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Learning outcomes of PYP -Grade 3

1. Language A –English

2. Language B – Hindi

3. Mathematics

4. Science

5. Social studies

6. Information and Communication Technologies

7. Physical Education

8. Visual Arts

9. Performing Arts (Drama)

1. Language A – English (strands—Oral, Visual, Written)
Oral Communication (listening and speaking)
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
listen attentively and speak appropriately in small and large group
G3.E1.1 All the units
listen to a variety of oral presentations including stories, poems,
G3.E1.2 All the units
rhymes and reports
G3.E1.3 pick out main events and relevant points in oral texts All the units

G3.E1.4 follow multi-step directions All the units

G3.E1.5 retell familiar stories in sequence All the units

G3.E1.6 anticipate and predict when listening to text read aloud All the units
use language for a variety of personal purposes, for example,
G3.E1.7 Communication
express thoughts, ideas and opinions and discuss them, respecting
G3.E1.8 All the units
contributions from others
participate in a variety of dramatic activities, for example, role play,
G3.E1.9 Communication
puppet theatre
G3.E1.10 use language to explain, inquire and compare All the units
recognize patterns in language(s) of instruction and use increasingly
G3.E1.11 All the units
accurate grammar
begin to understand that language use is influenced by its purpose and
G3.E1.12 All the units
the audience
G3.E1.13 understand and use specific vocabulary to suit different purposes All the units

G3.E1.14 hear and appreciate differences between languages All the units

Visual Communication (viewing and presenting)

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
view visual information and show understanding by asking relevant
G3.E2.1 All the units
discuss their own feelings in response to visual messages; listen to
G3.E2.2 All the units
other responses
realize that visual information reflects and contributes to the
G3.E2.3 All the units
understanding of context
recognize and name familiar visual texts, for example, advertising,
G3.E2.4 All the units
logos, labels, signs
G3.E2.5 observe and discuss familiar and unfamiliar visual messages All the units
G3.E2.6 discuss personal experiences that connect with visual images All the units

use actions and body language to reinforce and add meaning to oral
G3.E2.7 All the units
select and use suitable shapes, colours, symbols and layout for
G3.E2.8 All the units
G3.E2.9 practise and develop writing/ calligraphy styles All the units
realize that text and illustrations in reference materials work together
G3.E2.10 All the units
to convey information
with guidance, use the internet to access relevant information; process
G3.E2.11 All the units
and present information
use appropriate terminology to discuss visual texts, for example, logos,
G3.E2.12 All the units
font, foreground, impact
view a range of visual language formats and discuss their effectiveness,
G3.E2.13 All the units
for example, film/video, posters, drama
realize that effects have been selected and arranged to achieve a
G3.E2.14 certain impact, for example, the way in which colour, lighting, music All the units
and movement work together in a performance
observe and discuss visual presentations; make suggestions about why
G3.E2.15 they have been created and what the creator has been aiming to All the units

Written Communication (reading and writing)

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
develop personal preferences, selecting books for pleasure and
G3.E3.1 All the units
read texts at an appropriate level, independently, confidently and with
G3.E3.2 All the units
good understanding
recognize a range of different text types, for example, letters, poetry,
G3.E3.3 All the units
plays, stories, novels
identify and explain the basic structure of a story— beginning, middle
G3.E3.4 All the units
and end
G3.E3.5 use storyboards or comic strips to communicate elements All the units
make and revise predictions about a story, based on their own
G3.E3.6 All the units
knowledge and experience
G3.E3.7 realize that there is a difference between fiction and non-fiction All the units
recognize and use the different parts of a book, for example, title page,
G3.E3.8 All the units
contents, index
understand sound–symbol relationships and apply reliable phonetic
G3.E3.9 All the units
use a range of strategies to self-monitor and self-correct, for example,
G3.E3.10 All the units
meaning, rereading

