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Praeger Paperbacks

Existence, Space S
Christian Norberg-Schuiz
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Christian Norberg-Schuiz

Existence, Space &


New York Washington

Series Editor: Mary Kling


Published in the United States of America in 1971
by Praeger Publishers, Inc.
Ill Fourth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10003

© 1971 in Oslo, Norway, by Christian Norberg-Schulz

Third printing, 1974

All rights reserved

First published in Great Britain in 1971 by Studio Vista

35 Red Lion Square, London WCiR 4SG
Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 70-128598
ISBN 275 78120 8
Printed in Great Britain

I The concept of space

The system of spaces
The concept of space in
architectural theory 12

Architectural and existential space 14

Existential space

The elements of existential space 17

Centre and place 18
Direction and path 20
Area and domain 23
Elementary interaction 24

The levels of existential space 27

Geography 28
Landscape 28
The urban level 29
The house 3°
The thing 3*
The interaction of levels 32

Conclusion 34

3 Architectural space

The elements of architectural space 37

Place and node 39
Path and axis 49
Domain and district 56
Elementary interaction 59
The levels of architectural space 69
Landscape 7°
The urban level 75
The house 86
The interaction of levels 96

Conclusion 114

Photo-acknowledgements 115

Bibliography 116

Index 119
A child 'concretizes' its
existential space

The problem of architectural theory may be orientation or 'being in the world'. I believe
approached in many different ways. In TTic^F^^T?niavc~esTa!iTisTieJ a simple and
Intentions in Architecture (1963) I tried useful key to the architectural totality. The
to indicate the various factors which deter- book is indebted to philosophical, psycho-
mine the architectural totality, as well as logical and architectural studies, to which
chcir logical interrelations. A semeiological reference given in the text. In particular I

approach is present followed by many

at would like to thank all those with whom I
scholars, based on French structuralism and have had the opportunity to discuss my
the linguistic theories of Noam Chomsky. ideas: Arne Korsmo (Trondheim)t, Sigfried
The development of a coherent method of Giedion (Zurich)t, Kjell Lund (Oslo),
analysing the building task has also been Colin St John Wilson (Cambridge), George
attempted, notably by Christopher Alex- Baird (Toronto), Charles Jencks (London),
ander, while others, such as Robert Venturi, Joseph Rykwert (London), Hans Sedlmayr
aim at a renewal of the theory of architec- (Salzburg), Ferdinand Schuster (Graz),
tural form. Carlo Cassola (Grosseto), and last but not
least, Paolo Portoghesi (Rome) to whom
In the present book we offer a new approach this book is dedicated.
to the problem of architectural space. So far, CNS
the discussion of architectural space has
been dominated by naive realism, cither
disguised as studies in 'architectural per-
ception' or as tri-dimcnsional geometry. In
both cases the basic problem of space as a
dimension of human existence is omitted
with the result that the space concept is
nowadays often regarded as outdated or even
superfluous. I still believe, however, that
the space concept is particularly suited for
the analysis of the human environment. On
the basis of a theory of "existential space', X.
therefore develop the idea that architectural
spaccm av^c'7iffli!iSI5flil-ii:L-a coiKretiz ation
fom^^jlj^g^sarv part of man's general
Any functional action
has particular spatial
I The concept of space

'Like the spider with its web, so every subject weaves relationships between itself and
particular properties of objects; the many strands are then woven together and finally form
the basis of the subject's very existence.'
Jakob von Uexkiill

The system of spaces

Man's interest in space has existential roots. / T. Parsons Socieiies

It stems from a need to grasp vital relations JQinuYliiil urirni If'""
*"•* ""-"' "
1966, p. 5

in his environment, to bring meaning and act. In the languages of early or primitive 2 H. Werner Ewfiihrung
in die Entwicklungspsychohgie
order into a world of events and actions. TmTizations, therefore, we find terms which '953. P- 120
Basically, man orients to 'objects', that is, he express and communicate spatial relations,
adapts physiologically and technologically such as above and below, before and behind,
to physical things, he interacts with other right and left. The terms, however, are not
people, and he grasps the abstract realities, or abstract, but have direct reference to man
'meanings', which are transmitted through himself as well as to his environment and
the various languages created for the purpose express his 'position' in the world. Certain
of communication. His orientation to the African languages, for instance, use the
different objects may be cognitive as well as same word for 'eye' and 'in front of'.- The
affective, but in either case it aims at the space of the ancient Egyptians was deter-
establishment of a dynamic equilibrium mined by the particular geography of the
between him and his environment. Talcott country, and their language introduced the
Parsons says 'Action consists of the struc-
: directions 'downstream' and 'upstream'
tures and processes by which human beings rather than north and south. In both cases
form meaningful intentions and, more or it is clear that a cognitive concept of space had

less successfully, implement them in con- not been abstracted from the direct experi-
crete situations.'' Most of man's actions ence of spatial relations. The spatial
comprise a spatial aspect, in the sense that intuitions of the primitive are concrete
the objects of orientation are distributed orientations which refer to objects and
according to such relations as inside and localities and therefore have a strong emo-
outside ; far away and close by ; separate and tional colour.
united; and continuous and discontinuous.
Space, therefore, is not a particular category The Greek philosophers, however, made
of orientation, but an aspect of any orien- space an object of reflection. Parmcnides
tation. It should, however, be stressed that represented a transitory position when he
it is only one aspect of the total orientation. maintained that space as such cannot be
To be able to carry out his intentions, man imagined and therefore is non-existent, but
has to 'understand' spatial relations and I.eucippos considered space a reality, though
unify them in a 'space concept'. it has no bodily existence. Plato took the
problem further in Timaetis, introducing
While the pragmatic space of animals is a geometry as the science of space, but it was

3 Titus Lucretius Carus left to Aristotle to develop a theory of quantifying the primitive total experience a
De Rerum Nalura I, 420
'place' (topos). For him space was the sum cognitive world of abstract relations resulted,
4 I. Kant, 'Von dem ersten of all places, a dynamic field with directions which has little direct reference to everyday
Grunde des Unterschiedes
and qualitative properties. His approach may life. Although man conserved fragments of
der Gegenden in Raume'
Gesammelte Werke be considered as an attempt to systematize the original intuitions, certain aspects of his
(Akademie-Ausgabe), II,
primitive, pragmatic space, but it also fore- existence thereby became impoverished,
shadows certain present-day concepts. Later such as the emotional relationship to the
5 A. Einstein Geometrie theories of space were based on Euclidean environment. We therefore ought to supple-
imd Erfahrung 1921, p. 3
geometry rather than Aristotle and defined ment the space concepts mentioned above,
6 H. Reichenbach The
Rise of Scientific Philosophy space as infinite and homogeneous - one of with others covering the affective aspects of
1951. the basic dimensions of the world. Thus behaviour.
7 For a more complete Lucretius says: 'All nature is based on two
discussion of perception see things; there are bodies, and there is The problem of 'human' space has been
C. Norberg-Schulz
emptiness in which these bodies have their studied by psychologists for about a hundred
Intentions in Architecture
1963, pp. 27ff place, and in which they move'.^ 1800 years years. Taking up the question of man's
later Kant still regarded space as a basic a experience of his environment, it has been
8 J. Piaget The Psychology
of Intelligence 1950.
priori category of human understanding, proved that space perception is a complex
different from and independent of matter.'' process, where many variables are involved.
A particularly important elaboration" of the We do not simply perceive a world which is
theory of Euclidean space occurred in the common to all of us, as naive realists
seventeenth century with the introduction maintain, but different worlds which are a
of the orthogonal co-ordinate system (Des- product of our motivations and past experi-
cartes). ences.' In general, perception aims at valid
assumptions about the nature of the environ-
The idea that Euclidean geometry gives a ment, and these assumptions vary according
faithful representation of physical space to the situations in which we are taking part.
collapsed with the creation of non-Euclidean A car-driver bases his actions on different
geometries in the nineteenth century and assumptions from those of a pedestrian in
with the theory of relativity. It was demon- the same street. Perception mediates a
strated that such geometries give a clearer world which could also very well be de-
approximation of physical space, and still scribed as 'events in a four-dimensional
more important, it was recognized that any space-time'.
geometry is a human construct rather than
something found in nature. Thus Einstein Just as physics aims at a structural descrip-
says: tion of physical events by means of
mathematical models, psychology ought to
'When mathematical propositions refer to
describe the structure of psychic processes by
reality they are not certain; when they are
means of a system of abstract concepts. Like
certain, they do not refer to reality.'^
those used in physics, early psychological
The ancient concept of a unified space, concepts had a static, absolute character, but
therefore, was split in several 'spaces': con- recently a more dynamic approach has been
crete physical spaces (micro, everyday and introduced. The absolute 'laws' of Gestalt
macro), and abstract mathematical spaces psychology, for instance, have been replaced
invented by man to describe the former with by Piaget's more flexible 'schemata'. _A
a greater or lesser degree of approximation.'' srhema mj^y he de;^ped as a typical reaction
The theory of relativity carried us even to a situation, i'hey are tormea Qurmg
further, substituting the former idea of rnentaT^evSIBprnent through the interaction
lumps of matter in a three-dimensional between the individual and his environment
space, with a series of events in a four- and by this process a man's actions or
dimensional space-time. 'operations' are grouped into coherent
wholFS.*^ Hp;^rrihf g rVip prnrp<j<^ ac g
^jfl S'"'^
The physical and mathematical space con- ^OfflkumiSS-Of 'assimilation' and 'accommo-
cepts, however, satisfy only a small part of dation', TassimnatiQiT^eTerrTngToTine action
man's original need for orientation. By ?nReorganism on surroundme objects, ancT

Piaget The Psychology
'accommodationl.to_the_ogEOsite_stai£,. Thus space conceptsi.^ii^jiagamik—^ga££—ai 9 )

oj Intelligence 195°) P- *
fhi organism, rat!ie^!i^ submitting pas- plT^TW^ffffonT t he perceptual snar " "*
J. Piaget The
Ttffm?3iaT^^neruatiot iiT«WHAiiTin 10 Psy-
sively to the environment, modifies it by
chology of Intelligence 195°.
imposing on it a certain structure of its own. ^wtTcIT lorms ma r^ p. 8
'Mental assimilation is thus the incorporation L'nVir^nmcruTTBc cogniiivc__space__of_Ulg_
* // ]. Piaget and
of objects into patterns of behaviour.'" ^1Tysica^o?fr3HS^£mi^£^Ei£^i£Hir' ' B. Inhclder The Child's
PinP|et ends hv definintr 'ndnnration' as 'an TclaTiom ^SgmaiiSpacSnEgrater Conception of Space 1956)
and accom- vironment p. 6
equilibri um_betw een assimilation sa:anic l»
moaation'.'" erceptual space is essen tial to his dentity as
12 The social basis of
nkiM ii»n i»a JJLL lllJILH mill I3(ir schemata is discussed by
Piaget in The Psychology of
It is highly necessary that the organism BTTR BSRI rnUsI Gllil n Inletligcnce p. IS6ff.,
should acquire schemata which directly space m thar hf is nhlr to ihi ; abou about where he stresses that the
social environment in part
mediate a three-dimensional world. Piaget spaa:^_antLjQgl£al--iBacej finally, offers the determines the interactions
shows that our 'space consciousness' is toSrt^escnD^n^otTTp!^^HffTffff!^Rows from which the schemata
stem. He says; 'Without
based upon operational schemata, that is, .1 growing '^hstradjQD-Lmm-DragmalitL-SDatie
interchange of thought and
experiences with things. The space schemata at the 'lowest' level to logical
_ space at the^ co-operation with others the
may be of very different kinds, and the ''''" ''\ lE
rnii"''''"' ''"'firm"'. individual would never
Tup '
yt"""-"-"""]- '>''- rr>n- come to his
individual normally possesses more than one 'h<- tpri.^>,
rinr' operations into a coherent
schema, to allow him a satisfactory percep- ,,^IU^ A-^nr. ft,^ r»p «,h;i>. ire vital enerpjY whole: in this sense,
therefore, operational
tion of diverse situations. The schemata are ri'-ics iin from the bottom." grouping presupposes social
culturally determined and comprise qualita- life' (p. 163), and further:

tive properties resulting from the need for One basic aspect, however, has still been 'The grouping consists
essentially in a freeing of
affective orientation to the environment. omitted. From remote times man has not the individuals perceptions
Piaget sums up his investigations with these only acted in space, perceived space, existed and spontaneous intuitions
from the egocentric
words: 'It is quite obvious that the percep- in space and thought about space, but he has viewpoint . .
(p. 164)
tion of space involves a gradual construction also created space to express the structure
and certainly does not exist ready-made at of his world as a real imago miindi. We may /J The proposed model is

related to Talcott Parsons'

the outset ot mental development.'" call this creation expressive or artistic space, 'System of Aaion'
His system
We thus see that the synthetic space of and it finds its place in the hierarchy next (Societies p. 28).
isdivided into four
primitive man has been split into several to the top, together with cognitive space. sub-systems which form
specialized constructs which serve us in our Like cognitive space, expressive space needs 'environments' to each
other: the behavioural
orientation and adaptation to different a more abstract construct for its description,
organism, the personality
aspects of the environment. In addition to a space concept which systematizes the system, the social system
the cognitive spaces, AL£-Jiave within the possible properties of expressive spaces. We and the cultural system

isvcholosical dime nsion to JisUnguTs T may call this 'aesthetic space'. The creation
T^^^Sii^^^^^^^^^i^iiw^/uj^^nd^^he of expressive space has always been the task
more ;>tlblC-jLp!itc' sche niLiia. The
f. latter are of specialized persons, that is, builders,
"Wfflinn'^i^^] pf i-lements which have a certain architects and planners, while aesthetic space
has been studied by architectural theorists
and philosophers. In the present book, there-
fore, we will talk about architectural space
rather than expressive space, and aesthetic
gether these make up man's 'image' of his space as the theory of architectural space. In
environment, that is, a stable system of three- a certain sense, any man who chooses a place
dimensional relations between meaningful in his environment to settle and live, is a

objects. We will therefore unify the schemata creator of expressive space. He makes his -

in the concept existential space. Perceptual environment meaningful by assimilating it to

space, on the contrary, is egocentric and his purposes at the same time as he accom-
varies continuously, although the variations modates to the conditions it offers.
are linked to form meaningful totalities
then are the relations between archi-
(experiences) because they are assimilated Vi'hat
to the subjects' schemata, which are in turn tectural space and the other members of the
somewhat modified by the new experience. system? Architectural space certainly has to
We have so far di;^tjnp'"^'^-''^ h.^tu-,^,'p[ fiv adapt itself to the needs of organic action as

14 For a discussion of the well as facilitating orientation through per- created through interaction with existing
concept of 'concretization'
see C. Norberg-Schulz ception. It could also 'illustrate' certain architectural spaces, and when these do not
Intentions in Architecture cognitive theories of space, as when building satisfyhim, that is, when his image becomes
1963) PP- 6lff
a Cartesian co-ordinate system with con- confused or too unstable, he will have to
crete materials. But above all it is related to change architectural space. Architectural
the space schemata of man's individual and space, therefore can be define^^^^^o n- '^
public world. Obviously man's schemata are cretizatioinTman^existeritial snace7

The concept of space in architectural theory

15 B. Zevi Architecture Much attention has been given to the prob- The dome of Hadrian's Pantheon at the
and Space 1957. His space
concept seems to be a lem of space in architecture. We
do not need beginning of the second century signalized
combination of action space to discuss the spatial implications of early the complete breakthrough of the second
and Euclidean space, as he
theories here; rather we shouldconcentrate space conception. From that time on, the
says: 'Architecture is like
a large hollow structure on the actual use of the term. Recently, as a concept of architectural space was almost
into which man enters and
matter of fact, 'space' has become a catch- indistinguishable from the concept of
around which he moves',
(author's own trans) word, which to many critics seems to explain hollowed-out interior space.''' The third
without further qualifications what architec- space conception, which is still in its infancy,
16 P. Frankl
ture is all about. Bruno Zevi, thus, defines is chiefly concerned with the problem of the
Die Entwicklungsphasen
der neueren Baukunst 1914J architecture as the 'art of space', but he does interaction between inner and outer space.
A. E. Brinckmann Baukunst
not really define the nature of the space he Giedion thus leaves the idea of a mechanistic
1956; P. Zucker Town
and Square 1959 talks about.'' Obviously his concept of combination of units in Euclidean space
space is naively realistic, as is the case with behind, and attempts to describe the quali-
// S. Giedion Space,
Time and Architecture 1 941 most writers on the subject, to whom space tative differences which are related to the
isa uniformly extended 'material' which can general development of man's image of the
18 S. Giedion The Eternal
Present : The Beginnijigs of be 'modelled' in various ways. Many impor- world. Thus he says
Architecture 1964 tant investigations, however, have been
'The process by which a spatial image
Giedion The Eternal
made on this basis; I may for instance refer
jp S. can be transposed into the emotional
Present : The Beginnings to the works of Paul Frankl, A. E. Brinck-
of Architecture 19643
sphere is expressed by the spatial concept.
mann and Paul Zucker.'* After all, the ques-
pp. 522fr It yields information on the relation
tion of how to articulate Euclidean space is
20 S. Giedion 'Die
between man and his environment. It is
one aspect of the more comprehensive prob-
Ungreif barkeit des Raumes' the spiritual expression of the reality that
Neue Ziircher Zeitung lem of architectural space.
confronts him. The world that lies before
him is changed by it. It forces him to
Sigfried Giedion is probably the writer who
project graphically his own position if
has contributed most to the actualization of
he wants to come to terms with it.'^°
the space concept. In his book Space, Time
and Architecture^'' he put the problem of Giedion here approaches the concept of
space at the centre of the development of existential space, but he does not make his
modern architecture, and in later works he idea philosophically precise. His approach
has presented the history of architecture as is still too naively realistic, although he makes

a succession of 'space conceptions'.'* In some references to the process of visual

general he distinguishes between three basic perception.
conceptions. 'The first architectural space
conception was concerned with the emanat- Most studies of architectural space still

ing power of volumes, their relations with one suffer from a lack of conceptual definition.
another, and their interaction. This binds the In general they can be divided into two
Egyptian and Greek developments together. classesthose which are based on Euclidean

Both proceed outward from the volume. space and study its 'grammar', and those

which try to develop a theory of space on the biassed encounter with the spatial totality'.-' 21 See the works of A.
Neumann, E. Schultze-
basis of perception psychology. The
Eucli- As a matter of fact, the word 'Umraumer- Ficlitz, the Archigram
dean approach has recently been stimulated lebnis' (perception of surrounding space), group, etc.

by the importance of three-dimensional geo- which appears in the title of her book, ought 22 See W. Netsch 'Forms
metry in connection with space-frames, to be defined in terms of perception psy- as Process' Progressive
prefabricated building systems and certain chology. To illustrate her thesis, Vogt- Architecture March 1969
Utopian city-planning schemes.-' A typical Goknil discusses three types of space 'Der :
23 C. Alexander Notes
attempt at systematization is represented by weite Raum' (extensive space), 'der enge on the Synthesis of Form
Walter Netsch's 'Field Theory'.-- Netsch Raum' (limited space), 'der gerichtete Raum'
and many others believe they have found the (ordered space). In doing this, she touches 24 H. Januen 'Ueber den
key to the organization of architectural upon several important properties of existen- Raumbegriff' Sitzungs-
space in a systematic development of two- tial space, but lacking a coheient system of benchte der Baverischen
and three-dimensional patterns of geo- well-defined concepts, her research could Akademic der Wisseruchajten
J938, p. 5
metrical character. It cannot be denied that not arrive at any useful general conclusions.
geometry forms a part of the syntactics of 25 U. Vogt-Goknil
Architektonische Grund-
architectural space, but, as I will try and Vogt-Goknil's attempt to replace the current begriffe und Umraumerlebnis
show has to be integrated in a more
later, it quantitative space concept with a more 1951
comprehensive theory to become meaning- 'human' concept based on man's 'experience 26 G. Nitschke 'Anatomic
ful. So far we can only point out that man's of space', is characteristic of numerous recent der gelebten Umwelt'
image of the environment, his existential essays on the subject. Giinther Nitschke, Baueu -f Wohnen^
September 1968
space, obviously cannot be described solely thus, in his article 'Anatomic der gelebten
in terms of geometrical grids. Christopher Umwelt' contrasts Euclidean space with
Alexander also centres his attention upon the 'experienced or concrete space', which he
concept of pattern, but defines it in terms of defines as follows
function rather than geometry, and thereby
takes an important step towards the develop- 'It has a centre which is perceiving man,
ment of a useful theory of architectural and it therefore has an excellent

space.^^ system of directions which changes with

the movements of the human body; it is
The cool and abstract character of com- limited and in no sense neutral, in other

binational geometry has led many writers to words it is heterogeneous,


maintain that architectural space is basically subjectively defined and perceived;

'different' from mathematical space. The distances and directions are fixed relative

criticism of a purely quantitative study of to man . .


space was already voiced by the art historian

Hans Jantzen in 1938, who wrote: Nitschke here gives a good definition of
perceptual space, but he does not recognize
'Formalistic spatial analysis that examines
the tact that an y perception must be referred
the space represented in the work of art
to a mor e sLihk-:i^>li:m-Ql schem.u a im.iiies P
as a separable stylistic form must be
. to become mcanini^lul. It is impossible to
complemented by a consideration of the
discuss architectur;il space systematically
represented space as a dimension of the
when perceptual space is taken as the point
meaning embodied within the work of
of departure. Vl'hat one describes in this
way are subjective architectural experiences,
The Swiss Vogt-Goknil takes
critic this and one would have to arrive at the absurd
criticism as her point of departure, and tries conclusion that 'architecture comes into
to develop a theory of architectural space as being only when
experienced'. It is, there-
'Umraum' (surrounding space). She does not, fore, nonsense to say that man is always the
however, recognize the fundamental differ- centre of architectural space, and that the
ence between perceptual and existential directions of architectural space change with
space, and therefore gets stuck with impre- the movements of the human body. Archi-
cise terms like 'Erlebnis eines Raumes' tectural space certainly exists independently
(perceived space) and 'Gesamteindruck' of the casual perceiver, and has centres and
(total impression) or talks about 'an un- directions of its own.


