb, conjunction)
526 bring /brɪ́ŋ/ 31 (verb)
527 chance /ʧɑ́ːns/ 31 (noun, adjective, verb)
528 environment /ɪnvɑ́jrənmənt/ 31 (noun)
529 everyone / ɛ́vrɪjwən/ 31 (pronoun)
530 figure /fɪ́gə/ 31 (noun, verb)
531 improve /ɪmprʉ́ wv/ 31 (verb)
532 man /mán/ 31 (noun, verb, interjection)
533 model /mɔ́dəl/ 31 (noun, verb)
534 necessary /nɛ́səsərɪj/ 31 (adjective, noun)
535 positive /pɔ́zətɪv/ , /pɔ́zədɪv/ 31 (adjective, noun)
536 produce /prədjʉ́ ws/ 31 (verb, noun)
537 search /sə́ːʧ/ 31 (verb, noun)
538 source /sóːs/ 31 (noun, verb)
539 beginning /bɪgɪ́nɪŋ/ 30 (noun, adjective, verb)
540 child /ʧɑ́jld/ 30 (noun)
541 earth /ə́ːθ/ 30 (noun, verb)
542 else /ɛ́ls/ 30 (adverb)
543 healthy /hɛ́lθɪj/ 30 (adjective)
544 instance /ɪ́nsdəns/ 30 (noun)
545 maintain /mɛjntɛ́jn/ 30 (verb)
546 month /mʌnθ/ , /mə́nθ/ 30 (noun)
547 present /ˈprɛznt/ 30 (adjective, noun, verb)
548 program /prə́wgram/ 30 (noun, verb)
549 spend /sbɛ́nd/ 30 (verb, noun)
550 talk /tóːk/ 30 (verb, noun)
551 truth /trʉ́ wθ/ 30 (noun)
552 upset /ə́psɛt/ 30 (verb, adjective)
553 begin /bɪgɪ́n/ 29 (verb)
554 chicken /ʧɪ́kən/ 29 (noun, adjective)
555 close /klə́ws/ 29 (adjective, adverb, verb, noun)
556 creative /krɪjɛ́jtɪv/ 29 (adjective, noun)
557 design /dɪzɑ́jn/ 29 (noun, verb)
558 feature /fɪ́jʧə/ 29 (noun, verb)
559 financial /fɑjnánʃəl/ 29 (adjective)
560 head /hɛ́d/ 29 (noun, adjective, verb)
561 marketing /mɑ́ːkɪtɪŋ/ 29 (noun)
562 material /mətɪ́ːrɪjəl/ 29 (noun, adjective)
563 medical /mɛ́dɪkəl/ 29 (adjective)
564 purpose /pə́ːpəs/ 29 (noun, verb)
565 question /kwɛ́sʧən/ 29 (noun, verb)
566 rock /rɔ́k/ 29 (noun, verb)
567 salt /sɔ́lt/ 29 (noun, adjective, verb)
568 tell /tɛ́l/ 29 (verb, noun)
569 themselves / ðəmsɛ́lvz 29 (pronoun)
570 traditional /trədɪ́ʃənəl/ 29 (adjective)
571 university 29 (noun)
572 writing /rɑ́jtɪŋ/ 29 (noun)
573 act /ákt/ 28 (noun, verb)
574 article /ɑ́ːtɪkəl/ 28 (noun)
575 birth /bə́ːθ/ 28 (noun, verb)
576 car /kɑ́ː/ 28 (noun, adjective)
577 cost /kɔ́sd/ 28 (verb, noun)
578 department /dɪpɑ́ːtmənt/ 28 (noun)
579 difference /dɪ́frənt/ 28 (noun)
580 dog /dɔ́g/ 28 (noun, verb)
581 drive /drɑ́jv/ 28 (verb, noun)
582 exist /ɪkzit/ 28 (verb)
583 federal /fɛ́dərəl/ 28 (adjective)
584 goal /gə́wl/ 28 (noun)
585 green /grɪ́jn/ 28 (adjective, noun, verb)
586 late /lɛ́jt/ 28 (adjective, adverb, noun)
587 news /njʉ́ w/ 28 (noun)
588 object /ˈɑbdʒɛkt/ , /əbʤɛ́kt/ 28 (noun, verb)
589 scale /skeɪl/ 28 (noun, verb)
590 sun /sʌn/ 28 (noun, verb)
591 support /səpóːt/ 28 (verb, noun)
592 tend /tɛ́nd/ 28 (verb)
593 thus /ðə́s/ 28 (adverb)
594 audience /óːdɪjəns/ 27 (noun)
595 enjoy /ɪnʤój/ 27 (verb)
596 entire /ɪntɑ́jə/ 27 (adjective)
597 fishing /fɪ́ʃɪŋ/ 27 (noun)
598 fit /fɪ́t/ 27 (adjective, verb, noun)
599 glad /glád/ 27 (adjective, noun)
600 growth /grə́wθ/ 27 (noun)
601 income /ɪ́ŋkəm/ 27 (noun)
602 marriage /márɪʤ/ 27 (noun)
603 note /nə́wt/ 27 (noun, verb)
604 perform /pəfóːm/ 27 (verb)
605 profit /ˈprɑfət/ 27 (noun, verb)
606 proper /prɔ́pə/ 27 (adjective, adverb, noun)
607 related /rəlɛ́jtɪd/ , /rəˈleɪdəd/ 27 (past, verb)
608 remove /rəmʉ́ wv/ 27 (verb, noun)
609 rent /rɛ́nt/ 27 (noun, verb)
610 return /rɪtə́ːn/ 27 (verb, noun)
611 run /rə́n/ 27 (verb, noun)
612 speed /spɪ́jd/ 27 (noun, verb)
613 strong /sdrɔ́ŋ/ 27 (adjective)
614 style /stɑ́jl/ 27 (noun, verb)
615 throughout /θrʉwáwt/ 27 (preposition)
616 user /jʉ́ wzə/ 27 (noun)
617 war /wóː/ 27 (noun, verb)
618 actual /ákʧʉwəl/ 26 (adjective)
/əˈproʊpriˌeɪt/ ,
appropriate 26 (verb, adjective)
619 /əprə́wprɪjət/
620 bank /báŋk/ 26 (noun, verb)
621 combination /kɔ́mbənɛ́jʃən/ 26 (noun)
622 complex /kɔ́mplɛks/ 26 (adjective, noun, verb)
623 content /ˈkɑntɛnt/ , /kəntɛ́nt/ 26 (adjective, verb, noun)
624 craft /krɑ́ːfd/ 26 (noun, verb)
625 due /djʉ́ w/ 26 (adjective, noun, adverb)
626 easily /ɪ́jzəlɪj/ 26 (adverb)
627 effective /ɪfɛ́ktɪv/ 26 (adjective, noun)
628 eventually /əvɛ́nʧʉwəlɪj/ 26 (adverb)
629 exactly /ɪgzáktlɪj/ 26 (adverb)
630 failure /fɛ́jljə/ 26 (noun)
631 half /hɑ́ːf/ 26 (noun, predeterminer, adverb)
632 inside /ɪnsɑ́jd/ , /inˈsīd/ 26 (noun, adjective, preposition)
633 meaning /mɪ́jnɪŋ/ 26 (noun)
634 medicine /mɛ́dsən/ 26 (noun)
635 middle /mɪ́dəl/ 26 (adjective, noun)
636 outside /áwtsɑjd/ , /aʊtˈsaɪd/ 26 (noun, adjective, preposition)
637 philosophy /fəˈlɑsəfi/ 26 (noun)
638 regular /rɛ́gjələ/ 26 (adjective, noun)
639 reserve /rɪzə́ːv/ 26 (verb, noun)
640 standard /ˈstændərd/ 26 (noun, adjective)
641 bus /bə́s/ 25 (noun, verb)
642 decide /dɪsɑ́jd/ , /dəˈsaɪd/ 25 (verb)
643 exchange /ɪksʧɛ́jnʤ/ 25 (noun, verb)
644 eye /ɑ́j/ 25 (noun, verb)
645 fast /fɑ́ːsd/ 25 (adjective, adverb, verb)
646 fire /fɑ́jə/ 25 (noun, verb)
647 identify /ɑjdɛ́ntəfɑj/ 25 (verb)
648 independent /ɪ́ndəpɛ́ndənt/ 25 (adjective, noun)
649 leave /lɪ́jv/ 25 (verb, noun)
650 original /ərɪ́ʤənəl 25 (adjective, noun)
651 position /pəzɪ́ʃən/ 25 (noun, verb)
652 pressure /prɛ́ʃə/ 25 (noun, verb)
653 reach /rɪ́jʧ/ 25 (verb, noun)
654 rest /rɛ́sd/ 25 (verb, noun)
655 serve /sə́ːv/ 25 (verb, noun)
656 stress /sdrɛ́s/ 25 (noun, verb)
657 teacher /tɪ́jʧə/ 25 (noun)
658 watch /wɔ́ʧ/ 25 (verb, noun)
659 wide /wɑ́jd/ 25 (adjective, adverb)
660 advantage /ədvɑ́ːntɪʤ/ 24 (noun, verb)
661 beautiful /bjʉ́ wtəfəl/ 24 (adjective, noun, interjection)
662 benefit /bɛ́nəfɪt/ 24 (noun, verb)
663 box /bɔ́ks/ 24 (noun, verb)
664 charge /ʧɑ́ːʤ/ 24 (verb, noun)
665 communication /kəmjʉ́ wnəkɛ́jʃən/ 24 (noun)
666 complete /kəmplɪ́jt/ 24 (adjective, verb)
667 continue /kəntɪ́njʉw/ 24 (verb)
668 frame /frɛ́jm/ 24 (noun, verb)
669 issue /ɪ́ʃʉw/ 24 (noun, verb)
670 limited /lɪ́mɪtɪd/ , /ˈlɪmədəd/ 24 (past, verb)
671 night /nɑ́jt/ 24 (noun)
672 protect /prətɛ́kt/ 24 (verb)
673 require /rɪkwɑ́jə/ 24 (verb)
674 significant /sɪgnɪ́fɪkənt/ 24 (adjective)
675 step /stɛ́p/ 24 (noun, verb)
676 successful /səksɛ́sfəl/ 24 (adjective)
677 unless /ənlɛ́s/ 24 (conjunction)
678 active /áktɪv/ 23 (adjective, noun)
679 break /brɛ́jk/ 23 (verb, noun)
680 chemistry /kɛ́məsdrɪj/ 23 (noun)
681 cycle /sɑ́jkəl/ 23 (noun, verb)
682 disease /dəzɪ́jz/ 23 (noun)
683 disk /dɪ́sg/ 23 (noun)
684 electrical /əˈlɛktrək(ə)l/ 23 (adjective)
685 energy /ɛ́nəʤɪj/ 23 (noun)
686 expensive /ɪkspɛ́nsɪv/ 23 (adjective)
687 face /fɛ́js/ 23 (noun, verb)
688 interested /ɪ́ntrəsdɪd/ 23 (past, verb)
689 item /ɑ́jdəm/ 23 (noun, adverb)
690 metal /mɛ́dəl/ 23 (noun, verb)
691 nation /nɛ́jʃən/ 23 (noun)
692 negative /nɛ́gədɪv/ 23 (adjective, noun, interjection, verb)
693 occur /əkə́ː/ 23 (verb)
694 paint /pɛ́jnt/ 23 (noun, verb)
695 pregnant /prɛ́gnənt/ 23 (adjective)
696 review /rəvjʉ́ w/ 23 (noun, verb)
697 road /rə́wd/ 23 (noun)
698 role /rə́wl/ 23 (noun)
699 room /rʉ́ wm/ 23 (noun, verb)
700 safe /sɛ́jf/ 23 (adjective, noun)
701 screen /skrɪ́jn/ 23 (noun, verb)
702 soup /sʉ́ wp/ 23 (noun)
703 stay /stɛ́j/ 23 (verb, noun)
704 structure /strə́kʧə/ 23 (noun, verb)
705 view /vjʉ́w/ 23 (noun, verb)
706 visit /vɪ́zɪt/ 23 (verb, noun)
707 visual /vɪ́ʒʉwəl/ 23 (adjective, noun)
708 write /rɑ́jt/ 23 (verb)
709 wrong /rɔ́ŋ/ 23 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
710 account /əkáwnt/ 22 (noun, verb)
711 advertising /ádvətɑjzɪŋ/ 22 (noun)
712 affect /əfɛ́kt/ 22 (verb, noun)
713 ago /əgə́w/ 22 (adjective, adverb)
714 anyone /ɛ́nɪjwən/ 22 (pronoun)
715 approach /əprə́wʧ/ 22 (verb)
716 avoid /əvójd/ 22 (verb)
717 ball /bóːl/ 22 (noun, verb)
718 behind /bɪhɑ́jnd/ 22 (preposition, adverb, adjective, noun)
719 certainly /sə́ːtnlɪj/ 22 (adverb)
720 concerned /kənsə́ːnd/ 22 (past, verb)
721 cover /kə́və/ 22 (verb, noun)
722 discipline /dɪ́səplən/ 22 (noun, verb)
723 location /ləwkɛ́jʃən/ 22 (noun)
724 medium /mɪ́jdɪjəm/ 22 (noun, adjective)
725 normally /nóːməlɪj/ 22 (adverb)
726 prepare /prəpɛ́ː/ 22 (verb)
727 quick /kwɪ́k/ 22 (adjective, adverb, noun)
728 ready /rɛ́dɪj/ 22 (adjective, verb)
729 report /rɪpóːt/ 22 (verb, noun)
730 rise /rɑ́jz/ 22 (verb, noun)
731 share /ʃɛ́ː/ 22 (noun, verb)
732 success /səksɛ́s/ 22 (noun)
733 addition /ədɪ́ʃən/ 21 (noun)
734 apartment /əpɑ́ːtmənt/ 21 (noun)
735 balance /báləns/ 21 (noun, verb)
736 bit /bɪ́t/ 21 (noun, verb)
737 black /blák/ 21 (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
738 bottom /bɔ́təm/ 21 (noun, verb, adjective)
739 build /bɪ́ld/ 21 (verb)
740 choice /ʧójs/ 21 (noun, adjective)
741 education /ɛ́ʤəkɛ́jʃən/ 21 (noun)
742 gift /gɪ́fd/ 21 (noun, verb)
743 impact /ɪ́mpakt/ , /ɪmˈpækt/ 21 (noun, verb)
744 machine /məʃɪ́jn/ 21 (noun, verb)
745 math /máθ/ 21 (noun)
746 moment /mə́wmənt/ 21 (noun)
747 painting /pɛ́jntɪŋ/ 21 (noun)
748 politics /pɔ́lətɪks/ 21 (noun)
749 shape /ʃɛ́jp/ 21 (noun, verb)
750 straight /strɛ́jt/ 21 (adjective, adverb, noun)
751 tool /tʉ́ wl/ 21 (noun, verb)
752 walk /wóːk/ 21 (verb, noun)