G3.E3.11 discuss personality and behaviour of storybook characters All the units
discuss their own experiences and relate them to fiction and non-
G3.E3.12 All the units
fiction texts
acknowledge that people see things differently and are entitled to
G3.E3.13 All the units
express their point of view
wonder about texts and ask questions to try to understand what the
G3.E3.14 All the units
author is saying

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.E4.1 engage confidently with the process of writing All the units
write about a range of topics for a variety of purposes, using literary
G3.E4.2 All the units
forms and structures
use graphic organizers to plan writing, for example, Mind Maps,
G3.E4.3 All the units
organize ideas in a logical sequence, for example, write simple
G3.E4.4 All the units
narratives with a beginning, middle and end
use appropriate writing conventions, for example, word order, as
G3.E4.5 All the units
required by the language(s) of instruction
use familiar aspects of written language with increasing confidence and
G3.E4.6 accuracy, for example, spelling patterns, high frequency words, high All the units
interest words
G3.E4.7 use increasingly accurate grammatical constructs All the units
G3.E4.8 write legibly, and in a consistent style All the units
proofread their own writing and make some corrections and
G3.E4.9 All the units
G3E4.10 use feedback from teachers and other students to improve their writing All the units
use a dictionary, a thesaurus and word banks to extend their use of
G3.E4.11 All the units
G3.E4.12 keep a log of ideas to write about All the units
over time, create examples of different types of writing and store them
G3.E4.13 All the units
in their own writing folder
participate in teacher conferences with teachers recording progress
G3.E4.14 and noting new learning goals; self-monitor and take responsibility for All the units
publish written work, in handwritten form or in digital format, with
G3.E4.15 All the units
teacher guidance

2. Language B – Hindi (strands—Oral, Visual, Written)

Oral Communication (listening and speaking)

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.H1.1 expand and use listening and speaking vocabularies All the units
G3.H1.2 listen attentively and considerately and respond in small situations All the units

G3.H1.3 initiate conversation with peers and adults All the units
listen to and talk about stories, poems, rhymes, questions,
G3.H1.4 All the units
explanations and instructions
express thoughts, feelings, ideas and opinions and be able to discuss
G3.H1.5 All the units
G3.H1.6 predict likely outcomes when listening to texts read aloud All the units

G3.H1.7 retell familiar stories in sequence All the units

G3.H1.8 talk about the stories, writing, pictures and models they have created All the units
make sentences with appropriate word order
G3.H1.9 All the units

G3.H1.10 describe personal experiences in response to visual text All the units
G3.H1.11 listen to other responses, realizing that people react differently All the units

G3.H1.12 use language to address their needs, express feelings and opinions All the units

G3.H1.13 begin to organize thoughts and feelings before speaking All the units

G3.H1.14 ask questions and give appropriate answers All the units

G3.H1.15 retell, relate and sequence events and stories with detail All the units
use oral language to communicate during classroom activities,
G3.H1.16 All the units
conversations and play
G3.H1.17 work in pairs and groups to develop oral presentations All the units

G3.H1.18 hear and appreciate differences between languages. All the units
realize that text and illustrations in reference materials work together
G3.H1.19 All the units
to convey information

Visual Communication (viewing and presenting)

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
view visual information and show understanding by asking relevant
G3.H2.1 All the units
discuss their own feelings in response to visual messages; listen to other
G3.H2.2 All the units
G3.H2.3 understand and realize that visual information reflects and contributes All the units

to the understanding
recognize and name familiar visual texts, for example, advertising, logos,
G3.H2.4 labels, signs, etc. All the units

G3.H2.5 observe and discuss familiar and unfamiliar visual messages All the units
G3.H2.6 discuss personal experiences that connect with visual images All the units
use actions and body language to reinforce and add meaning to oral
G3.H2.7 All the units
select and use suitable shapes, colours, symbols and layout for
G3.H2.8 All the units
realize that text and illustrations in reference materials work together to
G3.H2.9 All the units
convey information
G3.H2.10 view a range of visual language formats and discuss about them All the units
observe and discuss visual presentations; make suggestions about why
G3.H2.11 All the units
they have been created
G3.H2.12 design posters and charts, using shapes, colours, symbols, layout, etc All the units
G3.H2.13 observe and discuss the choice and composition of visual presentations All the units