2y J. Joedicke The same imprecise use of space concepts belief that the 'psychological dimensions ol
'Vorbemerkungen zu einer
Theorie des characterize Jiirgen Joedicke's essay 'Vor- space' are found in immediate perception.
architektonischen Raumes, bemerkungen zu einer Theorie des archi- Leonard says ... it is man who creates and
zugleich Versuch einer
tektonischen Raumes'.'' joedicke stresses experiences the sensation of space', and 'the
Standortbestimmung der
Architektur' Bauen + the importance of defining the spatial final product in the perceptual process is a
Wohnen, September 1968 concept employed, and excludes mathe- single sensation - a "feeling" about that
28 M. Leonard matical space, economical space, geogra- particular place .'.
. .

'Humanizing Space' phical space, political space, as well as 'the

Progressive Architect
April 1969 space concept of O. F. Bollnow' (to which we We may thus conclude that recent studies
shall return later). What he wants to talk on the concept of space in relation to archi-
about 'space in architecture', starting from
is tecture have either tended to leave man out
'the axiom that buildings consist of spaces, by discussing abstract geometry, or have
and that architectural space therefore made man 'enter' by reducing space and
exists'(!). Joedicke, thus, starts with the architecture to impressions, sensations and
well known approach of naive realism, but studies of 'effects'. In both cases space as an
later he says: 'We can speak of architec- existential dimension, as a relation between
tural space as an experiential space', and man and his environment, has been for-
'architectural space is tied to man and his gotten. No wonder that many people are
perception'. His conclusion is logical: getting tired of the problem of space in
'Space is the sum of successive perceptions architecture and want to talk about 'struc-
of places'. What has been said above con- ture', 'system' or 'environment'. But little
cerning the shortcomings of perceptual is gained by this attitude. Structures and
space as a point of departure for defining environments concern the architect above all
architectural space, also apphes to the study because of their spatial aspects, and sooner
of Joedicke. or later the problem of space has to be
faced. In the following, therefore, we will
An by Michael Leonard with the
article discuss some contributions towards a more
title 'Humanizing Space',-* satisfactory theory of architectural space, a
contains many relevant observations and theory where space is really understood as a
contributions towards a theory of space, but dimension of human existence, rather than
again the interpretation is hampered by the as a dimension of thought or perception.

Architectural and existential space

A few years after the second world war, art point of reference, directional indicator and
historian Dagobert Frey and architect ultimate end ; and movement may be directed
Rudolf Schwarz independently of each other towards the goal, may emanate from it or
formulated ideas which opened up new and may encircle it. All architecture is a
inspiring possibilities. Let us start by taking structuring of space by means of a goal or
a look at the little known contribution of path. Every house an architecturally
Frey. In Griindlegung zu einer vergleichenden structured "path" the specific possibilities

Kiinstwissenschaft he introduces the concepts of movement and the drives towards

of 'path' (Weg) and 'goal' {Mai) to describe movement as one proceeds from the
spatial structures. These concepts have the entrance through the sequence of spatial
advantage of referring both to properties of entities have been pre-determined by the
existential space and concrete architectural and
architectural structuring of that space
space, and represent a true attempt at bridg- one experiences the space accordingly. But
ing intellectually the gap between man and at the same time, in its relation to the
his environment. Frey talks about 'arche- surrounding space, it is a "goal", and we
typal motifs of world experience' and says either advance towards this goal or depart
from it.'2«
'The goal already contains the path as its


J9 D. Frey Grundlegung
Frey uses the word 'experience' (perception), world may be organized around a set of zu aner vtrgleichenden
but he implies that architectural space is not focal points, or be broken into named Kiimitiisscrachaft 1949, p. 6

a function of this experience, rather it has a regions, or be linked by remembered

?o Already in Goiik und
structure which ought to be experienced, routes'. ^^ As the works of Frey and Schwarz Renaissance als Onmdlagen
because it expresses basic properties of have remained known only to a relatively der modernen Weltanschauung
1929; Frey recognized ihc
human existence. We
recognize here an restricted number of people, Lynch's work importance of the 'image',
early attempt at overcoming the abstract which is more easily understood and actual saying, "The basis of a
cultural history is a history
use of Euclidean space, as well as the limi- has been met with great interest among
of the development of
tations of immediate perceptual space.'" architects and planners since it was published human imagination.'
in i960. Indeed it represents a very promis-
31 R. Schwarz The
Related ideas were forward by
brought ing point of departure for further research Church Incarnate 1958;
Rudolf Schwarz in his magnificent but some- on the problems of existential and architec- Von der Bebauurig der Erde
what esoteric books The Church Incarnate tural space, but so far little has been done.
and Von der Bebauung der l-rde." His It may be that the general implications of 32 K. Lynch The Image
of the City i960, p. 4
carefully worked out concepts will be dis- Lynch's ideas have hardly been understood
cussed in more detail later, but it should rather than recognizing the true humanism 33 K. Lynch The Image
of his work, he is often considered a romantic of the City i960, p. 7
already be pointed out that his aim is to
describe the fundamental structure of intent on saving man by giving him back the Piaget
34 J.
existence, of 'being in the world', and to pia:::a. Lc Structuralisme 1968
translate this structure into concrete proper-
Several other contributions to the develop-
ties of architectural space. A few quotations
ment of a satisfactory theory of architectural
may illustrate this point.
space could be mentioned, and the particular
'Man cannot plan the world without ideas of Robert Venturi, Aldo van Eyck,

designing himself 'At the time he Paolo Portoghesi and others will be returned
to later. For the moment, however, let us
took his land, he already decided the
plan of his life and he measured the take a brief look at recent thinking about
earth accordingly and placed the ground- space in general.
plan of his historical existence within it.'
From what has been said above, it is clear
that further research on architectural space
While Frey wanted to arrive at a better is dependent upon a better understanding of
knowledge of history, and Schwarz aimed existential space. To arrive at such an
at a fuller understanding of existence as a understanding, we have two possible sources
basis for building and planning after the of information: the social sciences and
destructions of the war, the Americai) Kevin
philosophy. Although the social sciences
Lynch takes the concrete problems of our have scarcely studied the problem of exis-
modern cities as his point of departure. tential space as such, a great deal can be
Lynch maintains that man's oricniaiion inferred from the writings of certain psy-
^rcsuppposcs an cn\'ircnTmcnrfnTTT3?F^^^ chologists, sociologists and anthropologists.
uizecP mrar UrTtCTTITymtffTxicnor^ In particular, Jean Piaget's work on the
plivsicaiU'llliU 1 lll^. illUt^L lU TTc proauct"
. .

development of the child illuminates the basic

^QI^^r'irnme?iaTe~setisauoir ami ot ine _ structures of man's environmental image
]iiciiiiHXJjllj2ii:tLiixcsJi£iliX»JiilJ_itJs used to very clearly. It is also significant that Piaget,
interpret informal ation and to'gu" guide action~TT in a recent book, integrates the psychological
A gQQ "environmcnTa imago iSLA gives its nos-
structures in a more comprehensive 'struc-
an impor tant sense ol cmotuMKil .turalism'.'^
Ifl I LI
Lvnov IfflUgL' lliuy
,'nchss concept ol llllUgl'
corresponds to the space schemata referred Several fundamental studies on space have
to above, and he tries to interpret the been published by philosophers. Most
environment (city) in relation to an existen- important are Gaston Bachelard The Poetics
tial space. Lynch goes on to single out what of Space (1964). Otto Friedrich BoUnow
he considers the fundamental properties of Mensch und Raum (1963), the chapter on
space, arriving at conclusions similar to those space in Merleau-Ponty The Phenomenology
of Frey and Schwarz. Thus he says: 'The of Perception (1962) and above all the funda-

35 See also E. Minkowski mental pioneer works of Martin Heidegger Bollnow discusses similar ideas in more
Le temps vecu 1933 and
Graf K. von Diirckheim Being and Time (translated 1962) and 'Bauen and develops a comprehensive theory
'Untersuchungen sum Wohnen Denken' (in Vortrdge und Aufsdtze of existential space, with numerous refer-
gelebten Raum" Naie
Psychojogische Studien 6
1954).'^ Merleau-Ponty criticizes the super- ences to architectural space. He quotes
1932 ficiality of certain theories of perception Graf von Diirckheim to define his aim:
psychology and demonstrates that 'the
36 M. Merleau-Ponty
The Phenomenology of "signs" {cues) which ought to acquaint us 'The concrete space of developed man must
Perception 1962, p. 256 with the experience of space can convey the be considered in its totality, including the
idea of space only if they are already involved important events experienced within it. For
3y M. Merleau-Ponty
The Phenomenology of in it, and if it is already known'. He con- the particular quality of this space, its
Perception 1962, p. 285 disposition and order reflect and express the
cludes: '
. the most "existential"
. . depth is

38 M. Merleau-Ponty of all he discusses the

dimensions'.^'' Later subject that experiences it and dwells
The Phenomenology of existential meaning of place and direction on within it.'^^
Perception 1962, p. 293
the basis that 'there is a determining of up Starting from this point Bollnow discusses
39 M. Heidegger 'Bauen and down, and in general of place, which
Wohnen Denken' p. 31 the concept of place {Ort), basic orientations
precedes "perception" ... I arrive in a such as vertical and horizontal, before and
40 M. Heidegger Being village for my holidays, and it becomes the behind, right and left, the concept of centre
and Time 1962, 103
centre of my life Our body and our
. . .
(Mitte), geographical directions, horizon and
41 M. Heidegger 'Bauen perception always summon us to take as the perspective. He goes on to investigate the
Wohnen Denken' 1954, centre of the world that environment with
p. 29 phenomenology of 'open' and 'closed'
which they present us. But this environment worlds, and finally discusses the spaces of
42 M. Heidegger 'Bauen is not necessarily that of our own life. I can
Wohnen Denken' 1954, action, of expression, and of human being
p. 32
be somewhere else while staying here.'^' together. He concludes with a chapter on the
For Merleau-Ponty, space is one of the 'spatiality of human life'. Being speculative
43 M. Heidegger 'Bauen structures which express our 'being in the
Wohnen Denken' 1954, rather than scientific, Bollnow's work has
35 world' 'We have said that space is existen-
P- :
been met with a certain suspicion. His
tial; we might just as well have said that material, however, is very rich, drawing its
44 Graf K. von Diirckheim
'Untersuchungen zum existence is spatial'.^*
references from nature, literature, art,
gelebten Raum' 1932,
p. 389; O. F. Bollnow history, anthropology, psychology and
Mensch und Raum 1963, Merleau-Ponty, as well as Bachelard and philosophy. His arguments are weighty and
p. 20 Bollnow, obviously owes much to Heidegger, substantial, and create a most inspiring
45 C. Norberg-Schulz
who was the first to maintain that 'existence basis for further research.
Intentions in Architecture is spatial'. 'You cannot divorce man and
1963, P- 97 space. Space is neither an external object nor
an internal experience. We don't have man The aim of this chapter has been to outline the
and space besides .'^' In Being and Time
. . basic space concepts man needs to orient him-
he is already stressing the existential char- self in his world and to point out that most
acter of human space and says 'The : studies of architectural space have hitherto
"above" is what is "on the ceiling"; the been hampered by imprecise conceptual
"below" is what is "on the floor"; the definitions and the omission of the key
"behind" is what is "at the door"; all construct, 'existential space'. In Intentions
"wheres" are discovered and circumspectly in Architecture (1963) I maintained that
interpreted as we go our ways in everyday the space concept is of limited importance
dealings; they are not ascertained and in architectural theory, and concluded
catalogued by the observational measure- that 'there is no reason to let the word
ment of space.''"' He therefore concludes: "space" designate anything but the tri-
'Spaces receive their being from places and dimensionality of any building'.^'' This
not from "the space". '^^ On this basis he stand was based on the fact that studies of
develops his theory of 'dwelling' and says geometry or visual perception only grasp
'Man's relation to places and through relatively superficial aspects of the problem.
places to spaces consist in dwelling.'^' 'Only By introducing the concept of existential
when we are capable of dwelling can we space, however, these limitations are over-
build.' 'Dwelling is the essential property of come, and space regains the central position
existence.'" it ought to have in architectural theory.
2 Existential space

The Vale of Blackmoor was to her the world, and its inhabitants the races thereof. From
the gates and stiles of Marlott she had looked down its length in the wondering days of
infancy, and what had been a mystery to her then was not much less than mystery to
her now. She had seen daily from her chamber-window towers, villages, faint white
mansions; above all the town of Shaston standing majestically on its height; its windows
shining like lamps in the evening sun. She had hardly ever visited the place, only a small
tract even of the Vale and its environs being known to her by close inspection. Much
loss had she been far outside the valley. Every contour of the surrounding hills was as
personal to her as that of her relatives' faces; but for what lay beyond her judgment
was dependent on the teaching of the village school. . . .

Thomas Hardy Tess of the d'Urbervilks

The elements of existential space

We have defined space as a

existential in space when he no longer sees them, one 1 C. Norbcrg-Schuiz
Injcniions in Architecture
"^lam^v stable system perceptual should not yet speak of object conservation.'' 1963, p. 28
^?n7!TBT 3, or irnUgL' IlI tni' I'nVin'mnent. Gradually the child learns, however, to
2 J. Piaget The Child's
Bemg a generalization
izatioi ahstractcJ lioin the distinguish between stable and mobile Construction of Reality
similarities of many phenomena, existential objects, and to use the former as a frame of '955. p. 92
space has 'object-character'.' Piaget says: reference for the latter. The development of
S J. Piaget The Child's
'An object is a system of perceptual images the concept of place, and of space as a system Construction of Realitv
endowed with a constant spatial form of places is therefore a necessary condition "955, P- 91
throughout its sequential displacements and for finding an existential foothold. Piaget
4 J. Piaget The Child's
constituting an item which can be isolated concludes 'The universe is built up into an
: Construction of Reality
in the causal series unfolding in time'.- He aggregate of permanent objects connected 1955. P- 90

demonstrates that the idea of a structured by causal relations that are independent of 5 J. Piaget The Child's
world gradually develops during childhood the subject and are placed in space and time. Construction of Reality
1955. pp. 35lf
(perhaps on the basis of a few a prion Such a universe, instead of depending on
intuitions), and that, necessarily, it com- personal activity, is on the contrary imposed 6 J. Piaget The Child's
Construction of Reality
prises a developing series of spatial notions. upon the self to the extent that it comprises 1955. P- 2'2
How, then, does this development take the organism as a part in a whole." As to the
7 J. Piaget The Child's
place? Piaget usually characterizes the pro- nature of space he says: the true nature
. . .
Construction of Reality
cess with the word 'conservation'. The most of space does not reside in the more or less I955>P- 217
basic experience is that things are permanent, extended character of sensations as such, but
although they may disappear and return in the intelligence which interconnects these
again. The goal is 'the construction of per- sensations'.'' is therefore the product
manent objects under the moving images of oi an interaction between the organism and
immediate perception'. ' This means, firstly, the environment in which it is impossible
that the child learns to recognize, that is, to to dissociate the organization of the universe
construct the world as a system of similari- perceived from that of the activity itself'
ties, and, secondly, that he connects the
things recognized with particular places, But it is not enough to point out that space
situating them in a more comprehensive forms a necessary part of the structure of
'So long as the child does
totality, a space. existence, we ought also to Jescrihe this par-
not undertake special searches to find ticular structure in detail. The problem
objects which disappear, so long as he does comprises two aspects, one 'abstract' and
not succeed in deducing their displacement one 'concrete'. The abstract aspect consists
8 C. Norberg-Schulz of the more general schemata of a topological
Intentions in Architecture
1963, pp. 43ff., also Piaget or geometrical kind, and has been studied by
and Inhelder The Child's Piaget in detail. The concrete aspect refers
Conception of Space i960
rather to the grasping of 'environmental
9 M. Wertheimer 'Laws elements': landscape, townscape, buildings
of Organization in
and physical things, and has been discussed
Perceptual Forms', A
Source Book of Gestalt in the works of Frey, Schwarz, Bachelard,
Psvchologv (ed W. D. Bollnow and Lynch. A theory of existential
Ellis) 1938
space must comprise both.
10 M. Eliade Patterns in
Comparative Religion 1958,
p. 380
The world of the child is 'subjectively
centred'. Motorically and perceptually a
child has little ability to 'reach out' into the
surroundings, and the environmental image
consists of few stable elements. But this does
not mean that a child's world is different It isof fundamental importance to recognize
that the topological schemata are similar
from the world of other individuals. Psy-
to the basic concepts established by Heid-
chologists have shown that the elementary
structures are interpersonal, and that the egger, Frey, Schwarz, Bollnow and Lynch.

development of schemata follows a normal The elementary properties of existential

course. Piaget thus demonstrates that the space, therefore, seem to be quite clear, and

infant's space can be described as a collection

ought to be discussed in more detail.
of separate 'spaces', each entirely centred on
a single activity. The first relations which
bring order into these spaces, are of a Centre and place
topological kind and are established even
before form- and size-constancy. Topology In terms of spontaneous perception, man's
does not deal with permanent distances, space is 'subjectively centred'. The develop-
angles and areas, but is based upon relations
ment of schemata, however, does not only
such as proximity, separation, succession, mean that the notion of centre is established
as a means of general organization, but that
closure (inside-outside) and continuity.**
The topological schemata are in the begin- certain centres are 'externalized' as points

ning tied to the things themselves. The most of reference in the environment. This need
is so strong that man since remote times has
elementary order obtained is based on the
proximity relation, but the 'collection' thus thought of the whole world as being cen-
tralized. In many legends the 'centre of the
established, soon develops into more struc-
tured wholes, characterized by continuity world' is concretized as a tree or a pillar
and enclosure." Piaget's findings are here in symbolizing a vertical axis imindi. Moun-
accordance with Gestalt psychology, al- tains were also looked upon as points where

though he gives the organizational principles sky and earth meet.'" The ancient Greeks
a different, genetic explanation. If we want
to interpret these basic results of perception
psychology in more general terms, we may
say that .the element ary organizational
_ffiaffii—QLJ2la££S—^imitY}j. iiii't'crlons or
(en closure').To orient himselt, man above
all needs to grasp such relations, whereas
the geometrical schemata develop much
later, to serve more particular purposes. In
fact, primitive man mostly manages very
well without any geometric notions.
placed the 'navel' of the world (omphalos)
in Delphi, while the Romans considered
their Capitol as ctjput iiiiiiuli. For Islam the
Ka'iiha is still the centre of the world. Eliade
points out that in most beliefs it is difficult
to reach the centre. It is an ideal goal, which
one can only attain after a 'hard journey'. To
'reach the centre is to achieve a consecration,
an initiation. To the profane and illusory
existence of yesterday, there succeeds a new
existence, real, lasting and powerful.' But
Eliade also points out that 'every life, even
the least eventful, can be taken as the journey
through a labyrinth. The sufferings and trials
undergone by Ulysses were fabulous, and
yet any man's return home has the value of
Ulysses' return to Ithaca.'" action': places where particular activities // M. Eliade Paiurns in
Comparative Religion 1958,
arc carried out, or places of social interaction p. 382
If the 'centre of the world' thus designates such as the homes of relatives and friends.
:2 O. F. Bollnow Atimch
an ideal, public goal, or 'lost paradise', the 'The place is always limited, it has been
und Raum 1963, p. 58
word 'home' also has a closer and more created by man and set up for his special
concrete meaning. It simply tells us that any The actions, in
fact, are only 13 O. F. Bollnow Memch
purpose.'" und Raum 1963, p. 41
man's personal world has its centre. The meaningful in relation to particular places,
Odvssey, however, shows that the home, and are coloured by the character of the
too, is easily lost and that it takes a 'hard place. Our language expresses this state of
affairs when we say that something 'takes
place'. The places are goals or foci where we
experience the meaningful events of our
existence, but they are also points of depar-
ture from which we orient ourselves and take
journey' to find it again. The notion of home possession of the environment. This 'taking
as the centre of one's world goes back to possession' is also related to places which we
childhood. The first points of reference are expect to find, or discover by surprise. It could
tied to the home and house, and the child be maintained that the gradual multiplica-
only becomes able to cross its borders very tion of the places constituting our existential
slowly. When I once asked my twelve-year- place would lead to a final liberation from
old son if he could tell me something about place attachment. We will discuss the prob-
his 'environment', he replied: 'Then I want lem of 'mobility' in more detail later, but
to start with home, because it is from there I should point out here that a structured
go out to all the other places'. From the very environment depends on our ability to
beginning, then, the centre represents to man recognize it, that is, on the existence of rela-
what known in contrast to the unknown and
is tively invariantplaces. An ever-changing
somewhat frightening world around. 'It is world would not allow for the establishment
the point where he acquires position as a of schemata, and would therefore make
thinking being in space, the point where he human development impossible.
"lingers" and "lives" in the space.''-' We
also remember Archimedes' famous state- A place is characterized by a certain 'size'.
ment: 'Give me a place to stand, and I will We should here distinguish between the
move the world!' immediate liigenranm or 'territoriality', and
the more abstract image of the places known.
During growth the actions of the individual The Eigcnraum has been studied by Edward
and multiplied, and new
arc differentiated T. Hall who says: 'Territoriality is usually
centres thereforecome to supplement the defined as the behaviour by which an
original 'home'. All the centres are 'places of organism characteristically lays claim to an
14 E. T. Hall The Hidden area aiid defends it against members of its
Dimension 1966, ch. i and
2. See also R. Sommer own species Territoriality provides the
. . .

Personal Space 1969 frame in which things are done - places to

15 R. Schwarz Von der learn, places to play, safe places to hide . . .

Bebauung der Erde 1949, Basic to territoriality is a sharp sense of the

p. 194 limits that mark the distance to be main-
16 O. F. Bollnow tained between individuals.'^^ The 'personal
Mensck und Raitm 1963, space' defined in the concept of 'territoriality'
p. 131
should not, however, be confounded with
17 K. Jaspers Von der existential space, which to a large extent has
XVahrheit Munich 1947,
a 'public' character, bringing the members
p. 50
of a society together in common places.
iS R. Schwarz Vom Bait Within this public space the individual finds
der Kirche ( The Church
Incarnate) pp. 24ff, (author's his personal place. Both are generally
own translation) imagined as being limited and relatively
small. Thus Rudolf Schwarz says 'A domain

can only become a home if it is small . . .

