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When measurements are not feasable, some

other method for rating production quality must be used. Often the most practical
method of checking a part or a characteristic may be to classify it as being either
good or bad. That is, it either conforms to the specification or it does not
conform. We use the term "attribute" to describe a characteristic which is
classified in this manner. There are two types of attributes: 1. Where
measurements are not possible-- visually inspected items for color, missing parts,
scratches and other damage. 2. Where measurements can be made but are not
because of time, cost or need. At this point we should probably distinguish
between the terms "nonconformity" and "nonconforming." A nonconformity is a quality
characteristic which does not conform to specifications. A nonconforming product is
an item which is not useable as intended because it has one or more
nonconformities. VARIABLE CHART LIMITATIONS Variable control charts are
excellent for controlling and improving quality but they have certain limitations.
One obvious limitation is that they must be used only for characteristics which are
measurable. They cannot be used for characteristics which are attributes. A
further limitation is that they can be used for only one characteristic. This means
that there must be a control chart for each characteristic to be controlled. It can
be seen that this could prove costly and burdensome. The attribute chart can
minimize this limitation by providing overall quality information economically.
TYPES OF ATTRIBUTE CHARTS The following types of attribute charts find
application where control charts for variables are not considered advisable. 1.
p-charts -- These record the proportion of nonconforming parts in a sample. This
proportion is expressed as a decimal fraction. A variation of the p-chart which is
somewhat easier understood by others is the 100p-chart. This actually represents
the percent nonconforming. Yet another variation of the p-chart is the np-chart
which is based on the number of nonconforming parts found in each sample of
material. 2. c-charts -- these charts are based on the number of
nonconformities. 3. u-charts -- these charts are based on the number of
nonconforitiesing per unit. Care should be taken to detect the differences in
the above definitions with respect to the terms nonconforming and nonconformity.
Generally, the charts for nonconforming are the p, 100p and np charts, while the
charts for nonconformities are c and u charts. p-CHART CONS TRUCTION This
chart is probably the most popular and widely used of all the attribute charts. The
number of nonconforming parts in the sample is divided by the number of items in
the sample. The quotient is the fraction nonconforming. Then multiplied by 100 it
becomes the percent nonconforming. The charts are usually kept as fraction
nonconforming charts. Preliminary Considerations As with the variable
charts, the success of fraction nonconforming charts depends to a great extent on
the care and thought put into its conception. The characteristic, or
characteistics, to be studied must be defined and carefully selected. The
frequency of check and the sample size should be selected to provide adequate
information. S ome very beneficial aid may be obtained by analyzing the Military
S tandard S ampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. No simple
rule can set the frequency of check or the sample size, but these tables can
provide a guide. Provision should be made, where necessary, to facilitate the
selection of a random sample of the product. Normally this may be accomplished
quite easily, but occasionally a rather elaborate technique is necessary.
Testing fixtures, gauges and equipment must be analyzed to insure accurate and
reliable results. If a visual inspection is performed, marginal standards should be
developed to provide a verifiable comparison. Limiting shades of color, or a
limiting roughness of surface may be obtained and these parts retained as a master
against which to check production. Unless the inspection data is capable of close
duplication, it is of little value and no quality control chart can enhance its
reliability even a little bit. THE p-CHART DATA S HEET As in the data sheet
for variable control charts, the data sheet for a p-chart should provide all the
information necessary to completely identify the product, the operation, the
inspection procedure and the characteristics to be checked. An example of the form
such a data chart might take is provided on the following page. (INS ERT TWO
PAGES OF PDATA S HEET AND PCHART) In addition, the data sheet should provide a
means for recording the inspection information and transforming it into usable
form. This usually means that a column for listing the number of nonconformities in
each sample and a parallel column for recording either the fraction or percent
nonconforming for that sample. The example is set up for fraction nonconforming
The example also has provisions for additional analysis of the number nonconforming
due to each of the various characteristics. This provides useful information when
process changes are required. The sample chart has been filled in with
inspection data on the number nonconforming found in each of twenty-five samples.
Let's calculate the fraction nonconforming for each sample and record it in the
appropriate column. Fraction nonconforming = sample size / number
nonconforming The p-Chart

Here again the chart form should provide the same

identification information as that on the data sheet. This provides a chart which
fairly adequately describes the operation without reference to additional forms. An
example of such a form is shown on the following Page. The vertical scale
should be constructed to permit plotting of all values which might be anticipated
in the data. For our purposes we can use a scale of 1 inch = .05 fraction
nonconforming. The plottings are then made, and as is common practice, they are
joined by straight lines to avoid "loss" of any data. ANALYS IS OF THE p-CHART
The first step in analyzing a p-chart is to calculate the center line or average
line. This line is labeled p (p-Bar) and is the average fraction nonconforming.
The average fraction nonconforming may be calculated by the following formula.
Total number of nonconforming parts observed
p = -------------------------------------------- Total number of parts
inspected For the percent nonconforming chart this value is obtained by
multiplying the fraction by 100. (100) (Total number of nonconforming parts)
100p = ------------------------------------------ Total number of
parts inspected This value should be calculated for the sample problem, the p-
Bar value drawn on the chart and properly labeled. After the center line has
been calculated, the control limits can be determined. The formulas are shown for
both fraction and percent nonconforming charts Fraction
Percent Nonconforming Nonconforming
Charts Charts Upper Control Limit p + 3 p(1-p) 100p + 3
100p(100-100p) UCL(P) n n Lower
Control Limit p - 3 p(1-p) 100p - 3 100p(100-100p) LCL(P)
n n Let's now calculate the limits for our example and
draw them in place. It should be noted that often the lower control limit will turn
out to be negative. When this occurs, the lower limit is usually not drawn on the
chart. The converse is of utmost importance: if no lower limit is drawn on the
chart it means that the value is negative. It is important that the lower control
limit be drawn on the control chart whenever it is positive or whenever it is zero.
After the control limits have been drawn they should be labeled. INTERPRETATION
OF THE p-CHART There are two questions which require an answer when a p-chart
is analyzed. Is the process in control? Is the process satisfactory? If all the
plottings are within the control limits and are relatively evenly dispersed about
the center line in a pattern similar to those of the Xbar and R charts discussed
previously, the process is said to be in a state of control. In more general terms,
we might say that the variation among the plottings is such that it could be
expected to occur if all the plottings were based on samples taken from the same
lot of material. The variation is apparently due only to sampling fluctuation.
There is no indication of a process change. The process has been producing in a
consistent fashion throughout the period in which the samples were taken. If
the process is not in control, there is very little that can be said about the
process capabilities. If the process has been operating in an erratic manner, it is
nearly impossible to say anything about how good the process actually is. The
source of erratic variation, the assignable causes, must be eliminated before any
valid conclusions can be reached. If the process is in control, the average
fraction nonconforming may be considered the expected quality level of the process.
It has been producing material of a certain fraction nonconforming in the past and
unless some process change is made, it can be expected to continue at approximately
the same level. When this has been established, we should determine whether this
level is satisfactory or not. No simple rule exists for setting an acceptable
quality level. The level must be selected on the basis of knowledge concerning the
function of the part, assembly difficulties, further processing, and the
possibility of a nonconforming part actually getting into an assembly or a finished
part. If the process is in control at a satisfactory level, the center line and
control limits on the chart may be extended and used to maintain ongoing control.
As with other control charts, it is important to observe the p-charts to learn of
any chaotic condition. A plotting above the upper control limit would probably
indicate that the change in the process is undesirable. A plotting below the lower
limit would probably indicate that the change in the process is desirable.
S imilarly, production should be alert to detect trends which might occur as the
process continues to be monitored.

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