Written Communication (reading and writing)

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.H3.1 enjoy reading and being read to All the units

G3.H3.2 read for a variety of purposes and respond to what is being read. All the units

G3.H3.3 participate in reading activities with confidence All the units

G3.H3.4 read and retell simple stories from familiar or unfamiliar books All the units
read texts at an appropriate level, independently, confidently and with
G3.H3.5 All the units
good understanding
recognize a range of different text types, for example, letters, poetry,
G3.H3.6 All the units
plays, stories, etc
G3.H3.7 recognize that a story has a beginning, middle and end All the units
G3.H3.8 predict what may happen next in the story All the units
understand and respond to the feelings expressed in various reading
G3.H3.9 All the units
G3.H3.10 ask and answer questions about what is read in detail All the units

G3.H3.11 describe the characters in story and poetry All the units

G3.H3.12 read silently with independence and confidence All the units
G3.H3.13 realize that there is a difference between fiction and non-fiction All the units

G3.H3.14 discuss their own experiences and relate them to fiction and nonfiction All the units


G3.H3.15 identify the problem, solution and message. All the units
wonder about texts and ask questions to try to understand what the
author is saying
recognize and use the different parts of a book, for example, title page,
contents, index, etc.
G3.H3.18 participate in collaborative learning experiences

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.H4.1 engage with the process of writing and enjoy it All the units
G3.H4.2 joins letter legibly and correctly to make meaningful words All the units

G3.H4.3 recognize and use simple complete sentences All the units
G3.H4.4 use full stop and question marks All the units

G3.H4.5 generate ideas before writing All the units

G3.H4.6 organize ideas in appropriate order to convey the meaning All the units

G3.H4.7 write about a range of topics that are significant All the units
write descriptive paragraphs like simple sequenced stories with
G3.H4.8 All the units
beginning, middle and end.
explore and identify writing conventions:-parts of speech (nouns –
G3.H4.9 singular and plural, pronouns, verbs) and begin to use in the correct order All the units
in sentences
G3.H4.10 write for a range of purposes, both creative and informative All the units

G3.H4.11 select vocabulary to achieve desired effects All the units

G3.H4.12 reread, edit and revise to improve their own writing All the units

G3.H4.13 group sentences about similar information together to form a paragraph All the units

G3.H4.14 identify word order in positive and negative statements and questions All the units

G3.H4.15 engage with the process of writing and enjoy it All the units

G3.H4.16 joins letter legibly and correctly to make meaningful words All the units

G3.H4.17 recognize and use simple complete sentences All the units
G3.H4.18 use full stop and question marks All the units

3. Mathematics (strands—Data handling, Measurement, Shape and space, Pattern and
function, Numbers) Data Handling
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
understand that data can be collected, displayed and interpreted using
G3.M1.1 All the units
simple graphs, for example, bar graphs, line graphs
G3.M1.2 understand that scale can represent different quantities in graphs Migration
collect, display and interpret data using simple graphs, for example, bar
G3.M1.3 All the units
graphs, line graphs
G3.M1.4 identify, read and interpret range and scale on graphs Migration
design a survey and systematically collect, organize and display data in
G3.M1.5 All the units
pictographs and bar graphs
G3.M1.6 select appropriate graph form(s) to display data All the units
G3.M1.7 interpret range and scale on graphs Migration
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.M2.1 understand the use of standard units to measure perimeter Stand alone
understand relationships between units, for example, metres,
G3.M2.2 Stand alone
centimetres and millimetres
G3.M2.3 estimate and measure using standard units of measurement: perimeter Stand alone
understand that measures can fall between numbers on a measurement
G3.M2.4 Stand alone
scale, for example, 3½ kg, between 4 cm and 5 cm
G3.M2.5 describe measures that fall between numbers on a scale Stand alone
G3.M2.6 read and write digital and analogue time on 12-hour and 24-hour clocks. Stand alone
use standard units of measurement to solve problems in real-life
G3.M2.7 Stand alone
situations involving perimeter, area and volume
G3.M2.8 select appropriate tools and units of measurement Stand alone
use timelines in units of inquiry and other real-life situations Migration/
Shape and space
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.M3.1 understand the common language used to describe shapes Matter
G3.M3.2 understand the properties of regular and irregular polygons Water
G3.M3.3 understand congruent or similar shapes Matter/ Water
understand that lines and axes of reflective and rotational symmetry
G3.M3.4 Matter/ Water
assist with the construction of shapes
G3.M3.5 sort, describe and model regular and irregular polygons Matter/ Water
G3.M3.6 describe and model congruency and similarity in 2D shapes Matter