The settlementsmust remain within an

attachment. Their eyes are free. Through
imaginable scale if they are to become a
the eyes life goes out, and returns
home.'''' Bollnow uses the word Geborgen-
saturated with reality. The eyes are brought
heit to express this fact, and quotes the psy-
together in the centre as the common
Zutt who has studied the concept
chiatrist J.
focus. Thereby the fellowship attains
of 'home' from a medical point of view.
a stricter form. Everyone is still open to
Zutt says 'In the common dwelling we have

the inside, but only completely open

a maximum of spatial security.'"' For its
to the central point. In this point men
definition therefore, the place needs a
are united. But not in such a way that
pronounced limit or border. The place is
the individual becomes lonely; rather, he
experienced as an 'inside' in contrast to the
surrounding 'outside'.
knows that the real road inwards, to the
hearts of the others, goes through the

The limited size of known places naturally

centre.The meeting now becomes a
meeting in the common centre of meaning.
goes together with a centralized form. A
centrahzed form primarily means 'concen-
Between the centre and the ring a star
formed, through which men transmit
tration'. A
place, therefore, is basically

'round'. In this connection it is interesting

their existence to the world around."*
to recallKarl Jaspers' words: 'In itself The notions of proximity, centralization and
every existence appears round.'" The round closure therefore work together to form a
form consists of two elements, a centre and more concrete existential concept, the con-
a surrounding ring. In The Church Incarnate cept of place, and places are the basic
Rudolf Schwarz has described the existen- elements of existential space.
tial character of these elements.

'The ring unites man to man through the Direction and path
infinitechain of hands. The individual
is absorbed by a superior form, and I have already pointed out that the concept of
thereby he becomes stronger. When men place implies an inside and an outside, and
agree, they form a ring, as if they were that existential space usually comprises many
following a secret law. The ring has neither places. A place is therefore 'situated' within
beginning nor end, it begins and ends a larger context, and cannot be understood
everywhere. Curved back into itself, it is in isolation. If that had been possible, man's
the most sincere and potent of all figures, history would have lacked its dynamism.
the most unanimous. Hand in hand men Any place, in fact, contains directions. The
are united by the ring, but they are only place that can be imagined without
not completely absorbed by this directions, is a sphere freely floating in

the horizontal directions represent man's ;9 It is interesting to

Euclidean space. This form, however, is
notice that the sphere
only of interest as a border-line case, if we concrete world of action. In a certain sense, appears in architectural
consider man's existence on earth.'' The all horizontal directions are equal and form projects to express a
liberation from place'. See
semi-sphere already expresses the basic a plane of infinite extension. The simplest
H. Scdlmayr An in Crisis
difference between the horizontal and model of man's existential space is, therefore, iy57. Sedlmayr uses the
horizontal plane pierced by a vertical term 'das Bodenlose'
vertical directions in existential space. a
foundationless) to
axis. But on the plane man chooses and characterize the spherical
Aristotle recognized the qualitative distinc- projects of I.edoux, BouUee
and Tatlin. He quotes El
tionsabove and below, in front of and Lissitzky, "One of our ideas
behind, and right and left, distinctions for the future is to overcome
the foundation, to no
which are rooted in man's constitution and longer be earthbound'.
in his relationship to the gravitational field.
The vertical direction expresses a rising up 20 E. Kastner Olberge,
Weinbergc i960, p. 95
down, and has since remote times
or falling
been endowed with a particular meaning. 21 M. Eliade Paitcrns in
Cotnparalivc Religion 1958,
Erich Kastner says p. Ill

22 O. F. Bollnow Mensch
'The climbing of a mountain reflects und Raum p. 171 says,
redemption. That is due to the force of 'By standing up man
gains stature in the world,
the word "above", and the power of
he is enabled to keep his
the word "up". Even those who have creates paths which give his existential independence vis a vis
long ceased to believe in Heaven and Hell, the world and he can shape
space a more particular structure. Man's the world and himself.
cannot exchange the words "above" and taking possession of the environment always Going to sleep means
"below".'-" means a departure from the place where he abandoning the position . . .

as we lie down to sleep,

dwells, and a journey along a path which stretch out, we give
The vertical, therefore, has always been leadshim in a direction determined by his ourselves over totally to the
world . .

considered the sacred dimension of space. purpose and his image of the environment.
It represents a 'path' towards a reality which 'Forward', thus,means the direction of 2} Bachelard The Poetics
of Space 1964 ch. I
may be 'higher' or 'lower' than daily life, a man's while 'behind' denotes the
reality which conquers gravity, that is, distance he has covered. Man 'strides for-
earthly existence, or succumbs to it. The ward' or 'draws back'. Sometimes the path
axis mundi thus more than the centre of
is leads him to a known goal, but often it only
the world, it represents a connection between indicates an intended direction, gradually
the three cosmic realms, and it is only at the dissolving into the unknown distance. The
central axis that a breakthrough from one path, therefore, represents a basic property
realm to another can occur.-' of human existence, and it is one of the great

The vertical direction, however, also has a

more concrete meaning. In connection with
the home it expresses the very process of
building, that is, man's ability to 'conquer
nature'. In Ibsen's play The Master Builder
the tower becomes the symbol of victory and
defeat, and Serlio already interpreted the
vertical column as an expression of man's
power of creation.-- Gaston Bachelard
defines the basic properties of the house as
'vcrticality' and 'concentration', and he
discusses the cellar and the attic as particu-
larly meaningful places.-' Quoting Joe
Bosquet he also characterizes modern man
as 'having one storey only'.

If verticality has something surreal about it,

24 Particularly significant original symbols. Our language expresses finding a foothold. His possibilities for
are the German words
'Scheideweg', 'Worsicht' this fact in terms such as 'parting of the movement are limited, and the paths do not
and 'Fortschritt' - literally ways', 'stand in one's way' and 'on the follow the mathematical rule that the shortest
'dividing ways' (i.e.
crossroads), 'foresight' (i.e.
right road'.-^ Man's ways, however, also distance is the straight line. In an early essay,
caution), 'away step' (i.e. lead back home, and the path, therefore, Kurt Lewin studied this problem introduc-
progress) ing the term 'hodological space' (from the
always contains a tension between the known
2$ O. F. Bollnow Mensch and the unknown. 'The double movement of Greek word hodos meaning way),-" which
imd Rautn 1963, p. 81 departure and return divides space into two could be translated into 'space of possible
26 E. Cassirer The concentric domains, an inner and an outer: movement'. Rather than straight lines,
Philosophy of Symbolic the narrower inner is the domain of the hodological space contains 'preferred paths'
Forms J9S5, vol 2, p. 99 house and homeland and from there man which represent a compromise between
27 W. Miiller Die heilige advances into the wider outer domain, from several domains such as 'short distance',
Stadt 1961, p. 16
which he also returns. '^^ 'security', 'minimal work', 'maximum
28 R. Schwarz Von der experience' etc. The demands are deter-
Bebammg der Erde 1949, The directions of existential space, however, mined in relation to the topographical con-
p. 15
are not only determined by man's actions. ditions. Whenthese are uniform, and no
29 K. Lewin 'Der Nature, too, contains directions which in- particular human activity influences the
Richtungsbegriff in der
Psychologic. Der spezielle
dicate qualitative differences. Thus the situation, hodological space approaches
und allgemeine hodologische Euclidean space. In hodological space, how-
Raum Psychologische ever, we usually have to follow directions

Forschimg IQ. t934
which do not correspond to the geometrical
SO K. Lewin says, 'The direction towards the goal, and investigations
geometry of Lebensraum
including its directions
of people's movement in cities show that
depends on the condition different individuals often chose different
of the individual.' {op cit.,
paths to reach the same place. ^° Bollnow also
p. 286)
points out that the preferred path of an
31 O. F. Bollnow Mensch
cardinal points have since remote times been individual may vary according to his
und Raum 1963, p. 197
given prime importance among the factors immediate state of mind, or situation. We
determining the structure of the world. The will, for instance, take a short cut when we

word 'orientation'comes from Orient, the are in a hurry."

direction of sunrise. Christian churches were
always oriented by the altar towards the Perceptually and as a schema, any path is

east. 'The east as the origin of light is also the characterized by its continuity. Whereas the
source of life - the west as the place of the place is determined by the proximity of its
setting sun is filled with all the terrors of defining elements, and eventually by closure,
In certain theories the cardinal
death. '•^'' the path is imagined as a linear succession.
points were united with the axis mundi to Primarily it is a direction to be followed to-
form a comprehensive cosmology. Vitruvius wards a goal, but during the journey events
says that 'Nature has put one cardo of the happen and the path is also experienced as
world axis through a northern point behind having a character of its own. What happens
the Great Bear, and the other under the 'along' the way, thus, is added to the tension

earth to the opposite regions in the south.''' created by the goal to be reached and the
The Roman city, thus, was organized around point of departure left behind. In certain
the cardo (axis mundi) running north-south
and the decumanus running east-west. 'He
founds his city by tracing on the land two
crossing roads which divide the world as a
compass in four, and he then surrounds this
central juncture with walls.'-*

Nature also determines the directions of

man's existential space in a more concrete
sense. Any landscape contains directions as
well as determined spaces which help man in
cases the path has the function of being an has a certain unifying function in existential 32 K. Lynch The Image
oj thi City 1960, p. 54
organizing axis for the elements by which it space. It 'fills out' the image and makes it

is accompanied, while the goal is relatively become a coherent space. If we think of our 33 W. Mullcr Die heilige
Siadt 96 1, p. 38
less important. Kevin Lynch illustrates this own country, or of the earth as a whole, we 1

fact with many examples, but he also says: primarily think of domains oceans, deserts,
34 W. Miiller Die heilige

'People tended to think of path destinations mountains and which form a con-
lakes, Siadi 1961, p. 227

and origin points: they liked to know where tinuous mosaic. These 'natural' domains are
paths came from and where they led. Paths combined with political and economical
with clear and well known origins and des- domains to create a more complex pattern.
tinations had stronger identities, helped tie
the city together, and gave the observer a Because of their general properties, domains
sense of his bearings whenever he crossed function as potential places for man's activi-
them.'^- ties. Taking possession of the environment,

therefore, implies structuring the environ-

ment into domains by means of paths and
Area and uomain places. The Roman settlement is again
relevant, where the two main axes not only
Paths divide man's environment into areas define the cardinal poi-ntS'," but also divide the
which are more or less well known. We will
call such qualitatively defined areas
'domains'. The known domains are sur-
rounded by a relatively unknown world
whose imagined character is determined by
the general directions north, south, east and
west and by what we have learnt of geo-
graphy. In a certain sense the domains are EAST


area into four domains or 'quarters'. It is

significant to remember that city districts
are still called quarters. From ancient times

the world was imagined as consisting of four

parts, and the Roman city can thus be inter-
preted as an imai;o miaiJi. The rituals per-
formed during the foundation of any larger
Roman layout, demonstrate that the purpose
'places', because they are defined by closure was to define a comprehensive spatial order
or by proximity and similarity of the con- related to a central point." This order was
stituent elements. For this reason Frey and established within the natural area defined
others do not introduce the concept of by the horizon, the finalis circulus. Werner
domain, but describe space exclusively in Miiller discusses the ancient symbolism of
terms of goals and paths. But the distinction dividing the world into domains and explains
between place and domain is useful, as our the idea as an expression of man's general
environmental image obviously comprises need for imagining his world 'as an ordered
areas to which we do twi belong and which do cosmos within an unordered chaos'."
not function as goals. The domain can there-
fore be defined as a relatively unstructured Structuring the world into domains defined
'ground', on which places and paths appear by 'natural' directions, ancient man gained
as more pronounced 'figures'. The domain an existential foothold. He no longer felt
35 K. Lynch Thi: Image lost and even the 'blank spots'
helpless, as stituent elements of existential space. When
of the Ciiy i960, p. 62
on his personal map
could be 'placed' within they are combined space becomes a real
36 O. Spengler The the general all-embracing scheme. Modern dimension of human existence. It has
Decline of the West 1934,
vol I, p. 188
man, however, can no longer find the same already been pointed out that the character
security. He asks for a concrete knowledge of a place must be understood as a product
of individual places, rather than accepting of its interaction with the surroundings; that
general 'characteristics'. When we are a path without a goal becomes rather mean-
travelling in foreign countries, the regions ingless; and that domains, finally, function
we visit have relatively little meaning for us. as a less structured, but unifying 'ground'.
No personal experiences are attached to the The elements can be combined in several
spaces perceived and they really remain ways. The existential space of nomadic
'domains', although as such they may interest
the visitor. Today we are no longer able to
make up for this lack of deeper meaning with
a cosmological image which gives each
domain its character. Paradoxically, thus, the
foreign has become more foreign today, in
spite of all modern media of communication.

Domains may be defined in different ways.

Sometimes they are delimiied by strong
natural elements, such as shore lines, rivers
and hills, called 'edges' by Kevin Lynch who
says: 'Edges are the linear elements not people gives primary importance to the
considered as paths: they are usually, but domain within which the paths have a great
not always, the boundaries between two range of freedom, but their place concept is
kinds of areas'.'^ Sometimes domains are less developed. Early agricultural civiliza-
defined by the particular human activities tions were 'place-oriented', living a static
carried out in the area, such as agriculture lifewithin a centralized, 'closed' area. Their
or dwelling, which create a certain 'texture'. paths have a circular, engirdling movement,
Social conditions may also determine a rather than functioning as a direction
domain's character, as the east- and west- towards a goal outside. In ancient Egypt,
ends of many show. Often different
cities however, the path was the basic symbol.
factors come together
to reinforce the image
of distinct domains. On a larger scale, even
climate creates distinguishable domains
which are experienced as such. Modern
topoclimatology also illustrates that there are
smaller climatically defined domains which
we are hardly aware of, but which have
evidently been recognized by man during 'The Egyptian soul saw itself as moving
history as factors determining the distribu- down a narrow and inexorably-prescribed
tion of areas for agriculture and housing. life-path to come at the end before the judges
It is therefore clear that man's image of of the dead. That was its Destiny-idea.'^''
domains is influenced by physical and Even the Egyptian 'domain', the long and
functional as well as social and cultural narrow oasis of the Nile valley, can by its
factors, that is, by the basic objects to which very nature be defined as a 'path'. In later
he has to orient. civilizations the three elements entered in
ever new meaningful combinations. An
analysis of existential space, therefore, ought
Elementary interaction to start investigating the relative importance
given to each of the basic elements. There-
Places, paths and domains are the basic after the interaction of the elements should
schemata of orientation, that is, the con- be studied.
ings, a
places interact with their surround-
problem of inside and outside is
created." This topological relation, there-
fore, is a fundamental aspect of existential
space. 'To be inside' is, obviously, the
e 37 For a more detailed
discussion of open and
closed forms see Norberg-
Schulz Inteniiom in
Architecture 1963, pp. I36fr

SS For a discussion of the

existential aspects of the
inside-outside relationship
see Bachclard The Poetics
of Space 1964, ch IX

'£^ 39 O. F. Bollnow Mensch

und Raum 1963, p. 154

primary intention behind the place concept,

that is, to be somewhere, away from what is
'outside'. Only when man has defined what
is inside and what is outside, can we really

say that he 'dwells'. Through this attach-

ment, man's experiences and memories are
located, and the inside of space becomes an creating an area of transition. This area is
expression of the 'inside' of personality."* related to an opening which may be given
'Identity', thus, is closely connected with various forms to express the degree of con-
the experience of place, especially during the tinuity in existential space. No wonder,
years when personality is shaped. To func- therefore, that the door since remote times
tion as an inside a place obviously has to has been one of the important symbolic
satisfy certain formal demands. We have elements of architecture. The door can close
already quoted Rudolf Schwarz's descrip- off or open up, it can unite and separate.
tion of the ring as a maximally 'closed' form, Psychologically it is always open and closed
and could add that the closure may be at the same time although one aspect is
increased through geometrization, that is, dominating, as any door may be opened. The
opening is the element that makes the place
become alive, because the basis of any life is
interaction with an environment. A single
opening in an enclosure, however, does not
take the cardinal points into consideration.
Being part of a natural context the place is
already 'oriented', and the ancient city which
by making the ring circular. Geometriza- was divided into quarters symbolized a
tion, ingeneral, does away with all the fourfold 'opening', which made the city a
casual directions of the topological form, and part of the surrounding world. In general,
has always been used by man to make the the opening expresses what the place "wants
intended relationship more precise. to be' in relation to its environment.

Any closed form, however, has to be entered, A place is usually related to several directions
and a direction is thereby introduced. by a system of paths; these often form a
'For a house not to become a prison it must around the centre. As the paths are
have openings into the world beyond, that
connect this inner world with the outer.'^''
The direction unites inside and outside more
or less strongly, and we see again that a
geometrically straight line is more powerful
than a topological curve. The place as such
is also influenced by the direction; it is
'stretched' towards the outside, at the same
time as the outside penetrates the border,
40 O. F. Bollnow Mensch determined by related human activities
und Raum 1963, p. 100
which form a coherent action-pattern, the
41 M. Heidegger 'Bauen paths are usually connected among them-
Wohnen Denken 1954,
26 selves. The result is a network which may be

42 See H. Dittmar Der

Kampf der Kathedralen

more or less uniform and geometrical,

according to the type of activities and the
topographical conditions/" Some paths are
experienced as such because they lead to
significant places, whereas others (which
lead to the places of other individuals) are
only known as a characteristic textural
feature of a domain. Holland is a good
example of a country which is easily im-
agined because of its regular path system.

" -

lower densities define a more neutral erent places have a different character. This 41 See C Norbcrg-Schulz
'.\lbic med IsianbuP
'ground'. This simply means that we know character is often so strong that it in fact liyggekuml 1967, p. 104
the denser areas better, because physically determines the basic properties of the
44 M. Heidegger Being
or intellectually we have 'conquered' them environmental images of most people and Time 1962, p. 146
by means of more paths. The denser areas present, making them feel that they experi-
thus become places, although they may not ence and belong to the same place. The genius
have a clearly defined boundary, whereas loci in many cases has even proved strong
the other areas remain domains. This aspect enough to dominate any political, social and
of the problem is mentioned to stress that cultural changes. This, for instance, holds
human environment
identification with the true for cities like Rome, Istanbul, Paris,
presupposes varying densities, and above all, Prague and Moscow." Indeed, the truly
dense foci which serve as basic points of 'great' city is characterized by a particularly
reference. pronounced genius loci. I want to point to
this fact to stress that existential space
The environmental image is therefore com- cannot be understood in terms of man's
posed of a few basic elements, which interact needs alone, but only as a result of his inter-
in characteristic ways. In the next section action with an environment, which he has to
this interaction will be discussed in more understand and accept. In this way we
detail, and interpreted in human and cultural return to Piaget's double concept of assimila-
terms. But to conclude this elementary part tion and accommodation. Existential space,
of the theory of existential space, we will therefore, symbolizes man's being in the
recall the old concept of genius loci. Since worlJ, or in Heidegger's words: 'Das Dasein
remote times rhan has recognized that diff- ist raumlich'."

