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This October 30 is the fourth anniversary of the Chenagai killings

that took place early one morning in a small village in Pakistan.

Scores of innocent people were mercilessly killed by bloodthirsty
US forces that were supervised and directed by the very notorious
CIA which fired several deadly anti-tank missiles from the air at
a local school located inside the village near the Afghan border.
The attack on the vilage was carried out with the aim of killing
top al-Qaeda operatives who were never present in the village at
all. It was yet another case of bad military intelligence as well
as a very solid reflection of the US predilection for consorting
with highly unreliable local informants plus a blatantly callous
and total disregard for the lives of non-US people.
Local authorities were believed to have given the green light to
the US military to carry out the attack probably due to pressure
from external political figures, some of whom might well have been
very famous Prize winners. Local paramiltary soldiers refused to
let outsiders enter the vilage immediately after the killings.
In consequence, some days later, a revenge attack was carried out
against the army resulting in the deaths of over forty personnel.
It is surely very clear that the US is now using Pakistan besides
Afghanistan, as a very open and unlimited playing ground for its
military and its CIA which is the top murder organisation in the
It is the story of the great US military adventure in S E Asia all
over again. There, in the sixties and early seventies the US made
countless attacks, killings and the so-called pre-emptive strikes
against remote villages, hamlets and towns with the aim of wiping
out guerrilla infiltrators but always ended up killing scores of
innocent farmers and villagers. Later, the local garrisons of the
pro-US regimes were viciously attacked in acts of reprisals. Blood
belonging to the local people were spilled in very great amounts.
This greatly pleased the very evil US military generals to no end.
The US is clearly a very bloodthirsty nation. In fact, the US is
the bloodthirstiest nation in the whole history of civilisation,
from the time of the earliest recorded writings to our modern or
present day.
The US is more bloodthirstier than even very infamous killers like
Genghis or Hitler and Tojo put together. These killers wiped out
millions of weak and sedentary peoples for the purpose of military
conquests, but the US does the same thing not only for realising
conquests but also because of the belief that the lives of other
humans who are non-US citizens have little or zero value.
In other words, the lands and the inhabitants of other nations are
fit only for the playing of very unlimited and deadly violent games
by the US military.
The people who live outside the US are useful only for testing the
latest weapons and serve as perfect subjects for the evaluation of
the effectiveness of the latest military tactics.
This scenario is now happening or taking place in Afghanistan, Yemen
and the latest, in Pakistan. The US has tried to extend this kind of
playing to other parts of the world like in the Far East, but so far
has been less successful. For the time being that is.
The US is to be feared. Greatly feared. Why ? The reason is because
the US is even worse than Hitler and Tojo put together. The US is now
the latest incarnation of the great Genghis who was known for wanting
to have EVERYTHING from the very east to the very west to belong to
him. The US is now harbouring the same wish or dream. Such is its so
very wantonly great evil.
The whole world must watch very closely the acts and antics of the US
today. The US is busily and openly killing and massacring in areas or
regions like the lands of Pakistan and Yemen while in other areas the
US is slyly putting in the very necessary or preparatory groundwork.
Beware of the very bloodthirsty and extremely murderous US.
US leaders and politicians today are very firm and resolute in their
belief that other people and other lands exist for the sole purpose
of giving the US military free reign to do what it likes and what it
wants using humans as their objects. As such, the US has given its
military the biggest yearly budget ever known in the world and its
generals are encouraged to become the most bigoted kind possible.
The US Pentagon is filled to its ears with all kinds of filthy and
devious warmongers who think that other people or foreigners are
begging them to impose war and carry out one senseless killing after
another. Chenagai was merely just one tiny dot on their world map.
The rest of the world must realise that eventually the US military
will get to them all. It is only a matter of time and waiting for
that dreaded knock on the front door. Already, the US Navy and even
its Air Force are busily poking and prodding here and there.
Even its diplomatic staff are always fully tasked with duties that
are intended to dissolve foreign societies from within in unholy and
secretive preparation for future violent and bloody dismantling by
the very deadly and evil US military. Nobody is ever exempted from
this. Such is its great thirst for blood now.
Always remember the US is the bloodthirstiest entity in the world.
Never forget the Chenagai killings. Humans are seen fit to be at the
receiving end of aircraft firing deadly rockets designed to tear up
nothing less than thickly armoured vehicles. In places like Chenagai
innocent humans are deemed totally suitable to endure these types of
rockets. Including tiny little babies and children. How very EVIL.
Never forget the killings at Chenagai. Those who died that day must
never be forgotten. (They were not the first and certainly will not
be the last victims of the very evil US callousness.)
Be fully prepared today to be assigned as the Chenagai of tomorrow !
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But may it happen with a great difference. When the killers arrive
let loose with all you have and sent them back to where they truly
belong. Murderers and killers like the CIA and the greatly callous
US military only belong in hell.
Always and always remember it.

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