G3.M3.7 describe and/or represent mental images of objects, patterns, and paths Matter/ Migration
analyse and describe 2D and 3D shapes, including regular and irregular
G3.M3.8 Matter/ Water
polygons, using geometrical vocabulary
G3.M3.9 identify, describe and model congruency and similarity in 2D shapes Matter
G3.M3.10 Recognize symmetrical patterns, including tessellation, in environment Matter/ Migration
interpret and use simple directions, describing paths, regions, positions Migration/ Journey
and boundaries of their immediate environment of products
Pattern and function
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.M4.1 understand that patterns can be analysed and rules can be identified Journey of products
understand that multiplication is repeated addition and that division is
G3.M4.2 Stand alone
repeated subtraction
G3.M4.3 describe the rule for a pattern in a variety of ways Journey of products

G3.M4.4 represent rules for patterns using words, symbols and tables Journey of products
select appropriate methods for representing patterns, for example using Journey of products
words, symbols and tables
G3.M4.6 use the properties of the four operations to solve problems Journey of products
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
model numbers to thousands or beyond using the base 10 place value
G3.M5.1 Stand alone
G3.M5.2 model equivalent fractions Stand alone
G3.M5.3 use the language of fractions, for example, numerator, denominator Stand alone
G3.M5.4 model multiplication and division of whole numbers Stand alone
use the language of multiplication and division, for example, factor,
G3.M5.5 Stand alone
multiple, product, quotient, prime numbers, composite number
read, write, compare and order whole numbers up to thousands or
G3.M5.6 Stand alone
develop strategies for memorizing addition, subtraction, multiplication
G3.M5.7 Stand alone
and division number facts
G3.M5.8 describe mental and written strategies for multiplication and division Stand alone
G3.M5.9 use whole numbers up to thousands or beyond in real-life situations Stand alone
G3.M5.10 use fast recall of multiplication and division number facts in real-life Stand alone
G3.M5.11 use strategies to evaluate the reasonableness of answers Stand alone

4. Science (strands— Living Things, Earth and space, Materials and matter, Forces and Energy )

Living Things
Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.S.1 describe how water sustains life Water
G3.S.2 realize the importance of safety Safety
G3.S.3 know and apply different ways of safety Safety
G3.S.4 realize the importance of first aid and know how to apply first aid Safety

Earth and space

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.S.5 explore the impact of sun on the availability of water Water
analyzes systems of water storage and usage, both natural and human-
G3.S.6 Water
G3.S.7 explain why fresh water is a limited resource Water
identify water issues and propose solutions for responsible, equitable
G3.S.8 Water
water use (for example, desalination)

Materials and matter

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.S.9 recognize that water exists in different forms Matter
use senses to describe observable properties of familiar materials (solid,
G3.S.10 Matter
liquid, gas)
G3.S.11 describe observable changes that occur in materials Matter
G3.S.12 recognize that materials can be solid, liquid and gas Matter
G3.S.13 be aware of how to change water into solid, liquid and gas Matter
apply understanding of basic properties of materials in order to match
G3.S.14 Matter
materials to purpose (for example, waterproofing, insulating)