The levels of existential space

its dimen- In thcatrc-decoraiion,

So far the basic schemata which form the The third level, the house, gets ;

thus, we find 'large

elements of existential space have been dis- sions Irom th^ i^6rc e xienjej pouiiy inove- furniture' or dolls' houses',
cussed. If we look upon the problem in a mmi and m\^A^. ^^ wen .t^ \rm territorial' as well as 'miniature
landscapes'. Palladio in his
more concrete way, we find that the elements demands. The urban level which comprises Tcatro Olimpico produced
appear on several levels within a hierarchy >uh-levelsi 's mainly ii.nprmini-.1 hv \nruil a whole townscapc behind
of which the most comprehensive are levels iiitcracium. 'hat k hv thr mmmon 'form of the stage. Visitors will
remember the absurd effect
of 'geography' and landscape, while at the_ life'. The landscape level results from man's created when a person
opposite end of the hierarchy is an order of interaction ivith the natural environment. walks down the 'streets'

furniture and still smaller objects. The We can also add still more comprehensive 2 Needless to say, the
levels are dctcrmi "-' \\y '^"- p"--" ppviron- geographical levels, which are developed by determinants on all levels
,-nr 1^ u,-H :i^ hy ""'> •'"-"^'linn " travelling from one landscape to another, or
are physical as well as
would, m fact, be wrong to imagine our on the basis of a general knowledge about the
environment as being 'continuous'. Certain world. The system of levels, the different
sizes of spatial units are simply of no use, or schemata developed on each level, and the
if they are produced, have an illusory and interaction of levels constitute the structure
amusing effect.' "I'hi Inn r ' I'-'y' 's .<.-t.-r- of existential space.
jjjyjjj^j^^jji^jj^^jj^ The sizes and shapes ot
articles for use are related to the functions Most civilizations possess all levels, but some
of grasping, carrying and in general ot of them may be rather undeveloped.
extending the actions of the hand. The next Nomadic people, for instance, have little
level, furnirnre. is determined hv the size contact with urbanistic schemata, whereas
nf fhp ho.l^' .-.p-.-i-illv m r.^l.^yi on tO SUCh urban people in our time have lost most of
activities as sitting, hi-n<1ina :ln.^ K-inp i\c,\\r\^ the landscape level, although they usually

5 Even furniture and possess some geographical images learnt in that of the Vroiind' on which the configura-
objects have in the past
been considered images of
school. We
will discuss the question of the tions of existen fial sparp [[{^y^ developed.
the world. The chandehers organization of each level in the following, '
strangely, however, man's 'being in the
of the Ottonian and but should point out in this context that the landscape' has hardly been studied. The
Carohngian epochs, for
instance, were images of schemata usually vary from level to level. only coherent theoretical attempt known to
'Heavenly Jerusalem', See The house image, for instance, may show a us, found in Rudolf Schwarz's book Von
H. Sedlmayr Die Entstehtmg
di'- Kathedrah 1950, p. 125 high degree of geometrization, whereas the der Bebauung der Erde. Obviously the
urban image is topological in character. schemata of the landscape level are formed
4 P. Haggett Locational
Analysis in Human
througlTlEe'lnteraction ot man's a ctivitie?
Geography 1965, p. 18 with t onograp hy. vpi7e^^iWr"TO0*nTmate.
_ Geography lands cape., th us^ is in some sense
5 For the concept of
'capacity' see Norberg- different lor the peasant, the miner. and the_
Schulz Intentions in The geo granhical level has a roirnitive char-
tourist, without, thougn, pecoming entirelv_
'^l^niight' rather t han 'lived', hut ~
Architecture 1963, p. 155 acter. It ]

may influence the more directly and fully

different As ax^'J nilt^rs a limitecT mmmW.
6 R. Schwarz Von der range of possibilities for orientati on and
Bebauung der Erde 1949, exnerienced levels. In the past the geo- jHpntifirpitjpp^ we may say that 11 _nas a
p. II graphical level hardly existed. Instead we ^^p-^^-'-y' HPtPrminPd hy its smir-
This fact expressed which was just as
find a 'cosmological' level
7 is
tural properties.' These structural properties
by all the names of towns real to man geography is today. We have
ending with 'ford' ought to be described in terms of places,
already mentioned that ancient man con-
(German: Furt), meaning paths and domains. Rudolf Schwarz says:
'shallow place where a ceived his more concrete existential levels
rivermay be crossed by as images of the cosmological level. ^ In '
... we talk about landscape spaces and
a certain sense this still happens today, when think of a house; the mountains are walls,
8 See C. Norberg-Schulz houses and towns are built on the same the fields floors, the rivers paths, the coasts
'Mote med Istanbul'
Euclidean principles as the space of naive are edges and the lowest point in the
realism, or when certain works of architec- mountain range, the door.'"
ture are inspired by the space-time
Although being primarily background, land-
continuum of -"'^'j'-y 'rU" C'^'^p'-'phirnl
scape thus has a structure of its own. It
level, however, hardly serves as a model to be
offers areas where the development of places
'imitated. I'Afh^r it
p iy"^
inpntity m 'p^^]frt-;'
is particularly favoured, and it indicates
such as 'Europe', the or the"'country'
possible paths and natural domains. If we
'region', and in so doing assures a consider-
bring together the different human needs
^ple- pnlitiral pnd cultural importance.^ It
which are satisfied by the place concept, we
also furnishes economical and ecological
infr^rmation »,hinh intllipnrp'j pan S Orieif^
arrive at a formula where identity/security
tatinn in the widest sense of the term. The
leads to activity. A place is formed where
this formula finds its physical counterpart. In
places and paths ot geographical space have
concrete terms this means a naturally pro-
an abstract character they do not represent

tected space, which, however, can easily

what is directly known, but are potential
interact with its surroundings. The great
elements of existential space. Thp r-r)j^pnf r.f
cities of the past, therefore, were located
the geographical level primarily consists 61
on natural paths of communication, such as
various domains. (In cosmological space the
rivers," at points which offered physical
situation is similar, with the difference that
protection as well as a characteristic identity
the domains syitibolize idealized life situa-
(genius loci). In a few cases both demands
tions, such as Heaven and Hell.) Peter
were satisfied maximally, as for instance in
Haggett, in a fundamental study on geo-
Constantinople-Istanbul, where 'paths' from
graphical theory, uses the concepts of
East and West, North and South meet at a
'network' (i.e. system of routes or paths),
point of incomparable beauty." Landscape
'node', 'surface' (i.e. domain) and 'hierarchy'
obviously also contains potential places
to describe geographical structure.^
which can only satisfy one of the basic
demands. In such cases the other demand
has to be met by artificial means, by planning
landscap e
and building. The formation of paths is also
The to a large extent determined by natural

levelof been landscape has generally
conditions. Kurt Lewin's idea of the 'pre- topological relationships: we may, for 9 P. Haggctt Localional
Analysis in Human
ferred path' is confirmed by modern geo- instance, talk about chain of mountains'
Geography 1965, pp. 32,
graphical research, where it is pointed out or 'a glade in the forest'. Let us repeat that 62ff
that movement usually follows an optimal landscape always has the function of forming
10 For a further discussion
path, according to the lex parsimoniic. the continuous background of our environ- of the properties of
Deviations from the straight line, however, mental image (as well as of our visual field). landscape sec C. Norberg-
Schulz 'II pacsaggio c
are usual, either to obtain something ('posi- If this condition is corrupted, wc stop talking Topcra deH'uomo'
tive deviation') or to evade an obstacle about landscape.'" liJilizia Modcrna 78, 1966

('negative In
domains are defined by natural elements.
Slopes, edges, variations in texture (vege- The urban level
tation etc.) strongly suggest areas which
become part of man's environmental image. On the urban level we find structures which
Often these areas correspond to those used MC mosllv delcimiiu d bv man's own activi-
for a particular purpose, such as agriculture,' ties, that IS. bv his mlcractiun with a nian-
but mostly the correspondence is not one to niadc environment. On this level, therelorc,
one, whereby a wonderful counterpoint the basic form is what could be called 'our"
between natural and man-made domains place'. DurinL' his development the
results. indi\idiinl iiisi(ners :i structurci.1 whole
whuh he h Others and which more
sh:ircs wii
But landscape structure, it must be admitted, llvin iinvihinp yives him a sense 01
i- lsc
is in general relatively diffuse. The elements identity. In tact, during history the town lias
only occasionally have a clear definition, simply been eivtias, the known and safe
such as a lake, and vegetation and topo- world which secured man's foothold in
graphical forms rarely correspond exactly. relation to the unknown world aroundJit—
A certain correlation is sometimes found as, nriprir;.- qn:ilitv »f tin- iirh^in \ny^\^^c. there-
for instance, when a cultivated field stops fore, is the single identifiable place, i o
against wood-clad hill, but regular or
a satisfy this condition, the settlement ought~
geometrical forms hardly exist. When they to have fyural character in relation to the""
do occur, man tends to bestow upon them janaseape. Tfie prineipies oi t!i6sure and"
a particular significance: Mount Fuji in proximity of the constituent elements,
Japan is traditionally considered holy, and therefore, arc of prime importance. T\^c -

Vesuvius is even more interesting because ..-itl.-m.-nr in riny riM- li:is to l-javc a higher
of its regular contour, accentuated by the il.^nsiTv ih:m its s urroundings. T his does'not
isolated position of the mountain. It would, mean, however, that the town is a closed
however, be wrong to consider landscape as system, isolated from its environment. We
formless. A landscape with weak formal have already talked about the dialectic of
properties may exist, but it does not offer departure and return, of inside and outside
the same possibilities tor orientation and and of the meaning of 'oneninfs'. _The town.
identification as a landscape where large and thus, rnmmiini,-ir.-^ inrh ,^l^-miMl[s ilt other"
small dimensions accentuate each other levels. _But communication presupposes that
reciprocally, where masses and spaces inspire the town has someth ing to contnnute, tlTat
us to imagine the experience of taking posses- K, li:!'- :itieimed identitv.

sion of it by physical and psychic movement. muiiicauon does not mean to dissolve inTo
The imagined process of taking possession •

Liii'^uiiuu iidiimk.
of landscape during the changing seasons
also determines its infinitely varying expres- Wc have maintained that the identity of a
sions: it may be intimate or forbidding, settlement relative to its surroundings de-
smiling or sombre; but all these expressions pends on a certain density. The question
have a general character. As nature is not then arises whether this density is also
man-made, it keeps us at a certain distance motivated t'rom within. C.eriainly villages and
and offers great but relatively undifferen- towns from any period or part of the world
tiated experiences. Correspondingly, the were characterized by being dense. This
structure of landscape consists of general quality, therefore, seems to satisfy a basic


11 See 'Giglio Castello' human need. One might refer to the need for elementary of these are the 'enclosure' and
Byggekunst 6/1969
defence, a factor which certainly has played the 'cluster', which are the direct expressions
12 A. E. Brinckmann an important role, but density also appears of functions taking place and of social
Deutsche Stadtbaukimst der
Vergangenheit 1 9 1 1
where defence was unnecessary. The motiva- 'togetherness'. These two structures also
Stadtbaukunst 1920; P. tion, therefore, lies deeper. We know that the often appear in combination, as when a
Zucker Tozim and Square Egyptian hieroglyph for 'city' also meant cluster is given a precise delimitation. Con-
'mother'. The. city was experienced as tinuity along a path is also a characteristic
13 C. L4vi-Strauss something close, warm and embracing. model, mostly determined by particular
Structural Anthropology
1963, ch. VIII
When I once asked one of the inhabitants environmental conditions. In larger cities
of a small Italian village how she would these structures form hierarchical systems.
14 In Appendix A to his
book, Lynch refers to rich
describe her village to somebody who did A higher or lesser degree of geometrization
anthropological material not know the place, she answered : 'it is like may appear on all sub-levels.
providing further a warm can put on'.'^ ^''"sify ^^"'
coat I
confirmation of the point
seems motivated also from wit}ijn Tn Kevin Lynch uses present-day American
15 Lynch The Itnage of general it corresponds to what is usually cities as his material, but still arrives at the
the City i960, p. 41
known as human scale. same conclusions. Man needs an urban
16 For the concept of environment which facilitates the image-
'sociaUzation' see Norberg-
Schulz Intentions in
The discussion of urban structure is not making, he needs districts which have a
Architecture 1963, pp. 37ff exhausted, however, by pointing out a particular character, paths which lead some-
general place-quality. It also comprises an where, and nodes which are 'distinct and
// R. Schwarz Von der
Bebauung der Erde 1949, interior organization which we have already unforgettable places'. In his fascinating
pp. i93fT mentioned in connection with the research of analysis of formless Los Angeles, he quotes
Kevin Lynch. Lynch is certainly not the a characteristic statement of one of the
first to define urban structure in terms of persons interviewed: 'It's as if you were
'nodes', 'paths' and
'districts'; conven- going somewhere for a long time, and when
towns usually refer to
tional descriptions of you got there you discovered there was
squares {piazza, Platz, place), streets and nothing there, after all.'''' Within the urban
quarters and we may quote the writings of level, the individual usually possesses his
A. E. Brinckmann and Paul Zucker as an more 'private' existential space, but it is
example.'- But he has given these well essential that this is understood as part of a
known terms a new existential dimension, larger whole. Such an understanding grows
rather than reducing them to aspects of a together with man's gradual becoming part
'visual' problem. His approach finds sig- of a social context. 'Socialization', thus, has
nificant confirmation in an essay by Claude to be accompanied by the development of
Levi-Strauss, who discusses the image existential space to become really meaning-
natives have of their village." Levi-Strauss ful.'" Rudolf Schwarz says:'The individual
shows that the image is based on simple. is born in the village which existed before
him. But slowly this village becomes his

relations, but that it varies
according to the individual's position in the
homeland, a place lived in and full of
memories.' 'Paths and places became
memories, time and space became the history
of his life.'"

The house
social structure. He also points out that the The p pvate spaces we fi'^jj ^^"^
image-types correspond to real arrangements common urban level, are houses in the fullest
found in primitive villages.'^ The inner
urban structure is thus a complex result of idiuaMd«-««M
individual and social functions which 'take
situated. Rut rl^^re arc als o hniiSFS which
place'. The same basic elements are found nave a public cnaracter
cha This eitner means
everywhere; they can, however, be combined thpy rpmam part nt The iirhan level^ or
into several typical urban images. The most that the public realm is recognized as an

: :

extension of the nrivate world, so that man the verticality of the house, he obviously iH M. Heidegger 'Bauen
Wohncn Denkcn' 1954.
can he --ai d to 'dwell' in iIk- public buildings recognizes the fundamental relationship pp. 20, 21, 35
JK U'L'll U^ in his own house. In oihor words, discussed by Heidegger: to dwell does not
;9 Quoted by G. Bachelard
.1"^' ^
[j^pTT-pr ,it -Imm,-' ni:iy hu-.'
^UiOS, :l va[- only mean be on earth', but also 'to be
The Poetics of Space 1964,
range. Some forms ol' life, fact, give primem under the Heavens'.-- The house gives man ch. II, 4

importance to the common, public environ- his place on earth, but the 'vertical' is
20 H. Broch Gedichte
ment; the inhabitants dwell togerher as one always with him. In general, the house 1953, p. 68.
expresses the structure of dwelling, with all (In the middle of all
large community, whereas elsewhere the
distance stands this house,
house of the/uw;7v is the basic element.. In its physical and psychic aspects. It is therefore be fond of it)
both cases however, the fundamental func-. imagined as a system of meaningful activi-
21 G. Bachelard The
tion oi Jtct'lling is fully expressed. Heidegger ties concretized as a space consisting of Poetics of Space 1 964,
says: places with varying character. To illustrate ch. I, I
the depth which is given to the world 'char-
'What does it mean to build? The old 22 M. Heidegger 'Bauen
acter' in this context, Bachelard quotes C. G. VC'ohnen Denken' 1954,
German word for to build was "buan" and
Jung who says: 'Conscience behaves like p. 23
means to dwell. That is, to stay, to
the man who hearing a suspicious noise in 2J G. Bachelard The
remain The word "bin" (am) came
the cellar rushes up to the attic to make
. . .
Poetics of Space 1964,
from the old word to build, so that "I am", ch. I, 5
sure that there are not thieves and sub-
"you are" means: I dwell, you dwell.
sequently that the noise was a figment of his 24 This, of course, is not
The way that you are and I am, the way imagination. In reality the cautious man
a rule. The Hellenistic
town, thus, shows a higher
men are on earth is "Buan", dwelling .'
. .

hadn't dared to go down to the cellar.'-^ degree of gcomeirization

'Dwelling is the basic principle of on the urban level, than in
The image of the house, therefore, depends the individual house
on the existence of differentiated placeS
The house, therefore, rem ains jjk central which interact among themselves and with
piu-,- i.t human evistenc e, the place Where the environment in varying ways. Above all,
the child learns to unaerstanaTnnWTTgTTr' however, the character is determined by
the world, and the place trom which man concrete 'things' such as the fire-place, the
agpSftS And to w^hicn nc returns._ Thc poet table and the bed.
Milosz says
When Alberti called the house 'a small city',
'Isay Mother. And my thoughts are of
he probably felt that we dwell in cities as
you, oh. House. House of the lovely dark
well as in houses, and that the basic elements
summers of my childhood.''"
of existential space determine both. But
and a house-inscription by Hermann Broch the analogy is not completely valid. The
reads house, thus, does not give the same impor-
tance to the path as does the city. XX'hereas
'In der Mitte aller Feme
the city mainly lives by means of its paths,
steht dies Haus
the house is a function of place. In fact, we
drum hab cs gerne.'-"
can follow a logical progression from the
Consequently Gaston Bachelard describes domain-dominated landscape over the path-
the house as 'one of the great integrative dominated city to the place-dominated
forces in man's life'.- In the house man '
house. At the same time we notice a growing
finds his identity. precision of form and structure, that is, an
increasing tendency towards geometriza-
The structure of the house is primarily that tion.-' The more man is 'at home', the more

of a place, but as such it also contains an precisely he can define his environment.
interior structure which is differentiated in
several subordinate places and connecting
paths. Different activities take place in the The thing
house, and their co-ordinate totality ex-
presses a form of life. The activities have a How, then, should we consider the lowest
varying relation to the outside and to the level of existential space, that of furniture
basic directions of vertical and horizontal. and objects-for-use? Here we can no longer
When Bachelard gives prime importance to talk about a system of places and paths, but

2$ O. F. BoUnow Mcmch are with things, which interact with
left in the house? Did not the things give him
tmd Raum 1963, p. 165
their surroundings in different ways.-' the physical assurance of grasping and
26 O. F. BoUnow Memch Being directlv connected with certain func- holding? From the level of things to the
und Raum 1963, p. 166 tions, ^Tiings^uauaLbL-liay£. a maximum ol level of nature the range widens at the same
27 G. Bachelard The precise torm. and are known by man m
the time as precision decreases. In things every-
Poetics of Space 1964, •^roSTTiirect way possible. We have already thing is focused, in nature everything is
ch. 111,4
"TTOHnCHSnTiar elements on this level may contained. And in between there is man's
28 G. Bachelard The serve as foci in the house. The fire-place, for dwelling. From his dwelling he can search
Poetics of Space 1964,
ch. Ill, 6-7
instance, has since ancient times been the out as well as he can look in; he can find the
very centre of the dweUing, and the table was depth of distance as well as the depth of
2^ For the theory of the 'place' where the family joined to form a nearness. The levels of thing, of dwelling and
objects see Norberg-
Schulz Intentions in 'ring'. BoUnow points out that the bed of nature, therefore, are general properties
Architecture pp. 27ff represents the centre even more convincingly, of existential space, but they do not always
SO M. Eliade says, 'The being the place from where man starts his appear in the same way. We have already
sky directly, "naturally", day, and to which he returns in the evening. mentioned variation in the public and private
reveals the infinite distance,
the transcendence of the
In bed the circle of the day, and of life, is aspects of dwelling, and hinted at the fact
deity'.The SacreJ and the closed.-'' The bed, therefore, pa7- excellence that modern man to a large extent has lost
Profane 1961, p. 117 is the place where man 'comes to rest', where the level of nature. The easiest level to
31 For a discussion of his movements find their goal. Bollnow also preserve through all changes seems to be the
representation see Norberg- points out that man's active relationship to level of things. But is it really preserved
Schultz Intentions in
Architecture 1963, pp. i67ff the world is characterized by his vertical today, when everything is thrown away after
position; he takes 'a stand'. To sleep means use?
to give up this position and return to the
very 'point of departure'. When the Chateau It is of great importance that the levels can
de Versailles was centralized on the bed of represent each other, which is also a con-
Louis XIV, it symbolized more than a mere sequence of the fact that 'things focus' and
demonstration of power. Gaston Bachelard 'nature contains'." On
the one hand, things,
also gives an interpretation of such 'things' houses and cities may be cosmological
as cupboards and drawers. 'In the cupboard,' symbols, or a house or a thing may represent
he says, 'there lives a centre of order, which a city etc., or again the cosmological image
protects the whole house against chaos.'-' may imitate the form of a city, a house or a
He points to the fascination we feel when we thing. Such representations probably result
hear the words 'Open Sesame!', and says: from the common tendency to imagine
'The cupboard and the chest of drawers are things unknown on the model of things
things, which may be opened'.-^ They are known, or from practical difficulties in
therefore connected with the basic actions of realizing a certainimage on the appropriate
hiding and reveaUng, of conserving and level. A representation from the top towards
remembering. the bottom of the hierarchy means that the
higher levels are 'concretized' by the lower.
In other words, man 'receives' the environ-
The interaction of levels ment and makes it focus in concrete buildings
and things. The things thereby 'articulate'
The levels of existential space form a struc- the environment and make its character
tured totality which corresponds
to the precise. That is the basic function of detail
structure of existence. Man exists in relation in our surroundings. The details 'explain'
to many objects: to physical objects, psychic the environmental character, and thereby
objects, social objects and cultural objects.-'' become meaningful. Even the genius loci,
All these objects he encounters at several therefore, needs man's concretization and,
levels the levels of things, of house, of city
: in fact, is mainly known through such a
and of landscape. And yet there still seems to manifest influence. A representation from the
be a natural correspondence between objects bottom towards the top means that man
and levels. Did not man always search for 'projects' himself into the environment. He
God in nature?^" Did he not meet his fellow communicates something to the environ-
men in the city, and did he not find himself ment, which in turn unifies his 'things' in a

larger meaningful context. The interaction are influencedby the character of the sur- 32 The island represems a
relatively closed system and
between man and the environment, there- rounding domain. In general, we may say may therefore L:ivc rise to a
fore, consists of two complementary pro- that existential space consists of several particular kind of
existential space. \X'c may
cesses which are directed inwards and overlapping and inter-penetrating systems also point out the common
outwards respectively, in accordance with which interact with each other.'- In such a root in the words 'island'
and 'isolate'. See Lynch
Piagct's principle of assimilation and accom- complex totality ambiguity and conflicts are The Intagt- of tfu Citv
modation. The level-hierarchy of existential bound to occur, it is even maintained that p. 129
space is therefore a product of man's taking they ought to occur, because of 'the richness,
33 R. Vcnturi Complexity
possession of his environment. and ambiguity of (modern) experience'. ^-^ and Contradiction in
The question of complexity has been dis- Architecture New York
1966, p. 22
Existential space can also be described as a cussed by Amos Rapoport and Robert E.
simultaneous totality where the levels inter- Kantor who refer to recent works by psycho- 34 A. Rapoport and R. E.
Kantor 'Complexity and
act to form a complex, dynamic field. logists investigating the degree of environ-
Ambiguity in Environmental
Through perception, parts of the field arc mental complexity preferred." In general, Design" American Institute
experienced, but the general image exists human beings prefer complex environments oj Planners Journal, July
independently of the individual situation. to simple ones. Experiments with rats have
shown that an enriched environment pro- A. Rapoport and R. E.

This field is neither continuous nor uniform. 35
Kantor 'Complexity and
duces an increase in brain weight and intel- Ambiguity in Environmental
lectual capacity. 'Since healthy behaviour is Design' p. 214
exploratory, varying, venturesome in nature,
36 A. Rapoport and R. E.
it requires an environment which allows, Kantor "Complexity and
indeed encourages, the development and Ambiguity in Environmental
Design' p. 216
exercise of such behaviour .Yet this
. .

preference for the complex and ambiguous

is not limitless. Stimuli which are too
simple lead to quick boredom those which

are too complex lead to confusion and avoid-

dance. This suggests the idea that for each
Firstly it contains a system of centres, with person there is an optimal perceptual rate.''^
one centre usually dominating. The centres The authors also discuss a similar interest
can be inside each other, as when we think in ambiguity among present-day architects
of the different 'known' places of a town, and quote Aldo van Eyck who says: 'Each
which as a whole functions as a centre in a place is multi-suggestive.' In particular van
larger context, or when we think of the Eyck gives importance to the inside-outside
various places or foci of a house. This means relation. His statements reflect what we have
that the levels contain each other. On each found to be basic properties of existential
level, the centres are related by paths. It space, and van Eyck himself realizes the
follows that domains may also contain sub- determining force behind it, when he says
domains as well as places and paths. The '.Man is both centre bound and horizon
degree of acquaintance with an area, there- bound'."' The structure of existential space
fore, is determined by the sub-elements expresses the incessant tensions inherent
known. These elements, on the other hand, in life.