753 white /wɑ́jt/ 21 (adjective, noun, verb)
754 wind /wɪ́nd/ 21 (noun, verb)
755 achieve /əʧɪ́jv/ 20 (verb)
756 address /ədrɛ́s/ 20 (noun, verb)
757 attention /ətɛ́nʃən/ 20 (noun)
758 average /ávərɪʤ/ 20 (noun, verb, adjective)
759 believe /bəlɪ́jv/ 20 (verb)
760 beyond /bɪjɔ́nd/ 20 (preposition, noun)
761 career /kəˈrɪr/ 20 (noun, verb, adjective)
762 culture /kə́lʧə/ 20 (noun, verb)
763 decision /dəsɪ́ʒən/ 20 (noun)
764 direct /dɑjrɛ́kt/ , /dɪˈrɛkt/ 20 (adjective, adverb, verb)
765 event /əˈvɛnt/ 20 (noun)
766 excellent /ɛ́ksələnt/ 20 (adjective, interjection)
767 extra /ɛ́kstrə/ 20 (adjective, adverb, noun)
768 intelligent /ɪntɛ́ləʤənt/ 20 (adjective)
769 interesting /ɪ́ntrəsdɪŋ/ 20 (adjective)
770 junior /ʤʉ́wnɪjə/ 20 (adjective, noun)
771 morning /móːnɪŋ/ 20 (noun, adverb)
772 pick /pɪ́k/ 20 (verb, noun)
773 poor /póː/ , /pʊə/ 20 (adjective)
774 pot /pɔ́t/ 20 (noun, verb)
775 pretty /prɪ́dɪj/ 20 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
776 property /prɔ́pədɪj/ 20 (noun)
777 receive /rɪsɪ́jv/ 20 (verb)
778 seem /sɪ́jm/ 20 (verb)
779 shopping /ʃɔ́pɪŋ/ 20 (noun)
780 sign /sɑ́jn/ 20 (noun, verb)
781 student /stjʉ́ wdənt/ 20 (noun)
782 table /tɛ́jbəl/ 20 (noun, verb)
783 task /tɑ́ːsk/ 20 (noun, verb)
784 unique /jʉwnɪ́jk/ 20 (adjective, noun)
785 wood /wʉ́ d/ 20 (noun)
786 anything /ɛ́nɪjθɪŋ/ 19 (pronoun, noun, adverb)
787 classic /klásɪk/ 19 (adjective, noun)
788 competition /kɔ́mpətɪ́ʃən/ 19 (noun)
789 condition /kəndɪ́ʃən/ 19 (noun, verb)
790 contact /kɔ́ntakt/ 19 (noun, verb)
791 credit /krɛ́dɪt/ 19 (noun, verb)
792 currently /kə́rəntlɪj/ 19 (adverb)
793 discuss /dəskə́s/ 19 (verb)
794 distribution /dɪ́sdrəbjʉ́ wʃən/ 19 (noun)
795 egg /ɛ́g/ 19 (noun, verb)
796 entertainment /ɛ́ntətɛ́jnmənt/ 19 (noun)
797 final / fɑ́jnəl/ 19 (adjective, noun)
798 happy /hápɪj/ 19 (adjective)
799 hope /hə́wp/ 19 (noun, verb)
800 ice /ɑ́js/ 19 (noun, verb)
801 lift /lɪ́fd/ 19 (verb, noun)
802 mix /mɪ́ks/ 19 (verb, noun)
803 network /nɛ́twəːk/ 19 (noun, verb)
804 north /nóːθ/ 19 (noun, adjective, adverb)
805 office /ɔ́fɪs/ 19 (noun)
806 overall /ə́wvəˌrɔl/ , /ˌəwvəˈrɔl/ 19 (adjective, adverb, noun)
807 population /pɔ́pjəlɛ́jʃən/ 19 (noun)
808 president /prɛ́zɪdənt/ 19 (noun)
809 private /prɑ́jvɪt/ 19 (adjective, noun)
810 realize /rɪ́jəlɑjz/ 19 (verb)
811 responsible /rəspɔ́nsəbəl/ 19 (adjective)
812 separate /sɛ́pərɛjt/ , /ˈsɛp(ə)rət/ 19 (adjective, verb, noun)
813 square /sgwɛ́ː/ 19 (noun, adjective, adverb)
814 stop /stɔ́p/ 19 (verb, noun)
815 teach /tɪ́jʧ/ 19 (verb, noun)
816 unit /jʉ́ wnɪt/ 19 (noun)
817 western /wɛ́stən/ 19 (adjective, noun)
818 yes /jɛ́s/ 19 (interjection)
819 alone /ələ́wn/ 18 (adjective, adverb)
820 attempt /ətɛ́mpt/ 18 (noun, verb)
821 category /kádəgərɪj/ 18 (noun)
822 cigarette /sɪ́gərɛ́t/ 18 (noun)
823 concern /kənsə́ːn/ 18 (verb, noun)
824 contain /kəntɛ́jn/ 18 (verb)
825 context /kɔ́ntɛkst/ 18 (noun)
826 cute /kjʉ́ wt/ 18 (adjective)
827 date /dɛ́jt/ 18 (noun, verb)
828 effect /ɪfɛ́kt/ 18 (noun, verb)
829 extremely /ɪkstrɪ́jmlɪ/ 18 (adverb)
830 familiar /fəmɪ́ljə/ 18 (adjective, noun)
831 finally / fɑ́jnəlɪj/ 18 (adverb)
832 fly /flɑ́j/ 18 (verb, noun)
833 follow /fɔ́ləw/ 18 (verb)
834 helpful /hɛ́lpfəl/ 18 (adjective)
835 introduction /ɪ́ntrədə́kʃən/ 18 (noun)
836 link /lɪ́ŋk/ 18 (noun, verb)
837 official /əfɪ́ʃəl/ 18 (adjective, noun)
838 opportunity /ɔ́pətjʉ́wnətɪj/ 18 (noun)
839 perfect /ˈpərfɪkt/ , /pərˈfɛkt/ 18 (adjective, verb, noun)
840 performance /pəfóːməns/ 18 (noun)
841 post /pə́wst/ 18 (noun, verb, adverb)
842 recent /rɪ́jsənt/ 18 (adjective)
843 refer /rəfə́ː/ 18 (verb)
844 solve /sɔ́lv/ 18 (verb)
845 star /stɑr/ 18 (noun, verb)
846 voice /vójs/ 18 (noun, verb)
847 willing /wɪ́lɪŋ/ 18 (adjective)
848 born /bóːn/ 17 (verb, adjective, past particple)
849 bright /brɑ́jt/ 17 (adjective, adverb, noun)
850 broad /bróːd/ 17 (adjective, noun)
851 capital /ˈkapədl/ 17 (noun, adjective)
852 challenge /ʧálənʤ/ 17 (noun, verb, adjective)
853 comfortable /kə́mfdəbəl/ 17 (adjective, noun)
854 constantly /kɔ́nsdəntlɪj/ 17 (adverb)
855 describe /dəˈskraɪb/ 17 (verb)
856 despite /dəˈspaɪt/ 17 (preposition)
857 driver /drɑ́jvə/ 17 (noun)
858 flat /flát/ 17 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
859 flight /flɑ́jt/ 17 (noun)
860 friend /frɛ́nd/ 17 (noun, verb)
861 gain /gɛ́jn/ 17 (verb, noun)
862 him /hɪ́m/ 17 (pronoun)
863 length /lɛ́ŋθ/ 17 (noun)
864 magazine /mágəzɪ́jn/ 17 (noun)
865 maybe /mɛ́jbɪj/ 17 (adverb, noun)
866 newspaper /njʉ́ wz.pɛjpə/ 17 (noun)
867 nice /naɪs/ 17 (adjective)
868 prefer /prəfə́/ 17 (verb)
869 prevent /prəvɛ́nt/ 17 (verb)
870 properly /prɔ́pəlɪj/ 17 (adverb)
871 relationship /rəlɛ́jʃən.ʃɪp/ 17 (noun)
872 rich /rɪ́ʧ/ 17 (adjective, noun)
873 save /sɛ́jv/ 17 (verb, noun, preposition)
874 self /sɛ́lf/ 17 (noun, pronoun, adjective, verb)
875 shot / ʃɔ́t/ 17 (noun, adjective)
876 soon /sʉ́ wn/ 17 (adverb)
877 specifically /spəsɪ́fɪklɪj/ 17 (adverb)
878 stand /stánd/ 17 (verb, noun)
879 teaching /tɪ́jʧɪŋ/ 17 (noun)
880 warm /wóːm/ 17 (adjective, verb)
881 wonderful /wə́ndəfəl/ 17 (adjective)
882 young /jə́ŋ/ 17 (adjective, noun)
883 ahead /əhɛ́d/ 16 (adverb)
884 brush /brə́ʃ/ 16 (noun, verb)
885 cell /sɛ́l/ 16 (noun)
886 couple /kə́pəl/ 16 (noun, verb)
887 daily /dɛ́jlɪj/ 16 (adverb)
888 dealer /dɪ́jlə/ 16 (noun)
889 debate /dəbɛ́jt/ 16 (noun, verb)
890 discover /dəˈskəvər/ 16 (verb)
891 ensure /ɪnʃóː/ 16 (verb)
892 exit /ɛ́kzɪt/ 16 (noun, verb)
893 expect /ɪkspɛ́kt/ 16 (verb)
894 experienced /ɪkspɪ́ːrɪjənsd/ 16 (past, verb)
895 fail /fɛ́jl/ 16 (verb, noun)
896 finding /fɑ́jndɪŋ/ 16 (noun)
897 front /frə́nt/ 16 (noun, adjective, verb, interjection)
898 function /fə́ŋkʃən/ 16 (noun, verb)
899 heavy /hɛ́vɪj/ 16 (adjective, noun, adverb)
900 hello /hələ́w 16 (interjection, noun)
901 highly /hɑ́jlɪ/ 16 (adverb)
902 immediately /ɪˈmidiətli/ 16 (adverb)
903 impossible /ɪmpɔ́səbəl/ 16 (adjective)
904 invest /ɪnvɛ́sd/ 16 (verb)
905 lack /lák/ 16 (noun, verb)
906 lake /lɛ́jk/ 16 (noun)
907 lead /lɪ́jd/ 16 (verb, noun)
908 listen /lɪ́sən/ 16 (verb, noun)
909 living /lɪ́vɪŋ/ 16 (noun, adjective)
910 member /mɛ́mbə/ 16 (noun)
911 message /mɛ́sɪʤ/ 16 (noun)
912 phone /fə́wn 16 (noun)
913 plant /plɑ́ːnt/ 16 (noun, verb)
914 plastic /plástɪk/ 16 (noun, adjective)
915 reduce /rədjʉ́ ws/ 16 (verb)
916 relatively /rɛ́lədɪvlɪj 16 (adverb)
917 scene /sɪ́jn/ 16 (noun)
918 serious /sɪ́ːrɪjəs/ 16 (adjective)
919 slowly /slə́wlɪj/ 16 (adverb)
920 speak /spɪ́jk/ 16 (verb)
921 spot /spɔ́t/ 16 (noun, verb)
922 summer /sə́mə/ 16 (noun, verb)
923 taste /tɛ́jsd/ 16 (noun, verb)
924 theme /θɪ́jm/ 16 (noun, verb)
925 towards /təwóːdz/ 16 (preposition)
926 track /trák/ 16 (noun, verb)
927 valuable /válj(ʉw)əbəl/ 16 (adjective, noun)
928 whatever /wɔtɛ́və/ 16 (pronoun, adverb, interjection)
929 wing /wɪ́ŋ/ 16 (noun, verb)
930 worry /wə́rɪj/ 16 (verb, noun)
931 appear /əpɪ́ː/ 15 (verb)
932 appearance /əpɪ́ːrəns/ 15 (noun)
933 association /əsə́wsɪjɛ́jʃən/ 15 (noun)
934 brain /brɛ́jn/ 15 (noun, verb)
935 button /bə́tən/ 15 (noun, verb)
936 click /klɪ́k/ 15 (noun, verb)
937 concept / kɔ́nsɛpt/ 15 (noun)
938 correct /kərɛ́kt/ 15 (adjective, verb)
939 customer /kə́stəmə/ 15 (noun)
940 death /dɛθ/ 15 (noun)
941 desire /dəˈzaɪ(ə)r/ 15 (noun, verb)
942 discussion /dəsgə́ʃən/ 15 (noun)
943 explain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ 15 (verb)
944 explore /ɪksplóː/ 15 (verb)
945 express /ɪksprɛ́s/ 15 (verb, adjective, adverb, noun)
946 fairly /fɛ́ːlɪj/ 15 (adverb)
947 fixed /fɪ́ksd/ 15 (past, verb)
948 foot fʉ́ t 15 (noun, verb)
949 gas /gás/ 15 (noun, verb)
950 handle /hándəl/ 15 (verb, noun)
951 housing /háwzɪŋ/ 15 (noun)
952 huge /hjʉ́ wʤ/ 15 (adjective)
953 inflation /ɪnflɛ́jʃən/ 15 (noun)
954 influence /ɪ́nflʉwəns/ 15 (noun, verb)
955 insurance /ɪnʃóːrəns/ 15 (noun)
956 involve /ɪnvɔ́lv/ 15 (verb)
957 leading /lɪ́jdɪŋ/ 15 (adjective, noun)
958 lose /lʉ́ wz/ 15 (verb)
959 meet /mɪ́jt/ 15 (verb, noun)
960 mood /mʉ́wd/ 15 (noun)
961 notice /nə́wdəs/ 15 (noun, verb)
962 primarily /prɑ́jmərɪj/ 15 (adverb)
963 rain /rɛ́jn/ 15 (noun, verb)
964 rare /rɛ́ː/ 15 (adjective)
965 release /rəˈlis/ 15 (verb, noun)
966 sell /sɛ́l/ 15 (verb, noun)
967 slow /slə́w/ 15 (adjective, adverb, verb)
968 technical /ˈteknək(ə)l/ 15 (adjective)
969 typical /tɪ́pɪkəl 15 (adjective)
970 upon /əpɔ́n/ 15 (preposition)
971 wall /wóːl/ 15 (noun, verb)
972 woman /wʉ́mən/ 15 (noun)
973 advice /ədvɑ́js/ 14 (noun)
974 afford /əfóːd/ 14 (verb)
975 agree /əgrɪ́j/ 14 (verb)
976 base /bɛ́js/ 14 (noun, verb, adjective)
977 blood /blə́d/ 14 (noun)
978 clean /klɪ́jn/ 14 (adjective, adverb, verb)
979 competitive /kəmpɛ́tətɪv/ 14 (adjective)
980 completely /kəmplɪ́jtlɪj/ 14 (adverb)
