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The Relationship Between Knowledge About Breast Care With the Mothers Motivation of
Primigravida Trimester III in Carrying Breast Care at Bangilan Health Center in Tuban
Regency in 2018

Siti Muzaro'ah *. Ns. Ikha Ardianti, M.Kep **, Ns.Errix Kristian J, S.Kep., ***

S1 Nursing Study Program

STIKES of Insan Cendekia Husada

According to data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2013 showed exclusive
breastfeeding for the first 6 months of life was only 38% (Aini et al, 2015: 2). Based on data
from pregnant women in Indonesia in 2016 there were 638,168 pregnant women and in East Java
province there were 638,168 pregnant women (Ministry of Health RI, 2017: 277). The data
obtained by researchers in Tuban District in 2014 the number of pregnant women as many as
18,695 pregnant women and in the Bangilan Health Center work area there were 737 pregnant
women (Tuban Regency Data, 2015). The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship
between knowledge about breast care with the mothers motivation of primigravida third trimester
in carrying out breast care.
The design of this study uses a quantitative method with a cross sectional approach. The
populations in this study were all primigravida third trimester pregnant women in Bangilan
Public Health Center in Tuban Regency on 24 July - 14 August 2018 with 61 people. Sample
Purposive sampling was taken with 52 respondents. Spearman rho data analysis.
The results showed the majority of respondents with good knowledge had high
motivation as many as 21 people (75.0%), while respondents with sufficient knowledge had
moderate motivation as many as 13 people (100%), and respondents with less motivated
knowledge were 10 people (90.9%) .
Based on the spearman rho analysis test, the p value is 0,000 which means that the
significant value is <0.05. The conclusion of this study is there is a relationship between
knowledge about breast care and the motivation of primigravida trimester III at the Bangilan
Health Center in Tuban Regency. The better the knowledge about breast care, the higher the
mothers motivation of primigravida third trimester in carrying out breast care.

Keywords: Knowledge, Breast Care, Motivation, Primigravida

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