! :

37 M. Heidegger Sein imJ Conclusion

Zeit, p. 104

3S K. Lynch The Image It has been maintained that the development 'To be somewhere', however, has many
of the City i960, p. 128 of an existential space forms a necessary part forms. Bollnow talks about 'Der Hand-
of the orientation of the individual, and that lungsraum' (space of action), 'Der gestimmte
J9 See BoUnow Mensch
und Ratim 1963, p. 212 the basic properties of its structure ought to Raum' (expressive space) and 'Der Raum
who quotes the poem by be public, in order to allow for social inte- des menschlichen Zusammenlebens' (space
Hermann Hesse
Seltsam, im Nebel zu gration. Orientation and social integration, ofhuman interaction). The space of action
wandern! however, have many dimensions. Space is may also be called 'space of work', and con-
Einsam ist jeder Busch und
Stein, only one of the aspects of existence. Could sists mainly in a spatial organization of
kein Baum sieht den andern, not, for instance, social integration be objects for use.^** Expressive space, on the
jeder ist allein . . .

achieved by cultural or political means rather other hand,is determined by affective

Seltsam, im Nebel zu
wandern than by the development of common space Bollnow refers to the varying
Leben ist Einsamsein. concepts? We do not want to reduce the character of natural space, and talks at
Kein Mensch kennt den
andern, importance of any of the dimensions of length about the forest, which is generally
jeder ist allein. human action, but should point out that any experienced as being simultaneously closed
(it isstrange to walk
in fog when every bush and activity has spatial aspects, because any and open. This character furthermore
stone stands solitary, no activity implies movements and relations to changes with day and night and with the
tree sees the other, each is
alone ... It is strange
places. Existenceand existential space cannot climatic conditions. As particularly interest-
to walk in fog. Life is be separated. Heidegger saysi'The world at ing phenomena, Bollnow mentions the effect
being solitary. No man of snow and of fog,^" and of dawn and dusk.
knows another, each is
any time reveals the spatiahty of the space
alone) Bollnow op. cit. which belongs to it.'^' Any activity means He quotes the well known verse by Goethe
p. 220 'to be somewhere'. 'Dammrung senkte sich von oben,
jga (dusk falls from schon ist alle Nahe fern .

above, soon all proximity is What, then, does it mean 'to be somewhere'?
It simply means to be located in one's exis- The concepts of 'narrow' and 'wide' are
40 H. Sedlmayr tential space. We
may be 'at home', 'away' especially suitable for describing such
'Ursprung und Anfange der or 'astray'. The term 'away' expresses that 'character'. 'Narrow' is what restricts life
Kunst' Epochen und Werke
I, we are on our way to get 'somewhere else'. (but in certain cases: protects life), while
1959, p. 9
The German word zoeg, in fact, means 'way' 'wide' is what allows life to unfold. The
41 O. F. Bollnow Menseh expression or character of the environment,
und Raum 1963, pp. 257fF as well as 'away'. The term 'lost' expresses
that we have left the known structure of therefore, is neither something subjective
42 O.F. Bollnow Aleinch within man, nor something to be found
existential space. The experience (perception)
und Raum 1963, p. 264
of space, thus, consists in the tension be- outside, but an aspect of man's being in the
tween one's immediate situation and exis- world. The expressive spaces created by
tential space. When our immediate location man primarily aim at the realization of such
coincides with the centre of our existential characters. In fact, Sedlmayr defines art as
space, we experience being 'at home'. If the 'shaping of an intelligible character' and
not, we are either 'on our way', 'somewhere says, 'the achievement of the artist lies in
else', or we are 'lost'. creating an intelligible equivalent for the
particular complex that he has experi-

In the space of human interaction, the spaces

of action and of expression are unified to
create, in its highest form, what Bollnow
calls 'the space of loving communal life'.^'
He points out that marriage among primitive
people is often connected with the building
of a house and says 'The space which they

(the lovers) jointly produce is their home.'^-

When space of love becomes public, as a
common ideal image of existential space, it
gains the character of a sacred space. Sacred

space always centres on one or more sacred could not have a determined plan. On the 43 See K. Goldammer
Die FormemixU des
places, that is, foci where the common cosmic contrary, every element would be un- left
ReUgibsen i960, ch. IV, 2
image is represented. Often the centres are determined, mobile and flexible."" But such 'Heiliger Raum und
hciliger Weg'
connected by sacred paths which lead to the a mobile world, which is not based on the
meaningful goal. Pilgrimage, thus, is one of repetition of similarities in connection with 44 J. Piagei The Psychology

the great symbols of human existence.'" a stablesystem of places, would make human of Iniclligcnce 1950, p. 167

development impossible. Piaget's research 45 .VI. M. Webber 'Urban

The sacred path implies that "to be on the indicates that a mobile world would tie man Place and Nonplacc Urban
Realm' Explorations into
way' also has many forftis. It is closely related to an 'egocentric' stage, while a stable and Urban Structure 1964
to the problem of pace and rhythm, that is, structured world frees his intelligence. Nor
46 C. Nieuwenhuis
the changing character of movement. In would a mobile world allow for real human 'New Babylon' Architectural
fact, fiozv we get from one place to another is interaction. Christopher Alexander thus Design June 1964
a basic aspect of man's being in the world. points out that 'the social pathologies
47 C. Alexander 'The City
We can run, stroll, march or dance, thereby associated with urban life - deliqucncy and as a Mechanism for
expressing different ways of taking posses- mental disorder - follow inevitably from the sustainingHuman Contact'
Environment for Man ed.
sion of the environment. Life itself can be lack of intimate contact'. To have such an W. R. Ewald 1967.
understood as a movement from one con- intimate contact 'the people concerned
48 K. Lynch The Image
dition to another. This movement is incessant must see each other very often, almost every of the Citv i960, pp. 124,
and continuous, but it has rhythm and form. day'. He also maintains that mental dis- 125
Even man's basic organic needs, such a^ turbances occur when people only have
^' 49 M. Heidegger 'Bauen
hunger and thirst, follow rhythmic patterns. 'nonpatterned encounters with each other'. VCohncn Denken' p. 32
Furthermore, man is part of a system ot In fact, it is a misunderstanding to believe
50 H. Sedlmayr Art in
natural rhythms, such as night and day, the that a stable world and corresponding en- Crisis : the lost centre 1957
change of seasons and his own 'ages'. Piaget vironmental images hamper man's mobility.
says appropriately: 'Life is a creator of Kevin Lynch says that 'the environmental
patterns'." In other words, we become what image has its original function in permitting
wc do. In this sense, life interprets itself as purposeful mobility', and 'the terror of being
space by taking possession of the environ- lost comes from the necessity that a mobile
ment. organism be oriented in its surroundings'.'"*
Heidegger furthermore points out 'When I go
To conclude we may say a few words about towards the exit of a room I am already there
some actual problems connected with man's and would not be able to go there unless I
existential space. Whereas the human was already there.''" In other words, mobility
environment so far has had a structure presupposes a structured image of the
corresponding to the existential space environment, an existential space which
described above, present-day development contains generalized as well as particular
seems to fa\'our a new mobility. Technical orientations.
means of communication have freed us
from direct human contact, and an increas- The discussion of the human environment
ing number of people have become physically has thus taken a new direction. L'ntil a few
mobile. Many seem to believe that this years ago we discussed whether man ought
development offers possibilities for a richer to live in one-family houses or flats. Today
social interaction. Thus the American city- we have penetrated deeper into the problem
planning theorist Melvin Webber says: 'It is and ask what we should demand in order to
interaction, not place, that is the essence make the environment a satisfactory part of
of the city and city hfe'.'' The Dutch human existence. As an answer to this
utopist Constant Nieuwenhuis has given question, the of a mobile world is
a particularly illuminating image of a mobile anything but realistic. It confuses psychic
world in his 'New Babylon' fantasy. He and physical mobility, as well as psj'chic and
says: 'In New Babylon people would be physical distance, and substitutes real iden-
constantly travelling. There would be no tification with a chaotic consumption of
need for them to return to their point of stimuli. Hans Sedlmayr has grasped the
departure as this in any case would be trans- tendency at its very root, talking about
formed ... It follows that New Babylon 'the lost centre'.'" The environmental

5/ M. Heidegger 'Bauen problem we are facing, therefore,is not of a Perhaps man's departure was motivated by
Wohnen Denken' 1954
p. 23
technical, economical, social or political a wrong idea of 'freedom'. Heidegger re-
nature. It is a human problem, the problem minds us that the words 'dwell', 'protection',
52 R. Schwarz Von der
Bebaitung der Erde 1949,
of preserving man's identity. In his 'free' 'peace' and 'freedom' originally belonged
p. 12 arrogance he departed from his place and together, and everything seems to indicate

'conquered' the world. But he is left with that this is still the case. Freedom still pre-
emptiness and no real freedom. He has supposes security, and security only

forgotten what it means to 'dwell', and possible through the human identity of
remember Rilke's words which existential space is one aspect. This is

the essence of 'dwelling'. But we have to

'O Heimweh der Statten, die nicht genug
learn to dwell. In fact, our experience today
Geliebt wurden, einst in fliichtigen
shows us that man does not spontaneously
Stunden -
find his foothold. The problem of environ-
Wie gern gab ich ihnen, handelnd von Fern
ment, therefore, is a problem of intentions
Versaumtes, den Umriss abzurunden.'
and attitudes. As Rudolf Schwarz says:
The Odyssey is still a valid tale. 'Man cannot plan the world without design-
ing himself.'"


3 Architectural space

It is the city which should be judged though wc, its children, must pay the price.
Lawrence Dundl Justine.

The elements of architectural space

Aix]jj(^a^iy]_ be d. incd as a Ideally, there should be an isomorphic / To simplify the

I»>1Y PV, problem wc do not here
'concictiziituin ol existential space. 'nxTs^ relation between existential and architectural distinguish between
psyctiologicaT concept, space but, in practice, this is not fully 'natural' and man-made
icntial space is a
elements in the
denoting the schemata man develops, inter- achieved. Architectural space is given 'ready environment. What man
acting with the environment, in order to get made' to the individual, that is, it is the svlciis from nature to sei^'e
his purposes, we also call
along satisfactorily. The result of this inter- creation of others and reflects ilieir existen- 'architecture'
action, however, will not be a finished, tial spaces. A particular attitude is therefore

to grasp structure,' and when we 2 This does not mean,

complete image, it will normally contain needed its
however, that we reduce
contradictions, and parts will be missing, for try to create spaces which
architectural architecture to its physical
concretize our existential space, the result aspects. Architectural space
example, the feeling of belonging to a
represents existential space,
particular place. W'hen a group of 'lost' may not be liked by others. Man's relation and thereby the 'higher'
young people in Oslo recently protested to architectural space therefore consists, on social and cultural objects
of man's world
against the commercialized use of land and the one hand, in trying to integrate its
buildings in the centre of the city, their structure into his personal schemata, and J Hans Sedlmayr was the
to stress that the work
slogan was: 'a place to stay'. The environ- on the other in translating his schemata into tirst
of art requires an 'adequate
mental image, therefore, comprises wishes concrete architectural structures. In order attitude' from the perceiver.
and dreams. To satisfy these wishes, man that he succeed in the first, and that the See 'Zu eincr strcngcn
tries to chdnt;e his environment. In other second may become a contribution to the Kiinsi:dsscnschaftlichc
words, architecture concretizes an image development of the existential spaces of l-\yrschiingcn i, 1931
which goes beyond the already existing others, architectural space must necessarily
environment. It always reflects a wish to have a pronounced public character. To
improve man's conditions. Man's existential understand this belter, we may introduce a
space is thus determined by the concrete simple model which represents three 'levels
structure of the environment, but his needs of generalization' ; the private or individual,
and wishes create a feedback. The relation- the public or social and the objective or
ship between man and environment is there- scientific.
fore a two-way process, a real interaction.
'Architectural space' is a concrete, physical Our is obviously based on a
private world
aspect of this process.' We
could also say series of generalizations, as we order our
that existential space, being one of the experiences according to their similarities.
psychic structures which form part of man's But the concepts or 'objects' we arrive at
being in the world, has architectural space have relatively imprecise boundaries and a
as its physical counterpart. low degree of articulation. Our conception
generalized structure than the individual,
but is obviously deprived of all the varying
liiibM'dtuf MorM shades which distinguish the latter. As a
matter of course, the public world has, to a
greater extent than the individual, to make
use of scientific insight. It is therefore more
objective, but may never correspond to the
scientific zvorld, which is characterized by the
disappearance of interference, as far as that
T^tblrc ivcrM is possible, or, in other words, by the absence

of values. Only by leaving out values does

science become 'exact'. The scientific world
is a world of precisely defined and lawfully

interrelated objects. As it is interference

which determines what we call 'qualities',
it is natural the scientific
to characterize
world as 'quantitative'. If the public world
corresponded to the scientific all meaningful
SciMh'tit wrl4 feelings and expressive activities would
Ccj become impossible.

4 Interference leads to of a tree, for instance, may only consist in a One of the key words used above is 'value'.
what Egon Brunswik has
called 'intermediary general idea of its shape or colour. A gardener To possess a system of values means that one
objects'. The phenomena or a botanist, however, will probably have a wants and is convinced that the world ought
perceived are intermediary
objects, while science aims
more complete conception. This is because to have a certain structure. Values, therefore,
at the abstraction of 'pure' individual worlds (within a particular field) influence our choice of alternatives, they
objects. See Norberg-
Schulz hnentions in
have been further structured by special make our They may even
actions intentional.
Architecture 1963, pp. 32ff knowledge, which in our diagram is illus- lead us to accept solutions which are dis-
trated by a feedback-arrow from science. advantageous from a practical point of view.
5 See C. Norberg-Schulz
'Meaning in Architecture'
But man's individual concepts are not only Such solutions can be defended if they are
Alcaning in Architecture vague, they also have an inevitable tendency necessary to manifest values needed by
ed. C. Jencks and G.
to interfere. A man's concept of a tree is thus society. They should, however, be rejected
Baird 1969
influenced by the situation in which it is if they only express private idiosyncrasies.
6 See C. Norberg-Schulz experienced: harvesting apples, climbing the When we lay stress on the word intention, it
Intentions in Architecture
1963. p. 31 branches, or engraving a heart pierced by an is to say that both the (environmental) needs
arrow. In fact, it is this interference^ which and the (architectural) forms which satisfy
gives things individual 'colour' and makes them are the result of meaningful choices
the individual world something more than a (conscious or unconscious). This holds both
mechanical reaction to physical stimuli. But for perception and production. Only in
at the same time is is clear that this inter- exceptional circumstances do we intend
ference, if it took place in an accidental and forms which correspond exactly to the
subjective way, would have catastrophic measurable, physical stimulus. Usually the
consequences for our intercourse with stimulus symbolizes a 'higher' objective,
physical things as well as with other people. that is, we experience a meaning.^ We thus
Individual concepts and interference interpret the situation relative to a system of
patterns must, therefore, be based on social values. To avoid becoming a victim of pre-
experiences. This is also illustrated in the judice, it is essential that perception be
diagram by a feedback-arrow. In other based on a value system which gives the
words, our diflferent individual worlds must stimulus an adequate meaning, that is, a
have common basic structural properties to sufficient 'intentional depth'.'' A modern
enable us to become part of society. These pluralistic society where different value
common concepts and interference patterns systems interfere, makes great demands on
we may call the public zvorld. The public the intentional depth. We therefore ought to
world is characterized by a more stable and have knowledge of value systems other than
the 6ne we personally profess, and be able to a public existential space which includes 7 See C. Norberg-Schulz
"Intention und Meihode in
change attitudes when necessary. But the many private existential spaces. It is a der Architcktur' Dcr
different systems ought also to have some symbolic form which mediates the higher Aichilcki 6 1967
basic properties in common to avoid inherent objects of man's world through a certain
8 R. Schwarz Von dtr
conflicts in society. When we say that forms structural similarity, whereby the places, Bibaming der Erdc 1 949,
are 'expressive',it therefore means that they paths, domains and levels of existential space P- 59
manifest higher objectives, which eventually find their concrete, physical counterpart - K. Lynch The Image
are based on systems of values. The forms are a fact which follows logically from the dis- oj the City i960, p. 72

expressive because they engage, because they cussion of existential space. Creating archi- 10 K. Lynch Tlic Image
mean something to us. We could also talk tectural space, therefore, means integrating oj the City i960, p. 78
about 'symbolic forms', whereby 'symbol' an intended form of life in the environment. // Sec H. Haan 'Dogon'
means something quite from a
different Rudolf Schwarz says: 'People put the earth Byimckiinsl 2 1965 p. 32
naive depiction. 'Expressive forms' and within them in the land they find, place the
'symbolic forms' are, therefore, synonyms, landscape within them on the landscape
signifying that measurable physical forms without, and both become one.'"
(perceived or produced) mediate a higher
meaning. The symbol-function is basic to all
human behaviour. Without symbols which Place and node
concretize his value-oriented being in the
world, man would be inexpressive. The first problem to discussthe architec-

tural definition of 'centre'. has already


How, then, docs architecture enter this been shown that centre means the creation
model? Should the environment we create of a place, or, in Lynch's terminology a
be adapted to the private, the public or the 'node'. Lynch says 'Nodes are the strategic

scientific world? It is obvious that the last foci into which the observer can enter,
alternative has to be rejected. It is of course typically either junctions of paths, or con-
possible to reduce architecture to a mere centrations of some characteristic'." Lynch
rationalistic acti\ity, and hope that, the also introduces the term 'landmark' to
other arts succeed in showing man that his denote 'point references considered to be
world is meaningful. Our analysis of exis- external to the observer'.'" Landmarks
tential space, however, tells us that this often correspond to centres in existential
reduction would make man 'homeless' in the space, but sometimes their function is more
widest sense of the term. Let us therefore to indicate boundaries or directions. In
hope that our environment may still acquire general, the definition of a place is based on
a 'meaning' to transcend the merely prac- the Gestalt principles of jTrnximiU" and
tical aspect. Should it, in this case, corres- closure. Proximity creates aclustcring of
pond to the private or the public world? elements, that is, a concentration of masses.
As it is one of the purposes of architecture Hence we find throughout the history of
to help integrate the individual in a common architecture the tendency to mark a place
form, the first alternative is not satisfactory. by means of a large mass. Enclosure, on the
That is, individual needs certainly have to be other hand, determines aspaa^wiich is
satisfied, but they have to be understood, as separated from its surroundings as a par-
part of a larger context. In other words, even ticular place. Such spaces exist in nature, for
our individual expressions ought to have a instance as caves. The initiation rites of the
common denominator. -Iii_genyral. archi- Dogons take place in caves, and the centre
tecture should serve the puNu- world..'T!T7r of meaning is furthermore indicated by a
docs not mean tnat we hypothesize one concentrated mass placed inside the cave, an
collective system of values and let everything erect stone of phallic character." We thus
be determined by that; rather we should use find the two original architectural symbols of
the loL-siruciurc of society as our basis; a place brought together.
problem, however, that we have discussed
in further detail in other contexts." D. Frey discusses the 'mass-centre' or .\tal-
Motiv extensively. He points out that the
In conclusion, architectural space concretizes mass expresses the condition of hcin^
(l) Initiation cave of the somewhere, in contrast to the movement to
Dogon tribe central Africa
and from, and that space is centralized by
the erection of such a Mai.

'The motif of the standing figure bears

the same relationship to sculptural
representation of the body as the Mai
(goal) to the shaping of architectural space.
In this stationary centre or goal the very
space is systematized as a stationary
shape. ''-

In the Egyptian pyramid we find the

strongest expression of absolute existence;
it is not a place for human activities in the

normal sense of the word, but the goal

for the path of life. Tombs, in fact, generally
have a centralized form. The ability of a
mass to serve as a 'centre', could be des-
12 D. Frey Gnmdkgung
zu einer vergleichendcn
cribed by the term 'concentration'. Con-
Kioistzvissenschaft, pp. 6, 58 centration is a function of the main shape, as

(2) Stepped pyramid

Saqqara, Egypt 2600 BC
III dynasty

^ ^s.-;



^^^^^:. '-SisSw


(3) Acropolis Athens, fifth

century BC

well as the treatment of details. In general it around which space is organized. The ;i For a more extensive
discussion of the propcrticv
is strengthened by a continuous bounding Athens from the
isolation of the Acropolis in of mass elements see C.
surface and by symmetry. The sphere, profane domain around not only enhances Norbcrg-Schulz Inuniions
in ,-}r».'ArVtvfi/rt' 1963, pp.
hence, has a maximum of concentration.'^ its sacredness but makes it an organizing
Concentration is also enhanced by isolation centre for the whole local world. Mediaeval
when a mass is lifted up in relation to its towns in Europe usually get their strong
surroundings, a vertical axis is implied, place character from a combination of
(4) Tonm Square with clustering and vertical accents. In the town
town-hall (1559) and
Jesuit church (1656
of Klatovy a most impressive 'double focus'
D. Orsini), Klatovy, is created by the towers of the town hall and
Bohemia the church. In general, the mass is a symbolic
or ideal centre, rather than a real place of
activity. It puts a stop to the horizontal
extension of man's environment, and makes
his need for fixed points visible.

The place of activity has roots which are

just as old as those of the concentrated mass.
The enclosure, in fact, may be considered
man's first real attempt to take possession of
the environment.

(5) Kjell Lund and Nils

Slaatto Si Halvard's
Church, Oslo 1966


'Man's first architecturally important the domam obtained a special relationship

14 G. Bandmann
intrusion into his environment - to these forces. Here they should dwell or MiililatlerlicheArchinkiur
dominated by magical forces - was the be kept out. This domain fixed the ah Bedt'ututtgstriigt'r 1951,
definition and enclosure of a domain, the pp. 133ff
emotionally insecure limits between the
temenos, and by this very act of definition ego and the outer world.''

