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hrinkage compensating ce- ments (SCC) are used in ce- ment-based grouts to offset volume changes from shrinkage and settlement in the bedding of ma- chinery and in structural underpinning applications. However, these cements in ‘many instances do not produce the ex- pansion necessary to maintain the strin- gent requirements for dimensional sta- bility. They are also prone to aeration deterioration during storage, which re- duces their expansiveness.! Also, under drastic field conditions, such as in hot and arid climates, higher expansion levels than that provided by SCCs may be required to offset the adverse effects of rapid drying. Therefore, to overcome these constraints, some grout manufac turers have resorted to the use of ex- pansive admixtures, which permit greater flexibility in formulation. Commercially available, non-gas producing expansive admixtures are ei- ther lime or calcium sulfoaluminate (CSA) based.? They are used with port- Tand cements to produce expansion sim- ilar (0 that obtained in SCCs. The amount of expansion can be varied to suit the needs of the intended applies tion. For example, lower dosages could bbe employed for shrinkage compensa- tion under normal curing conditions, while higher dosages could be used to offset the reduced expansion that occurs tunder rapid drying eonditions. The ad- mixtures ean be used as an addition or asa replacement to cement. When used as an addition, mix proportions are ad- Jjusted by reducing the sand an amount corresponding to that of the admixture? Expansion of the grout is produced by crystal growth. CSA type admixtures form ettringite while the calcium oxide (CaO) particles in the lime-based system hydrate to form calcium hy- droxide (Ca(OH)2). Under restrained ‘conditions the deformation that accom. panies expansion as strength increases. introduces compressive stresses into the ‘concrete. Consequently the contraction that oecurs on drying is reduced.’ The reaction mechanism for the conversion of CSA to eitringite is uncertain, and several hypotheses have been advanced ‘A mechanism advanced and supported by a number of workersis schematically represented in Fig. 1. Particle type and size, range of particle size, thickness of protective coating, and presence of moisture determine the rate and dura tion of expansion in both these admix- tures2 Although the mechanism of expan sion in grout compositions is initiated by the expansive admixture, the rate and extent of expansion is also determined by the resulting modification produced by other components in the formula. tion.3 For example, the inclusion of sifica fome in the grout composition ‘may reduce expansion of products made with Type K cement. Silica fume, a pozzolan used to decrease permeability and bleeding, decreases formation of et tringite by reducing the concentration of cations and anions ike Ca** and OH~in- volved in the formation of ettringite.75 Superplasticizers used to provide flow- able consistencies and accelerators em= ployed for rapid strength development have also been shown to reduce expan- sion significantly’? ‘The suitability of expansive admix- tures as alternatives to shrinkage com- pensating cements was investigated in the study described below. The objec- tive of the study was to determine: © whether increased dosages of the ex. pansive admixtures would provide the desired level of expansion, enabling greater flexibility in formulation, and © whether the performance of these compositions in increased dosages ‘would be similar to that obtained with ‘Type K expansive cements Experimental consideration Grout compositions containing wo Jime-based materials, two calcium sul- foaluminate-based materials, and Type K SCC were formulated and tested in the study. Two levels of addition of exch of the expansive admixtures were used. Al test methods, including ASTM C 827 and CRD C 621, were