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Name: Free Points: 0/total 1 point

Date: Mark:

Grade: Test paper


1). Put ,,a, an, or the’’ in front of the following words: (10 x 0.1 p = 1 point)

o ……………… white tiger o O carte = ………………………………

o ……………… ruler o Cutitul = ………………………............
o ……………... eagle o O oaie neagra = ……………………….
o ……………... umbrella o Elefantul gri = …………………………
o ……………… orange orange o Un creion portocaliu = ……………….

2). Translate the following words into English. (20 x 0.075 p= 1.5 points)

o bunic = o laba piciorului =

o sora= o pantaloni =
o strut= o capră =
o 15 = o apa =
o cap = o caiet =
o cocoș = o pantofi =
o girafa = o bufniță =
o deget de la mână = o lebenita =
o radiera = o 86 =
o autobus = o burta =

3). Translate with the following words: this, these, that, those.(8 x 0.2 p= 1,6 points)

o those hens =
o biscuitele acela =
o ursii acestia =
o this table =
o that dog =
o trenul acesta =
o these girls =
o acei copii =

4).Put the following nouns into the plural form. (15 x 0.1 p= 1,5 points)

o dinte = o oaie =
o copil = o bărbat =

o pește = o pensula =
o mașină = o băiat =
o frunză = o cutie =
o cutit = o șoarece =
o autobus =
o ceas =
o rosie =

5). Rearrange the words to form sentences: (4 x 0.3 = 1.2 points)

a. are – dogs – there – house – three – the – in - .

b. is – there – an – bedroom – not – in – elephant – my - .

c. there – not – bananas – four – table – are – the – on - .

d. is – a – there – in – window – kitchen – the - ?

6). Compete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb ,,have got = a avea’’. (5 x 0.1
p= 0.5 points)

o He …………………… three cherries.

o They …………………………. ( - ) seven red dresses.
o We ……………………. an orange candy.
o You …………………… a big blue car.
o I …………………….. ( - ) an ugly doll.

7). Complete the following sentences with the right form of the verb into Present Simple Tense at
+, -, or ? . (10 x 0.1= 1 point)

o I ………………….. ….(walk) to school every morning at seven o’ clock.

 Jack and Ana (eat) spaghetti every week.
 Mary (watch) a movie now.
 she (like) to drink milk?
 I (not drink) juice every day.
 it (rain) right now?
 Clara (wash) the dishes right now.

 you (speak) English well?
 He (have not) a shower every morning.
 They (go) to work today.

8). Form the negative short form of the verb ,,to be”. (0,01 p. x 7 = 0,7 p.)

Ex. I am not(long form) – I’m not(short form)

• I’m not. = Eu nu sunt.

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