(6) Roman amphitheatre

Nimes, Augustan period

(7} Wusserhiirg am Inn


(8) Sinan his ozvn tomb Whereas the mass-centre has an
Istanbul 1588 abstract,
ideal character,the enclosure has strong
social implications. Basically it expresses a
coming together, the forming of a ring for a
common purpose. Most cultures have such
enclosures where rituals or theatrical per-
formances take place. The essential architec-
tural property a clearly defined boundary,

which secures physical as well as psychic

protection. In the Roman amphitheatre the
effect of enclosure is enhanced by the geo-
metrized form (which however contains
directions) and by the rows of seats falling
down towards the middle. The regular

(9) Bernardo A. Vittone

Capella dclla Visitazione,
Vallinotto 1738
<iOi Bernardo A. Vittonc
Capella dt-lia l-'isitazion^^
Vallinotio: interior

distribution of openings also expresses the The mass-centre and the enclosure both ts The centralized mosque,
however, always contains a
role of the building as a 'social' centre. While represent an 'either-or'. Only fairly late 'difficult' contradiction, as
the enclosed single space forms a comple- during the course of architectural history itis directed towards
ment to the concentrated mass, the enclosed were buildings created which realized in
settlement corresponds to the cluster of equal measure both aspects of the place
closely spaced elements. The boundaries of concept. This development was closely tied
such settlements may be natural or artificial, to the building of Christian churches and
but in both cases a clear distinction between achieved its most convincing results with
inside and outside is essential to the char- the great domed structures of the Renais-
acter of place. In many cases we find dense- sance period. About the same time Sinan
ness as well as enclosure, whereby a still carried through related intentions in the
stronger identity is achieved. \Ve will, large mosques of Istanbul.''' The centralized
however, return to the question of defining spaces thereby created, were varied ad
types of places when discussing the various infinitum, but basically they always represent
environmental levels. what Schwarz calls a 'sacred ring', 'One of
(ii) Colin St John Wilson
Civic Centra Liverpool,
begun in 1966

16 R. Schwarz
The Church lucarna te 1958, the strong figures that builds the world'.""
p. 29 In the eighteenth century Bernardo Vittone
still varied the double theme of the cen-

tralized place in a series of perfect buildings.

Even in modern architecture the great
centralized hall appears as an urban focus.
Particularly convincing is the solution of
Colin St John Wilson for the new Civic
Centre at Liverpool, where four adminis-
tration buildings branch out from a vertically
directed space which is lit from above. This
project clearly demonstrates the fundamental
and timeless character of man's need for a

A place, however, not only becomes a

centre because itfunctions as a goal in exis-
tential space. We have seen that it is just as
important to regard it as a 'point of depar-
ture'. The tension between centripetal and
centrifugal forces, therefore, constitutes the
essence of any place. Michelangelo must have
12) Colin St John Wilson
Civic Centre : interior

(13) Le Corbusicr
La Tcurcttc Evcux, near
Lyons 1952-60

9 ^»-

Buonarotti Capitolinc
Hill Rome 1560

(15)Johann Lukas von felt this when he created his Capitoline

Hildebrandt chapel of St
John Neponiuk Square in Rome. His composition essentially
Gbllersdorf 1733 consists of two elements an oval inscribed

in the floor of the piassa by means of two

descending steps, and three buildings which
form a circumscribed trapezium. The oval
is clearly characterized as expanding, as it is

decorated by a star-like pattern which

increases in scale towards the periphery.
Furthermore the oval is convex and 'breaks
through' the surrounding surface. The
trapezium, however, seems to contract, as
the two lateral buildings converge towards
, the open side of the piazza. In the original
project all three buildings were articulated
in a similar way, creating a continuous
boundary.^'' The project has been interpreted
as expressing the idea of the Capitoline Hill
as the caputmimdi. The oval, thus, would be
nothing less than the very top of our globe.
This interpretation is supported by the fact
17 Michelangelo's
that Michelangelo here succeeded in sym-
intentions were partly
changed by della Porta bolizing the essence of place, as perhaps
and others, who stressed nobody else in the history of architecture.
the longitudinal axis
changing several important *S^' The conflict between the expanding oval
details with the statue of the Emperor (i.e. man)
in the centre, and the contracting boundary, place is defined by means of certain topo- 18 R. Schwarz r/i<r
Church Incarnate 1958
in fact contains the basic problem of exis- logical properties. We ought also to mention,
tential space, giving it a 'tragic' note. Few however, that some places are defined /g K. Lynch The Image
11/ the City i960, p.
people escape the fascination of the Capito- simply by being strongly dissimilar to their
line Square, which touches the deepest surroundings. This may hold true for
ground of our psyche. 'natural' places as well as man-made settle-
ments. Sometimes such a particular char-
The place as a synthesis of arrival and acter is combined with a strong topological
departure and of inside and outside, is definition to create what Lynch has called 'a
symbolized in a still more direct and less distinct and unforgettable place'.
tragic way in some of the great works of the
Baroque period. As a particularly convincing Path and axis
and charming example we may mention the
small chapel of St John Nepomuk in Gollers- Kevin Lynch defines paths as 'the channels
dorf by Hildebrandt. Here a centralized along which the observer customarily,
baldacchino defines and keeps a place in the occasionally, or potentially moves'.'" We
most fundamental manner. An opening in could also add moves. The organiz-
the crowning dome stresses the vertical axis, ing axis, in fact, is not intended for real
and the diagonally directed columns add a movement, but represents a symbolic direc-
note of dynamic expansion. The little struc- tion which unifies a number of elements
ture is thus both a centre of attention and of among themselves, and often relates them to
'radiation', and satisfies the basic existen- a larger totality. Often, however, path and
tial demands on the centre."* axis are identical. The real path and the
more abstract axis may both have horizontal
In all the examples mentioned above, the as well as vertical components. In general.

(16) Temple of Queen

Haishcpsut Thebes,
Egvpt 1400 BC
(XVIII dynasty)

( 1 7) Temple of Forlima
Praeneste (Palestrina) first ^fli^^^^^^^^^^l
century Bc
people. Other characteristic path structures (19) King's College Chapel
Cambridge 1446-1515
can also be found in antiquity. The architec-
ture of the ancient Orient, for instance, is
based on circulating movements, which
reinforce the dominating wish for static
places, rather than forming real paths.

The character of a path is thus determined

by its relation to places. It cither leads to-
wards a goal, away from a point of departure,
or it forms a ring around the place, express-
mg that 'existence is round'. As any place
lives from the tension between centripetal
and centrifugal forces, place and path must
be interdependent.

In the early Christian church the interior

space is a 'place' apart and.different from the
world outside, but it is interpreted as a path.
Like a colonnaded Roman street the nave
leads towards the altar in the apse, expressing
that the path is the essence of existence. The
path of the Christian church, however, is not
without hope, like that of the Egyptian
temple; it has a beginning and an end. The
end is represented by the altar, which tells
us that the path of life has found, and con-
tmues to find, its end in Jesus Christ.
People become part of a history that they

(20) Sr Apottinare in Class^

Ravenna sixth century ad
(2i) Mediaeval Street Architectural history offers many examples
Einbeck, Niedersachsen
which illustrate the concretization of more
particular path structures. In garden archi-
tecture, for instance, the path has always
been an important element, unifying dif-
ferent domains. A charming solution to this
problem of unification is found in Villa
Lante near Viterbo. Contrary to later
Baroque solutions, the building does not
function as the focus and goal of the com-
position. It has, in fact, been split into two
small casinos which, symmetrically placed
on both sides of the main axis, only play an
accompanying role. This axis is a path, but
not a path for walking along. Rather it is the
path of a small brook which starts in a grotto
at a point where the villa approaches free
nature. After many adventures the course of
water ends in an artificial 'lake' down at the
parterre. This 'path' is obviously an allegory
of nature, with man taking part by means of
architecture, sculpture and painting. In the
Baroque parks the taking possession of
nature by means of paths culminates. The
motive of the star radiating out from a

(22)Jacapo Barozzi
Vignola I'illa Lante
Bagnaia, near Viterbo,
begun in 1566

must through again and yet which

has already come to an end, and in that
end overcame death and found salvation.'-'
The theme of the sacred path found its
most splendid interpretation in the Gothic
churches. The continuity in depth was no
longer expressed simply by lateral columns
or pillars, but by the interpenetrating ribs
of the vaulting, whose complex movement /i.T^ —
searches constantly for a place to rest.

The horizontal integration which determines

movement in depth, also characterizes old
streetsof historical towns. While the church
represents an ideal movement, and therefore
shows a geometrical structure, the street is a
real path serving the physical and social
actions of man, which are better interpreted
in terms of topological relations. We will,

22 R. Schwarz The however, return to the analysis of street

Church Incarnate, p. 102 structure when discussing the urban level.

(23) J- C. Schlaun
Project for Schloss
CUmcnsaerih near Soegel,
Niedersachscn 1736

centre was developed by French architects

during the seventeenth century, and came to
dominate man's environment. A map of
Paris and its environs from 1740 shows a
system of centres and radiating roads which
transform the world into a network of paths,
expressing a new existential feeling ot

openness and expansion.-* A late, but par-

ticularly clear example of this intention is
found Schlaun's project for Clemens-
werth. While the Baroque network really
joins different foci, the modern network of
motorways is a mere infrastructure, never
leading to any goal but passing by every-

>X'e have already mentioned the bridge as a

particular kind of path. A river may be said
to separate and unify simultaneously. It
divides the land, but also defines a space
A hich is common to both shores. The unify-
usually strengthened by the land
iig effect is

loping down towards the water, and by the

:ivcr serving as a means of communication.
13 See E. N. Bacon
The bridge makes it possible for man to take Design of Cities 1957,
possession of the 'river-space'. Here he feels pp. 180-181

outside and inside, free and protected at the of an older structure, it has a most unusual
same time, moving back and forth between curved course which is experienced as a
two domains which are different, although continuation of the narrow and crooked
belonging to the same totality. These ten- streets on both sides. The Charles Bridge is
sions are beautifully expressed by the Charles 'populated' by statues which make it a real
Bridge in Prague (1353). Built on the remains civic centre. Other paths of a different kind

(24) Charles Bridge

Prague 1353 (with statues
from the eighteenth century)

(25) Charles Bridge

and the urban flight of stairs.
are the staircase cases,where one really experiences rising
Built to conquer a difference of levels, they up along the vertical axis. Urban stairs have
arc basically vertical. Giving the feeling of often served as the link between a sanctuary
victory over gravity, they have a strong at the top and a crowded piazza at the

expressive content. An unusual fascination bottom, thereby concretizing the transition

has always been exercised by spiral stair- from one existential level to another. In the

'26 Jacapo Barozzi

\'ignola 1-arnesc Palace
C^aprarola : spiral staircase

(27) Francesco de Sanctis Spanish Steps in Rome we also find a subtle
Spanish Srcps Rome 1723-25
tension between the axis and the pulsating
movement of the two symmetrical flights of

The examples mentioned above show that

continuity in depth may be created by
articulating the floor, the walls, or the ceiling,
or any of these elements in combination.
Continuity as such is independent of geo-
metry. Rather it is determined by 'guiding
elements' which simultaneously belong to
two or more superior elements (buildings,

Domain and district

Kevin Lynch defines districts as areas 'which

the observer can mentally go inside of, and
which are recognizable as having some com-
24 See C. Norberg-
Schulz Intentions in mon, identifying character'.-^ 'J he physical
Architecture 1963, p. 143 characteristics that determine 4istnc!^^E
MSmaS^SntTiTTTitie^^Iiic^SS-JiQnsist of
25 K. Lynch The Image
of the City i960, p. 47 an endless variety of components: texture.

(28) Le Corbusier
Carpenter Art Centre
Harvard University,
Cambridge, Mass.
spacCjfbnTTjdetail^symbol^buiy^^ determined by topography and vegetation, 26 K. Lynch The Image
of the City i960, pp. 67, 68
and those formed by man as an expression
of a particular activity. In both cases
mation of a 'characteristic cluster'.-'" Defined boundary and texture are basic defining
boundaries reinforce the formation of properties, the Gestalt principles of closure
districts. In our environment we may dis- and similarity. While the boundary uennes
tinguish between natural domains, mainly a domam m relation to its surroundings,

(29) Eero Saarinen

Colleges Yale University,
New Haven, Connecticut

(3o) Norwegian landscape texture gives us knowledge of the general
character of the district, although we might
never really have been inside. Man's need for
belonging to something he knows is thereby
satisfied, as the character of 'his place' is
repeated throughout. On such a general
textured 'ground' special domains appear as
distinct 'shapes' because of a change in
scale, texture, or because of the introduction
of particular boundaries. The transition from
one domain to another is a critical problem
when we want to concretize a system of
existential domains. The gate, therefore,
was given great importance during the his-

(31) Fishing near the

Norwegian coast
(32) Villagi: Somalia

tory of architecture. We find it in nature as a Elementary interaction

straight or a pass, and on the urban level as
the city gate which symbolizes the transition In architectural space, as in existential 27 The icrm campo has
from nature to civilization. The history of space, place, path and domain form an been introduced by P.
architecture illustrates man's I'orioghcsi in his book
physical and integrated whole. Together they constitute Borromini, archiicttura con
psychic need to define his environment as what we may The concept of
call a 'field'.-" linguaggio 1967, p. 384
consisting of domains, and the science of field used in natural science to designate
geography to a high extent derives its content the spatial aspects of a system of interacting
from the same source. forces, and has been taken over by Kurt

28 K. Lewin Principles of Lewin to describe man's location in a psycho-
Topological Psychology 1936 social context.-^ An 'architectural field' also
consists offerees which ought to be balanced
in a state of dynamic equilibrium. The field
may be simple as a single, relatively inar-
ticulate place plus a surrounding domain,
into which a few paths penetrate. Such a

(33) Piazza dei Miracoli

i'isa, eleventh and twelfth

(34) Hall near Innsbruck,

limiting case hardly exists in the modern
world, and already in antiquity we encounter •

complex fields where a number of places
and domains are interrelated by means of
axes and paths. In Greek architecture,
however, interrelation is less important than
the pronounced individuality of each
element, whereas in Roman architecture a
strong wish for spatial integration is evident.
Hadrian's villa near Tivoli offers a charac-
teristic example: rather than a group of
single buildings, the layout consists of
enclosures of varying character, which are
organized by means of axes and linked by
paths. The total system, however, is still
additive, comprising many relatively in-
dependent sub-systems, and large areas arc
left over as almost blank spots on the map.
During the Middle Ages European
architecture hardly went beyond this stage
although single buildings, such as the
great cathedrals, show a high degree of
spatial integration. In Renaissance architec-
ture the idea of integration by means of
repeated, simple geometrical units, resulted
in principle in the establishment of a con-
tinuous field of Euclidean character. Analys-
ing the buildings of Brunelleschi, however,
we find that organizing centres play a deci-
sive role, thus contradicting the general
2g See C. Norberg-Schulz Euclidean repetition. In the works of Alberti
'Le ultime intenzioni di
Alberti'Acta Institulum
this becomes still more evident, not only
Romanum Norvegiae, vol. I, because of a strong wish for rhythmization,
1962 but because of the marked tension between
30 See C. Norberg-Schulz centralization and longitudinality. Rather
Michelangelo som arkitekt than being a problem of the church alone, it
is clear that this fundamental relation is the

determining aspect of any existential space.

No wonder, then, that those aiming to define
by their buildings man's total position in the
world, throughout the centuries returned to
centralization and longitudinality as their
(37) St Peter's Square and
Basilica Rome 1 506-1660. main themes. In S. Andrea in Mantua the
Architects: Bramante, longitudinal nave and the domed centre are
Michelangelo, Maderno,
Bernini geometrically integrated,'' but the two
aspects do not unify to form one synthetic
whole. The same, in principle, holds true
for St Peter's in Rome, in spite of Michel-
angelo's strong attempt at a spatial unifica-
tion of the church,'" and Bernini's creation of
a piazza which, simultaneously, has direc-
tion and is centralized. Its oval shape, in
fact, illustrates the characteristic aim of
Baroque architecture to arrive at a synthetic
solution. Up to this point architectural fields
consisted of relatively heterogeneous
elements, a state of affairs which is still

(38) Leone Battista

Alberti 5. Andrea Mantua,
begun in 1472

(39) Francesco Borromini
normal. In ihc works of Borromini, however, 5. Ivo Rome, begun in
wc encounter a new approach: all his spaces 1642
are synthetic totalities, where it is impossible
by inflecting
to single out individual units;
the bounding surfaces he created a new
continuity stretching horizontally as well as
vertically. As his curved walls are determined
by centres, they constitute interpenetrating
centralized fields. The dynamic
where the used for move-
fields interfere are
ment, in particular for entrances." Borro-
mini's ideas were developed further by
Guarini who repeated the interrelated
centres and interfering zones systematically
to form extended patterns which interpret
the continuous space of Renaissance archi-
tecture in dynamic terms. Guarini's fields
are not based on monotonous repetition,
but on systematic changes in density and
direction.'- It ought to be pointed out that
Borromini's and Guarini's wish for integra-
tion expresses a new psychological synthesis
which unifies traditionally distinct char-

SI See P. Portoghesi
The possibilities opened up by their works Borromini, archit£ttura
culminated in the works of the great Central come hnsuaggio, pp. 384ff.,
also C. fsorbcrg-Schulz
European architects of the eighteenth cen- 'Borromini c il barocco
turv, Johann Lucas von Hildebrandt, C.hns- boemo' Accadcmia
di S. Luca, 1970
toph and Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer and
Balthasar Neumann. By transforming the 32 Sec C. Norberg-Schulz
'Lo spazio nell'architet-
massive wall into a system of pillars and tura posl-guariniana'-
filled-in 'membranes', Christoph Dient/.en- Accademia dcUe Scienze
di Torino, 1970
hofer arrived at an adequate 'materialization'

(40) Guarino Guarini

5. Filifpo Casalc
Monferrato 1671 spatial


(41) Francesco Borromini

5. Carlino Rome: spatial
field of facade 1667, after


(42) Christoph
St Margareth Bfevnov near
Prague 1708-15
(43) Kilian
Dientzenhofcr combinatory
system of spatial cUments
early eighteenth century

f44 Kilian Ignaz

Dientzenhofcr iomhinatory
(VSft'm of spatial elements
early eighteenth century

of Guarini's abstract concepts;" his son, (45)Filippo Raguzzin)

Piazza di S. Ignazio Rome
Kilian Ignaz, exploited the possibihties 1728
thereby created in a series of works where
the same combinatory system allows of
various central and longitudinal solutions,
or syntheses. Kiluin Ignaz also related
the interiors to their exteriors, a condition
that must be fulfilled if the architectural
held is to be extended beyond the single
building. An early example of this principle
is found in Piazza S. Ignazio in Rome, where

several buildings together form a continuous

boundary for a system of interpenetrating
urban spaces.

Late Baroque architecture thus arrived at

integrated architectural fields, where centres,
directions and zones work together to form
a dynamic totality where any spatial expres-
sion is possible. Modern architecture has
33 The solution has its
not gone much further beyond this. The origins in the late-Gothic
main innovation is a new technology, which Hallcnkirehe. See C.
Norberg-Schulz Kiltan
makes the extended, 'open' fields implicit Ignaz Dientzenhoftr e it
in late Baroque architecture materially baroceo boemo 1968
(46) Theo van Doesburg
system of horizontal and
vertical planes c. 1920

C47) Paolo Portoghesi

and V. Gigliotti Casa
Andreis Scandriglia

possible. ^^ In the 1920s the ideal was a con-

tinuous, flowing space almost completely
freed from defined centres and from the
distinction between inside and outside.
Architects wanted to liberate the static
spaces of conventional buildings, to express
positively the new 'open' world. Recently,
however, the need for defined places and
interior spaces has again been felt. As Robert
Venturi says 'The essential purpose of the

interiors of buildings is to enclose rather than

direct space and to separate the inside from
the outside'. ^^

J4 Giedion was the

S. In the Casa Andreis Paolo Portoghesi and
point out late Baroque
first to
Vittorio Gigliotti give a clear demonstration
space as one of the
'constituent facts' of modern of the actual field concept in architecture,
architecture. See Space^ ingeniously exploiting man's previous
time and Architecture 1941
experiences with architectural space.'*' In
3S R. Venturi Complexity accordance with the task set - to build a
and Contradiction in
Architecture 1966, p. 72 'week-end house' - Casa Andreis shows a
free and continuous space, with a strong
j6 P. Portoghesi and V.
contact between inside and outside. But the
Gigliotti 'Casa Andreis a
Scandrigha, Rieti' space does not float away, neither are quali-
L'architettura 137, March
tative differences wiped out. Casa Andreis
collects and divides the surrounding land-
(48) Casa Andreis

(49) Casa Andreis

37 See C. Norberg-Schulz scape, bringing the parts together to form a stream. Only in the bedrooms is the flow
'Die Architektur von Paolo
Portoghesi und Vittorio movement which leads up through the tall halted by orthogonal walls. Casa Andreis
Gigliotti' Hochschule fiir living-room to the roofscape where it is demonstrates how domains may be densified
Bildende Kiinste, Hamburg,
again united with the environment. This into foci,and how several subordinate foci
spatial continuity is organized and 'kept' by can interfere to create one complex and
five foci which define concentric series of richly articulated place, with a particular
circles. Thereby relatively quiet zones are capacity for rest and movement."
created which capture the surrounding
spaces. The circles, however, interfere inside The genius loci thus dependent upon the

the house, where space becomes like a concrete architectural structure of the
dynamic stream. The main openings of the environment, which ought to be described
house are found in the branches of this in terms of places, paths and domains. Above

(50) Casa Andreis

{51) Casa Andreis

(52) Casa Andreis

(53) Casa Andreis

(54) Casa Andrcis

all, genius loci means a distinct character. structure, we just have to develop the
Such a character never simple, and in
is concepts necessary for its description. Archi-
our time it is certainly full of complexities tectural space as a concretization of existen-
and contradictions, but this does not mean tial space gives us the key to the problem.

that it is without structure or meaning. Architectural space concretizes man's being

Any character corresponds to a describable in the world.

The levels of architectural space

Hans Sedlmayr was the first to my know- problem. Rather we should ask how land- / H. Sedlmayr 'Zu einer
strcngcn Kunstwisscnschaft'
ledge to point out that structural analysis scape, city, building and thing are able to Ktmstzcisscnschaftliche
has to distinguish between several 'formal concretize the existential levels. The cos- Forschung I 193 1, p. 27
which may be go\erned by different
lc\'els', mological level can be largely ignored; it
principles of organization.' W'e have already cannot be concretized as such, but has to be
discussed the levels of existential space m represented by structures appearing at one
environmental terms, and therefore do not of the 'lower' levels. The structure of the
need to return to the general aspects of the geographical level however can, to some

2 See P. Haggett Locational extent, be transformed by man to fit his

Analysis in Human
Geography 1965, passim environmental image and existential pur-
poses: the Great Chinese Wall is a famous
example illustrating man's need for giving a
'better definition' to geography. Obviously
the psychic security created by the wall
resulted from the widespread knowledge of
its existence, rather than from individuals

perceiving it as part of the landscape level.