applied pri- marly to provide a comparative evala- ation of the efficiencies of the various expansive admixtures and to determine their effect on strengths and other prop- erties rather than their compliance tothe standards, Materials investigated ‘ASTM Type I, Type IL, and Type K ce- ments were used in the study, Table 1 gives the chemical and physical proper- ties of the cements, Four expansive ad- mixtures — two CSA based, CSA-1 and CSA-2, and two lime based, Ll and L- 38 ‘Concrete International Table 1 — Physical and chemical properties of the cements used hei] ei Lae ment (9) cement (| cement 2) Chemicals Go aso | ais | 67 AO, gas | sus | san ce S10; soni | war | sao Mo 350 | 286°} 430 Jum Sufcsluminata Free Lime Bets oe en ae enmeiote Ears | | Total alka aa 0 ip | om | os ca we $0, am | 4a | sao " eee {Loss on ignition iis | 210 1.80 i to ieiieeetes om | 02s | oa eae Bins Nash este Eee {topecnoic easton co a0 | im | sam cs msi | za | 1564 ting Avr Cite cA mao | 130 | a20 car oas_| oa | coo Fig. 1 —Proposad mechanism forthe hydration ofa cal cium sulfoaluminate type admixture to form ettringite. ‘Surface area (Blaine: m/ke) Be aie 40 2 — were used at two dosage levels a melamine formaldehyde sulphonate- _ Setting time. (a? and “b”). The most widely used calcium sulfoaluminate admixture!” is composed of 30 percent C1A:8, 50 per- cent CaSO4 and 20 percent CaO with small amounts of glassy phase, Chem- ical and physical properties of the product are given in Table 2.4 Products with a range of CaO contents (80-90 percent), and particle sizes and particle size distributions are used as lime-based admixtures.*! Typical physical and chemical properties of the material used is given in Table 3.!! Grout compositions Structural grout compositions combine ‘two or more admixtures to furnish de- sired properties such as flowability, volume stability, rapid strength devel- opment and low permeability.S The {grout compositions designed for this study are given in Table 4, and include Table 3 — Chemical and physical properties* based superplasticizer to provide the re- quited flow characteristics, They con- tain, as well, ober admixtures that in- clude pozzolans for low permeability and accelerators for rapid strength de~ velopment. Test procedure Al grout compositions were precondi- tioned to the laboratory temperature of 22+2C (72+4 P), and relative hu- midity of 50 percent for atleast 24 hours prior to testing. A mixer of 10 1(2.6 gal) capacity was used to blend each 5 kg (11 Ib) grout composition for4 minutes. The following properties were determined using standard test methods: Flow characteristics ‘The consistency of each grout was de- termined by measuring the time of ef- flux through a flow cone according to the CRD-C611-80 specification Table 4 — Mix proportions for Final set time of each grout was deter- ‘mined according to ASTM C 807-75. Table 2— Chemical and physical properties* (Chensial roperies ‘Oxides Si0, 1a ALO, 13.1% FeO, 9%. c:0 478% go. Ose. 80, 322% pation loss 09% Tnvalble component 14% Physical properties Free CaO 104% ‘Specific gravity 295 Specific surface area 2.280 emt *Calciu subaluninateexpumive ature” grout compositions by oa weight of mix S10; ee 10, Gra compo 0, Geass ONC a ype ae in ts a a a a ve Mixineron 5 5 = ® = Pannd/enni (=) [000] 29.47 | 3055 [2oaa| alas |a0s] 308) 335] oon Tot TypeKeemenc™ | 009] 000 000) 000] 00) 000] 000] ao] 23.20 een Siicesand() | 6360 65.40 | 650 | 65.60] 6660 | e660 | e660] 640 | é ae ave ‘Superplasticizer (5) 0.03) 0.03} 0.03 | 0.03) 0.03) 0.03] 0.03] 0.03) 0.03 Oiter(8) o07| 007} 007] 007) ocr| oor| ocr| oo7| oor Diane ness Expansive admixare @) | 330] 383) 275) 367| 227] 275| 227| 275 | 000 Wacrotserato | 0195| 000] 0200] cao] 10s] oon] 019s) 0200) 0200 39 Table 5 — Fresh and hardened properties of low dosage grout compositions Gran compen Pramctsimestied Shta| Sata] Da | Ce | DpeR E Admin by wei of mie 330) isi [a7 [age = TAdninweryweitoteenens | ne | 90 | 73 | 7a | Fis (acd (CRD II} 2000 | 2900 | 280 | som | asco Fasainegemnasmmce | ais | 7s | soo | soo | 730 Conpreste tong OP) {SIM C19) ey 200 | 2080 | 2.0 | iso | anso 7 3590 | 2900 | aso | 2500 | siz0 2s #500_| 4000 | 5300 | enekss | 5090 Gear easier abiiaag 9) SIM C57 Sas 0p | 0028 | -a0ne | -o0%0 | -n021 7 ost | 004i | ~o02s ; 2s 0035 | 0088 | -0097 | 9089 | -o.08 Tay volume stange (ASTIN C Morimamexpendoncosbntapee) | 11 | 409 | 069 | -055 | -oa0 seExyusivntysinnaea-yatzunn | -082 | dog | -a62 | -aas_| a0 Volume ching Hom plasment (CRD.ORN) tay aes | -o07s | -047s | -a2ie | -o120 3 ays =0190 | “008s | -0297 | 0235 | “ois age 0190 | “0065 | “0497 | 9253 | “oss7 2s =0230 | -008s | “as0s | -a247 | “ais0 Table 6 — Fresh and hardened properties of high dosage grout compositions Giel eonpesntos Peranetes inveniaes Gare [CAM] Ee | U2 [Tex © Adnatueby weit 3a 3 | 27s | 2s | SAdninwetywiatictenen | BO | aa | oa | oa | — Fie (es (CRD-CSITS 2x00 | 2800 | 2630 | s100 | asco FnlicinethaniniarTce | 800 | 600 | soo | soo | a0 Compressive satin (Pa) ASIC 108) Tay tse | 22.00 | 107 | 2200 | 2050 1 os goo | dion | 4200. | cmeice | s120 er 5000 | 4300 | s300_| cmc | soon Linear expansion(+ Vshrinkage(—) (%) SIM C157 ns 0097 | 0019) “ani2 | -a019 | 00m ae 06 | 2030-000: | -a002 | 002s 2c 4051 | “0.088 | 0024 | “oo00 | -0108 Fly voine hange (ASTM CAD SeMavimincrpansencosvitiaeec) | 067 | ian | ost | -os7 | 030 SEspamionsricagel)at2tin | 038 | 087 | os | 06) | 030 Vela angen Scenes (CRD.Csti) 1s 9082 | -a037| -oonr | -o312 | -00 Sem 0075 | “0059 | -o010 | 1520 | -oa3s teas 4120 | “0061 | 001s | -0527 | “ois? 2a us| 0072 | 002s | 0597 | 0150 Compressive strength Compressive strength was determined at 1,7, and 28 days using 2in. cubes ac- cording to ASTM C 109-80. Four spi ‘mens were cast for each age. The cubes ‘were demolded after 24 hours and moist cured at 22 C (72 F) and 100 percentrel- ative humidity until they reached the re- quired age for testing, Length and volume changes ‘Expansion and shrinkage characteristics were determined using three different test methods: © Linear expansion of hardened mortar ASTM C 157 (modified): mortar bars of dimensions 25x 25 x 250 mm (I x 1 x 10 in.) were cured in their molds for 24 hours at 22 C (72.F) and 100 percent relative humidity, then demolded, mnea- sured and coated with a curing mem- brane (o simulate field conditions, The specimens were cured at 22 C (72 F)and 50 pereent relative humidity for the re- ‘maining time, This method correlates more closely with grout curing in the field than does the unmodified method, where the specimens are cured in lime water for 28 days. Length change mea- surements were taken at 3, 7, and 28 Gays, and percent expansion/shrinkage values were based on the values recorded at 24 hours. ‘© Early volume change, Light Proj tion Method (ASTM € 827); Initial volume change measurements were ‘made within 3 minutes after completion of the mix cycle. The changes (expan- sion or shrinkage) were recorded for 24 hours, while curing at 22 C (72 F) and 50 percent relative humidity, and ex- pressed as a percentage of the initial reading. This test method is particularly applicable to grouting, where the ob- jective is to completely fill a cavity or ‘other defined space with a plastic mix- ‘ture that will continue to fill the same space after hardening. Volume Change of Hardened Grout (CRD C 621): The various grout com- positions were placed in special cylin drical 75 x 150mm x 6in.) molds and cured at 22-23 C (72-73 F) and 50 per- cent relative humidity. The initial reading was taken under restrained con- ditions 4 hours after final set. Measure ‘ments were then taken at 1, 3, 14, and 28 days after final set, according to the above specifications, and expressed as percentage of the initial reading. Since 40 ‘Conereto International

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