981 critical /ˈkrɪdək(ə)l/ 14 (adjective)
982 damage /dámɪʤ/ 14 (noun, verb)
983 distance /dɪ́sdəns/ 14 (noun, verb)
984 effort /ɛ́fət/ 14 (noun)
985 electronic /ɛ́lɛktrɔ́nɪk/ 14 (adjective)
986 expression /ɪksbrɛ́ʃən/ 14 (noun)
987 feeling /fɛ́lɪŋ/ 14 (noun, adjective)
988 finish /fɪ́nɪʃ/ 14 (verb, noun)
989 fresh /frɛ́ʃ/ 14 (adjective, adverb)
990 hear /hɪ́ː/ 14 (verb)
991 immediate /ɪmɪ́jdɪjət/ 14 (adjective)
992 importance /ɪmpóːtəns/ 14 (noun)
993 normal /nóːməl/ 14 (adjective, noun)
994 opinion /əpɪ́njən/ 14 (noun)
995 otherwise /ə́ðəwɑjz/ 14 (adverb, adjective)
996 pair /pɛ́ː/ 14 (noun, verb)
997 payment /pɛ́jmənt/ 14 (noun)
(preposition, adjective, noun,
plus /plə́s/ 14
998 conjunction)
999 press /prɛ́s/ 14 (verb, noun)
1000 reality /riˈælədi/ 14 (noun)
1001 remain /rəˈmeɪn/ 14 (verb)
1002 represent /ˌreprəˈzent/ 14 (verb)
1003 responsibility /rɪsbɔ́nsəbɪ́lətɪj/ 14 (noun)
1004 ride /sɑ́jd/ 14 (verb, noun)
1005 savings /sɛ́jvɪŋz/ 14 (noun, adjective, preposition)
1006 secret /ˈsikrɪt/ 14 (adjective, noun)
1007 situation /sɪ́ʧʉwɛ́jʃən/ 14 (noun)
1008 skill /skil/ 14 (noun)
1009 spread /spred/ 14 (verb, noun)
1010 spring /sprɪ́ŋ/ 14 (verb, noun)
1011 staff /stɑːf/ 14 (noun, verb)
1012 statement /ˈsteɪtm(ə)nt/ 14 (noun)
1013 sugar /ʃʉ́ gə/ 14 (noun, verb)
1014 target /tɑ́ːgɪt/ 14 (noun, verb)
1015 text /tɛ́ksd/ 14 (noun, verb)
1016 tough /tʌf/ 14 (adjective, noun)
1017 ultimately /ə́ltəmətlɪj/ 14 (adverb)
1018 wait /weɪt/ 14 (verb, noun)
1019 wealth /wɛ́lθ/ 14 (noun)
1020 whenever /wɛnɛ́və/ 14 (conjunction, adverb)
1021 whose /hʉ́ wz/ 14 (pronoun)
1022 widely /ˈwaɪdliː/ 14 (adverb)
1023 animal /ánəməl/ 13 (noun, adjective)
1024 application /ápləkɛ́jʃən/ 13 (noun)
1025 apply /əplɑ́j/ 13 (verb)
1026 author /óːθə/ 13 (noun, verb)
1027 aware /əwɛ́ː/ 13 (adjective)
1028 brown /bráwn/ 13 (adjective, noun, verb)
1029 budget /bə́ʤɪt/ 13 (noun, adjective, verb)
1030 cheap /ʧiːp/ 13 (adjective, adverb)
1031 city /ˈsɪdi/ 13 (noun)
1032 complicated /ˈkɑmpləˌkeɪdəd/ 13 (past, verb)
1033 county /ˈkəntri/ 13 (noun)
1034 deep /diːp/ 13 (adjective, noun, adverb)
1035 depth /dɛ́pθ/ 13 (noun)
1036 discount /dɪ́skawnt/ , /ˌdɪsˈkaʊnt/ 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
1037 display /dɪˈspleɪ/ 13 (verb, noun)
1038 educational /ɛ́ʤəkɛ́jʃənəl/ 13 (adjective)
1039 environmental /ɪnvɑ́jrənmɛ́ntəl/ 13 (adjective)
1040 estate /ɪˈsteɪt/ 13 (noun)
1041 file /faɪl/ 13 (noun, verb)
1042 flow /flə́w/ 13 (verb, noun)
1043 forget /fəgɛ́t/ 13 (verb)
1044 foundation /fawndɛ́jʃən/ 13 (noun)
1045 global /glə́wbəl/ 13 (adjective)
1046 grandmother /gránməðə/ 13 (noun)
1047 ground /gráwnd/ 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
1048 heart /hɑ́ːt/ 13 (noun)
1049 hit /hɪ́t/ 13 (verb, noun)
1050 legal /ˈliɡəl/ 13 (adjective)
1051 lesson /lɛ́sən/ 13 (noun, verb)
1052 minute /mɪ́nɪt/ 13 (noun, adjective, verb)
1053 near /nɪ́ː/ 13 (adverb, preposition, adjective, verb)
1054 objective /əbʤɛ́ktɪv/ 13 (adjective, noun)
1055 officer /ɔ́fɪsə/ 13 (noun, verb)
1056 perspective /pəsbɛ́ktɪv/ 13 (noun)
1057 phase /fɛ́jz/ 13 (noun, verb)
1058 photo /fə́wdəw/ 13 (noun)
1059 recently /ˈris(ə)ntli/ 13 (adverb)
1060 recipe /ˈrɛsəˌpi/ 13 (noun)
1061 recommend /rɛ́kəmɛ́nd/ 13 (verb)
1062 reference /rɛ́frəns/ 13 (noun, verb, adjective)
1063 register /rɛ́ʤɪsdə/ 13 (noun, verb)
1064 relevant /rɛ́ləvənt/ 13 (adjective)
1065 rely /rɪˈlʌɪ/ 13 (verb)
1066 secure /sɪkjʉ́ ː/ 13 (adjective, verb)
1067 seriously /ˈsɪriəsli/ 13 (adverb)
1068 shoot / ʃʉ́ wt/ 13 (verb, noun, interjection)
1069 sky /skaɪ/ 13 (noun, verb)
1070 stage /steɪdʒ/ 13 (noun, verb)
1071 stick /stɪk/ 13 (noun, verb)
1072 studio /ˈst(j)udiˌoʊ/ 13 (noun)
1073 thin /θɪ́n/ 13 (adjective, adverb, verb)
1074 title /ˈtaɪdl/ 13 (noun, verb)
1075 topic /tɔ́pɪk/ 13 (noun)
1076 touch /tʉ́ wk/ 13 (verb, noun)
1077 trouble /trə́bəl/ 13 (noun, verb)
1078 vary /ˈvɛri/ 13 (verb)
1079 accurate / ákjərət/ 12 (adjective)
1080 advanced /ədvɑ́ːnsd/ 12 (past, verb, adjective, noun)
1081 bowl /bə́wl/ 12 (noun, verb)
1082 bridge /brɪ́ʤ/ 12 (noun, verb)
1083 campaign kampɛ́jn/ 12 (noun, verb)
1084 cancel /kánsəl/ 12 (verb, noun)
1085 capable /kɛ́jpəbəl/ 12 (adjective)
1086 character /kárəktə/ 12 (noun, adjective, verb)
1087 chemical /kɛ́mɪkəl/ 12 (adjective, noun)
1088 club /klə́b/ 12 (noun, verb)
1089 collection /kəlɛ́kʃən/ 12 (noun)
1090 cool /kʉ́ wl/ 12 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
1091 cry /krɑ́j/ 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
1092 dangerous /dɛ́jnʤərəs/ 12 (adjective)
1093 depression /dɪprɛ́ʃən/ 12 (noun)
1094 dump /də́mp/ 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
1095 edge /ɛ́ʤ/ 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
1096 evidence /ˈɛvədəns/ 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
1097 extreme /ɪkˈstrim/ 12 (adjective, noun)
1098 fan /fæn/ 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
1099 frequently /ˈfrikwəntli/ 12 (adverb)
1100 fully /fʉ́ lɪj/ 12 (adverb)
1101 generate /ʤɛ́nərɛjt/ 12 (verb)
1102 imagination /ɪmáʤɪnɛ́jʃən/ 12 (noun)
1103 letter /ˈlɛdər/ 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
1104 lock /lɔ́k/ 12 (noun, verb, idiom)
1105 maximum /máksəməm/ 12 (noun, adjective)
1106 mostly /ˈmoʊs(t)li/ 12 (adverb)
1107 myself /mɑjsɛ́lf/ 12 (pronoun)
1108 naturally /náʧrəlɪj/ 12 (adverb)
1109 nearly /nɪ́ːlɪj/ 12 (adverb)
1110 novel /nɔ́vəl/ 12 (noun, adjective)
1111 obtain /əbtɛ́jn/ 12 (verb)
1112 occasionally /əkɛ́jʒənəlɪj/ 12 (adverb)
1113 option /ɔ́pʃən/ 12 (noun, verb)
1114 organized / óːgənɑjzd/ 12 (past, verb)
1115 pack /pák/ 12 (noun, verb, adjective, idiom)
1116 park /pɑ́ːk/ 12 (noun, verb)
1117 passion /páʃən/ 12 (noun)
1118 percentage /pəsɛ́n(t)ɪʤ/ 12 (noun)
1119 plenty /plɛ́ntɪj/ 12 (noun, adjective, adverb)
1120 push /pʉ́ ʃ/ 12 (verb, noun, idiom)
1121 quarter /kwóːtə/ 12 (noun, verb, adjective)
1122 resource /rɪzóːs/ 12 (noun)
1123 select /sɪlɛ́kt/ 12 (verb, adjective)
1124 setting /ˈsɛdɪŋ/ 12 (noun)
1125 skin /skɪn/ 12 (noun, verb)
1126 sort /sóːt/ 12 (noun, verb)
1127 weight /wɛ́jt/ 12 (noun, verb)
1128 accept /əksɛ́pt/ 11 (verb)
1129 ad /æd/ 11 (noun)
1130 agency /ˈeɪdʒənsi/ 11 (noun)
1131 baby /ˈbeɪbi/ 11 (noun, verb, adjective)
1132 background /bákgrawnd/ 11 (noun, adjective)
1133 carefully /kɛ́ːfəlɪj/ 11 (adverb)
1134 carry /kárɪj/ 11 (noun, verb)
1135 clearly /klɪ́ːlɪj/ 11 (adverb)
1136 college /kɔ́lɪʤ/ 11 (noun)
1137 communicate /kəmjʉ́ wnəkɛjt/ 11 (verb)
1138 complain /kəmplɛ́jn/ 11 (verb)
1139 conflict /kənflɪ́kt/ 11 (verb, noun)
1140 connection /kənɛ́kʃən/ 11 (noun)
1141 criticism /ˈkrɪdəˌsɪzəm/ 11 (noun)
1142 debt /dɛt/ 11 (noun)
1143 depend /dɪpɛ́nd/ 11 (verb)
1144 description /dəˈskrɪpʃ(ə)n/ 11 (noun)
1145 die /dɑ́j/ 11 (verb, idiom)
1146 dish /dɪ́ʃ/ 11 (noun, verb, idiom)
1147 dramatic /drəˈmædɪk/ 11 (adjective)
1148 eat /ɪ́jt/ 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
1149 efficient /ɪfɪ́ʃənt/ 11 (adjective)
1150 enter /ɛ́ntə/ 11 (verb)
1151 essentially /əˌsɛn(t)ʃiˈælədi/ 11 (adverb)
1152 exact /ɪgzákt/ 11 (adjective, verb)
1153 factor /fáktə/ 11 (noun, verb)
1154 fair /fɛ́ː/ 11 (adjective, adverb, noun, idiom)
1155 fill /fɪ́l/ 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
1156 fine /fɑ́jn/ 11 (adjective, adverb, verb, noun)
1157 formal /fóːməl/ 11 (adjective, noun, adverb)
1158 forward /fóːwəd/ 11 (adverb, adjective, noun, verb)
1159 fruit /frʉ́ wt/ 11 (noun, verb)
1160 glass /glɑ́ːs/ 11 (noun, adjective, verb)
1161 happen /hápən/ 11 (verb)
1162 indicate /ɪ́ndəkɛjt/ 11 (verb)
1163 joint /ʤójnt/ 11 (noun, adjective, verb, idiom)
1164 jump /ʤə́mp/ 11 (verb, noun, adjective, adverb)
1165 kick /kɪ́k/ 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
1166 master /mɑ́ːstə/ 11 (noun, adjective, verb)
1167 memory /mɛ́mərɪj/ 11 (noun)
1168 muscle /mə́səl/ 11 (noun, verb, adjective)
1169 opposite /ɔ́pəzɪt/ 11 (adjective, noun, preposition, adverb)
1170 pass /pɑ́ːs/ 11 (verb, noun, idiom)
1171 patience /pɛ́jʃəns/ 11 (noun)
1172 pitch /pɪ́ʧ/ 11 (verb, noun)
1173 possibly /pɔ́səblɪj/ 11 (adverb)
1174 powerful /páwəfəl/ 11 (adjective)
1175 red /rɛ́d/ 11 (noun, adjective, idiom)
1176 remote /rəmə́wt/ 11 (adjective, noun)
1177 secretary /ˈsɛkrəˌtɛri/ 11 (noun)
1178 slightly /ˈslaɪtli/ 11 (adverb)
1179 solution /səˈluʃ(ə)n/ 11 (noun)
1180 somewhat /sə́mwɔt/ 11 (adverb)
1181 strength /strɛŋ(k)θ/ 11 (noun, idiom)
1182 suggest /sə(ɡ)ˈdʒɛst/ 11 (verb)
1183 survive /sərˈvaɪv/ 11 (verb)
1184 total /tə́wdəl/ 11 (adjective, noun, verb)
1185 traffic /tráfɪk/ 11 (noun, verb)
1186 treat /trit/ 11 (verb, noun)
1187 trip /trɪ́p/ 11 (noun, verb, idiom)
1188 vast /vɑ́ːsd/ 11 (adjective, noun)
1189 vegetable /vɛ́ʤɪtəbəl/ 11 (noun, adjective)
1190 abuse /əbjʉ́ wz/ 10 (verb, noun)
