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Law is by itself a rationalization of vengeance, actually the principle of legal contracts is vindictas

(vengeance). So it itself law is supposed to manage the vindictas or the possible retaliation that people
can do in any society, death penalty, actually can help to create more violence that it is supposed to stop
or prevent.

Death penalty is done by using a good example of the consequences you will have if you do something
wrong according to the legal justice system. The application of death penalty on countries had almost no
effect when it comes to the effectiveness of the death penalty itself in create a better society. Actually
the state (Singapore, China, Arab Emirates, Russia, and other countries that doesn’t follow the
requirements that a State that follows the rule of law and basic guaranties and human rights). They
implement penal figures like the criminal law of the enemy, that you can be pursue and punished by being
declared as an enemy of the state, society, etc. For example, Cuban penal system had this legal figure and
has the Criminal law of the enemy, Singapore, Arab Emirates, only the exception are some states in the
United States of America that is a standard liberal democracy.

Also, the cost of implementing expensive is very high. The death penalty is quite expensive and life
imprisonment can be cheaper. Over the lifetime of a case, executing prisoners can be three times as
expensive as life in prison, primarily due to the higher costs of capital punishment trials, automatic
appeals, and the heightened security on death row with lower staff-to-prisoner ratios. Commuting all
death sentences to life in prison would save hundreds of millions of dollars per year in the U.S. and many
billions over the coming decades.

Also States that has a legal arrangement with death penalty creates an effect call the brutalization effect.
The violence condone via the death penalty procedures, actually creates more violence. The death penalty
is brutal on society. Homicide rates tend to increase around the time of executions, due to legitimation,
desensitization, and imitation. The death penalty makes society more dangerous by further increasing
violence through the brutalization effect.

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