In the present world we find elements such
as military bases which play a similar role.
The same holds true for certain national and
religious 'monuments' which, although they
are architecturally uninteresting, may give
structure to a geographic totality. The
geographical level is in any case struc-
tured by man's economical and practical
purposes, and thereby obtains a certain
'meaning'. The planning involved in trans-
forming the geographical level would cer-
tainly profit from formulation in terms of
places, paths and domains, and, in fact,
modern geographical theory has arrived at
analogous concepts.


The level of landscape concerns the archi-

tect more directly. From ancient times we

(55) Landscape Sogn,

western Norway

(56) Landscape southern

(centre above)

can follow man's attempts to make the forms 3 The temple of
.Vlcntuhotep III represents
of 'his' landscape more precise, or transform 3 transitory solution, while
them to fit his general environmental image. Queen Hatshcpsut abolished
the pyramid altogether. The
The Egyptian pyramids thus constitute an problem, certainly, also has
artificial row of mountains defining the to be discussed in terms of
mortuary symbolism and
boundary of the 'civilized' space along the general architectural
Nile. Further south in Thebes, where real development
mountains fulfil the same purpose, pyramids
were unnecessary.' In general we may say
that man, through his works, expresses the
capacity of the landscape. As his life takes
place in interaction with landscape, this is

(57) Landscape central


(58) G. B. Bellucci(?)
La Rocca Porto Ercole c. 1550
4 In certain zones where natural. His settlements, theretore, usually
a port-population and an
inland population live articulate places given by nature, such as the
close together, a difference fertile promontory surrounded by unsur-
in character which is
determined by two different
mountable mountains, or the protecting
existential spaces, becomes harbour on the wind-beaten coast. The
clearly evident. See 'Giglio
'harbour', in fact, is one of the most
Casteilo' Byggekunst 6/1969
generally recognized types of place, and in
5 Thus Luther said 'Eine many languages the word is used as a
festeBurg ist unser Gott'.
See H. Sedlmayr Die synonym for security and belonging.
Etustehung der Kathedrale Whereas the settlement on a promontory
1950, p. 120
will acquire its identity from clusterlikc
concentration, as exemplified in countless

Mediterranean the port has the

character of enclosure, usually consisting of a
continuous row of houses around the water,
the real core of this type of place. For people
who grow up in a port, the boat, therefore,
becomes the meaningful means of move-
ment, offering great freedom in the choice of
paths. " Through his activities man also
articulates the domains implicit in the land-
scape structure.In farming areas, for
instance, we wonderful patterns of
varying domains and sub-domains, with the
buildings forming a counterpoint of places.
All these examples refer to a naturally
'grown' environment, where physical activi-
ties form a constituent force, creating an
environmental 'ground' on which man's
culture blossoms like a plant. But the land-
scape level may also be determined from
above, that is, by ideologies and beliefs, con-
cretized throughout history by fortifications
on the one hand and sanctuaries on the
other, structures which express the two
basic aspects of man's orientation: physical
security and psychic identity. Paradoxically,
both share a preference for inaccessible
places. The spiritual pilgrimage is made just
as difficult the military conquest. The
traditional European landscape was deter-
mined by these two elements: the powerful
castle and the distant, heavenly sanctuary;
sometimes they were unified, as in the
famous Mont St Michel, to symbolize the
fortified city of Jerusalem.'' What interests
us in this context, is the transformation of
landscape these ideas achieved. In the
Catholic countries, in fact, landscape be-
came sacred by the systematic distribution
of religious places, from the great sanctuary
down to the small crucifix placed along the
road. The pilgrimage 'paths' linked these
elements to form a meaningful network.
(59) Assisi near Perugia,
Umbria 1228
(6o) L. von Hildebrandt
Belvedere palace Vienna
1 720-24

(61) Harildslad farm Heidal, than a geometrical network.'' The paths of

Norway. Houses from the
end of the eighteenth century the park are related to three quahtatively
different domains the 'civilized' world of the

ornamental parterre, the 'tamed' nature of

the bosqtiet {boschetto) and the 'wild' nature
of the selvatico. These three domains rep-
resent three modes of 'dwelling', which are
organized to form a differentiated whole.
The structure becomes complete when we
include the urban milieu found on the other
side of the palace. The palace itself is the
real focus, the home from which man takes
possession of a total, open world. Today
these gardens are usually considered expres-
%^« sions of an absolute passion for power. They
certainly comprise this aspect too, but
behind we find a deep human need for a
meaningful relationship to the environment.
The Baroque park, thus, expresses the wish
6 For the Baroque The Renaissance and Baroque periods aimed for humanizing landscape by giving it a
landscape see H. Rose
Spdtharock 1922, pp. i6ff at a geometrization of landscape. This first structure corresponding to an integrated, but
led to the creation of small formal land- varied existential space. Today everybody
scapes, which contrasted with the virgin can enjoy spaces such as Hildebrandt's
nature around. Later a fusion of formality Belvedere in Vienna, just as Bach and
and nature was attempted (as in Villa Lante Mozart have become accessible to the
mentioned above) until the Baroque park general public.
realized a seemingly limitless taking posses-
sion of space by means of a system of geo- Any environmental structure presupposes a
metrically organized paths. The structure of general continuity of landscape space. We
the Baroque landscape, however, is more have defined landscape as the 'ground' on
which the structures of the 'lower' levels stretched the idea to its extreme, by suggest- 7 See Y. Friedman
L'archiieciure mobile 1970
appear. This basic condition was generally ing that the populations of Europe be con-
respected in the past: we may look at simple centrated in a limited number of very large
folk architecture, urban settlements or citiesforming a network of places and paths."
monumental schemes; they always form dis- In this way the landscape regains its con-
tinct figures in relation to the landscape. tinuity and its character as background to
Today, however, a semi-scattered distribu- the works of man. In principle, Friedman's
tion of buildings has become normal and the idea means re-establishing the settlement
landscape is broken into fragments, with structure which was normal in Europe up to
general visual chaos as a result. Let us the nineteenth century, but on a different
therefore stress that buildings either ought scale in accordance with the needs and the
to be so scattered that they appear as possibilities of our time.
individual figures, or so densely placed that
they form clusters or ^^roups. This principle
of 'scattered concentration' seems to he the The urban level
only possible way of preserving nature as
such, rather than reducing it to isolated It has been maintained that the identity of
remains. At the same time we ensure that the settlements primarily depends on their
settlements become 'things' to which we may figural character in relation to the landscape,
have a clear relationship. Yona Friedman has and that the scattered concentrations reveal

(62) Yona Friedman

Europe <:. 1965

63) Village near Luxor,


(64) Pitigliano Tuscany

(65) Village of the Dogon
tribe, central Africa

(66)Mohter farm Voss,

Norway. Houses from the
eighteenth century


: .•i!:iiji'imKf^

(67) Scattering, Cluster, a basic environmental structure. But con-

Ring, Row
centrations may be achieved in many diff-
erent ways - a problem which demands more
attention. It has been shown that any
organization is based on the principles of
proximity, continuity and closure, with the
^ # ••
result that a collection of elements may be
ordered to form a cluster, a row or a ring or
a combination of these structures. We do
not have to turn to psychology to acknow-
ledge these principles. Any farm or village
from any part of the world serves to illustrate
them.'"* In Central Europe, for instance, there
are three basic types of village the cluster-
village (Haufendorf), the lineal village (Rei-
hendorf) and the round village (Rimdling).
The same types are found in Africa, and the
round villages of Sudan and Cameroun and
the clusters of the Dogons have been widely
8 See E. A. Gutkind published. A particularly rich structure is
International Encyclopedia shown by the Batoufam village in Bamileke, the cluster-farm on the western coast, the
of City Development vol. I
Cameroun, where several functionally diff- linear farm in the central valleys, and the
9 See D. Frazer Village erentiated clusters are interrelated.'* Splendid enclosed square farm in the eastern regions. '"
Planning in the Primitive linear villages are found in Indonesia and
World 1968 The three variations on the theme density
Japan. Even in countries where the in- are obviously determined by different
10 See G. Bugge and C. dividual farm acts as a substitute for the regional and historical conditions. On the
Norberg-Schulz Stav og
village, analogous types are normal. In large open plains or in the extended forests
Laft, Early Wooden
Architecture in Norway 1969 Norway, thus, are found three basic farms where nature offers few distinct places, the
enclosed or square forms arc usual. In that natural space is never enough to con-
directed valleys the settlements generally cretizeman's existential space. Even the
have a linear organization: it would anyway nomads group their tents.
be unnatural to create centralized organisms
in a space which only offers very particular Today these elementary structures seem to
and limited possibilities of movement. On have been forgotten. Only quite recently
the Italian hill-tops the cluster is the natural have some architects brought them back to
solution, often combined with linear life, often inspired by vernacular architec-
branches of houses along the ridges where ture. Here wc arc confronted with a new
paths lead off. All these examples indicate attitude towards the past: instead of copying
(68) Jorn Utzon Birkehoj

(69) Atelier 5 Siedlung

Halen Berne
its motives, one exploits its general prin- planning. The dense district is today gener-
ciples. As we have seen, Kevin Lynch has ally replaced by a scattered distribution of
applied analogous principles to the analysis slab-like buildings, which hardly can be
of large cities, but a city is too complex to recognized or imagined as a totality, except
be defined as a cluster, a row or an enclosure. perhaps from an aeroplane. The modern
These basic structures are simply constituent street has become nothing but a means of
elements of the totality. The district, thus communication, lacking architectonic defini-
may be considered a more or less well defined tion, and has accordingly been abolished by
cluster or group, the street is basically a a theorist like Hilberseimer. Even if the
linear formation, and the square is an enclo- pedestrian is separated from the cars, the
sure. The acknowledgement that the basic general belief is that he ought to move
elements of the city are the district, the freely among trees and flowers. And the
street and the square, is in opposition to square, Lynch's 'distinct and unforgettable
important trends in contemporary city- place', has become a parking lot. As a con-

(yo) Manhattan aerial view

(71) Street Bologna
sequence, many talk about creating 'a new
kind of city'. Our analysis of man's existen-
tial space, however, shows that the urban

level has to be defined in terms of districts,

paths and nodes. When this is forgotten, the
city ceases to exist, nor can it satisfactorily be
replaced by other means of environmental

Let us therefore take a closer look at the

concrete elements of the human city. The
main properties of districts have already been
mentioned in the discussion of the elements
of architectural space, and will only need a
few supplementary remarks. Topographical
circumstances such as a dividing river may,
for instance, contribute to the definition of
different districts. The se\cn hills of Rome
are another well-known example of topo-
graphical differentiation. In any case, it is
imperative that some kind of divisions and
delimitations be present. If we took the river
away from London, Paris or Rome, the
formation of a city image would be much
more difficult. Even an enormous city like
New York presents a natural division in become the favourite retreat of artists and
districts. The character of Manhattan is intellectuals. In this way New York presents
thus determined by its being an island.
Its a hierarchical district-structure consisting
defined circumscription gives us a frame of of superior and subordinate parts. The vary-
reference which is basic to the formation of a ing character of city districts gives the
satisfactory image. Manhattan also shows townscape the most elementary kind of
that districts may become very large without variation, and guarantees man's possibility
losing their image. It goes without saying of choice. So far, the neighbourhood has
that .Manhattan itself is divided intp several been considered a meri" functional unit. The
subordinate districts. Greenwich village is a idea of characteristic districts, on the con-
well-known example. Here the crooked trary, follows from understanding the basic
streets and the change in scale characterize structure of existential space.
the zone, and it is significant that it has
The street is a form that is more easily
imagcable. In the past it was a 'small uni- (72) Rothenburg Bavaria
verse', where the character of the district and
of the town as a whole was presented in
condensed form to the visitor. The street
represented, so to speak, a section of life -
history had shaped its details. Today, how-
ever, the street generally lost as a con-

sequence of the current scattering of the

buildings and the increasing motorized
traffic. But the problem also has other
aspects, such as the new immense scale
which now tends to characterize the street-
scape. We are hardly able to identify our-
selves with such streets as Park Avenue in
New York, and the lack of variation and
(73) Champs Elysees Paris "^^^
spontaneous details is depressing. In general

L^m^j the space-form of the street may be defined

as longitudinal, but this does not imply that
it ought to be straight. In the towns of the

past, oblique angles and curved lines created

a 'closed perspective' enlivening the pros-
pect. It is decisive for the spatial character
that the buildings appear as surfaces rather
than masses. If the mass-effect dominates,
the buildings attain figural character, and by
joining the intermediate spaces between
them the street is reduced to a subordinate
'ground'. To become a true form, the street
has to possess 'figural character'. This is
achieved by means of a continuous bounding
surface, which not only presupposes a
certain density, but that the houses belong
to the same 'family'. The unification of the
street space is furthermore accentuated by
the omission of side-walks. The demand that
the houses should belong to the same
'family' could obviously result in a
dangerous monotony. In the past this was
usually counteracted by the houses appearing
as variations on the same 'theme'. Such a
theme might consist in the of
certain proportions, or the emphasizing of
properties common to several houses, such
as a typical roof, or an arcade on the ground
floor. The theme should, however, allow for
full freedom in the details. To make the
street wall appear as a varied repetition of the
same theme, a subdivision into relatively
small units is necessary. The large units
common today, therefore, do not only
destroy human scale, but prevent the street
from prcscrvmg the varied continuity which
is its essence. The principles outlined above

were commonly employed up to the nine-

teenth century, when it became normal to
use parallel building lines and uniform
heights as ordering means. Historically this
change is connected with the concept of the
'parade-street'. The street no longer was
intended as an intimate milieu for the
pedestrian. VC'e have mentioned that the
crossirii; has a particular significance in the

network of streets, as it represents a choice

rather than a goal. It is interesting that
towards the end of the fifteenth century,
when the city of Ferrara was extended,
Biagio Rossetti had already recognized its
importance. Thus he stressed the corners of
the buildings in order to define the space
(74) B. Rossetti Renaissance between them, rather than the buildings
extension of Ferrara

The square, finally, is the most distinct

element of the urban structure. As a clearly
delimited place it is most easily imageable,
and represents a goal for movement. Paul
Zucker has characterized it as 'a psychological
parking place within the civic landscape'."
In the old city atlases two representations
generally appear: the city in a bird's-eye
view, that is, as a total organism, and the
market-place, the core or heart of that
organism. Only when reaching the main
square had one really arrived, and in most
old towns the streets lead towards this focal
point in a natural way. Even in New York,
a metropolis totalling sixteen million inhabi-
tants. Times Square and Washington Square
serve as focal points.Even under pronounced
'modern' coc.ditions, thus, the square
satisfies basic human needs.

The square is determined by the same formal

II P. Zucker, op. cit., p. I factors as the street, with the difference that

(75) Einbeck Niedersachsen:

aerial view
(76) Vigtvano, near Milan,
late fifieenth century

the buildings should form a continuity tuated. To remove important public build-
an'uitd the space. In other words, the effect ings from the core of the urban structure is
ot' reduced in order
different masses has to be therefore to destroy it. Generally, the square
to obtain a continuous surface. According to is marked by a contrast of dimensions, which

their form, many squares appear to be makes it the climax of the visual experience
composed of different 'zones'. This facili- of the city. The different dimensions should,
tates the simultaneous presence of several however, be related to each other in such a
activities, and also gives the experience a way that we may identity ourselves with the
certain variation. Such subdivisions are whole complex. This is for instance achieved
accentuated by introducing elements such when public buildings appear as particularly
as fountains and monuments, by articulating outstanding variations of the themes present
the pavement, or even by placing a whole in the simpler houses.
building within the space. Because of its size,
the square provides the necessary perspective The elements discussed above and their
in which to admire main buildings of the interrelations, are of topological character.
town, whose functions as physical and Cities of course are often 'geomctrized', but
psychological 'landmarks' are thereby accen- the geometrization is hardly perceived as

(77) Tele Moravia

12 K. Lynch The Image of such, rather it contributes to the image of theory of architectural form. Such a discus-
the City i960, p. 87
certain topological properties (such as sion, however, is not possible within the
domain texture, path continuity or sqaure limits of this book. Let us only say a few
enclosure). When summing up the general words about the 'essence' of the house. To
character of environmental images, Kevin find a common denominator for all houses
Lynch says: 'However distorted, there was (buildings) may seem futile. If it makes any
a strong element of topological invariance
with respect to reality. It was as if the map
(78) Etruscan tomb Cerveteri were drawn on an infinitely flexible rubber
(Caere) seventh century BC directions were twisted, distances
stretched or compressed, large forms so
changed from their accurate scale projection
as to be at first unrecognizable. But the
sequence was usually correct, the map was
rarely torn and sewn back together in
another order. This continuity is necessary
if the image is to be of any value.''

The house

While urban structures have a relatively

abstract character, a building something

very concrete and palpable, which is, appar-

ently, more easily imageable. The conscious
interest of architects and public, therefore,
generally centres on the individual building.
To discuss the architectural level of the
house- thoroughly would mean to present a
(79) R- PictUa 'a cave of
wood' Dtpoli, Otanicmi


sense to talk about the 'level of houses',

however, it ought to be possible. In fact, all
treatises on architecture from Alberti to
Venturi in some way or other have attempted
to solve the problem. It was pointed out
above that essentially the house brings us
'inside'. The essence of the house as archi-
tecture, therefore, is interior space. In the
city we are still 'outside', although we have
left the open landscape. In the house we are
alone with ourselves, we have withdrawn.
When we open our door to others, it is our
free decision; we let the world come to us,
rather than looking at it outside. 'Domestic
peace' has been a basic right since remote
times and in a certain sense this also holds
true for a public building, which may be
considered the home of a well-defined

Interior space is primarily thus defined by

topological enclosure. But it has also been
maintained that any enclosure has to com-
municate with the environment in varying
ways, and that it has a particular interior
structure. Thus Venturi says: 'Designing
from the outside in, as well as from the
inside out, creates necessary tensions, which
help make architecture. Since the inside is
different from the outside, the wall - the
point of change - becomes an architectural
event. Architecture occurs at the meeting of
interior and exterior forces of use and space.
These interior and environmental forces are
both general and particular, generic and
circumstantial'.^' Venturi goes on to discuss
the problem of the opening at length, and
points out the interesting 'double' wall-
7J R. Venturi Complexity structures which result when the bounding
and Contradiction in
Architecture 1966, pp. 88f surface is determined both from within

{80) Villa Adriana Tivoli

'teatro marittimo' c. 125
and from without.' When we talk about the
House of the Silver
(8 1)
Wedding Pompci fourth
house as an interior, we do not, therefore, century BC
have a structure in mind which necessarily
closes itself off from the environment,
although the tendency towards isolating
the house has been strong throughout archi-
tectural history. To be able to withdraw,
Hadrian built himself a circular, enclosed
house within the Villa Adriana. Significantly,
the house is an islanil, surrounded by a moat
and an engirdling wall. The Pompeian house,
which still represents an unsurpassed solu-
tion to the private dwelling, is an enclosed
organism. Its contact with the environment
is provided for by an axis leading from the

entrance to an exedra at the opposite end, but

the 'opening' thus created is weak. Rather
that creating contact, the axis unifies the
interior units of the house, such as the cen-
14 R. Veniuri Complexity
tralized atrium, the rablinuin and the peri- iind CofUrodietion in
stylium. The Christian church, too, has Archiicciurc 1 966, pp. 68ff

(82) S. Maria delta

Consolazione Todi, begun in
1508, architect unknown

always been dominated by enclosure: the

centralized organisms of Byzantine rnd
Renaissance architecture, for instance, are
enclosed spaces, resting in themselves. In all
these cases enclosure has been obtained by
centralization or by a continuous, integrated
bounding wall. Only the vertical is treated as
a symbolic opening. In Borromini's S. Ivo
iiOL:. iiiij centralization and a continuous engirdling

(83) Francesco Borromini
5. Ivo Rome, begun in 1642

(84) La Mariorana Palermo

surface arc still present, hut the concave- two aspects. Spaces, masses and wall 75 For a more extensive
discussion of this
convex movement of the wall indicates that elements are separated to express the fact problem sec the chapter on
the interior thus defined forms part of a that any building consists of different parts, form in C. N'orberg-Schulz
Intentions in Archittcture
larger context. S. Ivo also shows a completely functionally or symbolically determined. As
1963, I3lff
new vertical integration; the space form has these parts, however, are parts oiznorganism,
been carried without change into the dome. they must be unified by continuity, repetition
Baroque architecture thus provides a con- (similarity\ interdependence or intcrpene-
vincing synthesis of the two fundamental tration.'"
aspects of architectural composition: separa-
tion and unification. Articulation, in fact, In orthodox modern architecture the idea of
always consists in the interaction of these interior space as the essence of the house was
(85) Mies van der Rohe
National Gfillery Berlin

(86) Mies van der Rohe

National Gallery : interior

(87) Frank Lloyd Wright
Herbert F. Johnson residence
VC'ingsprcad' Wind Point,
near Racine, Wisconsin

l6 When we exclude the abolished and replaced by a new ideal of
early glass and iron buildings
and projects of the 'flowing space', without distinction between
nineteenth century, especially inside and outside. Like most ideals, how-
by Paxton and Horeau
ever, this was scarcely ever put into practice.
Even the flowing spaces of Mies
van der Rohe are 'anchored', firstly by the
strong, regular construction, which often
forms a complete centralized whole, and
secondly by organizing axes and symmetries.
Frank Lloyd Wright, who was the first to
attempt a continuous transition between
inside and outside,'*" generally organized his
directed and 'open' plans around a massive,
static core, which was also expressed as a
vertical axis. But recently flowing space has
been given up as a theoretical ideal alto-
gether. Le Corbusier marked the change in
attitude with his wonderful interior at
Ronchamp, which communicates with a
real and an ideal environment by means of
its hovering roof and ingenious openings.