1191 administration /ədmɪ́nəstrɛ́jʃən/ 10 (noun)
1192 appeal /əˈpil/ 10 (noun, verb)
1193 appreciate /əˈpriʃiˌeɪt/ 10 (verb)
1194 aspect áspɛkt 10 (noun)
1195 attitude átətjʉwd 10 (noun)
1196 beat /bit/ 10 (verb, noun, adjective)
1197 burn /bə́ːn/ 10 (verb, noun)
1198 chart /ʧɑ́ːt/ 10 (noun, verb)
1199 compare /kəmpɛ́ː/ 10 (verb)
1200 deposit /dəˈpɑzɪt/ 10 (verb, noun)
1201 director /dərɛ́ktə/ 10 (noun)
1202 equally /ˈikwəli/ 10 (adverb)
1203 foreign /fɔ́rən/ 10 (adjective)
1204 gear /gɪ́/ 10 (noun, verb, adjective, idiom)
1205 greatly /ˈɡreɪtli/ 10 (adverb)
1206 hungry /ˈhəŋɡri/ 10 (adjective)
1207 ideal /aɪˈdi(ə)l/ 10 (noun, adjective)
1208 imagine /ɪˈmædʒən/ 10 (verb)
1209 kitchen /kɪ́ʧɪn/ 10 (noun, adjective)
1210 land /lánd/ 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
1211 log /lɔ́g/ 10 (noun, verb)
1212 lost /lɔ́sd/ 10 (adjective, verb, idiom)
1213 manage /mánɪʤ/ 10 (verb)
1214 mother /mə́ðə/ 10 (noun, adjective, verb, idiom)
1215 necessarily /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrəli/ 10 (adverb)
1216 net /nɛ́t/ 10 (noun, verb)
1217 party /ˈpɑrdi/ 10 (noun, adjective, verb)
1218 personality /ˌpərsəˈnælədi/ 10 (noun)
1219 personally /ˈpərs(ə)nəli/ 10 (adverb)
1220 practical /práktɪkəl/ 10 (adjective)
1221 principle /ˈprɪnsəpəl/ 10 (noun, idiom)
1222 print /prɪ́nt/ 10 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1223 psychological /ˌsaɪkəˈlɑdʒək(ə)l/ 10 (adjective)
1224 psychology /saɪˈkɑlədʒi/ 10 (noun)
1225 raise /rɛ́jz/ 10 (verb, noun, idiom)
1226 rarely /ˈrɛrli/ 10 (adverb)
recommendation /rɛ́kəmɛndɛ́jʃən/ 10 (noun)
1228 regularly 10 (adverb)
1229 relative /rɛ́lətɪv/ 10 (noun, adjective)
1230 response /rəˈspɑns/ 10 (noun)
1231 sale /sɛ́jl/ 10 (noun, idiom)
1232 season /ˈsizən/ 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
1233 selection /səˈlɛkʃ(ə)n/ 10 (noun)
1234 severe /səˈvɪr/ 10 (adjective)
1235 signal /sɪ́gnəl/ 10 (noun, adjective, verb)
1236 similarly /ˈsɪm(ə)lərli/ 10 (adverb)
1237 sleep /slip/ 10 (verb, noun, idiom)
1238 smooth /smʉ́ wð/ 10 (adjective, adverb, verb, noun)
1239 somewhere /sə́mwɛː/ 10 (adverb, noun)
1240 spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/ 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
1241 storage /ˈstɔrɪdʒ/ 10 (noun)
1242 street /strit/ 10 (noun, adjective, idiom)
1243 suitable /sʉ́ wdəbəl/ 10 (adjective)
1244 tree 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
1245 version /ˈvərʒən/ 10 (noun)
1246 wave /weɪv/ 10 (noun, verb, idiom)
1247 advance /ədvɑ́ːns/ 9 (verb, noun, adjective)
1248 alcohol /álkəhɔl/ 9 (noun)
1249 anywhere /ˈɛniˌ(h)wɛr/ 9 (adverb, noun)
1250 argument /ɑ́ːgjəmənt/ 9 (noun)
1251 basically /ˈbeɪsɪk(ə)li/ 9 (adverb)
1252 belt /bɛ́lt/ 9 (noun, verb)
1253 bench /bɛ́nʧ/ 9 (noun, verb)
1254 closed /klə́wzd/ 9 (past, verb)
1255 closely /klə́wsli/ 9 (adverb)
1256 commission /kəˈmɪʃən/ 9 (noun, verb)
1257 complaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ 9 (noun)
1258 connect /kəˈnɛkt/ 9 (verb, adjective)
1259 consist /kənˈsɪst/ 9 (verb, noun)
1260 contract /ˈkɑntrækt/ 9 (noun)
1261 contribute /kəntrɪ́bjʉwt/ 9 (verb, idiom)
1262 copy /ˈkɑpi/ 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
1263 dark /dɑ́ːk/ 9 (adjective, noun, idiom)
1264 differ /dɪ́fə/ 9 (verb)
1265 double /də́bəl/ 9 (adjective, noun, verb, adverb)
1266 draw /dróː/ 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
1267 drop /drɔ́p/ 9 (noun, verb)
1268 effectively /əˈfɛktəvli/ 9 (adverb)
1269 emphasis /ˈɛmfəsəs/ 9 (noun)
1270 encourage /ɪnˈkərɪdʒ/ 9 (verb)
1271 equal /ˈikwəl/ 9 (adjective, noun, verb)
1272 everybody /ɛ́vrɪjbɔdɪj/ 9 (pronoun)
1273 expand /ɪkˈspænd/ 9 (verb)
1274 firm /fə́ːm/ 9 (adjective, verb, adverb, noun)
1275 fix /fɪ́ks/ 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
1276 frequent /frɪˈkwent/ 9 (adjective, verb)
1277 highway /hɑ́jwɛj/ 9 (noun)
1278 hire /hɑ́jə/ 9 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1279 initially /ɪˈnɪʃəliː/ 9 (adverb)
1280 internal /ɪntə́ːnəl/ 9 (adjective, noun)
1281 join /ʤójn/ 9 (verb, noun)
1282 kill /kɪ́l/ 9 (verb, noun, idiom)
1283 literally /ˈlɪtərəliː/ 9 (adverb)
1284 loss /lɔ́s/ 9 (noun)
1285 mainly /ˈmeɪnli/ 9 (adverb)
1286 membership /mɛ́mbəʃɪp/ 9 (noun)
1287 merely /ˈmɪəliː/ 9 (adverb)
1288 minimum /mɪ́nəməm/ 9 (noun, adjective)
1289 numerous /njʉ́ wmərəs/ 9 (adjective)
1290 path /pɑ́ːθ/ 9 (noun, idiom)
1291 possession /pəˈzɛʃən/ 9 (noun)
1292 preparation /prɛ́pərɛ́jʃən/ 9 (noun)
1293 progress /prə́wgrɛs/ 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
1294 project /prəʤɛ́kt/ 9 (noun, verb)
1295 prove /prʉ́ wv/ 9 (verb)
1296 react /riːˈækt/ 9 (verb)
1297 recognize /rɛ́kəgnɑjz/ 9 (verb)
1298 relax /rəláks/ 9 (verb)
1299 replace /rəˈpleɪs/ 9 (verb)
1300 sea /si/ 9 (noun, adjective, idiom)
1301 sensitive /sɛ́nsətɪv/ 9 (adjective, noun)
1302 sit /sɪ́t/ 9 (verb, idiom)
1303 south /sáwθ/ 9 (noun, adjective, adverb, verb)
1304 status /ˈsteɪtəs/ 9 (noun, adjective)
1305 steak /steɪk/ 9 (noun)
1306 stuff /stʌf/ 9 (noun, verb)
1307 sufficient /səˈfɪʃ(ə)nt/ 9 (adjective)
1308 tap /táp/ 9 (verb, noun)
1309 ticket /tɪ́kɪt/ 9 (noun, verb, idiom)
1310 tour /tóː/ 9 (noun, verb)

union /ˈjunjən/ 9 (noun)

1312 unusual /ənjʉ́ wʒʉwəl/ 9 (adjective)
1313 win /wɪ́n/ 9 (verb, noun)
1314 agreement /əˈɡrimənt/ 8 (noun)
1315 angle /áŋgəl/ 8 (noun, verb)
1316 attack /əták/ 8 (verb, noun)
1317 blue /blʉ́ w/ 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
1318 borrow /bɔ́rəw/ 8 (verb)
1319 breakfast /brɛ́kfəsd/ 8 (noun, verb)
1320 cancer /kánsə/ 8 (noun)
1321 claim /kleɪm/ 8 (verb, noun)
1322 confidence /kɔ́nfədəns/ 8 (noun, idiom)
1323 consistent /kənˈsɪstənt/ 8 (adjective)
1324 constant /kɔ́nsdənt/ 8 (adjective, noun)
1325 cultural /kə́lʧərəl/ 8 (adjective)
1326 currency /ˈkərənsi/ 8 (noun)
1327 daughter /dóːtə/ 8 (noun, adjective)
1328 degree /dɪgrɪ́j/ 8 (noun, idiom)
1329 doctor /dɔ́ktə/ 8 (noun, verb)
1330 dot /dɔ́t/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1331 drag /drág/ 8 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1332 dream /drɪ́jm/ 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
1333 drink /drɪ́ŋk/ 8 (verb, noun)
1334 duty /djʉ́ wdɪj/ 8 (noun, idiom)
1335 earn /lə́ːn/ 8 (verb)
1336 emphasize /ɛ́mfəsɑjz/ 8 (verb)
1337 employment /ɪmplójmənt/ 8 (noun)
1338 enable /ɪnɛ́jbəl/ 8 (verb)
1339 engineering /ɛ́nʤɪnɪ́ːrɪŋ/ 8 (noun)
1340 entry /ˈɛntri/ 8 (noun)
1341 essay /ɛ́sɛj/ 8 (noun, verb)
1342 existing /ɪɡˈzɪstɪŋ/ 8 (adjective)
1343 famous /fɛ́jməs/ 8 (adjective)
1344 father /fɑ́ːðə/ 8 (noun, verb)
1345 fee /fɪ́j/ 8 (noun, verb)
1346 finance /fɑ́jnans/ 8 (noun, verb)
1347 gently /ˈdʒɛntli/ 8 (adverb)
1348 guess /gɛ́s/ 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
1349 hopefully /hə́wpfəlɪj/ 8 (adverb)
1350 hour /áwə/ 8 (noun, adjective, idiom)
1351 interaction /ɪ́ntərákʃən/ 8 (noun)
1352 juice /ʤʉ́ws/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1353 limit /lɪ́mɪt/ 8 (noun, verb)
1354 luck /lə́k/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1355 milk /mɪ́lk/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1356 minor /mɑ́jnə/ 8 (adjective, noun, verb)
1357 mixed /mɪ́ksd/ 8 (past, verb)
1358 mixture /mɪ́ksʧə/ 8 (noun)
1359 mouth /máwθ/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1360 nor /nóː/ 8 (conjunction)
1361 operate /ɔ́pərɛjt/ 8 (verb)
1362 originally /əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəli/ 8 (adverb)
1363 peace /pis/ 8 (noun, interjection, verb, idiom)
1364 pipe /pɑ́jp/ 8 (noun, verb)
1365 please /pliz/ 8 (adverb, verb, idiom)
1366 preference /prɛ́frəns/ 8 (noun)
1367 previous /ˈpriviəs/ 8 (adjective, idiom)
1368 pull /pʉ́ l/ 8 (verb, noun)
1369 pure /pjʊr/ 8 (adjective)
1370 raw /róː/ 8 (adjective, noun, idiom)
1371 reflect /rəˈflɛkt/ 8 (verb)
1372 region /ˈridʒən/ 8 (noun)
1373 republic /rɪpə́blɪk/ 8 (noun)
1374 roughly /ˈrəfli/ 8 (adverb)
1375 seat /sit/ 8 (noun, verb)
1376 send /sɛ́nd/ 8 (verb)
1377 significantly /sɪɡˈnɪfəkəntli/ 8 (adverb)
1378 soft /sɔft/ 8 (adjective, noun, adverb, interjection)
1379 solid /ˈsɑləd/ 8 (adjective, noun)
1380 stable /ˈsteɪbəl/ 8 (noun, verb)
1381 storm /stóːm/ 8 (noun, verb, idiom)
1382 substance /sə́bsdəns/ 8 (noun, idiom)
1383 team /tim/ 8 (noun, verb, adjective)
1384 tradition /trəˈdɪʃ(ə)n/ 8 (noun)
1385 trick /trɪ́k/ 8 (noun, adjective, verb, idiom)
1386 virus /ˈvaɪrəs/ 8 (noun)
1387 wear /wɛr/ 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
1388 weird /wɪ́ːd/ 8 (adjective, noun)
1389 wonder /wə́ndə/ 8 (verb, noun, idiom)
1390 actor /áktə/ 7 (noun)
1391 afraid /əfrɛ́jd/ 7 (adjective)
1392 afternoon /ˌæftərˈnun/ 7 (noun, adjective)
1393 amazing /əmɛ́jzɪŋ/ 7 (adjective, verb)
1394 annual /ánjʉwəl/ 7 (adjective, noun)