Forces and Energy

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
understand the exertion of force by atoms in different materials
G3.S.15 Matter

5. Social studies
(strands— Human systems and economic activities, Social organization and culture, Continuity and
change through time, Human and natural environment, Resources and the environment )

Human systems and economic activities

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.SS.1 understand reasons why people migrate Migration
G3.SS.2 identify the long-term and short-term effects of migration Migration
G3.SS.3 explore a variety of tools of communication Communication
know about different types of products Journey of
learn about the journey of products (from production to the consumer) Journey of

Social organization and culture

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.SS.4 compare and contrast two or more different human migration Migration
demonstrate how non-verbal communication allows people to transcend
G3.SS.5 Communication
language barrier
G3.SS.6 learn the importance of networks for safety Safety
learn about the processes involved in changing the products Journey of
make connection between choices of products and culture Journey of
G3.SS.9 Enable to devise practical ways of dealing with unsafe situations Safety

Continuity and change through time

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
analyse ways that people adapt when they move from one place to
G3.SS.9 Migration
gain knowledge about the migration pattern of early people (hunters and
G3.SS.10 Migration
identify the cultural and historical context in which ways of
G3.SS.11 Communication
communication develop

Human and natural environment

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
assess settlement patterns and population distribution in selected regions
G3.SS.12 Migration
analyse the impact of migration on place
G3.SS.13 Migration

Resources and the environment

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.SS.14 explain why fresh water is a limited resource Water
G3.SS.15 percentage of fresh water in India Water
describe the relationships between the location of water and population Water/
distribution Migration
analyse systems of water storage and usage, both natural and human
G3.SS.17 Water
identify water issues and propose strategies for responsible, equitable
G3.SS.18 Water
water use

6. Information and Communication Technologies
(strands— hardware, software, organising work, internet & network, history/ information)


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.ICT.1 identify a computer as a machine and as a system safety
G3.ICT.2 spot the advantages and disadvantages of a computer safety
G3.ICT.3 explore the body, brain and manufacturing process of computers safety
G3.ICT.4 identify the internal and the external parts of computer system safety


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.ICT.5 use Microsoft Word Communication
G3.ICT.6 gain brief introduction of an operating system Communication
G3.ICT.7 work on Ms-Paint with increasing confidence All the units
explore Ms- Power Point Migration,
use inspiration software for creating mind maps Journey of
G3.ICT.9 products/
G3.ICT.10 prepare a brochure in Ms-Word Water
G3.ICT.11 understand the difference between web browsers and search engines Communication

Organizing work

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.ICT.12 use and customize files and folders Matter
G3.ICT.13 see the properties of their files and folders and understand it Matter
nomenclature their work Journey of

Internet & Network

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.ICT.15 explore the internet Migration
G3.ICT.16 understand different web-browsers and their uses Communication
G3.ICT.17 search information on the internet to solve any problem All the units
G3.ICT.18 collect and evaluate information All the units
G3.ICT.19 find out different ways to communicate with the internet Communication
G3.ICT.20 explore different communities to chat on the internet Communication
G3.ICT.21 explore Google map(world, country, state & city) Migration
Journey of
G3.ICT.22 prepare a mind map on different software products/
G3.ICT.23 understand the importance of copyright Communication

History/ Information

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.ICT.24 work collaboratively when using technology All the units
G3.ICT.25 practice and communicate respect for people, equipment, and resources All the units
G3.ICT.26 understand how technology expands opportunities for learning Migration
G3.ICT.27 know about generations of computer Migration
explore the ways in which invention of the computer has contributed to
G3.ICT.28 Migration
the human life
research as how technology has changed from the desktop computer, Journey of
G3.ICT.29 laptop and palmtop products/
explore who invented the computer and how the word computer came
G3.ICT.30 Migration
into existence in brief

