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Evolution is change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations

over successive generations. Evolutionary processes give rise to biodiversity at

every level of biological organisation, including the levels of species, individual
organisms, and molecules.

Evolusi adalah perubahan karakteristik diwariskan dari populasi biologi dari

generasi ke generasi berturut-turut . proses evolusi menimbulkan
keanekaragaman hayati di setiap tingkat organisasi biologis , termasuk tingkat
spesies , organisme individu , dan molekul .

The Skeletal Biology Laboratory (SRL) is dedicated to improving bone health

and reducing osteoporosis-related fractures. The SRL consists of two research
divisions: Basic and Applied.

The Skeletal Biology Laboratory ( SRL ) didedikasikan untuk meningkatkan

kesehatan tulang dan mengurangi patah tulang karena osteoporosis . SRL terdiri
dari dua divisi penelitian : Dasar dan Terapan .

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