1395 anticipate /antɪ́səpɛjt/ 7 (verb)
1396 assume /əˈsum/ 7 (verb)
1397 bat /bát/ 7 (noun, verb)
1398 beach /bitʃ/ 7 (noun, verb)
1399 blank /bláŋk/ 7 (noun, verb, adjective)
1400 busy / ˈbɪziː/ 7 (adjective, verb)
1401 catch /káʧ/ 7 (noun, verb)
1402 chain /ʧɛ́jn/ 7 (noun, verb)
1403 classroom /klásrʉwm/ 7 (noun)
1404 consideration /kənsɪ́dərɛ́jʃən/ 7 (noun, idiom)
1405 count /káwnt/ 7 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1406 cream /krim/ 7 (noun, verb, adjective, idiom)
1407 crew /krʉ́ w/ 7 (noun, verb)
1408 dead /dɛ́d/ 7 (adjective, noun, adverb, idiom)
1409 delivery /dəˈlɪv(ə)ri/ 7 (noun)
1410 detail / ˈdiːteɪl/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1411 detailed / ˈdiːteɪld/ 7 (past, verb)
1412 device /dəˈvaɪs/ 7 (noun)
1413 difficulty /ˈdɪfəkəltiː/ 7 (noun)
1414 doubt /dáwt/ 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
1415 drama /drɑ́ːmə/ 7 (noun)
1416 election /ɪlɛ́kʃən/ 7 (noun)
1417 engage /ɪngɛ́jʤ/ 7 (verb)
1418 engine /ɛ́nʤɪn/ 7 (noun)
1419 enhance /ɪnhɑ́ːns/ 7 (verb)
1420 examine /ɪgzámɪn/ 7 (verb)
1421 FALSE /fɔ́ls/ 7 (adjective, adverb, idiom)
1422 feed /fiːd/ 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
1423 football /fʉ́ tboːl/ 7 (noun)
1424 forever /fərɛ́və/ 7 (adverb, noun, idiom)
1425 gold /gə́wld/ 7 (noun, adjective)
1426 guidance /gɑ́jdəns/ 7 (noun)
1427 hotel /həwtɛ́l/ 7 (noun)
1428 impress /ɪ́mprɛs/ 7 (verb, noun)
1429 install /ɪnˈstɔl/ 7 (verb)
1430 interview /ɪ́ntəvjʉw/ 7 (noun, verb)
1431 kid /kɪ́d/ 7 (noun, verb, adjective)
1432 mark /mɑ́ːk/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1433 match /máʧ/ 7 (noun, verb)
1434 mission /mɪ́ʃən/ 7 (noun, adjective)
1435 nobody /nə́wbədɪj/ 7 (pronoun, noun)
1436 obvious /ˈɑbviəs/ 7 (adjective)
1437 ourselves /áwəsɛ́lvz/ 7 (pronoun)
1438 owner /ə́wnə/ 7 (noun)
1439 pain /pɛ́jn/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1440 participate /pɑːtɪ́səpɛjt/ 7 (verb)
1441 pleasure /plɛ́ʒə/ 7 (noun, verb)
1442 priority /prɑjɔ́rətɪj/ 7 (noun)
1443 protection /prətɛ́kʃən/ 7 (noun)
1444 repeat /rəˈpit/ 7 (verb, noun)
1445 round /ráwnd/ 7 (adjective, noun, adverb, verb)
1446 score /skɔr/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1447 screw /skrʉ́ w/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1448 seek /sik/ 7 (verb, idiom)
1449 sex 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1450 sharp /ʃɑ́ːp/ 7 (adjective, verb, adverb, noun)
1451 shop /ʃɔ́p/ 7 (noun, verb, interjection, idiom)
1452 shower /ʃáwə/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1453 sing /sɪ́ŋ/ 7 (verb, noun)
1454 slide /slɑ́jd/ 7 (verb, noun, idiom)
1455 strip /strɪp 7 (verb, noun)
1456 suggestion /səʤɛ́sʧən/ 7 (noun)
1457 suit /sʉ́ wt/ 7 (noun, verb, idiom)
1458 tension /tɛ́nʃən/ 7 (noun)
1459 thick /θɪ́k/ 7 (adjective, adverb, noun, idiom)
1460 tone /tə́wn/ 7 (noun, verb)
1461 totally /tə́wtəlɪj/ 7 (adverb)
1462 twice /twɑ́js/ 7 (adverb)
1463 variation /ˌvɛriˈeɪʃ(ə)n/ 7 (noun)
1464 whereas /wɛ́ːráz/ 7 (conjunction, noun)
1465 window /wɪ́ndəw/ 7 (noun, verb)
1466 wise /wɑ́jz/ 7 (adjective, verb, idiom)
1467 wish /wɪ́ʃ/ 7 (verb, noun)
1468 agent /ɛ́jʤənt/ 6 (noun, adjective, verb)
1469 anxiety /æŋˈzaɪədi/ 6 (noun)
1470 atmosphere /átməsfɪː/ 6 (noun)
1471 awareness /əwɛ́ːnəs/ 6 (noun)
1472 band /bánd/ 6 (noun, verb)
1473 bath /bɑ́ːθ/ 6 (noun)
1474 block /blɔ́k/ 6 (noun, verb)
1475 bone /bə́wn/ 6 (noun, verb, adverb)
1476 bread /brɛ́d/ 6 (noun)
1477 calendar /káləndə/ 6 (noun, verb)
1478 candidate /kándədət/ 6 (noun)
1479 cap /káp/ 6 (noun, verb)
1480 careful /kɛ́ːfʉl/ 6 (adjective)
1481 climate /ˈklaɪmət/ 6 (noun)
1482 coat /kə́wt/ 6 (noun, verb)
1483 collect /kəlɛ́kt/ 6 (verb, adverb, noun)
1484 combine /kəmbɑ́jn/ 6 (verb, noun)
1485 command /kəmɑ́ːnd/ 6 (verb, noun)
1486 comparison /kəmˈpɛrəsən/ 6 (noun)
1487 confusion /kənfjʉ́wʒən/ 6 (noun)
1488 construction /kənˈstrəkʃ(ə)n/ 6 (noun)
1489 contest /ˈkɑnˌtɛst/ 6 (noun, verb)
1490 corner /kóːnə/ 6 (noun, adjective, verb, idiom)
1491 court / kóːt/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1492 cup /kə́p/ 6 (noun, verb)
1493 dig /dɪ́g/ 6 (verb, noun)
1494 district /ˈdɪstrɪkt/ 6 (noun, verb)
1495 divide /dəvɑ́jd/ 6 (verb, noun)
1496 door /dóː/ 6 (noun, idiom)
1497 east /ist/ 6 (noun, adjective, adverb)
1498 elevator /ˈɛləˌveɪdər/ 6 (noun)
1499 elsewhere /ɛ́lswɛ́ː/ 6 (adverb)
1500 emotion /ɪmə́wʃən/ 6 (noun)
1501 employee /ˌemplɔɪˈiː/ 6 (noun)
1502 employer /ɪmplójə/ 6 (noun)
1503 equivalent /ɪkwɪ́vələnt/ 6 (adjective, noun)
1504 everywhere /ˈɛvriˌ(h)wɛr 6 (adverb)
1505 except /ɪkˈsɛpt/ 6 (preposition, conjunction, idiom)
1506 finger /fɪ́ŋgə/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1507 garage /gárɑːʒ/ 6 (noun, verb)
1508 guarantee /ˌɡɛrənˈti/ 6 (noun, verb)
1509 guest /gɛ́sd/ 6 (noun)
1510 hang / háŋ/ 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
1511 height /hɑ́jt/ 6 (noun)
1512 himself /hɪmsɛ́lf/ 6 (pronoun)
1513 hole / hə́wl/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1514 hook /hʉ́ k/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1515 hunt /hə́nt/ 6 (verb, noun)
/ˈɪmpləmənt/ ,
implement 6 (noun, verb)
1516 /ˈɪmpləˌmɛnt/
1517 initial /ɪˈnɪʃəl/ 6 (adjective, noun, verb)
1518 intend /ɪntɛ́nd/ 6 (verb)
1519 introduce /ɪ́ntrədjʉ́ ws/ 6 (verb)
1520 latter /ládə/ 6 (adjective)
1521 layer /lɛ́jə/ 6 (noun, verb)
1522 leadership /ˈlidərˌʃɪp/ 6 (noun)
1523 lecture /lɛ́kʧə/ 6 (noun, verb)
1524 lie /lɑ́j/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1525 mall /móːl/ 6 (noun)
1526 manager /mánɪʤə/ 6 (noun)
1527 manner /mánə/ 6 (noun, idiom)
1528 march /mɑ́ːʧ/ 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
1529 married /ˈmɛrid/ 6 (past, verb, adjective, noun)
1530 meeting /ˈmidɪŋ/ 6 (noun, idiom)
1531 mention /mɛ́nʃən/ 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
1532 narrow /nárəw/ 6 (adjective, verb, noun)
1533 nearby /ˈnɪrbaɪ/ , /nɪrˈbaɪ/ 6 (adjective, adverb)
1534 neither /nɑ́jðə/ 6 (conjunction, adjective, pronoun)
1535 nose /nə́wz/ 6 (noun, verb, idiom)
1536 obviously /ˈɑbviəsli/ 6 (adverb)
1537 operation /ˌɑpəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ 6 (noun)
1538 parking /pɑ́ːkɪŋ/ 6 (noun, adjective)
1539 partner /pɑ́ːtnə/ 6 (noun, verb)
1540 perfectly /ˈpərfək(t)li/ 6 (adverb)
1541 physically /ˈfɪzɪkliː/ 6 (adverb)
1542 profile / prə́wfɑjl/ 6 (noun, verb)
1543 proud /práwd/ 6 (adjective, idiom)
1544 recording /rɪkóːdɪŋ/ 6 (noun)
1545 relate /rəlɛ́jt/ 6 (verb)
1546 respect /rəˈspɛkt/ 6 (noun, verb)
1547 rice /rɑ́js/ 6 (noun, verb)
1548 routine /ruˈtin/ 6 (noun, adjective)
1549 sample /sɑ́ːmpəl/ 6 (noun)
1550 schedule /ˈskɛdʒəl/ 6 (noun, verb)
1551 settle /ˈsɛdl/ 6 (verb)
1552 smell /smɛl/ 6 (verb, noun)
1553 somehow /ˈsəmˌhaʊ/ 6 (adverb, idiom)
1554 spiritual /ˈspɪrɪtʃ(u)əl/ 6 (adjective, noun)
1555 survey /sərˈveɪ/ , /ˈsərˌveɪ/ 6 (verb, noun)
1556 swimming /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ 6 (noun, adjective)
1557 telephone /ˈtɛləˌfoʊn/ 6 (noun, verb)
1558 tie /tɑ́j/ 6 (verb, noun, idiom)
1559 tip tɪ́p 6 (noun, verb)
1560 transportation /ˌtræn(t)spərˈteɪʃ(ə)n/ 6 (noun)
1561 unhappy /ˌənˈhæpi/ 6 (adjective)
1562 wild /wɑ́jld/ 6 (adjective, adverb, noun, idiom)
1563 winter /wɪ́ntə/ 6 (noun, adjective, verb)
1564 absolutely /ábsəlʉ́ wtlɪj/ 5 (adverb, interjection)
1565 acceptable /əksɛ́ptəbəl/ 5 (adjective)
1566 adult /ádəlt/ 5 (adjective, noun)
1567 aggressive /əgrɛ́sɪv/ 5 (adjective)
1568 airline / ɛ́ːlɑjn/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1569 apart /əˈpɑːt/ 5 (adjective, adverb)
1570 assure /əʃóː/ 5 (verb)
1571 attract /əˈtrækt/ 5 (verb)
1572 bag /bág/ 5 (noun, verb)
1573 battle /bádəl/ 5 (noun, verb)
1574 bed /bɛ́d/ 5 (noun, verb)
1575 bill /bɪ́l/ 5 (noun, verb)
1576 boring / bóːrɪŋ/ 5 (adjective)
1577 bother /bɔ́ðə/ 5 (noun, verb)
1578 brief /brif/ 5 (adjective, noun, verb)
1579 cake /kɛ́jk/ 5 (noun, verb)
1580 charity /ˈtʃɛrədi/ 5 (noun)
1581 code /kə́wd/ 5 (noun, verb)
1582 cousin /kə́zən/ 5 (noun)
1583 crazy /ˈkreɪzi/ 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
1584 curve /kə́ːv/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1585 designer /dɪzɑ́jnə/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1586 dimension /dɑjmɛ́nʃən/ 5 (noun, verb)
1587 disaster /dəˈzɑːstə/ 5 (noun)
1588 distinct /dəˈstɪŋ(k)t/ 5 (adjective)
1589 distribute /dəˈstrɪbjut/ 5 (verb)
1590 dress /drɛ́s/ 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
1591 ease / iːz/ 5 (noun, verb)
1592 eastern /ˈistərn/ 5 (adjective)
1593 editor /ɛ́dɪtə/ 5 (noun)
1594 efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsiː/ 5 (noun)
1595 emergency /ɪˈmɜːʤənsiː/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1596 escape /əˈskeɪp/ 5 (verb, noun, adjective)