Like S. Ivo, the solution expresses a synthetic

'both-and'. In Scharoun's Philharmonic
Hall in Berhn the core is a topologically
centralizedauditorium (a certain axial
symmetry, however, is present), expressing
the desire to surround the content of the
building, that is, the performers. This

(88)Le Corbusier
NotreDame du Haitt
Ronchamp 1950-53

(89) H. Scharoun
Philharmonic Hall Berlin

(90)H. Scharoun
Philharmomc Hall 1956-63

wonderfully concentrated interior is in turn

surrounded by a labyrinthine foyer which,

in a fascinating way, expresses the action of
coming from outside in and being 'distri-

To discuss the variables of interior space in

more detail is beyond the scope of this book,
but it is worth recalling the primary factors
of centralization and continuous boundary,
direction, opening and guiding elements, and
the secondary properties such as proportion,
texture, colour and illumination, which can

(91) Nor',i-€giatt hcarth-

cottage Aamli, Sctcsdal,
eighteen! h century

(92) Restaurant Rougeot
iSoulevard de Montparnasse,
Paris (Bouvier 1906)

be used to reinforce or contradict the primary between architect and 'interior decorator' is

structure. We should, however, mention the therefore a meaningless 'differentiation'.

'things' which particularly help to define the
character of the interior. We have already
mentioned the fire-place, the bed and the The interaction of levels
family table as traditional foci of the house.
These elements are usually scattered around The levels of architectural space form a

in the house but in some of the best modern structured totality which corresponds to the
dwellings they are again related to it. The structure of existential space. As man's
houses of Frank Lloyd Wright in particular identity is established in relation to the
offer inspiring illustrations of how to use such totality of existential space, all the levels of
elements as functional foci. In a more general architectural space must have their defined
way 'things' contribute in giving a house a identity.Without it, man's image of his
particular 'atmosphere', varying from the environment will be confused and his own
poetic joy of life of the Art Nouveau personal identity threatened. The landscape
restaurant to the austere simplicity of the level, thus, is regarded as ground contain-
refectory at La Tourette. The existing split ing all the particular structures of life and

96 t-OKlt.
(93) Le Corbusier
La Tourellc Eveux, near
Lyon 1952-60
action: its identity depends upon a general space but, in relation to the urban level, it
continuity. The urban level is distinguished functions as a private or public 'landmark'
by concentration and density. Men come or Mai, that is, its properties as a i?iass

together in the city and its identity depends become relevant. The same holds true for the
upon this togetherness. The house, however, town itself, which although easily character-
expresses a certain isolation, a private world ized as 'public interior space', in relation to
which may be closed off at will. In order to the landscapebecomes a concentrated 'form'.
satisfy these demands, all the levels ought Even a whole continent appears as a figure
to have adequate formal properties. Identity or mass on the geographical level. (A figure,
means that objects are 'what they want to in general, has a higher density than its
be', to paraphrase a statement by Louis surroundings.) The twin aspects of space and
Kahn. mass thus recur on every level and we may
recall Venturi's statement that 'architecture
In general, the levels form a hierarchy. The occurs at the meeting of interior and
house, for instance, is essentially interior exterior'. The wall, in fact, defines space as

(94) Delphi SL\th to fourth

century BC r't:p


1 V ,M
(95) Pritne Asia Minor,
well as mass. It is the real concrete element founh centur>- BC
of architecture, although it is determined
by more abstract notions of mass and

In order to represent each other, the different

levels may possess analogous formal char-
acteristics. In principle, representation is
achieved by means of 'structural similarity'
(isomorphism).'' Talking about isomorphism
the problem of the iirclwiypL' ought to be
mentioned. From what has been said above,
it is clear that a correspondence between

The of existential space represented 17 For the problem of

form and content is a necessary property of 'field' is
representation and
the world. Form and content are inter- (concretized) by a corresponding architec- isomorphism see the chapter
dependent aspects of the same total experi- tural field. Vi'hen the fields of the different on sfinaniics in C. Norberg-
Schulz InttTitions in
ence, with the result that any form has levels interact, a very complex totality is Archiuclure 1963, pp. i67ff
limited possibilities for receiving contents. formed.' It may contain different structures

iS S. Giedion 'Constancy,
The archetype, hence, is a reality, but we on the different levels, and the interaction Change and Architecture'
do not have to introduce a 'collective sub- between them may vary in strength. In Gropius Lecture

conscious' or to study brain processes for its classical Greek layouts like Delphi, the Harvard University 1961

explanation. We should, however, point out landscape level is mainly decided by the ig What \'enturi has called
that the basic schemata consist of general meaningful cJioice of a place to settle.-" The "the difficult whole'.
Complexity and Contradiction
relationships rather than particular wholes. urban level or grouping of the buildings is in Architecture 1966, p. 89
They enter in over new combinations and topologically structured on the basis of
20 See V. Scully The
allow for changing interpretations. This enclosure and proximity, whereas the build-
Earth, the Temple and the
tension between basic structure and circum- ings themselves are geometrized and care- Gods 1962
stantial totality signifies that life is both fully articulated. A Hellenistic town like

'constancy and change', to use the words of I'ricne incorporates alandscape structure in
Giedion.'" the dual elements of sloping settlement and

(96) Diocletian's palace

Spalato (Split) (300)

(97)Francesco di Giorgio
Martini Ideal City 1451-64 *"«-w*V'"'''^ t'm*»r«At»^, -TiA^ I
1 fort I

• a^l^ > P< (<-> o •'

y \
1K»«»»I» f^xr^inaMft 3

\ / ^

21 This idea was still hill-top Acropolis. The urban level shows a
alive with Alberti, who
topological circumscription, but orthogonal
maintained that private
country houses could be organization. Avariety of structures appear
rather informal, while the on building level, such as the enclosed
'perfect forms' (ie circle and
regular polygons) ought to private house, topologically organized, the
be reserved for the church orthogonally articulated agora, and the
symmetrical organisms of theatre and
temples. A growth in precision from the
private over the public to the cultural objects
-> A Roman settlement
is thereby indicated.

like Diocletian's town palace Spalato (Split)

incorporates a fundamental interaction
between urban and landscape level by means
of the symmetrically disposed arcade facing
the sea; the cosmological level is represented
by the two crossing streets defining the
cardinal points, which divide the town into
'quarters'. The urban level is highly for-
malized and geometrically integrated but
still contains individual, relatively indepen-

dent buildings such as the temple and the

mausoleum. In Renaissance architecture a
still more complete interaction of levels was

attempted, by basing every building on the

same simple geometrical units, and integrat-
ing them in a continuous Euclidean space.
Here the same structure is found on all
levels and even nature is given geometrical

(98) Mies van der Rohe
Illinois Insliiiite of
Technology Chicago 1940

(99) Louis Kahn A. N.
Richards' Laboratories
Philadelphia 1957-61

22 See R. Wittkower
form inthe formal garden. This 'classic' to be formally different, although they inter-
Architectural Principles in
ideal of uniform structure, expressing the act and may have some analogous properties. the Age of Humanism 1949
image of a harmonious, ordered universe, How then can we integrate the fields of the
2S See the 'micsian'
has continued to haunt architects.-' It can different levels, and concretize the 'difficult planning schemes of L.
be found in Mies van der Rohe's modular whole'? The problem may seem over- Hilbcrscimcr in The .\'eu>
City 1944
spaces, which may determine a whole city whelmingly complex but at its core it is
or even a whole region.-' The idea seemed quite simple. Firstly, we have to accept the 24 The same luckily was
the fate of the 'ideal city'
convincing as long as it remained on paper fact of architectural levels, and realize that
of the Renaissance
or a master like Mies carried out some each of them need a defined identity.
limited schemes,-' but its use as a general Secondly we should remember that this
model has stamped the modern environment identity is based on simple topological rela-
with an unbearable monotony. The different tionships. A false approach is today con-
levels have lost their individual identity and cealing these facts, which may consist in
become a kind of blown up or shrunk either a picturesque play with perceptual
versions of each other. As the levels represent effects or in abstract combinatorialgeometry.
different modalities of existence, they ought What we need is the true simplicity of the

(too) Louis Kahn A. \.

Richards' Laboratories
Philadelphia 1957-61

(loi) Paolo Portoghesi
project for office bitUding
E.U.R. Rome 1961
basic structure of existential space, rather more or less 'open' and more or less complex
than the false simplicity propagated by systems result. Sometimes these systems will
orthodox modernism. This simplicity, how- be topological in character, but often geo-
ever, when realized in a concrete situation, metrization is necessary because of the
will often iciid to a circiinist.inii. ill v deter- regular repetition of functions or the demands
mined complexity. When we analyse a situa- put forward by technological realization.
tion in terms of centres, paths and domains, The chief problem, however, is to arrive at a

(102) Paolo Portoghcsi

and V. Gigliotti
apartment toaer S. Marinella

25 For a definition of the system with an adequate 'capacity' to satisfy creating a repetition allowing for changes
term 'capacity' see
C. Norberg-Schulz Intentiotis
the more or less dynamic aspects of the in density, distribution and scale, the space
in Architecture 1963 situation.-' The capacity of a spatial struc- willbe capable of covering several contents
pp. I75ff ture, that is, its ability to receive contents, is with a certain degree of approximation. If
determined by its degree of articulation; an instead, the articulation consists in the
inarticulate form can only receive inarticulate establishment of a particular form, the con-
contents. If the articulation is 'general'. tent has to be correspondingly special.

(103) Paolo Portoghesi

and V. Gigliotti pro/'fcr
for the extension of
Parliament Rome 1967

(104-105) p. Portoghesi
and V. Gigliotti project for
the cxfftision of Parliament
Rome 1967
(io6) P. Portoghesi and
V. Gigliotti Casa I'apanice
Rome 1969

Contemporary architects are greatly pre- the urban level. The complex functions of the
occupied with these problems. Louis Kahn, building determine a field which has the
for instance, was one of the first to succeed capacity of receiving a variety of contents.
in bringing architecture back to its roots, This structure interacts with the environ-
meanwhile creating more or less open ment, not only in the large spiral ramps
systems with an adequate capacity. Among where 'paths' from outside are let into the
the members of the younger generation there building, but mainly in the wall which in its
are those who concentrate their attention on articulation and scale is adapted to the char-
circumstantial complexity, such as Robert acter of Baroque Rome. In many other con-
Vcnturi, as well as others who try to develop temporary projects the building is absorbed
a more general approach, such as Paolo by an urban system, without losing its
Portoghesi. It has already been shown that identity. The danger of such a loss of identity
the latter uses geometry concretize
to seems to be present in the project for the
existential space rather than playing with new university in Berlin by Candilis, Josic
geometrical patterns for their own sake. and Woods. A good illustration is offered
Projects by Portoghesi and Gigliotti also by Henning Larsen's scheme for the univer-
demonstrate how fields belonging to different sity in Berlin,where several building struc-
levels can be integrated. While the Casa tures arc integrated by means of a
Andreis represented an interaction between topologically defined urban path. The work
the topological structure of the landscape of Yona Friedman, finally, differs from that
and the geometrically defined system of foci of other 'utopists', as he gives identity to the
and paths of the house, the project for the levels of landscape, settlement and house at
extension of the Parliament in Rome illus- the same time as he realizes a general and
trates the interaction between a building and open infrastructure with a great capacity.
(loy) Georges Candills,
Alexis Josic and Shadrach
Woods, with M.
Schiedhelm project for the
Free University West Berlin


-^ c\ \i:\ :i^:\

(io8) Henning Larsen
project for the Free
University West Berlin 1965

(109) Yona Friedman
project for a city, possibly
" Paris 1965

(no) Yona Friedman

project for a city, possibly
Paris 1965
- . .-^^-t^'

1 1:

1 Lave tried to demonstrate that man's for us to become citizens of the world. The
existencS^^fiPMiaent upon the establish-" citizen of the world has his place in totality,
men^ji^jflggniii£±iil-aff.^^ph^^j^t^iw Trorr but by recognizing that it is an element in a
TnentalimaiTa or 'existential snace'. I1 have larger context, everything else becomes a
^Is^nowntnatsucr^niniage presupposes continuation of his own existential space.
the presence of certain concrete environ- The contribution of the individual to totality
mental (architectural) structures, refusing is to protect and articulate the place he has

to accept that these principles lose their been given to take care of. This is the mean-
significance because of television and rapid ing of Heidegger's statement: 'Mortals
means of communication. Architectural dwell inasmuch as they save the earth . .

space may of course contain mobile elements, Before he can make a real contribution, man
and its complex structure comprises levels has to settle, he has to follow the dictum of
and sub-structures which offer varying Saint-Exupery 'I am a builder of cities, I

degrees of 'freedom'. But it cannot as a have stopped the caravan on its way. It was
totality become mobile. Its general speed of only a seed-corn in the wind. But I resist the
change has to be so slow as to allow for wind and bury the seed in the earth, to make
history. When history is not related to a stable cedars grow to the honour of God.'^*
system of places it becomes meaningless.
And, as a matter of fact, a stable system of
places offers more freedom than a mobile
world. Only in relation to such a system can
a 'milieu of possibilities' develop. As Louis
Kahn said, 'A city is a place where a small
boy, as he walks through it, may see some-
thing that will tell him what he wants to do
his whole life'.

What, then, must we demand from archi-

tectural space in order that man may still call

himself /ii^waw? Primarily we rnust demand


an imageable strucTurefIiat'oners"''nc7r
g^atworKsofart consists m their allowing
for different interpretations without losing
their identity. The different 'interpretations'
offered by a 'chaotic form', on the contrary,
are only arbitrary projections of the self,
which burst like soap-bubbles. In am-
biguous, complex but structured architec-
26 It is thus present in
tural space we therefore see the alternative
Venturi's 'difficult whole',
in van Eyck's 'intermediate to the fatal ideas of mobility and disinte-
spaces', in Oskar Hansen's gration. This 'unity in plurality' is certainly
'open form' and in my
own concept of not a newidea, but it has recently found new
'intermediary object' (see interpretations.-* The task of the architect,
Intentions in Architecture
therefore, is to help man to find an existen-
1963, pp. I79ff)
tial foothold by concretizing his images and
27 M. Heidegger 'Bauen dreams.
Wohnen Denken' 1954,
p. 24
The concepts of 'home', 'city' and 'country'
28 A. de Saint-Exupery
Citadelle ( The Wisdom of
are stillvalid. They give a structure to the
the Sands) 1948 new 'open' environment and make it possible

The like to thank all the architects who so generously supplied illustrations of
author would
their buildings, together with the following for permission to use their photographs in
this book: Aftcupostcn 6; Rene Burri-Magnum 13; Wideroe's Flyveselskap AS 30; A.
Winkler, Zurich 69; Freed-Magnum ; 70; Alain Perceval 73; Hcrsteller und Verlag, Lubeck
75; Lucien Herve 88; Norsk Folke-Museum 91; Cervin Robinson 100; and Oscar Savio
1 1

Bibliography Alexander, Christopher Notes on the Frankl, P. Die Entwicklung der neuen
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'The City as a Mechanism for Sustaining Frazer, D. Village Planning in the Primitive
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W. R. Ewald) Bloomington 1967 Braziller, New York 1968
Argan, Giulio Carlo Progetto e Destino Frey, Dagobert Gotik und Renaissance als
Rome 1965 Grundlagen der modernen Weltanschauung
Bachelard, Gaston The Poetics of Space Augsburg 1929
(trans by M. Jolas) The Orion Press, New Grundlegung zu einer vergleichenden
York 1964 Kunstzvissenschaft Vienna and Innsbruck
Bacon, E. N. Design of Cities Thames and 1949
Hudson, London 1967; Studio Viking, Friedman, Y. L' architecture mobile Caster-
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Bandmann, G. Mittelalterliche Architektur Furth, Hans G. Piaget and Knowledge
als Bedeutungstrdger Berlin 195 Prentice-Hall, New Jersey 1969
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Brinckmann, E. A. E. Bukiinst Tiibingen Harvard University 1961
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1 1

Scully, Vincent The Earth, the Temple and Umwelten von Tieren und Menschen
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Index, persons Albcrti, L. B. 62, 88, lOO Kant, I. 10
Alexander, C. 13, 35 Kantor, R. F. 33
Aristotle 10, 21
Larsen, H. 109
Bachelard, G. 15, 16, 21, 31, 32 Le Corbusier 94, 96
Bandmann, G. 43 Leonard, M. 14
Bernini, G. L. 62 Leucippos 9
Bollnow, O. F. 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 32, Levi-Strauss, C. 30
34 Lewin, K. 22, 26, 29, 60
Borromini, F. 63 Lissitzky, E. 21
Brinckmann, A. E. 12, 30 Lucretius 10
Brunclleschi, F. 61 Lynch, K. 15, 23, 24, 30, 33, 34, 35, 39, 49,
Brunswik, E. 38 56, 57, 80, 86

Candilis, Josic, Woods 109 Merleau-Ponty, M. 15, 16

Cassirer, E. 22 Michelangelo 46, 48, 62
Mies van der Rohe, L. 94, 103
Descartes 9, 12 Miiller, W. 22, 23
Dientzenhofer, C. 63
Dientzenhofer, K. I. 65 Netsch, W. 13
Diirckheim, Graf von 16 Nieuwenhuis, C. 35
Nitschke, G. 13

Einstein, A. 10
Parmenides 9
Eliade,M. 18, 19, 21, 32
Parsons, T. 9, 11
Euclid 10
Piaget, J. 10, 15, 17, 18, 27, 33, 35
Eyck, A. van 15, 33, 114
Plato 9
Portoghesi, P. 15, 59, 66, 104, 105, 106, 107,
Frankl, P. 12
Frey, D. 14, 15, 39, 40> 5°
Friedman, Y. 75, 109
Rapoport, A. 33
Rilke, R. M. 36
Giedion, S. 12, 99 Rossetti, B. 83
Gigliotti, V. 66, 105, 106, 107, 109
Guarini, G. 63 Saint-fixupery, A. 115
Scharoun, H. 94
Haan, H. 39 Schlaun, J. C. 53
Haggett, P. 28, 29, 70 Schwarz, R. 14, 15, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 36, 39,
Hansen, O. 114 45>52
Heidegger, M. 16, 26, 27, 31, 34, 35, 36, 115 Sedlmayr, H. 21, 34, 35, 37, 69, 72
Hilberseimer, L. 80, 103 Sinan 45
Hildebrandt, L. von 49, 63, 74
Venturi, R. 15, 33, 66, 88, 98, 109, 114
Ibsen, H. 21 Vitruvius 22
Vittone, B. 46
Jantzen, H. 13 Vogt-Goknil, U. 13
Jaspers, K. 20
Webber, M. 35
Joedicke, J. 14 Wilson, C. St John 46
Jung, C. G. 31 Wittkower, R. 103
Wright, F. L. 94, 96
Kahler, H. 50
Kastner, E. 21 Zevi, B. 12
Kahn, L. 98, 103, 109, 114 Zucker, P. 12, 30, 84

1 1

Index accommodation lo, 27, 33 imago mundi 11, 23

action 9, 19 image 15, 17, 23,27, 37, 114
archetype 11, 99 inside 20, 25, 45, 88, 94
architecttiral space 11, 13, 37, 59, 69, 114 intention 38
articulation 91
assimilation 10, 27, 33 landscape 22, 28, 29, 70, 72, 75
axis 49, 89, 94 level 27, 32, 69, 100, 103, 114
axis mundi 18, 21, 22 longitudinality 26, 62

capacity 28, 106 meaning 38, 39

caput mundi 48
cardinal points 22 naive realism 12, 13, 14
centralization 20, 26, 62, 89, 94, 95 network 28, 53, 75
centre 16, 18, 19, 23, 33, 35, 40, 44, 49
character 69 object 9, 17, 32, 38
centre of the world 18, 19 opening 25
closure 18, 20, 22, 39, 57, 78, 88, 99 outside 20, 25, 45, 88, 94
cluster 30, 39, 57, 75, 78, 79
cognitive space 9, 1 path 14, 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 31, 33, 35,
continuity 18, 22, 50, 78, 83, 85, 89, 95 49, 50, 5i> 52, 53> 81
perception 10, 11, 17, 34, 38
density 27, 29, 63, 78, 98 perceptual space 10, 11, 13, 14, 17
direction 16, 20, 21, 22, 25, 31, 49, 63, 95 personal space 20
domain 18, 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 33, 56, 74, 81 place 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27,
dwelling 16, 25, 31, 32, 36, 74 3i> 33> 35= 39, 46, 49, 84
pragmatic space 9, 1
edge 24, 29 proximity 18, 20, 22, 23, 39, 78, 99
Euchdean space 10, 12, 13, 15, 21, 22
existential space 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 24, ring 20, 78
27, 32, 34, 37, 114 role 39
experience 11, 13, 15, 34 row 78
expressive space 11, 39
extension 21 sacred space 21, 34, 72
schema 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 37
field 33, 59, 99 science 38
figure 23, 28, 29, 75, 83, 98 separation 91
symbol 39
genius loci 27, 28, 32, 68, 69
goal 14, 19, 22, 23 territoriality 19, 20
geometry 10, 13, 18, 31, 85, 100, 105, 109 texture 29, 56, 58, 95
Gestalt psychology 10, 18, 39, 50, 57 topography 22
ground 23, 28, 58, 75, 83 topology 18, 25, 29, 30, 85, 86, 88, 100, 103,
home 19, 20, 22, 31, 34, 114
horizontal 21 unification 91
human scale 30, 81, 83
value 38
identity 25 vertical 21, 91

Architecture Praeger Paperbacks $4.95

Existence, space and here provides new thinking on this

architecture question proposing the idea that
architectural space can be understood as
by Christian Norberg-Schulz
a concretization of the environmental
schemata or images that form a necessary
The problem of architectural space has
part of mans general orientation in the
long demanded new approach. Man
world. He hopes in this way to establish
must he is not only the product
realize that
a simple and useful key to the
of his environment, but its creator, and
architectural totality.
must learn to use this power with
wisdom and imagination. The basic The author : Christian Norberg-Schulz is
problem of space as a dimension of Professor of Architecture at the Oslo School
human existence is often ignored and of Architecture he is also the author of

the space-concept is discarded as out Intentions in Architecture (1 963) and the

dated or even superfluous. The space recently published Kilian Ignaz
concept, however, is particularly suited to Dientzenhofer and the Bohemian Baroque.
the analysis of the human environment.
Basing his argument on a theory of
existential space. Professor Norberg-Schulz

Titles In this series include;

Architecture 2000
by Charles Jencks

Architecture versus housing

by Martin Pawley

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