7. Personal, social and physical education
(strands—identity, active living, interaction)


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
explain how a person’s identity is made up of many different things,
G3.PSPE.1 including membership in different cultures, and that this can change over Migration
identify how their attitudes, opinions and beliefs affect the way they act
G3.PSPE.2 Migration
and how those of others also impact on their actions
recognize personal qualities, strengths and limitation Communication/
analyse how they are connected to the wider community Migration/
G3.PSPE.5 use understanding of their own emotions to interact positively with other Safety
embrace optimism to shape a positive attitude towards themselves and
G3.PSPE.6 Safety
their future
G3.PSPE.7 work and learn with increasing independence All the units

Active living

Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
G3.PSPE.7 identify ways to live a healthier lifestyle Safety
understand how daily practices influence short- and long-term health All the units /
G3.PSPE.9 understand that there are substances that can cause harm to health Safety
identify different stages of life and how these can affect physical
G3.PSPE.10 Safety
plan, perform and reflect on movement sequences in order to improve Journey of
G3.PSPE.11 products/ All
the units
identify potential personal and group outcomes for risk-taking
G3.PSPE.12 All the units


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
recognize that committing to shared goals in group situations improves
G3.PSPE.13 individual and shared All the units
experiences and outcomes
develop a shared plan of action for group work that incorporates each
G3.PSPE.14 All the units
individual’s experiences and strengths
adopt a variety of roles for the needs of the group, for example, leader,
G3.PSPE.15 All the units
G3.PSPE.16 discuss ideas and ask questions to clarify meaning All the units
G3.PSPE.17 reflect on the perspectives and ideas of others All the units

8. Visual Arts (strands— responding, creating)


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
compare, contrast and categorize artworks from arrange of cultures,
G3.VA.1 Migration
places and times
G3.VA.2 identify and consider the contexts in which artworks were made Migration
use their knowledge and experiences to make informed interpretations
G3.VA.3 All the units
of artworks
reflect on their own and others’ creative processes to inform their
G3.VA.4 thinking All the units

G3.VA.5 use relevant and insightful questions to extend their understanding All the units

G3.VA.6 recognize that different audiences respond indifferent ways to artworks All the units

G3.VA.7 provide constructive criticism when responding to artwork All the units


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :

G3.VA.8 show awareness of the affective power of visual arts All the units

make connections between the ideas they are exploring in their artwork
G3.VA.9 All the units
and those explored by other artists through time, place and cultures

G3.VA.10 create artwork for a specific audience All the units

use a personal interest, belief or value as the starting point to create a

G3.VA.11 piece of artwork use a range of strategies to solve problems during the All the units
creative process

9. Performing Arts (Drama) (strands— responding, creating)


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
discuss aspects of drama that illustrate relationships between culture,
G3.PA-D.1 All the units
history and location
explore how dramatic meaning illustrates the values, beliefs and
G3.PA-D.2 All the units
observations of an individual or community
consider the composition of an audience when preparing an effective
G3.PA-D.3 All the units
formal and/or informal presentation
reflect on achievement and challenges and how they can incorporate
G3.PA-D.4 All the units
these influences in future work
recognize and discuss how the consequences and actions of a
G3.PA-D.5 All the units
performance teach audience members and performers life lessons


Learning Outcome
The students will be able to :
create a devised or scripted performance for a particular audience or
G3.PA-D.6 All the units
G3.PA-D.7 make artistic choices about role, situation and context All the units
identify how cultural connections can be made with different types of
G3.PA-D.8 drama All the units

identify and develop the personal and related skills encountered through
G3.PA-D.9 the drama experience All the units

find appropriate ways to communicate specific meaning using dramatic

G3.PA-D.10 action All the units

express their unique values, beliefs and interests through a dramatic

G3.PA-D.11 All the units
G3.PA-D.12 interpret written dialogues or scenarios All the units


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