1597 evening /ˈivnɪŋ/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1598 excitement /ɪkˈsaɪtmənt/ 5 (noun)
1599 expose /ɪkˈspəʊz/ 5 (verb, idiom)
1600 extension /ˌɪkˈstɛn(t)ʃ(ə)n/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1601 extent /ɪkˈstɛnt/ 5 (noun)
1602 farm /fɑ́ːm/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1603 feedback /ˈfidˌbæk/ 5 (noun)
1604 fight /fɑ́jt/ 5 (noun, verb)
1605 gap /gáp/ 5 (noun, verb)
1606 gather /gáðə/ 5 (verb, noun, idiom)
1607 grade /grɛ́jd/ 5 (noun, verb)
1608 guitar /gɪtɑ́ː/ 5 (noun)
1609 hate /hɛ́jt/ 5 (verb, noun)
1610 holiday /hɔ́lədɛj/ 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
1611 homework /hə́wmwəːk/ 5 (noun)
1612 horror /hɔ́rə/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1613 horse /hóːs/ 5 (noun, verb, adjective, idiom)
1614 host /hə́wst/ 5 (noun, verb)
1615 husband /hə́zbənd/ 5 (noun, verb)
1616 leader /ˈlidər/ 5 (noun)
1617 loan /lə́wn/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1618 logical /lɔ́ʤɪkəl/ 5 (adjective)
1619 mistake /mɪˈsteɪk/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1620 mom /mɑm/ 5 (noun)
1621 mountain /máwntɪn/ 5 (noun, adjective, idiom)
1622 nail /nɛ́jl/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1623 noise /nójz/ 5 (noun, verb)
1624 none /nə́n/ 5 (pronoun, adverb, adjective)
1625 occasion /əkɛ́jʒən/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1626 outcome /áwtkəm/ 5 (noun)
1627 overcome /ə́wvəkə́m/ 5 (verb)
1628 owe /ə́w/ 5 (verb)
1629 package /pákɪʤ/ 5 (noun, verb)
1630 patient /pɛ́jʃənt/ 5 (noun, adjective)
1631 pause /póːz/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1632 permission /pəmɪ́ʃən/ 5 (noun)
1633 phrase / frɛ́jz/ 5 (noun, verb)
1634 presentation /prɛ́zəntɛ́jʃən/ 5 (noun)
1635 prior /prɑ́jə/ 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
1636 promotion /prəmə́wʃən/ 5 (noun)
1637 proof /prʉ́ wf/ 5 (noun, adjective, verb)
1638 race /rɛ́js/ 5 (noun, verb)
1639 reasonable /ˈriz(ə)nəb(ə)l/ 5 (adjective)
1640 reflection /rəˈflɛkʃ(ə)n/ 5 (noun)
1641 refrigerator /rəˈfrɪdʒəˌreɪdər/ 5 (noun)
1642 relief /rəˈlif/ 5 (noun, idiom)
1643 repair /rəˈper/ 5 (verb, noun)
1644 resolution /rɛ́zəlʉ́ wʃən/ 5 (noun)
1645 revenue /rɛ́vənjʉw/ 5 (noun)
1646 rough /rə́f/ 5 (adjective, noun, adverb, verb)
1647 sad /sád/ 5 (adjective, noun)
1648 sand /sánd/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1649 scratch /skrætʃ/ 5 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1650 sentence /sɛ́ntəns/ 5 (noun, verb)
1651 session /sɛ́ʃən/ 5 (noun)
1652 shoulder /shoulder/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1653 sick /sɪ́k/ 5 (adjective, noun, idiom)
1654 singer /sɪ́ŋə/ 5 (noun)
1655 smoke /smə́wk/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1656 stomach /ˈstəmək/ 5 (noun, verb)
1657 strange /streɪndʒ/ 5 (adjective, adverb)
1658 strict /strɪkt/ 5 (adjective)
1659 strike /straɪk/ 5 (verb, noun, adjective, idiom)
1660 string /strɪŋ/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1661 succeed /səkˈsid/ 5 (verb)
1662 successfully /səkˈsɛsfəli/ 5 (adverb)
1663 suddenly /ˈsʌdənliː/ 5 (adverb)
1664 suffer /sə́fə/ 5 (verb)
1665 surprised /səprɑ́jzd/ 5 (past, verb)
1666 tennis /ˈtɛnəs/ 5 (noun)
1667 throw /θrə́w/ 5 (verb)
1668 tourist /ˈtʊrəst/ 5 (noun, adverb)
1669 towel /táwəl/ 5 (noun, verb)
1670 truly trʉ́ wli 5 (adverb)
1671 vacation /vəkɛ́jʃən/ 5 (noun, verb)
1672 virtually /ˈvərtʃ(u)əli/ 5 (adverb)
1673 west /wɛst/ 5 (noun, adjective, adverb, idiom)
1674 wheel /(h)wil/ 5 (noun, verb, idiom)
1675 wine /wɑ́jn/ 5 (noun, adjective, verb, idiom)
1676 acquire /əˈkwaɪ(ə)r/ 4 (verb)
1677 adapt /əˈdæpt/ 4 (verb)
1678 adjust /əˈdʒəst/ 4 (verb)
1679 administrative /ədˈmɪnəstrətɪv/ 4 (adjective)
1680 altogether /ˌɔltəˈɡɛðər/ 4 (adverb)
1681 anyway /ˈɛniˌweɪ/ 4 (adverb)
1682 argue /ɑ́ːgjʉw/ 4 (verb)
1683 arise /əˈraɪz/ 4 (verb)
1684 arm /ɑ́ːm/ 4 (noun, verb)
1685 aside /əsɑ́jd/ 4 (noun, adverb)
1686 associate əsə́wʃiət 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
1687 automatic /ˌɔdəˈmædɪk/ 4 (adjective)
1688 automatically /ˌɔdəˈmædɪkli/ 4 (adverb)
1689 basket /ˈbæskət/ 4 (noun)
1690 bet /bɛ́t/ 4 (noun, verb)
1691 blow /blə́w/ 4 (noun, verb)
1692 bonus /bə́wnəs/ 4 (noun)
1693 border /bóːdə/ 4 (noun, verb)
1694 branch /brɑ́ːnʧ/ 4 (noun, verb)
1695 breast /brɛst/ 4 (noun, verb)
1696 brother /brə́ðə/ 4 (noun, interjection)
1697 buddy /ˈbədi/ 4 (noun, verb)
1698 bunch /bə́nʧ/ 4 (noun, verb)
1699 cabinet /kábənət/ 4 (noun)
1700 childhood /ˈtʃaɪldˌhʊd/ 4 (noun)
1701 chip /ʧɪ́p/ 4 (noun, verb)
1702 church /ʧə́ːʧ/ 4 (noun)
1703 civil /ˈsɪv(ə)l/ 4 (adjective)
1704 clothes /klə́wðz/ 4 (noun)
1705 coach /kə́wʧ/ 4 (noun, verb, adverb)
1706 coffee /ˈkɒfiː/ 4 (noun)
1707 confirm /kənfə́ːm/ 4 (verb)
1708 cross /krɔ́s/ 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
1709 deeply /ˈdipli/ 4 (adverb)
1710 definitely /ˈdɛf(ə)nətli/ 4 (adverb)
1711 deliberately /dəˈlɪb(ə)rətli/ 4 (adverb)
1712 dinner /dɪ́nə/ 4 (noun)
1713 document /dɔ́kjəmənt/ 4 (noun, verb)
1714 draft /drɑːft/ 4 (noun, verb, adjective)
1715 drawing /dróːrɪŋ/ 4 (noun)
1716 dust /dəst/ 4 (noun, verb)
1717 employ /əmˈplɔɪ/ 4 (verb, noun)
1718 encouraging /ɪnkə́rɪʤɪŋ// 4 (verb)
1719 expert /ˈɛkˌspərt/ 4 (noun, adjective)
1720 external /ɪkˈstərnl/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1721 floor /flóː/ 4 (noun, verb)
1722 former /fóːmə/ 4 (adjective)
1723 god /ɡɑd/ 4 (noun, interjection)
1724 golf /gɒlf/ 4 (noun, verb)
1725 habit /hábɪt/ 4 (noun, verb)
1726 hair /hɛ́ː/ 4 (noun)
1727 hardly hɑ́ːdliː 4 (adverb)
1728 hearing /hɪ́ːrɪŋ/ 4 (noun)
1729 hurt / hə́ːt/ 4 (verb, noun)
1730 illegal /ɪ(l)ˈliɡəl/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1731 incorporate /ɪnkóːpərət/ 4 (verb)
1732 initiative /ɪˈnɪʃ(i)ədɪv/ 4 (noun)
1733 iron /ɑ́jən/ 4 (noun, verb)
1734 judge /ʤə́ʤ/ 4 (noun, verb)
1735 judgment /ʤə́ʤmənt/ 4 (noun)
1736 justify /ˈdʒəstəˌfaɪ/ 4 (verb)
1737 knife /nɑ́jf/ 4 (noun, verb)
1738 lab /láb/ 4 (noun)
1739 landscape /ˈlæn(d)ˌskeɪp/ 4 (noun, verb)
1740 laugh /lɑ́ːf/ 4 (verb, noun)
1741 lay /lɛ́j/ 4 (verb, noun, adjective)
1742 league /liɡ/ 4 (noun, verb)
1743 loud /láwd/ 4 (adjective, adverb)
1744 mail /mɛ́jl/ 4 (noun, verb)
1745 massive /másɪv/ 4 (adjective)
1746 measurement /mɛ́ʒəmənt/ 4 (noun)
1747 mess /mɛ́s/ 4 (noun, verb)
1748 mobile /mə́wˌbəl/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1749 mode /mə́wd/ 4 (noun)
1750 mud /mə́d/ 4 (noun)
1751 nasty /nɑ́ːsti: 4 (adjective, noun)
1752 native /ˈneɪdɪv/ 4 (noun, adjective)
1753 opening /ə́wpənɪŋ/ 4 (noun, adjective)
1754 orange /ɔ́rɪnʤ/ 4 (noun)
1755 ordinary /ˈɔrdnˌɛri/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1756 organize /óːgənɑjz/ 4 (verb)
1757 ought /óːt/ 4 (verb)
1758 parent /pɛ́ːrənt/ 4 (noun, verb)
1759 pattern /pádən/ 4 (noun, verb)
1760 pin /pɪ́n/ 4 (noun, verb)
1761 poetry /pə́wətri:/ 4 (noun)
1762 police /pəˈlis/ 4 (noun)
1763 pool /pʉ́ wl/ 4 (noun, verb)
1764 possess /pəzɛ́s/ 4 (verb)
1765 possibility /ˌpɑsəˈbɪlədi/ 4 (noun)
1766 pound /páwnd/ 4 (noun, verb)
1767 procedure /prəˈsidʒər/ 4 (noun)
1768 queen /kwiːn/ 4 (noun)
1769 ratio /ˈreɪʃiˌoʊ/ 4 (noun)
1770 readily /ˈrɛdəli/ 4 (adverb)
1771 relation / rəlɛ́jʃən/ 4 (noun)
1772 relieve /rəˈliv/ 4 (verb)
1773 request /rəˈkwɛst/ 4 (noun, verb)
1774 respond /rəˈspɑnd/ 4 (verb, noun)
1775 restaurant / rɛ́strɔnt 4 (noun)
1776 retain /rɪtɛ́jn/ 4 (verb)
1777 royal /ˈrɔɪ(ə)l/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1778 salary /ˈsæl(ə)ri/ 4 (noun, verb)
1779 satisfaction /ˌsædəsˈfækʃ(ə)n/ 4 (noun)
1780 sector /sɛ́ktə/ 4 (noun)
1781 senior /ˈsiːniːə/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1782 shame / ʃɛ́jm/ 4 (noun, verb)
1783 shelter /ʃɛ́ltə/ 4 (noun, verb)
1784 shoe /ʃʉ́ w/ 4 (noun, verb)
1785 shut /ʃə́t/ 4 (verb)
1786 signature /sɪ́gnəʧə/ 4 (noun)
1787 significance /sɪgnɪ́fɪkəns/ 4 (noun)
1788 silver /sɪ́lvə/ 4 (noun, adjective, verb)
1789 somebody /ˈsəmbədi/ 4 (pronoun)
1790 song /sɔŋ/ 4 (noun)
1791 southern /sə́ðən/ 4 (adjective)
1792 split /splɪt/ 4 (verb, noun)
1793 strain /streɪn/ 4 (verb, noun)
1794 struggle /ˈstrəɡəl/ 4 (verb, noun)
1795 super /sʉ́ wpə/ 4 (adjective, adverb, noun)
1796 swim /swɪ́m/ 4 (verb, noun)
1797 tackle /tákəl/ 4 (noun, verb)
1798 tank /táŋk/ 4 (noun, verb)
1799 terribly /ˈtɛrəbli/ 4 (adverb)
1800 tight /tɑ́jt/ 4 (adjective, adverb)
1801 tooth /tʉ́ wθ/ 4 (noun)
1802 town /táwn/ 4 (noun)
1803 train /trɛ́jn/ 4 (verb, noun)
1804 trust /trəst/ 4 (noun, verb)
1805 unfair /ə́nfɛ́ː/ 4 (adjective)
1806 unfortunately /ˌənˈfɔrtʃ(ə)nətli/ 4 (adverb)
1807 upper /ə́pə/ 4 (adjective, noun)
1808 vehicle /ˈviːɪkəl/ 4 (noun)
1809 visible /vɪ́zəbəl/ 4 (adjective)
1810 volume /vɔ́ljʉwm/ 4 (noun)
1811 wash /wɒʃ/ 4 (verb, noun)
1812 waste /wɛ́jsd/ 4 (verb, adjective, noun)
1813 wife /wɑ́jf/ 4 (noun)
1814 yellow /jɛ́ləw/ 4 (adjective, noun, verb)
1815 yours /jóːz/ 4 (pronoun)
1816 accident /áksədənt/ 3 (noun)
1817 airport /ɛ́ːpoːt/ 3 (noun)
1818 alive /əlɑ́jv/ 3 (adjective)
1819 angry /ˈæŋgriː/ 3 (adjective)
1820 appointment /əpójntmənt/ 3 (noun)
1821 arrival /ərɑ́jvəl/ 3 (noun)
1822 assist /əˈsɪst/ 3 (noun, verb)
1823 assumption /əˈsəm(p)ʃ(ə)n/ 3 (noun)
1824 bake /bɛ́jk/ 3 (noun, verb)
1825 bar /bɑ́ː/ 3 (noun, verb, preposition)
1826 baseball /bɛ́jsboːl/ 3 (noun)
1827 bell /bɛ́l/ 3 (noun, verb)
1828 bike /bɑ́jk/ 3 (noun, verb)
1829 blame /blɛ́jm/ 3 (noun, verb)
1830 boy /bój/ 3 (noun, interjection)
1831 brick /brɪ́k/ 3 (noun, verb)
1832 calculate /ˈkælkjəˌleɪt/ 3 (verb)
1833 chair /ʧɛ́ː/ 3 (noun, verb)
1834 chapter /ʧáptə/ 3 (noun)
1835 closet /klɔ́zɪt/ 3 (noun, verb, adjective)
1836 clue /klʉ́ w/ 3 (noun, verb)
1837 collar /kɔ́lə/ 3 (noun, verb)
1838 comment /kɔ́mɛnt/ 3 (noun, verb)
1839 committee /kəˈmɪdi/ 3 (noun)
1840 compete /kəmˈpit/ 3 (verb)
1841 concerning / kənsə́ːnɪŋ/ 3 (preposition)
1842 conference /kɔ́nfərəns/ 3 (noun, verb)
1843 consult /kənsə́lt/ 3 (verb)
1844 conversation /kɔ́nvəsɛ́jʃən/ 3 (noun)
1845 convert / kənvə́ːt/ 3 (verb, noun)
1846 crash /kráʃ/ 3 (verb, noun, adjective, adverb)
1847 database / ˈdeɪtəbeɪs/ 3 (noun)
1848 deliver /deliver/ 3 (verb)
1849 dependent /dɪpɛ́ndənt/ 3 (adjective, noun)
1850 desperate /ˈdɛsp(ə)rət/ 3 (adjective)
1851 devil /dɛ́vəl/ 3 (noun, verb)
1852 diet /dɑ́jət/ 3 (noun, verb)
1853 enthusiasm / ɪnˈθjuːziːæzəm/ 3 (noun)
1854 error /ɛ́rə/ 3 (noun)
1855 exciting /ɪksɑ́jdɪŋ/ 3 (adjective)
1856 explanation /ˌɛkspləˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 3 (noun)
1857 extend /ɪkˈstɛnd/ 3 (verb)
1858 farmer /fɑ́ːmə/ 3 (noun)
1859 fear /fɪ́ː/ 3 (noun, verb)
1860 fold /fə́wld/ 3 (verb, noun)
1861 forth /fóːθ/ 3 (adverb)
1862 friendly /ˈfrɛn(d)li/ 3 (adjective)
1863 fuel /ˈfju(ə)l/ 3 (noun, verb)
1864 funny /ˈfəni/ 3 (adjective, noun)
1865 gate /gɛ́jt/ 3 (noun)
1866 girl /gə́ːl/ 3 (noun)
1867 glove /glə́v/ 3 (noun, verb)
1868 grab /gráb/ 3 (verb, noun)
1869 gross /grə́ws/ 3 (adjective, adverb, verb, noun)
1870 hall /hóːl/ 3 (noun)
1871 herself /həːsɛ́lf/ 3 (pronoun)
1872 hide /hɑ́jd/ 3 (verb, noun)
1873 historian /hɪˈstɔriən/ 3 (noun)
1874 hospital /ˈhɑˌspɪdl/ 3 (noun)
1875 ill /ɪ́l/ 3 (adjective, adverb, noun)
1876 injury /ˈɪndʒ(ə)ri/ 3 (noun)
1877 instruction /ɪnˈstrəkʃ(ə)n/ 3 (noun)
1878 investigate /ɪnˈvɛstəˌɡeɪt/ 3 (verb)
1879 jacket /ʤákɪt/ 3 (noun, verb)
1880 lucky /ˈləki/ 3 (adjective)
1881 lunch /lə́nʧ/ 3 (noun, verb)
1882 maintenance /mɛ́jn(t)ənəns/ 3 (noun)
1883 manufacturer /mánjəfákʧərə/ 3 (noun)
1884 meal /miːl/ 3 (noun)
1885 miss /mɪ́s/ 3 (verb, noun)
1886 monitor /ˈmɑnədər/ 3 (noun, verb)
1887 mortgage /móːgɪʤ/ 3 (noun, verb)
1888 negotiate /nəˈɡoʊʃiˌeɪt/ 3 (verb)
1889 nurse /nə́ːs/ 3 (noun, verb)
1890 pace /pɛ́js/ 3 (noun, verb, preposition)
1891 panic /pánɪk/ 3 (noun, verb)
1892 peak /piːk/ 3 (noun, verb, adjective)
1893 perception /pəsɛ́pʃən/ 3 (noun)
1894 permit /pə́ːmɪt/ 3 (verb, noun)
1895 pie /pɑ́j/ 3 (noun)
1896 plane /plɛ́jn/ 3 (noun, adjective, verb)
1897 poem /pə́wəm/ 3 (noun)
1898 presence /prɛ́zəns/ 3 (noun)
1899 proposal /prəpə́wzəl/ 3 (noun)
1900 provided /prəvɑ́jdəd/ 3 (past, verb)
1901 qualify /kwɔ́ləfɑj/ 3 (verb)
1902 quote /kwə́wt/ 3 (verb, noun)
1903 realistic /ˌriːəˈlɪstɪk/ 3 (adjective)
1904 reception /rəˈsɛpʃ(ə)n/ 3 (noun)
1905 recover /rɪkə́və/ 3 (verb, noun)
1906 replacement /rəˈpleɪsmənt/ 3 (noun)
1907 resolve /rɪzɔ́lv/ 3 (verb, noun)
1908 retire /rətɑ́jə/ 3 (verb)
1909 revolution /rɛ́vəlʉ́ wʃən/ 3 (noun)
1910 reward /rəwóːd/ 3 (noun, verb)
1911 rid /rɪ́d/ 3 (verb)
1912 river /rɪ́və/ 3 (noun)
1913 roll /rə́wl/ 3 (verb, noun)
1914 row /rə́w/ 3 (noun, verb)
1915 sandwich /sánwɪʤ/ 3 (noun, verb)
1916 shock /ʃɔ́k/ 3 (noun, verb)
1917 sink /sɪ́ŋk/ 3 (verb, noun)
1918 slip /slɪ́p/ 3 (verb, noun)
1919 son /sə́n/ 3 (noun)
1920 sorry /ˈsɒriː/ 3 (adjective)
1921 spare /spɛ́ː/ 3 (adjective, noun, verb)
1922 speech /spiːʧ/ 3 (noun)
1923 spite /spaɪt/ 3 (noun, verb)
1924 spray / spreɪ/ 3 (noun, verb)
1925 surprise /səprɑ́jz/ 3 (noun, verb)
1926 suspect /səˈspɛkt/ , /ˈsəsˌpɛkt/ 3 (verb, noun, adjective)
1927 sweet /swit/ 3 (adjective, noun)
1928 swing /swɪ́ŋ/ 3 (verb, noun)
1929 tea /ti/ 3 (noun)
1930 till /tɪ́l/ 3 (noun, verb)
1931 transition /tranzɪ́ʃən/ 3 (noun, verb)
1932 twist /twɪst/ 3 (verb, noun)
1933 ugly /ˈəɡli/ 3 (adjective)
1934 unlikely /ˌənˈlaɪkli/ 3 (adjective)
1935 upstairs /ə́pstɛ́ːz/ 3 (adjective, noun)
1936 usual /jʉ́ wʒʉwəl/ 3 (adjective, noun)
1937 village /vɪ́lɪʤ/ 3 (noun)
1938 warning /wóːnɪŋ/ 3 (noun)
1939 weekend /ˈwikˌɛnd/ 3 (noun, verb)
1940 weigh /wɛ́j/ 3 (verb)
1941 welcome /wɛ́lkəm/ 3 (noun, interjection, verb, adjective)
1942 winner /wɪ́nə/ 3 (noun)
1943 worker /wə́ːkə/ 3 (noun)
1944 writer /ˈraɪdər/ 3 (noun)
1945 yard /jɑ́ːd/ 3 (noun, verb)
1946 abroad /əbróːd/ 2 (adverb, noun)
1947 alarm /əlɑ́ːm/ 2 (noun, verb)
1948 anxious /áŋkʃəs/ 2 (adjective)
1949 arrive /ərɑ́jv/ 2 (verb)
1950 assistance /əsɪ́sdəns/ 2 (noun)
1951 attach /ətáʧ/ 2 (verb)
1952 behave /bɪhɛ́jv/ 2 (verb)
1953 bend /bɛ́nd/ 2 (noun, verb)
1954 bicycle /ˈbaɪsək(ə)l/ 2 (noun, verb)
1955 bite /bɑ́jt/ 2 (noun, verb)
1956 blind /blɑ́jnd/ 2 (noun, verb, adjective, adverb)
1957 bottle /ˈbɑdl/ 2 (noun, verb)
1958 brave /brɛ́jv/ 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
1959 breath /brɛ́θ/ 2 (noun)
1960 briefly / ˈbriːfliː/ 2 (adverb)
1961 buyer /bɑ́jə/ 2 (noun)
1962 cable /kɛ́jbəl/ 2 (noun, verb)
1963 calm /kɑ́ːm/ 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
1964 candle /kándəl/ 2 (noun, verb)
1965 celebrate /sɛ́ləbrɛjt/ 2 (verb)
1966 chest /ʧɛ́sd/ 2 (noun)
1967 chocolate /ʧɔ́klət/ 2 (noun)
1968 clerk /klərk/ 2 (noun, verb)
1969 cloud /kláwd/ 2 (noun, verb)
1970 comprehensive /kɔ́mprəhɛ́nsɪv/ 2 (adjective)
1971 concentrate /kɔ́nsəntrɛjt/ 2 (verb, noun)
1972 concert /ˈkɑnˌsərt/ /kənˈsərt/ 2 (noun, verb)
1973 conclusion /kənklʉ́wʒən/ 2 (noun)
1974 contribution /kɔ́ntrəbjʉ́ wʃən/ 2 (noun)
1975 convince /kənvɪ́ns/ 2 (verb)
1976 cookie /ˈkʊkiː/ 2 (noun)
1977 counter / káwn(t)ər/ 2 (noun, verb, adverb, adjective)
1978 courage /kə́rɪʤ/ 2 (noun)
1979 curious /kjʉ́ ːriːəs/ 2 (adjective)
1980 dad /dád/ 2 (noun)
1981 desk /dɛsk/ 2 (noun)
1982 dirty /ˈdərdi/ 2 (adjective, verb)
1983 disagree /ˌdɪsəˈgriː/ 2 (verb)
1984 downtown /dáwntawn/ 2 (adjective, adverb, noun)
1985 drawer /dróː/ 2 (noun)
1986 establish /əˈstæblɪʃ/ 2 (verb)
1987 establishment /əˈstæblɪʃmənt/ 2 (noun)
1988 estimate /ˈɛstəˌmeɪt/ /ˈɛstəmət/ 2 (verb, noun)
1989 examination /ɪɡˌzæməˈneɪʃ(ə)n/ 2 (noun)
1990 flower /fláwə/ 2 (noun, verb)
1991 garbage /gɑ́ːbɪʤ/ 2 (noun)
1992 grand /gránd/ 2 (adjective, noun)
1993 grandfather /gránfɑːðə/ 2 (noun, verb)
1994 grocery /ɡrə́ws(ə)ri/ 2 (noun)
1995 harm /hɑ́ːm/ 2 (noun, verb)
1996 honest /ˈɑnəst/ 2 (adjective, adverb)
1997 honey /ˈhəni/ 2 (noun)
1998 ignore /ɪgnóː/ 2 (verb)
1999 imply /ɪmplɑ́j/ 2 (verb)
2000 impression /ɪmprɛ́ʃən/ 2 (noun)
2001 impressive /ɪmprɛ́sɪv/ 2 (adjective)
2002 improvement /ɪmprʉ́ wvmənt/ 2 (noun)
2003 independence /ɪ́ndəpɛ́ndəns/ 2 (noun)
2004 informal /ɪnfóːməl/ 2 (adjective)
2005 inner /ɪ́nə/ 2 (adjective)
2006 insect /ˈɪnˌsɛkt/ 2 (noun)
2007 insist /ɪnˈsɪst/ 2 (verb)
2008 inspection /ɪnˈspɛkʃ(ə)n/ 2 (noun)
2009 inspector /ɪnspɛ́ktə/ 2 (noun)
2010 king / kɪ́ŋ/ 2 (noun)
2011 knee /niː/ 2 (noun, verb)
2012 ladder /ládə/ 2 (noun)
2013 lawyer /lójə/ 2 (noun, verb)
2014 leather /lɛ́ðə/ 2 (noun, adjective, verb)
2015 load /lə́wd/ 2 (noun, verb)
2016 loose /lʉ́ ws/ 2 (adjective, verb)
2017 male /mɛ́jl/ 2 (adjective, noun)
2018 menu /mɛ́njʉw/ 2 (noun)
2019 mine /mɑ́jn/ 2 (pronoun, noun, verb)
2020 mirror /mɪ́rə/ 2 (noun, verb)
2021 moreover /moːrə́wvə/ 2 (adverb)
2022 neck /nɛ́k/ 2 (noun, verb)
2023 penalty /ˈpɛn(ə)lti/ 2 (noun)
2024 pension /ˈpɛnʃən/ 2 (noun, verb)
2025 piano /pjánəw/ 2 (noun)
2026 plate /plɛ́jt/ 2 (noun, verb)
2027 pleasant /ˈplɛz(ə)nt/ 2 (adjective)
2028 pleased /plizd/ 2 (past, verb)
2029 potato /pətɛ́jdəw/ 2 (noun)
2030 profession /prəfɛ́ʃən/ 2 (noun)
2031 professor /prəfɛ́sə/ 2 (noun)
2032 prompt /prɑm(p)t/ 2 (verb, noun, adjective)
2033 proposed /prəpə́wzd/ 2 (past, verb)
2034 purple /pə́ːpəl/ 2 (noun, adjective, verb)
2035 pursue /pəsjʉ́ w/ 2 (verb)
2036 quantity /ˈkwɑn(t)ədi/ 2 (noun)
2037 quiet /kwɑ́jt/ 2 (adjective, noun, verb)
2038 reaction /riˈækʃ(ə)n/ 2 (noun)
2039 refuse /rəˈfjuz/ /ˈrɛfˌjus/ 2 (verb, noun)
2040 regret / rɪgrɛ́t/ 2 (verb, noun)
2041 remaining /rəˈmeɪnɪŋ/ 2 (verb)
2042 requirement /rɪkwɑ́jəmənt/ 2 (noun)
2043 reveal /rɪˈviːl/ 2 (verb, noun)
2044 ruin /rʉ́ wɪn/ 2 (noun, verb)
2045 rush /rə́ʃ/ 2 (verb, noun)
2046 salad /sáləd/ 2 (noun)
2047 sexual /sɛ́kʃʉwəl/ 2 (adjective)
2048 shake /ʃɛ́jk/ 2 (verb, noun)
2049 shift /ʃɪ́fd/ 2 (verb, noun)
2050 shine /ʃɑ́jn/ 2 (verb, noun)
2051 ship /ʃɪ́p/ 2 (noun, verb)
2052 sister /ˈsɪstə/ 2 (noun)
2053 skirt /skɜːt/ 2 (noun, verb)
2054 slice /slɑ́js/ 2 (noun, verb)
2055 snow /snə́w/ 2 (noun, verb)
2056 specialist /ˈspɛʃ(ə)ləst/ 2 (noun, adjective)
2057 specify /ˈspɛsəˌfaɪ/ 2 (verb)
2058 steal /stil/ 2 (verb, noun)
2059 stroke /strə́wk/ 2 (noun, verb)
2060 strongly /ˈstrɔŋli/ 2 (adverb)
2061 suck /sə́k/ 2 (verb, noun)
2062 sudden /sə́dən/ 2 (adjective)
2063 supermarket /sʉ́ wpəmɑːkɪt/ 2 (noun)
2064 surround /səráwnd/ 2 (verb, noun)
2065 switch /swɪ́ʧ/ 2 (noun, verb)
2066 terrible /tɛ́rəbəl/ 2 (adjective)
2067 tired /tɑ́jəd/ 2 (past, verb)
2068 tongue /tə́ŋ/ 2 (noun)
2069 trash /tráʃ/ 2 (noun, verb)
2070 tune /t(j)ʉ́wn/ 2 (noun, verb)
2071 unable /ˌənˈeɪbəl/ 2 (adjective)
2072 warn /wóːn/ 2 (verb)
2073 weak /wiːk/ 2 (adjective)
2074 weakness / ˈwiːknəs/ 2 (noun)
2075 wedding /wɛ́dɪŋ/ 2 (noun)
2076 wooden /wʉ́ dən/ 2 (adjective)
2077 worried /wə́riːd/ 2 (past, verb)
2078 yeah /jɛ́/ 2 (adverb, interjection)
2079 zone /zə́wn/ 2 (noun, verb)
2080 accuse /əkjʉ́wz/ 1 (verb)
2081 admire /ədmɑ́jə/ 1 (verb)
2082 admit /ədmɪ́t/ 1 (verb)
2083 adopt /ədɔ́pt 1 (verb)
2084 affair /əfɛ́ː/ 1 (noun)
2085 ambition /ambɪ́ʃ(ə)n/ 1 (noun)
2086 analyst /ánəlɪst/ 1 (noun)
2087 anger /áŋgə/ 1 (noun, verb)
2088 announce /ənáwns/ 1 (verb)
2089 anybody /ˈeniːbɒdiː/ 1 (pronoun, noun)
2090 apologize /əpɔ́ləʤɑjz/ 1 (verb)
2091 apple /ápəl/ 1 (noun)
2092 approve /əprʉ́ wv/ 1 (verb)
2093 asleep /əˈsliːp/ 1 (adjective)
2094 assignment /əsɑ́jnmənt/ 1 (noun)
2095 assistant /əsɪ́sdənt/ 1 (noun)
2096 attend /ətɛ́nd/ 1 (verb)
2097 award /əwóːd/ 1 (noun, verb)
2098 bathroom /bɑ́ːθrʉwm/ 1 (noun)
2099 bear /bɛ́ː/ 1 (verb, noun)
2100 bedroom /bɛ́drʉwm/ 1 (noun)
2101 beer /bɪ́ː/ 1 (noun)
2102 belong /bɪlɔ́ŋ/ 1 (verb)
2103 bid /bɪ́d/ 1 (noun, verb)
2104 birthday /ˈbərθˌdeɪ/ 1 (noun)
2105 bitter /bɪ́də/ 1 (noun, adjective)
2106 boot /bʉ́ wt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2107 brilliant /brɪ́ljənt/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2108 bug / bə́g/ 1 (noun, verb)
2109 camp /kámp/ 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
2110 candy /ˈkændi/ 1 (noun, verb)
2111 carpet /kɑ́ːpɪt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2112 cat /kát/ 1 (noun, verb)
2113 celebration /sɛ́ləbrɛ́jʃən/ 1 (noun)
2114 champion /ˈʧæmpiːən/ 1 (noun, verb)
2115 championship / ˈʧæmpiːənʃɪp/ 1 (noun)
2116 channel / ʧánəl/ 1 (noun, verb)
2117 cheek /tʃik/ 1 (noun)
2118 client /klɑ́jənt 1 (noun)
2119 clock /klɔ́k/ 1 (noun, verb)
2120 comfort /kə́mfət/ 1 (noun, verb)
2121 commit /kəˈmɪt/ 1 (verb)
2122 confident /kɔ́nfədənt/ 1 (adjective)
2123 conscious /kɔ́nʃəs/ 1 (adjective)
2124 consequence /kɔ́nsəkwəns/ 1 (noun)
2125 cow /káw/ 1 (noun, verb)
2126 crack / krák/ 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
2127 criticize /krɪ́təsɑjz/ 1 (verb)
2128 dare /dɛ́ː/ 1 (verb, noun)
2129 dear /dɪ́ː/ 1 (adjective, noun, adverb, interjection)
2130 decent /ˈdis(ə)nt/ 1 (adjective)
2131 delay /dəˈleɪ/ 1 (verb, noun)
2132 departure /dɪpɑ́ːʧə / 1 (noun)
2133 deserve /dɪzə́ːv / 1 (verb)
2134 destroy /d!strɔɪ/ 1 (verb)
2135 diamond /dɑ́jəmənd / 1 (noun)
2136 dirt /də́ːt / 1 (noun)
2137 disappointed /ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪn(t)əd/ 1 (past, verb)
2138 drunk /drə́ŋk/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2139 ear /ɪ́ː/ 1 (noun)
2140 embarrassed /ɪmbárəsd/ 1 (adjective)
2141 empty /ˈɛm(p)ti/ 1 (adjective, verb, noun)
2142 engineer /ɛ́nʤɪnɪ́ː / 1 (noun, verb)
2143 entrance /ˈɛntrəns/ 1 (noun, verb)
2144 fault /fɔ́lt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2145 female /ˈfiːmeɪl/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2146 fortune /fóːʧʉwn/ 1 (noun)
2147 friendship /frɛ́ndʃɪp/ 1 (noun)
2148 funeral /fjʉ́ wnərəl/ 1 (noun)
2149 gene /dʒin/ 1 (noun)
2150 girlfriend /gə́ːlfrɛnd/ 1 (noun)
2151 grass /grɑ́ːs/ 1 (noun, verb)
2152 guilty /ˈɡɪlti/ 1 (adjective)
2153 guy /gɑ́j/ 1 (noun, verb)
2154 hat /hát/ 1 (noun)
2155 hell /hɛ́l/ 1 (noun, interjection)
2156 hesitate /hɛ́zətɛjt/ 1 (verb)
2157 highlight /hɑ́jlɑjt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2158 honestly /ˈɑnəstli/ 1 (adverb)
2159 hurry /hə́ri/ 1 (verb, noun)
2160 illustrate /ˈɪləˌstreɪt/ 1 (verb)
2161 incident /ɪ́nsɪdənt/ 1 (noun, adjective)
2162 indication /ɪ́ndɪkɛ́jʃən/ 1 (noun)
2163 inevitable /ɪnˈɛvɪdəb(ə)l/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2164 inform /ɪnfóːm/ 1 (verb)
2165 intention /ɪntɛ́nʃən/ 1 (noun)
2166 invite /ɪnˈvaɪt/ /ˈɪnvaɪt/ 1 (verb, noun)
2167 island /ɑ́jlənd/ 1 (noun, verb)
2168 joke /ʤə́wk/ 1 (noun, verb)
2169 jury /ʤʉ́ːri/ 1 (noun, verb, adjective)
2170 kiss /kɪ́s/ 1 (verb, noun)
2171 lady /lɛ́jdi/ 1 (noun)
2172 leg /lɛ́g/ 1 (noun, verb)
2173 lip /lɪ́p/ 1 (noun, verb)
2174 lonely /lə́wnli:/ 1 (adjective)
2175 mad /mád/ 1 (adjective)
2176 manufacturing /ˌmænjəˈfækʧərɪŋ/ 1 (verb)
2177 marry /mári:/ 1 (verb, interjection)
2178 mate /mɛ́jt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2179 midnight /mɪ́dnɑjt/ 1 (noun)
2180 motor /mə́wtə/ 1 (noun, adjective, verb)
2181 neat /niːt/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2182 negotiation /nəˌgəʊʃiːˈeɪʃən/ 1 (noun)
2183 nerve /nə́ːv/ 1 (noun, verb)
2184 nervous /nə́ːvəs/ 1 (adjective)
2185 nowhere /nə́wwɛː/ 1 (adverb, pronoun, adjective)
2186 obligation /ˌɑbləˈɡeɪʃ(ə)n/ 1 (noun)
2187 odd /ɔ́d/ 1 (adjective)
2188 ok /ə́wkɛ́j/ 1 (adjective, adverb, noun, verb)
2189 passage /pásɪʤ/ 1 (noun, verb)
2190 passenger /pásɪnʤə/ 1 (noun)
2191 pen /pɛ́n/ 1 (noun, verb)
2192 persuade /pəˈsweɪd/ 1 (verb)
2193 pizza /ˈpitzə/ 1 (noun)
2194 platform /plátfoːm/ 1 (noun)
2195 poet /pə́wət/ 1 (noun)
2196 pollution /pəlʉ́ wʃən/ 1 (noun)
2197 pop /pɔ́p/ 1 (verb, noun, adverb, adjective)
2198 pour /póː/ 1 (verb)
2199 pray /prɛ́j/ 1 (verb, adverb)
2200 pretend /prɪtɛ́nd/ 1 (verb, adjective)
2201 previously /ˈpriːviːəsliː/ 1 (adverb)
2202 pride /prɑ́jd/ 1 (noun, verb)
2203 priest /priːst/ 1 (noun, verb)
2204 prize /prɑ́jz/ 1 (noun, adjective, verb)
2205 promise /prɔ́mɪs/ 1 (noun, verb)
2206 propose /prəpə́wz/ 1 (verb)
2207 punch /pə́nʧ/ 1 (verb, noun)
2208 quit /kwɪ́t/ 1 (verb, noun)
2209 recognition /rɛ́kəgnɪ́ʃən/ 1 (noun)
2210 remarkable /rəmɑ́ːkəb(ə)l/ 1 (adjective)
2211 remind /rəˈmaɪnd/ 1 (verb)
2212 reply /rɪplɑ́j/ 1 (verb, noun)
2213 representative /ˌreprəˈzentətɪv/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2214 reputation /ˌrɛprəˈzɛn(t)ədɪv/ 1 (noun)
2215 resident /ˈrez(ə)dənt/ 1 (noun, adjective)
2216 resist /rɪzɪ́sd/ 1 (verb, noun)
2217 resort /rɪzóːt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2218 ring /rɪ́ŋ/ 1 (noun, verb)
2219 rip /rɪp/ 1 (verb, noun)
2220 roof /rʉ́ wf/ 1 (noun, verb)
2221 rope /rə́wp/ 1 (noun, verb)
2222 rub /rə́b/ 1 (verb, noun)
2223 sail /sɛ́jl/ 1 (noun, verb)
2224 scheme /skiːm/ 1 (noun, verb)
2225 script /skrɪpt/ 1 (noun, verb)
2226 shall /ʃəl/ 1 (verb)
2227 shirt /ʃə́ːt/ 1 (noun)
2228 silly /ˈsɪliː/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2229 sir /sə́ː/ 1 (noun)
2230 slight /slɑ́jt/ 1 (adjective, verb, noun)
2231 smart /smɑ́ːt/ 1 (adjective, verb, noun)
2232 smile /smɑ́jl/ 1 (verb, noun)
2233 sock /sɔ́k/ 1 (noun, verb)
2234 speaker /ˈspiːkə/ 1 (noun)
2235 spell /spɛl/ 1 (verb, noun)
2236 station /ˈsteɪʃən/ 1 (noun, verb)
2237 stranger /ˈstreɪnʤə/ 1 (noun)
2238 stretch /streʧ/ 1 (verb, noun)
2239 stupid /stjʉ́ wpɪd/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2240 submit /səbmɪ́t/ 1 (verb)
2241 substantial /səbˈstænʃəl/ 1 (adjective)
2242 suppose /səpə́wz/ 1 (verb)
2243 surgery /ˈsərdʒ(ə)ri/ 1 (noun)
2244 suspicious /səˈspɪʃəs/ 1 (adjective)
2245 sympathy /ˈsɪmpəθiː/ 1 (noun)
2246 tale /tɛ́jl/ 1 (noun)
2247 tall /tóːl/ 1 (adjective)
2248 tear /tɪ́ː/ 1 (verb, noun)
2249 temporary /ˈtɛmpəˌrɛri/ 1 (adjective, noun)
2250 throat /θrə́wt/ 1 (noun)
2251 tiny /ˈtaɪniː/ 1 (adjective)
2252 toe /tə́w/ 1 (noun, verb)
2253 tomorrow /təmɔ́rəw/ 1 (adverb, noun)
2254 tower /táwə/ 1 (noun, verb)
2255 trainer /trɛ́jnə/ 1 (noun)
2256 translate /trænzˈleɪt/ 1 (verb)
2257 truck /trə́k/ 1 (noun, verb)
2258 uncle /ə́ŋkəl/ 1 (noun)
2259 wake /wɛ́jk/ 1 (verb, noun)
2260 weekly /ˈwiːkliː/ 1 (adjective, adverb, noun)
2261 whoever /hʉwɛ́və/ 1 (pronoun)
2262 witness /wɪ́tnəs/ 1 (noun, verb)
2263 wrap /ráp/ 1 (verb, noun)
2264 yesterday /ˈjestədeɪ/ 1 (adverb, noun)
2265 youth /jʉ́ wθ/ 1 (noun)

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